October 22 2013
10,000 Copies DELIVERED FREE throughout the Kaipara
Funding call for life flights Glorious weather for Rotary’s 75th
More than 60 members, partners and supporters of the club came to the Lighthouse Function Centre …
Ruawai kids view top art in their town More than $2 million worth of art trucked its way into Ruawai last week …
p Chief pilot of the Northpower rescue chopper, Pete Turnball, on standby at the Whangarei base. See story on page 7 …
Rates strike to continue u by Paul Campbell
The Mangawhai Residents and Ratepayers Association has vowed to continue and extend its controversial rates strike following a special general meeting at the weekend which endorsed Bruce Rogan as chairman, and saw the executive committee completely replaced.
Students provide vibrant shelter for patients P8
The meeting of some 200 residents was called after a move from the former committee to replace Mr Rogan. “We now have a new MRRA committee of nine people including myself and we are going hell for leather and we are not backing off in any way,” said Mr Rogan. “The rates strike will continue and
hopefully it will widen. It is our most powerful tool. “We will also be instituting a big publicity and information campaign to promote visibility and awareness of this illegal rates situation right across the country, and counter the spin from the Kaipara District Council.”
The rates strike emanated from the increased amounts levied to compensate for the cost blowout for the Mangawhai waste water scheme, which plunged the district council into debt and led to its elected councillors being replaced by commissioners. continued on page 3 …
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OctOber 22 - 2013
History on the hilltop
The Kaipara Lifestyler is published with pride by NorthSouth Multi Media Ltd, a privately owned Kaipara company. Phone: 09 439 6933 or 0800 466 793 • Fax: 09 439 6930 Email: • Postal Address: PO Box 474, Dargaville Physical Address: Lifestyler House, 107 River Road, Dargaville General Manager: Deb Wright | 021 639 696 Kaipara Lifestyler Editor at large: Paul Campbell 09 439 6933 Editorial: Graphic Design: Advertising: Colin Patterson Gavin Bainbridge Andy Bryenton Andy Bryenton Jan Balcombe Kylie Baucke Brian Eastwood Paul Bakulich Anjuli Toia James Menzies Greer Mackay Jessica Wright
Production: Brenda Ilton Circulation: Laurie Willetts
Accounts: Lesley Robinson | Photographer: Caryl Smith | 021 110 5627 Read The Lifestyler online — Opinions expressed in this publication, by advertisers or contributors, are not necessarily those of NorthSouth Multi Media Ltd.
Kaipara Lifestyler distribution details 10,000 copies printed weekly and distributed on Tuesday to every residential and rural home throughout the district including Dargaville, Ruawai, Paparoa, Matakohe, Maungaturoto, Kaiwaka, Mangawhai and Wellsford. Tangiteroria RD1, Dargaville RD1, RD2, RD3, RD4, RD6, RD7, RD9, RD10, Te Kopuru RD1, Ruawai RD1, RD2, Paparoa RD1, Maungaturoto RD1, RD4, Matakohe RD1, Kaiwaka RD, Mangawhai, Wellsford residential, and Wellsford RD2, RD4, RD5.
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p Threatening clouds did nothing to dampen the enthusiasm of history and vintage machinery buffs on Saturday, as the Northern Wairoa Vintage Machinery Club’s crank-up day started with a hiss and a roar. Visitors were treated to displays of classic machines, from iron-wheeled tractors to the hottest new Ford Mustang ‘Boss’ — a cornucopia of classic engines and colonial crafts enjoyed by all.
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p The sounds and tastes of New Orleans came to the Kaipara on the 12th and 13th of this month as the Aratapu Tavern hosted their second ever jazz festival weekend, a two-day ‘jam session’ for musicians and patrons alike to enjoy. In the spirit of the city they call ‘the Big Easy’ the event was a laid-back tour of America’s most famous musical artform, hosted in friendly surroundings with a crew of seasoned musos at the helm.
Getting to grips with hoops
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p Circus Kumarani is celebrating 10 years in the Kaipara, where it has built up a tradition of teaching young people skills — and more. “It’s a tool for engaging with the community,” says manager Jenny Huriwai. Engagement has included school holiday programmes, and the children above are apparently putting plenty of fun into a session learning all about the intricate possibilities when playing with hoops.
Glorious weather for Rotary’s 75th It seemed appropriate that as Dargaville Rotary Club celebrated its 75th anniversary on Sunday, there was cloudless blue sky.
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER October 22 - 2013 … continued from front page
Rates strike to continue A draft rates validation Bill confirmed that many rates generated over the past six years were invalid, and the MRRA has been favoured over the council in a court decision that there is a case to answer. A fixture has been set for February. Following the KRRA meeting, the chair of the Kaipara Citizen’s and
Ratepayers Association, Bill Guest, said ”the sooner the court hearing is heard, the better, so we can have a resolution to all this and move on from it.” The chair of commissioners for the KDC, John Robertson said that they look forward to working with the new executive of the MRRA. ¢
Debbie Evans gives Kaipara a voice on the DHB u by Colin Patterson
New Northland District Health Board member Debbie Evans is delighted to have a second chance to influence the direction of the region’s health services.
p The 75th anniversary cake was cut by President Margaret Bishop and the club’s oldest member 93-year-old Harry Lendrum who has been in Rotary since 1967
More than 60 members, partners and supporters of the club came to the Lighthouse Function Centre at Harding Park to reminisce and celebrate three quarters of a century of good deeds and community service. Past president Neil Clements reminded those present that Dargaville was the region’s second Rotary club. A little more than a year after its founding, the club’s ranks were thinned enormously because of the outbreak of war. But it survived and flourished in the post-war period. Kaipara District Council commissioner Richard Booth passed on the best wishes of the commissioners. Past District Governor Barry Tuck presented a certificate signed by Rotary International president Ron Burton recognising the club’s anniversary and its record of service to the community. Current club president Margaret Bishop told her audience that she was in awe of those who had gone before her.
The club started up when the country was emerging from a serious economic depression and when the name of Rotary and the concept of service to the community were largely unknown. Mrs Bishop also played tribute to current Rotarians who were unable to be present, including Ross Mawson who has been a member for 56 years and is currently the longest-serving. She also remembered those who have passed on, including Murray Burnett, Murray Harnett and Tom McKay who was a Rotarian for more than 70 years until he died at the age of 103. However, Mrs Bishop had happier tasks to perform including recognising Bruce Wade for 40 years of service, and presenting sapphire pins to Neil Clements and Roger Schick for their work as youth director and treasurer respectively. She was then joined by the club’s oldest member 93-year-old Harry Lendrum to cut the anniversary cake. ¢
Ms Evans was elected to the board at the local authority elections on October 12. She was the only successful Kaipara candidate among the seven members elected across Northland. It is her second time on the board, she served as an appointee of the Minister of Health from 2007 to 2010. “It’s amazing to be elected by the community. I’m ready to hit the ground running this time round, I’m looking forward to helping make a difference in Northland’s health services, and would like to thank everyone who put their faith in me and supported me during my campaign.” As chief executive of the Dargaville Community Health Trust, which owns 46% of Dargaville Hospital in partnership with the Northland District Health Board, she says that there may be times when she may have to declare a conflict of interest, but this is nothing unusual and is managed at board level. However, Ms Evans says she remains a passionate advocate for better and more accessible health services.
p Debbie Evans
“I’m one of 11 on the board. I bring to the table over eight years of working with communities on local health issues at a grassroots level, and my passion for keeping health services as close to home as possible. Technology is going to change the way some health services are delivered in the future, and change can be cause for concern for many people. I am committed to ensuring that communities are keep fully informed of new innovations so they can feel comfortable adopting them.”
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OctOber 22 - 2013
Jaws of steel Take a 12-tonne metal press, a wellequipped workshop and a little ingenuity — and the result is a budding sculptor.
