Taranaki/Manawatu Farming Lifestyles, July 2013

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Farming Lifestyles July 2013 Edition

22,300 copies DELIVERED FREE to every rural delivery address in Taranaki and Manawatu

A rural retreat

A lifestyle among the olives P4

Moto-trials tests skills P6



See our advertisement and editorial


Bacon a big business for Rubyfields Page 8–9








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July 2013

Taranaki/ManawaTu FarMing LiFesTyLes

Free disposal service for agrichemicals

The Taranaki/Manawatu Farming Lifestyles is published with pride by NorthSouth Multi Media Ltd, a privately owned New Zealand company. Phone: 0800 466 793 Email: info@nsmm.co.nz

by Denise Gunn

General Manager: Deb Wright | debw@nsmm.co.nz 021 639 9633 Sales Director: Kelvin Green | kelving@nsmm.co.nz Editorial: Denise Gunn Andy Bryenton Advertising: Carolyn Jones Betty Willetts Kelvin Green

Taranaki/Manawatu Farming Lifestyles Distribution area

Graphic Design: Gavin Bainbridge Jan Balcombe Paul Bakulich James Menzies Jessica Wright

Taranaki farmers have until August 9 to book an Agrecovery collection of any unwanted or expired agrichemicals.

Production: Brenda Ilton

Accounts: Lesley Robinson | accounts@nsmm.co.nz Distribution: Laurie Willetts Website: www.farminglifestyles.co.nz

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The Agrecover y Chemicals programme is easy to use, safe and fully compliant, offering an auditable record of disposal which farmers and growers can use for NZGAP and other quality assurance programmes. At the last Taranaki collection in July 2012, Agrecovery collected and safely disposed of around 600kg of agrichemicals. “It was great to see some Taranaki farmers and growers using the service last year, but we know there are a lot more unwanted and expired products out there that we’d love to take off people’s hands,” said Duncan Scotland from Agrecovery. “We are asking everyone in the region to take advantage of the service so we can continue to make a dent in the country’s stockpiles and dispose of these chemicals safely.” Each booking is assessed for available funding and customers are advised of any collection costs and given the option to accept or decline all or part of their collection, which occurs at a later date. Agrecovery collection costs are usually funded by a combination of support from chemical manufacturers,

government subsidies and user pays fees. Support from Taranaki’s regional and district councils means that collection can be free for even more Taranaki farmers this year, but demand is expected to outstrip the funding available so early booking is encouraged. Established in 2005, the Agrecovery Foundation is a not-for-profit charitable trust. Through its five recycling programmes, Agrecovery provides New Zealand farmers and growers with nationwide agrichemical container, silage, wrap, crop protection net and drum recycling, as well as a programme for the collection of unwanted chemicals. In its last financial year, Agrecovery collected and safely disposed of more than 11,500kg of hazardous agrichemicals through nine collections across the country (up 23 per cent from the previous year). These chemicals might otherwise have been left in sheds, posing an increasing safety risk, or contaminated land and waterways. Contact Agrecovery at www. agrecovery.co.nz/chemicals or phone 0800 247 326 to arrange for a collection and safe disposal of agricultural, horticultural and veterinary chemicals.


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Contact Agrecovery to arrange a collection and safe disposal of agrichemicals







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Taranaki/ManawaTu FarMing LiFesTyLes

Text alerts aid farming

July 2013


EASTOWN POLE SHEDS Lean-To • Gable • American Barn

by Denise Gunn

With many farmers carrying mobile phones in their back pocket while out on the farm, Beef + LambNZ’s new text alert system will help them to deal with weeds and pests affecting pastures and feed crops faster, easier and at less expense. Text message alerts, along with suggestions for management, will be sent to all those who sign up for the free service. Beef + LambNZ Central South Island extension manager Aaron Meikle said the text alert system is another way to connect with farmers.

to connect to farmers,” said Mr Meikle. “The texting and tweeting has been added by Beef + Lamb.

The local alerts are designed to inform farmers when to monitor pests and weeds, how to prevent or treat the problem, and provide access to more detailed information and support.

“The alerts will be region specific,” he said. “It’s about doing the right thing at the right time.”

Although the service is currently aimed towards sheep and beef farmers, Beef + LambNZ intend to develop it further to cover dairy, deer and arable farmers.

Farmers can also text in questions which will be answered by AgResearch staff. The new, free text alert system is an extension of PestWebNZ. This website, developed by Beef + LambNZ, Sustainable Farming Fund, Dairy NZ, AbacusBio Limited, AgResearch, and NZ Plant Protection Society (Inc), assists farmers and agricultural professionals with decision making concerning pest and weeds.

“We are taking it very slowly and quietly through the winter months,” said Mr Meikle. “Before we step it up we need to make sure the technology works. We will give it a big push come spring.”

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Farming Lifestyles

Read the paper online www.farminglifestyles.co.nz

To sign up for the free text alerts email aaron.meikle@beeflambnz.com or phone 0800 233 352.

“PestWebNZ has been ticking along for a couple of years now as a way

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July 2013

Taranaki/ManawaTu FarMing LiFesTyLes

A lifestyle among

the olives David and Michele Lack

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by Denise Gunn

After living in the United States for three years, David and Michele Lack returned to New Zealand in the year 2000 wanting a lifestyle change.


ased in Wellington as David worked overseas for a further year in Ireland, the couple thought over a few options. It was while watching a television programme featuring New Zealand chef, author and broadcaster Peta Mathias visiting an olive grove, that Michele considered growing olives. “I just thought it would be a great lifestyle and a healthy product to get involved with,” said Michele. The couple looked around for a property suitable for growing olives and purchased ten acres of bare land north of Foxton in 2001. Michele had grown up in the area and knew the climate would be ideal for their

new venture. Olive tree planting began around Christmas that year. “We planted 1100 trees to begin with and then during the planting we also had a bore put in and irrigation to all trees. We also planted shelter belt trees around three boundaries of the property.” A plan was drawn up by Marlborough Olives to assist the couple in deciding which olive tree varieties would suit their region. “We chose to plant Frantoio, Leccino, Pendalino and Picholine.” Around eight and a half acres of the property are planted in olive trees and the couple’s house

