2 minute read
Children Requiring Extra Support cont.
North Shore Supported Child Development Program
604-998-0131 | www.nsscdp.com
North Shore Neighbourhood House
225 East 2nd Street, North Vancouver
Supported Child Development (SCDP) is a community-based program that assists families of children with extra support needs to access inclusive childcare that meets family needs. The program is intended to serve children from birth to 12, with services for youth 13-19 years available in some communities.
SCDP provides the following services to support children, families, and childcare providers:
■ Individual planning to promote each child’s development
■ Training and information for families and childcare providers to help each child’s development
■ Resources such as books, toys and specialized equipment
■ Referrals to other services such as therapists or specialists
■ Where necessary, additional staffing to ensure that children may participate fully with their peers.
■ SCDP operates under the principles of inclusion and family centred practice. SCDP uses a multi-disciplinary team approach. Parents may self-refer, or with parent consent, referrals may come from other service providers. The service is voluntary and free of charge.
North Shore Children’s Hearing Clinic, Vancouver
Coastal Health, North Shore
604-983-6704 | www.vch.ca
Provides assessment and monitoring of hearing levels, patient/ caregiver counselling and education, evaluation and fitting of hearing aid(s) and other hearing assistive devices, school/ preschool liaison and direct student support, and workshops for families, caregivers, educators and other professionals. All children from birth to 19 years and all ages with developmental delay. Referrals are accepted from physicians, community health nurses, speech and language pathologists, parents, hearing resource teachers, and other agencies. Universal hearing screening is provided to all newborns either within hospital or at the clinic.
Preschool Speech/Language Services (Children 0-5)
Vancouver Coastal Health, North Shore
604-983-6760 | www.vch.ca
Provides speech-language services at the Central and West Community Health Centres, in preschool/daycare centres, and in the home. A team of professionals, including speech/ language pathologists, teachers, infant development, and supported childcare consultants work together with families to help preschool children overcome communication disorders.
North Shore Pediatric Resource Team
904-6200 Ext. 4162
■ Includes coordination and consultation; assessment to determine if delegated or direct nursing care is required; development of Individualized Care Plans (ICP); teaching/ training and delegation for alternate care givers; facilitation of the At Home Program; counseling and referral; monitoring and evaluation.
■ Physiotherapy services for children 0-5 years. Consultation is provided in multiple community settings: home, daycare, preschool, kindergarten, Infant Development Program, Supported Child Development Program.
■ Physiotherapy serves school-aged children with special needs – from kindergarten through transitioning into adult services at age 19 – to achieve optimal independence and to assist them in meeting their educational goals. The physiotherapist works with family members, teachers and educational assistants to support the student’s participation, inclusion and access to learning opportunities with the goal of achieving the student’s highest level of independent functioning. Services are provided in home, school, child-care and community settings.
The Infant Development Program (IDP) serves children from bir th to three years old who are at risk for, or who already have a delay in development. IDP brings parents and professionals together to help children overcome developmental difficulties.
LET’S BUILD BETTER COMMUNITIES nsdrc@nsdrc org | 604-985-5371