The Ministry for the Environment, Northland Regional Council and Auckland Council signed a memorandum of agreement with Ngā Maunga Whakahii o Kaipara, Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whātua, and Te Uri o Hau to form KMR in October 2020 after government funding was announced.
community-led environmental action. Over a 6,000km² catchment, genuine partnership is key to achieving our goal of planting 20 million trees in the catchment over 10 years. We now work with, and through, a diverse set of delivery partners. By investing in communities, KMR is growing social equity and more sustainable, long-term relationships with theKaiparawhenua.”is the largest natural harbour in the Southern Hemisphere, is home to rare and threatened species, including migratory birds from the northern hemisphere. It contains some of the rarest ecosystems in New Zealand, including sand dune, sea grass, freshwater and estuarine wetland ecosystems. It is the breeding ground for New Zealand’s valuable snapper fishery. Today, less than
u by Paul Campbell
With the current Environment Court hearing of an appeal against the Dome Valley landfill for Auckland rubbish …

WINDSCREEN REPAIRS & REPLACEMENTS DARGAVILLE 021 040 7434 Insurance and Private Phone: 09 439 7335 Normanby Street, Dargaville Farrand & Mason Ltd GENERAL & PRECISION ENGINEERS Your local authorised Husqvarna Dealer: 120 Mark II 38.2 cc - 1.4 kW - 14” Bar - 3/8” LP Chain - 4.85 kg $439 $509 $579 120e Mark II 38.2 cc - 1.4 kW - 16” Bar - 3/8” LP Chain - 5.1 kg 130 38.0 cc - 1.5 kW - 16” Bar - 3/8” LP Chain - 4.7 kg 5 YEAR DOMESTIC WARRANTY # #Terms and Conditions apply, see HUSQVARNA.COM for details. visit today Council grills Three Waters ambassador In a council briefing, which featured more questions than answers, Three Waters National Transition Unit …

“As a Jobs for Nature investment, KMR has a dual focus on growing people into new ‘green economy’ jobs,” says Justine. “In fact, it has developed training courses to upskill over 50 local KMR field advisers, to work alongside landowners and generated more than 60,000 hours of work, bringing tangible benefits to localFarmers,communities.”iwi/hapū and community groups interested in fencing off riparian and wetland areas and preparing land for planting during spring and summer are invited to complete an expression of interest at the KMR website. ¢

p Justine Daw (bottom left) with the KMR programme team
Tip countersfight critics

Olympic level skate park plan
Harbour restoration forges ahead

With $4.67 million invested last year in a long-term $300 million project to reduce sediment flowing into the Kaipara Harbour, more than 500,000 native plants and 250km of fencing are planned for the next year.
The final leg of construction for Mangawhai Activity Zone’s skatepark looks set to begin … P3 P5 P7 Kaipara’s Only Regional Newspaper | Kaipara owned and Operated 10,450 Copies DELIVERED FREE throughout the Kaipara September 13 2022

“This inclusive approach helps ensure that KMR can effectively support

“The Kaipara Moana Remediation Programme (KMR) is New Zealand’s largest catchment restoration programme and one of the most intensive afforestation efforts globally,” says programme leader

“Less than two years later, efforts to revitalise the mauri of the Kaipara Moana are scaling up rapidly,” said Justine as designated Pou Tātaki. “The KMR kaupapa is to invest in local people to develop and sustain meaningful, naturebased employment and support people who whakapapa to the Kaipara returning home to work on the project.
“Millions of local native plants are being grown in 17 accredited nurseries across Kaipara in preparation for the 2023 planting season and beyond to reduce sediment flowing into the waterway,” Justine said.
first full year of operations, KMR worked with 285 landowners to deliver 205 new Sediment Reduction Plans (SRPs) covering more than 40,000 hectares of land. Landowners committed to an additional 380,000 plants and 238 kilometres of fencing — more than the distance from Whangārei to Auckland.
10% of the original native forest cover and just five per cent of wetlands remain, leading to a seven-fold increase in soil erosion and associated sediment washing into rivers and the harbour.
As at 30 June 2022 our total internal debt was $53.3 million of which $38.9 million relates to the MCWWS. Together all the ratepayers and people of Kaipara have come a long way in the last decade, and I salute everyone for the huge efforts made, costs paid and foundations laid for the future.
p Ruawai College celebrated Tongan Language Week with a focus on sustainability. Tongan students Pita Pua, Siulolovao Pua and Rangi Raukawa, took to the stage to share a cultural dance. They were dressed in traditional garb. This year’s theme focusses on sustaining the language within New Zealand. The school encourages students to improve their talents and interests by engaging in various cultural weeks and activities.

Dargaville Sewing and Curtain Centre competition garment section first and people’s choice winner, Jackie Butterworth, alongside her model Yasmin Bainbridge. Followed by her in placement order were Jean McBride and Sharon Phillips. The craft section awarded Lyn Seymour first, Nan Gardener second and Jenny Warren third. In the children’s section Astrid Karels placed first and John Robinson second. The event included a parade showcasing entrants’ designs and a fashion show by local designers Mili + Me.

0800 727 www.kaipara.govt.nzcouncil@kaipara.govt.nz059
2 September 13 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER
The long shadow of debt for Kaipara District Council has been a defining characteristic of the last decade. As at 30 June 2012 Council had internal loans of $83.4 million with the Mangawhai Community Wastewater Scheme component of that internal debt at $58.5 million. Now Council has $44 million in external debt as at 30 June 2022. That debt is not specifically linked to any one project as council also “borrows” internally from the reserves fund to loan funded works.
p Kaipara’s oldest cat may be the longest-lived in the country and perhaps the world. Te Kopurū resident Marduk was rescued from the SPCA in 2001, already eight years old. Last week he turned 27, an amazingly attenuated age for a feline and equivalent in human years to 189. For his birthday, the elderly cat received a trophy and a cake made entirely salmon.

Journalists: Andy Bryenton 021 439 947 | Paul Campbell | Amy Fifita

Advertising: Betty Willetts 027 525 8197 | Sue Girven 027 525 7984
Production: Gavin Bainbridge | Anna Fredericksen | Kelsey Hansen | Liz Clark
I’m happy with our progress to meeting the promise of abundant wellbeing for Kaipara District that’s in the ‘Kaipara Te Oranganui’ brand for this special place. Together we’re making it. Awesome. Go MayorDrMayorNgaˉwellmihi,JakeJasonSmith,ofKaipara
The Kaipara District Council I’ve had the privilege to lead has worked harder and smarter than most Councils
Phone: 09 439 6933 or 0800 466 793 Email:
Mayor’s Message

Editor: Deb Wright 021 639 696

Kaipara Lifestyler is published with pride by Integrity Community Media, a privately owned Kaipara company.
Valuing Tongan FelineUpcycle-Recycleculturefinalistsmilestone
Postal Address: PO Box 474, Dargaville Physical Address: 107 River Road, Dargaville
10,450 copies, distributed on Tuesday to every residential and rural home throughout the district including Dargaville, Ruawai, Paparoa, Matakohe, Maungaturoto, Kaiwaka, Mangawhai and Wellsford. Opinions expressed in this publication and in advertising inserts, by contributors or advertisers, are not necessarily those of Integrity Community Media. All inserts delivered with the publication are not produced by Integrity Community Media.
Classifieds: Dianne Hutching 09 439 6933
Kia ora,
The shadow of that debt has restricted Council from doing what other Councils do as a matter of course, has put austerity and belt-tightening firmly on the council agenda and brought sensitivity and focus to the work of the elected members intent on keeping Council decisions safe and “the good ship Kaipara away from the rocks”. But from adversity of this debt position comes opportunity. As Sir Ernest Rutherford famously said, “We haven’t got the money so we’ve got to think.”
Distribution: Laurie Willetts Printed by: NZME

ever have to do to move on from the financial challenges while also delivering services to the community. We’ve made a Spatial Plan capturing growth forecasts for the next 30 years, and have a complete review of the District Plan underway. We’re building shared path cycleways, setting up a Kaipara Harbour wharf network to re-energise a water transport highway and are looking to acquire land so a future Council can make a new sportsfield park in Mangawhai. We’ve been delivering projects, managing the debt well and balancing all this while building trust of Council in the eyes of the community and other stakeholders including government. We’ve been doing what the Kaipara District Council of this recent period has needed to do.
Stay home if you’re sick
That’s exactly the approach that’s been taken with Kaipara District Council.
“However, in the stated objectives for Entity A, the notion of equity is not there,” said Mayor Smith in a swift rebuttal. “The people of Kaihū should have the same water quality as the people of Remuera.”
Council grills Three Waters ambassador respectCouncil

p A briefing on transition became an in-depth question session as a senior Three Waters spokesperson Marlon Bridge faced a council with serious concerns
A, debt transfer, and whether land drainage schemes will be part of Three Waters at all, back to his superiors for clarification. Concrete specifics are still lacking in many of these areas despite the progress of lawmakers in implementing the scheme’s framework. The matter of public consultation also remains unaddressed. ¢
Mr Bridge was present to clarify points about the transition from the status quo to water Entity A. However, the questioning from Mayor Jason Smith and councillors predominantly targeted governance issues rather than the ‘nuts and bolts of’ infrastructure change.
“Some of the general themes coming through to me were about the lack of connection between communities and the water entities,” said Mr Bridge. “We don’t want the water entities to be seen as big behemoths who do not listen to theThatpublic.”opened the door for questions of ownership. Councillor Victoria del la VarisWoodcock opined that with just one seat on a ruling body of 14, Kaipara would have no meaningful voice within Entity A. Marlon Bridge countered by saying that councils would still be led by district plans from councils and that equality of services across the whole north was the goal.
Councillor David Wills asked about Watercare’s failings in providing for Auckland ratepayers. He questioned whether the Auckland water entity, already struggling to accommodate 1.5 million people, should be the model for all of Northland.
Mr Bridge said that those instances in which Watercare had fallen short were, in fact, examples of misalignment between organisations, which the formation of Entity A would help to rectify.

“A letter of condolence will be sent from myself to King Charles III to express our sadness,” says Mayor Dr Jason Smith.
“The challenges are real and the same for all,” Mr Bridge said.

u by Andy Bryenton

In a council briefing, which featured more questions than answers, Three Waters National Transition Unit spokesperson and Watercare deputy chief executive Marlon Bridge was quizzed on the specifics of the contentious government package.
“A black ribbon will be laid across the portrait of the Queen and Prince Philip at the council meeting room in Dargaville where, on Friday, September 16, a Citizenship Ceremony will take place, swearing an oath of allegiance to the King, among the first new citizens in New Zealand to do so for more than 70“Atyears.”the final council meeting of the term on September 28, there will be a minute’s silence to mark the Queen’s passing.”
As a mark of respect, the New Zealand flag at Kaipara District Council buildings in Mangawhai and Dargaville is being flown at half-mast, and Books of Condolence have been opened at the reception areas for Kaipara people who wish to pay their respects, following the death of Queen Elizabeth II.
Mayor Smith then enquired whether Kaipara would be more susceptible to being hit with targeted rates, as a vote of the Entity A board would always favour the more numerous Auckland representatives’ interests.
The mayor then went on to question the split between targeted rates and a homogenised payment scheme for water project builds in the future. Mr Bridge conceded that technically, some works could be funded by a targeted rate for a part of the region, while other projects would be funded by a broad customer base in the millions.
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 13 2022 3 09 439 7099 | Hokianga Rd OPENING SOON KAIPARA LANDSCAPE SUPPLIESSMY TH HAULAGE DARGAVILLE Dargaville Funeral Services Ltd 09 439 8016 — 24 Hours Please feel free to contact us on 09 439 8016 or visit our website Jessica Young – 020 4119 1299 Bruce Young – 027 575 7377 We are Dargaville’s only locally owned & operated funeral service run by Bruce and Jessica Young. We are here to care for our community. We offer all services relating to funerals here and the wider Northland district, to provide you and your family all you would want for a funeral farewell; your way. Together Bruce and Jessica Young have 50 years of professional experience in the funeral industry. We offer competitive pricing and no obligation consultations and pre-arrangements.

Mr Bridge will take these concerns, and others, including the council’s role in making spatial plans to inform Entity

1. Methods of sale are shifting
u by Natalie Robinson
EFTPOS available 243A Mountain Road, Kaiwaka QUALITY WHOLESALEPLANTSPRICES Open No9am-5pmTuesday-SaturdayminimumorderNATIVE|EXOTIC|EDIBLE|INDOOR

2. Make your agreement work for you
— A LIM is essential and usually a standard condition. It may tell you, among other things, if the house has a building consent or Code Compliance Certificates, zoning and environmental risk information,
If you’re not 100% sure that you wish to buy the property but want to put an offer on the table, so you don’t miss out, you’ll need a well-drafted due diligence clause in your contract. These can be worded in a broad way to ensure you can cancel the contract if you find something that makes you change your mind. Talk to your lawyer before relying on a Solicitor’s Approval clause to do the same job. A solicitor’s approval clause is not a ‘get out of jail free’ card and has limitations.
3. Cancelling the contract
As house prices soften, buyers have more negotiating power. More listings have price indications on them, or are for sale ‘by negotiation’ rather than the more pressured ‘sale by auction’. It means you have more time to do your research on the property and put appropriate conditions in the agreement.
any swimming pool fencing information, and may also alert you to unconsented works done on the property.
Conditions can be added to the agreement, and they usually allow a certain number of days in which to satisfy them. Conditions can be for the benefit of the vendor or the purchaser. The deposit is (usually) payable on satisfaction of all the conditions in the agreement. In this market, the wording of the conditions of your agreement is important. When purchasers are harder to find, vendors can be reluctant to let them walk away from a deal and may more readily exercise their powers under the contract.
Making well-researched buying decisions having a good contract slower market.
Finance — The timeframe for this clause should match the LIM. It is to avoid a situation where you have finance preapproved for a certain value, and then the LIM shows up certain things which may affect your ownership of the property or ability to obtain finance. You need to be careful relying on this clause to back out of a sale, as you may need to provide the vendor with proof that you were unable to obtain finance, eg a letter from your bank. If you’re planning on using your KiwiSaver for your deposit, make sure you submit your application in plenty of time — they can take four weeks to process. Be aware that you need to let the vendor know you are planning on doing so, as the funds will be held in trust until settlement and not released beforehand to the vendor.
Whether selling property, 09 439 8001
our friendly local lawyers are here to help. Phone
As a buyer, some key clauses you will want to see in your agreement are:

LIM (Land Information Memorandum)
Ready to move?

4 September 13 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER
As the property market finally cools off, potential purchasers have an opportunity to move up the property ladder.

