10,450 Copies DELIVERED FREE throughout the Kaipara August 23 2022
Kaipara’s Only Regional Newspaper | Kaipara
Local muscle power and an excavator supplied by the Kaipara District Council joined forces to make improvements to the Baylys Beach dunescape this month. It was a chilly day, but a warm feeling pervaded the small army of Baylys Beach volunteers who turned out last week to beautify and protect the seashore. Three hundred spinifex dune grasses were planted. Locals in their cold-weather gear planted the stabilising, erosion-fighting native flora while an excavator cleared sand from the Baylys Beach boardwalk. With storms lashing the coast during late winter, the importance of dune-forming protective grasses like spinifex has been brought into focus, with planting efforts both at Baylys and down the Ripiro coast at Glinks Gully.
Community power digs deep
32 Victoria Street DARGAVILLE PHONE 09 439 6910 At Morris & Morris Funerals we understand times are tough “Northlands most trusted funeral provider” 24 hours - 7 days a week Call 0800 Morris Whangarei/Dargaville(667747) Funeral options from $3990 gst inc includes cremation fee and casket Crop tests rebooted Crops have been chosen for the second yearly … Truth on the election trail With a heated 30-person race for council and mayoral office … Make cats bat safe The Department of Conservation has physical proof that cats target native pekapeka bats … P5 P7 P9 p
Clearer stormwater strategy u by Andy Bryenton
The Kaipara District Council has made a detailed submission on the Water Services Entities bill, with special mention of how stormwater services in Kaipara may be challenging to homogenise. The bill, if enacted, will help usher in Three Waters. However, the KDC and other councils with large areas of stormwater and drainage operations have questioned its implementation, stating that hyper-local drainage authorities will be a difficult fit. “Stormwater connects closely with a variety of other territorial authority roles and functions, including flood and drainage management, roading, parks, placemaking and greenspace,” said Mayor Jason Smith and elected members in their submission to the government. “Given the inherent links between stormwater and other territorial authority services and functions, it may be difficult or unnecessary to immediately transfer stormwater assets. Therefore, the bill must provide a provision where the territorial continued on page 3 … owned and Operated

Mirror on the mind
p Piano player, composer and acclaimed performer Jan Preston lit up Dargaville’s Anzac Theatre this August with an evening of boogie-down music. Alongside percussionist Mike Pullman and Dargaville double bassist Stuart Lawrence, Jan thoroughly impressed the crowd, who were enthusiastic in their praise for a great night of entertainment.
p Maungatūroto Volunteer Fire Brigade recently held an honours night, awarding medals to two longserving volunteers. Deputy Fire Chief Officer Michael Tovine (left in photo) received his Long Service and Good Conduct medal for 14 years of service. Meanwhile, Phillip Cotching received his Five Year Service Medal. Chief Fire Officer Paddy Thornton says that the night was a chance to get together as a brigade, honour those who had achieved significant milestones, and congratulate the dedication of volunteers after so long with Covid-19 restrictions.
Opinions expressed in this publication and in advertising inserts, by contributors or advertisers, are
10,450 copies, the including Dargaville, Ruawai, Paparoa, Matakohe, Maungaturoto, Kaiwaka, Mangawhai and Wellsford. not necessarily those of Integrity Community
Media. The Kaipara Lifestyler is published with pride by Integrity Community Media, a privately owned Kaipara company. Phone: 09 439 6933 or 0800 466 793 Email: info@thelifestyler.co.nz Postal Address: PO Box 474, Dargaville Physical Address: 107 River Road, Dargaville Editor: Deb Wright 021 639 696 deb.wright@integrity.nz Journalists: Andy Bryenton 021 439 947 | Paul Campbell paul.campbell@integrity.nz | Amy Fifita Advertising: Betty Willetts 027 525 8197 | Sue Girven 027 525 7984 Classifieds: Dianne Hutching 09 439 6933 Production: Gavin Bainbridge | Anna Fredericksen | Kelsey Hansen | Liz Clark Accounts: accounts@thelifestyler.co.nz Distribution: Laurie Willetts Printed by: NZME Website: kaiparalifestyler.co.nz We can help sell your property. I am passionate about selling lifestyle blocks and farms and I specialise in subdivisions with a wealth of knowledge in this area. Talk to us and we may be able to help you. Phone us and we can explain the reason for all the sold properties, or you can come and see us at First National Roper and Jones’s office in Maungaturoto. Join our list of sold properties for this year. You can call me on 021 902 087 or Debbie on 021 233 3796. All properties have been sold without vendor finance. A Selection of sold properties by Team Morris from the 1st April 2022 Please give us a call if you want your property sold LOT 5, 198 GRIFFIN MAUNGATUROTOROAD LOT 39, 1788 TINOPAI ROAD TINOPAI 553 WEST COAST ROAD TE KOPURU LOT 3, GOLDEN STAIRS ROAD MARERETU LOT 4, GOLDEN STAIRS ROAD MARERETU LOT 40, 1788 TINOPAI ROAD TINOPAI LOT 3/357 ONERIRI ROAD KAIWAKA SOLD 59B JACK BOYD DRIVE MANGAWHAI HEADS 41 LINDQUIST ROAD ARARUA SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD 110 Victoria Street, Dargaville 09 439 7295 143 Hurndall Street, Maungaturoto 09 431 1016Dargaville Realty Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008 www.roperandjones.co.nz Roper& Jones If you would like to be added to Gary’s exclusive news and new listings e-newsletter, please email Gary Morris with “Yes, e-newsletter” in the subject line. Gary Morris & Debbie Howlett M: 021 902 087 M: 021 233 3796 E: gary@fnkaipara.co.nz W: www.roperandjones.co.nzLicensed salesperson under REAA 2008 PA to Gary Morris and Licensed salesperson under REAA 2008 VOTE 2022 LOCAL ELECTIONS Standing for office? Plan your promotion campaign with us Kaipara District; Northland Regional Council; Whangarei District Get in contact with John today john.pickworth@integrity.nz • 027 525 8189 Reach the voters across Northland with Kaipara Lifestyler, The Weekend Lifestyler and Northern Farming Lifestyles
distributed on Tuesday to every residential and rural home throughout
Integrity Community Media. All inserts delivered with the publication are not produced by
Rocking the ivories Firefighters honoured
p Photographer and tutor Judy Stokes opened her home gallery for the first time last weekend, putting the spotlight on creativity and mental health. “I recently ran a series of workshops about creativity, sponsored by Creative New Zealand. It was to do with how creativity strengthens us as people, using photography as that medium,” says Judy. The free courses were open to anybody keen to learn. “During these workshops, we looked at ways to kickstart creativity so individuals can keep a strong, healthy and happy mind through regular creativity.”

u by Andy Bryenton
p The KDC has appraised the long-serving Raupo Drainage Board of its concerns, expressed in a submission on Nanaia Mahuta’s Water Services Entity bill “Quality care and professional service”
Headed for Honduras Clearer stormwater strategy
As a leader during Ruawai College’s transition to a new and more studentfocussed curriculum that puts engagement, accessibility and agency to the fore, Jay feels he can achieve great things with EIS, situated in the fastdeveloping Central American nation of Honduras. Then there are the personal reasons to embark on such an adventure. “Honduras is a beautiful place, with its largely untouched Caribbean coast, the second biggest coral reef system in the world, and historic Mayan ruins. It’s a world-renowned diving location, and a lot of the growth in the country’s economy is driven by tourism and international investment and a culture of openBothhospitality.”Jayand his wife Holly will be employed by the EIS; she is an experienced social sciences leader. Their children will be students there.
The family has initially signed up for a two-year term, but Jay says he intends to stick with the job for the long haul, to effect change for the better.
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER August 23 2022 3 (09) 777 dentalnorth.co.nzreception@dentalnorth.co.nz0114 Level 2 15 Porowini Avenue Whangārei Megan McGregor and James Edwards are excited to welcome you to Whangārei’s newest dental surgery. Appointments available. Book Now. A reason to smile. dentists,localMegan,&James Whangārei.inraised&born Sustainability, Integrity, Community Authorised by Erin Wilson-Collins | erynrwilsoncollins@gmail.com WAIROA WARD VOTE ERYN DARGAVILLE WARD
authority can enter into a service level agreement for part of specific stormwater activities with the water serviceKaiparaentity.”isacase in point, with more than 200 square kilometres of land under the auspices of 29 land drainage districts. An example of a local drainage and water management entity with a century or more of success is the Raupo Drainage Board, which could be subsumed into Entity A. The longest-serving committee in Kaipara history, the RDB holds local knowledge about waterThemanagement.KDCagreed with Christchurch City Council’s position that the transfer of stormwater to the four new water service entities should be deferred until full assurance of the feasibility of including stormwater in this model can be provided. A clearer definition of ‘stormwater services’ should be made before a handover is considered.Thisweek also saw council delegations make their submissions on the Water Services Entity bill. Municipalities as disparate as Auckland, Ashburton and Nelson took a stance against the reforms. Auckland, which would form the majority stakeholding in Entity A, reminded Nanaia Mahuta of her own words from 2021 that suggested the supercity could opt out of the Three Waters“Localprocess.Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta has also said in a cabinet paper in June 2021 that she believes it would be possible to exclude Watercare from the reforms on the basis that it already has many of the desired features of reform,” Auckland mayor Phil Goff said in his submission to the government’s Finance Expenditure Committee. Where such a move, removing the largest, 90% stakeholding in the proposed Northland water entity, would leave minor partner Kaipara, remains undefined. ¢
Ruawai College assistant principal Jay Warren is set to leave for Honduras in the next six weeks, taking up a leadership role in one of the nation’s top schools.
NO24$2,990+gst.packagesFuneralfromhourserviceofferedKaiparawide.DEPOSIT–30dayinvoice FIND US ON FACEBOOK 139 Bank Street, Whangarei P: 09 438 8224 or 0800 428 364 whangareioffice@havenfalls.co.nzwww.havenfalls.co.nz
Escuela Internacional Sampedrana is a private international school spanning from early childhood to high school and accommodating 1,800 students. Initially, Jay spoke to the Superintendent of the school via a 3am videoconference. “I was called back at 8am New Zealand time and offered the job as head of school; a highly administrative role which sits above that of principal,” says Jay. “The offer was too good to say no, and it’s a chance to drive and enact positive change at an international level, focussing on the students having positive experiences.”
p Jay Warren has been an agent of change and progress at Ruawai College; now, he’s flying out to Honduras to work with one of the nation’s top schools
… continued from front page

“Sport is such an important part of a child’s wellbeing, both mentally and physically,” ANZ Bank New Zealand CEO Antonia Watson says. “The increased cost of living can put families in a tough position when it comes to managing the household budget. We hope this will help ease some of that pressure and keep more kids playing cricket.” New Zealand Cricket manager Kent Stead says the initiative is “a generous gesture, and the support will ensure hundreds of kids won’t miss out on the benefits that team sport brings. “After a long hard winter, getting out and enjoying cricket is just what is needed.”Families are invited to apply at anzcricketworld.co.nz until September 23. A maximum of two children for each family can benefit from the subsidy. ¢ museum via their street. They suggested other areas for improvement such as nighttime security, parking and an upgrade to the lighting on the Rainbow WarriorOthermasts.submissions covered topics as varied as a new radio mast for Big River FM, the use of the park’s pond as a firefighting resource, safe bus access for tourists, a children’s playground and the sealing of roads within the Old Mount Wesley Cemetery.
p Councillor Peter Wethey is one of two KDC representatives helping govern Harding Park — Pou Tu O Te Rangi, a space which is the subject of many proposed changes
The leadership of Dargaville Museum, Te Whare Taonga o Tunatahi, agree broadly with plans to improve the facilities of Harding Park. Still, they oppose construction and changes within the area covered by their licence to occupy. Of particular focus was the proposal to move the Rainbow Warrior masts, a concern for other private ‘Dargavillesubmitters.Museum objects to the relocation of the Rainbow Warrior masts from their current location. The Rainbow Warrior masts are situated on land within Harding Park that the museum has the licence to occupy,’ a joint submission by committee members stated. The museum’s leadership was also concerned about a clause which may, if applied as read, invalidate the use of the Lighthouse Function Centre as it restricts commercial enterprise within the park. Members of the Kaipara Heritage Machinery Society advocated for better parking, access to their site, and the retention of fencing to delineate their plot from the park itself. A group of neighbouring Old Golf Course Road residents submitted jointly, opposing the idea of roading access to the Cricket sponsor ANZ is making $50,000 available to families. Successful applicants will receive up to $80 towards their fees, which will be provided as a voucher to redeem when registering with New Zealand Cricket.
Northland President Chairman
Opinions heard on park plan Cricket sponsor steps up u by Andy Bryenton
VOTE BlackwellJohn
Phone 021 234 0116 Provenleaderforlocals.
• Harbour Views Body Corporation Treasurer and
Authorised by John Blackwell,
Fifteen detailed submissions have been received on the Harding Park — Pou Tu O Te Rangi development plan and heard by the park’s governing committee last week. With household budgets feeling the squeeze, sports fees for youngsters may be the first to face a budget cut, so grants are now available for Kaipara children to help younger players this season by subsidising club cricket fees.
p Black Cap Kane Williamson with young cricket player Lee
Authorised by Victoria del la Varis-Woodcock, love.kaipara@xtra.co.nz1
Regional Council Kaipara District 44 years of experience as a local farmer, my other involvement and dedications to the community include; PAST • BOT member and chair of Ruawai College for 8–12 years • Kaipara District Council Councillor • Local A&P Show committee • Beef and Lamb Northern North Island Farmers Council Chairman CURRENT • Northland Field Days Treasurer member for 5+ years • President of Northland federated Farmers for 5 years and current Vice

