The Record, August 22nd 2018

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Help for single parent families u by Kent Caddick

With the fast pace of Selwyn’s growth gaps have appeared in the provision of social services in the district and the Birthright Canterbury Trust is stepping up to fill one of them. P3

Prison “growth” reaches milestone

For more than six years, men in Christchurch Men’s Prison at Rolleston have provided a …


Community cause for collaboration

Compelling evidence that students in the Selwyn District are in good hands is a …

p Nicky Taylor and her children have benefitted from the support of the Birthright Canterbury Trust which has begun a Drop In Programme for One Parent families in Rolleston


Service to Young Farmers marked

A Canterbury woman has been recognised for …

The lack of support for one-parent families is one of the biggest gaps in the district. There are more than 1,000 one-parent households in Selwyn and currently no social services supporting those parents, caregivers and their children. “We are very pleased to offer a Drop In Programme for One Parent families at

Rolleston Community House,” Birthright Canterbury Trust manager, Rhodora Sagles said. “This is a pilot project of six months started in July and is supported by the Selwyn District Council.” She said studies show that the children of oneparent families are some of the most vulnerable children in our society.

“Social Policy Evaluation Research Unit (SUPERU) has shown that oneparent families are considerably behind other family types on income, secondary qualifications, mental health, housing and employment.”

…continued on page 3




August 22 - 2018


Integrity community media

The Record is published with pride by Integrity Community Media a 100% NZ owned company. Editorial: 03 347 1562 Editor: Kent Caddick 027 524 7811 Email: Advertising: Theresa Murray, Kelsey Hansen Email: Phone: 0800 466 793 Production: Integrity Community Media Opinions expressed in this publication, by advertisers or contributors, are not necessarily those of Integrity Community Media.

NEWS briefs Art time


The Record distribution details

Print run 12,514. Distributed on Wednesday to every residential and rural home throughout Darfield, West Melton, Rolleston and surrounding areas.

New sections in Wilfield, West Melton A wide range of new sections are now available at Wilfield. Drop in to our sales and information office, Kingsdowne Dr, Sundays or Wednesdays from 1pm to 3pm to find out more. Contact us on 03 741 1340 or email

p West Melton School’s Liam and James go to work putting artwork on Cancer Society bags as part of the school’s art programme. The pair was among the school’s year five and six learners who helped brighten up paper bags for the Cancer Society. While they were doing that, the year three and four learners were busy creating beautiful, layered bubble art and the year two and three learners were drawing their classmates. Art teacher, Kathryn Meyers, said the children are producing their artwork in a fun, interactive and challenging way. “All this takes teamwork, resilience and patience,” she said.

Waitangi Day Selwyn residents are being invited to apply for funding to help celebrate Waitangi Day.

p Funding for Waitangi Day events in Selwyn has opened for applications

Manatu Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage, is now accepting funding applications for events in 2019 to commemorate the signing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. The Commemorating Waitangi Day Fund invites applications from groups hosting community events, which “promote nation-building through wide community participation, and encourage the celebration of an inclusive New Zealand identity”. The ministry says projects reflecting a partnership between iwi, marae, local government and community groups are particularly encouraged. “Manatu Taonga is keen to see an increase in Waitangi Day events accessible to all members

of the community including those with disabilities.” This year, the fund supported 44 events throughout New Zealand including the national commemorations at Waitangi, a Treaty trail based on the Amazing Race concept, waka ama and cultural performances, educational activities for migrant communities and marae-based community events. Grants from the fund generally range from $1,000 to $5,000 and applications close 5pm on Monday, October 1. Information and application form is available on the ministry’s website: mch. For more information please call 04 499 4229 or email ¢

THE RECORD August 22 - 2018

Prison ‘growth’ reaches milestone

Continued from front page…

Help for single parent families

u by Mike Isle

For more than six years, men in Christchurch Men’s Prison at Rolleston have provided a weekly delivery of fresh seasonal vegetables to Aviva, a local family and sexual violence support service. This month the output passed 625 70-litre crates.

p Corrections officer, Gerald Grout: “Prison vegetable gardens are an important training and therapeutic activity.”

“Prison vegetable gardens are an important training and therapeutic activity for prisoners, and the skills they learn are beneficial for both the individual gardener and the community,” Corrections officer, Gerard Grout said. “Our garden workers are very proud of their garden, the produce they grow and that their labours make a difference for families in need through Aviva. “Even in winter, there are usually enough vegetables to make the run to Aviva worthwhile. This week the prison dispatched four crates of potatoes, silverbeet, cabbage, cauliflower, etc. During the warmer seasons — up to six or seven crates can be delivered.” Aviva marketing and communications manager, Julie McCloy, said the vegetables are a weekly highlight for many families. “We see a lot of people

who struggle to afford fresh veggies — and some who struggle to afford food in general. The vegetables from the prison are absolutely vital in making many families’ nutrition and budget much healthier.” Vegetables grown at the unit include beans, beetroot, leek, cabbage, onion, rhubarb, spring onions, potatoes, sweet corn, radish, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, tomato, cucumber, pumpkin, broccoli, carrot, celery, parsnip, lettuce, garlic, turnip, silverbeet, spinach and peas. Other seasonal products include strawberries, lemons and raspberries. Produce is harvested, cleaned and packed in the 70-litre plastic bins for delivery. The garden also propagates and grows seedlings for other vegetable gardens and the prison grounds. ¢

