NS student selected for Macy’s Thanksgiving g g Day Parade SEE
Ladyhawks take down #2 Hurricane, but drop out of rankings
Check out our ur new comics created by our own ng award-winning cartoonist see page 10
See Page 7
Well Said:
If students are mad because they’re in a place where they can benefit themselves, then maybe they need to rethink their priorities.
New kids on the block
-Vice Principal Jason Strate,
responding to student complaints about new attendance policy
By the Numbers:
The best round of golf ever shot by a North Sanpete golfer in competition, shot by Trevyn Tucker two weeks ago
Number of full-time teachers or administrators who are new or in new positions this year at North Sanpete
Place taken by the NS girls’ cross country team at an Idaho meet that included more than 3,000 runners
Record of the NS Volleyball team in non-tournament games, including a 1-0 record in region
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Photo By Jeremy Zabriskie
The start of a new school year has also brought a new teaching staff. With eight new teachers, the students at NSH are in for a new experience.
1HZ 16 VWDII PHP EHUV KDYH WKH ULJKW VWXII WR UHSODFH RXW JRLQJ WHDFKHUV BY BRANDI PEAHL Change is the only constant. This year students will see many new faces in their classrooms as NS High welcomes eight new teachers to its ranks. These new arrivals replace the eight veterans who left for various reasons from accepting new teaching jobs to retiring after 30 or more years of service. These new teachers bring a variety of experience and expertise to their teaching. Here is a brief introduction to each new staff member and the courses that they will teach this year.
Chad Smith Chad Smith is a first year teacher who teaches U.S. History and Street Law. Next semester he will teach Contemporary Problems. He graduated with his Bachelors Degree from Weber State. He got his Masters Degree from the University of Phoenix. Smith previously lived in the Salt Lake area but moved down to Sanpete County in search of a teaching job. “It’s a worthwhile trade off,” said Smith, commenting on the changes that he had to make to come to the area. Brandon Olsen Brandon Olsen is the new woods and drafting teacher. He previously taught two years at Grantsville High School and is now living in Centerfield. He attended college at Southern Utah Uni-
versity. Olsen graduated with his Bachelors degree is 2005 and plans on furthering his education. He enjoys the school so far. He is pleased with the students and his fellow staff members although he does have his biases. “Woods and drafting are the funnest classes at the high school!” said Olsen Auralee Brooks Auralee Brooks teaches Adult Roles, Teen Living and Foods. Next semester she will teach Interior Design. This is her first year teaching and she commutes everyday to NS from her home in Nephi. She graduated from Brigham Young University in Family and Consumer Science. She received her Associates Degree from Utah
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Contents A & E.................9 Crossword..........10 Features..............5 News...................1 Opinion..............4 Sports.................7
Plant postpones production New attendance policy keeping kids in school
Number of boys who will be sexually abused according to the Utah Attorney General’s Office
the percentage of victims who report sexual abuse according to the Utah Attorney General’s Office
feels comfortable with her fellow staff members because she has been in the district long enough. “I love being here. I finally feel like its where I’m supposed to be,” said Carney. Heidi Bouck Heidi Bouck is in her first year of teaching as a Computer Technology teacher. She was formally the assistant girls basketball coach but will not be coaching this year. She has always lived in this area except for her college education. She loves the rural area and is glad to be raising her family down here. “I love it, absolutely love it,” said Bouck. Gregory Wright Dr. Gregory Wright has come to NSH from the Uni
Number of girls who will be sexually abused according to the Utah Attorney General’s Office
10 %
Valley University. She is the advisor for FCCLA and will help plan the preference dance. Brooks is excited for her opportunity to get to know the students at NS. “Stop by and say ‘hi’ so I can get to know everybody,” said Brooks. Cami Carney Cami Carney is the Special Education teacher. She is from Spring City and this is her fifth year teaching. She previously taught at Moroni Elementary. She has her degree in mild/moderate Special Education and is currently working on her severe Special Education Degree. Carney plans of furthering education to end up with a Masters Degree. She has two kids, one of which attends this high school. She
Economic scares in Sanpete county are threatening local turkey plant to temporarily shut down. The future of the processing plant is still up in the air.
