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Independent school profiles Perspectives from students, parents and teachers A SPECIAL FEATURE OF THE
| A25
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How to find a tutor for your child with certain tutors, and may be able to point you in the direction of tutors who specialize in certain areas, such as mathematics or the sciences.
Tutors provide an invaluable service to students across the globe. Students at all grade levels utilize tutors, and the results such tutors produce may surprise even the most ardent tutor supporters.
CONTACT LOCAL COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS Local community organizations such as the YMCA also may offer free or low-cost tutoring programs to members or even non-members. Parents are urged to consider these programs, as they may be staffed by local college students, including undergraduates and postgraduates. When speaking with local organizations, ask how they choose their tutors and inquire about the educational backgrounds of those tutors.
A 2009 study from researchers at the Chabot College Office of Institutional Research found that tutored students had higher pass rates on average than non-tutored students in every class examined. Those classes included anatomy, biology, business, and chemistry. In addition, one study published in the American Journal of Physics found that human tutoring can result in classroom test scores that are 35 percent higher than softwaredriven tutoring. Such results have understandably made many parents true believers in the power of tutoring. Parents who want their children to work with tutors but don’t know where to find one can try these strategies. CONTACT YOUR CHILD’S SCHOOL Many schools offer free tutoring programs, and such programs can provide the one-on-one attention students need to understand their lessons. After-school tutoring programs
“Human tutoring can result in classroom test scores that are 35 percent higher than software-driven tutoring.” offered by schools also may provide curriculum-specific tutoring that aligns directly with what students are being taught in the classroom. Schools also may have information about local private tutors and tutoring firms, so
Open their world of learning
parents should not hesitate to contact their children’s school. ASK AROUND Fellow parents can be great resources when looking for tutors. Other parents can share their own experiences working
CONSIDER ONLINE TUTORING SERVICES Online tutoring services are another option, and one that can be especially valuable for families that live in remote or rural areas where in-person access to tutors may be hard to find. Search the internet for online tutoring services, making sure to read reviews and even request testimonials from past clients before signing up. Parents have numerous resources at their disposal that can help them find tutors for their children. METRO CREATIVE
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Brockton School
Q: What do you like best about attending your school?
A: While there are many things I love about Brockton, the one stand-
out thing about the school for me is the community. When I walk into the school every morning, I feel like every single staff here actually cares about the students they’re teaching. It feels like I’m coming
to a school that not only cares about my learning but wants me and every other student here to become better. This sense of community at Brockton goes throughout the entire school and has created an amazing environment to learn and thrive in.
Q: What is the biggest benefit to your child in attending their school?
A: The biggest benefit for Cole attending Brockton is his passion
The Brockton community is very inclusive and nurturing. Cole thrives in this environment as he knows all of the students and teachers throughout the school. Going to school is fun and he is up early every morning looking forward to the day.
for learning and participating in the areas that he most enjoys. For example, this year he is excited about his Design Technology projects and his participation in Brockton’s World Music Program.
Jen G
Q: What is the most rewarding part of your job/workplace?
| A27
I have been teaching since 1991 and as a teacher, the most rewarding thing that could happen to you is for a student to thank you for making a difference in their life. We are lucky if this happens to us once in our careers, but since coming to Brockton in 2019, three students have mentioned this to me. I believe this is possible because Brockton is more than a school - we’re a family
where teachers truly care about their students and want them to succeed and feel valued. While being a smaller school gives you the opportunities to really connect with your students, it is the fact that the school’s culture is built around the well-being of the whole child that makes Brockton a special place to teach, learn, and make a difference!
Where every student matters. Where every family matters. Where learning for life matters. • Early Years Programme: Junior Kindergarten (4 years old by Dec. 31) Kindergarten (5 years old by Dec. 31) • IB World Continuum School supporting JK through grade 12 with an enriched curriculum • Excellent student to teacher ratio, personalized attention, and a focus on whole child development • Specialist teachers and extended learning opportunities • Extended day and co-curricular programming • Extensive financial assistance available: bursaries and entrance scholarships Register for an upcoming virtual information session at Accepting Applications for the 2022/2023 school year.
Inspiring the Growth of Outstanding Humans.
Noble K
north shore news
Bodwell High School
Q: What do you like best about attending your school? A:
Unlike my previous schools, my teachers look for my creative input in my schoolwork. This enables me to think critically, and I believe this will better prepare me for university. I appreciate everything I have learned at Bodwell and will use these skills, not just in for my future studies but for my whole life.
I like attending Bodwell because it allows me to form relationships with people from other countries. I can develop my world view as well as my understanding of other cultures through these relationships. Because I live in boarding, I get to spend more time with friends. I have many opportunities to volunteer at school to develop new skills to help my community. The classes on Saturday mornings and after school are another opportunity to learn a new skill or get extra help.
Yutaro Y.
Q: What is the biggest benefit to your child in attending their school? A:
for graduating high school with honors. The experiences and lessons she received in Bodwell will truly remain a highly valued moment of her life.
