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! E R U CULT SEPTEMBER 29, 30 & OCTOBER 1, 2017
For full event listings, visit: www.nvrc.ca/culturedays Premiere Partners
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SEPTEMBER 29, 30 & OCTOBER 1, 2017
EXPLORE ! CREATE ! PARTICIPATE Discover the world of artists, musicians, dancers, heritage experts, and curators in your community. North Shore Culture Days has something for the artist in everyone and best of all, everything is FREE! www.nvrc.ca/culturedays
Centennial Theatre + Mid Lonsdale
Centennial Theatre, Gordon Smith Gallery of Canadian Art, Artists for Kids, North Van City Library
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 SNEAK PEEK TOUR: OPENING OF AFK CANADIAN FIRST PEOPLE EXHIBIT ^ #O )KO G+*) ). *OO )KO $+)J*)* N.+ UJP* a$ZU` 0O% OdKJgJ) h0P O0I.c h0 J0N.+Ch)J'O MhDDO+c ).(+] WHERE: Y.+P.0 6CJ)K YhDDO+c .N "h0hPJh0 $+)_ B[B[ T.0*PhDO $'O] WHEN: Z+JPhc_ [B:\\ 9S ^ @:\\ 9S MIC & I: A TEEN OPEN MIC NIGHT ^ 5OO0* J0 M+hPO* = ). [B h+O J0'J)OP ). I.J0 S"*_ 4JF).+Jh h0P 6h+J0h_ N.+ h 0JMK) .N -O+N.+Ch0fO h0P Dh(MK)O+& WHERE: R.+)K 4h0f.('O+ "J)c TJg+h+c_ [B\ 3O*) [@)K 6)] WHEN: Z+JPhc_ >:\\ 9S ^ <:\\ 9S
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 LAUDATE SINGERS GALLERY SINGALONG! - V.J0 J0 )KO *J0MhD.0M_ COO) )KO fK.J+ h0P D.fhD f.C-.*O+^J0^+O*JPO0fO h0P -h+)JfJ-h)O J0 h ,(O*)J.0 h0P h0*%O+ *O**J.0] WHERE: Y.+P.0 6CJ)K YhDDO+c .N "h0hPJh0 $+)_ B[B[ T.0*PhDO $'O] WHEN: 6h)(+Phc_ B:\\ 9S ^ A:\\ 9S
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1 MUSICAL PETTING ZOO - 1.(+ gJM fKh0fO ). )+c .() )KO C(*JfhD J0*)+(CO0) .N c.(+ P+OhC*] 9+O*O0)OP gc T.0M / Sf8(hPO WHERE: "O0)O00JhD 5KOh)+O_ BA\\ T.0*PhDO $'O] WHEN: 6(0Phc_ [[:\\ $S ^ [:\\ 9S ORCHESTRA JAM ^ V.J0 )KO R.+)K 6K.+O "KhCgO+ Q+fKO*)+h h0P $ "h*(hD $++h0MOCO0) N.+ h *JMK) +OhPJ0M *O**J.0 .N C(*Jf N+.C fOD)Jf_ -.- h0P fDh**JfhD )+hPJ)J.0*] WHERE: Y.+P.0 6CJ)K YhDDO+c .N "h0hPJh0 $+)_ B[B[ T.0*PhDO $'O] WHEN: 6(0Phc_ [B:\\ 9S ^ B:\\ 9S UKULELE STRUMMIN’ & SINGIN’ JAM ^ VQV1 S(*Jf N.+ "KJDP+O0 .NNO+* h Xh%hJJh0 *)cDO (F(DODO %.+F*K.- N.+ FJP*] #+J0M c.(+ (F(DODO .+ g.++.% .0O KO+O& WHERE: "O0)O00JhD 5KOh)+O_ BA\\ T.0*PhDO $'O] WHEN: 6(0Phc_ [:\\ 9S ^ [:@\ 9S BURSTIN’ WITH BROADWAY COMMUNITY SINGALONG ^ i'O+c.0OL* J0'J)OP ). f.CO h0P gOD) .() c.(+ Nh'.(+J)O *K.% )(0O* ghfFOP (gc )KO NhC.(* #3# O0*OCgDO] WHERE: "O0)O00JhD 5KOh)+O_ BA\\ T.0*PhDO $'O] WHEN: 6(0Phc_ B:\\ 9S ^ A:A\ 9S RADICAL IMPROV FAMILY SHOW ^ YO) )KO MJMMDO* h* c.( O0I.c )KJ* +hPJfhD JC-+.'J*h)J.0 *K.% %KJfK gDO0P* +h-JP^G+O K(C.+ %J)K fKh+hf)O+^P+J'O0 *).+c)ODDJ0M] $DD hMO* %ODf.CO] WHERE: "O0)O00JhD 5KOh)+O_ BA\\ T.0*PhDO $'O] WHEN: 6(0Phc_ @:\\ 9S ^ @:A\ 9S
Lower Lonsdale
Presentation House, CityScape Community Art Space, John Braithwaite Community Centre, Lonsdale Quay Market Stage, Shipbuilders’ Square, Waterfront Park, Rogers Plaza
