Massive developments ahead for

Sixty years treading the boards


u by Paul Campbell
A ‘forest’ of tall kauri trees redolent with a soundscape of birdlife will greet visitors to The Kauri Museum with the completion of a major redevelopment made possible by a $3 million grant.
More than 100 guests are expected at a dawn ceremony on July 22 to celebrate the new feature, part of a major museum redevelopment made possible by funding from the former Provincial Growth Fund.
Museum board chair Grant McCallum said the funds for redevelopment included creating a research centre where people can access the museum collections and archives to undertake genealogical research and better understand the significance of kauri.
Museum director Barbara Hilden was “delighted that this stage of work was finally completed and could be unveiled for the public to enjoy.
“It’s been a long time in the making, but we are thrilled with the result. The redevelopment and new forest walkway represent a significant shift in the types of stories we tell, how we present ourselves, and the sort of partnerships we prioritise. Regional museums with traditional settler collections are facing challenges, not only in attracting visitors in today’s digital world but in recognising themes of decolonisation,” said Ms Hilden.
“We are on a journey to expand beyond our origins as a settler-oriented community museum into one that tells a national story from a variety of diverse viewpoints.”
The new walkway features cleverly designed light boxes, which lead guests through a newly-built space alive with a natural soundscape created by Story Inc, a New Zealand company specialising in compelling stories and digital experiences through cutting-edge technology. Director James McLean says designers used
height, sound and light to give a ‘wow’ factor, to tell a more primaeval story and to give visitors a sense of awe and the scale and ancientness of kauri.
“Kauri are extraordinary and ancient and are deeply significant to Māori as part of the story of how things came to be.
“Today’s museum visitors want new types of immersive experiences to capture their imagination,” says James. “People want more than just a cognitive experience. They can get the content online, but when they come to the
museum, they want an emotional and substantial experience. So, hopefully, this new entry gives more of a grand, spatial, emotional feeling.”
The museum opened in 1962 as a settler collection featuring the kauri with Crown lands coming under the protection of the Department of Conservation by 1987. Kauri trees on private land are now also largely protected. However, a fungus pathogen, Phytophthora agathidicida, known as kauri dieback, threatens the forests. ¢
The Kaipara Lifestyler is published with pride by Integrity Community Media, a privately owned Kaipara company.
Phone: 09 439 6933 or 0800 466 793 Email:
Postal Address: PO Box 474, Dargaville Physical Address: 107 River Road, Dargaville
Editor: Deb Wright 021 639 696
10,450 copies, distributed on Tuesday to every residential and rural home throughout the district including Dargaville, Ruawai, Paparoa, Matakohe, Maungaturoto, Kaiwaka, Mangawhai and Wellsford.
p Hato Hone — Saint John opened the doors of its ambulance station in Dargaville last Friday to welcome those who wish to join in the good work of the long-established order. As well as calling for citizens to help as first responders, there were many roles on offer in other capacities, such as supporting hospital patients and being a caring caller for senior citizens. If you missed the evening and wish to volunteer, please visit
p Dargaville Scouts is making great progress toward this year’s Jamboree, a huge celebration bringing together all the Scouts in New Zealand in Mystery Creek, Waikato. To raise funds for the big trip, Scouts is holding a monster garage sale on Thursday, July 6 at its hall, 23 Onslow Street, Dargaville. It has also planned a fun trivia quiz night on Saturday, July 15. Contact group leader Johnnita Houghton on 027 296 5889 to register your team of up to six players.
p Children and educators from Family Link Childcare Centre dressed in their pyjamas to raise funds for the Ronald McDonald House Charities, organised by teacher Riripeti Hayward; even families from previous years rallied to the cause by donating money. “We have had about five children from our centre end up in Starship Hospital whose parents have had to stay in the Ronald McDonald House. That is why we are passionate about it,” says FLCC manager Hana Takulua.
Last week’s meeting of the Kaipara District Council considered the case for another private plan change to establish a new subdivision in Mangawhai Heads while also receiving news of a second 60-hectare neighbourhood in the planning stages.
Councillors were prepared to debate Private Plan Change 83 for new development, The Heights, planned for the area just inland of the town’s surf beach. However, a presentation by Aucklandbased developers Cabra added to the picture of Mangawhai’s growth. The developers envision a 60-hectare subdivision on Black Swamp Road.
“We see it as an opportunity to grow Mangawhai on the other side of the estuary,” said Cabra spokesman Duncan Unsworth, unveiling plans for the multi-stage development comprising low-tomid-density housing and retail.
“It’s a 10 to 15 year project we foresee, to create opportunities for living and employment.”
Cabra has yet to lodge resource consent documents with the KDC but presented its plan in a spirit of transparency. The biggest question around the table was on infrastructure growth to keep pace, which resurfaced when PPC83 was discussed later in the meeting.
Last weekend’s closure of the critical highway linking Kaipara and Northland with Auckland has underlined the case of opponents to a planned dump for Auckland’s rubbish in the Dome Valley that is currently awaiting an Environment Court decision.
Fight the Tip leads widespread opposition to that proposed landfill, which is regarded as a pollution threat to the Kaipara Harbour if it is allowed to go ahead.
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency has completed a slip clearance and a debris wall on SH1 close to where an access road would open the way to the dump site. “The rocks have come tumbling down again,” said FTT executive member, Sue Crockett, referring to wet weather events that have closed the highway three times this year.
“We are always concerned about unfettered development in Mangawhai and its impact on infrastructure,” said Councillor Ash Nayyar, who urged caution over the plan change.
“I believe this question has been put in haste, and I would like more information so we don’t make a decision while blindfolded.”
Nevertheless, PPC83 was green-lit at the vote to move on to the next stage. ¢
In addition, Cyclone Gabrielle flooded the region, which drains from the dump site into the harbour. “Once again, the fragility of the land in the region of the proposed tip has been made obvious as we await the Environment Court result of our appeal against Waste Management’s dump planning permission. If this slip occurred when it was open, it would be
chaos,” said Sue. The court appeal raised the spectre of 350 trucks of Auckland rubbish traversing the road every day. “So if there’s a full closure like the weekend, where will Auckland refuse be then?”
About $80 million has been spent on safety improvements on the Dome Valley section of road in recent years, but this has not included weather resilience work. Traffic was diverted via SH12 during the closure, but some traffic, including trucks, opted for a road off SH1 over Matakana Hill to take a shortcut. ¢
Otamatea Ward councillor Mark Vincent has tendered his resignation from two sub-committees of the Kaipara District Council this month, and the mayor has indicated that he will not be replaced.
“For personal and for family reasons, I have been reviewing my workload, and needed to create some breathing space for my wellbeing,” said Mr Vincent.
“As far as the remuneration and development committee goes, I believe that my mission there was accomplished with the appointment of Jason Marris as an effective chief executive.”
Councillor Vincent also noted with district and long-term planning now well advanced, the Economic Development Committee was also on a positive path. He remains chair of the Taharoa Domain governance committee, which oversees Kai Iwi Lakes.
Mayor Craig Jepson utilised his prerogative to reduce the quorum of both committees, removing the need to install any new councillors to either group. It is the mayor’s choice whether to appoint new members or adjust numbers accordingly in cases such as these.
“I’m quite satisfied after all we have been through that both committees will work well with the current numbers,” said Mayor Jepson.
Councillor Vincent’s resignation leaves just five members on the economic
The Otamatea Repertory Theatre’s school holiday treat for everyone is the debut of their season of Honk! Junior a witty and fast-paced retelling of a classic story designed for younger players.
development committee, which has recently requested a complete overarching plan to promote growth across the region. They are deputy mayor Jonathan Larsen and councillors Mike Howard, Gordon Lambeth, Ron Manderson and Ash Nayyar.
The Remunerations and Development Committee, which oversees council pay and upskilling, now comprises Mayor Jepson and councillors Jonathan Larsen, Mike Howard, Gordon Lambeth, Ron Manderson and Rachael Williams. ¢
A cast of 33 young performers will take to the stage, with support behind the scenes from some equally youthful technical operators, as Honk! Junior brings a fresh take on the story of the ugly duckling, adding music and comedy to create a show for all ages.
“Our youngest cast member is only eight, while the oldest is 14,” says Maura Flower. She has worked hard, not just on the production of the play and its promotion, but also on a range of costumes to bring the tale to life.
“Our first-time sound operator is just 10 years old, and he’s hitting all his cues perfectly. We have young people working on props and lighting, and of the 33 kids on stage, roughly half are those who
attend weekly singing lessons here at the theatre. This production gives them a vehicle to use their skills and really show what they can do.”