Hokianga Rd Dargaville | Email www.hammondslaw.co.nzinfo@hammondslaw.co.nz Contact us about legal services relating to residential or rural property, estates, trusts, wills and asset planning. 102 JERVOIS STREET, DARGAVILLE | www.plumbingandheat.co.nz • PLUMBING • DRAINLAYING • GASFITTING • FILTRATION • ROOFING & GUTTERING • FIREPLACE INSTALLATION CALL US NOW! 0800 326 123
Crop tests rebooted Ask the candidates any question
Meetings are planned across the Kaipara District to allow voters to meet up with their candidates, and questions are invited from the public to steer the debate.
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER August 23 2022 5 Our Specials card discount available Battery installed for free on the spot Free battery checks and $20 OFF a new battery YOUR LOCAL AUTO ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL SERVICES. MECHANICAL ELECTRICALAUTO ANDALTERNATORSBATTERIES 142 Victoria St, Dargaville Open M-F www.snowbros.co.nz8am-5pm09 439 7399 ½ Price WOF when you book a service and WOF *Limited time only, T & C's apply
Meanwhile, the Dargaville Community Development Board will host two Meet the Candidates events, on September 20 and 21, at the DargavilleQuestionsClub. submitted to this publication by you, the readers, will be chosen to quiz all candidates for mayor, and for the Wairoa General Ward, across two evening engagements starting from 5pm. One meeting will cover council nominees and the other candidates for the Whatmayoralty.doyouthink are the biggest issues facing our district? What is most important to you in a candidate to represent your voice in governance? What should be on the mind of the right mayor for the job? We want to hear your opinion so the Kaipara Lifestyler can share yourWequestions.willsend them to the hosts of meetings in Dargaville and in other towns across the district, helping discover what you, the people of Kaipara, find most important. Email your question to the candidates for mayor and council to info@integrity.nz. We will pass on these hot election topics to the hosts of political debates and meetings this September.
u by Andy Bryenton u by Andy Bryenton
After a year of challenges and learning, the twin sites at Maunganui Bluff and Te Kōpuru rendered a harvest that was disbursed to food banks and local people in need.Theunderlying plan was to rate the power of irrigation in transforming farmland into productive cropping. To fulfil that purpose a second year of tests has been commissioned, utilising the $130,000 still in the project’s coffers for“Takingresearch.into consideration the issues and challenges experienced, feedback, and the key learnings from the ‘season one’ trials, Northland Inc has prepared a Water Demonstration Sites Crop Selection Report, which sets out the proposed ‘season two’ crops for the two trial sites,” said KDC manager Eros Foschieri. That report identifies two high-value crops that may fare as well as the very successful, non-related peanut trails that recently made headlines with theirTheharvests.cropschosen are a high-yield form of squash, known as the Delica cucurbita, and the oleaceous sunflower.
p Barbara Penerata and Grace Le Gros, director for Māuri Orā ki Ngāti Whātua Charitable Trust, on the Te Kōpuru demonstration site, with watermelon destined for local tables 439 7099
Crops have been chosen for the second yearly round of trials at the Kaipara District Council and Northland Inc’s irrigation test farms.
Sunflower seeds and oil are in short supply globally due to their source or origin in Ukraine, currently engaged in defence against an invasion by Russia. The ability to pivot to cover crop shortfalls via irrigation would add to the versatility and profit of west Kaipara cropping. At each site, an irrigated and nonirrigated portion of land will demonstrate the practical advantage of water application for cropping. Planting will begin with the onset of spring weather.
Already, two organisations in west Kaipara have made plans to host meetings, covering the Wairoa General Ward and the candidates for mayor. The Kaipara Lifestyler, to help connect the public with candidates, is asking for input via email with questions to put to campaignDargaville’shopefuls.chapter of Grey Power will host a panel discussion with local body candidates on September 9, with a mayoral debate on September 16. These will take the form of a town hall meeting moderated by Grey Power’s president and are open to all citizens. Both meetings begin at 1pm and will be held at the Dargaville Methodist Church Hall on Normanby Street.

6 August 23 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER Penny Smart Northland Regional Council Kaipara Constituency Authorised by: Penny Smart 021 439 735 Facebook: @PennySmartNRC Experienced and stable leadership for Northland and Kaipara deBruin CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Contact the team at deBruin for solutions that work . . . Tel 09 439 4283 e: admin@kdebruin.co.nz w: debruin.co.nz Count on newDoGrowthyouhavestaff?Requirecontracts?Orapayrollsystem?we’re ready for the new season!
this October.
p Tess Dacre, Northland Regional Council compliance manager
Your voice for Northland
u by Paul CampbellAndy
The harder line also applies to those caught breaching the rules at industrial and trade“Openpremises.burning at industrial or trade premises is not permitted under our Proposed Regional Plan. Businesses breaching this rule now typically receive a $1,000 instant fine, rather than the warning they may have got previously.” Ms Dacre says the council’s Proposed
PATURIRIPOLITICIANTOAUTUVOTE KAIPARA MĀORI WARD SEAT www.politicalcandidate.co.nzAuthorizedbyPatuririToautu266MaropiuSettlementRdDargaville Kaipara LifestylerRead the newspaper kaiparalifestyler.co.nzonline
Penalties apply for rubbish fires
A warning has been issued that as a spring burning season begins, so does an increase in complaints about burning or associated smoke nuisance, and locals are being asked to be courteous and follow the rules — or risk fines and other penalties. place at the Kaipara’s civic mayor
u by
“Burning unwanted vegetation and other waste material typically increases during spring because as the weather improves, people are keen to start tidying up their properties ahead of the warmer summer months,” says Northland Regional Council compliance manager, TessHistorically,Dacre. the council had preferred to educate in most cases rather than take enforcement action. Still, its approach had toughened in recent years as backyard burning continued to generate large numbers of complaints.
The Northland Regional Council works closely with all three district councils in Northland. It provides governance over the natural environment and seeks to strengthen the regional economy to the benefit of all Thecouncils.structure of the NRC works a little differently from the Kaipara District Council or its counterparts in the Far North and Whangārei. Each of the large constituencies making up the NRC map has a representative. From among these elected members, a chairperson is selected. The current chairperson is Penny Smart, the incumbent representative for Kaipara. However, following the October election, a new chair must be selected. For the area spanning the vast majority of the Kaipara District, one seat on the Northland Regional Council is available. Penny Smart and John Blackwell will contest this seat in the forthcoming election. A small section of the district containing Mangawhai falls Regional Plan effectively bans backyard burning in the more densely populated Whangārei urban area. Northlanders outside the urban areas can still have outside fires, providing regulations are observed. In general the council is keen to encourage alternatives to backyard burning, regardless of location, wherever“Wastepossible.vegetation can be composted or mulched. Larger branches can be used as firewood and paper and other materials can usually be recycled.” Council rules and national regulations specifically ban the burning of rubber tyres, coated metal wires, treated timber, plastic containers, motor vehicle parts and waste oil with the risk of much stiffer penalties through the courts. ¢ under the NRC’s Coastal South General Constituency. In this area, incumbent councillor Rick Stolwerk runs unopposed, assured of retaining his position. The importance of a strong voice advocating for the natural resource management of the north can’t be underestimated. The NRC administers rivers and lakes, coastline, regional parks and flood protection, to name but a few, and will play a core role in planning to beat climate change. ¢
Northland Regional Council elections will take
same time as those for
p With authority over water resources and the natural environment, the NRC play an important local role and requires a strong Kaipara voice
councillors and

With a heated 30-person race for council and mayoral office in Kaipara, leadership hopefuls will soon be on the campaign trail. How can you judge their arguments?
p Glinks Gully locals pitch in to plant out a new garden area, which will welcome beachgoers during the summer months
“This was the latest step in improving this small reserve for the community. It follows on from the installation of new picnic tables and swings, as well as bollards and an expanded parking area along the front,” says organiser Nicola Puharich. “It’s been a fantastic team effort. That big thanks are due to Kris MacPherson for creating the plans for the area, the Kaipara District Council’s Amanda Bennett and Lara Stott, and the Northland Regional Council’s Laura Shaft for approving and funding much of the work. Of course, none of this would have been possible without the fantastic volunteer planters who turned out on theTheday.”next steps planned for this seaside community space include additional play equipment and seating for visitors ahead of what is projected to be a very busy summer season on the west coast. The hardy plants and grasses utilised for the new garden area were selected to withstand the bracing sea breezes and winter storms of the Ripiro Coast. ¢ Six mayoral candidates and 24 prospective councillors will participate in a series of meetings, debates and public meet-and-greet events leading up to the end of voting on October 8. With various policies and philosophies to choose from, it can be difficult to pick the best representative for your own beliefs and aspirations for Kaipara’s future. Professor Kevin Stein is a leading US political psychologist with some top tips for “Non-verbalvoters.
On August 13, a group of more than 30 people gathered for a very successful planting day at the Marine Drive Reserve at Glinks Gully, a small park area just by the entrance to the beach and downhill from the coastal settlement’s campground. Previous civic works and the movement of sand had seen an old garden area removed and replaced.
theBeautifyingbeachfront Truth on the election trail u by Andy Bryenton u by Andy Bryenton
Glinks Gully’s beachfront is looking a little nicer and will be guarded against erosion, thanks to the efforts of a team of locals.
p Candidates for mayor and council will be out meeting the people during the next month — how can you judge who is the right fit for your vote?
cues people use when they are saying something they don’t believe include too much or too little eye contact, excessive eye blinking, slower rate of speech, and longer pauses between statements,” says Stein. Another thing to watch for is the use of vague, short answers which end on an appeal to emotions and not reason. Avoiding the question and deflecting to another topic are signs of not having a firm policy on an issue. Despite being a loaded term in modern politics, it does pay to do your research on candidates’ claims and the figures and facts supporting their policies. The Internet can be a valuable tool for this, but steer clear of social media as a source of truth; it is the least trusted news source for a reason. It’s also a smart idea to look into the past associates of your candidates. If these groups have views which are radically opposed to the candidate’s current stance or if they espouse objectionable opinions, it’s good to know.

The whenua (land) at 38-40 Finlayson Park is owned by National Trust Kōhanga Reo and Trustees Claire Tito, Joseph Heta, Pius Zammit, Joe Paniora was set up to ensure that the whanau retain this land for the benefit of the mokopuna. Joe Heta was the first Licensee for the Kōhanga followed by Manuera Tohu and Ihapera Nathan when she became a Whakapakari graduate. Whānau support systems and learning units were offered through Local and District Taurima Units with our Representatives being Lena Tau and Fay Pumipi. Rex Nathan became our kaumatua after our Kuia Ihapera Nathan gained her Whakapakari. Her role included Kaiako, Kaiarahi and Kura kaupapa Kaiako. We acknowledge the Kaimahi that managed the new Kōhanga concept for the mokopuna and whanau. Jenny Simpson, Isobel Pook, Hannah Tohu, Shona Karepo, Katie Tito, Rose Makaore, Liz Soames, Mary Zammit. Keti Edwards (Nanny Poto) our Kuia provided awhi to the Kōhanga whanau and mokopuna for a number of years and is fondly remembered., Narn Tau, Martha Downey, Ada Adams, Kahu Tapiata, Elaine and Katherine Thompson. Mihi Henare, Roslyn Davies. The commitment of Kaumatua, Kuia was highly regarded ensuring that the Kōhanga was able to become registered. The awhi from the Tau and Heta whanau in these formative years of the Kōhanga. In 1993 Manuera Tohu (Kaumatua, Chairman) returned to awhi the Kōhanga whanau to manage their affairs and with depleted funds, whanau moving away from the area, whanau provided voluntary help and fundraising which ensured that the finances remained healthy moving into the future. Rangiora Timutimu graduated with Paerangatiratanga (Administrator/Treasurer) and assumed this role from 1993 up until 2010. Sharon Murray and Jessie Wordley for their service in the treasury role to the Kōhanga Reo.
Tohu / Qualifications
Ngā mihi
Te Ara Tuatahi Doreen Dick, Aroha Nathan, Dana Dick, Te Atawhai Ulutaufonua, Cerise Selkirk, Maringi Hagger. Te Ara Tuarua Maia Hemopo, Moetangi Allen, Kiritahana Mason, Debbie-Jo Gregory.
In 1981 Hui Whakatauira attended by kaumatua and kuia supported the idea of offering parents Kōhanga reo (preschool language nests) with total immersion in Te Reo Maori, culture and whanau learning.
In 1982 the Kōhanga became registered with National Te Kōhanga Reo Trust securing an establishment loan of 130,000 towards the new premises at 38-40 Finlayson Park Avenue, Dargaville. Te Puna O Te reo O Tākiwira (building) was opened 1991 and the name given by kaumatua Lovey Te Rore. The other building whānau Aroha was opened in 1993. Dargaville Branch of the Maori Women’s Welfare League (Maria Larsen) organised a hui to discuss the inception of a Kōhanga Reo in Takiwira, with Kōhanga Reo officially being opened by Reverend Sam Toia on the 27th August 1981 at the Dargaville Crèche premises. Due to limitations the Kōhanga moved with 15 tamariki to the Band Room. Support was given by Erima Henare (Maori Affairs) and an establishment grant of 3000.00 from the Tutangata Board Although other Kōhanga were registered under Department of Social Welfare or given support through a pilot scheme under National Te Kōhanga Trust, the Kōhanga remained unregistered along with other Kōhanga. The majority of funds came from fundraising and koha. Some of the original Kōhanga Reo tamariki. First building Te Puna O Te Reo Our whānau of Te Puna O Te Reo O Tākiwira Te Kōhanga Reo extend a warm invitation to all our past & present kāumatua, kuia, whānau, kaiako, kaimahi and mokopuna to celebrate our 40th year anniversary on the 24th September 2022. RSVP by 8th September 2022. Nau mai, haere mai! Te Rā Whakanui-40th year anniversary celebration Kōhanga from the Kaipara area also included , Tinopai, Kaiwaka, Waipoua, Ruawai, and Paparoa Kōhanga Reo. Today our Kōhanga is the only remaining Kōhanga open in the Kaipara rohe. Kaumātua, Kuia & Mokopuna outside of Whānau aroha Ko Tokatoka te Maunga Ko Te Wairoa te Awa Ko Pokopoko te Taniwha Ko Hoeroa te Ngaru Rangiriri te rakau whakangautai Ngātiwhātua te Iwi Te hapū ko te uri o Hau Te Tangata ko Rongomai Te waka ko Māhuhukiterangi Te Kōhanga Reo ko Te puna O Te Reo O Te Takiwira
In early 2001, Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Puna o Te Reo o Takiwira was established at the Kōhanga and temporary based at Oturei Marae in 2002. Returning to the Kōhanga, Whanau trialled transporting the Kura tamariki to Te Rawhiti Roa Whangarei for under a year. The kura kaupapa remained in Kōhanga until 2009 and moved to the Nazareth Church supported by Laurie Davies (Chairman) and Hohepa Firoa (Kaiako). The Kura had been supported as a teina of Te Kura Kaupapa o Rawhiti Roa-Tikipunga. In 2010 the kura went into recess and the whanau look forward to its revival.
Kura Kaupapa Māori
A celebration of 40 years- TE PUNA O TE REO O TĀKIWIRA TE KŌHANGA REO 27th August 1982-27th August 2022
Graduating ākonga 22 Phoenix Winiata: Te Ara Tuatahi Takaimatua Rangiora Timutimu (paerangatira), Laken White-Kelly, Te Atawhai Ulutaufonua, Kahuru Pumipi. Whakapakari Tinorangatiratanga Manuera Tohu, Ihapera Nathan, Ancina Hohaia, Carmen Allen, Hoana Flay, Moetangi Allen, Aperahama Mason Current ākonga Kiritahana Mason- Whakapakari tinorangatiratanga Dāntae Flavell- Te Ara Tuatahi, Debbie-Jo Gregory- Takaimātua

