Kaipara’s Only Regional |
Incumbent councillor and mayoral candidate Victoria del la Varis-Woodcock has been found to have breached the Kaipara District Council’s code of conduct in the findings of an independent investigator. Two complaints from staff were received by the chief executive on July 8 regarding a Facebook post from Councillor del la Varis-Woodcock about the June council meeting,” said KDC chief executive Louise Miller in her report on the matter to elected members. “The complaints and process have been managed in line with the Kaipara District Council Code of Conduct. The complaints were referred to a councilapproved independent investigator, who upheld the complaints and found that Councillor del la Varis-Woodcock had breached the code and that the breach wasThematerial.”complaints arose from two staff members of the KDC, who were identified and photographed in a social media communication by Councillor del la Varis-Woodcock. continued on page 6 …
LocksmithsLocksmart • Residential • Digital Locks • Automotive • Commercial • Property Re-Keys • Lock Maintenance 0800 334 122 www.locksmart.co.nzinfo@locksmart.co.nz WINDSCREEN AND WIPERS NOT INCLUDED AND ARE OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES. PRICE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WHILE STOCKS LAST. SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER TODAY OR VISIT www.kawasaki.co.nz $19,995excl GST LOW COST OF OWNERSHIP LOW SERVICING COSTS DESIGNED SERVICINGWITHINMIND 700cc ENGINEPOWERFULQUIET, ROBUST 700CC SINGLE PACKS BRAKINGANDLOCKABLEPUNCHDIFFERENTIALFULLENGINE ENGINEERINGHEAVYKAWASAKI BUILT TECHNOLOGYHEAVYSTRONGKAWASAKIUSINGKHIINDUSTRIES CA Dargaville104MotorcyclesJervoisSt094390170 RELIABILITY COMES STANDARD ROUSE MOTORCYCLES KING ST PH:NORTHLANDHIKURANGI094338471 preparationsPeanut underway Work is being carried out for the next stage of the $1 million two-year trial of peanuts as a commercial crop … Building a major election issue Dargaville faces a housing crisis and an issue developing land into productive business premises. It’s a major … Council says yes to libraries An application will be made by councillors for Three Waters’ ‘Better Off Package’ funding, intended to aid … P3 P5 P9 p Council officials, staff and contractors were formally welcomed onto Waikaretu Marae last Thursday to bless the work which will see Poutō gain a new wharf. A traditional welcome, complete with waiata from the students of Poutō School, paved the way for Mayor Jason Smith and a group of local governance dignitaries to speak on the grounds of the historic marae, situated near the mouth of the Kaipara Harbour. “It is 20 years ago when I stood here with Waikaretu’s kaitiaki and said let’s build a wharf,” said Mayor Smith. “In those 20 years, the tide has gone out and come in again for the Kaipara District Council.” The $2 million wharf is the culmination of a project begun through the Provincial Growth Fund, which has seen other roading and wharf building work across the district.
Kaipara owned
Breach leads to public apology
A blessing before new wharf rises
and Operated 10,450 Copies DELIVERED FREE throughout the Kaipara September 6 2022
u by Andy Bryenton

Opinions expressed in this publication and in advertising inserts, by contributors or advertisers, are not necessarily those of Integrity Community not produced by Integrity Community Media.
2 September 6 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER Jam grand
p Dargaville real estate professional Todd Skudder was inspired to dedicate his support to his local volunteer firefighters. They have recently celebrated 111 years of service to west Kaipara. In a gesture of ongoing goodwill, Todd has pledged a donation from every sale he makes to the fire brigade, with this first large cheque heralding many more to come. He challenged other businesses to think of ways to support the emergency services and Dargaville’s volunteers in civic roles. “It doesn’t have to be a cash donation; there are lots of ways to help,” says Todd, and grateful Chief Fire Officer Jeff Palmer agreed. 10,450 copies, distributed on Tuesday to every residential and rural home throughout the district including Dargaville, Ruawai, Paparoa, Matakohe, Maungaturoto, Kaiwaka, Mangawhai and Wellsford.
p Poutō Primary School contributed greatly to the recent blessing of the seaside town’s new wharf, putting in hours of practice to welcome guests and dignitaries to both Waikaretu Marae and to the official blessing of the work site on the beachfront. In years to come, alumni of the group who performed the spirited waiata will be able to proudly note that they were there to bless the $2 million structure, which will welcome thousands of tourists to the picturesque Poutō area.
Media. All inserts delivered with the publication are
The Kaipara Lifestyler is published with pride by Integrity Community Media, a privately owned Kaipara company. Phone: 09 439 6933 or 0800 466 793 Email: info@thelifestyler.co.nz Postal Address: PO Box 474, Dargaville Physical Address: 107 River Road, Dargaville Editor: Deb Wright 021 639 696 deb.wright@integrity.nz Journalists: Andy Bryenton 021 439 947 | Paul Campbell paul.campbell@integrity.nz | Amy Fifita Advertising: Betty Willetts 027 525 8197 | Sue Girven 027 525 7984 Classifieds: Dianne Hutching 09 439 6933 Production: Gavin Bainbridge | Anna Fredericksen | Kelsey Hansen | Liz Clark Accounts: accounts@thelifestyler.co.nz Distribution: Laurie Willetts Printed by: NZME Website: kaiparalifestyler.co.nz 102 JERVOIS STREET, DARGAVILLE | www.plumbingandheat.co.nz • PLUMBING • DRAINLAYING • GASFITTING • FILTRATION • ROOFING & GUTTERING • FIREPLACE INSTALLATION CALL US NOW! 0800 326 123 Kitset Sheds & Fencing Supplies. Phone: 027 963 5396 Email: trutimbernz@gmail.com Facebook: Trutimber Contact us to discuss your requirements anytime. Competitive Rates. MAUNGATUROTO The Riverview Rest Home and Village was established over twenty-five years ago by the Maungaturoto Community Charitable Trust (MCCT) to service the Maungaturoto District. Originally set up as a sixteen-bed Maungaturoto Rest Home. The complex has evolved to include a newly built 14 bed Specialised Dementia Unit. A residential area adjacent to the rest home offers eleven rental units and fourteen ‘own your own’ villas. A medical Centre, operated by Coast to Coast Healthcare, provides convenient onsite care for all residents. Talk to us now about you or your loved ones living with us, true community based elder care at... Maungaturoto Resthome | 136 Hurndall Street Maungaturoto, Kaipara PH: 09 431 8696 REST HOME, SPECIALISED DEMENTIA UNIT AND VILLAGE MAUNGATUROTO RESTHOME/DEMENTIA CARE & VILLAGE Stay home if you’re sick
p The 27th annual Northern Wairoa Primary Schools ASB Body Jam Competition led by Sport Northland was a great success when it was recently hosted by Dargaville Intermediate School. Forty-four teams of students put in the hard work to show off their athleticism and style, with many self-formed teams from schools around the west Kaipara area giving up their lunchtimes to practise their performances. The judges from ASB Bank and Dargaville High School said they were very impressed by the calibre of competition this year.

u by Paul Campbell
One of the final jobs of the soon-to-be-farewelled sitting Kaipara District Council has been to approve $24 million in additional funding to complete unfinished projects from this financial year.
Work is being carried out for the next stage of the $1 million two-year trial of peanuts as a commercial crop for Kaipara and Northland, with planting planned to start next month across seven sites, four in Kaipara, including in locations around Kai Iwi Lakes and Ruawai. “A number of 2021/2022 of capital works projects were not completed at 30 June 2022,” KDC finance and risk manager Graeme Coleman said in his report to last week’s council meeting. “The projects amount to a total of $24,701,318 needing to be added to the approved works over the next two financial years, $19.9 million due for completion in financial year 2023 and $4.8 million due for completion in financial year 2024.” It means that the outgoing council, of whom only four have chosen to stand for re-election, have been asked to approve an increase of $24,701,318 to the budget for next year. During that time, a new mayor will preside over a radically changed council with a new chief executive yet to be hired. The issue is one of timing, not of overspend. The council’s Annual Plan is completed before the year’s end. It makes no provision for works left incomplete by June 30, the end of the financial cycle. “Last year, the sheer volume of work being undertaken had an impact on the council’s ability to complete its “The plan is for planting in October as long as the weather plays ball this year,” said Northland Inc project manager, Greg Hall. Meanwhile, a sample of last year’s trial crop aimed at identifying the best cultivars for the region have been processed into peanut butter at Pic’s Peanut Butter in Nelson. Pic Picot, who founded the home-grown peanut project as a way to reduce expensive imports, is currently travelling overseas.
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 6 2022 3 Our Specials card discount available Battery installed for free on the spot Free battery checks and $20 OFF a new battery YOUR LOCAL AUTO ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL SERVICES. MECHANICAL ELECTRICALAUTO ANDALTERNATORSBATTERIES 142 Victoria St, Dargaville Open M-F www.snowbros.co.nz8am-5pm09 439 7399 ½ Price WOF when you book a service and WOF *Limited time only, T & C's apply PATURIRIPOLITICIANTOAUTUVOTE KAIPARA MĀORI WARD SEAT www.politicalcandidate.co.nzAuthorizedbyPatuririToautu266MaropiuSettlementRdDargaville OPENING SOON KAIPARA LANDSCAPE SUPPLIESSMY TH HAULAGE DARGAVILLE 1
The Ministry for Primary Industries is contributing nearly $700,000 to the trial with $300,000 in cash and inkind support from Northland Inc, Picot Productions, Landcare Research, Plant & Food Research and local landowners. This year’s plantings are aimed at establishing a quantity appraisal to work programme, which has resulted in a significant increase in carryovers compared to previous years,” said MrTheColeman.council voted to approve the budgetary increase, as leaving works started but unfinished was the less strategic option. ¢ build on the initial quality findings to determine whether it’s financially viable to plant, harvest and process peanuts at scale.Plant & Food Research’s business manager of science Declan Graham said of last year’s planting, there were “crop yields in the order of six to seven tonnes per hectare, which would make peanuts more profitable than maize. That is 4,500 jars of peanut butter per hectare, which is looking really good.” The trials are welcomed by outgoing Kaipara Mayor Jason Smith as a new crop in Kaipara coming out of the Kaipara KickStart project. “We planted a seed then, and it’s growing now, taken up by others and utilising Kaipara’s great soils. This is hopeful for the future.” ¢ p Uncompleted works as of June 30 include the project to revitalise Kaipara’s wharf network and roads p Peanut entrepreneur Pic Picot checks this year’s Kaipara product.
Unfinished business totals $24 millionunderway
u by Andy Bryenton

A special service was held last Saturday to coincide with others here and in other nations who have been New Zealand’s allies in wartime. RSA president David Fagan says he and other club members are proud to join in this long-standing tradition and show their respect for the sailors who have supported the armed forces throughout history. “An Act of Remembrance ceremony was scheduled for September 3 to honour the New Zealand seafarers who have served in times of conflict, particularly the several thousand who served during the first and second world wars, mostly sailing under the British red ensign,” says Ministry for Culture and Heritage Te Pae Mahara manager Brodie“SomeStubbs.70are known to have lost their lives during the first world war and at least 140 during the second world war, with a similar number taken prisoner. These civilian volunteers sailed the ships delivering troops, military equipment and vital cargoes of food, fuel and raw resident in Kaipara District, but do need to belong to an art group based there.”
"We are pleased to issue an open invitation and a challenge to the talented creative community of the Kaipara District. Bring us your best, unleash your imagination, get inspired, and rise to the occasion," says award co-host Mangawhai Artists spokesperson Belinda Vernon. The awards span categories, including traditional painting in two dimensions and threedimensional works of sculpture and mixed media. A special emerging artist award will also be selected, celebrating the arrival on the local art scene of new and exciting talent.
4 September 6 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER Gary Morris & Debbie Howlett M: 021 902 087 M: 021 233 3796 E: gary@fnkaipara.co.nz W: www.roperandjones.co.nz If you would like to be added to Gary’s exclusive news and new listings e-newsletter, please email Gary Morris with “Yes, e-newsletter” in the subject line. We put you first LOT 1/0N HUARAU ROAD, MAUNGATUROTO $495,000 5/51 KAMEA PLACE, MAUNGATUROTO $475,000 WEB ID MRE2735 WEB ID MRE2696 WEB ID MRE2706 Roper& Jones 09 439 7295 | 09 431 1016 110 Victoria Street, Dargaville 143 Hurndall Street, Maungaturoto Dargaville Realty Ltd LicensedREAAAgent2008 www.roperandjones.co.nz
The Secret Garden This block has not been listed for sale in over 50 years. 1.3463ha (approx. 3.3 acres) of flat and sloping grazing land, bounded by a pretty tidal stream. Installation of power to the boundary will be soon. Nestled behind the trees is a small stream tributary running through the middle. Under 10 minutes drive to central Maungaturoto.
A challenge to Kaipara artists
Entries are open now across all categories and can be accessed via an online entry form at mangawhaiartists. co.nz. Prospective entrants can also find out more by emailing their queries to kaiparaartawards@gmail.com.
Wartime service honoured u by Andy Bryenton
u by Andy Bryenton
It’s advised for artists to be swift in nominating their best works, as there is a numerical cap on entries, reflecting the limits of gallery space. ¢ materials. Many ships were torpedoed or bombed, and survivors sometimes spent days or weeks in lifeboats before beingTherescued.”following week will see the RSA in fundraising party mode, with a live band and a charity auction book for Saturday, September 10. There will be all manner of treasures up for grabs in the auction, and RSA members invite the public to come down and grab a bargain. Alternatively, if anyone wishes to help out their local RSA with donations of good, saleable items of a non-electric nature, they would be gratefully accepted to go in amongst the charity auction stakes. ¢ Patrons, including mayor Jason Smith, enjoy opening night festivities at a previous presentation of the Kaipara Art Awards
p A panel discussion asking the big questions is coming to Dargaville twice ahead of election day
Rural Treasure! Newly cut-over pine block, harvested in March 2022, this 7.6310ha (just under 19 acre) block is ready for a new owner to take over and replant or clear and create your dream lifestyle. The block has a small stand of bush with a far reaching rural outlook. Situated within 10-minutes drive of Maungaturoto township.
Super Lifestyle! A fabulous block of 1.8ha (approx. 4.5 acres) sitting proud on Golden Stairs Road. Good pasture and North facing out to the boundary. Geotech done for you house site, subject to Kaipara District Council approval. Only 45 mins drive from Whangarei and 10 mins to Maungaturoto where there is a full range of facilities including supermarket, GP surgery, ambulance, fire service, cafes, and a range of small independent retailers.
Authorised by John Blackwell, 021 234
“We have always aspired for this to be the premier art event in the district; a step beyond simply holding a gallery exhibition,” says co-organiser John Pickworth. “We expect to showcase the very best that Kaipara has to offer. Entries are open to any member of any Kaipara art group. They do not need to be a
LOT 11/0N GOLDEN STAIRS ROAD, MARERETU $395,000 Licensed salesperson under REAA 2008 PA to Gary Morris and Licensed salesperson under REAA 2008 Northland Regional Council Kaipara District • Inclusive governance • Keeping locals in local government • Bringing costs under control • Committed to being a loud voice to Wellington • Making businessNorthlandfriendly • Keep environmental projects practical and supported VOTE BlackwellJohn
The Kaipara Art Awards has opened a call for entrants, challenging local creative painters, sculptors, printmakers and more to showcase their masterpieces.
Dargaville’s Returned Services Association hosted commemoration ceremonies for the first time this year for a service often forgotten in the archives of war; New Zealand’s sailors of the merchant navy.

KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 6 2022 5 Authorised by Erin Wilson-Collins | erynrwilsoncollins@gmail.com VOTE ErynWairoaWilson-CollinsWard The Dargaville Community Development Board RSVP for catering purposes to info@dcdb.nz or 09 439 0464
Two meetings hosted by the Dargaville Community Development Board will highlight the big issues and quiz candidates on their platform for governance. Dargaville faces a housing crisis and an issue developing land into productive business premises. It’s a major quandary for prospective civic leaders to ponder, say citizens involved in progressive projects.
Currently, there are many jobs available in Dargaville for tradespeople and skilled professionals, but a shortage of residential premises to house those workers. It is a factor limiting growth. So, too, is what one business owner has called the ‘soul destroying’ process of achieving resource consent to build new premises and expand.
Hosted by
p Richard Alspach says that if we can become an area where building is facilitated, growth will follow
Candidates meeting Building a major election issueu by Andy Bryenton
u by Andy Bryenton
this time, the candidates will answer questions on the challenges and opportunities facing the district. Unlike some roundtable meetings, questions will not be shared with the candidates before the commencement of the discussion, meaning that their answers will be brief, unscripted and candid.
With a large contingency of mayoral hopefuls and an equally lengthy list vying for the Northern Wairoa General Ward positions available, it’s more important than ever to know your candidates, their positions on key issues of the day and their political affiliations and beliefs. Plan to come and see them exhibit grace under pressure as they discuss their vision for the future. ¢ Richard said the Resource Management Act process via council is torturous and“Theexpensive.issueis seeing the District Plan as a wall, rather than a door,” says Richard. What can be done? The onus is on incoming councillors and a new mayor to fix this problem. When you talk to your candidates, ask them: How will you bring about less expensive, more streamlined building for the houses, businesses and infrastructure we need? ¢ p A panel discussion asking the big questions is coming to Dargaville twice ahead of election day
The meetings, taking place on September 20 and 22, will be for candidates aspiring to the Northern Wairoa general ward seats on council and the Kaipara mayoralty respectively. The mayoral debate will also feature questions for the two Northland Regional Council hopefuls in the west Kaipara. “Voting in local body elections is not only your right as a citizen but your duty. Your vote does make a difference and can make a big contribution to the community. This is all about transparency in democracy and governance,” says co-organiser and DCDB spokesperson SueEachCurtis.meeting is planned to begin at 5.30pm and run for two hours. During
Richard has been involved at the highest level with Private Plan Change 81, the development of Dargaville racecourse into a housing and light industrial area. Plan Change 81 could deliver up to 400 houses, while a second PPC, numbered 82, is set to deliver another 350 via a different group of developers. However, the biggest barrier may not be the upgrade of ailing infrastructure.
“The council chief executive’s pre-election report does not address either the housing shortage nor the inadequacy of the town’s sewer system to accommodate new builds on the scale we need,” says Richard Alspach.

Authorised by: Ash Nayyar Email: bhraa@hotmail.com A man of integrity and a visionary People Leader with financial experience of 4 decades who has helped turn around many loss-making operations into profitable ones.
“This is considered very gravely by me. It’s about the reputation of the council as a good employer,” said Mayor Jason Smith. “I would never have imagined a situation where we would have had staff coming back to us with a code of conduct complaint. It’s a sad situation that we have here.”
¢ p Doreen
Chief executive Louise Miller received formal complaints from both staff members after allegations were made by the councillor online — that they had tampered with sound recordings of the June 29 council
Councillor Victoria del la VarisWoodcock made a full apology to both staff members and the council as a whole for making this error. ¢ continued from front page
Whilemeeting.theinvestigator agreed that Councillor del la Varis-Woodcock genuinely thought that audio content had been censored, her subsequent actions breached specific clauses of the KDC code of conduct.
Doreen Carol Skelton
p Councillor Victoria del la Varis-Woodcock was the subject of a code of conduct breach investigation
Doreen, who passed on August 12 at the age of 90, became a Paparoa icon after arriving in the town at two years old, to grow and later open Skelton’s Drapery in 1967. A business still open today at the helm of Doreen’s daughter Robyn.
6 September 6 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER VOTE ASH NAYYAR ashnayyar.com MAYOR FOR A VIBRANT KAIPARA Run the Council as a “Business for the Community” with the following goals: • Avoid wasteful expenditure and demonstrate it with greater transparency and accountability • Less bureaucracy and more common sense in decision-making � Focus on fostering tourism and supporting local businesses • Create quality roads for the future instead of spending money doing temporary patchwork • Meet all Water and Waste management needs at no additional cost to •ratepayers Develop Public Transport, Educational, Sports, and Recreational facilities � Establish Fair and Affordable Rates for all � Grow Kaipara as a district where both young and the elderly can live, work, and have fun !
“In 1967, dad and mum decided to start the business. It meant that Mum was working full time, which also required many hours of work outside of shop hours with sending out accounts and managing the winter and summer stock,” says Robyn. “Mum and dad were very active in the local church. Mum had a gift of hospitality and even though, she was working full time, she still continued to have people over for dinner weekly. If there was a new family in town, they would be invited to have dinner with us.” In 1986 Robyn’s father Ron died suddenly of a heart attack while serving someone in the shop. Doreen, at age 54, took up the challenge of running the shop on her own and then with the help of Robyn, who came home from overseas. “Mum really, really enjoyed it when her eight grandchildren started to arrive,” says Robyn. “When the great-grandchildren arrived, she got to enjoy small children all over again. She was a wonderful grandmother and great-grandmother.” Doreen was the mother and motherin-law of Robyn, Peter and Susan, Glenda and Grant. Much-loved nan of Jared and Erica, Brad and Jess, Hagan and Renee and Aaron, Michelle and Akini, Leigh and Matt, Scott and Kayleigh, Anna and Rigo. Great nanny to Jamie, Nathan and Hugo. Skelton — 1931–2022
Breach leads to public apology

Te Moananui o Kaipara is a new seat at the council table established for 2022. The race to be the willpowerthethemeetingcampaignarewould-berunningconstituencycouncillorinauguralforthisishot.Fivecouncillorsoutonthetrail.AhostedbyclosestmaraetoseatofcouncilinDargavillegivethemachance
Paniora, the meeting will be held this Sunday, September 11, with a pōwhiri to welcome guests commencing at 10am. It is expected that the speakers will hold the floor until 11am, followed by questions from the public. Every contender for the newly formed Māori ward seat has been invited, including Henry Holyoake, Philip Johnson, Brenden Nathan, Pera Paniora and Paturiri Toautu. “All are welcome. An RSVP for catering purposes is requested, and please feel free to bring a plate. For this, please email me at ipan007@aucklanduni. ac.nz,” says Pera. This candidate’s meeting is part of a full schedule of similar events for mayoral and council hopefuls. Friday will see Grey Power host the first of three meetings to engage with the voters, while Dargaville Community Development Board roundtables are scheduled for September 20 and 22. ¢ p Te Houhanga-a-Rongo Marae in Dargaville will host a meet and greet for candidates in the Te Moananui o Kaipara Māori Ward
Dargaville Hospital’s sensory garden was blessed last Thursday so clients and the community can engage in a peaceful setting to aid recovery and endorse relaxation. “It’s wonderful to see the garden take shape. We are delighted and grateful to those who have supported us to see the finished product. It is a encouragedElaineteamAddictionsMentalsayspeacefulbeautifullyplace,”CommunityHealthandclinicalmanagerParks.Clientsweretogive feedback about garden details and the design involved in creating a sensory solace for recovery and recuperation. The garden is adorned with plants, raised vegetable gardens, pathways, private seating and a water feature. It is outside the Community Mental Health and Addiction Clinic. “The idea for the garden came initially from senior nurse team member Kitty Thomas. It received enthusiastic support from the rest of our team and was supported by people who attend the clinic for treatment.” The blessing ceremony comes seven months after the early-February turfturning ceremony, with completion aimed initially for late March but was stalled by “ItCovid.took us a little longer than anticipated to complete work on the garden. Given the limitations imposed by Covid-19, we are thrilled that the garden can now be enjoyed and used as intended. “We plan to continue to add to the sensory garden. It’s important to remember it is for the whole community to use. The garden has already brought joy to many as it was created. We know that it will be a special place for everyone to enjoy some quiet, peaceful time away from the stressors of life.” ¢ p The Mental Health and Addiction team celebrated the blessing of the sensory garden, including the unveiling of a chair in memory of Geoff Nickerson led by kaumātua Reverend Rex Nathan
to make their cases for Organisedelection.byPera
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 6 2022 7
Candidates for the Te Moananui o Kaipara Māori Ward will gather this week to match policies and oratory at Te Houhanga-a-rongo Marae in Dargaville.
Solace in senses
u by Amy Fifita
u by Andy Bryenton

Authorised by Craig Jepson. Ph 027 304 0144 - email: DOESN’T GROW ON TREES
8 September 6 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER • Support growth and revitalisation of Dargaville • Affordable rates without compromising core services • Review council staffing levels, costs and expenditures • Make council accountable and deliver real benefits for ratepayers • Oppose co-governance and the undemocratic mandating of 3 waters • Stand up for the things we believe in and unite around the values we have in common • Community led decision making
I enjoyed last weeks stay in Dargaville. I conversed with a wide range of people from Paparoa, Ruawai, Dargaville, Te Kopuru, Baylys Beach and Kaihu Valley. No matter where we travelled, we met friendly Kiwis who have realistic economic and social expectations. The expectation of reasonably maintained roads to the front gate was a major talking point which I understand after driving some of these. The wish for a council that is user friendly and able to assist communities rather than stand in the way. A desire for a council that promotes equitable opportunities for our young, families, elderly and all cultural and religious groups. I’ve done the hard graft as a contractor. I know the commercial realities of running a business. Commodity prices are high but increasing costs and compliance burdens that farmers, growers and businesses face have risen significantly so in fact profit can be lower.Dargaville is the most important essential service provider in the district and combined with its rural surrounds is the population centre of the Kaipara. A series of Western Mayors have been elected but have not adequately dealt with the issues of ensuring the revitalisation of Dargaville and surrounding areas.

u by Andy Bryenton
Council says yes to libraries
When Kim MacPherson first stepped into the kauri villa near the corner of River Road, she knew she had discovered something special.
‘Better Off Package’ funding, intended to aid in the construction of two new libraries and community centres in Kaipara.
Debate surrounding accepting what some elected members have called a ‘bribe’ continued up to the start of last week’s meeting, with a notice of motion quashed that would have enforced further“Furtherconsultation.clarity was needed to ensure that if council agreed to apply and receive the funding, it did not signal council’s agreement with the Three Waters Reform Programme,” said Jason Marris in his report. By making an application for the Better Off Package and signalling that it should be utilised for library construction, councillors would not structure remains integral to the building. The kauri floors are untouched, and the heritage features are evident in elements such as the exposed beams, staircase and Kim’s favourite, the loft bedrooms.
p Dargaville’s library manager Lisa Salter and her team may be able to look forward to a new home, as the KDC make an application to the Three Waters ‘Better Off’ Fund for new libraries
Kim has entrusted Jess Barnes and Jules Shinyei from Bayleys Whangārei with the sale of the “Marrinerproperty.House is a stunning home, with such an incredible backstory,” says Jess. “We look forward to sharing this unique offering at the open homes.” For more information about 61 River Road, contact Jess and Jules at Bayleys Whangārei, or visit bayleys.co.nz/1052949.
NO24$2,990+gst.packagesFuneralfromhourserviceofferedKaiparawide.DEPOSIT–30dayinvoice Bank Street, Whangarei P: 09 438 8224 or 0800 428 364 whangareioffice@havenfalls.co.nzwww.havenfalls.co.nz
be personally endorsing Three Waters in its entirety. They would not be prevented from speaking on issues surrounding theDecisionsreforms. regarding the future project will be the responsibility of the incoming council. It could include deciding on building one library instead of two. Iwi will be involved throughout the project, especially in design. Further community consultation will be required on the location of the Mangawhai Library. However, council-owned land will be the preferred approach to ensure costs are minimised. ¢ Since 1845 Marriner House has been a family home — now, it awaits a new chapter to be added to its story
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 6 2022 9 NEW LISTING Dargaville 61 River Road 3 1 2 2 2 Price by Negotiation View Sun 11.30am-12pm Jessica Barnes 027 695 jess.barnes@bayleys.co.nz8330 MACKYS REAL ESTATE LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED REAA 2008 Timeless character This is your chance to secure a heritage home filled with all the attractive features a villa lover wants. Families will appreciate a unique residence within close proximity to the town centre and Baylys Beach is only a 12-min drive away. This stunning villa has a grand street presence and faces the Northern Wairoa River, perfect for observing natures moving art scene, this river being the main reason for Dargaville's establishment and of major significance to NZs logging export bayleys.co.nz/history.1052949 “Quality care and professional service” POUTAMA TANGIHANGA FUNERAL HOME
“I’ve always been drawn to older homes and instantly fell in love. You could tell this house had heritage and a rich history,” KimMarrinersaid. House was built in 1845 by Hastings Atkins and was the first home on the Mangawhare side of the Kaihu River. The original structure was built from pit-sawn kauri, had a shingle roof, and was said to be ‘scarcely wind or watertight’. Matthew Marriner, his wife, and seven children moved into the home in 1849, with former convict Matthew becoming the area’s first postmaster. The property is a beloved part of the Kaipara’s rich heritage. The house is included in Dargaville’s historical walk, listed as a Heritage New Zealand Category 2 Historic Place and scheduled on the Kaipara District Plan. Kim was intrigued by the family who walked the same floorboards 172 years earlier and set about discovering the hidden tales of the home. “I discovered Matthew is buried in the Old Mt Wesley Cemetery, which is just down the road, and near to the home his son William, a busy trading station owner,Whilebuilt.”the three-bedroom house has evolved from owner to owner, the original It was noted in Kaipara District Council general manager Jason Marris’ report that public consultation had taken place on the plan to build two new libraries and community hubs at Dargaville and Mangawhai as part of the Long Term Plan process completed earlier this year. During the discussion on whether or not to accept the package, some councillors opined that if Three Waters was to be a mandated, unilateral fait accompli enacted by the government, then not taking advantage of the $16 million offered would be uneconomical.
An application will be made by councillors for Three Waters’
As for being ‘scarcely wind or water-tight’?
Kim is happy to report that the wood-burning fire and new heat pump keep the home cosy and dry “There’syear-round.somuch to love about Marriner House”, she says. “It’s well laid out and deceptively spacious, the garage is a perfect man-cave, and the sun sparkles off the Wairoa River in the morning. It’s a special place.” With opportunities presenting themselves elsewhere, Kim and her family are ready to complete their piece in the story of Marriner House and allow the next chapter to begin.
Marriner House on the market

