Nismah Jahanzeb Siddique - A2 D&T: Product Design Coursework

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Design & Technology A2 Product Design Coursework CANDIDATE NAME: NISMAH SIDDIQUE




Contents Page Research:






Time Plan

Research Plan

Consumer Survey




Product Analysis


Brief & Consumer profile

Mood Board

Initial Ideas:









Environmental, Moral & Social Issues

Trend Forecast

Initial Ideas:

Initial Ideas:



Sleepover Bag



Pyjama Bottoms

Sleepover Bag

Manufacturing Plan

Manufacturing Diary

A2 Product Design Project

Time Plan

Week Date Time Plan Inspiration Research & Mood Board Research

I made a time plan to manage my time effectively. The time plan is there to help we meet my target and to make sure nothing is missed out, so that the work is not left till last minute.

1 12/09/2013

2 19/09/2013

3 26/09/2013

4 03/10/2013

5 10/10/2013

6 17/10/2013

7 24/10/2013

1 16 12/09/2013 26/12/2013

17 2 19/09/2013 02/01/2014

18 3 26/09/2013 09/01/2014

4 19 03/10/2013 16/01/2014

5 20 10/10/2013 23/01/2014

6 21 17/10/2013 30/01/2014

7 22 24/10/2013 06/02/2014

8 31/10/2013

9 07/11/2013

10 14/11/2013

11 21/11/2013

12 28/11/2013

13 05/12/2013

14 12/12/2013

15 19/12/2013

10 26 14/11/2013 06/03/2014

11 27 21/11/2013 13/03/2014

12 28 28/11/2013 20/03/2014

13 29 05/12/2013 27/03/2014

14 30 12/12/2013 03/04/2014

15 31 19/12/2013 10/04/2014

Trends : Spri ng/Summer 2014 Indus tri a l Ma nufa cture - Ni ghtwea r Indus tri a l Ma nufa cture - Sl eepover Ki t Soci a l , Envi ronment, Ethi ca l concerns Hea l th & Sa fety Ma teri a l s Procces s es

Consumer Survey Cons umer Survey Pl a n Surveryi ng Cons umers Cons umer Survey Ana l ys i s

Product Analysis Ba gs Ni ghtwea r Cl othi ng Adverts

Situation & Brief Design Specifications

Design Technology

Ba gs Ni ghtwea r Cl othi ng Adverts

Situation Analysis Conceptual Designs Ba gs Ni ghtwea r Cl othi ng Adverts

Consumer Feedback Material Testing Modelling Advert Plan Development Final Ideas - Presentation of Ideas Manufacturing Ba gs Ni ghtwea r Advert

Evaluation Week Date Time Plan Inspiration Research & Mood Board Research Tre nds : Spri ng/Summe r 2014 Indus tri a l Ma nufa cture - Ni ghtwe a r Indus tri a l Ma nufa cture - Sl e e pove r Ki t Soci a l , Envi ronme nt, Ethi ca l conce rns He a l th & Sa fe ty Ma te ri a l s Procce s s e s

Consumer Survey Cons ume r Surve y Pl a n Surve ryi ng Cons ume rs Cons ume r Surve y Ana l ys i s

Product Analysis

Nismah Siddique

Ba gs Ni ghtwe a r Cl othi ng Adve rts

Situation & Brief Design Specifications Ba gs Ni ghtwe a r Cl othi ng Adve rts

Situation Analysis Conceptual Designs Ba gs Ni ghtwe a r Cl othi ng Adve rts

Consumer Feedback Material Testing Modelling Advert Plan Development Final Ideas - Presentation of Ideas Manufacturing Ba gs Ni ghtwe a r Adve rt

8 9 23 24 25 13/02/201431/10/2013 20/02/2014 07/11/201327/02/2014

A2 Product Design Project

Research Plan Generic Areas Function & User Needs • • • • •

What is it to be used for? What does the product need to do? What products do people take with themselves to sleepovers? Do they want to have pockets in their pyjamas? What is the lifetime of the products to be?

Design Technology

Materials • • • • • •

Which materials will I use for my products? What is the value of the material? What tools will be needed to make the product from the materials? What materials will appeal to the client? What finishes can be added to the material? What haberdashery items can be used for the product? i.e. trims, motifs, beads, etc.

Aesthetics •

Nismah Siddique

• • •

How detailed or simple does the design have to be? What styles are there in different pyjamas What colours appeal to the client? What finishes do they like? Shiny or matte?

Social and Moral Issues • •

Will it be an eco-design? How will you make it environmentally friendly?

List methods I will use to research information

How will this help my designing?

ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ

Interviewing Consumers, Internet AQA text book Books

This will tell how the products are to be used and why.

ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ AQA text book The consumer survey Internet Books Going to textile shops around Doha

This will help me know which materials are to be used as well as their value because my client needs the end product to be affordable. And also how I will make the product, using what tools.

ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ AQA text book The consumer survey Internet Product evaluation Books

This will help me determine what style I would like for my product to have and what colour would appeal to the client.

ϑ ϑ AQA text book ϑ Internet

This will help me know how I can make my product more green.

A2 Product Design Project

Research Plan Generic Areas Manufacturing • What tools will be needed to make the product from the materials? • What process techniques can I use? • What decorating processes are available?

Nismah Siddique

Design Technology

Safety • How will you make it safer? • What information is put on clothing for safety and maintenance of the item?

Ergonomics • What size will the pyjama be made for? • Will it be adjustable? • How accessible will the zips and openings be for the consumer? • How will you measure the consumer ? • For the branding on the clothing, check which fonts and colour combinations are easy to see? • What are the standard UK measurements?

List methods I will use to research information ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ ϑ AQA text book The consumer survey Internet Books

How will this help my designing? This will help me see which tools and techniques are to be used when I am manufacturing.

ϑ Look at existing product to help (product evaluation) ϑ Internet ϑ AQA text book

From this I will know how to make the dress more safer, so that the user is not hurt in any way.

ϑ Look at existing product to help (product evaluation) ϑ Internet

This will help me make the dress more suitable for the consumer and easier to use.

A2 Product Design Project

Questions to ask in consumer survey 1. What type of nightwear do you wear? Onsie [] Two-Piece Classic [] Two-Piece Contemporary [] 2. How much are you willing to pay for new Pyjamas? 30 - 40 QR [] 41 - 50 QR [] 51 - 60 QR [] 61 - 70 QR []

71 - 80 QR []

3. If you chose Two-Piece Contemporary what type of sleeves do you want? Spaghetti Straps [] A-line Straps [] Bell Sleeves [] Cap Sleeves []

81 - 90 QR []

91-100 QR []

100+ QR []

Raglan Sleeves []

4. If you want sleeves, what length do you want the sleeves to be? ½ [] ž [] Long Sleeves []

Design Technology

5. If you chose Two-Piece Contemporary, what length do you want the pyjamas of the nightwear to be? Above Knee [] Knee-length [] Below Knee [] Mid Calf Length [] Ankle Length [] 6. What do you want your neckline to be like? Square [] Sweetheart [] Boat [] Scoop []

7. If you have a preference for a certain material(s) you want to be used please mention below: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Is there a certain motif you would like to see on the nightwear? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Would you like to be able to personalize the Pyjamas? Yes [] No [] 10. Would you like the dress to be simple or elaborate? Elaborate [] Simple [] 11. What do you do at sleepovers? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Nismah Siddique

12. What are essential items for a sleepover in your opinion? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. Have your toiletries ever leaked in your carrier bag? Yes[] No[] 14. Would you like to have a bag designed specially for sleepovers? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15. If you feel I have missed anything please mention it below: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

A focus group is a form of qualitative research in which a group of people are asked about their perceptions, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes towards a product, service, concept, advertisement, idea, or packaging. Questions are asked in an interactive group setting where participants are free to talk with other group members. Below is the video showing the focus group discussing sleepovers, pyjamas and bags as part of my consumer survey. In the focus group I only females within the 17-18 age bracket I did this because they are the group I would like to base my final product on. The environment was much like a sleepover to allow the consumers to be more comfortable and to find it easier to talk about their nightwear.

Nismah Siddique

Design Technology

A2 Product Design Project

Focus Group

From doing the focus group, I got a better understanding on what criteria my products should fit. A problem with current sleepwear is that some are too tight, this makes the consumer uncomfortable and they are unable to breathe easily as well as making them feel very hot. I need to remember this to ensure the product I make is a bit baggy but not too loose that the consumer can get twisted in it within their sleep. The bottoms for the pyjamas can have an elastic to counter the problem of the pyjama riding up the users leg when they are asleep. The nightwear I design, will either have long sleeves or short sleeves depending on which season I intend my nightwear to be for. The consumers felt that during summer Qatar can reach up to over 40°C as well as very humid, because of this during summer it is better to wear half sleeves. However, in winter Qatar can go to below 15°C which can be quite cold so for that long sleeves are suitable. In terms of the pyjama bottom length consumers said either have it just above the knees or below the ankles, there is no point of having 3/4s. Pricing for just the nightwear, the group agreed it all depended on the style and quality of the product, but in general they would buy in between the 80 – 100 QAR price range or even 100+ QAR if the quality was superb. The group listed a number of sleepover essentials and sleepover activities they normally take part in. As well as mentioning that when they carry there toiletries there have been incidents of the toiletries leaking. To counter the toiletries leakage and to make it easier for them to transport their things to sleepover, I suggested a sleepover bag which would do all such thing. The group as a whole were very receptive of the idea and felt it would be a huge help. They recommended to have a pouch in the bag which would be completely water proof that would be where the toiletries would be kept or the electronics instead. Also they said that the bag should have compartments where you could put your blanket, your clothes, your tooth brush and etc. They said the price they’d be willing to pay for the bag would be dependent on the size, for example if its about the size of a makeup bag then less than 50 QAR but if it is very big with the different compartments and very sleepover based then they would be willing to pay more than 150 QAR.

Using the internet, I was able to find out how materials can be screen printed. As part of my logo development I tested out silk screening it can be seen on this slide

Using the internet, I was able to find out how I could dye the fabric easily. As part of my t-shirt development I tested out different dyes on the fabric, it can be seen on this slide



Nismah Siddique

Research: Dyeing Dyeing Fabric

Design Technology

A2 Product Design Project

Research: Screen Printed

Mix dye, salt and hot water in a bowl. Mix all together 1 table spoon of salt per litre.

Drain and rinse the fabric in cold water once it is the desired colour.



Wet the fabric before plunging, to help it to dye more evenly.

Wash and dry fabric in a machine. Once it has been washed dry it either in the dryer or keep it outside to dry.


Add the fabric mix periodically depending on how dark you want the dye, 10 minutes or above.

http://www.danamadeit. com/2008/07/tutorialeasy-fabric-dyeing.html

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology

Research: Embroidery Using the internet, I was able to find out how I can embroidery the fabric using the machine. As part of my logo development I tested out the embroidery machine, it can be seen on this slide

Hand embroidery

Machine Embroidery a pattern 1 Create on a embroidery

digitizing software. Or create a vector and transfer onto the digitizing software


Put the fabric into the hoop to keep the fabric taut. And then place the hoop onto the arm which moves the hoop..



Load the final design after editing onto the embroidery machine, either directly or through a USB Home machines have only one needle, every colour change requires the user to cut the thread and change the colour manually

To prevent wrinkles

other problems, 3 and a stabilizer or

a pattern, 1 Create draw onto the


Once the embroidery has been done on the fabric cut away the excess stabilizer or interfacing.

Machine embroidery is much more accurate and can be far more detailed than if I were to do hand embroidery.


fabric using water soluble markers or iron on transfer patterns.

interfacing should be added to the back of the fabric which is to be embroidered. wiki/Machine_embroide ry#Design_files

Nismah Siddique

I was able to find out how fabric was embroidered traditionally by hand.


Drain and rinse the fabric in cold water once it is the desired colour.


Cut out the material slightly larger than the hoop. Put it within the hoop to keep the fabric taut Stitch the design on the fabric. Knot the thread in the beginning and at the end to make the design more neater.


Use the floss thread and thread it into the eye of the needle.


A2 Product Design Project Design Technology

Research: Ergonomics Sleepover Bag Big handbags are in fashion for a couple of years now, so inevitably the amount of content these bags carry grows (i.e. Camera, mobile phone, make-up, wallet, laptop, umbrella, water bottle etc.). That is the rise of heavier handbags and typically such a bag can weigh 3kg or more. A heavy handbag, shoulder bag, or purse can injure the neck, back and shoulders. The neck has a natural curve that evenly distributes forces on the spine. Hence, when a person carries a heavy bag on one side over a long period of time, this natural curve starts to get distorted which can lead to chronic neck and shoulder pains, back pain, and even headaches. Left untreated, it can lead to more serious injuries such as herniated discs and accelerated degeneration of the cervical spine How to make a bag economically friendly: • The handbag should be proportionate to the consumers body size and not larger than what is needed. • The bag may be made of lightweight material such as vinyl or canvas instead of leather. • The shoulder straps should be wide, adjustable, and padded if possible. Poorly designed shoulder straps can dig deep into muscles causing strain and pinched nerves. You can add an add on strap which is long enough to sling across to the opposite side of the body to help distribute weight of the bag more evenly. • Handbag should have several individual pockets instead of one large compartment. This will help to distribute the weight evenly and keep contents of the bag from shifting. To make the bag more consumer friendly and to let them know how to use the bag properly I can make instruction that would go in the bag: • Use both hands to check the weight of the handbag. • Instead of always carrying your handbag on the same shoulder, switch sides often. • Retract your shoulders while carrying the bag.

Night wear

Nismah Siddique

“Nightwear can be a surprisingly complex choice when considering sleep quality, and the decision of what to wear when climbing between the sheets is just as important as any other sleep-related issue. You could have the most relaxing bedroom environment along with the most supportive and comfortable mattress, but if your nightwear isn’t right then you’re jeopardising your chances of a good night’s sleep.” – ErgoFlex This in-between stage between light and deep sleep is very sensitive, and disturbances can effectively ‘reset’ the process. Wearing inappropriately warm or cool nightwear will almost certainly do this. Nightwear can inadvertently deliver a whole host of disturbances besides temperature that could upset this sleep phase, including being too tight or uncomfortable, being too voluminous and restricting movement within the duvet, or simply feeling irritating against the skin. What to wear Nightwear should of course always be decided on the season and the overall temperature, but there are some reliable choices that will more often than not provide a pleasant bedtime experience. Natural materials like cotton are breathable, allowing the wearer to stay cool throughout the summer. Other natural materials with similarly beneficial effects are also available, including bamboo knit.

