Canterbury Farming, September 2013

Page 1

28,850 copies distributed monthly – to every rural mailbox in Canterbury and the West Coast.

INSIDE Page 8–9

War games with serious hardware

Page 17

New radiotelephone network in midCanterbury

Prosecutions possible over black grass contamination by Hugh de Lacy

PGG Wrightson Seeds is yet to find out if it will be prosecuted for spilling prohibited black grass seed along the highway between Ashburton and Methven earlier this month, but is likely to be asked to meet some of the clean-up costs. The company notified the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) immediately upon discovering that about 28kg of imported fescue seed earlier found to be contaminated with black grass (Alopecurus myosuiroides) had blown off the back of a truck. The fescue had been certified as being free of contamination when it was exported from Denmark, but routine checks by quarantine officials at the New Zealand border established it contained black grass seeds. MPI ordered the 16.3 tonne consignment be sent to Methven to be cleaned, and it was on that 30km journey on an uncovered truck that seed was sucked out of the loose-lidded bins that contained it.

Page 35–40


CONTACT US Canterbury Farming 03 347 2314

September 2013

Black grass is “a very bad weed of crops, particularly cereal crops in the United Kingdom, and has been reported as a weed in other parts of the world,” Dr Trevor James, senior scientist at AgResearch, told Canterbury Farming. It was incorrectly named in the daily media as meadow foxtail, and although from the same Alopecurus species, “It is different to what we call meadow foxtail in New

Zealand,” James said. Black grass is thought to have been found in New Zealand before, but never established, though three other perennial species of the same genus — orange foxtail (A. aequalis), true meadow foxtail (A. pratensis) and kneed foxtail (A. geniculatus) — are relatively common. “Black grass, as an annual, could become a weed when establishing new pastures as a component of a rotational cropping system,” James said. “Like any other annual grass weed it would not be expected to be competitive in a strong perennial ryegrass-based sward. “Similarly, it would not be expected to become a weed of pastures outside of areas which are regularly cropped.” The manager of PGGW Seeds, John McKenzie, acknowledged the company’s responsibility for the escape of the contaminated seed. “The permit we had was to shift the seed in a covered vehicle. “The employee deemed that the type of container we used to transport the seed in amounted to it being covered, but that didn’t meet the specific terms of the permit.

“So that was our breakdown, and when you look back there’s a very good reason why these permits are accessed with these terms,” McKenzie told Canterbury Farming. MPI response manager David Yard acknowledged PGGW Seed’s quick reporting of the contamination. “They’ve been fully cooperative,” Yard said. Quarantine officers had detected the contamination five days after the consignment of fescue arrived at Lyttelton on May 5, intended for onmarketing under PGGW Seeds’ amenity seeds supply business. “We served a BioSecurity Authority Clearance Certificate on the importer, and it was instructed to take the consignment for seed-dressing,” Yard said. “There are many variants, not least the question of homologous distribution throughout the consignment, but our best estimate is that approximately 2,100 black grass seeds — an egg-cupful — was lost. The seeds were largely immature — in the tests we’ve done it’s about 5% viability.” Taking into account factors such as the germination rate,

Trevor James from AgResearch

viability and competition, Yard said MPI expected only about three or four black grass plants were likely to grow this year, “and only one or two the year after.” Working collaboratively with PGGFW Seeds, Federated Farmers, the Federation for Arable Research, local authorities and the New Zealand Grain and Seed Association, MPI had come up with a monitoring and eradication programme that was to be put to the ministry’s Response Strategic Leadership Team for approval this month. Yard said it involved a combination of spraying the grass verges along the route with selective herbicide to kill any black grass seeds that

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germinate, coupled with rounds of intensive surveillance. “This will occur through several rounds this season and next season, and particularly in the year after, and then we’ll reevaluate it.” An investigation into the release of contaminated seed was continuing, and Yard could not say whether it would result in PGGW Seeds being prosecuted. “But I can say we’ll be looking into the potential for cost recovery.” He added that farmers need have no fear of more black grass seeds escaping in the waste from the seed-dresser, because it was all returned to the original consignment which will be shipped back to Denmark.


September 2013

Good farming has always been about taking care of livestock

If you’re reading this Then so are your customers

by Kate Wilkinson, MP Waimakariri

To advertise in the Canterbury Farming please call 03 347 2314 or email

Farming practices often bear the brunt of well-meaning but sometimes ill-advised opinion. We all know that many a town dweller passing a cow in a bare paddock will think it isn’t getting sufficient feed — while the farmer knows different.

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Perception is not a reliable tool. When it comes to animal welfare, the Government has recognised that while the Animal Welfare Act 1999 has strengthened animal welfare in New Zealand, there is a need for more transparent and enforceable standards of animal welfare. There are currently different codes of welfare being applied across various industries of primary production — and they are not directly enforceable

under the Act. This has made it enormously difficult for inspectors to enforce standards of care. It is evident we need new regulations in place that set specific and enforceable standards. The amendments are not about applying a one-fit standard across the various industries. The bill is about developing minimum standards in codes of welfare that still consider issues such as practicality and economic impact. Under the Bill, the criteria that the National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (NAWAC)

consider when developing codes of welfare will be made more transparent by explicitly including ‘practicality’ and ‘economic impact’ as secondtier considerations. This will allow economic and practical factors to be considered alongside, but not to outweigh, animal welfare issues. These codes will be strengthened by new regulations. Currently, infringement notices are very limited. Under the proposals, infringement notices will be available for a wider range of offences — with compliance orders for failure

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Kate Wilkinson

to comply. The Act’s current focus is on serious offending — new, lower-level offences will be included under the new regulations to address medium and lower-level offending. This does not mean there will be less emphasis on education and voluntary selfmanagement. In fact, one of the aims of the Bill is to clarify the obligations of animal owners and people in charge of animals. Ordinary New Zealand farmers who take care of their animals will hardly notice the changes made in this Bill. The Bill also addresses the issue of exceptional circumstances — where provisions in the Act have allowed for minimum standards that do not fully meet the obligations of the Act. These provisions, under the Bill, will be replaced with transitions and exemptions. Where a practise does not fully meet the general obligations of the Act, the Minister could consider a ‘transition’ — which would have a defined expiry date and could set interim standards and timeframes. Where a transition is not feasible, the Minister could then consider an ‘exemption’ — which would have to be reviewed after a period of not longer than 10 years, with an option to set a shorter review period. It is worthwhile to remember that good farming has always been about taking care of livestock. New Zealand earns around $20 billion a year by exporting animal products such as meat, milk and wool. From an international trade point of view, it is vital that the integrity of our farming systems is backed by concrete and clear standards and regulations.

Canterbury Farming prints material contributed by freelance journalists, contributing columnists and letters from readers. The information and opinions published are not necessarily those of Canterbury Farming or its staff. Canterbury Farming takes no responsibility for claims made by advertisers. Canterbury Farming is published by NorthSouth Multi Media Ltd

1016 Weedons Ross Road, West Melton, RD1, Christchurch Ph 03 347 2314 Email

September 2013

Country Matters

From the Minister

with Rob Cope-Williams

Nathan Guy, Minister for Primary Industries

Birds and bees

September biosecurity Since taking on my role as Minister for Primary Industries in January, I’ve made it clear that biosecurity is my number one priority. There are other important goals, such as doubling the value of our primary sector exports to $64 billion by 2025. But if we don’t protect ourselves from unwanted pests and diseases, then none of that will be achievable. Farmers and growers know that better than anyone else. Overall we have a world class biosecurity system. To give some context, around 175,000 items come across our border each day, and we receive around 10 million travellers a year. The most recent figures show that around 99% of passengers who had been through airport checks were not carrying medium or high-risk goods. It’s important to realise that biosecurity threats and incursions will happen occasionally. We don’t live in a risk-free environment, and we will never have zero risk, even if we closed our borders and had no trade or people movement. To counter this, the Ministry for Primary Industries takes a multi-layered approach to biosecurity threats, working on many fronts such as: • Overseas to stop travellers and importers from bringing pests here • At the border to identify and eliminate pests that do arrive • In New Zealand to eliminate or manage a threat once identified

Overall funding for biosecurity has doubled since 2000, and we now have a major programme of work underway to continually improve the overall system. Border services have been bolstered by the recruitment of 56 full-time quarantine inspectors and a further 30 staff are expected to graduate later this year. MPI’s biosecurity detector dog programme has expanded its operational capacity to 34 active teams nationally. This year we have also announced the rollout of new x-ray machines, and a world-first trial between Auckland and Melbourne Airports involving the transfer of x-ray images. What this means is that security x-ray images for passengers flying from Melbourne to Auckland on Air New Zealand will be sent ahead while passengers are in the air. Biosecurity staff will be able to assess the x-ray images before the plane touches down. We’re also working closely with industry on Government Industry Agreements (GIAs) which will involve shared preparation and response to biosecurity threats. All of these improvements are making a real difference. Former President of Horticulture New Zealand Andrew Fenton has been a critic in the past, but this year says that our biosecurity system is ‘…now the best in the world’. This doesn’t mean we are resting on our laurels though — we need to keep making constant improvements to maintain the strength of our system.


With a headline like that I have, no doubt, got you wondering what the theme of the article is likely to be, but it is actually two subjects that really do need to be taken very seriously. First of all birds. This is the time of the year that more tractors burst into flames than any other time of the year because starlings will build a nest under the bonnet while you grab a sandwich and drink half a cup of coffee. Sure it isn’t so much the people who own the tractor that are at fault, but workers do need to get into the habit of ‘popping’ the bonnet to stop birds thinking that the lovely cosy area by the air cleaner is a great place to bring up their chicks. Sadly the birds have no concept that a tractor actually moves around a lot and it would be a major drama trying to find where the chicks were at any point in time during a busy day on the farm. If your staff don’t get the message, hope that they can run fast for two reasons, firstly when the fire starts it will take hold very quickly, and that the farm manager is likely to be very quick in the running stakes when he or she hears that a very expensive bit of machinery is now a burnt out wreck and there is no way of completing the daily tasks for a week or more as the insurance claim is settled and a replacement tractor bought and installed. On a brighter note, hundreds of bee hives are

now on the move as bee keepers place hives in crops that need to be pollenated. The bee keepers have been feeding their wee work force all winter and are now ready to launch them back into the work force with eager anticipation. Sadly there has been a slight drama with labelling some honey types, and that has been made worse by the fact that much of our honey is exported in bulk, but I am assured the industry is working hard on sorting things out in that area. When you consider how many people on the other side of the world try to sell inferior produce under our banner, we really must be seen as producers of very good produce. Our milk has been tampered with, our wool is blended within an inch of recognition, our honey is relabelled and heaven knows what else is sold or blended to cash in on the wonderful image we have built up over the many years of marketing this country has done. I suppose the only thing that can stop the theft, and it is theft, is to have sealed containers which is what many exporters do, but with printing presses all over the world, counterfeit labels must be very easy to produce and who really does know if the label is real or not. Fashion has the same problem with people being able to buy top labels in markets ready to sew onto low priced garments at will, and we won’t even look at watches etc.


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September 2013

O’Connor Comments with Damien O’Connor Opposition Spokesman on Agriculture

Need to meat the challenges Challenges in agri-businesses continue. The recent disclosure of problems at the Pukeuri Meat Works in Oamaru has not been good news. RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL

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Once again we have been exposed by the very stringent requirements of the Chinese importers of our food products. While Fonterra and the government get on with enquiries into the dairy industry that will identify and rectify their problems, every other food exporter from New Zealand faces the same level of ongoing scrutiny. The meat industry is still a huge player in our economy. Just as the dairy industry has to maintain the high standards of production and certification, so to, do the multiple exporters of our high quality meat. The initiative by farmers to improve the structure and operational



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side of the industry has come to a grinding halt — unfortunately, due in large part to the active resistance by meat companies

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and the apathetic approach taken by Beef and Lamb NZ to address a major lack of confidence in the future of meat by too many farmers across the country. The latest initiative that offers farmers early part payment by stock agencies is an innovative way of attracting a reliable supply of lambs at a time when numbers are declining. However it does not address a crucial issue of intermediaries between the farmer and the consumer who are determined to clip the ticket and maximise their profit at the expense of the farmer and the consumer. While our Prime Minister may be a very successful trader, our country is still dependant on the basics of production and the sales of export products. The absence of subsidies mean we must always be focussed on maximising the value the consumer pays back

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into the hands of the farmer who faces ever increasing costs of production. The more the ticket gets clipped in the middle the less available to pay the farmer. While innovation throughout our economy is to be applauded, the movement to get structural reform in the meat industry must be continued or the innovations will deliver more value in the middle and less for the farmer or consumer. That scenario is unsustainable. It is essential that the meat industry excellence (MIE) group continues to work hard using the mandate gathered at meetings throughout the country to deliver real change in the meat industry. Otherwise the pressure and desperation generated by a declining industry will lead to more of the kinds of mistakes we have seen at Pukeuri. The 240 workers laid off, and the uncertainty created in the Oamaru township is a timely reminder that the meat industry is still a big part of regional NZ and its ongoing success crucial to a vibrant and thriving rural economy.

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September 2013

My point of view

Allen Cookson

Aluminium, farming and environment If the Tiwai Point Aluminium Smelter is closed down 572 to 610MW of hydropower will become available to the New Zealand grid. That’s about a third of the current consumption in the South Island and 15% of national consumption. What should be done with this bonanza of renewable energy? The further the electricity has to be transmitted, the more energy is wasted in resistance and induction losses. Also any new power lines required will be an additional cost. Therefore use the power in Southland, Otago and perhaps Canterbury, because the power station is in Fiordland. The power could be used to replace coal at Edendale and perhaps Clandeboye and more northern Canterbury dairy factories. The industry claims that replacement of coal would greatly increase costs. Maybe not if the power price were lower! As government subsidised the smelter since its inception, why not a dairy factory? Its near zero greenhouse emissions would provide a strong marketing feature to potential ‘green’


customers in America, Australia and Europe. After all, government is subsidising research in reducing farm greenhouse gas emissions now. A nitrogenous fertiliser factory using electrical energy instead of natural gas would provide another green marketing tool for our farming industry. Norway had such capacity before World War II. Lower power prices would reduce irrigation, domestic and dairy shed power bills on farms. Electrification of rail lines from dairy factory to port would strengthen the environmental branding of our farming. It could be worth maintaining a diminished aluminium production capacity. This would retain a small skilled workforce which could be expanded in future. Aluminium manufacture liberates about 54kg of carbon into the atmosphere per cubic metre of the metal if the electrical energy required is generated by hydro. That excludes mining of bauxite

and its conversion to alumina. The corresponding figure for steel is 7,710,000kg. So! Replace steel with aluminium where possible, e.g. roofs, car bodies. Also! Energy for making things from recycled aluminium is less than from recycled iron/ steel because aluminium has a lower melting point. Eventually the costs of climate change and ocean acidification will have to be taken into account. When they are, Chinese aluminium manufactured using electrical energy generated by coalfired power stations, will be hopelessly uncompetitive with NZ aluminium produced from renewable energy. It is tempting for politicians, business people and farmers to focus on their immediate concerns. Life is difficult enough now, without worrying about the future. However if we ignore scientific knowledge of the future we are no better than feral or farm animals in our adaptability to a changing environment. The challenges and opportunities presented by the aluminium smelter’s problems need to be considered from the broadest of viewpoints.


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September 2013

Country Law

Money Talk with Andrew Wyllie

with Ronald W. Angland & Son

Franchise or independent business In the business world there are two main methods of setting up a small business. An independent small business certainly has advantages but someone buying a small business faces a daunting task of becoming mutli-skilled in tax matters, employment relations, frequently a lease of premises is involved along with marketing the business. Most people lack the basic business skills for the successful running of a small business and the owner will face many months with little income until the business reaches a foothold in the market. Regrettably many small businesses fail early due to the high cost of set-up and the shortage of cash flow. The small business owner can have all the skills in the world in the line of business but unless the business is economically viable it is doomed to fail. Over the past few years, with the banks

and other lending institutions having very strict criteria for lending and monitoring finance, it is more difficult to borrow for the setting up of a small business. The major advantage of the independent business is that the owner is the boss and is answerable only to him or herself in the running of the business. On the other hand franchising is also not ideal for everybody and it is vital before considering the purchase of a franchise that several features of the proposed purchase must be taken into account. Franchising is a system where one party puts together a business structure and anybody who is willing to pay a price to adopt that structure for their business may join the chain. Many of our large organisations are run under the franchise system, McDonalds being one of the best known.

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Costs are also a major issue when purchasing a franchise. Very often the purchase and subscriptions can be quite high and so the level of support provided by the franchisor must also be considered. The cost of borrowing can be prohibitive and the initial set up can be much more expensive than setting up an independent business. Many franchisors offer support and training with systems that may be unfamiliar to the person setting up in business. They also set standards which must be adhered to. It is true that some people purchasing franchises have been let down badly and for that reason it is essential for anybody contemplating a franchise to get expert advice from a suitably qualified person, including bankers, lawyers, and accountants before signing up for the purchase of a franchise.

Forecast payouts from dairy companies are all very strong and despite stock numbers being down on the back of last season’s drought, sheep and beef prices are also firmer, creating plenty of positives locally. Financial markets have continued to remain focussed on the prospect of ‘tapering’ — the current market view is that the likelihood of this occurring is greater than 50%. Should the United States Federal Reserve proceed with unwinding its asset purchase programme, we can expect interest rates to rise more, as a response to stronger US and global economic conditions. We need to remember that the prospect of tapering is actually good news and tells us the US is economically ‘back on track’. In the background, other issues continue to bubble away and could potentially lead to market volatility as the end of the year draws closer. The recent escalation of events in Syria has led to the likelihood of US led military retaliation and this prospect has taken some heat out of financial markets. We do however expect that, like previous geopolitical crises emanating out of the Middle East, the impact on wider financial markets is likely to be temporary. Markets will then again focus on interest rates and the important question of when the Federal Reserve will commence tapering its asset purchases. Let’s have a look at sharemarkets. Most indices were lower over the three months to the end of August. We have seen capital flows continue in the direction of developed economies as confidence in the economic recovery of these countries improves. The resulting strength in their currencies more than offset any headline share market losses and provided positive returns to local investors in New Zealand dollar terms.