Happy house hunting! ¢
Builder’s report — It will tell you if the house you want to buy is structurally sound. Moreover, if there are any defects or aspects that need repair or maintenance likely to be needed soon. To rely on this clause to cancel the contract,
for sale and purchase (the agreement) will help you sail into a smooth settlement.Hereare our top three tips for home buyers navigating today’s

The standard agreement also allows your lawyer 10 working days to check the title of the property. You can make an objection to the title in certain circumstances if the title is not in order, but the scope for using this clause to cancel the contract is limited.
you’re buying or

Buying a home in today’s market
or make a claim against the vendor, then your building report must be prepared by a ‘suitably qualified building inspector’, not just a ‘handy’ mate.
u by Amy Fifita
“As well as evidencing the wide range of reasons why this site is unsuitable as a landfill, we have spent our time focussed on how we have got to this point of risking so much to bury waste. Compared to the leaders in the world
p Aranga School has received recent improvements to its learning space and has received positive feedback from visitors

“We won’t, because although we were set up for the purpose of opposing this one landfill, we don’t want other communities to have to do what we have either,” says FTT executive member Michelle Carmichael. “It’s time for nationwide change in our waste industry, and solving this one situation without real change will not prevent that.”
“We are creating a beautiful environment to grow and learn. I want to embed the values of our school and community into the children. We want them to become effective communicators
Aranga School refreshed its looks with a focus on creating a better educational environment for children to grow.
With the current Environment Court hearing of an appeal against the Dome Valley landfill for Auckland rubbish in progress, the Fight the Tip appellant movement says it has had critics who say it should be offering a specific alternative to the proposed dump.

KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 13 2022 5 Our Specials card discount available Battery installed for free on the spot Free battery checks and $20 OFF a new battery YOUR LOCAL AUTO ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL SERVICES. MECHANICAL ELECTRICALAUTO ANDALTERNATORSBATTERIES 142 Victoria St, Dargaville Open M-F 439 7399 ½ Price WOF when you book a service and WOF *Limited time only, T & C's apply RON MANDERSONPROGRESSREQUIRESBETTERIDEAS•REDUCERATE,COUNCILCOSTS,GSTONFOOD•OPPOSETHREEWATERS,COGOVERNANCE•CONTRIBUTEBETTERIDEASFORPROGRESS QUALIFICATIONS AND 70 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN KAIPARA AND THE REAL WORLD Authorised by Ron Manderson, VOTE 1 Experience matters in challenging times Vote for Mark Vincent First For Otamatea Ward Authorised by Mark Vincent, 021 0829 8037 Find out more on

u by Paul Campbell
The expected signage was a collaboration initiated by Todd with students and the community. It will display an acrostic poem showing what the school represents to them. New gardens and a defibrillator for the community to use are among the improvements, which have received positive feedback from visitors.
“Those who inform government decisions on waste minimisation perpetuate the message that landfills support waste reduction more than any other disposal method. The government is listening to those who have a vested interest in making sure that things don’t change. It is all about profits.” ¢

p Michelle Carmichael, Fight the Tip executive member
Tip fight counters criticsSigns of positive change

and be competent in a range of contexts. We are trying to make the children lifelong learners and understand these values are important, not only for school but forToddlife.” has been the Aranga School principal for five years. He says he is proud of the achievements of students and staff members so far and encourages local people to enrol their children at the“ should be the hub of the community, and rural schools have been getting smaller in numbers. The school needed a leader and guidance, and I am confident I have achieved that. I believe we could be one of the best rural schools in New Zealand.” ¢
“We have had some minor capital works done with new signage at the front of the school. We also have new signage coming into the school which shows our school values,” says principal Todd Warmington.
She said the waste industry includes a lot of misinformation. “We have spent nearly four years trying to communicate and combat that through all of our evidence presented to hearing commissioners, Environment Select Committee and more recently at the Environment Court.
who are recycling at far better rates than us, at least double what we do, we are dismally behind in our waste initiatives.

- Rāwene Service Centre, 11 Parnell Street (until 7 Oct)

- Council’s Main Office, 5 Memorial Avenue
When the Whangārei Fringe Festival kicks off later this month, one of the city’s most prestigious galleries will feature a solo exhibition by a young Dargaville artist.

Strategic coordination under the auspices of the Harding Park and Pou To o Te Rangi Joint Management Committee has seen a plan for the future development of Dargaville’s historic hilltop area adopted. It means a more tied-in approach to upgrades and management between the sites.
Unity for Dargaville’s historic places Dargaville artist headlines in Whangārei

u by Andy Bryenton
Patrons of Harding Park, visitors to the Old Mount Wesley Cemetery and the Pou Tu o Te Rangi pā site are now assured that all three areas come under a new, updated management plan.
“While the intent for many years has been to manage the park as one complex, as the reserve properties, which comprise this park are held by different administering bodies, they cannot share a single management plan under the Reserves Act 1977,” said KDC infrastructure strategic planner Mark Schreurs in his address to the committee.

KAWAKAWA Centre, Street
- Kawakawa Service
The Fringe Festival highlights all creative arts, from dance and theatre to music and verse. The Megan Dickinson Gallery is a space dedicated to visual art in two and three dimensions. Northtec Bachelor of Fine Arts graduate Liam Martyn Astbury will fill the entire gallery space with 15 of his recent works when the Fringe festival begins.
Liam’s body of work for the Fringe Festival exhibition stems from his photographic portfolio, compiled on the theme of Cats and their People. This study of the companionship between two very different species was the seed of an idea that became 15 large prints, beginning as photos and then added to andAsabstracted.wellasworking on fine art for gallery display, and a forthcoming entry into the Kaipara Art Awards,
votes are available to those who: Have not received their voting pack during the voting period, enrolled to vote after 12 August 2022, or have spoiled or damaged their voting paper. Request a special vote by contacting the Electoral Office on 0800 922 822 or visit a district council service centre listed above. *In the Far North district, special voting is only available at the Kaitāia, Kaikohe and Kerikeri service centres. For more info 16 – 21 SEPTEMBER 2022 DOCUMENTSVOTINGDELIVERED TUE 4 OCTOBER 2022 LAST DAY TO POST YOUR VOTE BY MAIL NOON SAT 8 OCTOBER 2022 LAST DAY TO DROP YOUR VOTE TO A BALLOT BOX WHANGĀREI DISTRICT COUNCIL WHANGĀREI - Customer Services, Forum North, Rust Ave WHANGĀREI - NGEN Room, 187 Lower Dent Street RUAKĀKĀ - Ruakākā Service Centre, 9 Takutai Place KAIPARA DISTRICT COUNCIL DARGAVILLE - 32 Hokianga Road MANGAWHAI - Unit 6, The Hub, 6 Molesworth Drive FAR NORTH DISTRICT COUNCIL* KAITĀIA - Kaitāia Service Centre, Te Ahu, Corner Matthews Avenue and South Road KĀEO - Kāeo Service Centre, Leigh Street (until 7 Oct) KERIKERI - Kerikeri Service Centre, Kerikeri Road
p Young local artist Liam Astbury is set to headline a major Whangārei gallery during this year’s Fringe Festival
“Megan, the gallery owner, came to the graduation ceremony at Northtec and chose my series of photographic works for the Fringe Festival,” says Liam. “I’m very enthusiastic about having a gallery opening and meeting the wider artistic community, especially at a big event like the festival.”
6 September 13 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER KEY DATES Ballot box locations
The two plans were brought together as a functioning whole by the practical acceptance of both in tandem at last week’s meeting. Public input into the new Reserve Management Plan framework was heard, and changes were made to reflect some smart ideas submitted by Theselocals.include a children’s playground for Harding Park, better roads and paths in the old cemetery, improved walking and cycle access, and the hillside pond on
“I’ve found a good audience for crafts and clothing there, and the people are very friendly,” he says. “These and Dargaville’s monthly market days are a good chance to share art with the public.” ¢
the approach to the park maintained as a firefighting resource.
Two omissions from the plan answer the concerns of citizens. The museum, Lighthouse Function Centre and gift shop will be exempt from a clause prohibiting commercial activities within the park area. Additionally, the contentious matter of moving the Rainbow Warrior masts from their prominent position has been confirmed absent from plans for the park’s immediate future. ¢

Liam takes his creative skills on the road each week, participating in the Paparoa Artisan Market.
p David Wills has served on the Harding Park and Pou Tu o Te Rangi committee during his term in office and has, along with his colleagues, guided this plan toward adoption

u by Andy Bryenton

p Ashton Kareko and senior constable Reuben Cohen following the local teen selected to go to the Blue Star Leadership programme in Australia later this month

u by Andy Bryenton
Hosted by

The final leg of construction for Mangawhai Activity Zone’s skatepark looks set to begin after a unanimous funding vote from the Kaipara District Council.
Olympic level skate park plan Opportunity for Kaipara teenager

KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 13 2022 7 The Dargaville Community Development Board RSVP for catering purposes to or 09 439 0464

developing valuable skills that he can bring back to our community. This is an awesome opportunity for Ashton, and we wish him well,” Reuben says. ¢
“Ashton is a great candidate, and we have no doubt that Ashton will have a great time on the trip while also
p Unanimous vote to fund fun — when complete, the already popular MAZ skatepark will be the nation’s best, with areas for all skill levels
The Mangawhai Activity Zone sought $400,000 to complete the park. Half of this is part of a long-standing agreement for the KDC to match funding from other

“Dargaville Blue Light is proud to have a young person selected from our community to represent us at the International Blue Star Leadership Programme,” senior constable Reuben Cohen says. Reuben nominated Ashton for the opportunity to be part of the seven-day programme created and run by Police Citizens Youth Clubs New South Wales. He is one of 10 chosen from 72 Blue Light branches New“ThisZealand-wide.isanamazing opportunity for our young people from around the country, many of which have never been out of New Zealand, to experience leadership training from one of Australia’s leading youth charities,” says Blue Light CEO RodTheBell.PCYC NSW programme is designed to empower youth between 16 to 18 into leadership roles, allowing them to engage with their communities. There will be representatives from Australia attending the event.
This construction push, which will see the final stages of the planned park reach fruition, will bring it up to an Olympiclevel standard, in line with the inclusion of skateboarding as an Olympic sport. Future gold medalists would train in Kaipara, host to the only skate park in the nation at this“Thelevel.council is getting excellent value out of this completion. It fits seamlessly with our reserve contributions policy,” said Councillor Jonathan“SkateboardingLarsen. is one of the fastestgrowing sports for young women. It’s been in the Olympics, and people can pursue a personal-goal orientated approach or a more competitive path in the sport with these facilities available,” said Matt Woodside. He made a presentation as a professional landscape creator.
u by Amy Fifita

“I’m looking forward to the government’s future Commonwealth Games proposal; the skateboarding will be done in Mangawhai,” said Mayor Jason Smith, raising a very real prospect for the MAZ in years to come. ¢
Approval means a faster track to completion and will deliver recreational, sporting and tourism bonuses to the east Kaipara. The park already hosts the annual Bowl Jam event, which sees top skaters from around New Zealand pack the park to skate New Zealand’s deepest, and hence fastest, bowl structure.

sources dollar for dollar. The second half is budgeted for in the Long Term Plan.
Ashton Kareko from Dargaville has been chosen to attend the Blue Star leadership programme in Australia later this month.
Many council staff I’ve met are locals, passionate and caring about the Kaipara they live in. They pay rates too, use the facilities, take their kids to playgrounds, build homes and use local business.
report showing where every dollar proposed has actually gone? Done.
Election signs have been vandalised and torn down as the election race heats up in Kaipara, with candidates expressing disdain for this kind of ‘dirty politics’.
From these potential elected members, there is a lot of talk about transparency. Opening up the council. How? Public agendas? Public minutes? Weekly stories in local papers? Drop-in days? Emails, phone calls, social media? A publicly available document detailing finance to be spent every year? Done. An annual

Sadie Robinson, Matakohe (Abridged)

want to know who their boss (mayor, in this case) will be.
One candidate who was out on the road affecting repairs says they were alerted to the damage by another person who is also in the running, out of interests of fairness. Their opinion; candidates should not be put off or intimidated by such crude tactics. There are rules about the placement and content of signage. Those with legitimate concerns can
contact the incumbent council or the electoral commission to make a formal complaint. However, attacks to ‘censor’ the images and campaign slogans of candidates for mayor and council will do little good. “They confirm that a candidate’s policies have struck a nerve with the wider public,” says a council hopeful who has experienced this kind of vandalism first-hand.
This councillor is standing as mayor. The KDC is in the market currently for a new chief executive, the most crucial role in the organisation. Those two things don’t sit well together. The reality is that top talent has choice. Any credible individual applying for the CEO role will
8 September 13 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER For all your online brewing needs! Sugar, Molasses, Grains, Hops, Yeasts, Equipment, Fittings, Soap and Balms plus much more 09 434 7467 | 021 040 2001 • Various shipping and collection options! Kaipara Physiotherapy LY ND SE Y BARG H PH YS IOTH ER AP Y E: Dargaville – 8.00am - 5.00pm Victoria Street, Dargaville P: 09 439 1656 BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL Open Monday to Friday • ACC co-payment $17 per treatment • Private Consultations $45 • ACC & private treatments • Acupuncture Available under ACC • Doctors referral not needed for ACC injuries At Morris & Morris Funerals we understand times are tough “Northlands most trusted funeral provider” 24 hours - 7 days a week Call 0800 Morris Whangarei/Dargaville(667747) Funeral options from $3990 gst inc includes cremation fee and casket Voting public Election issue

I would suggest that Ms del la VarisWoodcock should do the decent thing, acting in the interests of Kaipara, and withdraw from the mayoral race. Kaipara has been through enough in recent years — it is slowly building its credibility back.

I read with some dismay, but no surprise, the finding of an independent investigator that Cr Victoria del la VarisWoodcock had breached the council’s code of conduct and was required to apologise to the impacted staff, a sad state of affairs and yet another ‘own goal’ for the KDC.
Local elections have rolled around, the billboards dotting our streets, promising lower rates, better services (more for less?), less staff, but more work (more for less?), effectively saying, we’ll gut the organisation, work those who care into the ground, and be surprised when they all leave after we’ve driven the last morsels of civic pride out of them.
When you get a moment, have a think. Who do you want really making decisions around the table? People you can trust. People who can think longer than their re-election.
(Name and address supplied)

Vandals disappoint candidates
We simply don’t need this type of behaviour around the council table. We need to attract the very best people to work for this organisation, and those people need to have respect for the mayor and councillors if they are to perform.
This is without even getting into these people twisting their use of ‘democracy’ or ‘freedom’, or talking about ‘vanity projects’? By my account, the council got about $40 million from the central government funding over the last five years, and look at the results — wharves, sealed roads, shared paths, toilets, scientific development of possible land use change (Hello, new business opportunities?). All at minimum cost to ratepayers.
Gallipoli: A Soldier’s Journey is based on the battlefield photography of Ernest ‘Ernie’ Young, one of four brothers who served as part of that disastrous invasion. Despite his Kaipara origins, he was part of the elite Otago Mounted Rifles. From this crack unit, Young was picked to be part of the bodyguard of Sir Ian Hamilton, supreme commander of the forces at Gallipoli.‘Asoldier at the time was not permitted to have a camera, in case his capture, or just the enemy finding pictures, gave away positions and plans. But it seems that Ernie’s position as a bodyguard may have included a general officer’s dispensation,’ writes Brian in his introduction to this book of candid photographs.
Her Majesty visited New Zealand 10 times, often including Northland but not Kaipara, although many recall a photo on the balcony of the Grand Hotel in Whangārei.
with “water, north and south spinning in plugholes.”Theinformality continued; we media guests mindful that reporting on conversation was forbidden. I trust an anecdote after her passing is to be Monday’sforgiven. state funeral will be followed by a procession from London to Windsor Castle. The Queen will be laid to rest at King George VI Memorial Chapel at Windsor after the first state funeral that manywill have seen — the last being Sir Winston Churchill in 1965.
Local writer, the late Brian Eastwood, has posthumously released a book which takes a fresh perspective on one of New Zealand’s most defining and harrowing military campaigns.

