Kāuta, a one-stop Māori kai New one its platform.
The innovative and Māori-led agrifood sector business aims to help elevate small businesses and producers while creating meaningful connections with food. Phase one of Kāuta’s development was to invite suppliers and buyers to register on its website.
Funded by chefs Rewi Spraggon (Ngati Hine, Te Waiohua, Te Kawerau a Maki, Ngati Maniapoto) and Grant Kitchen (Tuwharetoa — Ngati Hikairo, Ngati Kahungunu ki Pukehou), Kāuta offers customers with an easy-to-follow free search engine to find food. Search results can be filtered to physical stores to visit or suppliers with an online store.
“Our ethos is to create and build connections while encouraging partnerships and innovation. Ultimately, we want to make it easier for marae chefs and restaurants to source good food locally, simultaneously connecting users to the makers,” said Grant.
Kāuta follows three core values, enabling registrations from all verified Māori businesses:
Manaakitanga — to support and celebrate Māori food and beverage suppliers
Kaitiakitanga — business practices and ethics are kaupapa driven and align to Māori world view of sustainability
Kotahitanga — supporting the movement towards kait motukhake (food sovereignty) for Aotearoa
Created in the Manawatū, Kāuta’s vision is to encourage a strong and sustainable Māori supply chain where farmers and producers will be recognised for their Kāutawork.Limited is supported by the Central Economic Development Agency (CEDA), receiving advice and valuable connections from CEDA’s business advisory team. The agency’s specialists work closely with local businesses to provide support, guidance and connections to capability training andMāoriopportunities.business growth adviser Kat Wade of the CEDA said Kāuta aligns well in achieving the big goals for the Manawatū region.
“Kāuta is a culturally innovative business, which fits well into the region’s strong agrifood sector. Their work, not just on business innovation, but also on sustainability, aligns them well with the region’s vision to be a world-leading agrifood hub.”
Now taking the platform nationwide, Kāuta encourages business to get on Māoriboard. verified food and beverage businesses or restaurants looking for an innovative way to connect to new customers can register via kauta.co.nz/register.
Kāuta chef and funder Grant Kitchen with a kai product as part of a Kāuta joint venture with Gillard HoneyTransforming
The garden was established seven years ago when the Rangitīkei District Council permitted a group of enthusiastic locals to set up a community garden on the 2,000 square metre site. The site also includes the former clubhouse, which is used for meetings, workshops, education and social activities.
Now 30 raised garden beds cover close to 300 square metres of the site. A variety of fruit trees line the boundary and are dotted between some of the garden beds.
Garden coordinator Fiona Moorhouse has been managing the garden for the past three and a half years.
“It’s about creating a welcoming space where residents are invited to learn about, grow and contribute to the cultivation of vegetables, fruits and herbs.
“We want to make sure that there is always food available for those who are struggling, or cannot have a garden at
home. The garden is for personal use and we ask that people only take what they need for their whānau.”
Various businesses help with resources and financial support.
“Marton Mitre 10 have been long-going supporters during my involvement from 2018 to current. Rangitīkei Wheelie Bins support us with the provision of a bin, and the council provides the land and supports us with upkeep. Mayor Andy Watson has been known to attend working bees when he has Spierscapacity.”Foods, Property Brokers and Kings Seeds have also assisted. A recent $800 donation from Ballance Greatford will be used to purchase a line trimmer and other supplies.
Twice a year, seedlings from Zealandia Horticulture are delivered to Marton Mitre 10 to be planted in the community garden. Volunteers grow seedlings as well.
Several schools in the district help out in the garden too. “We also have a mother’s group from Te Kotuku Hauora, the primary health service under Te Tūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, come to the garden for learning sessions.”
A charitable trust has recently been established to oversee the garden at 18 Humphrey Street, Marton.
“It’s an organically managed garden, providing opportunities for learning, sharing, connection, increasing community wellbeing and resilience.”
Regular working bees are followed by crop swaps with people exchanging a variety of items. New gardeners are encouraged to attend.
“We want more of the community engaged and willing to help. We also love having the kids involved and have a full kit of gardening gear for children.”
Volunteers will hold a stall at Marton Market Day on Saturday, November 12, selling microgreen kits and heritage tomatoes. Phone Fiona on 021 654 631 for further information.
Marton community garden coordinator Fiona Moorhouse Mitre 10 Marton store manager Terry and Ellery working in the community garden Nicola Thomas is a regular volunteer in the community gardenShane, Margy, and their 14-year-old son Benjamin established Eclipse Charolais five years ago on their 46ha Oroua Downs property.
Foundation stock were selected from Silverstream Charolais Stud’s 50-year anniversary female sale. The Canterburybased stud sells genetics worldwide.
“We purchased, in our opinion, the best that was available at the time and have added further cows since selected for genetics that complement the herd,” said“SilverstreamShane.
Charolais, owned by Brent and Anna Fisher, has helped us immensely along the way.”
Shane said buying their first heifers and registering as a bonafide Charolais stud was a standout for them.
“Also, every new crop of calves is always exciting when we have been selective in genetic pairings to see if we made the rightCurrently,choices.”Eclipse Charolais run 25 registered breeding cows, two bulls and youngstock. In 2020, Texel stud sheep were introduced to run alongside the cattle breeding operation.
“Our focus is on our Charolais stud cattle. We are both passionate about this breed and the cows we have. Like anything worth doing, it’s an ever-evolving process, and we couldn’t be happier with the results so far.”