BY HANNAH ALDRIDGE Local workers wait for the economic bomb to drop in November of this year. Norbest Turkey Plant has witnessed a massive drop in the profit over the past months, which has had a drastic impact on Sanpete County. The corn prices peaked at seven dollars a bushel this summer, as opposed to the two to three dollars that it was in the year 2007. These record high prices occurred when flooding took place in Iowa, destroying much of the grain crops. This sent the turkey feed prices skyrocketing. Corn prices have also been driven up further due to government subsidization of Ethanol. This program, which utilizes corn for engine fuel, increases demand for corn, making it more expensive for farmers to buy feed for their livestock. “As soon as we saw the price of corn go up,” said turkey farmer Michael Christensen, “we knew we were in trouble.” Christensen,
a member of the board of directors for The Norbest Plant, and a life long resident of Moroni, has witnessed many ups and downs in the turkey industry. Christensen said that a temporary closing would be much better for the local turkey industry than if they continued to struggle on with the current feed prices. A small operation, such as Moroni Feed, is much more flexible and nimble than larger poultry producing companies around the country. This makes it easier for Moroni Feed to adjust to various market challenges, such as the high cost of corn. “It wasn’t a hard decision to make, given the choices,” said Christensen. Although corn, being a large portion of the reason the plant is closing, is largely to blame it not the only reason. The plant has been marketing what is called the heavy tom to the public. The heavy tom is a very large bird cut into smaller pieces, and it seemed to be arduSEE PAGE 3, TURKEY PLANT
Fifteen strikes and you’re out! At least, that’s how it is according to this year’s brand new attendance policy. The new Utah Compulsory Education Attendance Law was put into effect July 1, 2008. In simple terms, the policy states that students may not have more than 15 absences and must follow their school’s attendance policy, or they will face the disciplinary measures. Also, a notice will be sent to parents or guardians when truancy occurs. In order to comply with this law, the North Sanpete School District has revised the attendance policy for
NSH. The policy now states that a student can have up to 15 absences before a nonjudicial referral to a juvenile authority will be made. This does not include school-excused absences. After five absences a letter is sent to the parents. After ten consecutive absences with no student or parental contact, the student will be dropped. Additionally, three tardies will equal one absence. Some students don’t think the new policy is all it’s cracked up to be. “It’s B.S.!” said Chaney Jackson, a senior. She’s one of many students who don’t like the District’s policy. Jackson thinks students should be al SEE PAGE 2, ATTENDANCE
Most students, like those seen here in Tyler Bailey’s class, make sure they are on time and attend every class due to this year’s strict attendance policy
Government officials warn students about the dangers of internet predators
County Judge presents mock trial to teach young people to avoid alcohol BY RACHAEL HOWARD Judge Ivo Peterson along with lawyers and police officers came to North Sanpete High. They came to teach the students about what happens during a jury trial. They taught them the importance of being honest and the chronological order of a trial. They did a mock trial and had students from N.S be in the Jury. Along with that Peterson showed students what the jail looked like. Peterson had photos of the bathroom, shower and sleeping quarters. They are small with 1-4
6DULDK 'RQQDKRR (GXFDWLRQ 6SHFLDOLVW IRU WKH 8WDK $WWRUQH\ *HQHUDOÂśV 2IÂżFH SUHVHQWV LQIRUPDWLRQ WR KHOS VWXGHQWV DYRLG predators on the internet. Sanpete native and Miss Utah Kayla Barclay also spoke to the school to warn of these dangers.
