LOCALELECTIONSBODY2022ISSUE What is your property worth? Contact us for your no obligation, free sales appraisal. Rachael 021 943 900 Sales Rhoda 0274 800 691 Sales Karyn 029 779 9019 Sales Craig 021 461 668 Sales Gary 021 902 087 Sales Jill 021 505 712 Sales Shar 022 046 4790 Sales Adrianne 0204 076 2650 Sales Rochelle Property Manager Corey Property Manager 09 439 7295 110 Victoria DargavilleStreet0340 09 431 1016 143 Hurndall MaungaturotoStreet0520 roperandjones.co.nz Licensed under REAA 2008 Covering the Kaipara Michael 027 278 8122 Sales Christine 0274 881 883 Sales Council landmarkleavesprojects A new pontoon for Dargaville, a major upgrade for the Pahi Wharf and a new pontoon and a new wharf project … childPromotingliteracy Ruawai Primary School’s annual Book Week hosted a Scholastic Book Fair and the Bedtime Stories for students … Empowering better mental health The theme of this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week is ‘reconnecting with the people and places that lift … P5 P7 P24 Kaipara’s Only Regional Newspaper | Kaipara owned and Operated 10,450 Copies DELIVERED FREE throughout the Kaipara September 20 2022 l Voting papers are out soon for what may be the single most important local body elections in Kaipara’s history l Changes bigger than any seen since the foundation of the Kaipara District are coming, and we need a strong elected voice so we’re not ignored in Wellington l Last election, only 43% of the Kaipara used their democratic right to choose Let’s show them that local representation matters to us! Make sure your vote is counted! See page 19 for all your voting return information VOTE WISELY – BUT ABOVE ALL – VOTE! YOUR VOICE COUNTS – BUT ONLY IF YOU GET OUT AND VOTE!


Valuing Tongan culture

2 September 20 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER

p Paparoa School’s Possum Purge came back after two years of Covid cancellations, and the pest population has decreased by 1,848, the count at the end of the purge at midday on Sunday, September 11. “The school benefits from the fur sale. Win, win!,” said principal Karyn Taylor. “The sense of community continues to be at the forefront in Paparoa with parents, spouses and community stalwarts coming to the aid of the fundraiser to revitalise this wonderful event.” The winning team in the purge shown here was Fur Real with 363 possums in the bag.
a true
10,450 copies, distributed on Tuesday to every residential and rural home throughout the district including Dargaville, Ruawai, Paparoa, Matakohe, Maungaturoto, Kaiwaka, Mangawhai and Wellsford. Opinions expressed in this publication and in advertising inserts, by contributors or advertisers, are not necessarily those of Integrity Community Media. All inserts delivered with the publication are not produced by Integrity Community Media. The Kaipara Lifestyler is published with pride by Integrity Community Media, a privately owned Kaipara company. Phone: 09 439 6933 or 0800 466 793 Email: info@thelifestyler.co.nz Postal Address: PO Box 474, Dargaville Physical Address: 107 River Road, Dargaville Editor: Deb Wright 021 639 696 deb.wright@integrity.nz Journalists: Andy Bryenton 021 439 947 | Paul Campbell paul.campbell@integrity.nz | Amy Fifita Advertising: Betty Willetts 027 525 8197 | Sue Girven 027 525 7984 Classifieds: Dianne Hutching 09 439 6933 Production: Gavin Bainbridge | Anna Fredericksen | Kelsey Hansen | Liz Clark Accounts: accounts@thelifestyler.co.nz Distribution: Laurie Willetts Printed by: NZME Website: kaiparalifestyler.co.nz Do YOU Want Power Free Sewage Treatment? NZ’S LEADERS IN Power Free Sewage Treatment No Power in treatment processes Natures Active ‘Bio-system’ Odourless, quiet operation Extremely low maintenance needs Modular with low site impact Free Onsite Assessments 0800 628 356 www.naturalflow.co.nz Call us now for a free info pack NEW LISTING Matakohe 64b Ovens Road 4 1 2 3 10 Auction (unless sold prior) 3pm, Wed 5 Oct 2022 84 Walton Street, Whangarei View Sun 12-1pm Helen Dwane 027 716 helen.dwane@bayleys.co.nz6882 Hayley Moon 027 477 hayley.moon@bayleys.co.nz1457 MACKYS REAL ESTATE LTD, BAYLEYS,LICENSED REAA 2008 Super-sized opportunities! Offering a relaxed lifestyle with options, here is your opportunity to live your dream. The generouslyproportioned family home offers four bedrooms, master with ensuite, separate lounge or media room, large kitchen to keep the cook happy along with a substantial family/dining area, all leading onto a sundrenched deck - perfect for summer. There are plenty of sheds to store vehicles plus room for the boat, caravan, or farm equipment, including a three-bay implement bayleys.co.nz/shed.1052968

p Saint Joseph’s school in Dargaville explored Tongan history and culture earlier this month, inspired by Tongan Language Week to take a closer look at our Pacific neighbour. “There’s a large Tongan population at our school, and we celebrate the fact that everyone here is proud of who they are and wants to share that with others,” says principal Hira Hutchinson. Students experienced the music, mythology, history and even the cuisine of the island kingdom during ‘an experience for the whole school.
them the rights and responsibilities
A school winner Citizens salute King
p Five new citizens of New Zealand were sworn in by Kaipara mayor Jason Smith last Friday, with special ceremony granting of Kiwi. Significantly, this was the first group of to swear allegiance to the nation’s new monarch, King Charles III, who became sovereign of New Zealand on the passing of his mother Queen Elizabeth II.

Kaipara Lifestyler’s publisher, Allan Mortensen, leads our overview of these elections with comments from outgoing mayor Jason Smith and former councillor and deputy mayor Richard Alspach.

KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 20 2022 3 Local Mangawhai contractor servicing the Kaipara district for over 30 years South to Pakiri and North to Waipu areas • House site & driveway specialists • Subdivisions & roading – small to large • Earthworks - civil & residential • Water tanks • Dam & farm maintenance • Mulching – digger & tractor • Retaining walls • Metal & topsoil supplies All enquiries to: 09 431 5773 info@shanecullen.co.nz • 21 Garbolino Road Mangawhai SHANE ROADINGCONTRACTINGCULLEN094315773EARTHMOVINGHOUSESITES OPENING SOON KAIPARA LANDSCAPE SUPPLIESSMY TH HAULAGE DARGAVILLE 0800 662 www.xspan.co.nz779 FROM CONCEPT TO COMPLETION THE X SPAN EXPERIENCE IS THE BEST! Industrial • Commercial • Lifestyle • Sheds STEEL BUILDINGS with X FACTOR RESTSEENYOU’VETHENOWBUILDTHEBEST Your vote is vital for the Kaipara

“Kaipara people are the New Zealanders who have been most-denied local representation during the recent history period 2012–16 and the Kaipara Commission. In the two terms since then,

we’ve been reminded again what only elected local people can do to represent us. Voting gives all people the chance to make Kaipara’s voice stronger, get a diverse range of voices to the council table and make the place more like they want it to be, rather than what someone else from somewhere else wants it to be.”
“People may not realise all the ways our Kaipara council influences their daily lives, from road maintenance to public toilets, Kai Iwi Lakes management to rules for all dog owners, rubbish collection fees or library services.
are living in changing times, and it is vital for the Kaipara District that we elect a very strong team to lead us into a bright and prosperous future. Decisions made or not made over the next three years will impact the Kaipara for decades to come.”
Dr Smith says that people get to vote only once every three years for the people they want to lead their local council. ”Only once, so I urge all voters to make the most of that one chance to influence the kind of place they want Kaipara to be.

p Doctor Jason Smith, outgoing mayor
p Richard Alspach, former councillor and deputy mayor
Richard Alspach points out: “This year Kaipara has a wide and diverse range of candidates, and as a district,

u by Paul Campbell

p Allan Mortensen, publisher of the Kaipara Lifestyler

Don’t forget to have your say
we are facing some very big issues. Carbon Forestry is threatening the very fabric of our economic existence. We have infrastructure problems beyond the capability of ratepayers to pay, and we are being asked to bear burdens of bureaucracy beyond our comprehension. We will need candidates who have not trapped themselves into an entrenched position; who will work with whoever to get the best deal for Kaipara.
“One should always vote when given the opportunity, but this is an occasion where we must try and get everyone to vote,” Mr Mortensen adds. “So the call is not only to encourage you to vote but to ask that you talk to all your friends, family and workmates and ask them to make sure they vote too.”
“In New Zealand local body elections, we can barely muster a voter turnout of 40%. Let’s be aspirational in Kaipara and aim for participation well in excess of 50%.“That would put us well into the top bracket in New Zealand, which, in a lot of respects, we are anyway. Kaipara District has STV voting. Understand how it works and how you can make it work for you. But above all, vote.” ¢
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John Blackwell
If you are experiencing a power cut go to northpower.com (on your mobile device) to check the latest

Climate Change, and all that it encompasses, is the biggest issue facing Kaipara and Northland in the next triennium and beyond. It will be the lens that will be used to guide all of NRC’s decisions and work with communities, landowners and business owners. Climate Change adaptation and


My name is John Blackwell, and I am proud to be a Northland sheep and beef farmer for some 40-plus years. I was born in Kaipara at Okahu and have lived here all my life.
Penny Smart
For large outages we also post the information and updates on our Northpower facebook page.
sitting on many boards and councils. I have served nine years with Federated Farmers, worked with all four Northland councils and have a wide understanding of the challenges facing this Northland province that I call home.

mitigation measures that are planned for and implemented during the next term will be critical to ensure future generations thrive.
A rate rise of 21% last year, by far the highest in Northland — this sort of increase is unsustainable. We require a council that will listen to ratepayers, and when a 15,264-paper petition is presented, it will not fall on deaf ears. I am against the Three Waters mandate and intend to keep ‘local’ in localWegovernment.mustkeepenvironmental projects practical, science-based and supported. It would include the Kaipara Moana Remediation programme. Our voice must be heard loud and clear in Wellington on Roading, Northport, Rail, and other big regional issues, making Northland business-friendly and supported. It’s also important to understand the true reality of global warming and what sensible steps we take. I have a wellproven track record in governance,
To best serve the people of Kaipara and Northland, I will continue to be available to all constituents, to listen and talk through their issues, work out sustainable and affordable solutions, and continue to ensure that NRC remains an enabler that people can trust.
4 September 20 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER Trees in your service line: We keep trees clear from our network power lines, but property owners are responsible for their own service lines. Give us a call and we can help arrange a free disconnection to stay safe while you’re maintaining your trees. Other things to look out for: If your service line has leaning poles, low hanging lines, crooked cross arms or shows signs of damage, phone us on 0800 667 847 Frayed or sagging lines break easily, especially in high winds. Look for signs of rotten wood on crossarms, check whether your poles are rotting at the base. Keep trees away from powerlines - they can cause anything from flickering to a total outage. Check the point where the service line enters your houseis the line old, repaired or frayed? You are responsible for the safety and maintenance of your service line. Here’s what to look for: Service Lines The powerline that runs from the street to your house is called a service line. Service lines can be either overhead or underground. Who is responsible for the service line? Property owners are responsible for the powerlines, poles and underground cables that supply electricity from our network to their property. In most cases the service line starts at the property boundary. Unsafe service lines We regularly carry out safety inspections on our network and if we find any unsafe service lines, we’ll contact you and let you know what work is needed to make them safe. Land PropertyResponsibilityOwnersBoundaryNorthpowerNetwork Latest news & updates from around our Network General enquiries: 0800 66 78 47 northpower.com For power and hot water faults: 0800 10 40 40 Request Choose Install Optimise ASK FOR FIBREAre you connected? It’s a good idea to regularly check your service lines and poles. If you are concerned please contact us on 0800 667 847 or your electrician to assess the need for repairs before the situation becomes dangerous.
Environmental, legislative and regional leadership change is ahead. I can ensure practical, pragmatic outcomes and stable, experienced leadership at the NRC council table.

I will work collaboratively at the council table, come well prepared, researched and with an open mind.
Find out about Unplanned Outages information and updates on outages.
ower northpower.comfaults:
A real commitment to work alongside communities to provide a healthy environment, community resilience and a robust economy is what prompted me to re-stand for Northland Regional Council (NRC). I will do this using my local government knowledge, governance skills and land and business owner experience.
I am seeking your vote for the Northland Regional Council Kaipara Constituency for many reasons, but chiefly among them:
Jason Marris is a familiar face to those who follow the KDC’s meetings online. He is presently the council’s manager for engagement and transformation, assisting during formal meetings with an encyclopaedic knowledge of council meeting protocol, etiquette and procedure. He will step into the interim CE role on October 29, when the current chief executive Louise Miller steps down.
The chief executive is the most senior position on the council’s non-elected staff, bringing leadership to the team that provides local government services under the KDC’s auspices. Incumbent mayor Jason Smith says the appointment of Jason Marris into the interim role provides continuity and stability until the permanent CE is appointed.
An external recruitment firm has undertaken the search for a permanent appointment to replace departing chief executive Louise Miller. In the short term, existing council senior staff member Jason Marris will step into the role.

A new pontoon for Dargaville, a major upgrade for the Pahi Wharf and a new pontoon and a new wharf project underway for Poutō are a testament to work undertaken in the term of the outgoing Kaipara District Council.

u by Andy Bryenton
The Kaipara Kai project, financed through a grant from the Provincial Growth Fund was launched to facilitate Kaipara’s agricultural expansion and versatility to boost food production.
It was opened in Ruawai as a service centre with limited funding. After it was closed, the project came under Northland Inc. Project manager Greg Hall is on record as saying Northland Inc is still doing work in the Kaipara, “as we see real value in continuing on the work the Kai Hub started.”
The wharves and Kaipara Kai project to enhance agriculture were under the umbrella of Kaipara KickStart, led by KDC and funded by the Provincial Development Unit, under a plan to grow the district’s economy and increase community wellbeing.
to ensure nominated kaitiaki (guardians) are regularly on-site to undertake cultural monitoring during the construction.
p The new Pahi pontoon is welcomed by the Kewpie Too charter boat
p Jason Marris will helm the KDC as interim CE, until a new permanent executive officer can be hired by the incoming council
“We are pleased to have Jason step into the interim role. He has already demonstrated he has the steady hand, experience and knowledge to guide elected members and staff through this next period until the new permanent CE will be joining Kaipara, months from now.”

KDC had to navigate the Poutō project through Covid-lockdowns and supply shortages that also created delays at Pahi for many months. Still, despite the pandemic restrictions, the desired outcome has been achieved there.
Interim CEO for stability Council landmarkleavesprojects
The timber wharf on steel piles will be located just south of Fisherman’s Rock, catering for all-tide access for charter boats, fishing and recreation.
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 20 2022 5 My Governance experience includes • Northland Regional Council Chair, Deputy Chair Kaipara Harbour Remediation Joint Committee and Trustee of Northland Dairy Development Trust • Alumni of Fonterra Governance Programme, Agri Women’s Escalator Programme and the Kellogg’s Leadership Programme • Diploma in Mediation and member of the Institute of Directors • Past Chair of two local school boards, past representative on the Fonterra Shareholders Council and past Trustee Hospice Kaipara
With the Poutō project now getting underway, the physical wharf works will be undertaken by STF Limited, specialists in marine infrastructure.
Work at Poutō is expected to take approximately 12 weeks. The project team is working closely with representatives from Waikaretu Marae and Te Uri o Hau
Kaipara has a new interim chief executive, with a choice made to promote stability through the transition to a new mayor and council.
u by Paul Campbell
Daylight savings starts September 25. Don’t forget to put your clocks forward
The walkway, first envisaged as a concept 20 years ago, is a bit of a departure for the museum. “Our collection already awes visitors with its scale and size. This new entrance aims to create a sense of wonder that is less about facts and figures and more about connection and curiosity,” says Barbara.
A covered walkway “looking to the very beginning of forests — before people, even before Aotearoa” is underway in a major development at Matakohe’s Kauri Museum completing a new entrance with a unique presentation of a primaeval kauri forest.
“We’re very excited to be creating the content with Story Inc, a company that is at the very cutting edge of visitor experiences at museums, galleries and heritage sites.” Story Inc’s projects elsewhere can be seen from the Russell Museum to Te Papa and around the world in Singapore, Australia, the USA and China.
$495,000 Licensed salesperson under REAA 2008 PA to Gary Morris and Licensed salesperson under REAA 2008 “Quality care and professional service” POUTAMA TANGIHANGA FUNERAL HOME NO24$2,990+gst.packagesFuneralfromhourserviceofferedKaiparawide.DEPOSIT–30dayinvoice FIND US ON FACEBOOK 139 Bank Street, Whangarei P: 09 438 8224 or 0800 428 364 whangareioffice@havenfalls.co.nzwww.havenfalls.co.nz 102 JERVOIS STREET, DARGAVILLE | www.plumbingandheat.co.nz • PLUMBING • DRAINLAYING • GASFITTING • FILTRATION • ROOFING & GUTTERING • FIREPLACE INSTALLATION CALL US NOW! 0800 326 123

p Candidates contesting the newly formed Te Moananui o Kaipara Māori Ward took their message to the people last week, gathering at Te Houhanga-a-Rongo Marae to discuss the issues facing Kaipara. Before a gathering of more than 100 citizens, candidates presented a five-minute korero before answering questions from the floor on issues as diverse as Three Waters reforms, road maintenance and better value for the district’s rates spend. Attendees report that this was an informal and productive meeting ahead of election day on October 8.

6 September 20 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER Gary Morris & Debbie Howlett M: 021 902 087 M: 021 233 3796 E: gary@fnkaipara.co.nz W: www.roperandjones.co.nz If you would like to be added to Gary’s exclusive news and new listings e-newsletter, please email Gary Morris with “Yes, e-newsletter” in the subject line. We put you first LOT 6/175 JAMES ROAD, MAUNGATUROTO $721,000 WEB ID MRE2696 WEB ID MRE2740 Roper& Jones 09 439 7295 | 09 431 1016 110 Victoria Street, Dargaville 143 Hurndall Street, Maungaturoto Dargaville Realty Ltd LicensedREAAAgent2008 www.roperandjones.co.nz

Stepping into the past
This very special block has not been listed for sale in over 50 years. 1.3463ha (approx. 3.3 acres) of flat and gently sloping grazing land, bounded by a very pretty tidal stream. The current owner has arranged for installation of power to the boundary which will be completed shortly. Just when you think you’ve seen all this block, you will find a surprise secret section nestled behind the trees with a small stream tributary running through the middle. Under 10 minutes’ drive to central Maungaturoto with full shopping, healthcare, and emergency facilities.