“Bruce Galloway replied with a brief history of the last 21 years and the huge support from local businesses and volunteers that has resulted in the showplace we have today. The threecourse dinner produced by the club ladies was followed by the cutting of the birthday cake by two original members, Bruce and Dave Dreadon.” ¢
10 September 6 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER THERE IS A FULL TIME PRIVATE CLINIC IN WHANGAREI, RUN BY WOMEN FOR WOMEN’S HEALTH PROBLEMS RIVERSIDE WOMEN’S HEALTHCARE Now Based at c/o Vigour Clinic 10 Islington St, Kensington, Whangarei 0112 09 459 1739 Look for ‘Riverside Women’s Healthcare’ in WWW.HEALTHPOINT.CO.NZ
“The machinery club was the idea of Bruce Galloway back in 2001,” said club secretary Maureen Ross. “Saturday’s function was also something of an added celebration as Bruce, who recently published his autobiography, is now writing another book on the full club history where he “Spring is here, and after two years of restrictions, it’s all go again,” said Pahi Fishing and Boating Club commodore Ben Sheppard. “With new facilities enhanced by new young management at the camp itself, including a new beachside shop offering fresh coffee, bait, ice and all manner of provisions for boaties, fishermen and campers. It’s a new look for Pahi, and things are great for the summer ahead.” At the camping ground, new manager Karl Reynolds and family have been busy renovating the Pahi Store and stocking up to offer a wide variety of provisions for boaties and campers, with an emphasis on “Wehospitality.cannow offer nice hot coffee to go, and it has been welcomed by local fishers, who can also call in for bait, ice and snacks for a day on the water,” said Karl. “We are also refurbishing things like accommodation facilities, so we are geared up for the expected summer influx, and already we’ve had camp visitors from around the country.”
History in the making Take a coffee fishing?
served as founder and president. The Saturday luncheon event was meant to be the 20th birthday, but Covid put paid to that,” said Maureen. “Speakers, including original members, told of memories of a shared interest.
“The fishing club’s annual mullet muster netting event returns on Saturday, September 17,” said Ben. “After the Covid hold up, it will be a family event again with plenty of fun, entertainment, prizes and raffles and a lucky draw with tickets available at local outlets as well as from the club at Pahi. “It will be the first time we have use of the new wharf facilities as our competition setting, and it will be a good try out for the return of our famous Pahi Regatta held each Auckland Anniversary Weekend since 1887, except for some war years, and then, of course, during the pandemic time.” ¢ At the 21st lunch (left to right), club secretary Maureen Ross, Karen Graham, Peter Smythe, Brenda Lupton and treasurer Anne Lupton New Pahi camp manager Karl Reyolds with daughters Ruby and Krystal
A meeting of six like-minded people in a Te Kōpuru farmhouse 21 years ago had a milestone celebration last Saturday at the Kaipara Vintage Machinery Club, now known as the Kaipara Heritage Machinery (Dargaville) Inc at Mount Wesley Coast Road. There’s coffee brewing at the revamped Pahi Beach Holiday Park shop with post-Covid overseas visitor inquiries coming in and the first fishing contest since lockdown getting underway based on the new million-dollar wharf and pontoon facility.
Such as troublesome bleeding; menopause concerns; abnormal smears; pelvic pain; pain or irritation ‘down there’; fertility issues; non–surgery options for prolapse and bladder problems. Many of the common problems can be treated with simple minor procedures done either at the clinic or at Kensington Hospital. The emphasis at the clinic is on making sure women have as much information as possible about their own health on which to base their decisions as to the type of treatment that is best for them. Dr. Rachel Moss, the specialist gynaecologist, can see you to make a thorough gynaecological assessment and discuss options for treatment. A GP referral can be helpful but is not essential.
u by Paul Campbell u by Paul Campbell
Kaitaia FAR NORTH Kaikohe Kawakawa MID NORTHDargavilleKerikeri KAIPARA SOUTHCOASTALCOASTAL CENTRAL BAY OF WHANGAROAISLANDS TE RAKI MĀORI Tutukaka Local Elections 2022 IT’S TIME. VOTE FOR YOUR COMMUNITY FAR NORTH Number of councillors 1 - YOUR CANDIDATES Clyde Samson Marty Yuretich Justin Blaikie Joe Carr MID NORTH Number of councillors 1 - YOUR CANDIDATES Lesley Adcock Geoff Crawford John McCaw William Sullivan NumberSOUTHCOASTALofcouncillors 1 ELECTED UNOPPOSED Rick Stolwerk COASTAL CENTRAL Number of councillors 1 - YOUR CANDIDATES Paul Dimery Christine WoodsAmy Macdonald NumberKAIPARAofcouncillors 1 - YOUR CANDIDATES John Blackwell Penny Smart WHANGĀREI CENTRAL Mangawhai TE RAKI MĀORI Number of councillors 2 YOUR CANDIDATES Lance Bryers Robin Grieve Peter-Lucas Jones Tui Shortland WHANGĀREI CENTRAL Number of councillors 1 - YOUR CANDIDATES Jack Craw Tony Savage BAY OF ISLANDSNumberWHANGAROAofcouncillors1- YOUR CANDIDATES Phil Gentry Peter Gill Tania McInnes Marty Robinson Find out about the candidates www.nrc.govt.nz/candidates2022at

SAY DO Great place for a wedding
options for a
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 6 2022 11 Visit Botanica Whangarei to experience lush tropical jungle, dry arid desert, a superb New Zealand native fernery with a specialised filmy fern house, Japanese style garden and a shade garden. Free admission to all areas. Wheelchair accessible. Available for weddings and other functions. Next to Cafler Park and the Whangarei Rose Gardens, just a short walk to the City Centre. First Avenue, Whangarei | P 09 430 4200 | www.wdc.govt.nz The Locket For Fine Gifts & Treasures Opening hours: Thursday-Sunday 10am-5pm, or as requested Leanne Porteous The Locket Email: thelocket.nz@gmail.com Ph: 021 257 4587 Quality Menswear and Suit Hire for all occasions 2 Rust Ave, Whangarei Ph: 09 438 8135 • www.whangareisuithire.co.nz
The traditional idea of a wedding being constrained to a church or house of worship is changing, and while a white wedding with a reverend at the altar is a perfect fit for some, Kaipara provides ample uniquely day. Before embarking on a ramble through the great places to tie the knot which abound in this part of New Zealand, it’s also worth noting that we are spoiled for choice when it comes to heritage churches. From the beautiful brick edifice and neighbouring pioneer chapel in Matakohe to Dargaville’s Anglican spire with its magnificent pipe organ, those seeking a traditional wedding day will have their choice of steeples and very helpful men and women of the cloth who enjoy hosting a nuptial celebration. Just outside of Dargaville, you’ll also find the nation’s smallest church, just bigger than a telephone booth but legitimately hallowed ground on which to forge a marriage pact. However, beautiful sacred spots aside, there are plenty of options to get outdoors for a wedding in nature.Thekey concept here is to ensure you’ve got permission and the right date. Anecdotes abound of weddings planned for a pristine beachfront, on the day of a local surfcasting contest, or for a forest glade that’s actually off limits to hikers to protect the trees. The good news here is that almost everywhere you look along the Ripiro Coast, down through Kai Iwi Lakes and out across the harbour lands to Mangawhai’s shores, there are spots which would look achingly pretty on a wedding photo album cover. Some of the best views and spaces are administered by either Northland Regional Council or Kaipara District Council, which are used to requests for weddings in natural areas of beauty.Ifyour chosen spot is on a working farm, there’s every chance that you might be able to strike a deal with the farmer. Still, this is better for smaller wedding parties that will not disrupt the business of agriculture.Thosewho wish to get wild may consider a wedding on the water, aboard a charter boat, with guests on other boats in the flotilla. This transitions nicely into
p You and your partner are unique, and your relationship is even more so, which means your wedding should be a celebration for you, not a rite of tradition and predictability the theme of what to do afterwards when the rings have been exchanged and it’s time to repair to a quiet and intimate honeymoon destination. Having the ability to drive away into the sunset to one of the many excellent local ecoretreats, bed and breakfasts and seaside cottages available in this part of New Zealand is great. Still, what about sailing away or adding a ‘just married’ sign to the back of a camper or caravan for a proper ‘lose yourself’ road tripWithhoneymoon?goodplanning and the right assistance, a simple wedding amid the beauty of the natural environment can be creative, engaging and very memorable. Remember, if you’re not having fun on a day that’s all about you and your beloved, you’re doing it wrong. ¢
u by Andy Bryenton

12 September 6 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER
We all wish for the special days in our lives to be perfect, according to our own vision of togetherness and celebration. From the joy of weddings and milestone anniversaries to birthdays and many more memorable events, it’s the occasion we want to share, not the stress and detail of putting it together. That’s why having a professional on your side can take away the worries and leave you with nothing to do but welcome your loved ones to an occasion which creates treasured memories. Caterers, photographers, musicians, florists, decorators and designers are all well known to Sempre Amo; a comprehensive list of trusted locals who will go above and beyond to ensure your vision becomes reality. From the most traditional and classic weddings to those hosted amid the grandeur of nature here on the Kauri Coast, Sempre Amo can organise all the details, and work within your budget and with your guest list to guarantee a stunning result. Receptions, banquets, refreshments and entertainment are all part of the service, should you so desire. It’s all about taking the weight of planning off your shoulders and allowing your special occasion to be truly special, and truly yours. Contact Sempre Amo soon to plan your big event; weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, graduations; any of life’s milestones deserve a celebration! Email us at: weddings@sempreamo.co.nzor
“We’re Here to Help You Plan Your Perfect Day”
Phone Emma: 021 142 6849
& Event Management & Coordination Sempre Amo
Your perfect day is more than just a chance to make memories which will last a lifetime; it’s a time to share with family and friends. Before you share the joy of celebration, why not share your plans and your vision with Sempre Amo Weddings and Event Management?