Top trail riders target Tangiteroria u by Colin Patterson
Many of Northland’s top trail riders are headed for the settlement of Tangiteroria on Labour Weekend to experience some of the region’s most scenic landscapes.
p Ken Subritsky with his steel shark and ‘flying’ stingrays
Pahi engineer, Ken Subritsky was on a shopping visit to Whangarei when he spotted some metal sculpture in a gallery window and thought: “I could do that.” Back home in his large shed, he sorted out some scrap steel he “had lying around” and set to work. “I had had a go at painting pictures over the years, but I wasn’t much good. But when I started playing with the steel I reckoned I might have found my calling.” First out of the workshop was a series of steel stingrays, sweeping curves that had them ‘swimming’ through the air on pedestals, and the reaction from friends was encouraging. “Then I got a bit ambitious,” says Ken. “I have this thing about sharks, so I cranked up the press, and made the body of the beast in two halves, cut and welded the fins and tail, and there he was. Some grinding and polishing still on the go, but I’ve had some great comments. I just might have found my artistic niche.”
They are coming to take part in the Tangiteroria Trail Ride on Sunday, October 27. The event is a fundraiser for Tangiteroria School. Organiser Scott Taylor says more than 400 riders took part in last year’s event. This year, riders will ride a 35km course starting off Pukehuia Rd, 5.5km south of Tangiteroria. A shorter 2.7km course will cater for the youngest riders. “It’s a huge growing sport. Lots of adults come with their kids.” Mr Taylor says participants have to provide their own bikes. But they don’t have to pre-register. “It’s whoever turns up on the day.” Registration is $30 for adults, $15 for those under 16, although there is no charge for those who ride only the junior course.
Participants will have to wear appropriate safety gear such as boots and helmets, while all bikes will have to be roadworthy and have warrants of fitness. First aid services and an ambulance will be on site. “We want to make the event as safe as we can,” says Mr Taylor. He says the school hopes to raise $10,000 from the event. “We’ll earn it in one day. It sure beats 20 sausage sizzles.” Although the school has yet to decide what the funds raised will be used for, proceeds from last year’s ride went into a major upgrade of the school’s computer system and buying sports gear and musical instruments. For more information go to http://www. ¢
Showcasing the past u by Paul Campbell
One of Kaipara’s original farming homesteads is to open to the public next month, and visitors will take a ride into history.
p The kauri-panelled ballroom
“We are opening Totara House for visitors on November 23 with a fleet of vintage cars transporting people into the past,” says museum CEO, Bet Nelley. The kauri homestead housed the Smith family, whose forebears came ashore with the Albertland settlers in the mid 1800s and farmed extensively in the area, after first establishing themselves as kauri millers. Totara House was the birthplace of 102-year-old Mavis Smith, who died at home last year. With her late siblings and cousins, she was a founder of The Kauri Museum in the 1960s and when she became the last of her family line, she gifted her 12-acre property with the proviso that it be kept as it was in her lifetime. The home features a huge kauri-panelled billiard and ballroom and pioneer memorabilia. “At 9.30am on opening day, a ribbon will be cut by family and museum trust board at the gate to the property,” said Ms Nelley “The entry fee will be $10 to go towards the preservation of this lovely old historic Matakohe beauty, and on opening day this comes with tea and pikelets in the garden. “Hostesses in pioneer costume will guide you through the gracious old house telling the stories that have been passed down by Mavis and by family.
Cruising the kaipara
Departs Pahi daily 26th Oct to 3rd Nov
This is a slice of history that shows how one family lived in this house for over 100 years. The beautiful kauri panelling in the billiard room is outstanding “Tickets will be available at the entrance of The Kauri Museum and we will deliver visitors over to Totara House in vintage cars. We would also welcome visitors to dress up for the occasion. “At the museum itself there will be wood chopping demonstrations at 11.00am and there will be woodworkers and tool collectors in the hall. Heritage rose ladies will be on hand to talk roses both at the Museum and at Totara House. There will also be pony trap rides and stalls, and music at the museum, and the Otamatea Quilters will have a display.” After the opening day, Totara House will be open by appointment for bookings by organised groups, such as service and gardening clubs. ¢
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Beneath the Surface
John Robertson QSO
Chair of Commissioners
Kaipara’s economic growth over the year ending March 2013 was 3.4 per cent. Our growth is ahead of those of other local government districts in Northland. It was underpinned by strong activity in our forestry and dairy industries. This is very encouraging news. While most of us will not feel the impact of this growth in the short term, “trickle down” theories suggest that this will stimulate other economic activity. We need this to continue. Our agriculture, forestry and horticultural industries are important drivers of jobs and income. An indicator for Council of economic activity is the number of building consents issued. Over the last 9 months Council has received an average of 54 building consent applications a month. This peaked in May with 76 before dropping back no doubt because of winter. As we move further into spring the numbers are increasing again. The Commissioners have been very impressed with the way local communities generate their own energy and do things for themselves. They remain positive and optimistic and exhibit the can do attitude that our forefathers would recognise and be proud of. There are a number of regular community markets being held around the district. In places like Dargaville, Mangawhai, Kaiwaka, Maungaturoto, Paparoa and Te Kopuru, where there is always a selection of fresh produce and crafts locally grown and made for people to try and buy. If you haven’t been to a market, I encourage you to do so. There are also any number of impressive community projects being seeded in the District including but not limited to: Dargaville – the pontoon redevelopment plans; Kellys Bay – building of a gabion wall; Ruawai – the wharf redevelopment plans; Paparoa – the continued development of walkways and the landing area; Maungaturoto – gardens in the township and the wharf; and Mangawhai – the Activity Zone including the Historical Museum, skate-park and the continuing development of a series of walking tracks. This seems to be a time for celebrating major milestones for a number of our communities and service groups. Several communities have celebrated or are about to their 150th anniversary including Maungaturoto (which Commissioner Colin Dale will attend), Paparoa and Matakohe, and Ruawai will soon celebrate its 100th.
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Commissioner Richard Booth recently attended the centenary celebrations of the Dargaville Volunteer Fire Brigade which was a wonderful day full of colour, machinery and celebration. This culminated in a special presentation dinner at the Town Hall where the President of the Auckland Provincial Fire Brigades Association presented the Dargaville Brigade with a special commemorative plaque. Those who volunteer their services make a remarkable commitment to their community giving willingly of their time to make things safer for others. Volunteer fire brigades are always looking for volunteers so if you think this is you, I encourage you to contact your local brigade. Commissioner Booth will also be attending the upcoming 75th Anniversary celebrations for Dargaville Rotary, a service group which along with others like Lions is to be saluted for its wonderful, selfless efforts out in the community making it a better place. Commissioners and Council staff will be holding meetings with various communities over the next several months to understand what the priorities of each community are and how Council can help them achieve these. This is part of our Community Planning process. We are currently recruiting a Community Facilitator whose role will be to develop, manage and progress these community plans. Meetings have been held with the Baylys and Tinopai communities, both of which were well attended and successful in helping Council to understand what is most important for each community. The Baylys community identified that for it the most important thing was Ripiro Beach, more particularly how the entrance to the Beach looked and how the access to it was maintained to a sufficient standard that allowed vehicles to enter safely. The Tinopai community identified that its priority was the Tinopai Wharf. We will be meeting with the community of Pahi in November and others will follow throughout next year. Commissioners have also been engaging with business interests in the community, recreation and sport organisations, arts associations and mana whenua to learn of their aspirations. Kaipara communities can be very proud of their strong community activities and networks. It is a privilege for the Commissioners to work alongside them.
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OctOber 22 - 2013
A quilting prize for charity The Otamatea Quilters group has established a reputation for producing outstanding examples of what was essentially a pioneer craft. The group is holding their 29th Annual quilt show at The Kauri Museum from October 22 to November 24, with members of the group on site to advise and inform from October 25 to 27. A highlight of the exhibition will be a raffle, with the prize an awardwinning patchwork quilt creation, titled Spring Blooms. Each year the 19 lady members from Ruawai, Paparoa and Maungaturoto create a quilt to raffle for local charity
Details of the proposed redevelopment of State Highway 1 between Puhoi and Warkworth were debated at a public meeting in Kaiwaka last week, following an update from NZTA project manager, Patrick Kelly.
