OCTOBER 25, 2013• PAGE 7
NAVAL STATION GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA • PSC 1005 BOX 25 • FPO, AE 09593 • 011-5399-4090
GTMO Stresses Importance of Fitness
Chief Navy Diver Julius McManus gives nutritional tips to junior Sailors from Naval Station Guantanamo Bay during training, Oct. 23. The training was conducted to help them understand the importance of eating healthy and doing exercise. NAVSTA PUBLIC AFFAIRS
unior Sailors from Naval Station (NS) Guantanamo Bay attended fitness and nutrition training taught by Chief Navy Diver Julius McManus, Oct. 23. According to McManus it is important for today’s Sailors to take a holistic approach to fitness if they want to be successful and healthy. “A significant part of fitness is nutrition; you need the correct fuel to meet your training needs,” said McManus. “A Sailor who is strength training will need more lean proteins where as a Sailor training for a marathon will need more complex carbohydrates.” One of the topics that McManus covered was an “Evaluate Your Plate” exercise that taught the importance of evaluating what types of food you take in on a weekly basis. While teaching this class McManus also went over the importance of understanding your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). This is the number of calories used by your body when it is at rest. “BMR accounts for the majority of the calories a person uses based on normal body functions like breathing, digestion, heartbeat and brain function. A person’s age, sex, body weight and level of physical activity can impact BMR. Additionally BMR increases with the amount of muscle tissue you have, and it reduces with age by approximately 2% per decade,” said McManus. “However physical activity increases BMR and can remain increased for 30 minutes after moderate physical activity like command PT. For many people, the BMR can be increased by 10% for approximately 48 hours after a solid PT effort.” There are four significant factors that affect your BMR; smoking, caffeine, exercise, and sleep. Keep your BMR in mind as you choose what to put on your plate. According to McManus it’s also important for us to build muscle mass.
“Our bodies constantly burn calories, even when we’re doing nothing. This resting metabolic rate is much higher in people with more muscle. Every pound of muscle uses about 6 calories a day just to sustain itself, while each pound of fat burns only 2 calories daily,” said McManus. “That small difference can add up over time. In addition, after a session of resistance training, muscles are activated all over your body, increasing your average daily metabolic rate.” As well as exercise when working out it’s also important to remember to stay hydrated. The body needs water to process calories. If you are even mildly dehydrated, your metabolism may slow down. In one study, adults who drank eight or more glasses of water a day burned more calories than those who drank four. To stay hydrated, drink a glass of water or other unsweetened beverage before every meal and snack. In addition, try munching on fresh fruits and vegetables, which are full of fluid, rather than pretzels or chips. Another mistake that individuals starting a diet often do is skip to many meals during the day. Eating more often can help you lose weight. When you eat large meals with many hours in between, your metabolism slows down between meals. Having a small meal or snack every three to four hours keeps your metabolism cranking, so you burn more calories over the course of a day,” said McManus. “Several studies have also shown that people who snack regularly eat less at meal time.” According to McManus being able to help Sailors out is the best part of being a command fitness leader. “The best part of being a Command Fitness Leader is when a Sailor realizes the importance of fitness in their life and they get so excited that they start to inspire their shipmates. The best way to create a culture of fitness is by peer to peer involvement and empowering our young Sailors to motivate their shipmates,” said McManus.
NS Guantanamo Bay Commanding Officer, Capt. J.R. Nettleton congratulates UTCN Crevier on her selection as Sailor of the Week.
■Job/Department: PWD Self Help UTILITIESMAN MEGAN ■Age: 23 ■Hometown: Northboro, MA. ■Favorite Musician: Jack Johnson ■Favorite Movie: Princess Bride ■Favorite Hobby: Snowboarding ■Favorite Sports Team: Bruins ■Favorite GTMO Restaurant: Windjammer ■Goal: To succeed ■TV Show: Sons of Anarchy ■Hero: My mom, my godfather and Chief Thibodeaux ■Sailor of the Week Because: She is nominated for Sailor of the Week for her outstanding contributions to the PWD Self-Help Seabee team. She was instrumental in the forming and placement of 120 cubic yards of concrete thus far for the Hazmat/Hazwaste Center road and parking area. Her team’s efforts greatly increase the safe access for all GTMO personnel. VOL. 70 • NO.38
Guantanamo Bay Gazette
The Guantanamo Bay Gazette is an authorized publication for members of the military services and their families stationed at U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Navy, and do not imply endorsement thereof. The editorial content is prepared, edited and provided by the Public Affairs Office of U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay. The Guantanamo Bay Gazette is printed by the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Document Services with a circulation of 1,000.