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It is also necessary to look at the company offering the franchise, to ascertain whether it has been in business for a number of years, their relationships with suppliers and customer and also the franchisor’s financial situation.

This article has been prepared by Bessie Paterson, a partner with Ronald Angland & Son solicitors, who may be contacted on Tel: 03 3494708 or e-mail

Register for this FREE online service today Contact Authorised Financial Adviser Andrew Wyllie or visit

McDonalds is world-wide organisation with branches in many places all run under a franchise arrangement. One of the most important aspects of a franchise is to see whether the service to be provided or the product to be sold is a good market to be involved in. Obviously someone intending to enter the fast food industry would need to look at the other fast food outlets in the area and also the type of area where it is proposed to set up business.

Spring is well underway with the prospect of daylight saving just around the corner.

Ronald W. Angland & Son LAWYERS

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Conversely, a weaker Australian dollar meant that strength in Australian shares was diluted for New Zealand investors by the NZ dollar/AU dollar currency movement. The recent corporate reporting season was a real mixed bag of results. In the US, earnings were actually slightly below expectations relative to the trend of the

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last few reporting periods. Across the ditch in Australia, we saw corporate earnings disappoint relative to forecasts. The general theme was that earnings growth expectations have been pushed forward another year, based on the expectation that a weaker Australian dollar and more stimulatory monetary conditions will aid those future earnings. The news was better in New Zealand, where earnings generally bettered expectations, although these had in many cases been lowered leading into the reporting period. Company commentaries were better than expected, but analyst earnings downgrades were still dominant. The news that revenue growth appears to be improving was very encouraging, and from the current low level of earnings relative to trend, forecast growth should be achievable. The local market has also seen very successful equity listings from several companies. Fixed interest markets reacted as expected to US tapering talk, with longer dated interest rates up 0.86% over the last quarter — now near 12 month highs. Overnight cash rates however remained low, both domestically and internationally, reflecting the still accommodative level of monetary policy settings. Locally the introduction of loan-to–value (LVR) mortgage restrictions signalled a desire by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) to utilise other measures to avoid raising overnight cash rates. Indications are that the RBNZ will wait as long as possible to see if these measures can work to address perceived housing inflation issues. As a result it’s now unlikely that short term interest rates will increase anytime before March 2014. If you would like to confidentially discuss your investment requirements or find out more about Portfolio Management, fixed interest or share investments please give me a call. Andrew Wyllie is an Authorised Financial Adviser with Forsyth Barr in Christchurch. He can be contacted on 0800 367 227 or andrew.wyllie@forsythbarr. To find out more about Forsyth Barr visit www. This column is general in nature and should not be regarded as personalised investment advice. Disclosure Statements are available on request and free of charge.


Employment Talk by Matt Jones

Animal welfare issues frequently hit the headlines, and you need to know your rights to help protect first and foremost your livestock, and your business. Your employees need to be crystal clear that animal cruelty will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Horror stories such as the breaking of cows’ tails and other abhorrent cases can be easily prevented via clear animal husbandry guidelines, good staff communication and set ground rules. Neglecting these key steps tempt the worst case scenario of stressed stock, and expensive time-consuming employee mediation battles! With the spring calving and lambing season it is also vital to ensure the safety of vulnerable animals. We need to educate and enforce to staff that harming farm animals is considered to be general or serious misconduct. Serious misconduct must be at a sufficient enough level to deem that the trust and confidence in the employee, by the employer, has been

undermined. What are your rights should this issue arise in your workplace? To protect the safety of an animal the employer can ask that the worker leaves their farm immediately and can pay out the employee’s notice period in lieu. Where urgent dismissal is needed for animal safety reasons, ensure that you have a suspension clause in your employee’s contract to allow you to facilitate this instantly and legally. In cases where the offending staff member falls short of serious misconduct, (general misconduct), you the employer can issue a warning, and if these unwanted actions are repeated — you can dismiss the employee on notice. It is important to realise here that there are processes to follow and any alleged misconduct warrants proper investigation. You must arrange this formality with the offender within the context of a meeting, giving at least 48 hours’ notice and include your allegations in writing. Also inform them that they can bring a support

person to this proceeding. You are obligated to highlight your concerns, along with all credible facts ie eye witness accounts, and/or veterinary reports.



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Note that you consider the matter to be serious misconduct, and you wish to hear the employee’s response to this. State that the most serious outcome of this investigation could be dismissal. Watch for the traps though. If urgent action is needed, don’t take short cuts for disciplinary action. Get your information ready, have your meeting and allow for a response. I would like to emphasise again that this potential problem can be avoided. It’s imperative to cover animal welfare standards during your recruitment process — question referees and cover this with staff induction. All farmers have a duty of care to their animals — they are after all the lifeblood of your business. Agstaff take animal welfare matters seriously and have a strict vetting process for recruiting agricultural staff.

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This is a common response which we regularly receive from all sectors of the community when we talk about the business we are involved in and the various shade and weather protection products we have on offer, says Mike Keys, Managing Director of Watermelon Shade. Depletion of the ozone layer across New Zealand has sent the risk of skin cancer soaring by almost one third in the last 20 years with melanoma being the fourth most common cancer in NZ. In fact the greatest contributing factor to melanoma is excessive exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays (UVR) particularly amongst our citizens in the age bracket of 0–15. Our team at Watermelon

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September 2013


Just south of the Waimakariri River, where the outskirts of the city of Christchurch give way to the fertile farmlands of the Canterbury Plains, the usual sounds of the countryside are often overwhelmed by the rumble of Rolls-Royce military engines and the unmistakeable creak and grind of steel tracks.

Roaring mad about Johne’s disease in your deer? The Russian 7-55 may be slightly smaller than its Western counterpart, but it’s still a colossal war machine

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And while there is indeed, an army base not far from here, it's not our nation's soldiers on maneouvres — it's more likely to be a birthday party, corporate team-building event or just some friends having a very memorable good time. That's because the sound of armoured personnel carriers and tanks is emanating from a

re-purposed area of rural land, given over to one of the most innovative business ideas in Canterbury — the all weather, all-seasons military vehicle park known as Tanks for Everything. The name itself gives some idea of the ethos behind this successful business venture. Owner and director Jonathan Lahy-Neary first thought up the


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concept for an immersive tracksand-tyres experience while flying back to New Zealand from England — a vision which he jokingly suggests 'may have had something to do with jetlag.' But the idea grew, and with a lot of hard work securing the correct legal documentation, Jonathan was finally able to begin amassing a collection of vehicles most blokes can only dream about. For a measure of just how difficult setting up Tanks for Everything would have been, simply imagine the phone call to your local council to apply for resource consent. Or the ins and outs of importing a fully operational main battle tank into New Zealand, where a rigorous licence procedure is required to own the smallest .22 rifle. Of course, says Jonathan, now that he has navigated the maze of paperwork and knows the right people to talk to, the process runs much more smoothly. Heavy transport firm Protranz were of invaluable aid moving hardware to the site. And, before you ask, the powerful

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From tyres to treads and everything in between, Jonathan’s collection of military vehicles is sure to bring out the ‘General Patton’ in everyone

main guns of each tank have indeed been disabled before they are sold into the hands of a private collector. Today, Tanks for Everything boasts a fleet ranging from a fully restored Willy's Jeep — the World War Two model — right through to the 52 tonne, 27 litre v-12 powered Centurion, a combat tank deployed in Europe during the standoff of the Cold War. This example served with Australian forces in Vietnam. From the other side of the Iron Curtain comes another steel beast — the Russian T-55AM2. And in between, filling out a roll-call of some of the world's toughest military machines, are vehicles such as the six-wheeled Saracen personnel carrier, the tracked FV432 'battle taxi' and the go-anywhere Daimler Ferret scout car.

The big difference between Tanks for Everything and a military museum is that every one of these machines is kept in battle-ready running order because visitors to Jonathan's 'ultimate off-road experience' don't just get to enjoy watching all that tonnage of combat-honed steel do its stuff. They actually have the opportunity to get behind the controls themselves, piloting the last word in heavy metal and even, in some cases, crushing cars beneath those unstoppable tracks. “The tanks can seem quite big and intimidating, but the controls are usually quite straightforward,” says Jonathan. “I find that people are always willing to give it a go, and they usually do very well.”

either. Jonathan has had tank drivers though his 'academy' as young as 13 and as old as 90, with the ladies showing equal proficiency behind the wheel as the men. Celebrities too, have tried their hand at commanding the power of the big Centurion and its ilk — members of the All Blacks, musicians such as the rock band Smashing Pumpkins and Aussie TV personalities Hamish and Andy have all stopped by to enjoy the experience. On a more serious note, our armed forces have even utilised the Tanks for Everything facility as part of their training, using

Jonathan's tanks for targets as they practised deploying a new breed of anti-armour rocket launchers. Thankfully, this was not a live-fire exercise! Jonathan's initial idea has grown into a unique educational and entertainment venture over the last six years, and he has plans for new additions to the fleet in the future. With the ability to cater to all manner of groups and parties, both from around New Zealand and around the world, his vision of a Canterbury 'tank park' has become a tourism success story — and a totally unexpected feature of rural Canterbury which can't help but grab the attention.

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It's not just manly men who want to get out there and live out their battlefield fantasies, SAFE - Bait is enclosed and contained safely away from pets, children, working dogs, livestock and non target wildlife. ECONOMIC - Grate systems stops bait being carried away for storage, no wastage. Bait is eaten inside the Bait Station. FILL AND FORGET Requires minimal attention.

Herd ferrti tiliity requires a year round focus but mating is the time to make it happen, you can’t afford to miss a heat. Use the pr pree-mating period to train your staff in great heat detection skills. You cann ke keeep an eye on the herd too. Monitoring cycling activity during the pre-mating period shows if your herd is on trac ack. k. Getting onto problems early provides more options. Five weeks of pre-mating heat monitoring this year will hel elpp yo you achieve the 90% 3 week submission rate. By imppro rovi ving n your 6 week in-calf rate you will improve your herd fertility, productivity and profitability. Ensure you ou’r ’ e prepared for mating. Find out more at

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September 2013

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John Deere 6320P & JD 640 SL Loader 4WD, 110hp, Deutz Argotron 115 & Stoll Robust 3700 hours, 22654, T. Was $67,500 - Now $65,000 F30HD NSL Loader 4WD, 115hp, 5617 Was $48,000 John Deere 6220SE & JD 651 SL Loader 4WD, 90hp, hours, 22704, T. 5100 hours, 22500, K, Was $53,000 - Now $49,000 New Holland TM165 14WD, 165hp, 7085 hours, 2001, A/C Was $50,000 - Now $45,000 Cab, Tidy unit, 21895, T. John Deere 6210SE & Quicke 760 NSL Loader 4WD, 90hp, 6642 hours, 22467, G. Was $36,000 - Now $36,000 John Deere 6110SE & Pearson Loader 4WD, 80hp, 5568 hours, 22451, G. Was $37,000 - Now $35,000

NOW $67,000 New Holland TL90A 2WD, 90hp, 24 speed Hi/Lo trans, 3200 hours, 2005, 22302, T. Was $35,000 - Now 32,000 John Deere 6520SE & JD 731 NSL Loader Hardi Spayer 24m Boom Commander Trailed sprayer, 4WD, 115hp, 4041 hours, PowerQuad trans, Was $69,000 21994, T. Was $32,000 - Now $25,000 22418, K. Vicon RV187 Opticut Round Baler, 19,000 bales, Rotor cutter/Netwrap, 21945, T. Was $18,000 - Now $15,000

Scannell 2 Bale Multi Feeder Good working order, Will feed chopped silage, 22702, T. Was $11,000 - Now $9,500 Lemken Vari-Turmalin 9X 6 Furrow plough, Hyd variable width 22578, T. Was $13,500 - Now $12,000 Alpego TT91-200 Mulcher 2m working width, ‘Y’ flails, Very versatile, 22674, K. Was $8,500 - Now $6,000


NOW $36,000

Mitchelin Tyres 2x Front wheels - 600/65R28, 22356, O. John Deere 6210SE & Quicke 760 NSL Loader 4WD, 90hp, 6642 hours, 16x16 Was $1,800 - Now $1,100 trans, 22467, G. Was $38,000 *Conditions apply.

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Septic tanks and multi-stage septic systems are delicately balanced environments. It does not take much to upset them. Common practice is to ignore the septic system until problems occur. Good and best economical practice is to always keep your septic system well maintained. A malfunctioning septic system can become a health hazard. When a system is not maintained or operated as a delicately balanced environment, problems occur.These problems include nasty odours, leach line blockages, untreated liquid rising to the surface, toilets gurgling and taking time to empty. At this stage your septic system is a serious health hazard to you and your children. Human waste produces faecal coliform bacteria, a source of viral and bacterial gastroenteritis as well as Hepatitis A and other diseases. Hepatitis can be a debilitating condition and cause long-term harm to children. There are only three remedies. One: stop using the septic system until it recovers. This can take over a month and is not normally practical. Two: excavate your septic system and relocate it.This is very costly and time consuming, sometimes requiring new resource consents and different systems. Three: treat your septic system with Septi-Cure™ every six months. Septi-Cure is Cost effective. By far the most cost effective solution is to pour one litre of Septi-Cure™ down each toilet bowl every six months.This simple action will help keep your system working at top efficiency by reducing solids and scum. Instead of emptying your tank frequently, the reduction in solids and scum saves you expensive pump out costs.Your irrigation field and leach lines will become clear of slimes and blockages so nature can handle the gradual seepage and evaporation for you. When this is happening your system will be

operating effectively and not endangering you or your family’s health. What is Septi-Cure™ Septi-Cure™ is a concentrated mixture of selected naturally occurring microorganisms. These harmless tiny organisms live and multiply by feeding on waste material. When introduced to your septic tank system, they go to work straight away digesting waste material, reducing solids and scum, allowing your septic system to start operating to its maximum efficiency. As they progress through to your irrigation field they feed on the slimes that prevent seepage and evaporation. When seepage and evaporation return to normal, you have reduced the risk of contaminating groundwater and the environment as well as reducing the chances of infection for you and your family. Eventually, they get washed out of the system and have to be replaced to continue their work.This is why you introduce SeptiCure™ to your septic system every six months for maximum efficiency. A satisfied customer in Hamilton has been using Septi-Cure™ for three years. He says this allows them to have an odour-free septic tank with low maintenance costs. He also says that his service person is amazed at how well Septi-Cure™ works, keeping their tank in very good condition. Problematic septic tanks – treat with Septi-Cure™. Prevent septic system problems – treat with Septi-Cure™. For Septi-Cure™ - Call: 0800-109-202 Website: Also Available at


KILL Don’t become a statistic.


September 2013



Specialists in radio telephone communications and technology Let Signals NZ improve your communication Signals NZ Ltd owner, Ian Lisk, firmly believes that if your work is your passion, then you have a perfect partnership, a view shared by all of the team at Signals.

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Signals NZ Ltd has its own state-of-the-art service facility based in Christchurch, and its factory trained technicians carry out a wide range of tasks on all major brands of radio communication products, Icom, Motorola, GME, Kenwood, and Tait.

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Why Signals NZ Ltd trusts the Iconic Icom brand of two way radio Icom denotes quality and reliability Icom NZ is owned and operated from Auckland by Sharon Dawson and her team of dedicated professionals, providing a service that has been described as second to none by many clients. Icom Inc has been designing and manufacturing radios in Japan for over 50 years, Icom has a worldwide distribution network and is well respected for land mobile, aviation, marine, amateur, scanners and uhf CB range of radios. Icom NZ’s team has an extensive and continually expanding nationwide dealer network and have been the sole NZ distributor for ICOM products in NZ for almost 30 years. “We are proud of our reputation for

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Irrigation Issues Dr Tony Daveron

It is spring? Last month I asked or titled my article ‘Is it spring?’ Last week was a sure hint it was spring. While Tuesday night — Wednesday was devastating for irrigators, trees, roves and grain silos, it was a sure reminder of what spring can bring. Right now time is of the essence and time is something we don’t have much of with spring marching half a month advanced. The unforeseen cost of irrigation damage will be in potential lost

production waiting for irrigators to be repaired and in many cases, parts to arrive from USA. Fortunately or unfortunately I was away in Eastern Washington State (USA) attending a funeral last week when the windstorm devastated Canterbury. I did see evidence of its force when I flew back

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There are varying reports of the number of ‘pivots’ and other irrigators that are down and needing repair — according to Irrigation NZ ‘More than 800 irrigators across Canterbury could be out of action after Tuesday’s big wind’. No matter the mix of irrigators there is an immense repair list ahead for irrigation companies.

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in on Saturday 14, especially the trees and plantations lying like matchsticks on the ground — just like I saw after Mt St Helens erupt in 1980. Nothing new in the photo — you’ve seen it all around but after last week a photo is sort of mandatory I guess. That’s my bit, a photo from one of our staff. Not a pivot in a tangled mess, but it is not often one sees a roto-rainer parked on the fence and who knows where it had been blown from to this position!