A Soldier’s Journey by Brian Eastwood can be purchased from, Dargaville Museum or the Dargaville Post Shop and Lotto. ¢
A time for memories
He then became a farmer and raised a family, not letting his injuries stop him.
Ernie Young’s photos were discovered in
For this writer, there’s the memory of a school commemorative medal to mark her coronation in 1953 and the more personal recollection of meeting her Majesty briefly at a Buckingham Palace garden party as a young journalist on ‘OE’ in 1965.Thenin 1995, there was a media reception in Auckland when Her Majesty joined reporters in conversation over generous gin and tonics. Informality was key with talk of her love of horses.
“You know,” she said, “here in New Zealand, your horses run the wrong wayInround.”England, racing is usually counterclockwise — at Ellerslie, clockwise. A colleague, happy with strong gin perhaps, suggested this was to do
Let’s keep working towards a prosperous & cohesive Kaipara. Let’s keep Kaipara strong.
I believe that together, we can keep Kaipara moving in the right direction. We will embrace changes and make them work for our diverse region.
u by Paul Campbell
The death of Queen Elizabeth II will be gradually overtaken by the news cycle after Monday, September 19 and her funeral at Westminster Abbey, while this week, details of protocol and tributes will continue, as will memories of her 70-year reign.
Let’s keep Kaipara strong
Ernie lost his arm during the campaign but brought home a trove of secret photos to Kaipara. Brian recounts that, according to a family anecdote, on the day he reached the Northern Wairoa River, he took his prosthetic arm and his armyissue rifle and threw them both into the muddy waters, glad to be rid of them.
p Dargaville writer Brian Eastwood’s book offers a new perspective on the conflict at Gallipoli
Six years as your Kaipara District Councillor, supporting & enabling positive projects, along with 20 years in senior management & working with our communities, holds me in good stead to be your mayor.

war’sIlluminatingdarkest hour
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 13 2022 9
Authorised by Karen Joyce-Paki,
u by Andy Bryenton
p Queen Elizabeth received an enthusiastic reception in Whangārei during her 1953 tour of New Zealand
an old album in a drawer on the family farm. Brian Eastwood used them as the core of a book that cuts to the reality of soldiering in the first world war. Brian’s historical writings were for many years a well-enjoyed staple of this publication, and his crisp, journalistic writing style compliments the sometimes confronting imageryGallipoli:well.

• Focus on fostering tourism and supporting local businesses

• Less bureaucracy and more common sense in decision-making
• Create quality roads for the future instead of spending money on temporary patchwork
• STOP Three Waters and meet all water needs at no additional cost to ratepayers
• Facilitate housing development in Kaipara by providing the necessary infrastructure
• Provide impetus to public transport, educational, sports, and recreational facilities ASH NAYYAR FOR MAYOR AND WAIROA WARD BY

I will run the Council as a “Business for the Community” with the following goals:

• Cut wasteful expenditure on unnecessary staff, consultants, and unviable projects; savings can be utilised to keep rates fair and affordable
• We chose to live in Dargaville six years ago. Mamta and I have enjoyed every minute here. As an active member/ Past-President of the local Rotary Club, I have supported all their community projects. My wife enjoys gardening, so we have established a greenhouse where we grow organic vegetables for selling to locals.
10 September 13 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER
• I am an experienced banker/mentor who has helped turn-around many struggling commercial operations. I am currently consulting and helping people get mortgage finance from banks. I have a Bachelor of Commerce and MBA-Finance (Canada) and will ensure council finances and your rates are carefully managed to enhance our communities.

Are to grow Kaipara district as an inclusive and prosperous community through good management, open decision making and by listening to the needs of fellow citizens
• I want to see those empty shops in Dargaville coming to life by promoting eco-tourism through beautiful Kaipara Harbour, making it a tourist destination and a bustling business centre, once again.
• My wife Mamta and I immigrated to NZ in 2001 with our two children aged 7 and 10 with prospects of a better life for them. They both are now engineers and successful in their respective professions. Last year, we were blessed with a grandson who is the apple of our eyes.

• Improve waste management and provide an improved and reliable recycling collection service.

Authorised Victoria del Varis-Woodcock, KAIPARA
p Not voting encourages poor governance, as democracy requires a strong mandate from the people MayorVictoriaVote1Provenleaderforlocals. 1 TE MOANANUI O

Some political analysts liken voter apathy to depression, saying it’s spurred by a sense of hopelessness. Still, not participating in democracy, a system thousands fought and died to enact over monarchy has been proven to be a selffulfilling prophecy.
u by Andy Bryenton

The scheme was ‘front end loaded’ as is the common practice in New Zealand, with the initial cost offset by speculative future development contributions. However, this method has an abysmal track record of not working out. The 2008 Global Financial Crisis torpedoed this growth, with the result that factional infighting beset

Mayor Tiller’s council, leading to them calling in the Dargaville’scommissioners.wastewatersystem is at capacity now. We face the inevitability of having to replace or upgrade it, and considering the events surrounding the Mangawhai sewerage scheme, this is a frightening prospect for local government. At the same time, large housing developments are needed, and plan changes are under consideration for two such developments. These will need wastewater connections. The time to act is now.
It’s also time to act on potable water, an issue that goes back to 1995. It was reiterated in a 2015 action report when democratic governance was reestablished in Kaipara. The opportunity to tap into Te Tai Tokerau Water Trust’s Redhill dam may be closed, and Opanake Road dam is prone to silting up. How will rater restrictions ever end if this problem is not addressed?Askyourcandidates: If they oppose Three Waters, what is their alternative strategy for water infrastructure? The status quo is untenable.

Voter turnout for council elections in New Zealand has been on the slide for decades, dropping to just 42% in 2019. With massive changes on the political horizon, having a say in how your region is governed is more important than ever.

KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 13 2022 11
Authorised by Pera Paniora. 14 Second Avenue, Dargaville.

Water is the most important element when it comes to infrastructure debate ahead of local body elections in October.
u by Richard Alspach and Andy Bryenton
important. Therefore, when the average voter stays home, worse governance is usually the result, leading to further erosion of the trust between the system of governance and the citizenry.
Voter apathy negates the purpose of the democratic process, and could deliver negative outcomes, say experts in the process of governance.
If you were to be told that only 42% of people were permitted to vote, then it would likely start a revolution. However, tell everyone they are free to vote and the majority appear to stay home.
Winston Churchill famously quipped that a five-minute talk with the average voter was an argument against democracy. He fought hard to preserve the system against fascism. In a more serious tone, he also conceded that those who say that any vote is a choice between bad options should therefore have the self-confidence to run for office themselves. ¢
• Kaiawhina • Tino Rangatiratanga • PERATūmanakotangaPŌTI

Low voter turnouts often deliver two kinds of candidates a seat; fanatics with a single agenda or cynical populists using dog-whistle tactics to inflame a small segment of the public. Neither type fares well in the world of real politics, where nuance, compromise and diplomacy are
Voter apathy a threatQuestion candidates on infrastructure
When the borough and county councils amalgamated in 1989, all district plans became void. For six months, the newly formed council had no elected members, just a CEO. Dargaville and Hobson councils had possessed extensive district plans, but Otamatea did not. It took until 1996 to make a homogenised one. When it was presented, the Environment Court and the Department of Conservation objected, as the plan did not provide a sewerage treatment system forHenceMangawhai.the 1999 infrastructure report indicated that Mangawhai must have such a treatment plant. The issue was one of funding. There was no way it was affordable without borrowing against future growth.
is the most important essential service provider in the district and combined with its rural surrounds is the population centre of the Kaipara. A series of Western Mayors have been elected but have not adequately dealt with the issues of ensuring the revitalisation of Dargaville.


I attended meet the candidates’ meetings last week in Dargaville and Mangawhai. Some of the major issues include fix the roads, dissatisfaction dealing with an over bloated council, and three waters. I hear you. The three waters “Better off Package” sweetener of 4 million dollars would be applied to new libraries in Dargaville and Mangawhai, but hey I thought it was about the desperate need of fixing broken pipes, clean drinking water and sewage???? But there’s a catch! The other 12 million is conditional on labour re-election. So, 16 million dollars for 300 million dollars of assets we lose control of. That’s a good deal??? Yeah right! Further this Iwi centrally controlled Goliath will come for your pocket to fund its inevitable excesses.

I’ve done the hard graft as a contractor. I know the commercial realities of running a business. Commodity prices are high but increasing costs and compliance burdens that farmers, growers and businesses face have risen significantly so in fact profit can beDargavillelower.

12 September 13 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER • Grow and revitalise Dargaville • Fix the Roads • Affordable rates without compromising core services • Review council staffing levels, costs and expenditures • Make council accountable and deliver real benefits for ratepayers • Oppose co-governance and the undemocratic mandating of 3 waters • Careful management of rapid Eastern coastal growth Authorised by Craig Jepson. Ph 027 304 0144 - email: VOTE CRAIG JEPSON FOR MAYOR • KAIPARA DISTRICT COUNCIL.

p Candidates face the public at the Methodist Church auditorium in Dargaville; seating needed to be added out the doors to accommodate attendees
Alspach gave each of these candidates time to introduce themselves and their platform. He then opened up the discussion to questions from the floor, allowing the capacity crowd a chance to quiz the panel.
Plans to instigate Kaipara have been put changes.

KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 13 2022 13 Northland Regional Council Kaipara District • Inclusive governance • Keeping locals in local government • Bringing costs under control • Committed to being a loud voice to Wellington • Making businessNorthlandfriendly • Keep environmental projects practical and supported VOTE BlackwellJohn Authorised by John Blackwell, Phone 021 234 0116 Ph: 09 439 7270 CNR Edward & Normanby St. Dargaville FOR ALL EMERGENCIESPLUMBINGYOUR Call us to receive safe, fast efficient service for all your plumbing needs. Our qualified tradespeople are at your service to help get you through! CERTIFIED PLUMBERS FIREPLACE SPECIALISTS HOT WATER HEATING CALL US 24/7
At their September briefing, elected members heard that the government’s push to homogenise recycling and

u by Andy Bryenton
u by Andy Bryenton
Two candidates for the Northland Regional Council seat, Penny Smart and John Blackwell began the discussion session with their bid for votes, laying out their goals for a term in office. Then came four of the six mayoral candidates for Kaipara; with Brendan Nathan and Craig Jepson sending their apologies, the podium was shared by Karen Joyce-Paki, Ash Nayyar, Gordon Walker and Victoria del la Varis-Woodcock.CompereRichard
“Several changes signalled by the government have highlighted the need to review the strategy.”

The first of a series of mayoral debates and roundtable discussions hosted by Grey Power was held last week in Dargaville, with extra seating required to cater to an enthusiastic public gallery.

Rubbish plan needs review Meeting attracts crowds
Plans were underway to implement kerbside collections of rubbish and recycling by November next year, eliminating the Kaipara District Council’s blue bag rubbish scheme. A detailed approach had been drawn up involving landfill arrangements and drop-off points for rural residents. However, changes from Wellington have shifted the parameters.
a new rubbish collection regime across
Citizens wanted to know the candidates’ positions on issues of the day, such as roading, carbon afforestation driving out farmers, climate change response and local democracy. However, the biggest issue tackled
rubbish services nationwide would impact Kaipara’s own plan for wasteSpecifically,minimisation.the introduction of a refund on beverage containers, the push for food scraps to be collected in all municipal areas, and the homogenisation of recycling number codes could affect on the shape, rollout and cost of the original scheme, as stated in the KDC’s Long Term Plan. Additional landfill levies would also drive upApricing.revised strategy is now in the works. However, it will become the business of the incoming council, as the information necessary to make a truly informed decision on the future of waste minimisation in Kaipara will not be ready to present until February of next year. ¢
over a series of questions probed from different angles was that of Three Waters.

Antipathy to the contentious governmental scheme was palpable in the room, as every candidate either repudiated the Three Waters mandate in its entirety or opined that it should be accepted only with changes that make it more fit for purpose. More debates are coming, with a second Grey Power event at 1pm this Friday and a pair of evening roundtables at the Dargaville club from 5pm on September 20 and 22. ¢
p Plans trashed — the government’s waste management rules changes have set back work on a new waste minimisation scheme for Kaipara
in disarray by the government’s rule

“The council, in February of 2022, approved a strategy to modernise Kaipara District’s waste minimisation services,” said infrastructure operations team leader Donna Powell.