Honk! was written by Anthony Drewe and George Stiles, and a London production of the play won the Laurence Olivier Award for best new musical in 2000, with an adult cast. A junior version was later penned for young companies.
The Otamatea season of Honk! Junior will run from July 7 to July 16, just in time for the school holidays. The cast and crew have been working hard to prepare for opening night, and all those involved invite the community to come and watch what promises to be an entertaining night of musical comedy. ¢
The Kaipara District Council’s annual plan has been approved this week, with changes to rating and water metering intended to soften the impact of a moderate 4.96 per cent rates increase.
Rally sprint racing is set to return to Arcadia Road in Paparoa this month as off-road drivers get set for the fourth round of the CPS Northern Rally Sprint Series.
“As we updated the budgets and work programme for this coming year, there were many factors to consider when making decisions,” said mayor Craig Jepson.
“The number of external challenges placing pressure on our operating environment were apparent, with council facing the same rising costs as our communities — spiralling inflation, interest rate hikes, an overall creeping cost of living.”
Nevertheless, the self-imposed KDC rates rise cap of five per cent was not breached. Now a breakdown has been developed showing exactly where ratepayers’ money goes. According to data contained within the annual plan, for every $100 paid in rates, roughly a third, or $29.70, will go to roading. The mayor acknowledged the repair and maintenance of the district’s roading network were a hot topic for ratepayers.
“Fixes are needed urgently to get the district moving again. By focussing on these first and foremost, we can source much-needed external funding from NZTA to ease any burden for our ratepayers,” Mr Jepson said.
A further $20.12 from each $100 of rates goes to wastewater services,
separate from the $6.62 spent on stormwater control. A sum of $3.01 goes to flood protection. The third largest expenditure is on open spaces, parks and facilities, taking up $16.36 of the speculative $100.
Leadership, including the cost of the council itself, takes up $14.12, with $6.61 spent on regulatory management. The final major expense is waste minimisation, accounting for $3.56 out of every $100 in rates.
The rural road has been the site of one leg of the northern championship for many years, with 2022’s competition unleashing a collection of classic and modern rally machines on to the gravel. Importantly, the challenge comes right in the middle of Northland’s big annual rally sprint series, and those vying for points at the top of the table know that it could be make-or-break racing.
“We’ve got a window leading into the next round, the rescheduled HCMC Arcadia Road round four, Saturday, July 15. The 2023 series has had a strong following this year. New faces, great roads, the spirit of club sport racing at its finest. Even a few directional tweaks to some of our bread-and-butter roads hasn’t deterred people,” says CPS
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with Todd McClayMP Spokesperson forAgriculture
Thursday6 July,12:30pm,KaiparaCommunity Hall, Dargaville
Thursday6 July, 3pm,Maungaturoto Centennial Hall, 44 ViewStreet
Northern Rally Sprint Series spokesperson Nikki Sim.
Event hosts, the Hibiscus Coast Motorsport Club, filed all the necessary paperwork with the Kaipara District Council this week, getting the green light to close Arcadia Road to normal traffic from 7am to 6pm on July 15. A bond has been paid to ensure there is no unreconstructed damage from the event.
“The HCMC rally sprint round falls on Matariki weekend, the star cluster known in Japan as Subaru. No bias here, but which type of car will sit in the number one spot at the end of this round?” Nikki Sim said. ¢
Such as troublesome bleeding; menopause concerns; abnormal smears; pelvic pain; pain or irritation ‘down there’; fertility issues; non–surgery options for prolapse and bladder problems. Many of the common problems can be treated with simple minor procedures done either at the clinic or at Kensington Hospital.
The emphasis at the clinic is on making sure women have as much information as possible about their own health on which to base their decisions as to the type of treatment that is best for them.
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Rainy weather did not deter farmers from turning up in large numbers to an open discussion on the future of the rural sector hosted in Ruawai last week by Kaipara Farm Vets.
Local veterinarian Rory Dean introduced keynote speaker Mark Cameron to a packed hall, where patrons enjoyed a complimentary barbecue before tucking into some of the serious issues and opportunities ahead for farming in the region. Mr Cameron is the ACT party’s spokesman on agriculture, but appeared at this event in a non-partisan role, discussing wider trends in the sector.
“I have spent 33 years in Ruawai as a dairy farmer before being a parliamentarian,” said Mr Cameron. “However, I have been to 208 meetings in the past year alone, and a common theme is that farmers are pissed off about how things are going.”
He said that common themes raised were the threat of emissions taxes and associated costs, over-regulation regarding fresh water, and rules around winter feeding described as ‘unworkable’ by those in the industry. When he opened up the floor to questions, similar topics were brought up by Ruawai’s farming
contingent. A discussion on the ways in which farming could be future-proofed ensued, with means such as selective de-restriction of genetic engineering rules to enable the development of methane-emissions-reducing stock feed and improved selective breeding. Better representation at a governmental level was also demanded, as well as a more accurate portrayal of the farming sector in mainstream media.
“You, your local businesses, your local vets and local people know farming better than those in Wellington do,” said Mr Cameron, to unanimous agreement. ¢
Poutō wharf construction work has been suspended due to “atrocious weather conditions” and will resume in September when spring is expected to bring improved working conditions to complete the remaining piling and wharf head.
Kaipara District Council project manager, Diane Miller, says the contractors and project team have had a significant number of environmental factors that have challenged the wharf build.
“We have had some absolutely atrocious weather conditions this year, including a cluster of extreme weather through February when we couldn’t work.”
She said the piling requires specialist dive teams, and with limited visibility in the water in recent months, this has made their job difficult. The crew must also work around limited tidal windows within daylight hours, which are getting shorter and shorter into the depths of winter.
“We had hoped to have delivered a complete wharf in the first half of this
year. The team has been getting in and making the most of every opportunity where they can. Try as we might, it hasn’t been enough to get the wharf done before winter. Now we’re focussed on safely shutting down before the end of July and being prepared to start up work as soon as the weather allows.”
Until the wharf becomes an active worksite again in September, the completed section will be open to foot traffic; however, with the wharf head not yet finished boats can’t moor up. The open end facing the water will have safety railings installed that will be unbolted when the wharf head is completed later in the year. A safety ladder will also be installed on the temporary front face alongside signage. ¢
Tidy Lifestyle With Views
Very tidy family home, four bedrooms, two bathrooms, separate family room, separate laundry area, open plan living that leads to a large, decked area, perfect for entertaining with spectacular views. Internal access to a large double garage with workshop and storage area. Post and rail fencing, great plantings and sheltered areas, large lawn for the kids or maybe to run some sheep or whatever you desire.
A low maintenance home/lifestyle property with a great location being just out of the Dargaville township, give us a call today to book a viewing time or come along to the Open Home.
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POA VIEW 11.00-12.00pm, Sunday 9 July
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PRICE REDUCED from $825,000 + GST (if any) to $725,000 + GST (if any) Approx. 43ha / 106 acres. Geotech done for house site. Has barn, water pump and yards. Small creek and bush. Can be further sub-divided. Power on-site. Don't miss out on this one. Approx. 10 minutes north of Paparoa. Ideal for 2 to 3 people to buy together and sub-divide to have your own lot.
If you would like to be added to Gary's exclusive news and new listings newsletter, please email Gary Morris with: "Yes, e-newsletter" in the subject line.
Gary Morris and Debbie Howlett
Efforts to restore the health and ecosystem of the Kaipara Harbour, such as the $300 million Kaipara Moana Remediation programme, may unlock a better alternative to carbon afforestation, says the Department of Conservation.
“The restoration of blue carbon sites has the potential to address the dual crises of climate change and biodiversity loss,” said Olya Albot, nature-based solutions project manager at The Nature Conservancy Aotearoa — New Zealand (TNCNZ).
Blue carbon refers to CO 2 sequestered not by land-based forests but by coastal and maritime biomes. Blue carbon credits are already traded in other countries and are considered more valuable than those generated by terrestrial forests.
This winter, representatives from TNCNZ, the Department of Conservation, local and central government, Crown Research Institutes and universities, private researchers, and iwi and hapū discussed how blue carbon markets could be used to fund coastal restorations at a major hui.
“Aotearoa has developed a lot of expertise on the active restoration of these coastal blue carbon habitats with methods such as reinstating tidal flow,
Two mobile dental clinics have been stationed between Dargaville Countdown and The Warehouse this week, from July 3 until July 8.
“With no permanent clinic available in Dargaville, it made absolute sense to bring our mobile clinics to the community,” says Lumino The Dentist general manager Phillip Worsley.
It has been several years since Dargaville has had comprehensive dental services in schools. The lack of dental and other medical practices was also a keynote platform for many council representatives.
planting, or removing livestock access,” said DOC marine ecosystems technical adviser Helen Kettles.
