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Why A Support Group?
- In the Words of North Shore Caregiver Group Members


Emotional and practical support is needed now more than ever with the unpredictability and isolation of the last three years of COVID-19.
Caregiver shave the added stress of looking after loved ones and often feel frustrated, depressed, and alone. NSCR’s Caregiver Support groups offer a community of like-minded, caring people who understand each other’s struggles and often can offer new ways of thinking about things; or a new resource; or simply someone who’ll listen. Some have been caregiving for years; some are brand new to it. NSCR surveyed their group members and received the following answers to the question:
What was the most beneficial thing about participating in the program?
➡ “Participating helped me feel less isolated with my challenges - and reinforced positive coping skills Found the program - and the workshops very helpful while going through a challenging time I wish my fellow participants well with their journeys ”
(Caregiver Support Group member)
➡ “Learning that I am not alone in the challenges I face as a caregiver, that there are others out there just like me, and that they are having a hard time too. So if I feel like I’m having a hard time, it’s not because I’m not a good caregiver, it’s just life, and it’s okay”
(Caregiver Support Group member)
➡ “Learning from others is the most beneficial. There are many takeaways each month which I apply to my life I also believe I’m at a time of my own experience in caregiving where I can share and give back I find purpose in all of us assisting group members who are in urgent or significant need There is wisdom in the group. Thanks Vic for the generosity you bring ”
(Caregiver Support Group member)
➡ “Social and reassuring as meeting others in similar situations, experiencing friendly, thoughtful peer caregivers and facilitators conversation and