Even the simplest ceremony can be crafted around an enactment without anyThedrama.big question you have all been asking; Do I have to write my own vows? Yes you do (ideally)! Still, don’t worry, a good celebrant will help you with that. It will not only be painless but ultimately veryGoodrewarding.luckfor your big day. ¢
u by Tracey Harvey, Celebrant No two couples are the same. So how can one ceremony script suit all?
• The fisherman’s knot — the knot tying ceremony element is rich in symbolism: as pressure is applied to the knot, it strengthens, just like marriage • Blended sand ceremony — the couple takes turns pouring colored sand from personal vases into another vase, where they blend their sand Missingtogetherfamily, blended family and present family and friends can all be included in some small way. I would suggest that no more than one or two be used so that the meaning is not diluted.
• A love box
When I got married 24 years ago, you could choose between a handful of scripts. None of them particularly reflected us. We chose one, and we did end up married — so all was not lost. When you meet your celebrant for the first time you should feel comfortable with them. If you want a personal, moving ceremony, you will need to be honest and share some personal stories so they can build an image of how the two of you came together and why you are choosing to get Themarried.moreyou both can share the more the ceremony will reflect you as a couple. Even the simplest ceremony deserves to be Thispersonal.isyour day. It is about you two. Not your family or friends and certainly not yourIt’scelebrants!notalways about words. Physical enactments are what both you and your guests will remember. There are some meaningful and magical enactments that are easily included in ceremonies and can be managed to include as many of your family and friends as you wish:
p A Love Box Enactment
SAY I DO One script will not serve them all
• Handfasting — hands are tied together symbolising the binding of two lives • Tree planting • Candle lighting — the couple lights one large candle from two smaller family candles
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 6 2022 13 PLANNING YOUR WEDDING? • Invitations • Programs • Table Settings • Photos • Canvas • Framing Covering all your wedding needs From Design to Print Cnr Kaipa & Totara Street Phone:Dargaville09 439 8824 Fresh Flower Bouquets and gift ideas • Wedding and cake accessories • Venue dressing • Balloons, cards & soft toys • Flowering Plants p. 09 401 1706 | bobflorist@xtra.co.nz 97A Broadway, Kaikohe McKays Arcade Victoria St, Dargaville 09 439 8779 Hours: Mon to Fri 9am-5pm Saturday 9am-1pm @snazzigifts NEW STOCK! New and exclusive Scentchips LED warmers. These go through seven colour changes but can also be left on one colour. info@laurelstratford.comwww.laurelstratford.comPh021332500 Laurel Stratford @Laurelstraford_hairHair Jeanette Lask Marriage Celebrant 021 613 jeanette@jeanettelaskcelebrant.com358www.jeanettelaskcelebrant.com It would be an honour to be a part of celebrating your special day. I officiate for weddings, funerals, renewal of vows, or any other type of ceremony you require. I am a member of CANZ you can be assured of high professional standards and personally crafted ceremonyyou.reflecting Lisa Edwards Celebrant for Northland. lisacelebrant.co.nz | 027 587 8227 SHARONCELEBRANTHUNTER 027 439 5634 09 439 5634 79 Hokianga Rd, Dargaville. 0310 hunter.nz@xtra.co.nz Marriage & Funeral MemberCelebrantofCANZ “Tracey you are amazing, it was awesome having you with us on our special day. Such a fun and emotional ceremony that couldn’t have been more perfect. Thank you for putting up with our unorganized chaos, and supporting us through one of the biggest days of our lives. So many laughs and tears, you were the perfect person to marry us. Thank you so much xxxx” - Megan Chaplin www.tjharveycelebrant.comtjharveycelebrant@gmail.com Weddings • Elopements • Funerals T J Harvey Marriage Celebrant 021 664 741

u by Andy Bryenton Weddings are very special occasions worldwide, and they encourage the oddest behaviour. At traditional German weddings, it was the practice for every guest to bring an item of crockery that could be smashed, with the sound said to ward off bad luck. It mirrors the popular Greek practice of smashing plates at weddings, though the Greek tradition is often overplayed in film and television. For many years, fake plaster plates have been on sale in Greece to take the place of real, useful porcelain. Meanwhile, the German tradition ends with both bride and groom having to clean up. That apparently represents the fact that married life is not always easy but that anything can be overcome with teamwork. Perhaps it’s really about the in-laws wanting to get the deposit back from the reception venue.
Austrian weddings sometimes still feature a big glass boot the groom must fill with beer and gulp down in one go. It replaces the original, less flavourful use of a real boot donated by the best man. In China, it’s a wedding tradition for the groom to have to get past a whole team of bridesmaids, who demand that he perform a series of increasingly silly and embarrassing tasks to get to the altar.
14 September 6 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER MATAKOHE MEMORIAL HALL GLASSWARE FOR HIRE Need a Venue for a Wedding, Dance, Birthday, Family Function, Meeting etc then look no further! Licensed fully-equipped kitchen • Modern bathroom facilities Main hall holds 120 people comfortably ADD THAT EXTRA TOUCH TO YOUR WEDDING OR SPECIAL PARTY Including carafes, jugs, tablecloths, crockery and cutlery. 120 settings available at competitive prices For Enquiries and Bookings Contact Karen Weber Ph 027 272 6676 Email: matakohecommunitygroup@gmail.comAlsoavailableforoff-sitehire Marquee Hire Whangarei provides high quality NZ made marquees, Northland-wide. From weddings and birthday parties to corporate events and trade shows, we have marquees in a range of sizes and styles to suit your event. We also have a range of tables, chairs, lighting, bar leaners and outdoor games available for hire. Ph: 027 469 3527 Email: info@marqueehirewhangarei.co.nz | Website: www.marqueehirewhangarei.co.nz BOOKINGS: PH: 09 439 7555 OR EMAIL: info@dargavillemuseum.co.nz LIGHTHOUSE FUNCTION CENTRE WEDDINGS - CONFERENCES - WORKSHOPS FUNERALS - BIRTHDAYS WE CATER FOR ALL EVENTS: LARGE OR SMALL WONDERFULLY SET IN HARDING PARK WITH STUNNING PANORAMIC VIEWS E momentsandmemories.co.nzrebekah@ P (021) 961 106 Instagram & Facebook @momentsandmemoriesnz RebekahSuman WEDDING CELEBRANT MOMENTS & MEMORIES NZ Creating memories to last a lifetime SAY I DO For the sake of tradition
There are several odd wedding traditions around the world which involve being hit with fish. In South Korea, it’s a tradition for the groom to suffer this indignity on his stag night. Apparently, if he can put up with a fishy assault from his drinking buddies, he will be well prepared for the ups and downs of married life. In parts of Scotland, the bride and groom are pelted with rubbish, including dead fish, in a comical take on the more traditional throwing of rice. With traditional Scots dark humour, this is said to be a tonguein-cheek recreation of old mediaeval punishments, where the condemned were showered with rotten produce on the way to their Theredemise.are, unsurprisingly, many wedding traditions that involve drinking.
In France, a novelty wedding joke was to present the happy couple with a fake toilet bowl glass shaped like the porcelain p German and Austrian weddings may very well involve the ceremonial draining of a boot-shaped beer glass, while Greek weddings often feature plate-smashing celebrations convenience. All the leftover wine would be poured into this comical cup, which the pair had to drink from at the same time.
Others ask that the groom makes a fool of himself to prove that his love is stronger than his sense of pride. Marriage traditions like these may not catch on in New Zealand. Still, there are others even tougher to stomach, such as the Congolese ban against smiling at a wedding, the Bornean ritual of not being able to go to the bathroom all day before your wedding, or the ancient Roman practice of having to sacrifice an animal and check the state of its innards to prove that the marriage is on an auspicious day. We should be happy that the silliest Kiwi wedding tradition allows the best man to make a speech after having a few too many beers. ¢ Ph: (09) 438 9630Ph: 438 9630 ~ www.kiwinorth.co.nzwww.kiwinorth.co.nzreception@kiwinorth.co.nzreception@kiwinorth.co.nz
Some of these defenders of his future wife’s virtue demand money, which she is gifted to buy things for their new home.
A UniqueA WeddingWeddingUniqueVenueVenueinWhangareiinWhangarei Oruaiti Chapel (c1859)

“We have two dedicated photographers, Cat and me, and we have Gabby, our videographer,” Greg says. Though a Kaipara-based business, the team will travel nationwide to your desired celebration to immortalise your wedding for you and future generations to enjoy.
SAY I DO Encapsulating matrimonial memories
The lobby area can seat 180 auditorium style or 130 for dinner. The main hall can seat 400 for dinner or 600 auditorium style. The Barn has modern kitchen facilities and local caterers are available. p: 09 432 1132 | Celtic Barn | e: info@celticbarn.co.nz Wedding & event centre
top tip for anyone planning their nuptials is to have a written list for your family photos. It makes the day progress smoother and allows everyone to enjoy your special celebration without stress. “It is great to see other people’s vision for their wedding day and to see it unfold and come to life.”
Greg Campbell Wedding Photography offers services to capture a moment in time of your wedding day celebrations and ceremonies in photo and video formats. Greg started in the wedding photography industry in 2012. Since then, his wife Cat joined the venture as a photographer, and the business expanded towards videography in recent years.
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 6 2022 15 Sarah WarringtonPORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER info@swphotographer.co.nzwww.swphotographer.co.nz every picture tells a story let me help you tell yours 021-161 3083 www.gregcampbell.photo FURNITURE, GLASSWARELIGHTING,&DECOR Magical events, made simple. Silver Hill Road, Tomarata P: 021 961 106 www.taylorandcoevents.co.nz
by Amy Fifita
“Sometimes the coolest places are when people do do-it-yourself weddings, and they use their own land. It can be amazing because you get to go to amazing farms, beachfront properties and rural spots.”
The team thrives on providing an authentic view of the emotion and events of the day. They creates a photographic reality in natural moments of enjoyment and adoration for you to look back on in theGregfuture.Campbell Wedding Photography strives to create a good product to remember and reflect on the start of your and your beloved’s commitment together. Gabby and Greg have worked on more than 100 weddings together to provide videographic and photographic memories for“Gabbyyou. and I work seamlessly together on the day. Videos are great for showing other people what happened on the day if Greg Campbell and his wife Cat have built a strong business through capturing timeless memories for their clients they couldn’t be there, and it is possible to do a live feed.” “I enjoy meeting people and being able to help people on their wedding day. The photographer sees everything from start to finish, so they are a very good person to assist in planning theGreg’sday.”
The Celtic Barn is a multi-purpose facility in the heart of Waipu and situated in the Caledonian Park. This beautiful building has huge rustic beams interior and wonderful park surrounds provide the perfect venue for weddings, parties or large scale corporate or community events

16 September 6 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER FARMING Brynderwyn 0800 888 303 Ruakaka 09 432 5030 Thinking concrete or aggregate but don’t know where to start? Key Cutting also available in Ruakaka Over 1,000 key blanks in stock Trade or DIY, Think Atlas Your First Call • COMMERCIAL & CIVIL • INDUSTRIAL • RESIDENTIAL • PROPPING & SHORE LOADING • EQUIPMENT HIRE/SALES Delivering projects to the highest standards across the whole range of scaffolding requirements. NORTHLAND 17 - 21 Station Road Wellsford 09 525 0767 www.summitscaffolding.org.nz QUADBAR “I have no doubt that if I did not have a Quadbar fitted, my accident would have been fatal!” — Rozel Farms “The Quadbar saved our employee from significant —injuries.”Colinvan der Geest For a Quadbar, call me, Stuart Davidson, owner of Quadbar NZ on 021 182 8115, Email sales@quadbar.co.nz or for more info go to www.quadbar.co.nz RECOMMENDED BY WORK SAFE, ACC SUBSIDY AVAILABLE +GST$595Delivered • Plumbing • Gas • Drainage • Roofing • Hot water systems • Pumps • Filtration • Maintenance YOUR ONE STOP SHOP SERVICING THE KAIPARA AREA CONTACT US: Josh 027 321 8848 or 0508 PLUMBING

KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 6 2022 17 FARMING - from Warkworth to Kaitaia • Truck & Digger work • Earthworks • Drainage • General Cartage • Mole ploughing • Tractor & Driver for hire Call Karl 0800 932 206 Mobile: 027 493 2206 Need a contractor for your... Driver LaserDrainage TrenchConvenientSuperfastDiggingataLowCost Portable Power Mini Trencher Phone 09 431 6400 Email: www.terrasaw.cominfo@terrasaw.com “TerraTrencher” is a registered trademark Terrasaw Industries Ltd 19A Andromeda Crescent, East Tamaki, Auckland The Patented TerraTrencher is a dedicated Portable Power Mini Trencher that provides quick, easy, and versatile trench digging when and where you need it. Rapidly digs a trench 40mm wide, and up to 700mm deep, with little turf or ground disturbance, which allows for rapid back-filling and quick site cleanup. Winner of multiple National Fieldays Invention Awards 09dargaville@laserelectrical.co.nz4397172YOURFULLYQUALIFIED LOCAL ELECTRICAL, REFRIGERATION AND HEAT PUMP SPECIALIST… ALWAYS THERE WHEN YOU NEED US! Farm Services & Milk Chillers Motors & Pumps New Builds & Renovations Heat Pumps & Air Conditioning All Home Electrical Repairs We offer Design & Build for Bridges including plans, permits, consents and construction. Or see us to strengthen and repair your existing bridge to ensure safe access on your property. BRIDGE BUILDING & PILING SPECIALISTS Contact: GHK Piling Phone: 09 435 4443 Address: 9-11 Hewlett St, Whangarei Email: admin@ghk.co.nz Web: www.ghk.co.nz

Heavy is the head that wears the crown, they say, or, in other words, it’s hard to stay at the top when you’ve been given the title of king.
There’s an exception to every rule, however. While some might opine that Elvis is the exception to this one, a better example is found in Suzuki’s ATV lineup. The Kingquad has been waving the sceptre as Suzuki’s flagship offroad machine for many years now. Rather than diminishing with age, the brand just keeps getting better, with small improvements to eachTakegeneration.the2022 Kingquad 500XP, for example. Yes, it’s built on the same no-nonsense platform as its illustrious predecessors. If the formula works, why change it drastically? Four decades of feedback on stability and handling have been packed down into this big red machine. However, there have been some improvements, as told by the figures. Start with frame tubing that’s 25 per cent thicker for more stiffness, rigidity and more ability to handle punishment from nature. Then add a towing capacity bumped up to 600kg, extended suspension travel on the independent suspension for all p Suzuki’s big Kingquad 500XP and its variants carry on a 40-year tradition, getting better every year four wheels, and bigger brakes, and the picture begins to emerge. Power is delivered by a four-stroke, liquid-cooled 493cc Suzuki engine, with internal tech informed by years of building bikes that win races and quads that work hard. The Kingquad’s instrument cluster has been upgraded to be easier to read. At the same time, the power steering system on the 500XP is more responsive than ever, making for an easier day in the saddle. A smoother CVT gearbox delivers horsepower to the ground with no need for gearSuzukichanges.got the whole ATV game started here in New Zealand back in 1982 when the mullet haircut was new, and Eye of the Tiger from Rocky was the number one pop song. From the LT125 of those days to the big Kingquads of the present, Suzuki’s story is one of constant and incremental innovation, adding new features and upgrading power and comfort with each new model. Give one a test ride this spring and find out why so many farmers say ‘hail to the king.’ ¢
Visit kaiparalifestyler.co.nzwebsite
The king still reigns u by Andy Bryenton
18 September 6 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER FARMING Covering from Warkworth to KeriKeri and surrounds Tractors and forestry rigged diggers all available with rammers. CONTACT PHIL Cell: 027 274 4188 A/H: 09 433 2644 E: W:info@cpcfencing.co.nzwww.cpcfencing.co.nz Lifestyle Blocks Forestry Fencing Farm/Forestry roading and track maintenance Post Harvest clean up/fencing Residential Fencing All Farm Fencing Hill Country Fencing Subdivisional Fencing Riparian Waterway Fencing Stock Yard Design & Build CERTIFIED FENCER Contact us today! E: mark@grandpasfeeders.co.nz P: 07 552 5225 | M: 027 276 www.grandpasfeeders.co.nz9794 SAVE TIME and MONEY with the ORIGINAL AUTOMATIC chicken and poultry feeder! There are no substitutes when it comes to Grandpas Feeders. If you aren’t satisfied in both the workmanship and the effectiveness, we will refund your purchase price in full, up to 24 months following purchase. Clean water, no training. Go to our products page on our website for more info. GRANDPAS DRINKER CUPS Stop pests like sparrows and rodents from stealing your hens’ food. Our feeders are also weather proof, so no food is ever wasted or stolen. GRANDPAS ORIGINAL FEEDER NEWPRODUCT DR & BA GRANT ENGINEERINGPh094398248BeachRd,Dargaville What we haven’t got we can get! • Milking Machinery • Cowshed Pipework • Lathe & Milling Machining • Aluminium & Stainless welding • Milking Machinery testing & quality control (same day repairs) Mow, Rake, Bale & Wrap Stack Silage Discing, Power Harrowing with airseeder & Drilling Effluent, Lime & Fert Spreading Digger, Scoop & Trailer Work Call or email Glen Lugtigheid 021 439 748 glenlugtigheid@gmail.com

