¢ Kaipara’s Only Regional Newspaper | Kaipara owned and Operated 10,450 Copies DELIVERED FREE throughout the Kaipara August 16 2022
p Michelle Carmichael (left) and Sue Crockett in FTT lawyer Andrew Braggins’ witness room for their online court appearance
Come and see us for your ventilation and air conditioningDargavillerequirements. C&C Contract ElectricalC&C Contract Electrical Craig RegisteredBurrellElectricianGOODQUALITYATAFAIRPRICE Job Bookings 021 534 882 or 09 439 6465 What is your property worth? Contact us for your no obligation, free sales appraisal. Rachael 021 943 900 Sales Rhoda 0274 800 691 Sales Karyn 029 779 9019 Sales Craig 021 461 668 Sales Gary 021 902 087 Sales Jill 021 505 712 Sales Shar 022 046 4790 Sales Adrianne 0204 076 2650 Sales Rochelle Property Manager Corey Property Manager 09 439 7295 110 Victoria DargavilleStreet0340 09 431 1016 143 Hurndall MaungaturotoStreet0520 roperandjones.co.nz Licensed under REAA 2008 Covering the Kaipara Michael 027 278 8122 Sales Mayor to address Three Waters hearing Kaipara mayor Dr Jason Smith will speak to the Finance and Expenditure Committee on the Three Waters … New sports field possible at $5.9 million An extraordinary meeting of the Kaipara District Council was held last week to vote on consulting with the public … King of chequeredthe flag Young Maungatūroto racing driver Ben Morrison was feted for his stellar rookie season in midget cars, but … P3 P5 P7 Tip hearing — ‘failure not an option’ u by Paul Campbell
A major pollution threat to the Kaipara Harbour and its environs has been emphasised in appeal submissions against the proposed Dome Valley landfill for Auckland’s rubbish now being heard in the Environment Court. Commercial oyster farmers, local residents and an expert in bird migration have added their concerns to the broadbased appeal led by Fight The Tip including individuals, the Director-General of Conservation, Forest and Bird and major iwiFightgroups.the Tip executives Sue Crockett and Michelle Carmichael presented their submissions last Friday, with the court sitting in Auckland linking online to guard against Covid. “We need to protect this important Wayby and Dome Valley environment because of its high rainfall, waterways, high ecological values, wetlands, extensive aquifer and connection to the Hōteo and to the mighty Kaipara Harbour. Failure is not an option,” Michelle told the hearing. “Your honours and commissioners, for our communities and mana whenua connected to these areas, now and to come, I am asking you to apply the highest protection on it you can by declining this landfill on behalf of all our future generations,” she said. “We definitely came away feeling we’d done the best we could,” said Sue. “There was a very wide range of people giving evidence, and I think every reason (opposing the landfill) and more was covered.”
While the four-year campaign against the tip plan has covered flora and flora threats, the FTT team was impressed with a submission detailing a threat to migrating bird patterns. In particular, the critically endangered fairy tern as evidence was put forward that the tip plan would endanger flight patterns and attract predatory seagulls. An organic plant nursery adjacent to the tip site also listed concerns. Michelle said: “Collectively we have contributed an immense and important range of expertise, knowledge and experience to support our opposition to this landfill proposal. We are part of a great team — community, Ngāti Whātua, Ngāti Manuhiri, Forest & Bird and Department of Conservation, which are opposing“Specialthis.thanks to the team at The Environmental Lawyers, along with the other opposing legal teams who are doing a superb job collectively presenting our case. You can really see how everyone is fulfilling their part of evidencing the widespread reasons to oppose this. The coming weeks will continue to be exciting to watch.”Thecourt has now adjourned until 10am Monday, August 22. The appeals are being heard by judges Jeff Smith and Melinda Dickey, with commissioners Glenice Paine, Dr Ruth Barlett and Kevin Prime. The court will hear cultural submissions at a marae in September.Theevent covers concerns over Waste Management’s proposal for a new Auckland Regional Landfill, which has been granted resource consent given in a split decision by hearing commissioners.

for Representation, Governance and Accountability about the
Mystics make magic Classics against cancer
and Expenditure. My three-month experience on the
• Appearing in person before the Commissioners at the resource consent hearings for the Pakiri sand-mining off the Mangawhai coast. Kaipara District Council opposes the proposed sand-mining.
For all these appearances I have taken a principled approach representing all the people of Kaipara District as Mayor. Speaking for decisions of Kaipara District Council is part of the role of the Mayor, but also representing all the people is part of the public service of this role. I really enjoy this. Also enjoyable is the outcome of a recent Extraordinary Meeting of Kaipara District Council, which is to ask the Mangawhai community what it thinks about a new idea for Council to buy some well-located land in Mangawhai for future sporting and recreational facilities. The fastest-growing town in Northland has some green spaces but what about new sports grounds? Growth means there’s a fund to make parks nearby. At no cost to ratepayers for purchasing the land, reserve contributions gathered from Mangawhai subdivisions in recent years would pay for it. A Council decision will be made at the September Council Meeting, after consultation with the community. You may want to have your say Nominationswww.kaipara.govt.nz/haveyoursay.atforthenextCouncilare now closed and I’m delighted to report there are sufficient candidates for the October 8 election so there won’t be any by-elections required to fill gaps. Thanks to those who are standing up for election. Good luck to all. Ngaˉ MayorDrMayormihi,JakeJasonSmith,ofKaipara Thriving
in recent
p Springtime weather was the backdrop for a special celebration at the Northern Wairoa Boating Club last week, as the second of three get-togethers for Betty Rope’s 100th birthday was held. Coming out to entertain the Friendship Club beside a mirror-flat Northern Wairoa River were the Take Six Singers, reduced to five as one of their members was abroad in Holland. The choral quintet presented a medley of songs and was loudly applauded.
Mayor’s Message Kia Busyora,times weeks marked have submission Three Waters the Water Bill is before Parliament’s Select Committee for Finance Government’s Working Group Three Waters
kept me welloccupied, including: • Making my written
Services Entities
• Assisting Council officers in writing Kaipara District Council’s submission for the same Water Services Entities Bill. It differs from my own and is broad in its range of subjects discussed, including recommendations for improving how 25,000 Kaipara District people can be heard in the proposed Entity A which includes 1,500,000 Auckland people. This can be found at kaipara-district-council.document/53SCFE_EVI_124081_FE9932/nz/en/pb/sc/submissions-andwww.parliament.advice/
Opinions expressed in this publication and in advertising inserts, by contributors or advertisers, are not necessarily those of Integrity Community Media. inserts delivered with the publication are not produced by Integrity Community Media. Kaipara Lifestyler is published with pride by Integrity Community Media, a privately owned Kaipara company. 09 439 6933 or 0800 466 793 Email: info@thelifestyler.co.nz Address: PO Box 474, Dargaville Physical Address: 107 River Road, Dargaville Deb Wright 021 639 696 deb.wright@integrity.nz Andy Bryenton 021 439 947 | Paul Campbell paul.campbell@integrity.nz | Amy Fifita Betty Willetts 027 525 8197 | Sue Girven 027 525 7984 Dianne Hutching 09 439 6933
p Local classic cars, like this pair of immaculate Alfa Romeos, photographed at Mangawhai’s Easter car show, will head out on the road to Matakana this weekend, August 21, to raise money for the New Zealand Cancer Society. European, American, local and exotic classics from all eras of motoring are invited to the Vintage Car Club’s VCC Daffodil Rally, which has been enthusiastically supported locally by the Mangawhai Muscle and Classic Car Club. It’s just $10 to enter the fun road rally to Matakana, with all proceeds going to the NZCS for cancer research and support. Visit vcc.org.nz to register your classic for the cause.
10,450 copies, distributed on Tuesday to every residential and rural home throughout the district including Dargaville, Ruawai, Paparoa, Matakohe, Maungaturoto, Kaiwaka, Mangawhai and Wellsford.
• Appearing before the Environment Court in the case about the proposed Dome Valley landfill which KDC opposes. We are supporting the case against the landfill being led by Nga¯ti Wha¯tua a¯ra¯kei and Environs (Te Uri O Hau). With its limited resources KDC is a s274 party rather than a full appellant such as Fight The Tip or mana whenua. 0800 727 www.kaipara.govt.nzcouncil@kaipara.govt.nz059 home if you’re sick
informed my submission which can be found at jason-smith.document/53SCFE_EVI_124081_FE8688/en/pb/sc/submissions-and-advice/www.parliament.nz/
p The Northern Wairoa Mystics is a young netball team going from strength to strength. In July, they competed in a Kerikeri tournament against teams from around the north and came in second overall. Then came the first weekend of August, and a big representatives tournament in Whangārei. Not only did the Mystics come in first place, but they did so without losing a single game. Coach Sarah Jamieson is justifiably proud of her young athletes. She thanked all those who have helped with transport, accommodation, coaching and sponsorship to make this a magical season for the Mystics.
by exceptional moments
Voices of celebration
Production: Gavin Bainbridge | Anna Fredericksen | Kelsey Hansen | Liz Clark Accounts: accounts@thelifestyler.co.nz Distribution: Laurie Willetts Printed by: NZME Website: kaiparalifestyler.co.nz