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“There was spirited discussion arising from the updated details presented by Mr Kelly and it was apparent that when completed the new highway will be a great asset to the Kaipara and the rest of Northland,” said one of the meeting organisers, Tim McGill. The road is expected to boost tourism, as well as ease the flow of goods and services from the north to Auckland and its port and airport. “The meeting was well aware that congestion south of Warkworth can be huge, particularly at holiday weekends when the tailback to the Northern Gateway tunnels can be 18km,” added Mr McGill. The NZ Transport Agency says details of its application and supporting documents to construct the Puhoi to Warkworth section of the Puhoi to Wellsford Road of National Significance are now available on-line at Their publication follows formal acceptance of the application and documents by the Environmental Protection Authority. Highways Manager, Tommy Parker, encourages people to review the documents online. “Although the public submission process has not yet begun — we anticipate that will happen around November — we’ve made this information available as soon as possible for people to review.”
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Search Results
Ruawai kids view top art in their town u by Colin Patterson
More than $2 million worth of art trucked its way into Ruawai last week, giving country students the chance to get up and personal with works from some of New Zealand’s most well known artists. The Real Art Show is the brainchild of Wanaka philanthropist Fiona Campbell. Ms Campbell was a shareholder in Trade Me. When Fairfax bought the business she received a large payout. Having an interest in art, she decided to set up an entity with the aim of bringing art closer to schoolchildren, especially in rural areas. Ruawai College art teacher Julie Hale says the college accepted an offer a year ago to host the exhibition. During its four-day stay in Ruawai it was visited by students from the college, Ruawai Primary and kindergarten, as well as students from Matakohe and Tinopai. “It’s a really good opportunity to bring art and creativity to rural communities.” After viewing the 65 works of New Zealand art, Year 12, student Ben Casey, 16, said the Real Art Show had opened his eyes to the creativity of Kiwis. “I’m quite impressed with how crazy people are.” He picked Shadow Breaker, a 2007
mountain landscape by Neil Frazer, as his favourite. “I like how the colours vary. It looks interesting. The colours are surreal.” Classmate Jessica Bellamy, 17, picked the same work as her favourite. “I love the colours.” She said the travelling exhibition was amazing and was a rare opportunity to view top works art in person. “I normally only get to see them on computer.” Wellington artist Paul Forrest, who acts as a p Real Art Roadshow educator Paul Forrest talks with Ruawai College year 12 art students teacher with the Real Art Road Show, says more than 9,000 the layers of their eyes so they can people — mostly children — have understand what they are looking at.” viewed the exhibition as it has made The Real Art Road Roadshow is at its way across Northland over the last Otamatea High School in Maungaturoto six weeks. “My job is to help people on Tuesday and Wednesday this week look at art. It’s almost like peeling back before heading to Auckland. ¢
Funding call for life flights Northland’s Electricity Rescue Helicopter service reaches a 25-year milestone next month and Northland Emergency Services Trust’s chairman John Bain is hoping for a highly successful fundraising appeal to mark the event. The first medical mission was flown on November 17, 1988 and since then more than 15,000 patients have been flown to emergency medical treatment. There’s support too from All Blacks’ selector Grant Fox who is encouraging Kaipara residents and all Northlanders to donate during the just launched 25th anniversary fundraising campaign. “Well over a thousand lives saved in 25 years and more than 15,000 people flown … that’s incredible,” says Grant. “They do a great job. It’s worth supporting. You never know when you might need it. This service and the people who operate it, and are inside it, give selflessly and service their community. Mr Bain is adamant at least 20% of flights have been life saving thanks to reaching patients in the crucial ‘golden hour and platinum half hour’. Mr Bain says because of the impact it has had on the community, any Northlanders 25 years or younger simply expect it as a public service. “But I also want to hear from people all around the world who have benefitted from this service. The fact is, we need that generosity to keep saving lives because we are a nonprofit organisation. Northland electricity lines companies Northpower and Top Energy, which have sponsored Northland’s Electricity Rescue Helicopter service since 1988, will again match public donations to the 2013 Electricity Rescue Helicopter Appeal up to $150,000. People can donate in three ways: Return your Freepost official
donation envelope sent out to all Northland homes; Donate at any Northland ASB Branch; Internet banking donation to ERH Appeal, ASB, 12-31060046000-00. Those who donate $5 or more can be in to win one of 60 rides in an Electricity Rescue Helicopter. northland.rescuehelicopter. ¢
p The rescue helicopter evacuated a medical emergency case from Pahi recently
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The founder of Northland’s Electricity Rescue Helicopter service is paying tribute to the paramedics and pilots who have helped save hundreds of lives since 1988. Just weeks out from the Northland Emergency Services Trust’s official 25th anniversary, NEST Chairman John Bain is hoping for a highly successful Year 25 fundraising appeal And his stance is being backed by All Blacks’ selector Grant Fox who is encouraging Northlanders to donate to their lifesaving air ambulance service during the just launched 25th anniversary fundraising campaign Says Mr Fox: “Well over a thousand lives saved in 25 years and more than 15,000 people flown ... that’s incredible.”
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OctOber 22 - 2013
Carrick gets a bigger audience
u by Colin Patterson
Big River DJ Carrick Blacker has found himself a bigger gig.
Students provide vibrant shelter for patients u by Colin Patterson
Twenty-five years after it was built, a gazebo at Dargaville Hospital is once again providing shelter for patients thanks to the efforts of Lions and local high school students.
p Big River FM announcer Carrick Blacker will now be heard throughout Northland every Saturday on More FM
For the last four months Carrick, 19, has been doing an internship at Big River FM Dargaville. For four hours a day he is the voice of the Kaipara. “I read the weather and I find things to talk about. I also do interviews with people in the community.“ His on-air persona has so impressed the big boys that Carrick has received a promotion. He will now be heard on More FM Whangarei from 9am to 11 on Saturdays. He is looking forward to being heard throughout Northland. But working in the big smoke will be a change from community radio in the Kaipara. “There will be a
lot less talking and more music.” Originally from Palmerston North, Carrick got into radio because “I quite like talking”. After completing a 20-week course at the NZ School of Radio, he applied for an internship at Big River and was accepted. He says Big River FM manager Anaru Tana arranged his new assignment. “Anaru knows Richard Jones at Media Works. He sorted it.” Now living in Dargaville, Carrick admits he will now do plenty of driving to and from Whangarei every weekend. But he will continue on air at Big River during the week. ¢
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p Dargaville High School art students enjoy the refurbished gazebo at Dargaville Hospital. Debbie Evans from the Kaipara Community Health Trust is at the far right. Teachers Sean McDonnell and Fiona Cooper are are far left and second from right respectively
Originally built by Pakeke Lions in 1988, the gazebo was starting to look tired and dirty. Kaipara Community Health Trust chief executive Debbie Evans says it had become the unofficial smoking area for staff, patients and visitors. “Since smoking is no longer permitted on hospital grounds, the gazebo was destined for demolition.” However, Ms Evans suggested a makeover that would make the gazebo more appealing for patients their families and visitors to use. A community project was then set up. Dargaville Lions removed a build up of moss, before water blasting, sanding and rebuilding the gazebo. Fosters Home Decorating supplied items at heavily discounted prices. Finally, Dargaville High year 10 Art students designed and painted eight panels showcasing the district’s landscapes and incorporating smoke-
free messages. Art teacher Sean McDonnell who along with Head of Department Fiona Cooper co-ordinated the project, said it involved several months of work, most of it involving students developing and finalising their designs. The students then spent a weekend at school painting their designs before the panels were taken to the hospital and attached to the gazebo. What did the students learn from the exercise? “Time management,” said one. “Leadership and commitment,” said another. “We enjoyed helping out with the hospital,” said a third. Ms Evans is delighted with the result. “I am pleased we have been able to restore the gazebo and provide a pleasant place for our patients to recuperate and enjoy the fresh smoke free air and sunshine.” ¢
AGentS for:
31 Gladstone St, Dargaville Ph 09 439 6166
Repair costs strain Big River Radio’s resources u by Colin Patterson
Dargaville’s community radio station has had to spend thousands of dollars to remain on the air, and faces further major bills to maintain and replace elderly equipment. Big River FM manager Anaru Tana says the community station has spent $17,000 in the last two months replacing internal hardware, mainly computer servers. Mr Tana says the expenditure was more than he would have liked but was necessary to keep the station’s equipment running and on the air. But with the station now 16 years old and with its computers dating from 2002, unexpected maintenance and repair costs are likely to be recurring. “Our transmitter site at Rowland Rd has had patch-up repairs over a number of years. But it needs a complete refit. That could cost from $20,000 to $50,000.” A transmitter refit is essential and Mr Tana says the work will have to be done in the next 12 to 24 months. “We can do a certain amount ourselves. But because its high-tech equipment, specialist technicians will have to be called on to do the rest.” Because the station does not have the money for that work, Big River FM will seek assistance through grants. Despite the recent unanticipated expenditure, Mr Tana says Big River is in good shape. It has funded these costs without going into overdraft and has remained on the air 24 hours a day, seven days a week on 98.6FM and 88.2FM.