“It is not here, and there is no cause for panic, but we need to take this threat seriously. We need to be vigilant because if it spreads to Australia — it is even closer to us. So we need to make sure that we have simple processes in place,” NWVC general manager Sue Rhynd says.
Sue says that while responsibility relies on the Ministry of Primary Industries, simple precautions will make a difference in keeping disease out of the country. New Zealand remains FMD-free and has never had an outbreak of the disease.
“Almost 80 years later, it continues to evolve and adapt. Today it is an industrial and provident society governed by a board of elected directors and managed by a general manager.
“FMD is highly infectious and spreads quickly. It spreads in wind and water and through contaminated clothing, vehicles and infected livestock. It is New Zealand’s biggest biosecurity threat and a heightened risk now that it has been detected in Indonesia.”
Bridging farmers and veterinarians
“A chronic shortage of vets called for inventive solutions in post-war rural New Zealand, so the Veterinary Services Council employed their first executive officer, Scotsman Allan Leslie.”
u by Amy Fifita Northern Wairoa Veterinary Club is informing farmers to be diligent following Bali’s foot-and-mouth disease outbreak. The vet club will continue offering support for animal health.
“It is a legacy that is nationwide, and we get a helpful national viewpoint. It is a lot of people, farmers and veterinarians, working together, which appeals to me.
Allan collaborated with dairy companies and farmers to set up club practices country-wide, with each club free to develop its own structure suitable for its NWVCarea.was one of the first clubs to be established in 1946 and continues to enable Kaipara farmers to have reliable veterinary services available to them.
p Sue Rhynd, Northern Wairoa Veterinary Club general manager
“FMD could enter a country through contaminated animal products and feed to susceptible animals. It is recommended that everything fed to pigs is treated andIncooked.”theevent of an incursion, traceability will help in the recovery efforts. Sue suggests keeping NAIT records updated and a full one-week farm stand-down period for people who have travelled to Indonesia recently. “We have successfully united and overcome other disease outbreaks, and we must keep an eye out and act on anything on the farm that is unusual.”NWVCdoes its best to inform farmers about animal health, and support is offered to veterinarians and those who engage with them. It ensures that there are veterinary services available within Kaipara.
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 6 2022 19 FARMING AUTHORISED DISTRIBUTOR 195 R a pson Rd RD1 K auk a pak a p a 0 9 4 2 0 44 4 1 ww w.theshedco.co.n garagesgaragesshedsbarnszshedsWebuildtoyourrequirements-AnySizeAlldesignscanbeconvertedtoliveinBestquality,bestprice,bestservice 0800 222 027 WORKSHOPS BARNSCANAMERIEDSSHFARMOMESHLTIBUSTOMCU QUAKER BARNS www.theshedco.co.nzGARAGES Design and General Engineering Floodgates | Field Rollers | Levelling Bars Palm Kernal Trailers | Hay Racks Head Bails | Forks | Incinerators Kumara Handling Equipment Sliding Palm Kernal Storage Bin Cover We also stock - Pumps & Pressure Systems | Bolts & Nuts | Pipe Fittings | Bearings | Drive Shafts Visit our www.cromptonengineering.co.nzwebsite CROMPTON ENGINEERING LIMITED 31 Jellicoe Street, Ruawai 0530 | Ph (09) 439 2393 email crompton.eng@xtra.co.nz As you may have heard, Foot and Mouth Disease was detected earlier this month in Indonesia. It’s a highly contagious and infectious viral disease that affects all cloven-hooved (two-toed) animals. Alpaca • Llama • Goats • Pigs • Sheep • Cows It takes all of us to keep the disease out of New Zealand. For more information and to become familiar with the symptoms of foot and mouth disease www.DairyNZ.co.nz/business/biosecuritywww.mpi.govt.nz/biosecurityvisit:www.beeflambnz.com What should we do in the Northern Wairoa area? Ensure anyone who has visited Indonesia stays off farm for 7 days Do not feed untreated meat products to animals especially pigs Ensure NAIT records are up to date Develop robust on farm biosecurity plans Report suspected Foot-and-Mouth disease symptoms immediately to MPI Disease Hotline 0800 80 99 66 or contact your Vet. Northern Wairoa Veterinary Club Serving the community since 1946 SIS BALL COCK VALVE www.sisballcock.co.nz | 0800 175 720 Only available direct from manufacturer Price $99.50+GST EACH Freight free anywhere in NZ • Buy 10 receive 12 and 2x service kits • 3 models available – all the one price • Nearly indestructible • Only NZ Manufacturer providing lifetime guarantee on the body of the ballcock Recommended
Our industry is formed on a foundation of cooperation, and that is what the vet club is about. “In our rapidly changing landscape, the club continues to progress and, at the core of its purpose, endeavours to ensure that farmers receive the services they need,” Sue said. ¢

“Well Dog, finally we got sumthin’ ter smile about,” seda Boss, an’ I figgered that he was happy because it was a sunny say after lotsa rein, an’ we was up atta top paddick troff havin’ a rest from the lamby beat. We seen six lotsa twinnys just popped outta their mums, an’ that always makes Boss rilly happy, eh. But as we jumped ona Boss’s new Big Red Quod ter head down to smoko, Boss sed sum more. “Yep Dog, now we got more footy ter look forward too an’ if we keep our mojo ...” an’ he went quite ’cos he stopped ter check another set of lamby twins. Mojo? I hada think but he lost me there. Wen we were ona woolshed steps for smoko I give his gerlfren’ Sharlene me puzzild look, an’ she soon pickt it up, an’ askt Boss wot he had bin saying. “Aha, Billy,” she sed. “Boss rilly means we got sum magic back beatin’ them Argytinas in Hamiltin.”NowIgot it figgered, ’cos I wotched the game wiv Boss, an’ boy, did we give those boys in blue a proper seein’ too. Lotsa tries, no mistakes. Boss was doin’ a lotta shoutin’ and laffing too at the end wen one Argytina woodin’t shake hands. “That’ll be a lessin to them, reckining still they got the ABs ona back foot,” sed Boss. “Our boys got there dander up now, an’ after wot the Boks did ter the Aussies, we gotta hope the ABs put losin’ behind ’em and keep up tha good work ina Bledisloe Cup in a cupla weeks.” Well Sharlene was porin’ cupptees an’ lissining, but wen Boss stopped chortlin’ she sed she was pleased he ina good“Butmood.don’t forgit, Deah, we got these ’lectshins comin’ up and we got to choose a new mare and council. Then nek year, of course, we gotta choose a new guvmint!” Boss slurped at his cuppatees and I wotched careful, in case he felt like a snak my way, but nah. Not. But Sharlene red me mine as usual, an’ a pikelet was snatch ina air before Boss cood see. “Yep, Deah, I spose we better hava look atta canidates. Seem like a rilly mixt bag tho. Mite be better to just look at the big pitcher nek year wen we kin do sumthin about that dam three water shemozzil, and the blimmin co-governince too. And tha health system ina mess. They makin’ a mess, like the idiot tax plan that Labour lot come up with that took munths of planning an’ a few hours ter shoot down in flames.”Sharlene give a smile like she does wen Boss gets away with werds. “Yes, deah, I reckin I agree with yer. But I reckin yer should stay happy about the footy ina meentime. An’ don’t ferget that I booked the woolshed TV for the wimmen’s Black Ferns game. They playing Japan, so our lokil ladys are comin’ over. Remember, you hubbies are on barbecue duty that night! Boss thort for a minnit. “We kin manage that, s’long as we blokes kin watch the main game wiv bears andReadas,lefovers.that sounds like a date fer me too. Barbie and bears shud meen good pickins for you no who, eh? Looking forward to more winning footy. Cheers — Billy
20 September 6 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER FARMING Phone: 09 439 7335 Normanby Street, Dargaville Farrand & Mason Ltd GENERAL & PRECISION ENGINEERS ONE SHOP Unlimited ways to spring clean those projects with welding tools, power tools, hand tools, fixtures and fittings tested by real engineers! and get ready for summer. Water blast your patio, rust-kill your boat trailer, prep your dirt bike, andkeyboysyoursecure‘bigtoys’withourcuttingservice! outdoors with world beating HUSQVARNA ride on mowers and outdoor equipmentpower CLEAN UP CLEAN UPCLEAN UP GRASS SILAGE • Maize Planting – Conventional and No-till Drilling with Dual Fert and Liquid Fert Injection • Maize Silage • Grass Silage – Fine Chop • Twin Mowing • Raking 14m • Tractor & Trailer, Truck Cartage • Stack Building • Air Seeding • Undersowing • Cultivation • Mulching • Effluent Spreading SPRING CROPPING PROGRAMME Turnips, Chicory, Sorghum, Maize, Brassica, Plantain Our Equipment and Skilled Operators provide fast, efficient service — Saving you time and money PH: 09 439 6088 | E: admin@lawrenceag.co.nz GRAEME 027 476 3499 • PETER 027 490 2942 North West ELECTRICAL Servicing Kaipara District 0800COMMERCIALSPECIALISINGINANDRURALSERVICINGP:094393006A/H:0212283890E:phil@nwelectrical.co.nzNORTH1(667841)30EdwardSt,Dargaville Portable SpecialistsMilking www.swwsnz.co.nz ALWAYS WANTED A COMPOSTING TOILET? Flushing Toilets to a Pump Free Gravity Feed Worm Composting System. Please visit www.swwsnz.co.nz Contact: Anita Grant: 027 462 1339 or swwsnz@gmail.com for more information and a free consultation. SIMPLE WASTE WATER SOLUTIONS NZ Economical and Environmentally Friendly Full Household Waste Water Systems System from $13,300 plus gst installed A dog’s tail … Sport seems ter beat politicks

In a controversial statement in late August, Steve Cranston, a spokesperson for farming protest group Groundswell NZ, suggested that climate change minister James Shaw had determined the scheme ‘terminally“Industryflawed’.leaders, Māori and the government have been collaborating on HWEN for the past two years, but all that time and expense has come to nought,” said Mr “GovernmentCranston.and industry leaders have been quietly looking at alternative emission pricing options to the HWEN scheme for the past few months and now appear ready to pull the pin on HWEN.” Shaw and his allies in government strongly refute this claim. Still, Cranson remains adamant, saying that Shaw cannot deny that meetings have taken place discussing alternatives to either HWEN or its backstop, the Emissions Trading Scheme. Part of this unravelling of a cohesive path to HWEN implementation comes from a flawed interpretation of carbon science and the insistence by some climate change authorities that farmers should not be recognised for their role in growing green, carbon-absorbing life.
‘Farmers deserve full credit for carbon sequestration,’ said Groundswell in a statement last week.
‘He Waka Eke Noa chair Kelly Forster recently conceded that it was the minister James Shaw who vetoed farmers’ right to receive full recognition for carbon they sequester on their farms. Up until this point, we had been told it was the International Panel on Climate Change
p Amid talk of taxing ruminant emissions, lawmakers like James Shaw have lost sight of the carbon sequestering role of pasture and food crops, say critics of He Waka Eke Noa guidelines which prohibited this from happening. How has the minister been allowed to remain unchallenged on this?’ Groundswell’s Mr Cranston never said that HWEN was gone; just that it was in a precarious position with alternative options being talked about. However, with a glaring omission on carbon sequestration at its core, there are many who opine that it’s time for the plan to go back to the drawing board for a major overhaul. ¢
Earlier this year, HEWN recommended that the best path to reducing carbon emissions on farms was a split-level one, which would include a recognition of the amount of carbon sequestered on farms. It makes sense, as cattle and other livestock do not exist in isolation. They are symbiotic with the plants that make up their food. Simply put, gaseous emissions from livestock come from plants being digested, and those plants must be replaced for the animal to stay alive in the future. It’s a cycle. However, the Climate Change Commission did not agree, saying in a report to the government of its own recommendations that this carbon sequestration should not be counted. It has led to calls of foul play and fudged science by critics of the reforms.
Opponents of the He Waka Eke Noa climate change mitigation strategy say that political chopping block amid arguments that carbon locked up ruminant
it could be on the
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 6 2022 21 FARMING 0800 788 788 • www.agspares.co.nz Price excludes GST // 3978 Hours Euro Hitch Loader // GoodTradeMeRubber Ref 3710808263 WOODS ESTATE HEDGE TRIMMING Shelter belts • Lifestyle blocks • Orchards Farm driveways/race clearing Group bookings welcomed Locally owned and operated Call Woody 022 409 1041 ALL NEW Mini trimmer forresidentialmaintenancepropertythisseason Farrand & Mason Ltd GENERAL & PRECISION ENGINEERS Ph: 09 439 7335 ONLINE CATALOGUE VISIT: www.tradezone.co.nz If you want to go fast - go alone. If you want to go far - go together. viper $38.50paintassorteddirecthammerite$938.26invertermig185welder+gst750mltorustmetal+gst22 ton bottle jack short $120.87body+gst Putting out a carbon fire u by Andy Bryenton
by agriculture will not be counted against