Due to problems on the Internet, not only within the school but outside as well, North Sanpete High students had the opportunity to attend an Internet safety assembly. Sariah Donnahoo, an Education Specialist of Child Task Force, spoke during a recent assembly at NSH. Miss Utah Kayla Barclay also attended as part of her pageant platform. Donnahoo talked about the dangers of social networking applications such as MySpace. She also talked about the dangers of the Internet. Some of these dangers including people who lie about names,
ages, genders and post false pictures. These people manipulate students in the target range of 13-15 years old into gaining their trust. One-fourth of all girls and one-sixth of all boys have been or will be abused before the age of 18. “Be aware of the possibilities.... Careful who you trust,� said Donnahoo. Most of the abusers are a family member or a friend of the victim. 99% of abusers are male. Predators will groom family and friends around the victim to lure young people into a compromising situation. Donnahoo told a story of her former teacher. He had taught for 40 years before one student came forward and confessed that he had
been sexually abused. The community refused to believe this because the teacher had groomed them all. The teacher finally admitted to the offense. One myth about this is that the victims are unwilling or forced into the relationship, when the truth is, the victims think it is completely normal. Furthermore, many of the perpetrators are average people. “The internet will not go away,� said Donnahoo. One sign to look for in victims of internet-based sexual abuse are isolation from family and friends. The predator makes friends with family and friends to groom them into thinking they can be trusted. One can prevent this from
Homecoming activities slated for next week Monday, Sept. 29th-Hawaiian Day Window Painting Fun Run Tuesday, Sept. 30th-Celebrity Day Volleyball Girls’ Tennis Wednesday, Oct. 1st-Retro Day Region Tennis Girls’ Soccer Cross Country Powderpuff @ 6:00 Movie Night
Thursday, Oct. 2nd -Crazy Hair/Hat Day Region Tennis Volleyball Bon Fire Friday, Oct. 3rd-Spirit Day Parade @ 4:00 Soccer Football Come out and support the school and teams and show your HAWK PRIDE all week!
Attendance, continued from page 1 lowed fifteen absences a semester. She says that students often gone due to illness or some other reason. “By the end of the school year, everyone’s going to be going to court. I only have two classes a day and I can’t do it!� Not all students agree with Jackson on the subject. “I do like it. I think it’s helping people who aren’t as good at attending classes to come to class more,� said Kimberly Larsen, a sophomore. The only problem Larsen sees is the rule of three tardies equalling an absence. Sometimes its not so easy to get to classes quickly and tardies might start adding up. Jason Strate, the new Vice Principal of NS High, agrees that the policy will be very efficient. “It’s definitely an improvement from last year’s,� Strate said. “I’ve had some students complain, and I don’t care. I’m going to enforce it. If students are mad because they’re
in a place where they can benefit themselves, then maybe they need to rethink their priorities.� It seems most students are sitting on the fence when it really comes down to it. Lindsay Bradley, a junior, is one of these. She thinks the new policy will be good because there were a lot of kids with sluffing problems last year. “It’ll definitely be less stressful on Teri!� said Bradley, referring to Attendance Specialist Teri Anderson, who has spent a great deal of time the last several years listening to excuses from parents and students. At the same time, Bradley also sees a few problems with the attendance policy. “What if you’re extremely ill? You can’t come to school sick. So what are you supposed to do?� she asked. The administration acknowledges that there may be extenuating circumstances that will be taken into account, but only in extreme cases.
Esteem Team informs kids about drug and alcohol awareness BY HUNTER ERICKSON The Esteem Team is a group of students who inform kids about the dangers of tobacco. They go to elementary schools and give presentations to the students and share information about being drug free.
Last year they went up to the capitol to protest alcopops, to try to remove them from general stores. They also traveled to Snow College South in Richfield for a Governing Youth Council convention for a few days. The President of the Esteem Team is Aubrey Chris-
tiansen, the Secretary is Tori Egan, the Activities Manager is Edi Peterson, the Historian is Mitchell McClellan, and the Public Relations Officer is Hunter Erickson. The meetings for Esteem Team are on Thursday, and they are always accepting new members.
happening by using caution. One should not talk to strangers on the Internet, and shouldn’t arrange to meet them in person. Donnahoo also encouraged studnets to not participate in or watch any form of cyber bullying. “Don’t be afraid to stand up for what’s right,� said Donnahoo, “Predators know what they are doing, do you?� Predators who get caught are average guys. They don’t look like predators. Some students learned a lot from this presentation while others didn’t seem to care. “[The presentation was] helpful, I didn’t know anything about the internet so very helpful,� said Caleb Christensen, a sophomore from Moroni. ------“We are the heart and soul of the volleyball team,� said SBP Ryan Aagard. “Well..we are the throat and the lungs.� See NS spikers on page 7 -------
people in a cell. Peterson also told the students that if they are taken in for a D.U.I., their fingerprint, photo and name would be in the police records forever. Peterson’s main reason for coming was to teach students about the judicial effects of drinking. One of the main points was if you choose to drink, don’t drive. “I do not want to see anymore people die. I want to teach the young people to drive safe,� said Peterson after the presentation. Keeping people safe is what Peterson is trying to do..