Northland Emergency Services YEARTrust
Electricity Rescue
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Depending on atmospheric conditions it can be picked up from Aranga in the north to Ruawai in the south. Mr Tana says Big River would like to extend its reception to include Maungaturoto, Kaiwaka and Mangawhai. But there is no time frame for this to happen. ¢
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OctOber 22 - 2013
Garden glory on display u by Andy Bryenton
We’re only a week away from the start of November and with Labour Weekend also fast approaching, the balmy days of summer are keenly anticipated by all.
Markir Drainage Ltd
One of the best parts of a Northland summer is the chance to get outdoors and enjoy the green and growing things of nature — either out in the wilderness or closer to home. It’s no surprise, with our generous helping of sunshine hours, that many Kaipara folks are avid
Mark Wharfe Certifying Drainlayer Ph/Fax: 09 431 4907 Mob: 027 477 8678 Domestic Drainage Septic Tanks & Effluent Fields Secondary Treatment Systems Stormwater / Watertanks We cover Tomarata, Mangawhai, Kaiwaka and Langs Beach
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Now is the time to enjoy the prime of your life...
p Blooming beautiful gardens like these will delight safari-goers this November
gardeners, tending to a lush profusion of plants both useful and ornamental. Ask any gardener, and they’ll tell you that the only thing better than spending some quality time amid the greenery is taking inspiration from the grand designs of other green-fingered garden gurus. That’s one of the aims of the forthcoming House and Garden Safari, being held on November 2 by
the good people of the Parish of the Northern Wairoa. As in previous years, the safari will take in gardens big and small, town and country, with both native and imported varieties of trees, shrubs, plants and flowers. From symmetrical designs drawn from the formal pleasure gardens of Baroque-era Europe, through to the vibrancy and profusion of modern
Riverdale •
Join us on November 2nd as a part of Dargaville’s Garden Safari Meet the Riverdale community, enjoy our park-like gardens, and see for yourself all that this modern, secure village has to offer.
The heart of Riverdale is the welcoming McLeod Hall, the centre of the village’s social life.
Our aim is to promote an environment where residents can live in companionship with neighbours who have similar standards and interests. Spend your time in the privacy of your own home, or enjoy the company of likeminded neighbours. You decide. The duty manager will look after communal maintenance needs. We’ll take care of all your building insurance, rates, exterior maintenance and communal gardening. You just concentrate on having a good time.
Warm, spacious home designed for easy living.
For those who want to enjoy life at their own pace... Select homes available NOW to view at Riverdale Talk to Jean or Kelvin at our Garden Safari Open Day! Charity Sausauge Sizzle On Site - Gold Coin donation Ray White Dargaville REAA2008
Jean Johnson 027 499 6493 09 439 7575
Private gardens & professionally maintained grounds, complete a peaceful atmosphere.
Kelvin Windsor 027 570 4600 Licence 10008608 09 439 7575
enthusiasts into their gardens and the tranquillity homes. of Eastern influences All proceeds from ticket — the safari covers all sales will go towards the the bases. And it’s not just fishing good work in the community gnomes and the odd marble carried out by the Parish of the Northern Wairoa, for bird bath which intrepid whom this engaging local safari-goers will find amid the foliage. Avante-garde event is a major fundraiser. extras such as Koi carp With safari-goers free to ponds, 100-year-old trees, wend their way between the and even a helicopter pad properties on the map at are all features of the their leisure, this is a day gardens on display. of unhurried appreciation The other half of the of both human creativity safari’s title alludes to and the natural world. the artistic flair with which Make sure to bring many of the more than some spare change for a dozen feature homes the delicious home-made on the tour have been refreshments on offer in p The historic Conn homestead was a major drawcard for 2011’s garden safari decorated. many of the garden stops, Patrons will discover everything the venues on the safari, and at one and plan for a leisurely ramble between from ultra-modern black and glass noteworthy home the resident artist will 9am and 4.30pm as you take in some of to victorian-era colonial influences in open up a gallery display for patrons. the most stunning gardenscapes which the living areas of these showcase Riverdale Village will play host to a the Dargaville region has to offer. dwellings, offering many opportunities convenient mid-tour stop for those who Who knows — the seeds of inspiration choose to indulge, with a sausage sizzle planted this year may very well mature to salt away a little inspiration. Fans of television show ‘Grand on site provided by Jean and Kelvin from over time, until your own home and Designs’ will appreciate the way in the local Ray White office. garden are ready to take pride of place which architecture and nature have Of course, this entire exercise would been balanced inside and out, making not be possible without the diligent the home component of the safari just efforts of a dedicated organising team, as important as the garden aspect. and of course kind local gardeners and Refreshments are available at many of homeowners willing to invite fellow
S R S! R U O I O O I R I R E E SER SUP INT We can’t fix your garden, but for a better, brighter home... We are the experts to call!
in a future safari. Remember, of course, to take note of any stylistic cues, neat ideas or divine designs, and ask our local professionals (inside the home and out) about how best to implement them at your place! ¢
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OctOber 22 - 2013
Rural Property Investment Property Commercial Property
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“Covering the Kaipara”
Residential and Property Management
New entertainment age arrives u Andy Bryenton
The convenience of being able to bring big-name movies and games home has returned to Dargaville, after the town’s branch of the international Blockbuster chain looked set to close its doors earlier this month.
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Local entrepreneurs Chris and Wendy Cocurullo have taken over the home entertainment centre, providing not just a new name, but also a boost to the entire concept of media rental in what many see as a computer-dominated age. Now called Blue 2 — the DVD Centre, the Victoria St store has seen the delivery of over 1,000 new titles, in the high-definition blu-ray format as well as more traditional DVD’s. New titles from popular TV series take their place beside the latest movies hot from the
p Wendy and Chris Cocurullo — supplying Dargaville with the hottest new DVD and blu-ray titles
cinemas, and games for current and next-gen consoles. Chris is quick to point out that for many people, especially in rural areas, broadband coverage and bandwidth is simply not enough to support live streaming services. Illegal downloads, on the other hand, can come with nasty viruses and spyware, or be of poor quality, ruining the experience the film’s actors and directors worked hard to create, and
leaving viewers feeling ‘ripped off’. By offering easy to access, cutting-edge entertainment at a reasonable price, Chris and Wendy aim to provide up-tothe-minute entertainment for the people of the West Kaipara. As their new store will also incorporate the Dargaville Toy Library, they are sure to be in demand by frazzled parents, especially during the holidays! Becoming a member is easy, so stop by and check out the new selection on offer soon. ¢
Dargaville’s ENTERTAINMENT Destination
ANY weekly hire movie for just $1 (minimum of 5)
3 Poto Street, Dargaville Tel: 09 439 4800 We invite you to our 2013 free Seminar Programme in the Gilmore Brown Ltd Boardroom, Level 3, 32 rathbone Street, Whangarei Taxation Update and Current Issues 24 October – 10 am A brief update on the latest in legislation, and what this means for future tax planning.
future focus for Northland Business 21 November – 10 am A look at what the future may hold for Northland.