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Ms Sagles said the Drop In Programme for One Parent families is a new initiative to respond to the growing needs of one parent. “The Drop In Programme is a safe and welcoming place for single parents, where they can have a cuppa with the company of other single parents and have a chat with a Birthright staff member. “The aim is to break isolation and for the parents to reach out, talk about concerns affecting them and their children.” Funding was secured from Vodafone New Zealand Foundation allowing BCT to investigate the needs in developing this expansions of services. “The outcome of the surveys is to provide guidelines to matching the needs of one-parent families across the urban and rural environment of Selwyn and to ensure that any expansion of Birthright Canterbury Trust services matches the needs of one-parent families and is able to be delivered within the service delivery provision of Birthright.” Ms Sagles said they were also successful with their application with COGS Rural. “We are grateful to our funders Selwyn District Council, Vodafone Foundation and COGS Rural for their support for this work.” Birthright has been supporting children

in one-parent families for more than 50 years. “The way we deliver services has changed over this time, but our focus has remained the same — to build nurtured, resilient and inspired children and families. “We do this by working with families to plan for their own development; use their own and community resources; and to achieve integration into the community. “Because of the varied nature of families, our services and practical assistance are tailored to suit them. This is in the context of their own aspirations and goals at a time and form relevant to them. She said Birthright believes that all children have the right to a happy, secure and loving home environment. “We specialise in working with families led by one person. Our goal is nurtured, resilient, inspired children and families. Drop In Programme for One Parent families is open every second Thursday, from 10am to 2pm at Rolleston Community House, 95 Rolleston Drive, Rolleston. If people want to know more how they can be involved with the Birthright’s services to one-parent families, please get in touch with Rhodora on 03 366 9456 or 022 043 5006 or by email ¢


August 22 - 2018


Lincoln University’s autonomy vital u by Kent Caddick

Selwyn MP Amy Adams says revelations the government has been secretly inviting bids for a ‘fire sale’ of Lincoln University, which would see it folded into a larger institution, are deeply concerning. Claims that the government is looking into the possibility of integrating Lincoln University with another institution have been circulating since last week, but neither the government nor the university is responding to the claims. “I’m calling on the government to guarantee it will not shut down the 140year heritage of Lincoln as a proudly autonomous institution providing highquality, specialist training in areas of critical importance to New Zealand’s future,” Ms Adams said. “For 140 years, Lincoln University has been a specialist, land-based tertiary provider working in the disciplines of primary production, agricultural food and fibre, natural resources management, conservation and tourism.” Ms Adams said the university has fought its way back from the challenges of the Canterbury earthquakes and is now operating in surplus, has stable student numbers and has had recent confirmation of its high academic quality.

“It will be the academic beating heart of the Lincoln Hub, which is an industry-wide collaboration focussed on solving the most critical issues for our economy — the interface between our natural resource economy and our environmental sustainability. “No matter how the government might dress it up, if Lincoln was forced into a larger institution that practical, specialist focus would be lost and there is no justification for that. “New Zealand’s land-based sector would be worse off as a result, and this would rip the guts out of the small Canterbury town of Lincoln.” She said revelations the government has been designing a process that could be a death knell for Lincoln University’s autonomous state show just how little this government cares about the country’s land-based sector and small-town New Zealand. ¢

CEO’s parting message u by Mike Isle

Synlait’s outgoing chief executive officer John Penno last week handed over the reins of the company to incoming CEO Leon Clement. However, before doing so, he had a special message for the people of Selwyn, and particularly those in Dunsandel where Synlait chose to build its first manufacturing plant. Mr Penno is emphatic in his fondness for the area. He lived and farmed for a time on the north bank of the Rakaia river. When Synlait’s time came to buy its first farm, the choice of Dunsandel was for him a no-brainer. “We were drawn to the area because of the great soils, fantastic water and proximity to amenities and infrastructure. Plus, in my experience there is no place better in the world for growing grass than the mid and northCanterbury region,” he said. “When we decided to get into the manufacturing business, the same drivers made Dunsandel the logical place to site our plant.” Mr Penno says that from the start it has been a partnership between Synlait and the community. “Synlait has been able to attract good people to the area, attracted by the lifestyle and the employment opportunities Synlait offers, and with 600 employees, many of whom are local, we have been able to make a major contribution to the economy. “It’s also been our privilege to work with and assist community groups




p John Penno

such as the fire service, schools and sports clubs. “It’s been a privilege to lead a great team at Synlait and for Synlait to be part of this community. Best of all, it has really only just begun.” ¢

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Scholars promote feel-good factor u by Rebecca Doyle

Rural wellbeing was the focus of a recent event at Hororata Primary School, with a group of Lincoln University Future Leader scholars running a series of activities that aimed to bring children and their families together.