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Grindle 021 432 tony.grindle@bayleys.co.nz308 MACKYS
Holding pride of place in one of the region's most picturesque settings, this stunning 20.1614 hectare (more or less) block enjoys expansive coastal views and offers a lifestyle that's second-to-none! Located only 5.3km from the everpopular Baylys Beach, spectacular fishing and adventure only limited by your imagination. There are many spectacular activities on offer with proximity to the Northern Wairoa Golf Course and Baylys Beach. Contour of the land consists of easy to rolling country with pasture being a mixture of rye and clover with kikuyu closer on the coastal side of the land. The property opens up to 14 well fenced paddocks which are currently leased out for grazing. Enjoy a seaside lifestyle that you'll love coming home to. This hot opportunity won't last long - call now to arrange a viewing. Purchase price is plus GST (if any). bayleys.co.nz/1060298
Beach 386
Sun-soaked with sea views!
The Department of Conservation has physical proof that cats target native pekapeka bats and the culprits are not always feral wildcats.
“We’re throwing in a good prize for fish because our new venue is the Northern Wairoa Boating club, and we wanted to reflect that nautical theme,” says hunt spokesperson Steve Nathan. “Under 15s can enter for free this year, as it’s all about the kids. This is a great activity and good exercise for young folks and their families to do together.”
Hunters helping out Make cats bat safe u by Andy Bryenton u by Andy Bryenton
After an extensive study, DOC now know more about how cats hunt for native bats if they are left to hunt in the wild
Steve says there will be a hearty meal laid on at weigh-in at 1pm Saturday, September 10, spot prizes, and hundreds of dollars in cash for the prize boar and snapper. Children’s prizes are also up for The staff of DOC have long suspected that feral cats could seek out day-roosting pekapeka as an easy target.
Road 20.1614ha Tender (unless sold prior) Closing 2pm, Fri 9 Sep 2022
The West Coast Poutō Pig Hunt returns again for 2022 with a new venue, new categories and the support of a hunting club keen to give back to nature and the community.
Hunters will gather on Thursday, September 8, for a three-day wilderness adventure, trying to bag the biggest boar and beat the competition’s mammoth 90.72kg record weight. Meanwhile, there are also prizes up for grabs for the biggest snapper caught, and a whole new section for young hunters.
Poutō Pig Hunting Club members have a long track record of hosting the contest, which is now 12 years old. They also have a legacy of giving back to their community, organising hunters’ working bees on marae and at local schools in the areas where they hunt. Removing introduced species like pigs and possums also contributes to the fight against kauri dieback and helps native speciesTicketsthrive.are available from Hunting and Fishing Dargaville and Nola Sports, with free registration for hunters under the age of 15. ¢ safe’ checklist for pets. Top of this list, according to DOC, is the need to desex your pets. Other measures to ensure the household feline does not go after native bats include keeping them well fed, providing them with toys and attention, giving them a collar with bells and reflective strips, and ensuring that your cat goes to a cat hotel when you are away fromPekapekahome. are hard to spot, as they are small and nocturnal, but these endangered night-flyers are among us and need our help to survive. ¢ p Youngsters join in a lolly scramble at the weigh-in for the Poutō annual pig hunt, this year hosted by the Northern Wairoa Boating Club
Recent research by DOC science adviser Dr Kerry Borkin proves that domestic cats living near a pekapeka habitat can also have a detrimental“Althoughimpact.not all cat attacks on pekapeka will result in its death, they will reduce the overall likelihood of survival for individual bats and populations. That’s a real concern when our pekapeka are under significant threat. “Native bats can be found in towns, cities, farms, and forests; if cats are there too, then bats are at risk of beingPekapekakilled.” live in native forests, and have been identified in Kaipara, with a presence in local kauri bushlands and the Tangihua Ranges. A check for the little flying mammals is part of the process when seeking to remove trees for building and construction purposes. The answer is twofold, with trapping and eradication programmes for forestdwelling feral cats and a ‘conservation grabs for the biggest possum.

u by Andy Bryenton
10 August 23 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER DAFFODIL DAY FRIDAY 26TH AUGUST 2022 With your help, there is hope! Sharing our full support with the NZCS this Daffodil Day Graeme: 027 476 admin@lawrenceag.co.nz3499 “YHPJ supports the dedicated and wonderful work the Cancer Society does within our communities” Ph 09 470 brayden@yhpj.co.nz0400 “With respect and support for the CSNZ and all their work for bringing hope” Ph 09 422 www.skyworkhelicopters.com7018 Professional Helicopter Services “Proud to stand beside our community and support Daffodil Day” Check out our specials in store Phone 09 439 0750 State Highway 12, Kaihu KAIHU “With your help, there is hope! Sharing our full support with the CSNZ this Daffodil Day” Ph Reuben 027 252 6299 0800 435 684 “Standing with the Society/PreventionCancerandAwareness” Cnr Normandy & Victoria Streets,DARGAVILLEDargaville“Proudly supporting the NZCS and all their hard work & dedication.” For all your Cultivation Requirements: GLEN Lugtigheid021LUGTIGHEID439748ContractingLimited “Proud to support the NZCS this Daffodil Day. Thanks for all your efforts in our community.” Normanby Street, Dargaville Ph: 09 439 7335 Farrand & Mason Ltd GENERAL & PRECISION ENGINEERS Dig deeper before you decide u by Jane Gray Your vote is going to be very important in these elections, with so many reforms being pushed through by the central government. These include the Resource Management Act and Three Waters reforms, our current roading or lack thereof, and the lack of stable leadership across the whole region. Not to mention that any incoming council will have to appoint a chief executive. It is not an easy task for a newly appointed council with minimal experience in the organisation’s dayto-day operations. How will these new councillors make an informed decision? I personally think that it is really important we get to know who we are voting for. Even more so this year because of the lack of experienced leadership there will be in the region. We need to ask a lot of questions. What will you bring to your role as councillor? Why have you taken the step to represent your district? What do you believe to be the most important issue facing Kaipara? For those returning: how have you made a difference while on the council which justifies your re-election?
This weekend Te Ha Oranga will host a fun, free family celebration of good health and good times as they bring back Dargaville Whānau Day.
There’s a serious side to the celebration, which will take place at Dargaville’s Sportsville complex on Saturday, August 27, from 10am until 2pm. That involves free health check-ups for youngsters and adults alike and a free vaccination programme for illnesses such as However,influenza.there’s a health boost to be had from getting outdoors and having some fun and laughter too. Whānau Day will feature a huge free barbecue, free snow cones, bouncy castles, mini-jeep rides, face painting and loads of spot prizes and games.
Dargaville’s day of fun and family follows a similar event last weekend in Wellsford, also orchestrated by Te Ha Oranga, an organisation spanning the mid-north.“Special thanks to all those who have helped make this possible and to Kaipara Kumara and Silver Fern Farms in particular for their generosity. Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy this day of fun,” says Cassandra. ¢ p Face painting and festivities will be in full swing this Saturday as Whānau Day arrives in Dargaville
The elections are not meant to be a popularity competition. They are meant to be a device to select the right people to do the job. East coast or west coast, it shouldn’t matter as long as they can deliver the best for all. You can tell a lot about a person by their actions, and you can tell a lot about a politician and how they will behave in office by the issues they have been vocal on and the political allegiances they have formed during the years. People can change their tune but often not their core beliefs. Look deeper into those attachments and track record of opinions on the bigWeissues.can all listen to a campaign message. Still, it’s a very good idea also to take a look at your candidate’s social media history, their record of voting, if they have held office before, and their expressed opinions online to gain a bigger picture than simply the public face of their campaign. A campaign platform is window dressing and designed to get you to vote for that individual. Once they have your vote, how will they act? Getting to know your representatives is the first step in transparency and not falling for a candidate’s spin.
Fun for the whānau welcomes spring
“We held a celebration like this not long ago for Matariki, and the runout was amazing,” says Te Ha Oranga spokesperson Cassandra Kingi-Waru.“Thecommunity really got involved, and so we thought, after a long winter, what better way to welcome the new season than a gettogether and some fun?”

KAIPARA LIFESTYLER August 23 2022 11 DAFFODIL DAY FRIDAY 26TH AUGUST 2022 Special thanks to the NZCS for all their hard work all year round P.A.G LAw LTD Phone (09) 439 8155 20 HOKIANGA ROAD DARGAVILLE email: reception@paglaw.co.nz “With our help there is hope!” “Proud to support the search for a cure” 09 439 dargaville.depot@ritchies.co.nz4902 “Proud to stand beside our community and support Daffodil Day” Ph Josh 027 321 8848 OR 0508 PLUMBING “Heartfelt thanks to the NZ Cancer Society for bringing hope to kiwi families” 021 985 108 | 09 439 stuart@townandcountry.nz8651 “Proud to support the search for a cure” Ph: 09 439 8055 Mon - Fri 11am: 7pm Sat & Sun 12pm: 7pm “We’re proud to stand with the NZCS this Daffodil Day” 021 040 7434 Proud to support Daffodil Day and the hard work of the NZCS! Ph: 09 439 www.silverfernfarms.com3290 WADE CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD Edward Street, Dargaville Phone/Fax:09 439 8151 “With your help there is hope!” Colour after the rain u by Liz Clark With the recent wild weather of August making the last stand before spring returns, the time is due to germinate and plant annuals and vegetables and do some general maintenance. In Kaipara, we’re fortunate to have warmer temperatures than other areas further south, so germinating flower seeds for spring planting can be done now. Get out those long-neglected seed trays and start planning for a growing season full of colour, scent and good eating. Give the trays a good clean before use, then fill up with a good-quality seed-raising mix. Place in your seeds and ensure they are moist rather than soaking wet. Use a mister to retain moisture — it will prevent drying out. Once the seedlings have germinated, ensure to continue misting and retaining soil moisture. Too wet, and your seedlings will die from dampening off. Once they’re large enough to handle, prick out carefully and pot on until the root systems are established enough for planting out. For spacing, always follow the guidelines on the seed producer’s packaging. In some cases, where intensive vegetable plantings are involved, spacing can be closer. However, these are more suitable for small leafed salad greens such as baby spinach, mesclun lettuce and mizuna, where harvesting is frequent.
p Making plans for a colourful season in the garden makes a world of difference
Random plantings can be a bad idea, especially if it’s in the way of something else. Do a plan first before making the first spade cut. In established beds and new ones, too, add in lots of compost, organic matter and blood and bone to give your annuals and vegetables a good start once planted. Add a layer of mulch on top to help retain moisture and prevent weeds from taking over the planting beds. For plants kept in containers, now is the time to take them out and refresh the soil with quality container mix. Prune off any dead or damaged wood with clean secateurs on a dry day to prevent any fungal diseases. Roses should be given a check over and a clip if required. An application of general fertiliser will provide them with a boost for flowering. Citrus trees should also be given a general tidyup and citrus fertiliser for the upcoming season. Check for issues such as lemon tree borer, scale and sooty mildew. Use an appropriate spray, keeping in mind bees will be pollinating blooms at this time of the year onwards. One thing that is recommended is to keep a garden diary. It will help ensure succession plantings are done on time to provide a continuous supply of vegetables and abundant flowers for the garden. Happy gardening.
Now is the time to get outside between the showers and start sorting out the garden beds. Get out the gardening tools and sharpen the secateurs and spade ready to put to work for the season. Plan out your beds for vegetables and flowers.

12 August 23 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER DAFFODIL DAY FRIDAY 26TH AUGUST 2022 “With our help there is hope!” Ph 027 277 5599 After Hours 09 439 4038 Normanby Street, Dargaville 09 439 3099 With your help there is help “Dargaville can do it!” Ph 09 439 6166 31 Gladstone St, Dargaville HIRE NDARGAVILLEORTHERNWAIROA “Proud to stand beside our community and support Daffodil Day” Ph 09 431 8590 • Ben 027 692 1188 • Ralph 027 650 4812 ralph.lynne@xtra.co.nz With your help, there is hope! We’re proud to stand with the NZCS this Daffodil Day” NORTHLAND Jason Williamson 027 499 2530 “Proud to support the search for a cure!” 85 Normanby Street, Dargaville Phone 09 439 www.subway.com3375 “Proud to stand beside our community and support Daffodil Day” Ph 09 439 dargaville@cab.org.nz6100 “Kaipara Grey Power supports the local cancer group” Ph 09 439 4452 09 439 7801 KAIPARA GREY POWER With your help, there is hope! Office: 09 439 8048 “With respect and support for the CSNZ and all their work for bringing hope” Ph 021 0220 northgrinding@gmail.com1397 North GrindingConcrete&Polish “Proud to support the search for a cure” Ph 09 439 normankitchendesign@xtra.co.nz4884 NORMAN KITCHEN DESIGN Kitchens make the home “With our help there is hope!” Ph 09 439 6794 | 027 570 reception@tailoredlegalsolutions.com2404 Tailored legal SoluTionS limiTed “We’re proud to stand with Dargaville this Daffodil Day, honouring the tireless commitment of the NZCS. ” 37 Normanby Street, Dargaville Phone: 09 439 8266 “There is hope!” Ph 021 142 weddings@sempreamo.co.nzinfo@pineviewlodge.co.nz6849 Pine View Lodge, 320 Babylon Coast Road, Dargaville, 0373 Pine View Lodge and Sempre Amo Wedding and Events Proud to stand with the NZCS this Daffodil Day. www.kumara.co.nz “We’re proud to stand with the NZCS and congratulate them for all their efforts!” dargaville@laserelectrical.co.nzdargaville.laserelectrical.co.nz094397172