Funded with part of a $3 million grant from the Provincial Growth Fund, the Forest Walkway is expected to open early next year. Meanwhile, The Kauri Museum at Matakohe is gearing up to celebrate its 60th birthday this October with a Kauri Heritage Festival on October 15, its biggest event since the beginning of the pandemic. Entry will be free with exhibits, stalls, activities, food and music. ¢
The Secret Garden
“Moving into the walkway, soaring ceilings allow us to evoke the immense height of kauri,” says museum director Barbara Hilden. “Soundscapes and lighting will carry the visitor through a version of a kauri forest, exploring the sights and sounds of ancient bush — a journey from darkness into light.

On the campaign trail
u by Paul Campbell
Sea view from the top of the hill
p The Kauri Museum director, Barbara Hilden, with the new entryway under construction

Just down the road there is access through a mangrove area onto a very private little waterside area where you can launch your kayak, sunbathe, or just go for a walk. Under 15 mins drive to all the amenities of Maungaturoto township.
“It’s about creating an emotional connection to the landscape and the origins of kauri forests. We start with atua Tāne, a kauri tree, separating his parents Ranginui and Papatūānuku and letting light into the world.”
Check out this fantastic lifestyle block of 11.867ha (approx. 29 acres). With flat to gently sloping and some steeper contour, this block is on a quiet road with its own dam water for stock. Great views from the top of the block and several good potential building platform areas (subject to council approval).
Tickets will be available at the door and cost $15, with free entry for those under 14 years old. The concert will be played by Denis McCombe, and refreshments will be provided following the performance. Profits will go toward purchasing an electricDenispiano.isfrom Northern Ireland, where he started as a church organist at 16 years old. He has played at funerals, church services and on television and radio in the United Kingdom and NewAnneZealand.shares the musical interest and says she has trained choirs and has a particular fancy for the organ. She has successfully organised
Promoting child literacy Fundraiser for electric piano
u by Amy Fifita
u by Amy Fifita
The Scholastic Book Fair featured a week-long book display with latest and popular reading material for children. The Paws for Reading theme came alive with a character parade from“Childrenstudents. were encouraged to come to school dressed as an animal character from a book. We had a character parade, and the winner from each class received a book voucher.”
similar fundraising concerts for other congregations she has engaged with.
“My big passion is organ music. When I was about 10, I went to a church parade that had a new two-manual pipe organ. I fell in love with it. I was already a pianist to a reasonable standard, so it was easy to adapt to the organ. I played my first church service when I was 12.”
At the school-organised Bedtime Stories evening, teachers served Milo
The church has recently been gifted with a second-hand organ that she can use, and the concert will help bring a new electrical piano to the instrumental mix. ¢

p Families and children dressed in their pyjamas and enjoyed the Bedtime Stories event
“The week builds excitement and engagement with books and reading. The tamariki get to see and have positive experiences with people reading and enjoying books with them,” says teacher Regina Nengerman.
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 20 2022 7 Northland Regional Council Kaipara District • Inclusive governance • Keeping locals in local government • Bringing costs under control • Committed to being a loud voice to Wellington • Making businessNorthlandfriendly • Keep environmental projects practical and supported VOTE BLACKWELLJOHN Authorised by John Blackwell, Phone 021 234 0116
“I hope the concert makes people happy and it brings a different stratum of people into the church. There are various titles on the programme, and people are bound to find something they enjoy,” says organiser Anne.
p Anne Connolly-Munt organised the Down Memory Lane concert that will feature various songs performed by organist Denis McCombe

and biscuits and read stories. Scholastic books were on display for purchase, and families could donate a book to the school“Childrenlibrary.were invited to come back to school in their pyjamas with their teddy and pillow, have a Milo and a biscuit and listen to Reginastories.”saysBook Week has been a popular and important part of the school’s culture for many years. It featured a range of activities, including story readings by principal Wayne Steele. Different experiences will be on offer at the library during break times. ¢
The parade was followed by the Whānau Daytime Stories. Families were invited as a chance to engage in reading with their “Learnerschildren.invited whānau or a special person in their lives to come during the school day and read to them or with them. Adults brought a favourite book to share with a class or small group.”
Ruawai Primary School’s annual Book Week hosted a Scholastic Book Fair and the Bedtime Stories for students and their families to engage in the wonders of words.
Anne Connolly-Munt invites the public to the Down Memory Lane concert at St Paul’s Anglican Church, Kaiwaka, on September 25 at 2pm.

u by Andy Bryenton
— Patrick
“There is so much bureaucracy, that it’s hard for even well-intentioned council members to make a difference, it seems. First fix the system, then other issues will be easier to deal with. Right now it’s a mess.” — Paul
8 September 20 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER

Word on the street
“Stop flip-flopping on who maintains amenities and infrastructure. I know you’re supposed to take the most economical tender, but continuity of contracts for important things is necessary to build up the skills base needed to keep them working. We need someone in power who can lift this district and make real decisions.”
We asked Dargaville citizens what the biggest issue facing our new Kaipara council and mayor will be, as election day approaches. Alongside common themes such as lower rates and improved roads, some other core issues stood out.

but footpaths are even more so. My elderly mother needs a mobility scooter, and some of the run-down footpaths are a hazard. This is true for those who walk to the shops and for kids going to school as well.” — Michelle

“I believe that getting Three Waters infrastructure right is the biggest issue we face right now, both in the sense of the physical works and the legislation from the government. That, and how we handle waste management, affects every household. In both cases, solutions have to be affordable for ratepayers and future proof.” —
— John
“Highways and transport between our rural towns are big issues. It should be safer and easier to get around, especially to Whangārei, where so many services have moved to. More and better passing lanes are needed. Council should tell the transport agency to do better.”
“Nobody seems to walk the talk — too many politicians are full of hot air and rubbish. We’d vote for someone who could guarantee to deliver on their promises, especially rural roading, which is downright dangerous and getting worse.” — Craig and Trudi

Delivery of voting packs — these will be mailed from Friday, September 16, to Friday, September 24. Voting closes at noon Saturday, October 8. If you are not enrolled to vote, you are not too late to do so. Visit vote.nz/enrolling before October 7 to be eligible.
You’ll see a list of candidates on your voting paper. Put a number one (1) next to your first choice, then rate as many or as few other candidates as you like, with numerals 2, 3, 4 and so forth. It means your opinions on your second and third choices, all the way down to number six, can be recorded. Use numbers, for example, ‘1’ and not the word ‘one’. You may choose to leave a space blank if you do not like that candidate at all.
Voting papers will be in your hands soon: here’s how to use them to make your voice heard in local elections Finance Options Available BEDS & MORE FACTORY OUTLET STORE 09 439 2243 22 Freyberg Road, Ruawai Email: ruawai@bedsandmore.nz Open: Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm Drive a few minutes,thousands!save MattressDurapedic& Base King Pop-upSingleBed & Single Trundle with M1 Mattresses$895RRP$1690ComfortPlusNZMadePillows$302FOR Eco-Coil S2 QUEEN NZMattressSIZE&MadeBase$1370RRP$2,377 Northlands Largest Bed Factory Outlet Store. ClearanceHeadboards,Beds,MattressesandMore!RangeofAdjustableBedsinstore.LongSingleFrom$1990 Plush Queen $2370 FromHeadboardsClearanceReclinerChairsSeconds,Samples,Display,AllSizes$299

Take the time to read through the answers our local candidates have given, and weigh up for yourself which of these people should best represent your views when a new council is sworn in this November, with a new mayor as its leader.
citizens also elect a representative on the Northland Regional Council. As there are only two candidates standing, this choice is made by a simple tick in the box next to your choice. Voting papers must be completed clearly and then sent back using the pre-paid envelope included in your voting pack.
As well as information on some of the big issues facing our incoming council, from perennial tasks such as roading, rates and waste management to government reforms, we’ve reached out to all of the candidates for the wards of Kaipara and the mayoralty.
— take a
If you are on the Māori electoral roll, you will be asked to rank candidates for

The questions were as follows:
This year’s elections to choose a new mayor and Kaipara District council utilise STV, the single transferable vote system. It’s different from the method you’ll likely recognise from national-level general elections. Instead of ticking a box for the candidate you’d prefer, you rank your choices using numbers.
u by Andy Bryenton

It’s time to make a reasoned choice about who to vote
Welcome to the Kaipara Lifestyler’s comprehensive local body elections special edition, which has been brought to you, the public, to help you choose the right leadership for the next three years.
Presented here, through the body of this edition, are their answers.

How will you best serve the people who elected you if you are successful?
What is the single, most important issue facing Kaipara during your possible term in office?
Voting papers for Kaipara’s local body elections and Northland Regional Council elections will be in mailboxes district-wide this week; here’s how to make sense of the contents.
What prompted you to stand for election this year and for this office?

Meet your candidates
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 20 2022 9

u by Andy Bryenton

Despite our best efforts, some of the candidates standing for election in 2022 were unavailable for comment — Phillip Johnson and Jay Tane were contacted but did not respond in time for us to print this edition.
To ensure an impartial platform and to give you some insight into the goals, skills, aims and thinking of these hopeful leaders, we asked all of them the same questions and asked for a succinct and to-the-point response.

There are three sections on your voting paper. One allows you to rank candidates for mayor. Another allows you to rank candidates for your local ward. Each of these wards has either two or three seats around the council table, so by ranking your choices with numbers, electoral officials will be clearly able to see who gains each seat, even in a close race.
your local
the newly formed Māori ward instead of a localKaiparaward.
Voting papers arrive this week
p for closer look at candidates right here

I’ve been a working, rate-paying community contributor for 35 years. This comprises 11 years as Silver Fern Farms production coordinator and 13 years as a sales consultant for Dargaville Ford.
to control rate rises and provide waste management solutions.
It’s not too late
I am a natural leader of people and can work with diverse teams, which means conscious, informed decisions and their implementation. It will help solve ratepayers’ issues faster. I believe ratepayers should be listened to regularly, so the council remains attuned and works in line with their expectations.
I believe that together, we can keep Kaipara moving in the right direction. We will embrace changes and make them work for our diverse region.
Six years as your Kaipara District Councillor, supporting & enabling positive projects, along with 20 years in senior management & working with our communities, holds me in good stead to be your mayor.

I’m born and raised in Dargaville by two extraordinary parents and an awesomePassionatelycommunity.obsessed with our district, I’ve always had an inherent obligation to care for Kaipara and its resources alongside our collective community.
Let’s keep working towards a prosperous & cohesive Kaipara. Let’s keep Kaipara strong.
improved lines of communication for our widerKaiparapublic.will experience the most dramatic changes in local government roles and responsibilities in this future term. The Kaipara District Council will inherit a new identity with local government and our currently led government.
10 September 20 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER
The lack of transparency and wasteful spending at the council has ignited my passion to use my skills in financial management to contribute to the council by standing for the mayoralty and my local ward.
Tena koutou ngā tangata o te rohe o Kaipara, my genealogy is of Ngāti Whātua, Te Roroa, Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Porou and Irish descent.
Let’s keep Kaipara strong
Authorised by Karen Joyce-Paki, kdjoycepaki@yahoo.co.nz
I am enthusiastic and ready to represent our Kaipara District voice. to
I have extensive reach and established relationships within significant commercial, professional, educational and cultural networks throughout the Kaipara District. I believe that the current Kaipara District Council and the mayor, Doctor Jason Smith, have progressively made great momentum in key areas of responsibility and development over his several terms. I would support the next council to progress these initiatives further, encouraging continual growth in all our communities for the betterment of all Kaipara District. I will advocate more community consultation and
Cutting down on wasteful spending and mismanagement of ratepayers’ funds is the key issue facing Kaipara this election. Efficiency must be ensured quickly, so the savings can be directed
Ash Nayyar Brenden Nathan
I have been a leader since the age of 18 and have turned around loss-making operations into profitable ones. Kaipara’s mayoralty naturally attracted me as I can involve all stakeholders to confront the main issues facing the council with ease and solve them to the satisfaction of the ratepayers.

Gordon Walker

and democratic disaster for our district and our country. All mayors need to step up and vehemently oppose this Three Waters reform.
The mayor and the council need to be more transparent with Kaipara ratepayers. I would conduct a financial review of all council expenditure, including company vehicles and fringe benefit tax to make rates dollars go Ifurther.would like to introduce a policy of rate reductions for local retirees, many of whom have paid rates here for their whole lives. It is very important that we keep rate increases to a minimum. We also need to protect our primary industries from unrealistic regulations.TheThree Waters bill, which is being forced upon New Zealanders by the current government, is likely to be
With all the political turmoil in New Zealand currently, I believe it is important that Kaipara has strong, decisive leadership.

continuance. Take part in the local body elections Don’t forget to have your say Make your choice before October 8
the biggest issue during the next term of council governance. What people do not understand is that under the Three Waters legislation, they would be paying for water that comes off their roofs if they are not on a town supply. Our farmers will be charged for the water in their cattle troughs!
Let’s keep working towards a prosperous & cohesive Kaipara. Let’s keep Kaipara strong. Vote 1 Karen JoycePaki for mayor.

Karen Joyce-Paki Victoria del Varis-Woodcockla
Why me for Mayor?
With positive leadership, I will lead a financially accountable council that gets the basics done well, like fixing our roads. Listening to the community is key. Staff numbers at the council have grown, but the level of our services has not. I will address this issue, making sure every rating dollar is spent wisely.
Development must be sustainable so that it boosts Kaipara’s economy while protecting our treasured environment. For the developer to contribute appropriately, we need careful infrastructure planning and execution to recover the costs of growth. Three Waters will spell economic
Your council needs to prepare for the many changes ahead. I believe in democracy, which I do not believe the current central government is following. Our economy is heavily reliant on the agricultural industry that kept New Zealand going through Covid when we had no international travel.
As voters, you should select a mayor and council, who directs the CEO and staff, not the other way around. I put myself forward with a number of important issues that need urgent attention.
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 20 2022 11 MAYOR Kaipara District Council Local Body Elections 2022
Craig Jepson
The last six years of the council have seen some real transformation for a community emerging from a financial and infrastructure crisis to one that now has a strong future.
in any amalgamation proposed by the central government. Our council needs to community its
I want to give back to the community that has been so good to me. I want a seat at the table where I can lead. The mayor is able to oversee the agenda.
I’ve served our district well for the past six years as a councillor. This experience has shown me what improvements are needed for the council to become a trusted, open and listening organisation.
perform, so our
My priorities will be to work collaboratively to improve the housing issue across Kaipara. To keep rates at the lowest level possible while still delivering for our communities. To create an inclusive and positive environment in council and the wider district. I believe that together, we can keep Kaipara moving in the right direction. We will embrace changes and make them work for our diverseHavingregion.served two terms as your Kaipara Ward Councillor, supporting and enabling positive projects, along with 20 years in senior management and working with our communities, holds me in good stead to be your mayor.
Additionally, I now have the political skills I need to lead Kaipara forward. There are two key projects I would like to see achieved: the Kaihu Valley Trail opened to visitors and a solution for Dargaville’s summer water supply restrictions found.
A forecast for 2023 of a 9.95 per cent increase in our rates is unaffordable for many and must be reduced. The single most important issue facing Kaipara is the threat of centralisation, whether that be the theft of our assets under Three Waters or the loss of local democracy
I’m standing for mayor to ensure continuity of leadership. I’m a sensible, practical and inclusive leader with a focus on achieving our goals.
If I am given a mandate from voters, I will review staffing levels, costs and expenditures at the council, review our roading strategy, seek efficiencies, and improve processes that currently frustrate ratepayers. We must maintain affordable rates without compromising core services.
12 September 20 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER REDIRECTING GROWTH BACK TO DARGAVILLE AND NORTHERN WAIROA Authorised by Gordon Lambeth • Ph 021 033 7607 • Email gordon@lambetharchitectural.co.nz VOTE 1 Gordon Lambeth The RIGHT PERSON The RIGHT TIME For the RIGHT REASON Sustainability, Integrity, Community Authorised by Erin Wilson-Collins | erynrwilsoncollins@gmail.com WAIROA WARD VOTE ERYN DARGAVILLE WARD 1 WAIROA WARD Kaipara District Council Local Body Elections 2022

changes to the control of road speeds are anything to go by, our local voice is under threat.
I have always been interested in government and have been lucky enough to have had several business leadership roles and experience owning a small business.
There are many reasons why I have chosen to stand for council in the Wairoa Ward.

Most important to me is that people I have enormous respect for, including previous councillors and volunteers in community organisations, have encouraged me to stand because they have confidence that I will do a good job. That is both humbling, and something I intend to live up to.
Alec Melville
It has helped me develop the skills I will bring to the role of councillor. I will serve the public by listening to your ideas and working with the mayor and other councillors to achieve the best results possible for all of ourForcommunity.me,thetime is now. I have concerns about the lack of public consultation and understanding of the Three Waters reforms. Local government reforms are just around the corner. If recent
We need to work together to ensure local governance stays local and responsive to community needs.
Dargaville Library invites you to... Nau mai Haere mai!! Te Marama O Te Reo Māori Storytime 23rd5.30September-6.30pm Come in andsomeenjoy māoricrafts and games KapaSpecialHaka performance

financial accountability and sensibility. It encompasses affordable rates and added value for all ratepayers. I promote a review of council morale, staffing, benefits and expenditure and propose funding our vital road network over other expenses, as well as the resistance of SDG initiatives within plan documents and the withdrawal of Kaipara from Local Government New Zealand.
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 20 2022 13 WAIROA WARD Kaipara District Council Local Body Elections 2022
I bring credible financial and commercial experience and people skills. The advantage of being independent with a clean slate and no ‘baggage’ is that I will represent all ratepayers equitably.
Our roads are an important issue; perhaps the single most important to our community. I will consistently push for safer roads for our community! I live in
I was raised in beautiful Poutō. My father’s dad Len was raised in Kaihū, and his mother, Lorna (nee Pomare) was born and raised in Poutō. I am extremely passionate about Kaipara, in particular, the Wairoa, Kaipara Harbour and the surrounding coastland and reserves.

I have spent the past three years learning in-depth about local government. We have projects, like a revised waste minimisation scheme, that are not yet complete. I want to see those projects through as well as mentor newly elected members to create an effective council.
simply; there is nowhere for workers to live. I have seen over the years the slow stifling of growth due to onerous planning issues in Northern Wairoa, and this needs to stop. We have the next three years to get this sorted, and I am the right person for the job.
I realised that there was nobody effective in the planning office of the council fighting for Dargaville’s future.
Poutō, so I understand the importance of making sure that our roads are fit for purpose.
Jo ErynNathanWilson-Collins Mark Ancrum
Gordon Lambeth
During the past 15 months, I have attended more than 90% of Kaipara District Council meetings.
I propose to best serve the people who elect me by being able to look at and analyse the practical implementation of the new District Plan and how it will work for the residents of Dargaville and the Wairoa Ward.