THE RECORD  August 22 - 2018

A blast from the past


u by Kent Caddick

The Malvern Community Arts Council is inviting local art lovers to take a stroll down memory lane for its latest exhibition at the Selwyn Gallery.

p Lincoln University Future Leader scholars with Hororata School pupils and the I Appreciate wall

The Future Leader Scholarship Programme involves teaching leadership skills to exceptional Lincoln students. The scholars take part in clubs, committees and group projects throughout each university year. Hororata School hosted several learning sessions relating to topics such as technology, healthy eating and being sun smart, which took place alongside the scholars’ more hands-on activities. Future Leader scholar, Paige Harris, said the pupils’ families were invited to attend the event. “The idea was to begin creating habits that would make each family unit stronger and encourage them to appreciate the simple things in life,” Paige said. “We wanted to let rural families know they shouldn’t feel guilty about taking time off, despite the busy period at the moment with calving and lambing. “In fact, it’s important to take time off in order to be able to work to a high standard throughout the whole season.” The scholars’ message about rural wellbeing also involved ease of access to resources if needed, with Farmstrong and the Mental Health Foundation providing supplies for some of the activities. Paige said the event

was designed to align with five key strategies for promoting physiological wellbeing: be active, take notice, keep learning, give and connect. Pupils made cards to give to people they loved, (which corresponded to the strategies of connect and take notice), participated in a gumboot throw (be active), took a quiz (keep learning) and painted a picture representing their idea of what giving looked like. They also wrote in chalk on a wall to produce a list of the things they most appreciate in life. “The I Appreciate wall was a huge hit with the kids. Some examples of what they wrote on it were friends, family, pets, farming, hunting, rugby, learning and duck shooting,” Paige said. “One kid even mentioned their John Deere tractor, which made us laugh.” The scholars also ran several competitions in the lead-up to the event “to show families that it only takes a couple of hours to do a fun activity at home”. “There was a baking competition for dads, a sculpture competition for mums and a family photo shoot, which they worked on in the lead-up to the event.” The winners received a wide range of donated prizes at the end of the day. ¢

p The work of Malvern artist Rachael Inch will be a part of the upcoming Blast from the Past exhibition at the Selwyn gallery in Darfield

The Blast from the Past exhibition opens at the gallery in Darfield on Friday, August 31 and runs through until September 27. Featured in the exhibition will be works from Caroline Bartholomew, Amelia Guild, Rachael Inch, Anneke Stewart and Janna van Hasselt. MCAC arts coordinator, Katrina Ellis, said these artists have all exhibited with us previously. “We are proud to play a role in their continuing journey as they all juggle the demands of a busy family and working life alongside their arts practice.” Rachael Inch has an extensive history of promoting and supporting the arts in Selwyn through founding the Selwyn Creative Network

alongside her own visual arts practice. Ms Ellis said of Mrs Inch’s work that “vibrant colours take us on a path of self-discovery in her body of work for this exhibition. “Acrylic and ink abstract works representing minerals and crystals spark memories of the magnificent and sometimes fleeting moments we experience throughout life — communicating without the use of words.” The Selwyn Gallery will be open daily (except Mondays) from 10am to 4pm for the duration of the exhibition. A show programme will be available from the gallery and for more information go to the gallery’s Facebook page: facebook. com/selwynartgallerynz. ¢

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August 22 - 2018


Community cause for collaboration u by Mike Isle

Compelling evidence that students in the Selwyn District are in good hands is a little known yet vibrant formal confederation of local schools called the Rolleston Community of Learning. The Community is part of a wider group of education and trainer providers set up by the Ministry of Education under the collective title of Kahui Ako. There are Kahui Ako communities dotted throughout New Zealand, yet Rolleston’s version seems something special. The Record set out to find out why. The Rolleston Community of Learning — Nga Peka o Tauwharekakaho — comprises of 11 schools in the district: Burnham, Rolleston Christian, Kingslea, Lemonwood Grove, Rolleston, Waitaha, Weedons, West Melton and West Rolleston schools; Clearview Primary and Rolleston College. There are also seven early childhood centre (ECE) members — ABC Rolleston, Ako Rolleston, Bright Beginnings Montessori, Edukids Farringdon, Educare, Paradise for Little Angels, Selwyn Kids and West Melton Kindergarten. It was established in 2012 as a school cluster with the stated aim of taking a collective approach to placing the holistic development of the learner (child) as the central focus of the district’s education providers. Whilst all principals, staff and even the students of the participating schools and ECEs are members of the community, it has a stewardship team charged with overseeing the smooth operation of the community, and a leadership team comprising all 11 school principals and two ECE representatives. One of the co-leaders of the leadership

team, West Melton School Principal, Sue Jackson (the other co-leader is Burnham’s Sandra Keenan), says the Rolleston Community of Learning brings an exciting and, in Rolleston’s case, unique dimension to education. She says the growth of the community — up from just four schools at its 2012 inception — and of the Rolleston community itself (one of the fastest growing in New Zealand), has presented many challenges, but also presented a vibrant synergy among schools that ultimately benefit the students and community. “That is one of our strengths. The schools work exceptionally well together, and that reaches far back. We were a collaborating cluster even before we decided to form a community of learning; there has always been a sense of community. “Our overarching vision has always been communities collaborating to grow. That is the governing factor behind the decisions we make and the goals and aspirations we have for our students.” Sue Jackson says the Community of Learning’s leadership team meets twice a term to set and monitor achievement challenges and adherence to a strategic plan. She says an important part of those meetings is the inclusion of the two ECE representatives, which ensures that the total needs of the learner from early childhood to college are catered to, and


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p The guiding hand: Rolleston Community of Learning’s Leadership Team. Sue Jackson is third from left, front row.