Prior to moving to the Manawatū, Shane ran sheep and cattle and kept horses on a small block in Hawke’s Bay. However, his main employment was engineering at Progressive Meats. Shane’s family link to farming stems back to his great-grandparents, who farmed in Hawke’s Bay during the depression and shortly afterwards.
“Margy’s Sicily Manawatū. was from a farming family in the Wairarapa. Margy has always had horses. A love she inherited from her mother — a very accomplished horsewoman.”
Shane and Benjamin share Margy’s love of horses, too, and all three of them ride. The family has found Charolais to be a quiet and well-tempered breed. “They are very good maternally and easy to handle,” said Margy.
Mating takes place in the first week of November with AI. “After AI using frozen semen, the cows are tail-ended by our own stud bull,” said Shane.
Calving starts in late August and continues through to September. “We wean the calves around seven to eight months. At this age, the heifers are weighing over 320kgs and the bull calves up to 380kg,” said Shane.
“The aim of Eclipse Charolais is to breed premium bulls with the certainty of proven genetics. We breed for exceptional growth rates, temperament, calving ease and structural soundness. When selecting mating, estimated breeding values (EBV) are very important to us, in conjunction with physical traits. We look to outperform breedFarmaverage.”workkeeps Shane busy full-time, while Margy is employed as a chartered accountant. She enjoys being on the farm after work and on the weekends to help feed out, move stock and electric fences, and feed lambs.
“We are very capable and passionate about what we are doing,” said Shane. “To date, it’s been, and still is, about making Eclipse Charolais the name buyers think of when wanting a premium bull, be it for stud or commercial.
“Short term, we are seeking to further develop our breeding programme to use only homozygous bulls semen and long term to have a 100% homozygous breeding herd. We are also looking to explore the overseas Charolais gene pool, along with widening our connections with other Charolais breeders internationally.”
To date, all bull sales have been by private treaty. “The highbred vigour from crossbreeding Charolais is exceptional. We are aiming to supply the industry with bulls that, when crossed with dairy or beef, produce more dollars per head.
“Calves gain weight quickly which gives farmers options for finishing and selling to the works, or selling as weaners for
someone else to finish. Either way it’s win-win and money in the pocket.”
As members of the New Zealand Charolais Association, the couple appreciates advice, support and knowledge received from other breeders. Shane said this is invaluable and has assisted them in developing a 10year
“Weplan.have become passionate advocates for the Charolais breed and are keen to see its merits increase their popularity in New Zealand amongst farmers.”
Tammie’s long-held interest in art developed when she began classes with the Feilding and Districts Art Society in 2007.
“I was introduced to cubism by artist Rita Easther, and it has stuck since, then it’s evolved a lot, but it’s still a unique way of painting.”Livingwith her husband Ralph on his family’s 1,640-acre sheep and beef farm in the Pakihikura Valley provides Tammie with plenty of scenic and rural views to paint.
“The vistas of the Rangitīkei I aim to give the landscape a fresh viewpoint as it collides with cubism. These are two things that don’t always go together in everyday art.
“I enjoy painting local landscapes, and in particular, the Rangitīkei River. My painting captures my love of the land and is entwined with storytelling. I also enjoy painting New Zealand fauna and flora, particularly New Zealand birds such as kākāpō, kōkako and huia.”
Tammie said cubism is not a straightforward process, and she spends a long time preparing her work.
“Cubism lines create fields of distance, unity of embraces that gives each work an atmosphere that sets them apart.
“These paintings have evolved from the early Rangitīkei landscapes, storytelling of Aotearoa’s native birds, delicate graphite drawings to new large paintings by becoming more refined, stronger in their substance and message.”
With two young sons, Tammie balances painting around the boys and helping on the farm. “There is a lot of juggling. I have fantastic support from Ralph. He does a lot in the house. I try to paint most nights and early mornings to work around the boys.”
Two sets of grandparents are also supportive, caring for the boys on weekends, allowing Tammie to paint or run art workshops. “It’s been a hard one to set up to start with, but now our family is very immersed in the painting, which I am thankful for. “
For the past five years, Tammie has focussed on building an art workshop and has only just returned to exhibiting her artwork. Tammie’s recent exhibition, Rural Stitches, was held at the Feilding and Districts Art Society.
She said her inspiration for this exhibition came from cubism painting and the vivid colours she used to create landscapes with a jewel-like quality to them.“Itied these works back to stitches as created by the lines of the cubism and their connection between light and tone.”
Tammie said it felt quite special to return to where her art began when she had lessons at the Feilding and Districts Art“ISociety.nowwant to get back to stuff like more solo exhibitions, art shows and back to creating artworks for artTammie’scompetitions.”Hillview Studio is surrounded by a sprawling country garden in the Pakihikura Valley. Workshops have attracted artists of different experience levels from all over New Zealand.
“We run two and three-day workshops, which are escapes to the country. The artists enjoy new challenges surrounded with creative people, beautiful vistas and relaxation. It’s a great opportunity to throw paint around, learn new techniques and relax in a homely environment.”
Workshops are held every couple of months throughout the year. “The studio has expanded over previous years with more areas for artists who visit for art workshops.
“I feel we have now created a hub where artists immerse themselves in their passion and creativity whilst sharing in laughter and friendship.”
The couple plan to continue building their art business. “I aim to grow the strength of my own art and share it with moreTammiepeople.”has two exhibitions coming up. The Valley of the Soul is a solo exhibition which will run alongside All I see is Art, showcasing work from the artists of Hillview Studio.
Both exhibitions will be held at the Square Edge Community Arts Centre
in Palmerston North from Thursday, December 1 2022 to Monday, January 30
“My2023.aspiration is to create pieces that are engrossing in detail and technique while giving the viewer an emotional experience they keep returning to,” said Tammie.