Hearing costly government reforms and legislation being stealthily driven into the KDC’s Long Term Plan, District Plan and budgets has been hugelyKDCconcerning.hasnotresisted, and we face diminishment of our local council. We cannot lose local freedom of choice and must improve substance and delivery over public relations spin. I believe passionately in local voices, decisionmaking and local asset administration, and I am standing as Councillor to support democracy in our diverse rural community.
Don’t forget to have your say
I am running for election because I am passionate about our community and want to see our region thrive.
I believe the single most important issue facing Kaipara is one of

I am standing for re-election to provide stability and consistency on our council.
The voice of the community is a key component in creating a stronger network. When people feel that they are being heard, it can make a positive outcome.
After being involved in the consultation process for future planning, I was disappointed with the draft proposal that has been presented by the council.
I believe that I have the skills and working knowledge to ensure the best possible plan is presented for the future of Northern Wairoa.
I am a practical common sense problem solver with a proven history of achievement. Stoic, hardworking, sensible, creative and honest — these are the qualities you’ll get with me as yourWhatcouncillor.isthe single most important issue facing Kaipara? Residential housing growth. We need Dargaville and the district to have adequate residential housing so it can continue to grow and produce. We have the jobs here but put
There is a massive amount of change coming from the central government with Three Waters, Resource Management Act and Local Government Act reforms. Now is the time for experienced leadership in our council to navigate the change.
I will best serve residents and ratepayers by using my life experience and knowledge to make sound decisions and set a direction to lead our district towards a sustainable, accessible, and prosperous community. I have a background in business, various community groups and a love for the arts. I am passionate about using resources carefully, being prepared for climate change, and community consultation.Thereareseveral issues facing Kaipara during the next three years, and it is very hard to pick just one as the most important. Preparing for climate change is paramount, but that spans beyond three years. If I narrow my focus, I will say that government reforms are the most urgent issue.
If successful, I would carry out my duties as a councillor of the Wairoa Ward in an accountable and transparent way, striving to best serve the people who elected me.
I commit to high visibility supporting Kaipara. Particularly in farming, horticulture, tourism and small business, through collaboration and drawing on broader expertise and experiences that will generate better outcomes.

I am standing for the Māori ward to bring my experience and knowledge to support Māori and ensure they have a voice at the Council table
I whakapapa to Te Rarawa, my family is originally from Mitimiti and I now live in

Through my role as a Senior Advisor with Oranga Tamariki, I have extensive experience dealing with Iwi and Maori organisations and Managing budgets over

I do not whakapapa to any of the iwi in the Kaipara so have no individual allegiance and will work for all Māori across the Kaipara.
NAYYAR , Email: bhraa@hotmail.com



14 September 20 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER Experience matters in challenging times Vote for Mark Vincent First For Otamatea Ward Authorised by Mark Vincent, 021 0829 8037 Find out more on www.facebook.com/CouncilMark RON MANDERSONPROGRESSREQUIRESBETTERIDEAS•REDUCERATES,COUNCILCOSTS,GSTONFOOD•OPPOSETHREEWATERS,COGOVERNANCE•CONTRIBUTEBETTERIDEASFORPROGRESS QUALIFICATIONS AND 70 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN KAIPARA AND THE REAL WORLD Authorised by Ron Manderson, ronmanderson2@gmail.com VOTE 1 RATES MUST COME DOWN Candidate for Councillor Wairoa General Ward
Authorised by

Victoria del la Varis-Woodcock, love.kaipara@xtra.co.nz MayorVictoriaVote1Provenleaderforlocals.

“Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini.” Success is not the work of an individual, but the work of many. Mangawhai. 20 million
I served in the New Zealand Army for many years and in my various roles worked and engaged with a diverse range of people and cultures.Isiton the Committee at the Mangawhai Club and was an active referee for the Wellington Rugby Union for 13 years prior to moving to Mangawhai.
dollars. •
koutou katoa. Ko wai au? Ko Phillip Johnson toku ingoa, kei te tu ahau mo te Waari Māori i te takiwa o Kaipara. Greetings all. My name is Phillip Johnson and I am standing for the Māori Ward in the Kaipara district. Authorised by Philip Johnson. johnox9@gmail.com


We are in a time of change now and have been given an opportunity to strengthen Māori representation at Council, bring forward Māori views and aspirations and contribute to decision making that benefit both Māori and community across the Kaipara.

I am a follower of Jesus Christ, an imperfect disciple of a perfect God. I care about many things. Wealth, status and popular approval aren’t on that list. I am, by nature and by practice, an inquisitive person.
A mayoral candidate and a sitting member, both determined for improvement, requested my candidacy
Initially, I was motivated due to there being a lack of candidates filling seats in various wards during the week running up to the nomination deadline.
A more prudent approach to fiscal management, including no ‘above inflation’ rate hikes and less bureaucracy with more oversight. I stand for greater individual freedom and responsibility, with less dictatorial compliance. Greater prudence, fewer rate rises. Greater local input and decentralisation.
I have represented Otamatea and Northland in rugby and Maungatūroto in squash. To put it bluntly — I was a highly competitive uncompromising hua. It didn’t always earn me friends, but it did earn me respect. If you want a mealy-mouthed, spineless government lackey to represent you, vote for somebody else.

I will demand and uphold a council that is democratic, transparent and accountable. Elected members who are committed to putting the best interests determined by the people of the community before the interests of the bureaucrats in the
The most important job will be the appointment of a new chief executive. Having the right person in that role for the challenges ahead is mission critical.
I am deeply concerned about the loss of experience and know-how resulting from nearly half of the existing membership walking out the door.
I oppose: the centralisation of power, including the Three Waters Initiative. I oppose public servants being politicised to become government tyrants. I prefer less government, not more.
I am experienced as chair of the KCRA, which, with the east, got close to holding a previous government to account before it passed special legislation that isolated them from their legislated responsibility. I hope to assist the government, planners and applicants to work positively together.
Make your choice before October 8
It’s not too late to enrol
Mark Vincent
I oppose taxpayers subsidising CO2 into export logs for boxing while China can release that CO 2, and we have market distortion and limited market income for decades instead of annual pastoral market incomes.
Chris ‘Worzel’ Sellars
I am dedicated to serving the people of my ward with honesty, integrity and hard work, ensuring that the voice of the community is invited and heard in regard to all major issues affecting each ward.
Planners seek control over decisions and events that may become treatable with future technologies. Stealing rights is arguably theft. Good advice is welcomed.Rateswith an inadequate value received in return need lowering, and growth must be encouraged in hard times!
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 20 2022 15 OTAMATEA WARD Kaipara District Council Local Body Elections 2022

My job will be to get the best deal possible for the people of Kaipara to ensure that local people have the right to a say in local issues and for local communities to be equipped to shape their own futures.
There is an adage that when the stakes go above a certain level it is never
This engendered my motivation to serve the local community, as did forebears like Percy Manderson, Jim Manderson (Avoca), and my parents. I have qualifications, and business experience, including with the Resource Management Act and ordinances, involving hundreds of titles and dealing with many regulatory problems. Government and local planners have regulated without ‘skin in the game’, negatively affecting the changes they propose. Liability for regulation consequences is exempted.
Ron GrahamMandersonAllott

I support individual freedom, including freedom of speech.
My background and current experience as an elected member will be really important in dealing with what is in front of us in the next term.
There was the fear of our central government putting in their commissioners to take over if there was a shortfall. Otamatea Ward had only one candidate when I put my nomination forward. I am committed to good local representation.
The Three Waters issue is a bit like what the September earthquake was for Christchurch. We will pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and get back to business.Theproposed RMA reforms are likely to trigger the equivalent of the second Christchurch earthquake. We'll get shaken to the core and have to rebuild from the ground up, and it won't be in the same shape or size as before.
a straight game. That has held me in good stead over the years. A centralised local government is dealing with high stakesBenjaminindeed.Disraeli asserted that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The express desire of the central government to centralise the council’s (public) assets must be resisted.
central government and making this their priority.


16 September 20 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER • Protect our democratic rights • Grow and revitalise Dargaville • Fix the Roads • Affordable rates without compromising core services • Review council staffing levels, costs and expenditures • Make council accountable and deliver real benefits for ratepayers • Oppose co-governance and the undemocratic mandating of 3 waters • Growth pays for Growth not ratepayers Authorised by Craig Jepson. Ph 027 304 0144 - email: craigjepo@gmail.com VOTE CRAIG JEPSON FOR MAYOR • KAIPARA DISTRICT COUNCIL.
I observed the meet the candidate’s meeting for the Wairoa Ward and Māori Ward seats. You have a clear choice between fresh faces who are prepared to change the status quo or incumbent councillors. Most of these incumbents assure you three waters is all ok and you just have to understand it more and it’s coming anyway so get used to it. They are happy to sell your assets for a dime, accept no guarantees as to how they are administered and charged and think its ok to introduce race-based ownership which is a further death by a thousand cuts to our precious democracy. Further these same councillors after two terms defend over bloated staffing levels and a service to its ratepayers that hinders and not encourages their social, and economic wellbeing. Try getting something done, one of the candidates involved in housing lamented. Transcend the East-West divide and vote for strong leadership prepared to lead a council that once again services its ratepayers best interests.

It’s not too late to enrol Take part in local body elections Make sure you fill out your voting papers. Don’t throw them out! Local body elections ARE important Think about what council controls: RoadingWasteWater Parks and recreational areas LandRatesuse Have your say in 2022
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 20 2022 17 TE MOANANUI O KAIPARA Kaipara District Council Local Body Elections 2022
I plan to gather ideas and inspirations from the whānau on my marae visits and bring forward Māori views to the council. Let us foster tourism and stimulate growth in the district by promoting local stores and businesses and highlighting history and culture.
Ko oku kaupapa. Tino Rangatiratanga i runga o te Kaipara rohe. Tino Rangatiratanga i runga i nga whenua. Tino Rangatiratanga i runga i nga awa. Tino Rangatiratanga i runga i nga ngahere. Tino Rangatiratanga i runga i nga moana. Kahore te Pakeha LORE. Korotake! Ko Māori nga Tangata Whenua o tenei rohe me nga Rangatira o te Kaipara rohe. Korotake te mana o nga Pakeha. Korotake te kaha o te Pakeha. Kei hea te

Paturiri Toautu
No Poutō ahau — Henry Holyoake taku ingoa.

wairua o nga Pakeha katoa? Nga Pakeha te Rangatira o nga Māori o te Kaipara? Kahore! Māori nga Tangata Whenua o te Kaipara! Māori nga Rangatira! Ake ake ake!
I’m a qualified LBP builder, selfemployed for 27 years, and own my own construction business specialising in marae builds and kaumātua and kuia
All of my bones are in Tai Tokerau. I was born and raised in Kaipara and have strong connections to this whenua. I whakapapa to Ngāti Whātua, te iwi o Te Roroa, Te Kuihi, te Uri-oHau, Patuharakeke and also tatai to various other hapū and iwi in Kaipara andOnbeyond.mymaternal grandmother’s
Ko wai au?
As a tutor in carpentry for 16–70-yearold students, I practise the tuakana — teina concept, enabling a smooth transition into mahi. I will support local education, local business and local contracts. No ‘clipping of the ticket’, so profit margins stay in our district.
Tena koutou ki a Ihu Karaiti Te Wairua Tapu Ihowa. Kotahitanga.
side, I am a direct descendent of Chief Parore Te Āwhā, who had a vision of a thriving township on the banks of the Northern Wairoa river. On my maternal grandfather’s side, I am a descendant of Chief Tiopira Kinaki of Te Roroa, and this is why I feel a deep sense of connection to our ngahere, Waipoua Forest and our Moana.
I’m born and bred in Poutō, married with nine children and 19 mokopuna. My skills, experience and values emanate from my whānau and my mahi; if they align with yours, please vote #1 for Henry Holyoake.
Ihapera PanioraHenry Holyoake
I bring a fresh perspective and 16 years of experience in the public and private sectors. I promise to fiercely advocate for the things that matter most, including the te taiao, tangata and whakaruru whare. I am a practising lawyer and am currently Kaitiaki of te taiao at Ngāti Whātua Rūnanga. He aha te take ahurei o Kaipara mō Māori?

Mywhare.goalin council is to get compliance and consents streamlined to reduce time and costs. I will be relentless in identifying problem areas and will execute change.
I currently sit on four Māori trusts encompassing the KDC district, providing governance and strong leadership in farming, forestry and apiculture enterprises. I was instrumental in the pilot programme of repurposed Kainga Ora surplus housing to whenua Māori.
He aha tēnei turu mō au?
I don’t think our issues are limited to Kaipara, but we are seeing it everywhere in Aotearoa and the world. We must go back to the ways of our ancestors and put te taiao at the forefront of our actions. We do not inherit the land from our ancestors — we borrow it from our children. Manaaki whenua, manaaki tangata, haere whakamua! If we take care of the earth, and we take care of the people, we will take care of the future!
Tena koutou i o tatou Tupuna me tini mate. Arohanui ki a koutou katoa. Haere haere haere. Ko Mahuhu ki te Rangi me Mamari nga Waka. Ko Te Roroa Ngati Whatua o Kaipara Te Uri O Hau Ngapuhi nga Iwi. Ko Taoho raua ko Patuawa nga Rangatira. Ko Waikaraka Taita Tama Te Uaua Ahikiwi nga Marae. Ko Raroa toku Matua. Ko Betty toku Whaea. Ko Tiahowaiwai taku Kotiro. Ko Paturiri Toautu taku ingoa. Tena koutou tena koutou tena no tatou katoa.
Climate change, flooding in low-lying areas and the growth of my community that may affect its unique culture and environment are what I consider the single-most prominent issues moving forward. They need to be managed wisely and correctly by the council.

Kaipara District Council Local
I was prompted to stand for election because I want to help put right the wrongs of the current council.
Dennis Emsley Jonathan Larsen
I would also like to take this opportunity to express my sadness regarding the
I stand for support for local projects and helping our local community to maximise the benefit we get out of the council funds. I’m committed to keeping you informed and keeping you updated on what your council is doing about local issues via social media and localI’mpublications.passionate about ensuring transparency and advocating for meetings and briefings to be held in public. It is all about holding your council to account. Insisting on fair processes when you deal with the council and ensuring you get good value for your rates.
passing of our monarch of 70 years, Queen Elizabeth II. I had the honour and privilege of serving for many years as part of the Queen’s Guard. I offer my heartfelt condolences to her family at this time; rest in peace, Ma’am.
I come from a background of effective leadership with the ability to produce sound decisions and obtain outcomes. I intend to use this superpower to galvanise my other councillors to work together and focus our main effort on sorting the large issues. To ensure that the council and councillors work together to produce outcomes that reflect the community’s true needs and aspirations. We need to set a future-proofed model that works for our community.
At the last elections, there was a lack of candidates in our area, and I want the voters to have a choice.
made behind closed doors that now have lasting effects on the community. It is time now to produce clever/competent/costeffective decisions. Join me on Facebook @Ferg4council.
I’m excited to oversee the completion of these and other local projects during the next term of the council.
Martina Tschirky Mike Ferguson
My husband of 30 years and I have built a successful florist business in Mangawhai and have lived here permanently since 2003. I believe that I am a good listener and team worker, and I am aware that rate increases year after year is causing hardship to people on a lowTransparencyincome. in decision-making is key, and regular communication with community groups and individuals is crucial. I think KDC has made good progress in keeping interested people informed through its email list. Overcoming people’s apathy will be an ongoing issue, though. Open days are
They know me well and have seen the real work I have done in the community over the decades. After hearing my submission, representing the community over the Mangawhai Central plan change, the voices to stand have become more insistent, and I have taken up the challenge.
Mangawhai is at a crossroads. Development has exploded, and we are at high risk of losing our character and lacking the vital infrastructure to accommodate that growth.
As a former chair of the Mangawhai Ratepayers and Residents group, I have closely worked with the Kaipara District Council. I have also, more recently, worked with KDC as a committee member of the Mangawhai Community Market.

The most critical issues facing Kaipara are the district wastewater infrastructure and unstructured development growth before adequate infrastructure is in place.Thecurrent status quo has been caused by a number of poor decisions
I have been prompted to stand after being approached by a number of community members.
Don’t forget to have your say It’s not too late to enrol
With high inflation and economic uncertainty, one of the biggest issues facing ratepayers is rates affordability. The council needs to focus on delivering core services efficiently and possibly deferring some ‘nice to have’ projects to keep expenditure at acceptable levels for ratepayers.
These include the Mangawhai shared path, Kaiwaka footbridges, Browns Road mountain bike park concept, a new pump track and basketball facilities in the Mangawhai Activity Zone. The revitalisation and extension of McClean Park, plus the current potential sports fields purchase at Mangawhai.
It has failed to comply with the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act, had major budget blowouts and failed the residents and ratepayers of this district on other critical issues through a lack of integrity and transparency.Sometimes you need to stand up to council with a ‘no bull, call a spade a spade, let us get things done’ attitude. That is how I will best serve my ward. Being proactive throughout the threeyear term, taking on board the needs and wants of my constituency, putting them first and serving with integrity.
18 September 20 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER
As an incumbent councillor in the Kaiwaka-Mangawhai Ward, I believe the past three years have produced some great results for the local area.
good, and the council‘s website still needs to be made more user-friendly.
Sadly, the single most important issue facing the Kaipara is climate change. Our council needs to stop issuing building permits in areas where sea level rises or heightened erosion are forecasted and create a meaningful District Plan that protects and enhances Kaipara.
I have owned property in Mangawhai for 22 years and began community engagement in 2003, with the first of many charity golf fundraisers, raising over $380,000 for many local causes.