“Water will allow the establishment of new horticultural development in Kaipara and this will bring economic opportunity to its communities,” said Te Tai Tokerau Water Trust chairperson Murray McCully at the dam’s dedication. “The idea is simply to harvest water in the winter, when it is plentiful, for use in the summer months when it is not.”
His plan has been borne out as heavy and consistent rainfall this winter fills the first section of the dam, now christened Te Waihekeora. Rain has completed some of the job of filling 100,000 cubic metres, with excess flow from streams accounting for the rest of the volume. Earthworks have begun on stage two, undertaken by Progressive Earthmoving, a local firm from Kaihū. It plans to finish its part of the work by April next year.
Eight thousand people made an application to speak when the government’s Finance and Expenditure Committee of parliament held Three Waters hearings. Mayor Jason Smith is one of the small number afforded the privilege. Dr Smith, the KDC, and CL4D, representing 31 civic councils, will each receive five minutes to make their case for alternatives to the mandated water saysinneedperKaipara,C4LD“Importantly,reforms.theCouncils,includingarenotopposed,se,toreformsandtheforbetterinvestmentwaterinfrastructure,”MayorSmith.“TheC4LDCouncils,including Kaipara, are opposed to the government’s model and have now proposed a realistic alternative, which has broad support. The brand new C4LD model for Three Waters reforms has been built by Castalia, one of the world’s leading water infrastructure consultancies, and is designed for all New Zealand Councils. “This is a more coherent, constructive and non-divisive approach to water infrastructure reform than what the government proposes. No one wants to Resource consent has been handed down to begin work on the second, larger section of the Redhill dam complex intended to irrigate acres of farmland and spur economic growth through land use change to profitable cropping and horticulture.
p Te Tai Tokerau Water Trust chair Murray McCully presided over Te Waihekeora dam’s blessing and is now there to see its expansion
While the Kaipara District Council administers most consents in the area, those for dams anywhere in New Zealand are covered by the Waikato District Council, which hosts specialists in dam technology and design. A liner has been installed in the first phase of the dam as work begins to increase the entire complex to hold significant water capacity.
¢ see the divisions which are emerging as a result of what the government is proposing, especially when there is a non-divisive model to get to the same water outcomes. “As Kaipara mayor, I was involved in information-sharing sessions as the C4LD model was being built. I was able to input extra aspects from my experience on the government’s Working Group for Representation, Governance and Accountability earlier this year,” Dr Smith said.
p Mayor Jason Smith prepared his own 17 page submission on Three Waters, and will speak as a citizen as well as in his role as mayor at hearings on the controversial scheme
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER August 16 2022 3 (09) 777 dentalnorth.co.nzreception@dentalnorth.co.nz0114 Level 2 15 Porowini Avenue Whangārei Megan McGregor and James Edwards are excited to welcome you to Whangārei’s newest dental surgery. Appointments available. Book Now. A reason to smile. dentists,localMegan,&James Whangārei.inraised&born Join us for a fun and interactive day focussed around food & exercise. We’ll have yummy food and some inspiring speakers and activities! Contact Heather: 027 472 4485 or heathersorensen55@gmail.com We’ll be joined by some wonderful local businesses sharing their products and knowledge with us and we have the magnificent Matich’s providing lunch! Register today! Registrations close 11th September Cost: $15pp (includes morning & afternoon tea & lunch), pay at the door. Bring Balance will be discussing health and well-being Time To will be bringing along e-bikes for you to try and discussing bikes and e-bikes, trails and cycle tracks! Providence will be giving us tips on whole foods, bulk foods, and nutrition and recipes. Dekadenz will be bringing along a supply of chocolates - because who doesn’t love chocolate! Dargaville Funeral Services Ltd 09 439 8016 — 24 Hours Please feel free to contact us on 09 439 8016 or visit our website Jessica Young – 020 4119 1299 Bruce Young – 027 575 7377 www.dargavillefuneralservices.co.nzoffice@dargavillefuneralservices.co.nz We are Dargaville’s only locally owned & operated funeral service run by Bruce and Jessica Young. We are here to care for our community. We offer all services relating to funerals here and the wider Northland district, to provide you and your family all you would want for a funeral farewell; your way. Together Bruce and Jessica Young have 50 years of professional experience in the funeral industry. We offer competitive pricing and no obligation consultations and pre-arrangements. •Special Occasion Cakes •Catering •Dine in/Cafe 142 Hurndall St, mamazeatz@outlook.comMaungaturoto 09 431 8838 @mamazeatz Mayor to address Three Waters hearing Digging deep for irrigated future u by Andy Bryenton u by Andy Bryenton Kaipara mayor Dr Jason Smith will speak to the Finance and Expenditure Committee on the Three Waters issue at a special hearing alongside Kaipara District Council and Communities 4 Local Democracy.
Work has begun on turning the new dam at Redhill, near Glinks Gully, into a super-sized three million cubic metre reservoir.

“It is run by Education
they contact a variety of employers and training providers.
Parents wanting their children to be involved or more information about the speed meet event can contact Julie before Friday, September 16, at Dargaville High School. ¢ but others may not be bothered. Working out if all aspects of your property are compliant can be confusing to navigate. There may be different local and central authorities involved, and the rules change quite frequently. Your lawyer can help you work through these issues prior to sale, so your contract is ready to go when a prospective purchaser shows interest. Chattel warranties — As the vendor, you also warrant that all chattels in the house (for example, the oven, dishwasher, stove) are in reasonable working order, and that the chattels and other electrical and other installations are free of any charges (ie Q card or other finance company debt). If you know something doesn’t work, you should exclude it from the warranties. If there’s a breach of the chattel warranties, the purchaser may ask for a reduction in the purchase price to compensate for the loss. It can cause headaches at the time of settlement as you negotiate, so it pays to be clear from the get-go. Tenants — If your property is tenanted and the purchaser wants the property empty on settlement, you must give the tenants at least 90 days’ notice to vacate the property. Ensure that the settlement date on the agreement allows for this. As a vendor, once you have signed the agreement, you are legally bound by it. Make sure you are clear about what you are signing and what that agreement is promising. Getting legal advice early on can make the rest of the process much less stressful, particularly if you have a property with ‘quirks’ or are in a situation when timing is critical. Past speed meets have seen students gain employment and training opportunities
Selling your property in a slowdown
u by Amy Fifita u by Natalie RobinsonDargaville High School is hosting a speed meet day on Tuesday, September 27 at 9am for students across the Kaipara to support them into the workforce. As the property market cools off, selling your property may not be as straightforward as when the market was sizzling. to Te Tai and It be up in Dargaville High hall, and we are inviting Ruawai College and Otamatea High School,” says DHS career adviser Julie Chiaroni. “They do a speed interview, and if they make the fit, we help students transition from school to the workforce or training.” In previous years, there has been a range of employers and organisations participating in the event. Julie says she has seen the students gain employment from this event, giving them prospects beyond what they have thought of. “Students focus on what they know, and that can be limiting. At the speed meet, they meet all employers to broaden their understanding of local career opportunities. It is a good way to link students with local employers and training with some work components. Preparing a sensible and secure contract for your sale can help ensure your deal stays on track reducing the chance of nervous buyers getting cold feet, pulling out at the last minute, or raising a dispute at settlement time. What are your obligations as a seller? The standard Agreement for Sale and Purchase is used for most property transactions. In this agreement, the vendor (the seller) gives warranties as to the compliance of the property, warranting that they hold all necessary consents and permits for any work they have done to the property. The vendor also warrants that they have disclosed anything which may affect the property and have no knowledge or notice of any fact that might result in proceedings being instituted by or against the vendor or the buyer. Rectifying any known compliance issues before going on the market is the best way to ensure a headache-free sale if you’re in a position to do so. The investment of time/fees required to get the paperwork you need can pay off in attracting more buyers to put an offer on theFortable.those that aren’t able to fix the issues (if you need to get to market quickly, for example), beware of just removing the vendor warranties from your agreement entirely. Doing this may be a big red flag to purchasers that something is wrong with the property. A smart contract can deal with situations by being upfront about any areas of actual or possible noncompliance and asking the purchaser to acknowledge they have been told about them. Some purchasers may be put off by a property with an unconsented sleep-out, “The students will develop their CV, and employers will ask them what they have to offer. It is a boost of confidence and a practical way to network. We have seen students gaining employment from this and broadening their knowledge of local work that is available.”
4 August 16 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER Law Scholarship Applications Open Now! • Supporting aspiring young law students who are facing barriers to studying at university • Recipients receive $10,000, a WRMK mentor & paid work experience Visit wrmk.co.nz/scholarships TAKE A STEP UP BETTER CABINS Delivery can be arranged | Custom Orders also available Ph 021 0862 8985 or Email garyjhmorris@gmail.com This is a great opportunity to make this your own • Unlined – finish to your own requirements • Aluminium Ranch Slider, plus 3 WindowsAluminium • Treated timber, 19mm ply flooring • All roof trim, downpipe and guttering included $24,995 incl GST Career broadenedopportunities
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KAIPARA LIFESTYLER August 16 2022 5 COMMUNITYWELLSFORDCENTRE10AM-2PMAUG20TH Free kai, rides & whānau activities, flu jabs, Covid-19 vaccines, general tamariki immunisations & tamariki ora checks TEHĀ PRESENTSORANGA KAIPARADAY WHĀNAU 10AM-2PMSPORTSVILLEDARGAVILLEAUG27TH GEOFFREY BLACK TAX & ACCOUNTING SERVICES The Best Discounted Northern Tax Agency $$ Already have a Tax Accountant??? Check out our website at: https://taxagencynorthland.co.nz for our discounted rates “No Frills” Tax preparation and filing GEOFF BLACK • DIRECTOR Ph: 027 953 3112 | Email: GeoffreyBlackTaxAgency@gmail.com VOTE 2022 LOCAL ELECTIONS Standing for office? Plan your promotion campaign with us Kaipara District; Northland Regional Council; Whangarei District Get in contact with John today john.pickworth@integrity.nz • 027 525 8189 Reach the voters across Northland with Kaipara Lifestyler, The Weekend Lifestyler and Northern Farming Lifestyles New sports field possible at $5.9 million Council candidateselectionnamed u by Andy Bryenton u by Andy Bryenton An extraordinary meeting of the Kaipara District Council was held last week to vote on consulting with the public regarding the purchase of 5.8 hectares of Mangawhai residential land to establish a new sports complex. Nominations closed last Friday ahead of elections to choose a new mayor and council for Kaipara, and 31 citizens have come forward to contest the vote.
After a slow start to nominations for the role of mayor, six candidates have come forward to vie for the leadership of Kaipara. Victoria del la Varis Woodcock, Craig Jepson, Karen Joyce-Paki, Gordon Walker, Ash Nayyar and Brenden Nathan are all in the mayoral race. They will be called upon to address the public at local meetings and at least one planned leaders’Councillordebate.candidate nominations include seven nominations for Mangawhai-Kaiwaka General Ward; Dennis Emsley, Mike Ferguson, Mike Howard, Jonathan Larsen, Misty Sansom, Rachael Williams and Martina Tschirky. This ward encompasses the fast-growing east coast of Kaipara, where three council seats areFourcontested.nominations have been received for the Otamatea General Ward, which spans the rural heartland of the district and towns such as Paparoa and Ruawai. Graham Allott, Ron Manderson, Chris ‘Worzel’ Sellars and Mark Vincent will contest this valuation, the land is worth around $5.9 million as of June 2022. Staff also had a draft sales and purchase agreement prepared, conditional on the outcome of community“Councilsengagement.shouldbein the business of making mokopuna decisions; decisions for generations to come. This moment is exactly one of those mokopuna decisions,” said Mayor Smith in his summing up. That engagement begins now and will run until September 5, with a final decision on the purchase to be made at September’s KDC meeting. ¢ constituency. There have been five nominations for Te Moananui o Kaipara Māori Ward, newly established for this election. A single seat is available, and will be contested by Phillip Johnson, Henry Holyoake, Brenden Nathan, Pera Paniora and Paturiri Toautu. Finally, eight nominations have been made for the Wairoa General Ward, which encompasses Dargaville and the west coast and commands three seats on the council. Mark Ancrum, Karen Joyce-Paki, Gordon Lambeth, Alec Melville, Ash Nayyar, Josephine Nathan, Eryn Wilson-Collins and Jay Tane have all stepped forward to contest the Meanwhile,election.Northland Regional Council elections are also forthcoming, with Rick Stolwerk standing for the South Coastal constituency, which includes Mangawhai, and John Blackwell contesting Penny Smart for the Kaipara Remember,constituency.register to vote, as postal votes will play an important part in this election year.
p Kaipara District Council’s Jason Marris presented the case for a new sports facility in Mangawhai, which may be made possible with the purchase of recently available land
Mayor Jason Smith and councillors met via virtual conference to debate the first steps toward securing the area near central Mangawhai, which would be purchased with up to $5.9 million in reserves contribution funds. These funds are not taken from rates but are raised when new housing and business developments are established. Their purpose is to facilitate the provision of green space and recreational opportunities. “As you may be aware, Mangawhai is growing incredibly fast,” said KDC staff spokesperson Jason Marris. “There is currently a lack of sporting and recreational facilities there, particularly in rugby and netball, though these are only two examples. The Mangawhai Spatial Plan, which was consulted on with the public identified the need for additional sports grounds. So too does the Kaipara Spaces and Places plan in conjunction with Sport Northland.” With reserve contribution coffers covering the purchase, council members voted unanimously to go to the next stage of planning for this speculative new sports ground. According to an independent