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Rural Property Investment Property Commercial Property
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“Covering the Kaipara”
Residential and Property Management
Closer to home for kiwis “When we started three years ago, about 90 per cent of our guests were from overseas — now we have a majority of New Zealanders, so it seems kiwis are travelling closer to home these days.” English teacher, Deb Clapperton found taking over the Old Post Office B and B in Paparoa a quantum leap from days spent in the classroom, but she is fascinated by the change in clientele she’s experienced. “Coming to Paparoa from the Hibiscus Coast was also a great move and back to my roots. My great grandmother and great uncle in fact are buried in the old Pahi cemetery. So I have strong Albertland connections. “The Old Post Office Guest House is based on the original Paparoa saddlery
facilities cater for up to 12 guests. There are six bedrooms and five bathrooms. “We have had some entertaining guests as well,” says Deb. “The best was a group of Scots and a Jewish party, who had booked in separately, but at the same time, and we found the ensuing conversations about prices and cost benefits absolutely hilarious.” ¢
property and my uncle would no doubt have visited this place.” While history abounds in the B and B, spacious and modern
Property managers come highly recommended You’ve decided to invest in rental properties. You’ve settled on the property and are now the proud owner of a great house — what should be your next step? Protecting the value of your house and putting in place a plan for longterm rental income should be a priority. That’s where a Property Manager’s can be worth their weight in gold over many years — and here are just some of the things they provide for you. · A rental appraisal which covers potential rent and recommend changes in line with the market · A highly detailed initial inspection and photos of your property — this is hugely beneficial if there is ever a disagreement with a tenant · Speciality insurance that an owner on their own can’t access · Professional marketing for your property Property Managers have long memories, talk to each other and belong to specialist databases where they check the suitability of potential
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Alistair Nauman tenants thoroughly. A property manager Registered Financial Adviser will complete paperwork for tenancy agreement and bond lodgement so you are covered legally, then monitor Registered Financial Adviser Registered Financial Adviser rent payments and follow up any Registered Financial Adviser arrears immediately. They will conduct regular inspections, including a final inspection at the end of the tenancy, managing bond refunds for you. If necessary, they can represent you at tribunal hearings — Choices Offset could help you pay off they have systems in place that record your home loan sooner. For example, communication dates and collate them if Neville had a $300,000 home loan over 30 years, and $25,000 in savings, for court presentation, saving you hours he could save $88,000 and pay it off of stress. They can also protect you from 4 years and 1 month sooner. legal repercussions, now including fines Visit against landlords. or talk to your broker for details. By employing the services of Start a asking. property manager, you no longer need to worry about the legal and financial details of being a landlord– instead you get to reap the rewards. ¢
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OctOber 22 - 2013
Sustainable, rewarding and it just tastes better u by Alan Wheatley
Many people have vegetables and herbs growing in the back garden but following his own success, a Kaiwaka home produce gardener is keen to see more Kaipara people growing rice. Yoshimasa Sakurai, originally from Japan, says rice will grow pretty much anywhere in Northland and he has produced at least 30 kgs each year since he began growing it five years ago at his sustainable lifestyle property. Rice needs long warm summer weather and soil that holds moisture and Yoshi says much of Northland’s wetlands are ideal. The former professor of acoustical engineering at the department of
architecture of Japan’s University of Kansai, Yoshi said his crop success required quite a lot of initial trial and error, not only in getting the rice plants adapted to New Zealand conditions, but also preventing native occupants like pukeko and rats from eating the fledging growth. He says once his plants adapted to New Zealand’s cooler climate, they began to settle down and produce annual yields from 30 kgs to as much
WILLIAMSON QUARRIES – A R A P O H U E – Soft on the feet, Soft on the pocket — Ring uS now — BefoRe you’ve foRgotten it •Quarry Run LIMESTONE $6.00 •Crushed LIMESTONE Metal $8.00 •BROWN Rock $3.00
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as 80 kgs, but he eventually found plants from northern Japan were best suited. By leaving the roots to their natural cycles of shooting whilst still producing and finding the optimum spacing in the paddy, he found his plants lasted several years. He says perennial rice growing is unusual and to achieve it means growing new seedlings every spring instead of relying on the same plants to keep producing. While the amount of rice he has grown has declined in some years since he started, Yoshi says he is confident his on-going experimentation will overcome this, which he says is mainly down to p Yoshimasa Sakurai proudly shows off his rice crop at his seasonal temperature and Kaiwaka lifestyle property weather variations. On the plus side he says home grown rice variety and a labour of love to rice is far tastier than commercial achieve success. product as it is free of all chemicals. He adds with the transplanting Yoshi says it does need around process he has developed, anyone can 500 square metres of good wet land, do it and the result will feed a family of preferably the Northern Japanese four with two meals at least a day. ¢
Grass silaGe and Maize PlantinG
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Lawrence Agriculture Ltd
Versatile contender punches above its weight u by Andy Bryenton
Massey Ferguson is a name which is synonymous with farming for many people — a brand with a long and respectable history. The sight of a big red tractor bearing the distinctive triangular logo of the brand is one of the staples of the countryside here in New Zealand, but Massey Ferguson are not a company who like to rest on their laurels. Indeed, moving with the increasing pace of agricultural technology, innovation has always been one of their strong points. That’s why when Massey Ferguson engineers saw a market niche for a whole new breed of versatile, multi-use tractors, they set out to fill it with a machine worthy of their name. They’ve done so by cleverly re-purposing the emissions, fuel efficiency and power boosting advancements of their
larger tractors, neatly packaging this technology in a small, manoeuvrable frame with the capacity to utilise many popular hydraulic implements. The result is the new 4600 series of tractors, with capacities up to 100 hp. “There is increasing demand from customers for a tractor in this horsepower category that is nimble, manoeuvrable and responsive,” says Saviour Mangion, Massey Ferguson’s Product Manager. “Cattle farms, market gardens, councils and even dairy farmers looking for a second tractor to take on additional tasks are ideally suited to the new MF4600 Series due to its practical features, build quality and competitive
New site — new plant
price tag.” The heart of the 4600 is its three cylinder turbo diesel engine, with four valves per cylinder and advanced electronics to control an optimised combustion system. Horsepower is delivered to the ground via a 12by-12 power shuttle transmission, with a wet clutch operated by a hand lever for seamless back-and-forth loader work. It’s a concession to the kind of work which these mid-range machines do best — the hard, day to day labour of running a successful farm. “We’re confident that we can provide a solid offering to this increasingly popular sector,” says Saviour. “Our extensive
research and development has led us to this new range and we’re proud to offer a quality product at a very competitive price that will suit many customers.” ¢
At Ace Rental fulfilling customer’s requirements with construction equipment for long or short term hire is what we are about. Simply hire the correct machine you require for your task or contract and return it to Ace Rental when you are done.
Northland Emergency Services Trust
The company has been providing earthmoving and heavy equipment to construction, forestry and farming industries across Northland for over 10 years with their head office in Kerikeri. Two years ago it bought the former Hammond Digger Hire and now has a new site and new plant to offer at 112 Jervois street, welcoming all customers from residential owners to large contracting operations. It has around 100 excavators, dump trucks, rollers, bulldozers, graders, wheel loaders, transporters, trucks and tippers plus a full range of attachments available for hire. It offers a wide variety of reputable
Electricity Rescue
Donating is fast and simple:
2 3
At any Online – ERH Appeal 12 3106 0046000 00 The official freepost donation envelope
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The iconic Suzuki KingQuad 300 was built to work but they’re not doing any of that on our showroom floor. So we’re sending the last of them out at an even lower price and giving you even more value.
Randells Suzuki 8 Kapia St, Dargaville Phone 09 439 6952 Prices include GST. Stock is limited and offer is valid only while current stocks last and is not available in conjunction with any other offer.
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brands including Volvo, Cat, Hitachi, Kobelco, Sumitomo and Komatsu and we’re constantly adding to the fleet. Ace Rental can source machinery to suit. The new equipment in Dargaville includes concrete mixers, saws, vibs and breakers, compaction rollers, plates, reversible plates and rammers/ jumping jacks, generators, pumps, chainsaws, and water blasters.