volunteer drivers to come to the aid of the Kaipara
An appeal has gone out for Kaipara Community Health Trust and the Cancer Society Auckland appointments.
seeks Kaipara drivers
From left: Cancer Society Northland Driving Service coordinator Annette Davies, Kaipara Community Health Trust CEO Debbie Evans and Cancer Society Northland manager Jenni Moore out our volunteer team Daffodil House Whangārei
u by Paul Campbell
Currently, people would need to be in Whangārei before 7am to meet the hospital bus that goes to Auckland and returns after 5pm. Then they have to make their way back to Dargaville.“It’samassive day and adds unnecessary hours, so it would be great with the support of the Cancer Society if we can have a system with localThevolunteers.”volunteerdriving service is delivered by registered drivers who gift their time and use their own vehicle and receive a contribution towards their mileage. Drivers undergo a recruitment process, which includes an interview, proof of vehicle warrant of fitness, police check, orientation and ongoingNorthlandtraining.manager of the Cancer Society Jenni Moore said: “We really value our volunteers and have excellent systems and processes in place to support volunteers. If you’d like to p
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER August 23 2022 13 DAFFODIL DAY FRIDAY 26TH AUGUST 2022 Service Station and Workshop LPG, 24hr Towing • Ph: 09 431 8174 Tow Truck: 021 659 379 GAS Maungaturoto “With your help there is hope!” Fine food & Accommodation Historic Inn Est. 1902 35 Hurndall Street, maungihotel@gmail.comMaungaturoto Phone 09 431 8006 Sharing our full support with the NZCS this Daffodil Day. RefuseKaiparaLtd 09 439 KAIPARAREFUSE@XTRA.CO.NZ2146WWW.KAIPARAREFUSE.CO.NZ “With your help, there is hope.” Driver LaserDrainage Phone: 09 439 7235 Mobile: 027 493 2206 0800 932 206 “With our help there is hope!” Ph 09 439 dargavillestorage@co.nz3075 “With your help there’s hope! We’re standing with the NZCS this Daffodil Day.” Ross Recovery & Transport Solutions Ltd PH: (09) 439 4779 15 Beach Rd, Dargaville Kaipara Physiotherapy LY ND SE Y BARG H PH YS IOTH ER AP Y Victoria Street, Dargaville 09 439 1656 M: 027 273 lyndseybargh@callplus.net.nz6939 With your help there is hope — we’re proud to stand with the NZCS this Daffodil day “Support those helping others in their fight against cancer” 0800PHONE:466793 “With our help there is hope!” Dargaville C&C Contract ElectricalC&C Contract Electrical 021 534 882 or 09 439 6465 “With our help there is hope!” Mobile: 021 116 9425 Email: www.handyhandsmassage.co.nztuthemt@gmail.com Tu Christey Massage Therapist We support the search for a cure and raising awareness for the cause. 09 439 7683 EDWIN ARCADE, VICTORIA ST
to help patients destined for Whangārei and
“You can choose shorter or longer trips, and you will be matched with local clients that fit in with your availability. Around the country, the Cancer Society has a dedicated team of volunteers who drive people to treatments when their whānau and friends aren’t available. We would like them to offer this service to the people of Kaipara,” said Ms Evans. “Cancer treatments can often take a long time, so it also frees up the KCHT Health Shuttle to enable it to help more people and also potentially makes their journey shorter as they aren’t waiting around for passengers with longerDargavilleappointments.”cancersupporter Ken Cashin says having local volunteer drivers will make the experience more pleasant for people undergoing treatment, essentially saving hours in their day.
“When you’re unwell, this can make a world of difference. It’s particularly difficult for people needing treatment in Auckland.
more or join
on 09 437 5597 or 0800 366 066 or email northland@akcansoc.org.nz. ¢
— please call us.”
“This will ease pressure on the KCHT Health Shuttle, and together, we can help more people access health appointments,” said trust CEO Debbie Evans. “We’re seeking volunteer drivers to help people receiving cancer treatment in both Whangārei at the Jim Carney Centre and also in Auckland.

14 August 23 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER “If you can dream it, you can achieve it” 021 439 157 “Standing with the Cancer Society Prevention and Awareness” info@dargavillearts.co.nzJohn0275258189 www.dargavillenz.com E: info@dcdb.co.nz | P: 09 439 0464 Seed DA RGAVILL E COMMUNITY & BUSINESS HUB “With our help there is hope!” With our help, there is hope! DARGAVILLE HIGH SCHOOL 09 439 www.dargavillehighschool.co.nz7229office@darghigh.school.nz there“Altogetherishope” 112 Victoria Street, Dargaville Phone: +64 9 439 4297 Mackys Real Estate Limited, Bayleys, Licensed Under The Rea Act 2008 Proudly standing with Dargaville this Daffodil Day and honouring the dedication of the NZCS 32 Victoria Street, DARGAVILLE PH 09 439 6910 A community of people expressing their optimal potential. 021 145 6254 Edwin Arcade, 86 Victoria Street DARGAVILLE CHIROPRACTIC Be well • Live well • aturallyaturally “Proud to support the NZCS this Daffodil Day” 09 439 8016 Dargaville Funeral Services Ltd 09 439 8016 — 24 Hours “Proud to support the NZCS & Daffodil Day.” CONCRETEQUARRIES Brynderwyn 0800 888 303 09 432 5030 “Proud supporters of Daffodil Day and the NZCS, keep up the amazing work bringing hope to families across New Zealand” Apparelmaster Kaipara 106 Victoria St Dargaville • Ph 09 439 7139 or 0800 808 820 Proud to support the NZCS & Daffodil Day. 102 Hokianga Rd, Dargaville 09 439 6367 Kauri Coast “Proud to support the search for a cure” 09 431 2481 www.ruraldesign.co.nz “With your help, we can search for a cure together!” WHANGAREI, 54 COMMERCE STREET PH - (09) 438 3613 FAX - (09) 438 2150 With your help, there is hope! SELWYN PARK SCHOOL 09 439 8888 “Proud to support the search for a cure” Ph Graeme 027 722 8359 Shop 7 Edwin Arcade, Victoria St, Dargaville Dargaville Sports Injury and Massage Clinic With your help, there is hope for a cure! 09 439 info@deltaproduce.co.nzwww.deltakumara.co.nz0717 DAFFODIL DAY FRIDAY 26TH AUGUST 2022

“I have nothing but kudos for Whangārei Hospital, not just the surgeons and doctors but also the fantastic nursing team,” says Betty. She returned home after five days of monitoring and went on to make a full recovery without additional surgeries or Hertherapies.message to others is clear. Please don’t put off going to the doctor if you feel unwell. It may simply be a stomach ache or a muscle strain, but if it isn’t, finding out fast means a better chance of a cure. Modern medicine has advanced a long way in the past 20 years. It continues to do so daily, thanks, in the case of cancer research, to organisations like the New Zealand Cancer Society. That means that even though a cancer diagnosis can be frightening, there is more hope than ever before of having a story like Betty’s — one of fast detection and complete recovery. ¢
“It all began when I went to the Dargaville Medical Centre feeling ill. They took samples and booked me in for a colonoscopy in six months time,” says “However,Betty.in the next month or two, I felt worse. During that year’s summer and Christmas holidays, I felt terrible gastrointestinal pain and discomfort. On the first day back to work, a colleague convinced me to push the colonoscopy appointment forward.” That proved to be a good decision, as a quick trip to a private endoscopic practice confirmed that a 15cm tumour was indeed to blame. Armed with this evidence, a diagnosis was swift, and Whangārei Hospital took over. They summoned assistance from other specialists in oncology, talked to them via conference, and administered two MRI scans and two CAT scans to determine the extent of the cancer.
“Luckily, it had not reached the stage where it had got into any other parts of the body,” says Betty. “Though in the two weeks leading up to my operation, I was advised to watch out for any health changes or aches and pains.”
in so
The surgery took five hours, as surgeon John Legyel and his team took all precautions to prevent postoperative p Betty Willetts is a cancer survivor who says its better to speak up and have a frank conversation with medical professionals than to adopt a ‘wait and see’ approach complications. When working on a sensitive area like the intestinal and digestive system, this is of paramount importance.
Early detection saves lives u by Andy Bryenton
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER August 23 2022 15 DAFFODIL DAY FRIDAY 26TH AUGUST 2022 Phone 09 439 www.dargmed.co.nz8079 “With your help there is hope!” “Proud to support the search for a cure” Ph: 09 439 8540 59 Normanby St, Dargaville Dargaville Sewing & Curtain Centre “We stand united with the community in our support of the NZCS and their tireless work toward a cure.” DR & GRANTBA ENGINEERING Ph 09 439 8248 Beach Rd, Dargaville “There is hope!” Ph: 09 439 7389 Mobile: 021 245 grant@granttregidgabuilders.co.nz3399www.granttregidgabuilders.co.nz Grant TregidgaBuilders Ltd “With your help, there is hope” Dargaville Honda Motorcycles & Marine Authorised Honda Dealer Jervois Street, Dargaville Ph 09 439 1089 We proudly support the NZCS this Daffodil Day DARGAVILLEPOSTSHOP&LOTTO 80 Victoria Street, Dargaville Phone 09 439 6051 “Proud to stand by our community and support Daffodil Day 2021” DAVISON CONTRACTORSELECTRICAL 09 439 7184 36 Normanby St, Dargaville Email: info@davisonelec.co.nz CHAINSAWS & MOWERS 3 Parore St, Dargaville Ph 09 439 8881 “With your help there is hope” Proudly supporting the NZCS wholeheartedly. With your help there’s hope. 09 439 7432 26 Victoria Street, Dargaville “With your help, there is hope” Hurndall MaungaturotoStreet DREAMSGifts&HomeDecor
Early detection of cancer is the key to a swift cure many cases, and that of Dargaville resident Betty Willetts is no different. She urges others to seek treatment fast if they feel ill. Betty beat gastrointestinal cancer following a successful operation, facilitated thanks to a quick diagnosis. Evidence from endoscopy led to an efficient operation and a full recovery, but things could have gone differently.

p Dargaville’s ANZ Bank team is pitching in to help make this year a generous one for the New Zealand Cancer Society
“All the prizes come from our generous local business community, and on the day, we will also be firing up the barbecue and organising a cake stall to help the NZCS,” says Dania.
16 August 23 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER DAFFODIL DAY FRIDAY 26TH AUGUST 2022 With your help — there is hope! 97 Victoria St Dargaville Ph 09 439 8380 Jon Matich Surfwear “Sharing our full support with the NZCS this Daffodil Day” MAUNGATUROTO RESTHOME & VILLAGE Maungaturoto Resthome | 136 Hurndall Street Maungaturoto, Kaipara PH: 09 431 8696 “Honouring the hard work of the NZCS this and every Daffodil Day.” 17 GLADSTONE ST, DARGAVILLE CALL 09 439 dargaville@flooringxtra.co.nz8868 “Proud to support the search for a cure” Ph 0800 lou@northlandscaffolding.co.nz101276 Bringing help, hope and much needed assistance to families in need — honouring the hard work of the NZCS. 09 439 7350 95 VICTORIA ST, DARGAVILLE Proud supporters of the NZCS and ‘Sweet Louise’ - Support for incurable breast cancer. Phone 021 114 www.kaiparacleaningco.co.nz6729 Cnr Parore & Normanby Streets, Dargaville PHONE: 09 439 6377 “It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy,that makes happiness” Together we have hope for a cure! Mike Foster 021 057 5575 PO Box 398, nwbuild@ubernet.co.nzDargaville “There is hope!” Ph Michael Griffiths 027 278 8122 First National Kaipara We sell any size Real Estate Kaipara Licensed REAA 2008 “Proud to be part of the search for a cure — supporting the NZCS” GREG FLOORBROWNIESANDING 027 439 7565 • 09 439 7564 When hope wears yellow u by Andy Bryenton
ANZ Dargaville manager Dania Wood and her team are proud to partner up with the New Zealand Cancer Society for the 32nd time this year. They have decorated their premises in yellow and amassed a large haul of prizes to raffle off as part of their efforts to raise money for the annual Cancer Society appeal, coming up on Friday, August 26.
While Dania says that the bank is a focal point for the Daffodil Day appeal, with a three-decade-long tradition of helping out, the response from other business owners and members of the public always delights and surprises ANZ staff. Of course, bright yellow daffodil pins are available at the counter all week long, with donations going directly to the NZCS.
There are many reasons why Daffodil Day is one of the most supported and respected charity appeals on the Kiwi calendar. Nearly everyone in the nation has a friend, relative or colleague who has battled cancer. Statistically, 25,000 New Zealanders will receive that diagnosis each year. With medical science improving every day thanks to funding for research, the chances of making a full recovery are getting better all the time. Early detection, good care and solid support are the keys to success. To aid in this, the NZCS put in more than one million kilometres of drive time to get patients to their medical appointments each year. It provides 50,000 nights in free accommodation to bring people closer to specialist medical services. Add in their work in promoting early detection and educating people on cancer risks, advocating for better healthcare and operating a full-time telephone service for information. and it’s easy to see why the people behind the daffodil appeal are so well respected.
This year’s slogan for the Daffodil Day appeal sums up the philosophy of the hard-working volunteers and staff working behind the scenes with the New Zealand Cancer Society; ‘cancer doesn’t stop, so we won’t either’. Please give generously when you see the charity collectors out and about this week. Alternatively, stop in at the ANZ to join in the raffle, cake stall and barbecue, or make a donation online via daffodilday.org.nz.

Part of the reason, revealed by his research, is that a memory is shared while possessions, by their nature, are usually owned by anAfterindividual.all,you can enjoy a second-hand sofa or a used car, but there are no secondhand wildlife adventures or family holidays. With a little understanding of how dads think, you’ll be able to grab the perfect gift this Father’s Day, one which he can appreciate for much longer than a pair of socks or underpants.
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER August 23 2022 17 Phone: 09 439 7335 Normanby Street, Dargaville Farrand & Mason Ltd GENERAL & PRECISION ENGINEERS YOUR SPRING SPRUCE UP STARTS WITH THE RIGHT TOOLS! DON’T FORGETTOOLSDAD!ADHESIVES FATHER’S DAY 4TH SEP 2022 POWER TOOLS, HAND TOOLS, NUTS, BOLTS, HINGES, FASTENERS, CHAINS, SECURITY & MORE! PAINTS, RUST PROOFING & SURFACE PREP PRODUCTS RIDE ON MOWERS & OUTDOOR POWER TOOLS WHAT DADS WANT IS RIGHT HERE AT From authentic greenstone to man cave must haves, hot rod retro cool to classic kiwiana, there’s something here for every bloke. In fact why not treat yourself ? McKays Arcade, Victoria St, Dargaville 09 439 8779 Hours: Mon to Fri 9am-5pm & Saturday@snazzigifts9am-1pm KAIHU LUNCHFATHER’STAVERNDAY-SUNDAY4THSEPTEMBER FROM: 12PM NOON BRING DAD ALONG FOR A SPECIAL FATHER’S DAY LUNCH, EACH SPECIAL DAD GOES INTO THE DRAW FOR “MY COOL FATHER’S DAY HAMPER” FOR LARGE BOOKINGS PLEASE PHONE 027 288 2958 SEE YOU THERE... Offers on selected STIHL products and valid from 17 August 05 September 2022 or while stocks last. Terms and conditions apply. See online or in-store for details. GREAT DEALS FOR DAD ON SELECTED STIHL TOOLS GIVE SOMETHINGDADTO BE PROUD OF FATHER’STHISDAY 2017-2022 Garden Power ToolsGarden LOVE YOUR LAND 3 Parore St, Dargaville Ph 09 439 8881CHAINSAWS & MOWERS
The best gift is family time u by Andy Bryenton
Serious research goes into finding out what dads really want for Father’s Day, with the holiday accounting for millions of dollars worth of gifts each year. Some of that research by marketing, psychology and media experts proves what many mums have known for years; dads are really just big kids. When asked candidly about what they’d really like as a gift, an astounding 63% in an online survey in the United States opted for toys and games, from radio-controlled models to gaming consoles, sports equipment and collectable figurines. However, it turns out that the most wellregarded gifts in the long term are those which facilitate leisure time with friends and family. The Pew Research Center reports that while dads spend more time with their children than they did decades ago, more than 60% of fathers say it’s still not enough time. The study went on to ask about the gifts that had been the most meaningful, for birthdays, Father’s Day and Christmas, for the past decade. It revealed that a clear majority, 68%, were gifts shared withWhatfamily.does this convert to for the Father’s Day shopper? It could be as simple as buying a family board game with an angle dad is into. Could it be something to help him express his love for family through practical means? Some dads DIY and improve their homes as a way of making life better for their loved ones, while others share their appreciation by cooking or barbecuing meals all can Perhapsenjoy. the ultimate extension of this theory comes from Cornell University professor of psychology, Dr Thomas Gilovich. He has put 20 years of study into the question: ‘what makes us happier, experiences or things?’ The answer for both men and women, but overwhelmingly for men, is an experience. A whole lap in a race car, a hot air balloon ride, a holiday to an exotic country or a daring dining experience with food from far-off cultures. These are seen as more valuable by far than possessions, even expensive ones.
“People often think spending money on an experience is not as wise an investment as spending it on a material possession,” says Dr Gilovich. “In reality, we remember experiences long afterwards, and we also enjoy the anticipation of having an experience more than the anticipation of owning a possession.”
p Research shows that dads want gifts that enable family time, and ways to improve life around the home and outdoors; an adventure experience is a top gift idea