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 CHIEF DAN GEORGE: ACTOR & ACTIVIST ^ TOh+0 )KO *).+c .N K.% 5*DOJD^3h()()K "KJON !h0 YO.+MO a[<;;e[;<[` DON) h DOMhfc %J)K KJ* %.+F h* h0 W0PJMO0.(* hP'.fh)O_ hf).+ h0P hf)J'J*)] WHERE: 9+O*O0)h)J.0 X.(*O $+)* "O0)+O_ B\; 3O*) @)K 6)] WHEN: Z+JPhc_ [B:\\ 9S ^ ?:\\ 9S CURATOR’S TALK AND TOUR ^ V.J0 f(+h).+ Uh+O0 !Oh+D.'O N.+ h ).(+ / PJ*f(**J.0 .N )KO OdKJgJ): H"KJON !h0 YO.+MO: $f).+ / $f)J'J*)E] WHERE: 9+O*O0)h)J.0 X.(*O $+)* "O0)+O_ B\; 3O*) @)K 6)] WHEN: Z+JPhc_ B:\\ 9S ^ A:\\ 9S
CULTURE DAYS KICK OFF AT THE SHIPYARDS NIGHT MARKET V.J0 R.+)K 6K.+O Shc.+* h* %O FJfF^.NN "(D)(+O !hc* B\[= h) )KO C.*) -.-(Dh+ Ch+FO) .0 )KO 6K.+O] !+.gc )KO "(D)(+O !hc* g..)K N.+ c.(+ N+OO g()).0 h0P -Dh0 c.(+ %OOFO0P .N f(D)(+hD hP'O0)(+O*] WHERE: 6KJ-g(JDPO+* 6,(h+O_ [? 3hDDhfO SO%* WHEN: Z+JPhc_ @:@? 9S
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 PRESS PRINT CRAFT ^ ".CO h0P Od-D.+O c.(+ f+Oh)J'J)c gc ChFJ0M *ChDD fh+P* (*J0M )KO -+J0)ChFJ0M )OfK0J,(O] WHERE: V.K0 #+hJ)K%hJ)O ".CC(0J)c "O0)+O_ [@? 3O*) [*) 6)] WHEN: 6h)(+Phc_ [\:\\ $S ^ [:\\ 9S CURATOR’S TALK AND TOUR ^ V.J0 f(+h).+ Uh+O0 !Oh+D.'O N.+ h ).(+ / PJ*f(**J.0 .N )KO OdKJgJ): H"KJON !h0 YO.+MO: $f).+ / $f)J'J*)E] WHERE: 9+O*O0)h)J.0 X.(*O $+)* "O0)+O_ B\; 3O*) @)K 6)] WHEN: 6h)(+Phc_ [\:A\ $S ^ [[:A\ $S FIRST WELCOME HYCH`KA - OUTDOOR THEATRE EVENT ^ id-O+JO0fO )KO OdfJ)OCO0)_ f(+J.*J)c h0P %.0PO+ .N COO)J0M *.CO.0O .+ *.CO)KJ0M 0O% N.+ )KO G+*) )JCO] V.J0 )KO f.CC(0J)c -h+hPO N.DD.%OP gc *-OfJhD -O+N.+Ch0fO* h0P h *Kh+OP -.)D(fF -Jf0Jf h) 3h)O+N+.0) 9h+F NOh)(+J0M )KO *-Of)hf(Dh+ MJh0) ".h*) 6hDJ*K 9(--O)_ h0P )KO S(*,(OhC ZJ+*) Rh)J.0L* 5*h)*( 6)hD,hch .+ ".h*)hD 3.DN 9hfF] 9+O*O0)OP gc 9+O*O0)h)J.0 X.(*O 5KOh)+O h0P S.+)hD ".JD 9O+N.+Ch0fO 6.fJO)c] WHERE: 3h)O+N+.0) 9h+F_ B\\ #D.fF 3O*) i*-Dh0hPO WHEN: 6h)(+Phc_ [[:\\ $S ^ ?:\\ 9S CREATE YOUR OWN 8”X 8” ART ^ W)L* )JCO ). MO) f+Oh)J'O %J)K c.(+ 'O+c .%0 <E d <E h+) -JOfO] TOh+0 )J-* h0P )OfK0J,(O* .0 K.% ). ChFO )KO C.*) .() .N h *ChDD fh0'h*] $+)J*) POC.* N+.C [:\\ ^ B:A\ 9S h0P A:\\ ^ @:A\ 9S] WHERE: "J)c6fh-O ".CC(0J)c $+) 6-hfO_ AA? T.0*PhDO $'O] WHEN: 6h)(+Phc_ [B:\\ 9S ^ ?:\\ 9S CHIEF DAN GEORGE: ACTOR & ACTIVIST - TOh+0 )KO *).+c .N K.% 5*DOJD^3h()()K "KJON !h0 YO.+MO a[<;;e[;<[` DON) h DOMhfc %J)K KJ* %.+F h* h0 W0PJMO0.(* hP'.fh)O_ hf).+ h0P hf)J'J*)] WHERE: 9+O*O0)h)J.0 X.(*O $+)* "O0)+O_ B\; 3O*) @)K 6)] WHEN: 6h)(+Phc_ [B:\\ 9S ^ ?:\\ 9S