When Secrets Can’t Be Secrets
OCTOBER 25, 2013• PAGE 3
By Special Agent Carrie Nelson Naval Criminal Investigative Service
ife isn’t always easy. Money is tight. The kids act up in school. The house never seems to stay clean. And you can’t sleep at night because your neighbors are at it again. The shouting. The yelling. The glass breaking. You also notice that when the two of them are out in public, he interrupts her, criticizes her, yells at her and scares her. It’s one more problem that you don’t want to face. But, it is your problem, because this kind of behavior, public or private, is everyone’s problem. This is domestic violence. It’s not just something you read about. It doesn’t just happen in the movies. It happens in your community. Maybe it’s your friend, your co-worker, neighbor or gym buddy. Maybe it’s happening in your own home. Domestic violence is not just black eyes and broken bones. It doesn’t even have to be physical. It can also be verbal abuse, attempts to belittle and shatter your selfesteem. It can be threats and intimidation. It can be zero control over your finances, making you completely dependent upon your abuser. And worse, if your abuser isn’t hitting your kids – yet – your kids are watching this violence play out. And they are taking it in. Did you know that sons who grow up in a house with domestic violence are up to 1,000 times more likely to become wife beaters? They continue the cycle of violence that they learn as children. Too often people think domestic violence can’t happen to them, or their relationship is too strong to fall victim to domestic violence. What may have started as a caring, loving relationship can sometimes turn into a gruesome and unhealthy partnership. There is no one face of domestic violence-- victims and abusers can be of any age, sex, race, culture, religion, education, employment or marital status. The only common thread is the relationship between the abuser and the abused, where the abuser uses a set of behaviors to control another person. Whether the abuse is a one-time attack or prolonged aggression, domestic violence can have lasting effects and it can transform the home from a place of safety and love to one of danger and fear. The effects of domestic violence on Navy and Marine Corps personnel adversely affect our Navy’s mission to train and equip combat ready Naval forces capable of winning wars. Domestic violence directly impacts unit morale and readiness. When a service member lives with domestic violence, as either the abuser or the victim, they can’t perform up to their expected standards. And such behavior is not just wrong; it is also a crime. In some cases, if a service member is convicted of a domestic violence assault, even a misdemeanor, they can no longer deploy. The Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) and Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) take the issue of domestic violence very seriously since it impacts mission readiness, thus posing a significant risk to everyone in our
naval community. If you have seen, heard about or felt the effects of domestic violence, it is your responsibility, as a member of the military community, to take action. This isn’t someone else’s problem. It’s not a “family issue” or a “private matter”. This is your problem. And you can make a difference. By keeping quiet, you are telling the abuser that their vicious behavior is okay. You must actively confront the issue of domestic violence, because not only is domestic violence illegal, it is wrong. It breaks down levels of commitment, love and responsibility. It destroys households, relationships, families and futures. Domestic violence does not solve any problems, it only creates more. Ignoring it further perpetuates the cycle of silence. If you are being abused, don’t tell yourself it can’t get any worse. It can and it will. Department of Defense statistics report that 33% of female homicide victims are killed by an intimate partner. While you may be afraid to report domestic violence because of career problems or a worsening of abuse, the Department of the Navy has resources to help you. The earlier domestic violence is reported, the higher the chances of successful treatment and the continuation of a normal military career. For victims or people who have seen, heard or felt the effects of domestic violence there are options if you come forward: Restricted and Unrestricted reporting. Restricted reporting allows the abused to receive medical attention without command notification or law enforcement involvement, with the exception being full disclosure to command or law enforcement when necessary to prevent an imminent threat to the victim or another person. Unrestricted reporting results in command notification, law enforcement involvement and FFSC participation, which provides victims with a number of advocacy services, including medical services, risk assessment, intervention and counseling. Remember: domestic violence can be prevented if people get involved. Step up and confront the abuser by telling them that their actions are illegal and hurt everyone in their family and community. Attitudes need to change, and you can start that change when you take actions to show that domestic violence is wrong and has no place in the Navy or Marine Corps. If you are being abused YOU ARE NOT ALONE! The National Domestic Violence Hotline is available to help. Hotline services include crisis intervention, safety planning, information about domestic violence and referrals for local service providers. 1-800-799-SAFE (7233). Step up and intervene. Break the silence. Break the cycle. You’re not only authorized to report suspected domestic violence. You’re obligated to do it.