18 August 23 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER CONSIDER THIS . . . Fully registered 300 cow herd Specialising in ease of calving and heifer mating All our best bulls offered at our annual yearling sale Full EBVs on all animals AngusGS 72K SNP tested Excellent temperament Our complete program (all 300 cows) is focused on ease of calving and heifer mating Good selection of bulls with growth and carcass attributes without compromising ease of calving FERTILITYCalveas 2 yr old Only 43 days mating - cows Only 30 days mating - heifers Cull everything that doesn’t rear a calf 100 Yearling Angus bulls On Farm Sale and Hybrid bidr Auction 6th September 2022, 12.30pm Chris & Karren Biddles, RD1, Te Kopuru, Northland P: 09 439 1589 | M: 021 795 929 e: chris@teatarangi.co.nz WHO ELSE IN NZ TICKS ALL THOSE BOXES? Need an Angus bull? Recommended SIS BALL COCK VALVE www.sisballcock.co.nz | 0800 175 720 Only available direct from manufacturer Price $99.50+GST EACH Freight free anywhere in NZ • Buy 10 receive 12 and 2x service kits • 3 models available – all the one price • Nearly indestructible • Only NZ Manufacturer providing lifetime guarantee on the body of the ballcock Recommended Sumitomo Long Reach Digger with 14m Boom From UK – 12,000L Slurry (fills in half the time) 2.8T, 5T, 12.5T, 16T & 30T Diggers 8T Vibrating Roller & Sheep foot roller Transporter, 2 – 6x4 Tippers EXPERIENCED OPERATORS For all your Race, Drainage & Site Work & More… UNDERWOOD CONTRACTORS LTD ON THE JOB 43 YEARS EXPERIENCE ABBY Solid Muck Spreader Fertiliser & General Cartage 3 – 200hp Tractors with Large Tip Trailers, Power Harrow, Chisel Plough, Mulcher Barry & Deanna Underwood Mobile 0274 987 745 Ph 09 4318 078 R.D. 2, Maungaturoto Recommended Billy Recommends Billy Noble history of the farmer’s best mate u by Andy Bryenton As Billy or any farmer’s dog will tell you … New Zealand’s unsung heroes of farming, working dogs can often run 60–100 kilometres every day. At any time, there may be 200,000 purposebred dogs helping farmers in the livestock industry, fulfilling a pact between humans and canines made more than 9,000 years ago when dogs, sheep and cattle became domesticated. The help of a smart and loyal dog has been a benefit to herders and drovers since time immemorial. Still, it was here in New Zealand that the true potential of a dog as the farmer’s ‘eyes and ears’ was realised. It all began with James Mackenzie, a settler of Scots descent. He indulged in that old Caledonian mischief of helping himself to other people’s livestock, something feuding Highland clans had gotten up to for centuries. Initially, high-country station owners were incredulous that one man and his dog could separate and herd so many animals, then drive them up through the passes of the country, which would come to have Mackenzie’s name. However, when he was eventually captured, it turned out that his secret was the intelligence and loyalty of his working dog, Friday. Able to respond to commands by whistle and gesture, this exceptional dog displayed the traits farmers still look for in a trials champion. These include patience, a good ‘eye’ for staring down stubborn sheep, speed, and Mackenzieendurance.soloved and respected his dog that he agreed to plead guilty if the judge let Friday go to a good home. Mackenzie was pardoned when he agreed to teach others how he trained his remarkable canine assistant. From there, competitions to see who could field the sharpest, smartest dog became part of the fabric of rural life. Friday is immortalised with a statue by Lake Tekapo and also the name of a gourmet hamburger restaurant there, which any dog would appreciate. Today, farm dogs are prized companions and co-workers on farms from the Cape to p Billy is proud of his history and happy to know that his lineage goes back to legendary working dogs like James Mackenzie’s Friday the Bluff. A little-known fact is that farmers prefer black and white colouring to help their canine assistants stand out against the green of the hillside, and the moving white background of the flock. The Kiwi working dog remains a hardy and valuable creature, even as other old-world working breeds like the Rottweiler, Corgi and Old English Sheepdog lose their working traits and become predominantly pets. ¢

KAIPARA LIFESTYLER August 23 2022 19 Visit our website for more information: www.totalbusinesscomplianceltd.co.nz WE DO IT ALL FOR YOU! • Safety Audits On Farm • Health & Safety Manuals • Policies & Procedures • Staff Training • Signage • Monthly Staff Meetings On Farm • Contractors Agreements • Worker PropertyAccomodationInspections HEALTH & SAFETY PROVIDERSTOTAL BUSINESS COMPLIANCE LTD “Your helping hand” Annette Pull P:Director027286 2329 | Servicing Northland HIGHLY PRICINGCOMPETITIVE Re mm ded www allcodistributors co nz NZ Approved Distributors for Lantos Coatings Prevent & save thousands on machinery breakdowns! 20% OFF 750ml Spray Pack Use Code: SAMPLE20 R d d Farrand & Mason Ltd GENERAL & PRECISION ENGINEERS Ph: 09 439 7335 ONLINE CATALOGUE VISIT: www.tradezone.co.nz Experience is what enables you to recognise a mistake when you make it again. trigger action grease $13.90leakcrc$46.74gun+gsttranslucentstop350g+gstking tony 3/8" dr socketcombinationset-36pc$191.25+gst R Lt d CHECK OUT OUR AD ON THE BACK PAGE Re mmended Billy Recommends Billy www.catermarine.co.nz0800228376 We’ll match their price and throw in a little thing called service! ARE YOU BUILDING A BOAT, OR JUST DOING SOME MAINTENANCE? Do you need to replace a door latch, or redo all the wiring and plumbing aboard? Are you planning a fishing trip or a holiday with the family? At Cater Marine, we stock a wide selection of products for leisure and commercial yachts and launches from Anchors to Zincs and everything in between. We also offer dive refills. Unit 16, Opua Marine Park Baffin Street, Opua Bay of Islands R commended A dog’s tail Breakfist… rilly gets my vote “Tell ya wot. Deah,” seda Boss to his gerlfren’ Sharlene, “it’s all lookin’ like a bit ofa dog’s breakfist to me.” Well readas, I certainly prickt up me ears about that. Wen has Boss ever givin’ me breakfist. Apart from Sharlene’s odd bit of pikelit, or scone at smoko, Boss only gives me a feed once a day! Mine you, that’s pritty good. Plinty of briskit and tux bikkies. But breakfist? Then Sharlene scratched me ears ona woolshed smoko steps. “S’okay Billy, sounds like a Boss bee in his head happenin’ again. Wot’s up now, Deah?” Boss give her the papa froma kattil stop. “We got these blimmin’ local ‘lections comin’ up an’ we gottta find out who’s best through dozins of council candydates and not only that, but alla staff boss’s too. How we gonna make decisions. Not much track reckids fer the topSharlenejobs?” hada look, and then red in her skoolteacha voice: “Northlanders are throwing their hats in the ring to become the region’s newest mayors from October — amid local government leadership change. They standing to replace Far North Mayor John Carter, Whangārei Mayor Sheryl Mai and Kaipara Mayor Dr Jason Smith, who are all standing down.
TK DIGGERS 027 432 0588 Operator AARON GUEST tkdiggers@gmail.com TK DIGGERS AND CARTAGE • For excavation work including but not limited to • Quick attached long reach extension • Effluent systems cleaning, construction • Agriculture, horticulture • Drainage, trenching, v bucket, etc • Farm, races, clean, metal, grade, construction • Tip truck n trailer • Earth work, house sites, drive ways • Swamp mats • Thumb COMPETITIVE PRICES & SATISFACTIONNORTHLANDGUARANTEEDWIDE 12 tonner tilt bucket, good rates, own transporter Great service Northland wide Reco nd d
The region’s leadership change also sees all the councils’ chief executives leaving as “That’swell.” wot I mean about a dog’s brekkie, eh,” Boss sed. An’ then he musta seen me dog-not-happy-at-all sideways look an’ he musta felt ‘barrassed, ‘cos he acterlly tossed me a hole ham sannich he was havin’ with cuppatees. He saw it disappear in mid-air wiv a snap “Sorry there, Dog,” he sed. I gotta me good look on me eh, readas, wen I needs too. Anyway, Sharlene seemed ter agree wiva Boss. “Dunno wear to start to vote, ‘cos seems them mares are leaving wen things get tough, like the govmint three waters and taking alla council munny and all sortsa changes.” She lookt atta papa again. “Incoming leaders will be working amid major changes to how local government works, the Resource Management Act and to Significant Natural Areas classifications. Cogovernance is increasing and Māori wards will also be introduced.” She looked up. “Now I’m inclined ter agree with wat yer sez. But, at least, we not ina ‘Meryca.” She lookt atta papa. “Republican voters have nominated loyalists of former President Donald Trump in several Democratic states.” “Well I ‘spose we cood be worse,” seda Boss. “Bluddy Trump. You’d reckin the Yanks got a hole lot more sense Wen are they gonna lock ‘im up? An’ enyway, we gonna have a big nationil ‘lection nek year, witch mite change the whole bizniss of water and stuff. Dunno wear it’s gonna end rilly.” Well readas, as Sharlene agreed wiv Boss. I wandered off from smoko, not much wurried about ‘lections. More interestid in dog’s breakfists rilly. Ham sanniches is a good start, eh? See ya atta polls? Cheers, Billy ¢ Read the newspaper

Billy Recommends Billy Creating solid boundaries
THE SHORT DROP LIMITED Portable self contained unit No smell, Cost effective, Modular and Practical Perfect for cowsheds, orchards, bach etc... ...an eco way to deal with poo! Full house hold waste water systems also available swwsnz.co.nz Anitacompostingtoilet.nzGrant•0274621339 Reco nded
u by Amy Fifita Blackwell Contract Fencing proudly offers a reliable and time-efficient job for your rural fencing needs at an affordable price.
The company boasts its expertise in creating an efficient and well-studied approach to cattle yards. Whether you require a cattle or sheep yard to be built or a batten fence, the team can provide it. Peter says the company has significant experience constructing cattle yards with the users in mind.
The company has been expanding into wetland and shelterbelt planting, which is designed to decrease wind, restrict stock access, provide shade and increase biodiversity, among other benefits. There are various types of shelterbelts the team can discuss with you to suit your property’s requirements.
Peter is passionate about the work he does; the team does not limit themselves and can cater to what you, the customer, needs. It offers fencing jobs for subdivisions, lifestyle blocks, and farms, to name a few, and can operate on differentBlackwellterrains.Contract Fencing ensures that all work is completed to optimal quality in a professional manner and is unperturbed by whether the task is large or minor. Its experience has built up during the 13 years of serving rural areas throughout Northland.
“I’m passionate about making cattle yards that naturally flow well and are easy to work in,” he says. p Blackwell Contract Fencing ensures its work is completed to optimal quality The team varies in size according to demand to ensure that your job is promptly completed to a high standard. It is innovative in its approach for your fences to be practical for your lifestyle. If you need a high-quality fencing job done, call Peter on 021 295 9647 or email him at peterblackwell@live.com. To see the range of services available from Peter and his team go to blackwellcontractfencing.facebook.com/
“We have all seen a big move into wetland planting during the years. Having been there and done a lot of the fencing for it, it made sense to combine my interest in wetland and shelterbelt planting with my fencing business,” says Peter. What you decide to plant can provide diverse benefits, such as creating a habitat for wildlife, food and timber. Talk with Peter to get knowledgeable advice to decide what trees will fulfil what you see as essential. Shelterbelts provide a microclimate for subtropical crops such as bananas, kiwifruit, avocados and other cultivars.
Owner Peter Blackwell and his team specialise in rural fencing needs across Kaipara and the wider Northland area. The service covers conventional wire and batten, post and rail fences, cattle and sheep yards, entrance ways, bulldozer work, wetland and shelterbelt planting.