Mangroves, for example, store 10 times more carbon than pine forests. Then there’s the carbon sequestration locked into other seagrasses, riparian flora and ocean-borne algae.
Blue carbon credits supporting this environment may be able to replace credits generated by carbon forestry, which is a major local concern, taking up otherwise productive farmland. ¢
“The mobile clinics will provide those in the area with services that will provide an oral health warrant of fitness through exams and x-rays and preventative care through hygiene checks. It will also offer a range of restorative treatments for those requiring immediate remedial work,” Phillip says.
The team consists of three dentists and a hygienist from Auckland. The units are designed to broaden oral health accessibility to remote or marginalised communities without an available dental service. The clinic will be doing x-rays, examinations, hygiene checks and emergency dental care.
“We believe that access to oral health care is an essential service that
Located just 5 minutes west of Dargaville is this cosy three-bedroom cottage set on a four hectare (more or less) farmlet. The three-bedroom cottage consists of a family bathroom with a dedicated laundry room. Open-plan living spaces that flow out onto the covered deck area ensuring entertaining is a breeze. The cottage is also surrounded by mature trees and gardens giving an extra appeal. The land is real quality, flat, and suitable grazing or cropping. All you expect and need when considering a lifestyle block is already here. Cattle yards, multiple sheds, an abundance of stock water, a chook run and a poly house ensure you can live sustainable life here. The farmlet has been fertilised and some 90 large round bales of hay were taken from the farm last summer. There is so much on offer at this lovely lifestyle property and the location is excellent. For more information please give us a call today.
must be available to all New Zealanders. However, it is less attainable for those living in Aotearoa regional areas where the number of clinics has decreased in recent years.”
Media representative Krystal Warren says that a repeat visit may be possible and depends on the reception from local residents.
People are invited to book an appointment via or 0800 800 152. Walk-in patients are accepted. The clinics will be open from 8am to 4.30pm on weekdays, until noon on Saturday. ¢
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Asking Price $800,000 Inclusive of GST
Phone for viewing times
Lisa Pocklington 021 121 8419
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Trees tooclosetopowerlines can cause power surges, power outages and fire.Ifa person touches atree that’s in contact with apowerline theycan getanelectric shock.
To protect thesafetyofthe publicand the securityofthe power supply, there are legal requirements under the Electricity (Hazards from Trees) Regulations 2003. This sets out what distances trees and other vegetation must legallybekept from power lines andwhose responsibility thisis.
What do Idoifvegetation is near the Network lines?
1 Checkifyour trees are growing near network lines –please don’t put any measurement tools near power lines.
2 Do thetrees look likethey’re near theNotice or Growth limit zone? (Figure 1)
Continue to keep an eye on them. We recommend removing any trees that could fall or contact the lines or that are fast growing (likebamboo)
Cutting and trimming trees near powerlines can lead to electric shocks. If there are trees near your linescall: Whangārei and Kaipara–Northpower 0800104040–
FarNorth –Top Energy 0800867 363–
3 We will come and advise youofthe next steps. The first cut or trim may be free
Who is responsible?
Property owners are legallyresponsible to keep trees clear of lines and outside the growth limit zone, at their own expense. (Figure 2)
If you area tree owner who is given acut or trim notice and you fail to get the tree cutortrimmed, or fail to advise us when the tree will be cut or trimmed, you could receive afine of up to $10,000 plus up to $500 for every day the offence continues.
What do Idoifvegetation is near my service line?
Aservice line is the main power line that connects your property to the network. This line is owned by you and not covered by the treeregulations –however you are still responsible to keep trees and vegetation clear of this line. We can provide atemporary safety disconnection to your power so that you can safelytrim these treesyourself. Consider calling the professionalswho can safelyget the job done, especially for large treesand vegetation.
Youcan only trim trees if in doing so, you, the tools and machinery you are using, and any partofthe tree is more than 4m from power lines. If you are unsure, please call us for advice.
Selwyn Park School teacher aides have been educating themselves to improve how they can better engage with their students to empower them in their learning abilities.
“We are passionate about seeing children with disorders or trauma achieve and to praise them so they can blossom,” says teacher aid Donna King.
Five teacher aides attended the Neuro-Fit course hosted by Growth Culture, which focussed on how to entice neurodivergent students to learn in various settings.
“The material was relatable to the children we work with, and we were taught various techniques on how to engage with them and to capture how the students learn,” teacher aid Leona Crowe said.
The life coaches learnt about different learning styles and various methods of drawing out the best in the youth they work with.
“Heaps of our students popped into my mind when we were learning. We learnt about how to make things clearer for children to understand,” said teacher aid Bex Johnson.
Topics they brought back included being a mirror for how they wanted the tamariki to act and 60 beats a minute
for music. “It gave you a different way of thinking about behaviours instead of perceiving that a child plays up because they are naughty,” teacher aid Andrea Hopkinson says.
Selwyn Park School has at least one teacher aid in every classroom. The course outlined beneficial ways to support neurodivergent children with behaviours and diagnoses of autism, dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and oppositional defiant disorder. ¢
Andy BryentonLast week’s football action saw a memorable victory for the Northern Wairoa Football Club, which clashed with old rivals on the pitch.
The Northern Wairoa Football Club (NWFC) faced Onerahi in a critical match last week, bringing home a victory over the harbourside team from the east with a score of eight to two. With key midfielders returning from illness, a strong side went out onto the Onerahi pitch under rainy conditions.
“An early defensive blunder allowed Onerahi’s striker to find the net after just four minutes, unnerving the visitors considerably,” says NWFC captain Rory Dean.
“A tense period followed, with NWFC coming close several times. After 15 minutes of battle on the remarkably well-conditioned pitch, it became clear that striker Dylan Hines would prove too difficult to control for the Onerahi defence. A flurry of goals ensued, with Hines grabbing four goals in the first half, including a very well-taken header. Young midfielder Colin Sloan added to the tally to make the score five to one at half time.”
“The second half saw Northern Wairoa begin to really exert pressure on an increasingly disheartened home team, and further goals would come
from Derryn Cooper, Glenn Mariscal and an Onerahi own goal,” says Rory.
Some fine football was played by the visitors, which pleased both coach Sloan and manager Dharmedra Kumar. The latter was sent on as a super-sub in the second and pushed the defence hard. Onerahi occasionally threatened, most notably after a change of striker. A final consolation goal came for Onerahi in the 90th minute off a long-distance lob which found the net. ¢
The sesquicentennial celebration at Paparoa’s historic primary school welcomed guests and alumni with ties back to its founding principal.
p Students entertained guests with skills learned from Circus Kumarani and music from the contemporary to the traditional, in both English and te reo Māori. Also of interest and sparking memories was a collection of old certificates, photographs and school newsletters assembled by alumni and dating back to 1909
some who can claim both titles gathered around a puriri sapling, which will be planted to mark 150 years of education in Paparoa. Representatives of the Wilson family, who are descendants of the school’s first principal, and the Hames family, who have sent students to Paparoa every generation since the school’s founding, were both there to commemorate the day
Mobile: 021 162 7185
We are trialling longer opening hours at our Mangawhai service centre at The Hub, Unit 6/6 Molesworth Drive.
For 3 months, starting July 2023, the Mangawhai service centre hours will be:
• Monday: 9.30am – 3.00pm
• Tuesday: 9.30am – 3.00pm
• Wednesday: 9.00am – 4.00pm
• Thursday: 9.00am – 4.00pm
• Friday: 9.30am – 3.00pm
In September, we will review results of the trial and confirm permanent operating hours for the Mangawhai service centre. There is no change to the operating hours at our Dargaville service centre.
Last week Kaipara District Council Elected Members adopted the Annual Plan for 2023-2024, with an average general rates rise of 4.96 percent (excluding water charges).
The Annual Plan for 2023-2024 comes into effect at the start of the financial year, with new rates taking effect from 1 July 2023. You can read the Annual Plan 2023-2024 at
We are making it easier and safer for people to cycle and walk to Dargaville’s residential area and town centre with the Kaipara Cycle Network Connections project.
There are two proposed options for what these connectivity improvements will be. We want your feedback on what you like and don’t like about each option before we finalise the design. Head to to find out more about the project and have your say.
Work to improve the resilience of Maungaturoto’s water network is almost complete.
Council contractors have replaced 780 metres of ageing watermain pipes along Gorge Road and Hurndall Street East, between Matai Road and Bickerstaffe Road.
Cutover from the old network to the newly laid pipes is scheduled for Sunday 16 July 2023 and any impacted properties will receive a letter from our contractor.
A big thank you to the Maungaturoto community and visitors for your patience while we complete this mahi.