Service Members and Boy Scouts Team Up to Clean Up MCSN Jason Bawgus Photo Journalist
aval Station (NS) Guantanamo Bay Junior Enlisted Association (JEA) and Coalition for Sailors Against Destructive Decisions (CSADD) teamed up with local boy scout troop 435 for a beach cleanup, fire pit build and bonfire, Oct. 23. “The JEA/CSADD decided to have a beach cleanup to remove the debris that was left over from hurricanes and to do something positive for the community,” said Logistics Specialist 2nd Class Adrianne King. “Our Vice President, Electronics Technician 3rd Class Margaret Lampe, is involved with the Scouts and asked the Troop Leader if they could join us for the evening.” After tropical storms swept through the Caribbean much of the trash that accumulates on the beach is brought in with the tide. “JEA/CSADD decided to have a beach cleanup because the new association/coalition wanted to start right away with helping the community. A lot of unsightly and sometimes dangerous debris floats in from Cuba and neighboring islands and washes right up onto the open ocean beaches,” said Lampe, “The idea was that everyone could benefit from a safer beach, and the new fire pit was something that people could come together to enjoy.”
A solid turnout also helped the JEA/CSADD with their clean up. “It was a lot of fun. It was a really good turnout we expected around 20 personnel and had over 60. Sailors, Scouts, spouses, troop leaders and other members from the community all came together to support the evolution,” said King. “If we continue to have turnouts like this then the sky is the limit to what we can get accomplished on base.” The festivities ended with a hotdogs and s’mores over a bonfire. “We want to be able to provide for our people every time there is an event,” said Yeoman 2nd Class Benjamin Roodhouse. “Everyone likes to be able to eat after working hard and little things like this will keep people coming back to volunteer.” NS Guantanamo Bay JEA/CSADD has many more activities planned in an attempt to raise money as well as give back to the community. “Our main goal is to give Sailors down here something to do besides sit in their rooms all day or find some way to get into trouble,” said Master-At-Arms 2nd Class Rico Loza. “If we can keep just one Sailor from going to mast then all the hard work was worth it.”
USNH GTMO Celebrates Quality Healthcare By Ms. Ivette Montes de Oca USNH GTMO Quality Manager
his week U.S. Naval Hospital Guantanamo Bay (USNH GTMO) is celebrating National Healthcare Quality Week, Oct. 20-26. Throughout the week, the hospital staff has been highlighting their efforts to improve patient care outcomes and healthcare delivery systems, and the dedication they have as healthcare quality and patient safety professionals. Everyone deserves quality healthcare. Quality extends beyond the manners or attitude of hospital staff. Quality at USNH GTMO encompasses all aspects of assessing the appropriateness of medical tests, treatments, and measures to continually improve personal healthcare in all fields of medicine. The essence of quality is infused through throughout the hospital including leadership discussions, and all staff as they continuously strive to provide excellent standards of care to all. Accredited by National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) and Joint Commission, Guantanamo Bay’s hospital follows the same high levels of quality standards as other accredited institutions (military and civilian) in the healthcare industry. These standards and protocols provide guidelines for healthcare personnel allowing them to assess the effectiveness of all treatment and procedures. One way USNH GTMO measures quality is to have patients provide feedback about their treatment, services and experience in the hospital. Patients are encouraged to inform all the people they deal with in the hospital about
situations where they provide exceptional care, and where they need improvement. This information is then used to make improvements or process changes. All GTMO patients are encouraged to take an active role in their healthcare. Here are some tips to help everyone do this: What can patients do to influence quality of their healthcare? • Talk with their doctor or nurse about their issues and needs. • Make a list of all medications they take, major illnesses and injuries, and share this information with their doctor. • Make a list of questions they want to ask about a health problem or operation, and what actions they may need to take. • Take a family member or friend along to a doctor visit to assist, if needed. • Take medicines the way they are prescribed. Follow the doctor’s instructions. • All patients should take a proactive approach in their healthcare. How do patients know if they are getting quality healthcare? • Their level of care is right for their illness. • Their care is given without unnecessary delays. • Their care includes only the medical tests and procedures that they need. • Their care is fair and not affected by such things as gender, language, color, age or income. USNH GTMO personnel are continuously striving to improve themselves and provide quality healthcare to everyone in the community. Please let them know how they are doing.