“My whole soul is thrown into every piece created. I want you to feel the story and experience.”
Living on a farm also provides plenty of inspiration for painting Rangitīkei landscapes are given a fresh viewpoint with cubismhe first-year student is studying towards a Bachelor of Agricultural Science with plans to eventually work in research or processing facilities as an agricultural scientist.
Although Emma didn’t grow up on a farm, she always had a connection to the rural environment. Halfway through last year, after looking at possible career paths in her primary industries class, Emma decided to study agricultural science at university.
“I love agriculture and science, so the opportunity to combine the two in my career was exciting.
“Before that, I knew I wanted to do something involving science and animals but wasn’t sure what degree was suitable.
“To complete my degree, I am also required to get hands-on experience in the workplace during my holidays. So I am looking forward to getting a chance
to experience first-hand some future jobEmmapossibilities.”isworking with the MIA to see what opportunities are available in the sector to enable her to complete this.
“I really like the plant laboratories where I get to be hands-on, identifying different plants and learning about the benefits and negatives of all of them. It has also been awesome to meet like-minded peers and professors who are deeply passionate about the farming industry. I have enjoyed the opportunity to hear and talk to them.
“It has also been cool to get a chance to see PhD students work and gain an
understanding of the interesting research taking place at Massey University.”
Helping out on a relative’s sheep and beef farm between semesters gives Emma some practical experience.
“As I didn’t grow up on a farm, I don’t have a lot of the naturally learnt knowledge from first-hand experience. However, I do my best to be as involved in the farming industry as I can by stewarding and judging at agriculture days, spending plenty of time at friends and relatives farms, investing in cattle of my own on my parents’ lifestyle block and joining farming related clubs.
“I really enjoy doing yard work, whether it be drenching or using hand shears to remove raddle before shearing. I also find lambing and calving time really rewarding, but find it less fun when I am being chased by angry mothers as I try to tag their calf.”
When Emma began studying at university, she also joined Massey Young Farmers.
“I was fortunate enough to get the position of first-year sheriff. It has been an awesome opportunity to meet people and learn more about the extended farming community while learning valuable organisation and leadership skills. I am looking forward to what the rest of the year holds for the club.”
Each year the Meat Industry Association awards $5,000 to a number
of undergraduate students and $10,000 to post-graduates. Emma received her scholarship earlier this year and is using it towards Halls of Residence accommodation fees.
“I am still finding my feet after moving from Whangārei to Palmerston North, so I am on the lookout for new opportunities to get involved in. Initially, I only saw farming as a hobby, but as it is now an aspect of my future job, I am on the lookout for new exciting things to do in my spare time.
“I want to make the most of the opportunities and connections this scholarship and university offers me.”
The variety of work farming offers particularly appeals to Emma. “There
are so many different tasks, animals and seasons to contend with, so there is always something that can be improved or changed for the better.”
In recognising the long hours and limitless number of tasks involved in farming, Emma has set her goal to work offfarm when she has completed her degree.
“Researching and inventing tools and techniques that aid farmers in their everyday tasks, solve problems faced by the livestock on-farm and in transport, and improve the quality of the product the consumers receive.
“I would like to have an impact on aspects of the farming and meat industries through my job.”
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This workshop is designed to give students an overview of issues relating to lameness management and introduce them to the 5 step trimming process according to the Dutch Method. Emma is studying towards a Bachelor of Agricultural Science at Massey University Many mouths to feed The variety of work farming offers appeals to EmmaThe aim of this year’s election campaign is to get people eligible to vote to be more future focussed and think not just about themselves, but also about the next generation that is coming through.
To help spark conversations about the breadth of work the council is involved with, we created some whanau conversation cards. These provide a range of questions and prompts designed to get people thinking about what they want to see in the Manawatu District. An electronic version of the pack can be downloaded from our website.
Also, on our website is our What’s in it for me? tool, which can get you thinking about what you value in our community and then nd out more about the in uence council can have on those things. It could be nature and spending time with whanau, district planning or other big issues such as climate change, affordable housing and how we can facilitate the economic and residential growth of our district.
For children and tamariki, we have a Design the Future competition. It gives you the chance to get the conversation
started with the young people in your life about what they want to see in the future of Manawatu. The competition will be judged by local artist Joe McMenamin, and the winner of each category will win a $100 Warehouse voucher. To download an entry form, visit our website and click on the Make Your Mark on Manawatu banner!
After six months, he said the pain had completely gone and he no longer needed pain medication. Now a year later — he is still pain-free.
Any successful programme to improve joints affected by OA should address the underlying disease process. OA is a disease characterised by cartilage loss due to mechanical and biochemical processes. The major process is the loss of cartilage caused by progressive damage to specialised cells called chondrocytes. These cells live in the matrix of cartilage and are responsible for maintaining and repairing cartilage by secreting new cartilage where required.
However, these cells are vulnerable to destructive processes brought about by trauma, such as sports injury or disease processes, especially oxidative damage. It means that cells and cell structures have been damaged by free radicals. The body’s response to this is our antioxidant defence systems to neutralise free radicals before they can cause damage.
The greatest source of discomfort in OA is in ammation in the joint capsule resulting in pain, swelling and, in some cases, heat and redness. While
bone on bone can only be repaired by surgery, the discomfort from in ammation and cartilage loss can respond very well to nutritional therapy.
