September 18, 2015• VOL. 72 • NO. 37• NAVY.MIL/LOCAL/GUANTANAMO • FACEBOOK.COM/NSGuantanamoBay
NAVAL STATION GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA • PSC 1005 BOX 25 • FPO, AE 09593 • 011-5399-4520
Guantanamo Bay Welcomes New Chiefs
Chief Master-At-Arms Chris Vaughan receives his cover from Chief Boatswain’s Mate Romulo Flores during a pinning ceremony at the Windjammer Ballroom, Sept. 16. MCC Keith Bryska Gazette Editor
ight Sailors made the final transition to the rank of Chief Petty Officer during a ceremony held at Naval Station (NS) Guantanamo Bay, Sept. 16. The new Chiefs were made up of Sailors from NS Guantanamo Bay and Joint Task Force and also included a Coast Guard Chief who volunteered to go through the time honored process. According to online sources a Navy Chief is defined as making it to the pay grade of E7. Ask any seasoned Chief and they will tell you it’s more. It’s about leadership, responsibility, extra hours, training, and knowing that at the end of the day you gave your all. It’s taking responsibility for any task that you take on and seeing it through to its completion. Most of all it’s about taking care of your Sailors and ensuring no matter what happens they come first. While many think the journey that is called CPO 365 Phase II was only six weeks long, these Chiefs will tell you their journey really began the day they
joined the Navy. Chief Master-at-Arms Peter Sangenette believes that the experience was tough at times, but the team came together to meet its objectives. “I was really in shock when I heard I was selected to Chief,” said Sangenette. “I didn’t know what to expect at first and it was painful at times. It was difficult working with Sailors that I didn’t know or had never met, but as the weeks went by we worked out our differences and became a team.” Chief Maser-at-Arms Fabian Salazar said he will take several of the lessons he learned with him as he moves forward in his career. “One of the things I enjoyed most was learning about the tradition and the history of the Chief’s Mess throughout the process,” said Salazar. “It really hit me when I walked in to the pinning ceremony. I saw how the mess came together as one to prep us Continued on page 3
NS Guantanamo Bay Commanding Officer Capt. David Culpepper congratulates CS2 Wingfield on his selection as the Sailor of the Week.
■Job/Department: Food Service Quality Assurance PO/Supply ■Age: 27 ■Hometown: Los Angeles, CA ■Goal: Stay happy and smile. Life could be worse. Appreciate every day above ground. ■Heroes: Jesus Christ ■Sports Team: LA Lakers, San Francisco 49ers ■TV Show: In Living Color, Martin ■Book: The Bible ■Favorite Quote: “Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.”- Calvin Coolidge. ■Sailor of the Week Because: CS2 Wingfield was selected for demonstrating superior performance and exceptional service by expediting all General Mess Menus and Audits for the month of August to be inspection ready. As an active member of the Navy Ball Committee, he planned, coordinated and executed the food tasting and wine tasting events ensuring that the top quality menus are par for customer satisfaction. He also planned and executed a “3-Point Shootout” fund raising event that raised over $700 towards the Navy Ball and brought all branches of Service together that resulted in great morale booster. VOL. 72 • NO. 36
Guantanamo Bay Gazette
The Guantanamo Bay Gazette is an authorized publication for members of the military services and their families stationed at U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Navy, and do not imply endorsement thereof. The editorial content is prepared, edited and provided by the Public Affairs Office of U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay. The Guantanamo Bay Gazette is printed by the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Document Services with a circulation of 535.