Our daughter has become more independent and focused on her studies as she continued her learning in Bodwell. I was most proud of her when she got accepted to all the universities she applied for and
Batmunkh J. TEACHER
Q: What is the most rewarding part of your job/ workplace? A:
sense of self and responsibility in their community. This continued professional development highlights the fact that teaching is a job that requires you to constantly update and learn not only teaching strategies and skills, but also life and personal skills. In our changing world, it is imperative that you keep up with what is happening in our society and ensure that you can come into the classroom ready to support your class.
I would say that every day is a new challenge in a good sense. When you have classes with students from all over the world, the odds of the day being dull are minimal. With the implementation of the IB Middle Years Programme at Bodwell, teachers have been learning to implement a curriculum where students can empathize with others and pursue lives of purpose and meaning. The programme aims to help students develop their personal understanding, their emerging
Chris M.
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Brentwood College School
| A29
Q: What do you like best about attending your school? A:
The best part about Brentwood is that it’s not just a school, or a boarding school, but it’s a home. Living with all of your friends and even several teachers leads to close relationships that have nothing but positive benefits. Of course, there are rules, but at Brentwood everyone only wants the best for you. For example, I’ve had teachers that have come in on Sundays to spend time helping me prepare for
an exam, or who stayed late at night to make sure I really understand that one thing in chemistry. I will forever be grateful for the friends I’ve made and the support I’ve received here. I am now in my third and penultimate year at Brentwood, doing more than I ever thought possible three years ago, and though I’ll be sad to leave soon, I know that I’ll be ready for anything that comes next.
Kameel A
Q: What is the biggest benefit to your children in attending their school? A:
We chose Brentwood for our boys because it’s a forward-thinking school with a progressive ideology. It sets a rigorous yet supported academic, athletic, and artistic standard where students gain confidence by learning both work ethic and self-reliance. The tripartite program is so refreshing! It allows students to cover academics in the morning while engaging in a wide range of arts and sports programs in the afternoons. The program offerings are almost as
diverse as the student population (which includes students from 55 different countries!), so there is ample opportunity for students to find or pursue their passion and thrive. Because students choose to be there, consequences are presented in terms of personal responsibility and clear communication. The school offers our teens the skills and confidence to thrive in the adult world. I am so pleased with the sense of responsibility and maturity that I see in my boys.
Hemsa F
Q: What is the most rewarding part of your job/workplace? A: As a teacher and rowing coach for 28 years at Brentwood, I cannot think of a better place to work. It’s about the dedicated staff and students of this school. The students “bring it” every day—to the classroom and to the dock, and they want to be challenged and develop the skills needed to take on and prepare for the big university programs. On the water, many of these student-athletes
want to be the best. Many have gone on to row at university all over the world. We have 24 alumni who have rowed for Canada at the past 12 Olympic Games, including four Olympic gold medalists, four silver medalists, and two bronze medalists. Brentwood challenges each student in the path they choose, be it in the classroom, art studio, or with their athletic endeavors.
Brian C
Where Students Choose To Be
The fact that students choose Brentwood is what makes this place so special special. Because when a student ttruly wants to be here, and they’re surrounded by a family of like-minded friends and supporters, we believe they can choose to be ... anything. Co-ed | Boarding | Day | Grades 8-12 | University Prep | Vancouver Island | BC |
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Vancouver Waldorf School
Q: What do you like best about attending your school? A:
I feel like the Vancouver Waldorf School has become a second home for my sister and me and that all the teachers care so much, not only about my school work or my future post-secondary goals but also for me as a person. In the grade school, my teacher moved with our class through the years and adapted to our strengths and areas of challenge as we grew older and more capable. We were
always excited when a new student joined the class as a new recess buddy or a visiting international influence in the high school. The curriculum is balanced and rich, and the school is so positive and encouraging. The outdoor education and class trips are also a positive and memorable part of our school. As graduates, we receive so much more, both credit-wise and experience-wise.
Reina L
Q: What is the biggest benefit to your children in attending their school? A:
Waldorf is about the education fitting my children’s development rather than my children fitting an educational system. I love how the students are brought a developmentally appropriate, rich curriculum. Regardless of the grade or program, connections to the natural world are fostered - from edible and pollinator-friendly gardens to the
materials used to construct the buildings and play structures to the school supplies used each day. The most significant benefit is seeing relationships built on mutual respect between my girls and their class teachers, the appreciative and insightful observations the teachers make of them, and the excitement, especially my 10-year old has, for the school.
Joana RM
Q: What is the most rewarding part of your job/ workplace? A:
I chose to become a Waldorf teacher because of everything it has in it; it’s so much more than a curriculum to be delivered. It is about the child behind it and the sparkle in their eye when they understand something new for the first time. It is respecting the seed of individuality that is in each child. I’m inspired by the “why” we teach the things we teach and the intentional focus on how and when the
curriculum is brought to the students. We offer rigorous academics balanced with music, painting, woodworking, and performance arts – each considered essential lessons and not just electives. Waldorf education inspires socially responsible, independent thinkers who contribute to world renewal; it’s deeply powerful. That makes the whole experience so much more vibrant and inclusive.