PGG Wrightson, 117 Victoria Street,
Standing out from the crowd with elegant clean lines, this home is finished and all the hard work from consents to some plants in the ground have been completed. Walking into this well laid out family home, knowing that all the mod-cons are in place from insulation, double glazing, heating, creating a warm, safe environment for your loved ones. The three double bedrooms and single fourth bedroom - or office - are roomy with storage and of course the master has walk in robe and ensuite. The family bathroom and laundry are perfectly laid out for ease and Apracticality.generous open plan living and dining area are complimented by a smart modern kitchen, all well lit with thoughtfully placed windows and importantly indoor - outdoor flow to the patio and the private back yard. The contemporary decor will allow you to bring your style to make it your own. Seize this opportunity for a brand-new home and no fuss or hassles. Situated in a new sub-division in a good area, this would be fabulous for retirees, families, or work from home. To be sold at Auction, unless sold prior. Contact me to view. (Unless Sold Prior)
14 September 13 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008 Helping grow the country OPEN DARGAVILLEHOME
11 Sampsons Way
Brand New for You
11.00am, Friday 14 October

Dargaville VIEW OPEN 11.00-12.00pm,HOME Saturday 17 & 24 September E M 027 278 2309 | B 09 439 3342 Cindy Younger OPEN DARGAVILLEHOME 54B Parore Street Negotiable Vendors - Deceased Estate This delightful townhouse is being offered for sale. Totally refurbished with interior and exterior painting, new carpets and quality chattels. Two double bedrooms with sizeable bathroom. Spacious living with views over town and beyond. Outdoor living area for all day sun with well landscaped gardens. Internally accessed garage. 2 1 1 VIEW$610,000 OPEN Saturday11.00-12.00pmHOME17September E M 027 278 2309 Cindy Younger E M 027 486 1870 Viv Smith DARGAVILLE Small Package - But Worth It 1.1 hectare (subject to subdivision now council ThreeCountryapproved)lifestylebedrooms • Single garaging • Outside storage shed Dam water A small block in the country, but it is worth it, set back from the road with one paddock, this delightful threebedroom home would be a great option for your family. 3 1 1 $550,000 GST Inclusive E M 027 668 8468 Megan Browning RURAL | LIFESTYLE | RESIDENTIAL


KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 13 2022 15 PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008 Helping grow the country Cindy Younger | Dargaville N ATIONAL A WARDS 8th Total Revenue Residential RE GIONAL AWARDS Top Residential Revenue Megan Browning | Dargaville REGIONAL A WARDS Top Sole Agency Lister Award for Excellence in Marketing 5th Highest Total Revenue Scott Tapp | Wellsford RE GIONAL A WARDS Top Lifestyle Revenue Top Revenue Supreme Award Ron Grbin | Dargaville REGIONAL A WARDS 3rd Highest Total Revenue Sarah Luond | Wellsford REGIONAL A WARDS Regional Managers Award Viv Smith | Dargaville N ATIONAL A WARDS 9th Highest Revenue Residential Dennis Wallace | Whangarei REGIONAL A WARDS 4th Highest Total Revenue Adrian van Mil | Pukekohe R EGIONAL A WARDS Top Rural Revenue Top Revenue Supreme Runner up Congratulations to our Northland Award Winners National and Regional Awards 2022 SUCCESS REGIONAL AWARD S Top Office - Dargaville RURAL | LIFESTYLE | RESIDENTIAL

Famously, the majority of pirates and sailors

The people of Crete once ruled the Mediterranean with their fleet and trained all of their military to swim. Swimming became a sport the famously competitive Greeks took a liking to, and numerous swimming pools were set up so athletes could train in all weathers. Finding that it provided good exercise with little wear and tear on older bodies, wealthy Greeks and their Roman
u by Andy Bryenton

It led to the invention of the heated swimming pool in the first century BCE by a wealthy Roman senator named Gaius Maecenas. Put off by nippy winter temperatures, he ordered his pool to be built over a kind of vaulted basement of fire bricks, so that wood could be burned underneath by his servants, heating the pool to a more convivial temperature. His personal pool was even notably used by
16 September 13 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER Service you can trust Residential, Commercial & Industrial PEST CONTROL • Spiders • Wasps • Borer • Rats & Mice • Flies • Cockroaches • Fleas • Bed Bugs • Silver Fish • Mosquitoes • Ants • Carpet Beetle Providing pest control services Northland-wide for your home, bach or business. Email: Website: FREE PHONE: 0800 26 26 26 | Mob: 021 071 8490 Phone: 021 439 673 NickTreeChristiansenServices • Trees • Shrubs • Hedges • Vines • Felling • Trimming • Reducing • Pruning • Property Maintenance SPRING IS PRICE TRIMMER SEASON AT STIHL GET GST OFF^ A WIDE RANGE OF TOOLS WIDEST RANGE OF BATTERY BRANDMOSTTOOLSGardenTRUSTEDINGARDENTOOLS 2017-2021 Garden P To Gls arden e Tools LOVE YOUR LAND 3 Parore St, Dargaville Ph 09 439 8881CHAINSAWS & MOWERS *10 Year Warranty applies to STIHL Polymer Bodied Lawnmowers. ^Offers valid from 01 September - 05 December 2022 on selected products or while stocks last. Terms and conditions apply. FS 45 C-E PETROL LINETRIMMER with NOWEasyStart $370 Kit includes tool, AK 10 Battery and AL 101 Charger FSA 57 BATTERY LINETRIMMER $456 KIT PRICE $239 TOOL ONLY NOW NOW RMA 339 BATTERY LAWNMOWER FOR SMALL TO MEDIUM SIZED LAWNS Kit includes tool, AK 30 Battery and AL 101 Charger WAR $804NTY KIT PRICE $543 TOOL ONLY NOW NOW RMA 460 V BATTERY LAWNMOWER FOR STEEPER MEDIUM SIZED LAWNS Kit includes tool, AK 30 Battery and AL 101 Charger $987 KIT PRICE $726 TOOL ONLY NOW NOW RMA 443 C BATTERY LAWNMOWER FOR SMALL TO MEDIUM SIZED LAWNS Kit includes tool, AP 200 Battery and AL 101 Charger $947 KIT PRICE $691 TOOL ONLY NOW NOW WARRANTY FS 55 RC-E PETROL LINETRIMMER with NOWEasyStart $456

top gladiators to keep in form during theModernoff-season.swimming pools found favour in England, where the Medway Swimming Club was formed in 1844 to train life-savers near this notoriously treacherous British river. They built a pool with a diving board so these early lifeguards could strengthen up and practise before diving into the currents, where many had previously been lost along with the people they were trying to
Notingrescue.the‘physical development’ of these gents as they trained, other sportspeople decided that aquatic exercise was a fine idea. Footballers, cricketers and even jockeys were recommended to swim, and pools became a status symbol for stately homes. Today, a swimming pool is not a massive endeavour to install nor a herculean task to maintain. Modern technology means that enjoying the therapeutic, fitness and relaxation benefits of a pool in the backyard is easier than ever, and solar heating systems far outpace old Gaius’ fiery basement idea, allowing for a greater scope of use throughout the year. ¢
successors built pools to adjoin their hot baths and saunas.

p The great pool at Aquae Sulis gave us the word ‘bath’, as that is the Britannic name of this Roman spa town

The oldest known swimming pool comes from Pakistan, where the longlost people of Mohenjo-Daro once commanded a mighty kingdom. Their

never learned to swim, making their professional daring one indeed; so what made people first want to get in the water for fun and relaxation?
The Big Spring Clean Up

Immersed in an ancient concept

major achievement was the use of brick with a tar sealant to create elaborate plumbing. Most homes had washrooms and baths, and their biggest temple featured a seven-by-twelve metre swimming pool that could be refilled and used today, three thousand years later. It’s thought that cleanliness was a big part of their religious faith. That swimming in pure water from a well that fed the pool was relaxing in the hot climate and religious observance.

Roll back the clock to 1908, just a year before the first milking machine was designed by the Ferris founders, and you’d find two inventors named Stephen Briggs and Harold Stratton tinkering with the new science of internal combustion in their shed. They were among the first to realise that compact petrol engines would provide the motive power for things other than full-sized cars.
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 13 2022 17 Breakthrough Product Developed for your Septic Tank 0800 109 Also Available at: ATTENTION SEPTIC TANK OWNERS Before* After* Septi CureTM is: Cost Effective Easy To use Improves Soakage Reduces Solids and Scums Eliminates Nasty Odours Reduces Costly Pump outs *Results may vary A satisfied customer in Hamilton has been using Septi Cure™ for over five years. He says this allows them to have an odour free septic tank with low maintenance costs. He also says that his service person is amazed at how well Septi Cure™ works, keeping their tank in very good condition. Like us on Facebook Call Karl 0800 932 206 Mobile: 027 493 2206 Need a contractor for your... Covering Northland Wide - from Warkworth to Kaitaia • Truck & Digger work • Earthworks • Drainage • General Cartage • Mole ploughing • Tractor & Driver for hire 59 Normanby St, Dargaville • P. 09 439 8540 • F. 09 439 8241 Dargaville Sewing & Curtain Centre CHRISTMAS IS COMING The cut-off date for getting NEW CURTAINS or BLINDS by Christmas is soon. Call us now for a FREE measure and quote. Conditions apply. SPRING IS HERE! Is it time for some new curtains and blinds? Phone 09 439 6386 Mary 027 459 1544 or Chris 027 480 0110 ServicingKaiparathe UF L Y NATE UL VAC C DETA YES WE ARE YOUR ONLY LOCAL CONTRACTOR! For the protection of the community we are fully vaccinated

p Ferris Mowers and Briggs and Stratton engines have gone together like fish and chips since they were introduced two decades ago

The Big Spring Clean Up

u by Andy Bryenton

Ferris started in 1909 as a milking machine company, shifting into lawn care in the 1980s as the landscaping industry in the US took off. A knowledge of farm implements, belt drives and bearings helped kickstart a series of innovations. These began with the development of hydrostatic mowers, pioneering a new kind of power transmission, and continued to the possible capstone of the Ferris design. Fully independent suspension on a riding mower was a big deal in the 1990s, and it’s still a mighty asset today.
However, for a short while the ‘Red Bug’, a Briggs and Stratton powered gokart with a whopping seven horsepower, was street-legal in the US. Ferris teamed
Today, there’s a large range of Ferris mowers to choose from, fitting niches across the spectrum from commercial and contract maintenance to sports facility custodial duties and home lawns.
A partnership between an innovative mower maker and an engine company which once busted the land speed record, Ferris brand zero-turn mowers are proving very popular with lifestyle block owners.
up with Briggs and Stratton during the early 2000s, welding a history of mowing power to a legacy of creating smaller, more powerful engines. A Briggs and Stratton v-twin even powered the ‘world’s fastest mower’, a custom ride-on which clocked more than 160km/h across the Bonneville Salt Flats.
A marriage from mowing heaven
In Kaipara, local Ferris agent Godfrey’s Chainsaws and Mowers has experienced a run on mid-sized zero-turn Ferris products, as their application on farms and lifestyle blocks becomes apparent. Put simply, the power from the Briggs and Stratton motors makes short work of long overgrowth. That legendary suspension system makes long hours in the saddle far less of a chore. ¢
In the garden
p Clean up outdoors and get some time in the sun being active
vegetable beds and soil and replenish with compost and other organic matter ready for planting.
Spring into action
Property maintenance ideal for spring are activities such as clearing leaves from your guttering. While you are up there, take the opportunity to inspect your roof flashings and screws for damage andWaterblastweathering.your decks and patios, so they are safe to walk on and look renewed. This type of maintenance can increase longevity, particularly for wooden decks that can be prone to rot. Replace any lengths of decking with new tanalised timber and check for protruding nails.
18 September 13 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER SAVE the GST Shop our premium selection sale 30 interestMonthsfree ^Lending criteria, $50 annual Account Fee, fees, Ts&Cs apply. At end of interest free period, Q Mastercard Expired Promotional Rate or Q Card Standard Interest Rate of 27.99% p.a. applies (see Ts&Cs for Q Mastercard Standard Interest Rate). $55 Establishment Fee or $35 Advance Fee applies. See for full T&Cs. Munn’s Flooring Xtra 17 Gladstone Street, Dargaville 0310 E: See for full T&Cs. Promo expires 31 October 2022, or until stocks are sold. Offers can not be used in conjunction with any other offers. 0800 101 276 CONTACT EMAIL SCOTT@NORTHLANDSCAFFOLDING.CO.NZ BRANCHES IN WHANGAREI, KERIKERI AND NOW DARGAVILLE! Mario Williams: Dargaville Manager/Scaffolder Jimmy Bates: Advanced Scaffolder Mario Williams With over 16 years scaffoldingyourexperience,localexpert! Servicing residential scaffolding, commercial, temporary roof structures, temporary fencing, safety nets We are members of the Scaffolding, Access and Rigging Association and guarantee to build our scaffolds to the BEST practise guidelines for scaffolding in New Zealand We are supporting the positive growth being experienced across the Kaipara RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL 0800 874 663 • • LAND CLEARING • TREE & SHELTERBELT REMOVAL CHIPPING • STUMP GRINDING • MULCH SALES Tree Work Specialists Covering the North CRAFTSMAN PLUMBERS AND GASFITTERS AVAILABLE “IF WATER OR GAS RUNS THROUGH IT… WE CAN DO IT…” 09 431 8642 E: • 86a Hurndall Street East, Maungaturoto SHOP OPEN MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY FRIDAY 8.30AM – 4PM WEDNESDAY 8.30AM – 2PM, CLOSED SATURDAY AND SUNDAY

If you need to, update outdoor furniture and add some colour with cushions. You could add some LED lighting to illuminate your eating area to create a usable space.
that need to be filled or redone. Colour steel garages will need a wash down with hot soapy water and dishwashing liquid.

Whether cleaning areas unused in winter or a new project, activate your body and make improvements outdoors on your property.
Ticking off your al fresco spaces is a double benefit for your health and project list. Outdoor activity has been linked with decreased high blood pressure, promotes good mental health and other health benefits.
Set up climbing frames for your climbing beans and peas and stakes to support sunflowers and other tall-growing plants. Sow seeds for annuals, herbs andYouvegetables.couldmake additions like bird baths and houses, fire pits or outdoor kitchens to improve the atmosphere. Get amongst nature and weed, plant and mulch your gardens. You could plant fruit trees and a seasonal vegetable garden or brighten your beds with some flowers. House exterior
With warmer nights on their way, it’s time to get out the barbecue and give it a good going over. Another thing you need to be mindful of is checking the gas bottle has not expired. Take it to your local gas centre to have it safety checked by a professional. Also, check safety connections and hoses.
Outdoor entertaining
Clean mould and slime from fibrolite weatherboard using a weak solution of bleach and water in a spray unit. Rinse with clean water after application.

Give your PVC furniture a good scrub with dishwashing liquid, hot soapy water and hose away.

Tidy up fallen branches and leaves, spray paths and entranceways to clear weeds and any moss build-up. Turn over

u by Amy Fifita
See what other repairs and maintenance your exterior grounds need. Check for cracks in paths and driveways

Investing in your outdoor living can create great spaces to entertain or relax for the coming seasons and get you active in the fresh air. You might find it better to start your do-it-yourself projects and additions now while we are not in the heat of summer. It is your prerogative how grand or basic your backyard features are. ¢
The Big Spring Clean Up
“I started undertaking education about 30 years ago, I have two university degrees, and there’s always something I want to learn. I’ve been unwilling to stay in the same knowledge base. There is so much more that I want to learn.”
“What’s next for me? Once I’ve completed this course, there is a web design course I’d like to do and then from there there’s always something else I’d like to do. So, it’s ongoing. I’m very lucky to be able to continuously Johnlearn.”Horrocks

Book a Careers Kōrero Need a job change? Or maybe even a life change? We can help you find your calling and get into the job of your dreams right here in Te Tai Tokerau. At NorthTec|Te Pūkenga we can guide you onto the right path to the industry of your choice and support you through the whole journey. We offer hands-on, practical learning to teach you the skills you need to get into the career you want. With on-the-job, online, and on-campus learning readily available you can fit study around your life, wherever you are. There are also full-time and part-time options available, so you can work at a pace that fits your Nowlifestyle.isthe time to plan for the year ahead. Where ever you want to go, we can help you get there. Stay Close, Go Far. Degrees: 67% Diplomas: 30% Certificates: 15% % increase more than the median income $ RatesPay 0800 162 100 2023 is closer than you think Need help with learning goals and options? Book a Careers Kōrero!
“I have found a few things on the course tricky however the tutor is excellent. He would be one of the best I’ve ever had. He has been very supportive and helps us every step of the “Whatway.”I’ve loved most is the people. The people I’ve been working with have been great. We have a common bond of learning and its very handson, so we help each other out and borrow each other’s ideas. We learn from each other. The hands-on learning at NorthTec is amazing. It makes big difference in how people learn.”
Expand your knowledge base.
“Last year I studied the Certificate in Horticulture (Level 3) and that was all digging and planting and being outside, which was much fun. This year I decided to do the plumbing course because I spent so much time and so much money on plumbers, knowing the most basic of what they do will have great assistance to me financially.”
- NZ Certificate in Plumbing, Gasfitting, and Drainlaying (Level 3)

John Horrocks is currently undertaking the NZ Certificate in Plumbing, Gasfitting, and Drainlaying.