there is an almost seamless journey for the student as they transition through their education. Sue believes the structure of the Community of Learning is the key factor in its success, particularly in terms of having a strategic plan and in the sharing of resources. But she believes there is also another, less tangible factor. “It is that sense of community, both within the Community of Learning and with the wider community itself. Even before the Community of Learning the schools collaborated. We have never competed for students, as has happened in other communities. When the new schools have come on board, we welcomed them into our community. And

for their part, their principals and staff have brought a freshness of thought and new ideas that have kept us evolving. It has been great.” In summing up the success of the Rolleston Community of Learning, Sue’s thoughts turn to the wider community. “We strongly acknowledge and respect our responsibility to the wider community, and we are in constant consultation with them regarding their needs and views. “The whole purpose of our Community of Learning, why we formed it, is to empower our learners, empower our staff and empower our communities so that we all have the opportunity to grow. “That is something very special” ¢



The Boulevard Retirement Village is proud to be associated with NZCS this Daffodil day. 027 373 9463 200 Dunns Crossing Rd, Rolleston

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“With your help, there is hope! Sharing our full support with the NZCS this Daffodil Day”

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THE RECORD August 22 - 2018

Broadfield takes top spot u by Kent Caddick

Broadfield has confirmed its favouritism for this year’s Selwyn premier netball title with a win over defending champions Lincoln in the final round robin match of the season.

p Broadfield’s Sarah Eaton pushes a pass into the shooting circle

p Lincoln’s Hannah Wilson lines up a shot at goal in the match against Broadfield

It was a tight match throughout and heading into the final quarter at the Lincoln Event Centre — Broadfield and Lincoln were locked together at 45–all. However, crucially Lincoln turned over the ball several times in the final quarter allowing Broadfield the opportunity to press home the advantage and take the game 61–59 to finish top of the table and secure the number one spot heading into the coming weekend’s semi-finals. The loss meant Lincoln finished in the fourth spot and will meet Broadfield again this Saturday for a spot in the final. Greenpark B ended Southbridge’s hopes of making the semis with a 50–

46 win and in doing so finished second on the points table. Greenpark B will meet the club’s A team in the semis after Greenpark A easily brushed aside the challenge of Rolleston, 80–32, to finish third on the table just ahead of Lincoln on points differential. Broadfield and Lincoln will clash in the first semi, with centre pass scheduled for 11.30am, while the two Greenpark sides will go head to head in the match getting underway at 1pm. In the Premier two grade semi-finals West Melton will clash with Prebbleton while Southbridge B faces Lincoln B for a spot in the final. ¢

DAFFODIL DAY “With all our help, there is hope! ”

p Tiesh O’Connell passes during Rolleston’s loss to Greenpark A



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August 22 - 2018



What is Daffodil Day? The Cancer Society of New Zealand’s Daffodil Day symbolises hope for one in three New Zealanders affected by cancer. Since 1990, this iconic event has inspired people to come together and support the Cancer Society’s work — as well as providing an opportunity to raise awareness of cancer in New Zealand. Your donations will go towards vital scientific research into the causes and treatment of all types of cancer, as well as providing a wide range of support services, education and awareness campaigns and programmes for people affected by cancer in your area. Whether it’s buying daffodils, donating to our street collectors, purchasing our merchandise, or making a donation by text, phone or online — every gift counts. The Cancer Society says it is grateful for the valuable support received from many organisations, groups and people across New Zealand who donate their

time and money as a sign of their commitment to the society’s cause. “Also to our principal sponsor ANZ for supporting the work we do year after year. For 28 years, ANZ has continually promoted Daffodil Day as an important cancer awareness day around the country and their staff all pull together to fundraise on our behalf too.” There are many different ways to get involved and show your support. Volunteer There are many interesting and exciting ways to be involved in Daffodil Day. Whatever your interests, you are sure to have fun, make a difference for a good cause and meet some new friends. Volunteers are essential to the success of Daffodil Day. We are looking for people who can act as area

“We stand united in support of the NZCS. With your help, there is hope.”

“Proud to support the NZ Cancer Society. With your help there’s hope!”

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The Swamp Tavern & Thirsty Liquor 03 349 7337

p Daffodil Day raises awareness of cancer and is the biggest generator of funds for the Cancer Society.

coordinators, street collectors, flower packers, drivers, or who can distribute

“With your help, there is hope! Sharing our full support with the NZCS this Daffodil Day” 91 Horndon Street, Darfield Phone 03 318 8229

resources or help with administration. The Cancer Society needs around 8,000

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THE RECORD August 22 - 2018




p Volunteers are a crucial part of making the Cancer Society’s Daffodil Day fundraiser a success and bringing hope to the one in three New Zealanders affected by cancer.

volunteers each year from throughout the country to help ensure Daffodil Day is a success. Events and fundraisers Daffodil Day is the Cancer Society of New Zealand’s annual flagship appeal held in spring to help fund the Society’s wide range of patient and carer services

“We stand united with our community to support the NZCS and their research.” phone: 03 595 2490 email:

(provided free of charge), including health promotion and research. Please join in support of Daffodil Day this year by organising an event in tribute to someone close to you, to celebrate a special occasion or to have fun and engage your networks with fundraising. Daffodil Day culminates with a street

Thank you to the NZCS for helping Kiwi families in their time of need.

appeal and your support by organising an event or an activity before the end of August that engages your networks with fundraising and promoting our cause is greatly appreciated. At school School children from throughout New Zealand have had lots of fun by taking

PLAINS GROUND SPREADING LTD “With your help, there is hope!”

part in Daffodil Day. We can supply your school with resources such as posters, colouring sheets, lapel stickers, donation boxes and fabric daffodils to help you take part in this fun and exciting national event. The Daffodil Day teaching resources are now available to download from ¢

“With your help, there is hope! Sharing our full support with the NZCS this Daffodil Day”

03 347 1322 Shop 7, Rolleston Square, 70 Rolleston Drive, Rolleston

Mark Gordon Phone:: 027 283 8522 Phone Email:: Email

Thank you to the NZCS for helping Kiwi families in their time of need.