Keep Streets and Sidewalks Safe for Trick-or-Treaters
From Navy Personnel Command Public Affairs
avy officials urge Sailors and their families to keep themselves and the children who will be trick-ortreating this Halloween safe. “The scariest part of Halloween is the increase in drunk drivers on the road,” said Dorice Favorite, director, Navy Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention. “Sailors who drive drunk or “buzzed” are not only risking serious financial and career consequences, but they’re endangering the lives of children in their communities.” NADAP offers these tips for a safe, yet spooky Halloween: * Know your limit. Refrain from drinking out of punch bowls or witches’ cauldrons where the alcohol concentration is hard to determine. * Don’t try to keep up with others who are on a fast-track to becoming a zombie. * Plan ahead for a safe ride home before you start drinking any potions or concoctions. * Never drink on an empty stomach - candy corn doesn’t count as a meal. * Help keep trick-or-treaters safe. Don’t let your friends and shipmates drink and drive.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2011, 44 percent of the nation’s fatalities during Halloween weekend occurred in a crash involving a drunk driver. A total of 172 people lost their lives in drunk driving-related crashes during Halloween from 2007-2011. Males ages 21-34, or approximately 64 percent of the Navy’s enlisted force, are particularly at risk of being involved in a traffic fatality as a result of “buzzed” or drunk driving. This demographic comprised nearly half of all drunk drivers who were killed on the road during the 2011 Halloween period, reported NHTSA. Don’t let your Halloween night turn deadly - keep what you’ve earned. For more information and to help promote responsible drinking within your command, visit www. nadap.navy.mil.
E-mail classified ad submissions to
PAO-CLASSIFIEDADS@ USNBGTMO.NAVY.MIL If sent to any other e-mail, it may not be published. Submit your ad NLT noon Wednesdays for that week’s Gazette. Ads are removed after two weeks. Re-submit the ad to re-publish. The Gazette staff and NS Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, page. The Public Affairs Office has final editorial discretion on all content. Call MCC Keith Bryska at 4520 with your questions or concerns. Please keep ads to a minimum of 5 items.
VEHICLES Toyota Camry 1995, LE V-6. Very dependable , runs great and smooth, A/C Ice cold. Well maintained, no issues and problems at all. Asking $ 2800.00, Please call 77123 and leave message if not home. 2000 Mazda 626 6cyl,Silver/ Pearl with Grey Leather Interior. Automatic Transmission; Cold AC; Power Windows/Seat/ Locks/Mirror/Trunk; Power Sunroof; good tires. Recently installed: new battery, valve covers and pan gaskets, all-wheel alignment. In GREAT SHAPE! $3,200 Cash Only Please. Call Max at 8637 Weekdays; 78740 or 58646 evening/weekend. Email: mxzaidi@yahoo.com 2001 Chrysler limited Mini Van loaded, in great condition, has 109500 miles. Just put brand new two front tires couple months ago. Very clean, A/C runs great $5,750 OBO. Please call Mike at 78464 or email mukhlis58@yahoo.com. 2004 Red Mustang, 121,000 mile,runs very well $6,500 call Alan 78466 or email alankarana@yahoo.com 1999 Ford Taurus 177k miles, great condition and cold aircon. Asking $3000.00. call Walt at 77118 for a test drive. 2005 Toyota Sienna Van, seats 7, 85,000 miles, A.C. works good. Just passed vehicle inspection and tabs good for a year. Under “Fair” condition KBB & Edmunds.com rate the value of this vehicle at no less than $5500. For sale at $4800. Contact Walter Barrett at: work 4050, cell: 84644, email: GTMOPFM@ GMAIL.COM 1995 Toyota Camry, Good condition with AC$ 2500.00 OBO, Call Sam : 77151
HOUSEHOLD GOODS Reef/saltwater glass designer 85 gallon aquarium w/stand for sale. all parts included: day/night lighting with led moonlighting. two filtration systems; dry sump with bio filter and wet charcoal filtration. heater and salt mix along with buckets, netting and accessories. this is a large tank designed for reef enthusiast but can also just be for fish. salt water preferable. all parts sold separately come to over 2500 dollars but willing to sell as package for 1000 usd. pictures are available by demand. must bring own transportation for a large glass tank. call Mark, home 78814, work 8596 or email rosemarkd@gmail.com Patio furniture set $ 80, Full bed room set with mattress, box, and frame $ 400, Mountain bike “Pacific” with brand-new helmet $ 70, Call Emil @ 77407 Home.
OUTDOOR REC 18 Wellcraft, Center Console, TTop, Honda 130 HP 4-Stroke, Trailer, Tackle Box Approved. $7500 OBO. Call Greg at 77353 16.5’ Carolina Skiff. 90 H.P. Johnson. Garmin GPS map and fish finder. Built in live well. Trailer. Newly painted. $3,000 OBO Call 77168 - leave message.
will be departing GTMO soon and cannot take her with me. If you would like to adopt her please call Ext. 8712 – 8 :00 am to 5:00 pm, and 78893 after 6:00 pm, or write to me at preilly181@aol.com.