The most important joint support compound is high-grade chondroitin sulphate. Research suggests at least 800mg daily. I like to start most clients on an intensive programme delivering 1,600mg of both chondroitin and glucosamine and 400mg of a high potency curcumin extract. That combined with therapeutic doses of omega-3 sh oil, can make a real difference.
John Arts (B.Soc.Sci, Dip Tch, Adv. Dip.Nut.Med) is a nutritional medicine practitioner and founder of Abundant Health Ltd. For questions or advice contact John on 0800 423 559 or email john@abundant.co.nz. Join his newsletter at abundant.co.nz.
Curcumin from turmeric helps to balance immune function to support joint Researchhealth. indicates that chondroitin is highly effective at 800mg daily.
“My latest Bettaflex formula with more chondroitin and over double the Curcumin is based on the latest research into joint-support compounds.
The normal dose is 2 daily but I recommend a double dose for 1-3 bottles to saturate joint tissue.”
Cautions: Do not take with anti-coagulant/platelet medication. If in doubt please consult your healthcare professional. Not suitable during preganacy or
I recently spoke with a client I have been helping with knee Osteoarthritis (OA) for nearly two years. When we rst spoke, he needed to take pain relief just to walk for exercise.
“The greatest source of discomfort in OA is in ammation in the joint capsule.” healthy cartilage function and cartilage repair processes.Founder, Abundant Health
It’s almost election time! You’ll most likely have received your voting pack by now and also may have already seen our Make Your Mark on Manawatu branding around the district and on social media in the lead-up to the Local Elections 2022.
“The aim of this year’s election campaign is to get people eligible to vote.”
Over-regulation of the rural industry is a contentious point across the nation, but how can a smart local council balance Wellington’s lawmaking with practical solutions that aren’t arduous to farmers?
It’s a matter of bridging the gap between theory and application, says Richard Alspach, who has a background in farming and local governance.
“A smart council would administer governmental legislation like the Resource Management Act’s successor, and their own District Plan, more as a door than a wall,” he says. “Councils are closer to the people affected than the government, and the way they apply the rules makes a huge“Thedifference.issueis that Wellington-sourced solutions to rural problems often come from the realm of pure theory. They work on paper but not in practice. By comparison, many fit-for-purpose systems in the farming world evolved from the ground up, in ways that seem odd in theory but work very well in practice,” says Richard.
Significant Natural Areas or SNAs are a case in point. On the ground, farmers have often preserved native bush, wetlands and other natural areas out of genuine environmental respect and because such areas do not make good crop and pasture land. There’s simply no will to damage them, and when such areas were mapped
before, in the 1990s, very few were found to have been damaged.
A practical approach would be for councils to talk to farmers about not having to pay rates on parts of their land sectioned off for environmental protection and reach a compromise. However, a theoretical, authoritarian top-down approach has only brought antagonism and protest.
“Similarly, a smart council could pick on a core issue, carbon afforestation, and safeguard productive land by allowing the planting of carbon forests only on hilly, marginal terrain,” says Richard. “Wellington’s rules about carbon would be followed, but the huge asset which is our productive land would be safeguarded.”
“Wellington’s rules about carbon would be followed, but the huge asset which is our productive land would be safeguarded.”
An entertaining line-up of action-packed events and displays will be rolled out in Feilding next month as Rural Day makes a comeback.
The popular event, which was sidelined last year due to Covid-19, showcases the district’s rural history. Feilding and the surrounding district’s extensive farming heritage stem back to the town’s first livestock sale held in the saleyards in 1880. The saleyards have grown to become one of the largest in the southern hemisphere.
In 1921, Feilding Agricultural High School was established, offering extensive agricultural education for secondary students in the Manawatū. New Zealand’s first Young Farmers Club was also formed in the township in 1927.
Feilding and District Promotion events coordinator Sarah Gilbertson is pleased with how Rural Day is coming together for the community so far with plans for a real paddock-to-plate experience.
“We are very excited to have Atkins Ranch doing boning demonstrations thisSheyear.”said people would be able to watch and learn about the different cuts of meat from a sheep and then enjoy a delicious lamb sandwich.
Education around the agriculture industry is Rural Day’s focus. “We’ve having schools involved this year to support this with competitions, which will include town scavenger hunts, dress-ups, design and creating art, and plenty more.”
Well-known television personality, comedian, speaker and writer Te Radar is booked as MC to keep the crowd involved in the day’s events. The Business Gumboot Relay is back on the action list. Plenty of cheering from the crowd is expected as competitors navigate obstacles and battle it out in a quest for the winner’s trophy.
“This year, for the first time, we are introducing a category for primary and intermediate schools. Imagine being the first school to win the yearly Rural Day Schools
Gumboot Relay trophy. What an honour in a rural town like Feilding,” said Sarah.
Bouncy castles, mechanical bucking bull rides, pony and cart rides, tractor and wagon wheel rides, a shearing demonstration, sheep and dog demonstrations, and live entertainment will also be held throughout the day. Competitions for the best-dressed dad and child will amuse the crowd, along with a parade around the clock tower. A free morning tea will be provided for children.
Rural Day will be held on Friday, October 14, in Feilding’s Manchester Square from 10am. The event is free. To be involved or enquire about sponsorship opportunities, contact the organisers at Feilding and District Promotion on 06 323 3318 or events@feildingpromotion.co.nz.
In 1946, locals Eiohan Brownlie and Tony Brown established The Tractor Repair company in Eyre Street Feilding. Two years later, they took on the Ferguson Franchise. During the years, alongside Massey Ferguson, they have added Valtra and Fendt as their tractor brands.