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1 CREATIVE DANCE SAMPLER FOR 6-12 YEAR OLDS "+Oh)J'O !h0fO J0fD(PO* h0 .--.+)(0J)c ). DOh+0 ghDDO)_ Ihbb_ KJ-^K.-_ -.-_ h0P f.0)OC-.+h+c] 7OMJ*)+h)J.0 +O,(J+OP e fhDD >\@^;<=^9Dhc a=?B;`_ #h+f.PO 2A<;<A=] WHERE: V.K0 #+hJ)K%hJ)O ".CC(0J)c "O0)+O_ [@? 3O*) [*) 6)] WHEN: 6(0Phc_ [B:\\ 9S ^ [:\\ 9S CHIEF DAN GEORGE: ACTOR & ACTIVIST TOh+0 )KO *).+c .N K.% 5*DOJD^3h()()K "KJON !h0 YO.+MO a[<;;e[;<[` DON) h DOMhfc %J)K KJ* %.+F h* h0 W0PJMO0.(* hP'.fh)O_ hf).+ h0P hf)J'J*)] WHERE: 9+O*O0)h)J.0 X.(*O $+)* "O0)+O_ B\; 3O*) @)K 6)] WHEN: 6(0Phc_ [B:\\ 9S ^ ?:\\ 9S CHILDREN OF TAKAYA DANCE GROUP’S STORY - !+.- J0 h) )KO R.+)K 4h0f.('O+ S(*O(C ). KOh+ Yhg+JOD YO.+MO *Kh+O )KO KJ*).+c_ *).+JO* h0P +OMhDJh .N )KO 5*DOJD^3h()()KL* "KJDP+O0 .N 5hFhch !h0fO Y+.(-] WHERE: 9+O*O0)h)J.0 X.(*O $+)* "O0)+O_ B\; 3O*) @)K 6)] WHEN: 6(0Phc_ [:\\ 9S ^ A:\\ 9S YOUTH INTERACTIVE ART INSTALLATION - 1.()K h+O J0'J)OP ). P+.- gc h0P %.+F %J)K h D.fhD h+)J*) J0 )KO f+Oh)J.0 .N *.CO 0O% -(gDJf h+)] WHERE: 7.MO+* 9Dhbh_ [@? 3O*) [*) 6)] WHEN: 6(0Phc_ [B:A\ 9S ^ B:A\ 9S YOUTH PERFORMANCE SERIES ^ ".CO .() h0P DJ*)O0 ). h 'h+JO)c .N D.fhD -O+N.+CO+* h) )KO "J)cL* 0O% f.CC(0J)c *)hMO] WHERE: 7.MO+* 9Dhbh_ [@? 3O*) [*) 6)] WHEN: 6(0Phc_ [B:A\ 9S ^ B:A\ 9S
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SEPTEMBER 29, 30 & OCTOBER 1, 2017
GIRLS WITH GRIT - ^CA '#Ab? " K FH Z+IA? Cb-J VC#D @b#] :;D%I` )CA ID #D?B#A#D' %C;A C) ZC'IL `#D-);b `+-#=I=#CD ID- I6+?C`+ EAI)=?J 5IA=#E#BID=? `;?= A+'#?=+A K EIbb &H*Ke"$K5bIZ P$(.eN Barcode #389796. WHERE: VC%D >AI#=%6I#=+ <C``;D#=Z <+D=A+L F*( /+?= F?= 2=J WHEN: Sunday, 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM MIDDLE EASTERN DANCE WORKSHOP - Feel fresh and fantastic with our FREE and FUN -IDE+ 6CAd?%CB? P5+A?#IDL @AIG#EL >+bbZ :IDE+ ID- 2I`GINJ 5A+?+D=+- GZ =%+ @EI-+`Z C) T#--b+ 7I?=+AD :IDE+ P@T7:NJ WHERE: UCD?-Ib+ 4;IZ TIAd+= Q;=-CCA 5bIXI WHEN: 2;D-IZL ,cHH 5T K *cHH 5T
Lynn Valley Village + Area
Lynn Valley Village, Lynn Valley Library, Lynn Valley United Church
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE - Come see one of the North Shore’s best kept secrets! A magical blend of improvised music and comedy with special guest, ‘category defying singer’ Norine Braun. WHERE: Lynn Valley United Church, 3201 Mountain Hwy. WHEN: Friday, 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 THERE FOR THANKS GIVING - LABYRINTH WALK Step onto a path of positivity to reflect on and acknowledge the delight, joy and pleasure that is your life... then return to the world feeling connected to a place of gratitude. All are welcome! WHERE: Lynn Valley United Church, 3201 Mountain Hwy. WHEN: Saturday, 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM CELTIC MUSIC JAM - Let your music out! Jam along with North Shore Celtic Ensemble. Visit www.nsce.ca and they will send you the sheet music…all instruments welcome! WHERE: Lynn Valley Village Plaza, 1233 - 1277 Lynn Valley Rd. WHEN: Saturday, 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1 CULTURE CRAM AT THE NORTH VANCOUVER DISTRICT PUBLIC LIBRARY - The Library is hosting a CULTURE CRAM to see how much culture we can cram into our Lynn Valley branch! S 5+A?#ID E;b=;AIb +]%#G#= GZ =%+ OCACI?=A#ID 'AC;B PFcHH 5T K *cHH 5TN S @9I T;?#E ID- @A= <+D=A+ >ID- B+A)CA`IDE+ PFcHH 5T K .cHH 5TN S :IDE+? C) 5CbZD+?#I 6#=% =%+ 2B#A#= C) =%+ 2C;=% 2+I? -IDE+A? P.cHH 5T K ,cHH 5TN S 1#G+=ID >C6b 2#D'#D' B+A)CA`IDE+ P,cHH 5T K *cHH 5TN WHERE: RCA=% 0IDEC;9+A :#?=A#E= 5;Gb#E U#GAIAZL F.$$ UZDD 0Ibb+Z 3-J WHEN: 2;D-IZL FcHH 5T K *cHH 5T