With our help, there is hope!

“Standing with the NZCS this Daffodil Day”

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P 03 348 1306 5 Green Lane, Sockburn, PO Box 16229, Hornby, Christchurch

838 Jones Road, Rolleston 03 347 8622 • 021 222 8661

John Morten

Selwyn councillor

“Thank you for the caring work” 03 317 9001 027 200 2578

With all our help, there is hope! Sam Broughton Selwyn Mayor 027 223 8345

Phone 03 318 8611

Rolleston Automotive Service Centre “Proud to support the NZ Cancer Society & their research to find a cure.” PH: 03 347 8620 • 0800 24 50 24 E: W:


“Supporting NZCS”

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Proud to support the search for a cure. John Sunckell - ECan Councillor 027 424 3006


August 22 - 2018


Lifestyles ‘n’ Farming

Service to Young Farmers marked u Article supplied by New Zealand Young Farmers

A Canterbury woman has been recognised for her tireless service to New Zealand Young Farmers and her community. Sarah Heddell, 30, is the joint recipient of a national award for service to NZ Young Farmers, along with Southland’s Emma Sutherland. The pair received a standing ovation when they were presented with the accolade in Invercargill recently. It was an emotional moment for Sarah, who is a member of Dunsandel Young Farmers. “As everyone saw, I cried. It means a huge amount,” Sarah said.

“But the worst part was I was wearing heels, which I never do. So, I was crying and thinking ‘please don’t bump into anything and fall over’.” Sarah’s been involved in NZ Young Farmers for about 12 years. She joined the Dunsandel club when she was at Lincoln University. “I was club secretary for about five years. I also served as a district secretary for two years as well,” she said.

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p Sarah Heddell (right) celebrates her NZ Young Farmers’ service award alongside fellow recipient Emma Sutherland

Former Dunsandel club chairman, Matt McEvedy, said the award was “thoroughly deserved”. “Sarah is tireless. She never stops. The Dunsandel club owes a lot of its success to Sarah.” The pair first met in 2011 heading to Masterton for the Young Farmer of the Year Grand Final. A volcanic ash cloud had forced the cancellation of their flight, triggering a hastily-arranged road trip. “It was fun, but it was also a bit of a

disaster. We all got quite seasick on the ferry ride across Cook Strait,” said Matt. The trip was to be Sarah’s final time at the contest as a spectator. Within months she was helping breathe new life into the national Stock Judging Competition. “Entries in the competition had dwindled, and we started rebuilding the event in Dunedin in 2012,” Sarah said. “We sort of did it backwards. Initially, we got people to compete at a grand final to generate interest.



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THE RECORD August 22 - 2018


Lifestyles ‘n’ Farming “Then eventually the regions started putting forward regional winners for a national final,” she said. Sarah’s involvement grew the following year in Auckland. “I’d gone up for the Stock Judging Competition. But I remember sitting there one night at 2am helping do seating plans,” she said. “I’m not the sort of person who takes a free lunch. I like to get stuck in wherever I can.” A proud moment was helping to organise the Tasman Regional Final in Oxford in 2013, which took the award for best regional final. “That was huge for me. We had been runner-up in that category for about three years,” she said. Sarah was on the organising committee for the Young Farmer of the Year Grand Final in Christchurch the following year. “The night before practical day, Sarah was out in the dark making sure everything was ready, while everyone else was watching a debate. She’s a trooper,” Matt said. Sarah also served as the Tasman regional manager on the contest management committee. “Getting involved gives you confidence. I might not have had the confidence to do the job I do now if I hadn’t been involved in NZ Young Farmers,” she said. Sarah is a land management and biodiversity adviser for Environment Canterbury, a role she’s held for two years. She’s been lovingly known



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SPRAYING Lifestyle Blocks & Small Farms

Pasture | Crops | Liquid Fertiliser Lucerne | Gorse | Broom p Dunsandel Young Farmers Club member Sarah Heddell has been recognised for her hard work with a NZ Young Farmers’ service award

as Camp Mother for much longer. Sarah will often be a sober driver at functions so club members can drink and not worry about how they’re going to get home. “The team are all very important to me. I don’t mind missing out on a couple of hours’ sleep if it means everyone gets home safely,” she said. “It’s a lot harder in rural areas to get home if you’ve had a few drinks because

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public transport isn’t an option.” Modest as ever, Sarah said her award is a team effort. “For me, something like this is not just about me or Emma; it’s about all the people that have been part of our journey on the way,” she said. ¢




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August 22 - 2018  THE RECORD