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Email: Web:


No one company carries sufficient parts for complete or even partial rebuild of travelling irrigators and more so for centre pivots and/or linear irrigators. Parts for the latter irrigators will need to come from Nebraska — the heart of centre pivot manufacture — rail to San Francisco, by ship to NZ, then road to repair sites. How long? Normally delivery of an irrigator is in the order of nine weeks from order to delivery at the port (or thereabouts). The implication(s) of the time to repair irrigators, especially centre pivots and linear irrigators, lies in the soil and it is not great news. The soil moisture record shown is pretty typical of mid-plains pasture soil moisture levels as of today September 16 on light Lismore silt loam soils. Ideally we like to have our client operate within the light blue (n) shaded area for this centre pivot irrigating pasture. Current daily water use (ET) of 1.6mm/day shows the soil moisture will reach the lower

limit of this shaded area about September 20 or 21 — five days from today. Of more concern is the pasture will reach stress about September 27, with current ET and no rainfall, possibly sooner than this as days lengthen and temperatures rise (and ET increases). At the latest this centre pivot would need to be running (in the absence of rainfall) by about the September 25. If this soil moisture record was for a roto-rainer on say a 10-day round irrigation would need to be finished by about September 25 (the day when all paddocks will reach the stress point). Irrigation needs to have started at this property if just one shift a day is the practice. Not likely if the roto-rainers or the like are on the ground. What are the implications if you are not running by the time soil moisture reaches the stress point? Yield loss will occur — ie pasture production will decline. The loss of pasture production is about 0.25-0.3%/ mm of potential water use

September 2013

below the stress point. While this might sound complex, the research by Plant and Food is well documented. The pasture will not continue using water at the same rate as it does before reaching the stress point and yield loss is calculated using the potential water use.

2.5–3mm/day. The maximum potential deficit will be:

When can irrigators be expected to be repaired? For our common travelling irrigators (roto-rainers and turbo-rains) as fast as the repair companies can get to you. I have heard from one client they had their rotorainer repaired and running today — 16th. However, it will likely be a different story for centre pivot and linear irrigators. If delivery is nine weeks from USA, with a week to pack out, a week at this end to unpack and another week to repair, it will be 12 weeks before the pivot/linear is up and running — 84 days or second week of December.

• The potential yield loss is 47–67.5% of what could be grown over the time period.

Without irrigation what is the likely effect on the potential pasture production. Firstly, if there is no rain before the second week of December the potential yield losses are very high because the potential deficit will simply keep increasing day on day. The table below considers the yield loss for different average daily water use between now and early December. Since the pasture is currently about nine days before stress is reached there will be 75 days (84 — 9 days) before irrigation could start following repairs. For example, consider the potential loss if the average water use between now and second week of December is


• 75 days × 2.5mm/day (or 3mm/day) — or • 187.5–225mm — and • Multiply this by 0.25–0.3%/ mm of potential deficit, — and

That is if you were growing an average of 50kg DM/ha/day over the next 80 odd days, the potential loss would likely be 2,345–3,375kg DM/ha on these shallower soil types. But it will rain — right? Assume we get about average rainfall for the next two

months — about 100mm. The implications are so much less, but nonetheless significant. Once again, if you were growing an average of 50kg DM/ha/ day over the next 80 odd days, the potential loss would likely be 1,095–1,875kg DM/ha on these shallower soil types at an anticipated potential water use of 2.5–3mm/day. This is a simplistic analysis because I don’t know when the rainfall will occur and nor do I know exactly how great the potential deficit will be. However, the cooler, cloudier or wetter the next 80 odd days turn out to be, the lower the potential yield loss because growth rates will be lower and

the potential deficit will be much less. Conversely, if we stay in a westerly type weather pattern it will likely be drier and hotter, growth rates will be higher and average water use could reach 3.5mm/day or higher — ie potential yield loss would be much higher. It is easy to make some estimate of the obvious cost for irrigation repair — the damage can be assessed, the parts ordered and shipped, and the repairs carried out. The hidden cost of the wait for irrigators to be up and running again are less obvious and will be an insidious cost mounting day on day when the crop (pasture in this case) reaches moisture stress.

Potential Water Use, mm/day

Days till irrigating

Loss @ 50kgDM/ha

Loss @ 60kgDM/ha

Loss @ 70kgDM/ha


























Potential Water Use, mm/day

Days till irrigating

Loss @ 50kgDM/ha

Loss @ 60kgDM/ha

Loss @ 70kgDM/ha


























* No Rain Scenario

* 100mm Rainfall Scenario


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September 2013

The ‘Know to make it Flow’ Andrew Curtis, Irrigation New Zealand CEO

Midway through July, IrrigationNZ organised a week-long Aussie study tour, in part made possible by the generous sponsorship of the Bank of New Zealand and GHD Ltd. Twentysix predominantly irrigation scheme representatives took a journey along the Murray River to look at irrigation scheme modernisation. The tour started in Canberra with the Department of

Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, affectionately known as the ‘Department of Everything’, and the New South Wales (NSW) Irrigators Council conference. This set the scene, from both the Government and advocates’ perspectives, providing an explanation of the issues facing irrigation schemes (primarily clawback of water for the environment and drainagesalinity management) alongside




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Government and scheme initiatives to resolve these. There were many learnings from the study tour and in this column I’ll outline three of the most significant. Another instalment of the story will follow in September.

liabilities, pricing structures and consents personalities. However it is an area that is and must continue to be further explored. The South Australian approach provides a framework that could be a useful starting point.

Dividends were being realised from: economies of scale (administration and management), attraction and retention of skilled staff, increased in-house knowledge from scheme modernisation experiences, spreading the burden of upgrade, and more effective local advocacy.

(2) Intergenerational Asset Management — All schemes visited had a comprehensive asset management plan, clearly depicting capital replacement costs and timelines for the next 50 to 75 years. As a result each scheme had developed an informed capital reserves policy. It was noteable that the overarching asset management philosophy was ‘the journey needs to be paid for along the way’, instead of a ‘leave it to one generation’ approach. This is a key dilemma facing New Zealand irrigation schemes, the lost opportunity cost on-farm from schemes building capital reserves needs to be balanced with the availability of debt financing, and the affordability and timely delivery of asset replacement and upgrade.

It is likely that increased scale would also pay dividends for New Zealand irrigation schemes in the long-term. However, there are many challenges associated with implementing this stage of development: the differing future replacement needs,

(3) Certainty is Paramount — The Australian water market model is frequently held up as the future of water management. However, when you peel back the layers, the success of Australia’s water market has only been made possible through the introduction of

(1) Scale Creates Opportunity — It was noteable that small irrigation districts had been ‘scaled-up’ and replaced with a range of larger entities. These included company and co-operative structures, and in the case of South Australia Central Irrigation Trust, an overarching company to which each scheme belonged but their autonomy was preserved within this structure.

Lower Murray Irrigation Scheme intake

permits in perpetuity and the subsequent restructuring of these. Permits are of different security (high, general and low) and have also been unbundled — separated into site specific take components and a use volume. If New Zealand is serious about creating an enabling environment for water management then permits in perpetuity and unbundling must be on the table. Much investment is required to modernise and develop water supply for irrigation and creating certainty is key to this.

The trip was of much value to all that attended, with many fledgling TransTasman relationships now firmly established. One last observation — New Zealand irrigation schemes are currently in a great space and have much knowledge and experience to share internationally. This was confirmed by the two-way dialogue with each scheme visit. The challenges and resulting changes of the last five years have set up New Zealand irrigation schemes and their rural communities well for the future.



September 2013

Weather Watch by Tony Trewinnard

August was a very mild month over all of New Zealand, due mostly to a strong dominance of northerly and northeasterly airflow over the country.

Following on from a very mild July, in turn August was also significantly warmer than usual, with mean temperatures generally around +1.5 to +2.0deg above the long term normal. Both day time and night time temperatures were significantly warmer, but especially night times, with few frosts during the month. Overall temperature patterns were more like those of a typical September. Rainfall was below normal, with totals generally 60-85% of normal in Mid and North Canterbury, but 30-50% of normal in South Canterbury, especially inland. Sunshine hours were near normal inland but 1015% below normal on the coast. The same low cloud which often reduced sunshine hours, also prevented the frosts and brought the warmer nights. In the tropical Pacific conditions remain quiet and in a clearly neutral state. There is no trend towards either El Nino or La Nina, and the Southern Oscillation

Index remains near zero, though with some week to week variations.

Forecast — Canterbury

No other indicators show a trend. There looks to be good reason to expect ongoing neutral conditions in the tropical Pacific for at least the next three months, and probably into late summer.


Sea surface temperatures off the Canterbury coast remain near normal, while temperatures are warmer than normal in the Tasman Sea. This may be a key driver in weather patterns over the next two to three months, bringing continued low pressure system development there. Computer models show no clear trend expected towards either El Nino or La Nina in the next six months, with models showing some diversity but generally all favouring near neutral conditions. A continuing trend between now and at least mid-summer is to see reduced westerly airflow each month, with increased chance of easterly flow and increased risk of low pressure systems developing in the Tasman Sea and moving onto and over northern and central New Zealand.

Anticyclones are likely to be more dominant over the far south of the country. We expect October and November to see at least normal rainfall along the coast about and north of Banks Peninsula, with slightly below normal totals inland and to the south. In inland South Canterbury rainfall totals may be significantly below normal. December and January will likely see more anticyclones over the South Island, with consequently slightly drier than normal

months expected over the whole region. However, there is no indication that these months will be significantly drier than normal. Sunshine hours through to the end of the year should be near normal, but there are some indications of higher than normal sunshine mid and late summer. Temperatures through the next four months show a clear trend to more mild than normal, but not due to increased northwesterly winds, with night time temperatures especially likely to be warmer than usual.

The Original Spouting Specialists





A little wetter than normal

A little milder than normal

Near normal

Reduced westerly airflow


A little wetter than normal

A little milder than normal

Near normal

Reduced westerly airflow


Near normal

Milder than normal

Near normal

More anticyclones than usual


A little drier than normal

Milder than normal

Sunnier than normal

More anticyclones than usual



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Anticyclones were persistent over the seas east of the South Island, and low pressure systems often filled the Tasman Sea.

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September 2013

Trees & Other Stuff

Forestry Market Report Allan Laurie MNZIF Laurie Forestry Ltd

by Andy McCord

Don’t be complacent! Ok up until now you have done everything right. Applied a good strong aerial kill spray over your block back in February. Come July you planted the best quality stock employing the best planters. The block still looks completely dead except for the newly planted trees. So you now figure you can simply walk away and let the newly planted block look after itself. Wrong! Whether the block has just been converted into a woodlot from old man gorse or the area had been previously logged and this is the second rotation, you can rest assured that there is 10k per square metre of viable brushweed seedlings just waiting to burst into life when the soil temperatures reach 8C. To guarantee a good strong evenly growing woodlot you need to consider an aerial release. If you do it now before the brushweeds get established the cost should not be much more than the kill spray you

did eight months ago. But for every month you leave it (and let the brushweed mature) the cost of an effective release rises accordingly. The enclosed photo depicts a block where a release was not considered necessary two months after planting. This block was planted 16 months ago. The trees are there somewhere. If nothing is done they will be lost. You will always be pleased you have undertaken this initial release, on time. If you don’t I will guarantee you wish you had this time next year. Joke time: Little Johnny was accompanying his parents to visit his granddad in hospital.

Laurie Forestry Ltd

Quite contrary to the forecasts in my report last month, the softwood market in China has rebounded earlier than anticipated.

Just as they got through the hospital doors little Johnny takes off so he could get to granddad’s bed first. When he arrives granddad is looking very sick but still manages to sit up to welcome his grandson. As he does little Johnny whispers in his ear, “Grandad, when mummy and daddy arrive would you please make a noise like a frog.” With a puzzled look his granddad asks “why?” Little Johnny replies with a big smile, “because granddad, mummy said once she hears that you have croaked she will take me to Disneyland.”

Prices for August settlements in China did drop US$2–3 per cubic metre as indicated last month. Many New Zealand log sales agents are in the market at time of writing and thus far many September contracts are ‘under negotiation’.

The domestic market in Canterbury is also on the move with 3rd quarter price settlements for S grade (logs capable of producing house framing lumber), up NZ$2–4 per tonne. The 4th quarter is looking likely to produce similar lifts again potentially taking logs over the often quoted ‘psychological’ $100 + per tonne barrier.

However it looks like CIF settlements (prices per cubic metre landed in China in US$), will be up $2–4. This, combined with very slightly softer shipping rates and a slightly lower FOREX, has seen September pricing at wharf gate NZ lift to, or

For the key market indicator CA grade, this means per cubic metre prices are well above $100, which starts to add up to a very good bottom line for forest growers.

Most local sawmills are looking for S grade log supplies with harvest production levels only just picking up after a sometimes difficult winter.

TREE HUGGER TREE TOPPING SERVICES LTD • Grabs, cuts trunks up to 500mm diameter, and lowers them in a controlled way • Can top to 8m high • Minimise damage to buildings fences, garden etc • Tree & hedge removal • Free quotes Canterbury wide

The only negative in the market at present continues to be pruned and part pruned log prices. With the key United States’ market just coming out of the doldrums and China being over-supplied, both supply and prices in this segment are under negative pressure. In fact part pruned log demand in China has virtually, and we hope temporarily, dried up. For short pruned trees this was a handy market at a slightly better price point than unpruned logs.

SUPPLIERS OF FORESTRY SERVICES • Consulting & Management • Valuations • Harvesting & Management • Carbon trade & registering in the ETS

Wastewood grinding Your site or ours Wood Chip Supplies Dairy Conversion Cleanup

slightly above, pre-winter levels.

Many logging crews are looking for extra staff with skilled, reliable and trustworthy labour becoming very hard to find.

Harvesting & Marketing, Consultants & Managers

Office: Phone 03 359 5000 Fax: 03 359 5099 Email: Unit 3 337 Harewood Road Bishopdale Christchurch 22 Shearman Street Waimate

The construction sector has recorded usage levels well above expectation for the mid-summer period. As a consequence log inventory levels have reduced to below those indicated by commentators in July/August.

Phone Peter Whyte 027 426 5595 03 347 4941

SHARPLES LOGGING ltd • Pre-harvest Planning and Configuration. • Timber Sales - Distribution and Roading Logistic’s. • Forest Roading and Skid-site Construction. • Quality Control – Harvesting, Environmental and Cut-over Waste.

• Value Recovery of Grades and Volume for Log Sales. • Comprehensive Health & Safety Management System. • Environmental Management Earthmoving and land clearing. • Tree felling, thinning, Shelter belt removal. • Stump removal and Root-raking.

Harvesting & In-Forest Engineering Services in Canterbury

Ph: 03 313 2390 Cell: 027 431 6861

As with many ports in NZ, both Timaru and Lyttelton are struggling to handle both the extra demand of log volume but also the heavy weight strain that this has placed on infrastructure. Wharf design and capability

limit traffic to ships’ side to standard Highway Class one loadings which has a limiting factor in terms of load rates. As a consequence some shipping companies resist coming to Canterbury Ports and price negotiations are impacted by lower loading rates and more time spent parked at the wharf. Funding and justifying multi million dollar expansions will continue to be a challenge in the immediate future. However NZ port companies do not have capability issues on their own. Most NZ ports can handle one handy class vessel at a time loading logs. In China the major ports can have three or four vessels discharging at the same time. Even so the volume of log and lumber is such that there can be up to 10 vessels waiting to discharge. As a consequence, the waiting to unload times can be 10–15 days with log and lumber vessels amongst the plethora of others in the queue. Shippers like Laurie Forestry usually have to pay ship owners whilst they wait. This demurrage cost can easily run to US$50,000– $100,000 so there are some very interesting phone calls surrounding how much, who, when and how! The latest surge in demand and price bodes well for a 2013/14 summer with longer term demand expectations suggesting the forest industry will continue to enjoy a stable and robust period. Thus, it has never been more timely, to remember the only way forward for climate, country and the planet is to get out there and plant more trees…!

All you need to know

(and some things you don’t)



• Woodlot establishment • Aerial pre plant & release application • Aerial boron application • Boron supplies • Herbicide supplies

Andy McCord Resident forestry writer (and joke teller) for Canterbury Farming

Technical Forest Services Ltd 30 Pentecost Road Rangiora e-mail web site

Office 03 313 4153 Andy 027 224 3271 Sammi 027 282 7580

September 2013



New radio-telephone network in mid-Canterbury

A new digital network providing radio-telephone communications in mid-Canterbury promises an enhanced environment particularly for the rural community. The system is from TL Parker, which supplies communications systems to rural and mobile workforces.

prevent unauthorised users accessing the system, and a feature allowing the network manager to disable a lost or stolen radio, security is well considered.

The Christchurch City digital network has been operating successfully since April 2013 and this new expansion is, of particular interest to the farming and rural business community. It will be operating from October, and covers areas of midCanterbury that have previously been without reliable communications network coverage. For farmers, delivery companies, rural contractors, utilities and service providers, this is welcome news. There is no other network of this type servicing mid-Canterbury, and the benefits are many. Improving workplace safety is a goal everywhere and an accident victim trying to contact help from a remote area can face challenges

TL Parker’s networks use Motorola technology, specifically the MotoTRBO Connect Plus multi-site

digital trunking hardware. Whether coverage is needed across one or several sites, Connect Plus can be scaled to meet needs. Users can talk to each other or HQ and use data applications and texting. GPS-enabled applications will be available soon.

show Dates

1st & 2nd November 2013

entries close

Fri 4th October 2013

that seem insurmountable. In this situation, a digital radio system has proven to be a more reliable communication device than a cell phone. lt is also safer technology to use around flammable gas, vapors and combustible dust. Efficiencies can be gained because calls are easy to make, and quick.