Stewart, an established businessman, gained extensive experience from many years in the rural industry alongside his parts and sales
Uponbusinesses.leaving school, Stewart worked in the dairy industry for 18 years milking cows. He had a workshop in Kamo for seven years before providing a mobile sales business of parts and consumables for nine years.
“I do a lot of business throughout Northland from the Far North to Kaikohe and further down to Warkworth. All the small rural
“DAEtowns.”will be a big jump, and there will be a lot to learn. We are looking to grow the business and offer some more things to Dargaville.”

He is expanding the business further with an additional new branch located on Great Barrier Island. It was bought alongside the DAE purchase.

“Many of the customers should already know me as I have worked around Dargaville for a while. Daniel will be staying on for a while to help with the transition, so you’ll still see some familiar faces,” Stewart says.
20 September 13 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER AUTO & MARINE DANIEL AND THE TEAM, WOULD LIKE TO EXTEND A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO ALL THE CUSTOMERS THAT HAVE SUPPORTED US OVER THE YEARS. I WISH THE NEW OWNER STEWART FROM PARTS 2 GO THE BEST OF LUCK WITH HIS NEW ENDEAVOUR. YOUR ELECTRICAL WHOLESALER YOUR ELECTRICAL WHOLESALER 26-30 Normanby St, Dargaville | p. 0800 323 727 | e. WE’LL HELP YOU GET MORE OUT OF YOUR SUMMER FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE WE’RE NOW OPEN ON SATURDAYS! 8:30 – 12:30 Tools and equipment Steering and suspension parts Filters and oils Trailer parts Solar off-grid system And for all things Auto,forWeBATTERIESautomotivestockthebestallapplications.marine,torpedoetc. YOUR Get4REQUIRESVEHICLEADBLUE?InstocknowLtr,10Ltrorbulkpacks.thoseprojectssortednowbeforeSummer!
The business strives to provide a quality service. It has an old-school face-to-face approach to how it offers assistance and sells products to customers.
Daniel and his team are saying farewell to the community. They wish to show gratitude for the customers with which DAE has created ongoing relationships during its years.
The business was bought by Stewart Mills and will become the Dargaville Parts To Go branch that specialises in catering for rural areas.
Continuing a service
“We do everything you need from knives, coffee, hot chocolate, nuts, bolts, oil, filters, parts, chainsaw bit, lawnmower blades, power tools and anything you can think of.”
Stewart Mills is the new owner of DAE: he is looking forward to creating and continuing relationships with customers

“The aim is to provide an old-fashioned business. I often look at my business as a

Parts To Go will offer Dargaville and its surrounding areas various products, from staffroom beverages to power tools.
“The DAE team and I would like to thank the community for its ongoing support in helping grow the business,” Daniel says.
great leap backwards, we are not big on faceless service, and we like to offer a good service with quality products.”

Parts To Go is coming to Kaipara following Dargaville Auto Electric founder Daniel Boakes selling to experienced Northland businessman Stewart Mills.

It will offer similar services to DAE and expand what is available in the area. Stewart says he is excited about engaging and continuing to establish relationships with local“Tocustomers.anyone who has an existing relationship with DAE, we are pleased to carry on the service, and it will be good to see you. Any new customers are welcome and are looking forward to meeting you.”


If you remember travelling days in the 70s, you probably remember the Holden HK and HQ range of sedans and station wagons.
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 13 2022 21 AUTO & MARINE PHONE 09 439 6910 OPEN NOW PHONE TO BOOK YOUR WOF 32 Victoria Street DARGAVILLE • WOFS – CARS, BIKES & TRAILERS • BATTERIES • SERVICE • CLUTCH • BRAKES • CAM BELTS • TRANSMISSION FLUSH Toyota Genuine Parts WOF $60 with service* All makes and models serviced Capped price servicing available* Book your service or WOF online All service enquires contact: Nick McAllister 09 425 *Terms & Conditions apply *$68 WOF only

Often a beach hop choice, these iconic classics would have been seen along Uretiti, Muriwai and Ripiro Beach. Maybe, your destination was the snowy slopes, and filling up your Holden station wagon. Whatever your destination, you could pack up your mates or family, bags and gear in hand and travel.
The HQ was the second full redesign since Holden’s first vehicle the 48-215, unofficially named the FX. Production started in 1971 ending in 1974, but was

The HQ and HK were for families with limited means and those with ample money. Everybody could enjoy them, and they remain iconic today.
Perhaps a more beautiful sight than the 70s fashion of mismatched colours and bad haircuts, the Holden HQ and HK range remains a desirable classic. These cars are reminiscent of 70s camping and travelling, making them more than just a car, but a memory of earlier days. ¢
The Belmont HQ was a basic model. It had a two-toned door trim, a basic model and came with a three-speed manual column shift. The Holden SS also starred in this range as a limited-series model V8, first appearing in 1972 for those who enjoy the power a vehicle can have.
u by Amy Fifita
The middle-range Kingswood HQ offered a more stylish option for the exterior and interior with standard armrests and extra chrome on its body. The more luxurious HQ models were the Premier and Monaro GTS, which were similarly designed. The Monaro GTS showcased a stripe strip, unlike the otherTheymodels.were the Australian muscle car with various options and models available.
p The 1973 Holden Kingswood station wagon from the HQ range
developed into the HJ, HX, HZ and the final 1984 WB series.
Like the HK, this range was for the Belmont, Kingswood sedans and station wagons and the Monaro coupe. The Monaro had two GTS sedan additions to its collection in March 1973. New in 1971, the cab chassis truck One Tonner was introduced in this range.
The Holden HK was produced in Australia starting in January 1968; it was short-lived and ended production a year later in 1969. Its range was initially featured in the Belmont, Kingswood and Premier sedans and stationMarchwagons.1968 saw the range extended into the Belmont and Kingswood utility vehicles and the Belmont panel van. By July 1968, the luxury model Brougham sedan was adopted into the bunch along with the Monaro coupes. The HK was succeeded by the HT range and the HG before the HQ range arrived.
Hiringa Energy takes its company’s name from the Māori word for inspiration. Their initial plan is to open four large hydrogen fuelling hubs to service the main freight arterials in the North Island. It will enable big road fleets to run hydrogen trucks, slashing carbon emissions and potentially fuel costs as well. New Zealand Post already has its first hydrogen truck on theBulkroad. stations at Palmerston North, Auckland, Hamilton and Tauranga will enable hydrogen to flow directly from Hiringa’s production plants to the road fleet. The northern leg of the freight network is set to be completed in 2026, with a station to service Whangārei. It is all part of a scheme to establish 100 hydrogen filling stations by 2030, removing the need for heavy transport to go electric and taxing the already sensitive power grid.
u by Andy Bryenton
“The finalisation of the project leaves the Kaipara unsealed network in an excellent position. Having 163.2km of

network rehabilitated has raised the level of service for the customers and reduced the requirement for regular maintenance intervention,” said project manager Bernard Peterson in his report closing that chapter of Kaipara roading remediation.
With roading a key issue for voters in forthcoming local elections, this snapshot of a winter month’s work shows just how big the scale of Kaipara’s transport network is. ¢
u by Andy Bryenton
New Zealand’s mass adoption of zero-emission energy generation, from hydroelectric to wind to solar and geothermal power, has opened the door for hydrogen to be made here in an ecologically neutral manner. The fuel, which utilises the most abundant element in the universe, is well suited to heavy industry and large vehicles and does not require rare-earth metals for battery production. ¢
An innovative fuels company is planning a network of hydrogen fuel stations to cover New Zealand, with one coming to Whangārei sooner than you might think.
p Toyota’s president reveals a new hydrogen vehicle; major road freight hubs in New Zealand will provide the fuel for machines like this from next year on

This extreme weather has proven the resilience of another recently concluded project developed in tandem with the Kaipara District Council and the Northern Transport Alliance. A new method of building unsealed roads has led to greater resilience across more than 160km of the network. Lessons learned in this project may be deployed elsewhere to ensure better outcomes despite wild weather.

The figures tell the tale of a very wet winter, with flooding striking low-lying areas in late August. A total of 366 potholes were fixed in urban and civic areas, while 4,675 were attended to on unsealed roads in rural locations. Additionally, 30 culverts were flushed, 467 culverts were cleared, 82 sump grates cleared, and 76m of surface water channel was hand cleared. Six slips were dug out, and access to Mahuta Gap is still being remediated.
p Workers clear downed trees after winter storms; candidates campaigning on roading reform will have a vast area to manage on a finite budget

Road repair list after wild weather Hydrogen for the north
Wild wet winter weather meant road crews were hard at work during the past month, attending 3,358 major jobs, including 76 emergency call-outs for downed trees and slips.

KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 13 2022 23 AUTO & MARINE 116 Lower Dent St, Whangarei P 09 438 4700 M 0274 795 339 COME AND MEET OUR FRIENDLY TEAM Think Outside Ph: 0800 765 263 E:,Wellsford • FARM BIKES • ATV’S & SSV’S • OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT • ATV ACCESSORIES • PARTS & SERVICING YOU’LL ONLY NEED ONE Ph 09 431 8288 OR 027 285 1408 1014 SH12, MAUNGATUROTO’ Fozzie’s Garage • Engine reconditioning • Surface grinding - all materials • Crack testing • Cylinder head repairs • Reboring & honing EM: PH: 09 438 1957 160b Lower Dent Street Whangarei 126 Rodney St Wellsford, 0900 09 423’reLocalSTIHL Dealer W.O.F RepairsDiagnosticsBrakesServicing 09 601 6195 1837 State Highway 1, Kaiwaka FROM CONCEPT TO COMPLETION THE X SPAN EXPERIENCE IS THE BEST! Industrial • Commercial • Lifestyle • Sheds STEEL BUILDINGS with X FACTOR 0800 662 RESTSEENYOU’VETHENOWBUILDTHEBEST • Plastic Welding • Rust Repairs • Accident Damage • Warrant of FitnessRepairs • Restoration • Panel & Paint Cosslett & Sons Panel Beating THE BEST CAR REPAIR SERVICE 20 YEARS IN THE INDUSTRY Phone 09 435 74cosslettandsons1@outlook.com1883ApotuRd,Kauri,Whangarei WOFS,Servicing,Repairs Cnr Parore & Normanby St, Dargaville Mon – Fri: 7.30 – 5.30 AUTHORISED 09 439 6377 BOOK NOW! Expect delays please book ahead. • NEW & USED OUTBOARDS & PARTS • • OUTBOARD SERVICING & REPAIRS • 09 435 1038 | 5 Colenso St, Kamo, Whangarei 0112 DOIDGES TYRES WELLSFORD OFFERING THE TOTAL TYRE SERVICE. CARSdtwellsfordnz@gmail.com1650StateHighway1,Wellsford•4X4•TRUCKS•AGRICULTURAL•WHEELSALIGNMENTSANDMORE.094237106 IS IT Ph: 09 430 3505 e: 2 Kaka Street, Morningside, Whangarei NORTHLANDAutomaticsAdvanced2017LTD Is your car an Automatic? Have you ever had the transmission serviced? Now is the time to book in advance!
NAME ...................................................... CONTACT DETAILS .........................
On & Off Road Motorbikes Ltd 021 0269 4189

CarMech Services Ltd 09 439 6910
Poland Motors ............................................................. 09 423 7788 ...................................
09 972 8050
Farrand & Mason 09 439 7335
Mike’s 601 6195
Automotive Outdoor & Marine 09 423 8244

Morfett 09 439 6377

Cosslett & Sons Panelbeating 09 435 1883

Fozzies Garage 09 438 1957

Advanced Automatics Northland 09 430 3505

Maungaturoto Centre 09 431 8288
Parts To Go Limited 0800 323 727
X-Span Northland Ltd 021 226 2579
Autocraft 09 438 6698

Doidges Tyres Wellsford 09 423 7106

Autos 09
Cater Marine Ltd 09 402 8292

Autocare Service Centre 09 438 4700
Dargaville Honda M/C & Marine 09 439 1089
Kamo Outboard Spares & Service 09 435 1038
Advance Auto Services

Rules which allow learner and restricted motorcyclists to ride larger, more openroad competent machines have been here for a while now, and manufacturers are vying for a market share in the entry-level segment. As fuel costs at one end and better technology at the other make a convincing case for two-wheeled freedom, here are a brace of LAMSapproved bikes from the big JapaneseYamahabrands.hasrebooted the styling of its old-school RD 350 with a new XSR700; actually, a 655cc givescruiser.learner-approvedtwin-cylinderretroroadA270-degreecranktheenginecrispacceleration
Time for two-wheeling fun

24 September 13 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER AUTO & MARINE ONE SHOP, UNLIMITED WAYS WE CAN HELP YOU THIS SPRING Phone: 09 439 7335 Normanby Street, Dargaville Farrand & Mason Ltd GENERAL & PRECISION ENGINEERS - ENGINEERING SERVICES - FABRICATION - WELDING EQUIPMENT - TOOLS - LOCKSMITHING AND KEY CUTTING - SECURITY - HYDRAULIC SERVICE We are your local home of HUSQVARNA outdoor power equipment - sales, service, parts and supply. From ride ons to chainsaws, brush cutters to hedge trimmers and beyond! Quality First. Exceptional Service. Keeping Northlander’s on the road for 35+ years Centrally located opposite Spotlight Shopping Centre ADVANCE AUTO SERVICES Beside the big BP 09 972 8050 - 021 0291 7067 - LET US HELP YOU KEEP MOVING IN SPRING Call to book now for all your auto electrical repairs, servicing and parts. Now doing car remotes/car key programming/new and replacement keys for lost keys PLEASE BOOK BY PHONE FOR FASTER, SAFER SERVICE • Air conditioning • Air bag • Engine check light • ABS diagnostics • New batteries Farrand & Mason Ltd GENERAL & PRECISION ENGINEERS Ph: 09 439 7335 ONLINE CATALOGUE VISIT: When the time of need arises, the time for planning has passed. king tony 25pc 1/2" dr impact deep socket set with $420.00atv$241.04case+gsttrailerkit+gstcrc zinc it 500gbuy 2 for $36.26+gst We’ll match their price and throw in a little thing called service! ARE YOU BUILDING A BOAT, OR JUST DOING SOME MAINTENANCE? Do you need to replace a door latch, or redo all the wiring and plumbing aboard? Are you planning a fishing trip or a holiday with the family? At Cater Marine, we stock a wide selection of products for leisure and commercial yachts and launches from Anchors to Zincs and everything in between. We also offer dive refills. Unit 16, Opua Marine Park Baffin Street, Opua Bay of Islands R commended


p There’s something for everyone in the LAMS learners and restricted category, with bikes from four of the biggest Japanese brands leading the charge

Suzuki takes a different tack with its latest SV650A, following on from a lineage that goes back to 1999. The latest member of the SV family is packed with technology. It features an exposed spiderweb tube frame, blunt nose and big, low-slung and aggressive exhausts to match primary-coloured alloy wheels. Two spark plugs a cylinder, advanced metallurgy tech, and even a low-RPM assist programme combine to make this a
The other way to enjoy Northland highways is with a long lazy cruise, and Kawasaki has just the machine for the job. The 650cc Kawasaki Vulcan LAMS edition is set up for devouring the miles and drinking in the sights and sounds. A low seat height, ample torque and a comfortable riding position make this a practical motorcycle. Still, it’s the retro cruiser styling that sets it apart, and blends elements of the vintage and modern into a seamless whole. ¢
u by Andy Bryenton

bike which supports novice riders with power when it’s needed.