Lifestyles ‘n’ Farming ADVERTORIAL

Pets have teeth too by Geoff Malcolm, Companion Animal Veterinarian

I’m sure most of you have experienced what it is like to have a sore tooth — it’s not much fun, and we quickly want to get it sorted. It’s a bit hard to ask your pet if something is painful and it has to be very painful before it becomes obvious that your dog or cat is having trouble eating. Owners may notice bad breath, dribbling or salivation, changes in behaviour or reduced appetite; however, in a lot of cases, it is only by getting a good look into the back of the mouth that we can tell if there is a problem. Soft food diets (dog roll, tinned food, mince etc) and your pets’ genetics have the most effect on whether your dog and cat will get dental disease. Smaller breeds of dog often have more dental issues because of the shape of their mouth and slight overcrowding of their teeth. Dental disease often starts with low-grade gingivitis, plaque and then tartar builds up, which slowly damages the attachments that the tooth has with the gum and jaw. It can also occur when a dog chews on something hard and breaks a tooth and this often leads to the tooth dying

and developing a tooth root abscess. At VetEnt Darfield we can offer: A free dental check to make sure everything is ok. A scale and polish under general anaesthetic to prevent ongoing damage to the teeth attachments. Dental extractions to remove badly damaged and infected teeth or even dental X-rays to detect a hidden issue. Modern anaesthetic drugs and monitoring, pre-anaesthetic blood tests, high-speed dental equipment, local anaesthetic and good pain relief all help make these procedures very safe. Owners will often comment that two to three days after a dental procedure — their pet is already feeling better than they were before the procedure. Your pet may only require one or two dental procedures in their life but what a difference these can make to be a happier and healthier animal.

THE RECORD August 22 - 2018


Showhomes & Renovations

Bringing the sky indoors Skylight windows can change the ambience and character of your interior space. In simple terms, these elements will allow the natural light from the sun to flow in unobstructed into your home. Consequently, your house will be brighter and the rooms will appear more open and spacious. Also, you should remember that skylights can help you reduce your electric bills by reducing the need for artificial lighting. If you are planning on buying and installing skylight windows for the first time, here are some factors to take into consideration. Glazing material You should choose the right glazing material for your skylight windows. Your choice will determine the cost of the project and the long-term performance. The standard material option for the skylights is glass. The clarity of glass will allow light to flow smoothly and freely, creating a beautiful effect. It has an elegant appearance, and the surfaces are invulnerable to scratches and other forms of damage. You can also choose plastic skylights instead of the classic glass. Plastic is lighter than glass, and it is not vulnerable to breaking under stress. Plastic skylights are made from acrylic glass or polycarbonate; therefore, you can expect exceptional durability and performance.

Save Lives

Unlocking the potential in property Resource Consents p Skylights can help to reduce electric bills by reducing the need for artificial lighting

Surveys and Boundary Adjustments

Insulation When installing a skylight window, you should make sure that the structure will not cause insulation problems. In simple terms, skylight windows can form a point of vulnerability in the house. The gap created might allow free heat exchange between your home and the outdoors. If heat can flow across the skylight, you will experience an increase in your heating and cooling expenses.

Civil Engineering

Therefore, you should make sure that the feature is properly insulated. Whether you choose glass or plastic windows, you should ensure that the sheets are double or triple glazed. You should also have the skylights installed correctly to prevent the escape of heat through gaps. ¢

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August 22 - 2018  THE RECORD

PUZZLE TIME Jumbo crossword ACROSS 1 Cluster (5) 4 The latest possible moment (3,8,4) 14 Forepart (5) 15 Winner’s prize (5) 16 Deal out (10) 17 Porcelain (5) 19 Lacking in light (3) 20 Marzipan ingredient (7) 21 Small-scale (9) 22 Lookout (6) 25 Funds administrator (9) 27 Hobbled (6) 28 Camera stand (6) 33 Bulldozed down (10) 35 Alcoholic drink (3) 36 Simplified language combining two tongues (6) 37 Play divisions (4) 39 Inn counter (3) 41 Explosive material for propelling bullets (7) 42 Queasiness (6) 43 American breed of spotted horse (9) 44 Kudos (5) 45 Hugged (8) 50 Depart (2) 51 Almanac (8) 55 Iron alloy (5) 58 Self-assured (9) 59 Referee (6) 60 Contaminate (7) 61 Sup (3) 63 Animal’s resting place (4) 64 Lent a hand (6)

65 66 68 69 71 76 77

Beverage (3) Tactful (10) Pulled sharply (6) Lecture (6) Adversaries (9) Bumpy (6) Exciting escapade (9) 79 Be a sign of; have as meaning (7) 81 Dash (3) 84 Type of quartz (5) 85 Annoyance (10) 86 Pointer (5) 87 Whisky plant (5) 88 Lose one’s temper (3,3,3,6) 89 Gunfire (5) DOWN 2 Ailing (6) 3 Freight (5) 5 Inheritor (4) 6 Twist together (7) 7 Wonder drug (6) 8 Burst (5) 9 Mathematical proposition (7) 10 German white wine (4) 11 Suitable for both male and female (6) 12 Friend of Big Ears (5) 13 Thwarted (7) 14 Manufacturing plant (7) 18 Italicised (anag)(10) 23 Excessively selfassertive (5) 24 Progress (7) 26 Send away for again (7) 27 Back problem (7)