The radios are simple to use: for most calls it’s a matter of simply pushing a button and talking. Several listeners can receive the same call simultaneously so that briefing the whole team as they leave from different addresses for one work site becomes a breeze. There is potential for group training scenarios or for

calling on the whole team to brainstorm a problem even when there is only one team member on a work site. Users are no longer having to change channels as they travel because connection is seamless and manual switching between channels has been eliminated. With a three-level check to

featuring the trans-tasman Dog trial show theme Farming Friends — Family Community & Business

gate charge $10 Children 12 and under free

Entertainment for the whole family! For more information please contact Association Manager, Lucy Raisbeck, p. 03 3087908 f. 03 3029592 or e. •



• •

How the Connect+ Network can help provide clearer communications, increased safety and efficiency features for your workforce. How the Connect+ Network will provide you with improved radio network coverage What the Connect+ Network can mean for your business How MOTORTRBO digital two-way radios can deliver all

your communications needs in a single device The latest two-way radio workforce application software


Register by 9th October by emailing or calling 03 358 8082 WHEN 4.30pm – 5.30pm Wednesday 16th October

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September 2013

Mining and fossil fuel extraction versus the food and fibre industries

STRAIGHT TALKING with Jim Childerstone

Is this really the coalition Government’s priority? So it would seem with more recent re-legislation tinkering with the RMA. Also making it easier for the multinational oil and gas industries to tap our potential reserves, as well as the mining industry

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to dig for coal, gold and a variety of minerals. It is touted that this would boost our GDP by some billions of dollars as well as increasing employment. So are our leaders looking through rose-tinted glasses? Down our way off the Canterbury bight and in deep waters off the Otago coast we are being told imminent fortunes await us by business organisations and sundry commercial commentators. That is if they actually find good deposits of crude and gas capable of lasting more than 20-30 years. Taranaki and New Plymouth is being sited as a prime example of the riches to be made for local citizens, although I read today that some wells are beginning to run out. And of course the general populace sucks this in. Particularly with the milk product and meat scares emanating from the current shenanigans lapped up by the media. So the food and fibre industries have a battle on their hands to save their international image of being ‘clean and green’ . The ‘100 percent pure’ is taking a battering with the potential loss of exports. Will the mining and fossil fuel industries come to the rescue? This is a doubtful scenario. For starters environmentalists and greenies will be preparing for battle. The myths of great riches for you and I cannot realistically happen. Our government should earn some royalties from the trans-nationals, but it

is never enough as we are the most generous nation in allowing the biggest share of the cake to go overseas. And guess who will be the biggest benefactors? Yes — the overseas bankers, share holders, investors, company directors, and upper management. There could be some local jobs as touted by Government ministers, but there could also be jobs for innovative businesses looking at using our own natural resources rather than sending raw commodities abroad. Refer to wool, meat, timber, horticultural and associated industries. Fonterra had been doing it with some success. So you want a typical example on innovative research. Well, here is one happening in the forest industry. It is called ‘Stump to Pump’ plan for forest waste. A study is underway at the Norske Skog mill in Kawerau. And believe it or not some funding had been allocated by the MPI of $6.75 million for the 14-month programme through the Primary Growth Partnership Scheme. (At least some forward looking officials are looking at alternative fuel schemes). This is a partnership scheme between Norske Skog and Z Energy costing a total $13.5 million which involves making biofuel from forestry waste. It will determine the feasibility and costeffectiveness in a modular waste plant at Kawerau to produce bio-crude oil from

sawdust which then can be refined into diesel, petrol or valuable chemicals. This also can include material left over from harvesting and processing. If the project stacks up for commercial production the estimated economic benefits to New Zealand for the next 20–25 years is an annual increase in GDP of up to $1 billion and the creation of 1,200 direct jobs says MPI’s acting director-general Roger Smith. And a couple more quotes — “The success of the venture could prove to be a shot in the arm for forestry as well as timber and paper mills” says Forestry Owners Association CEO David Rhodes. It could provide growers and mills with extra income streams. Scion’s general manager for Sustainable Design Trevor Stuthridge is working on forest and processing industries to diversify into energy markets. “New Zealand is not extracting the full value of its forests with millions of tonnes of harvest and wood processing residues returning little value and large volume of logs being exported with little added value.” With current government policy on carbon credits and funding sources there is little encouragement for forest establishment and replanting. Doesn’t this all make sense, or does it? It uses a low polluting sustainable resource as against greenhouse gas emitting finite resources.


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September 2013

Composting is Nature’s Way


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Every living organism consumes nutrients and creates waste. To transform Compost is Nature’s Way of turning waste back to nutrients and to complete this cycle, nature uses the processes of decomposition and evaporation. As is often the case, nature seems to be doing business in the best way possible. That’s why Sun-Mar toilets are designed not only to harness these natural processes, but to optimise and accelerate them. Toilet waste is over 90% water content. This can be evaporated and carried back to the atmosphere through the vent system. The small amount of remaining material is recycled into a useful fertilising soil. Wherever there is a poorly working septic system, a Sun-Mar can take care of the toilet waste; where there is an outhouse we offer the luxury of an indoor facility; and where there is no toilet at all, a Sun-Mar provides the right environmental choice. Sun-Mar units are economical, quick to install and easy to

use. Because no chemicals and no septic systems are used, fragile environments can be protected. A Sun-Mar composting unit is an environmentally healthy choice for recycling human waste. The Sun-Mar system produces no pollutants, while collecting nutrients. With a Sun-Mar, recycling is made easy! Odour Free As well as ensuring an aerobic breakdown in the Bio-drum, Sun-Mar ensures an odour free environment by engineering the airflow within the unit to maintain a partial vacuum at all times. Air is being drawn in either by a fan (or on non-electric units by the vent chimney) over the evaporating chamber and up the vent stack. Not only does this evaporate excess liquid, but by continuously pulling air in we ensure no smell escapes from the unit. Evaporation is assisted on electric units by a thermostatically controlled heater in a sealed compartment underneath the evaporating chamber.

BioLoo Composting toilets

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September 2013

Pain relief

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While food from the sea has excellent mineral balance, many of our soils are deficient in minerals. NZ soils contain very low levels of the cancer protecting trace mineral selenium.

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BIOtechnologies BIOtechnologies All New MF7614 AwArd winning Technology ThAT SpeAkS for iTSelf

This is especially important for those in the South Island as the bread produced from Canterbury grain has low selenium. The NZ Government agency MedSafe (2103) commented “South Island bread is made predominantly with wheat grown locally in low-selenium soils.” Some minerals have multiple functions and low levels can cause many problems. For example zinc is known to participate in over 300 enzymes. Low zinc levels can cause diverse problems from poor immune function, eye problems, hair loss and skin problems. Many people take mineral supplements to maintain health or as part of a treatment programme for specific conditions. These can be single minerals, such as iron, iodine or calcium, small groups such as

magnesium, calcium and potassium or as multi-mineral complexes. My view is the single or small groups of minerals should only be given under professional guidance. For example single iron supplements should only be taken after blood tests show low iron levels. The same applies to iodine and some other minerals. For most people, most of the time the best way to get minerals from supplements is as modest dose multimineral preparation. This will ensure you are getting the minerals in the correct form and correct balance. My preference is for chelated minerals whereby the mineral is bonded to amino acids (the building blocks of protein) to provide optimum absorption with the minimum risk of tummy upsets. Give me a call if you need further information. John Arts (B.Soc.Sci, Dip Tch, Adv.Dip.Nut.Med) is a Nutritional Therapist and founder of Abundant Health Ltd. Contact John on 0800 423 559 or email john@johnarts. For product information visit

Abundant Health

Cell-X Super Antioxidant...Multi Mineral...Multi Vitamin How can Cell-X help you? • •

140 hp Fuel eFFicient, easy to operate – makes any job easy. machine of the year 2012 Winner, agritechnica, Germany Generation ii scr engine technology for more power, efficiency and great fuel economy Dyna-4 transmission featuring 16F/16r speeds, left hand power control lever and 4-speed powershift standard air conditioning

JJ Christchurch your local dealer today. 36See Hickory Place,Hornby CHCH Ph 03 344 5645 Sales: Nick Wilson 027 498 7044 Maurice Jordon 027 260 7821 Service: Dave Paris 0272 607 822

JJ Ashburton 9a McGregor Lane, Ashburton Ph 03 307 6031 Sales: Terry Gordon 0272 607 820 Bede Prendergast 0277 066 682 Service: Christoph Kalin 0272 607 833

JJ Timaru 280 Hilton Highway, Washdyke, Timaru Ph 03 688 7401 Sales: Peter Hughes 0274 589 873 Service: Warren Harrison 0275 222 417

• • •

Support antioxidant defences to help fight the free radicals that cause health decline. Cell-X has 11 powerful antioxidants, a full multi-vitamin (A, B complex, C, D, and E) plus all 50+ minerals needed for healthy cell function. Supports heart health and promotes circulation. Supports good eye health Helps natural energy and vitality.

Best Buy 3 pack for $66.25 per bottle freight free (total $198.75)

each bottle is 2 months supply per person or 1 bottle for $74.95 (plus $5.10 P&P)

“Cell-X is the most comprehensive and effective multi antioxidant, vitamin, and mineral avaliable. Thousands use Cell-X in New Zealand and Australia today.”

To find out about what is in Cell-X go to

To order, phone 0800 423 559 or go to

September 2013


SILAGE & BALAGE Getting good silage

Silage is essential to farming’s bottom line, used to feed cattle during periods of food scarcity. In the process, green fodder is fermented to retain its moisture. The product can be stored under anaerobic conditions in a silo, for long periods of time. The silo must be airtight. Acids, such as lactic acid, that are good for the cattle, are preserved in the silage during storage. Silage is made during times of abundance. It is a good source of nutrition — particularly in drought conditions.

quality of silage. With pasture, this is when the seed heads first start to appear. At this stage, the metabolisable energy of the pasture should still be around 10 megajoules — MJ — per kilogram of dry-matter — DM. Leaving the pasture for longer before cutting will result in a greater quantity of silage but the quality of that silage will not have the same growth response in stock as the higher quality product.

Whether it is pasture or a crop, there is a ‘right’ time to cut that will maximise the

Forage quality will usually decline by 0.25-0.6 MJ ME/ kg DM per week of delay in

silage harvest.Forage must be wilted before ensiling to ensure good silage fermentation and to eliminate effluent losses. There are two aims with wilting — the first is to achieve the correct dry-matter, the second is to do this as quickly as possible. The target drymatter content can vary for

different crops but in general it is 30-40% for forage harvested silage — stored in a pit or stack — and 35-50% dry-matter for baled silage. The aim should be to ensile within 24-48 hours of cutting. The longer it takes to wilt a silage, the greater the dry-matter and quality losses there will be


Modern High Capacity Machinery

Please ring early to discuss your requirements:

Geoff & Carolyn Honeywell Ph: 03 614 7759 Geoff on 027 214 2161 Carolyn on 027 226 1012


A full fodder service

Feeding stock is the basic lifeblood of farming, and it’s the reason for being for Ellesmere Agricultural Limited,


We are here for you!!

lucerne is also in production for sale. “Our silage services include bale wrap and bale stacks — we are one of the only contractors offering the latter service”. “We have introduced a new baler– the Claas Quadrant 3400 — which produces large 4x3 bales (120 x 100cm). We also offer cartage on a full range of truck and trailers”.

A Selwyn-based company that services clients with farming interests throughout Canterbury.

Ridgen — Managing Director.

“We keep up to date with technology and our staff are professional, enthusiastic, “The company simply offers innovative and passionate about fast professional service where what they do and are willing 90mm high x 260mm quality is paramount,” says Tim to put in the extra effort to fit

our client’s needs.” Ellesmere Agricultural offers a full range of silage and straw services and acts as a go between for arable clients and the dairy industry. Grass and straw sales are available throughout the season and a large area of irrigated

“So to sum up, we have modern, large, high density balers and offer a full service from mowing with GPS AutoSteer, baling from large squares, 4x3 and 3x3 bales as well as wrapped and stacked bales.” said Tim.

agent for hay sales nationwiDe

Contact Dean 027 420 3000

Ellesmere Agricultural p. 03 342 7910 e. welcomes enquiries from w. Canterbury Farming Balage and Silage feature Sept 2013 existing and new clients.

Ellesmere Agricultural Ltd Quality Service — Quality Results

Baling Silage & Straw Cartage Cultivation 16HEA20917

Hay / Baling squares, 4x3 & 3x3 Bale Wrapping Cartage • Raking • Mowing

Tim Ridgen Office 324 2949 Mobile 027 279 6447 Home 324 2124


September 2013


A complete and effective system

What happens when you cross on-farm irrigation needs with Loring Industries design expertise? You get the Solcor Fence Defender. Pemberly Farm near Aylesbury is a 400ha lamb and beef finishing unit using large scale irrigation with 4 pivots and 300 crossovers. As with most pivots, where the tower crosses the fence there is immense pressure applied to the wire strands, especially where the tower crosses on an angle. Pemberly Farm was using a link chain system on their crossovers. It was held in place by U-clamps and left unsecured to the ground — they were always having problems with the fence wire breaking. In September last year they began trialling the Solcor Fence Defender system, performing the trial on fences where the problems were the worst. Irrigation supervisor Bill Tait has confirmed that the product is much superior to their previous setup and has overcome its inadequacies. Installation is easy and is performed without having to dismantle or cut strands in existing fences. The mechanism is designed to fit the three diameters of wire available and incorporates a clamping device to attach to both the fence wire and the high specification Solcor shock cord. This absorbs

the stretch and retraction from the wire as the tower wheel passes over each strand. Both the Solcor nylon fittings and Solcor shock cord are impervious to UV with the cord having specially moulded nylon end stops to prevent the cord from fraying. The two cords are secured on either side of the wheel track by nylon pegs. Farm manager Graeme Taylor notes that as their existing system fails it is now being replaced with the Solcor Fence Defender system. So after two years of trials and improvements, and contrary to the belief that the angle crossing of the towers can be an issue, the Pemberly Farm experience proves the Solcor Fence Defender is a complete and effective solution. To view the Solcor Fence Defender system in action, go to and click through to the video or brochure from the links at the bottom of the page. The Solcor Fence Defender System is available through CRT, PGG Wrightson or Hazlett Rural.

SOLCOR FENCE DEFENDER NEW TO THE MARKET 2 years of on-farm testing...

Angle crossovers tried, tested and successful! • Easy to install • Can be used on existing fences - no wire cutting • High specification UV resistant cord and nylon fittings Visit to see a video of Solcor’s Fence Defender in action.

Available through all CRT FarmCentres, PGG Wrightson Stores and Hazlett Rural

When soil pH is in th e 5.5 to 8.0 range its principle m ake up is determined by four el ements Calcium, Magnesium , Potassium and Sodium. When a soil has too much of one element, it will not ha ve enough of something else.

Simple Really

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@ 59% Calcium Carbonate & 39% Magnesium Carbonate Calcium & Magnesium are applied with just ONE application of Dolomite.

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Balanced Healthy Soil = Healthy Pasture/Crop = Healthy Stock

September 2013



Cutting gorse and scrub down to size There are few things which Kiwi farmers despise more than creeping gorse and scrub — invasive pest plants which rob them of grazing and pasture land.

If you’re reading this, then so are your customers Please call

03 347 2314 or email

DON’T SPEND ALL WEEKEND MOWING LAWNS We have all the tractor mounted machinery to deal with it for you!

Rotary slashers, topper $ and finish mowers from

1,550 GST INCL

BUY DIRECT FROM THE IMPORTER SAVE 40% PLUS which used to be done by hand. The results speak for themselves. Whether Gary is working with his rotary drum mulcher, industrial slasher, landscape rake or a host of other tools, the finished product is an area cleared of undesirable vegetation — reconditioned and ready for

productive use. Hillsides can be reverted from gorse to pasture, tracks and firebreaks cleared, and areas under trees tidied up, to name but a few of the more popular tasks Gary Millar contractors undertake. With over six years of experience behind the wheel of the Posi-track,

and with clients such as the Department of Conservation, Christchurch City Council and rail operators OnTrack, there’s virtually no limit to what Gary can accomplish with scrub and gorse infested land. Farmers will attest — he knows how to give them pasture back!

SAFE - Bait is enclosed and contained safely away from pets, children, working dogs, livestock and non target wildlife. ECONOMIC - Grate systems stops bait being carried away for storage, no wastage. Bait is eaten inside the Bait Station.

Diesel blower heaters 30kW & 50kW • Thermostatically controlled for greater efficiency $

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• Huge fuel tank for extended run time

Lifestyle Tractors & Machinery Ltd Tel. 03-347-4956 • Mob. 0274 770 070 Email. Web.




•Mulching / Slashing – Gorse & Broom •Rotary Hoeing work •4 in 1 Bucket work •Landscape Raking •Drum Sweeping •Grass Mowing •Track Restoration •Tree Releasing up to 6”

FILL AND FORGET Requires minimal attention. USE ANYWHERE Sheds, homes, chicken coops, forest, gardens, factories, town or country.


For more information or where to purchase contact Pacific Plastics Ltd, Christchurch 0800 665 337 or Designed and Manufactured in Christchurch, New Zealand

We cover Canterbury/West Coast/Southern regions, with the ASV RC-100 Posi-Track and Mulching unit

Gary Millar ContraCting

The Industrial Slasher works well in all terrain from hillside to clearing under trees and roadsides

Call Gary

0274 748 710


DRIVE PRODUCTION EVEN FURTHER WITH Purchase a tonne of Calcimate (40x25kg bags only) between 1 June and 31 Oct 2013 and you could WIN a Honda XR125 Duster. Simply text ‘Calcimate’ and your full name to 226 to enter the draw or enter online at (proof of purchase per entry required).