Night wear - continued What not to wear Synthetics, including polyester, can be stiflingly warm at night so should be avoided, especially during the summer. Tight-fitting, restrictive features in any type of nightwear, whether it’s pyjamas or something else, should always be avoided as the wearer won’t be able to fully relax into sleep. Sizing

Design Technology

A2 Product Design Project

Research: Ergonomics

Branding Lettering

Nismah Siddique

Look at the lettering examples:

Branding Branding

One is easy to read the other is quite hard to read from an ergonomic point of view. So it is important that the logo I make has lettering which is quick and easy to read. Colour In the logo branding, it is important that the text within is easy to read. This is a very important ergonomic factor. The colours must have a good contrast so that they can be read easily. On the right are examples of how the colour contrast can affect the user.

Good contrast easy to read

Poor contrast hard to read

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology Nismah Siddique

Research: Ergonomics


Colour Using the colour wheel, we can see which colours have good contrasts. Any two colours lying diagonally opposite to each other in the colour wheel are complimentary colours. These create a very high contrast. However, there are colours like red and green that are hard to read when used together even though they are diagonally opposite to one another on the colour wheel. In addition to this, there are a small minority of people who are red and green colour blind, it will be important to not use these two colour together for text as it will make it very difficult for colour blind people to read the logo.

High contrast but hard to read

High contrast but easy to read m/2013/09/19/fashion-math-thesecrets-to-dressing-well/

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology Nismah Siddique

Research: Environmental, Social & Moral Issues Textiles are made of fibers. Fibers are either natural or synthetic, and some natural fibers are released for use through extensive processes. The steps that are needed to produce a usable fiber and fashion it into a usable textile can lead to environmental, social, and moral issues. Environmental: Cotton and flax are fibers that are produced via farming. Cotton is grown widely, Cotton uses 1941 millilitres of water for irrigation, which is a lot of water in a time when water is scarce. Cotton growing also requires the use large amounts of fertilizing chemicals as well as pesticide applications as cotton is very susceptible to insect enfestitations, which in turn pollute the environment. However cotton has made significant changes to how cotton is grown have occurred in recent times. Now cotton growers use 90% less chemicals then a decade ago and Australia is the leader in the world of sustainable cotton production. Wool and related animal fibers are sheared or combed from animals. By keeping a large heard of animals may result to environmental damage. Manure generated from livestock has significantly contributed to the increase in atmospheric greenhouse gasses over the last 250 years. Also, very high stock numbers (sheep largely) are the cause of vegetation change and soil erosion leading to the formation of badlands [heavily eroded areas]. And wool scouring can consume large amounts of water and chemicals, and produce heavily polluted waste-water. Silk is another highly renewable resource with less impacts than many fabrics. You have to kill the silk worm when you boil the cocoon, but a single moth that hatches will lay hundreds of eggs. They feed on mulberry leaves, which don't require pesticides or fertilizers to grow. The negatives are that silk is not a local resource and processing can lead to pollution. Intensive cultivation practices and chemicals used for cleaning the silk can pollute groundwater. When you add it up, it does take a large amount of resources to produce a small amount of silk--by some estimates, 35 pounds of silk from an acre of mulberry trees. Rayon, bamboo, soy "silk," and similar fibers are chemically treated cellulose.. Synthetic fibers are more difficult to dye than natural fibers. Manufacturers add heavy metals and toxic compounds to the water to help the dyes cling to these inorganic fabrics. This creates pollution in the form of runoff to lakes, rivers and oceans. With concerns over this pollution, some companies have begun to use more environmentally friendly products. Eco-friendly clothing manufacturers use organic cotton, bamboo, soy and hemp to weave fabrics, and then use plant-based dyes to give the fabrics color. Some companies also use recycled synthetic fibers like polyester and plastic bags in their products in an effort to keep non-biodegradable items out of landfills. Is it moral to purchase fabric made by slave labor in China? and so on and so on and so on. Social & Moral: Clothing industry practices vary widely regarding livable wages: Some companies pay minimum wage, while others pay competitive rates. Manufacturers who outsource jobs to foreign companies in China, India or other countries might try to get around paying livable wages to workers. To counter this, some companies have instigated the practice of fair trade. Fair trade clothing companies assure consumers that workers in foreign countries receive fair and livable wages for the work they do. The International Labour Organization, which guides European clothing manufacturers, has guidelines companies can use to ensure appropriate fair labor practices. Examples of acceptable ethical practices include no exploitation of child labor or illegal immigrants, wages comparable to local standards and termination of trade relations in the event of ethics violations.

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology Nismah Siddique

Research: Trend Forecast Using the internet I was able to find what will be the trend in colours and patterns for the spring season. This will help to make the dress look more aesthetically pleasing as well as up to date with the latest trends.

I used the Pantone Inc. website to know what colours will be favoured in Spring 2014. I used Pantone Inc. because it is a well known company which is quite frequently used by designers . To predict colours for the upcoming season they look at global changes as well as historical, cultural, , societal, political, and economic contexts which affect fashion. From the website: “ Designers take a modern twist on the traditional for spring 2014 by pairing soft pastels with vivid bright to create a colourful equilibrium. Inspired by a mixture of blooming flowers, travels abroad and strong, confident women, designers use colour to refresh, revive and defy conventional wisdom. "This season, consumers are looking for a state of thoughtful, emotional and artistic equilibrium," said Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute®. "While this need for stability is reflected in the composition of the palette, the inherent versatility of the individual colours allows for experimentation with new looks and colour combinations.“ ”

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology Nismah Siddique

Product Analysis – Bag 1 The Animal Halosaur Backpack (Rose) is a woman's canvas bag. Material: Canvas The bag is mainly made from a canvas material. This material is a very sturdy and durable plain woven fabric. Originally it was made from hemp but now it is predominantly made using cotton. Also canvas weaves can be made of completely synthetic or a blend with natural fibers. The advantages of using synthetic fibers are: ď ś it makes the canvas lightweight ď ś better mildew, rot and water resistance properties than any of the natural fibers available. Common types of synthetic fibers used to create canvas fabrics include polyester and nylon. This backpack is made using synthetic fibres because it would allow the final cost of the product to be cheaper than if it were to be made of natural fibres. This helps make the product more affordable for the target market.

Material: Muslin Muslin is a plain woven cotton fabric which known for its versatility and inexpensiveness. The lining fabric is used to give a neat finish within the bag and also conceal interfacing, raw edges of seams as well as other construction details. Also it is a soft fabric therefore when a consumer reaches into the bag it does not cause them discomfort.

Height: 42cm Width: 30cm Depth: 15cm

Material: Polyurethane Polyurethane is a waterproof fabric, it is typically made of polyester, however sometimes its made using cotton or a polyblend material that has been heatlaminated to a polyurethane layer. It is lightweight and extremely durable Although the trim details look as though they are made from suede they have actually been made using polyurethane. This is because it helps the final product to be more affordable for the target market but at the same time still make the product aesthetically pleasing. The con of using this material for the opening and closing of the bag as well is that the material has started to wear. Material: Mild Steel Mild steel is a very malleable material, this is good because it allows the manufacturer to hammer and press it to the desired shape. It is also a very cheap material compared to other metals such as brass, this is good because it makes the final product more affordable. A disadvantage of mild steel is that it is very vulnerable to rusting, therefore a finish should be applied to the metal to give the product a more satisfactory finish. The buckle fastenings and Animal logo plate have been made using mild steel which has been painted a brass colour to give a more antique finish. This is done to make the bag aesthetically pleasing and also to go with the Aztec/Bohemian theme.

Threads The threads used in the bag are nylon because of its extremely strong and flexible properties. These are important as a bag can have a lot of weight and the seams should be able to take this load without ripping.

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology

Product Analysis – Bag 1 Aesthetics • The buckle fastening is not for actual use, it is a design feature to make the end product more aesthetically pleasing to the consumer. Also the buckle fastening fits in more with the Aztec/Bohemian theme. On the underside of the buckle fastening there is a magnetic fastening. This would have been added to the bag this way. • The bag is predominantly a rose colour, this is because the bag is targeted at females. Also the rose colour is very earthy which again related to the main theme of the bag which is Aztec/Bohemian. • The front straps in the bag have a colourful tribal pattern, this immediately catches the consumers eye due to the splash of warm and cool colours.

Function • The function of a bag is to carry all your things at one time, this to stop run back and forth from one place to another to get their items , they are a more practical option for carrying items • As the bag has 3 external compartment and one internal compartment. They allow the consumer to be more organized, so they can retrieve items quickly and easily. • The function of a backpack is also to spread the weight equally between the consumers shoulders.

Nismah Siddique

Ergonomics • As helpful as this backpack is it has problems – when add all the items to the bag it becomes heavy. This weight can cause shoulder, neck and back pains. If carried for long periods without relief, such weight can actually damage or strain muscles, backs and shoulders. • Although the bag has wide straps which are important to spread the load, they are not padded. This is important padding spreads the load as well as alleviates any pressure points.

• The back should be padded as well. It will alleviate any pressure points. And it will protect the back from being pocked and prodded by what is loaded in the bag. • The backpack without any items is relatively light this is important as it reduces the end weight when all items are within.

Manufacture • The bag would have been batch produced in a very similar process to clothes manufacturing. • The two buckles could have been industrially die cast • Industrial embroidery machines would have been used to make the front straps of the bag. The design would have been computerized and then fed into the machine. In the machine embroidery, different types of "fills" add texture and design to the finished work.

A2 Product Design Project

Product Analysis – Nightwear 1 Material: Cotton Nightwear is normally usually loose fitting and designed for comfort. That is why this nightwear set is made from cotton. The t-shirt is a plain white fabric where as the pyjamas are made from a pink star print fabric. Another reason why cotton is a good choice for nightwear is because it tends to absorb preparation quickly, this is important for a consumer to have a good nights sleep. Cotton also has a good colour retention and is good to print on, this is an important property to help make this product aesthetically pleasing to the consumer. As well as this it is an easy to care for fabric therefore consumers do not have to put a lot of time and effort to clean or care for this product.

Nismah Siddique

Design Technology

Aesthetics • As the product is targeted at females, the colours used are pink, white and black. This is because pink is always seen as a very feminine colour because of today’s society. • The t-shirt is a solid white so it does not make the whole thing seem like there is too much going on. The pyjamas and the top nicely compliment one another. • However to make the set more appealing the manufacturer could have added a small design or some text to fit the 16-24 age group. • The threads used for seam in the pyjamas are a hot pink this is to make them match with the fabric. On the other hand the shirt has white thread which blend far better. • As the material frays very easily, a serger has been used to serge the raw edges of the dress to make the material more durable as it will protect the edges so they do not fray anymore. These have been on the “wrong" of the fabric so that it is easier to hide the seams when the consumer wears it. Serger seams are hidden because they aren’t aesthetically pleasing Ergonomics There are drawstrings at the front of the pyjamas to allow the consumer to adjust the width of the pyjamas to what is comfortable to them. Also as it is in front of the pyjamas it is much easier for the consumer to tie the drawstrings and adjust them.

A2 Product Design Project

Product Analysis – Branding - Logos While “logo design” refers to the activity of creating a logo, and the term “logo” is used to refer to any symbol created for the purpose of identification, the “psychology of logo design” is the study of any meaning that can be seen in a logo other than the meaning of identification. - Ray Vellest, Web Designer Depot Colours All colours have a number of meanings, although non are set in stone, many of them connote a different feeling for different users, it all depends on the users background, culture, personality and etc. Many brands use a single colour for their logos, example Cadbury. This is because by having a single colour companies can use that to incorporate into their branding strategy, so in the long term people will associate a certain colour to the brand.

Design Technology

If your brand colours are wrong, they unconsciously create an instant negative response. This means all the other design/branding elements will have to work much harder to overcome that off-putting first impression. Shape From a psychological perspective, there’s nothing more relevant than shape. The human brain is hardwired to understand and memorize shapes. It’s the way we learn things. A distinctive shape is remembered long after we have seen it. Fashion Logos “Some designer logos have managed to achieve worldwide recognition unlike others. These designer logos are synonymous with high-end fashion, glamour, elegance and style. They are the logos of corporations that rule the world of fashion”

Nismah Siddique

Hermès is also a French designer corporation. It is directly linked to high-class style. The Hermès designer logo depicts a horse and carriage. It is a highly symbolic logo and was used by the Hermès family to show how their company evolved with the changing times. The logo itself oozes antique excellence, heritage and has a sense of stature. Also orange is a colour which is most commonly associated with Hermès, this is good because by looking at the grid on the right orange is associated with creativity and innovation, as their logo shows their company’s evolvement it also symbolises the innovation of the company.



Logos on clothing and accessories Branding can be put on the items through different means, wither it can be embroidered like the Ralph Lauren and Paul Smith polo shirts or it can be screen printed onto the item like the Nike bag. The brand logos for both Ralph Lauren and Nike have changed to make it easier for the consumer to see the brand name and to also contrast with the base colour of the items. This was done to make it more aesthetically pleasing.

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology

Product Analysis – Labelling A care label on a textile product gives the consumer useful information about product maintenance. Information on Labels Good labels provide details on: 1. Fibre content. This is a legal requirement, manufactures have to show what is the percentage of each fibre used to make the clothing item. The generic fiber names and percentages by weight of each constituent fiber must be listed in descending order of predominance, e.g. 65% rayon 35% polyester. The disclosure requirement applies only to fibers — contained in yarns, fabrics, clothing, and other household items. If part of the product is made from a non-fibrous material — such as plastic, glass, wood, paint, metal or leather — you don’t have to include that on your label. That is, you don’t have to disclose the contents of zippers, buttons, beads, sequins, leather patches, painted designs, or any other parts that are not made from fiber, yarn, or fabric. 2. Flammability. This is a legal requirement for nightwear. The clothes must be labelled so as to inform the purchaser whether the item does or does not meet the flammability requirements of BS 5722. If the item does not meet the requirements, it must have a label, printed in red, stating 'KEEP AWAY FROM FIRE'. If the item meets the requirements, it must have a label statement in black text stating 'LOW FLAMMABILITY TO BS 5722' 3. Standard care symbols (see diagrams on the left). 4. Standard size, which is a standard measurement of the human body. For example, women's clothes might come in sizes 10, 12, 14, 16 or XS, S, M, L. All manufacturers use similar symbols to tell the consumer how to look after the product; the care of textile products depends on the fibre content and fabric finishes used.