22 September 6 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER FARMING PETER BLACKWELL 021 295 9647 CONVENTIONAL FENCING, POST AND RAIL, CATTLE & SHEEP YARD, ELECTRICS, ENTRANCEWAYS, BULLDOZER WORK, WETLANDS & SHELTER BELT PLANTING CONTRACT FENCING Building a better business with you A new local Kaipara based consultancy specialising in: ◊ Business strategy and planning assistance. ◊ Sales and marketing support. ◊ Technology and process improvement. ◊ Business networking and partnerships. We assist small to medium businesses in growth strategies, profitability and good business practice in order to achieve greater results. Call Clint on 021 299 3700 for a free discussion or email clint@buildconnectconsulting.co.nz For more info take a look at www.buildconnectconsulting.co.nz
Forty years on four wheels
u by Andy Bryenton Henry Ford famously replaced the horse as a means of on-road transport by introducing the affordable Model T. Still, it wasn’t until 1982 that the farmer found a better way to tackle tough terrain. The quad bike is 40 this year, and it’s come a long way since its introduction way back in the era of denim on denim and big moustaches. However, it was a torturous path through some hit-andmiss ideas which led to the quad layout becoming so Itsuccessful.allbeganback in 1893 with a brand that’s still around today. Royal Enfield created a quadricycle, or four-wheeled motorbike, back when Queen Victoria was still in charge and gentlemen dressed like Sherlock Holmes. It was meant to replace light horse-drawn buggies of the kind the Amish people of Pennsylvania still utilise, but it never took off, and Enfield went back to bikes. During the second world war, bikes were popular for speeding messages to the front, sidecar-mounted machine guns were a strategic asset, and the king of the battlefield was the tank. Combining all the worst properties of all three, the German Sonderkraftfahrzeug was an odd attempt to solve the problem quad bikes would handle many decades later. Steering with handlebars but driven by tracks like those of a Panzer, the machine had neither the nippy speed of a bike nor the
p During the years, many tried to come up with a way to make a motorcycle work in truly rugged terrain; the Germans did not really nail it during the 1940s oomph of a battle tank. Also, the name was impossible to pronounce.
Things were quiet for a time until an unassuming Japanese auto engineer from Honda, Osamu Takeuchi, was given a very open-ended design brief by his bosses. ‘Make us something that uses a motorcycle engine but will sell well in winter’, they told him and he obliged.
Honda’s chief Soichiro was perhaps expecting a snowmobile, but instead he got the ATC90, a balloon-wheeled trike with a seven-horsepower engine and a tiny price tag of $600 at the time. Honda dealers in the US sold them as fast as they could get them, mainly for recreation, although farmers in other parts of the world where the mud was a winter problem took note. Some of those farmers were NewSuzukiZealanders.cameto the Kiwi backcountry to develop a new project in the early 1980s, an attempt to make a safer, more stable off-road bike. They avoided the German idea of treads, added one more wheel, then put the resulting machine through its paces. Thus the QaudRunner LT125 was born, and the rest is Otherhistory.companies, seeing the utility and practicality of the basic idea, all put their own spin on the quad concept. They developed memorable names of their own, engaging in a war of horsepower and safety, grip and torque that has greatly benefitted the Kiwi farmer. Cheers to 40 great years, quad bikes! Who knows how they will evolve next? ¢

Dargaville Scout Group — For boys and girls aged 5–99 years at 23 Onslow St. All info on door or phone Johnnita 027 296 5889.
Greypower Meeting – Mayoral and NRC Candidates 9th September 1pm–3.30pm at the Methodist Church Complex, Cnr Awakino & Normanby St. Fun Quiz Night – St Peters Anglican Church Fundraiser — Saturday 10th September. Doors open at 6pm for a 7pm start. Venue Te Kopuru Southern Rugby Club. $10 per person. Light supper provided and bar facilities available. Contact Viv Biddles 09 439 1587 or Kaye Welch 09 439 1504 (after 6pm). Book by 5th September as table numbers limited.
Alcoholics Anonymous — Dargaville AA meetings held at The Lighthouse Church, cnr Normanby & Parore Sts. Use Parore St entrance. Monday 4.30pm & Thursday 7.30pm Contact Bernie 027 212 2148, Ladies 020 4082 1373, Murray 09 439 5248.
THU 08 2:14am (0.7m) 8:28am (3.0m) 2:38pm (0.6m) 8:57pm (3.3m)
Northern Wairoa Indoor Bowls Assn — Starts at 7pm Mondays at Anglican Church Hall, Tuesdays at Ruawai-Tokatoka Hall, Wednesdays at Dalmatian Hall. For more info contact Warren Younger 027 478 5102 or evenings 09 439 6155. NZ 60s Up Movement — Dargaville Social Meetings held at the Lighthouse Function Centre on 1st Tuesday of the month. Contact President Margaret Pinny 09 439 4560.
KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 6 2022 23 Listen to Big River FM IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE WITH YOUR LOCAL RADIO STATION 09 439 sales@bigriverfm.co.nz3003DARGAVILLE 98.6FM & RUAWAI 88.2FM Community Flavour and Variety Helping the community in so many waysBIG RIVER FM Phil & Mitch 98.6FM ACOUSTIC MUSIC GROUP CONCERTS RETURN Dargaville Acoustic Music BLACKBOARD CONCERT October 6th, 7:00pm Kaipara Community Centre Hokianga Rd, Dargaville $2 entry $2 raffle BYO instruments or just come to listen: All Welcome Ph 021 439 697 for more info CALLING ALL MUSIC LOVERS For further Johninfo@dargavillearts.co.nzinformation0275258189 Muddy Waters Gallery 43 Hokianga Rd, Dargaville Next to the Anzac Theatre • 2nd & 4th THURSDAYS EACH MONTH • NEXT IS 8th SEPTEMBER AT 11AM–3PM • BRING YOUR LUNCH — HAVE A COFFEE • CASUAL CRAFT PROJECTS ON THE TABLE OR BRING YOUR OWN TO WORK ON • COME HAVE A CHAT & HAVE SOME FUN CRAFT & ART DROP IN SESSIONS Arts TIDE CHART MANGAWHAI HEADS Dargaville High +1:50 Low +3:10 Ruawai High +1:16 Low +0:57 Kellys Bay High +0:10 Low +0:06 Tinopai High +0:17 Low +0:21 Pahi High +0:44 Low +0:30POUTO POINT
Dargaville Floral Art Club — Meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 1pm at The Lighthouse Church, Cnr Normanby & Parore Sts, Dargaville. Enquiries to Dawn Donald 09 439 5413. Dargaville Friendship Club — meets 2nd Tuesday of the month at 10am at the NW Boating Club. For info phone Phyllis 09 439 6681. Dargaville Games Club — 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at the Dargaville Scout Hall, Onslow St, 6pm–9pm.
Wig Wednesday Stall — 7th September 2022, from 11am to 1pm, outside the Ruawai Four Square Shop - supporting Children’s Cancer Research, one of Lions International causes. All proceeds will be donated to the Child Cancer Foundation, so wear your wig or spray your hair. Come and join Ruawai Lions for a sausage sizzle, raffles. Plants and produce will be for sale. Please help make this a fun event.
Hikuwai O Kaipara Waka Ama Club — Meet at the NW Boating Club 5pm Mondays and Thursdays from 5pm for Awa training. Kaipara Heritage Machinery Club — Open and operating Wednesday and Saturday. New members and volunteers welcome. Something to interest both men and women, come and get involved. Phone 09 439 7108 or 09 439 4614. Kumarani Productions, Circus Jam — Wednesdays 5.30–7.30pm at Circus Kumarani, 15 Onslow St through school terms only. Gold coin donation. Lions Club of Ruawai — Meets 3rd Thursday of the month (social night) at the Sports Club and 1st Thursday of the month (business meeting). For more info contact 09 439 2029 or 09 439 2557. Lions Dargaville — Meeting 2nd Wednesday of the month in Lions Den, Hokianga Road. Contact John for more information 09 439 5937.
TUE 13 6:09am (0.3m) 12:20PM (3.4m) 6:24pm (0.4m)
Library Book Club — Tuesday 6th September 5.15pm at Dargaville Library, 71 Normanby Street. For more info phone 0800 532 542.
Dynamo Junction — business owners/managers event, 14th September 5.10pm–6.30pm at Dargaville Sewing Centre, Normanby St. Greypower Meeting – Wairoa General Ward and Maori Ward Candidates — 16th September 1pm–3.30pm at the Methodist Church Complex, Cnr Awakino & Normanby St. Spring Fling 2022 — 17th September, 9.30am–3.30pm, Arapohue Hall, Dargaville. Join us for a fun and interactive day focussed around food and exercise. We’ll have yummy food and some wonderful speakers and activities! Hosted by Rural Women New Zealand. Cost $15 per person (includes morning tea, afternoon tea and lunch). To register contact Heather by 11 September on 027 472 4485 or heathersorensen55@ gmail.com. Meet the Candidates – Wairoa General Ward -— Tuesday 20th September 5.15pm for 5.30pm start at the Dargaville Club, Victoria St, Dargaville, hosted by the DCDB.
Paparoa Artisan Market — 4th Sunday monthly 12–4pm. Paparoa Memorial Hall. Paparoa Farmers’ Market — Every Saturday 9am –12pm. Genuine local produce, vegetables, seafood, olive oils, meats, patisserie, plants and more. Village Green, Paparoa. Te Kopuru Market — Every Saturday 12.30pm–3.30pm at Te Kopuru Community Hall.
Please register your interest to attend by 2nd September 2022.
Meet the Candidates for Mayor — Thursday 22nd September 5.15pm for 5.30pm start at the Dargaville Club, Victoria St, Dargaville, hosted by the DCDB.
EMAIL dargaville@cab.org.nzEMAIL roxannek@sportnorth.co.nzEMAIL info@dcdb.nz
Dargaville Museum — Open every day except Christmas Day and Anzac morning 9–4 until Labour Day then 9–5 until Easter. Volunteers, visitor hosts and members welcome. Phone 09 439 7555.
For outside of Dargaville events email info@thelifestyler.co.nz
Peggy Purls in our Community — Every 3rd Wednesday 10.30am at Dargaville Sewing and Curtain Centre, 59 Normanby St. Ring Charlene 09 439 6120. RSA Women’s Section — Social meeting held at the Clubrooms, 4th Monday of the month. Contact Secretary/Treasurer Betty Bruce 09 439 4344. SeniorNet Dargaville — Drop-in every Tuesday 10am–2pm (except school holidays) for help with technology and internet banking. KCC 38 Hokianga Rd. Stepping Out Leisure Marching Team — Tuesday 4pm–5pm at the Dargaville Town Hall. Contact Sharon 027 439 5634 or 09 439 5634 for more details. Vaccine Passport required. Stitches and Craft — 5 Cranley St, Dargaville. 10am–4pm Tuesday and Friday Contact Lois 027 473 0598 for further details.
SAT 10 4:01am (0.3m) 10:14am (3.3m) 4:20pm (0.3m) 10:34pm (3.5m)
Twilight Market — Last Friday of each month, 5.30pm–7pm. Northern Wairoa Boating Club, Totara Street. Kaihu Hall Market — 3rd Saturday each month 10am–noon. Phone Robin 09 439 4878. Monthly Market — 1st Saturday each month, 9am–noon, Kaipara Community Centre, Hokianga Road (opposite the Town Hall).
Mt Wesley Angels — Meets 2nd Sunday of the month at Old Mt Wesley Cemetery to preserve, record and care for this historic cemetery. Wear suitable footwear, bring water, gardening gloves and a friend. Northern Wairoa Country Music Club — 1st Sunday of the month at the Scout Hall, 23 Onslow Street 1–4pm. Enquiries to Bruce 09 439 5513.
Northern Wairoa Genealogy Society — Learn how to trace your family history or DNA at the Research Rooms, Dargaville Museum, 4th Sunday of each months 12.30–2pm OR attend our monthly meetings on the 4th Sunday of the month from 2pm–4pm. Phone Sue 021 608 606.
SUN 11 1:25am (0.3m) 7:48am (2.6m) 1:47pm (0.3m) 8:12pm (2.8m)
Air Training Corps — Mondays 6pm–8pm at the Dargaville Aero Club. For boys and girls aged 13–18 years Phone Gordon 021 262 0547.
Let’s Connect Expo — Tuesday 27th September 10am to 2pm at the Dargaville Town Hall Come and meet your local community providers. Hosted by SOS Kaipara — Community Connectors. This is a free community event. Come and see how local service providers can help you.
THU 08 4:52am (2.4m) 11:04am (0.6m) 5:34pm (2.6m) 11:35pm (0.6m) FRI 09 5:56am (2.5m) 12:04pm (0.4m) 6:30pm (2.6m)
A community conversation — Tuesday 6th September 1pm–4pm presented by Hospice Kaipara. To be held at the Baylys Beach Community Centre. RSVP Hospice Kaipara 09 439 3330 opt 4, Lisa at office@hospicekaipara.org.nz or Lorraine at support@hospicekaipara.org.nz.
WED 07 3:44am (2.3m) 9:58am (0.7m) 4:33pm (2.4m) 10:34pm (0.7m)
SAT 10 12:32am (0.4m) 6:55am (2.6m) 12:57pm (0.3m) 7:23pm (2.7m)
MON 12 2:15am (0.3m) 8:38am (2.7m) 2:35pm (0.3m) 9:00pm (2.8m)
DAY HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH WED 07 1:04am (0.9m) 7:20am (2.8m) 1:33pm (0.8m) 7:58pm (3.1m)
Alzheimer’s ‘Carer’ Support Group — Contact Maxine on 021 153 5674. Baylys & Beyond Gardeners — All welcome, 2nd Monday of each month, Garden ramble, shared lunch, trading table phone 021 063 3444. Dargaville Aero Club — Learn to fly, free of tuition charges, Gyrocopter, Texan, Stork. Contact Peter 09 439 1628 for further info. Dargaville Contract Bridge Club — Tuesdays 12.45pm and Thursday 6.45pm at the Kiosk, Memorial Park, Logan St, Dargaville. dargavillebridge@gmail.com or phone Peter 09 439 2437 or 022 405 6439. Dargaville Embroidery Group — 3rd Tuesday of the month 10am–2pm. Phone Rosemary 09 439 0656.
TUE 13 3:02am (0.3m) 9:24am (2.7m) 3:20pm (0.3m) 9:47pm (2.7m)
Dargaville Menz Shed — is open Tuesday and Thursday each week from 10am to 3pm and Saturday mornings from 10am to noon. New members are welcome. For more info phone Paul 027 459 3098 or Brian 09 439 6175.
SUN 11 4:47am (0.3m) 10:59am (3.4m) 5:04pm (0.2m) 11:17pm (3.6m)
Dargaville Girls Brigade — For girls 5–15 years. Thursdays after school — 3.30–5pm held at The Lighthouse Church. Contact Pauline Taylor 021 263 7446 or 09 439 7505.
FRI 09 3:11am (0.5m) 9:25am (3.2m) 3:32pm (0.4m) 9:48pm (3.4m)
Dargaville Arts Association www.dargavillearts.co.nz
MON 12 5:29am (0.2m) 11:41am (3.4m) 5:45pm (0.3m) 11:58pm (3.5m)