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OctOber 22 - 2013
The dog’s tail …
She’s a mess out there eh? “Ya no Dog, tha werld wood be a lot betta off if we cood get rid of them pollys,” sed tha Boss. Well, I was tryin’ ta werk out wot Boss ment wen ‘is gerfrend, Sharlene piped up: “Wot got up yer nose now CHARLES,” she sed.
Uh Oh, eye thort, wen she says CHARLES like that, she’s not happy. Then I saw she wus reeding the newspaper witch had a big picture ofa
Bigger Team - Faster Turnaround - Better Service
09 439 0170
Mare of Orklind ona front. “Typikill,” sed Sharlene.” Men. Ya just can’t trust ‘em.” Boss had look at me an’ give me a nod, an’ we sidiled outa tha house an Boss startid up the quad bike. “You an’ me betta hava look over the back block, in case there eny late lambs. Sharlene’s gotta bee under her bonnet ‘bout that Len Brown bein’ unfaifill. Well, beggar me Dog, enyone wood reckin it wuz my fault, tha way she goes on. That’s why I sed we’d be betta without pollys.” Now I git it. Boss meens politishings wot he sez he pays for with taxis. “Well, juss look at the state of fairs,” Boss went on. I perched ona carrier ona quad an’ lissind, keepin my eye out fer potholes. “Not only did the Mare git all us men ina cactus, that Jon Banks bloke hadda give up his polly perks cos it seems he’s bin cort out by havin’ a bad memry. But its not juss’ here. Then pollys in Merica got bluddy sheeps branes if ya ask me. Blimmin’ Merica runnin’ out
of munny cos the pollys havin’ a tee party and getting’ at each othas throats. Shuttin dona govmint’s services an’ suchlike. Gotta hole werld being held ta ransom. Okay, so finally they opened tha perse so tha munny can flow agen, but gess wot, only for a few munths, then they gunna ague all ova agen. Make’s ya wonder dog eh? We shood have mere decint politishins, like me mate Chippa, wot’s servin’ the lokil intrusts here ina Kypra Well readas, I gotta be honist. It’s orl a bit komplicatid fer me to unnerstan. But I sertinly can unnerstan’ about that pore o’l Mare in Orklind. I dunno wot tha fuss is about enyway. Mattra fact, its givin’ me a reminda. That new lifestyle block downa road gotta blimmin lady Labrador. Mite jus’ slip me collar tinite. Heh Heh! See ya, Billy
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Dargaville Honda
Honda Dealer Jervois Street,Authorised Dargaville • Ph 09 439 1089
Bulldozers 40ton with scoop 40ton with rippers 23ton with rippers Motor scrapers cat 613 cat 627 excavators 13ton 15ton 23ton 27ton 38ton Graders 12ton 19ton viBratinG rollers 12ton trucks 6x4 tippers 8x4 tippers t transporter Water cart
supply and cartage of limestone Metal cartage dairy conversions Farm races and roads rock crushing cultivation work Forestry roading underpasses effluent ponds Feed pads Mulching dams
We’ll make ve your earth mo
Valvoline Oil Supplier enviro taB B fuel conditioner Full workshop repairs and callouts all grades of oils Fleet Guard filters alco calcium batteries
Workshop 09 439 5838 Mark 021 848 537 rodney odney 021 810 787
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wine, dine & entertainment
Sweet treats are just the trick It’s that time of year again — time to deck the halls with cobwebs and let the zombies out of the basement for Halloween! And while it’s really a holiday for the kids, there’s plenty for the whole family to enjoy this Labour Weekend too when it comes to culinary ‘treats’ and parties in the Kaipara. First up, we just have to mention a fun day for ghouls and ghosts of all ages — the Aratapu Tavern’s big Halloween spook-tacular on the 26th. To cut down on the fright factor Donice and the team are hosting this kids’ party in broad daylight, with all the traditional Halloween fun — apple bobbing, costume contest and games, sweet treats and much much more. There’ll even be a lolly scramble and
the traditional jack o’lantern carving, with plenty to keep the grown-ups entertained as the tiny terrors get their fangs into some well-earned candy! It’s a fright night double feature at the Northern Wairoa Hotel and the Maungaturoto Hotel, as the region’s historic taverns crank up the Monster Mash and roll out the crypt carpet, hosting back to back Halloween costume parties for the ‘big kids’. Expect haunted hi-jinks on the 25th at the Northern Wairoa ($100 bar tab for the scariest costume) and more horrific hilarity at the Maungaturoto on the 26th — one costume could go both rounds!
Bar & Cafe at TokaToka Tavern
All day till 7pm
Try our seafood chowder + much more! More Parking + Disabled
Friday 25th - Free Entry Come Celebrate our
See Our SpecialS bOarD
Lunch Selection: Fresh Salad Rolls Cakes • Pies Espresso Coffees • Teas or grab some traditional Kiwi takeaways, from 10am
Relax and eat in or take away. Plenty of parking. Kids play pen. Quick service
OPEN 7 DAYS •Have a great day ! Proudly locally owned for more than a decade! 110 Hokianga Rd, Dargaville | 09 439 8843
It’s also worth noting that coming up very soon is the town of Maungaturoto’s 150th anniversary celebration — a party which promises a great time for all on the first weekend of November. ¢
Arrive Alive...
Don’t Drink and Drive
Happy Halloween
Age 12 & Under – Trick Out In Your Best Costume to WIN
Carve Your Jack o’ Lantern at Home & Bring it in to WIN
Home Made – Mussel Fritters – Kumara Cake – Carrot Cake
3rd Aniversary with Specials! 09 439 2107
bookings appreciated
$12 meal of the day
“V.I.P. ”
Call Catherine and the Team on
For a taste of home
Local Band -
Home cookery
Café & Takeaways (BJ’s Dairy)
Apple Bobbing, Lollie Scramble, Lucky Dips & More!
For a taste of home cooking call today
Saturdays – 11am till 3.00pm, 6pm onwards
Phone 09 439 5923 • Follow us on Facebook •
Open Weekdays – 9.30am till 3.00pm, 6pm onwards
138 Victoria St, Dargaville • 09 439 5435
Freaky Friday and Scary Saturday - THIS WEEKEND - Fright Night Double Feature! Since 1902, Maungaturoto Hotel has had many guests.
On#A6C641; Saturday October 26 th come and meet those who never left...
Est. 1878
OctOber 22 - 2013
Tapihana Shelford farewelled at Otamatea Marae More than 1,000 people came to the Otamatea Marae in Maungaturoto earlier this month to pay respects to kaumatua Tapihana Shelford who died in Auckland Hospital on October 9 at the age of 49. Mr Shelford came from a prominent family. His great-grandfather and grandfather were both MPs for Northern Maori. Born in Maungaturoto he lived his entire life in the area, apart from a period at Ratana Pa near Wanganui where he trained for the Rata ministry. Mr Shelford continued as a minister until his death. Close friend Waimarie Ratu says Mr Shelford was well connected in
the political world, with representatives of all political parties at his tangi and former Prime Minister Helen Clark sent a message of condolence. Mr Shelford chaired Te Uri O Hau — a subtribe of Ngati Whatua and was lead negotiator for its Treaty of Waitangi claim for the Kaipara Harbour and lands around it. He was also a prominent figure at Otamatea Marae. “He could work in both worlds — the business world and the Maori world,” says Ms Ratu. “He had a charismatic personality. He will be sorely missed and his passing is a huge loss for Maoridom.
“He was considered the last rangatira of his generation. He took a lot of knowledge.” However, Ms Ratu says Mr Shelford inspired younger Maori to get involved in their communities. “His work will carry on.” Ms Ratu says Mr Shelford continued to work hard for his people despite ongoing health issues, including being on dialysis. He spent many years working for ACC and at the time of his death was selling funeral insurance for Maori. Ironically, his health issues meant he was unable to buy a policy for himself.
Mr Shelford’s tangi was held over six days at Otamatea Marae before he was buried at the feet of his grandmother. “It was a beautiful send-off.”