Seventy- ve years later, the company is going from strength to strength with 18 local staff, seven vehicles on the road and already looking to expand. With four fully quali ed technicians and with three apprentices going through their training, it gives the kind of product knowledge that has been built during decades in an industry that makes TRC Tractors stand out from the rest.
As well as servicing and xing tractors, Polaris, and all types of farming machinery, they have a show room full of merchandise, clothing, and a parts room full of stock from lters to top link pins and light bars to tyres — everything the local farmer desires.
They are committed to supporting the local area by employing local staff and, with the sponsorship of many sports teams, supporting school fundraisers in their working catchment area. They are steadfast in giving back to the farming community that supports their business.
They recently added the Polaris brand, which is proving to be a bonus to the TRC Tractors’ name.
Alongside selling the brand, they also organise trail rides for the enthusiasts. In 2021, they had a successful event raising $2,000 each for the Rescue Helicopter and the Pongoroa Early Years Centre.
TRC Tractors is celebrating the milestone with a Massey Ferguson Promotion for the next nine months, whilst also supporting Heart Kids Manawatu. Also, the unveiling of three 75-year special edition tractors at the Central Districts Field Days in 2023.
TRC and this year, they celebrate their anniversary with the andTRC Tractors will celebrate its 75th anniversary this year
With lots of unique gifts for sale, visitors can get their Christmas shopping sorted under one roof when the Feilding Craft Market returns in October.
A total of 250 stallholders from around New Zealand have booked their spot in the October market. Market organiser Heather Philip said the market is held twice-a-year and each market brings different stalls.
“With June, we get a lot of South Island stalls as they are on their way up
to Mystery Creek. The October market brings in our Christmas stalls.
“We have lots of goodies for you coming up in October, whether you’re looking for garden or home interiors, Christmas stocking fillers or wrought iron draw handles, leather handbags, art, steel art, clothing, slippers,
sheepskins, cowhides, authors and so much“Eachmore.market has new stallholders and old favourites, so you never know what you are going to see from one market to the next. This one has got to be one of the biggest yet. It’s exciting and fun. We actually have customers in the queue jumping up and down with excitement waiting to get in.”
When Heather and her husband Gary took over organising the markets from Bubba Perigo about 20 years ago, there were 80 stallholders in the Feilding Civic Centre venue. The market then grew to the centre’s maximum capacity at 120“Whenstallholders.wedecided to move to Manfeild, we had about three months to make the change and add enough stallholders to make this work. The Feilding Craft Market has such a great reputation in the craft community that we were able to get to 200 stallholders in three months.
“We built it from what was already a great market to this amazing event we have now. I ran a few successful events before taking on the Feilding Craft Market. Bubba said I was the one she knew would make this work.
“She came a couple of years ago and had tears in her eyes when she saw what it is built to now. It’s awesome even after all these years when I stand up at the top and look down on the huge amount of stalls and effort that goes into this. It still blows me away.”
The market attracts thousands of visitors from all over New Zealand.
“They arrive in cars, tour buses, minivan loads. Last year, we had the steam train come up from Wellington, which was pretty amazing. They said it was the biggest amount of carriages they had on the tracks and didn’t realise the market was so popular.”
The Feilding Craft Market will be held October 14–15 at Manfeild Park Stadium from 9am–4pm.
The Feilding Craft Market returns to Manfeild Park Stadium on October 14–15 from 9am–4pmElmo (Alan) and Jane Gilchrist initially established the business in April 2013, operating from their private residence.
Jane said they decided to set up their own business after Elmo experienced redundancies and was dealing with a bowel cancer diagnosis.
“We made the decision for Elmo to start the business while I kept my job and supported the household,” said Jane.
“Four years ago, we outgrew the garage and are now renting a premises located at 14 Awa Street in Feilding.”
Jane moved into a full-time administration management position within the business. In July 2020, just after the rst nationwide Covid-19 lockdown, the couple hired their rst staff member, tyre technician Gary Burns. Between Elmo and Gary the pair has close to 70 years of experience in the tyreSpecialisingindustry.
in most tyres, except motorbikes, Elmo’s Tyre Service supply
and t tyres from wheelbarrows to quad bikes, cars, tractors and earthmoving equipment. The business stocks a selection of top tyre brands.
Providing a professional, ef cient and friendly is the team’s top priority.
“We knew that we couldn’t compete against the larger companies on the pricing of tyres, so our biggest focus is on the service that we give to our customers. We have a courtesy car if customers are unable to wait for their work to be done, or we will pick up a vehicle and drop it back if organised prior,” said Jane.
Two eet trucks are available to visit customers’ farms and businesses to carry out the required work on-site. “We also have a large workshop in Feilding.”
Elmo’s Tyre Service is open Monday to Friday from 7.30am–5pm and Saturdays between 8am to noon. Phone 06 323 9585 to discuss all tyre requirements with the team.
With the end of year festive season fast-approaching, keen gardeners around Feilding will be planning to get those seed potatoes in.
The planting season for potatoes in the region is from spring to December. Buy your seed potatoes a month before planting to give them time to sprout. Remove from the bag and place in trays in a warm, dry, well-aerated spot until the sprouts are 20–40mm long.
When buying seed potatoes, always ensure that they are a certified virusfree cultivar rather than something you’ve picked up from a bargain bin. That way, you’re assured of a healthy, disease-free crop of potatoes without the disappointment of losing the entirety to an unwanted virus.
The next step before planting your potatoes is to prepare the soil. Fortunately, Manuwatū has some of the best soils in the country for potato growing. Add in plenty of compost, well-rotted manure and a good dose of blood and bone. Create a raised bed first and then add in your compost and other organic materials.