Spring is the time of year when many of us consider getting out on the highway by motorcycle, and a new crop of learner-approved machines makes exploring Northland by bike more appealing than ever.

plenty of torque high into the rev range, adding to the confidence afforded by anti-lock brakes and a clear, easy-to-read dash. Pick this one if you want a retroinspired cruiser that says, ‘I’m part of a long road bike heritage’.
Honda offers a pack of great LAMS-approved options, but if racing pedigree is your thing, then look no further than the CBR650R. The CBR title graces some of the fastest machines on the road, and this learnerapproved version may lack a little of that stunning velocity but none of the style and handling. A light, strong chassis and a true superbike configuration, with an inline-four engine tucked in low and central, makes this a great introduction to sports riding, and more than enough exhilaration for new riders fresh to the feeling of the open road.
You can catch COVID-19 more than once. Boosters help protect you from getting very sick from COVID-19, ending up in hospital, and even death. Keeping up to date with your vaccinations is one of the most important things you can do to help protect yourself, your whānau and your community.
If you’ve had COVID-19, you can get your booster three months after you tested positive. Make sure you are up to date with your COVID-19 vaccinations. Check your eligibility at or call 0800 28 29 26.
Keeping up to date with your vaccinations is really important, even if you’ve already had COVID-19.
A booster will provide extra protection from a previous vaccination and help your immunity be stronger and last longer. And, by staying as healthy as you can, you help reduce pressure on our communities, businesses and the health sector.
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 13 2022 25
structure increases fees for the Pine Beach campground to make it more consistent with campgrounds offering similar facilities and services, and reducing the cost to ratepayers. The new fees apply to new bookings made from 1 October 2022. People who already have confirmed bookings will not have to pay the new rate. You can view the updated fees at
The Hell Reading Challenge is in full swing at Kaipara Libraries!
New fees structure for Taharoa Domain
Kaipara Libraries reading challenge
Head to any Kaipara public library to pick up all you need to participate in the challenge, including a pizza wheel that will be stamped for each review. Only two reviews per library visit and no more than two pizza wheels can be submitted per person. Find your closest library at
Poutō wharf
A new fees structure for Taharoa Domain was confirmed at Kaipara’s August Council
Phase One Shared Path complete
26 September 13 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER
Work on the Kaihu Valley Trail continues. Fencing is well underway along the 45 km walking and biking track being built from Dargaville to Donnellys Crossing. Construction of a 65 metre wire suspension bridge at Parore is planned to start in October.

Workers have recently uncovered some historical items under archaeologist supervision, including a piece of perfectly preserved brown salt glazed stoneware, two ink wells, an intact champagne bottle and several pill bottles. You can read the full update at
Readers 12 and under can read and review (written or verbal) seven books to our librarians. Once completed, receive a free pizza from any HELL Pizza store, valid until 31 January 2023.
Kaihu Valley Trail pregressing
Please visit Council’s website for the most up-to-date information or call Council on 0800 727 059 and ask to speak to a Governance Advisor.
We know there are still some sections of Molesworth Drive alongside the shared path that are rough in surface texture. We are working with our contractor to identify and carry out further road repairs that are needed later in the year
Wed 28 Sept, 9.30am, Conference Room, Northern Wairoa Memorial Hall, Dargaville and online via YouTube
Last chance to give your feedback
• Audit, Risk and Finance Committee, Thu 15 Sept, 9.30am, Governance Meeting Space, 1c Molesworth Drive, Mangawhai and online via YouTube
A blessing carried out last month signalled the completion of the first phase of the shared path works. Phase One includes the first section of the shared path on Molesworth Drive, from the ITM down to about 80m past Estuary Drive, as well as the two roundabouts and adjacent path upgrades in Mangawhai Village
Upcoming Council meetings
The project is part of Kaipara KickStart and is supported by PGF funding from Kānoa – Regional Economic Development & Investment Unit
Kaipara Kōrero
A pre-construction blessing led by Waikaretu marae earlier this month opened the Poutō Point site for work to begin on the new wharf. As part of the work around the wharf construction, Council’s roading team first widened the access to the beach, increasing visibility for users in the busy area. This is completed and STF Group, the contractors undertaking the wharf construction, will be onsite this week. Please be mindful in the area while it is an active work site.
Applications for the Fund will open on 3 October and close on 4 November 2022. Find more info at; or email
Check our website for most up to date information.

A workshop is being held this month (10am-12pm, Wednesday 21 September) to provide detail on the application criteria and process, and answer any questions. The workshop is open to all prospective applicants, and those interested are invited to join online or in-person.
Northland Regional Events Fund opening soon Northland Inc have announced the third round of the contestable Northland Events Fund opening on 3 October 2022! If you are organising an event that drives visitors to Taitokerau Northland, then this fund could be for you.

Council briefings and meetings are held in-person and are livestreamed on Council’s YouTube channel. Governance meetings may be moved completely online at the discretion of the Mayor.
Consultation on the Exposure Draft District Plan closes this Friday 16 September. The District Plan influences the future urban and rural environments of our District, which is why it’s important for Kaipara communities to be informed and get involved. Read the eplan, summary documents and find out how to give your feedback at
• Awards and Grants Committee (PEX), Mon 19 Sept, 10.00am, KDC Offices, The Hub, 6/6 Molesworth Drive, Mangawhai
• Externally Funded Projects Committee, Wed 21 Sept, 9.30am, Webex and online via
Air Training Corps — Mondays 6pm–8pm at the Dargaville Aero Club.
Stepping Out Leisure Marching Team — Tuesday 4pm–5pm at the Dargaville Town Hall. Contact Sharon 027 439 5634 or 09 439 5634 for more details. Vaccine Passport required.
SUN 18 12:48am (2.2m) 6:44am (0.8m) 1:11pm (2.2m) 7:20pm (1.0m)

event, 14th September 5.10pm–6.30pm at Dargaville Sewing Centre, Normanby St.
Dargaville Scout Group — For boys and girls aged 5–99 years at 23 Onslow St. All info on door or phone Johnnita 027 296 5889.
Alzheimer’s ‘Carer’ Support Group — Contact Maxine on 021 153 5674.
Dargaville Museum — Open every day except Christmas Day and Anzac morning 9–4 until Labour Day then 9–5 until Easter. Volunteers, visitor hosts and members welcome. Phone 09 439 7555.
Northern Wairoa Genealogy Society — Learn how to trace your family history or DNA at the Research Rooms, Dargaville Museum, 4th Sunday of each months 12.30–2pm OR attend our monthly meetings on the 4th Sunday of the month from 2pm–4pm. Phone Sue 021 608 606.
Peggy Purls in our Community — Every 3rd Wednesday 10.30am at Dargaville Sewing and Curtain Centre, 59 Normanby St. Ring Charlene 09 439 6120.
Stitches and Craft — 5 Cranley St, Dargaville. 10am–4pm Tuesday and Friday Contact Lois 027 473 0598 for further details.
Meet the Candidates for Mayor — Thursday 22nd September 5.15pm for 5.30pm start at the Dargaville Club, Victoria St, Dargaville, hosted by the DCDB.
outside of Dargaville events email FOR EVENT LISTINGS
Kumarani Productions, Circus Jam — Wednesdays 5.30–7.30pm at Circus Kumarani, 15 Onslow St through school terms only. Gold coin donation.
Wednesday Crafts — Every Wednesday 10am. Morning tea and lunch will be served. Variety of crafts. The Kiosk at Memorial Park. All welcome. $6 per session. Contact Judy 027 316 3940.
Dargaville Floral Art Club — Meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 1pm at The Lighthouse Church, Cnr Normanby & Parore Sts, Dargaville. Enquiries to Dawn Donald 09 439 5413.
Kaipara Heritage Machinery Club — Open and operating Wednesday and Saturday. New members
Dargaville Friendship Club — meets 2nd Tuesday of the month at 10am at the NW Boating Club. For info phone Phyllis 09 439 6681.
Hikuwai O Kaipara Waka Ama Club — Meet at the NW Boating Club 5pm Mondays and Thursdays from 5pm for Awa training.
SeniorNet Dargaville — Drop-in every Tuesday 10am–2pm (except school holidays) for help with technology and internet banking. KCC 38 Hokianga Rd.

Spring Fling 2022 — 17th September, 9.30am–3.30pm, Arapohue Hall, Dargaville. Join us for a fun and interactive day focussed around food and exercise. We’ll have yummy food and some wonderful speakers and activities! Hosted by Rural Women New Zealand. Cost $15 per person (includes morning tea, afternoon tea and lunch). To register contact Heather by 11 September on 027 472 4485 or heathersorensen55@
THU 15 1:13am (3.2m) 7:24am (0.6m) 1:35pm (3.1m) 7:40pm (0.7m)
Monthly Market — 1st Saturday of each month — 8am–noon — at the Kaipara Community Centre, Hokianga Road (opposite the Town Hall).
— business owners/managers
WED 14 3:47am (0.3m) 10:09am (2.6m) 4:05pm (0.4m) 10:32pm (2.6m)
Dargaville Girls Brigade — For girls 5–15 years. Thursdays after school — 3.30–5pm held at The Lighthouse Church. Contact Pauline Taylor 021 263 7446 or 09 439 7505.
For boys and girls aged 13–18 years Phone Gordon 021 262 0547.
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 13 2022 27 Listen to Big River FM IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE WITH YOUR LOCAL RADIO STATION 09 439 98.6FM & RUAWAI 88.2FM Community Flavour and Variety Helping the community in so many waysBIG RIVER FM Phil & Mitch 98.6FM ACOUSTIC MUSIC GROUP CONCERTS RETURN Dargaville Acoustic Music BLACKBOARD CONCERT October 6th, 7:00pm Kaipara Community Centre Hokianga Rd, Dargaville $2 entry $2 raffle BYO instruments or just come to listen: All Welcome Ph 021 439 697 for more info CALLING ALL MUSIC LOVERS For further Muddy Waters Gallery 43 Hokianga Rd, Dargaville Next to the Anzac Theatre • 2nd WEDNESDAY EACH MONTH • NEXT IS 14th SEPTEMBER 12PM–3PM • BRING YOUR LUNCH — HAVE A COFFEE • TALK ABOUT CREATIVE WRITING AND THE ARTISTIC PROCESS • COME AND MEET THIS MONTH’S GUEST SPEAKER Dargaville Book Club hosted by Geraldine Craw Andy Bryenton author of multiple titles including Fullchrome Afterburn and Gad’s Army Arts TIDE CHART MANGAWHAI HEADS Dargaville High +1:50 Low +3:10 Ruawai High +1:16 Low +0:57 Kellys Bay High +0:10 Low +0:06 Tinopai High +0:17 Low +0:21 Pahi High +0:44 Low +0:30POUTO POINT

Te Kopuru Market — Every Saturday 12.30pm–3.30pm at Te Kopuru Community Hall.
FRI 16 5:14am (0.5m) 11:36am (2.5m) 5:36pm (0.7m)
Northern Wairoa Country Music Club — 1st Sunday of the month at the Scout Hall, 23 Onslow Street 1–4pm. Enquiries to Bruce 09 439 5513.
THU 15 4:31am (0.4m) 10:52am (2.6m) 4:50pm (0.6m) 11:17pm (2.6m)
Mt Wesley Angels — Meets 2nd Sunday of the month at Old Mt Wesley Cemetery to preserve, record and care for this historic cemetery. Wear suitable footwear, bring water, gardening gloves and a friend.
NZ 60s Up Movement — Dargaville Social Meetings held at the Lighthouse Function Centre on 1st Tuesday of the month. Contact President Margaret Pinny 09 439 4560.
WED 14 12:36am (3.4m) 6:47am (0.4m) 12:58pm (3.3m) 7:02pm (0.5m)
Alcoholics Anonymous — Dargaville AA meetings held at The Lighthouse Church, cnr Normanby & Parore Sts. Use Parore St entrance. Monday 4.30pm & Thursday 7.30pm Contact Bernie 027 212 2148, Ladies 020 4082 1373, Murray 09 439 5248.
TUE 20 5:28am (2.5m) 11:41am (1.2m) 6:21pm (2.6m)
Kaihu Hall Market — 3rd Saturday each month 10am–noon. Phone Robin 09 439 4878.
Dargaville Embroidery Group — 3rd Tuesday of the month 10am–2pm. Phone Rosemary 09 439 0656.
TUE 20 2:31am (2.1m) 8:35am (1.0m) 3:08pm (2.2m) 9:19pm (1.0m)
and volunteers welcome. Something to interest both men and women, come and get involved. Phone 09 439 7108 or 09 439 4614.
SAT 17 2:30am (2.8m) 8:42am (0.9m) 2:57pm (2.8m) 9:07pm (1.1m)
RSA Women’s Section — Social meeting held at the Clubrooms, 4th Monday of the month. Contact Secretary/Treasurer Betty Bruce 09 439 4344.
Paparoa Artisan Market — 4th Sunday monthly 12–4pm. Paparoa Memorial Hall.
Baylys & Beyond Gardeners — All welcome, 2nd Monday of each month, Garden ramble, shared lunch, trading table phone 021 063 3444.
SUN 18 3:16am (2.7m) 9:29am (1.0m) 3:50pm (2.6m) 10:04pm (1.2m)
Dargaville Contract Bridge Club — Tuesdays 12.45pm and Thursday 6.45pm at the Kiosk, Memorial Park, Logan St, Dargaville. or phone Peter 09 439 2437 or 022 405 6439.
MON 19 4:13am (2.5m) 10:27am (1.1m) 4:59pm (2.6m) 11:17pm (1.3m)
Meet the Candidates – Wairoa General Ward -— Tuesday 20th September 5.15pm for 5.30pm start at the Dargaville Club, Victoria St, Dargaville, hosted by the DCDB.
Twilight Market — Last Friday of each month, 5.30pm–7pm. Northern Wairoa Boating Club, Totara Street.
Dargaville Aero Club — Learn to fly, free of tuition charges, Gyrocopter, Texan, Stork. Contact Peter 09 439 1628 for further info.
Paparoa Farmers’ Market — Every Saturday 9am –12pm. Genuine local produce, vegetables, seafood, olive oils, meats, patisserie, plants and more. Village Green, Paparoa.
Dargaville Games Club — 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at the Dargaville Scout Hall, Onslow St, 6pm–9pm.
FRI 16 1:51am (3.0m) 8:02am (0.7m) 2:14pm (2.9m) 8:21pm (0.9m)
Lions Club of Ruawai — Meets 3rd Thursday of the month (social night) at the Sports Club and 1st Thursday of the month (business meeting). For more info contact 09 439 2029 or 09 439 2557.
Dargaville Menz Shed — is open Tuesday and Thursday each week from 10am to 3pm and Saturday mornings from 10am to noon. New members are welcome. For more info phone Paul 027 459 3098 or Brian 09 439 6175.
SAT 17 12:02am (2.4m) 5:58am (0.6m) 12:22pm (2.3m) 6:25pm (0.9m)
MON 19 1:37am (2.2m) 7:36am (0.9m) 2:07pm (2.2m) 8:19pm (1.0m)