Our oils are “ tested through the

Olives NZ process to ensure they come under extra virgin olive oil

Taranaki/ManawaTu FarMing LiFesTyLes

and gardens take up the remainder. David and Michele travelled from Wellington to their Foxton property on weekends while setting up the grove and arranging to have a house built on the property. They shifted into their new home in March 2003. With no previous understanding of olive oil production, the couple depended on their New Zealand Olive Association membership and the local regional group in Kapiti to pick up knowledge.Michele said they learnt off each other over time. “We also read up as much as was possible about the industry but as it was very new when we got into it, much of the information was based on overseas groves in Italy.” Books written by Mike Ponder, who established one of New Zealand’s first groves in Marlborough, and monthly olive-growing magazines, have provided the couple with helpful advice. The first few years were very time-consuming as David and Michele learnt how to prune,

Harvesting the olives

advised. The oil is stored in containers at The Olive Press until the Lack’s olive season is finished. When it is all processed, the couple pick up the oil which is in containers by variety. “We are also NZ Gap Certified, which is a yearly process,” said Michele. “We have to update our manuals, statistics and procedures to be audited each year by Agri-Sure. We follow good practice procedures in the grove.” The couple have their own branded label, Solive, which is currently sold to two retails outlets, a boutique hamper business and through gate sales. They are also in the process of setting

with the Frantoio being a more mellow flavour and the Tuscany Blend to be creamy in taste.” After 12 years of building up and maintaining the grove, and witnessing a dramatic increase in yields over the past two years, the couple have found it pleasing to know they are on the right track. “It is exciting to think that from a simple paddock we have grown, nurtured and watched the trees grow from little 75mm high to now around four metres for most of the trees, and to see the vase shape now taking place after years of battling westerly winds that pushed them towards the east, until the shelter belts grew enough to stop the winds devastating them.” “It’s great to produce something that is so good and healthy for you and tastes fantastic.”

July 2013


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Olives are sent to The Olive Press in Masterton for processing

mow, stake, fertilise and spray. Now that the trees are much larger, pruned correctly and producing high volumes, the workload is far less and much easier to manage and maintain. In June, picking and harvesting the fruit begins in the region. “We pick by variety as they generally ripen at different times,” said Michele. This year, the Lack’s have sent their olives to The Olive Press in Masterton where the weights are recorded, olives pressed into batches and the yield

up their own website. Bulk oil is sold through the New Zealand Olives website.

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“Our oils are tested through the Olives NZ process to ensure they come under extra virgin olive oil,” said Michele. “To date our oils have been fantastic, having 250ml and 500ml in each single variety of Frantoio, Picholine and Leccino and then we do a blended variety called Tuscany Blend. Each flavour varies from season to season but generally have found both the Picholine and Leccino to be very grassy and crisp in flavour




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July 2013

Taranaki/ManawaTu FarMing LiFesTyLes

by Denise Gunn

Farming and running a farmstay business has proven to be an ideal combination for David and Sue Sweet, providing the couple with an opportunity to share their love of the land with guests.


he couple’s Rangitikei hill-country farm has been in the Sweet family since 1906. Although the farm was originally 566ha, death duties resulted in the sale of 243ha in 1950, leaving 324ha. Over the years, scrub has been cleared and the property has been subdivided. Eighty hectares was leased to a neighbor in 2001 then sold to him, and over half the farm was leased to another neighbor in 1994.

The farm size is now 240ha with 40ha of flat land and 200ha of medium hill country, running 1200 ewes and 30 steers. More recently, a portion of the

property has been leased to the couple’s daughter and son-in-law and a smaller acreage to their son and his fiancée. David and Sue have kept 36ha for themselves, running 200 sheep and 30 cattle. Their grandchildren are fourth generation on the farm and help out when their education commitments allow. The area experiences a temperate climate. Occasionally there is snow in winter, some frosts, and it can also be wet and mild. Summer temperatures generally range between 20C-25C and sometimes up to 30C.

“Until this year we had no droughts but this year we were caught in the drought band, which, apart from affecting the farming, made it difficult to supply water to the houses,” said Sue. Destocking takes place in the winter and the larger steers are slaughtered. Apar t from David takes guests out for a tour of the farm schooling years in Nelson, David has “Marketing is always a challenge lived on the farm his entire life. And for our farmstay business and we have David and Sue have lived on and farmed diversified a lot,” said Sue. the property as a married couple for David and Sue both became 47 years. The couple started a oneinvolved in local and national room farmstay business, Mairenui Rural tourism organisations. They both Retreat in 1985 as a means to boost chaired Rangitikei Tourism, David the farm’s income. was chairperson of the New Zealand The business has since grown to a 22-bed establishment with a variety of accommodation options available. Seminar facilities have also been added.

Association of Farm and Home Hosts, and Sue was on the inaugural board of the Rural Tourism Association. They also marketed the local organisations


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Taranaki/ManawaTu FarMing LiFesTyLes

at New Zealand’s premier tourism trade event, TRENZ. “With the farm leased now there is no real conflict between hosting and work, and we also have help from our son and his fiancée,” said Sue. When the couple first opened their farmstay, they were already accustomed to hosting many guests. David and Sue belonged to an international hosting organisation and also had overseas

Guests with David and pet sheep

students working on the property. “However, in the busy season, farming comes first.” Along with several accommodation options, guests have a range of activities to choose from either on the farm or nearby. Sue said guests particularly like to watch farm dogs working, and sheep being drafted and shorn.

“David tries to make sure there is one sheep available to shear, especially for overseas guests. “The latter are very interested to know about our way of life.” David particularly likes to show guests around the farm and relate the Sweet family history. Sue enjoys cooking and providing the guests with a memorable meal. “We really enjoy the interaction with our guests,” said Sue. “We both speak French and German so enjoy a chance to converse in those languages.” Upon receiving a Winston Churchill Fellowship, Sue carried out a study on diversification into tourism in the rural areas of France, Germany and Norway. The couple has also worked with the tourism industry in Norway on four occasions, helping to establish a bed and breakfast industry. Through their international contacts, David and Sue have extended the scope of their business, taking small guided tours in Europe. While David and Sue are overseas, their son and daughter-in-law continue the farmstay business. Their son-in-law takes care of any farm work required. “Our short term goal is to improve the operation so that our son may be able to make a business out of it,” said Sue.