Cows need calcium. Help your cows fly through calving with Calcimate - the trusted, quality choice for calcium supplementation. Available from your rural retailer.

See website for full terms & conditions. Manufactured by:


Getting rid of the yellow-flowered, spiky invaders can be a time consuming and tedious job — but not, as local contractor Gary Millar has found, when you tackle the issue with the power of serious machinery. Gary Millar Contractors have just the tools for the job at their disposal. The versatile Posi-Track all terrain vehicle which Gary operates is renowned for going where other machines simply cannot — especially on swampy or muddy ground. Packing a variety of gorse, scrub and broom demolishing attachments, the Posi-track can maneouvre in areas traditionally accessed only on foot, taking care of work


September 2013


Rob Cope-Williams gets…

the ‘last’ word


Witch doctors or a very good idea


 50–100kVA,  4 pole, 1500rpm  AVR auto voltage regulator  Uses include a portable power plant for irrigation, pumps, cool rooms etc PTO Generator + 3 Point Linkage Frame

PTO Generator + 3 Point Linkage Frame + 1/3 Phase Plugs

From $6,949 + GST Quality


Durability = Complete Peace of Mind

EU20 Portable Inverter Generator  Lightweight 21kg – Highly Portable  Ideal for Caravans & RV’s  From just 53dB – Whisper Quiet  Smooth Power – better than commercial quality  Up to 15 HOURS run time PER TANK! . Includes FREE FITTED Hourmeter worth



Dependable Kohler water cooled Diesel Engine  3.5-150 kVA  Dependable John Deere Power Packs  Soundproof Enclosure  Integral Fuel tank giving up to 24hrs run time  Single source warranty  ISO 3001 Accredited  Easy installation and maintenance  AVR - Automatic Voltage Regulation  Digital Controller with Auto start  Clean 50Hz / 1 & 3 Phase options

“Remember the Bitterness of Poor Quality remains long after the Sweetness of Low price is forgotten”

Why Buy from OMC Power Equipment? • Inlet connections and cable lengths supplied to match shed • All units shipped ready to connect for instant backup • Items shipped freight free NZ wide • Ask us about leasing - 90% tax deductible - cash flow friendly

Yup, another one of those headlines that is total allegory. I recently did an interview with my chiropractor on my farming programme about stress and backs and as always I learnt a huge amount. It seems that ‘bad backs’ are so full of myths and misunderstandings that 99.99 per cent of the population have got it all totally wrong. That’s worse than the number of people who know nothing about those who are standing for the local body elections! So in a nut shell, back pain is based on stress, a symptom very similar to a drought as it sneaks up on you and hits when you least expect it, or as my mate Dr John puts it ‘you don’t know you are in a stuffy room until you walk outside into the fresh air’. Discs don’t pop out, and there are certain points that it

will show up being the neck area, shoulders and between the shoulder blades and the lower back. The cure — go to a chiropractor or if you are too scared to do that, take a hot bath and a holiday. Isn’t it interesting that farmers will put so much prevention into animals’ health and ensure their animals are fit and well looked after, but totally ignore their own wellbeing. Think about your mates and count up how many have back, leg or general health problems, and cast your mind back to the number of funerals you have been too of late. Now take a long look at the women in your life and ask yourself if they have regular check-ups, mammograms and whatever else women do and while on that subject, ask yourself why it seems women generally live longer than their men folk.


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Garden Sheds Display Sale

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Specialists in Farm Waste Turning Waste into Liquid Fertiliser Bulk Liquids Removal & Disposal • CCTV Inspection of Drains High Pressure Water Blasting • Pipe Cleaning & Unblocking Septic & Holding Tank Cleaning • Farm Waste Spreading Grease Trap & Sump Cleaning • Effluent Stirrer Available Hydro Excavation • Farm Effluent Ponds & Sump

We service Mid & South Canterbury, North Otago & Lakes Districts A family run business 100% locally owned & operated

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p: 03 347 7031 f: 03 347 7032 e: w:

By now 98 per cent of our male readers have turned to the second hand tractor adverts, but one hundred percent of women are still reading. Well done and for goodness sake, if you love him, send him off for a check-up and/or take him into town and introduce him to a regular medical system of support. I am always astounded that men will play rugby, fight in wars and kill wild animals without batting an eyelash, but a doctor with a rubber glove makes their knees knock. All we need to do is persuade men to think it is fashionable to have medical help and to practise prevention when it comes to their health and all will be a lot better. It really is a small step further than wearing deodorant and aftershave every day rather than at weddings and the local dance…

September 2013

Wool Perspective

From Rob Cochrane GM, Procurement, PGG Wrightson Wool

Wool shortage is real I’ve often heard in sale yards around the country a saying that goes something like ‘the one over is the place to be’, which is the auctioneer referring to the under bidder who is at that precise moment hesitating trying to make their mind up whether to bid one more time and be ‘the one over’. Currently in the wool auction room, there is definitely a need for exporters to bid up to be ‘the one over’ because there is a real scramble for the relatively smallish volumes of wool being catalogued every couple of weeks. A realisation amongst wool exporters and processors that New Zealand wool is in short supply has created a lift in wool prices, with the latest auction, prior to writing, surging upward to the tune of between 7% and 12% compared to a week earlier. Add to that the price improvements experienced during August and the real market price has lifted during a six or eight week period by somewhere up to 23% which is, in anyone’s language, substantial. Even better is that the ‘base’ from where the market began to improve was well ahead of prices ruling at a similar time

last year, in most cases, allowing prices to reach their highest point for around 18 months. Prices for all wool types improved significantly over the past month at auction with minimal wool passed-in for failing to reach grower reserve prices. Strong support from exporters was shown to most crossbred types and, by the end of August when weekly Christchurch auctions ended in favour of fortnightly events reflecting the smaller volumes coming forward, prices for crossbred types had lifted to levels ‘well north’ of 500 cents clean for most good style fleece wools measuring finer than around 38 micron, and only just under that level for coarser micron types. Longer second-shear and early-shorn types reached levels about 20c clean below fleece and shorter genuine second-shear types were fetching a further 30c to 40c less again.

However the first (for the month) North Island auction held in Napier on September 5 saw the market for all types leap ahead, particularly for second-shear wools with lifts of 30c to 40c narrowing the gap between these and full-length fleece which lifted by around 20c to 30c. Oddment types throughout August and into early September once again drew splendid support from the exporting trade with prices extreme in many cases. The fine wool season began in earnest in August with a number of well grown merino, halfbred and quarterbred types coming forward. These also drew great support from the trade and prices were in most cases directly comparable to Australian auction prices. Some lines received better prices in NZ than in Australia on a same day type-for-type basis, and NZ based exporters bid freely to secure a slice of the action.


GORDYS FLYTRAP FITTING® Available from CRT, PGG Wrightson, Farmlands UV Protected Polycarbonate. Fits on any container with a flat surface. Instructions supplied with the fitting.

$20 plus p&p


Email: Patented in New Zealand/Australia


By the end of the month the fine wool market had enjoyed tremendous increases, both here and across the ditch, once again a reflection of the small quantities available, from both countries, to processors. With wool prices improving and the outlook for lamb meat seemingly also about to improve for this year’s crop, the sheep farming industry may well be able to recover some of the previous season’s losses. As mentioned in last month’s editorial, there does not appear to be any current reason that the wool market should suddenly collapse and, in my humble opinion, if any grower has wool to sell on the ‘spot market’ at present the only place to sell with the confidence that maximum exposure will be secured is in the auction arena, for two reasons — 1: the shortage of wool is real, and 2: who knows what the price should be? That’s my view.

2009 MAN TGA 18.330 Spreading Unit 4x4, 330hp, 12 speed ZF ASTronic, 425/70R rib tyres all round, Beck Chain feed twin spinner bin, New cab paint, ready to start work now.

$155,000 + GST Kim Harris Mobile 027 545 7973

0800 379 899

To advertise in Canterbury Farming please call 03 347 2314


September 2013


A dog’s tail…

Orl ina family ona farm

We was parked up aginst that water tank ona ridge above tha farmhouse an tuckin’ inter the sanniches that Boss’s gerlfrend Sharlene had cut frum last nites roast, wen hoo shood show up but that cat. Long-time readas of this kolumn no who I meen, eh? Hermin the Jermin. Sharlene’s bluddy big ginja cat. Dunno why its corled that, but probly cos it’s a nasty bugga. It wanded in frum a neighbors place

which was a sharemilka that moved on in Jipsy Week an’ left it behind. No bluddy wonda too. That Hermin swiped me across me nose wen I hada sniff, an’ I’ve kept me distanse ever sinse. We gotta sort of stand-off tho.

Hermin juss sat ona top of a strainer post and started lickin’ his pores. Then Boss notissed. “Wot ya doin’ out here Cat,” he sed. Hermin jus’ looked at him. Boss sort looked thortful for a minnit, then he got his sell fone He duzzint bother me if off tha bag ona quad, and pressed the mumba for tha I duzzint bother him eh? Well, it was a blimmin homested. It rang and rang, “C’mon Dog,” seda serprise to have Hermin Boss. Sharlene’s sposed to out here ina paqddicks, so I give him a careful be home bakin a cake and eye, and kept shearin’ watchin’ afta Sophie. That’s Boss’’s new dorter. We Boss’s sanniches. jumped ona quad, and Boss raced down that cattil race Well, we got ta tha house, an’ Boss rusht ina kitchen, An’ their wuz Sharlene an’ Mum, wot’s bin stayin’ lookin’ afta the house. Mum wuz lookin a bit seady, an’ Boss kneeled

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ona floor an’ grabb’d her hands.

sez she’s OK, nothing ta wurry about,” sed Sharlene.

“Mum’ hada bitava fall ina kitchen. Doc ame and

Well, readas, Boss made a cuppatee for everone, and then Sharlene sed “how didja no something wuz wrong?”

Woolshed Vacuuming Machine Available Is your woolshed full to the gratings?

We will be in your area soon. Call Andrew today to make a booking to get your wool, deer and calf sheds etc. cleaned.

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Boss looked at me, an’ then we both lookt at Hermin, He wuz sittin’ ona windersill, lickin’ his pores agin. “Blowed if I no,” seda Boss.”Wen I saw that Cat ina paddock, I figgered sumpin’ was rong eh? It’s like tha Cat come ta get me an’ Billy.” Well, nex’ thing Sharlene gotta creem froma frij, an ole’ Hermin was havin’ a good feed. Then

later, wen I wuz finishin’ offa a muttin bone, he came over ta me kennil, and blow me, he rubbed up agin me side lika ole mate and shared me tucker. Boss was there an’ he rekined maybe it was a sighn of new samd secks marriages the guvmint’s lettin’ happened. “Blowed if I no,” seda Boss. Well, I reckin I rekin Boss an’ Sharlene havin’ Sophy has changed thing’s here ona farm. Evin Hermin’s becomin’ part ofa famly. She’s a wunda eh? See ya Billy

For all your livestoCk needs, contact your

loCal buyer AreA



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September 2013


Bovine TB still needs vigilance

Woolshed servicing

by Alan Wheatley

• On farm Woolpresses & machines • WorKshoP Handpieces Electrical & Conventional (all brands) • sell Used Woolpresses, reconditioned machines, Handpieces. Combs & Cutters • BUY Presses, machines & Handpieces

The battle against bovine tuberculosis is being fought in all farming areas of New Zealand, but none more keenly than in Canterbury. TBfree NZ reports there are 13 dairy and beef cattle herds currently infected with bovine tuberculosis (TB) in the Canterbury region. A small number of these cases are in South Canterbury which, while classified as a TB Vector Free Area (VFA), does not mean it is immune to TB. Communications Adviser at TBfree NZ, Mike Hansen says pigs are an on-going issue in the battle against bovine tuberculosis. “While infected pigs can’t directly pass it on to cattle, animals they scavenge can

become infected and it’s those animals that cattle interact with that do the damage.” Mr Hansen says possums for example can become infected with TB from a pig, and cattle being naturally inquisitive, will often approach a sick or distressed possum and the simple of act of licking will be enough. TBfree New Zealand National Disease Manager Dr Kevin Crews agrees and says people must consider the consequences of transporting and releasing wild pigs into areas where the wild animal

population is known to be free of TB. “The beef, dairy and deer sectors are still vulnerable to bovine TB. We are all working hard to eradicate this disease and the illegal release of pigs into the wild is an unacceptable risk.” He says wild pig heads and offal should be buried deep enough that the remains cannot be scavenged. People should also be aware of the TB risk when handling pig carcasses. To reduce the chance of becoming infected, hunters should disinfect knives and gear after


use, cover any cuts and open wounds and wash thoroughly after cutting up animals.

rD Services

Most of the South Canterbury coastal area is an established vector free area or VFA and TBfree NZ wants it to stay that way.

(ray Dunick)

Phone 03 322 7486 or 0274 444 623 Email:

Adding Value. From Farm To Market. Contact a PGG Wrightson Wool representative today: Doug McKay

Peter McCusker Rob Lynskey

Chris Munro

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Freephone 0800 946 000

Ph: 027 591 8454

Helping grow the country

WOOL BUYERS Providing direct wool links from farm to Ace offal cookers for dog and pig food, also available as grain cookers for horses

user with a low cost marketing pipeline

Available in 63Litre and 94Litre, stainless steel bin on a tipping frame. Plugs into standard 230v socket. Fitted with 2 hour timer and neon. Have been in the market for over 30 years.

19 Galaxy Place, Welcome Bay, Tauranga P 07 544 7284 F 07 544 7280 M 027 294 6190 E W

TO DISCUSS YOUR REQUIREMENTS, ON FARM - IN YOUR SHED: Rakaia River North - Don Kars 0274 500 769 Rakaia River South - Gavin Crump 0274 316 555 Email: Website:



September 2013

Country Motoring with Ken Strugnell

Driving the Mazda 6 This month we look at the Mazda 6 which has been around in several guises for nearly 40 years. The latest version is, by a country mile, the best and could well be a contender for a Car of the Year Award later this year.

Do you have a common rail engine? If your answer is YES, you need a Sebco Diesel Station!

Mazda 6 2.2L Diesel Limited Wagon

I first drove a front-wheel drive Mazda 6 then the 626 nearly thirty years ago. It was a Limited 2 litre hatch and at the time the vehicle was a joint venture with Ford. I thought the Mazda was the better vehicle as it had some clever features like powered vents that oscillated to move cool or hot air around the cabin. Today the same category car from Mazda now called the ‘6’ is just as innovative and takes safety very seriously. I drove both the sedan and the wagon and as with many wagon versions preferred it for its styling and versatility. The ‘6’ is the second of the Mazda range to include ‘Skyactiv technology after the

CX5. It also shares some other design cues particularly the nose and the dash. Recognising that the wagon may well be the family or rep favourite the base model is a 2 litre 6 speed automatic [no manual option in the range] GLX spec priced at $45,495 is likely to be the top seller. I drove the top model turbo diesel Limited wagon $60,795 pictured, and a petrol mid spec GSX sedan $49,795 and was impressed by both for different reasons. M a z d a ’s Skyactiv terminology refers to all the improvements in chassis design weight and structural stiffness, design developments in smoother higher powered

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Ted Marris – Manager P: 03 312 7927

65 Main North Road, Woodend M: 027 431 5980

more fuel efficient petrol and diesel engines as well as the fuel saving i-ELOOP and I-STOP. The best way to experience them is to drive the cars so that’s exactly what I did. Over around 700km in each I discovered that they were both quite different in nature and will appeal to different drivers. I like push button starting keeping the keys in your pocket. It’s easy to use and safe as the keys just don’t get lost. Hit the button and either petrol or diesel models start easily and settle to a slow idle without vibration. Select drive and release the handbrake which surprisingly is still manual [not electric] and both models’ engines move off and up to speed effortlessly. Night driving in the ‘6’ has been improved thanks to the super white penetrating brightness of the Bi xenon headlamps that swivel up to 15 degrees on cornering. This was really evident on a winding unsealed road we drove over returning home late one evening. I like driving on metal, as sealed winter icy roads can be far more dangerous. Great lighting made the night drive on an unknown road surprisingly easy. For sheer grunt and acceleration the petrol is still the only choice. Its engine will live at maximum revs all day and not feel stressed. It was crisp in handling and provided excellent road holding. Mazda claim to have provided extra stiffening over the outgoing ‘6’ by 30% in the sedan and 45% in the wagon. Being lighter in the nose the petrol seemed sharper at turn in at speed without any vagueness. The



Ranger 4WD XLT Double Cab shown in Aurora Blue, with accessory sports bar. Award presented to Ford by Pieter Wieman, jury chairman, at the Fleet Transport EXPO 12 event, in Dublin, Ireland. November 2012.

Avon City Ford

Cnr Main South Rd and Epsom Rd, Sockburn | CHRISTCHURCH | 03 348 4129 or 0800 655 551 Rangiora Service Centre | 78 Ivory St | 03 313 7059 |

Go Further

FARM WHEELS diesels extra heft could be felt particularly on unsealed roads, never dangerously though you could detect the difference. You could also detect the difference at the pump where I managed 5.5L/100km in the diesel which is just on Mazda’s claim. I achieved 7.1L/100km in the petrol version a full ½ litre more than claimed consumption. Still with use I think it should drop down into the 6s. The diesel as all diesels do, lopes along with little need to stir it by changing manually. The huge torque, 420nm available at 2,000rpm makes it an effortless car to soak up the miles. The interior is all about the soft tactile surfaces, crystal clear instruments, and touch screen to make it a very pleasant experience. Just below the gear selector is a BMW styled rotary control for Audio, Navigation Phone and Set Up which was intuitive and easy to use and no sticky finger marks on the 7-inch touch screen.

of the way when loading. Also included is a cargo net to stop items flying forwards into the cabin under hard braking. The sedan’s remote seat releases in the boot allow one or both rear seats to be dropped if you need the extra space or length. All models come with a good sound system including Bluetooth phone and audio stream. USB and iPod connections are found beneath the sliding centre glove box. The wagon is complete with a rear spoiler and roof rails. The diesel is rated to tow 2,000kg braked — the petrol 200kgs less.