The Chapel is looking for board games, foosball table, dart board, and volunteers for the Iguana Café. Call RP1 Stoerrle x2359/84053 matthew.stoerrle@usnbgtmo.navy. mil 5 pair mens shorts (American Eagle and Levis) - Size 32. All for $20. 3 pair men’s jeans (Levis) - Size 32x32. $5 each. Call 77113 after 1700.
The Scoop Please join us in celebrating the retirement of Loleeta Lewis after 49 years of dedicated service. The event will take place on Nov. 2 at 1600 at Phillips Park. Cost is $5.00 per family. To RSVP call Art Torley at 5671 or 84039. Women’s Fall Fellowship hosted by the Women of Faith Bible Study will take place Tuesday, Oct. 29 at 1830 at the Fellowship Hall/Chapel Annex. Bring a favorite photo of your, family or friends to share with others as we eat, visit and have fun!
Two 4’ Satellite Dishes for Dish Network, $300 each. Call 77904. 6 ft satellite dish with directv LNB and coaxial cable. Asking $600.00. Call Walt at 77118 for details. 8 Foot Brand new satellite Dish with receiver & LNBs for $550.00 OBO, 4 Foot dish $250.00 OBO, Brand new still in the box Wi-Fi Dual-Band + Router/ AC 750 for $60.00 OBO, Modem Internet $30.00 OBO, Brand new water pump for fishing $25.00 OBO, Backgammon set $15 OBO, cooler can be charged in car $15.00 OBO, Call Sam : 77151 Panasonic VCR $10. Call 77113 after 1700.
This weekend 26-27 Oct. 08001500, BRDC Garage Sale, furniture, TV’s, Ice Machines, McCalla Field Warehouse 2185
265/70/16 Price: $90.00, Call Sammy at 78742 , Leave a message please. Shearsam61@yahoo.com
Sweet Black Cat with white bowtie to a good loving home. She is spayed, is microchiped, has all her shots, and is in good health. I
FRIDAY Oct. 25 8 p.m.: Parkland PG13
92 min.
10 p.m.: Rush R
153 min.
SATURDAY Oct. 26 7:30 p.m.: Puss In Boots PG
90 min.
Jon (NEW) 9:15 p.m.: Don R
90 min.
SUNDAY Oct. 27 Phillips 8 p.m.: Captain PG MONDAY Oct. 28 8 p.m.: The World’s End (LS) R
134 min.
109 min.
TUESDAY Oct. 29 8 p.m.: Prisoners R 91 min. WEDNESDAY Oct.30 8 p.m.: Riddick (LS) R
THURSDAY 8 p.m.: Gravity
119 min.
Oct. 31 91 min.
Satellite Dish TV LMB, $300, call 84034 or 4003
New in the box Pandigtal tablet, Star 7 Android Media Tablet, Access the net, face book and more. Price $125.00, New in the box Nokia Lumina 900 smart phone for $275.00 Call Sammy @ 78742 after 1900 or email me at Shearsam61@yahoo. com
Three Used Tires For Sale, size:
OCTOBER 25, 2013• PAGE 7
Local 24/7 Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program Contact #:
Your Installation Sexual Assault Response Coordinator’s Contact #:
GTMO Observes Energy Awareness Month Tim Wagoner
aval Station (NS) Guantanamo Bay, Cuba is observing Energy Awareness Month until Oct. 31. This year’s Energy Awareness Month themed “Turn Words into Action; Turn Action into Results,” is designed to promote energy conservation for base residents. President George Bush proclaimed October as Energy Awareness Month Sept. 13, 1991. Since then, the Department of Energy has conducted energy awareness campaigns annually to promote the wise and efficient use of our nation’s energy. NS Guantanamo Bay Installation Energy Manager Tim Wagoner said it is everyone’s responsibility to conserve whenever possible. •Use task lighting when you need lighting in one small area and then reduce background or ambient light levels. •Don’t set your thermostat at a colder setting than normal when you turn on your air conditioner. •To operate your air conditioner unit more efficiently, turn on your ceiling fans. These fans create air movement across the skin, lowering skin temperature through evaporation. •Repair leaky faucets promptly. One faucet leaking one drop per second can waste 2,400 gallons of water a year. •Fill the basin when you shave instead of keeping the water running. You’ll use only 1 gallon of water instead of up to 15 gallons. •Don’t leave the water running when brushing your teeth. You could save as much as 9 gallons each time you brush.
•Fill a basin when you wash the dishes by hand instead of letting the water run. You could save up to 25 gallons of water each time you wash dishes. •Don’t leave the water running when brushing your teeth. You could save as much as 9 gallons each time you brush. For more information or additional energy conservation tips contact NS Guantanamo Bay’s Installation Energy Mananger at 5662.
At Cooper Field