I am currently chair of the Friends of Mangawhai Park Group. For the past two years, we have advocated for an exciting long-term, community-beneficial solution to local wastewater disposal. This is reflective of my solutions-oriented mindset — it is too easy to dwell on issues.
I want to contribute through a council that is the absolute best it can be, in the delivery of core services, including customer service response. One that only engages the most relevant specialists after a thorough review of each project.
I stand for responsible development and open, honest dialogue around infrastructure, growth pressures and resources. We must protect and respect our environment and its limitations. So it’s important to extend our green space and amenities, especially in the face of growth
Find out more about local elections in Kaipara on kaipara.govt.nz/council/local-elections.
Get your votes in the post by Tuesday 4 October 2022 to ensure it’s received before voting closes at 12 noon Saturday 8 October 2022. Voting papers can also be hand delivered to one of the ballot boxes at Council offices before voting closes.
Returning your vote
long-term planning, projects and spending needed.
We are facing change and pressure on an extraordinary level, which presents us with big challenges and opportunities. As a community and as a council, we have to be brutally honest about the reality of the situation we’re in. To ensure that we understand our options to move forward in the best possible way, we need a relationship of clarity and transparency from the council.
• Mangawhai office, Unit 6, The Hub, 6 Molesworth Drive, Mangawhai
Mike Howard
I’ve always wanted to stand for council and have prepared for this role over many years. I’ve made time to attend or watch almost all the KDC briefings and meetings. It’s important to understand council procedure and to know what’s going on. I already communicate how residents can ‘have a say’, and I’ve participated in numerous KDC submissions, hearings and workshops on many important localMyissues.focusis on rates affordability — do the basics well. Prioritising necessities over ‘nice to haves’ is a must in our current financial climate. Added to that is effective community consultation, with more transparency and detailed communication with ratepayers around
• Dargaville office, 32 Hokianga Road, Dargaville
Engaged, listening and seeking solutions.
I’m a local business owner, a board member of Volunteering New Zealand, and a mum to a six-year-old. I’m standing for the council because I want to make sure that the values that are important to us remain a priority.

I would be honoured to receive your vote in the election. Visit mistykdc.com for more information.
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 20 2022 19
I advocate strong management and planning for future growth, identifying new industry options to sustain the population with jobs and initiatives. Council support of community-led initiatives for an eastcoast high school and better healthcare
important to me.
Special votes
Voting packs for local elections will begin rolling out to letterboxes across Kaipara. The packs include voting papers, candidate handbooks and a prepaid return envelope
If you are eligible to vote but haven’t received voting papers in your letterbox by Wednesday 21 September’s mail, you can call the Electoral Officer on 0800 922 822 to be posted a special vote. You can also pick up a special vote pack from a Kaipara District Council office.
Vote to make a change Take part in local body elections
I have always been community-minded and have supported Mangawhai Beach School and Mangawhai Netball Club in voluntary roles for many years. More recently, I’ve been secretary and an active committee member for Mangawhai Matters, our local residents’ action group. I work well with others and value and support our community initiatives. I’m honest, diligent, committed and solution focussed.

Rachael Williams
Misty Sansom
My focus as a councillor would be to seek a ‘blank slate’ approach to the council’s budgets, revenue and expenses; push for additional funding from NZTA for roading maintenance. Ensure that road repairs and maintenance are carried out before roads reach a dangerous state. Investigate opportunities for long-term investments and other revenue sources to offset rates, as many other councils across the country have. We can’t keep relying on rates to cover increasing costs.
If you request a special vote from our offices, please bring a government issued photo ID, such as a Passport, Driver Licence or Firearms Licence, for staff to site. If that’s not possible, you will need to take your voting pack away and have your vote witnessed by someone over the age of 18.
Kaipara District Council’s ballot box locations:
I have 40-plus years in the advertising and media industry. As a result, I fully understand open and clear communication and transparency. I have no hidden agendas.
I’ve been fortunate to call Mangawhai home for 18 years.
Council operations in Kaipara are not broken. However, they need clear review and refocus to match growth and efficiency with income availability. First amongst these must be a reset of our commitment to both short and long-term roading solutions.
MANGAWHAI WARD Kaipara District Council Local Body Elections 2022
Every property I sell, I will make donation to the Dargaville Volunteer Fire Brigade. This will ensure they can upgrade the equipment they need to keep us safe.

Sold by Negotiation
Mamaranui Hackett Road
54 hectare farm has seen better days, but presents an outstanding opportunity to make your mark. Two titles, two road frontages, four-bedroom home, disused dairy shed and farm buildings.
Sold by Auction
Todd Skudder 027
Boundary lines are indicative only
Dargaville Volunteer Fire Brigade
Mamaranui Frith Road
Sold by Auction
Selling farms and lifestyle blocks for clients who choose to work with me is a real pleasure. Selling the Kaipara, her beauty and what she has to offer is an important part of my business, “Gotta Love Rural Kaipara”. Part of my business philosophy is to shop local and support local businesses within the Kaipara.

Dargaville 3035 Mititai Road
20 September 20 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER Residential / Commercial / Rural / Property Services
Given the support shown to me over the past three years I wanted to offer more back to the community. Recently I made a financial commitment to the Dargaville Volunteer Fire Brigade to support this outstanding service we all benefit from. That siren sounds way to often for me and these guys do a stunning job.
45ha of quality grazing land, the infrastructure is second to none, with cattle yards, hay barn, 3 bay workshop plus an adjoining large multiuse room. The homestead has three bedrooms an office and is centrally positioned some 400mtrs from the road overlooking the farm.
Sold by Auction
357.7385ha dairy unit, offering multiple opportunities with substantial infrastructure and several farm dwellings. Quality silt loam flats and Te Kopuru sand hills. $10,000 marketing investment across all digital, social and print mediums.

Dargaville 174 Arapohue Road
Matakohe 41 Lindquist Road
Sold by Auction
80ha of great contoured land spread out over six titles with two road frontages. The farm is centrally raced with an outstanding set of cattle yards, 4 bay implement shed and two hay barns plus a three bedroom dwelling.

33ha cropping block with flat contour, located a short distance from Dargaville township and amenities.

Sold by Tender
122 hectare block has a plethora of features, from stunning streams and a waterfall, through to native bush and grazing land.
Dargaville Awakino Road
439 todd.skudder@bayleys.co.nz1235 MACKYS REAL ESTATE LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008

offers options as a grazing block or to build your dream home, the property has great views of the Northern Wairoa River and the surrounding farm land, large flat elevated areas to build your special piece of paradise. This block is big enough with plenty of space to create your ideal lifestyle yet small enough for ease of maintenance and sustainable living. This property has great contour which consists of flat to rolling with areas of medium contour and is subdivided into 16 paddocks, property has good water that comes from a spring feed stream and is pumped to a tank and gravity feed back to troughs. The property carries a mix of weaners to yearlings with up to 80 head of cattle in the growing season and they destock to 40-60 head depending on the weather. Feed grown on farm is 220 bales of silage and if weather depending up to 90 bales of hay. This is a great block and worth a look, our vendors have said to sell, call me today to book a viewing.
A new build just completed with all the consents and the hard work done is waiting for you. Waltz in and live the good life with all the mod cons and stylish interior that is modern, fresh, easy and a fabulous family layout. Set in a new sub-division in a good area it is perfect for retirees, families or work from home. Call to view.
A Dream Find - Deceased Estate
pggwre.co.nz/DAG36544 AUCTION
Closes 2.00pm, Monday 31 October
Plus GST (if any) (Unless Sold Prior) 11.00am, Thursday 27 October PGG Wrightson, Dargaville E rgrbin@pggwrightson.co.nz M 027 471 6388 Ron Grbin RURAL | LIFESTYLE | RESIDENTIAL

TE KOPURU 416 West Coast Road
DEADLINE SALE (Unless Sold Prior)
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 20 2022 21 PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008 Helping grow the country

Brand New for You
Megan Browning
58.8158 hectares
E cindy.younger@pggwrightson.co.nz B 09 439 3342 M 027 278 2309 Cindy Younger

4 2 2
VIEW OPEN HOME 11.00-12.00pm Saturday 24 Sept & Sunday 2 Oct

PGG Wrightson 117 Victoria Street, Dargaville

11 Sampsons Way
AUCTION (Unless Sold Prior)
• 2845sqm

garden storage
M 027 668 8468
This 1980's four-bedroom home is ready and waiting for you to take over and start enjoying. With open plan living area, and still very original, it has two bathrooms, double bedrooms, aluminium joinery and a very rural outlook. On a tarseal road and not far to Glinks Gully for fishing or leisure. A spot to come and enjoy.
What a great property which
11.00am, Friday 14 October
TE KOPURU Sarich Road Block or Build
4 2 2
VIEW OPEN HOME 1.00-2.00pm Saturday 24 September E mbrowning@pggwrightson.co.nz

u by Amy Fifita

The Ministry of Social Development funds the role, which provides information,
Amongst those attending, will be representatives from the health services, training and education providers, government agencies and community support.
Local school kapa haka and Pasifika groups will entertain event-goers, and there are opportunities to win one of the spot or door prizes. Light refreshments will be available. Expo sponsors include Countdown, The Warehouse and Kaipara Kumara.
22 September 20 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER Need help with internet banking filling out forms online etc? We have a help day every Tuesday (except school holidays) 10am to 2pm at community centre and an open day every month. Kaipara Community Centre, 38 Hokianga Road, Dargaville Contact us: Heather: 021 177 7886 | 09 439 4452 Dot: 09 439 1711 There is now an Ear Nurse Specialist based at Dargaville Medical Centre to remove ear wax safely and effectively with micro suction Phone or text Roz on 027 297 2200 or email info@clean-ear.co.nz to make an appointment Clean Ear Health Do You Have a Problem with Ear Wax? Relaxation Massage, Yoga and Health Lifestyle & ConsultationsNutritionavailable Contact Anisha Holford Holistic PractitionerHealthandCoach kim@townandcountry.nz080009Wewww.wealthpointtownandcountry.co.nzwelcomeyou–thereisadifferenceWealthpointTownandCountryBevan,Kim&StuartSterlingINSURANCE|KIWISAVER|ADVICE0218196550800322466bevan@townandcountry.nz021985108094398651stuart@townandcountry.nz4237599322466 PREPARE FOR THE FUTURE CONNECTLET’SEXPOLIGHTREFRESHMENTSANDSPOTDOORPRIZESWITHLOCALENTERTAINMENTTHROUGHOUTTHEDAYWhen:TuesdaySeptember27thWhere:DargavilleTownHallTime:10am-2pmSUPPORTANDSERVICESFROM•Community•Health•Training&Education•GovernmentFORTHEKIDS•Facepainter•Colouringincompetition•StorytimeCath0272968172|Kay0275624756|Office094396070FREECOMMUNITYEVENT!Comeandmeetyourlocalcommunityprovidersforinformationorgeneraladvice. COMMUNITYKAIPARACONNECTOR
A web of support
In seeking a solution, the event was organised with the team and

Don’t forget to have your say
services and support to people. MSD initiated it as part of the Covid-19 response and“SOSrecovery.Kaipara has and continues to have a powerful but somewhat unseen impact on our community since it first began in 1984. The Community Connector service has only broadened who we help and how we do Itsthat.”services include support, counselling and a refuge for women and children impacted by violence and abuse and prevention programmes. For more information, contact SOS Kaipara on 09 439 6070 or 0800 33 88 44 or go to soskaipara.com. ¢
“Each interaction is tailored to the needs of the individual. We can help with anything from filling out online forms and WINZ applications to providing a variety of resources and information.”

“We want to help people and see our community thrive. Whether it’s something we can help wit, or if we can put you in touch with another organisation.
“The idea for the expo came about as many people had become disconnected from the community during the last two years due to the government’s Covid response requirements,” Cath says.

SOS Kaipara community connectors Cath Cowley and Kay Pua have organised the Let’s Connect Expo to reconnect the community with all the different available services. It will be at the Dargaville Town Hall on September 27 between 10am and 2pm.
p Cath Cowley is one of the two community connectors at SOS Kaipara that offers various supports to the community
There will be activities for children colouring-in competition, face painting, and a story-time provided by the Dargaville Library.
local service providers. More than 40 organisations have confirmed to participate.“Wewant to community to come along, have a fun day out and see what’s available to them.”
SOS Kaipara has two community connectors, Cath Cowley and Kay Pua, who work alongside its support and social workers. They offer aid to those in need and give access to a network of support services.
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 20 2022 23 METHOD: 1. Blend together the onion, garlic and tomato until smooth 2. Heat the oil in a large non-stick frying pan over a medium heat 3. Add the cumin and mustard seeds 4. Once the cumin starts to darken, add the onion mixture. 5. Cook for 1 minute before adding the ground spices and chilli and season to taste. 6. Saute gently for 2 minutes or until it becomes aromatic. 7. Tip in the Kumara and cook for 3-5 minutes to absorb the flavours. 8. Check seasoning, stir in the coriander and serve. www.kumara.co.nz INGREDIENTS: (gluten free) • 400gm Sweetas! Kumara, peeled and cut into 1cm cubes • 1 small onion, diced • 4cm knob of ginger, roughly chopped • 3 cloves garlic, sliced • 2 tomatoes, quartered • 4 tbls vegetable or avocado oil • 1 tsp cumin seeds • 1 tsp yellow mustard seeds • 3 tsp turmeric • 2 tsp ground tumeric • 2 tsp ground coriander • 1 tsp ground cumin • 1 tsp garam masala • 1/2 - 1 tsp chilli powder to taste • handful of fresh coriander, (leaves and stalks chopped) Bombay Kumara BY BRETT MCGREGOR SERVES 4 AS A SIDE PREP TIME 10 MIN 1. Why? Because we empower people with an intellectual disability to have a say in their life. 3. Here in Special Olympics Whangarei, we are committed to empowering our Athletes to take initiative and be at the fore front of evolving our club. It is not an easy path, but it is a very rewarding pathway for mentor and athlete. Volunteers also learn to take a step back and give guidance when needed. We all have a lot to learn. Where a disability can become an ability 2. Our motto “By the Athlete for the Athlete”. We don’t just say it, we walk the talk. Athletes are encouraged to take an active role in our club. Interested? Want to meet some awesome people? Contact our chairperson Martin Barrie on 021 118 2422 or email: martinbarrie10@gmail.com. “By The Athlete for the Athlete” WATER PAINTINGCOLOUR ACRYLIC PAINTING KOROWAI WEAVING TOKUTOKU PANEL WEAVING CERAMICS CRAFT POTTERY ARTS AND CRAFT GROUP WRITERS BOOK CLUB ACOUSTIC MUSIC DARGAVILLEWEARABLEARTS NEW COMMITTEE MEMBERS TO COME ON BOARD TO HELP GROW THE DARGAVILLE COMMUNITY ARTS CENTRE AND MUDDY WATERS GALLERY. COME ALONG AND JOIN IN OUR CLASSES AVAILABLE FOR ALL THE COMMUNITY CONTACT: JOHN 027 525 8189 | WANTED:info@dargavillearts.co.nz Arts A s s ociat

What the carnival event is all about is overcoming dark times and mental unwellness together. Last year, students flipped gigantic tractor tyres in a team effort to physically prove that the

The theme of this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week is ‘reconnecting with the people and places that lift up’, and this spirit has very much been embraced by Ruawai College.
u by Andy Bryenton
Empowering better mental health

Educators and students of the school have been working hard to make their place one, which is uplifting and empowering. At this time of year, they have made a tradition of inviting the local public in to share some fun and a discussion on supporting whānau and friends through dark times.

Mā te whakarongo, ka mōhio; through listening comes knowledge. Mā te mōhio, ka mārama; through knowledge comes understanding. Mā te mārama, ka matau; through understanding comes wisdom. Mā te matau, ka ora; through wisdom comes wellbeing.
seemingly impossible was easy with mates to help. Games, food and fun were the marks of the day, but there was a serious message to the celebrations; look out for your mates when it comes to mental health.
p Conquering challenges as a team: rolling a huge tyre together is a metaphor for helping fellow students through depression at Ruawai College’s Mental Health Awareness Week carnival day ignorance. That’s pure ignorance. That ignorance has created a world that doesn’t understand depression, that doesn’t understand mental health.”
“We have the opportunity to build some bridges with the community and once again open the school up and showcase who we are and what we are all about.”

Understanding and fellowship are a big part of Ruawai College’s message for next week’s big day. As the official verse composed for Mental Health Awareness Week 2022 says, that’s the path to wisdom.
24 September 20 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER 94 Boundary Road, Tikipunga, Whangarei Phone 09 437 5844 Life at the Falls Estate means spending time enjoying the things you love. The Falls Estate isn’t just retirement, but an appetite for living. Community members welcome from 11am - 2.30pm Watch, Support or Participate RESILIENCE CARNIVAL DAYCARNIVAL DAY RUAWAI COLLEGE'S MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS WEEK RESPECT RESPONSIBILITY Thursday 29 September CONNECTING KIDS, COMMUNITY, KURA, COLLEAGUES SUPPORTIVELY ADDRESSING MENTAL HEALTH YOU ARE NOT ALONE • TENANCY PROBLEMS • NEIGHBOUR ISSUES • BUYING AND SELLING • FAMILY DISTURBANCES • FREE LEGAL CLINICS 09 439 dargaville@cab.org.nz610037HokiangaRd KNOW YOUR RIGHTS OPEN DAILY 10-1 • NZ registered nurse • Over 30yrs experience • Reasonable rates • Will come to your home • Flexible hours 09 439 6068 Open to All Toenail & fingernail cutting service Denise Clark

This year’s Mental Health Awareness Week also seeks to further remove the stigma surrounding mental health, which is still greatly feared and misunderstood. As mental health activist, TED talk host and writer Kevin Breel says, an unwillingness to confront mental health issues is half of the problem.
The wider community is welcomed to visit Ruawai College on Thursday, September 29 from 11.30am. ¢

“That’s the stigma because, unfortunately, we live in a world where if you break your arm, everyone runs over to sign your cast, but if you tell people you’re depressed, everyone runs the other way,” says“That’sKevin. the stigma. We are so, so accepting of any body part breaking down, other than our brains. And that’s
“Carnival day, the culmination of Mental Health Awareness Week, is on Thursday, September 29. This year, carnival day is also building on the success of our recent and well-received open day,” says assistant principal Jay Warren.
council balance Wellington’s lawmaking with practical solutions that aren’t arduous to farmers?

preserved native bush, wetlands and other natural areas out of genuine environmental respect and because such areas do not make good crop and pasture land. There’s simply no will to damage them, and when such areas were mapped before, in the 1990s, very few were found to have been damaged.
Over-regulation of the rural industry is a contentious local
point across the nation, but how can a smart
Significant Natural Areas or SNAs are a case in point. On the ground, farmers have often
“Wellington’s rules about carbon would be followed, but the huge asset which is our productive land would be safeguarded.”
“A smart council would administer governmental legislation like the Resource Management Act’s successor, and their own District Plan, more as a door than a wall,” he says. “Councils are closer to the people affected than the government, and the way they apply the rules makes a huge“Thedifference.issueisthat Wellingtonsourced solutions to rural problems often come from the realm of pure theory. They work on paper but not in practice.
u by Andy Bryenton
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 20 2022 25 Marsden Metals Group is your Northland owned and operated waste metals recycler. We also provide a complete waste and waste minisation solution for the construction industry in Northland. Call us or check out our web pages to find out more. www.marsdenmetals.co.nz | www.marsdenwaste.co.nz PHONE: 09 433 0390 | FREEPHONE: 080 033 6673 EMAIL: info@marsdenmetalsgroup.co.nz | ADDRESS: 482 Marsden Point Road, Ruakaka Authorised Distributors and Service Agents for Diesel Industrial Motors, Pumps and Generators Designed for Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Rural applications. JB Marine Ltd Unit 3, Baffin St, The Powder Store, Opua Ph: 09 402 8375 or 027 498 4842 email: service@jbmarine.co.nz For competitive prices and excellent after sales service contact diesel FARMING

However, a theoretical, authoritarian top-down approach has only brought antagonism and protest.
p A smart council is needed to judiciously apply government regulations in a way which enables rather than frustrates farmers, says Richard Alspach
“Similarly, a smart council could pick on a core issue, carbon afforestation, and safeguard productive land by allowing the planting of carbon forests only on hilly, marginal terrain,” says Richard.
Daylight saving time will begin at 2am on putSeptemberSunday,25.Don’tforgettoyourclocksforward
Local fix for rural over-regulation

It’s a matter of bridging the gap between theory and application, says Richard Alspach, who has a background in farming and local governance.
A practical approach would be for councils to talk to farmers about not having to pay rates on parts of their land sectioned off for environmental protection and reach a compromise.
By comparison, many fit-forpurpose systems in the farming world evolved from the ground up, in ways that seem odd in theory but work very well in practice,” says Richard.