6 August 16 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER PH: 09 431 5884 | EM: info@mangawhaidental.co.nz 30 Moir Street, Mangawhai • INSURANCE & WINZ QUOTES • WHEELCHAIR ACCESS • SAME DAYWithREPAIRSover40 years experience between them, Dr Ellen Clark BDS & Amie Wintle CDT have helped 1000s of patients throughout Northland to restore function and appearance in their mouth The whole team at Mangawhai Dental are passionate about looking after your teeth... however if you have already lost teeth or even a single tooth, have a chat to us about options for you. Signs your partial or full dentures may need replacing... • You can’t chew your food like you used to • Your bite has changed significantly • You have lost support around your mouth • They are loose and uncomfortable School opens doors to open minds A roadmap for arts and culture u by Andy Bryenton u by Andy Bryenton Ruawai College has hosted a well-attended open day, not just to promote their school but to build stronger ties with their community.
On Saturday, July 30, Ruawai College opened its doors, inviting neighbours, surrounding schools and prospective students in for a revamped, unique approach to a high school open day. Its community-focussed approach gave an opportunity to showcase its facilities, alongside the school’s ground-breaking ‘innovative curriculum’.
A work, which has been in progress since May of 2021, the document provides a framework for the advancements of artistic endeavour, cultural heritage and creativity in the area. It was developed in partnership with Creative Northland, and a series of meetings with the artistic community have informed its content. “Once the elected members, the executive team and iwi have provided their feedback, and the amendments have been made to the strategy, we will hold one final community consultation. We will bring the final document to the council for adoption at the council meeting in September 2022,” said the KDC’s community engagement adviser Jenny Rooney in her“Thereport.development of this strategy is a great example of forward-thinking. I’m delighted we have been able to partner with Kaipara District Council to create this strategy to build on the legacy of the past while responding to new ideas our kura (school) for some fun, some food, some laughs and smiles. It’s justToursfantastic.”ofthe school, led by prefects and the school’s young ambassadors, circulated every half hour, operating at capacity from start to finish. There were interactive science and technology exhibits where all attendees could make toys, cook food and dive deeply into physics, chemistry and agricultural experiments and activities. Music was a feature, as students and He Maara Hau brought an upbeat energised aspect to the event. ¢ about art, storytelling, interpretation and cultural expression,” says Creative Northland chair Philip Crawford. The strategy outlines a 10-year plan to make art, culture and creativity more central to how living spaces look, how communities function, and how people engage with each other. There’s the acknowledgement that art and culture are not just embellishments on society, but promote wellbeing, a sense of place and stimulate the economy. ¢ p Families flocked to see how Ruawai College is implementing its new innovative curriculum, as well as building community ties p Events such as Dargaville’s Wearable Arts have elevated the visibility of the arts in Kaipara, culminating in an official KDC policy being formulated
“All our classrooms have been refurbished, and our outdoor spaces have been modernised to be adaptable for both recreation and learning,” says assistant principal Jay Warren. He helped make the day a celebration of the college’s partnership with its community. “We have Sport Northland here, NorthFuels, the Lions Club, our wonderful Four Square owners, performance group He Maara Hau, EnviroSchools, and our Young Enterprise (YES) programme. Staff and students are out here with us today, and of course, our soon-to-be students and whānau,” Mr Warren said. “The sun is out, finally, and what better way to celebrate than flinging our doors open and welcoming our community into
The Kaipara District council’s first Arts and Culture and Heritage Strategy document has been presented to elected members, and is set to be implemented as policy by September.

In the last 12 months, restoration work has been completed on three main accommodation buildings (The Farmhouse, Dargaville House and The Cottage), which are now occupied by volunteer staff, a paid staff member and a couple of respite guests. Okahu House has been partially restored, with a new roof, some building repairs, electrical work and the downstairs floor restored. It still requires plumbing, toilet and hand basin, kitchenette, Taking first place in a 30-driver championship and scoring the most first-place finishes has put Ben at the top of his game, racing custombuilt dirt track midget cars out of Western Springs’ iconic speedway. “We had a really good season, especially considering Covid lockdowns coming halfway through,” says Ben. “Many tracks decided to run longer, into winter, but we got pretty lucky with the weather and had no rain-outs all Ben’sseason.”midget car carries the names of many local sponsors, including First National’s Gary Morris, Armour Financial Services, KP Tanks, the Promo Lab and Skipps Logging.
p Arapohue Retreat is coming online to help people thanks to a massive feat of renovation p Ben Morrison is only at the start of his racing career, but he’s racked up first-place victories even a veteran would be proud of
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER August 16 2022 7 Th e final gift you ca n giv e yo ur family is to pla n your funeral. Pre arrange your funeral today with your Funeral Directors Association, Funeral Director For more information about funeral planning and prepayment options please contact Morris & Morris Funerals Emailoffice@morrisandmorris.co.nz Telephone - 09 439 8048 www.morrisandmorris.co.nz
BNT Automotive, JJ Fabrication and Kaiwaka Motorcycles are a huge help, too, providing the skills and service to keep the Suzuki GSXR engined racer in full“I’mfettle.on the lookout for the next step up to the next class of midget cars,” says Ben. “The cars we race now use 750cc motorbike engines, and we keep them on the redline, above 11,000 window and door repairs, ceiling repair and insulation, and interior and exterior paint. Bunks and bedroom furniture have been purchased, but rugs, curtains and light fittings are still required. Arapohue Retreat seeks partnerships from businesses or organisations in Kaipara and Northland that understand the social responsibility of helping people in the community get free from addictions and undertake healing for trauma. They need donations and grants to continue the restoration work and pay for qualified staff to join them. ¢ rpm, for the whole race. The next level uses custom-made engines and can cost $120,000 each.”
After showing the competition his exhaust pipes for another successful season, Ben says he’ll keep his skills sharp during winter with go-karting. However, his mind is on the premiere arena for his sport, racing midget cars in the United States. With local support, a winning attitude, and a string of victories to his name, Ben and his sponsors predict another good year in 2023. ¢
Young Maungatūroto racing driver Ben Morrison was feted for his stellar rookie season in midget cars, but if anything, his more recent exploits on the track have been even more remarkable. Arapohue Retreat was established after the old Arapohue Bush Camp was purchased in August 2020. In the two years since hard work by community members has made a large“Thedifference.WildSide Charitable Trust is responding to the urgent need in our community for a residential healing and recovery centre,” says retreat spokesperson Janet Curle. “The buildings were very run down and required major work to be carried out before adequate accommodation could be available to fully commence the residential programme.”
Helping hands take up tools
In the past two years, generosity and community spirit have helped restore several buildings at a local bush camp into the core of a retreat assisting people in need.
King of chequeredthe flag u by Andy Bryenton u by Andy Bryenton

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If you’ve had COVID-19, you can get your booster three months after you tested positive. Make sure you are up to date with your COVID-19 vaccinations.
A booster will provide extra protection from a previous vaccination and help your immunity be stronger and last longer. And, by staying as healthy as you can, you help reduce pressure on our communities, businesses and the health sector.
A full house and all the eights u by Andy Bryenton Marian Annie Cole was born on the 18th day of the eighth month in the year 1880, and the number eight would have a curious significance throughout her life as a Northern Wairoa pioneer.
Born in Bunnythorpe, near Palmerston North, Marian was part of a farming family. She was known for her excellent singing voice, which graced the local church choir. At the age of 18, she met her future husband, Herbert, who was born in Eighty Eight Valley Road, Wakefield, Nelson. They were married on March 28 1900. When Marion lost her voice due to respiratory illness, her doctor suggested that a move to the milder climes of Nelson would help. She and Herbert lived in Richmond for eight years, raising six children, to bring the total of Cole family members to eight. Then came the move to Tatarariki on the Northern Wairoa, where Marian pitched herself into the hard work of establishing a farm. The date of possession was May 28 1915. Colloquially, it was ‘number eight wire’ thinking which kept the farm going in those early years. Marian still found time to teach Sunday school and grew most of the family’s vegetables for the table. Marian’s eighth child was born on the eighth hour of November 8 1922 and joined a family that was slowly making headway with their farmland. Hard work led to prosperity, and Marian was known to be very charitable to those in need of food.Marion passed on in her 80s, following eight weeks in hospital after an unfortunate fall. Returning from her funeral, which was well attended by wellwishers from around the district, her eldest son stopped at Te Hana to buy apples. Knowing his mum’s connection to the number eight, he was surprised to see that his odometer read exactly 88,888 miles.
¢ p Marian Cole was a hard-working early settler of the west Kaipara who shared her garden produce, wonderful singing voice and unshakeable faith with her neighbours
The trust’s deputy chair, Sheena McKenzie, says that the overwhelming support for the status quo shown by the five-yearly review is a vote of confidence.“Earlierthis year, we held public meetings in Dargaville, Mangawhai and Whangārei, plus a Zoom meeting to give people a chance to have their say,” says Sheena. “It is very clear that people are really happy with the current ownership model and performance of Northpower as all submitters were in favour of retaining Northpower Ltd shares in the trust.” ¢ p Northpower’s Sheena McKenzie and Erc Angelo are pleased to note that confidence in the customershareholder model is strong
10 August 16 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER Contract milling — portable mill • Felling and Land clearing Landscape timbers • Wood Flooring • Cladding Custom Beams and Poles for construction And Firewood … Lots of Firewood! Large stocks of high quality logs on hand for cutting to order: Macrocarpa, 50-year-plus Old Man Pine, Japanese Cedar / Cryptomeria, Saligna, Blackwood and other Australian hardwoods SH16 Ecotimbers Sawmill Ltd 83 Port Albert Road, Wellsford Charlie Person 021 834 456 WE BUY LOGS — TALK TO US TODAY! Information Evening Monday 22 August at 6:30 pm SDA Church 108 Normanby Street, Dargaville Phone Rae: 027 286 5506
The Riverview Rest Home and Village was established over twenty-five years ago by the Maungaturoto Community Charitable Trust (MCCT) to service the Maungaturoto District. Originally set up as a sixteen-bed Maungaturoto Rest Home. The complex has evolved to include a newly built 14 bed Specialised Dementia Unit. A residential area adjacent to the rest home offers eleven rental units and fourteen ‘own your own’ villas. A medical Centre, operated by Coast to Coast Healthcare, provides convenient onsite care for all residents. Talk to us now about you or your loved ones living with us, true community based elder care at... Maungaturoto Resthome | 136 Hurndall Street Maungaturoto, Kaipara | PH: 09 431 8696
Keeping power in local hands u by Andy Bryenton The governance of some Northland amenities is under debate, but the Kaipara and Whangārei power network, controlled by Northpower, has been affirmed local by a recent ownership review. With changes to the governance of many local infrastructure assets coming down from parliament, affecting wastewater, drinking water, resource consents, emergency response and perhaps even civic governance itself, one pillar of Kaipara amenities is staying proudly local.
Northpower is a trust which holds shares on behalf of all electricity consumers connected to its network. That means real community ownership, but periodically the governance of the trust is obliged to check in with its shareholders about how to face the future. This year that means a comprehensive ownership review, with more than 160 submissions received from shareholder-customers across Kaipara and Whangārei. “As a result of the 2022 Northpower ownership review process, all trustees have unanimously agreed to retain the ownership of the shares of Northpower Limited in the Northpower Electric Power Trust,” says NEPT chairman Erc Angelo. “The trustees of the Northpower Trust must carry out a consultation process with Northpower consumers to determine if the current trust ownership structure is what consumers want, or if consumers would prefer a change.”