Positioning of Labels

Nismah Siddique

The wording described above must be given on a durable label on the inside neck of the garment or next to the label giving the size of the garment, or the wording must be given on the size label immediately following such information. Source:*badv615-1111.txt

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology Nismah Siddique



The fashion industry is a universal enterprise devoted to the business of manufacturing and selling clothes. The fashion industry emerged after the 19th century, prior to that most clothing was custom made . Clothing was handmade by individuals, either home made or the were made by tailors and dressmakers. When new technologies, like the sewing machine, emerged global capitalism increased and the factory system of production developed, clothing had increasingly become mass-produced in standard sizes. “Although the fashion industry developed first in Europe and America, today it is an international and highly globalized industry, with clothing often designed in one country, manufactured in another, and sold world-wide.” For mostly every apparel you have a brand which is devoutly dedicated to a specific apparel item; for example you have Levi’s for jeans, Louboutin for shoes; but there is no brand which specializes specifically in nightwear and sleepover kits. Of course, there are brands which have vertically integrated and added nightwear. It is undeniable that the Middle East is “a hot emerging market for the global fashion industry”. “Women in the Middle East are becoming more daring. This transformation today speaks volumes about their penchant for experimenting with new chic styles. They are bored with those monotonous styles and are looking to try something colourful and happening.” It is perhaps surprising that in recent years Arab Fashion has gained popularity but the market is largely untapped. Just as there are very little or no brands which specifically sell nightwear, there are very small number of brands which promote and celebrate Arab culture and lifestyle. Pyjamas are frequently worn as comfort wear even when not in bed, and are also sometimes worn as a fashion statement. For example, Rihanna was seen wearing nightwear at the ‘Battleship’ premiere in Tokyo, Japan. Pyjamas often contain graphic references to a things that may hold some special appeal to the wearer, such as cartoon characters, sports and other motifs. Pyjamas may also be found in plainer designs, such as plaid or solid colours, but when worn in public, they are usually designed in such a way that makes their identity unambiguous. Over eight in ten (83%) adults wear something to sleep in, according to Mintel’s consumer research. Despite this, nightwear continues to be largely ignored by many retailers, with little change in the offer over the last few years. Pyjamas remain the most popular bed attire, with over four in ten (42%) adults wearing them as nightwear. While demand for pyjamas has soared over the last ten years, there has been little product innovation. As well as this the research found that consumers are adding some true style into their choice of bedroom attire. Today just one in three (32%) adults claim that "comfort and fit is more important than style" and it also seems that money is no object when it comes to fashion in the bedroom, as just 7% say that "price is more important to me than fashion and style when buying nightwear". Indeed, just one in ten (11%) only buy nightwear in the sales or at discount.

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology

Situation - Continued A sleepover, also known as a pyjama party or a slumber party, is a party most commonly held by children and teenagers, where guests are invited to stay overnight at the home of a friend, sometimes to celebrate birthdays or other special events. It is a party which is usually participated by females. A range of activities take place from make overs to watching horror films. A crucial part of the sleepover for most of the participants is to have a full sleepover kit which can carry all sleepover items which they feel are essential. The bags which carry the sleepover items can sometimes be either too small or too big. Also as the bags contain a variety of item, from cameras to toiletries there is always a chance of the items being destroyed due to leakage of toiletries or food items. Therefore it is important that the bag can carry these items as safely as possible without any item being destroyed or ruined.

Brief I intend to design and manufacture pyjamas and storage to be worn at sleepovers. As well as this I will create a new brand which will specialize in nightwear and sleepover accessories. Arab fashion has seen an increase in popularity in the recent year. And to show this trend The product which I plan to manufacture, garments and bag, will have a strong Arab influence this is to enable young people “express their identity via contemporary street fashion with an Arab twist�. As well as this after research it was prevalent that there was no brand which had any Arab styled nightwear. The target market for these products will be females within the 17-24 age bracket. As I plan to cater to this age group the products will have to be affordable but also of a high quality as my research showed this is what consumers look for in their products. To ensure the affordability and quality I will need to constantly talk to my consumer group and also test out different materials.

Nismah Siddique

To produce the pyjamas and bag I will use the sewing machine, embroidery machine as well a DT workshop tools such as the glue gun.

Consumer Profile My intended products would be worn by fashion forward females between the ages of 17 – 24. The wearer would be someone who would like to express their individuality and stand out in the crowd. They would have a style which is contemporary and bold, but also influenced by the Orient. Her price range would be relatively high, therefore the pricing for the products and the materials used can be within a moderately high price band to ensure the best quality.

Nismah Siddique Design Technology

A2 Product Design Project


A2 Product Design Project


My product specification is written below. It is list that will help develop my target product.

Function & User Needs Nightwear – The function of nightwear is to be frequently worn as comfort wear even when he consumer is not in bed. However, through market research it was shown that nightwear items are increasingly being worn outside of the house. To stay up to date with trends it is important that another function of the nightwear apparel to be that it can be worn as a fashion statement for the more fashion forward consumers. Sleepover Bag – The function of the sleepover bag is to allow the consumer to transport all sleepover items which they feel are essential. Also many consumers commented that frequently toiletries leak within the bag, this is one area which I will have to focus on and improve for the bag. Another thing is that it should be a medium/large size so that all important items for the consumer may be carried with them.


Design Technology

Nightwear - through the consumer survey I was able to see that many consumers wanted their pyjamas to be cotton, however they are open to materials such as silk. In addition any of the materials which are used should be breathable . In Qatar the winters and spring can get as cold as 8 degrees and in summer it can get extremely hot. The nightwear I make should be suitable for either one of the temperatures. Sleepover Bag - The sleepover bag will need to have some components made from a water proof or water resistant material as many consumers said that their toiletries used to leak and they have other items such as iPods which can get damaged. The materials need to be light weight to make it easier for the user to carry the sleepover bag around with her. All the materials used should be comfortable for the user to sleep with.

Aesthetics The nightwear and sleepover bag will be designed with the aesthetics in mind, as it is important that the products are desirable. The textures will vary depending on the material used. I will use the trend slide I have made to use as a basis for all the designs, this way I will be in line with what my fashion forward consumer base want.

Size I intend for my nightwear products to fit a range of sizes, I will do this by using the size graphs on the ergonomic size and asking different consumers their standard UK size. For the bag I intend the bag to be a large size as it is to fit the clothing, toiletries and electronics of the user.

Nismah Siddique

Manufacturing My intended products would be batch produced in the industry. I will try to replicate processes used in the industry as well as compare how I am making the product and how in reality it would be made in the industry. I will use standard components such as Velcro, snap fasteners and zips in my products, this is because by using standard components I will be able to speed up manufacturing and reduce manufacturing and maintenance costs, as the same units can be purchased and used all around the world. I will try to use CAD CAM for different aspects of the products to make the products as precise as possible.

Product Life Span And Life Cycle The nightwear and sleepover bad will be designed to last a few years and if the proper care is taken it is to last even longer. When the pieces reach the end of their life cycle, most of the materials used to make the products should be able to be re-used or recycled – this will depend on how I manufacture the products and the materials I use.

A2 Product Design Project


My product specification is written below. It is list that will help develop my target product.

Safety Health and safety regulations will be adhered to during manufacturing process. Also every effort will be made to ensure that no harm is to come to the consumer, this will be done by making sure that the materials used do not irritate the skin.

Quality Assurance Quality assurance will be carried out to ensure all the systems and procedures are in place to guarantee that a quality product is manufactured.

Quality Control Quality Control will guarantee the accuracy of the product. This ensures that each product meets a specific standard and includes the dimensional accuracy and material quality.

Nismah Siddique

Design Technology

Cost The cost will be directly proportional to the quality of the product. As my target consumer are fashion forward females with a relatively high price band, therefore the pricing for the products and the materials used can be within a moderately high price band to ensure the best quality. Using the research, the nightwear will have a price QAR 100-200. The sleeping bag will have a price of QAR 250 – 400. The cost will be calculated using the materials used and the cost take to manufacture the product.

A2 Product Design Project Nismah Siddique

Design Technology

Initial Ideas - Nightwear

This is a coloured illustration to show what colours I plan to have for this two piece pyjama.

These are different variations for the tree in the top. This design has the Arabic words for Love, Peace, Wisdom and Life. The reason I used Arabic words here is because I want the overall nightwear collection to be Arab themed. One thing I will change about the Arabic words is make more calligraphic , this will give it a more elegant look rather than the rather rugged look the tree has at the moment. Another this is that I would change the colour of the words from black to silver to make it stand out more. For the three designs on the left I took inspiration from sidra tree in the Qatar Foundation logo. The tree silhouette is very minimalist. Out of the three I myself prefer the gradient one I made because it gives the tree more life and makes it stand out.

Feedback: I’d love to wear it because it seems very comfortable and fashionable so you look good even when you’re going to sleep. Something you could possibly improve are the pyjamas, you could make it harem pant styled.

For this design I took inspiration from the Arab designs seen in the windows. Most of the Arab designs have a variety of geometric shapes. Keeping this in mind I created this tree to give it a fun and playful edge, One thing I would improve is make the colours of the shapes more different because at the moment the colours stand out too much against the colour I want to have for the top.

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology Nismah Siddique

Initial Ideas

The top is sleeveless, so that the consumer is less constricted and also it is more suitable for summer nights when it tends to be very warm. The top is half sleeves, so that it is more suitable for summer nights when it tends to be very warm. In this design I have designed this for consumers who prefer to have their tops plain and their pyjamas interesting. In this design I have designed this for consumers who prefer to have their tops and their pyjamas interesting. The inspiration for this design are the henna designs which are part of the Arab culture.

The inspiration for this design is the falcon.

The design would be added to the material either using embroidery or using screen printing. If I use screen printing I will use a range of colours to make the design eye catching and appealing to the target group. Because the pyjamas will be very interesting users will also like to wear them outside. Feedback: I really like the colors, It’s a new pattern and it looks very comfortable and something I would love to wear.

Feedback: I don’t like the red and the black, and also I feel the pattern is too big on the pants. Also it would look nicer if it was a different design on the top or if the base color was different e.g. black.

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology Nismah Siddique

Initial Ideas - Nightwear

Here are two variations of which colours I would like the two piece pyjama to be.

Feedback: I don’t feel it’s a design for me, it really simple so you cant really go wrong with it. I don’t like the buttons. If I were to see it in the shop I may buy it just because I love the patterns

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology Nismah Siddique

Initial Ideas - Bag

I have used a hand carry as a basis for this design. However, I will have extra straps on the sides which can be extended so that it is suitable for the user. This bag had been made to go with the first design. I plan to have the same design on the bag as I have on the nightwear top. However, the base colours will be mostly purple and royal blue. The strap on the bag will have a magnetic button below to make it much easier for the user to use the bag.

Basic shell form of the bag.

Inside of the bag there will be one section which will be made using a waterproof material. It will be there fro the user to put in her electronics to protect it from leakages.

Feedback: I really like the night time colour, it’s like the sky and it goes really well with the sleepover theme. One thing I would improve is the shape of the bag. To me it just seems too formal like a briefcase. -Aaliyah

Feedback: I like the style of this bag, however I think it would become far too heavy to carry if I were to put in all the sleepover things inside. Also I think you should look at other patterns for the fabric because I don’t really like the pattern on this. -Aaliyah

I intend the base of the bag to be hard so that the bag does not deform when many things are added to the bag. This bag had been made to go with the second design. The pattern on the bag is a geometric There will be a zip around the bag. pattern but it is different from the one on the nightwear design. The colours of this will also be black and red. I have used a hand bag as the basis of Inside of the bag there will be one this design. I plan section which will be made using a to have longer waterproof material. It will be there detachable straps fro the user to put in her electronics with the bag to to protect it from leakages. allow the consumer to change the length depending on their preferences.

A2 Product Design Project

Initial Ideas - Bag This bag had been made to go with the third design. The pattern on the bag is a henna pattern but it is different from the one on the nightwear design. The colours of this bag are very similar to the bottoms of the nightwear. This is done to give it a fun and youthful look.

Nismah Siddique

Design Technology

The deign would be embroidered into the bad material.

The straps on the backpack will be adjustable to allow the consumer to adjust them to a position which is comfortable for them. The staps will have padding so that is comfortable for the user to carry their sleepover things. The front pockets will be made using a waterproof material. It will be there fro the user to put in her electronics to protect it from leakages.

Feedback: I don’t like the mix of colour all that much, it reminds me too much of a hippie style maybe you should try and use a different colour scheme. I like the henna design on the bag. An improvement could be to have the design on the straps as well. Overall, though it is not something I would buy -Shayna

Feedback: I like the idea of this bag as it is very suitable for sleepovers. I like that it has everything which is considered essential. for example the sleeping bag is very important for when you go on sleepovers.

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology Nismah Siddique

Initial Ideas - Bag

Mind Map Brand Names

Feedback: I really like the pinks and purples together. I prefer that the toiletries are within a waterproof material lined pocket, this is really important because toiletries leaking are such a common problem for me. I also like the shape but I think the straps should be bigger because if I am carrying this bag around it will start to hurt my hands after a while. -Safa

Feedback: Sensations seems like a nice name for your brand because you ca associate a lot of different sensations when you are sleeping because of your dreams. -Karen To stay with the Arabic theme I will write sensations in Arabic in the logo.



I like the way the different angled boxes make up the main box. I like how the word ‘feeling’ bursts out of the box in the same way you can’t control “sensations” at times.

It reminds me of a stained glass design in a cathedral window, I feel at peace just by looking at the design. And you can really play with the patterns and colours and textures for this logo.