26 September 20 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER Phone: 021 0862 garyjhmorris@gmail.com8985 • CABINS • SHEDS • STUDIOS • EXISTING PLANS • CUSTOM BUILDS THE TEENAGESLEEPOUTRETREATORGUESTACCOMODATION$22,995 CABIN 4.8M X 2.8M THE $52,995FROMHOMEBACHAWAYHOMECABIN WITH KITCHEN & BATHROOM 6M X 2.8M THE STUDIO AN ARTISTS STUDIO A PERSONAL $8,500GYM CABIN 2.4M X 1.8M TrenchConvenientSuperfastDiggingataLowCost Portable Power Mini Trencher Phone 09 431 6400 Email: www.terrasaw.cominfo@terrasaw.com “TerraTrencher” is a registered trademark Terrasaw Industries Ltd 19A Andromeda Crescent, East Tamaki, Auckland The Patented TerraTrencher is a dedicated Portable Power Mini Trencher that provides quick, easy, and versatile trench digging when and where you need it. Rapidly digs a trench 40mm wide, and up to 700mm deep, with little turf or ground disturbance, which allows for rapid back-filling and quick site cleanup. Winner of multiple National Fieldays Invention Awards 09dargaville@laserelectrical.co.nz4397172YOURFULLYQUALIFIED LOCAL ELECTRICAL, REFRIGERATION AND HEAT PUMP SPECIALIST… ALWAYS THERE WHEN YOU NEED US! Farm Services & Milk Chillers Motors & Pumps New Builds & Renovations Heat Pumps & Air Conditioning All Home Electrical Repairs Lt d CONSTRUCTION SPECIALISTS FARM & LIFESTYLE LIGHT COMMERCIAL BARN STYLE HOMES P: 021 705 837 E: brett@barnbuildersnz.co.nz W: www.barnbuildersnz.co.nz FARMING

A strong voice on all four of these issues would provide good representation on the local council, and a strong council may be the tool necessary to communicate the realities of grassroots rural New Zealand to the Beehive. ¢

KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 20 2022 27 Marshall Heaters™/Boilers Tauranga Ph: 07 579 2612 Mob: 027 250 9020 Email: marshallheaters@xtra.co.nz Provides hot water and central heating for... • houses • maraes • wineries • glass houses • swimming pools • dairy sheds • camping grounds • shearing quarters • restaurants • sport complexes • spa pools • factories • packing sheds • motels • etc. Dual fuel, multi-fuel, solid fuel, or diesel www.marshallheaters.co.nz • Slashes your power account • Heats hot water* • Centrally heats your home (underfloor or radiators) • Airs and dries your clothes • Heats your spa pool • Mains pressure (if required) • 100% NZ owned and manufactured *Provided the heater is fuelled accordingly Slash your power account COMPATIBLE FOR OFF GRID SITUATIONS SOLAR POWER (PV PANELS / SOLAR WATER) MARSHALL HEATERS® with a Marshall Heater®/Boiler Marae FARMING

Carbon afforestation — Stock units are being lost at an alarming rate as offshore investors plant carbon-credit forests. While the solution to this problem, which may hamstring the economies of rural Kaipara towns, lies in Wellington, the impact on the local government is real, and the ability for local government to push back and speak out is there. A candidate who understands this
p How will a new council make it easier to invest in infrastructure on the farm, and how could a strong council oppose over-regulation of the rural sector?
issue and the entire carbon-emissions debate can likely count on a receptive farmingRoadingaudience.—This issue may be an ‘old chestnut’ of local government politicking. Still, roads are in the spotlight as councils are forced to cede speed limit setting rights
would be unavailable for development but still subject to rates.

Farming’s big four election issues

There are four big issues for farming families to consider as the local body election cycle draws to its conclusion, which have dominated the debate when rural Kaipara citizens have had the chance to ask questions.
Three Waters — The overshadowing issue of the local body electoral cycle and likely a linchpin of the general election next year. This controversial package includes even more potential regulation for farmers. Under the auspices of Taumata Arowai, the new water quality watchdog, it’s possible that all water tank systems supplying more than one dwelling will be counted as ‘water service providers’, with an inspection regime enforced at a local level. The cost will be borne by the user and add a new layer of bureaucracy to an already disgruntled rural sector.
NEW MUSTELID TRAP Easy to catch and kill stoats, rats, weasels and hedgehogs. Fitted with a Doc 200 approved Humane Trap. TOXIN-FREEREVOLUTIONARYPOSSUMTRAP Trapinator Possum Trap, result proven, join thousands of other happy customers. Easy to set and Nokill. toxins, uses safe bait. Purchase now from www.trapinator.com. or ph 09 579 4089 or stop in to our factory 7A Carmont Pl, Mt Wellington, Auckland To place your order or request more information email: sales@trapinator.com or visit: www.trapinator.com Passes Nawac humane guidelines! Trapinator™ Mustelid Trap has been designed to humanely kill stoats, rats, weasels and hedgehogs. Approved and used by Department of Conservation. It is lightweight, durable with flip open top for easy access. Perfect for large or small operators, this Mustelid trap makes pest kill and removal easy Purchasework.now! MUSTELIDTRAPINATOR™TRAP DO YOU nwcontracting2021@gmail.comCONCRETE?NEEDObligationfreequoteLeon0223449774NWC Northern Wairoa Contracting Ltd • Driveways • Sheds • Carports • Patios • 2 Tonne Digger • Tip Truck

to Waka Kotahi, an agency that recently backed down from the financially questionable move of reducing all state highway speed limits to 80km/h. Deteriorating rural roading is bad for business, tourism and safety. Local government can keep the pressure on national agencies to invest in better roads instead of speed cameras and can also focus on keeping the unpaved network fit for Buildingpurpose.and SNAs — The replacement of the Resource Management Act is coming, and along with it, a crisis and opportunity situation for rural New Zealand. On the one hand, making it easier to build on the farm will promote economic growth, and take the sting out of some proenvironmental legislation, which requires the construction of effluent, shelter and dairy shed upgrades. On the other hand, the concept of Significant Natural Areas has re-emerged, with councils potentially being asked to identify and ‘ring fence’ natural areas in private ownership, which
u by Andy Bryenton

Well, wen we was sitting down and she was poring cuppatees, Boss sed again that we “hada heckofa week.” (Boss sometime changes a word, ’specially ona Sunday wot this was, ’cos Sharlene sumtimes decides she gonna go ter church an’ Boss tries to be careful of sum werds. Well, Sharlene was quick to agree with Boss.
Gidday readas, an’ Boss rilly had me a bit wurried about him havin’ a cuppatees wen he was lyin’ down ’sted of sittin’ ona woolshed steps, but we was cruisin’ down the farm road after the lamby beet — another lotta twins too. I seen his gerlfren’ Sharlene carryin’ her smoko tray headin’ over to tha woolshed, so I figured his lyin’ down idea wasint gonna happen.

Cheers — Billy ¢
That’s Sharlene, eh readas. Dead rite. Evin I knows evry day is a new one an’ dunno wots commin’.
“Well Dog, all I kin say is that we just had a helluva week, that’s fer reel. Must be time fer a cuppatees ana lie down, eh?”
A dog’s tail … Bin a busy time, sez Boss

If it wasin’t for the French ref we mita bin down the tubes agin.”

28 September 20 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER FARMING Sumitomo Long Reach Digger with 14m Boom From UK – 12,000L Slurry (fills in half the time) 2.8T, 5T, 12.5T, 16T & 30T Diggers 8T Vibrating Roller & Sheep foot roller Transporter, 2 – 6x4 Tippers EXPERIENCED OPERATORS For all your Race, Drainage & Site Work & More… UNDERWOOD CONTRACTORS LTD ON THE JOB 43 YEARS EXPERIENCE ABBY Solid Muck Spreader Fertiliser & General Cartage 3 – 200hp Tractors with Large Tip Trailers, Power Harrow, Chisel Plough, Mulcher Barry & Deanna Underwood Mobile 0274 987 745 Ph 09 4318 078 R.D. 2, Maungaturoto Recommended Our Breeding programme is focused on Excellent Temperament Moderate to Low Birth Weight Animal Structure (Smooth Shoulders, Length, and Feet) Dairy Industry Focus with 90% of Bulls going into the Dairy Industry Very good growth rates in progeny Purchasing Quality Genetics PRIVATE TREATY SALE Offering 90 - 15/16 Month Bulls KAIPARA HEREFORDS Delivery and Payment 30 September 2022 Find us online Agent Haydn Evans 021 985 863 027 566 6558 Sam and Kate Biddles 170 Schick Rd R D 1 Te Kopuru kaiparaherefordskaiparaherefords.co.nz SIS BALL COCK VALVE www.sisballcock.co.nz | 0800 175 720 Only available direct from manufacturer Price $99.50+GST EACH Freight free anywhere in NZ • Buy 10 receive 12 and 2x service kits • 3 models available – all the one price • Nearly indestructible • Only NZ Manufacturer providing lifetime guarantee on the body of the ballcock Recommended Covering from Warkworth to KeriKeri and surrounds Tractors and forestry rigged diggers all available with rammers. CONTACT PHIL Cell: 027 274 4188 A/H: 09 433 2644 E: W:info@cpcfencing.co.nzwww.cpcfencing.co.nz Lifestyle Blocks Forestry Fencing Farm/Forestry roading and track maintenance Post Harvest clean up/fencing Residential Fencing All Farm Fencing Hill Country Fencing Subdivisional Fencing Riparian Waterway Fencing Stock Yard Design & Build CERTIFIED FENCER

“I went to church, Deah, because I thort it wood be nice to sat a wee prare for our lateBossQueen.”musta swallered too much hot cuppatees ’cos he sorta coffed and choked, an’ then he sed: “Oh yes, Deah, that was good of yer too.”
I cood see his mine working and then he sed: ”Itsa sad time Deah, ’specially for them princes, and even fer that Andy pandy bloke an’ old Harry, who done a runner from the castle.”
Sharlene give me a pat, ana biscuit offa plate on her knee. “Yes, Deah,” ina voice she uses wen’ not sure if Boss is beeing really truthfill. “I did notice yer turn the TV off wen thay keep takin’ about the Royals. Didin’t think you were all that wurried.”
”Well,” seda Boss, “as yer know, Deah, I’m a bit ofa republican, ’cos of me Irish grandad, wot hada leave becos of the Brit landlords ina old days. Yep, I spose wot rilly wurried me was them Aussies pritty nearly gave ABs a seein’ to ina Bledislo.
Sharlene give me a smile ana pat. “Truth be told, you more wurried about footy.” But Boss quickly said no. “Acterly, Deah, my main wurry is this blinkin’ ’lection. Them council papers arrived ina lettabox, an’ I tell her wot, I dunno one bloke or sheila froma nuther. The mare is leavin’ an’ so is the council boss lady. An’ we got this Three Waters nonsense comin’ up from govermint. We gona need some grunt ina council ter make shore we don’t wind up getting shaftid over wot we control ina out own district.” Boss gave a bit ofa thort, an’ Sharlene topped up his“YescuppateesDeah, well Her Majesty will be laid to rest an’ life will go on. An’ footy will go on, an’ so will the govmint one way or another. But look ona brite side. We lookin’ at good lambin’ percintages, and summer is almost hear. We kin see wot King Charles gets up too. Who knows wot’s round the corner.”

KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 20 2022 29 20kg to 1 hectare - $158 gst and freight included Phone: 09 439 7335 Normanby Street, Dargaville Farrand & Mason Ltd GENERAL & PRECISION ENGINEERS 5 YEAR DOMESTIC WARRANTY# Terms and Conditions apply, see HUSQVARNA.COM for details. visit husqvarna.com today 120 Mark II 38.2 cc - 1.4 kW - 14” Bar - 3/8” LP Chain - 4.85 kg $439 $509 $579 120e Mark II 38.2 cc - 1.4 kW - 16” Bar - 3/8” LP Chain - 5.1 kg 130 38.0 cc - 1.5 kW - 16” Bar - 3/8” LP Chain - 4.7 kg Your local authorised Husqvarna Dealer As you may have heard, Foot and Mouth Disease was detected earlier this month in Indonesia. It’s a highly contagious and infectious viral disease that affects all cloven-hooved (two-toed) animals. Alpaca • Llama • Goats • Pigs • Sheep • Cows It takes all of us to keep the disease out of New Zealand. For more information and to become familiar with the symptoms of foot and mouth disease www.DairyNZ.co.nz/business/biosecuritywww.mpi.govt.nz/biosecurityvisit:www.beeflambnz.com What should we do in the Northern Wairoa area? Ensure anyone who has visited Indonesia stays off farm for 7 days Do not feed untreated meat products to animals especially pigs Ensure NAIT records are up to date Develop robust on farm biosecurity plans Report suspected Foot-and-Mouth disease symptoms immediately to MPI Disease Hotline 0800 80 99 66 or contact your Vet. Northern Wairoa Veterinary Club Serving the community since 1946

It has tasked itself to reduce carbon emissions by 30 per cent by 2030 for its construction and farming machinery. The organisation is focussed on becoming carbon neutral by 2050, following Japan’s focus on becoming net-zero and assisting other countries in achieving the same.
u by Amy Fifita

The company found a solution in hydrogen power and is working to create both medium and large-sized fuel cell tractors with a prototype anticipated for 2023. It will be between 50 and 100Thehorsepower.tractoroffers positives and negatives for potential buyers to weigh up. One negative is its predicted price that exceeds popular diesel-powered options by 40 per However,cent.the initial cost could reward you when paying the much-debated emissions pricing schemes enforced upon the agricultural sector.
With low emissions a current topic, zero-emission agricultural machinery could widen options for farmers aiming to live up to the government’s lowemissions targets. It is not only rural New Zealanders pitching in. Japanese agricultural company Kubota is pursuing a more sustainable future.
Operating a zero-emissions machine could minimise the outgoing expenses
The 2023 prototype will provide further detail to give you more scope on

without adding to the greenhouse gas issue.

p Kubota is branching off from its traditional tractors and developing a hydrogen-powered version as a zero-emission option
Kubota is leading the world by developing the first hydrogen-powered provide the final product by 2025.
The 2025 release gives New Zealand time to establish better availability options. Kubota may have thought ahead regarding infrastructure because it plans to create electric-powered mini excavators and compact tractors.

this developing technology. Your options areInvestsimple.in the hydrogen-powered tractor, wait for the electric alternative or stick to traditional choices already available. Kubota has additional initiatives
promoting food and water sustainability. Its technologies and products support abundant and quality food production and improve water recycling, treatment and supply systems worldwide, as it has achieved in Japan. ¢
fuel cell tractor and aims to

The collaboration between Waitomo Group and Hiringa Energy shows interest in creating the required infrastructure. The companies have four green hydrogen refuelling stations under construction. Check out other initiatives on the New Zealand Hydrogen website.
The next downside is that the infrastructure for it isn’t ready in New Zealand yet. However, this obstacle is being solved through various projects and studies from companies, local councils, universities and GNS Science. Government and international funds for joint projects are available.
A positive is that hydrogen is a sustainable fuel. It has already indicated a faster refuel time and longer range within the automotive industry compared to its electrically-charged alternative. It is a highly flammable element, as are the fossil fuel, petrol and diesel.
Innovative energy solutions


Mayor Jason Smith, Councillor Mark Vincent and KDC chief executive Lousie Miller have approved a statement on the government’s forthcoming indigenous biodiversity law changes, which feature the polarising subject of significant natural areas (SNAs). The identification of these areas and changes to how they may be used caused protests across the country last year.
“It is unclear how the current Resource Management Act reforms may impact existing use rights and what this will mean for affected landowners. We believe it would be helpful for the Ministry for the Environment to be explicitly clear on this aspect.”

An official statement from the Kaipara District Council has been made to the government regarding lawmaking to protect significant natural areas.

u by Andy Bryenton
p Environment Minister David Parker and his team have received the KDC’s advice and suggestions regarding the National Policy Statement on Indigenous Biodiversity

This point has been submitted formally to the government under the auspices of the KDC, along with other recommendations to improve the speculative legislation.