50th Anniversary
Celebrating 50 years of cultivating compassionate, free-thinking individuals who are able to act with purpose and contribute to the betterment of the world. Discover more at
Marlies DC
north shore news
Alcuin College
Alexander Academy
| A31
Q: What do you like best about attending
Q: What do you like best about attending
your school?
your school?
At Alcuin College, the class sizes are small, and the kids are very friendly. I like that the teachers are energetic and enthusiastic. There is also a variety of teachers for all the different subjects. We go out into the community and visit the parks, gym, and library every week!
Ellie S.
I’m grateful to Alexander Academy for welcoming me and being there for me. I was provided with opportunities that helped me grow as a person and student. I even gained the confidence to start my own debate club. Currently, I received an offer to UBC where I will study Commerce.
Q: What is the biggest benefit to your children in
Q: What is the biggest benefit to your child in
attending their school?
Our boys love receiving individualized attention while learning through exciting opportunities. Passionate and kind teachers foster connections with each child. The students have a strong sense of community, encouraged to be better global citizens and the best version of themselves. We have seen amazing growth in confidence in our kids.
attending their school?
Karen B.
Our daughter experienced a fantastic time at Alexander Academy thanks to the professional teachers and great students. We experienced the best service, starting with a professional interview with admissions and ending with several prestigious university offers. We’re satisfied with our daughter’s self-development and will always be grateful.
Q: What is the most rewarding part of your
Q: What is the most rewarding part of your
Teaching at Alcuin College has been a unique opportunity for me as new ideas are always heard and valued, mission and vision guide the school’s community, and I work with staff who love what they do. The most rewarding part is seeing how much our students enjoy their learning everyday!
Amir R.
It is fantastic to teach at a school with such a diverse group of students, both local and international. Our small classes allow me to provide individualized attention. The students are also wonderful and a joy to teach. Lastly, the faculty is very helpful and makes you feel at home.
Mr. Hildbrandt Alexander Academy is an internationally renowned independent school with a diverse student population represented by students from more than 17 countries around the world.
EDUCATION IN THE COMMUNITY, FOR OUR FUTURE. Alcuin College is a progressive, non-profit, independent K-12 school, serving North Shore families. Join us for small class sizes, engaging instruction by expert teachers, and a connected community.
At Alexander Academy, we recognize that each student has their own academic goals, learning style, passion, and talent. Our teachers are committed to ensuring that students have the opportunity to challenge themselves academically, enabling them to reach their personal level of academic excellence. We expect excellence and foster attitudes of creativity, engagement, empathy, respect and integrity.
#100 – 602 West Hastings Street Tel: 604-687-8832 Fax: 604-687-8872
north shore news
Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School
North Star Montessori STUDENT
Q: What do you like best about attending
Q: What do you like best about attending
your school?
What I like best about KGMS are the teachers. They are nice, patient and helped me learn to read and count. I feel calm and relaxed at the school and in my classroom. I like having tutoring every day; my tutor helps me with what I’m stuck on.
your school?
Madison R.
I like my school because I have lots of friends there and I get to work with them on projects. I like the fact that all my teachers are the best teachers ever! I also like learning through the Montessori materials because they help my brain learn new things.
Q: What is the biggest benefit to your children in
attending their school?
attending their school?
Diane R.
The biggest benefit to my children in attending North Star is that they have a love for learning. This is due to the nature in which the curriculum is delivered – through the Montessori method – which identifies that elementary aged children learn best through the use of their imagination!
Q: What is the most rewarding part of your
Paige D.
In Montessori education, children are typically in the same environment for a 3-year cycle. It is gratifying to get to know and understand each child so intimately and guide them through these formative years. Witnessing their social, emotional, and academic growth inspires me.
Is your daughter or son struggling to achieve their potential? We believe every young person can succeed if given the right tools and learning environment. For over 40 years, we have been offering an intimate, supportive private school for students with needs not typically addressed by a traditional school setting. Visit us and discover how we can help overcome obstacles and create a path to success.
.. ..
Outcome-oriented Tailored programs Friendly, informal atmosphere Highly educated & experienced staff
.. ..
Christie S.
Q: What is the most rewarding part of your job/ Seeing my students learn to LOVE school again! Many of our kids come from past learning environments where they had negative experiences. At KGMS, I get to see them flourish every day, as they are able to let their apprehension ion towards school fade. Having a student proudly tell their parents what they achieved that day makes it all worthwhile!
Robbie S.
Q: What is the biggest benefit to your child in This is Madison’s 4th year at KGMS. We are thankful to those who have played an important role in her learning. We now have a child who is happy, confident and has a dream of the future. We know she will be okay. Madison didn’t have a dream before, and we where scared for her future pre-KGMS.
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Lalena D.