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PolicingWest Vancouverwithpride andcommitmentto protectandserve
You can make a positive impact in your community; WVPD is actively recruiting
Strong relationships of mutual trust between police agencies and the communities they serve are critical to maintaining public safety and effective policing.
The West Vancouver Police Department (WVPD) endeavours daily to meet and exceed these objectives They strive to engage with the public to form special connections and represent diversity in the community.
“Im very proud of our staff who provide an unsurpassed service delivery to our residents, visitors and businesspersons in West Vancouver and on the Squamish Nation,” says John Lo, chief constable
“We focus on our people and take care of our people, who in turn, show up for work every day to keep our community safe ”
The WVPDs efforts to keep the community safe have been highlighted in the 2022 Vital Signs Report where community residents provided an “A” rating to feeling safe in West Vancouver westvanfoundation ca/insights/vital-signs/
“The best thing about working in West Vancouver is the support that we receive from the public and from our schools,” adds Lo “While other departments in the region may face challenges such as defunding the police or the removal of specialized services like school liaison programs, the confidence that we receive from the West Vancouver community has been unwavering It is an honour to work in a community where we are supported, wanted and welcomed,” Lo says
New staff, culture
The WVPD has undergone significant change in the last two years, hiring 29 police officers and 12 civilians since January 2021 (out of a staffing complement of 79 police officers and 22 civilians)
“This is a remarkable accomplishment given the current climate, labour market and competition for talent that exists throughout the policing ecosystem in British Columbia,” says Lo “With all of our new people and the fresh energy that they bring, we ’ re building a new culture and a new identity for our department The people who are hired today will be the leaders of tomorrow, so we are focusing on employee wellness, training, and succession planning and well continue to focus on these three key areas in the years to come ”
Work with WVPD
If you have a desire to make a difference in your community and are interested in a career in law enforcement, there are employment opportunities for experienced officers, new recruits and civilian staff
They also have short-term contract opportunities for members of other departments who have retired or are nearing retirement
WVPD not only offers a highly competitive wage and benefits package that focuses on physical and mental wellness, but their tight-knit culture is like a family. They build camaraderie, not only while working together, but with social functions outside of work too “When you join the WVPD you are joining the WVPD family We are such a close group that a lot of the time we will know the names of each other’s spouses, children and even their pets,” says Lo
When asked what makes a person a good fit for the WVPD, Chief Lo says that “today’s police officers are challenged with being the backstop for so many complex social issues such as homelessness, mental health, and the opioid crisis This is in addition to the every day expectations of preventing crime and apprehending offenders So to be a successful police officer in West Vancouver you will need to have a high level of compassion, resilience and emotional intelligence. But at your core, you must care about the West Vancouver and Squamish Nation communities If you have that in you then we can train you up on everything else ” “Because at the end of the day, we want the public to have a positive feeling when they see our police officers. We want all of our residents in West Vancouver and on the Squamish Nation to know that we are here to help and to keep everyone safe ” For anyone interested in a West Vancouver policing career or for more information, visit westvanpolice.ca and/or email recruiting@ wvpd.ca or contractpolicing@wvpd.ca. heNorthShoreisa vibrantanddynamic community,offering awealthofbusiness, entertainment,cultural,and recreationalopportunities withinitsrelativelycompact area Nestledamidstbreathtakingnaturalbeauty, thisregionishometoadiverseandthriving businesscommunitythatcontributessignificantly toitseconomicvitality.
AttheheartoftheNorthShore’seconomic landscapearemajorportterminals,shiprepair facilities,andbustlingindustrialareas These industrialsectors,coupledwithmodernwaterfront businessparks,formarobustfoundationfor commerceandtrade Complementingthesekey players,theregionboastsanimpressivemixof integralsmallbusinesses,encompassingretail
Testablishments,not-for-profitorganizations,anda rangeofprofessionalservices.
Thesymbioticrelationshipbetweenthese businessesandtheregion’swell-developed infrastructureisthedrivingforcebehindthe NorthShoressuccessstory Bystrikingadelicate balance,thecommunityfostersapositiveclimate forbusinessgrowth,housingdevelopment,and long-termeconomicsustainability,allwhile preservingthearea’sgreatestasset itsaweinspiringnaturalbeauty
AsatestamenttoourcommitmenttotheNorth Shorecommunity,theNorthShoreNewstakes immenseprideinpresentingourProgress Report.Withinitspages,weprovideaninsider’s perspectiveintothejourneysoftheselocal businesses,sheddinglightonhowtheyhave shapedourcommunityandexploringtheirpivotal roleswithinoureconomy Moreover,wedelveinto theirfutureplans,revealingtheexcitingprospects thatlieahead.
Wearealsohonoredtofeaturelettersfromour esteemedmayors MayorLindaBuchananof NorthVancouverCity,MayorMikeLittleofNorth VancouverDistrict,andMayorMarkSagerofWest Vancouver Theirmessagesprovidefurtherinsight intothevisionandprioritiesofourlocalleadership, highlightingtheirdedicationtofosteringa prosperousandsustainablebusinessenvironment Together,wecanappreciatetheremarkable evolutionofourregionandembarkonaprosperous futurebuiltuponcollaboration,innovation,andan unwaveringdedicationtopreservingtheessenceof ourbelovedNorthShore.
MattBlair Publisher