54 29 Small flute (7) 30 Twist out of shape (6) 31 Sheep food (5) 32 Small hollow in face (6) 34 Business transaction (4) 36 Validation (5) 38 Not taut (5) 40 Aspersion (4) 45 Surpass (5) 46 Decorative flags, streamers (7) 47 Opera solo (4) 48 Cricket team (6) 49 Stitched (5) 50 Greedy eater (7) 52 Contrite, penitent (10) 53 Heavy material to stabilise ship, aircraft (7) 54 Equip (6) 55 Discontinued (7) 56 Small corsage (5) 57 Procreated (4) 62 Parody (5) 67 Army commander (7) 68 Sightseer (7) 70 Centre front of the body (7) 72 Strict moralist (7) 73 Bring to mind (6) 74 Runner’s cramp (6) 75 Exertion (6) 76 Remove bonds (5) 78 Planet (5) 80 Compass point (5) 82 Decision-blocking vote (4) 83 Fleece (4)


Last week’s crossword solution

5 3 7 5 4

2 6 8 1 3 2 2 1



1 8


ACROSS: 1 Knack, 4 Crème de la crème, 11 Allow, 14 Apart, 15 Memorabilia, 16 Porthole, 19 Vehicle, 20 Sloop, 21 Diligence, 24 Adversity, 26 Sharps, 27 Opened, 31 Dross, 32 Virtuoso, 34 Traditions, 38 Aspirin, 39 Lariat, 40 Dotage, 41 Once, 42 Essence, 45 Hammerhead, 50 Oatmeal, 54 Tube, 55 Seemed, 56 Ensued, 57 Crusade, 60 Apocalypse, 61 Aversion, 62 Lance, 65 Canals, 66 Thwart, 67 Stretched, 72 Nocturnal, 73 Signs, 74 Noughts, 79 Collided, 80 Volunteered, 81 Koala, 82 Ditch, 83 Flog a dead horse, 84 Gloss. DOWN: 2 Nephew, 3 Corgi, 5 Reel, 6 Moonlit, 4 3 7 2 7 Dragon, 8 Lair, 9 Critical, 10 Erodes, 11 2 3 1 9 6 Anticipate, 12 Loop, 13 Wrecked, 17 Ulcer, 18 3 1 7 4 5 Dispirited, 22 Astir, 23 Announce, 25 Despise, 26 Scooter, 28 Erases, 29 Podium, 30 Adagio, 6 7 3 9 2 33 Tiara, 35 Shell, 36 Zinc, 37 Edge, 42 Extra, 43 Subpoena, 44 Evelyn, 45 Hemisphere, 46 Made, 47 Elegant, 48 Hushed, 49 Abets, 51 7 9 3 8 1 Airy, 52 Message, 53 Addict, 58 Nail polish, 59 8 9 7 3 Last week Tower, 63 Paranoia, 64 Scoop, 65 Coerced, 68 Tangelo, 69 Itself, 70 Tilted, 71 Stills, 75 Ghoul, 9 4 3 8 7 6 5 2 1 7 2 5 3 1 4 9 6 8 76 Glut, 77 Luge, 78 Pews.



4 5 9


Fill 8 the1grid7 so5that3every 2 column, every row and 3 2 9 7 4 6 every 3x3 box contains 4 digits 5 61 to99. 8 1 the

6 41 698 9 5 2 4 7 3 3 1 7 4 2 9 6 8 5 8 18 952 5 6 3 1 4 7 6 5 4 1 8 7 3 9 2 7 325 73296 67 43 81 28 51 49 6 7 3 4 2 8 9 54 811 2 9 5 7 3 6 5week’s 4 CodeCracker 8 3 1 9 2 7 6 Last 1 9 2 6 7 5 3 8 4 2 3 5 1 9 7 4 6 8 9 6 4 8 5 3 1 2 7 7 8 1 All2puzzles 6 ©4The 5Puzzle9Company 3

5x5 C A T






E A T Insert the missing letters A A to complete ten words A the D — five across grid E and five down. I V More than one solution E R D may be possible.

S Last week






THE RECORD August 22 - 2018


Business Directory APPLIANCE REPAIRS


Contact the Lock Specialists


ACCESS Lock Specialists Ltd For all your Lock & Key Security Home - Business - Vehicles Suppliers of Quality Safes Electronic Locks | Transponder Keys Remotes for Cars, Alarms & Garage Doors 24hr Mobile Service 170 Waterloo Rd, Hornby

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Supporting Canterbury


Sheep Shearing SHEEP SHEARING contractor, mobile shearing trailer and generator, shearing and animal care. Phone Tony Robb, 021 296 9175.

Trades & Services AFFORDABLE CONCRETE Cutting with Quality Core Drilling and removal work. Free quote No job too small, phone 027 442 2219 a/h 359-4605. CLEARWATER BUILDING and painting. Specialising in kitchens, bathroom, and home renovations for more information contact free phone 0800 766 378. FOR SPECIALISED shelter belt and green waste removal contact Peter now for a free quote on 020 4155 7363.

Dale Mayberry Ph: 021 222 2833

Pay attention!


Reg’d Service Technician

027 226 3898

Phone 03 318 8604 Situations Vacant

WE NEED YOU, OUR COMPANY IS GROWING! Bring your sales skills to us & be rewarded!

Relief Teacher Opportunity

ARE YOU full of winter aches & pains? Call Jackie Lyes deep tissue massage therapist / reflexologist, 03 318 2871.