Kaipara Service Directory BARNBUILDERS ATS ProPerty Maintenance & rePair
• Fences & Repairs • Flooring Repairs • Decks • Kitchen/Bathroom Fit Outs • Wet Wall Lining • Water Blasting & Chemical Washes • Windows & Latches • Plus Much More
No jobRing tooAndrew small
PH/FAX 09 439 7392 MOB 027 414 1250 PUKEKO ST DARGAVILLE 0310
Call in or Call us
021 487 055
Covering the Kaipara! Cell 0274 557 750
• All general engineering requirements • Suppliers of Waikato Milking Systems • Lowara Pumps • Hi Tech Effluent Systems
Phone: 439 7335 Normanby Street Dargaville
Bookkeeping and administration services Customised for you in your office or mine
Conditions apply
Best under pressure
Professional and computerised service for your business Phone Sheena on 021 439 157
Locally owned and operated - Quality workmanship guaranteed
and coated
• Prepwork
• Polyurethane Finishes • Oil Finishes • Concrete Grinding
and Polishing
NZQA Qualified with National Certificate. Approved Member Floor NZ
grEg BroWniE
09 439 7564 027 439 7565
Lo caL D e aLe rs fo r:
3 Parore St, Dargaville • Ph 09 439 8881
Floor Sanding • Floor restoration • New floors sanded
Pick Up & Delivery Service Available
34 Beach Rd, daRgaville
Ph 09 439 6544
Phone / Fax: 09 439 7172 E:
• Audio Visual • Domestic Wiring • Lighting Shop • Security / CCTV Systems • Heat Pumps • Refrigeration • Repairs & Maintenance • Cowshed Electrical Systems • Air Conditioning / Ventilation
New patients welcome! love your smile 30 Hokianga Road Dargaville | Ph 09 439 8170 email: |
• • • • •
New/Used Tractor Machinery • Repairs In House Engineer Mobile Service Comprehensive parts range
Authorised Agents for Landini, McCormick and Kioti tractors. 308 SH1, Te Hana, Wellsford ∙ PH 09 423 8558 Mike Thomas 027 598 9496 ∙ Kim Windlebourne 021 423 852
Established over 60 years your local funeral director Male and Female staff available to discuss all funeral arrangements Pre-paid and pre-arranged funeral options
FREECALL 0800 66 77 47 199 Kamo Road • Whangarei • 437 5799 • Tollfree 0800 667 747
WindoW & door ServiceS SuMMer iS coMinG... S Stay Secure Stay inSect Free call us today forWINDOW a quote on security doors & insect & screens for summer!
DOOR See the difference, feel the difference SERVICES
32 Gladstone St, Dargaville • Mob 027 275 0918, Ph/Fax 09 439 6458
40+ years experience • All designs/plans council guaranteed FREE site/house visit • Plan printing available from A4 to A0 Ask Brian for your discount 360 Oneriri Road, Kaiwaka 0573 office 09 423 8092 or 09 431 2544 mobile 021 276 7389 email
Kaipara Lifestyler Classifieds
Phone 09 439 6933
Closing date for classified advertising for the 29 October 2013 edition is 10am, Monday 28 October 2013. See our terms and conditions online at For Sale
Property Maintenance
Public Notices
2005 HUSQVARNA CTH 151 36”, cut catcher or mulcher Kohler motor 15hp, automatic hydro gearbox. 36” cut two spindle deck with adjustable cutting heights, rear shute to catcher. Has mulch plug for mulching. Phone 027 439 6345.
LEASE LAND wanted. Will pay up to $500 p/ha. Phone Paul, 09 431 6461.
AAA+ PAINTER, wallpapering specialist, roof spray coatings & waterblasting. Phone John 09 439 5289 or 022 642 1376, Crawford Solutions.
ACOUSTIC BLACKBOARD Concert - First Thursday of the month - 7.30 - 9.30pm, Commercial Hotel, River Rd, Dargaville. $2 entry, $2 raffle, tea and coffee. Performers and audience welcome. Phone Margaret 09 439 4403 or Allan 09 439 6933.
BEV BACK weather board, H 3.2, Ex 200 x 25, 3 @ 6.3 long, $180 ono. Phone Graeme, 021 026 28170. FASCIA BOARD H 3.2 pre primed, Ex 200x25, 2 @ 6.1 long, 1 @ 4.1 long, $200 ono. Phone Graeme, 021 026 28170. FREE FIREWOOD, lots of logs, remains of pine harvest. Own chainsaw & trailer needed. Ruawai, phone 09 439 2077.
Storage SECURE UNITS for Domestic & Commercial use. Also workshop space available, best rates guaranteed. Phone 09 439 3075.
Animal Accomodation MG BOARDING Kennels, Matakohe. All pets welcome. Dogs $15/night. Cats $8/night. Phone Tom or Jenny 09 431 7368 or 027 285 8944.
Work Wanted MECHANIC, QUALIFIED & experienced, full time position needed, also consider other work, Ph 020 401 77093.
Saturday 26th October 10am till 5pm
SAND BLASTING. Rust never sleeps. Blast, prime, topcoat for structural steel, barns, cowsheds, tanks, machinery, chassis, swimming pools. Western Blast ‘n’ Paint. Phone 09 439 6330. SEMI-RETIRED, GARDEN maintenance, painting, small carpentry work, house hand wash, paint-stripping back to wood windows etc. Long experience, available now, good rate. Phone Robert 027 423 1166.
Pinaki Sand & Clean Fill 09 439 1505 027 614 6309
90 Bee Bush Road, Arapohue • 1 1/2 acre rural subdivision • Panoramic views • 5 bedrooms plus office • 3 bathrooms (including 2 en-suites) • Large double internal garage
DARGAVILLE - 5 bedroom, 2 bathroom villa - quiet location opposite river on large site with fruit trees, gardens. 2 mins to town. $280pw. Phone Erica to view, 09 439 0029 or 027 626 9687.
WATER TANK Vacuum clean, Full tank OK, Waste no more than 1,000 litres. $250.00 for up to 25,000 litre tank. Also full pump out and scrub and leaks fixed. Phone Wals 09 437 3936 or 021 932 225.
Dargaville lions Club
yearly auction
Dargaville Bobcat Services
Sunday 10th November 2013 at 9.00am Beach Road, Dargaville
Senior Prizegiving Dargaville High School
09 439 6068
All Beef aged Salami ~ Bacon ~ Ham ~ Sausages Hamburger Patties
DARGAVILLE - SUNNY, modern road fronting, 2 bedroom home. Short walk to town. Newly redecorated. $230pw. Phone Erica to view, 09 439 0029 or 027 626 9687.
OFFAL HOLES 750dia x 5.5m deep with concrete lid with lift out hatch $385.00 Phone Wals Holes 09 437 3936 or 021 932 225.
FREE & Confidential NW Family Budgeting Service. Advice and complete money management if required. Call at 5 Portland Street or phone 09 439 8592.
Toenail & Fingernail Cutting Service
To Let
ATS PROPERTY Maintenance & Repair. Fences & Repairs • Kitchen/Bathroom Fitouts • Waterblasting • Flooring Repairs • Decks • Windows & Latches • Plus much more. No job too small. Phone 09 439 8628. Cell 027 455 7750.
Full service slaughtering & processing of Beef, Sheep, Pigs, Deer, Goats
Homesell ID 10226
A1 PAINTING, semi-retired, interior/exterior, two man gang, long experience. Best rates, phone Robert 027 423 1166.
Traditional Manuka wood smoked Bacon, Ham & Salami Over 25 years experience For prompt & professional service contact Wayne or Annette Phone 09 439 2020 • Cell 021 401 934 Information Packs Available Covering the Kaipara and Whangarei Regions
• Calfshed/stockyard • Site preparations • Drilling
• Driveways • Metal spreading
Tip Truck also available Phone or Txt Paul 027 271 2022
Nurseries & Plants PLANT SALE – Babylon Coast Gardens Ltd is having a plant sale, a further 10% taken off our already low wholesale prices. Buy 30 plants or more and get another 5% off. Visit the Nursery at 1246 Babylon Coast Road, Dargaville on Saturday’s 10am to 4pm or else by appointment. Enquiries welcome, phone 09 439 4223 or email info@babyloncoastgardens. Sale ends 3rd November 2013.