3 1
2 1 1 E$625,000
OPEN HOME ARANGA, DARGAVILLE 176 Waitapu Road Bliss, Space, Freedom Set on an acre in gardens that are growing some exotic plants and located within easy reach to Maunganui Bluff and Kai Iwi Lakes is a cosy three bedroom home, with expansive rural views and an array of sheds. It’s not often a property this size is available so don’t miss out - call and arrange your viewing. 3 DEADLINE SALE (Unless Sold Prior) Closes 2.00pm, Friday 9 September VIEW OPEN 11.00-12.00pm,HOME Saturday 27 August E cindy.younger@pggwrightson.co.nz M 027 278 2309 Cindy Younger pggwre.co.nz/DAG36453
OPEN 23 Tirarau Street More Than Meets the Eye
3 1 VIEW$510,000
This property may be just what you have been looking Refurbishedfor. and repainted inside and out this elegant two double bedroom townhouse is ready for you. Spacious open plan living with an extensive town and country outlook from the separate kitchen and also private covered patio off the lounge - an ideal spot to relax and enjoy the outdoors and manicured gardens. Abundant storage throughout. Single garage with internal access. A real treasure. cindy.younger@pggwrightson.co.nz M E M
3 1 1 E$560,000
Sunshine All Day
027 278 2309 Cindy Younger
027 486 1870 Viv Smith pggwre.co.nz/DAG36137 DARGAVILLE
This is a classic case of "its not what it looks like". This 1940's ex-church hall has been lovingly styled into a wonderful three bedroom home. A classy new kitchen in an open plan dining and living area is filled with sunlight. Modern bamboo flooring flows through the hall way to newly carpeted bedrooms. The family bathroom has been tastefully tiled and is modern and fresh. The exterior is tidy while being a blank canvas to create your own level of gardens, or investigate the possibilities of sub-division. Either way, a delightful home to start a family or invest. OPEN 1.30-2.30pm,HOME Saturday 27 August E cindy.younger@pggwrightson.co.nz M 027 278 Cindy Younger pggwre.co.nz/DAG36390
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER August 23 2022 21 PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008 Helping grow the country pggwre.co.nz/DAG36433
A 1950's family home on a good street close to schools and in good order. Three bedrooms, open plan living with loads of light make for nice family living. Insulated with heat-pump and a log fire, the house also has had a brand-new roof in 2021. On a flat section with tidy gardens this is a great family home or investment as it meets all rental requirements. cindy.younger@pggwrightson.co.nz M 278
Perfection on Parore

22 August 23 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER Residential / Commercial / Rural / Property Services
Dargaville 174 Arapohue Road Dargaville 3035 Mititai Road Mamaranui Frith Road 45ha of quality grazing land, the infrastructure is second to none, with cattle yards, hay barn, 3 bay workshop plus an adjoining large multiuse room. The homestead has three bedrooms an office and is centrally positioned some 400mtrs from the road overlooking the farm. Sold by Auction 80ha of great contoured land spread out over six titles with two road frontages. The farm is centrally raced with an outstanding set of cattle yards, 4 bay implement shed and two hay barns plus a three bedroom dwelling. Sold by Auction 357.7385ha dairy unit, offering multiple opportunities with substantial infrastructure and several farm dwellings. Quality silt loam flats and Te Kopuru sand hills. $10,000 marketing investment across all digital, social and print mediums. Sold by Auction
Todd Skudder 027 439 todd.skudder@bayleys.co.nz1235
54 hectare farm has seen better days, but presents an outstanding opportunity to make your mark. Two titles, two road frontages, four-bedroom home, disused dairy shed and farm buildings. Sold by Auction
Selling farms and lifestyle blocks for clients who choose to work with me is a real pleasure. Selling the Kaipara, her beauty and what she has to offer is an important part of my business, “Gotta Love Rural Kaipara”. Part of my business philosophy is to shop local and support local businesses within the Kaipara. Given the support shown to me over the past three years I wanted to offer more back to the community. Recently I made a financial commitment to the Dargaville Volunteer Fire Brigade to support this outstanding service we all benefit from. That siren sounds way to often for me and these guys do a stunning job. Every property I sell, I will make donation to the Dargaville Volunteer Fire Brigade. This will ensure they can upgrade the equipment they need to keep us safe.
Dargaville Awakino Road Mamaranui Hackett Road Matakohe 41 Lindquist Road 33ha cropping block with flat contour, located a short distance from Dargaville township and amenities. Sold by Tender 122 hectare block has a plethora of features, from stunning streams and a waterfall, through to native bush and grazing land. Sold by Negotiation
Boundary lines are indicative only Dargaville Volunteer Fire Brigade

Monthly Market — 1st Saturday each month, 9am–noon, Kaipara Community Centre, Hokianga Road (opposite the Town Hall). Paparoa Artisan Market — 4th Sunday monthly 12–4pm. Paparoa Memorial Hall. Paparoa Farmers’ Market — Every Saturday 9am –12pm. Genuine local produce, vegetables, seafood, olive oils, meats, patisserie, plants and more. Village Green, Paparoa. Te Kopuru Market — Every Saturday 12.30pm–3.30pm at Te Kopuru Community Hall. Club/Organisation57Squadron(Dargaville) Air Training Corps — Mondays 6pm–8pm at the Dargaville Aero Club. For boys and girls aged 13–18 years Phone Gordon 021 262 0547. Alcoholics Anonymous — Dargaville AA meetings held at The Lighthouse Church, cnr Normanby & Parore Sts. Use Parore St entrance. Monday 4.30pm & Thursday 7.30pm Contact Bernie 027 212 2148, Ladies 020 4082 1373, Murray 09 439 5248. Alzheimer’s ‘Carer’ Support Group — Contact Maxine on 021 153 5674. Baylys & Beyond Gardeners — All welcome, 2nd Monday of each month, Garden ramble, shared lunch, trading table phone 021 063 3444. Dargaville Aero Club — Learn to fly, free of tuition charges, Gyrocopter, Texan, Stork. Contact Peter 09 439 1628 for further info. Dargaville Contract Bridge Club — Tuesdays 12.45pm and Thursday 6.45pm at the Kiosk, Memorial Park, Logan St, Dargaville. dargavillebridge@gmail.com or phone Peter 09 439 2437 or 022 405 6439. Dargaville Embroidery Group — 3rd Tuesday of the month 10am–2pm. Phone Rosemary 09 439 0656. Dargaville Floral Art Club — Meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 1pm at The Lighthouse Church, Cnr Normanby & Parore Sts, Dargaville. Enquiries to Dawn Donald 09 439 5413. Dargaville Friendship Club — meets 2nd Tuesday of the month at 10am at the NW Boating Club. For info phone Phyllis 09 439 6681. Dargaville Games Club — 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at the Dargaville Scout Hall, Onslow St, 6pm–9pm. Dargaville Girls Brigade — For girls 5–15 years. Thursdays after school — 3.30–5pm held at The Lighthouse Church. Contact Pauline Taylor 021 263 7446 or 09 439 7505. Dargaville Menz Shed — is open Tuesday and Thursday each week from 10am to 3pm and Saturday mornings from 10am to noon. New members are welcome. For more info phone Paul 027 459 3098 or Brian 09 439 6175. Dargaville Museum — Open every day except Christmas Day and Anzac morning 9–4 until Labour
Listen to Big River FM IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE WITH YOUR LOCAL RADIO STATION 09 439 sales@bigriverfm.co.nz3003DARGAVILLE 98.6FM & RUAWAI 88.2FM Community Flavour and Variety Helping the community in so many waysBIG RIVER FM Phil & Mitch 98.6FM
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER August 23 2022 23 TIDE CHART MANGAWHAI HEADS Dargaville High +1:50 Low +3:10 Ruawai High +1:16 Low +0:57 Kellys Bay High +0:10 Low +0:06 Tinopai High +0:17 Low +0:21 Pahi High +0:44 Low +0:30POUTO POINT
Dargaville Arts Association www.dargavillearts.co.nz artisanmarket.paparoa@gmail.comLocallyproducedArts,Craft&FoodOffStreetParkingWheelchairAccess11.30PM-3.30PMPaparoaMemorialHallSUNDAYAUGUST28thFourthSundayEveryMonthArtisanMarket ACOUSTIC MUSIC GROUP CONCERTS RETURN Dargaville Acoustic Music BLACKBOARD CONCERT September 1st, 7:00pm Kaipara Community Centre Hokianga Rd, Dargaville $2 entry $2 raffle BYO instruments or just come to listen: All Welcome Ph 021 439 697 for more info CALLING ALL MUSIC LOVERS WHAT’S ON? For outside of Dargaville events email info@thelifestyler.co.nz FOR EVENT LISTINGS EMAIL dargaville@cab.org.nzEMAIL roxannek@sportnorth.co.nzEMAIL info@dcdb.nz FOR SPORT LISTINGS FOR CLUB/ORGANISATION LISTINGS AugustKaiparaWhanau Day — 27th August, 10am to 2pm at Sportsville, Dargaville. Te Ha Oranga event, free kai,
Day then 9–5 until Easter. Volunteers, visitor hosts and members welcome. Phone 09 439 7555. Dargaville Scout Group — For boys and girls aged 5–99 years at 23 Onslow St. All info on door or phone Johnnita 027 296 5889. Hikuwai O Kaipara Waka Ama Club — Meet at the NW Boating Club 5pm Mondays and Thursdays from 5pm for Awa training. Kaipara Heritage Machinery Club — Open and operating Wednesday and Saturday. New members and volunteers welcome. Something to interest both men and women, come and get involved. Phone 09 439 7108 or 09 439 4614. Kumarani Productions, Circus Jam — Wednesdays 5.30–7.30pm at Circus Kumarani, 15 Onslow St through school terms only. Gold coin donation. Lions Club of Ruawai — Meets 3rd Thursday of the month (social night) at the Sports Club and 1st Thursday of the month (business meeting). For more info contact 09 439 2029 or 09 439 2557. Lions Dargaville — Meeting 2nd Wednesday of the month in Lions Den, Hokianga Road. Contact John for more information 09 439 5937. Mt Wesley Angels — Meets 2nd Sunday of the month at Old Mt Wesley Cemetery to preserve, record and care for this historic cemetery. Wear suitable footwear, bring water, gardening gloves and a friend. Northern Wairoa Country Music Club — 1st Sunday of the month at the Scout Hall, 23 Onslow Street 1–4pm. Enquiries to Bruce 09 439 5513. Northern Wairoa Genealogy Society — Learn how to trace your family history or DNA at the Research Rooms, Dargaville Museum, 4th Sunday of each months 12.30–2pm OR attend our monthly meetings on the 4th Sunday of the month from 2pm–4pm. Phone Sue 021 608 606. Northern Wairoa Indoor Bowls Assn — Starts at 7pm Mondays at Anglican Church Hall, Tuesdays at Ruawai-Tokatoka Hall, Wednesdays at Dalmatian Hall. For more info contact Warren Younger 027 478 5102 or evenings 09 439 6155. NZ 60s Up Movement — Dargaville Social Meetings held at the Lighthouse Function Centre on 1st Tuesday of the month. Contact President Margaret Pinny 09 439 4560. Peggy Purls in our Community — Every 3rd Wednesday 10.30am at Dargaville Sewing and Curtain Centre, 59 Normanby St. Ring Charlene 09 439 6120. RSA Women’s Section — Social meeting held at the Clubrooms, 4th Monday of the month. Contact Secretary/Treasurer Betty Bruce 09 439 4344. SeniorNet Dargaville — Drop-in every Tuesday 10am–2pm (except school holidays) for help with technology and internet banking. KCC 38 Hokianga Rd. Stepping Out Leisure Marching Team — Tuesday 4pm–5pm at the Dargaville Town Hall. Contact Sharon 027 439 5634 or 09 439 5634 for more details. Vaccine Passport required. Stitches and Craft — 5 Cranley St, Dargaville. 10am–4pm Tuesday and Friday Contact Lois 027 473 0598 for further details.
DAY HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH WED 24 2:14am (1.0m) 8:23am (2.7m) 2:31pm (0.9m) 8:53pm (2.9m)
SUN 28 4:59am (0.5m) 11:08am (3.1m) 5:11pm (0.5m) 11:24pm (3.3m) 29 5:35am (0.5m) 11:43am (3.2m) 5:47pm (0.5m) 11:58pm (3.3m)
THU 25 3:03am (0.9m) 9:11am (2.8m) 3:18pm (0.8m) 9:36pm (3.0m)
WED 24 5:04am (2.2m) 11:12am (0.9m) 5:39pm (2.2m) 11:41pm (1.0m)
SUN 28 1:48am (0.7m) 8:10am (2.4m) 2:02pm (0.6m) 8:25pm (2.5m)
Please register your interest to attend by 2nd September 2022. Greypower Meeting – Mayoral and NRC Candidates 9th September 1pm–3.30pm at the Methodist Church Complex, Cnr Awakino & Normanby St. Fun Quiz Night – St Peters Anglican Church Fundraiser — Saturday 10th September. Doors open at 6pm for a 7pm start. Venue Te Kopuru Southern Rugby Club. $10 per person. Light supper provided and bar facilities available. Contact Viv Biddles 09 439 1587 or Kaye Welch 09 439 1504 (after 6pm). Book by 5th September as table numbers limited. Dynamo Junction — business owners/managers event, 14th September 5.10pm–6.30pm at Dargaville Sewing Centre, Normanby St. Greypower Meeting – Wairoa General Ward and Maori Ward Candidates — 16th September 1pm–3.30pm at the Methodist Church Complex, Cnr Awakino & Normanby St. Spring Fling 2022 — 17th September, 9.30am–3.30pm, Arapohue Hall, Dargaville. Join us for a fun and interactive day focussed around food and exercise. We’ll have yummy food and some wonderful speakers and activities! Hosted by Rural Women New Zealand. Cost $15 per person (includes morning tea, afternoon tea and lunch). To register contact Heather by 11 September on 027 472 4485 or heathersorensen55@ gmail.com. Meet the Candidates – Wairoa General Ward -— Tuesday 20th September 5.15pm for 5.30pm start at the Dargaville Club, Victoria St, Dargaville, hosted by the DCDB. Meet the Candidates for Mayor — Thursday 22nd September 5.15pm for 5.30pm start at the Dargaville Club, Victoria St, Dargaville, hosted by the DCDB.
THU 25 5:57am (2.2m) 12:01pm (0.8m) 6:25pm (2.3m)
FRI 26 12:27am (0.9m) 6:46am (2.2m) 12:44pm (0.7m) 7:07pm (2.4m)
TUE 30 3:06am (0.5m) 9:28pm (2.5m) 3:19pm (0.5m) 9:42pm (2.6m)
TUE 30 6:11am (0.5m) 12:18am (3.2m) 6:22pm (0.5m) rides & whanau activities, flu jabs, COVID-19 vaccines, general tamariki immunisations &
tamariki ora checks.
FRI 26 3:45am (0.8m) 9:54am (3.0m) 3:58pm (0.7m) 10:14pm (3.2m) SAT 27 4:23am (0.6m) 10:32am (3.1m) 4:35pm (0.6m) 10:49pm (3.3m)
SAT 27 1:08am (0.8m) 7:29am (2.3m) 1:24pm (0.6m) 7:47pm (2.4m)
MON 29 2:27am (0.7m) 8:49pm (2.4m) 2:40pm (0.5m) 9:03pm (2.6m)
MarketsDargaville Twilight Market — Last Friday of each month, 5.30pm–7pm. Northern Wairoa Boating Club, Totara Street. Kaihu Hall Market — 3rd Saturday each month 10am–noon. Phone Robin 09 439 4878.
SeptemberRecycle/Upcycle Competition Showcase and Awards — 3rd September 2pm at Dargaville Sewing Centre. Free entry. Grief and Loss: A community conversation — Tuesday 6th September 1pm–4pm presented by Hospice Kaipara. To be held at the Baylys Beach Community Centre. RSVP Hospice Kaipara 09 439 3330 opt 4, Lisa at office@hospicekaipara.org.nz or Lorraine at support@hospicekaipara.org.nz.