Taharoa Domain Campground bookings for the 2023/2024 season (July 2023 – June 2024) are now open. Visit to book.
The bridge near 728 Monteith Road will be closed from 03 July while Council contractors replace the structure. This work is expected to be completed by the end of October. Monteith Road will be accessible from either end but is not open to through traffic while this work is completed. This closure could add up to 13 minutes to your journey, depending on your destination, so please plan ahead.
Local contractors are upgrading the Te Kopuru stopbank with almost 600 metres of earthworks completed so far. The work to heighten existing stopbanks between Aratapu and Te Kopuru is funded by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE).
• Council Briefing, 9.30am, Wed 05 July, Lighthouse Function Centre, 32 Mount Wesley Coast Road, Dargaville and on YouTube
• Awards and Grants Committee, 10.00am, Mon 10 July, Mangawhai Conference Room, 1C Molesworth Drive, Mangawhai
• Taharoa Domain Governance Committee, 10.00am, Tue 11 July, Lighthouse Function Centre, 32 Mount Wesley Coast Road, Dargaville
• Harding Park Governance Committee, 1.00pm, Tue 11 July, Lighthouse Function Centre, 32 Mount Wesley Coast Road, Dargaville
• Mangawhai Community Park Governance Committee, 9.30am, Mon 17 July, Mangawhai Conference Room, 1C Molesworth Drive, Mangawhai
• Long Term Plan Briefing, 9.30am, Wed 19 July, Lighthouse Function Centre, 32 Mount Wesley Coast Road, Dargaville and on YouTube
• Raupo Drainage Committee, 10.00am, Thur 20 July, Ruawai Tokatoka War Memorial Hall
• Council Meeting, 9.30am, Wed 26 July, Lighthouse Function Centre, 32 Mount Wesley Coast Road, Dargaville and on YouTube
Please visit Council’s website for the most up-to-date information or call Council on 0800 727 059 and ask to speak to a Governance Advisor.
Three Kaipara District Council funds are currently open for applications. You can read more about these funds and apply on our website at
Creative Communities Scheme
Are you an artist, crafter, performer, filmmaker, or creative event organizer in Kaipara District? Your next project could be funded through the Creative Communities Scheme. The scheme provides funding for a wide range of arts activities and both individuals and groups can apply. Applications close on 31 July 2023.
Mangawhai Endowment Lands Account Fund
Do you run an initiative that could benefit Mangawhai? Or enhance and protect Mangawhai Harbour and surrounds? You may be eligible to apply for MELA - the Mangawhai Endowment Lands Account Fund. Applications close on 31 July 2023.
Reserve Contributions Fund
The Reserve Contributions Fund supports groups to create, improve and reprioritise how open spaces and reserves are used in our communities. Applications close on 17 July 2023.
Dargaville Little Theatre celebrated 60 years of fun, friendship and entertainment last week as the group gathered to plan for another year of performances and award 2022’s high achievers.
Dairy Women’s Network Northland did its first Cake, Coffee and Connect event at Mamaranui Playcentre following receiving Ministry of Social Development funding.
“The support we receive from the community is wonderful, and 60 years in, I can’t see Dargaville Little Theatre slowing down any time soon,” said group president Eryn Wilson-Collins, who was re-elected to lead the theatre for 2023. A birthday cake featuring the little theatre’s signature bright red curtains was cut, and reminiscences recalled about successful shows through the years, including many written, choreographed and scored entirely by locals.
Awards followed, with Kohatu Donovan winning best youth actor, Eliana Steele, Levi Parkinson and Mary-Kate Leao awarded as best child performers, and Judy Allen and Janice Williams
acknowledged for their backstage work. National TheatreFest-winning musical Out of Mind won best original script, best ensemble, and best play overall.
Brenda Polwart won best-supporting performer for her role in Cinderella, while Junianne Parkinson was named best director. Jessica McEwing won the award for outstanding vocal work, and Nico Zwaans took the coveted best performer title. Special thanks went out to Kaipara Ballet for their support of the theatre, and a long-service award was presented to Judith Allen. Another award of special recognition went to newly arrived props designer Kate Lang, who so impressed audiences with her work on Cinderella. ¢
“Playcentres in rural communities are possibly the only place where families can connect with each other socially,” Northland hub leader Sue Skelton says.
The MSD made funding available to groups to create more engagement within communities and encourage positive social interactions and cohesion to battle isolation and loneliness.
The DWN collaborated with Playcentre regional support lead Keri Squires who suggested doing it in clusters. The recent event at Mamaranui Playcentre included Dargaville and Te Kōpuru centres.
“It was an opportunity for the groups to meet each other. We came into their space with coffee, meals and face painting for children, and they were blown away that someone would come to their little area to do something for them.”
Families were gifted with DWN beanies and a box of pantry supplies, including additional items, such as food colouring, soap flakes and cornflour for making homemade finger paint.
“The event was great because we got to go to them, and it involved the little ones. I enjoyed connecting with the farming women. It opens the doors to possibly do something with them again. It was amazing celebrating and shining a light on them to show appreciation for what the volunteers do. Thank you to Huia Penney from Red Penney Coffee Cart and Nadine Clement from Face Painting Northland for helping us run the event.”
The next events are on July 26 at Rawene Playcentre and July 27 at Pamapuria Playcentre. To find out more about Playcentre — visit nz. ¢
There’s lots to do at Dargaville Library during the July school holidays! Connect with Kaipara Libraries on Facebook or Instagram, or call them on 0800 532 542.
From 10-11am on Tuesday 4 July, join illustrator Brigita Botma for an introduction to design. All materials for the session will be provided. Come along and unleash your creativity.
Take a walk around Dargaville township for the “TR & Mack: Little People, Big Feelings” StoryWalk® during the July school holidays.
Participate in fun Matariki crafts at the library every day during July school holidays. All materials will be provided.
Meet a trained Bark buddy and learn safe ways to behave around dogs in a session with Bark NZ. The session is between 11am-12pm on Tuesday 11 July.
Contact our Dargaville Library team to register.
Statistics from a survey of small-town US retailers are borne out by personal experience when it comes to the support local businesses show for their communities.
A recent study conducted across several US states aimed to illustrate how ‘mum and dad’ retailers and tradespeople outperform big corporate chains when it
comes to acts of charitable giving. What was discovered, however, is that there’s not just a small difference in this field.
Locally owned companies on average
commit 250% more to causes in their areas, and it doesn’t stop with payments of cash. “We couldn’t do what we do without local businesses and local families,” says Dargaville’s chief fire officer Jason Cambell. He is a business owner with a successful Hunting and Fishing store in the heart of the town’s main street.
“We need the support of both because we are all volunteers. When the siren goes off, we need people to allow their staff to answer, so that’s a big part of it. As well as this, local businesses contribute a lot to the brigade. They have done so for decades. Without local businesses there wouldn’t be a brigade, and there wouldn’t be a town either; it’s about supporting one another.”
p Local businesses overwhelmingly support local emergency services such as volunteer firefighters — they also fund clubs, teams, charities, food banks and youth groups business owners; 42 per cent regularly give to their local first responders. Here, the figure may be even higher.
It dates back to the first firefighters who suited up to protect the town more than a century ago. They, like their present-day counterparts, had to make their apologies to employers and foremen when the siren called, and all acknowledged that it was a very worthwhile thing to do. That survey we mentioned earlier proved that this spirit is alive and well among US small
Added to the vital role of the fire brigade are other volunteers who can help save lives thanks to the generosity of townsfolk. The ambulance service and surf life-savers, for example, are largely made up of citizens who want to give back. They are backed up by donations from the business community, many of which go unseen and humbly unheralded. That’s all worth thinking about next time you go shopping. Supporting your local retailers and tradespeople don’t just grow the economy — it also helps to build safer, more caring communities. ¢
Mario Jones will be opening a seafood shop in Maungatūroto in the upcoming future as he and his partner Jessie Dougherty renovate the new space.
“My father was a fisherman and has taught me everything I know. I come from a family of 13 children, and five of us now fish commercially — we are the second generation,” says Mario.
Mario said his father had caught fish throughout Northland, such as Whangārei, Kaipara and Bay of Islands.
“At the age of 15, I left school, got my first boat and have been doing it ever since. I started my business last year with two polystyrene boxes of fish selling from a parking lot and later purchased a trailer. I was also selling to the Auckland Fish Market and Fish To Fish in Whangārei.
“I have been improving my skills as I go and enjoy fishing in the Kaipara Harbour and the east coast. It is different fishing in the Kaipara and there are always big snapper to catch.
“We came across a shop in Maungatūroto and are painting and renovating it. I’m lucky to have the Kaipara
as my office. It is a wonderful place to be, and I have been fishing here my whole life, and I love it.