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July 2013

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July 2013

Taranaki/ManawaTu FarMing LiFesTyLes


a big business for


by Denise Gunn

The Taranaki Farmers Market provided an ideal platform for Stephen and Helen Foreman to launch their business growing and supplying free range bacon.

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hat was four years ago and in that time the couple’s Rubyfields business has grown to supply not only local butchers but also the Wilson Hellaby group of food companies in Auckland. Stephen and Helen both have farming backgrounds, growing up on dairy farms in Inglewood. Sows farrow in straw-filled huts For the past 25 years Stephen has also continued managing a family commercial piggery unit. Six years ago the couple took a step closer towards their goal of buying their own land to raise high-quality free-range sows for a niche market. A move from an eight acre lifestyle block to a 118 acre farm, 10 minutes south of New Plymouth, has allowed them to expand their business and branch into other livestock breeds. Helen said the farm was quite run down when they bought it, and needed to be divided into smaller paddocks, fertilised, refenced and troughs installed.

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SEPTIC TANK OWNERS How you can save money by keeping your septic system effective and healthy Septic tanks and multi-stage septic systems are delicately balanced environments. It does not take much to upset them. Common practice is to ignore the septic system until problems occur. Good and best economical practice is to always keep your septic system well maintained. A malfunctioning septic system can become a health hazard. When a system is not maintained or operated as a delicately balanced environment, problems occur.These problems include nasty odours, leach line blockages, untreated liquid rising to the surface, toilets gurgling and taking time to empty. At this stage your septic system is a serious health hazard to you and your children. Human waste produces faecal coliform bacteria, a source of viral and bacterial gastroenteritis as well as Hepatitis A and other diseases. Hepatitis can be a debilitating condition and cause long-term harm to children. There are only three remedies. One: stop using the septic system until it recovers. This can take over a month and is not normally practical. Two: excavate your septic system and relocate it.This is very costly and time consuming, sometimes requiring new resource consents and different systems. Three: treat your septic system with Septi-Cure™ every six months. Septi-Cure is Cost effective. By far the most cost effective solution is to pour one litre of Septi-Cure™ down each toilet bowl every six months.This simple action will help keep your system working at top efficiency by reducing solids and scum. Instead of emptying your tank frequently, the reduction in solids and scum saves you expensive pump out costs.Your irrigation field and leach lines will become clear of slimes and blockages so nature can handle the gradual seepage and evaporation for you. When this is happening your system will be

operating effectively and not endangering you or your family’s health. What is Septi-Cure™ Septi-Cure™ is a concentrated mixture of selected naturally occurring microorganisms. These harmless tiny organisms live and multiply by feeding on waste material. When introduced to your septic tank system, they go to work straight away digesting waste material, reducing solids and scum, allowing your septic system to start operating to its maximum efficiency. As they progress through to your irrigation field they feed on the slimes that prevent seepage and evaporation. When seepage and evaporation return to normal, you have reduced the risk of contaminating groundwater and the environment as well as reducing the chances of infection for you and your family. Eventually, they get washed out of the system and have to be replaced to continue their work.This is why you introduce SeptiCure™ to your septic system every six months for maximum efficiency.

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Taranaki/ManawaTu FarMing LiFesTyLes

In December the same year, Stephen and Helen purchased 22 large white, Landrace cross pigs from Pig Improvement Company New Zealand (PIC) and began to batch farrow five to six every five weeks. “Our sows all share a big paddock to roam around in, eating grass, sitting under the trees, rolling in the mud and then going back to their big straw barn if they wish,” said Stephen. “When they are due to farrow they move into another grass paddock with straw-filled huts to have their piglets in. The sows can come and go from their huts as they please, coming back often to check on their babies.” The Foreman’s have recently built up numbers to reach 30 sows to meet demands for their free range bacon, batch farrowing seven to eight every five weeks. “This will enable us to get up to a steady output of approximately 14 baconers per week.” Pigs supplied to the two local butchers in New Plymouth are processed at the local abattoir under the Rubyfields label. The pigs supplied to Wilson Hellaby are sent to Auckland for processing.

The Foreman’s are steadily building up breeding stock for their Red Devon Stud

to get these ones labelled with the Rubyfields name so that consumers can be guaranteed that they are our high quality animals.” Stephen and Helen are also steadily building up numbers with their Red Devon Stud. “We wanted to have a beef breed and decided on the Red Devon because of its docile nature and ease of calving. The Red Devons suit us as they are placid and quiet animals, and with four children we wanted a safe environment and for the kids to interact with the animals.”

Our long “ term goal is

to be selfsufficient on our land

“We are currently working with Wilson Hellaby

They bought their first five heifers and one in-calf cow from Rotakawa Red Devons near Wanganui.

“We now have 10 cows and five heifers to calve this year and 10 breeding bulls that we hire out to dairy farmers to put over their dairy cows,” said Stephen. One or two breeding bulls are sold each year. When the family moved to the larger property in 2007, they also took their deer with them. Helen’s father originally owned a 50-acre deer farm and that’s where the Foreman’s interest in deer stemmed from. Ten acres of the property is deer-fenced for their 25 Red/Elkcross hinds and one stag. The hinds fawn in November and the weanlings are taken through to the following October. At almost one-year-old, the weanlings

July 2013

average 60kg dressed. The weanlings are loaded onto the trailer and Helen takes two trips to deliver them to Venison Meat Packers in Feilding. This routine frees up some land for the next round of fawns due to be born. Up to 50 heifers belonging to a local dairy farmer and 30 empty cows from a larger dairy unit graze year-round on the property, helping to bring in a steady income to pay the mortgage. Stephen said the empty cows also clean up the paddocks, leaving quality pastures for the heifers. The Foreman’s intend to continue building up sow numbers to meet the growing demand for their free-range pigs. Plans are also in place to expand their Red Devon breeding stock. “Our long term goal is to be selfsufficient on our land.”