KAIPARA LIFESTYLER August 16 2022 11 SUPPORTING OUR RURAL FIRE SERVICE OUR LOCAL FIRE BRIGADE A huge thank you to our volunteer firefighters, part of a proud tradition of service Ph 021 983 greenspaceplants@outlook.com565243aMountainRd,RD2,Maungaturoto,0587 NATIVE EXOTIC EDIBLE | INDOOR OUR LOCAL FIRE BRIGADE We stand beside our local firefighters for their service Ph 021 854 darryltregidga@gmail.com167www.darryltregidga.co.nz OUR LOCAL FIRE BRIGADE Proud to support our volunteer firefighters, real community heroes Ph 021 705 brett@barnbuildersnz.co.nz837www.barnbuildersnz.co.nz Lt d CONSTRUCTION SPECIALISTS FARM & LIFESTYLE LIGHT COMMERCIAL BARN STYLE HOMES OUR LOCAL FIRE BRIGADE Always there for the community in times of need Ph 021 273 799jjdreadon@xtra.co.nz2571TokatokaRd,RD2,Ruawai,0592 JOHN DREADON CONTRACTING JOHN DREADON CONTRACTING JOHN DREADON CONTRACTING OUR LOCAL FIRE BRIGADE We stand beside our local firefighters for their service Gary Morris 021 902 143www.roperandjones.co.nzgary@fnkaipara.co.nz087HurndallSt,Maungaturoto Roper& Jones OUR LOCAL FIRE BRIGADE A huge thank you to our volunteer firefighters, part of a proud tradition of service Ph 021 278 cjsrakau@outlook.com3434 OUR LOCAL FIRE BRIGADE Proud to support our volunteer firefighters, real community heroes Tinopai, Brynderwyn & Ruakaka 0800 888 303 OUR LOCAL FIRE BRIGADE Always there for the community in times of need Ph 09 431 9199 Hurndall St, Maungaturoto GiftsDreams&Homewares. OUR LOCAL FIRE BRIGADE A huge thank you to our volunteer firefighters, part of a proud tradition of service Ph 027 438 hydraulicsengineering@xtra.co.nz1700Lot2/161RanganuiRd,RD2,Kaiwaka,0573 Going up the hard way u by Andy Bryenton Firefighters from rural brigades are fighting cancer, with a huge push to climb Auckland’s Sky Tower for charity this month. Every day, seven children and adults in New Zealand are diagnosed with blood cancer like leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma. Leukaemia and Blood Cancer New Zealand (LBC) is a national charity dedicated to supporting patients and their families. This support can last months or even years. In 1988, Northland airport firefighter Tony Scott conceived of an event that could raise money for the cause. In 1994, it found its perfect venue, as the Sky Tower was opened, offering 51 flights of stairs to challenge firefighters. By 2021, more than $10 million had been raised for LBC initiatives and research, thanks to firefighters from around New Zealand and worldwide, including competitors from the United States, Australia, Chile, Germany and“I’veCroatia.run into so many people that have received so much help through LBC — seeing what the money does makes me want to do it more,” says exchampion of the gruelling climb, firefighter KevinThatHodges.philosophy is pushing rural firefighters in Ruawai and Maungatūroto to tackle the tower this year. They’re heading down to Auckland on August 20 to attempt the herculean task of lugging 25 kilograms of firefighting kit up 1,103 steps in a vertical 328-metre sprint. It would be a trial for the most highly trained of athletes, who might expect a medal or payment for getting to the top. However, the climb is largely undertaken by volunteers. Firefighters from small communities like Dargaville, Paparoa, Te Kōpuru and the aforementioned Kaipara towns — do it all for charity. Ruawai’s team for 2022 is led by Karina Hemmington, along with Jo Forsythe, Renee Gatehouse, Wayne Robinson, Kelvin Bristow and Scott Wallace. In 2021 Jo took out first place in her category with a time of 15 minutes 53 seconds. That means not only that the Ruawai volunteer is hoping to beat a very high standard in 2022, but she’s also motivated her fellow firefighters to dig deep and try to beat her record. Most amazingly, the category she climbed in was the ‘donned and started’ division, meaning that Jo took all 51 flights of stairs in full firefighting gear with an oxygen bottle and breathing apparatus. p Maungatūroto firefighters Glenn Orford and Jono Geraghty were ready for the climb in May, and have been training hard for the big day Over in Maungatūroto, Glenn Orford and Jono Geraghty are training hard for their own ascent of the tower, following up a top effort in 2021. “I think everyone in the community knows someone who has been affected by blood cancer, so this is very worthwhile to me. I do it because it keeps me fit and because it’s a very worthy cause,” said Glenn before his 12-minute climb in full gear. The tough ascent earned him a podium finish. Now, both he and Jono are back to try to beat their personal bests. The Maungatūroto and Ruawai teams have big competition from nearby neighbours. A large contingent is heading down to Auckland from Mangawhai. ¢

Brave legacy of rural firefighters u by Andy Bryenton Rural firefighting in New Zealand has a long history, from the informal bucket brigades set up to protect logging camps and small settlements to the establishment of the volunteer brigades that still defend small regional towns. Firefighting got off to a rocky start in the countryside, with many parliamentarians of the 1880s stating that volunteer firefighters were in the same category as volunteer sportspeople. There was no need to fund their activities at all. Even worse, fire insurance companies actively lobbied against providing passionate local volunteers with equipment or even uniforms, for reasons so venal and callous that today they would see the companies voicing them wiped from the stock market. ‘We do not want you to interfere with us or to put out fires. We would rather have a fire or two, so as to induce people to insure,’ said a statement by fire insurance firms to the 1882 government inquiry into a national Fire Brigades bill. ‘We object to you meddling with us in what is purely a matter of contract. If people want to insure, we will do it for them; but we do not want you to force us to pay money in order to save people who are not Thankfully,provident.’these Scrooge-like lobbyists were defeated by public opinion, and rural fire departments began to get the recognition they deserved. In Northland, this meant the formation of brigades not just to protect towns and residences but also the vast and costly stands of native timber, which were seen primarily as a financial asset at the time. Large fires in 1913 swayed public opinion. Two of the region’s notable fire brigades, Maungatūroto and Ruawai, were formed in 1953 after the wildfires of 1946 brought the plight of isolated rural towns and farms into clear view. These were the most extensive and devastating fires in New Zealand’s history, made worse due to the lack of manpower, only one year after post-war demobilisation. More than 6,665 hectares of state-owned forests from Waikato to Northland burned and 13,330 hectares of exotic and 4,460 hectares of native commercial forest were incinerated. Limited firefighting resources could not put out the 311 fire fronts. The disaster prompted a legislative change and more support and funding for local brigades.
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER August 16 2022 13 SUPPORTING OUR RURAL FIRE SERVICE OUR LOCAL FIRE BRIGADE We stand beside our local firefighters for their service Ph 021 220 www.omalleycontracting.com0198 OUR LOCAL FIRE BRIGADE A huge thank you to our volunteer firefighters, part of a proud tradition of service Ph 09 431 www.kaurimuseum.com74175ChurchRd,Matakohe OUR LOCAL FIRE BRIGADE We stand beside our local firefighters for their service Ph 09 431 8590 027 262 ralph.lynne@xtra.co.nz2145 OUR LOCAL FIRE BRIGADE Proud to support our volunteer firefighters, real community heroes Ph 0800 628 www.waterflow.co.nz356 OUR LOCAL FIRE BRIGADE We stand beside our local firefighters for their service Ph Andre 021 202 andre@needashed.co.nz9854 NEED SHED?A OUR LOCAL FIRE BRIGADE We stand beside our local firefighters for their service Ph 021 0223 1917sohannz@gmail.com3162BStateHighway1,Kaiwaka,0573 OUR LOCAL FIRE BRIGADE Proud to support our volunteer firefighters, real community heroes Karl 021 933 175 Kevin 021 953 admin@reidsruawaitransport.co.nz010REIDSRUAWAITRANSPORTLTD OUR LOCAL FIRE BRIGADE Proud to support our Paparoa firebrigade Ph 09 280 9520 Mobile 0204 186 info@wjbarker-scaffolding.co.nzwww.wjbarker-scaffolding.co.nz8964W.J.BARKERSCAFFOLDING OUR LOCAL FIRE BRIGADE We stand beside our local Maungaturoto firefighters for their service Ph 09 280 9520 Mobile 0204 186 info@wjbarker-scaffolding.co.nzwww.wjbarker-scaffolding.co.nz8964W.J.BARKERSCAFFOLDING OUR LOCAL FIRE BRIGADE Proud to support our volunteer firefighters, real community heroes Barry & Deanna Underwood Ph 09 431 8078 Mobile 0274 987 745 UNDERWOOD CONTRACTORS LTD ON THE JOB 43 YEARS EXPERIENCE
Paparoa with its nearby neighbours at the Tinopai fire station, Te Kōpuru covering a vast rural area down to Poutō Point, and their colleagues along the east coast. Progress in gaining new machinery and equipment continues to this day, with the tradition of fire appliances being handed across to smaller rural stations seeing Te Kōpuru receive a ‘new to them’ fire truck just last week. The biggest asset to all our rural brigades through those many years, however, has been the people willing to put community service first and volunteer. ¢
Maungatūroto’s first volunteers gathered in the break room of the Central Ford car dealership and pledged to start their own force for the town. Ruawai’s eight p When fire threatened Waikara Marae earlier this year, the combined force of Kaipara’s rural volunteer brigades averted disaster with a little aerial assistance founding members also stored their kit at the local petrol station. Other brigades were founded through the years and have served their communities bravely.