Nismah Siddique

Design Technology

A2 Product Design Project

Initial Ideas - Branding

For this logo I used a mosaic as an inspiration. Instead of having a variety of colours and different shapes, I minimised the colour scheme and also the shapes. As I intended to call my brand Sensations I felt it would be better to use the Arabic word for sensations “Shuwr”. On the right are digital variations of the logo which have been further developed to give a better idea of what the finished logo may look like.

I used a crescent in this logo as it is symbol which is continuously used to symbolise Arabs. The inside pattern is very geometric and is inspired by the Arabic screens. Instead of having any words I have just made a design which symbolises the brand. On the left are digital variations of this logo. The second design is would be made using black and silver thread if it were to be embroidered to give it a shadow effect. The third design used a variety of colours to give the logo and fun and playful feel.

Nismah Siddique

For these two variations I have only tried to use different colours to see how the design will look

Feedback The contrast between the dark square and the light writing allows the text to stand out and allows the viewer of this text to think of how they will be wearing this light and lovely pyjama when they are all cozied up in the darkness of their room, at night

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A2 Product Design Project

Initial Ideas - Branding

For these two variations I have used the two colour scheme and I have changed the design within the square. To make it more creative I flipped the “sheen” horizontally and vertically. By doing this it has made a new pattern. This logo is very simple and minimalistic. I intended to call my brand Sensations I felt it would be better to use the Arabic word for sensations “Shuwr”. That is why I have the Arabic letter “sheen” within the square. On the right are digital variations of the logo which have been further developed to give a better idea of what the finished logo may look like.

For these variations and the top red one, I have changed the logo by making the letter go out of the box. And I have tried to see how it would look if I used 3 colour instead f just two. The reason I made the “sheen”go out of the box was to make it more prominent.



Unique, creative yet simplistic, elegant. It is interesting how you have used the same word again and again but in different styles. -Shayna

A lot of things in the region have this pattern so to me it’s very commercialized. Not something I particularly love but it’s a pretty design.

Nismah Siddique

Design Technology

A2 Product Design Project

Initial Ideas - Branding

For this logo I used the sidra tree in the Qatar Foundation logo as inspiration. As I intended to call my brand Sensations I felt it would be better to use the Arabic word for sensations “Shuwr”. I have repeated the Arabic word around the branches in different style writing and also in different alignments., this is done to make the logo seem more attention-grabbing. On the right are digital variations of the logo which have been further developed to give a better idea of what the finished logo may look like.

I used a crescent in this logo as it is symbol which is continuously used to symbolise Arabs. The inside pattern is the pattern which is commonly seen on the screens and windows in Souqs. On the left are digital variations of this logo which have been further developed to give a better idea of what the finished logo may look like.

Feedback It seems like very wistful, to me the design connotes elegance. - Rachelle Reminds me of warrior symbols, its quite edgy and tribal looking. -Aaliyah

Feedback A very elegant design, this simple syllable advocates the beauty of the Arabic language and encourages thoughts of how this clothing line will be equally, if not more, beautiful

Nismah Siddique

Design Technology

A2 Product Design Project

Initial Ideas - Branding

I used a crescent in this logo as it is symbol which is continuously used to symbolise Arabs. The inside pattern is inspired by henna designs as henna is very commonly used in the Arab world for women at different events.

I intended to call my brand Sensations I felt it would be better to use the Arabic word for sensations “Shuwr”. That is why I only have the Arabic letter “sheen” which is the first letter in the word. I have extended the end of the letter to give it a smoke effect. The reason I did this was to give it look of it coming out of a genie bottle.

On the left are digital variations of this logo which have been further developed to give a better idea of what the finished logo may look like.

On the right are digital variations of the logo which have been further developed to give a better idea of what the finished logo may look like.

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Fig. 4

Fig. 6

Using Corel Draw and Bernina software I recreated one of the Logos. 1. First I found a royalty free line art drawing of a crescent. I then pasted it onto the canvas on Corel Draw, using the outline trace settings I converted the bitmap image to a vector (Fig. 1). Then using the square tooI created the star shapes. Copying and pasting the shape I aligned those shapes on the crescent and then using the segment delete tool created the final shape (Fig. 2). 2. Then once that was done I pasted the Vector from Corel Draw to the embroidery canvas in the Berninina software (Fig. 3). I then went onto the art canvas and the pressed the “ Covert vector to embroidery” button (Fig.4). This helped to make the vector shape I had made into an embroidery pattern which could be printed on to the material through the embroiderer 3. Then from art canvas to embroidery canvas (Fig. 5). 4. Then tested out different line stitches (Fig. 6 and Fig. 7). 5. Using the closed object tool I drew an outline of the existing embroidery pattern to make the backing for it. I chose to make the backing yellow as it would help me to see clearly the difference between the two embroideries as yellow and purple contrast. 6. Then I saved the embroidery design on the usb as an EXP file which allowed me to print the file out when I connected the usb to the machine. 7. Fig 8 the back, Fig. 9 the front and Fig. 10 front close-up pictures of the embroidery. I used the triple stitch for the outline (purple) and the satin fill for the backing (yellow) For my final piece I will not use this logo because all the consumer to whom I showed this prototype did not like the colour selection nor the logo it self. From a designer’s perspective the logo embroidery is very untidy as the threads are tangled together in the back as well as crossing over in the front.

Testing – Branding: Embroidery

Nismah Siddique

Fig. 5

Fig. 10

Fig. 7

Fig. 8

Fig. 9

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology Nismah Siddique

1. First a stencil of a branch design was cut out on card using the laser cutter. The stencil was a two part design to allow me to use different colours for the branch and leaves. (Fig. 1) 2. Then approximately a metre of the fabric was stapled on the MDF board to keep the fabric in place when I print screen it (Fig. 2). 3. Then the stencil and screen were placed on the corner of the fabric. The area was marked as I was planning to print screen two parts. 4. I then stuck masking tape on all the sides of the stencil.(Fig. 3) 5. Then I added a thick line of acrylic paint at the end of the screen which I then drew across the screen using a squeegee. (Fig. 4 and Fig 5). 6. Fig 6 is what was the product once I had lifted the screen off. The top was not as clear as the bottom. Because of this the process was repeated. 7. However, the second time I did it the paint leaked from the stencil resulting with a a blob at the bottom of the branch once the screen was lifted. And the third time there was not enough paint resulting in a very faded looking design. (Fig. 7) 8. I then used red acrylic paint to redo the process using the leaf design stencil. (Fig. 8 and Fig. 9) Improvements: when I redo this for my final product I will use screen printing paint as they are intended for screen printing and will yield better results.

Testing – Branding: Screen Printing

I used the instructions on this slide to dye white cotton and the light grey fleece.

Improvements: when I redo this for my final product I will use only dark blue, pink, purple, carmine and black. The reason I decided not to use orange or yellow is because they mixed with the other colours and changed the colour gradient from cool to warm colours to only warm colours. Also due to time constraints I was not able to wash the dyes with cold water before I used the next dye, for my actual product I will make sure to do this to ensure I yield the best possible results.

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A2 Product Design Project

Testing – Dyeing

Freddie: Blue - Not too much of a stand out design looks casual , not too even at the top, so it can be worn our comfortably.

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Cameron: Light and dark pink + purple – The colour is much to mu liking. I find the fade very aesthetically pleasing like the sky the colour gets darker which is like the sunset. Elliot: blue - it is very light avid happy looking and it would light up the nightwear. The dark pink is also suitable for nightwear. Shayna – Multiple colour gradient – Its really nice it has the deep colours and it really looks like the sky. I really like the dark pink dye you have done too, the smoky effect looks amazing, I think if you have that with the night sky gradient, it will add to what you want. Safa - Multiple colour gradient – I like the richness and depth of colour.

A2 Product Design Project

Improvements: when I redo this for my final product I will use the logo which was most popular with the consumer group. (circled)

Development – Logo Rachelle Logo 1: I like the colours and I like the spotty design , it’s just great! Karen Logo 4: The name is most clear and it looks aesthetically pleasing to me. Knarik Logo 4: To me it seems hypnotizing, like the geometrical print and the colours are really nice Aaliyah Logo 1 & 4 – I like the patterns detail of little flowers. In 4 I like he spirals.





Nismah Siddique


Design Technology

1. Add a stabilizer to the back of the black cotton, it is there to provide durability and stability to the material. Allowing the fabric to be fed into the machine much more efficiently. 2. After receiving feedback on all the digital visualizations of the logos. I decided to go with Logo 2. The logo was very geometric and the splashed of colours in the background wen very well with the name “Sensations”. 3. Using the Bernina software I repeated the process I did during testing. Converting vector to embroidery. 4. I copied and pasted the logos into the hoop, I tried out different fills out in each of the five logos. I did this so I could receive customer feedback on which logo looked best embroidered. This was to ensure every aspect of designing the products met the expectations of my consumer group. 5. In the logo I changed the colours around, I did this because I anted to see what would the logo look like which a changed colour positioning.

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology Nismah Siddique

Development – Pyjama Bottoms: Prototype 1 1.




First I found out the sizes I would use to create the bottoms. As I intend this product to be able to fit a few people, I decided to use the measurements of a UK size 10. (Fig. 1) I then drafted the pattern for my harem pants (Fig. 2). The waist was divided by 4 = 17.25 cm (A). I made the length from the waist to the ankles which was 80 cm (2). I then measured down to 35 cm(C), this is how low I wanted the crotch to be. I added 20 cm to the measurement of the waist (D). I then added a diagonal like the end of the waist to the point where I wanted the crotch (E).Then at the bottom I took the calf measurements and divided by 2 and added 5 cm (F). From then end point I then marked 4 cm up from the hem (G) and also marked 4cm across the bottom of the crotch to the inside (H). The I Joined G and H with the diagonal line I. Once I had cut out the pattern from the material two times for the bottoms, I unfolded the two pieces and la them on top of each other with the wrong side upwards. I then sewed the center front seams together. (Fig. 3) I then opened the bottoms and laid the center front seams against each other. (Fig. 4) I sewed the remaining seam ( Blue dots) I folded over the hem of the bottom and sewed it together, then I inserted an elastic and sewed in the closing. However I left the waist open to see how it would look on the user. Feedback: The waist was too small and would not close and also since the prototype was made using cotton which is what the final pyjama bottoms are to be made with, the prototype did not give the intended fall.

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology Nismah Siddique

Development – Pyjama Bottoms: Further Research Looking at the harem pants it can be seen it is split into three parts. 1. There is a waistband which is sewed on top of the main body of the harem pants. This contains strings which can be pulled to adjust to the users comfort. For my product I will use elastic instead of strings, this will ensure the harem pants can fit a range of sizes. 2. The legs, these would have been made separately with the two legs joining in the middle. The width of the legs would be much larger than that of the waistband. It would have been first gathered and then stitched to the harem pants. This ensure that’s the harem pants have fall that I intend to have for my product. 3. The ankle bands here seem to be made using a rib knit fabric, this is to ensure the ankle bands can be stretched to make it easier for the consumer to wear the harem pants. It would then have been stitched to the bottom of the legs in a similar way in which the waistband was stitched. For my product instead of using ribbing for the ankle bands I will use the black cotton and add elastic within it.

Looking at these harem pants it can be seen they have been constructed in a very similar way to those on the left. However, these have a belt portion attached to the main body, as well as this they have split the leg sections into 6 different panels, this is done to ensure that there are more gathers. For my final product I will try to incorporate the aspects of both the harem pants.

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology Nismah Siddique

Development – Pyjama Bottoms: Prototype 2

Seeing as how the first prototype did not look like how I planned for the final product to look, I examined existing harem pants made from cotton. From the research I created a new pattern and a an action plan which I would use to manufacture the harem pants. Modifications: For my final piece I will drop the crotch by 3 inches. I will decrease the number of pleats to make the bottoms balloon out more..

As part of the development I wanted to further detail my idea. So before I started the manufacturing of the prototypes, I looked at different pillow and sleeping bag styles and also kept asking my target market on what they liked about each thing and what they disliked as a quality control, this will insure that my final product reaches the expectations of my consumers.

Design Technology

A2 Product Design Project

Development – Sleepover Bag

Nismah Siddique

Semi-rectangular Sleeping Bags Semi-rectangular bags, or "hybrids," fall somewhere in between mummy bags and rectangular bags. These sleeping bags are:  Wider at both the shoulders and hips, but tapered down to the head and foot box.  Heavier but roomier than mummy bags.  Lighter but more restrictive than rectangular bags.  Possibly your best choice if you find a mummy bag too restrictive or a rectangular bag too cold.

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology Nismah Siddique

Development – Sleepover Bag

When I asked consumers which sleeping bag they preferred the majority opted for the rectangular sleeping bag, many giving the reason “I will have more leg space and I will be less restricted in my sleep” . The favourite pillow for the consumer was the ergonomic pillow shape, hey said he rectangle one would be extremely uncomfortable as you’d wake up with sore neck, the eclipses has a potential of being comfortable but the ergonomic pillow provided sufficient support to the head and neck.

For the inside of the sleeping bag I asked what my consumers would prefer., foam, air mattress and a sleeping bag mat. Most said it would be better if a air mattress was used inside of the sleeping bag because it would provide much more structure and also it will only be used for sleepovers . They said that the foam and the sleeping bag mat were not comfortable enough to sleep on.

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology Nismah Siddique

Development – Sleepover Bag ..

1. To make the prototype for the sleepover bag, I used red cotton, this was because the cost to make a prototype from this material was much cheaper than if I am to use the actual materials. 2. I first marked out the pattern of the sleepover bag with 1” seam allowance. 3. Once the pattern had been chalked out on to the fabric I cut out the different pieces. 4. I first started to make the blanket for the bag. I made it out of two layers of cotton fabric because for my final product I intend to use cotton and fleece. I placed the two rectangle pieces for the blanket top of one another and I sewed the bottom, left and right side. I then attached a zip to the right side of the blanket, I used a standard size zip, 5. I then placed the two larger rectangle shapes, which were for the body of the bag, on either side of the blanket. I then sewed the left side. I then sewed on a zip to the bottom side of the body pieces (this will be used to put the air mattress through). I also attached the blanket zip onto the right side of the body. 6. I then made the pillow (See next slide) and attached it to the body of the bag by stitching on snap fasteners.