Got2Go Got2Go
The Board of Trustees and the Principal of Dargaville High School extend a cordial invitation to you to attend our annual Senior Prizegiving Ceremony to be held in the School Hall on Friday 1st November 2013 commencing at 9.45am. Could visitors please be seated by 9.30am. The ceremony will be split into two sessions. Session one is between 9.45am and 11.00am and session two is between 11.30am and 12.45pm. Sporting and Academic Dux awards will be presented at the end of the Prizegiving Ceremony. There will be a morning tea in the staffroom between the two sessions
FROM 50¢ TO $6
Pursuant to the Transport (Vehicular Traffic Road
From Saturday to Monday
Lions Club has made an application to have the
55 West Coast Rd, Te Kopuru
on the day and at the times below for the purpose
09 439 5556 Public Notices
Kaipara Hunt Inc To be held at Maungaturoto Country Club, Bickerstaff Road, Maungaturoto
Thursday 31 October at 7.30pm All Welcome
LIONS PHONE DIRECTORY We are now collecting advertising for our New Directory.
If you wish to be included & have not been contacted, please phone Ross at THE EMPIRE LUNCHEONETTE
09 439 7558
Closure) Regulations 1965, the Kaipara District Council hereby gives notice that the Dargaville following streets and carparks temporarily closed of holding the 2013 Dargaville Christmas Parade.
Saturday 7 December 2013 11.00 am to 2.00 pm • Victoria Street from Totara Street to the West side of the Central Hotel carpark • Totara Street (including Totara Street carpark) • Kapia Street • Parenga Street (including Parenga Street carpark) • Hokianga
Parenga Street • Edward
Normanby Street Any objections to this proposal should be in the hands of the Kaipara District Council, Private Bag 1001, Dargaville by 5.00 pm on Monday 18 November 2013.
Ho O pe n
O pe n
m e
October 22 - 2013 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER
m e
Ruawai 70 Jellicoe Street Deceased Estate To be sold by Auction if not sold prior. 3 bedrooms, large section with room to expand. Single garage and carport. Roll up your sleeves and do a little renovation work. Good for a first home Buyer or Investor.
Ray White Dargaville REAA2008
Auction (unless sold prior) Friday 8th November 2013 at 1.30pm at the Ray White Office, 6 Poto Street, Dargaville Open Home Sunday 27th October 2013 1.30–2.15pm Sunday 3rd November 2013 at 12.00–12.30pm Kelvin Windsor 027 570 4600 Licence 10008608 09 439 7575
Dargaville 13 Cobham Avenue Good House, Good Street Built in the 1960’s brick and block 3 Bedroom home with separate kitchen combined lounge dinning insulated floor and ceiling, aluminium joinery, HRV system and wood burner fire, garaging and workshop under house. Carport at back door 875m2 section.
Ray White Dargaville REAA2008
Roper & Jones 5501 SH 14
Heawa Rd – Aratapu
40 Freyberg Rd, Ruawai
Pouto Point
8 Lorne Street
Investment Opportunity... Two Charming 3 bdrm cottage on re-locatable houses on one 2056 sq mtr (approx) section. section. 4 bdrms with open Large shed and workshop. plan living. Tenant paying $230. Orchard, hen house & rural Single bedroom, weatherboard views. home. REF 3211 $218,000 REF 3229 MICHELLE TOMLINSON 027 339 5937
Spacious 4 bedroom home plus office. Modern bathroom, separate lounge, large deck & established gardens. Good sheds & on a quiet street. $295,000 REF 3197 CRAIG CLEMENT 021 461 668 4.37ha (10 acres approx) amazing harbour & rural views. Storage shed plus good fencing. Your slice of paradise. REF BL474
13 Mariner Cove – Tinopai
205 Hokianga Rd
199 Pouto Rd
9 Bassett Street
30 Seaview Rd, Baylys Beach
43 Marine Parade, Glinks Gully
3 bedroom home, master with 2 bdrm weatherboard home, ensuite, elevated with harbour ideal for the first home buyers. Modern kitchen, open plan views. Near new kitchen, new living. Large back yard. carpet. Large workshop. Call over labour weekend to view. REF 3207 $315,000 REF 3215 RACHAEL DE VRIES 021 943 900
3 Te Wairoa Ln - Matakohe
3 ha at Matakohe
Spacious 4 bedroom home, Renovation potential, original large lounge, polished floors, 1910, 3 bdrm villa 5mins fully fenced with super sized drive from Dargaville. 10 garage. Hop on the property acres (approx) of land, 3 bay implement shed & bore water. ladder. REF 3200 $290,000 REF HL2082 MICHELLE TOMLINSON 027 339 5937
56A The Pines, Paparoa
Open Home Saturday 26th October 2013 1.00–1.30pm Kelvin Windsor 027 570 4600 Licence 10008608 09 439 7575
We put you first
38 Montgomery Ave
4 bdm home, with 5 bdrms, 2.5 bthrms, modern conservatory. Basement with kitchen, large living opening to extra shower & toilet, 2 car fabulous deck, double garage + workshop, easy care section, garaging. Rural views. Set on 2.0234ha (approx). great location. $359,000 REF HL2079 $347,000 REF 3210 RACHAEL DE VRIES 021 943 900
Modern bach/home has 2/3 Tidy 3 bedroom home on flat section. Sunny open plan living. bdrms plus balcony upstairs with sea views. Private New roof & septic. Double backyard with smokehouse & garage, plus carport. Close single garage. to café. $389,000 REF 3154 REF 3111 CRAIG CLEMENT 021 461 668
State Highway 14 - Tangowahine
2083 Paparoa Valley Rd
211 Valley Rd – Kaiwaka
3 or potentially 4 bedroom home 1631m2 section. Open plan kitchen, dining and living. Waiting for you to finish. A brief stroll to town. $170,000 REF 1474 JILL WILSON 021 505 712
12 Ash Grove
3 bedrooms, plus ensuite. Large deck. Double garage, fully fenced & landscaped. $289,000 REF 1430
Finish me off, cozy 3 bdrm cottage with enormous potential. Lifestyle block, easy access to Kaiwaka or Mangawhai, sheds & grazing. $319,000 REF 1476
15 Gorge Road
Huge 3118m2 section. 3 bedrooms plus a 6.75m2 garage. Heat pump, only a short walk to town & schools. $349,000 REF 1429
GARY MORRIS 021 902 087
232 Gorge Rd, Maungaturoto
Hebe Ln, Maungaturoto
JUST $235,000!
4345m2, great water views, So you want a view like this? some bush, private beach Lush pasture with patch of access, covenants. RV native bush. Adjoins esplanade $117,000 but selling for $59K to beach. Boat access too! if you’re quick enough! REF 1469 REF Kauri Point PRICE BY NEGOTIATION RHODA MORRISON 0274 800 691 / 09 431 6912
Cottage and bush retreat tucked away on quiet no-exit road a minute off SH12, few mins to village. Easy care, polished timber flooring, woodburner, alarm, covered decks both sides, fruit trees, beautiful native bush & birdlife. REF 1455
Large Villa Set on approx 1 ¼ acres. Mature gardens. 3 double bedrooms, upgraded kitchen. 5 minutes to Dargaville. REF HL2048 $269,000
RHODA MORRISON 0274 800 691 / 09 431 6912
JOHN POWELL 021 439 555
110 Victoria Street, Dargaville 143 Hurndall Street, Maungaturoto
1.585 ha of bare land, approx 2km from Maungaturoto township. Gently sloping land with pretty rural and bush views. $99,000 REF 1420 SHEILA BOON 027 498 5651
09 439 7295 09 431 1016
779m2 section located in Maungaturoto. Phone, power, sewerage & water to the boundary. Walking distance to the shops. $60,000 REF 1176 Licensed under REAA 2008