The Ruawai Volunteer Fire Brigade was established in 1953, with eight original members stepping up to serve the small country town by the shores of the Kaipara Harbour. In those days, funds were tight, but morale was high. There was no firehouse, but the town’s one and only portable pump was kept in a special shed at firefighter Gordon Murray’s Shell petrol station. Mr Murray became a local legend during his 31-year stint with the fire brigade. It was during his tenure that the Smith Memorial Trophy came into being. The Smith family of Matakohe donated the trophy out of gratitude for the service of their local rural firefighters. It was intended to promote friendly competition between the brigades who often worked together to quell rural blazes in the area; Dargaville and Ruawai.
Ruawai hosts firefighting challenge u by Andy Bryenton
“The contest started as pump runs; a test of firefighters’ skills with their equipment,” says Dargaville firefighter Jason“NowCampbell.it’sa series of games and challenges, which mix up those classic games with other challenges, that can vary from firefighting specific tests to pool and darts. It’s all about the banter, the bragging rights and the comradeship between two brigades who often help each other out.”
14 August 16 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER SUPPORTING OUR RURAL FIRE SERVICE OUR LOCAL FIRE BRIGADE Always there for the community in times of need Ph 09 439 2reception@rtca.co.nz2080FreybergSt,Ruawai OUR LOCAL FIRE BRIGADE To all of those who have served our community with bravery, dedication and selflessness — Thank you. Our fire brigade volunteers are true local heroes. Ph 0800 466 793 OUR LOCAL FIRE BRIGADE A huge thank you to our volunteer firefighters, part of a proud tradition of service Ph 09 431 www.threefurlongs.co.nz2246Kaiwaka OUR LOCAL FIRE BRIGADE Proud to support our volunteer firefighters, real community heroes Paparoa Golf Club 91 Golf Course Rd, Maungaturoto, GOLFPAPAROA0589CLUB OUR LOCAL FIRE BRIGADE Always there for the community in times of need www.challenge.net.nz8am-6pmServingRuawai7daysaweek OUR LOCAL FIRE BRIGADE A huge thank you to our volunteer firefighters, part of a proud tradition of service Ph 09 431 kaiwakamotorcycles.co.nz2127 KAIWAKA MOTORCYCLES OUR LOCAL FIRE BRIGADE Proud to support our volunteer firefighters, real community heroes Troy 022 524 www.getwashed.co.nz4966 OUR LOCAL FIRE BRIGADE A huge thank you to our volunteer firefighters, part of a proud tradition of service Mangawhai 09 431 4535 Maungaturoto 09 431 8318 Ruawai 09 439 2506 Waipu 09 432 0693 We Care. Animals. People. Community The Vet Centre www.thevetcentrenorthland.co.nz OUR LOCAL FIRE BRIGADE We stand beside our local firefighters for their service Ph 021 177 cbeggroofing@gmail.com4738 CampbellRoofingBegg OUR LOCAL FIRE BRIGADE Always there for the community in times of need Ph 09 431 farmwork.services@gmail.com65094PaparoaStationRd,Paparoa,0571 Farm Work Services Ltd
The competition is well anticipated, and while there’s a lot of pride on the line, both brigades have notched up a fairly even record of wins and losses during the 50 years the Smith Memorial Trophy has been in play. The hosting brigade switches year by year, with part of the challenge being the host’s obligation to provide a feast worthy of a group of famishedTraditionally,firefighters.thetrophy is contested in midwinter, which has seen some muddy p Firefighters from Ruawai and Dargaville meet each year to test their skills and vie for the Smith Memorial Trophy, a 50-year tradition of friendly rivalry and wet outdoor challenges during the years. As times have changed, so too has the nature of the competition. Today, there’s a women’s trophy too, representing the large contribution women make to volunteer firefighting, a tradition going back to the 1940s when women firefighters protected the home front during wartime. The Smith Memorial Trophy get-together is also a chance to catch up with long-standing brigade volunteers and those who may have hung up their gumboots for active service but still form a big part of firefighting volunteer life. Ruawai’s chief fire officer Gordon Murray was certainly a familiar face at events even after his retirement at the then-mandatory age of 65, back in 1984. Firefighter Jim Vallance was there for the first trophy showdown in 1972 and was part of the Dargaville team who lifted the silverware this year, too. If you have ever thought about lending a hand with your local volunteer fire crew, now is the time to get involved, as recruits are needed now. ¢
For the past five decades, there’s been a friendly rivalry between Ruawai’s volunteer firefighters and their colleagues out of Dargaville, based on a trophy donated by a grateful local family.

Being a born and bred Northlander and have been involved in the rural sector for 29 years. I bring a strong sales and negotiation skill set into rural real estate, these strengths have been key to ensuring clients who work with me get results. Living in the area I work in is paramount for me, and my commitment to my vendors, their success is my success. With my straight up attitude, honesty and trust, my commitment to my vendors is 100%. The rural market remains buoyant, farms are selling, and buyers are engaging with rural properties of all types and prices.
KAIPARAALLOVER Boundary lines are indicative only
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER August 16 2022 15
MACKYS REAL ESTATE LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008 Dargaville 174 Arapohue Road Dargaville 3035 Mititai Road Mamaranui Frith Road 45ha of quality grazing land, the infrastructure is second to none, with cattle yards, hay barn, 3 bay workshop plus an adjoining large multiuse room. The homestead has three bedrooms an office and is centrally positioned some 400mtrs from the road overlooking the farm.
Residential / Commercial / Rural / Property Services
Todd Skudder 027 439 todd.skudder@bayleys.co.nz1235
If the sale of your property is on the horizon, let’s have a confidential conversation, I am a proven agent that lives and breathes the rural sector – Gotta Love Rural Kaipara. For a confidential straight-up chat, feel free to call me anytime.
Sold by Auction 80ha of great contoured land spread out over six titles with two road frontages. The farm is centrally raced with an outstanding set of cattle yards, 4 bay implement shed and two hay barns plus a three bedroom dwelling. Sold by Auction 357.7385ha dairy unit, offering multiple opportunities with substantial infrastructure and several farm dwellings. Quality silt loam flats and Te Kopuru sand hills. $10,000 marketing investment across all digital, social and print mediums. Sold by Auction Dargaville Awakino Road Te Kopuru Lot 8 Redhill Cemetery Road Matakohe 41 Lindquist Road 33ha cropping block with flat contour, located a short distance from Dargaville township and amenities. Sold by Tender 5.8ha lifestyle block with fantastic rural views and multiple building sites, two road frontages providing excellent future options. 15 minutes to Dargaville township and 5 minutes to the beach. Sold by Negotiation 54 hectare farm has seen better days, but presents an outstanding opportunity to make your mark. Two titles, two road frontages, four-bedroom home, disused dairy shed and farm buildings. Sold by Auction

Instead, speeds around school, marae and other public places were dropped, and dangerous corners were reduced to 60km/h. With authority to set speed limits now ceded entirely to an outside agency, it’s possible that such plans in future may not benefit from public scrutiny, transparency and oversight of the kind which reversed the 80km/h blanket drop across Northland. ¢
Waka Kotahi floated the idea of a blanket 80km/h speed limit on state highways across Northland, leading to counter arguments from civic leaders, including Kaipara’s mayor and councillors. While roads in other parts of the nation, including the Taupo to Napier and p Elected members spoke out against the centralisation of authority to Wellington as a new structure for speed limits was debated around the council table Hastings highway, were indeed dropped to 80km/h, Northland highways avoided this fate after public feedback branded the scheme as economically detrimental.
16 August 16 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER AUTO & MARINE DON’T GET LOCKED OUT! Phone: 09 439 7335 Normanby Street, Dargaville Farrand & Mason Ltd GENERAL & PRECISION ENGINEERS We are your security and key cutting experts For your home, your car and your farm! stay safe, secure what’s yours and never get locked out again! PLUS we clone and replace car key ‘clickers’ and garage door openers. Cut those extra, spare and emergency keys NOW with our fast and friendly service. PHONE 09 439 6910 OPEN NOW PHONE TO BOOK YOUR WOF 32 Victoria Street DARGAVILLE • WOFS – CARS, BIKES & TRAILERS • BATTERIES • SERVICE • CLUTCH • BRAKES • CAM BELTS • TRANSMISSION FLUSH www.catermarine.co.nz0800228376 We’ll match their price and throw in a little thing called service! ARE YOU BUILDING A BOAT, OR JUST DOING SOME MAINTENANCE? Do you need to replace a door latch, or redo all the wiring and plumbing aboard? Are you planning a fishing trip or a holiday with the family? At Cater Marine, we stock a wide selection of products for leisure and commercial yachts and launches from Anchors to Zincs and everything in between. We also offer dive refills. Unit 16, Opua Marine Park Baffin Street, Opua Bay of Islands Fozzie’s Garage • Engine reconditioning • Surface grinding - all materials • Crack testing • Cylinder head repairs • Reboring & honing EM: mikefoster-1@hotmail.com PH: 09 438 1957 160b Lower Dent Street Whangarei • All metal fabrication • Aluminium welding & repairs for marine • Trailers, horse floats & utes • Light engineering & repairs • Commercial vehicle compliance ready repairs • AG implements & machinery repairs CALL US NOW 022 636 0080 CERTIFIED WELDING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING Speed limit power lost u by Andy Bryenton The power to change speed limits on Kaipara roads has been ceded to the central government, following a ‘hands tied’ vote and vigorous debate. Kaipara District councillors labelled the move, which centralises speed limit authority with the new National Speed Limits Register (NSLR), as a blow to local democracy and a possible excuse for reduced road maintenance. However, while there was indeed a vote on the issue, mayor Jason Smith noted that there was effectively little choice for elected members. Not striking down the old speed limit bylaw would have left a superfluous rule on the council’s books. “The simple matter is that the decision before the council today is about the implementation of a national policy,” said Mayor Smith. “The council’s hands areWhattied.”may have been, in a different political climate, a minor change of responsibility for speed rules became part of the wider argument regarding national-level government centralisation of local government power. Three Waters, resource management law changes, and the restructuring of health boards are all other examples of this trend. “It represents another cut in the death of local government by one thousand cuts,” opined Councillor Victoria del la Varis-Woodcock.“Localpeople are directly affected by their roads, and by speed limits, and they know their roads best. This is another example of a forced programme of centralisation,” she said. “I sympathise with Councillor del la Varis-Woodcock that the speed limit will be used as an alternative to road maintenance,” said Councillor MarkTheVincent.motion to strike down the KDC’s speed limit bylaws, effectively ceding control to the NSLR, was passed, but objections to the direction it indicated wereThenoted.handover of authority to set speed limits comes after a tumultuous start to the year, following a widespread public outcry on highway speed restrictions.