Modifications When I make the final product I will: 1. Place the zip, which is used to put the air mattress in, below the pillow. This way it will be much easier for the user and also that way I can sew the bottom of the blanket to the body making the bag more comfortable and “cosy” for the user. 2. The blanket will reach just below the pillow. This is to give the end product a more neat look as well make it more comfortable for the user, as part of their head would be covered up if the blanket overlaps the pillow. 3. Use one snap fastener instead of four, this will help to fold the sleepover bag. And use the ones which can be hammered together as they give a neater finish. 4. First sew up all three edges of the body of the sleepover bag and then add the zip to the top. By doing this all the seams on the body will be hidden.

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology

Development – Sleepover Bag

Here I attached Velcro to allow the user the freedom to remove the pillow and insert a new one however, the Velcro kept getting stuck to the foam. For my final product I will use a zip instead.

Nismah Siddique

Pillow 1. I marked on the foam the dimensions I wanted the pillow to be. 2. Then using the band saw the foam was cut to size. The curve needed in the pillow could not be cut as the foam kept folding over or twisting while the foam was being cut out because of this the foam was cut into the shape of the right angle pillow. Note: for the actual product I will get the foam cut out from the upholstery store as they have the appropriate machine to cut the foam into the required shape. 3. Once the foam had been cut, I marked out a rectangle and side shapes in the dimensions of the prototype pillow onto the red cotton with a 1� seam allowance. 4. Once I was happy with the pattern on the fabric, I cut out the pieces. I pinned them together. And then using a straight seam stitch sewed all the pieces together. Improvements: The width of the pillow will be smaller than that of the sleeping bad, this is to make it easier for the user to roll up the sleepover bag. Also it will make the overall size of the bag smaller and more compact than if the pillow was the exact width of the sleeping bag. Instead of leaving a gap, I will attach a zip this way the pillow foam will be secure as it will be easier for the use to take the foam out.

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology

Manufacturing Plan – Pyjama Bottoms Start

Stitch the two sides of the harem pants together in the middle, both front and back using a straight seam

Chalk out the pattern on the black cotton

Do the patterns have a 1� seam allowance?

Are the seams straight?


Yes Gather the waistband.

Are the seams straight?




Has the interfacing been ironed on smoothly?



Remove interfacing

Cut out the pattern pieces for the harem pants Add interfacing onto the bottom of the left panel Yes


Are the seams straight?


Are the gathers evenly placed around the waistband?


Serge all the seams

Pull the gathers till they are evenly spread


Are the seams straight?




No Start again Are the seams straight?


Rip out the seams and start again.

Sewing the ankle bands to the harem pants



Yes Stitch the side panels to the fork panels using a straight seam

Rip out the serged seams and start again.


Add the elastic belt to the waistband


Are the pattern edges matching up?


Yes Embroider logo onto the bottom left panel

Have all the pieces been cut out precisely?

Nismah Siddique

Rip out the seams and start again.


Rip out the seams and start again.

Add elastic to ankles

Rip out the seams and start again.


Are the seams straight?

Rip out the seams and start again.

A2 Product Design Project

Manufacturing Specs – Pyjama Bottoms Name 100% black cotton


Cost per Metre

5 metre

12 QAR

45 inches 26.5 inches Name

c v Design Technology


Where used

Black cotton

Used om the harem pants for the seams and over locking.

Orange silk

Used for the Logo embroidery.

10 inches

14 inches 6 inches


Blue silk Yellow silk Pink silk Purple silk

Nismah Siddique





Where used

Straight Seam Stitch



This will be used for the seams.

Over lock stitch



This will be used to stop the cotton edges form fraying.

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology Nismah Siddique

Manufacturing Diary – Pyjama Bottoms Manufacturing Stage


Chalking out the pattern on the black cotton

First I ironed the fabric which was to be used to make the harem pants. Then using the pattern I created during development, I used the tailor’s chalk to chalked the pattern out onto the black cotton. When I was doing this I made sure to add the 1” seam allowance from all the sides all of the edges of the patterns.

Industrial practice

Health & Safety Garment Worker Safety (

1. Pattern Design – The patternmaker, develops the first pattern for the designs in a standard size. This is made by pattern drafting on a CAD software. The purpose of making a garment in to create a sample garment for testing. 2. Sample Making - The patterns are sent to the sewing unit fro assembling them into the garment They are stitched on low quality fabrics like calico and muslin to reduce costs. Once the sample is constructed the pattern fit and design are analysed by a panel of designers, pattern makers and sewing specialists. If any changes have to be made they are made at this time. 3. Production Pattern - The pattern design is then used to make a production pattern with will be used in the production of the garments. The pattern maker makes the patterns on standard pattern making paper. These papers are made-up of various grades. The most important component, the tissue paper pattern, is made from the lightest and thinnest paper commercially It is called 7.5 lb. (3.4 kg) basis paper, meaning that a ream of it (500 sheets) only weighs 7.5 lb. (3.4 kg). Garment patterns can be constructed by two means: • manual method • CAD/CAM method.  Majority of the manufacturers use CAD/CAM because of the ease of designing patterns, fluency and precision involved which cannot be guaranteed with the manual method. The production patterns created in CAD/CAM can be stored easily and they can be modified at any point of time. A garment sewing pattern or garment fabric & patterns draft is developed by calculating, taking account of the following measurements: 1. Direct Sample. 2. Specification Sheet/ Measurement Chart. 3. Actual body size measurements. 4. Ease Allowances. 5. Sewing Allowance.

In the industry, the task of garment pattern manufacturing requires repetitive motions . To prevent ergonomic injuries workers should be encouraged to rotate tasks or take frequent, short breaks to stretch and relax muscles. Work stations should allow enough space for the task, have appropriate working height, and provide proper seating.

Quality Control Check all the patterns have been marked out correctly with the seam allowance

A2 Product Design Project


Cutting out the pattern pieces for the harem pants

Now that the fabric had been chalked with the pattern for the harem pants. I used sharp scissors to cut out the pieces. The reason it was important I use sharp scissors was to decrease the changes of the fabric snagging or fraying. Once it has been cut and the edges matched up, I sorted each piece in to the right leg pile and the left leg pile: 1 side panel and 2 fork panels. And I also sorted the belt and ankle bands together.

4. Spreading – The spreading machine helps to stack the fabric on one another till it reaches a certain length and thickness.

6. Sorting - Here the sorter sorts the pattern into the correct size and design to make bundles. Here a lot of precision is required because mismatched patterns can create problems. The sorter also attaches the style size specs and marker on to the bundles.

Garment workers can avoid eye injuries by using proper shields on high speed sewing machinery or safety glasses where appropriate. Also, adequate task lighting at individual work stations can prevent eye strain. With proper training and instruction, machine guarding, personal protective equipment, and ergonomically designed work systems, garment workers can manufacture products in safe and healthy workplaces.

First, I had to pin the side panel and the fork panel together with the right side facing inwards. The using a straight seam I stitched the two panels together, I did the same with the second fork panel at the back side and repeated the process for the left leg pile.

“Large garment manufacturers have their own sewing units other use to give the fabrics on contract to other contractors. Stitching in-house is preferable because one can maintain quality control during the processing. On the other hand if contractors are hired keeping eye on quality is difficult unless the contactor is one who precisely controls the process. There are what is called sewing stations for sewing different parts of the cut pieces. In this workplace, there are many operators who perform a single operation. One operator may make only straight seams, while another may make sleeve insets. Yet another two operators can sew the waist seams, and make buttonholes. Various industrial sewing machines too

Careful while using a sewing machine, don’t pull the fabric or use the wrong foot as it may cause the needle to break resulting in injuries

Design Technology

Manufacturing Stage

Nismah Siddique

Stitching the side panels to the fork panels using a straight seam.

Industrial practice

Health & Safety Garment Worker Safety (

5. Cutting - The fabric is then cut with the help of cloth cutting machines suitable for the type of the cloth. These can be band cutters having similar work method like that of band saws; cutters having rotary blades; machines having reciprocal blades which saw up and down; die clickers similar to die or punch press; or computerized machines that use either blades or laser beams to cut the fabric in desired shapes.

As cutting tools can pose cut and puncture hazards, they should be used with caution. In the garment industry workers should be instructed to follow basic safety precautions while working with sharp and cutting instruments. Precautions include: using sharp tools that are in good repair; carrying and storing sharp tools properly; and always cutting away from the eyes and body. Workers need to stay alert when working with sharp objects

In the industry much of garment work involves close viewing of the garment, therefore eye protection is critical. Garment workers can avoid eye injuries by using proper shields on high speed sewing machinery Also, adequate task lighting at individual work stations can prevent eye strain. In addition to this sewing requires repetitive motions . To prevent ergonomic injuries

Quality Control Checks ensuring all the pieces have been cut precisely. Checks ensuring all the edges of the patterns match up

Checks that all the seams are straight.

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology Nismah Siddique

Manufacturing Stage


Health & Safety

Quality Control

Garment Worker Safety (

Stitching the side panels to the fork panels.

Adding interfacing and embroidering logo onto the bottom of the left panel.

Industrial practice

Before embroidering I used the sample logo to mark where I wanted to place the logo. Then I ironed on the interfacing in the exact position on the wrong side of the fabric. I then placed the fabric into the hoop of the embroidery machine, to make sure it was taut to ensure the embroidery process would be smooth. I then connected the USB to the embroidery machine to transfer the CAD file for the embroidery machine to follow. Once the file opened up I positioned the Logo in the same place as it was on the hoop, this was done using the collaboration feature of the machine. Different from the development logo, I made sure that the logo did not have a box around it, this was done by selecting the next part of the logo which was to be embroidered. After this I changed the thread and bobbin to the colour specified on the embroidery machine’s LED screen. This was done every time the area which was to be embroidered changed on the screen. Once the logo had been embroidered onto the material, I cut off the excess interfacing material as the stabilizer was no longer needed.

have different types of stitches that they can make. These machines also have different configuration of the frame. Some machines work sequentially and feed their finished step directly into the next machine, while the gang machines have multiple machines performing the same operation supervised by a single operator. All these factors decide what parts of a garment can be sewn at that station. Finally, the sewn parts of the garment, such as sleeves or pant legs, are assembled together to give the final form to the clothing.” – Gulnaz Ahmad Hub Pages

workers should be encouraged to rotate tasks or take frequent, short breaks to stretch and relax muscles. Work stations should allow enough space for the task, have appropriate working height, and provide proper seating.

Much commercial embroidery is still done with link stitch embroidery the logo pattern would have been manually or automatically controlled. Or it would have used a more modern computerized machine embroidery, that is controlled with a computer that will embroider stored patterns, these may have multiple heads and threads.

Careful while using a sewing machine, don’t pull the fabric or use the wrong foot as it may cause the needle to break resulting in injuries In the industry much of garment work involves close viewing of the garment, therefore eye protection is critical. Garment workers can avoid eye injuries by using proper shields on high speed sewing machinery Also, adequate task lighting at individual work stations can prevent eye strain.

In addition to this sewing requires repetitive motions . To prevent ergonomic injuries

Checks that right thread is being used for each part of the embroidery. Check to see the embroidery is smooth and not unraveling

A2 Product Design Project


Stitching the two sides together in the middle both front and back

I pinned the two leg sides together at the edges, the right side facing inwards then using the straight seam I sewed the front and back till the crotch point 1” away from the edge.

Gather the waistband and ankle band

1”below the edge of the waist of the harem pants, I stitch a loose straight seam. Then taking the two loose threads at the end, I pull them to create a gather. This was done until the waist was equal to 20”

Adding the elastic belt to the waist.

I then cut out 13”of the black elastic, I had planned in development to sew the elastic within the belt of the harem pants but instead I decided to sew the elastic directly onto the harem pants because I felt it would give a nicer finish to my final product. Taking the 13”elastic, I stitched it in the front of the belt piece I had cut out. Then once that had been sewn I pinned the elastic belt to the front of the harem pants and added a straight seam stitch. Then as I was sewing it on the waistband of the pants, I pulled the elastic and sewed I using a straight seam, this insured that the elastic would be able to be stretched to its maximum without the thread breaking when the elastic would be pulled for the consumer to wear the harem pants..

Nismah Siddique

Design Technology

Manufacturing Stage

Industrial practice

Health & Safety

Quality Control

Garment Worker Safety (

Adding elastic to ankles

Then taking the two strip of 6”elastics. I took one strip of elastic and sewed it on one side of the ankle band and then pulled and sewed using a straight seam. This was to ensure that when the user wears the pants the elastic can be stretched to the maximum. Then I folded over the ankle band material and sew again. I then repeated this with the other band and elastic strip.

Sewing the ankle bands to the harem pants

Once the elastic ankle bands were made, I pinned them to the bottom of the harem pants. Then using the straight seam stitch I sewed the them together.

Same as “stitching the side panels to the fork panels”.

Careful while using a sewing machine, don’t pull the fabric or use the wrong foot as it may cause the needle to break resulting in injuries In the industry much of garment work involves close viewing of the garment, therefore eye protection is critical. Garment workers can avoid eye injuries by using proper shields on high speed sewing machinery Also, adequate task lighting at individual work stations can prevent eye strain. In addition to this sewing requires repetitive motions . To prevent ergonomic injuries

Same as “stitching the side panels to the fork panels”

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology Nismah Siddique

Manufacturing Stage


Serge all the seams

Now that all the seams have been sewed, I used the overcast stitch to ensure the seams would not unravel nor would the cotton fray.

Industrial practice

Health & Safety

Quality Control

Garment Worker Safety (

In the industry they would have tacked the seams and then serge the seams.

Careful while using a sewing machine, don’t pull the fabric or use the wrong foot as it may cause the needle to break resulting in injuries

Same as “stitching the side panels to the fork panels”

In the industry much of garment work involves close viewing of the garment, therefore eye protection is critical. Garment workers can avoid eye injuries by using proper shields on high speed sewing machinery Also, adequate task lighting at individual work stations can prevent eye strain. In addition to this sewing requires repetitive motions . To prevent ergonomic injuries Inspection

Since the whole harem pants have been now manufactured I inspected the harem pants against different things, such a were they fitting properly were all the seams properly over casted., was the thread correct etc.

