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Usuallycalledthespider plant,chlorophytumcanbe placedonapieceoffurniture orshelftotraildown.It’sesthetically pleasingandeasytomaintain Asa bonus,chlorophytumplantsoften producepups,soyoucancreate newplantstogivetoothers.


Commonlyknownasthejade plant,thecrassularequiresa lotofsunlight.Itneedsverylittle waterandgrowsslowly,making itidealforsmallspaces.

Besidesbeingdecorative,houseplantshaveasoothingeffectand generateasenseofwell-being.Don’thesitatetoembellishyour homewithoneormorespeciesthatgrowwellindoors.

Celebrating Seniors

Honoringyourlife, home, and community

Located in the heart ofVancouver’s Oakridge area,we are avibrant boutique residence forseniors Enjoythe connection and peace ofmind offered byourcommunityin a picturesque residential neighborhood

The Weinberg Residence provides seniors with dignity, independence, and tradition, within a sociallyand spirituallyenriching community.

We understand that choosing a seniors’ home is an important decision.You can rest assured that all ourstaffmembers are caring, compassionate, andwell- trained professionalswhovalue the close relationships theyhave developedwith ourresidents It is ourexcellent staffwho allowus to offerthe outstanding level of care that has become synonymouswith “the Weinberg”

Come and discoverall the comforts and beautyofthe Weinberg Residence

Call 604-261-9622 orvisit ourwebsite atwww.weinbergresidence.com.

Celebrating Seniors



It’s Seniors Week and fornearly50years

SilverHarbourSeniors’ActivityCentre has been offering a gathering place forlocal seniors We currentlyoffermore than 75 programs and services, including physical fitness,visual and performing arts, games, informative seminars and much more

We also provide a numberofimportant services such as delicious low-cost meals, a legal clinic, and information about others seniors services

We hopeyou’ll check out ourwebsite at www.silverharbourcentre.com and call us at 604-980-2474 formore information Seniors Week is an opportunityto acknowledge and celebrate the integral part seniors playin communities across British Columbia We are celebrating seniors thisweek and hopeyou are too! SilverHarbourSeniors’ActivityCentre 144 East 22nd Street, NorthVancouver 604.980.2474 | silverharbourcentre.com


Celebrating Seniors

Make Life Golden – EnjoyPeace ofMind

Locallyowned and operated,we strive to put relationships first andwant to enhance the qualityoflife foreveryfamily member Affordable 24 hourin home services everydayoftheyear. Ourcaregivers epitomize dailyintegrity and professionalism.All ourstaffare trained in FirstAid, CPR, and must pass stringent background checks

We are committed to extraordinary caregiving to the residents and communities on the North Shore We keepyou healthyand happyby providing a balance ofsocial interaction and independence

Oursuccess is based on the philosophy that aging is a gift to be experienced togetherwith ease, comfort and joy.

We believe dignity, integrity, and respect are always the mostvaluable commodities Yoursmile is the highest level ofpraise forus

GoldenAge Seniors Services 220 - 145 Chadwick Court NorthVancouver 604-512-0647 www.goldenageseniors.ca

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