Council’s SNA advice

These include a request for clarity as to how SNAs will fit into the government’s vision for a single

“We believe it is important that councils should not be empowered to or required by

Natural And Built Environments Plan for eachTheregion.process by which councils must assess and record SNAs and how this will be funded in an area with a small rating base but a large natural wilderness was also addressed, as was how the SNA process would affect tangata whenua. ¢
30 September 20 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER FARMING FARMASSIST THE OLD SEAWEED HURRYUP! A COMPLETE GROWING SOLUTION Delivered for free anywhere in Northland! 5% DISCOUNT ON YOUR CLEAN RECYCLED CONTAINERS FarmAssist NZ has many functions: Pest & Disease Deterrent, Plant Food, Fruit & Flower Enhancer to name a few. But the most valuable is as a top of the range Soil Conditioner, which will promote microbial activity, natural irrigation, clover, rye & thicker healthier pasture with a quicker recovery rate, while also helping to eradicate weeds, balance PH levels, & enhance the immunity systems of your stock & whoever eats them. When using FarmAssist, farmers are experiencing a huge decline of grass staggers, bloat, facial eczema, milk fever, mineral deficiencies, bad temperament & calving problems. Research at Texas Tech & Mississippi University has proven that grazing stock on seaweed-fed grass or meal has marked positive effects on animals’ immune function, weight gains, carcass quality & even the shelf quality of finished meats. The Seaweed Farmassist is rich in nutrients, vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, minerals & Omega3, has traces of Selenium & is particularly high in Potassium, Copper, Magnesium, Zinc, Calcium, Iron, Boron & has over 70 trace elements. PRICES 5L $80 | 20L $220 | 100L $950| 200L $1500 |1000L $6000 | 3000L or more $5000 per pod TO ORDER CALL US NOW ON (09) 401 4928 OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE WWW.SEAWEED.NZ HEALTHY SOIL + HEALTHY PLANTS & ANIMALS = HEALTHY PEOPLE & ENVIRONMENT ENQUIRE NOW Contact Tom Silby 021 226 4562 OR Bernie Silby 021 228 3340 BOOK YOUR SUMMER WORK NOW Earthworks | Concrete Laying Retaining Walls | Driveways Fencing & Stockyards | Drainage DR & BA GRANT ENGINEERINGPh094398248BeachRd,Dargaville What we haven’t got we can get! • Milking Machinery • Cowshed Pipework • Lathe & Milling Machining • Aluminium & Stainless welding • Milking Machinery testing & quality control (same day repairs) CorrosionX is a super fast penetrant on corroded parts. On reassembly it acts as long-lasting protection and stops Corrosionelectrolysis. X proudly supplying New Zealand’s farmers on a daily basis. CorrosionX waterproofs old and new electronics/ electrics in all machinery, trucks and installations. Safe on rubber, insulation,neoprene and all plastics. Safe to 39,000V. When Corrosion Protection is MISSION CRITICAL STOP RUST NOW CorrosionX Heavy Duty forms a dripless, dynamic, non-hardening, self-healing film that stubbornly resists erosion by splash or spray. Find your Northland stockist at www.corrosionx.org 0800 NO RUST | info@corrosionx.co.nz | www.corrosionx.co.nz
the National Policy Statement to ‘lock up’ land containing indigenous biodiversity,” KDC’s strategy, policy and governance manager Michael Day said at last week’s council meeting.

Accommodation Inspections on farm workers’ houses

“Many of you would have completed the 360 assessments for Fonterra thus far and noted the People and Communities part required Health and Safety. If your records are all up to date, you should

The Co-Op Difference
That may be due to a worker exiting your property.”

“The last few months have been busy packing up and selling most of our gear while also helping farmers with their health and safety and designing new policies and updates,” says Annette.
“Syd and I have imported a new 32-foot caravan with an office built-in, so I that can work remotely helping my farmers with their Health and Safety. Although we are still based in the Dargaville area — I can now travel further afield.”


“I’ve been asked on many occasions if I would do the farm workers’ house inspections. So, after writing up report sheets, etc, I am now in a position to offer this service. With extensive experience
After 30 years of sharemilking, Annette and Syd Pull of Total Business Compliance have decided to retire and do something different.

over 18 years in the home building and civil industries, you can have confidence in my “Thisabilities.service will include a comprehensive report about the property, and photos will be taken to monitor any damage occurring or maintenance issues. I’m not going to look in cupboards, wardrobes nor climb into the ceiling cavity to look at the insulation. However, if there are issues in these areas — it will be noted. This service is to protect your assets and not designed to intrude on your workers’“Someprivacy.people are requiring this service monthly at the same time I do staff health and safety training. Still, I’m happy to complete this whenever you need.
FREELUNCH SH1 KAIWAKA SEPTEMBER 29 THURSDAY DEMO DEALSDAY One Day Only QUICK FIRE AUCTION AND DEMO DAY DEALS!!! SALE WHEREWHEN THURSDAY SEPTEMBER29th8:00 AM Live Demos: 8-12PM Quick Fire Auction at 1:00pm- NO RESERVES PLUS 1 Day Deals.... FREE BBQ Lunch & Coffee Cart 2168,FARMSHOPSH1Kaiwaka WHATNORESERVE For every account holder. No purchase required, absolutely FREE... Just turn up and they’re yours! FARMSHOP 2168 SH1 KAIWAKA THURS 29TH SEPT DEMOS FROM 8:00AM / FREE LUNCH / AUCTION AT 1:00PM Call 0800 00 22 09 / sales@farmshop.co.nz / www.farmshop.co.nz SCAN THECODETHETOSEEALLDEALS 10 *WARATAHSFREE1PACKOF10 CRAFTSMAN PLUMBERS AND GASFITTERS AVAILABLE “IF WATER OR GAS RUNS THROUGH IT… WE CAN DO IT…” 09 431 8642 E: info@pumpsandplumbing.co.nz • 86a Hurndall Street East, Maungaturoto SHOP OPEN MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY FRIDAY 8.30AM – 4PM WEDNESDAY 8.30AM – 2PM, CLOSED SATURDAY AND SUNDAY
be able to get 100% on this assessment. Please ensure you have in place all your staff training records, your hazard board completed, and the substance register up to date with all accidents and incidents. Don’t forget I can come to your farm and discuss this with all concerned at your convenience.”

Business on the move
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 20 2022 31 FARMING Visit our website for more information: www.totalbusinesscomplianceltd.co.nz WE DO IT ALL FOR YOU! • Safety Audits On Farm • Health & Safety Manuals • Policies & Procedures • Staff Training • Signage • Monthly Staff Meetings On Farm • Contractors Agreements • Worker PropertyAccommodationInspections YOUR ON SITE FARM HEALTH & PROVIDERSSAFETY TOTAL BUSINESS COMPLIANCE LTD “Your helping hand” Annette Pull Director P: 027 286 2329 | Servicing Northland HIGHLY COMPETITIVE PRICING Based in Kaipara Region

32 September 20 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER FARMING SPOTLIGHT ON AERIAL APPLICATERS YOUR LOCAL HELICOPTER OPERATOR 0800 435 684 AERIAL WORK & HELICOPTER LIFTING • Bulk or Bagged Fertiliser • Weed Spraying • Helicopter lifting • Frost Control • Gorse & Blackberry spraying Specialists in all Agriculture services Contact us today Greg Stevenson 021 276 greg@skyworkhelicopters.com0075 Anti-drift thru-valve boom Bulk or bag fertiliser spreading DGPS accuracy Auto control flow meter Head Office 09 422 7018 skyworkhelicopters.com For all your Agricultural needs: • Spraying • Bulk & Bag Fertiliser Give us a call for competitive prices! PH 09 431 8590 • BEN 027 692 1188 • RALPH 027 650 4812Phone:enquiries@dronedog.co.nz02102402080www.dronedog.co.nzContactUsforRoofTreatmentorFarmSpraying

However, it’s how those rules and the contradictions therein have been applied by the local council which has turned the build into what he calls an excruciating process.

should ask how it can help
Four years and $200,000 before a single nail is hammered. That’s the cost of building a new commercial venture in Dargaville, and it’s a matter of punitive, contradictory rules, says one person caught in the process.

When the barriers to construction become too arduous and the costs too high, development dwindles and opportunities are cut off. While a repeal and replacement of the RMA are on the cards, business owners, land developers

and the building industry fear more levels of bureaucracy rather than less.

p The council make business build happen, thwart with and contradictions, says Bruce McKenzie

creeping costs

Break down barriers to building

u by Andy Bryenton
“Resource consent was hard, but building consent is proving even harder, as even a simple build needs many kinds of engineers, none of whom are in-house
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 20 2022 33 FARMING Trevor 027 935 3540 or email trevor@parkerlime.co.nz CALL US FOR A SOIL TEST TODAY! Healthy soils, healthy returns High quality yields with custom fertiliser blends Ph Jason Williamson 09 439 4336, 027 499 2530 Blair Williamson 027 609 5157 Phil Williamson 09 439 6104, 027 477 0199 SOFT ON THE FEET, SOFT ON THE POCKET – RING US NOW BEFORE YOU’VE FORGOTTEN IT •Quarry Run LIMESTONE $6 •Crushed LIMESTONE Metal $8 •BROWN Rock $3.50 [all plus GST] per ton WILLIAMSON QUARRIES–ARAPOHUE–WILLIAMSON QUARRIES–ARAPOHUE–Farrand & Mason Ltd GENERAL & PRECISION ENGINEERS Ph: 09 439 7335 ONLINE CATALOGUE VISIT: www.tradezone.co.nz If you try for the impossible you can often manage the extremely difficult. king tony roe spanner set metric $7.98rulerstainlesstoledo$283.5726pc+gst150mmsteel+gstcrc 5-56 multipurpose$8.49420ml+gst TK DIGGERS 027 432 0588 Operator AARON GUEST tkdiggers@gmail.com TK DIGGERS AND CARTAGE • For excavation work including but not limited to • Quick attached long reach extension • Effluent systems cleaning, construction • Agriculture, horticulture • Drainage, trenching, v bucket, etc • Farm, races, clean, metal, grade, construction • Tip truck n trailer • Earth work, house sites, drive ways • Swamp mats • Thumb COMPETITIVE PRICES & SATISFACTIONNORTHLANDGUARANTEEDWIDE 12 tonner tilt bucket, good rates, own transporter Great service Northland wide

a new
“If you want Dargaville to go ahead, you have to make it the easiest place to build. For industry, for businesses, for housing, that’s what’s going to make the difference,” says local businessman Bruce McKenzie. He has been working for the past four years on a project to construct new premises for his outdoor, motorcycle and marine company.

He says that the rules in the Resource Management Act are complicated. Like many builders and those involved in construction, he agrees that it’s time for them to be overhauled.
with council. After they make their reports (at a significant cost), the engineers who do work for council must make an assessment too.”

The question to ask your candidates is this: How will you make Kaipara an easier place to build, and how will you instruct council staff to say ‘yes’ to construction rather than ‘no’?
“It begins with intractable zoning and a lack of industrial and commercial properties in town. Then there’s the fact that there is no building inspector in Dargaville, with the nearest one in Mangawhai,” says Bruce.


Lions Club of Ruawai — Meets 3rd Thursday of the month (social night) at the Sports Club and 1st Thursday of the month (business meeting). For more info contact 09 439 2029 or 09 439 2557.
Stepping Out Leisure Marching Team — Tuesday 4pm–5pm at the Dargaville Town Hall. Contact Sharon 027 439 5634 or 09 439 5634 for more details.
Dargaville Menz Shed — is open Tuesday and Thursday each week from 10am to 3pm and Saturday mornings from 10am to noon. New members are welcome. For more info phone Paul 027 459 3098 or Brian 09 439 6175.
Silver Fern Farms Three – Three Lakes Trail Run — Sunday, 9 October 2022 from 8am–6pm. The 3 Lakes Trail Run, sponsored by Silver Fern Farms, offers 3 distances; 21.1km, 14km and 5km. This event will have limited numbers. Register at 3lakes.nz.
Dargaville Contract Bridge Club — Tuesdays 12.45pm and Thursday 6.45pm at the Kiosk, Memorial Park, Logan St, Dargaville. dargavillebridge@gmail.com or phone Peter 09 439 2437 or 022 405 6439.
SeptemberMeettheCandidates for Mayor — Thursday 22nd September 5.15pm for 5.30pm start at the Dargaville Club, Victoria St, Dargaville, hosted by the DCDB. Dargaville Bowling Club Open Day — Saturday 25th September. Contact Ray King 09 439 5509.
SeniorNet Dargaville — Drop-in every Tuesday 10am–2pm (except school holidays) for help with technology and internet banking. KCC 38 Hokianga Rd.

Strength & Conditioning — Baylys Beach Community Centre — Mondays and Fridays. Small class groups. 10am–11am $10 per session. If you’re 50+ and want to improve your movement as you age — this is the class for you. With some commitment you can gain strength as you condition your body for aging. Call Tony 022 311 8447.
Northern Wairoa Country Music Club — 1st Sunday of the month at the Scout Hall, 23 Onslow Street 1–4pm. Enquiries to Bruce 09 439 5513.
34 September 20 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER artisanmarket.paparoa@gmail.comLocallyproducedArts,Craft&FoodOffStreetParkingWheelchairAccess11.30PM-3.30PMPaparoaMemorialHallSUNDAYSeptember25thFourthSundayMonthlyArtisanMarket For further Johninfo@dargavillearts.co.nzinformation0275258189 Muddy Waters Gallery 43 Hokianga Rd, Dargaville Next to the Anzac Theatre • 2nd & 4th THURSDAYS EACH MONTH • NEXT IS 22nd SEPTEMBER AT 11AM–3PM • BRING YOUR LUNCH — HAVE A COFFEE • CASUAL CRAFT PROJECTS ON THE TABLE OR BRING YOUR OWN TO WORK ON • COME HAVE A CHAT & HAVE SOME FUN CRAFT & ART DROP IN SESSIONS Arts ACOUSTIC MUSIC GROUP CONCERTS RETURN Dargaville Acoustic Music BLACKBOARD CONCERT October 6th, 7:00pm Kaipara Community Centre Hokianga Rd, Dargaville $2 entry $2 raffle BYO instruments or just come to listen: All Welcome Ph 021 439 697 for more info CALLING ALL MUSIC LOVERS TIDE CHART MANGAWHAI HEADS Dargaville High +1:50 Low +3:10 Ruawai High +1:16 Low +0:57 Kellys Bay High +0:10 Low +0:06 Tinopai High +0:17 Low +0:21 Pahi High +0:44 Low +0:30POUTO POINT
SAT 24 3:13am (0.7m) 9:25am (3.0m) 3:29pm (0.7m) 9:42pm (3.2m)
Dargaville Floral Art Club — Meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 1pm at The Lighthouse Church, Cnr Normanby & Parore Sts, Dargaville. Enquiries to Dawn Donald 09 439 5413.
Hikuwai O Kaipara Waka Ama Club — Meet at the NW Boating Club 5pm Mondays and Thursdays from 5pm for Awa training.
Dargaville Friendship Club — meets 2nd Tuesday of the month at 10am at the NW Boating Club. For info phone Phyllis 09 439 6681.
Pono Lodge Yoga — Pono Lodge, 41 Hokianga Road, Dargaville. Mondays: Hatha Flow 5.30pm, Yin 7pm. Tuesdays: Body Focus 9.30am. For more info contact Anisha 021 301 860 or see our Facebook page Dargaville Yoga.
FRI 23 2:31am (0.9m) 8:43am (2.8m) 2:48pm (0.8m) 9:04pm (3.0m)
TUE 27 6:06am (0.4m) 12:17pm (3.3m) 6:21pm (0.4m)
Paparoa Farmers’ Market — Every Saturday 9am –12pm. Genuine local produce, vegetables, seafood, olive oils, meats, patisserie, plants and more. Village Green, Paparoa.
Alzheimer’s ‘Carer’ Support Group — Contact Maxine on 021 153 5674.
Northern Wairoa Indoor Bowls Assn — Starts at 7pm Mondays at Anglican Church Hall, Tuesdays at Ruawai-Tokatoka Hall, Wednesdays at Dalmatian Hall. For more info contact Warren Younger 027 478 5102 or evenings 09 439 6155.

Mt Wesley Angels — Meets 2nd Sunday of the month at Old Mt Wesley Cemetery to preserve, record and care for this historic cemetery. Wear suitable footwear, bring water, gardening gloves and a friend.
Alcoholics Anonymous — Dargaville AA meetings held at The Lighthouse Church, cnr Normanby & Parore Sts. Use Parore St entrance. Monday 4.30pm & Thursday 7.30pm Contact Bernie 027 212 2148, Ladies 020 4082 1373, Murray 09 439 5248.
MON 26 2:17am (0.6m) 8:41am (2.4m) 2:34pm (0.5m) 8:53pm (2.5m)

SUN 25 3:52am (0.6m) 10:03am (3.1m) 5:07pm (0.5m) 11:19pm (3.3m)

Paparoa Artisan Market — 4th Sunday monthly 12–4pm. Paparoa Memorial Hall.