Within the industry there is a control section who check each prepared article against different defects such as open seams, wrong stitching techniques, during processing the quality on-matching threads and etc. In the final inspection the product quality is calculated in terms of quality and standard of fibres, yarns, fabric construction, colour fastness, designs of the final finished garments.



A2 Product Design Project Design Technology

Manufacturing Plan – Pyjama Tops Start

Sew on the zigzag stich on the bodice next to the sleeve joint.

Chalk out the pattern on the fabric


Rip out the seams and start again.

Are the seams straight?

Stick on the diamante onto the sweatshirt.


Yes No Are the seams straight?

Do the patterns have a 1� seam allowance?


No No

Yes Does the positioning look fine?

Are the zigzag stitched the same on either side?


Yes Stitch the sleeves to the arm holes, starting and ending at the marked seam lines.


Rip out the seams and start again.


Position small plastic diamantes on the sweatshirt

Stitch the inside sleeve seam.

Reposition the diamantes by adding or removing them.


Cut out the pattern pieces for the sweatshirt

Are the seams straight? No

Are the seams straight?


Rip out the seams and start again.

Silk screen the tree in black paint on the left side of the sweat shirt Yes

Nismah Siddique

Have all the pieces been cut out precisely?



Lay front on back, right sides facing inwards, and stich on either side.

Rip out the seams and start again.

Are the seams straight?

Attach ribbing to the sweatshirt hem



Are the pattern edges matching up?

Dyeing each of the pieces



Click here to see sub process

Are the seams straight?


Rip out the seams and start again.

Attach ribbing to sweatshirt cuffs

Rip out the seams and start again.

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology



Make the dyes: Black, Dark Blue, Violet, Carmine and Baby Pink

Dip the fabric again in Carmine dye for 2 minutes


Thoroughly wet the front piece of the sweatshirt.

Is there water still coloured?

Wash with cold water.

Scrunch the fabric and fold it where the Violet dye ends, Dip into the Carmine dye for 15 minutes


Has the fabric been dyed evenly?


Has the fabric been dyed evenly?

Wash with cold water.

Is there water still coloured? Wash with cold water.

Is there water still coloured?

Scrunch the fabric and fold it where the dye ends, Dip into the Baby Pink Dye for 15 minutes


Scrunch up the fabric and dip the neck side of the fabric into the Dark Blue dye for 20 minutes.


Nismah Siddique


Has the fabric been dyed evenly?

Dip the fabric again in Dark Blue dye for 2 minutes



Is there water still coloured?

Yes Dip the fabric again in Baby Pink dye for 2 minutes



Yes Has the fabric been dyed evenly?

Dyeing each of the pieces sub process


Dip the fabric again in Violet dye for 2 minutes

Scrunch the fabric and dip the bottom of the front piece into the Black dye.


Dip the fabric again in Black dye for 1 minutes

Wash with cold water. Yes

Yes Scrunch the fabric and fold it where the dye ends, Dip into the Violet Dye for 15 minutes

Is there water still coloured?



Wash with cold water. No


Has the fabric been dyed evenly?

A2 Product Design Project

Manufacturing Specs – Pyjama Top Name

4.5 inches


Cost per Metre


60% cotton and 40% polyester light grey sweatshirt fleece fabric

1.6 metres


Machine wash cool delicate, No chlorine bleach, Line dry

100% cotton light grey rib knit fabric

½ metre





Where used

Navy blue cotton

Used om the sweat shirt for the seams and decorative stitches.

1.5 inches

Design Technology

18.5 inches

15.5 inches 27.5 inches

Nismah Siddique


18.5 inches




Where used

Straight Seam Stitch



This will be used for the seams.

Zigzag stitch



This will be used as a decorative stitch

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology Nismah Siddique

Manufacturing Diary – Pyjama Top Manufacturing Stage


Chalking out the pattern on the fabric

Using the pattern I created during development, I used the tailor’s chalk to chalked the pattern out onto the light grey fleece. And I cut out the rib knit fabric for the bottom of the bodice of the sweatshirt and the sleeves. When I was doing this I made sure to add the 1” seam allowance from all the sides all of the edges of the patterns.

Industrial practice

Health & Safety Garment Worker Safety (

1. Pattern Design – The patternmaker, develops the first pattern for the designs in a standard size. This is made by pattern drafting on a CAD software. The purpose of making a garment in to create a sample garment for testing. 2. Sample Making - The patterns are sent to the sewing unit fro assembling them into the garment They are stitched on low quality fabrics like calico and muslin to reduce costs. Once the sample is constructed the pattern fit and design are analysed by a panel of designers, pattern makers and sewing specialists. If any changes have to be made they are made at this time. 3. Production Pattern - The pattern design is then used to make a production pattern with will be used in the production of the garments. The pattern maker makes the patterns on standard pattern making paper. These papers are made-up of various grades. The most important component, the tissue paper pattern, is made from the lightest and thinnest paper commercially It is called 7.5 lb. (3.4 kg) basis paper, meaning that a ream of it (500 sheets) only weighs 7.5 lb. (3.4 kg). Garment patterns can be constructed by two means: • manual method • CAD/CAM method.  Majority of the manufacturers use CAD/CAM because of the ease of designing patterns, fluency and precision involved which cannot be guaranteed with the manual method. The production patterns created in CAD/CAM can be stored easily and they can be modified at any point of time. A garment sewing pattern or garment fabric & patterns draft is developed by calculating, taking account of the following measurements: 1. Direct Sample. 2. Specification Sheet/ Measurement Chart. 3. Actual body size measurements. 4. Ease Allowances. 5. Sewing Allowance.

In the industry, the task of garment pattern manufacturing requires repetitive motions . To prevent ergonomic injuries workers should be encouraged to rotate tasks or take frequent, short breaks to stretch and relax muscles. Work stations should allow enough space for the task, have appropriate working height, and provide proper seating.

Quality Control Check all the patterns have been marked out correctly with the seam allowance


Cutting out the pattern pieces for the sweatshirt

Now that the fabric had been chalked with the pattern for the top. I used sharp scissors to cut out the pieces. The reason it was important I use sharp scissors was to make the edges as smooth as possible. Once it has been cut, I matched the edges up of the pieces to ensure the the edges matched up.

Nismah Siddique

Dyeing each of the pieces

Industrial practice

Health & Safety Garment Worker Safety (

Design Technology

A2 Product Design Project

Manufacturing Stage

I had to make dyes in dark blue, violet, baby pink and black. I first dyed the front piece which need to be dyed all 5 colour. I started with dark blue leaving it in for 20 - 25 minutes constantly moving the fabric around, after that I washed the dye with cold water and then I used the other colours in the order above using the same process. Once the front had been dyed I added all the other pieces into dark blue.

4. Spreading – The spreading machine helps to stack the fabric on one another till it reaches a certain length and thickness. 5. Cutting - The fabric is then cut with the help of cloth cutting machines suitable for the type of the cloth. These can be band cutters having similar work method like that of band saws; cutters having rotary blades; machines having reciprocal blades which saw up and down; die clickers similar to die or punch press; or computerized machines that use either blades or laser beams to cut the fabric in desired shapes.

As cutting tools can pose cut and puncture hazards, they should be used with caution. In the garment industry workers should be instructed to follow basic safety precautions while working with sharp and cutting instruments. Precautions include: using sharp tools that are in good repair; carrying and storing sharp tools properly; and always cutting away from the eyes and body. Workers need to stay alert when working with sharp objects

6. Sorting - Here the sorter sorts the pattern into the correct size and design to make bundles. Here a lot of precision is required because mismatched patterns can create problems. The sorter also attaches the style size specs and marker on to the bundles.

Garment workers can avoid eye injuries by using proper shields on high speed sewing machinery or safety glasses where appropriate. Also, adequate task lighting at individual work stations can prevent eye strain. With proper training and instruction, machine guarding, personal protective equipment, and ergonomically designed work systems, garment workers can manufacture products in safe and healthy workplaces.

Before dyeing and printing the fabric is prepared by washing, bleaching and mercerising, in which the yarn is treated to improve strength, lustre and receptivity to dye.

Careful while using as it can stain the skin wear gloves.

In industrial production fabric is dyed by continuous or batch dyeing. Continuous dyeing: The fabric is passed through a dye bath, and then squeezed between rollers to spread the dye evenly and remove excess. Continuous dyeing is used for colours that do not need to change too quickly with fashion. Batch dyeing: Fabrics are produced without dye. Instead, they are dyed to order in large batches according to the colours required. Batch dyeing is used for fabrics that have to change in colour frequently because of fashion.

Chemicals also play a part in garment manufacturing. Dyes, enzymes, solvents, and other chemicals are used to create different fabric finishes and durability. So, proper ventilation, respiratory protection, and other personal protective equipment are important to protect workers during chemical processing. The same safety steps should be taken for workers who handle the finished material and may be exposed to excess chemicals and offgassing. Workers should know where and how to access Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) on the chemicals used in their workplace.

Quality Control Checks ensuring all the pieces have been cut precisely and the seams match

Checks that all the materials have been dyed evenly and colours are vibrant when dried.

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology Nismah Siddique

Manufacturing Stage


Industrial practice

Health & Safety

Quality Control

Lay front on back, right sides facing inwards, and stich on either side.

Once all the pieces had been dyed and were dry, I laid the front piece onto the back piece with the right sides facing inwards. I pinned both the left side and the right side together, then using a straight seam, I stitched on the seam line on both the right and left sides.

“Large garment manufacturers have their own sewing units other use to give the fabrics on contract to other contractors. Stitching in-house is preferable because one can maintain quality control during the processing. On the other hand if contractors are hired keeping eye on quality is difficult unless the contactor is one who precisely controls the process. There are what is called sewing stations for sewing different parts of the cut pieces. In this workplace, there are many operators who perform a single operation. One operator may make only straight seams, while another may make sleeve insets. Yet another two operators can sew the waist seams, and make buttonholes. Various industrial sewing machines too have different types of stitches that they can make. These machines also have different configuration of the frame. Some machines work sequentially and feed their finished step directly into the next machine, while the gang machines have multiple machines performing the same operation supervised by a single operator. All these factors decide what parts of a garment can be sewn at that station. Finally, the sewn parts of the garment, such as sleeves or pant legs, are assembled together to give the final form to the clothing.” – Gulnaz Ahmad Hub Pages

Careful while using a sewing machine, don’t pull the fabric or use the wrong foot as it may cause the needle to break resulting in injuries

Checks that all the seams are straight.

Stitch the sleeves to the arm holes, starting and ending at the marked seam lines.

Once the main body of the sweatshirt had been stitched, I pinned the sleeves to the arm holes, with the right sides facing inwards. As the raglan sleeve was part of the neckline, I sewed the sleeves to the shoulder edge first following the seam lines I had chalked. Then I sewed the sleeve to the back shoulder edge repeating it on the other side with the sleeve. After the sleeves had been sewn to the body of the sweatshirt, I added a zigzag stitch to the outer side of the fabric on the of the arm hole on the body of the sweatshirt.

Stitch the inside sleeve seam.

Once the applique stitch had been sewn, I stitched the inside sleeve seam,

Attach ribbing to the bottom of the bodice of sweatshirt.

I took the ribbing and folded it in half, the wrong side of the ribbing together. I pinned it and stitched the ribbing strip, this created a tube. Then I pinned the end of the strip onto the bottom of the sweatshirt. Then I stretched the

In the industry much of garment work involves close viewing of the garment, therefore eye protection is critical. Garment workers can avoid eye injuries by using proper shields on high speed sewing machinery Also, adequate task lighting at individual work stations can prevent eye strain. In addition to this sewing requires repetitive motions . To prevent ergonomic injuries

Checks that the zigzag stitch is straight and the same on either side

Checks that all the seams are straight.

Checks that all the seams are straight. Checks the ribbing stretches over the body.

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology Nismah Siddique

Manufacturing Stage


Attach ribbing to sweatshirt hem

ribbing as I was sewing the two pieces together. Once that as done, I added the zigzag stitch just above where the bodice and ribbing were joint.

Attach ribbing to sweatshirt cuffs

I used the same process as I did when I attached the ribbing to the bottom of the bodice.

Industrial practice

Health & Safety

Quality Control

Careful while using a sewing machine, don’t pull the fabric or use the wrong foot as it may cause the needle to break resulting in injuries In the industry much of garment work involves close viewing of the garment, therefore eye protection is critical. Garment workers can avoid eye injuries by using proper shields on high speed sewing machinery Also, adequate task lighting at individual work stations can prevent eye strain.

Checks that all the seams are straight. Checks the ribbing stretches over the hands.