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July 2013

Taranaki/ManawaTu FarMing LiFesTyLes

by John K Morris

Fertility – to be or not to be

One of our farmers who had been on our fertiliser programme for many years, entertained a discussion group on his farm which was led by an agro-chemical consultant. There was a list of questions that our farmer had to answer and when they got to the infertility percentage, the farmer answered ‘none’. The consultant replied that he couldn’t go on without a number, so after some discussion the farmer reluctantly replied, ‘one’. In that area, the infertility percentage was as high as 25% at the time and as most farmers are trapped on the chemical treadmill, that percentage is most probably still rising. The word fertiliser derives from the word fertile, which in the New Imperial dictionary states, fruitful, rich, abundant: to make fertile. Now it’s blatantly obvious that the current agrochemical system is well off the mark on fertility and virtually heading in the opposite direction with the farmers paying heavily for animal sickness and infertility! Quote: ‘Lawes added sulphuric acid to

rock phosphate containing the mineral apatite, a calcium fluoro-phosphate. The resulting soluble phosphorus was able to significantly improve yields on a variety of crops at the Rothamstead Centre, and the superphosphate industry was born. Unfortunately, over decades of subsequent usage — it became clear that the solubilisation of fluorine also occurred in the process and this had the same effect as the other halogen sterilants, (chlorine, bromine and iodine) and over time — soil sterilisation’. (Source -1 www. cfsph.iastate.edu/BRM/resources/Disinfectants/ Disinfection101.pdf). Fertility comes from food, via the stomach. The more nutrient-dense the food the better it is recognised by the cells to build into energy, growth and production. What’s happening in the gut of the animal and the gut of the human is the same thing that is happening in the soil, which acts as

the gut or stomach of the plant. So, if you are bombarding your soils with acid fertilisers the soil gut will have a bad case of acid stomach and that will affect its performance, production and fertility. Also, compounding that is NPKs shortfall of all the other minerals that are essential for plant health and fertility. Figures out of the Waikato show empty cow rates in 1975 at 2.5–5.5%, in 2006 they were 5.5–7.5% and in 2011 17–25%. So, in the first 10 years from 1995 infertility doubled, then tripled in the next five years. That’s a 300% increase in fertility in five years — it’s ludicrous! New Zealand agriculture has a magic opportunity to supply food to the premium markets of the planet and fetch top dollar returns. These premium markets call for safe, certified, nutritiously dense food, produced in an animal and ecologically friendly and sustainable way. The thing that is holding us back from these premium markets is agrochemical production, which has no chance of meeting any of the above criteria. Agrissentials was set up twenty years ago to produce fertilisers that meet this growing, affluent consumer demand. It all begins behind the farm gate, in the soil. Agrissentials have manufacturing plants in both the North and South Islands and representatives to cover these areas. It is time to change — to produce top quality products — to increase the farms production and fertility — to be sustainable and protect our environment and all for the cost of our live, living, multi-mineral, microbial rich, natural fertilisers that do increase fertility. To find out more about Agrissentials best on fertilisers phone 0800 THE KEY that’s 0800 843 539 today for a FREE INFO PACK or you can contact your friendly representative Ray Holland on 021 669 059 to find out how we can make your farm more successful.

/ Manawatu i /M ki/ akki na an Tarra Ta

Farming Lifestyles

Read the paper online www.farminglifestyles.co.nz

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Taranaki/ManawaTu FarMing LiFesTyLes

Be my Guest Dairy farming — a permitted activity? Many New Zealand dairy farmers have made strenuous efforts to upgrade dairy farm infrastructure, in particular dairy effluent disposal systems, in the last three or four years, and are now looking forward to recovering some of the costs incurred. With Fonterra’s announced milk payout forecast of $7 per kilogramme of milk solids, there is still a risk I believe that due to a small number of non-compliant farmers, dairy farming may no longer be a permitted activity, but become a discretionary activity throughout the New Zealand dairy industry. Some of these non-compliant farmers continually receive abatement notices due to untreated effluent being discharged to water and inadequate management e.g. broken or blocked pipes, sump overflows and lack of irrigator/pump maintenance. Last week at the Northland Effluent Improvement Project meeting attended by the Northland Regional Council, Fonterra, Dairy NZ, Farmers of New Zealand and other farming lobby groups, the message was very clear, the dairy industry aim is full compliance. Fonterra and Dairy NZ will be introducing new codes of practice to meet the Food Safety & Health Act, effluent monitors, provide training courses, introduction of warrant of fitness programmes, nutrient budgets, soil profile reports, sustainable milk plans to ensure full compliance.

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This will be nationwide. Fonterra’s definition of waterways is any drain or stream that permanently contains water 12 months of the year. This simply means keep all untreated effluent out of surface and groundwater, keep land applied effluent nutrients in the root zone to capture the nutrient and economic value, ensure all effluent systems are compliant 365 days of the year.

July 2013


Bill Guest, Farmers of New Zealand

Regional Council to become the enforcement agency for Fonterra, that as long as the farmers met the Council’s requirements, it was up to Fonterra to enforce their own rules. Chairman Craig Brown said that the Regional Council is making every effort to sort out the issue of non-compliance, but Northland faced different problems to many other parts of the country, due to high rainfall, soil types and topography. There needed to be a collaborative approach to this effluent issue between the Regional Council and Fonterra.

Farmers of New Zealand employment agreements warn farmers and employees that where the Dairy Farm Manager is responsible under the terms of the employment agreement to ensure that the effluent system is maintained and operated correctly. The Environment Court has stated in a recent Court case, that dairy farm managers could be held legally responsible and be liable to prosecution for unlawful effluent spillages and any other legal action resulting from any breaches of the farm resource consent conditions, pertaining to the effluent system, resulting in substantial fines.