Dargaville Girls Brigade — For girls 5–15 years. Thursdays after school — 3.30–5pm held at The Lighthouse Church. Contact Pauline Taylor 021 263 7446 or 09 439 7505.
Lions Dargaville — Meeting 2nd Wednesday of the month in Lions Den, Hokianga Road. Contact John for more information 09 439 5937.
Lakes MTB — Saturday 8th October. An iconic off-road MTB event, set in the picturesque Taharoa Domain, better known as Kai Iwi Lakes. There are three different distances to choose from: 40km, 20km and 9km. Register at 3lakesmtb.co.nz.
Dargaville Embroidery Group — 3rd Tuesday of the month 10am–2pm. Phone Rosemary 09 439 0656.
TUE 27 2:57am (0.5m) 9:21am (2.5m) 3:13pm (0.5m) 9:33pm (2.6m)
Dargaville Scout Group — For boys and girls aged 5–99 years at 23 Onslow St. All info on door or phone Johnnita 027 296 5889.
Kaipara Heritage Machinery Club — Open and operating Wednesday and Saturday. New members and volunteers welcome. Something to interest both men and women, come and get involved. Phone 09 439 7108 or 09 439 4614.
SAT 24 6:14am (2.2m) 12:13pm (0.8m) 6:32pm (2.3m) 11:36pm (0.8m)
NZ 60s Up Movement — Dargaville Social Meetings held at the Lighthouse Function Centre on 1st Tuesday of the month. Contact President Margaret Pinny 09 439 4560.
Twilight Market — Last Friday of each month, 5.30pm–7pm. Northern Wairoa Boating Club, Totara Street.
Dargaville Arts Association www.dargavillearts.co.nz WHAT’S ON? For outside of Dargaville events email info@thelifestyler.co.nz FOR EVENT LISTINGS EMAIL dargaville@cab.org.nzEMAIL roxannek@sportnorth.co.nzEMAIL info@dcdb.nz FOR SPORT LISTINGS FOR CLUB/ORGANISATION LISTINGS
Dargaville Museum — Open every day except Christmas Day and Anzac morning 9–4 until Labour Day then 9–5 until Easter. Volunteers, visitor hosts and members welcome. Phone 09 439 7555.
Te Kopuru Market — Every Saturday 12.30pm–3.30pm at Te Kopuru Community Hall.
THU 22 1:41am (1.1m) 7:53am (2.7m) 2:00pm (1.0m) 8:21pm (2.9m)
Peggy Purls in our Community — Every 3rd Wednesday 10.30am at Dargaville Sewing and Curtain Centre, 59 Normanby St. Ring Charlene 09 439 6120.
WED 21 3:29am (2.1m) 9:37am (1.0m) 4:08pm (2.2m) 10:16pm (1.0m)
MON 26 5:29am (0.4m) 11:40am (3.3m) 5:44pm (0.4m) 11:55pm (3.4m)

Northern Wairoa Genealogy Society — Learn how to trace your family history or DNA at the Research Rooms, Dargaville Museum, 4th Sunday of each months 12.30–2pm OR attend our monthly meetings on the 4th Sunday of the month from 2pm–4pm. Phone Sue 021 608 606.
Vaccine Passport required.
Baylys & Beyond Gardeners — All welcome, 2nd Monday of each month, Garden ramble, shared lunch, trading table phone 021 063 3444.
Air Training Corps —
FRI 23 5:25am (2.2m) 11:28am (0.9m) 5:49pm (2.2m) 11:54pm (0.9m)
Dargaville Bowling Club Tuesday Bowls — Names by 9.30am, start 10am, finish 2.30pm. Contact Ray King 09 439 5509.
THU 22 4:29am (2.1m) 10:36am (0.9m) 5:02pm (2.2m) 11:07pm (1.0m)
Mondays 6pm–8pm at the Dargaville Aero Club. For boys and girls aged 13–18 years Phone Gordon 021 262 0547.
SUN 25 6:59am (2.3m) 12:54pm (0.6m) 8:13pm (2.4m)
Dargaville Aero Club — Learn to fly, free of tuition charges, Gyrocopter, Texan, Stork. Contact Peter 09 439 1628 for further info.
WED 21 12:37am (1.2m) 6:49am (2.5m) 12:58pm (1.1m) 7:29pm (2.7m)
Dargaville Games Club — 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at the Dargaville Scout Hall, Onslow St, 6pm–9pm.
Kaihu Hall Market — 3rd Saturday each month 10am–noon. Phone Robin 09 439 4878.
Monthly Market — 1st Saturday of each month — 8am–noon — at the Kaipara Community Centre, Hokianga Road (opposite the Town Hall).
Let’s Connect Expo — Tuesday 27th September 10am to 2pm at the Dargaville Town Hall Come and meet your local community providers. Hosted by SOS Kaipara — Community Connectors. This is a free community event. Come and see how local service providers can help you.
RSA Women’s Section — Social meeting held at the Clubrooms, 4th Monday of the month. Contact Secretary/Treasurer Betty Bruce 09 439 4344.
Kumarani Productions, Circus Jam — Wednesdays 5.30–7.30pm at Circus Kumarani, 15 Onslow St through school terms only. Gold coin donation.
Wednesday Crafts — Every Wednesday 10am. Morning tea and lunch will be served. Variety of crafts. The Kiosk at Memorial Park. All welcome. $7 per session Contact Judy 027 316 3940.
Stitches and Craft — 5 Cranley St, Dargaville. 10am–4pm Tuesday and Friday Contact Lois 027 473 0598 for further details.
All puzzles © The Puzzle www.thepuzzlecompany.co.nzCompany 294Jumbo crossword

ACROSS: 1 Taint, 4 Clear conscience, 14 Shape, 15 Spear, 16 Skyscraper, 17 Ghost, 19 Shy, 20 Caustic, 21 Trafalgar, 22 Medley, 25 Billiards, 27 Finger, 28 Mosque, 33 Trespasser, 35 Boa, 36 Nicety, 37 Wilt, 39 Tea, 41 Culprit, 42 Corset, 43 Realistic, 44 Entry, 45 Cardigan, 50 Zn, 51 Tapestry, 55 Banjo, 58 Principle, 59 Osprey, 60 Combust, 61 Oil, 63 Debt, 64 Lagoon, 65 Out, 66 Archimedes, 68 Dawdle, 69 Tiddly, 71 Associate, 76 Jackal, 77 Abhorrent, 79 Aniseed, 81 Due, 84 Theme, 85 Overweight, 86 Dared, 87 Ankle, 88 Against the clock, 89 Heart.
DOWN: 2 Appear, 3 Nears, 5 Like, 6 Assured, 7 Carafe, 8 Nepal, 9 Certain, 10 Edge, 11 Choker, 12 Daisy, 13 Recycle, 14 Stilton, 18 Misleading, 23 Cause, 24 Mercury, 26 Insipid, 27 Flatten, 29 Quintet, 30 Trauma, 31 Abuse, 32 Strata, 34 Room, 36 Natty, 38 Tacky, 40 Aide, 45 Coped, 46 Rainbow, 47 Itch, 48 Appeal, 49 Union, 50 Zoology, 52 Provisions, 53 Subject, 54 Rushes, 55 Bedouin, 56 Spite, 57 Beta, 62 Scoop, 67 Placate, 68 Deadpan, 70 Dubious, 72 Sundial, 73 Bad egg, 74 Browse, 75 Meteor, 76 Jerky, 78 Overt, 80 Scale, 82 Deli, 83 Chic.
Insert the missing letters to complete ten words — five across the grid and five down.
Fill the grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
More than one solution may be possible.
VSS XR SAN OT ATR VESTS EXTRA STAIN TORTE CAP AI IOS AL PES CRAMP RADIO IDOLS SABLE PRESS 24 5 9 5 6 6 48 9 4 8 9 15 9 7 67 1 3 2 6 9 58 3 8 15 2479 863 51 8931 752 64 5162 348 79 7 2 4 3 1 8 5 9 6 1385 694 27 9657 421 83 3 7 2 6 5 1 9 4 8 4518 976 32 6894 237 15 6 431 5 2 6 29 8 5 7 2 8 4 592 3 6 1 41 682 93 7869 431 52 4135 729 68 2596 184 37 9 3 5 7 2 1 8 4 6 8214 367 95 6748 592 13 5 9 7 3 8 4 6 2 1 3421 675 89 1682 953 74 HARD Previous solution Previous solution Previous crossword solution solutionPrevious 1ACROSS Pretend not to see (4,1,5,3) 8 Husband or wife (6) 14 Garden tool (5) 15 Ancient Hindu language (8) 16 Make ready (7) 17 Mournful song (5) 18 Small round mark (3) 19 Young tree (7) 21 advantageCompetitor’s(4,5) 22 Room manoeuvreto(6) 25 Pasta in long slender threads (10) 27 Racetrack (8) 28 Chemist’s grinding tool (6) 31 Summer flower (6) 33 Lockjaw (7) 34 Make less harsh (6) 35 Door out (4) 37 Jump on one leg (3) 39 Horse farm (4) 40 Become better (7) 41 gemstoneBlue-green(9) 42 Certificate (7) 43 Profit or returns (8) 48 Rural worker (8) 52 Comfort in grief (7) 56 Wet sport (5,4) 57 Cocktail (7) 58 Playthings (4) 59 Decay (3) 60 Paper quantity (4) 61 Red wine (6) 62 Supervise (7) 63 Lace hole (6) 65 Underside (6) 66 Schools (8) 68 Bully, browbeat (10) 71 Bluest (anag)(6) 72 Ancestry (9) 74 Painkilling drug (7) 76 Brim (3) 79 Chain of mountains (5) 80 Hair cleaner (7) 81 Australian parrot (8) 83 Grate (5) 84 Fish covering (6) 85 supplementingAdvantage wages (6,7) 2DOWNIgnorant of (7) 3 Of the nose (5) 4 Drinks counter (3) 5 Jot, small amount (4) 6 A decrease in value over time (12) 7 Give up (5) 8 Directed (7) 9 Probability (4) 10 Flavoured water ice (6) 11 Bow-legged (5) 12 Small surviving trace (7) 13 Joint business (11) 14 Underwater plant (7) 20 Stone fruit (9) 23 Duck-billed Australian animal (8) 24 Fine lustrous silklike fabric (7) 26 Tuneful (7) 27 Scorched (6) 29 Fabric (7) 30 Fireplace floor (6) 32 In search of (5) 34 Parody (5) 36 Flecked woollen cloth (5) 38 Leap (4) 43 Might (5) 44 Pariah (7) 45 Gain by work (4) 46 scrawlAbsent-minded(6) 47 Chemically inactive (5) 48 Short dagger (8) 49 Outer skin layer (9) 50 Excitable, fiery person (7) 51 Poem (5) 52 Rust (7) 53 Remote (3-2-3-3) 54 Fire remains (6) 55 Garment worn indoors (8,4) 64 Shell (7) 65 materialShip-stabilising(7) 67 underframeVehicle’s(7) 69 Capital of Libya (7) 70 establishmentMedical (6) 71 Left over (5) 73 Waxed wick for conveying flame (5) 75 Reflection (5) 77 Prisoner’s room (4) 78 Land measure unit (4) 82 Signal (3)
36 September 20 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER AFFORDABLELAWNSDARGAVILLEANDSURROUNDS • Domestic, Residential & Commercial lawn mowing, one off or regular • Edging, pruning and Rubbish removal • Yard care and tidy • Senior and Super Gold discounts available 027 218 3334 •affordablelawnsdargavilleandsurrounds.comAffordablelawncare@outlook.com.auSeniorandSuperGolddiscounts KAIPARA SERVICE DIRECTORY Your Local Professional choice for EWOF, COV Inspections & Certifications, PV Solar and Hazardous Inspections. Boats Campers & RVs Caravans PH: 021 240 6764 KEITH call today - we come to YOU CONTRACT FENCING PETER BLACKWELL 021 295 9647 Facebook:Email:Phone: 021 278 cjsrakau@outlook.com3434 @cjsrakaufirewood Firewood Services - Kaiwaka Winz Approved There is now an Ear Nurse Specialist based at Dargaville Medical Centre to remove ear wax safely and effectively with micro suction Call Roz on 027 297 2200 or email info@clean-ear.co.nz to make an appointment Clean Ear Health Do You Have a Problem with Ear Wax? CODY’S HOMEKILL Phone: 021 - 0247 - 0784 027 486 7821 Tony Cotton583B Waihue tcotton109@gmail.com027DargavilleParoreRoad4867821• Precision Machining • General Fabrication • Welding • Garden COTTONArt ENGINEERING Dargaville Funeral Services Ltd 24 Hours — 09 439 8016 Locally owned and operated The Point of Difference Jessica Young – 020 4119 office@dargavillefuneralservices.co.nz1299 Bruce Young – 027 575 www.dargavillefuneralservices.co.nz7377 CALL CHRIS HICKEY ON 027 561 1719 email: fencingspecialists.nz@gmail.com ALL ASPECTS OF FARM & LIFESTYLE BLOCK FENCING & MAINTENANCE INCLUDING: • Post & Batten • Entrances • Post & Rail • Retaining Walls • Stock Yards • Riparian Lots • Netting • Subdivisions PILING, RETAINING & caine.hccs@gmail.com027EARTHWORKS2404514 • DIGGER | BOBCAT | EARTHWORKS • RETAINING WALLS • FENCING AND STOCK YARDS • CONCRETETOMLAYINGSILBY: 021 226 4562 Landscaping to SubdivisionsCertifiedEarthmovingDrainlayingTipTruckHireSepticFarms&more Gary Whippy 027 469 www.facebook.com/kauricoastcontractinggary@kccontracting.co.nz8079 For all your general digger works, drainage and civil work. KAURI CO T C TRAC NG LTD 021 056 7665“NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL” CALL TRAVIS! 30 Hurndall MaungaturotoSt, HIREFOR 09 431 8440 021 125 1576 morrisandmorris.co.nz Office: 09 439 8048 Fax: Email: 09 437 office@morrisandmorris.co.nz5796 15 Gladstone Street, Dargaville, 0310, PO Box 8043, Kensington 0145, Whangarei Phone 439 6070 or National Help Line 0800 883 300 Office hours 9am-3pm Mon-Fri 158a Victoria Street Dargaville FAMILY & SEXUAL VIOLENCE SUPPORT SERVICES • Crisis Support and Advocacy • Individual and Family Therapy Counselling • ACC Sensitive Claims • Refuge Accommodation or Assistance with Relocation • Safety Programmes, Parenting and Empowerment Programmes Local Tree Services 0800 933 teamvegetation.co.nz326 Safer, Faster & Cheaper • Tree Felling • Tree Pruning • Chipping • Stump Grinding Shelter Belt Removal/ LandToppingClearing TK DIGGERS 027 432 0588 Operator AARON GUEST 09 439 tkdiggers@gmail.com1843 12 tonner tilt bucket, good rates, own transporter Great service Northland wide Tu Christey Massage Therapist Diploma in Massage, MNZ Cert. in Thai Traditional Massage (Wat Pho) “Get rid of your aches & pains, maintain your well being” Therapeutic, Deep Tissue, Sports, Pregnancy, Relaxation, Myofascial Release, Lymphatic Drainage Mobile: 021 116 9425 Email: www.handyhandsmassage.co.nztuthemt@gmail.com Personal Insurance Advisors specialising in Life, Medical, Trauma and Income Insurance and ACC p 027 585 7776 e info@urcovered.co.nz w urcovered.co.nz DONNA PETERS & HANNAH HARDING 4 Totara Street, Dargaville | 10a Finlayson Street, Whangarei P: 09 439 6007 M: 027 481 1285 E: info@waverefrigeration.nz SPECIALISTS IN: HEAT PUMPS | AIR CONDITIONING | REFRIGERATION RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL ELECTRICAL Registered REFRIGERATIONelectrician 100%NZ keeping it kiwi AIRCONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION We Do it Right… Professional Workmanship

207 2932.
FRIDAY 23RD September 4–7pm, Saturday 24th September 8–11am. 6311 SH12 Turiwiri, Dargaville (Paxton Kumara shed) cash only, something for everyone.

or relevant experience.
Sowter or visit my website: www.windowanddoors.co.nz — Window & Door Services Ltd.

SUZUKI 4X4 Wanted to buy — parked, damaged or unwanted, Escudo Vitara/Grand Vitara. Phone Derek 09 439 7573.
438 311 or email jas_shiraz@yahoo.co.nz — Shiraz Restaurant Dargaville. Lt d BUILDERWANTED For

Dargaville Bobcat Services Phone or Txt Paul 09 439 5073 | 027 271 2022 Any job big or small. We do them ALL • Stump & Tree Removal • Driveway Prep & Regrading • Post Hole Borer • Calf Shed & Stockyard Cleaning • Tip Truck Available • Trencher DENISE CLARK Toenail & Fingernail CuttingPhoneService 09 439 6068 WAYNE & ANNETTE Ph 09 439 2020 Dry Aged Beef Specialists TOKATOKA ENTERTAINMENT DARGAVILLE’S CINEMA THE ANZAC THEATRE AT THE WAR MEMORIAL TOWN HALL, HOKIANGA RD TO PURCHASE TICKETS ONLINE AND FOR ANY FURTHER www.anzactheatre.co.nzINFORMATION:09439 8997 Proudly sponsored by the Kaipara Lifestyler Adult $16 Senior (65+) $13.50 Student $13.50 w/ID Child $9.00 Under 3yrs FREE MORNING AFTERNOON AFTERNOON EVENING NIGHT 22/09THU A STITCH IN TIME (M) 5.30PM (ORIGINALAVATARFILM) (M) 7.30PM 23/09FRI 3000 YEARS OF LONGING (M) 12.00PM MURU (M) 5.30PM PUNCH (R16) 8.00PM 24/09SAT A STITCH IN TIME (M) 12.30PM (ORIGINALAVATARFILM) (M) 2.30PM 3000 YEARS OF LONGING (M) 5.45PM PUNCH (R16) 8.00PM 25/09SUN (ORIGINALAVATARFILM) (M) 1.00PM GOOD LUCK TO YOU, LEO GRANDE (M) 4.15PM MOONAGE DAYDREAM (M) 6.15PM 26/09MON CLOSED NEW THIS WEEK: AVATAR (THE ORIGINAL), PUNCH, MOONAGE DAYDREAM FURTHER SCREENINGS: 3000 YEARS OF LONGING, A STITCH IN TIME VERY LAST SCREENING OF: GOOD LUCK TO YOU, LEO GRANDE, MURU27/09TUE CLOSED 2809WED A STITCH IN TIME (M) 12.00PM GOOD LUCK TO YOU, LEO GRANDE (M) 5.30PM MURU (M) 7.30PM WEEK OF 22nd September – 28th September ★ FirstLastscreeningscreening ★ ★ ★ Call us, visit us or email us for any big or small jobs! 100A Jervois Street, Dargaville | www.westcoaststeelworx.comwestcoaststeelworx@gmail.com Mobile hose doctor, welding & mechanic service crew Fabrication in steel, stainless & aluminium Repairs & modifications 0800 HOSEDOC RURAL | COMMERCIAL | RESIDENTIAL Locally owned and operated. BCITO Certified Concrete Layers & Finishers. WESTCOAST CONCRETELIMITEDPh: 021 040 0654 | ohe@westcoastconcrete.co.nz AUCTIONS

WAITER STAFF/KITCHEN Hand wanted for customer service, Phone 021 work in the preferably qualified licensed builder (LBP) Company vehicle and
MAGIC PROPERTY Services, effluent & septic tank cleaning. Servicing the Kaipara. Phone Chris 027 480 0110 or Mary 027 459 1544. 7 Days. WE ARE THE ONLY CODE COMPLIANT OPERATORS IN THE KAIPARA.