September 18, 2015• PAGE 3
Know How To ACT LT Baron Miller
NS Guantanamo Bay Deputy Command Chaplain
he month of September is Suicide Prevention and Awareness month so it is my ambition to make sure everyone knows the basics of how to ACT— Ask, Care, and Treat. Did you know in the United States over 33,000 die from suicide each year and suicide is the 11th leading cause of death in the U.S. and 3rd leading cause of death for those under 24? On average six family members and friends are affected by a completed suicide; so many that if we were in a room and I asked you to raise your hand if you’ve been affected by suicide, about 90% of you would respond. The unfortunate news is that suicide affects everyone—even if you haven’t been personally affected by suicide, the recent passing of Robin Williams has still shaken the previously unscathed. So what do we do? How do we ACT? ACT is the acronym for Ask, Care, Treat and the Navy wants you to know what it means and how to employ it. First, if someone you know may be suicidal, simply Ask them. Ask if they are thinking about suicide, actively listen to what they’re saying and acknowledge Chief Pinning story continued from page 1
newly pinned Chiefs and make sure we were ready to keep up the tradition. “ The ceremony is not only a special time for the new Chiefs, but it is also a special time for the family members as well. Many of them cherished the opportunity to pin the anchors on their loved ones uniform. “I was very excited, throughout the ceremony the adrenaline was flowing through my body and I didn’t feel any pain or exhaustion,” said Salazar. “I was happy my family was there especially having a picture of my baby girl Ava. It was a special day and we were all together for it.” One of the most important processes that new Chiefs learn is that they are not alone when hard times arrive. They have brothers and sisters that are there to support them. When they need help it’s just a phone call away. This process has worked for 122 years and solidified through the hard work and success from
their talk, behavior and feelings. Don’t debate whether suicide is right or wrong, don’t discuss whether feelings are good or bad and don’t lecture them on how they should feel. Secondly, Care. Let them know you care and discuss their troubles with them. Make eye contact and care about the fact that they may have a plan for suicide (this is a certain indicator that they’re VERY serious). Don’t ever encourage them to do it or act shocked at their desire to die. To Care is to actually let your shipmate, friend, or family member know you care for them and desire for them to live. Finally, Treat. To Treat is to obtain professional help as soon as possible from a chaplain, from medical or take them immediately to the ER. For Treatment, don’t leave them alone no matter what they say and don’t be sworn to secrecy. It is my prayer that we all live and learn how to ACT with one another, whether in the home, at work, or where ever you may find yourself. Choose life.
the thousands that have worn these anchors before them. “The most important thing I learned is that I have a new family to lean on,” said Sangenette. “I now have thousands of brothers and sisters to go to for help and it doesn’t matter where I am, I can pick up the phone and make a call and get the assistance I need.” At the end of the day when these Chief return to work and walk in to their offices with their new khakis on, they will learn that the uniform they are wearing is not about them, it’s about their Sailors. The anchors on their uniform do not give them entitlements, it gives them responsibility. “The ceremony was very special and I would like to thank everyone for making this day a proud one for me,” said Sangenette. “I was also excited to have my lovely wife come down here to pin my anchors on me, she has always been there for me and I could not have done it without her.”
Command Fitness Make Working Out Fun
Provided by NDC Julius McManus NS Guantanamo Bay Command Fitness Leader
ncorporate fun physical activities into your daily life to stay active. Exercising at the gym is only one way to be physically active. Moderate activity can also contribute to your overall fitness and fulfill your weekly activity goals. There are many types of physical activity, including your favorite outdoor activities such as diving, kayaking, and hiking. You can also be physically active with your kids when you play with them in the pool, run around with them at the park,
or go on bike rides together. Physical activity also includes routine, daily activities such as gardening or mowing the lawn. With the warmer weather here in Guantanamo Bay, make sure that when you increase your physical activity, you do so safely! Practice water safety to prevent against drowning and wear safety equipment like helmets when biking to protect against head and neck injuries. Beat the heat by staying hydrated during outdoor activities and workouts.
Meditation and Your Health
Milton J. Foust USNH Guantanamo Bay
editation evades precise definition, perhaps M because it began as activity of the spirit, a domain which itself seems almost to lie outside the boundaries of
definition. It may be helpful to think of meditation as an activity designed for purpose of quieting the mind and introducing a sense of stillness and serenity into the body, mind, and spirit. There are various forms of mediation, most of which have their origins in religious practice. Meditative practice is frequently associated with the Buddhist and Hindu traditions, but nearly all religions have a tradition of meditation or contemplative prayer in one form or another. Herbert Benson, a physician at Harvard Medical School, became interested in mediation and it’s beneficial effects in the 1960’s. He has dedicated much of his career to studying the ways in which mediation and prayer can affect health. He has used the expression “The Relaxation Response” to
describe what he considers the essential elements common to different forms of mediation, and the ways in which the mind and body respond. Dr. Benson’s Relaxation Response consists of a few basic steps. In a nutshell, these consist of the following: sit quietly, close your eyes, breathe through your nose, and rest your attention on your breath, all the while silently repeating a word (such as the word, “one”) to yourself rhythmically as you breathe. A meditation practice should last for 10 to 20 minutes. There are a number of benefits and physiological changes that take place during meditation, including reductions in blood pressure and changes in skin temperature. For most of us, the most important beneficial effect will simply be the sense of calmness, relaxation, and the reduction in stress that occurs with either meditative practice or other derived forms of relaxation. Left to Right: Brittany Morrell, Laura McManus, Brittany Roley and Lauren LaBoy cut the cake during the Ombudsman Appreciation Lunch held at the Naval Station Guantanamo Bay Goldhill Galley, Sept. 14. September is Ombudsman Appreciation Month and marks 45 years since the program was established by the Chief of Naval Operations Admiral E. R. Zumwalt, Jr. in 1970. The Ombudsman is a volunteer, appointed by the commanding officer, to serve as a information link between command leadership and Navy families. Ombudsman are trained to disseminate information both up and down the chain of command, including official Department of the Navy and command information, command climate issues, local quality of life improvement opportunities and “good deals” around the community.