Deep Cove + Parkgate
Seymour Art Gallery, Deep Cove Cultural Centre, Parkgate Community Centre
PARKGATE POTTERY STUDIO OPEN HOUSE - Find out if pottery is for you by dropping by the fully equipped studio and giving it a whirl. All ages welcome. WHERE: Parkgate Community Centre, 3625 Banff Crt. WHEN: Friday, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM HISTORY OF DEEP COVE FIRE AND COMMUNITY HALL - Share your memories of the EC``;D#=Z %Ibb I? BIA=#E#BID=? A+9#+6 B%C=C'AIB%? C) =%+ %Ibb )AC` =%+ `#- Fe*H_? =C `#- Fe&H_?J WHERE: :++B <C9+ 1%+I=A+L *,HH \IbbID= @9+J WHEN: Friday, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM DEEP COVE HERITAGE OPEN HOUSE K :#?EC9+A bCEIb %#?=CAZ ID- ?++ %C6 `;E% =%+ :++B <C9+ IA+I %I? changed by looking at pictures from our archives. WHERE: :++B <C9+ 1%+I=A+L *,HH \IbbID= @9+J WHEN: ^A#-IZL FcHH 5T K *cHH 5T
ART STUDIO OPEN HOUSE K :ACBK#D ID- `++= bCEIb 5IAd'I=+ 2=;-#C IA=#?=? 6%C 6#bb G+ showcasing their art and actively painting. WHERE: Parkgate Community Centre, 3625 Banff Crt. WHEN: Saturday, 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM DEEP COVE HERITAGE OPEN HOUSE K :#?EC9+A bCEIb %#?=CAZ ID- ?++ %C6 `;E% =%+ :++B <C9+ IA+I %I? E%ID'+- GZ bCCd#D' I= B#E=;A+? )AC` C;A IAE%#9+?J WHERE: :++B <C9+ 1%+I=A+L *,HH \IbbID= @9+J WHEN: 2I=;A-IZL FcHH 5T K *cHH 5T
PARKGATE POTTERY STUDIO OPEN HOUSE - Find out if pottery is for you by dropping by the fully equipped studio and giving it a whirl. All ages welcome. WHERE: Parkgate Community Centre, 3625 Banff Crt. WHEN: Saturday, 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
PARKGATE POTTERY STUDIO OPEN HOUSE - Find out if pottery is for you by dropping by the fully equipped studio and giving it a whirl. All ages welcome. WHERE: Parkgate Community Centre, 3625 Banff Crt. WHEN: Sunday, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM DEEP COVE HERITAGE OPEN HOUSE K :#?EC9+A bCEIb %#?=CAZ ID- ?++ %C6 `;E% =%+ :++B Cove area has changed by looking at pictures from our archives. WHERE: :++B <C9+ 1%+I=A+L *,HH \IbbID= @9+J WHEN: 2;D-IZL FcHH 5T K *cHH 5T TRADITIONAL FINGER WEAVING WORKSHOP K 7]BbCA+ =%+ %#?=CAZ C) 7I?=+AD /CC-bIDTribes as well as Metis and French Canadian artisans by learning the traditional way to make sashes for the voyageurs. WHERE: :++B <C9+ 1%+I=A+L *,HH \IbbID= @9+J WHEN: 2;D-IZL FcHH 5T K *cHH 5T ARTIST TALK WITH REBECCA CHAPERON - Learn how Rebecca’s paintings act as a means of storytelling, where surreal bID-?EIB+? BCB;bI=+- GZ `Z?=+A#C;? M';A+? `++= )bI= '+C`+=AZL with emotive undercurrents. WHERE: 2+Z`C;A @A= \Ibb+AZ L *,&H \IbbID= @9+J WHEN: Sunday, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Delbrook + Edgemont