In addition to this sewing requires repetitive motions . To prevent ergonomic injuries Modification Unlike the cotton models in the development, the ragged look which the consumers wanted was giving an extremely unfinished look, instead of the grunge look desired. Unlike Unlike the cotton models in the development, the ragged look which the consumers wanted was giving an extremely unfinished the cotton, the sweatshirt fleece was much more heavier and was causing the fabric to turn outwards in the front. To try counter this I decided to add a thin elastic which would look, instead of the grunge look desired. Unlike the cotton, the sweatshirt fleece was much more heavier and was causing the fabric hole the fabric. I pinned one end of the elastic to the middle front of the sweatshirt. Then I pulled the elastic as a I stitched the fabric and elastic together, joining back in the front. to turn outwards in the front. To try counter this I decided to add a thin elastic which would hole the fabric. I pinned one end of the Once it was done, I folded the elastic inwards and sewed. After I finished, I inspected what I had done. Unfortunately, the problem was still there, the front of the neckline was still elastic to the middle front of the sweatshirt. Then I pulled the elastic as a I stitched the fabric and elastic together, joining back in the folding outwards. front. Once it was done, I folded the elastic inwards and sewed. After I finished, I inspected what I had done. Unfortunately, the problem was still there, the front of the neckline was still folding outwards. I ripped out the seams and removed the elastic. Instead I opted to attach a 1 ½” wide piece of cloth to the neckline. This added a weight behind the fleece to stop it from folding outwards. I also decided that I should make the neckline adjustable, so that the user would have more input in how they want to wear their sweatshirt to bed. I pinned the black I ripped out the seams and removed the elastic. Instead I opted to attach a 1 ½” wide piece of cloth to the neckline. This added a cotton to the neckline of the sweat shirt, ensuring there was an opening in the front of the sweatshirt. Then I stitched the seam. After this was done I turned the seam inside and weight behind the fleece to stop it from folding outwards. I also decided that I should make the neckline adjustable, so that the user added a top stitch along the edge. Instead of adding an elastic I opted to go for a blue silk rope which contained tassels, this would allow the user to adjust the neckline and also would have more input in how they want to wear their sweatshirt to bed. I pinned the black cotton to the neckline of the sweat shirt, stay with the Arab theme. I threaded through the opening the rope (It was longer than the neckline of the sweatshirt) and then added a knot to stop it from going back inside. The ensuring there was an opening in the front of the sweatshirt. Then I stitched the seam. After this was done I turned the seam inside end result was the neckline had a very nice and finished look. and added a top stitch along the edge. Instead of adding an elastic I opted to go for a blue silk rope which contained tassels, this would allow the user to adjust the neckline and also stay with the Arab theme. I threaded through the opening the rope (It was longer than the neckline of the sweatshirt) and then added a knot to stop it from going back inside. The end result was the neckline had a very nice and finished look. Another thing I noticed was that the shape of the sweatshirt was far to box-ish, and was not giving a flattering look to the user when worn, I decided to decrease the width of the sweatshirt by 2”. I did this by ripping out the seam and taking away 1”from either side. Then I added a straight seam stitch on either side but also added a slight curve, so it now gave a more flattering silhouette.

A2 Product Design Project


Industrial practice

Health & Safety

Silk screen the tree in black paint on the left side of the sweat shirt

Although the initial plan was to silk screen the tree onto the left side of the sweatshirt using black paint, I decided to use the 3-D liner instead as it gave me much more freedom to make the shape of the tree. First I used the tailor’s chalk to make the outline for the tree. Then taking the 3-D black liner I when over the outline. Once that was done I used the 3-D liner to fill in the tree outline. I used different thicknesses in different areas so that when the line dried it would give crumbled effect this would make it resemble a tree much more

Industrial flat-bed screen printing Industrial flat-bed printing automates this process, with the fabric moved through the machine on a conveyor belt and the print repeating rapidly. A green on yellow polka dot pattern is printed onto white fabric using two different screens: one with the yellow background and another with the green polka dot pattern on top.

Careful while using a sewing machine, don’t pull the fabric or use the wrong foot as it may cause the needle to break resulting in injuries

Nismah Siddique

Design Technology

Manufacturing Stage

Rotary screen printing Rotary screen printing uses CAD and roller squeegees. One roller is used for each colour. This is a very fast process used in the continuous printing of furnishing and clothing fabrics. A green, yellow and orange striped pattern is produced by each roller applying a separate colour.

Position small plastic diamantes on the sweatshirt and Stick on the diamante onto the sweatshirt.

Laying the sweatshirt out flat, I positioned the diamanates in the places I would like them to be placed. One I was happy with the pattern I took the Fevicol glue and stuck the diamantes onto the fabric.


Quality Control

In the industry much of garment work involves close viewing of the garment, therefore eye protection is critical. Garment workers can avoid eye injuries by using proper shields on high speed sewing machinery Also, adequate task lighting at individual work stations can prevent eye strain. In addition to this sewing requires repetitive motions . To prevent ergonomic injuries

Use a tweezer to ensure the glue doesn’t get on the hands. Use a brush to use the glue.

Reposition the diamantes by adding or removing them.

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology Nismah Siddique

Manufacturing Stage


Industrial practice

Health & Safety

Quality Control


Since the whole sweatshirt has now been manufactured I inspected the sweatshirt against different things, such a were they fitting properly were all the seams properly over casted., was the thread correct etc.

Within the industry there is a control section who check each prepared article against different defects such as open seams, wrong stitching techniques, during processing the quality on-matching threads and etc. In the final inspection the product quality is calculated in terms of quality and standard of fibres, yarns, fabric construction, colour fastness, designs of the final finished garments.



A2 Product Design Project Design Technology

Manufacturing Plan – Sleepover Bag Yes Start Yes

Are the seams straight?

Chalk out the pattern on the plain brown and printed fabric

Do the patterns have a 1” seam allowance?


Sew the blanket to the left side of the printed panels


Are the seams straight?

Are the seams straight?


Attach the zip to the right length of the blanket

Rip out the seams and start again.



Are the seams straight? No

Yes Stitch the plain brown and the fleece



Rip out the seams and start again.

Rip out the seams and start again.

Stitch the two printed panels together on the bottom side and the right length with the right sides faced in wards

Are the seams straight?

Have all the pieces been cut out precisely?

No No

Cut out the pattern for the pillow out of the plain brown cloth


Yes Do the patterns Arehave the seams a 1” seam straight? allowance?


Cutting out the pattern pieces for the sleeping bag

Are the pattern edges matching up?

Rip out the seams and start again.



Have all the pieces been cut out precisely?

Nismah Siddique

Sew the blanket to the left side of the printed panels


Are the pattern edges matching up?


Rip out the seams and start again. No

Mark out the dimensions on the foam and get it cut

Yes Yes

Turn the printed panels inside out, attach the zipper of the right length of the blanket on to the printed panel. Sew the rest of the blanket onto the top printed panel

Are the seams straight?

Are the seams straight? No


Rip out the seams and start again. Yes

Attach zip to the opening between the two printed panels.

Rip out the seams and start again.

A2 Product Design Project

Manufacturing Plan – Sleepover Bag Sew together the pillow pattern.

Are the seams straight?


Are the seams straight? No



Rip out the seams and start again.

Chalk out the pattern on the plain brown and printed fabric

Sew on a zip on to the inside pockets.

Design Technology

Do the patterns have a 1� seam allowance?

Attach pillow on to the top of the sleeping bag



Nismah Siddique

Rip out the seams and start again.

Click here to see sub process

Construct the pouch

Attach the pouch onto the sleeping bag


Are the seams straight? Yes


Rip out the seams and start again.


Attach the Velcro inside the pouch and the snap fasteners on the outside pocket.

Are the seams straight? No

Yes Finish Cutting out the pattern pieces for the sleeping bag

Sew the exterior pocket onto the printed material.

Inspection Have all the Yes pieces been cut out Is there precisely? enough glue on the straps?

Fold Are sleeping the bag, attach straps to the pattern edges sleeping bag matching up?

Rip out the seams and start again.

Yes No

Are the seams straight? No No


Are the seams straight?

Rip out the seams and start again.



Are the seams straight?

Sew the pockets onto the plain brown fabric.


Sew together the large panels of the plain brown and printed and Add more waterproof fabric glue


Rip out the seams and start again.



Rip out the seams and start again.

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology Nismah Siddique

Manufacturing Diary – Sleeping Bag Manufacturing Stage


Chalking out the pattern on the fabric

Using the technical drawing and pattern, I created during development, I used the tailor’s chalk to chalked the pattern out onto the fabrics I was using to make the sleeping bag. I did this by first measuring the air mattress When I was doing this I made sure to add the 1” seam allowance from all the sides all of the edges of the patterns.

Industrial practice

Health & Safety Garment Worker Safety (

1. Pattern Design – The patternmaker, develops the first pattern for the designs in a standard size. This is made by pattern drafting on a CAD software. The purpose of making a garment in to create a sample garment for testing. 2. Sample Making - The patterns are sent to the sewing unit fro assembling them into the garment They are stitched on low quality fabrics like calico and muslin to reduce costs. Once the sample is constructed the pattern fit and design are analysed by a panel of designers, pattern makers and sewing specialists. If any changes have to be made they are made at this time. 3. Production Pattern - The pattern design is then used to make a production pattern with will be used in the production of the garments. The pattern maker makes the patterns on standard pattern making paper. These papers are made-up of various grades. The most important component, the tissue paper pattern, is made from the lightest and thinnest paper commercially It is called 7.5 lb. (3.4 kg) basis paper, meaning that a ream of it (500 sheets) only weighs 7.5 lb. (3.4 kg). Garment patterns can be constructed by two means: • manual method • CAD/CAM method.  Majority of the manufacturers use CAD/CAM because of the ease of designing patterns, fluency and precision involved which cannot be guaranteed with the manual method. The production patterns created in CAD/CAM can be stored easily and they can be modified at any point of time. A garment sewing pattern or garment fabric & patterns draft is developed by calculating, taking account of the following measurements: 1. Direct Sample. 2. Specification Sheet/ Measurement Chart. 3. Actual body size measurements. 4. Ease Allowances. 5. Sewing Allowance.

In the industry, the task of garment pattern manufacturing requires repetitive motions . To prevent ergonomic injuries workers should be encouraged to rotate tasks or take frequent, short breaks to stretch and relax muscles. Work stations should allow enough space for the task, have appropriate working height, and provide proper seating.

Quality Control Check all the patterns have been marked out correctly with the seam allowance


Cutting out the pattern pieces for the sleeping bag

Now that the fabrics have been chalked with the pattern for the top. I used sharp scissors to cut out the pieces. The reason it was important I use sharp scissors was to make the edges as smooth as possible. Once it has been cut, I matched the edges up of the pieces to ensure the the edges matched up.

Nismah Siddique

Stitch the plain brown and the fleece

Industrial practice

Health & Safety Garment Worker Safety (

Design Technology

A2 Product Design Project

Manufacturing Stage

I pinned the two fabrics together at the edges, the right side facing inwards then using the straight seam I sewed the two long side and then the top. And then I turned the blanket inside out and sewed the last opening.

4. Spreading – The spreading machine helps to stack the fabric on one another till it reaches a certain length and thickness. 5. Cutting - The fabric is then cut with the help of cloth cutting machines suitable for the type of the cloth. These can be band cutters having similar work method like that of band saws; cutters having rotary blades; machines having reciprocal blades which saw up and down; die clickers similar to die or punch press; or computerized machines that use either blades or laser beams to cut the fabric in desired shapes.

As cutting tools can pose cut and puncture hazards, they should be used with caution. In the garment industry workers should be instructed to follow basic safety precautions while working with sharp and cutting instruments. Precautions include: using sharp tools that are in good repair; carrying and storing sharp tools properly; and always cutting away from the eyes and body. Workers need to stay alert when working with sharp objects

6. Sorting - Here the sorter sorts the pattern into the correct size and design to make bundles. Here a lot of precision is required because mismatched patterns can create problems. The sorter also attaches the style size specs and marker on to the bundles.

Garment workers can avoid eye injuries by using proper shields on high speed sewing machinery or safety glasses where appropriate. Also, adequate task lighting at individual work stations can prevent eye strain. With proper training and instruction, machine guarding, personal protective equipment, and ergonomically designed work systems, garment workers can manufacture products in safe and healthy workplaces.

“Large garment manufacturers have their own sewing units other use to give the fabrics on contract to other contractors. Stitching in-house is preferable because one can maintain quality control during the processing. On the other hand if contractors are hired keeping eye on quality is difficult unless the contactor is one who precisely controls the process. There are what is called sewing stations for sewing different parts of the cut pieces. In this workplace, there are many operators who perform a single operation.” – Gulnaz Ahmad Hub Pages

Careful while using a sewing machine, don’t pull the fabric or use the wrong foot as it may cause the needle to break resulting in injuries In the industry much of garment work involves close viewing of the garment, therefore eye protection is critical. Garment workers can avoid eye injuries by using proper shields on high speed sewing machinery Also, adequate task lighting at individual work stations can prevent eye strain. In addition to this sewing requires repetitive motions . To prevent ergonomic injuries

Quality Control Checks ensuring all the pieces have been cut precisely and the seams match

Checks that all the seams are straight.

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology Nismah Siddique

Manufacturing Stage

Attach the zip to the right length of the blanket.

Sew the blanket to the left side of the printed panel


I pined the zip to the right length of the blanket. Then by changing the presser foot to the zipper foot I sewed the zip onto the right side of the blanket.

Firstly I laid out the blanket on top of the printed panel with the right side facing the fleece side of the blanket. I pinned the left side together and then sewed the two 1 inch from the edge.

Stitch the two printed panels together on the bottom side and the left length with the right sides faced in wards

I laid the second printed panel on top with the right side facing inwards and sewed the left and bottom sides.

Turn the printed panels inside out, attach the zipper of the right length of the blanket on to the printed panel. Sew the rest of the blanket onto the top printed panel.

I turned the piece inside out and then taking the unstitched side of the zip, I tacked it in between the two printed panels on their right length. I then stitched the zip.

Attach zip to the opening between the two printed panels.

I turned the bag inside out and tacked the zip to the top length of the two printed panels, with the zip teeth showing outwards and the zipper tape being on the wrong side of the fabric. Then I stitched the zip onto each side.

Industrial practice

“Large garment manufacturers have their own sewing units other use to give the fabrics on contract to other contractors. Stitching in-house is preferable because one can maintain quality control during the processing. On the other hand if contractors are hired keeping eye on quality is difficult unless the contactor is one who precisely controls the process. There are what is called sewing stations for sewing different parts of the cut pieces. In this workplace, there are many operators who perform a single operation.” – Gulnaz Ahmad Hub Pages

Health & Safety Garment Worker Safety (

Quality Control

Careful while using a sewing machine, don’t pull the fabric or use the wrong foot as it may cause the needle to break resulting in injuries

Checks that all the seams are straight.

In the industry much of garment work involves close viewing of the garment, therefore eye protection is critical. Garment workers can avoid eye injuries by using proper shields on high speed sewing machinery Also, adequate task lighting at individual work stations can prevent eye strain. In addition to this sewing requires repetitive motions . To prevent ergonomic injuries

Mark out the dimensions on the foam and get it cut

Industrial practice

I had planned to get the foam cut to the shape I had marked out from the upholstery store as the school did not have the equipment needed to cut out the shape I required. However, I was unable to do so as the store only had machine to cut out straight shapes. Modification Instead of using the block of foam I had, I decided to buy a thin sheet of foam. This I cut up into 4 rectangles of 26 cm by 70 cm. I stacked the 4 pieces on top of one another, then I folded it over until the shape of the foam was comfortable for the user. Holding the shape, I inserted glue in between the layer to hold the foam in shape. When I place the foam down and put my head on top the top end of the foam went too down as there was no support below it. That is why I cut small strips of the sheet foam and placed them beneath the pillow I had made.