24 August 23 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER PUZZLE TIME Sudoku Fill the grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. All puzzles © The Puzzle www.thepuzzlecompany.co.nzCompany 290Jumbo crossword ACROSS: 1 Scoring, 4 Precaution, 9 At issue, 13 Ruin, 14 Matter, 15 Acetic, 16 Quibble, 19 Genuine, 20 Splice the main brace, 21 Stalls, 22 Belfry, 24 Economist, 29 Immobile, 30 Phobia, 31 Know-how, 35 Downturn, 36 Resist, 37 Thaw, 38 Civil, 39 Lag, 41 Chest, 43 Sketch, 47 Fetch, 50 Bet, 54 Began, 55 Solo, 56 Troupe, 57 Disagree, 60 Surplus, 61 Reveal, 62 Eyeglass, 65 Submarine, 67 Easier, 68 Troops, 72 Red carpet treatment, 75 Tinfoil, 77 Nervous, 78 Armada, 79 Budget, 80 Bomb, 81 Hybrids, 82 Topsy-turvy, 83 Slavery. DOWN: 1 Shrug, 2 Oriental, 3 Gravel, 4 Patisserie, 5 Enrol, 6 Anarchy, 7 Treaty, 8 Olive, 10 Tournament, 11 Suburbs, 12 Unlock, 17 Diplomatic, 18 Fauna, 21 Strudel, 23 Feelers, 25 Chintz, 26 Coerce, 27 Poetic, 28 Docile, 30 Poise, 32 Weir, 33 Twig, 34 Fake, 40 Avenue, 42 Spot, 44 Kitten, 45 Troll, 46 Hapless, 48 Trifle, 49 Headstrong, 50 Bark, 51 Trellis, 52 Wasp, 53 Solemn, 58 Cummerbund, 59 Repeatedly, 63 Cruel, 64 Monotone, 66 Uncover, 67 Extract, 69 Remedy, 70 Decays, 71 Stress, 73 Torso, 74 Ember, 76 Lobby. 5x5 Insert the missing letters to complete ten words — five across the grid and five down. More than one solution may be possible. LSO LH SUS HE SNS LASSO ALPHA SOURS THREE SAI RO LAE AI SET SWAMI ARGON LEAVE TAPIR SKEET 9 4 74 8 8 7 5 7 2 5 4 17 89 41 9 2 2 5 8 3 12 7 9 935812467 742569831 816374295 379625184 621748953 458193726 264951378 593487612 187236549 58 3 42 41 39 5 8927 53 942 1 87125 419 67 3589 247 16 6917 853 42 2741 369 85 1 3 5 8 6 9 4 2 7 7825 431 69 9462 718 53 8 6 7 3 1 2 5 9 4 4196 572 38 5234 986 71 MEDIUM Previous solution Previous solution Previous crossword solution solutionPrevious 1ACROSSUndecided elector (8,5) 8 Sudden (6) 14 At hand (5) 15 Precious metal (8) 16 Paper hankies (7) 17 Around (5) 18 Facial twitch (3) 19 Root vegetable (7) 21 Issue (9) 22 Shine (6) 25 From this time on (10) 27 Soaked (8) 28 Universe (6) 31 Accounts-keeping ship’s officer (6) 33 Soapy spheres (7) 34 Comment (6) 35 Says further (4) 37 Mined rock (3) 39 Peak of perfection (4) 40 Flabbergast (7) 41 Sixth sense (9) 42 Green gem (7) 43 Royal person (8) 48 communicationHolidaymaker’s(8) 52 Of the heart (7) 56 The existing state of affairs (6,3) 57 Liable to sudden un predictable change (7) 58 Dry (4) 59 Gratuity (3) 60 Islamic chieftain (4) 61 Go back on a deal (6) 62 Supporter’s badge (7) 63 Cricket team (6) 65 Old gun (6) 66 Looks over carefully (8) 68 Horse or dog track (10) 71 Large birdcage (6) 72 Truce (9) 74 Suddenly compre hended (7) 76 Passenger vehicle (3) 79 Slight colouring (5) 80 Staying power (7) 81 Lozenge (8) 83 Thrill (5) 84 Of service (6) 85 Unexpected rejec tion or affront (4,2,3,4) 2DOWN Feel raw (anag)(7) 3 Paper money (5) 4 Public house (3) 5 Plucky (4) 6 (3,2,3,4)Unexpectedly 7 Alleviates (5) 8 A deadly poison (7) 9 Boulder (4) 10 Chase (6) 11 Strong point, speci ality (5) 12 Gets to (7) 13 Argumentative (11) 14 Illustration title (7) 20 Madden (9) 23 Is butter (anag)(8) 24 Woman-fish (7) 26 Water tank (7) 27 Mislead (6) 29 Fortified white wine (7) 30 Small cave (6) 32 Open sore (5) 34 Of the kidneys (5) 36 Church council (5) 38 Forsake (4) 43 Skiing slope (5) 44 Sloping letters (7) 45 Hint (4) 46 Film, book continu ing a previous storyline (6) 47 Corny (5) 48 Forbearance (8) 49 Something un reasonably held to be above criticism (6,3) 50 French castle (7) 51 River in Europe (5) 52 An analgesic drug (7) 53 Unworkable (11) 54 Official count (6) 55 Scribe’s complaint (7,5) 64 Depart from an accepted standard or convention (7) 65 Children’s game (7) 67 Sunshade (7) 69 Varnish ingredient (7) 70 Planet (6) 71 Ore test (5) 73 Spin (5) 75 Heartbreak (5) 77 Meat from cow (4) 78 Bridge (4) 82 Fifth note (3)

KAIPARA LIFESTYLER August 23 2022 25 KAIPARA SERVICE DIRECTORY Your Local Professional choice for EWOF, COV Inspections & Certifications, PV Solar and Hazardous Inspections. Boats Campers & RVs Caravans PH: 021 240 6764 KEITH call today - we come to YOU Brand new service team to help you with household cleaning, yard maintenance, lawn-mowing and clippings removal in the Dargaville and surrounding area. Call Ray Curle 09 439 5717 or 027 254 6778 ARAP OHUE SERV &HouseholdICESCleaningGardenMaintenance Facebook:Email:Phone: 021 278 cjsrakau@outlook.com3434 @cjsrakaufirewood Firewood Services - Kaiwaka Winz Approved After School Care and Holiday Programme for 5-13 year olds Now AvailableAfter School pick up service from St Josephs, Selwyn Park & Te Kopuru Schools Pick up/Drop off services OPEN 3.00pm to 6.00pm Monday to Friday Hokianga Road, Dargaville BE IN QUICK! www.cornerstonechildren.co.nz Mobile 027 352 2871 Dargaville Funeral Services Ltd 24 Hours — 09 439 8016 Locally owned and operated The Point of Difference Jessica Young – 020 4119 office@dargavillefuneralservices.co.nz1299 Bruce Young – 027 575 www.dargavillefuneralservices.co.nz7377 CALL CHRIS HICKEY ON 027 561 1719 email: fencingspecialists.nz@gmail.com ALL ASPECTS OF FARM & LIFESTYLE BLOCK FENCING & MAINTENANCE INCLUDING: • Post & Batten • Entrances • Post & Rail • Retaining Walls • Stock Yards • Riparian Lots • Netting • Subdivisions PILING, RETAINING & caine.hccs@gmail.com027EARTHWORKS2404514 Landscaping to SubdivisionsCertifiedEarthmovingDrainlayingTipTruckHireSepticFarms&more Gary Whippy 027 469 www.facebook.com/kauricoastcontractinggary@kccontracting.co.nz8079 For all your general digger works, drainage and civil work. KAURI CO T C TRAC NG LTD 021 056 7665“NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL” CALL TRAVIS! • TRENCHING • POST BORING • EXCAVATIONS • SITE CLEARANCE • DRAINS & WATER TABLES • TIP TRUCK FOR LOAD REMOVALS • ROCK BUCKET & “THUMB” EXPERIENCED OPERATOR 30 Hurndall MaungaturotoSt, HIREFOR 09 431 8440 021 125 1576 morrisandmorris.co.nz Office: 09 439 8048 Fax: Email: 09 437 office@morrisandmorris.co.nz5796 15 Gladstone Street, Dargaville, 0310, PO Box 8043, Kensington 0145, Whangarei kaipara lifestyler classified.indd 1 11/06/2018 10:28:47 AM OPTOMETRISTS Shop 4 | Edwin Arcade 86 Victoria Street, Dargaville Phone 09 438 3509 THURSDAYS 10.30AM 4.00PM Phone 439 6070 or National Help Line 0800 883 300 Office hours 9am-3pm Mon-Fri 158a Victoria Street Dargaville FAMILY & SEXUAL VIOLENCE SUPPORT SERVICES • Crisis Support and Advocacy • Individual and Family Therapy Counselling • ACC Sensitive Claims • Refuge Accommodation or Assistance with Relocation • Safety Programmes, Parenting and Empowerment Programmes Local Tree Services 0800 933 teamvegetation.co.nz326 Safer, Faster & Cheaper • Tree Felling • Tree Pruning • Chipping • Stump Grinding Shelter Belt Removal/ LandToppingClearing TK DIGGERS 027 432 0588 Operator AARON GUEST 09 439 tkdiggers@gmail.com1843 12 tonner tilt bucket, good rates, own transporter Great service Northland wide Personal Insurance Advisors specialising in Life, Medical, Trauma and Income Insurance and ACC p 027 585 7776 e info@urcovered.co.nz w urcovered.co.nz DONNA PETERS & HANNAH HARDING 4 Totara Street, Dargaville | 10a Finlayson Street, Whangarei P: 09 439 6007 M: 027 481 1285 E: info@waverefrigeration.nz SPECIALISTS IN: HEAT PUMPS | AIR CONDITIONING | REFRIGERATION RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL ELECTRICAL Registered REFRIGERATIONelectrician 100%NZ keeping it kiwi AIRCONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION We Do it Right… Professional Workmanship Call us, visit us or email us for any big or small jobs! 100A Jervois Street, Dargaville | www.westcoaststeelworx.comwestcoaststeelworx@gmail.com Mobile hose doctor, welding & mechanic service crew Fabrication in steel, stainless & aluminium Repairs & modifications 0800 HOSEDOC RURAL | COMMERCIAL | RESIDENTIAL Locally owned and operated. BCITO Certified Concrete Layers & Finishers. WESTCOAST CONCRETELIMITEDPh: 021 040 0654 | ohe@westcoastconcrete.co.nz There is now an Ear Nurse Specialist based at Dargaville Medical Centre to remove ear wax safely and effectively with micro suction Call Roz on 027 297 2200 or email info@clean-ear.co.nz to make an appointment Clean Ear Health Do You Have a Problem with Ear Wax?

26 August 23 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER FOR SALE CARAVAN EWOF (and marine). Call your local inspector today at A+ Electrical Inspections and Security on 021 240 6764. CARPET, VINYL and hard flooring. Full supply and installation service. Mobile showroom. Free measure and quote. Phone Christine — Kaipara Flooring Co 021 515 415. SCOOTERS PLYWOOD 19mm H3 Ply $127.00, 12mm H3 NS $79.00, 09 438 6565. TOP SOIL, top quality, $75 per m³ onto your trailer, or truck deliveries available for larger orders. Phone 021 132 4107 or 09 439 5141. SECURITY SECURE YOUR Home — Security Doors, Grills, Locks, Bolts, Stays, Latches — Supplied and installed. Phone 027 275 0918 or 09 439 6458 — Kevin Sowter or visit my website: www.windowanddoors.co.nz — Window & Door Services Ltd. PROPERTY MAINTENANCE 1 STOP Window & Door Repairs — Seals, Latches, Stays, Wheels, Hinges, Locks, Glass & Glazing. Phone 027 275 0918 or 09 439 6458 — Kevin Sowter or visit my website: www.windowanddoors.co.nz — Window & Door Services Ltd. FENCING FENCING, ALL types of fencing, pool, stockyards, post & rail, boundary plus... call Jeff 0274765 458 WANTED TO BUY SQUARE BALES phone 021 0902 5854. TOP $$$ for old Tin diecast Toys. Corgi, Matchbox, Dinky, Funho, Hornby, Hotwheels, Marklin, Meccano, Schuco, Straue, Tonka, Tyco ect. Phone Ron 027 535 7214 / 09 439 4829. TREE SERVICES TREE REMOVAL, pruning, chipping & stump grinding. Qualified & Insured. Phone Scott 0800 468 9663 Arborcare Tree Maintenance. TREE TRIMMING Truck using Grapple/Saw – 26m reach — Pruning, Removal, Chipping, Qualified Arborists SIMPLE – FAST – SAFE – QUALIFIED – EXPERIENCED – VALUE FOR MONEY. Servicing KAIPARA CALL Team Vegetation on 09 439 0050 NURSERIES & PLANTS METROSIDEROS MAORI princess 500+ high ready now for hedging, shelter, landscaping or just a feature plant. From $8 Got2Go Plants, 55 West Coast Road Te Kopuru, 09 439 5556. TRADE & SERVICES ROOF & GUTTER repairs and gutter cleans. Text/phone 021 271 2065. WATCH BATTERIES repairs from $10. 97 Victoria Street, Dargaville Mon–Tue & Thur–Fri 10am–1.30pm. Also clock repairs. Phone 022 342 8183. WATER TANK Cleaning. Phone Pete 027 444 3053 or 09 405 9510. SEPTIC TANK SERVICES MAGIC PROPERTY Services, effluent & septic tank cleaning. Servicing the Kaipara. Phone Chris 027 480 0110 or Mary 027 459 1544. 7 Days. WE ARE THE ONLY CODE COMPLIANT OPERATORS IN THE KAIPARA. WORK WANTED PAINTER SEMI-RETIRED (tradesperson) for all your small jobs. Phone 09 439 5557. SITUATIONS VACANT SITUATIONS VACANT SITUATIONS VACANT CLASSIFIEDS PHONE 09 439 6933 Closing date for classified advertising for the August 30 2022 edition is Monday, August 29 2022 ENTERTAINMENT DARGAVILLE’S CINEMA THE ANZAC THEATRE AT THE WAR MEMORIAL TOWN HALL, HOKIANGA RD TO PURCHASE TICKETS ONLINE AND FOR ANY FURTHER www.anzactheatre.co.nzINFORMATION:09439 8997 Proudly sponsored by the Kaipara Lifestyler Adult $16 Senior (65+) $13.50 Student $13.50 w/ID Child $9.00 Under 3yrs FREE MORNING AFTERNOON AFTERNOON EVENING NIGHT 25/08THU RUBY’S CHOICE (PG) 5.30PM TOP GUN: MAVERICK (M) 8.00PM 26/08FRI RUBY’S CHOICE (PG) 12.00PM WHERE CRAWDADSTHESING (M) 5.30PM BULLET TRAIN (R16) 8.00PM 27/08SAT LIGHTYEAR (PG) 12.00PM WHINA (PG) 2.15PM ELVIS (M) 4.45PM BULLET TRAIN (R16) 8.00PM 28/08SUN MINIONS (PG) 1.00PM RUBY’S CHOICE (PG) 3.00PM BULLET TRAIN (R16) 5.30PM 29/08MON CLOSED NEW THIS WEEK: RUBY’S CHOICE FURTHER SCREENINGS: BULLET TRAIN, WHERE THE CRAWDADS SING VERY LAST SCREENINGS OF: MINION: RISE OF GRU, LIGHTYEAR, WHETU MARAMA, BENEDICTION, WHINA, ELVIS, TOPGUN MAVERICK30/08TUE CLOSED 31/08WED WHERE CRAWDADSTHESING (M) 12.00PM WHETUBRIGHTMARAMA:STAR (E) 5.30PM BENEDICTION (M) 7.30PM WEEK OF 25th August – 31st August ★ FirstLastscreeningscreening ★ DENISE CLARK Toenail & Fingernail CuttingPhoneService 09 439 6068 WAYNE & ANNETTE Ph 09 439 2020 Dry Aged Beef Specialists Traditional Manuka wood smoked Bacon & Ham TOKATOKA We are looking for a Health Care Assistant to join our team. The HCA provides support to our Nurse’s and GP’s with a variety of clinical and administrative tasks • Previous HCA experience preferred • Must be a team player with a can-do attitude. • Excellent communication, and time management skills • You must be eligible to work in NZ Full time position 40 hours per week. Applications close: Tuesday 30th August 2022 Email applications to: dallas@dargavilledocs.co.nz MEDICALDARGAVILLECENTRE APPLY TODAY! WE NEED YOU, TO JOIN OUR SALES TEAM! • 1 Full time sales role available • Training provided • Positive attitude and strong people skills encouraged • Cell phone and computer knowledge are an asset OUR CUSTOMERS WANT TO PROMOTE THEIR BUSINESSES, THEY JUST NEED TO TALK TO YOU TO MAKE IT HAPPEN! Email your CV & Cover Letter to: jobs@integrity.nz Integrity community media Geneva Healthcare are currently looking for Support Workers to work with our clients based in Dargaville and surrounding areas. One of our clients is a 30-year-old man who lives in the family home. He has a happy disposition and is mobile in his wheel chair. We are looking for someone to assist him with his morning and afternoon personal cares which involves using a hoist. Training will be provided, and commitment to the shifts is vital. You will have the ability to work one on one with our client, to ensure he lives the best life possible. Requirements: • Must have a clean and valid NZ driving licence. • Must be eligible to work in NZ. • Subject to clean police clearance check. Varied Shifts available and relief work: • Mon to Sun 7-8am or 8-9am, and 4-5pm. *with an opportunity to pick up more shifts What we can offer you: • FREE ongoing NZQA equivalent qualifications in Health and Wellbeing • FREE EAP service anytime you might need counselling support and advice • FREE mobile phone • Travel reimbursement between your clients • $2 per hour weekend allowance. Join us at the Geneva Whangarei Office on 1 Kensington Ave for our open Day on 25th Aug. Find out how to become a Support Worker and make a difference in your community, and be in to win a $100 gift voucher if you sign up on the day!* *Ts & Cs apply Kindly email your updated Cv orshanice.pereira@genevahealth.comto0800266577ext.9269foraconfidential chat. Care Home Staff Kauri Coast Care Home Be at the heart of it. Bupa Kauri Coast Care Home, located in Dargaville is HIRING NOW. We are seeking interest for the below permanent full-time and part-time positions: • Dedicated Housekeepers – provide a homely environment for our residents to thrive • Passionate fixed term Kitchen staff (Cook & Kitchen Hand) - provide nutritious and tasty meals for our residents Bupa is a community, and together, we share a purpose - Helping People live, longer, healthier, happier lives, and make a better world. This is an incredible opportunity to work in a rewarding environment, where our residents are at the heart of everything we do. Extra Reasons to belong: Encouraged to progress and grow your skills to develop your career path and yourself
Read the newspaper kaiparalifestyler.co.nzonline NEWSPAPERSCOMMUNITYNEWSYOUCANTRUST
• Industry-competitive remuneration and benefits, and internal reward and recognition programmes. Health and wellbeing discounts, wellbeing advice, study support, paid domestic violence leave and paid parental leave.
• No matter who you are or where you come from, we encourage you to ‘Be you at Bupa’. An accredited employer with Immigration NZ that values its diverse employees. We would love to hear from you - to express your interest, pop into the Kauri Coast Care Home for a chat with the manager, email your CV to daniel.yang@bupa.co.nz, or apply through the Bupa Careers page https://www.bupa.co.nz/careers/