Ph 03 318 8609

Situations Vacant

Health & Beauty

All aspects of concreting & all types of finishing

• Waterblasting & Camera Investigations

• Washing Machines • Ovens • Dryers • Dishwashers • Cooktops • Washing Machine Hire (from $8/wk)

Closing date for classified advertising for the 29 August 2018 edition is 10am Tuesday 28 August 2018

HARVESTER MARKETS Ltd, electric fencing, hitachi impact tools, bale forks & tines, chainsaw bar oil, 2 stroke oil, hy-tran oil, antifreeze, PB blaster & corrosion stop, 12 volt diesel pumps, PTO shaft & parts, magnetic amber revolving lights, drum pumps, hydraulic pumps, drawbar pins, R clips, D shackles, chain, belts, spanners & bolts. Lots of stuff you might need & lots of stuff you won’t, but come & have a look, 91 Horndon Street Darfield, phone 03 318 8229, walk ins welcome.

Concrete 2 U

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• Pump out Septic Tanks/ Grease traps

We are seeking passionate, innovative teachers who have a desire to provide genuine learner-centred education. Due to our continued investment in professional development and learning, Rolleston College is seeking New Zealand registered upper primary and secondary teachers for casual relief positions. Please register your interest, by sending your CV along with two verbal references and your contact details to 631 Springston Rolleston Road Phone: 03 595 2490 Email:


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Public Notices

CALF, PIG, horse & chook meal. 14% protein, 13% ME. Available in any quantities. Dunsandel area. Please call 027 392 7543.

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS If you want to have a drink that’s your business. If you want to stop, we can help. Phone 0800 229 6757.

Public Notices

CHURCH NOTICES — Sunday 26th August Lincoln Baptist Church — Everyone welcome! Sundays, 10am, 530 Birchs Road Lincoln. / 03 325 3396 / Malvern Anglican Parish — 9.30am St Matthew’s Courtenay; 11.00am St Ambrose Sheffield Guest Preacher Steve Maina from the NZ Christian Missionary Society; Contact Archdeacon Susan Baldwin; 03 317 9079. Facebook: Malvern Anglican Parish. Church @ Rolleston — 40 Brookside Road. Each Sunday 9.30am 1st/3rd Sundays Lincoln Union Clergy with Reverend Phyllis Harris 027 352 7886 and supporting clergy, 2nd/4th Sunday with Lincoln Anglican Clergy Reverend Sampson Knight, 021 335 168, Secretary Lynette 03 347 4599 Parish of Hororata — 9.30am St Johns at Hororata; 11.00am St Andrews at Glentunnel; Rev Jenni Carter 318 0858. Kirwee Community Church — 10am Kirwee Sports Pavilion, High Street, Kirwee, Morning Tea to follow, Pastor: Brian Booth 03 318 1309. Darfield Catholic Church — Sunday Masses 8.30am For Weekly Masses, and the Liturgy Timetable refer to the church newsletter. Parish Priest: Fr Paulo Filoiai’i 03 342 9763. Hornby Presbytery. Hope Presbyterian West Melton — 9.30am weekly, West Melton (1136 West Coast Road). 11am first Sunday of the month, Halkett. Pastor: Murray Talbot 022 344 1039. Youth Leader: Mitch Shaw Ph 03 974 9120 or ext 1 021 411 800. Glentunnel Chapel— Victoria Street, Glentunnel. Sundays 10.30 am, Worship and Communion. Ph 03 318 8948. Hope Presbyterian Rolleston — Service 10.00am, Rolleston School Hall, Kidman St. Pastor: Steve Talbot, 03 347 4007. Youth Leader: Courtney Forrest, 03 347 4007, Malvern Co-operating Parish — 9.30am Trinity Darfield. Darfield Baptist Church — Services and Sunday School, Darfield 15 Greendale Road, 10.30am every Sunday, Glenroy Hall 9am 2nd & 4th Sundays. Ph 03 318 7360 Pastor — Paul Cossey; Youth Pastor Hannah Cossey. Darfield Life Church — 17 North Terrace — 6.30pm Sunday Service; Pastors Wayne and Nicky Watson 03 318 7979 or 027 281 8340; Origin Youth 7.30pm Friday — Youth Leader James Sutherland 021 029 5223. Cornerstone — Rolleston. Meeting Sundays @ 10am, Rolleston Community Centre. Contact: Ps Andre Powell 027 871 1424, or Rolleston Baptist Church — 9:30am, Children’s Sunday School & Bible Class; 10:30am, Main Service. We meet at Rolleston Christian School, 571 Springston Rolleston Rd, Rolleston. Contact: Pastor Joe Fleener;; 03 260 1406; Lev Shel Torah Congregation Shabbat (Saturday) 1:30pm Irwell Hall ,Corner Leeston & Selwyn Lake Road Contact: Sue Boyd 03 3242612. St Paul’s Anglican — Parish service at St Paul’s 9.30am. Verse of the week: Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. — Hab 3 v18.

Read the newspaper online


August 22 - 2018



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120i CHAINSAW 36V - 12” bar - 83dB(A) - 4.2kg with battery

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MZ48 ZTR® ZERO TURN Kawasaki FR Series V-Twin - 23.0hp. 48” cutting width ClearCut™ fabricated deck






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