NAVY COLLEGE The Navy College office will be closed for two weeks (Sept. 1435) but will be open again on Monday, Sept. 28. If you need assistance during this temporary please contact the E - m a i l c l a s s i f i e d a d s u b m i s s i o n s t o closure, P A O - C L A S S I F I E D A D S @ Virtual Education Center (VEC) in U S N B G T M O . N A V Y . M I L Virginia using the toll free number If sent to any other e-mail, it may not be published. Submit your ad NLT noon Wednesdays 1-877-838-1659, the DSN 492for that week’s Gazette. Ads are removed after 4684 or through e-mail at VEC@ two weeks. Re-submit the ad to re-publish. The Gazette staff and NS Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, page. The Public Affairs Office has final editorial discretion on all content. Call MCC Keith Bryska at 4520 with your questions or concerns. Please keep ads to a minimum of 5 items.
CUBAN COMMUNITY The Cuban Community Center is looking volunteers to help bring their ides, talents and time to organize activities and events for the Special Category Residents. Please call the Cuban Community Center at 2093, 2041, or 55772.
NAVY BALL CAR WASH The Navy Ball Committee will be hosting a car wash on Sat., Sept. 19 along with a Fish Fry by the Dive Locker from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Navy Ball tickets can still be purchased on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and the NEX Atrium from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. TRUNK-OR-TREAT The 525th Military Police Detention Battalion is looking for people to help out with their 3rd annual Trunk-or-Treat at 5 p.m. at the Downtown Lyceum on Oct. 24. To enter a vehicle
for the Trunk-or-Treat contact 1st LT Adrian Zoodsma at Adrian.j.zoodsma@jtfgtmo. Registration deadline is by close of business on Oct. 2. BLACK HERITAGE ORG. The Black Heritage Organization would like to invite you to bring your ideas, thoughts and what you would like to see from the BHO in the future at their meeting to be held on Sept. 23 at the Chapel Annex at 6:15 p.m. For more information please call Ms. Dumas at 77619. MARINA ROAD CLOSURE The Sailboat Road leading to the MWR Marina will be closed Mondays through Thursdays from Sept. 21 to Oct. 1. HOUSING SURVEYS Be on the lookout for the annual Resident Satisfaction Surveys to be distributed this upcoming week. Surveys can been taken online or via the paper survey.
OMBUDSMAN CONTACT INFORMATION: NAVFAC: NAVSTA: Brittany Roley Laura McManus Home: 78096 Cell: 84792 Home: 77182 Brittany Morrell Cell: 55268 Home: 77129
Naval Hospital: Lauren LaBoy Home: 75877
September 18, 2015• PAGE 7
FRIDAY 8 p.m.:
Sept 18
Maze Runner: Scorch Trials PG13
10:30 p.m.:
Black Mass R
SATURDAY Sept 19 Hitman: Agent 47 8 p.m.: R
10 p.m.:
Sinister 2
SUNDAY 8 p.m.:
Shaun The Sheep Movie
Sept 20
MONDAY 8 p.m.:
Fantastic Four
TUESDAY 8 p.m.:
The Gift
Sept 21
Sept 22
WEDNESDAY Sept 23 Straight Outta Compton 8 p.m.: R
THURSDAY Vacation 8 p.m.:
Sept 24