Delbrook Community Recreation Centre and Edgemont Village
ARTS & CULTURE GRANTS: INCLUDING CREATIVITY - Calling all artists! Free information workshop on funding opportunities available through North Vancouver Recreation & Culture’s @A=? a <;b=;A+ \AID=? 5AC'AI`J WHERE: :+bGACCd <C``;D#=Z 3+EA+I=#CD <+D=A+L "(F /+?= 4;++D? 3-J WHEN: ^A#-IZL ,c,H 5T K *c,H 5T
TIE-DYE IN EDGEMONT VILLAGE - :ACB C)) ZC;A =K?%#A= CA =C6+b 6#=% ZC;A DI`+ CD #= CD ^A#-IZL 2+B= .e I= >< 5bIZ=%#D'?L 7-'+`CD= 0#bbI'+ V+6+bb+A CA 1A#`?J /+ 6#bb ?CId ID- BA+B #= )CA ZC;J WHERE: 5+=+A 3IGG#= 5IAdb+= PbCEI=+- I= ,H(( /CC-G#D+L G+?#-+ 1A#`?N WHEN: Saturday, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM CULTURE JAM UPCYCLING WORKSHOP - Create your own musical instrument out of ‘junk’ and let’s do some culture !I``#D' =C'+=%+AJ U+- GZ bCEIb EAI)=+A ID- IA=#?= :+D#?+ Corcoran. All ages. WHERE: :+bGACCd <C``;D#=Z 3+EA+I=#CD <+D=A+L "(F /+?= 4;++D? 3-J WHEN: Saturday, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM TRASH TO TREASURE WORKSHOP - Learn to create craft magic on a budget and make ?#`Bb+ ;BEZEb#D' BAC!+E=? 6#=% -#?EIA-+- #=+`?J U+- GZ :+D#?+ <CAECAIDJ ^CA I-;b=?J WHERE: :+bGACCd <C``;D#=Z 3+EA+I=#CD <+D=A+L "(F /+?= 4;++D? 3-J WHEN: Saturday, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM POTTERY STUDIO OPEN HOUSE K :ACB GZ ID- =C;A =%+ D+6 :+bGACCd 5C==+AZ 2=;-#C8 2=;-#C `IDI'+A UC;#?I 6#bb also do a special pottery demo from 1:30 - 2:00pm. WHERE: :+bGACCd <C``;D#=Z 3+EA+I=#CD <+D=A+L "(F /+?= 4;++D? 3-J WHEN: Saturday, 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM DANCE FOR THE JOY OF HEALTH K Y+Ib=% /CAd? #D9#=+? ZC; =C EC`+ C;= ID- -IDE+ #D 7-'+`CD= 0#bbI'+ 6#=% O;`GI 0IDEC;9+A ID- U;'b#C 3C`+ACL )+I=;A#D' -IDE+ ?=Zb+? )AC` all over the world. WHEREc,H(( /CC-G#D+ :AJ WHEN: Saturday, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM YOUTH MIXED MEDIA WORKSHOP WITH ARTIST VEIS DOKHANI - Youth in grades 9 - 12 are invited to create a monochromatic abstract landscape using watercolour & ink based on =%+ BA#D=? C) WD-#'#D+C;? IA=#?= 3CZ Y+DAZ 0#Ed+A?J T;?= BA+KA+'#?=+AJ <Ibb &H*Ke"$K5bIZ P$(.eN Barcode #390728. WHERE: :+bGACCd <C``;D#=Z 3+EA+I=#CD <+D=A+L "(F /+?= 4;++D? 3CIWHEN: Saturday, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
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SEPTEMBER 29, 30 & OCTOBER 1, 2017
West Vancouver
Silk Purse Arts Centre, WV Memorial Library, WV Museum, Ferry Building Gallery, Kay Meek Centre