“I am passionate about my job and every day is different — we cannot wait to supply our community with freshly caught fish.”
Mario is also supported by his partner Jessie who does the marketing and administration side of the business.
“I support Mario’s passion for fishing and get to go out with him now and then,” Jessie says.
The shop is located at 157 Hurndall Street in Maungatūroto. Keep up to date on how Mario and Jess are doing at
“There are so many people that have helped us along the way, and they have our utmost thanks. We are fully licensed and aiming to open our doors on July 12. Pop down and say hi to the team,” Mario said. ¢
It’s something many of us don’t like to contemplate, but having a properly prepared last will and testament is important for when we’re gone.
In recent years, there’s been a heightened emphasis on the three main components of planning for a world where your relatives and descendants could prosper thanks to your final wishes. These are family trusts, enduring powers of attorney, and wills.
There was a full house at the Kaipara Budgeting Service’s symposium on wills and testaments this winter, where locals could gain some free advice on how to
plan their final wishes, reflecting the growing realisation that legacy planning is important.
Budgeting service mentor Lyn Fletcher welcomed the diverse group to discuss the legalities and technicalities of this kind of forward planning, emphasising that many Kiwis don’t have a will at all. This, she reminded attendees, means that your assets could go to unintended relatives, be split up in ways that you might not
approve of, or even in some circumstances, revert entirely to the government.
“A lot of budgeting is planning, and having your will sorted out is another form of planning,” Lyn says. “No matter how simple you think things are, they could become very complicated without a will.”
While the budgeting service usually helps people with ways to plan ahead for fiscal emergencies and assists in money-saving efforts with good advice, the push to ensure that more people don’t pass on intestate has been a real concern.
Lyn spoke about how easy it is to make a will, so long as you are in sound mind. All you need are two adult witnesses and a good plan for how you would like your assets to be split up between your children, relatives and friends. Insightful questions came from the crowd about issues such as step-family rights, enduring powers of attorney, and whether or not conditions of your will can be legally binding, such as demanding that a beneficiary of the will has to fulfil specific requirements.
“The message is simple. If you haven’t written a will, do it as soon as you can,” says Lyn.
There are plenty of people who can help with this process. You could talk to Citizen’s Advice, your family lawyer, or the folks at Kaipara Budgeting. Pick up a will kit from a stationers or book store, or apply to have one delivered online, and take care of your family’s future. ¢
Riverdale retirement cottages are settler-style homes on easy care sections for small gardens — some have internal access.
The village at Riverdale gives you security, companionship, and independence. You can spend your time in the privacy of your own home or enjoy the company of others around you. You decide.
When you are away, there are residents to keep an eye on your property. The village will take care of all your building insurance, rates, water rates and exterior maintenance.
You have time to relax and enjoy, even mix and mingle. It’s a great community with caring people who will watch out for you.
In the centre of Riverdale is the McLeod Hall, the welcoming centre for social activities, such as birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas and other get-togethers. You might like to play cards, indoor bowls, exercise or just enjoy a cuppa with the other residents, while enjoying the view of the Wairoa River and the town lights.
These retirement cottages are a Licence to Occupy. You are investing in a lifestyle by purchasing a bundle of rights, for example, the community facilities and activities available only to residents and their guests.
The Licence to Occupy allows the village managers to ensure that your neighbours
are likely to have similar interests and values to yourself. The licence is a typical legal document, expressed in specific legal
language, as required by government legislation, and should be checked by a solicitor.
With an ageing population, mobility and independence are big issues facing many western nations. Now innovations in engineering bring fresh answers to those in need of assistance.
The rise of the mobility scooter as a common sight on the streets of most developed countries has followed the same statistical curve as the relative ageing of the population. Better battery technology, manufacturing capabilities and lightweight materials have made these scooters commonplace and increased the quality of life experience for many seniors.
There are those who see the limitations of the traditional mobility scooter as challenges to be overcome — size, bulk and lack of access to places off the paved and level trail. These are the frontiers of mobility a new generation of developers seek to overcome.
Take, for example, the James Dyson Award runner-up, the Scoozy. A reinvention of the mobility scooter concept by Maarten Frijling of the Netherlands, this machine has a smaller footprint, longer battery life and better suspension system than conventional scooters. It gives the Scoozy a tight turning circle and the ability to engage four-wheel drive, tackling outdoor situations and trails. It’s even
equipped with sensors to automatically prevent collisions. With 250,000 Dutch citizens using mobility scooters daily, this invention could change lives for the better.
Taking a different tack, the developers of the HoverBike addressed the price and size of current mobility scooters. Its answer was a clever hack, using the existing technology of hoverboard gyro-balanced recreational vehicles. These are often used for fun by younger people. With the addition of a collapsible seat, handlebar and carrier basket, the hoverboard becomes a small, nimble, easy-to-control mobility scooter that can fit into the boot of a small car. This disruptive technology takes something cheaply available and turns it from a toy into a mobility solution.
The ultimate frontier for mobility may be the use of exoskeletons. Imagine the suit devised by fictional superhero Iron Man, but retooled to allow those who have trouble walking to walk again. It’s not the stuff of science fiction any longer. New Scientist magazine reports that in Japan, people are delaying their retirement from
physically intensive industries as they can now buy exo-suits that help them walk, move and lift weights which would challenge a normally-abled person. For now, the cost of true mobility exo-legs is prohibitive, but it’s set to drop as demand ramps up. Mobility for the future may very well mean an invisible set of robotic muscles worn under normal clothes. ¢
Toyota has announced plans to release a hybrid Hilux ute for 2024, bridging the gap between the rugged, reliable, but now punitively taxed farmers and tradies favourite and a non-fossil-fuel future.
The automaker has promised to slash emissions from its portfolio of vehicles by 46 per cent by the end of the decade, and hybrid drivetrains play a big part in that scenario. This is not least because while hybrid technology can cut back on fuel use, it also comes without the spectre of range anxiety, the number one factor aside from price, which dissuades Kiwis from going electric.
“Toyota is transitioning from a traditional automaker to a mobility company focussed on sustainable technologies and transport. The hybrid Hilux will be an important addition to our range and will enable many tradies, farmers, and businesses to reduce their carbon footprints,” said Toyota New Zealand chief executive Neeraj Lala.
“We have maintained for a long time that hybrid technology is the best solution to decarbonisation until fully battery electric technology is both available and affordable. Our ambition is to offer a fully electric Hilux. However, until that is available, hybrid remains the best technology and will only drive our overall emissions down further.
“We need to make sure no one is left behind in the transition to an electrified future. For this reason, we are truly excited
at the prospect of presenting a hybrid Hilux to our customers as we continue to decarbonise the great Kiwi lifestyle.”
The plan for a hybrid Hilux combines a 2.8-litre turbo diesel with a six-speed automatic transmission and the same kind of power-recovery system seen in cars like the new Lexus IS. Noise, vibration and fuel use are all set to be reduced while acceleration and economy will improve.
While further specifications are still being kept secret until closer to the launch date of this new Hilux, towing is on the minds of Toyota’s engineers, who note that only two out of every 100 Hilux utes sold don’t have a tow bar.
This is an important new vehicle announcement for two reasons. Firstly, the unpopular ute tax now hitting home and affecting purchasers of vehicles necessary for rural and trade work.
Secondly, the fact that this is a Hilux, one of the icons of Kiwi farming. When one of the icons of farming life becomes a bellwether for change, it’s worth reading the signs. The fact that this isn’t a fully electric ute says a lot, as does the fact that Toyota continues to develop hydrogen engines and systems in international markets. ¢
Boundary lines are indicative only
Land of this quality is rarely available. This proven Kumara land is 24 hectares in total in two titles, fully tile drained, and located just minutes from Dargaville on the tar seal.
The land is known to produce quality Kumara's, silage, and has also grown maize in the past. The property is on town water and also has a spring. The spring water is used to water the kumara when required. A five-bay Kumara Shed is located at the entry to the property and has newly formed and compacted floors. This has the capacity for 200 Kumara bins. A five-bay implement shed is located long from the Kumara shed providing storage for farm equipment.
This 1980s home features three bedrooms, a wellappointed bathroom and an open plan kitchen/living area that's bathed in natural light. The separate laundry and a separate toilet enhance functionality. The flat 809sqm (more or less) fully fenced, easy-care section features established fruit trees and the large 13x6.5m four-car garage with power and concrete floor complete the picture. There is also ample off-street parking, even space to park the caravan or boat.