24 September 6 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER PUZZLE TIME Sudoku Fill the grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. All puzzles © The Puzzle www.thepuzzlecompany.co.nzCompany 292Jumbo crossword ACROSS: 1 Cycle, 4 Watch the birdie, 11 Camel, 14 Fatal, 15 Inaugurated, 16 Trimaran, 19 Glisten, 20 Bathe, 21 Atrocious, 24 Appraised, 26 Before, 27 Gifted, 31 Hatch, 32 Checkers, 34 Fraudulent, 37 Sad, 39 Gunfire, 40 Casino, 41 Umpire, 42 Less, 43 Glucose, 46 Eliminates, 51 Magnate, 55 Arch, 56 Scrawl, 57 Plaque, 58 Destiny, 60 Era, 62 Demolished, 63 Squatter, 64 Holly, 67 Sponge, 68 Oblige, 69 Dreamlike, 74 Manhattan, 75 Abode, 76 Caution, 81 Premiere, 82 Kleptomania, 83 Eager, 84 Lunge, 85 Bread and butter, 86 Jetty. DOWN: 2 Yearly, 3 Leads, 5 Aunt, 6 Courage, 7 Taught, 8 Exam, 9 Identify, 10 Earwig, 11 Communiqué, 12 Mire, 13 Lanyard, 17 Weird, 18 Sour grapes, 22 Sight, 23 Etcetera, 25 Pacific, 26 Bassoon, 28 Manual, 29 Medium, 30 Quorum, 33 Crawl, 35 Taste, 36 Arms, 38 Duet, 43 Guard, 44 Uncommon, 45 Excess, 46 Exacerbate, 47 Idle, 48 Impasse, 49 Abacus, 50 Erupt, 52 Axel, 53 Network, 54 Tangle, 59 Plagiarise, 61 Relax, 65 Disabled, 66 Clear, 67 Scalpel, 70 Radiant, 71 Cherub, 72 Absorb, 73 Honest, 77 Tease, 78 Vein, 79 Open, 80 File. 5x5 Insert the missing letters to complete ten words — five across the grid and five down. More than one solution may be possible. GAS AC AOE EI EEY GLASS LANCE ADORE REDID SAE AE AOT OS GNR STARE LADEN ABOUT NORSE GONER 9 2 839 25 6 56 3 7 1 6 7 3 9 2 7 9 42 587 6 2 9 5 4 618 49 3 4 5 6975 431 28 8139 725 64 4256 813 97 1 8 6 7 3 9 2 4 5 7524 168 39 9342 587 16 2 7 9 3 6 5 4 8 1 5618 249 73 3481 976 52 8 7 6 15 2 14 3 4 3 2 14 2 5 62 7 2 6 7 9 17 5 4 7 5812 439 67 9438 672 15 2675 914 38 8 5 4 1 7 6 3 9 2 7194 328 56 6329 857 41 3 2 6 7 1 4 5 8 9 1783 596 24 4956 281 73 EASY Previous solution Previous solution Previous crossword solution solutionPrevious 1ACROSSCompletely eccentric (5,2,1,9) 10 Become less (8) 15 Holiday camp hut (6) 16 Section appended to a publication (10) 17 Hairdresser (8) 19 Bauble (7) 21 Opinions (5) 22 Weather instrument (9) 25 Dry run (9) 27 Temporary stay (7) 29 Shunting track (6) 33 Fear attack (5) 34 Bullet bounce (8) 36 Excited pleasurably (10) 39 Gearwheel (3) 41 Dessert sauce (7) 42 Small restaurant (6) 43 Tropical lizard (6) 44 Nil (4) 45 Liberty (7) 48 Her tin cone (anag) (10) 53 Clothes for newborn (7) 57 Food grain (4) 58 Picnic basket (6) 59 Modernise (6) 60 Freight shipment document (7) 62 Pull (3) 64 Large walk-in safe (10) 65 Spanish ranch house (8) 66 Pointer (5) 69 Song (6) 70 Low areas between hills (7) 71 Ungraceful dive (9) 76 Shoulder-belt for cartridges (9) 77 Organ controls (5) 78 Line of hereditary rulers (7) 83 Strong-arm tactics (8) 84 Kept up (10) 85 Thick soup (6) 86 Hasty and careless (8) 87 Withdraw very quickly (4,1,5,7) 2DOWN Not injured (6) 3 Claw (5) 4 Astern (3) 5 Church recess (4) 6 Copy (7) 7 Relatives by marriage (2-4) 8 Hair tidier (4) 9 Long-tailed jumper (8) 11 Pressed (6) 12 Incapable of changing to circumstancesmeet(10) 13 Concept (4) 14 Small food fish (7) 18 bandagecordBlood-stemmingorcompression(10) 20 Large jug (4) 23 Body organ (5) 24 Balm (8) 26 Long formal letter (7) 28 Result (7) 30 Wild cat (6) 31 Slum area (6) 32 Cue (6) 35 Edible bulb (5) 37 Operated a vehicle (5) 38 Threesome (4) 40 Donate (4) 45 Rural holdings (5) 46 Surround (8) 47 Scanty (6) 48 Very unlikely (10) 49 Transport (4) 50 Snobbish (7) 51 Boil down (6) 52 Saltpetre (5) 54 Slightly open (4) 55 Trade ban (7) 56 Candle fat (6) 61 Asymmetrical (10) 63 X-rated (5) 67 Estrange; make unfriendly (8) 68 Of questionable quality or legality (4) 69 Cuts in half (7) 72 Swells (7) 73 Repulsive (6) 74 Connect (6) 75 Mark of disgrace (6) 79 Thespian (5) 80 White cheese from Greece (4) 81 Small biting fly (4) 82 Small whirlpool (4) 85 Pastry-topped dish (3)

KAIPARA LIFESTYLER September 6 2022 25 027 486 7821 Tony Cotton583B Waihue tcotton109@gmail.com027DargavilleParoreRoad4867821• Precision Machining • General Fabrication • Welding • Garden COTTONArt ENGINEERING Relaxation Massage, Yoga and Health Lifestyle/Nutrition Consultations available Contact Anisha Holford Holistic PractitionerHealthandCoach KAIPARA SERVICE DIRECTORY Your Local Professional choice for EWOF, COV Inspections & Certifications, PV Solar and Hazardous Inspections. Boats Campers & RVs Caravans PH: 021 240 6764 KEITH call today - we come to YOU RECYCLED CARDBOARD Airlyte Animal Bedding & Garden Mulch Lesley 027 434 1329 | Grant 027 435 0758 | sales@airlyte.co.nz•AnimalBedding•GardenMulch•Compost/WormFarms•CompostingToilets•Multipleotheruses www.airlyte.co.nz • OPEN: Mon-Sat 10am-4pm Phone first to confirm 1916 State Highway 1, KAIWAKA Brand new service team to help you with household cleaning, yard maintenance, lawn-mowing and clippings removal in the Dargaville and surrounding area. Call Ray Curle 09 439 5717 or 027 254 6778 ARAP OHUE SERV &HouseholdICESCleaningGardenMaintenance Facebook:Email:Phone: 021 278 cjsrakau@outlook.com3434 @cjsrakaufirewood Firewood Services - Kaiwaka Winz Approved There is now an Ear Nurse Specialist based at Dargaville Medical Centre to remove ear wax safely and effectively with micro suction Call Roz on 027 297 2200 or email info@clean-ear.co.nz to make an appointment Clean Ear Health Do You Have a Problem with Ear Wax? CODY’S HOMEKILL Phone: 021 - 0247 - 0784 Dargaville Funeral Services Ltd 24 Hours — 09 439 8016 Locally owned and operated The Point of Difference Jessica Young – 020 4119 office@dargavillefuneralservices.co.nz1299 Bruce Young – 027 575 www.dargavillefuneralservices.co.nz7377 Ed’s Floorsanding New and Old Floors Carpet and Vinyl Preparation Quality Solvent & Water based Coating SATISFACTION GUARANTEED www.floorsandingnorth.co.nz 0274 914 091 or 09 436 3929 CALL CHRIS HICKEY ON 027 561 1719 email: fencingspecialists.nz@gmail.com ALL ASPECTS OF FARM & LIFESTYLE BLOCK FENCING & MAINTENANCE INCLUDING: • Post & Batten • Entrances • Post & Rail • Retaining Walls • Stock Yards • Riparian Lots • Netting • Subdivisions PILING, RETAINING & caine.hccs@gmail.com027EARTHWORKS2404514 • DIGGER | BOBCAT | EARTHWORKS • RETAINING WALLS • FENCING AND STOCK YARDS • CONCRETETOMLAYINGSILBY: 021 226 4562 Landscaping to SubdivisionsCertifiedEarthmovingDrainlayingTipTruckHireSepticFarms&more Gary Whippy 027 469 www.facebook.com/kauricoastcontractinggary@kccontracting.co.nz8079 For all your general digger works, drainage and civil work. KAURI CO T C TRAC NG LTD 021 056 7665“NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL” CALL TRAVIS! 30 Hurndall MaungaturotoSt, HIREFOR 09 431 8440 021 125 1576 morrisandmorris.co.nz Office: 09 439 8048 Fax: Email: 09 437 office@morrisandmorris.co.nz5796 15 Gladstone Street, Dargaville, 0310, PO Box 8043, Kensington 0145, Whangarei Phone 439 6070 or National Help Line 0800 883 300 Office hours 9am-3pm Mon-Fri 158a Victoria Street Dargaville FAMILY & SEXUAL VIOLENCE SUPPORT SERVICES • Crisis Support and Advocacy • Individual and Family Therapy Counselling • ACC Sensitive Claims • Refuge Accommodation or Assistance with Relocation • Safety Programmes, Parenting and Empowerment Programmes Local Tree Services 0800 933 teamvegetation.co.nz326 Safer, Faster & Cheaper • Tree Felling • Tree Pruning • Chipping • Stump Grinding Shelter Belt Removal/ LandToppingClearing TK DIGGERS 027 432 0588 Operator AARON GUEST 09 439 tkdiggers@gmail.com1843 12 tonner tilt bucket, good rates, own transporter Great service Northland wide