To avoid any diseases, never plant your potatoes in the same place. Always choose a different location to locate your
next crop. Potatoes are also an excellent option for helping to condition difficult clay soil before planting other vegetables or flowers in the space left vacant afterMakeharvesting.long furrows in the soil approximately 300mm apart for smaller varieties and 400mm apart for main crop and larger varieties. Plant the potatoes 250mm in the furrows and cover up with 50mm of soil. Mound up your potatoes as the shoots emerge until they are 300mm tall. Mounding protects your tubers from frost, wind and prevents greening. Ensure the mounds are kept weed-free.
Feed your plants every four weeks with manure and a suitable fertiliser until they are ready for harvest. Ensure the mounds are kept weed-free. Harvest when the foliage has died off by carefully using a garden fork to loosen the soil and then liftCultivarsout. to look for are Agria, Cabaret Draga, Frisia, Laura and Rua. These varieties can be found at your local nursery or online.
From the humble long drop privy to the industrial-scale sewerage treatment plants that enable modern cities to be free of disease and smell, things have come a long way. However, for many rural residents, things have also come full circle, with a new appreciation for the hard work of bacteria in the breakdown of ordure.
The advent of the flush toilet may have been an accident when John Harrington, godson of Queen Elizabeth I, compared the sanitation of Roman times with a need to ‘flush away’ bad practices of government. His pamphlet led to the invention of the flushing toilet, which was perfected by later plumbing innovator Thomas Crapper, who gave his monicker to a slang name for the convenience.
Still, this move to centralised, reticulated waste disposal sidestepped a huge proportion of non-urban toilets. In recent years, innovations to rival those of Harrington and Crapper have been afoot under the surface on offthe-grid properties and farms, taking the old concept of the septic tank and making it as obsolete as the long dropCompostingitself.
toilets have received a big boost, with a growing realisation that these conveniences are effective, safe, healthy and free of odious smells. As people seek a tiny-home, bach-based, sustainable living solution, the idea of the composting toilet has taken off. Several very effective kitsets and pre-
made examples can be installed easily without a lengthy consenting process.
Modern bio-based waste treatment units take the septic concept of sludge settlement and bacterial interaction even further. Adding one or more extra bio-chambers, these systems make use of the amazing power of both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, or even worms, to turn so-called night soil into just plain soil. Another byproduct is water which can irrigate a run-off field, sequestering carbon and growing plants. Many now avoid the need for mechanical pumps, and those that still pump water and waste often do using solar power.
and the need for large investments in complex infrastructure to expand sewerage networks, these off-the-grid answers to the problem of waste are looking increasingly attractive. There’s also the possibility of such systems replacing old and ailing septic tanks in some towns where a large number of underground concrete units are reaching the end of their usable lives at once.
Like farming, forestry is a wealth creator. It produces an essential product. In our case, pine is the raw material needed for the massive nation-wide programme of new house building, and the biofuels needed for sectors like dairy, as it transitions away from its reliance on coal for drying milk powder. Technicians around the world are working on ways which wood derivatives can replace coal and oil-based plastics.
New Zealand is well placed to use this technology with our large dairy processing base that is highly reliant on coal. Fonterra has modified several of its factories by replacing coal burners with wood pellet burning furnaces. Our sawmills already provide a perfect example of carbon neutrality. They dry all their timber with furnaces fuelled by their own waste.
The dairy and tree crop sectors have much to be gained from a shared vision of a carbon neutral future. By 2050, all primary sector processing is expected to be carbon-neutral. Pine will help them get there.
Paper, cardboard and biofuel products are indispensable in our world of primary exports. Pine pallets are essential in our primary sectors for stacking everything from sacks of milk power and frozen goods, to boxes for wine, bins for apples and crates for onions and kiwifruit. The biggest sawmill in Canterbury produces 1,000 pallets a day for stacking goods. It’s taking orders from all over New Zealand and they are running at full capacity. Pine is everywhere helping all our export products hit the markets overseas.
New Zealand has many regional timber success stories already with its export ports, good rail links for timber cartage and sawmills contributing to our local economies and the housing boom. Biofuels are poised to provide a renewable energy source for many sectors and will reinvigorate local markets for wood residues making many crops of pine that were previously thought not fit for harvest; suddenly profitable. The Industry
Transformation Plan for the forestry sector by MPI is providing some clarity and direction for this emerging future of fibre.
As farmers face looming on-farm emissions payments, exotic forestry is a solution that will provide them with an offset and income that can diversify their farm profits. There will always be a need for the essential crop that is pine to support all the primary sectors with ability to export their products. More export products will mean more pine to wrap it in.
So let’s keep the cycle going.
The Southern North Island Wood Council provides a collective voice for the forestry sector in Taranaki, Whanganui, Manawatu, Wairarapa, Tararua and Wellington. Members have a common interest in ensuring the long-term success of the sector. Membership is open to any company or individual with an interest in the local wood industry.
The Southern North Island Wood Council provides a collective voice for the forestry sector in Taranaki, Whanganui, Manawatu, Wairarapa, Tararua and Wellington. Members have a common interest in ensuring the long-term success of the sector. Membership is open to any company or individual with an interest in the local wood industry.
Erica Kinder, SNI Wood Council CEO, can be contacted for more information.
Erica Kinder, SNI Wood Council CEO, can be contacted for more information.
As I sit down to write, I can see snow on the ranges and the re is still being lit every afternoon at home. Normally, by midSeptember, we would have some lovely weather and be looking forward to Daylight Savings so we can get out into our gardens and spend more time outside.