3 1 1 4
For Sale offers invited over $410,000 Inclusive of GST
Phone for viewing times
Lisa Pocklington 021 121 8419
24.604 ha
Asking Price $875,000 + GST (if any)
Phone for viewing times
Todd Skudder 027 439 1235
Located on a quiet, no-exit street in an inherently popular part of town, this well-presented family home boasts three bedrooms, a spacious kitchen that captures elevated views and large open-plan living areas with an abundance of natural light and a heat pump that ensures year-round comfort. The (873sqm more or less) section boasts ample room for the pets to frolic and the children to play, and an internal access garage provides ample storage, workshop and electric door.
3 1 1 1
Asking Price $539,000 Inclusive of GST
Phone for viewing times
Lisa Pocklington 021 121 8419
Kaihu Hall Market — 3rd Saturday each month
10am–noon. Phone Robin 09 439 4878.
Monthly Market — 1st Saturday of each month, 8am–noon at the Kaipara Community Centre, Hokianga Road (opposite the Town Hall).
Paparoa Artisan Market — 4th Sunday monthly 11am–3pm. Paparoa Memorial Hall.
Paparoa Farmers’ Market — Every Saturday 9am –12pm. Genuine local produce, vegetables, seafood, olive oils, meats, patisserie, plants and more. Village green, Paparoa.
Te Kopuru Market — 2nd Saturday of each month, 8am–12pm at Coronation Hall. Stall holders ring Rachel on 021 133 7560.
57 Squadron (Dargaville) Air Training Corps — Mondays 6pm–8pm at the Dargaville Aero Club. For boys and girls aged 13–18 years Phone Gordon 021 262 0547.
Alcoholics Anonymous — Dargaville AA meetings held at The Lighthouse Church, cnr Normanby & Parore Sts. Use Parore St entrance. Monday 4.30pm & Thursday 7.30pm Contact Bernie 027 212 2148, Ladies 020 4082 1373, Murray 09 439 5248.
Alzheimer’s ‘Carer’ Support Group — Contact Maxine on 022 691 6068.
Anger Management Group — Thursdays 6pm–7.30pm 1/12 Kapia Street, Dargaville. Helena 021 564 618 or 09 601 4153.
Badminton — Wednesday evenings 7pm–9pm at the Dargaville High School Gym. Phone 021 439 157.
Baylys & Beyond Gardeners — All welcome, 2nd Monday of each month, Garden ramble, shared lunch, trading table phone 021 063 3444.
Dargaville Aero Club — Learn to fly, free of tuition charges, Gyrocopter, Texan, Stork. Contact Peter 022 025 0235 for further info.
Dargaville Bowling Club Tuesday Bowls — Names by 9.30am, start 10am, finish 2.30pm. Contact Ray King 09 439 5509.
Dargaville Contract Bridge Club — Tuesdays
12.45pm and Thursdays 6.45pm at the Kiosk, Memorial Park, Logan St, Dargaville. or phone Peter 09 439 2437 or 022 405 6439.
Dargaville Floral Art Club — Meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 1pm at The Lighthouse Church, Cnr Normanby & Parore Sts, Dargaville. Enquiries to Dawn Donald 09 439 5413.
Dargaville Friendship Club — meets 2nd Tuesday of the month at 10am at the NW Boating Club. For info phone Brian 09 439 5959.
Dargaville Games Club — 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at the Dargaville Scout Hall, Onslow St, 6pm–9pm.
Dargaville Girls Brigade — For girls 5–15 years. Thursdays after school — 3.30–5pm held at The Lighthouse Church. Contact Pauline Taylor 021 263 7446 or 09 439 7505.
Dargaville Mainly Music — Interactive music and movement for preschoolers and their carers. Wednesdays 10am Baptist church, Victoria St, during term time. Contact Rebecca 021 969 626.
Dargaville Menz Shed — is open Tuesday and Thursday each week from 10am to 3pm and Saturday mornings from 10am to noon. New members are welcome. For more info phone Paul 027 459 3098 or Brian 09 439 6175.
Dargaville Museum — Open every day except Christmas Day and Anzac morning. Hours 9am–4pm April to October, 9am–5pm October to April. Volunteers, visitor hosts and members welcome. Phone 09 439 7555.
Dargaville Scout Group — For boys and girls aged 5–99 years at 23 Onslow St. All info on door or phone
Johnnita 027 296 5889.
Dargaville Women’s Club — Meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month 10am at the Methodist Church, Cnr Normanby Street and Awakino Road. Contact Fiona on 020 4155 5484 for more info.
Grandparents raising grandchildren — First Tuesday of every month except during school holidays. Noon at Whanau focus, Victoria St, Dargaville (next to bakehouse). Contact Sandy or 021 044 6214.
Hikuwai O Kaipara Waka Ama Club — Meet at the NW Boating Club 5pm Mondays and Thursdays from 5pm for Awa training.
Justices of the Peace — available every Thursday from 12–1pm at the Whanau Focus offices, 61 Victoria Street, Dargaville.
Kaihu Valley Music Club — 3rd Sunday of the Month at Kaihu Hall on Woods Road. 1pm–4pm. Enquires to John or May 09 439 0827.
Kaipara Cycling — Calendar of Rides — Thursdays
3.15pm–5.15pm Junior Rides 10 years and older;
5.30pm–7pm Women’s Rides; 5.30pm–7pm Adult Rides. Meet at Time To, Normanby Street. If you are riding the Kauri Coast Mountain Bike Park or you want to join the Kaipara Cycling Club go to join.hivepass. or email
Kaipara Heritage Machinery Club — Open and operating Wednesday and Saturday. New members and volunteers welcome. Something to interest both men and women, come and get involved. Phone 021 106 3635 or 09 439 4614.
Kumarani Creative Centre – Creative Dance! — 5pm Thursdays, 15 Onslow Street. For all ages and abilities, fun and inclusive. Koha.
Kumarani Productions — Tuesdays Circus Kids 5–10 years at 3.45pm–4.45pm, Youth Circus 10–18 years
at 5pm–6.30pm and Dargaville Fire and Circus Jam 6.30pm–8pm. 15 Onslow St. Through school terms only. Koha.
Lions Club of Ruawai — Meets 3rd Thursday of the month (social night) and 1st Thursday of the month (business meeting). For more info contact 09 439 2029 or 09 439 2557.
Lions Dargaville — Meeting 2nd Wednesday of the month in Lions Den, Hokianga Road. Contact John for more information 09 439 5937.
Mt Wesley Angels — Meets 2nd Sunday of the month at Old Mt Wesley Cemetery to preserve, record and care for this historic cemetery. Wear suitable footwear, bring water, gardening gloves and a friend.
Narcotics Anonymous — Tuesdays 1pm–2pm.
1/12 Kapia Street, Dargaville.
Northern Wairoa Country Music Club — 1st Sunday of the month at the Scout Hall, 23 Onslow Street 1–4pm. Enquiries to Bruce 09 439 5513.
Northern Wairoa Genealogy Society — Learn how to trace your family history or understand DNA at the Research Rooms, Dargaville Museum, 4th Sunday of each month, 12.30–2pm. Phone Sue 021 608 606.
Northern Wairoa Indoor Bowls Assn — Starts at 7pm Mondays at Anglican Church Hall, Tuesdays at Ruawai-Tokatoka Hall, Wednesdays at Dalmatian Hall. For more info contact Warren Younger 027 478 5102 or evenings 09 439 6155.
NZ 60s Up Movement — Dargaville Social Meetings held at the Lighthouse Function Centre on 1st Tuesday of the month. Contact President Margaret Pinny 09 439 4560.
Peggy Purls in our Community — Every 3rd Wednesday 10.30am at Dargaville Sewing and Curtain Centre, 59 Normanby St. Ring Charlene 09 439 6120.
Petanque — social play. Mondays 9.15 till 11.30, $2, fun exercise, beginners welcome, all equipment supplied at Sportsville. Judy 09 439 7920.
Pono Lodge Yoga — Pono Lodge, 41 Hokianga Road, Dargaville. Mondays: Hatha Flow 5.30pm, Yin 7pm. Tuesdays: Body Focus 9.30am. For more info contact Anisha 021 301 860 or see our Facebook page Dargaville Yoga.
Practising Presence — Mondays 6–7pm Coronation Hall, Te Kopuru. Led moving and sitting meditations. Remaining in the present moment is the key to inner peace but it takes practice! Exchange: $10 or what you can afford. Maureen 021 0231 8008. www.
Recovery Support Group — Mondays 6.30pm– 9pm. 1/12 Kapia Street, Dargaville. Chrissy 09 601 4153 or 021 564 618.
Rotary Club of Dargaville — meet weekly at 11.30–1pm at the Lions Centre in Hokianga Road. New members always welcome, men and women. If you want to join a Service Club with nearly 85 years to Dargaville. Phone Brian 09 439 6175.