For sheer grunt and acceleration the petrol is still the only choice

Front and rear passengers are well catered for with air vents cup holders, bottle holders, and a large fold down armrest on the 60/40 slit folding rear seats. The sedan’s boot with a steel spare beneath seemed shallow when compared to the wagon. The wagon also liberates more head room for the rear passengers. It has a roller blind attached to the rear door meaning it swings up out

The red Limited pictured is a brighter deeper red in person than evident in the photo. It is the best, and for my money only colour to buy. Mazda refers to it as Kodo–Soul of Motion as it combines enhanced reflective elements to give it real depth and contrast.

alphabet of safety aids including ABS DCS [ESP] Traction Control System [TCS] EBD EBA Hill Launch Assist [HLA]. Safety in the Limited now rivals many Euros and some luxury brands available elsewhere. The top spec Mazda 6 now includes Blind Spot monitoring, BSM [the bits you can’t see just on the outside left and right rear of the car. Rear cross traffic alert, RCTA for warning when backing out of a car park, even when you can’t see the road. Smart brake support, SBS which warns of an impending possible collision ahead and will prepare and apply the brakes. Radar cruise control.

RCC that constantly maintains a safe distance between you and the vehicle ahead up to your selected speed by accelerating and brake automatically. Forward obstruction warning, FOW giving you audible and visible dash warnings of an obstruction to your intended route. All of this Mazda market as their I ACTIVSENSE. Along with the luxuries, these safety aids move the goalposts for Mazda. OK some of them are available on other makes though few at this price point and even fewer with the whole orchestra. They alone boost the Mazda Limited 6 to justify and even demand you stretch to the top model.

The Limited has luxuries like heated, powered leather seats, 11 speaker Bose sounds, Power sunroof, auto day night mirror and heated exterior mirrors. The GSX is the pick of the models on value. It comes with Skyactive fuel saving technology I Stop, i-ELOOP regenerative braking, Tom-Tom sat nav and rear camera, dual climate air, rain sensing wiper, Bluetooth, keyless entry, and an acronym




RRP $10,495

You’d be hard pushed to find another ATV that offers so much for so little. And right now, you can put the iconic Suzuki KingQuad 300 to work with no deposit and easy repayments over 36 months. Price includes GST. Payments include $13 PPSR, $395 Establishment Fee and $5 Monthly Maintenance Fee. Offer available at participating Suzuki dealers until 31 October 2013 or while stocks last. Finance offer based on no deposit, and 36 monthly payments of $346.43 at an interest rate of 7.95%. Weekly payment is indicative only, payments can only be made monthly. Normal lending criteria apply please ask your dealer for details.

Avon City Suzuki Epsom Road, Sockburn, Christchurch • 03 341 3490 • Give Geoff a call on 0274 372 790

September 2013




September 2013 ADVERTORIAL

Much anticipated move

Drummond & Etheridge, recently opened its brand new, purpose built premises in Rolleston, on the corner of Jones and Hoskyns rd at the entrance of the flourishing izone industrial area. This was a much anticipated move for the staff and clients of D&E as they relocated from their previous premises in Templeton which they had well and truly outgrown. “The new premises will allow us to offer even better customer service as we are constantly striving to respond to the ever changing needs of the agricultural industry in our area,” says Chris Rayner, D&E Christchurch’s Branch Manager.








0800 38 44 50


“D&E has a reputation for supplying quality products, and backing them up with attentive and innovative service,” he says. “This philosophy has been the driving force behind the new Selwyn premises and the company’s dealership in Ashburton, launched two years ago.” For visitors to the new Rolleston branch they may be a bit surprised by the depth of D&E’s offering — everything from John Deere toys and merchandise through to Honda Power Equipment, mowers, golf and turf equipment and the

range of Polaris ATVs and side-by-sides. Business owner Mark Etheridge is focussed on working smart and being cost-effective for D&E’s range of clientele.

from John Deere includes the new 6M tractors range, which brings with it a new generation of agricultural management,” says Chris Rayner.

D&E was established back in 1933 by Bob Drummond and Arthur Etheridge (Mark’s grandfather) and over the years D&E has grown from a general repair garage to a leading force in agricultural and automotive industry throughout the central South Island.

“We introduced the 6M series just a few months ago. It offers a new level of strength and control technology, powered by an optimised range of highefficiency engines. The whole thing is packaged in John Deere’s full frame design, which means you get high structural integrity, low vibration levels and lower overall weight,” he says. “As the needs of dairy, livestock, arable and specialty farms become more specialised, so does this kind of technology

D&E’s name has become synonymous with the global brand John Deere which has a staunch following in the Agricultural marketplace. “An exciting new offering

Available on selected model tractors only and for a limited period, 30% deposit (GST back in 3rd month) over 36 months.*

*Conditions apply

Introducing the all-new John Deere 6M Series Tractors

Through these two offerings the team are able to offer the latest in technology and meet the irrigation needs of a wide audience such as residential, commercial and agricultural clientele. To find out more, you can visit the new Drummond & Etheridge premises at 799 Jones Road, Rolleston, go online to: or call 0800 432 633.

Come and check out our new premises, cnr Jones and Hoskyns Rd in Rolleston, for great opening specials like these....








A new and exciting edition to the offering at D&E in Christchurch is the new Irrigation Division which includes John Deere Water and Signature Control Systems.


All the quality, strength and reliability you expect from John Deere, plus new innovative features making them more versatile, powerful and efficient than ever before...

HP: T Trans: Hyd Pump: Hyd SCVs: PT PTO: Front Axle: Engine:

offer more opportunities and efficiencies.”





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See us about your rural, residential and commercial irrigation requirements!



September 2013


Hoof Print with Fred Hoekstra

Are you ready for the new season? When it comes to being organised with staff and machinery you probably are, but what about lameness? Or, are you like many who believe they won’t get lame cows this year? It is a bit like a new year’s resolution. I guess it is understandable that people have every intention of doing their best in keeping this stock affliction down, but how are they going to achieve it? It is not going to happen automatically. You require a strategy, but in order to have a strategy you need a good understanding of the contributing factors of the condition. I have written many articles about these factors and I will continue to do so, but what are you going to do when you do end up with lame cows — and you will get them. How many do you need before you consider it a problem? Would you consider five cows in your lameness herd throughout the season a problem? I know that many farmers would be more than happy if they only had five throughout the season. Let’s break it down. If you have a milking season of 40 weeks and if cows are lame on an average of four weeks then you will have about 50

lame cows that season because you replace the five affected cows every four weeks, so, over 40 weeks you replace them 10 times. How much does a lame cow cost you? That also depends on who you talk to. Some people say $50 and some people say a $1,000. A few years ago we sent out a questionnaire to 300 dairy farmers. With the answers that farmers were coming back with, we worked out that the average cost per lame cow in Canterbury was around $1,200. That may seem very high but if you have a cow that is not in calf because of lameness then you have to replace that empty cow with a cow that is in calf. That in itself would cost you over $1,000 without the treatment cost or loss of production cost added on. Then there are also plenty of cows that need to be culled because of lameness even though they are in calf.

Ground Supplies Try us for your compost/mulch requirements We deliver to all areas, or available ex yard • Composts So I think you should work with a cost on average of $500 per lame cow. That is possibly still on the conservative side, but in our example of 50 lame cows during the season you have a cost of $25,000. I don’t know about you but there are many good things that I could do with $25,000! In my travels I come across many farmers who haven’t thought about the cost too much. I am just trying to put things into

perspective. There are plenty of new milking sheds being built that have no facilities to trim cows. Some people seem to find it hard to justify buying a crush or doing a hoof trimming course because they don’t have many lame cows. You don’t need many lame cows to have a problem that costs you lots of money, let alone considering the animal welfare costs.


Future farmers learn the trade Bringing real, hands-on, practical training to the farm is what it’s all about at Emerge Dairy Industry Training. As the shortage of skilled staff continues to be a challenge for the dairy industry, Emerge are offering education that makes sense to farmers and their workers. • Our expectation is that you will gain a better service from your employee during the season, will achieve a better trained, more productive and more efficient and safety-aware worker • Our focus is high quality, effective education for dairy farm workers • We deliver the vast majority of training ON FARM • Training is delivered as and when the knowledge is needed on the farm, not according to a unit standard fixed training schedule We are proud to have a collaboration with Telford (a division of Lincoln University) which enables us to offer this programme fee FREE to eligible applicants. The course has been developed to meet the needs of each season of

the farming calendar — the trainee is taught what they need to know, when they need to know it. It is divided into modules that reflect what is happening on your farm at that time of the year. Courses are offered New Zealand-wide.

• Bark/Wood chip • Ground cover mulch • Soil • Spreader avail for large areas

Canterbury Greenwaste Processor Ltd P O Box 5321 Christchurch

Phone: 03 352 2909 email:

To advertise in the Canterbury Farming please call 03 347 2314 or email


Dimensions: 3.0 Wide x 4.8 Deep x 2.4 High


0800 ON FARM 0800 663 276 Emerge Training Limited, in association with Telford (a division of Lincoln University) is delivering Level 3 Dairy Training Programmes throughout New Zealand. The courses are: - Fortnightly, between milkings - On-farm (where possible) - Over 12 months - FEE FREE Emerge is a specialist New Zealand dairy training company. We develop and deliver dairy training programmes ranging from practical skills development through to farm management capability. Our programmes have been developed by farmers for farmers, and cover the full range of skillsets required for people to develop successful farming careers.

Emerge is running training programmes for people interested in furthering their dairy farming career. If you want to develop your skills so you can take the next step up, this course might be just what you are looking for! You need to: - Like and respect animals; - Be employed, and want to pursue your career and take the next step up; - Be honest and reliable; - Be positive about yourself and ready to learn. To get started, or for more information contact: North Island: Rachel Nash 027 838 6844 South Island: Amanda Bisset 027 838 5637

Dimensions: 5.0 Wide x 11.6 Deep x 2.8 High

✔ Kitset ✔ Completely built ✔ Built on skids ✔ H3 Radiata Pine ✔ Zinc cladding

✔ Colorsteel ✔ Rugged construction ✔ Made to order

BARN 3 Bay Dimensions: 13.5 Wide x 6.0 Deep x 3.6 High Built to your specific requirements

RangioRa 5a Cone Street, Rangiora Freephone: 0800 426 639 Phone: (03) 313 4862, Fax: (03) 313 4863 email:



September 2013

Soil Matters with Peter Burton

Bigger clover and less bloat Use Waikari Lime Rubble for your cows dairy lane •Reduce the number of lame cows •Reduce amount of manure in dairy shed •Reduce travel time to & from dairy shed HARBOURS NO BACTERIA SO CAN HELP IMPROVE HOOF CONDITION Waikari Lime Rubble is lighter and goes further than competing lane rock products







Murray Taylor 03 314 7254 or 0274 323 250

We grew up believing that clover caused bloat, there was no substitute for horsepower when it came to Bathurst, and the way to increased horsepower being a bigger engine and more fuel down its throat. I remember an experienced farmer telling me that adding potash to super was like increasing the octane rating of petrol, and more potash did indeed appear to grow more clover but the incidence and severity of bloat also increased. So with good reason we believed that clover caused

bloat, but just as smaller engine cars have been faster around Mt Panorama than the V8s there’s an increasing awareness that outstanding clover growth from early spring to late autumn is available without bloat being a problem. Bloat is a result of the gut not working properly resulting in a build-up of

gas that reduces intake of feed and production — and in severe cases animals die, with death often occurring quickly and unpredictably. In 1981 Dr. Max Turner of Massey University linked bloat with a sodium potassium imbalance, with a possible link between the incidence of bloat and the increase in application of potassium fertiliser. Our experience over 30 years is that when animals are showing signs of bloat, having salt available to them appears to lessen the severity. Red clover and lucerne are both classed as a Natrophobes (Dominion Salt Bulletin 3), plants that naturally have low concentrations of sodium in their leaf tissue, while white clover is classed as a Natrophile, a plant that contains relatively high levels of sodium in its tissue and listed above ryegrasses, so there’s likely to be another factor. Farmer experience is that animals with a full gut entering a fresh break of feed containing a high percentage of clover are much less likely to suffer from bloat than those that have not grazed for a couple of hours prior. In 2006 independent measures from intensive dairy properties growing significantly more total pasture annually than district average, showed pastures on these farms to

DoloZest Based on GoldenBay Dolomite ing Smar t


Functional Fertiliser Sin

ce 2010

The common factor with the high clover content properties measured in 2006 was the use of CalciZest and DoloZest based soil nutrient programmes. Reports from a steadily increasing number of properties using these programmes now also indicate that bloat is not considered a problem by their operators. An increase in plant available calcium is a key requirement for the persistence of large leafed long stemmed clover. CalciZest, a lime based product containing a selected range of live fungi and bacteria stimulates the growth of clover that is largely resistant to flea and weevil attack. At optimum grazing time, clovers on these properties are largely solid stemmed. This suggests that the amount of potassium able to rapidly enter the plant is reduced and along with less bloat fully fed animals grazing these pastures are capable of producing close to their live weight in milk solids annually. For more information contact Peter on 0800 843 809.


& CalciZest 0800 843 809


ow Gr

contain on average double the amount of clover over the four months of September to December, yet then, as in subsequent seasons the incidence of bloat was very low.


or 07 362 7288 or go to

Eco-Logic Soil Improvement Ltd

Newborn calves at your place? Tag your animals All newborn cattle must be tagged with a NAIT approved RFID ear tag before they are six months old, or before they move off farm – whichever is soonest. Bobby calves going direct to slaughter are exempt. Register your animals Once tagged, you must register all your calves in the NAIT system within one week, or before they move off farm – whichever is soonest. Registration links individual animals to tags in the NAIT system so they can be traced.

Underpasses Box Culverts Dairy Lanes

To find out more go to or call NAIT on 0800 624 843 Gold


Ashburton Contracting Limited P 03 308 4039 A 48 South Street, Ashburton W


September 2013



Regulatory compliance and milk quality Since concern about milk quality has become a topical subject, every facet of milk harvesting operations is being scrutinised. Teat spraying is one such area. Suppliers with rotary platform sheds that have teat spray systems that spray while the cow is on the platform must have an automated system to eliminate or minimise the risk of cows being sprayed while still being milked. This is necessary to comply with Fonterra’s Risk Management Plan (RMP) to protect the future of dairy food production in New Zealand. Fonterra’s Food Safety Technical Advisor Paul Dixon says “Fonterra’s position is based upon Fonterra’s interpretation of current regulatory and RMP criteria and any obligations for the harvesting of milk for all intended markets.” Teat Sprayer Innovator and Developer David Carey has identified two high risk areas. Firstly, cows that do not finish milking in the first revolution of the platform are sprayed with the teat cups on. Although the cups would have a short period for the spray to dry there is still the possibility that the residue may brush onto the teats of the following cow as they are cupped. Secondly, cows that have kicked off their cups

before being milked out and are retained on the platform are re-cupped after having been teat sprayed on the first revolution. Fonterra requires these sprayed cups to be washed in compliant water and sprayed teats washed and dried before being recupped.

they have left the milking platform. Mr Carey says “For farmers who already have their sheds set up for platform teat spraying and don’t want to make a change we have developed a device that interrupts the signal to the teat sprayer, causing it not to spray if the cow is being retained on the platform for any reason. This can be retro-fitted to most existing automatic systems that have a cow retention apparatus.”

Freeriding cows can be accidentally re-cupped after being sprayed by machine or hand. This will especially pose a greater risk if the freeriders are freshly calved colostrum cows and the milk harvester is inexperienced. Everybody knows that these cows have swollen udders which look as if they have not been milked out.

This device has been developed in response to Fonterra’s concerns regarding keeping farmers compliant with Animal Products Regulations 2005, while retaining a high standard of milk quality that is acceptable the world over. All systems need to fit within these regulations, with no compromise in reliability and performance.

Staff at this time of the year are often exhausted from dealing with on-thefarm calving demands which can also contribute to the problem. Any farmer who is spraying cows on the platform whether by machine or hand is at risk. Machines spray every cow regardless and the capacity for human error is high in a repetitive job like this. The only fool-proof solution is to spray cows after

Mr Carey says, “Ultimately teat spraying in the exit race using a system such as the WETiT QD0 is the answer to compliance issues because it sprays cows that have left the milking environment and have no risk of being re-cupped.”

ADR 500 Effluent Screening Plant



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Applied Depth – Depth 54 0–5 32 No 1 Overlap mm 0

just 5 mm applied depth!