6458 —

KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 20 2022 37 Large number of Stainless steel Tanks and Vats in various sizes up to 40,000lts, Wine pumps x 18, Plate cooler, Filtration plants, Centrifuge, s/s fittings, Rolls of s/s sheet, Howard grape harvester, Destalker, Grape receiving vat and much more. CAT 325CL Excavator, 2010 CAT CT610 6x4 Tipper, Atlas Copco AS48 Towable compressor (new, accident damaged), CAT CB-434D D/drum Vibrating Roller, Dynapac CC211 Roller, JD 6410 Tractor, Mitsubishi MSO70U-8 Excavator, IHI 33t Excavator, CAT D310 Tracked Log loader, NSP Auger & Flute, Atlas Copco XAS66 Towable compressor, Vermeer Towable Wood chipper, Cherry Picker, International Tractors/Crawlers x 5, Farm implements, Trailers, Loading ramps, Power tools, Welders, Plasma cutters, Hydraulic Guillotine 6x2500, Ezeway 75t Press Brake, Pullmax metal former, 3m Sheetmetal Folder, Marksman Punch & Shear, 4ft Finger folder, Chevpac Workshop Lathe, Hand tools and much more. This is a huge sale with something for everyone and should not be missed. ~Specialist Auctioneers to Commerce & Industry~ 350 State Highway 16, Kumeu. TWO DAY AUCTION. Viewing: Monday 3rd October 1.00 - 4.00pm and 8.30am days of sale For further enquiries contact Tony 027 293 6411 Or check out our website on www.abauctions.co.nz Estate of Zlatomir (Boy) Vitasovich Tuesday 4th October 10.00am - Wine making Equipment Wednesday 5th October 10.00am - Civil Contractors Equipment KAIPARA SERVICE DIRECTORY CLASSIFIEDS PHONE 09 439 6933 Closing date for classified advertising for the September 27 2022 edition is Friday, September 23 2022 FOR SALE CARAVAN EWOF (and marine). Call your local inspector today at A+ Electrical Inspections and Security on 021 240 6764. CARPET, VINYL and hard flooring. Full supply and installation service. Mobile showroom. Free measure and quote. Phone Christine — Kaipara Flooring Co 021 515 415. SCOOTERS PLYWOOD 19mm H3 Ply $127, 12mm H3 NS $79, 09 438 6565. SUZUKI ESCUDO Vitara/Grand Vitara — car parts, WOF parts, 4x4 parts etc. Good parts, good prices. Phone Derek 09 439 7573. TOP SOIL, top quality, $75 per m³ onto your trailer, or truck deliveries available for larger orders. Phone 021 132 4107 or 09 439 5141. SECURITY SECURE YOUR Home — Security Doors, Grills, Locks, Bolts, Stays, Latches — Supplied and installed. Phone 027 275 0918 or 09 439 6458 — Kevin Sowter or visit my website: www.windowanddoors.co.nz — Window & Door Services Ltd. PROPERTY MAINTENANCE
TREE TRIMMING Truck using Grapple/Saw – 26m reach — Pruning, Removal, Chipping, Qualified Arborists SIMPLE & SEMI-RETIRED (tradesperson) for all your small jobs. Phone 09 439 5557. TANK Cleaning. Phone Pete 027 444 3053 or 09 405 9510.
SERVICES CARPET CLEANING, repairs, re-stretching, and patching. Flood drying and small carpet laying work and upholstery cleaning. Very fussy and reasonable prices. Phone Darren, Alltrades Carpet Services 0800 425 587 or 027 286 8584. LOCAL LAWN mowing taking on more lawns. Phone Jackson 022 5432 792. PAINTER
till operation, dishwashing and home food delivery. Contact Jas Singh
Please call Brett 021 705
competitive rates.
FENCING, ALL types of fencing, pool, stockyards, post & rail, boundary plus… call Jeff 027 476 5458. STORAGE WE CURRENTLY have containers space available enquiries. Phone 09 439 6037 or
STOP Window & Door Repairs — Seals, Latches, Stays, Wheels, Hinges, Locks, Glass & Glazing. Phone

TREE REMOVAL, pruning, chipping & stump grinding. Qualified & Insured. Phone Scott 0800 468 9663 Arborcare Tree Maintenance.

PART-TIME OR Relief driver, truck and trailer experience with tipping etc. Phone 021 161 7669.
Northland region,

837 We are on the lookout for a Receptionist/Administrator to join our friendly team. This is a full time position. This role requires someone who has excellent customer service skills, works well within a team environment, is friendly in their approach, and has excellent written and verbal communication skills. Previous Administration/Reception and Medtech Evolution experience an advantage but not a necessity as full on the job training will be provided Administrator/Receptionist Closing date 30th September 2022 Please send a covering letter and your CV to: Dallas Taylor: dallas@dargavilledocs.co.nz
1 027 0918 09 439 Kevin


The applicant we seek should be enthusiastic, motivated, and committed to quality teaching and learning. A willingness to make a contribution to the rich, co-curricular life of the school
Call/text Deb on 027 321 1091 to register for auditions, or email us dargavillelittletheatre@gmail.comat

Apply in person at Compac Furniture, email CV payroll@compacfurniture.co.nztoorphone094396765. • Furniture truck drivers (minimum class 2 license) • Factory positions available with opportunity to advance skills and gain responsibilityCheckourwebsite for opportunities for you: www.compacfurniture.co.nz/compac-careers Our college in the beautiful Kaipara region is looking to employ

The general nature of the business conducted under the licence is a Restaurant
ACOUSTIC MUSIC Blackboard Concert — First Thursday of the month — 7–9.30pm, next is 6th October, Kaipara Community Centre, Hokianga Road, Dargaville. $2 entry, $2 raffle. Performers and audience welcome. Phone Allan 09 439 6933 or 021 439 697. An enjoyable night to be part of, sit back and be entertained by some great local talent.
Enrolled Nurse – Community Mental Health & Addictions Services (1.0 FTE fixed term, twelve months)
(Section 101, Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012) a 1.0 FTTE teacher.
Vacancy No: NS22-330 Closes: 27 September 2022
We have a multidisciplinary team who work closely together to create a supportive and recovery focussed environment for our tangata whai ora. We are also committed to quality improvement, staff wellbeing and working collaboratively across services.
Our people need nurses who are compassionate, have a positive outlook and who work in a culturally safe manner. If you meet that brief, then this could be the opportunity for you to join our fun, vibrant and caring team.
A career with Te Whatu Ora will see you action meaningful change in the region we love, and in your professional development – all whilst enjoying everything the stunning North has to offer. You really can enjoy the best of both.
Enjoy the best of both. northlanddhb.org.nz

We’re the hunt a talented Account Manager to join our CARTERS Dargaville team. With your solid planning, organisational skills and go-getter attitude, you might just be the person we’ve been looking for. With huge untapped potential in an industry in boom mode, you will represent and have the backing of a market leader.
ABOUT THE ROLE know-how, you’ll work &
For an original family musical written by Deborah Steele, based on Shakespeare’s ‘A Mid Summer Night’s Dream’
Fixed term position ends Friday 9 December 2022.

38 September 20 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER
Sunday 25 September 4pm
Applications close Friday 23 September 2022, at 9:00 am. When applying, please state your subject area(s) of expertise.
Our people live our Values:
Taumata teitei (hirangi) Excellence - Our attitude of excellence inspires success, competence, confidence and innovation
The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is intended to be consumed under the licence are: Monday to Sunday 8am to 10pm.
DARGAVILLE HEALING rooms 7pm Tuesdays. No charge & no appointment necessary. Lion of Judah Building, River Road. All Welcome. Check us out on Facebook.
This is the first publication of this notice.
Public notice

PHONE 09 439 6933 Closing date for classified advertising for the September 27 2022 edition is Friday, September 23 2022
Amy-Jane Elizabeth Frater of Mangawhai, has made application to the Kaipara District Licensing Committee for the issue of an BYO/On Licence in respect of the premises situated at 53 Pebblebrooke Rd, Mangawhai known as The Cow Shed Restaurant & Shop
PLANTS LANDSCAPING, SHELTER, Hedging, Ready now. Got2Go Plants 55 West Coast Road Te Kopuru, 10am to 4pm 09 439 5556.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS both Dargaville AA Meetings are held at the church, crn Parore and Normanby Sts. Use Parore St entrance. Monday 4.30pm & Thursday 7.30pm. Phone Bernie 027 212 2148, Ladies 020 4082 1373, Murray 09 439 5248.
Characters needed: Adults, Teenagers and Kids aged 7+ Singing and non singing parts
is essential.
alongside the Branch and Area Sales Manager to: Develop commercial and residential customer accounts to grow Carter’s share in the market. Pursue customer satisfaction by partnering and developing relationships with existing customers. • Increase sales conversions by implementing regular sales cycles, visiting building sites and identifying growth opportunities. • Develop commercial and residential customer accounts to grow Carter’s share in the market. ABOUT YOU: You’ll succeed in this role because you have the following skills, experience and values: A proven sales and relationship management track record in a B2B environment An eye for emerging markets. You understand the value of price and margin in building a profitable business. • Highly self-motivated. You work well autonomously and are comfortable managing call cycles. • Strong commercial adaptability and agility. You’re a fast learner, thrive on challenges and can adapt quickly to market changes. WE WILL LOOK AFTER YOU TOO As well as a positive, supportive and professional work environment, we also offer: A competitive package including incentives, vehicle & tools of the trade. 7.5% benefits plan - Superannuation, Death & Disability Insurance, Southern Cross Medical Insurance as well as company buying privileges. An in-house Account Management training program. To apply visit www.careers.carters.co.nz drop your CV into our Dargaville branch or contact abby.firth@carters.co.nz Northland Kindergarten Association Te Kura Kōhungahunga Tōpū o Te Taitokerau Dargaville Kindergarten, Kaipara PART TIME POSITION ADMIN SUPPORT STAFF - 20 HRS PER WEEK Applicant must have administrative experience, high level ICT, data entry, finance and accounts experience. A job description can be downloaded from our website www.nka.org.nz This position will commence in October 2022 (date to be negotiated). Please send a letter of application and full CV to; Email: Appointments appointments@nka.org.nzSecretary Or post: Northland Kindergarten Association, PO Box 4005, Whangarei, 0141. Application close: 2.00pm Thursday 29th September 2022. *Pay rate up to $23 to $25 per hour depending on experience. SITUATIONS VACANT If you are hardworking, conscientious, with experience then we want to hear from you. Please send your CV to: info@waverefrigeration.nz IS CURRENTLY LOOKING FOR AN ELECTRICIAN TO JOIN OUR TEAM IN DARGAVILLE. REFRIGERATION 100%NZ keeping it kiwi AIRCONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION Required for an immediate start a Registered Electrician to join the team. A competitive remuneration package is offered 2022electionsbodylocaltheinpartTake Make sure you fill out your Don’tpapers.votingthrowthemout!Clocks Septemberforward25 NURSERIES
The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the Kaipara District Licensing Committee at 32 Hokianga Road, Dargaville or Unit 13, 6 Molesworth Drive, Mangawhai.
No objection to the issue of a licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 105(1) of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the issue of the licence may, not later than 15 working days after the first publication of this public notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee, Private Bag 1001, Dargaville 0340.
Tangata I te tuatahi People First - People are central to all we do Whakaute (tuku mana) Respect - We treat others as they would like to be treated
Manaaki Caring - We nurture those around us, and treat all with dignity and Whakawhitiwhiticompassion
To request an application pack, please contact Tyla O’Sullivan, Principal’s PA via email at
korero Communication - We communicate safely, openly and with respect to promote clear understanding

Are you seeking that role with real impact and meaning? Would you like to see the tangible outcome of your work, in your community, every day? At Te Whatu Ora –Health New Zealand, we’re driving health equality for Te Tai Tokerau, and we want you to be a part of our diverse and passionate whanau.

If you have a passion for mental health and addiction nursing and are looking for an exciting and challenging career in the mental health sector – then our team in the Dargaville Community Mental Health and Addictions Services have an opportunity for you! We have a fixed term (12 months) position for an enrolled nurse to work in the Kaipara region. As well as being responsible for a caseload, part of your week will be spent physical health monitoring and metabolic
is committed to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and holds stewardship for equitable health outcomes for Maori as Tangata Whenua as the highest priority.
Account Manager CARTERS Dargaville

The start date is Monday 17 October 2022.
Using your expertise and local industry
Loved daughter of the late Gladys and Arthur Franklin-Browne, sister of Graham Franklin-Browne, and Rod. Aunty of Emily Franklin-Browne, Alisa Lagos, Elliott Franklin-Browne, Ray and Michelle Sollitt. A service for Christine will be held at the Morris and Morris Funeral home, Cnr Victoria/Gladstone Street, Dargaville on Wednesday 21st September 2022, at 1pm.
For further information, contact the DOC’s Operational Manager, Kauri Coast Office – 150 Colville Road, Dargaville, Phone: 09 439 3450 or Email: EcoFX,dargaville@doc.govt.nzPOBox248,Otorohanga 3900, Email: admin@ecofx.co.nz Phone: 07 873 8130.
Visit www.doc.govt.nz/tiakina-nga-manu
Loved son-in-law of June and the late Peter. Respected brother in law of Stan, Colin, Wayne, Gary and Kim and Uncle Des to their families. Will be missed. RIP Des.
Possum browse on forest plants can be significant in this forest. Large old emergent trees, such as totara and rata, and key canopy and subcanopy trees, such as kohekohe and mahoe, are severely impacted by uncontrolled possum populations. Possums also raid nests for eggs and chicks and compete with native animals for food. Reducing possum numbers allows the forest habitat to recover.
Description of the area
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 20 2022 39 PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES CLASSIFIEDS PHONE 09 439 6933 Closing date for classified advertising for the September 27 2022 edition is Friday, September 23 2022

Thank you All.
To protect the forest of Waipoua, including North Island Kōkako, North Island brown kiwi and Kukupa (native wood pigeon), the Department of Conservation (DOC) Kauri Coast district intends to carry out aerial control over approx. 16,028 ha Waipoua Forest. (Refer to the application area on map).
Surrounded by his loving family.
Monitoring of vulnerable native trees, including rata and kohekohe, showed a strong recovery after these previous aerial operations. Monitoring of kiwi and kokako also showed a significant recovery
operation uses calibrated buckets and GIS mapping technology to ensure bait drops in the designated area. Please see map attached.
The pesticide is poisonous to humans and domestic animals. Always remember:
• WATCH CHILDREN at all times
DO NOT EAT animals from this area
Observe these rules whenever you see warning signs placed at the public access ways in the above areas. Warning signs will indicate that pesticide residues may remain in baits and carcasses, possibly for more than six months.
This control works
The toxic cereal bait pellets contain 0.15% of 1080, are cylindrical and approximately 2 cm in diameter. They are dyed green to deter birds and contain a cinnamon lure to attract rodents.
If you suspect poisoning
Always contact: Your local doctor or local hospital or the National Poisons Centre: 0800 764 766 (urgent calls) or 03 479 7248 or dial 111.
For further information, go www.nrc.govt.nz/tsunamisirensto TSUNAMI SIREN TESTING Northland’s network of tsunami sirens in coastal communities will be tested on Sunday 25 September 2022. The sirens will sound at 10am for 10 minutes and 10.30am for 30 seconds. The twice-yearly checks are carried out at the beginning and end of daylight saving. A message will also be sent to users of the free Red Cross Hazard app. DECLARATION OF PARENT & STAFF ELECTION RESULTS TE KOPURU SCHOOL BOARD OF TRUSTEES ELECTION At the close of nominations, as there was only one valid nomination received, I hereby declare the following duly elected: Little, Kerry SIGNED: Andrea Palmer Returning officer. STAFF REPRESENTATIVE I HEREBY DECLARE THE FOLLOWING DULY ELECTED: • Robyn Aloua • Samuel Biddles • Craig Gillat • Anthony Nelson • Paula Guy Stuve PARENT REPRESENTATIVEVOTES: • Aloua, Robyn 21 • Biddles, Samuel 33 • Gillatt, Craig 27 • Hokai, Missy 16 • Robyn-Maree, Howe 6 • Moffett, Jessie 16 • Nelson, Anthony 24 • Stuve, Paula Guy 29 Listen to Big River FM IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE WITH YOUR LOCAL RADIO STATION 09 439 sales@bigriverfm.co.nz3003DARGAVILLE 98.6FM & RUAWAI 88.2FM Community Flavour and Variety Helping the community in so many waysBIG RIVER FM Phil & Mitch 98.6FM Kaipara District Council Proposed Temporary Road Closure Pursuant to the Transport (Vehicular Traffic Road Closure) Regulations 1965, the Kaipara District Council hereby gives notice that Fuzen Entertainment has made an application to have a road within the Kaipara District, closed on the days and at the times set out below for the purpose of the Northern Bass 2022/23 music festival.

• Valley Road from Settlement Rd to Pritchard Rd. Restricted access. Access for residents and local traffic only.
FRANKLIN-BROWNE,ChristineJoy SELWYN PARK SCHOOL Board of Trustees Election Declaration of Parent and Staff Election Results Signed, Leonie Ellis Returning Officer I hereby declare the following duly elected: Emma Vea, Tiana Lemon, Karen Joyce-Paki Ashlee Wati, Bryce Murray. I hereby declare Jenni Harsant duly elected. Name Votes Emma Vea 19 Tiana Lemon 18 Karen Joyce-Paki 17 Ashlee Wati 17 Bryce Murray 11 Tracey Murray 8 Invalid Votes 0 Parent representative votes: Name Jenni Harsant Staff representative votes: UncontestedAppointed PahiSocietyReserveIncAGM Will be held at the Wilson amenities block, Pahi Beach Holiday Park OctoberSunday10.00am16th2022 If masks are still required to be worn, please do so. Please follow Covid level restrictions
The Waipoua Forest is nationally significant with unique, endangered plants and animals including kauri, kōkako, kukupa and kiwi.
A detailed map of the application area may be viewed online at https://www.doc.govt.nz/nature/ pests-and-threats/pesticide-summaries/
• Toxic baits and carcasses are DEADLY to DOGS
• DO NOT touch or eat the bait
Kaipara District Council

Any objections to this proposal should be in the hands of the Kaipara District Council no later than 4.00pm on Monday 7 November 2022 and will be considered at the first meeting later this year.
This work is to protect native species at risk. Our native birds, and their eggs are decimated when rat populations get too high. Rats also compete with native animals for food and prevent growth of seedlings.
Why we are doing this control
Both possum and rat activity were monitored in this forest before and after the aerial 1080 operations of 2005, 2011 and 2014. Each of these operations were successful in reducing possum and rat activity to very low levels.
The Andrew Family, Noeline, Nook, David, Robyn and Mike would sincerely like to thank all those who came to Les’s funeral, sent their love, those who have dropped off meals, flowers and calling in. Also special mention to the Dargaville Hospital staff for their kind attention to Les. Your support is much appreciated and will never be forgotten.
• Lawrence Rd from Valley Rd to Cames Rd. Restricted access. Access for residents and local traffic only.
Died peacefully at home Monday 12.09.2022
Loving Husband Ted
The operational area (Waipoua Forest) is south of Waimamaku and north of Dargaville.

Protecting threatened species in Waipoua Forest.

Died 16th September 2012.
Non-toxic pre-feed cylindrical pellets are approximately 2 cm in diameter and sandy coloured (notThedyed).aerial
Communications to PO Box 306, Dargaville 0340
Ten years have passed but memories stay the same. I sense you beside me everyday.
DOC has worked closely with its Treaty Partner, Te Iwi o Te Roroa, on desired outcomes and consulted with stakeholders and adjoining landowners. Between 20 September 2022 and 30 November 2022, DOC and its contractor EcoFX will apply baits containing biodegrable1080 over the area shown on the map. A pre-feed of non-toxic baits will occur first which will prime the rodents and possums to eat the pellets. The operation is weather dependent, so dates are indicative.
In loving memory of Maureen Heather
In addition to the full closure of Settlement Rd approved at Council meeting on the 31 August 2022 further proposed road closures are:
Passed away in Dargaville on September 12, 2022, in her 71st year.

Method of control
Wednesday 28th December 2022 at 0.00am until Sunday 1st January 2023 at 23:59pm
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