KAIPARA LIFESTYLER August 16 2022 17 AUTO & MARINE Jervois Street, Dargaville Ph 09 439 1089 Dargaville Honda Motorcycles & Marine Authorised Honda Dealer *Finance Available. Normal lending criteria applies. All prices include GST VICTA MOWERSPUSH $415FROM $4,999FROMMOWERSRIDE-ONVICTA stockNewjustlanded $5,700 WAS $8,999 HONDA MOWERRIDE-ON40" MOWERS, RIDE ONS, CHAINSAWS & OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT ALL PRICES INCLUDE OIL AND FULL TANK OF FUEL ZEROVICTA TURNS $8,699FROMFROM$799MOWERSPUSHHONDAWATERHONDA PUMPS $749FROM 10% OFF Aakron trailers July & August only! $6,300AS XR190 FARM BIKE GET IN QUICK ONLY TWO LEFT NOW Farrand & Mason Ltd GENERAL & PRECISION ENGINEERS Ph: 09 439 7335 ONLINE CATALOGUE VISIT: www.tradezone.co.nz No one has ever choked when swallowing their pride. flexovit ultra thin cut off disc $283.5726pcspannerking$19.9010125x1.0x22piece+gsttonyroesetmetric+gstPVC Electrical tape 18mmx20m$1.31+gst Wearing the Rosso Corsa u by Andy Bryenton In the world of motorsport, all things red and Italian are rightly revered for their engineering, speed and passion. From the 1950s grand prix Maseratis to modern Ferrari hypercars, it seems that Italian designers won’t break out the famous Rosso red paint unless the vehicle they are about to apply it to is set to smash records and turn heads. In the world of trials and enduro racing, there’s a rising force wearing the red livery and the Italian flag. For the past decade, motorbikes from the Beta works in Florence have been the weapon of choice for world champions, such as Dougie Lampkin and Steve Holcombe. The precision and balance of trials competition demand a finely crafted machine, and the Beta company, with its focus on quality over quantity, was a perfect fit for the sport. It began its mission to craft excellent trials bikes in the 1980s. Today its specialised Evo model two and four-stroke machines are acknowledged as the gear used by professionals. In the enduro world, that skill in crafting bikes with nimble, light, easily controlled characteristics crossed over well. In 2004 Beta brought out its own bespoke bikes with KTM brand motors, but in 2010 went fully in-house, creating its own engine from first principles. It was a fusion of form and function that produced the RR series. Bikes that combine the knowledge gleaned from a varied history of racing off-road.Beta takes its name from the four founders of the business, which started in 1904 as Societa Giuseppe Bianchi, a bicycle manufacturer. Soon the name was changed to Bianchi Enzo Tosi Arrigo, p Red paint, Italian design, motorsport pedigree — Beta motorcycles have a lot in common with some other well-known automakers at the top of their game and the focus shifted to sporting bikes. In the 1950s, the Beta 160 Vulcano Sport was a two-stroke ‘cafe racer’ beloved by young Italian men seeking speed and style. Many a Vespa was blown into the weeds by the bright redToday,machines.afocus on offroad performance has seen some describe Beta as ‘the Ferrari of enduro bikes’. Beta motorcycle riders Steve Holcombe and Brad Freeman collectively have won the last five (2017–2021) EnduroGP Enduro WorldThatChampionships.bringsustoDargaville, and the forecourt of Northland Motor Sports, next-door neighbours to the town’s longestablished Ford dealership. The bright red livery of Beta enduro bikes can be seen on display there, with RR models catching some covetous glances. It’s a sure bet that the distinctive sound of the Beta-exclusive RR 200, 250 and 300 engines will be heard on the trails and tracks this summer, bringing a little Italian passion to the Dargaville countryside. ¢

TUE 23 1:14am (1.1m) 7:24am (2.6m) 1:35pm (1.0m) 8:04pm (2.8m) FOR EVENT LISTINGS EMAIL dargaville@cab.org.nzEMAIL roxannek@sportnorth.co.nzEMAIL info@dcdb.nz FOR SPORT LISTINGS FOR CLUB/ORGANISATION LISTINGS
POUTO POINT WED 17 5:03am (0.4m) 11:22am (2.6m) 5:20pm (0.5m) 11:49pm (2.6m) THU 18 5:50am (0.5m) 12:10pm (2.5m) 6:10pm (0.7m)
AugustDynamo Junction Business Event — Wednesday 17th August, 5.15–6.30pm, at Lambeth Architectural, 105 Victoria Street. All business owners and managers welcome.
Dargaville Contract Bridge Club — Tuesdays 12.45pm and Thursday 6.45pm at the Kiosk, Memorial Park, Logan St, Dargaville. dargavillebridge@gmail.com or phone Peter 09 439 2437 or 022 405 6439.
SAT 20 1:26am (2.4m) 7:27am (0.7m) 1:52pm (2.2m) 8:00pm (1.0m)
SUN 21 2:17am (2.2m) 8:21am (0.8m) 2:50pm (2.2m) 9:00pm (1.0m) MON 22 3:11am (2.2m) 9:18am (0.9m) 3:50pm (2.2m) 9:58pm (1.0m)
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER August 16 2022 19 For further Johninfo@dargavillearts.co.nzinformation0275258189 Muddy Waters Gallery 43 Hokianga Rd, Dargaville Next to the Anzac Theatre • 2nd & 4th THURSDAYS EACH MONTH • NEXT IS 25th AUGUST AT 11AM–3PM • BRING YOUR LUNCH — HAVE A COFFEE • CASUAL CRAFT PROJECTS ON THE TABLE OR BRING YOUR OWN TO WORK ON • COME HAVE A CHAT & HAVE SOME FUN CRAFT & ART DROP IN SESSIONS Arts ACOUSTIC MUSIC GROUP CONCERTS RETURN Promoted and sponsored by the Performing Arts section of the Dargaville Arts Association. Dargaville Acoustic Music BLACKBOARD CONCERT September 1st, 7:00pm Kaipara Community Centre Hokianga Rd, Dargaville $2 entry $2 raffle BYO instruments or just come to listen: All Welcome Ph 021 439 697 for more info CALLING ALL MUSIC LOVERS TIDE CHART MANGAWHAI HEADS Dargaville High +1:50 Low +3:10 Ruawai High +1:16 Low +0:57 Kellys Bay High +0:10 Low +0:06 Tinopai High +0:17 Low +0:21 Pahi High +0:44 Low +0:30
FRI 19 12:37am (2.5m) 6:38am (0.6m) 12:59pm (2.4m) 7:03pm (0.8m)
THU 18 2:31am (3.1m) 8:44am (0.7m) 2:56pm (2.9m) 9:02pm (0.9m)
TUE 23 4:07am (2.2m) 10:17am (0.9m) 4:47pm (2.2m) 10:52pm (1.0m)
Alcoholics Anonymous — Dargaville AA meetings held at The Lighthouse Church, cnr Normanby & Parore Sts. Use Parore St entrance. Monday 4.30pm & Thursday 7.30pm Contact Bernie 027 212 2148, Ladies 020 4082 1373, Murray 09 439 5248. Alzheimer’s ‘Carer’ Support Group — Contact Maxine on 021 153 5674. Baylys & Beyond Gardeners — All welcome, 2nd Monday of each month, Garden ramble, shared lunch, trading table phone 021 063 3444. Dargaville Aero Club — Learn to fly, free of tuition charges, Gyrocopter, Texan, Stork. Contact Peter 09 439 1628 for further info.
Hikuwai O Kaipara Waka Ama Club — Meet at the NW Boating Club 5pm Mondays and Thursdays from 5pm for Awa training. Kaipara Heritage Machinery Club — Open and operating Wednesday and Saturday. New members and volunteers welcome. Something to interest both men and women, come and get involved. Phone 09 439 7108 or 09 439 4614.
Kumarani Productions, Circus Jam — Wednesdays 5.30–7.30pm at Circus Kumarani, 15 Onslow St through school terms only. Gold coin donation. Lions Club of Ruawai — Meets 3rd Thursday of the month (social night) at the Sports Club and 1st Thursday of the month (business meeting). For more info contact 09 439 2029 or 09 439 2557. Lions Dargaville — Meeting 2nd Wednesday of the month in Lions Den, Hokianga Road. Contact John for more information 09 439 5937. Mt Wesley Angels — Meets 2nd Sunday of the month at Old Mt Wesley Cemetery to preserve, record and care for this historic cemetery. Wear suitable footwear, bring water, gardening gloves and a friend. Northern Wairoa Country Music Club — 1st Sunday of the month at the Scout Hall, 23 Onslow Street 1–4pm. Enquiries to Bruce 09 439 5513. Northern Wairoa Genealogy Society — Learn how to trace your family history or DNA at the Research Rooms, Dargaville Museum, 4th Sunday of each months 12.30–2pm OR attend our monthly meetings on the 4th Sunday of the month from 2pm–4pm. Phone Sue 021 608 606. Northern Wairoa Indoor Bowls Assn — Starts at 7pm Mondays at Anglican Church Hall, Tuesdays at Ruawai-Tokatoka Hall, Wednesdays at Dalmatian Hall. For more info contact Warren Younger 027 478 5102 or evenings 09 439 6155. NZ 60s Up Movement — Dargaville Social Meetings held at the Lighthouse Function Centre on 1st Tuesday of the month. Contact President Margaret Pinny 09 439 4560. Peggy Purls in our Community — Every 3rd Wednesday 10.30am at Dargaville Sewing and Curtain Centre, 59 Normanby St. Ring Charlene 09 439 6120. RSA Women’s Section — Social meeting held at the Clubrooms, 4th Monday of the month. Contact Secretary/Treasurer Betty Bruce 09 439 4344. SeniorNet Dargaville — Drop-in every Tuesday 10am–2pm (except school holidays) for help with technology and internet banking. KCC 38 Hokianga Rd. Stepping Out Leisure Marching Team — Tuesday 4pm–5pm at the Dargaville Town Hall. Contact Sharon 027 439 5634 or 09 439 5634 for more details. Vaccine Passport required. Stitches and Craft — 5 Cranley St, Dargaville. 10am–4pm Tuesday and Friday Contact Lois 027 473 0598 for further details.
SUN 21 5:04am (2.6m) 11:18am (1.1m) 5:50pm (2.6m)
SeptemberGriefandLoss: A community conversation — Tuesday 6th September 1pm–4pm presented by Hospice Kaipara. To be held at the Baylys Beach Community Centre. RSVP Hospice Kaipara 09 439 3330 opt 4, Lisa at office@hospicekaipara.org.nz or Lorraine at support@hospicekaipara.org.nz. Please register your interest to attend by 2nd September 2022. Fun Quiz Night – St Peters Anglican Church Fundraiser — Saturday 10th September. Doors open at 6pm for a 7pm start. Venue Te Kopuru Southern Rugby Club. $10 per person. Light supper provided and bar facilities available. Contact Viv Biddles 09 439 1587 or Kaye Welch 09 439 1504 (after 6pm). Book by 5th September as table numbers limited. MarketsDargaville Twilight Market — Last Friday of each month, 5.30pm–7pm. Northern Wairoa Boating Club, Totara Street. Kaihu Hall Market — 3rd Saturday each month 10am–noon. Phone Robin 09 439 4878. Monthly Market — 1st Saturday each month, 9am–noon, Kaipara Community Centre, Hokianga Road (opposite the Town Hall). Paparoa Artisan Market — 4th Sunday monthly 12–4pm. Paparoa Memorial Hall. Paparoa Farmers’ Market — Every Saturday 9am –12pm. Genuine local produce, vegetables, seafood, olive oils, meats, patisserie, plants and more. Village Green, Paparoa. Te Kopuru Market — Every Saturday 12.30pm–3.30pm at Te Kopuru Community Hall. Club/Organisation57Squadron(Dargaville) Air Training Corps — Mondays 6pm–8pm at the Dargaville Aero Club. For boys and girls aged 13–18 years Phone Gordon 021 262 0547.
DAY HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH WED 17 1:49am (3.3m) 8:02am (0.5m) 2:13pm (3.1m) 8:17pm (0.7m)
www.mangawhaiartists.co.nzMangawhaiArtistsIncorporated WHAT’S ON? For outside of Dargaville events email info@thelifestyler.co.nz
FRI 19 3:15am (2.9m) 9:29am (0.9m) 3:44pm (2.8m) 9:52pm (1.0m) SAT 20 4:05am (2.7m) 10:19am (1.0m) 4:41pm (2.7m) 10:51pm (1.1m)
Dargaville Embroidery Group — 3rd Tuesday of the month 10am–2pm. Phone Rosemary 09 439 0656. Dargaville Floral Art Club — Meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 1pm at The Lighthouse Church, Cnr Normanby & Parore Sts, Dargaville. Enquiries to Dawn Donald 09 439 5413. Dargaville Friendship Club — meets 2nd Tuesday of the month at 10am at the NW Boating Club. For info phone Phyllis 09 439 6681. Dargaville Games Club — 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at the Dargaville Scout Hall, Onslow St, 6pm–9pm. Dargaville Girls Brigade — For girls 5–15 years. Thursdays after school — 3.30–5pm held at The Lighthouse Church. Contact Pauline Taylor 021 263 7446 or 09 439 7505. Dargaville Menz Shed — is open Tuesday and Thursday each week from 10am to 3pm and Saturday mornings from 10am to noon. New members are welcome. For more info phone Paul 027 459 3098 or Brian 09 439 6175. Dargaville Museum — Open every day except Christmas Day and Anzac morning 9–4 until Labour Day then 9–5 until Easter. Volunteers, visitor hosts and members welcome. Phone 09 439 7555. Dargaville Scout Group — For boys and girls aged 5–99 years at 23 Onslow St. All info on door or phone Johnnita 027 296 5889.
MON 22 12:02am (1.2m) 6:13am (2.6m) 12:27pm (1.1m) 7:03pm (2.7m)