Test 1

Test 2

Test 3

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MF6480T3 Perkins engine, 12 front weights, Belly weight, Datatronic 3 monitor 2,147hrs MF6470 Dynashift transmission, fitted with a Stoll HD30 loader 4,800 hrs MF7480 full spec 50 Kph, Climate control. On 14.9 R46 rears and 14.9 R30 fronts. 8,000 hrs VALTRA A95 Fitted with Valtra 930 SL FEL with 3rd service, euro hitch. 1,780 hrs CASE MXU135 Bare tractor, 4 rear remotes, 600/65R38 rears 480/65R28 fronts 5,362 hrs CASE MXU100 Fitted with a Manip s/l loader 4047 hrs JD6530 Premium Fitted with JD 653 front end loader 4,500 hrs JD6520 Premium Fitted with 731 S/L loader 7,382 hrs JD6420 Premium Front axle and cab suspension Fitted with JD 631 FEL 1,753 hrs FIAT 90-90 Fitted with a Fairbrother single crowd ram loader. 8,922 hrs RENAULT 610 Bare tractor, cab suspension, very tidy 6,366 hrs SAME Explorer 80 ROPS, c/w loader, 5,719 hours

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7 Main South Road, Rakaia 7710 Mid Canterbury

JJ Christchurch 36 Hickory Place,Hornby CHCH Ph 03 344 5645 Sales: Nick Wilson 027 498 7044 Maurice Jordon 027 260 7821 Service: Dave Paris 0272 607 822

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$55,000 $22,000 $20,000



September 2013

Foliar uptake of nutrients by Dr Tim Jenkins

More farmers are now applying foliar nutrients on to pasture and crops. The application of plant nutrients direct to the leaf can bring many advantages. An obvious advantage is the speed with which the nutrient gets into the shoots. Nitrogen and most mineral elements are taken up efficiently by the leaf. It is well known that grasses and crop leaves can rapidly take up elements but that rates and concentrations should be appropriate to avoid too much leaf scorch. These rates will vary according to crop sensitivity. Some elements such as zinc or phosphorus

are somewhat less efficiently taken up by the leaf due to the low solubility of the fertiliser compounds they form. Using the more soluble compounds is important to improve uptake of such elements. In the case of zinc, the zinc sulphate form is usually chosen. The speed and percentage of uptake through the leaf surface depends in part how the nutrient is taken up. Contrary to popular belief, foliar uptake

of fertiliser elements does not just occur through the stomata. The stomata are important pores for the transfer of gases in and out of the leaf. Uptake of some of the fertiliser elements can be through the guard cells of the stomata but the majority of uptake is through the cuticle coating on the leaf. The leaf cuticle has a waxy coating. Uptake of fertiliser as ions such as K+ for potassium, Mg++ for magnesium and

Contact us for a free mail out analysis on 03 3184 707 or email Low soil pH? Increase your pH with Ag Lime where quality doesn't cost, it pays!!! Other products available: Driveway & landscaping chip, Track Rock, Serpentine, Hatuma Dicalcic Phosphate, Blending available.


Or contact your local spreading contractor Ivan Stubbs Frews Transport Plains Groundspreading McCarthy Contracting Frews Transport MA Bruce Ellesmere Transport

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SO4++ for sulphur is through the thinner parts of the wax and then through the cutin which is hydrophilic (water-loving). In the case of nitrogen, ammonium or nitrate ions also follow this path whereas the urea molecule, which is often more efficient for foliar uptake, can go through even thick parts of the outer wax coating and also through the waxy portions inside the cutin. Even though the urea molecule is larger than an ammonium or nitrate ion, uptake into the leaf of urea is rapid and very efficient. Uptake by grasses in field conditions can vary from around 30% to around 90% of the applied nitrogen. Low humidity reduces the speed and percentage of uptake. In some cases foliar fertiliser can achieve what solid fertiliser is not able to achieve. There is a particular advantage in the case of many trace elements where foliar applications can circumvent some of the lock-up issues that may be occurring in the soil eg

Foliar application delivers nutrients to the right place at the right time

supplying copper, zinc or iron to a crop in a high pH soil with low availability of those nutrients. The foliar approach with trace elements can also be more cost efficient with much smaller per hectare applications having the same or better result for the crop as large granular applications. Magnesium is somewhere in between a trace element and a major element but it can still be addressed efficiently with foliar application. Good timing for this can be in spring when high natural potassium availability in the soil reduces magnesium uptake by roots and a seasonal magnesium deficiency may exist. Once leaves take up a nutrient, it can be transferred around different parts of the shoots and some will even go to the roots and thus all areas

of growth can be reached in a timely and efficient manner. The nutrients do not just stay in the treated leaves. All plant trace element requirements could be met with foliar application. For the major mineral elements, however, the foliar approach does not usually come close to a replacement for the application of solid fertiliser but can give strategic boosts to growth and plant condition. In legume based pasture, all nitrogen requirements could be met with foliar application whereas for many crops with sensitive leaves, foliar application may just be restricted to low rate applications for stimulation of growth. Next month will look more in-depth at foliar nutrient strategies.


Concrete Water/Feed Troughs • Precast Panels • Silage Pits • Water Tanks/Effluent Tanks Concrete Bunkers • Weeping Walls • Killing Sheds For any quotes or enquiries contact us on

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Cut your Dairy Effluent Disposal costs and pump breakdowns through regular maintenance weeping walls • holding ponds • wedges • saucers We have a fleet of trucks designed for this purpose. Stirrers also available. Family owned and operated Robson Environmental Services Ltd Phone (03) 349 8871

Ellis Road RANGIORA P. 03 313 8339 F. 03 313 3767

Warmer weather leads to exceptional growth by Tim Dale – ATS Seed Manager

After a reasonably mild winter and favourable early spring weather patterns most farmers are in a great position for feed supply. The potential problems from the 2013 autumn dry period have not been realised for most Canterbury farmers with current pasture growth and feed supplements in good supply. Pasture growth has been exceptional in early spring with some dairy farmers struggling to control their feed which has required early cutting for silage. The extra pasture growth has also meant less grain and other supplement feeding with compound feed suppliers reporting lower than expected sales to dairy farmers in particular. A common sight for us this year will be paddocks of fodder beet with a large increase in the area looking at being planted. A combination of factors has driven

this increase in area, in particular: • Demand from end users, particularly dairy farmers • Recognition of the quality and quantity that fodder beet delivers • Planned feeding systems to overcome stock health issues • Consistent and economical yields for growers • Agronomy gains • A range of fodder beet varieties are now available for grazing and lifting We are now seeing a number of arable properties along with dairy support growing an ever increasing area of feed for the growing dair y sector with projected increases in maize, kale, along with the fodder beet area.

For more information on all your spring seed options contact ATS Seed today on 0800 BUY ATS (289 287).



Call on MacKenzie Supply Services 2012 Ltd for all your bulk freight this season. Carting up to 26 tonne, from seed and grain to fertiliser and palm kernel. Servicing throughout Canterbury, South Canterbury, North Otago, Dunedin and the MacKenzie Country, MacKenzie Supply Services will work with enthusiasm and pride to ensure your satisfaction. Each one of our 30-strong team is innovative and committed to go that extra mile to ensure all customers receive only the best.

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Available with AR37 and AR1 novel endophytes. Prospect has been bred from a diverse range of perennial genetic material. Strong all-year-round performance. A dense fine-leaved cultivar with high total production. # Prospect functions as a perennial ryegrass and is certified as Lolium boucheanum.

To find out how Prospect can maximise production on your farm, contact 0800 183 358, visit or visit your local seed merchant. Another great product from:



Seeds & Grain

September 2013


September 2013

Seeds & Grain

Drilling down to the roots of a vital technology As science unlocks the secrets of how plants and soil interact, technology turns this knowledge into practical tools for the farmer — and never has this been more apparent than in the manner in which many of our staple crops are now seeded.

Where once farmers would follow the ploughman with a basket, literally ‘broadcasting’ seed (and yes, this is where the term for radio and television transmission comes from), these days a powerful pneumatic seed drill takes up the task, equipped

with computers to monitor seed spacing, depth and placement — sometimes even from space.

Hunter is a fast maturing (6 - 8 weeks) forage brassica with excellent quality for growing animals.

The earliest seed drills come from 1500BC, when Babylonian farmers used reeds to push seeds one by one into irrigated soil. The Chinese were using ox-drawn multi-tine seed drills by 200BC, allowing the mass cultivation of rice and grains. Some historians believe that without the seed drill, China would never have become the large empire which it was at the time of Marco Polo. He, coincidentally, is credited as perhaps bringing the seed drill idea to medieval Italy.

Excellent yields with up to four grazings. Bred for virus tolerance and grazing recovery.

To find out how Hunter can maximise production on your farm, contact 0800 183 358, visit or visit your local seed merchant.


Another great product from:

Nowadays the modern seed drill is a far cry from such primitive tools. Take for example the Vaderstad Seed Hawk 1300 — at over 25 metres wide and weighing 15 tons, this field-spanning monster uses GPS to precisely place every last seed, covering

61 hectares in a single load of its triple hopper. Its direct-drilling method is especially effective in areas with low soil moisture, as it can literally ‘fire’ each seed to the precise depth required for optimum growth. Here in New Zealand we have little need for such titanic tools of agriculture — the Seed Hawk was built for the wide, flat plains of North America. But you’ll find high-tech seed drills attached to many farmers’ tractors in Canterbury nonetheless, prized for their precision and their ability to give seeds the best possible start in life. As the farming sector continues to grow and support a burgeoning population, technology such as seed drilling, hand in hand with a deeper understanding of soil chemistry and plant biology may be key to keeping healthy vegetables and cereals on our plates.

From ONLY $42.50+gst per hectare!

Suitable as a 2-3 year crop option. Has a positive impact on milk production when grass quality drops in summer.


Valuable year-round growth, especially in winter and early spring. An ideal source of minerals for animal health and performance.

To find out how Tonic can maximise production on your farm, contact 0800 183 358, visit or visit your local seed merchant. Another great product from:


Without the vast advancements in agriculture seen in the last century, it’s debatable if we could actually feed the majority of people on the planet.

CALL US NOW! 0800 DRY HIRE 0800 379 4473


Seeds & Grain

September 2013


We stand behind our products FF Instrumentation is a 100% New Zealand owned Instrumentation company based in Christchurch. We specialise in supplying quality analytical, process and development solutions to the food, dairy, grain and feed industries in New Zealand. Our business ethos is to educate about, and fully support all we sell. All the products in our instrumentation range have been specifically chosen for the value they offer, assessed in terms of quality, features and price. We stand behind our products 100%, offering enduring backup and support. In the event that you have a problem with instrumentation purchased from us, we go the extra mile to assist. With investment in quality instrumentation it's important that you get a return. We will help to get you up and running and to get the best out of your instrumentation.

We will also advise you on the best ways to look after your instrumentation and can help train your staff in use and care procedures. One of our exclusive products is the MiniBatt.

Call Matthew Reed today 021 526 576

The Minibatt harvests, threshes and separates out the grains from the surrounding material. It uses a standard hulling technique in a stand alone format. It is a selfcontained unit comprising a picker/threshing drum, an aerator/blower and its drive system, on the same horizontal axis. The machine is driven by an electric gearmotor, coupled to the end of the drive shaft and powered by a rechargeable battery.

Trialled and highly regarded across New Zealand.

For more information get in touch with FF Instrumentation Ltd on 03 962 2960 or visit

A leading grass for summer drymatter production. Late heading date (+20).

To find out how One50 can maximise production on your farm, contact 0800 183 358, visit or visit your local seed merchant.


Another great product from:

To advertise in Canterbury Farming

The latest analytical equipment for the food, dairy, grain, seed and feed industries— from farm to plate!

Whole Grain Moisture and Protein analysis

Falling Number

Grain Moisture

Please call 03 347 2314 or email

Soil Moisture Probes

Whole Grain Moisture Analyser

Portable Thresher

Hay/Silage Moisture

48 Hayton Rd, Wigram, Christchurch | P. 03 962 2960 F. 03 962 2962


September 2013

Seeds & Grain

Improved seeding technologies demand high quality seed Article supplied by Duncan Ag courtesy of Professor John Hampton, Lincoln Seed Research Centre Seeding equipment and seed quality are inexorably linked. Improvements in seeding technologies for crop and pasture establishment have delivered environmental and increasingly financial benefits through: • better preservation of soil structure

• improved soil organic matter • reduced soil erosion • improved soil aeration • improved water use efficiency • reduced fuel use Seeders are now available which are equally suited to both conventional cultivation and

reduced tillage. Unfortunately, seed quality can fail to match the performance capacity of the seeding equipment, which — together with the operator — often get blamed for disappointing plant establishment. As a result, the equipment may end up with a bad reputation quite unfairly.

So, why could a seed line have emergence problems? The obvious answer is poor germination. The presence of abnormal seedlings and/or dead seeds indicates that the seed line is deteriorating physiologically, and will be likely to struggle to perform once sown as shown in the table below. The results

in the field emergence data in this table are therefore to be expected. While seed lines with poor germination do exist, in New Zealand it would be unusual for them to be used because the vast majority of seed lines have high germination of 90% or more. But large emergence differences can occur even when high germinating seed lines are sown as reflected in the following table:

need quick feed? an ideal undersowing and silage option.

In the presence of seed bed stress, low temperature in this case, some high germinating seed lines struggled to emerge while others did not and there was a 92% emergence. The reason for these differences is because of another seed quality component — seed vigour. Seed vigour is a physiological aspect of seed quality, and determines the

ability of the line to cope with environmental stress. Differences in the vigour of high germinating seed lines can be explained by the process of seed ageing, or physiological deterioration. This deterioration can begin before seed harvest, and is particularly influenced by high temperature during seed development. Seeds lose vigour before they lose the ability to germinate. Seed lines which have high germination but emergence problems are low vigour lots, while those with good emergence are high vigour lots. It is important to note that if seed bed conditions are benign (i.e. no stress), then both low and high vigour seed lines will be expected to have good emergence. Only when seed bed stress occurs will seed vigour have a major impact on emergence.

Germination results and field emergence for five maize seed lines: Seed line

1 2 3 4 5

Germination result Normal seedlings % 96 88 75 64 52

Abnormal seedlings % 1 8 2 30 10

Field Emergence Dead seeds % 3 4 23 6 38

% 89 76 51 50 21

Field emergence of nine forage and nine vegetable brassica seed lines all with a germination of 91% or higher following three sowing at the same site:

Feast® II tetraploid Italian ryegrass is a fantastic autumn and spring feed option. With excellent dry matter production, Feast II is ideal for high quality silage and is also suitable for repairing damaged pastures due to its quick establishment and high yields.

Sowing no.

1 2 3

Mean 10cm soil temp (oC) 4.4 8.7 9.2

Field Emergence Forage Species Mean (%) Range (%) 72 16–92 72 42–89 69 6–85

Vegetable Species Mean (%) Range (%) 64 29–79 67 55–80 79 71–87

Busch contracting Limited

PWS 1220

Need more feed? Contact your local seed retailer, go to or Freephone 0800 805 505.

For Pastoral and Crop Direct or Conventional Drilling All CultivAtion neeDs • RuRAl FenCing

Corey 027 623 8003 Danny 027 250 0059 PWS 1220 Feast Press Ad CF 280x172_ƒ.indd 1

9/10/13 5:58 PM


Seeds & Grain

September 2013


Ease of use

Quality Agricultural Hire is a Central South Island business which specialises in hiring out Taege Direct Seed Drills, which are consistantly praised by farmers for their dependability, flexibility and ease of use. The Seed Drills will plant and broadcast grass seed and handle smaller seeds including kale, turnips and all brassicas. Quality Agricultural Hire offers an alternative to other ways of seeding — farmers don’t have to wait for contractors, worry about maintenance, or deal with the down time for repairs.

The reliable way to drill is to hire as the drills are replaced regularly which ensures the most current equipment is being used for the job. Quality Agricultural Hire has been operating since 2009 and has a large base of farmers who use the drills every year because the Taege Direct drills are the best on the market and can drill

From ONLY $42.50+gst per hectare!


into pretty much anything! Quality Agricultural Hire is offering a FREE set-up, calibration, and a FREE five hectares off your next drilling. All you need to do is mention this article (conditions apply). To lodge your interest or to book your next seed drill hire, contact: Andrew 021 573 527 or

, d l e i y spring ality

u q r e m m u s

Standard flowering date with strong early season production. Excellent autumn, winter growth. Very low aftermath seed head production. Suited to all high performance stock systems.

To find out how Request can maximise production on your farm, contact 0800 183 358, visit or visit your local seed merchant.

CALL US NOW! 0800 DRY HIRE 0800 379 4473 KA SE E D MU E (1984) LTD T Sealy Street, Temuka Ph/Fa x: (03) 615 7913

For all your seed, dressing, drying & mixing requirements


Another great product from:

White Clover dressing specialists Outstanding success removing weeds seeds such as

dock, field madder, and fathen

Free Mixing Ryegrasses, Brassicas, Clovers, Cocksfoot, Timothy, Chichory

Over 30 years Experience

Stockfood Manufacturers

Great service — Friendly tea m

• Calf Meals/Nuts High-Low Protein • All Purpose Meal eg. Hen, Pig, Goat • Sheep Nuts

• Rolled Barley with molasses • Dairy Meals • Feed Grain eg Barley Wheat Peas

FREEPHONE 0800 615 7913 Greig Bailey 0274 499 062

Hamilton Seed Ltd High Street, Southbridge

Pete 03 324 26 46 or 027 544 1513 Sunny 027 662 7664


September 2013


Seeds & Grain

Bigger range feeds growth

PMR Grain Systems are a mid-Canterbury based company specialising in the supply and installation of grain storage, grain drying and handling solutions. Pmr grain sYstems


master driers

harvest international augers

• Manually or fully automatic systems

PMR are now sole distributor for Harvest International Augers in NZ. Harvest Augers range from 8”–13” dia and 32’–113’ long, and are available with either hydraulic or winch lift, and swing away or standard inlet hoppers. • Iron edge flighting 50% thicker than standard • New tapper bearing gearbox • Independent drive kit available • Tubulators available

• Master dust extraction — increased bushel weight and improved operating environment • Capacities from 10–40 tonnes • Mobile or static units • Tractor or electric drive

CroP drYing Fans & gas Burners

gsi silos

harvest ChC

Flat bottomed or hopper. 10 to 10,000 tonnes. Can be fitted with stirrers and unload systems. Dairy Feed Systems now available.

Available to match all sizes of fan units. Fully automatic gas fired, with computerised control. Single and double units available.