It is my view that if these minority of noncompliant dairy farmers consistently don’t make an effort to meet the industry goals, they will run the risk of not having Fonterra’s Volvo and Scania tankers coming on to their farms to pick up their milk. They will not only become a casualty of their own making, but also cause their fellow dairy farmers to incur even more compliance costs and environmental rules. In Northland there have been approximately 30 non-compliant farmers who annually, continue to fail to comply. The Chairman of the Northland Regional Council last week said that he did not want the


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Moto-trials tests skills

July 2013

The sport of moto-trials is a non-speed event involving riding a motorcycle through a technical course called a section. Riders aim to complete the section without their foot touching the ground or incurring penalty points. Taranaki Trials Club president Craig Thompson said depending on the terrain, these sections could include steep or vertical banks, rivers, river boulders, large rocks, tree roots and hill climbs. Five grades will be available during the August Cup competition with all levels of ability catered for. “We have clubman which is at an entry level where kids and anyone new to the sport can TRACTOR & MACHINERY start at, presidents which caters for 40 and SERVICE & REPAIRS over, intermediate, A-grade, and expert which Ben McLeod of Te Puke tackles a river crossing ON FARM SERVICING is top level,” said Craig. “At the end of the trial, the rider AIR CONDITIONING SERVICE, REPAIRS AND HOSE MAKING “The section is marked out in such a way that it will with the lowest score wins the day,” incorporate all the grades together.” SPARE PARTS & FARM OILS said Craig. IMPLEMENTS & ATTACHMENTS Different grades are colour-coded and riders will follow The club events consist of 10 - SALES AND SERVICE arrows, staying within the section boundaries. Ph 06 762 8023 sections and riders complete four FACTORY TRAINED TECHNICIAN An observer is stationed at every section to signal the laps. There is no time limit set for the Ian Crawford TARANAKI & WANGANUI rider to start, count the number of times the rider’s foot club’s trials. INDEPENDENT FERGIE Mob 0272 207 701 TRACTOR SPECIALISTS touches the ground or determine if the rider fails to complete “All riders from other clubs the section. are welcome.” MASSY FERGUSON FORD SAME LANDINI ISEKI Craig said the rider is penalised every time their foot The Taranaki Trials Club also has a INTERNATIONAL MERLO DAVID BROWN RENAULT touches the ground but only up to three times. motorbike available for those wanting to URSUS JOHN DEERE VALTRA MATBRO “After that they can dab as much as they like and it will try out the sport. count as three. “Trials is excellent to start off in as it 2010 LANDROVER Mike Hareb | Ton Deken “If the rider falls off or parts company teaches you the finer points on how to Range Rover Vogue Autobiography Phone 06 759 9943 with the bike, they will be given five ride motorcycles, giving you much better penalty points.” control and co-ordination,” said Craig. Type: RV-SUV Features: Colour: Navy 4WD/4x4, ABS Brakes, Air Interior: Leather Riders completing the section The Taranaki Trial Club’s competition Conditioning, Alloys, CD(s), Central Transmission: Automatic Locking, Cruise Control, Electric without dabbing or falling off get no will be held on August 11. CC Rating: 3600cc Mirrors, Electric Seats, Electric Odometer: 39,753 kms penalty points. Windows, Power Steering, Sunroof Fuel Type: Diesel For further details visit www. silverbullet.co.nz or your local motorcycle dealership.

by Denise Gunn

Motorbike riders and their machines will tackle a variety of obstacles and test their skills during the Taranaki Trials Club annual August Cup competition.



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Taranaki/Manawatu Farming Lifestyles  July 2013


”DAMN! No worms. I’d better call Kiwi Fertiliser” Calcium - the King of Nutrients

Calcium is the most important mineral in the soil, significantly influencing numerous chemical, physical and biological processes. When the ‘trucker of all minerals’ enters the plant, it carries many other nutrients with it. Balancing calcium levels and correcting any soil deficiencies is therefore the first priority in any fertility restoration program. Calcium is the most dominant cation in the soil and should occupy 60-69% of the negatively charged sites of soil particles. The closer the base saturation percentages are to their ideal the harder the magnesium ion will hold onto the colloid. Note: crops can still perform when calcium is more or less than ideal, but it is the quality and disease resistance that is compromised, along with soil structure, humus content, soil life, hence organic matter decay and subsequent nutrient release, and nitrogen-fixing microbes. Calcium flocculates while magnesium coagulates – so a balance is needed to get good

Magnesium Chlorophyll provides the vital interface that connects the light energy from sun to all life on earth via the process of photosynthesis. The magnesium atom at the centre of a chlorophyll molecule is like the plug at the beginning of an extension lead, and it plugs all life directly into the suns energy. Magnesium plays a similar role to iron in the structure of haemoglobin. Managing plant growth is about managing photosynthesis. The more energy from the sun the plant can collect, the more it will yield. Any limiting factor that inhibits maximum photosynthesis is one that will limit crop productivity. Look for luxury levels of magnesium in leaf analysis. It is vital for photosynthesis and phosphorus uptake; the energy system of the plant. You can apply as much Nitrogen as you like, but without adequate magnesium you will receive no photosynthetic response. Magnesium is essential for the metabolism and translocation of carbohydrates and is an enzyme

pore space. Pore space provides oxygen for plant roots and microbes to thrive in. A common symptom of the Calcium-nitrogen interaction is seen in leaf tests where N levels are excessive and Ca is deficient. It is the nitrate ion that combines with calcium to form calcium nitrate which is then leached away in the soil. Ca is very immobile in the plant hence deficiencies are found mainly in the younger leaves; a main constituent of cell walls which play a role in resisting insect and fungal attack. Calcium is necessary for growing points of leaves and roots, and stimulates seed germination. It does not transport from one part of a plant to another, so newly formed roots, stems and leaves need a continuous supply from the soil. Calcium plays a significant role in brix building and participates in a number of chemical reactions, e.g. (Mn, K, Mg, B, P, Fe, Zn,) and enhances post-harvest condition. Calcium protects cells against toxins and slows the aging process. It helps resistance to a range of breakdown conditions such as internal tissue breakdown, cool storage breakdown, lenticel breakdown and bitter pit, because the cell wall is kept intact.

systems; leaves of grasses do not open properly - tips stuck to lower leaf; empty peanut shells; blossomend rot in tomatoes & capsicums; cavity spot in carrots; bitter pit in apples & pears; black heart in celery; internal browning in Brussels sprouts; tip burn in strawberries; premature flower drop and poor seed set; susceptibility to rot disease. These symptoms all relate to poor cell division in the plants growing points, which includes the fruit. A continuous supply of calcium is needed for peak yield and quality. The finer lime is ground, the better. Hydrated lime, calcium hydroxide or burnt lime, calcium oxide are some other forms. Golden Bay Dolomite with 24% Ca, 11.5% Mg is the best material to improve soils where Mg is low and calcium is required. To ensure the soil calciummagnesium quantum remains balanced, a mix of dolomite and lime may be necessary. Remember, for every one percent you increase calcium, magnesium is reduced by one percent.