MORGAN WILBUR 19-08-2022 Long time friend of Paul Ralph, Janina and Joesph. Arohanui our friend RIP.
Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the issue of the licence may, not later than 15 working days after the first publication of this public notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee, Private Bag 1001, Dargaville 0340. No objection to the issue of a licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 105(1) of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. This is the first publication of this notice.
Passed away peacefully on 19 August 2022, aged 86 years. Loved husband of Patience; dad of Alison-Jane and David. Grandpa to David, Jason, Will, James, Shannon, and Millie.
CUTTS, John William
All correspondence to PO Box 306, Dargaville 0340
Three Furlongs Bar Limited of Kaiwaka, has made application to the Kaipara District Licensing Committee for the issue of an ON and OFF license in respect of the premises situated at 1942 State Highway 1, Otamatea, Kaiwaka known as Three Furlongs Bar & Grill
Thursday 25th of August, 8pm Maungaturoto Country Club, Bickerstaffe 2 family fun evening - video footage from Ken Cashin’s amazing archives
In loving memory of Cooper, Judith Anne In loving memory of Judith Anne Cooper of Mamaranui. Our family is so thankful for the life of Judith. We are devastated for our loss, she left behind 5 children and 28 grandchildren. She opened her doors to everyone and will be greatly missed by many. Judith had a generous heart she loved her children dearly, adored her grandchildren and animals whole heartedly. We thank you for all the memories you shared with us, forever in our hearts. Big Thank you to Riverside Christian Church. Until we meet again May you Rest in Peace now. Love from your Whanau IN MEMORIAM BarryBAZZBates Memorial service to be held 3rd September 2022 11.00am Northern Wairoa Boating Club . Join us for a celebration of his life Southern (Te Kopuru) Football Club We are located 10.5km from Dargaville on Pouto Road. We have 138 proud years as a rugby club in both Northern Wairoa and Northland Rugby Unions.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS both Dargaville AA Meetings are held at the church, crn Parore and Normanby Sts. Use Parore St entrance. Monday 4.30pm & Thursday 7.30pm. Phone Bernie 027 212 2148, Ladies 020 4082 1373, Murray 09 439 5248. CITIZENS ADVICE Bureau Dargaville & Districts Annual General Meeting will be held Thursday 25 August 2022, 1pm at the Bureau, 37 Hokianga Rd. All Welcome. DARGAVILLE HEALING rooms 7pm Tuesdays. No charge and no appointment necessary. Lion of Judah Building, River Road. All Welcome. Check us out on Facebook.
The general nature of the business conducted under the licence is Hotel The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is intended to be sold under the licence are: ON License - Monday to Sunday 8am to 1pm. OFF License - Monday to Sunday 9am to 10pm The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the Kaipara District Licensing Committee at 32 Hokianga Road, Dargaville or Unit 13, 6 Molesworth Drive, Mangawhai. Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the issue of the licence may, not later than 15 working days after the first publication of this public notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee, Private Bag 1001, Dargaville 0340. No objection to the issue of a licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 105(1) of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. This is the first publication of this notice.
Applicant will be publicly announced at our AGM, mid-November NORTHCOASTGUARDKAIPARA AGM Wednesday 7 September 2022 7.00pm
The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is intended to be sold under the licence are: Monday to Sunday 9am to 5pm. The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the Kaipara District Licensing Committee at 32 Hokianga Road, Dargaville or Unit 13, 6 Molesworth Drive, Mangawhai.
Public notice (Section 101, Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012)
7pm on
MORGAN WILBUR 19-08-2022. Loving partner of Jude, special friend of the late mum Theobald who treated Wilbur like her own sons. Special papa Wilbur of Ashly who loved him so much, memories of our 18 years together will remain in my heart. Yours forever, Jude.
Public notice (Section 101, Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012)
Road, Maungaturoto All welcome. Back by popular Demand! KAIPARA KLIPS
AnthonyCHAPMAN,Philip at Tuesday 30th August 2022
09 439 5955 KAIPARA HUNT AGM
Died peacefully, 2 years to the day after his beloved wife Carol, on 20 August 2022, aged 91 years. Dearly loved husband of the late Carol; loving father and father-in-law of Chris and Kelly, and Paul. Loved granddad of Dylan. A Service will be held at the Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Hokianga Road, Dargaville on 24 August 2022 at 1 pm, followed by interment at Mt. Wesley Lawn Cemetery.
Closing date for classified advertising for the August 30 2022 edition is Monday, August 29 2022
ACOUSTIC MUSIC Blackboard Concert — First Thursday of the month — 7–9.30pm, next is 1st September, Kaipara Community Centre, Hokianga Road, Dargaville. $2 entry, $2 raffle. Performers and audience welcome. Phone Allan 09 439 6933 or 021 439 697. An enjoyable night to be part of, sit back and be entertained by some great local talent.
Southern Rugby is looking for experienced applicants for Head Coach during the 2023 season. Our aim is to find a Coach, Assistants and Manager that can: Lead us in the 2023 Championship Competition; Develop and deliver a season plan with goals in collaboration with the Player Leadership Group; Lead the team both on and off the field; and Assist to build a culture of excellence and brotherhood both on and off the field. appropriate package will be discussed with the successful applicant. Coach Interested applicants can contact: Club President: Evan Paxton Mobile: 021 439 803 Email: evanandtanya@xtra.co.nz October 2022 Successful at the Ph.AllAeroOtamateaClubWelcome
All discussions and applications will be treated as confidential Applications close: 31
Friday 26th August 2022 Bill Hyland Community Centre, Baylys Beach 7.00pm Mix n Mingle, 7.30pm film starts BYO drinks and snacks: Gold Coin Donation Dutch Cheese Limited of Kaiwaka, has made application to the Kaipara District Licensing Committee for the renewal of an off-licence in respect of the premises situated at Dutch Cheese Limited, 1957 State Highway 1, Kaiwaka known as Kaiwaka Cheese Shop. The general nature of the business conducted under the licence is grocery store
All are welcome to attend the service to celebrate John’s life at St. Peter’s Anglican Church, Te Kopuru, on Thursday 25 August 2022, at 1 pm Communications to PO Box 368, Dargaville 0340

28 August 23 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER www.roperandjones.co.nz110 Victoria Street, Dargaville 143 Hurndall Street, Maungaturoto Dargaville Realty Ltd LicensedREAAAgent200809 439 7295 09 431 1016 614 TE MAIRE RD TE KOPURU $6,500,000 + GST (if any) Premium soi s dom nated by Red Hill loams Autumn / Spring dairying options Self sufficient grass maize silage supp ements Low cost production per/milk sol d Many Tit es land bank options 222 ha ample water two 4 bedroom homes 36 as de herringbone milking shed IT STARTS WITH THE SOIL MICHAEL GRIFFITHS 0272 788 122 WEB ID RJR4254 59 RIVER ROAD DARGAVILLE $519,000 NEW LISTING Th s property features 4 double bedrooms open plan living with river views from the lounge, heat pump plus freestanding fireplace and is fully nsulated There s also a large double garage w th internal access and the private back yard is a most a b ank canvas for the keen gardener to get creative FAMILY HOME WITH RIVER VIEWS 59A LOGAN STREET, DARGAVILLE $480,000 PRICE REDUCED Fully renovated with stylish new features includ ng sliding barn doors, modern kitchen, open plan lounge/dining area, separate bathroom, toilet and 3 carpeted bedrooms Fully fenced, private courtyard with man cave gardens deck & an nternal access garage/ combined aundry area Parking for the camper van or boat with a separate external gate to the main road SERIOUSLY FOR SALE PRICE REDUCTION ADRIANNE ASTLEY 020 4076 2650 WEB ID RJS4251 103 RANFURLY STREET DARGAVILLE $549,000 This tidy fami y home is c ose to all town amenit es and features 3 doub e bedrooms, spacious open plan liv ng onto a covered entertaining area plus has a separate bath and HOME SWEET HOME 18 MARINER COVE ROAD TINOPAI Enquiries Over $675,000 Amazing retreat or permanently living in newly built 3 bedroom home + sleepout Spacious open plan living w th enterta ner s deck Great water views short walk to marina and beach Basement storage hobby room and 2 carports Call Rhoda to view FABULOUSLY MODERN BEACH HOME 171 ARCADIA ROAD PAPAROA $450,000 The tit e offers 14 7 ha of land in total and is split with 1 9 ha be ng across the road The 1 9 ha block is relat vely flat with the a rise n contour at one end Over a right of way the main b ock offers both grazing and extensive native bush LAND, NATIVE BUSH AND STREAMS! 136 FRANKLIN RD, PAPAROA Offers over $775,000 An acre of opportunity allows you a WOW country view and be a few minutes from Paparoa Spoilt for choice where to relax and dine Stanley woodburner, heat pump Main house plus cottage and cabin massive garaging & parking G ass house vege garden stand of native trees Ca l Rhoda to v ew! DELIGHTFUL COUNTRY CHARM R LOT 57 MANAAKI CIRCLE PAPAROA $199,000 F at and sunny section in the Retiree Area of the newly completed subdivision just a short walk in to Paparoa Village These sect ons have access to a commun ty septic system, you will need your own water supply This is a great opportunity to grab one of the last sections avai able (covenants apply) Title has now been ssued RETIREE SECTION PAPAROA 53 HURNDALL STREET MAUNGATUROTO $590,000 NEW LISTING A very well presented and tidy three bedroom home on a section size of 1,326 sqm En oy the newly instal ed kitchen and benchtop that fits perfectly Din ng and lounge are open plan with a freestanding fireplace flowing out to a covered deck area A large new deck has been built on the ower leve GORGEOUS RURAL VISTA! SHAR SCHULTZ 022 046 4790 WEB ID MRE2732 103 HURNDALL STREET MAUNGATUROTO $745,000 NEW LISTING From the stylish kitchen to the tiled bathroom this three bedroom fami y home has plenty on offer The ¼ acre section is fully fenced and boasts a double garage, BBQ area, indoor/ outdoor living area off ce and a 2nd toi et Healthy Homes compliant Cal Karyn to view A PLACE TO CALL HOME KARYN HODGSON 029 779 9019 WEB ID MRE2733 198 HURNDALL STREET MAUNGATUROTO $1 600 000 + GST (i any) NEW LISTING Prime State Highway position Land area 4 292sqm & approx floor area of 1310sqm w th potential for many business or leasing opt ons Current ease for Caltex petrol station & shop Numerous office retail and workshop spaces Separate 3 bay open fronted unit with enclosed office spaces OPTIONS GALORE! GARY MORRIS 021 902 087 DEBBIE HOWLETT 021 233 3796 WEB ID MC2730 5/51 KAMEA PLACE MAUNGATUROTO $475 00 including GST Newly cut over pine block harvested in March 2022 this 7 6310ha is ready for a new owner to take over and replant or to create your dream lifestyle the b ock has a small bush S tuated within a 10 minute drive of Maungaturoto RURAL TREASURE! GARY MORRIS 021 902 087 DEBBIE HOWLETT 021 233 3796 WEB ID MRE2706 Lt d CONSTRUCTION SPECIALISTS FARM & LIFESTYLE LIGHT COMMERCIAL BARN STYLE HOMES P: 021 705 837 E: brett@barnbuildersnz.co.nz W: www.barnbuildersnz.co.nz