WATER’S EDGE: PAINTINGS BY PETER MANNING & LORI MORRIS - Acrylic painters Loris Morris and Peter Manning share their unique interpretations of landscapes by the water’s edge in bold and colourful depictions of majestic shorelines. WHERE: Silk Purse Arts Centre, 1570 Argyle Ave. WHEN: Friday, 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 WATER’S EDGE: PAINTINGS BY PETER MANNING & LORI MORRIS - Acrylic painters Loris Morris and Peter Manning share their unique interpretations of landscapes by the water’s edge in bold and colourful depictions of majestic shorelines. WHERE: Silk Purse Arts Centre, 1570 Argyle Ave. WHEN: Saturday, 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
ARTIST TALK: ERIC METCALF AT THE WEST VANCOUVER MUSEUM - Join Eric Metcalfe in the gallery for a tour of his exhibition, Gargoyles and Improvisations, on view until October 28. WHERE:West Vancouver Museum, 680 17th St. WHEN: Saturday, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
HONOURING RECONCILIATION READING CIRCLE - Take part in this moving reading circle exploring Bev Sellars’ memoir, They Called Me Number One, her personal account of her residential school experience and her path to healing. WHERE: West Vancouver Memorial Library, 1950 Marine Dr. WHEN: Saturday, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
WATER’S EDGE: PAINTINGS BY PETER MANNING & LORI MORRIS - Acrylic painters Loris Morris and Peter Manning share their unique interpretations of landscapes by the water’s edge in bold and colourful depictions of majestic shorelines. WHERE:Silk Purse Arts Centre, 1570 Argyle Ave. WHEN: Sunday, 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
RAIN QUEEN OF AFRICA AT THE FERRY BUILDING GALLERY Ceramic artist Liz DeBeer will spin tales of the Rain Queen of Africa and explain some of the techniques she used in producing the work for her latest solo exhibition. WHERE: Ferry Building Gallery, 1414 Argyle Ave. WHEN: Sunday, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
OPEN REHEARSAL WITH AMBLESIDE ORCHESTRA - Celebrate 25 years of music making on the North Shore at Ambleside Orchestra’s open rehearsal of opera overtures. See how a musical performance is created with a backstage view of the rehearsal process. A celebratory cake and coffee will be served. WHERE: Kay Meek Centre Studio Space, 1700 Mathers Ave. WHEN: Sunday, 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
THE BIG PICTURE: COLLECTIVE ART PROJECT - Jump in and draw! Be part of an exciting art project where people from here and around the world are collaborating to create a big mosaic picture from thousands of drawings. WHERE: 125 Garden Ave. WHEN: Saturday, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM PAINTING WITH A PURPOSE - Drop-in and contribute to a collaborative large piece painting that will go up for auction at Art World Expo 2018. Proceeds will go to Canadians in need. WHERE: MAB Art Studio & Boutique Gallery,1335 Pemberton Ave. WHEN: Saturday, 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM ONE OF A KIND ARTISTIC CLOTHING & FASHION SHOW Go behind the scenes at the studio of clothing artist Kjaer Pedersen. Fashion show starts