Crop Storage Specialists

Crop Storage Specialists

Tel 03 303 7266 Mobile 0275 146 609 Email Web

From initial consultation and planning, through to the supply of equipment and its correct installation, this professional local company pride themselves on providing the ‘complete package’. As well as grain drying and handling systems, PMR have now established themselves as a leading supplier of dairy feed equipment. This equipment includes bulk feed tanks, flex flo delivery systems and roller mills. They back up their expertise in sourcing cutting-edge equipment with a committed installation team, operating throughout the Canterbury region. “We are also pleased to announce that this

Mill and bulk feed tank

year we have added to our equipment the Master Farm mobile driers ranging in capacities from 8 tonne batch to 45 tonne batch,” says PMR Grains spokesman Dave Shaw. These driers can be fitted with numerous options such as moisture meters and cleaners.

We are also pleased to have been appointed the New Zealand agent for the Harvest International range of grain augers, ranging from 8" diameter 30' long to the massive 13" diameter 110' long augers, plus a range of versatile add-ons.”

NZ Made for NZ Conditions You deserve to benefit from the durability, simplicity and accuracy Allen Custom Drills deliver superior seeding results THE CHOICE IS YOURS... • 5” or 6” row spacings • 3m to 8m drilling widths, folding to 3m transport width • Various bin options: Fertiliser, Insecticide & Slugbait • Crane option for loading up to 1000kg bags • Painted in colour of your choice

ORDER NOW... T-D Series – Tyne Drill starting at ................................................................. $41,999 P-D Series – Packer Drill starting at ................................................................. $74,999 H-D Series – Heavy Duty Disc Drill starting at ................................................................. $96,999 C-D Series – Contour Drill starting at .............................................................. $111,999

32 Robinson Street, Ashburton, 7740 Ph: 03 308 4094 | Email: Fax: 03 308 4093 | Web: CRAIG ALLEN: 021 861 440

September 2013



Contracting ltd Specialised drill solutions Ballagh Windwhistle

In an environment dominated by ‘off the shelf’ manufacturing, it takes a truly special company willing to create solutions suited to farm requirements.

Phone Sam 027 279 1344 A/h 03 318 6542 or John 027 432 1988 A/h 03 318 6847 Operating New. Kuhn 8 meter cultivator. Kverneland reversible plough. HEVA disc-roller with Combi-Tiller, minimum till machine. Great for the working of ex kale or stubble ground. John Deere 750A Direct/Conventional Drill. Also available, 8m Roller Drill with finishing roller for grass and small seeds.

Sub-soiling and pipe laying also available. Dairy Conversions. Ploughing and Cultivating.

TracTor Drivers WanTeD

To advertise in the Canterbury Farming Please call 03 347 2314 or email Enter Duncan Custom, a division of Duncan Ag which has responded to increasing demand for customised drill solutions and variations of seed drill models in the existing Duncan Ag range. Craig McIsaac, managing director of Duncan Ag, says the ser vice has proved popular with the ultimate user. “Duncan Custom allows customers to specify their requirements, with input and advice from Duncan Ag’s sales and design teams. It truly gives us a competitive advantage over imported machines as they are directly designed to cope with New Zealand conditions.”

Mr McIsaac says the company has also launched a refurbishment service for its drills. “Refurbishment is being done directly in the factory, so customers can be confident in the quality of the work. The refurb work also allows us to identify areas of specific wear and adapt our products accordingly in the future. “My Duncan Custom drill suits me and the way I drill perfectly. Duncan Ag and Richard in their development department made the drill to my specifications, and were always helpful and happy to make any adjustments or changes that I needed.” John Court, Canterbury farmer.


SPRAYING SPECIALISTS Registered Broadacre Spraying Contractor Based in the Selwyn district Operating two machines: – Hino 4wd truck mounted Amazone 24m rig – Bargam 24m self-propelled


027 454 1843

A Duncan Seeder offers proven reliability and muscle when you need it most. With over seven seeders in our range and the ability to customise any of our machines we have a quality Duncan seeder to suit – no matter what your requirements. For further information, or to find your nearest dealer phone: 0800 177 171, email: admin@ or visit

Water Ballast Rollers Spiral Welded Pipe Grain Augers Range of standard sizes available or made to your required size.

16 Robinson Street Ashburton 7700 Phone/Fax 03 308 9623 Dave Stockdill

• Most suited to large size farmer or contr actor • Double disc (scalloped disc leads plain disc for penetration) on 125mm rows spacing • Able to sow direc tly, in cultivated ground and trashy conditions


• Large hoppers with air system


September 2013


Precision fertiliser spreading — not just a cropping option

PRECISION NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT “Put your inputs where they are needed”

Choose our GPS, variable rate fertiliser system for:

Recent work on several dairy farms has shown the benefit of targeting fertiliser to areas that are most in need.

NZ-KCL Application Rate

• Healthy balanced soil. • Identifying problem areas.

Testing paddocks on 1Ha grids has shown advantages not only in correcting soil pH to the desired levels, but also in identifying areas that have had significant applications of effluent delivered either from stock or spreading.

• Improved crop health.

Acitivity Plan: 2012 Onions - NZ-KCL Boundary Area: 32.07(ha) Minimum: 0.00 (kg/ha) Maximum: 190.00 (kg/ha) Min Non-Zero: 80.00 (kg/ha) Average:72.32 (kg/ha) Est. Total: 2,319 (kg)







129.75 190

27.85 13.09

Field Boundary

Agronomy Solutions Ltd Contact Julie Lasham for more information:

027 445 0170

• Fertiliser cost savings. • Flexible to suit any farming system. • Recommendations supplied independent of inputs. • Specialist technical team with over 18 years experience in precision farming systems.

This free nutrient has been removed from the fertiliser recommendations and resulted in a direct saving to farmers. In some situations the level of nutrients in areas is starting to become excessive which also has risks long term to stock health. In these situations not only missing out fertiliser spreading, but also redirecting effluent to other parts of the farm are advised. Winter feed crops, especially beet, which are very responsive to pH and also have a high potassium requirement would benefit from this level of testing to correct pH before the

Julie Lasham sampling a dairy farm in Fairlie

beet are planted and show symptoms. Forage maize is responsive to potassium and magnesium and precision testing areas that are in need of extra K can help secure maximum yield. Also balancing pH helps the availability of trace elements, especially boron for beet, magnesium and

zinc for maize, and boron and molybedenium for kale. Fertiliser is one of the most expensive inputs on farms and using it wisely is not only saving farmers’ money but also increasing yields and quality of crops/grass. In addition pollution is reduced by making more efficient use of effluent.


Seedbed preparation with stubble incorporation

d nes an i t r e i v Hea points. d r a h i N

812 TRAILING MAXITILL Incorporating heavier tines and greater tine spacing, resulting in unequal trash clearance

P n NEW heavy duty 50x10mm ‘S’ tines with Ni-hard points P n 125mm tine spacing giving greater trash flow P n Floating wings for excellent contour following ability P n Heavier box section to give greater strength throughout frame AERATORS Will handle the toughest conditions, overcoming soil compaction, giving full utilisation of fertiliser

P n Massive robust construction,

including 14mm shear bolt leg protection and heavy duty linkage

n Innovative double-bar ‘V’ frame P

allows user to pull more with less

P n Optional winged foot to give more lift in cropping situations

Contact us to discuss your needs 0800 802 478 E: W:

NZ Made for NZ Conditions

September 2013


Rolling out more efficient technology

Pasture management season is well and truly here, with farmers across Canterbury and the country hitching up the heavy machinery to lay the groundwork for healthy soil and better growth. Whether prepping the ground for cropping or to ensure lush pasture, having the right tool for the job is of paramount importance. A key tool in the land management and development arsenal of any farmer is the trusty roller – these come in many variations, but all serve a similar purpose, bedding in the soil and aiding in aeration and recovery. Now there’s a new edge to roller technology, in the form of Quivogne’s Rollmot range, engineered with maximum performance in mind. One Canterbury agriculturalist enjoying the benefits is Oxford sheep, beef and deer

farmer, Andrew Stokes. “Why we never had one years ago I’ll never know,” says Andrew, who relies on the Quivogne to prepare land for the new season. “By using this machine we’ve saved time and money, needing less passes with a maxi-till.” The Quivogne’s paddles break up clods before its tough roller discs complete the job, leaving level, fertile soil in its wake. Just as important is the fact that this machine was designed with input from working farmers – engineered for ease of turning, with a long draw bar and clever hydraulics controlling all folding and unfolding

operations from in the tractor cab.


Canterbury farmers like Andrew and his brother Tim are already seeing the benefits of the Quivogne out in the field, especially in areas where irrigation is necessary for healthy pasture growth. By using the best technology to prepare the ground, precious water is used to its best advantage, making the Rollmot a top investment for future productivity.

A Natural, Economic Approach To Soil And Plant Health Sustains and invigorates soil mycorrhizae which make nutrients bio avaialable to plants Enjoy vigorous seedlings, stronger root growth, earlier production, pest resistance, crop taste and moisture retention

p. 06 752 1318


“We shopped around, but this is the machine we chose for a whole lot of reasons,” says Andrew. “I’m really pleased and impressed with the results.”

CULTIVATION MADE EASY Quivonge folding rollers, built tough, designed for versatility - Sizes from 5.3m to 9.5m - Heavy duty levelling paddles optional - Over size breaker ring centre for working in sticky conditions - Pivot on centre of outside gang, essential for contouring and frame endurance - The unique QV levelling paddle, the secret to this roller’s success

From only $25900 + GST CUR RAG HS ROA



10 Curraghs Road, Rolleston, Christchurch 7678 P.O. Box 16069, Hornby, Christchurch 8441 Email:


Phone 03 349 4450 Fax 03 347 3580










Toll Free 0508 450 450 BEST GEAR. BEST ADVICE









September 2013


Check in with your local Kubota dealer for



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NEW HOLLAND PROTECTION PLAN NEW HOLLAND PROTECTION For more information contact your local New Holland dealer PLAN today.


Conditions apply. Subject to stock availability. Pricing is subject to change. Promotion ends 31st September 2013.

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Limitedoffer offeravailable availablefrom from1st 1stAugust August2013. 2013. Limited

Formore moreinformation informationcontact contactyour yourlocal localNew NewHolland Hollanddealer dealertoday. today. For *Whichever occurs first. **Offer only available on new New Holland tractors.



John Deere 6420 ����$45,995+GST

Deutz Agritron 105 $32,995+GST

Case MX90C �����������$43,995+GST

VICON RF30 �������������������$9,995+GST

New Holland TVT155���$74,995+GST

New Holland TM190 ����$48,900+GST

PRE-OWNED TRACTORS PRICE New Holland TM120…supersteer, 6000 hours, 2 owners ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $49,995 New Holland TS100, MX100 loader, 1 owner from new, 5250 hours ������������������������������������������������������������������� $43,995 New Holland TS110, 1 owner from new���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� arriving New Holland T6070 Elite, power command transmission, super steer ���������������������������������������������������������������� arriving Ford 7840, Cab , 2wd, SLE������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� arriving Case MXM 190, front linkage and PTO, rear duals, 4950 hours �������������������������������������������������������������������������� $73,995 Case MXU125, stoll loader, front suspension, 6750 hours ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $54,995 Case MX90C, 1 owner from new, 4700 hours, ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $43,995 Case CX70 Rops, 4wd, loader ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ $24,995 Deutz Agritron, 105, stoll loader, tidy well serviced unit�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $32,995 Massey Ferguson 390, 2wd , cab , loader, ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $15,995 Massey Ferguson 5455, 4wd c/w stoll loader, 100 hp����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $42,995 Fiat 82-94, 2wd ,4400 hours������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $19,995 Kubota F3680, out front commercial mower, 72 inch centre discharge, very tidy ����������������������������������������������� $14,495 Kubota RTV900, 2 to choose from, diesel, hydrostatic transmission, ��������������������������������������������������������������������� $8995 Kubota GR2110R, late model ride on mower, kubota diesel, catcher, very tidy ��������������������������������������������������� $13,495 Taska RTV, Tidy alternative to the quad bike, 4wd, go anywhere��������������������������������������������������������������������������� $7995 John Deere, STX 38 ride on mower������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $1100 John Deere 6410, Cab, 4wd ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $21,495 John Deere 6420 Premium, Pearson loader��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $45,995 John Deere 8120, 8120, duals, FEL��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� FEL arriving PRE-OWNED MACHINERY Duncan 720 Arable Drill, 19 run , twin boxes (stainless fert), new points, ��������������������������� WAS $19,995 NOW $16,995 Sulky Reguline SPI drill,3 mtr airseeder, 25 run, 5 ¼ inch �������������������������������������������������������������������������� NOW $16,995 Simba Lexicon discs, 4�4 mtr working width offset discs, good metal ��������������������������������������������������������������� $23,450 Great Plains turbo till trailing cultivator ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $25,000 Vaderstad Topdown TD600, 1 owner from new, new metal being fitted����������������������������������������������������������� $129,995 Kverneland BB100 conventional plough, 6 furrow, auto reset, hydraulic vari width�������������������������������������������� $26,000 Read 10 reel V-rake ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $7995 Fieldmaster 3pt linkage concrete mixer, unused condition, save $1000 on new price ������������������������������������������� $1995 Taege 16 reel V-rake��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $14,500 Clough 4�8 mtr Maxitill, hyd folding, good condition ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $6900 Vaderstad RDA 600, 6mtr airseeder drill, system discs, super tidy ������������������������������������������������������������������� $149,995 Vaderstad RDA 600F, 6 mtr airseeder drill, system tine, ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $82,000 Vaderstad Rexius roller, roller, 8� 8�mtr folding roller, crossboards, new rings being fitted����������������������������������������������� arriving COMBINES / FORAGE New Holland FX58, FX58, 355W grassfront, serviced and ready to go, ���������������������������������������� WAS $135,000 NOW $99,995 BALERS New Holland 376, tidy conventional baler, well serviced, not often available������������������������������������������������������� arriving New Holland BB960A, Rotorcut 4 x 3 bale, year 2007, tidy and well serviced, 60,000 bales ������������������������������� arriving Case LBX432, Rotorcut , 4 x 3 baler, tidy and well serviced, year 2007, 82,000 bales ����������������������������������������� arriving Massey Ferguson, 185 series 1……… money spent……74200 bales, ����������������������������� WAS $36,995 NOW $29,995 New Holland D1010, very tidy baler, will be serviced and ready to go, single axle ��������������������������������������������� $29,995 New Holland BBA940, 1 owner, 51000 bales, moisture meter, electronic bale length, 3 x 3 cropcutter ������������������� Sold

PRE-OWNED TRACTORS PRICE New Holland TVT155, 2300 hours������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ $74,995 New Holland TS115A, 16x16 Electro Command transmission, good tidy tractor������������������������������������������������� $57,995 New Holland TS125A� with MX120 front-end loader, ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ $51,995 New Holland TS125A with MX120 front-end loader, tidy ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $56,995 New Holland TS90, with Pearson loader�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $45,995 New Holland T5050, ROPS with canopy, with MX75u front-end loader ��������������������������������������������������������������� $45,995 New Holland TL100A, only done approx� 2900 hours, with MX75�5 front-end loader, 24x24 transmission��������� $49,995 Massey Ferguson 5455, 112hp, only done approx� 3700 hours, with Stoll front-end loader������������������������������� $48,995 Kubota M125X, 125hp, only done 2500 hours, in tidy condition �������������������������������������������������������������������������� $55,000 Ford 7740 c/w loader������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $18,000 New Holland TS100�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Arriving Massey Ferguson 4245S���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Arriving New Holland TS90�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Arriving New Holland TL80�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Arriving PRE-OWNED EQUIPMENT Claas Rollant 250 baler, reconditioned pickup, in very tidy condition, done approx� 31,500 bales����������������������� $8,995 Claas Disco 250 mower, 2�5 metre cutting width, tidy ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ $6,995 Claas Disco 260 mower, 2�6 metre wide, �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $5,795 Maxam 2500 mower, 2�5 metres wide������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $2,750 Maxam 2500 mower, 2�5 metre cutting width, tidy ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $6,450 Maxam 3300 mower, 3�3 metres cutting width ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $6,995 Pottinger NovaCat 305H mower, 3�05 metre cutting width������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ $4,495 Pottinger NovaCat 305H mower, 3�05 metre cutting width, in tidy condition ������������������������������������������������������� $6,995 UFO 1500 mower, older machine������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $995 Vicon RF30 Opticut baler, in good condition – still got the paint on the rollers! ��������������������������������������������������� $9,995 Hustler Compact Soft Hands, with MX brackets ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ $995 Hustler Chainless 2000 Bale Feeder, 3 point linkage model���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $3,795 Hustler Chainless 2000 Bale Feeder, 3 point linkage model���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $2,660 Giltrap MSX160 Super Silage Wagon,�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $9,995 SAM 3�25 spreader, popular size in working order������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $7,995 C-Dax 600 litre spray unit �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Arriving SAM Spreader �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Being prepared Uni Silage Wagon, Tandem axle����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Being prepared Kverneland Accord, Optima HD, 8 row, E-Drive with computer, tidy condition �����������������������������������������Being prepared Giltrap MSX80, in tidy condition����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Being prepared




Agricultural Equipment

James Blackler 0274 794 374


Farm Machinery Centre CHRISTCHURCH Rennie Barnes 027 433 7714

Cyril Murray 027 432 5640

P 03 349 5089 726 Main South Road Christchurch

Andrew Caldwell 0274 75 0000

Jason Prendergast 027 433 4272 e:

Agricultural Equipment

Farm Machinery Centre P 03 788 9050


Angus Hewetson 021 228 4517


Henley Street Westport

Gordon Storer 021 891 253 e:

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