ACROSS: 1 Cabin, 4 Shrinking violet, 14 Toast, 15 Stray, 16 Compromise, 17 Raise, 19 Dew, 20 Foresee, 21 Zookeeper, 22 Filthy, 25 Buccaneer, 27 Rasher, 28 Placid, 33 Sugar daddy, 35 Hug, 36 Ritual, 37 Snug, 39 Ace, 41 Gorilla, 42 Infant, 43 Cochineal, 44 Trade, 45 Atom bomb, 50 Pa, 51 Truffles, 55 False, 58 Hot potato, 59 Nutmeg, 60 Absence, 61 Ass, 63 Room, 64 Prowls, 65 Ill, 66 Satellites, 68 Clever, 69 Bronze, 71 Espionage, 76 Allows, 77 Interrupt, 79 Hearsay, 81 Pal, 84 Water, 85 Profitable, 86 Sneer, 87 Needs, 88 Thin on the ground, 89 Below.
letters to complete ten words — five across the grid and five down. More than one solution may be possible. SAI RO LAE AI SET SWAMI ARGON LEAVE TAPIR SAE IE ENI ES TLS STARE PINED ENNUI LEAST TALES 58 3 42 41 39 5 8 9 2 7 5 3 942 1 8 7 1 2 5 419 6 7 3589 247 16 6917 853 42 2741 369 85 1 3 5 8 6 9 4 2 7 7825 431 69 9462 718 53 8 6 7 3 1 2 5 9 4 4196 572 38 5234 986 71 5 4 94 2 71 8 2 7 896 5 47 9 7 5 8 3 2 7 9 4 6 6528 749 31 9843 125 76 7135 968 24 5 4 6 7 3 8 1 9 2 8916 253 47 3271 496 58 2 7 5 9 6 1 4 8 3 4682 537 19 1394 872 65 EASY Previous solution Previous solution Previous crossword solution solutionPrevious 1ACROSS Gaining points (7) 4 Safety measure (10) 9 Under discussion, dispute (2,5) 13 Downfall (4) 14 Be of importance (6) 15 Vinegar acid (6) 16 Trivial objection (7) 19 Authentic (7) 20 Serve out an extra tot of rum at sea (6,3,4,5) 21 Plays for time (6) 22 Bell tower (6) 24 Comes into (anag) (9) 29 Not able to be moved (8) 30 Abnormal fear or aversion (6) 31 Practical knowledge (4-3) 35 Decline in activity (8) 36 Struggle against (6) 37 Defrost (4) 38 Polite (5) 39 Fall behind (3) 41 Trunk (5) 43 Preliminary drawing (6) 47 Go and get (5) 50 Wager (3) 54 Initiated (5) 55 Fly unaccompanied (4) 56 Dance company (6) 57 Be of different opin ions (8) 60 Excess (7) 61 Expose (6) 62 Monocle (8) 65 Watertight vessel (9) 67 Less difficult (6) 68 Soldiers (6) 72 Lavish hospitality (3-6,9) 75 Thin metal sheeting (7) 77 Jumpy (7) 78 Fleet of warships (6) 79 Financial plan
DOWN: 2 Author, 3 Irate, 5 Hook, 6 Improve, 7 Knocks, 8 Naive, 9 Viewers, 10 Ogre, 11 Elixir, 12 Tardy, 13 Steward, 14 Textile, 18 Peccadillo, 23 Snide, 24 Lettuce, 26 Uranium, 27 Regatta, 29 Conceal, 30 Dugout, 31 Cheap, 32 Saucer, 34 Yank, 36 Regal, 38 Gulls, 40 Riff, 45 Abhor, 46 Outcome, 47 Boom, 48 Meagre, 49 Alias, 50 Pensive, 52 Unbalanced, 53 Feeling, 54 Etched, 55 Forward, 56 Stile, 57 Fees, 62 Attic, 67 Bellows, 68 Company, 70 Ninepin, 72 Soprano, 73 Switch, 74 Trying, 75 Gazebo, 76 Alter, 78 Epoch, 80 Range, 82 Wren, 83 Flan. 5x5 the missing (6) 80 Explosive device (4) 81 Crossbreeds (7) 82 In utter confusion (5-5) 83 Servitude, bondage (7) 1DOWNMomentarily raise the shoulders (5) 2 Of the East (8) 3 Mixture of rock frag ments and pebbles (6) 4 Shop selling pastries (10) 5 Sign on (5) 6 Lawlessness (7) 7 Pact (6) 8 Oily fruit (5) 10 Competition played in a series of contests (10) 11 Residential districts (7) 12 Open with key (6) 17 Tactful (10) 18 Animal life of a region (5) 21 Apple pastry (7) 23 Insect’s antennae (7) 25 Brightly printed and glazed cotton fabric (6) 26 Browbeat (6) 27 Lyrical (6) 28 Submissive (6) 30 Aplomb (5) 32 Low dam (4) 33 Small branch (4) 34 Counterfeit (4) 40 Tree-lined street (6) 42 Set eyes on (4) 44 Young cat (6) 45 Scandinavian goblin (5) 46 Unlucky (7) 48 Cold dessert with sponge, sherry, custard, cream (6) 49 Obstinate (10) 50 Tree covering (4) 51 Garden latticework (7) 52 Stinging insect (4) 53 Serious, uncheerful (6) 58 Waist sash (10) 59 Over and over (10) 63 Heartless (5) 64 Unchanging intona tion (8) 66 Take the wraps off (7) 67 Pull out (7) 69 Cure (6) 70 Rots (6) 71 Emphasis (6) 73 Body trunk (5) 74 Hot coal (5) 76 Foyer (5)
20 August 16 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER PUZZLE TIME Sudoku Fill the grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. All puzzles © The Puzzle www.thepuzzlecompany.co.nzCompany 289Jumbo crossword

22 August 16 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER FOR SALE CARAVAN EWOF (and marine). Call your local inspector today at A+ Electrical Inspections and Security on 021 240 6764. E BIKE Avanti discovery 48-622, 29x1 wheels all in good working order. Phone 021 0824 3109. KORG KEYBOARD EK50 entertainer keyboard. Brand new all the bells and whistles, $650. Phone 09 439 4224. SCOOTERS PLYWOOD 19mm H3 Ply $127, 12mm H3 NS $79, 09 438 6565. TOP SOIL, top quality, $75 per m³ onto your trailer, or truck deliveries available for larger orders. Phone 021 132 4107 or 09 439 5141. WHITE TOYOTA Corolla $1,200 ONO immaculate condition. Phone 09 431 4073. SEPTIC TANK SERVICES EFFLUENT REMOVAL, just give us a call, we remove it all. ‘Magic Property Services’. Phone Chris 027 480 0110 or Mary 027 459 1544. 7 Days. WE ARE THE ONLY CODE COMPLIANT OPERATORS IN THE KAIPARA. PROPERTY MAINTENANCE PLUMBER (SEMI retired) available for small property maintenance jobs... call John 027 494 2919 PET SUPPLIES WINDOW & Door Repairs & Glazing, Insect Screens, Security and more — call me today. Phone 027 275 0918 or 09 439 6458. Kevin Sowter or visit my website: windowanddoors.co.nz — Window and Door Services Ltd. FENCING FENCING, ALL types of fencing, pool, stockyards, post & rail, boundary plus... call Jeff 0274765 458 WANTED TO BUY TOP $$$ for old Tin diecast Toys. Corgi, Matchbox, Dinky, Funho, Hornby, Hotwheels, Marklin, Meccano, Schuco, Straue, Tonka, Tyco ect. Phone Ron 027 535 7214 / 09 439 4829. TREE SERVICES KAIPARA STUMP grinding. All stumps, any size, free no-obligation quote. Phone 020 4029 2263. Based in Dargaville. Keep it local. TREE REMOVAL, pruning, chipping & stump grinding. Qualified & Insured. Phone Scott 0800 468 9663 Arborcare Tree Maintenance. TREE TRIMMING Truck using Grapple/Saw – 26m reach — Pruning, Removal, Chipping, Qualified Arborists SIMPLE – FAST – SAFE – QUALIFIED – EXPERIENCED – VALUE FOR MONEY. Servicing KAIPARA CALL Team Vegetation on 09 439 0050 TRADE & SERVICES CARPET CLEANING, repairs, re-stretching, and patching. Flood drying and small carpet laying work and upholstery cleaning. Very fussy and reasonable prices. Phone Darren, Alltrades Carpet Services 0800 425 587 or 027 286 8584. WATER TANK Cleaning. Phone Pete 027 444 3053 or 09 405 9510. WINDOW & Door Repairs & Glazing, Insect Screens, Security and more — call me today. Phone 027 275 0918 or 09 439 6458. Kevin Sowter or visit my website: windowanddoors.co.nz — Window and Door Services Ltd. STORAGE WE CURRENTLY have containers space available enquiries call Rick 09 439 6037 or 027 207 2932. NURSERIES & PLANTS NEW RELEASE White bottlebrush (Mary) tall white callistemon, ready for hedging, shelter, landscaping, or just a feature plant. From $8 Got2Go Plants, 55 West Coast Road Te Kopuru, 09 439 5556. CLASSIFIEDS PHONE 09 439 6933 Closing date for classified advertising for the August 23 2022 edition is Monday, August 22 2022 ENTERTAINMENT DARGAVILLE’S CINEMA THE ANZAC THEATRE AT THE WAR MEMORIAL TOWN HALL, HOKIANGA RD TO PURCHASE TICKETS ONLINE AND FOR ANY FURTHER www.anzactheatre.co.nzINFORMATION:09439 8997 Proudly sponsored by the Kaipara Lifestyler Adult $16 Senior (65+) $13.50 Student $13.50 w/ID Child $9.00 Under 3yrs FREE MORNING AFTERNOON AFTERNOON EVENING NIGHT 18/08THU WHETUBRIGHTMARAMA:STAR (E) 5.30PM BENEDICTION (M) 7.30PM 19/08FRI WHERE CRAWDADSTHESING (M) 12.00PM PHANTOM OF THE OPEN (M) 5.30PM BULLET TRAIN (R16) 8.00PM 20/08SAT MINIONS (PG) 1.30PM WHETUBRIGHTMARAMA:STAR (E) 3.30PM WHERE CRAWDADSTHESING (M) 5.30PM BULLET TRAIN (R16) 8.00PM 21/08SUN PHANTOM OF THE OPEN (M) 1.00PM BENEDICTION (M) 3.15PM BULLET TRAIN (R16) 6.00PM 22/08MON CLOSED NEW THIS WEEK: BULLET TRAIN FURTHER SCREENINGS: BENEDICTION, WHERE THE CRAWDADS SING, WHETU MARAMA, MINIONS: THE RISE OF GRU VERY LAST SCREENING OF: PHANTOM OF THE OPEN, WHINA23/08TUE CLOSED 24/08WED WHETUBRIGHTMARAMA:STAR (E) 12.00PM PHANTOM OF THE OPEN (M) 5.30PM WHINA (PG) 8.00PM WEEK OF 18th August – 24th August ★ FirstLastscreeningscreening ★ ELECTIONS PATURIRIPOLITICIANTOAUTUVOTE KAIPARA MĀORI WARD SEAT www.politicalcandidate.co.nzAuthorizedbyPatuririToautu266MaropiuSettlementRdDargaville LIVESTOCK MATAKOHE SALE FRIDAY 19TH AUGUST 2022 12.30pm Start Further entries welcome 19 x R2Yr Steers 7 x R2Yr Heifers 6 x R1Yr Steers 4 x R1Yr Heifers 8 x RWB Dairy Heifers 8 x Weaner Heifers 8 x Wnr Friesian Bulls 3 x Wiltshire Ram Hoggets Murray Lynch 021 966 501 Don McKenzie 021 754 174 Noel Baker 027 455 5828 Craig Douglas 027 445 1167 Dargaville Bobcat Services Phone or Txt Paul 09 439 5073 | 027 271 2022 Any job big or small. We do them ALL • Stump & Tree Removal • Driveway Prep & Regrading • Post Hole Borer • Calf Shed & Stockyard Cleaning • Tip Truck Available • Trencher WORK WANTED WAYNE & ANNETTE Ph 09 439 2020 Dry Aged Beef Specialists Traditional Manuka wood smoked Bacon & Ham TOKATOKA YOUR DONATIONS PROVIDE CRITICAL SUPPORT TO THE NORTHLAND RESCUE HELICOPTER SERVICE, A CHARITABLE AND WORLD CLASS AIR AMBULANCE SERVICE THAT IS HERE TO HELP LOCALS AND EVERYDAY KIWIS VISITING TE TAI TOKERAU 24/7. DONATE ONLINE 21,000 MISSIONSRESCUE 365 DAYS A YEAR 31 YEARS OPERATIONIN 3 HIGH HELICOPTERSSPEED NEST.ORG.NZ/DONATE/