Lions Dargaville — Meeting 2nd Wednesday of the month in Lions Den, Hokianga Road. Contact John for more information 09 439 5937.
Pono Lodge Yoga — Pono Lodge, 41 Hokianga Road, Dargaville. Mondays: Hatha Flow 5.30pm, Yin 7pm. Tuesdays: Body Focus 9.30am. For more info contact Anisha 021 301 860 or see our Facebook page Dargaville Yoga.
Greypower Meeting – Wairoa General Ward and Maori Ward Candidates — 16th September 1pm–3.30pm at the Methodist Church Complex, Cnr Awakino & Normanby St.
Let’s Connect Expo — Tuesday 27th September 10am to 2pm at the Dargaville Town Hall Come and meet your local community providers. Hosted by SOS Kaipara — Community Connectors. This is a free community event. Come and see how local service providers can help you.
Northern Wairoa Indoor Bowls Assn — Starts at 7pm Mondays at Anglican Church Hall, Tuesdays at Ruawai-Tokatoka Hall, Wednesdays at Dalmatian Hall. For more info contact Warren Younger 027 478 5102 or evenings 09 439 6155.
52 Stock
82 Food
12 Lawn
40 Helper
solution may be possible. CAP AI IOS AL PES CRAMP RADIO IDOLS SABLE GAS AC AOE EI EEY GLASS LANCE ADORE REDID ENEMY 6 431 5 2 6 29 8 5 7 2 8 4 592 3 6 1 41 682 93 7869 431 52 4135 729 68 2596 184 37 9 3 5 7 2 1 8 4 6 8214 367 95 6748 592 13 5 9 7 3 8 4 6 2 1 3421 675 89 1682 953 74 9 2 839 25 6 56 3 7 1 6 7 3 9 2 7 9 42 587 6 2 9 5 4 618 49 3 4 5 6975 431 28 8139 725 64 4256 813 97 1 8 6 7 3 9 2 4 5 7524 168 39 9342 587 16 2 7 9 3 6 5 4 8 1 5618 249 73 3481 976 52 MEDIUM Previous solution Previous solution Previous crossword solution solutionPrevious 1ACROSS Pollute (5) 4 Feeling untroubledblamelessness;ofbyguilt (5,10) 14 Form (5) 15 Lance (5) 16 Tall building (10) 17 Apparition (5) 19 Bashful (3) 20 Strongly alkaline (7) 21 Square in London (9) 22 Mixture of tunes (6) 25 Table game (9) 27 Digit (6) 28 Muslim place of worship (6) 33 Intruder (10) 35 Squeezing snake (3) 36 Subtle point of delicacy or distinction (6) 37 Droop (4) 39 Beverage (3) 41 Guilty party (7) 42 Tight undergarment
45 Managed
47 Hankering
54 First
34 Space
13 Use
53 Branch
24 Liquid
DOWN: 2 Unhurt, 3 Talon, 4 Aft, 5 Apse, 6 Replica, 7 In-laws, 8 Comb, 9 Kangaroo, 11 Ironed, 12 Inflexible, 13 Idea, 14 Herring, 18 Tourniquet, 20 Ewer, 23 Brain, 24 Ointment, 26 Epistle, 28 Outcome, 30 Jaguar, 31 Ghetto, 32 Signal, 35 Onion, 37 Drove, 38 Trio, 40 Give, 45 Farms, 46 Encircle, 47 Meagre, 48 Improbable, 49 Cart, 50 Haughty, 51 Reduce, 52 Nitre, 54 Ajar, 55 Embargo, 56 Tallow, 61 Unbalanced, 63 Adult, 67 Alienate, 68 Iffy, 69 Bisects, 72 Expands, 73 Odious, 74 Attach, 75 Stigma, 79 Actor, 80 Feta, 81 Gnat, 82 Eddy, 85 Pie. ten — the grid and than one (6) Lifelike (9) Way in (5) Knitted garment (8) Symbol for zinc (2) Heavy textile with woven picture (8) Stringed instrument (5) Fundamental truth or law (9) Fish-hawk (6) Burn (7) Lubricate (3) Liability (4) Atoll lake (6) Extinguished (3) Greek mathematician and inventor (10) Move slowly and idly (6) Slightly drunk (6) Colleague (9) African scavenger (6) Detestable (9) Flavour of ouzo (7) Expected (3) Topic (5) Podgy (10) Challenged (5) Lower leg joint (5) Under time pressure (7,3,5) Core (5)
23 Give
2DOWNCome into view (6) Approaches (5) Be keen on (4) Self-confident (7) Table wine container (6) Himalayan country (5) Sure (7) Slight advantage (4) Ornamental neckband (6) flower (5) again (7) rich cheese (7) (10) rise to (5) metal (7) (7) Squash (7) Group of five (7) Emotional shock (6) Maltreat (5) Layers (6) for movement (4) (5) adhesive (5) (4) (5) arch (7) (4) Charm (6) (5) study (7) of foods (10) of knowledge at school (7) film prints after shooting (6) (7) Malice (5) Greek B (4) Appease (7) Expressionless (7) Of doubtful quality; untrustworthy (7) Outdoor clock (7) Rogue, scoundrel (3,3) Window-shop (6) Heavenly body (6) Spasmodic, fitful (5) Unconcealed; done or shown openly (5) Climb (5) shop (4) Fashionable (4)
ACROSS: 1 Nutty as a fruitcake, 10 Diminish, 15 Chalet, 16 Supplement, 17 Coiffeur, 19 Trinket, 21 Views, 22 Barometer, 25 Rehearsal, 27 Sojourn, 29 Siding, 33 Panic, 34 Ricochet, 36 Titillated, 39 Cog, 41 Custard, 42 Bistro, 43 Iguana, 44 Zero, 45 Freedom, 48 Incoherent, 53 Layette, 57 Rice, 58 Hamper, 59 Update, 60 Waybill, 62 Tug, 64 Strongroom, 65 Hacienda, 66 Arrow, 69 Ballad, 70 Valleys, 71 Bellyflop, 76 Bandolier, 77 Stops, 78 Dynasty, 83 Coercion, 84 Maintained, 85 Potage, 86 Slapdash, 87 Beat a hasty retreat.
18 Deceptive
All puzzles © The Puzzle 293
28 September 13 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER
38 Slightly
46 Coloured
14 Strong
36 Dapper
49 Alliance
five across
26 Bland
Jumbo crossword

Fill the grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
five down. More
55 Nomad
62 exclusiveNewspaper(5) 67
5x5 Insert the missing letters to complete
50 Animal
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 13 2022 29 KAIPARA SERVICE DIRECTORY Relaxation Massage, Yoga and Health Lifestyle/Nutrition Consultations available Contact Anisha Holford Holistic PractitionerHealthandCoach Brand new service team to help you with household cleaning, yard maintenance, lawn-mowing and clippings removal in the Dargaville and surrounding area. Call Ray Curle 09 439 5717 or 027 254 6778 ARAP OHUE SERV &HouseholdICESCleaningGardenMaintenance 09 439 8210 | 027 497 37 BEACH ROAD DARGAVILLE PO BOX 264 DARGAVILLE Facebook:Email:Phone: 021 278 cjsrakau@outlook.com3434 @cjsrakaufirewood Firewood Services - Kaiwaka Winz Approved There is now an Ear Nurse Specialist based at Dargaville Medical Centre to remove ear wax safely and effectively with micro suction Call Roz on 027 297 2200 or email to make an appointment Clean Ear Health Do You Have a Problem with Ear Wax? CODY’S HOMEKILL Phone: 021 - 0247 - 0784 Dargaville Funeral Services Ltd 24 Hours — 09 439 8016 Locally owned and operated The Point of Difference Jessica Young – 020 4119 Bruce Young – 027 575 CALL CHRIS HICKEY ON 027 561 1719 email: ALL ASPECTS OF FARM & LIFESTYLE BLOCK FENCING & MAINTENANCE INCLUDING: • Post & Batten • Entrances • Post & Rail • Retaining Walls • Stock Yards • Riparian Lots • Netting • Subdivisions since 1984 T. GLASS PANELBEATERS 5 PORRITT STREET RUAWAI Ph 09 439 2416 • 021 210 of stonechip windscreens C: 021 245 3399 P: 09 439 7389 E: W: For all your building needs, from pre-planning to finish ContaCt Grant on: Grant TregidgaBuilders Ltd PILING, RETAINING & caine.hccs@gmail.com027EARTHWORKS2404514 021 056 7665“NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL” CALL TRAVIS! Office: 09 439 8048 Fax: Email: 09 437 15 Gladstone Street, Dargaville, 0310, PO Box 8043, Kensington 0145, Whangarei Call now for a no obligation free quote! • Lawn Mowing • Hedge Trimming • Water blasting • Pruning/Tree Trimming • Section Clean Up • General Garden Maintenance • Planting • Weed Spraying AND MORE! Matt 021 111 0595 or email MUDDY THUMBS GARDENING & MAINTENANCE NWC DO YOU NEED CONCRETE? • Driveways • Sheds • Carports • Patios • 2 Tonne Digger • Tip Truck Obligation free quote Leon 022 344 nwcontracting2021@gmail.com9774 Northern Wairoa Contracting Ltd OMAMARI LOGGING Fire wood:deliverygum/macrocarpa/pine,available. Wanted: gum trees/macrocarpa trees, stands of pines Trees - Ph Russell: 021 951 329 Firewood - Ph/txt Lucas: 021 0266 4501 Local Tree Services 0800 933 Safer, Faster & Cheaper • Tree Felling • Tree Pruning • Chipping • Stump Grinding Shelter Belt Removal/ LandToppingClearing Tu Christey Massage Therapist Diploma in Massage, MNZ Cert. in Thai Traditional Massage (Wat Pho) “Get rid of your aches & pains, maintain your well being” Therapeutic, Deep Tissue, Sports, Pregnancy, Relaxation, Myofascial Release, Lymphatic Drainage Mobile: 021 116 9425 Email: Personal Insurance Advisors specialising in Life, Medical, Trauma and Income Insurance and ACC p 027 585 7776 e w DONNA PETERS & HANNAH HARDING Your Local Professional choice for EWOF, COV Inspections & Certifications, PV Solar and Hazardous Inspections. Boats Campers & RVs Caravans PH: 021 240 6764 KEITH call today - we come to YOU

30 September 13 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER FOR SALE CARAVAN EWOF (and marine). Call your local inspector today at A+ Electrical Inspections and Security on 021 240 6764. SCOOTERS PLYWOOD 19mm H3 Ply $127, 12mm H3 NS $79, 09 438 6565. SUZUKI ESCUDO Vitara/Grand Vitara — car parts, WOF parts, 4x4 parts etc. Good parts, good prices. Phone Derek 09 439 7573. TOP SOIL, top quality, $75 per m³ onto your trailer, or truck deliveries available for larger orders. Phone 021 132 4107 or 09 439 5141. NURSERIES & PLANTS GOT2GO PLANTS is open Tuesday to Sunday 10am to 4pm. Shelter, hedging, & landscaping plants ready now. 09 439 5556. STORAGE WE CURRENTLY have containers space available enquiries. Phone 09 439 6037 or 027 207 2932.

TREE TRIMMING Truck using Grapple/Saw – 26m reach — Pruning, Removal, Chipping, Qualified Arborists
(tradesperson) for all your small jobs. Phone 09 439 5557. ROOF & GUTTER repairs and gutter cleans. Text/phone 021 271 2065. WATER TANK Cleaning. Phone Pete 027 444 3053 or 09 405 9510. WINDOW & Door Repairs & Glazing, Insect Screens, Security and more — call me today. Phone 027 275 0918 or 09 439 6458. Kevin Sowter or visit my website: — Window and Door Services Ltd. CLASSIFIEDS PHONE 09 439 6933 Closing date for classified advertising for the September 20 2022 edition is Monday, September 19 2022 KAIPARA SERVICE DIRECTORY Call us, visit us or email us for any big or small jobs! 100A Jervois Street, Dargaville | Mobile hose doctor, welding & mechanic service crew Fabrication in steel, stainless & aluminium Repairs & modifications 0800 HOSEDOC ENTERTAINMENT DARGAVILLE’S CINEMA THE ANZAC THEATRE AT THE WAR MEMORIAL TOWN HALL, HOKIANGA RD TO PURCHASE TICKETS ONLINE AND FOR ANY FURTHER 8997 Proudly sponsored by the Kaipara Lifestyler Adult $16 Senior (65+) $13.50 Student $13.50 w/ID Child $9.00 Under 3yrs FREE MORNING AFTERNOON AFTERNOON EVENING NIGHT 15/09THU GLORIAVALE (M) 5.30PM GOOD LUCK TO YOU, LEO GRANDE (M) 7.30PM 16/09FRI MURU (M) 1.00PM A STITCH IN TIME (M) 5.30PM 3000 YEARS OF LONGING (M) 8.00PM 17/09SAT A STITCH IN TIME (M) 1.30PM GOOD LUCK TO YOU, LEO GRANDE (M) 3.30PM MURU (M) 5.45PM 3000 YEARS OF LONGING (M) 8.00PM 18/09SUN WHETUBRIGHTMARAMA:STAR 1.00PM A STITCH IN TIME (M) 3.00PM 3000 YEARS OF LONGING (M) 5.00PM 19/09MON CLOSED NEW THIS WEEK: 3000 YEARS OF LONGING, A STITCH IN TIME FURTHER SCREENINGS: GOOD LUCK TO YOU, LEO GRANDE, MURU VERY LAST SCREENING OF: LANCASTER, GLORIAVALE, WHETU MARAMA20/09TUE CLOSED 21/09WED LANCASTER 12.00PM GLORIAVALE (M) 5.30PM MURU (M) 7.30PM WEEK OF 15th September – 21st September ★ FirstLastscreeningscreening ★★ PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Dargaville Bobcat Services Phone or Txt Paul 09 439 5073 | 027 271 2022 Any job big or small. We do them ALL • Stump & Tree Removal • Driveway Prep & Regrading • Post Hole Borer • Calf Shed & Stockyard Cleaning • Tip Truck Available • Trencher WORK WANTED WAYNE & ANNETTE Ph 09 439 2020 Dry Aged Beef Specialists Traditional Manuka wood smoked Bacon & Ham TOKATOKA WARREN BYCROFT Builder / Tiler / Cabinet Maker Bathroom + Kitchens For all types of building work guaranteed PH: 09 439 6178 OR 027 472 3778 E 4 Totara Street, Dargaville | 10a Finlayson Street, Whangarei P: 09 439 6007 M: 027 481 1285 E: SPECIALISTS IN: HEAT PUMPS | AIR CONDITIONING | REFRIGERATION RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL ELECTRICAL Registered REFRIGERATIONelectrician 100%NZ keeping it kiwi AIRCONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION We Do it Right… Professional Workmanship LIVESTOCK MATAKOHE SALE FRIDAY 16TH SEPTEMBER 2022 12.30pm Start Further entries welcome 6 x R3Yr Steers 9 x R2Yr Steers 5 x R2Yr Heifers 10 x R1Yr Steers 15 x WF Weaner Heifers 3 x R1Yr Jersey Bulls Special Entries 8 x M/S Char. X Weaners 30 x Char/Limousine X 1Yr Heifers Murray Lynch 021 966 501 Don McKenzie 021 754 174 Noel Baker 027 455 5828 Craig Douglas 027 445 1167
TREE REMOVAL, pruning, chipping & stump grinding. Qualified & Insured. Phone Scott 0800 468 9663 Arborcare Tree Maintenance.