We have prepared some tips on how to make sure you have a lush lawn and how to mitigate the weather issues we are having when we try to mow:
1. Walk the lawn, take a close look at it, and you will see if there is a lot of weed or moss. If there is, you might need to use a metal rake to gently remove it, which will also improve air
2.circulation.Scarifyif you need to do more intensive work removing weed and moss. We have a scari er available for hire if you don’t want to purchase one3.outright.Check over your mower. If it’s like mine, it has been hiding in the garage for the past few weeks. Check the blades are sharp. If they are not sharp they can damage the grass. An annual service/check over is recommended where we can check the oil, air lter and blades and ensure your equipment won’t let you down.
4. Don’t try to scalp the lawn. The first few mows into spring should be set on a higher setting to encourage the grass to grow and not get patchy.
5. Use a line trimmer to reshape your edges — this will give a great tidy nish to your lawn.
6. Fertilise the lawn in spring to increase growth — this will also reduce weeds and moss. Apply when the soil is moist or rain due, and the best time to apply is early evening.
At the time of writing, we have 55 push mowers and 27 ride-on mowers in stock. From battery-powered to petrol, catching, mulching and side discharge. So for all the great brands like Masport, Victa, Lawnmaster, Makita, Hustler, Cub Cadet and Stiga, we will have a mower to suit your needs. New spring stock of mowers, chainsaws and trimmers are in store now. However, supply is still an issue, so if you are in the market for something new, please call in soon.
For great service and industry knowledge please visit Rob, Megan and the team at Central Mowers, your home of outdoor power equipment servicing the Manawatu region for over 10 years — 696 Tremaine Avenue, Palmerston North. Phone 06 355 2967. Visit centralmowers.co.nz or nd us on Facebook.
“If blades are not sharp they can damage the grass. An annual service/check over is recommended where we can check the oil, air lter and blades and ensure your equipment won’t let you down.”
Bonjour monsieur! Bonjour madame!
Ting! Ting! Bicycle bells ring out. The perfect antidote to a couple of years con ned to Aotearoa.
Cycle with the team from Green Jersey Explorer Tours alongside ancient canal systems from Bordeaux to Sete for 16 days.
It is a wonderful way to become immersed in the French way of life. Village life beckons as you nip in and out of quaint communities. Explore the magical cities of Bordeaux, Carcassonne, Beziers and Toulouse in the heart of French rugby country.
Be inspired by a shorter seven-day itineraries. Choose one or package threeBegintogether.inthe French Alps. Ride from Lake Annecy, one of the most beautiful lakes in the Alps, across the valley and gorges of the Fier River along the Rhone River and through the medieval town of Pérouges, at the gateway to the Dombes area, nishing in the heart of Lyon.
Discover the Loire chateaux. Seven days of superb cycling from chateau to chateau from the town of Tours to Angers. This tour follows the Loire River, the Indre, the Cher and the Vienne, enjoying many UNESCO
Following cycleways and country lanes through France offers a unique, safe experience suitable for all levels of cycling
World Heritage classi ed châteaux along the way. Visit wine cellars, vineyards and the troglodyte caves of Turquant and Souzay-Champigny.
In the heart of Burgundy hides a labyrinth of quiet country lanes and pleasant cycle tracks weaving their way through vineyards and rolling hills.
Tours in Burgundy are gastronomically themed with numerous opportunities to visit vineyards, wine cellars and restaurants.
In July this year, the new national AgYields forage database was launched to help farmers see which pastures and crops have been grown in their districts and how much they grew.
The information is to help people to select more resilient pasture and cropAgYieldssystems.is a central repository for all pasture and crop yield data and growth rate information collected in New Zealand.
Led by Professor Derrick Moot of Lincoln University, the software development of AgYields was funded by TR Ellett Trust and the populating of data by the Hill Country Futures Partnership programme.
“AgYields will help farmers, rural professionals, students and scientists make key decisions around pasture planning,” says Professor Moot.
“Measuring yield and growth rates for pastures and crops is vital for the prosperity of New Zealand’s agricultural sector.
“This data is expensive to collect and is often stored across a range of electronic and physical platforms, making it difficult to access easily. For the first time, the AgYields website consolidates this data into a publicly accessible resource.
“In time, AgYields will also provide guidelines for standardising future data
collection and enhancing New Zealand’s livestock and crop production systems.”
Mhairi Sutherland, programme leader for Hill Country Futures, an $8.1 million programme co-funded by Beef + Lamb New Zealand, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, PGG Wrightson Seeds and Seed Force New Zealand, says AgYields will be an important tool for hill country farmers.
“Hill Country Futures is focussed on future-proofing the profitability, sustainability and wellbeing of New Zealand’s hill country farmers, their farm systems, the environment and rural communities. AgYields will play an important role in helping us meet this goal.
“Individual farms need local data on different species to inform feed budgeting programmes and make appropriate species selections for different environments.
“Accessing data about a range of species will help farmers select appropriate species to address climate change challenges and work within environmental regulations.”
Dr Suzi Keeling, sector science strategy manager at Beef + Lamb New Zealand, says AgYields provides a valuable resource for farmers, researchers and rural professionals.
“All too often, data is lost or forgotten. Having a central repository means better decisions and smarter use of future investments.”
The database includes both peerreviewed published data as well as unpublished data. It references data source, location, soil type, basic management practices and dominant species.
Scientists can link yield and flowering data with meteorological information. It will generate information for pasture and crop growth forecasting and predicting the impacts of drought on growth and development to inform regional decision-making.