Lisa, Rex, Hunter and Nico
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER August 16 2022 23 PUBLIC NOTICES ACOUSTIC MUSIC Blackboard Concert — First Thursday of the month — 7–9.30pm, next is 1st September, Kaipara Community Centre, Hokianga Road, Dargaville. $2 entry, $2 raffle. Performers and audience welcome. Phone Allan 09 439 6933 or 021 439 697. An enjoyable night to be part of, sit back and be entertained by some great local talent. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS both Dargaville AA Meetings are held at the church, crn Parore and Normanby Sts. Use Parore St entrance. Monday 4.30pm & Thursday 7.30pm. Phone Bernie 027 212 2148, Ladies 020 4082 1373, Murray 09 439 5248. DARGAVILLE HEALING rooms 7pm Tuesdays. No charge and no appointment necessary. Lion of Judah Building, River Road. All Welcome. Check us out on Facebook. KAIPARA GREY Power’s next General Meeting will be Friday 19th August. We are very pleased to have Anna Curnow, Kaipara District Council Deputy Mayor as our guest. We meet in the Dargaville Methodist Church Complex. The format is 1pm Association Business. Including Jean Crowther reporting on the Federation AGM 1.30 Anna followed by Michelle’s Corker, Koha, Cuppa. All welcome. CLASSIFIEDS PHONE 09 439 6933 Closing date for classified advertising for the August 23 2022 edition is Monday, August 22 2022 TehealthNeedHEALTHHealthCommunityKaiparaTrustSHUTTLEtransporttoaappointment?ForenquiriesphoneHaOranga4393013 ANNUAL GENERAL HUI Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whātua and Te Topu Ika o Ngāti Whātua Notice is hereby given that the 2022 Annual Hui of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whātua and Te Topu Ika o Ngāti Whātua will be held on: Saturday 19 November 2022 commencing at 10.00 am at Te Hana Te Ao Marama Maori Cultural Centre 311 State Highway 1, Te Hana 0974 A zoom option will also be provided AGENDA • Karakia-Mihimihi • Apologies • Confirmation of Minutes - Meeting held 19 February 2022 • Presentation of 2021/2022 Annual Report and Financial Statements • Te Topu Ika o Ngāti Whātua report • Te Runanga o Ngāti Whātua Strategic Plan • Presentation of 2022/2023 Annual Plan and Budget • Confirmation of Appointment of Auditors • General Business • Karakia electronicallydocumentsPrintedWhakamutungacopiesoftheabovewillbeavailableattheAnnualGeneralHuiandonTeRūnangaoNgātiWhātuawebsitefollowingthehui-https://www.ngatiwhatua.iwi.nz/IntheeventthatwecannotholdtheAGMkanohikitekanohi,wewillreverttotheonlineZoomformat,aswasdoneforthe2021/2022AGM. PUBLIC NOTICES As more banks require customers to use online banking, we are running a help session to assist people to understand what to do and how to do it safely. All are welcome at 10am Tuesday the 23rd of August Kaipara Community Centre, 38 Hokianga Road, Dargaville Heather: 021 177 7886 | 09 439 4452 Dot: 09 439 1711 Contact us: Hospice Kaipara presents: Grief and Lossa Community Conversation. Date: Tuesday 6th September Venue: Baylys Beach Community Centre 52 Seaview Road. Time: 1pm - 4pm Fee: No Charge Facilitator: Josie Scott mnzac RSVP or any enquiries to: Hospice Kaipara (09) 439 3330 opt 4 Or Lisa: office@hospicekaipara.org.nz Lorraine: support@hospicekaipara.org.nz Please register you interest to attend by 2nd September 2022 Topics will include: • Grief influences and common reactions experienced • Supporting Family and Friends with grief • Self-care • Children’s Grief - ways to help families before and after • Living with Grief through special and significant dates SITUATIONS VACANT We are looking for a Health Care Assistant to join our team. The HCA provides support to our Nurse’s and GP’s with a variety of clinical and administrative tasks • Previous HCA experience preferred • Must be a team player with a can-do attitude. • Excellent communication, and time management skills • You must be eligible to work in NZ Full time position 40 hours per week. Applications close: Tuesday 30th August 2022 Email applications to: dallas@dargavilledocs.co.nz MEDICALDARGAVILLECENTRE Dargaville based. Please email current CV to admin@harrisoncontracting.co.nz or phone (09) 439 4788 TRUCK WANTEDDRIVER • Class 4 License (class 5 an advantage but not essential) • WTR License (an advantage) • Pre-employment drug testing • References required • Physically Requirements:capable DARGAVILLE HIGH SCHOOL KA OTA, KA AKO HEALTHY SCHOOL LUNCHES PROGRAMME KITCHEN HAND/CANTEEN ASSISTANT We are looking for an energetic and dynamic person to join our team as Kitchen Hand/Canteen Assistant to work within our school lunch’s programme. Duties include assisting in food handling, cleaning and serving in our school canteen. Position is 9am – 2.30pm Monday to Friday, term time only. The successful applicant will be required to complete a police vet. To apply for the position, please drop your CV and Application Letter off at the school office or email it to Applicationsoffice@darghigh.school.nzclose12pm,28thAugust 2022. If you have any queries please call Denise on 021 063 7540. Our college in the beautiful Kaipara region is looking to employ a fixed-term, part-time 0.8 FTTE teacher with strengths in the following learning areas: Hard Materials, The Arts, Māori, and Physical Education. The applicant we seek should be enthusiastic, motivated, and committed to quality teaching and learning. A willingness to contribute to the rich, co-curricular life of the school is important. Start date negotiable. Fixed term position ends Friday 9 December 2022. Private rental accommodation is available MondayApplicationson request.close15August2022,at 3 pm. To request an application pack, please contact Tyla O’Sullivan, Principal’s PA via email at pa@ruawaicollege.school.nz.RuawaiCollegePart-timeFixed-term0.8FTTE APPLY TODAY! WE NEED YOU, TO JOIN OUR SALES TEAM! • 1 Full time sales role available • Training provided • Positive attitude and strong people skills encouraged • Cell phone and computer knowledge are an asset OUR CUSTOMERS WANT TO PROMOTE THEIR BUSINESSES, THEY JUST NEED TO TALK TO YOU TO MAKE IT HAPPEN! Email your CV & Cover Letter to: jobs@integrity.nz Integrity community media SITUATIONS VACANT SITUATIONS VACANT Sunday 21st August 2022 Held at James Buller Centre Trustee Hui, 9am Church, 11am Shared Lunch, 12pm Committee Meeting, 1pm OTUREI COMMITTEEMARAEMEETING Naumai, Haere Mai Support Workers — Dargaville About us tlc4u2 provides homecare services to clients throughout Northland, Auckland and the Bay of Plenty. Identifying appropriate levels of care, offering realistic choices, maintaining or enhancing lifestyles and promoting independence are some of our prime objectives. The Role We are looking for part time, full time and casual Support Workers who are energetic, willing to learn, and have a caring, fun and compassionate nature for the Dargaville area. Hours are variable; however, the ability to work evenings and weekends is important in this work. Duties vary depending on our client’s individual needs, some of the tasks are likely to include assisting with personal cares, meal planning/ preparation, household activities and transporting clients to appointments and outings. Skills and Experience We are looking for people who are energetic, willing to learn, have a caring, fun and compassionate nature and a desire to support people to remain living in their own home. You must have a driver licence and own vehicle and a smartphone is helpful. Experience is an advantage, although we will consider applicants without if you have the right attitude and willing to train. To apply, please send your CV and a cover letter, outlining why you feel you would be suitable, to recruitment@tlc4u2.co.nz As you will be working with vulnerable people, a police check will be carried out. Applicants should also have the right to work in New Zealand and be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 IN MEMORIAM MerleneRANDELL,Glennis Passed away 16th August 2005 Not a day goes by that we don’t remember your beautiful smile and laughter, all the wonderful memories we treasure, and hold dear in our hearts. Forever loved and so dearly missed.
Listen to Big River FM IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE WITH YOUR LOCAL RADIO STATION 09 439 sales@bigriverfm.co.nz3003DARGAVILLE 98.6FM & RUAWAI 88.2FM Community Flavour and Variety Helping the community in so many waysBIG RIVER FM Phil & Mitch 98.6FM 73%Retain a trust rating of LOCALareifMorethey TRADITIONAL NEWSPAPERS