at 1:00PM. WHERE: 195 Artist Studio, 195 Pemberton Ave. WHEN: Saturday, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM DREAM CATCHERS AT MARIANA SOLA ART STUDIO Drop in and create your own dreamcatcher to catch all your dreams. WHERE: 204 - 1515 Pemberton Ave. WHEN: Saturday, 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM STAND UP COMEDY SHOW - Laugh Your Head Off and Support Mental Health. The show looks at the lighter side of taking meds, seeing counselors, getting diagnosed and surviving the mental health system. WHERE: The Yoga Root, 106 - 850 Harbourside Dr. WHEN: Saturday, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1 THE BIG PICTURE: COLLECTIVE ART PROJECT - Jump in and draw! Be part of an exciting art project where people from here and around the world are collaborating to create a big mosaic picture from thousands of drawings. WHERE: 125 Garden Ave. WHEN: Sunday, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM PAINTING WITH A PURPOSE - Drop-in and contribute to a collaborative large piece painting that will go up for auction at Art World Expo 2018. Proceeds will go to Canadians in need. WHERE: MAB Art Studio & Boutique Gallery, 1335 Pemberton Ave. WHEN: Sunday, 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM COLOR YOUR MANDELA MEDITATION - Take a journey with this hands on colouring and meditation workshop. Pre-registration required. Visit www.culturedays.ca. WHERE: The Yoga Root, 106 - 850 Harbourside Dr. WHEN: Sunday, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
“A Little Outside the Hubs” in North Vancouver
Capilano University, Pemberton, Grand Boulevard Area, Harbourside
STEIN VALLEY NLAKA’PAMUX HERITAGE PARK: A LIVING MUSEUM Don’t miss this presentation by Ruby Dunstan who will share historical and oral narratives of the Lytton Nlaka’pamux in the Stein watershed. Registration is required. Please email elderscouncilprograms@gmail.com. WHERE: Capilano University, 2055 Purcell Way, Library Building - Room 321 WHEN: Friday, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
PAINTING WITH A PURPOSE - Drop-in and contribute to a collaborative large piece painting that will go up for auction at Art World Expo 2018. Proceeds will go to Canadians in need. WHERE: MAB Art Studio & Boutique Gallery, 1335 Pemberton Ave. WHEN: Friday, 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
BACKSTAGE AT HENDRY HALL - The North Vancouver Community Players take you backstage at the Theatre at Hendry Hall to discover the magic of community theatre. WHERE: The Theatre at Hendry Hall, 815 East 11th St. WHEN: Friday, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Promotion of North Shore Culture Days is coordinated by North Vancouver Recreation & Culture with support from the District of West Vancouver and the North Shore News. North Shore Culture Days events are subject to change without notice.