Some deficiency symptoms are: stunted root Calcium deficiency in apples and grass.

Dr Linus Pauling, winner of two Nobel Prizes, stated: “In my opinion, one can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.” activator, and a co-factor in synthesis of amino acids and proteins. It is included in beta-carotene, a precursor to conversion to Vitamin A. Magnesium is required in many enzymatic reactions for metabolism of compounds. It is found in fruit and vegetables and the body converts Mg to vitamin A when required. It also has antioxidant properties. Magnesium reacts with phosphorous to enable phosphate compounds (Mg ATP) to be carried around the plant. It is particularly helpful in the translocation of phosphorus into seeds of high oil content, leading to superior seed germination. The Ca:Mg ratio is the most important relationship in soil fertility. Light soils will require more magnesium than heavy soils. This is due to the properties of the magnesium molecule which are much smaller than calcium and aids in the tightening of the soil structure to prevent excess leaching. It is required at 10-12% of base saturation of most soil; but up to 20% in very light soils.

Magnesium has more impact on soil pH than calcium due to its smaller atomic size (more surface area available to alkalise soil). Ca, Mg, K, Na are all alkaline cations and the more of these ions instead of H and Al, the more neutral/alkaline will be the soil pH. Magnesium can be easily leached, so Mg deficiencies are more pronounced on acid and coarse textured soils. If low levels are present, use a combination of slow and quick release forms to ensure availability for duration of crop, e.g. Dolomite, Magnesite (Mag 2000) and magnesium sulphate. The base saturation is made up of a combination of predominantly Ca, Mg, K, Na, Al and H - any significant increase or decrease in any of these elements can ultimately increase or decrease Mg base saturation percent.

Magnesite is magnesium carbonate and can increase Mg when just Mg (no Ca) is required. Magnesium oxide is thermally altered Magnesite. It is not a cost effective material to increase the Mg levels in soil. Magnesium sulphate (including Kieserite) is a good source if both Mg and sulphur are needed. Defoliation can occur if Mg is deficient while carrying a heavy crop. Monocots (grasses including cane and cereals, corn, bananas) leaves’ can become striped, often along the full length, and necrosis at the tip of the leaf may appear. As corn plants age they have a more spotted appearance.

Golden Bay Dolomite is a magnesium carbonate and calcium carbonate combination that raises pH by the reaction of the carbonate with the H atoms (acid) to form CO2 and H2O - useful when Mg and Ca are required.

Ron McLean - .....................................Ph: 0800 549 433 Taranaki - Trichel Stark ........................Ph: 0800 549 450 Waikato - David Law ...........................Ph: 0274 909 896 Waikato - Gerald Lane .........................Ph: 0800 546 739 Eastern B.O.P - Brett Petersen .............Ph: 0800 549 442 Central North Island - Alastair Dagg ....Ph: 0800 549 449 Taupo Central Plateau - Dave Staite.....Ph: 0800 549 445 Whanganui - Robin Casey ...................Ph: 0800 523 378 Wairarapa, Manawatu & Southern HB - Robin Whiteman .....................Ph:027 289 4259 or 06 3766 733

Magnesium deficiency in maize

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Do your cows suffer from Milk fever, mastitis or go down at calving? Does your stock get Barbers pole worm? Do you have to combat facial eczema? Are you using bloat oil? Do you have difficulty with calf rearing? Whatever the disease or problem, there are long-term solutions you can use as part of your calcium-magnesium fertiliser programme that once corrected, do not have to be repeated year after year.


July 2013

Taranaki/ManawaTu FarMing LiFesTyLes


Innovative new technology in above ground effluent tanks Tanks and Silos NZ Ltd are committed to improving the safety of effluent containment areas, utilising new technology in above ground tank structures, ranging from 50,000 litres to 10,000,000 litres storage capacity and heights from 1.4m to 5.27m. Paul Lowe, owner of Lowe Builders Matamata, has 17 years’ experience as a builder in the dairy construction industry. He has built several cow sheds

Your partner for success improve safety around effluent containment area with a tank structure above the ground Highly corrosion resistant Do not require liners or cathodic protection Ground water cannot enter through floor or walls Inlet & oulet pipes are correctly positioned to maximise effluent retention Rapid installation, low maintenance costs Sizes range from 100,000ltrs to 10,000,000ltrs heights from 1.4 to 5.27m We are now able to build tanks from 30,000ltrs to 20,000,000ltrs plus

and feed pads, and with this extensive knowledge in the industry, knew there was a real opportunity to supply above ground storage tanks for farmers. Brett Clow has run many successful businesses and has the knack for research. The pair have joined forces to start Tanks and Silos NZ Ltd, and provide the dairy industry with new technology and solutions for effluent containment issues. They are proud to supply and install Permastore tanks, an innovative new product made by a leading company in the UK, using Glass Fused to Steel technology. Glass-Fused-to-Steel (Glass-LinedSteel) is a unique tank finish. Two materials are fused together to achieve the best properties of both — the strength and flexibility of steel combined with the corrosion resistance of glass. Applied to both interior and exterior surfaces, Glass-Fused-to-Steel is able to provide many years of trouble free

service in harsh environments. This system has been proven over many decades on thousands of installations, and is supported by International Standards which cover the design and finish requirements. Glass-Fused-to-Steel (GFS), also known as Glass-Lined-Steel (GLS), is the ultimate tank and silo solution utilising a proven product with significant benefits to customers, consultants, and contractors over other types of tank construction. The benefits of this technology include: • Long life span • Reduced operational costs • Rapid and cost effective site installation, which reduces project timescales, costs and requirements for on site equipment • Safe and secure storage, with minimal maintenance costs And last, but not least, there is no need for a liner with these tanks.