RSA Women’s Section — Social meeting held at the Clubrooms, 4th Monday of the month with guest speakers and afternoon tea. Contact President Noeline Wright 027 733 7396.
Ruawai Gardening Club — Meetings or other activities held on 3rd Thursday of every month, Feb to Nov at the Ruawai Bowling Club, 10am start. New members welcome. Phone Merele 09 439 2335.
Stepping Out Leisure Marching Team — Tuesday 4pm-5pm at the Yugoslav Hall, 20 Normanby St. Contact Sharon 027 439 5634 or 09 439 5634 for more details.
Stitches and Craft — 5 Cranley St, Dargaville. 10am–4pm Tuesday and Friday Contact Lois 027 473 0598 for further details.
Strength & Conditioning — Baylys Beach Community Centre, Mondays and Fridays. Small class groups. 9am–10am, $10 per session. If you’re 50+ and want to improve your movement as you age, this is the class for you. With some commitment you can gain strength as you condition your body for aging. Call Tony 022 311 8447.
Wednesday Crafts — Every Wednesday 10am. Morning tea and lunch will be served. Variety of crafts. The Kiosk at Memorial Park. All welcome. $8per session Contact Judy 027 316 3940.
1 Flooded (5)
4 Horrified (8)
9 Idle scrawl (6)
14 Decorate (5)
15 Very fast and efficiently (4,1,4,2,5) 17 Wheel covers (5)
27 Shone, sparkled (7) 28 Pressing (6) 30 Foam (4) 32 Orb (5) 34 Rugged (5) 36 Halt (4) 38 Evil spell (3) 42 Girl’s name (5)
43 Floor show (7)
44 Gain by work (4) 45 Obtain through intimidation (6)
46 Passenger ship (5)
48 Not obtainable (11)
49 Covers for loss (7)
drug (7)
16 Germans’ name for Germany (11)
22 Strain injury (6) 23 Condition in a contract (7) 24 Horizon (7) 25 Unfluctuating (6)
50 Journey segment (3) 51 Roading material (7) 52 Modernise (6) 53 Alfresco (2,3,4,3) 54 Unexpected drawback (4) 57 Imaginary (6) 64 Psychedelic, vivid (9) 65 Enthusiastic approval (7)
66 Bunch (7)
68 Questioned intensively (7)
70 School bag (7)
71 Plaster wall coating (6)
72 Doomed (5)
74 Multicoloured gemstones (5)
76 Snow house (5)
78 Worry (4)
79 Large plant (4)
ACROSS: 1 Stiff, 4 Leave in the lurch, 14 Salve, 15 Droll, 16 Vibrations, 17 Elect, 19 Fir, 20 Reserve, 21 Witnessed, 22 Urgent, 25 Calculate, 27 Mettle, 28 Flashy, 33 Takes apart, 35 Mar, 36 Accord, 37 Prop, 39 Cub, 41 Disdain, 42 Gateau, 43 By degrees, 44 Radio, 45 Tendency, 50 By, 51 Vendetta, 55 Deuce, 58 Masticate, 59 Talent, 60 Swollen, 61 Raw, 63 Dais, 64 Celery, 65 Ebb, 66 Bankruptcy, 68 Mayhem, 69 Poison, 71 Broadened, 76 Porous, 77 Surcharge, 79 Learner, 81 Nor, 84 Corgi, 85 Regulation, 86 Lucky, 87 Envoy, 88 My lips are sealed, 89 Shine.
Fill the grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. All
DOWN: 2 Turret, 3 False, 5 Exit, 6 Verdict, 7 Intent, 8 Tools, 9 Easiest, 10 Used, 11 Cherry, 12 Aloft, 13 Hearsay, 14 Steeple, 18 Evacuation, 23 Clear, 24 Placebo, 26 Amended, 27 Mercury, 29 Serpent, 30 Malice, 31 Impel, 32 Cradle, 34 Tear, 36 Abode, 38 Pasta, 40 Aged, 45 Timid, 46 Nastily, 47 Eric, 48 Chalet, 49 Curry, 50 Between, 52 Now or never, 53 Ellipse, 54 Trench, 55 Develop, 56 Clubs, 57 Snub, 62 In-law, 67 Secrecy, 68 Meander, 70 Squirms, 72 Regatta, 73 Quarry, 74 Vaults, 75 Weaken, 76 Prove, 78 Cigar, 80 Rough, 82 Fiji, 83 Cope.
Insert the missing letters to complete ten words — five across the grid and five down. More than one solution may be possible.
12MM UTILITY Cladding 2,440 x 1,200 $89. 2,745 x 1,200 $99. Scooters Plywood 09 438 6565.
BORDER COLLIE X Lab-Mix Puppies. Ready to go to homes. Good family dog, $65. Phone 021 046 7509.
CARAVAN EWOF (and marine). Call your local inspector today at A+ Electrical Inspections and Security on 021 240 6764.
CARPET, VINYL and hard flooring. Full supply and installation service. Mobile showroom. Free measure and quote. Phone Christine — Kaipara Flooring Co 021 515 415.
SILAGE FOR Sale. 10 bale equivalent rounds $85+ per bale. Phone 027 478 0185.
SUZUKI ESCUDO Vitara/Grand Vitara — car parts, WOF parts, 4x4 parts etc. Good parts, good prices. Phone Derek 09 439 7573.
TOP SOIL, top quality, $85 per m³ onto your trailer, or truck deliveries available for larger orders. Phone 021 132 4107 or 09 439 5141.
FIREWOOD — dry hot mix $110/m³,
WATER TANK Cleaning. Phone Pete 027 444 3053 or 09 405 9510.
FENCING, ALL types of fencing, pool, stockyards, post & rail, boundary plus… call Jeff 027 476 5458
1 STOP Window & Door Repairs — Seals, Latches, Stays, Wheels, Hinges, Locks, Glass & Glazing. Phone 027 275 0918 or 09 439 6458 — Kevin Sowter or visit my website: — Window & Door Services Ltd.
TREE REMOVAL, pruning, chipping & stump grinding. Qualified & Insured. Phone
MAGIC PROPERTY Services, effluent & septic tank cleaning. Servicing the Kaipara. Phone Chris 027 480 0110 or Mary 027 459 1544. 7 Days. WE ARE THE ONLY CODE COMPLIANT OPERATORS IN THE KAIPARA.
WHEN THE Cat’s Away, Kaipara’s boarding cattery, 027 443 6140.
2 OFF GRID Spaces Caravans/Tiny Homes. 10 minutes from town on lifestyle block. Water supplied. Must be working or retired. Phone 027 4912 857.
SUZUKI 4X4 Wanted to buy — parked, damaged or unwanted, Escudo Vitara/Grand Vitara. Phone Derek 09 439 7573.
Northern Rescue Helicopter is Northland’s dedicated air ambulance service and we rely on the generosity and support of Northlanders to help us save lives.
If you would like to support Northern Rescue, contact us during office hours on 0800 273 728 (0800 2 RESCUE) or email
How can you help? Visit
Dargaville Ford has two new Master Technicians arriving early August 2023 from overseas.
One is single, the other is married with a 6 year old child.
Anything considered even if it is short or long term but permanent preferred. Rental payment guaranteed by Dargaville Ford. Please reply to Lindsay West Dargaville Ford 027 499 1516
• 1 Full time sales role available
• Training provided
• Positive attitude and strong people skills encouraged
• Cell phone and computer knowledge are an asset
Email your CV & Cover Letter to:
Closing date for classified advertising for the July 11 2023 edition is Monday, July 10 2023
Practice Nurse
We are looking for a Registered Nurse to join our busy Medical Centre, full time and part time hours available. Job sharing will be considered for the right applicants. New graduates are also encouraged to apply. The ideal applicant must have; a current APC, excellent communication skills, have a ‘can do’ attitude and work well within a team.
Full on the job training will be provided if you have no previous practice nurse experience. We offer a competitive remuneration package and a great working environment.
Closing date Thursday 21st July 2023
Please send a covering letter and your CV to: Dallas Taylor:
Student Engagement Officer 25 hours per week
We are seeking a Student Engagement Officer to support our students and their whanau to improve the attendance of targeted students in our school. The successful applicant will have:
• Strong communication skills with the ability to establish effective working relationships.
• Ability to work with whanau to identify barriers and solutions to promote regular attendance.
• Effective planning, reporting and organisational skills.
• Maintain confidentiality at all times. This position is fixed term position from Monday 24th July 2023 to Friday 8th December 2023, term time only.