26 September 6 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER FOR SALE CARAVAN EWOF (and marine). Call your local inspector today at A+ Electrical Inspections and Security on 021 240 6764. CARPET, VINYL and hard flooring. Full supply and installation service. Mobile showroom. Free measure and quote. Phone Christine — Kaipara Flooring Co 021 515 415. TOP SOIL, top quality, $75 per m³ onto your trailer, or truck deliveries available for larger orders. Phone 021 132 4107 or 09 439 5141. PROPERTY MAINTENANCE 1 STOP Window & Door Repairs — Seals, Latches, Stays, Wheels, Hinges, Locks, Glass & Glazing. Phone 027 275 0918 or 09 439 6458 — Kevin Sowter or visit my website: www.windowanddoors.co.nz — Window & Door Services Ltd. FENCING FENCING, ALL types of fencing, pool, stockyards, post & rail, boundary plus... call Jeff 0274765 458 SECURITY SECURE YOUR Home — Security Doors, Grills, Locks, Bolts, Stays, Latches — Supplied and installed. Phone 027 275 0918 or 09 439 6458 — Kevin Sowter or visit my website: www.windowanddoors.co.nz — Window & Door Services Ltd. WORK WANTED PART-TIME OR Relief driver, truck and trailer experience with tipping etc. Phone 021 161 7669. GARAGE SALE SATURDAY 10TH September, new pergola/gazebo, X stitch cottons, old car boot box believe it could be packard car. 8.30am-12pm 440 Baylys Coast Road. TRADE & SERVICES PAINTER SEMI-RETIRED (tradesperson) for all your small jobs. Phone 09 439 5557. ROOF & GUTTER repairs and gutter cleans. Text/phone 021 271 2065. WATCH BATTERIES Replaced. Clock, watch & Jewelry repairs. 97 Victoria Street, Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri 10 - 1.30. Phone 022 342 8183. WATER TANK Cleaning. Phone Pete 027 444 3053 or 09 405 9510. TREE SERVICES TREE REMOVAL, pruning, chipping & stump grinding. Qualified & Insured. Phone Scott 0800 468 9663 Arborcare Tree Maintenance. TREE TRIMMING Truck using Grapple/Saw – 26m reach — Pruning, Removal, Chipping, Qualified Arborists SIMPLE – FAST – SAFE – QUALIFIED – EXPERIENCED – VALUE FOR MONEY. Servicing KAIPARA CALL Team Vegetation on 09 439 0050. SEPTIC TANK SERVICES MAGIC PROPERTY Services, effluent & septic tank cleaning. Servicing the Kaipara. Phone Chris 027 480 0110 or Mary 027 459 1544. 7 Days. WE ARE THE ONLY CODE COMPLIANT OPERATORS IN THE KAIPARA. CLASSIFIEDS PHONE 09 439 6933 Closing date for classified advertising for the September 13 2022 edition is Monday, September 12 2022 KAIPARA SERVICE DIRECTORY Personal Insurance Advisors specialising in Life, Medical, Trauma and Income Insurance and ACC p 027 585 7776 e info@urcovered.co.nz w urcovered.co.nz DONNA PETERS & HANNAH HARDING WARREN BYCROFT Builder / Tiler / Cabinet Maker Bathroom + Kitchens For all types of building work guaranteed PH: 09 439 6178 OR 027 472 3778 E bycroft1@slingshot.co.nz 4 Totara Street, Dargaville | 10a Finlayson Street, Whangarei P: 09 439 6007 M: 027 481 1285 E: info@waverefrigeration.nz SPECIALISTS IN: HEAT PUMPS | AIR CONDITIONING | REFRIGERATION RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL ELECTRICAL Registered REFRIGERATIONelectrician 100%NZ keeping it kiwi AIRCONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION We Do it Right… Professional Workmanship ENTERTAINMENT DARGAVILLE’S CINEMA THE ANZAC THEATRE AT THE WAR MEMORIAL TOWN HALL, HOKIANGA RD TO PURCHASE TICKETS ONLINE AND FOR ANY FURTHER www.anzactheatre.co.nzINFORMATION:09439 8997 Proudly sponsored by the Kaipara Lifestyler Adult $16 Senior (65+) $13.50 Student $13.50 w/ID Child $9.00 Under 3yrs FREE MORNING AFTERNOON AFTERNOON EVENING NIGHT 08/09THU GLORIAVALE (M) 5.30PM GOOD LUCK TO YOU, LEO GRANDE (M) 7.30PM 09/09FRI GOOD LUCK TO YOU, LEO GRANDE (M) 12.00PM LANCASTER 5.30PM MURU (M) 8.00PM 10/09SAT LANCASTER 1.30PM GLORIAVALE (M) 3.45PM MURU (M) 5.45PM GOOD LUCK TO YOU, LEO GRANDE (M) 8.00PM 11/09SUN WHERE CRAWDADSTHESING (M) 1.00PM GOOD LUCK TO YOU, LEO GRANDE (M) 3.30PM MURU (M) 5.30PM 12/09MON CLOSED NEW THIS WEEK: GOOD LUCK TO YOU, LEO GRANDE FURTHER SCREENINGS: MURU, LANCASTER, GLORIAVALE VERY LAST SCREENING OF: BULLET TRAIN, WHERE THE CRAWDADS SING13/09TUE CLOSED 14/09WED GLORIAVALE (M) 12.00PM WHERE CRAWDADSTHESING (M) 5.30PM BULLET TRAIN (R16) 8.00PM WEEK OF 8th September – 14th September ★ FirstLastscreeningscreening ★ Dargaville Bobcat Services Phone or Txt Paul 09 439 5073 | 027 271 2022 Any job big or small. We do them ALL • Stump & Tree Removal • Driveway Prep & Regrading • Post Hole Borer • Calf Shed & Stockyard Cleaning • Tip Truck Available • Trencher DENISE CLARK Toenail & Fingernail CuttingPhoneService 09 439 6068 WAYNE & ANNETTE Ph 09 439 2020 Dry Aged Beef Specialists Traditional Manuka wood smoked Bacon & Ham TOKATOKA WESTCOAST CONCRETE Residential Rural & Commercial Concrete Contact us today for your FREE QUOTE 021 040 0654 | ohe@westcoastconcrete.co.nz BCITO Certified | Experienced Concrete Worker Driveways Footpaths | Patios | House Floors | Shed Pads and More Located in Dargaville servicing Kaipara and wider Northland Call us, visit us or email us for any big or small jobs! 100A Jervois Street, Dargaville | www.westcoaststeelworx.comwestcoaststeelworx@gmail.com Mobile hose doctor, welding & mechanic service crew Fabrication in steel, stainless & aluminium Repairs & modifications 0800 HOSEDOC LIVESTOCK MATAKOHE SALE FRIDAY 16TH SEPTEMBER 2022 12.30pm Start Entries now being taken Murray Lynch 021 966 501 Don McKenzie 021 754 174 Noel Baker 027 455 5828 Craig Douglas 027 445 1167 NURSERIES & PLANTS GOT2GO PLANTS will be closed from Thursday 8th Sep to Monday 11th Sep. Open again Tuesday 12th Sep. Got2Go Plants, 55 West Coast Road Te Kopuru, 09 439 5556. Tu Christey Massage Therapist Diploma in Massage, MNZ Cert. in Thai Traditional Massage (Wat Pho) “Get rid of your aches & pains, maintain your well being” Therapeutic, Deep Tissue, Sports, Pregnancy, Relaxation, Myofascial Release, Lymphatic Drainage Mobile: 021 116 9425 Email: www.handyhandsmassage.co.nztuthemt@gmail.com 73%Retain a trust rating of LOCALareifMorethey NEWSPAPERSTRADITIONAL

Geneva Healthcare are currently looking for Support Workers to work with our clients based in Dargaville and surrounding areas. One of our clients is a 30-year-old man who lives in the family home. He has a happy disposition and is mobile in his wheel chair. We are looking for someone to assist him with his morning and afternoon personal cares which involves using a hoist. Training will be provided, and commitment to the shifts is vital. You will have the ability to work one on one with our client, to ensure he lives the best life possible.
Qualified Builder Required To Apply
orshanice.pereira@genevahealth.comto0800266577ext.9269foraconfidential chat. AGM Tuesday,
• Assist
On Friday 9th September 2022 @ KVRFC Club Rooms Bus will leave from NW Hotel 5.30pm Doors open at 5pm 6.30pm Awards, Dinner & Dancing NO DOOR SALES $20 per person. Tickets available from Dargaville
Krishna Sai Ltd of Dargaville, has made application to the Kaipara District Licensing Committee for the renewal of an off-licence in respect of the premises situated at 70 Victoria St, Dargaville known as Bottle O Dargaville The general nature of the business conducted under the licence is Bottle Store The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is sold under the licence are: Monday to Sunday 10am to 10pm. The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the Kaipara District Licensing Committee at 32 Hokianga Road, Dargaville or Unit 13, 6 Molesworth Drive, Mangawhai. Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the issue of the licence may, not later than 15 working days after the first publication of this public notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee, Private Bag 1001, Dargaville 0340. No objection to the renewal of a licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 131 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. This is the first publication of this notice. Public notice (Section 101, Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012)
PUBLIC NOTICES ACOUSTIC MUSIC Blackboard Concert — First Thursday of the month — 7–9.30pm, next is 6th October, Kaipara Community Centre, Hokianga Road, Dargaville. $2 entry, $2 raffle. Performers and audience welcome. Phone Allan 09 439 6933 or 021 439 697. An enjoyable night to be part of, sit back and be entertained by some great local talent. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS both Dargaville AA Meetings are held at the church, crn Parore and Normanby Sts. Use Parore St entrance. Monday 4.30pm & Thursday 7.30pm. Phone Bernie 027 212 2148, Ladies 020 4082 1373, Murray 09 439 5248. ARE YOU 55+? Have you or your family/whanau been affected by Covid-19? Citizens Advice Bureau can put you in contact with a Community Connector for help and support. Please call in at 37 Hokianga Rd (Town Hall building) or phone 09 439 6100 for more details.
We are located 10.5km from Dargaville on Pouto Road. We have 138 proud years as a rugby club in both Northern Wairoa and Northland Rugby Unions. Southern Rugby is looking for experienced applicants for Head Coach during the 2023 season. Our aim is to find a Coach, Assistants and Manager that can: Lead us in the 2023 Championship Competition; Develop and deliver a season plan with goals in collaboration with the Player Leadership Group; Lead the team both on and off the field; and to build a culture of excellence and brotherhood both on and off the field. appropriate package will be discussed with the successful applicant. 2023 Coach Wanted Interested applicants can contact: Club President: Evan Paxton Mobile: 021 439 803 Email: evanandtanya@xtra.co.nz
Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the issue of the licence may, not later than 15 working days after the first publication of this public notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee, Private Bag 1001, Dargaville 0340. No objection to the renewal of a licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 131 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. This is the second publication of this notice. The first was published on the 30th of August 2022.
Mangawhai Tavern Trading Ltd of Mangawhai, has made application to the Kaipara District Licensing Committee for the renewal of an On and Off Licence in respect of the premises situated at 2 Moir Street Mangawhai known as Mangawhai Tavern The general nature of the business conducted under the licence is Tavern The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is sold under the licence are:
FOR A CATERER AND A BAR PERSON. For more details apply to the President at: regals2@xtra.co.nz
On Licence: Monday to Sunday 10.30am to 1am. Off Licence: Monday to Sunday 11.00am to 10pm. The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the Kaipara District Licensing Committee at 32 Hokianga Road, Dargaville or Unit 13, 6 Molesworth Drive, Mangawhai.
DARGAVILLE HEALING rooms 7pm Tuesdays. No charge & no appointment necessary. Lion of Judah Building, River Road. All Welcome. Check us out on Facebook. cows, able to feed out would be good. Start ASAP, phone 09 439 5302. 09 439 6933 Closing date for classified for the September 13 2022 edition is Monday, September 12 2022 Phone 021 854 167 • A/H 09 439 4167 darryltregidga@gmail.comwww.darryltregidga.co.nz Time Email: darryltregidga@gmail.com Or Phone: 021 514 167
Requirements: Must have a clean and valid NZ driving licence. Must be eligible to work in NZ. Subject to clean police clearance check. Varied Shifts available and relief work: Mon to Sun 7-8am or 8-9am, and 4-5pm. an opportunity to pick up more updated Cv 20th September, 2022 at 1pm. The SEED Co-Working Office, Fosters Arcade, 42 Victoria St, Dargaville. 09 439 0464 FOOTBALL CLUB RUGBY & NETBALL CLUB PRIZE GIVING
Southern (Te Kopuru) Football Club
All discussions and applications will be treated as confidential Applications close: 31 October 2022 Successful Applicant will be publicly announced at our AGM, mid-November reception@otamateacs.org.nzFREE:HurndallCOMMUNITYOTAMATEASERVICES153-155St,Maungaturotocounselling,parenting,socialwork,budgeting,seniorsupport.094319080. WHAKAMANA TANGATA AGM Friday 30th September 2022 1.00pm 1/12 Kapia St Dargaville Nau Mai Haere all who connect with our Kaupapa WednesdayAGM21st of September 2022 in the Auditorium 7:30pm. All Welcome M Ross, Secretary Kaipara Heritage Machinery Inc To assist Kaipara residents get to cancer related treatments in Dargaville, Whangarei and Auckland DriversVolunteerNeeded Please phone us at Daffodil House 0800 366 066 Advert sponsored by Kaipara Community Health Trust GREYKAIPARAPOWER Everyone is invited to Hear and meet the Kaipara District Council Mayoralty and Northland Regional Council Kaipara Constituency Candidates at HostedMethodistDargavilleChurchComplexFriday9thSeptember2022at1.00pmChairmanRichardAlspachbyKaiparaGreyPower
Public notice (Section 127, Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012) On behalf of Doug Cochrane The family would like to thank everyone who came to support us to celebrate the life of our Dad, Poppa, Great and Great Great Poppa, Uncle, Brother, nephew and friend. Thanks for all the koha given and flowers. Much thanks to the Riverside Church Family for their hospitality and love, especially Maurice and Dianne, Johnnita, Jeff and Jim for all their love and prayers. To Annette and Linda from Hospice can’t thank you enough! To Dr Tama and Dr Jim for home visits. To all the district nurses, especially Viv. Last but not least Te Ha Oranga, Kathy Fulop and Reuben Witehira for the ongoing consistent care for the past two years. Chur Chur Aunty Violet and Deano! Also Haven Falls Funeral Directors you made Dad so handsome. God Bless You All. Love you all, Chris, Ken, Mel, Tango and Whanau.
APPLY TODAY! WE NEED YOU, TO JOIN OUR SALES TEAM! • 1 Full time sales role available • Training provided • Positive attitude and strong people skills encouraged • Cell phone and computer knowledge are an asset OUR CUSTOMERS WANT TO PROMOTE THEIR BUSINESSES, THEY JUST NEED TO TALK TO YOU TO MAKE IT HAPPEN! Email your CV & Cover Letter to: jobs@integrity.nz Integrity community media Kaipara Lifestyler
shifts What we can offer you: • FREE ongoing NZQA equivalent qualifications in Health and Wellbeing • FREE EAP service anytime you might need counselling support and advice • FREE mobile phone • Travel reimbursement between your clients • $2 per hour weekend allowance. Kindly email your

Let’s keep working towards a prosperous cohesive Kaipara.
We will
28 September 6 2022 KAIPARA LIFESTYLER Penny Smart Northland Regional Council Kaipara Constituency Authorised by: Penny Smart 021 439735 Facebook: @PennySmartNRC I stand for planning for adaptation to and mitigation of the impacts of climate change • I am committed to working with communities and landowners to support what is important for them when it comes to decisions on Climate Change adaptation and mitigation. • Great work has started with the NRC and the joint Councils Te Tai Tokerau Climate Change Strategies and Implementation Plans. • This work is critical for now and for future generations, I would very much like to continue to be part of it at the NRC Councillor level. My Governance experience includes • Northland Regional Council Chair, Deputy Chair Kaipara Harbour Remediation Joint Committee and Trustee of Northland Dairy Development Trust • Alumni of Fonterra Governance Programme, Agri Women’s Escalator Programme and the Kellogg’s Leadership Programme • Diploma in Mediation and member of the Institute of Directors • Past Chair of two local school boards, past representative on the Fonterra Shareholders Council and past Trustee Hospice Kaipara FOR MAYOR KAREN JOYCE-PAKI Let’s keep Kaipara strong VOTE 1
Six years as your Kaipara District Councillor, supporting enabling positive projects, along with 20 years in senior management working with communities, holds me in good stead to be your mayor.
I believe that together, can keep Kaipara moving in the right direction. embrace make them work for diverse region.
changes and
Let’s keep Kaipara strong.