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Taranaki/ManawaTu FarMing LiFesTyLes

July 2013


The Ideal Home Show

A dream home offer in Palmerston North by Denise Gunn

Whether looking to build a new home, renovate, purchase new appliances or sample some gourmet food and wine, visitors to this year’s Ideal Home Show in Palmerston North can expect a great day out. Peacock Promotions Limited marketing manager Renee Murray said 220 companies from as far as Auckland to Christchurch will be exhibiting at this year’s three day show. “The key appeal of the Ideal Home Show is the ability to find all of your renovating, DIY, building and lifestyle needs in one place for one weekend. There is also plenty to see for those visitors not struck with the building or DIY bug.” Mrs Murray said gourmet food and wine will be available in the show Taste Zone and many exhibitors also offer some fantastic lifestyle products from small appliances to spa pools. Event organisers expect 30,000 visitors over the three days with attendees travelling from all over the lower North Island. All visitors can place an entry into a draw to win a dream home package valued at over $42,000. “Simply visit the Homeprize site as you enter the show and you could

walk away with a home prize package of your dreams.” Easy access to the variety of exhibits on display is also a huge attraction for visitors. Mrs Murray said many The Ideal Home Show will be held from exhibitors have special ‘show only’ July 26-28 at Arena Manawatu, Pascal Street, Palmerston North discounts and some national companies can only be seen at the event.  Heat Pumps  Ventilation  Ducted Central Heating “For those visitors looking at home  Under Floor & In Concrete Heating  Heat Transfer Systems ideas, they can do it all under one roof in one weekend. At the Expo you can We USe speak direct to the people you need to, look at new house designs, discuss HeaT PUmPS questions, feel fabrics, compare prices, take home samples and be inspired with new ideas.” anton 021 426 866 The Ideal Home Show will be held taylorelectrical@primowireless.co.nz from July 26–28 at Arena Manawatu, Pascal Street, Palmerston North. Opening hours are 10am–6pm FREEvIEw Tv BASED CLEANER on Friday and INSTALLATION • Installation Saturday, 10am– New Zealand’s most Versatile Cleaner • Servicing 5pm on Sunday. • Repairs Entry is free. One product is all you need for ALL your cleaning chores around the house and farm.



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July 2013

Taranaki/ManawaTu FarMing LiFesTyLes


A housing promise

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Taranaki/ManawaTu FarMing LiFesTyLes

July 2013


The Ideal Home Show ADVERTORIAL

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July 2013

Taranaki/ManawaTu FarMing LiFesTyLes

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Farming Lifestyles

Read the paper online



A nightmare scenario by Paul Campbell

Foot and Mouth disease appearing on the New Zealand farming landscape would be devastating. But it is a scenario that has just been explored in a Ministry of Primary Industries workshop. Rather dramatically dubbed ‘Exercise Capricorn’ the event nevertheless considered forward planning is of the essence, as it pictured the spectre of FMD appearing here on both a beef and a dairy farm. Strengthening our ability to manage an outbreak will require close collaboration with the primary industries, farmers and rural communities, the ministry says, after the exercise examined how the first 12 hours would unfold. The deputy director general, compliance and response, Andrew Colteman said the Exercise Capricorn workshop was held to familiarise industry with MPI’s initial response procedures, to explore the use of the NAIT scheme and FarmsOnLine applications, and to identify opportunities to enhance communication. “The connecting threads throughout the day were partnership and communication,” he said. “At the end of the day, one key theme emerged and that was the absolute imperative to work closely together from the outset of any significant animal disease outbreak.”

General manager from Beef and Lamb New Zealand, Ben O’Brien, says it was a good opportunity to gain a greater understanding of the systems in place to manage a disease outbreak. “It would be fair to say that we left feeling a little more optimistic around the planning that the ministry has in place for such an event. There is a lot more work to do on joint planning.” Mr Coleman said over the years, New Zealand’s government agriculture and biosecurity agencies, including MPI and its predecessors MAF and MAF Biosecurity have invested significant time and resource into preparing for an FMD outbreak. “We recognise being ready to respond to significant animal disease outbreaks requires continuous effort.

Taranaki/ManawaTu FarMing LiFesTyLes


July 2013



The best nest box for collecting eggs When Sandra Pedersen left the Waikato 15 years ago she didn’t expect to be a lifestyle block owner or selling nest boxes.

brood had developed a taste for their own eggs as two days’ worth lay broken under their feet.

On a trip back to the Waikato when she left her chooks for the weekend, Sandra filled a hopper to ensure her

“I thought there would already be something on the market to solve this problem,” Sandra says.

chooks would be well fed and asked a friend to come in to collect the eggs every day. But on returning home her

ready-assembled. For more information and the full story visit Sandra’s website: ezynest.co.nz or call 06 856 6059.

The BEST way to

But there wasn’t, and Sandra is not the sort of person to accept second best and needed a solution to her problem. “I bought some nest trays and adapted the nest box, trialling and redesigning over a twelve-month period until I had a working solution,” she says. During 2012 Sandra worked with a number of designers and engineers to adapt her ideas and fine tune them into a working solution — an easy to clean nesting box to allow the backyard poultry keeper to work, play or go away for the weekend and come home to a full complement of eggs.

Eggs “roll away” into a collection tray

The New Zealand made EZYNEST ensures all eggs are protected from the hens and from dirt or damage. Ezynest come either flat-packed or

collect eggs

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• Suitable for up to 5 hens per nest • Available in single (5 hens), double (10 hens) & triple (15 hens) • Protect eggs from dirt and damage • Quality nz made

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July 2013

Taranaki/ManawaTu FarMing LiFesTyLes

The woods are still good by Paul Campbell

Investment in a plantation forest provides something more than a mere monetary return. A farmer of our acquaintance recently harvested a stand of 22-year-old radiata pine on his property, and says while the return was well worthwhile, there was also satisfaction in the knowledge that the steep land use was sustainable and erosion was controlled. “And there was the carbon benefit, controlling greenhouse gases,” he says. International demand for roundwood is projected to continue to grow, and form a large part of the country’s rural exports into the future. And that spells investment opportunities. A study by Oregon based Resource Economics Inc predicted a shortfall of supply within the Pacific

We’re a

Region of 330 million cubic metres over ten years. Chile, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa are the main producers of wood from plantation forestry around the Pacific Rim, and collectively their increased annual production in the past decade was predicted to be 30 million cubic metres. It is worth noting then that if New Zealand timber prices have increased 5% per annum over the past 30 years, when world timber supplies were plentiful, what level of price increases can be expected over the next 30 years? The majority of the New Zealand plantation forest industry is based on radiata pine and is likely to remain the main plantation in New Zealand.

big part of your business However there is an increasing interest in the use of exotic species capable of producing higher valued timber such as Douglas fir, various cypress and eucalyptus species and the Californian redwood. Some New Zealand indigenous species are being established as well.