Data is being collected from a number of research and farm locations and will be entered into the database.
Individuals and organisations are also being invited to contribute their data to enhance the utility of the repository. For more information, go to agyields.co.nz.
Professor Derrick Moot of Lincoln University discussing pasture growth with farmersKubota is leading the world by developing the first hydrogenpowered fuel cell tractor and aims to provide the final product by 2025.
With low emissions a current topic, zeroemission agricultural machinery could widen options for farmers aiming to live up
to the government’s low-emissions targets. It is not only rural New Zealanders pitching in. Japanese agricultural company Kubota is pursuing a more sustainable future.
It has tasked itself to reduce carbon emissions by 30 per cent by 2030 for its construction and farming machinery. The organisation is focussed on becoming carbon neutral by 2050, following Japan’s focus on becoming net-zero and assisting other countries in achieving the same.
The company found a solution in hydrogen power and is working to create both medium and large-sized fuel cell tractors with a prototype anticipated for 2023. It will be between 50 and 100 horsepower.
The tractor offers positives and negatives for potential buyers to weigh up. One negative is its predicted price that exceeds popular diesel-powered options by 40 per However,cent.the initial cost could reward you when paying the much-debated emissions pricing schemes enforced upon the agricultural sector. Operating a zero-
emissions machine could minimise the outgoing expenses without adding to the greenhouse gas issue.
A positive is that hydrogen is a sustainable fuel. It has already indicated a faster refuel time and longer range within the automotive industry compared to its electrically-charged alternative. It is a highly flammable element, as are the fossil fuel, petrol and diesel.
The next downside is that the infrastructure for it isn’t ready in New Zealand yet. However, this obstacle is being solved through various projects and studies from companies, local councils, universities and GNS Science. government and international funds for joint projects are available.
The collaboration between Waitomo Group and Hiringa Energy shows interest in creating the required infrastructure. The companies have four green hydrogen
refuelling stations under construction. Check out other initiatives on the New Zealand Hydrogen website.
The 2025 release gives New Zealand time to establish better availability options. Kubota may have thought ahead regarding infrastructure because it plans to create electric-powered mini excavators and compact tractors.
The 2023 prototype will provide further detail to give you more scope on this developing technology. Your options are simple. Invest in the hydrogen-powered tractor, wait for the electric alternative or stick to traditional choices already available.
Kubota has additional initiatives promoting food and water sustainability. Its technologies and products support abundant and quality food production and improve water recycling, treatment and supply systems worldwide, as it has achieved in Japan.
While the eet at Top Cat has grown to encompass far more than the little machines with the big capacity for hard work, they’re still proudly displayed on the company logo. You will still nd them out there all across Manawatu, getting their teeth into a wide range of jobs from the building site to the farm and beyond.
Nathan Jefferies has been in the industry for more than 20 years. With a combination of equally experienced machine operator and truck drivers they have been forged into a company with a good reputation for quality during thoseObviously,years. the combination of Bobcat versatility, the power of big diesel excavators and a brace of heavy trucks enable a wide scope of business. Top Cat Contracting excel at earthmoving and excavation. They are the ones to turn to if you want a site prepared for a new rural build, shed, barn, workshop or home. They have the tools to construct at and level yards, driveways and access ways and the ability to get rid of unwanted impediments to the building process.
Trees, overburden, boulders and debris. All can be made to disappear with a combination of hard-working machines and big trucks. Top Cat even offers a hole-boring service, which comes in handy
when they are called on to prepare the foundations for a big build. Drainage is also a focus. The wet Manawatu winters are no match for a well-executed drainage plan dug in by the professionals.
Get the wheels turning on your next build by contacting the earthmoving and site preparation experts at Top Cat Contracting master. Their message to potential clients is to get in quick, as all indicators point to a massive 2022 summer season across the region as supply chains in
It’s for these reasons and more that Top Cat has worked closely with several of the region’s most acclaimed home builders in the past, and why they will continue to be the rst choice to partner up with switched-on builders in the future. Nathan and the team are ready to get going for spring. They know that there are many projects out there that need the expertise of a Bobcat and excavator
the construction industry get back to full power. Phone or email Nathan for some practical advice and a quote on your next project.
From on-site servicing to roadside repairs, Levin Truck Services has the rural and road freight industries covered — heavy equipment operators are thankful they are there to help.
Levin Truck Services was formed by Martin Sayer and Malcolm Page in November 2008. They had the vision to help contractors, farmers, truck drivers and heavy machinery operators to get the most out of their investments. That has meant building a base of skills spanning the world of diesel, steel and serious horsepower.
“At Levin Truck Services, we provide diesel servicing and farm machinery repairs to keep the industry moving,” says managing director Martin.
“Our team includes heavy vehicle engineers, hydraulics specialists and an in-house Certi cate of Fitness inspector to make sure your trucks and equipment are fully t for purpose and prepared for a hard day’s work.”
Now the team has grown to double digits. A new premises has been tailor-made to t since 2017, suitably super-sized to accommodate the big machines and large vehicles that are Levin Truck Services’ stock in trade. This Horowhenua base is packed with the latest diagnostic equipment to delve into the computer systems of modern tractors
and trucks, making for easier, faster repairs and servicing.
They get under the hood to perform necessary maintenance, switch out parts and provide up-to-date Certi cates of Fitness. The Levin Truck Services team is ready to head out on the road any time of
Heavy-duty engines and hard-working haulers are all part of a day’s work for the team at Levin Truck Services the day or night to help their customers. It operates a 24-hour call-out service to save the day when disaster strikes.