FENCING, ALL types of fencing, pool, stockyards, post & rail, boundary plus... call Jeff 0274765 458 PET SUPPLIES WINDOW & Door Repairs & Glazing, Insect Screens, Security and more — call me today. Phone 027 275 0918 or 09 439 6458. Kevin Sowter or visit my website: — Window and Door Services Ltd.

KAIPARA STUMP grinding. All stumps, any size, free no-obligation quote. Phone 020 4029 2263. Based in Dargaville. Keep it local.


SUZUKI Derek 09 439 7573.

4X4 Wanted to buy — parked, damaged or unwanted, Escudo Vitara/Grand Vitara. Phone

CARPET CLEANING, repairs, re-stretching, and patching. Flood drying and small carpet laying work and upholstery cleaning. Very fussy and reasonable prices. Phone Darren, Alltrades Carpet Services 0800 425 587 or 027 286 8584.

Loved Husband of the late Rhonda Mary Carey-Hall, Stepfather to Sarina & James, Brother of Diane, Tania, Alayne, Raymond, Missy, Argie and Lance. Loving Uncle to many. You will be dearly missed by your whanau and friends. May you R.I.P spread your wings and fly high until we meet again.

The general nature of the business conducted Bottle Store
(7.6.1928 - 14.3.2022)
Closing date for classified advertising for the September 20 2022 edition is Monday, September 19 2022
We are looking for full time and casual Support Workers who are energetic, willing to learn, and have a caring, fun and compassionate nature for the Dargaville area. Hours are variable; however, the ability to work evenings and weekends is important in this work.
• Subject to clean police clearance check.
Applications close Friday 23 September 2022, at 9:00 am. When applying, please state your subject area(s) of expertise.

TehealthNeedHEALTHHealthCommunityKaiparaTrustSHUTTLEtransporttoaappointment?ForenquiriesphoneHaOranga4393013 WednesdayAGM21st of September 2022 in the Auditorium 7:30pm. All Welcome M Ross, Secretary Kaipara Heritage Machinery Inc
The applicant we seek should be enthusiastic, motivated, and committed to quality teaching and learning. A willingness to make a contribution to the rich, co-curricular life of the school is essential.
The family wish to invite friends & relatives to share memories of Stan as a celebration of his life.
Celebration of life for Stan Harvey will be held in Warkworth on Saturday 1st October 2022 at 12pm.
Please RSVP to Carol on 021 371 298 to confirm details & numbers for catering
*with an opportunity to pick up more shifts What we can offer you: • FREE ongoing NZQA equivalent qualifications in Health and Wellbeing • FREE EAP service anytime you might need counselling support and advice • FREE mobile phone • Travel reimbursement between your clients • $2 per hour weekend allowance.
To request an application pack, please contact Tyla O’Sullivan, Principal’s PA via email at
• Mihimihi • Apologies • PreviousAGMMinutes • Chairpersons Report • Financial Report • General Business • Trusteenominations/elections • Marae Charter
Varied Shifts available and relief work: or 8-9am, and 4-5pm.
Our college in the beautiful Kaipara region is looking to employ a fixed-term, 1.0 FTTE teacher.
To apply, please send your CV and a cover letter, outlining why you feel you would be suitable, to
Kindly email your updated Cv orshanice.pereira@genevahealth.comto0800266577ext.9269foraconfidential chat.

Northland’s network of tsunami sirens in coastal communities will be tested on Sunday 25 September 2022.

A public Meeting to meet Kaipara District Council Maori and Wairoa General Ward Candidates at Dargaville Methodist Church Complex, Friday 16th September 2022 at 1.00pm. Chairman Richard Alspach. Everyone welcome.
Skills and Experience
The twice-yearly checks are carried out at the beginning and end of daylight saving. A message will also be sent to users of the free Red Cross Hazard app.
• Mon to Sun 7-8am

The Role
We are looking for someone to assist him with his morning and afternoon personal cares which involves using a hoist. Training will be provided, and commitment to the shifts is vital. You will have the ability to work one on one with our client, to ensure he lives the best life possible.
tlc4u2 provides homecare services to clients throughout Northland, Auckland and the Bay of Plenty. Identifying appropriate levels of care, offering realistic choices, maintaining or enhancing lifestyles and promoting independence are some of our prime objectives.
TE ROAD SUNDAY 2ND OCTOBER 2022 10.30AM Karakia timatanga
Fixed term position ends Friday 9 December 2022.

We are looking for people who are energetic, willing to learn, have a caring, fun and compassionate nature and a desire to support people to remain living in their own home. You must have a driver licence and own vehicle and a smartphone is helpful. Experience is an advantage, although we will consider applicants without if you have the right attitude and willing to train.

Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the issue of the licence may, not later than 15 working days after the first publication of this public notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee, Private Bag 1001, Dargaville 0340.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS both Dargaville AA Meetings are held at the church, crn Parore and Normanby Sts. Use Parore St entrance. Monday 4.30pm & Thursday 7.30pm. Phone Bernie 027 212 2148, Ladies 020 4082 1373, Murray 09 439 5248.
This is the second publication of this notice. The first was published on the 6th September 2022.
Hosted by Kaipara Grey Power
• Must have a clean and valid NZ driving licence.
As you will be working with vulnerable people, a police check will be carried out. Applicants should also have the right to work in New Zealand and be fully vaccinated against COVID-19
Public 101,
notice (Section
Following a private ceremony to inter his ashes at the Warkworth Cemetery, we would like to extend an invitation for an afternoon of remembrance with light refreshments, as Covid restrictions meant that not many could attend the funeral service in Whangarei in March.
Lt d BUILDERWANTED For work in the Northland region, preferably qualified licensed builder (LBP) or relevant experience. Company vehicle and competitive rates. Please call Brett 021 705 837 Apply in person at Compac Furniture, email CV • Furniture truck drivers (minimum class 2 license) • Factory positions available with opportunity to advance skills and gain responsibilityCheckourwebsite for opportunities for you:
• Whakamutunga
• Must be eligible to work in NZ.
RaymondDanielVincent Hall 03.07.1966 - 08.09.2022 NOTICES

About us
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 13 2022 31
of Dargaville, has made application to the Kaipara District Licensing Committee for the renewal of an off-licence in respect of the premises 70 Victoria St, Dargaville known as

Duties vary depending on our client’s individual needs, some of the tasks are likely to include assisting with personal cares, meal planning/ preparation, household activities and transporting clients to appointments and outings.
The start date is Monday 17 October 2022.

The sirens will sound at 10am for 10 minutes and 10.30am for 30 seconds.
Passed away suddenly at his family home in Katui.
Geneva Healthcare are currently looking for Support Workers to work with our clients based in Dargaville and surrounding areas. One of our clients is a 30-year-old man who lives in the family home. He has a happy disposition and is mobile in his wheel chair.
ACOUSTIC MUSIC Blackboard Concert — First Thursday of the month — 7–9.30pm, next is 6th October, Kaipara Community Centre, Hokianga Road, Dargaville. $2 entry, $2 raffle. Performers and audience welcome. Phone Allan 09 439 6933 or 021 439 697. An enjoyable night to be part of, sit back and be entertained by some great local talent.
DARGAVILLE HEALING rooms 7pm Tuesdays. No charge & no appointment necessary. Lion of Judah Building, River Road. All Welcome. Check us out on Facebook.
No objection to the renewal of a licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 131 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is sold under the licence are: Monday to Sunday 10am to 10pm.
The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the Kaipara District Licensing Committee at 32 Hokianga Road, Dargaville or Unit 13, 6 Molesworth Drive, Mangawhai.
DARGAVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Subject Teacher Option Evening Thursday 15th September 5pm - 7pm Come and speak to our subject teachers about options for 2023 Bookings Information For further information, go
Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012) Sunday 25 September 4pm For an original family musical written by Deborah Steele, based on Shakespeare’s ‘A Mid Summer Night’s Dream’ Characters needed: Adults, Teenagers and Kids aged 7+ Singing and non singing parts Call/text Deb on 027 321 1091 to register for auditions, or email us dargavillelittletheatre@gmail.comat Auditions
Support Workers — Dargaville
MILKER OR relief milker required, 180 cows, able to feed out would be good. Start ASAP, phone 09 439 5302.

32 September 13 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER Victoria Street, Dargaville 143 Hurndall Street, Maungaturoto Dargaville Realty Ltd LicensedREAAAgent200809 439 7295 09 431 1016 614 TE MAIRE RD TE KOPURU $6,500,000 + GST (if any) Premium soi s dom nated by Red Hill loams Autumn / Spring dairying options Self sufficient grass maize silage supp ements Low cost production per/milk sol d Many Tit es land bank options 222 ha, ample water, two 4 bedroom homes, 36 as de herringbone milking shed IT STARTS WITH THE SOIL MICHAEL GRIFFITHS 0272 788 122 WEB ID RJR4254 681 BABYLON COAST ROAD DARGAVILLE $369,000 PRICE REDUCTION Build the family home or beach house on this 8035m2 elevated land w th outstanding v ews capturing picture perfect sunsets and sunrises in addit on to horizon sea views Maunganui Bluff and Tutamoe Has an amazing bu ld ng p atform with no covenants plus 3 phase power at boundary WHAT A SPOT CRAIG CLEMENT 021 461 668 WEB ID RJS4260 B/61 LOGAN STREET DARGAVILLE $435,000 PRICE REDUCTION Simplify your l fe with this very tidy 81m2 house set on 386m2 section Open plan lounge/dining area w th a modern kitchen 3 bedrooms and a combined bathroom The flat section is partia ly fenced 3 sides with a shared driveway and internal access garage with aundry Property managed, Healthy Home compliant and tenanted at $420 00 a week INVESTORS COMFORTABLE COMPACT AND TENANTED ADRIANNE ASTLEY 0204 076 2650 WEB ID RJS4234 56 VICTORIA STREET, DARGAVILLE $405 000 + GST (if any) PRICE REDUCTION Live work & earn w thin a piece of Dargav lle s past with what was once the ma n entrance to the Empire movie theatre This nostalgic building features 2 shops fronts, a 2 bedroom apartment upsta rs with river views plus the old go d room Also has a walk in chi ler and storage rooms MULTIPLE INCOME OPTIONS PLUS ACCOMMODATION CRAIG CLEMENT 021 461 668 WEB ID RJC4228 5 HUIA CRES DARGAVILLE $486,000 Elevated 1980s family home in a good location offering open plan living areas with functional kitchen Off the hal way is both the combined bathroom and 3 good s ze ful y carpeted bedrooms Fenced backyard with plenty of space and GREAT LOCATION PRICED TO PLEASE A 74 KOMITI RD, TINOPAI $530,000 Invest in a s ice of history with this rough sawn clad cottage Enjoy a water view one side and a farm view the other Set on 2568 sqm room to spread outside, 3 bedrooms plus a Sleepout Two arge water tanks Sunny, private and elevated Call Rhoda to view HISTORIC COTTAGE NEAR THE WATER RHODA MORRISON Ph 0274 800 691 32 SANDY BEACH ROAD TINOPAI $260,000 PRICE REDUCED Enjoy country and distant water views from th s 1383 sqm section Power to 36 sqm garage gas califont for your hot water, toi et connected to septic system Metal ed parking pad, 2 berth caravan, sunny, walk to beach LARGE SECTION WITH GARAGE 10 ARAHANGA ROAD PAPAROA $265,000 A lovely 1 684 sqm f at section is now up for grabs Power to the boundary for your convenience Titles have all just been re eased Whether you are looking to build new or l ke the idea of a relocatab e home, th s section a lows for both There are some building covenants that apply to keep this subdivision looking pristine FABULOUS SECTION IN A FABULOUS NEW SUBDIVISION SHAR SCHULTZ 022 046 4790 WEB ID MRE2737 11 MANAAKI CIRCLE PAPAROA $195,000 If you are over 60 and looking for a quiet village like env ronment where you can build your dream retirement home then look no further Enjoy your golden years in this brand new sub division Title has now been issued RETIRE TO PAPAROA KARYN HODGSON 029 779 9019 WEB ID MRE2708 97/99 HURNDALL STREET MAUNGATUROTO $600,000 + GST ( f any) NEW LISTING Two Commercial Buildings Two Streams Of Income Revenue that cou d be all yours Not only do we have one successful Takeaway Bar we also have the Local Pol ce Stat on up for sale Both buildings are owned by the same vendor and they have dec ded its now time to sell Combined floor area of 280 sqm on a section size of 710 sqm GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY AWAITS! SHAR SCHULTZ 022 046 4790 WEB ID MC2739 LOT 6/175 JAMES ROAD MAUNGATUROTO $721,000 NEW LISTING 11 867ha lifestyle block with flat to gently slop ng and some steeper contour, and has its own dam water for stock Great views from the top of the block and several good potential bu ld ng platform areas (subject to council approva ) Just down the road s waterside access to aunch your kayak SEA VIEW FROM THE TOP OF THE HILL GARY MORRIS 021 902 087 DEBBIE HOWLETT 021 233 3796 WEB ID MRE2740 87 TANOA ROAD MAUNGATUROTO $549,000 NEW LISTING Step outside onto the beach it s that c ose! a most fish from your lawn on this 1 12ha (approx 2 7 acres) property This is a very welcoming 2 bedroom home and single detached garage built in 1996 by the current owner There is an option to buy the home and all its contents as a package WATCH THE BEACH FROM YOUR WINDOW GARY MORRIS 021 902 087 DEBBIE HOWLETT 021 233 3796 WEB ID MRE2731 My Governance experience includes • Northland Regional Council Chair, Deputy Chair Kaipara Harbour Remediation Joint Committee and Trustee of Northland Dairy Development Trust • Alumni of Fonterra Governance Programme, Agri Women’s Escalator Programme and the Kellogg’s Leadership Programme • Diploma in Mediation and member of the Institute of Directors • Past Chair of two local school boards, past representative on the Fonterra Shareholders Council and past Trustee Hospice Kaipara