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Taranaki/ManawaTu FarMing LiFesTyLes

July 2013



A calf’s early days

by Dr Lucy Waldron, Nutrition Consultant LWT Animal Nutrition Ltd, NZ

Initially, all calves must receive colostrum as they can suckle, and should have free access to colostrum for the first day of life. This is to ensure that immunoglobulins (Igs) present in colostrum are consumed in large enough levels as these impart immunity to the calf. You need to ensure the calf is up and drinking colostrum as soon as possible, and has sufficient for its immune needs. Colostrum can be collected in advance from other cows and stored frozen — and it’s worthwhile having a supply on hand that can be defrosted, gently warmed (do not use a microwave — this breaks down Igs) and bottle fed if necessary. When choosing what to feed your calves, it can become confusing, as there are many types available. Some farmers use their own milk, but it must be fed warm, as otherwise this can cause lower intakes, especially in the younger calves. Milk, or milk replacer, should be fed at

body temperature for good consumption and digestion. Many people choose to use calf milk replacers (CMRs) instead — as these allow more valuable milk to be sold instead, and there is a good history of calves doing well on these types of feeds. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions on making up the replacer — with special attention to the temperature needed for dissolving the CMR and dilution to achieve feeding temperature. But which CMR should you buy? As with most things in life — you get what you pay for, and CMRs vary widely in nutritional quality. Fundamentally there are two types of CMR available — one based on skim milk powder and one on whey. Skim milk powder (SMP) tends to be more expensive, because, as a food product, it is preferentially used for humans.

Whey is a by-product of cheese manufacture, and, in some countries, has taken over as the main basis of CMRs.

using a better quality CMR may cost less in the long run, in terms of lower vet bills, better growth and earlier weaning.

In terms of making a decision regarding how best to feed your calves, then of course the cost has to be a factor — but it is important to bear in mind that

Dealing with disease problems in groups of calves costs time and money, and feeding them well can help avoid such situations.

Want Sharp Calves? Feed Sharpes Calf Feed Sharpes Stock Feeds is a family owned business that has been operating for over 110 years. Located in Carterton in the Wairarapa, Sharpes Stock Feeds supplies high-quality and consistent animal feeds North Island wide. Ask at your local merchant or contact Sales representative Sara Orsborn 027-645 3208


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July 2013

Taranaki/ManawaTu FarMing LiFesTyLes ADVERTORIAL

Healthy blood vessels

July is a great time to get your garden ready for spring

Today we want to look at the importance of maintaining good circulation by ensuring the walls of your blood vessels allow for good blood flow at normal levels of blood pressure. If blood vessels lose their elasticity they can offer greater resistance to circulating blood which requires the heart to pump harder to achieve good circulation. Compare your blood vessels with a garden hose. The green plastic is supple allowing for flexibility while the white webbing provides strength. As the hose ages it becomes less flexible and may crack and leak. This is much like how free radicals damage elastin and collagen proteins causing stiffness and weakness in blood vessels. The loss of elasticity and subsequent stiffening of major blood vessels is often caused by reductions in the function of elastic fibres or the cross-linking of supporting collagen fibres. This loss of elasticity is often a contributor to hypertension. Primary Hypertension is the name for elevated blood pressure where there is no specific cause. Research does suggest that free radicals (oxidative stress) play a role in damaging blood vessels thus causing an increase in blood pressure. A paper published in Hypertension Research (Rodrigo, 2007) compared free radical activity in 30 people with primary hypertension compared with 30 healthy people. The study confirmed that markers of oxidative stress were significantly higher in those with hypertension. Over the years I have observed many people improve their blood pressure using nutritional therapy. With diet we want to target foods high in compounds called polyphenols and vitamin C. I always add antioxidant supplement complexes that are high in grape seed OPC’s, high in vitamin C and other complementary compounds. While results vary a lot, some people, especially those with slightly elevated blood pressure can notice a return to more normal levels of blood pressure. Give me a call if you need more information. John Arts (B.Soc.Sci, Dip Tch, Adv.Dip.Nut.Med) is a Nutritional Therapist and founder of Abundant Health Ltd. Contact John on 0800 423 559 or email john@johnarts. co.nz. Join his weekly newsletter at www.johnarts.co.nz. For product information visit www.abundant.co.nz.

In the vegetable garden it’s time to plant garlic, Elephant garlic and shallots along with asparagus — sow seeds or plant seedlings of your favourite veges like broccoli, cabbage, onions, spinach and silverbeet, and remember to protect young seedlings from slugs and snails with Tui Quash pellets, which is safer if you have pets. In frost free areas it’s also a good time of year to plant a crop of early potatoes. In the fruit garden it’s now time to plant strawberries. Add a layer of straw mulch around the base of the plants to deter pests and keep the berries off the soil when they start to form. As a rule allow five plants per person in your household for enough delicious fruit for everyone at harvest time. Fruit trees such as apples, pears, peaches, plums and apricots along with citrus trees should be planted now. This gives the roots a chance grow and the tree to establish before spring. It’s also a

good idea to use a general garden mix to add some organic matter to the planting hole and a long term fertiliser such as Nova Tec Premium. Winter and spring flowering favourites such as rhododendrons, camellias, daphne and hellebores are coming into their own now and it’s the ideal time of year to prune your existing roses or plant new season bush, climbing and standard roses. Finally, for some winter colour seedlings or potted colour, plants are available now. Plants such as pansies, violas, polyanthus and stocks will add instant colour and last well into spring.

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Taranaki/ManawaTu FarMing LiFesTyLes

July 2013



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