Please send a C.V. and covering letter to: Dargaville High School 57 Plunket Street Dargaville Or email
Closing date: Thursday 13th July 2023
Hours negotiable
We are seeking a qualified and experienced Counsellor to work with women and children in our community. As a well-established community agency, we offer the opportunity to work within a highly skilled and experienced team in a stimulating and supportive work environment, where your well-being is prioritised. Our main office is based in Dargaville.
• Competitive remuneration
• Training opportunities for up-skilling, personal professional development, and career progression
• Travel allowance
• Professional Registration fee paid
• Supportive leave package of extra annual, study, and sick leave
• Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)
• A high level of competence in the assessment and treatment of clients who have experienced trauma
• A background in working with culturally diverse clients
• Experience in working with women and children
• Are familiar with strength-based practice principles
• Show exemplary professional practice
• Thrive in a busy multi-disciplinary team
• Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
• Have a passion for walking alongside those in need, supporting on-going goals on the pathway to recovery
• Membership with NZAC
• Full NZ Driver’s Llicense
• Valid/Current work visa, residency, or citizenship
Successful applicants will hold a Counselling qualification and have experience working in a mental health, social services or trauma field.
If this sounds like you and you want to work for a successful organisation, committed to making a difference in the lives of others then we would like to hear from you!
Please send CV and Cover Letter to Pushpa Joyce, Service Manager,
09 439 6070
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS both Dargaville AA Meetings are held at the church, corner Parore and Normanby Streets. Use Parore St entrance. Monday 4.30pm & Thursday 7.30pm. Phone Bernie 027 212 2148, Ladies 020 4082 1373, Murray 09 439 5248.
ACOUSTIC MUSIC Blackboard Concert — First Thursday of the month — 7–9.30pm, next is 6th July 2023, Kaipara Community Centre, Hokianga Road, Dargaville. $2 entry, $2 raffle. Performers and audience welcome. Phone Allan 09 439 6933 or 021 439 697. An enjoyable night to be part of, sit back and be entertained by some great local talent.
ARE YOU having problems with a mobile phone or other device? Next Digital Clinic is Friday 7 July. Call in or phone the Citizens Advice Bureau, for more information and to make an appointment. 37 Hokianga Road, phone 09 439 6100.
DARGAVILLE HEALING rooms 7pm Tuesdays. No charge & no appointment necessary. Lion of Judah Building, River Road. All Welcome. Check us out on Facebook.
SALE SALE 5th -14th July, LION OF JUDAH OP SHOP. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9am - 5pm. $5 Fill a Bag Women’s Clothing, 2 for 1, EVERYTHING ELSE!
“The Vintage Years” by Bruce Galloway. A history of the Kaipara Heritage Machinery (Dargaville) Inc.
1.30pm Saturday 8th July 2023
Come and join us and hear more tales and reminiscences of the building of our most interesting museum at Harding Park. Free entry to museum. Kaipara Heritage Machinery Inc
Saturday 15th
July 2023
2pm at the club rooms
Kaipara Community Health Trust
Need transport to a health appointment?
For enquiries phone Te Ha Oranga 439 3013
Wednesday evenings 7pm – 9pm | $2 per night
Dargaville High School Gym, Plunket St (note change of venue.) Some racquets available.
All Welcome 13 yrs & over | Enquiries 021 439 157
(Section 127(2), Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012)
Dargaville Rugby and Sports Club Inc of Dargaville, has made application to the Kaipara District Licensing Committee for the issue of the renewal of a Club licence in respect of the premises situated at Murdoch Street, Dargaville known as Dargaville Rugby Club
The general nature of the business conducted under the licence is Sport Club
The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is intended to be sold under the licence are: Sunday to Thursday 11am to 10pm and Friday & Saturday 11am to 1am the following day.
The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the Kaipara District Council offices at The Hub, 6 Molesworth Drive, Mangawhai or 32 Hokianga Road, Dargaville.
Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the issue of the licence may, not later than 15 working days after the publication of this public notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee, Private Bag 1001, Dargaville 0340.
No objection to the issue of a licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 105(1) of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
This is the only publication of this notice.
Wife and soulmate of David (Hog), sister of Yvette and Ian Gilchrist, aunty and great-aunty to Hayley and Marlin, Luke, Deanna and Jordyn.
Passed away peacefully after a brave and selfless journey on 19th June 2023.
A memorial service will be held for Natalie with friends and family at a later date.
On Sunday 25th June 2023, Jenny passed away peacefully at home with Ian holding her hand. Beloved wife of Ian, best and cherished mum to Andrew, Sara, Simon, and Susanna. Wonderful Granny, G’y, Great Granny, Aunty, Sister, Mother-in-law, and Friend. Special thanks to the wonderful nurses and staff at Dargaville Hospital and Hospice and support services for their care.
A service for Jenny has been held at the Lighthouse Function Centre, Dargaville Friday 30th June 2023. All communications to the “Stoddart Family” c/- PO Box 306, Dargaville 0340.
6 April 1956 - 2 July 2023
Dearly loved husband and soulmate for 46 years. Rest in peace. Love Linda.
Dearly loved son of the late Alan Cathro and Norma. Much respected step son to Tom. Brother to Victor & Donna, Debbie, Terry & Philippa, Peter & Tracey, Alison & Bino, Francelle, Andrea & Alan and all of his many nephews & nieces. So deeply loved
6 April 1956 - 2 July 2023
Passed away suddenly at home on Sunday 2 July aged 67. Dearly loved husband to Linda (nee Cole). Son of Alan Cathro (deceased) and Norma Ker. Son in law to Frank Cole & the late Daphne Cole. Eldest of 8. Respected and loved dearly by siblings, Victor, Debbie, Terry, Peter, Alison, Francelle & Andrea and his many nephews & nieces. Loved by all extended family. Service to be held on Friday 7 July, 11am at Baptist Church, Dargaville. Forever in our hearts
6 April 1956 - 2 July 2023
One of life’s gentlemen and a true friend. Someone who has helped so many people for many years. May he rest in peace. Ron & Dani Halliday.
SOCIAL MEDIA is trusted as a news
by only 16% OF KIWIS
The Kaipara Moana is a very special place. As the largest harbour in the Southern Hemisphere, it is home to threatened and taonga species, and rare habitats. It also has major economic value as the breeding ground for New Zealand’s snapper fishery. However, sediment levels in the Harbour have put this at risk.
Kaipara Moana Remediation (KMR) invests in projects that reduce sediment flows into the Kaipara Harbour. Funded by Jobs for Nature, KMR supports farmers and groups to fence off and plant waterways and eroding hillsides.
To date, KMR has invested in projects worth over $9.3 million, supporting nature-based jobs in communities right across the 640,000-hectare Kaipara Moana catchment in both Northland and Auckland.
18 months into operational delivery, KMR is supporting a growing number of local landowners, hapū and community groups in the Kaipara District. We are also rolling out some exciting new initiatives in your area – come and join us!
Justine Daw Pou Tātaki, KMRJobs: KMR has invested in local businesses, communities and young people by;
Accrediting 24 local suppliers and 20 nurseries.
Training 51 Field Advisors to working alongside landowners. Creating 120,000 hours of new work.
Nature: KMR is working with more than a third of the landowners in the catchment:
510 landowners are taking action or scoping projects with KMR.
420 Sediment Reduction Plans are in plans to unlock KMR funding.
89,000 hectares is managed under the KMR Sediment Reduction Plan.
850,000 natives have been planted or are contracted for planting.
440km of fencing have been completed or contracted.
On 1 July, KMR launched an on-farm extension pilot with Kaipara Agri Solutions and Kaipara Farm Vets spanning Dargaville, Ruawai, Te Kōpuru and nearby areas. The collaboration draws on the trusted relationships between vets and landowners, and the technical expertise of Kaipara Agri Solutions, to reduce on-farm sediment losses. The partnership will unlock KMR funding for participating farmers to retire and plant up waterways and erosion-prone hillsides.
KMR is developing around 20 ‘Navigator’ projects across the Kaipara Moana catchment. Led by local landowners, these flagship sites will demonstrate larger-scale or innovative sediment reduction projects and share know-how with others in the community.
Local Navigator project leaders Penny Smart and Hal Harding run a 480-hectare dairy farm on a mix of rolling Te Kōpuru sand hills and Kaipara flats in the Northern Wairoa sub-catchment. On the farm’s steeper areas and wetlands, Penny and Hal have worked hard over the years to exclude stock and plant natives. Their Navigator project will significantly extend protection of the wetlands on the property, restoring habitat for the rare matuku hūrepo (bittern) and a native orchid.
Penny and Hal are hosting a DairyNZ field day on 11 July 2023 to share their journey with local farmers and show their recent planting of over 47,000 native flax, shrubs, and trees. For more information, email