Cut out the pattern for the pillow out of the plain brown cloth

Nismah Siddique


Health & Safety Garment Worker Safety (

Design Technology

A2 Product Design Project

Manufacturing Stage

Because the shape of the pillow had changed I had to edit the pattern I had made. I cut out one rectangle and two pieces which were the sides. I made the side shapes by placing the pillow foam on its side on top of the plain brown cotton and then tracing around using tailor’s chalk. Once I had done that I added 1 inch around all the shapes as the seam allowance. I then cut out the pattern.

In the industry much of garment work involves close viewing of the garment, therefore eye protection is critical. Garment workers can avoid eye injuries by using proper shields on high speed sewing machinery Also, adequate task lighting at individual work stations can prevent eye strain.

Click here to see the industrial practice of making cushions.

Quality Control Checks that the foam has been marked out correctly.

In addition to this sewing requires repetitive motions . To prevent ergonomic injuries

Check all the patterns have been marked out correctly with the seam allowance

Click here to see the industrial practice of making pillows. Skip to 0.17

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology Nismah Siddique

Manufacturing Stage


Industrial practice

Health & Safety

Quality Control

Sew together the pillow pattern, Add a zip.

I first then tacked on the zip to the two ends of the rectangular piece. I sewed the zip. The II pinned the pieces of the pillow pattern together and then sewed along the seams I had marked.

See previous slide.

Careful while using a sewing machine, don’t pull the fabric or use the wrong foot as it may cause the needle to break resulting in injuries

Checks that all the seams are straight.

Attach pillow on to the top of the sleeping bag

On both the sleeping bag and the pillow case I attached a snap fastener. I did this, by using a rivet gun. I placed the button onto the fabric. Put the button between the two ends of the rivet gun and applied pressure to the handle.

Construct Pouch

1. I cut out 3 rectangular pieces measuring 11 by 25 inches, ), one from the printed material (A), one from the plain brown (B) and one from the waterproof material(C). Then I cut out 3 smaller rectangular pieces from the printed cloth, 2 measuring 9 by 8 inches (D & E) and the other 7 by 6 inches (F). 2. I took F and folded ¼ inch of all the sides and ironed it. I then sewed one of the 7 inch edges together. After that I placed F on A’s right side: 2 ½ inches from the top edge and 1 ½ inches from the right. I then sewed F onto A. 3. I placed A, B and C together. With A on top and C at the bottom. A’s right side was facing inwards. I then sewed the 3 panel together around the bottom, left and right, I then turned the panel inside out.. I turned the opening’s edges inwards and then sewed along the top. 4. Then I folded all the sides of E and F by ¼ inch and ironed it. Then on one of the 9 inch sides I sewed on the zip. 5. After that I placed E and F on top of B, they were 1” away from all the sides. I then sewed E and F onto B. 6. I attached Velcro next to E and F to make it easier for the user to close the pouch.. I also attached snap fasteners to F.

In the industry much of garment work involves close viewing of the garment, therefore eye protection is critical. Garment workers can avoid eye injuries by using proper shields on high speed sewing machinery Also, adequate task lighting at individual work stations can prevent eye strain. In addition to this sewing requires repetitive motions . To prevent ergonomic injuries



A2 Product Design Project Design Technology Nismah Siddique

Manufacturing Stage


Industrial practice

Attach Pouch to sleep over bag.

I folded the sleep over bag, then I stuck on the Velcro onto the bag and onto the back of the pouch.

Check the pouch is attached in correct placement.

Fold sleeping bag, attach straps to the sleeping bag.

Once the sleepover bag was folded, the straps were stuck on.



Since the whole sweatshirt has now been manufactured I inspected the Sleepover bag against different things, such a were all the seams properly sewed, was the thread correct, was the air mattress coming out easily etc.

Within the industry there is a control section who check each prepared article against different defects such as open seams, wrong stitching techniques, during processing the quality on-matching threads and etc. In the final inspection the product quality is calculated in terms of quality and standard of fibres, yarns, fabric construction, colour fastness, designs of the final finished garments.

Health & Safety


Quality Control


A2 Product Design Project Design Technology Nismah Siddique

Evaluation: Consumer Feedback Overall I am happy with the feedback I have received. From them I have a better idea on what can be improved in my products.

Click here to see feedback. Go from 1 and 2 in order to see all



Karen: Shayna:ItThe is very pants comfortable were veryto loose wear. and The comfy, pantsits are good maybe for achill bit too days baggy to just but relax because in. Because it holdsthey at the aretop black really in colour well it doesn’t they canfeel be as worn though withthe pretty pants much willanything, fall down,which because I feel of isthis an it important is comfortable feature tofor move pants. in. The I likeelastic that the in the logoankle itselfisis really subtle, good this as is you good canas adjust it doesn’t the length over power of the the harem whole pants andthing. they’ll The stay material there. The usedpat is very material comfortable. is a slightly coarse/dry but it doesn’t make it uncomfortable. I like that The top’s night gradient has the colours you expect to see at the colour is very practical, black can go with anything. nightfall. I like the little diamond things make it look as Really like the logo, simple but iconic, you cam easily though they are stars. Colour wise, I really like it but I remember it and recognize it later. One improvement for would has preferred if the whole top was dyed in the same the pants, if they were less baggy I would definitely buy gradient because the it would feel symmetrical. Also at the them. bottom I think the waist band should be more black just to make The top it look has more an amazing like thegradient ground it forlooks the totally amazing like the night gradient sky.itI looks like how totally there like arethe those night small sky. studs The idea on the of having front but thethey strings aren’t to uncomfortable adjust the neckline when is you goodliebut onItop feelofit would it. The betree better is nice, is you I like hadhow like it elastic isn’t smooth there, I’m butsaying rugged this which because goes when wellyou with put it being the stings a tree. inside I would theydefinitely are outlined. buy the top by itself as it can easily be worn with jeans as well Lying on the bed made from the bag is very nice, it as pyjamas. One improvement for the top maybe have the cushioned and soft. The waterproof pouch fro the back a more similar colour to the sleeves. electronics in my opinion is a great idea, even though clothes The bagaren’t is really protected cool, I from love how the leakage, you havethe anelectronics inflatable mattress are. I love inside the blanket but it doesn’t it so soft, make absolutely the bag perfect, heavy. The the bag zip on hasthe a pouch side doesn’t which even you’ve annoy made you water when proof, you this zip yourself is great up. because When toiletries you folded always the bag leak up, one it wasn’t way oruncomfortable another. The to straps carry, I feel maybe can padding be improved. on theMaybe strapsadd would a padding be nicer,soyou its more should comfortable. look at theThe sports pillow crossovers although foraideas. bit weirdly The materials shaped in you myhave opinion usedsare actually all soft comfortable. and not abrasive The fleece to the you have added givesskin the which blanketI alike. more soft and cozy feel. Although this is not the most suitable sleeping bag for Overall I like the material and colour palette you have used camping, it is great for sleepovers. If this was on sale I and I would buy the pants and the sleepover bag you’ve would by it. made.

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology

Evaluation against Brief Overall, I feel that my project went very well. Below is an evaluation of my project against the brief I laid out for myself. The product itself, has an extremely strong Arabic influence, initially the plan was to have the pyjamas in the normal straight shape. However, after consumer feedback I changed the style of the bottoms to harem pants. These are very prominently seen within the Arab culture, belly dancers are seen wearing harem pants as well as the modern women as lounge wear. I made the pyjama out of black material as that is the colour traditionally used for harem pants but also because it was a colour very suited for my product. The top for the pyjamas was dyed in the colours of the sunset seen in the desert. The lone tree on the top, was not exactly how I planned to make, I changed the silhouette to that where the tree has no leaves. I did this because in the desert its more likely to see a leafless tree than a tree flourishing with leaves. I had many diamantes on the sweatshirt because in the desert you can see millions of stars in the night sky. The fabric used for the sleeping bag had a brocade print, the reason I chose to use this was I felt it represented elegance and was a design which can also be seen in henna designs.

The colours I used for the logo were bold and bright colours: blue, purple, orange, pink and yellow. The colours used for the top were: dark blue, violet, carmine, baby pink and black. The colours used for the sleepover bag were brown and caramel. I feel the colours I used were very similar to those forecasted by Pantone in their trend forecast. By using these colours I feel I will be able to appeal to the fashion forward females, who are my target market.

My brief was design and manufacture pyjamas and storage to be worn at sleepovers, it was to be worn by fashion forward females between the ages of 17 – 24. The wearer would be someone who would like to express their individuality and stand out in the crowd. They would have a style which is contemporary and bold, but also influenced by the Orient. Her price range would be relatively high, therefore the pricing for the products and the materials used can be within a moderately high price band to ensure the best quality. As well as this I was to create a new brand which was to specialize in nightwear and sleepover accessories. Arab fashion has seen an increase in popularity in the recent year. And to show this trend The product which I planned to manufacture, garments and bag, would have a strong Arab influence this is to enable young people “express their identity via contemporary street fashion with an Arab twist”. As well as this ,after research it was prevalent that, there was no brand which had any Arab styled nightwear.

Nismah Siddique

To produce the pyjamas and bag I planned to use the sewing machine, embroidery machine as well a DT workshop tools such as the glue gun. When developing and designing my product, I was constantly asking for consumer feedback from consumers within the target markets age bracket. This was to ensure that my product was suitable for females between the ages of 17-24 and met their expectations. I also feel the shapes and colours used were very playful and casual making them appropriate for the age group.

The brand which I created was ‫شعور‬, which is Arabic for Sensations. I chose to have to name of the brand in Arabic to express the orient influence. I chose sensations as the name because when you sleep many people feel many sensations because of their dreams. That is why I felt it would be appropriate to name a nightwear brand as such.

During the duration of the project I was able to test out new techniques such as dyeing, screen printing and embroider which I had never done before, because of this I was able to learn new skills. Where possible I tried to use DT workshop equipment. For example during development I used the band saw to cut out the foam for by sleeping bag prototype. I had chance to use the embroidery machine as well to make the logo.

A2 Product Design Project

Evaluation against Specification Overall, I feel that my project went very well. Below is an evaluation of my project against the specification I laid out using the research. Function & User Needs Nightwear – The nightwear I made was very casual and fun, making it suitable to be worn as lounge wear as well as sleepwear. The colours made it suitable to be worn outside and the colours used ensured the style was up to date with latest fashion trends . Sleepover Bag – The function of the sleepover bag was to allow the consumer to transport all sleepover items which they feel are essential. Many consumers had said that leaking toiletries were an issue. TO counter these I made a pouch specifically for toiletries and electronics which was made from waterproof material lining and cotton to give it an aesthetically appealing look. The sleeping bag itself was very light to carry making it in line with the user need and function.

Design Technology

Aesthetics The nightwear and sleepover bag were both based on the Orient theme, all the products were developed and manufactures with the aesthetics in mind, as it is important that the products are desirable to the target market. The sleeping bag is casual but the fabric pattern is elegant. The colours used in the products are those which are similar to the Pantone spring/summer trend forecast. The nightwear product is a simple design but because of the designs and logo the product has a fun a and casual feel to it.

Size The night wear was able to fit people from size 6 to size 12, which is what I intended, this way I can target a large range of consumers. The bag was a large size as intended

Manufacturing When I was manufacturing my products I first created a manufacturing specification which showed the technical drawing and also the materials and components used. I did this because in the industry the products are given to the tailors who then sew the pieces at their stations. So if these products were to be made industrially this specification could be used, as a basis. During manufacture I used standard components as I had intended, this did speed up the time it took me to manufacture each of the products and also if I had a problem with a component i.e. the zip wasn’t working, it was easily replace. I got to use a CAD software to create the embroidery for the logo, through I was able to ensure the logo was precise and looked exactly how it was intended. During the manufacturing process I created a manufacturing diary, in this I compared the industry method which would be used for the same process I was doing, in addition to this I had the health and safety requirements needed at each stage as well as what quality control measure I would need to take.

Nismah Siddique

Product Life Span And Life Cycle The products I have made are designed to last at least two year or even more if the proper care is taken. When the pieces will reach the end of their life cycle, the fabrics that the products are made from can be reused to make new clothing items. This can be done by opening the seams. They can also be re dyed into different colours by bleaching the fabrics first to remove the colour from the fabric and to add a new colour.

Safety During the manufacture of the products I ensure I was following the health and safety regulations. The fabrics uses are soft to ensure that no harm is to come to the consumer, and do nor irritate the skin. As well as that the dyes I used to dye the sweat shirt, were dyes which were said not to be harmful to the users.

Cost As I was developing my final products, I decided to use more expensive fabrics and materials as I had planned for my products to fall into relatively high price range. Also the reason for using more expensive fabrics was to express the high quality of the products to ensure the target market feel the price of the materials is proportional to the quality.

A2 Product Design Project Design Technology Nismah Siddique

Evaluation: Modifications Pyjama Top Through consumer feedback it was highlighted that some aspects if changed would give the top a more aesthetically appealing look. One would be to dye the sleeves and the back the exact same blue. This would be done by placing all three pieces in water bath which contains the dye and to keep them in for the exact same time. Second the bottom ribbing should be dyed in pure black to make it look like the ground. Lastly, I can use the same ribbing material used at the cuffs, at the neckline this way it will be comfortable for the user but also stay in place without the outlines of the drawstrings.

Sleepover Bag My final piece highlighted that the straps were not the most comfortable. Therefor this part would need to be modified to make it more ergonomic. This can be done by adding padding which can be adjusted to fit how the consumer is carrying the bag. In addition to this, to give the bag a more aesthetically appealing look when it is carried I can create an outer shell which will be used to put the bag in, it will also give the used more space to add other items which could not be added in the bag it self. The outer shell would be made using a light weight material like cotton and also the water repellent material used on the inside of the pouch.

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