Students see the world and own backyard BY BRANDI PEAHL This past summer many students had the experience of a lifetime when they had an opportunity to travel, whether overseas or over states. Ben Cox and several students had the chance to travel to Europe to study its history and culture. A total of 30 went to Europe with the group. “It was way fun, like way,� said Naudia Dowland, a junior from Fairview. While there, they went to England, France, Italy, Switzerland and many other places. They got both a vacation and an educational experience. “It was amazing, I learned a lot,� said Hilary Workman, a senior from Spring City. These students were not the only ones who had the opportunity to travel with the school. In an essay-writing contest, Travis Christensen and McKay Jones were selected to go to Washington, DC. This group had all expenses paid for by Fast Pass. Fast Pass is a charitable organization that was first used in helping wounded police officers but later was expanded into helping Utah and its students. The organization gives out these educational trips and scholarships. Along with O’Dee Hansen, Christensen and Jones traveled with a group of 44 other students from Utah. They stayed as a group and developed life-long friend-
A group of 24 students and six chaperones from North Sanpete High which travelled to Europe during this past summer, poses for a group photo inside the Colloseum at Rome. The tour group, led by Ben Cox, spent 15 days in Europe and visited England, France, Switzerland and Italy.
ships. “I had a great time. I got to meet a lot of new people,� said Christensen, a junior from Moroni. While in Washington D.C., they were able to see most of the historical landmarks in
the area. They learned of the history of the area and even got to meet with Senator Bob Bennett and ask him any questions they wanted. “It was more for the kids than anything,� said Hansen, a counselor at North Sanpete
High School. Not all students at NSH had the opportunity to participate in these events. These both had limited numbers available. “I wish all students could have gone,� said Hansen.
Although these trips are over, there are still chances to travel. This coming summer science teacher Dax Higgins is taking a group to Japan. This trip will cost about 3,000 dollars plus food and other expenses.
For more information on this trip contact Mr. Dax Higgins. “If anybody has an opportunity to travel then they should. It might change your life,� said Jill Coombs, a senior from Fountain Green.
New teachers, continued from page 1 Auralee Brooks
Chad Smith
Gregory Wright
Cami Carney
Teen Living, Adult Roles, Foods
History, Street Law
English, French
Special Education
Heidi Bouck
Wendy Bolwes
Brandon Olsen
Casey Jenson
Computer Technology
Special Education
Woods, Drafting
Weights, Head Football Coach
Turkey plant, continued from page 1 ous bird to handle. “It is a large and clumsy bird to cook with,� says Julie Jordan, Moroni resident. Many customers prefer what is called the whole bird. The whole bird is the bird you eat for Thanksgiving, and also the sliced turkey on
your sandwich. The heavy tom was the bird in supply and the whole bird was the one on demand, leading to an over all crises for the plants revenue. The plant’s closing has an effect on more than just the employees, though.
“It will definitely present a hardship for the children of employees as well.� said Mica Talbot, North Sanpete School Board member. Talbot believes that Moroni Elementary School could loose up to 33 percent of their current enrollment due
versity of Las Vegas after ten years of being a professor there. He went to school here at NSH and graduated in 1990. He currently lives in Ephraim. He has a PH. D. in English and is the advisor to the new French Club. He enjoys being involved in school activities. He finds teaching high school students a lot more challenging than teaching college students. Wright offers advice freely to all his students. “Set your goals high, work hard and you’ll be successful,� said Wright. Wendy Bowles Wendy Bowles is the Special Education English teacher. She has 19 years of experience under her belt. Her second year of teaching was at NS but then she transferred schools. She taught half of last year here and is now teaching here full time. She has her Bachelors Degree plus about to the closing of the plant. Talbot is concerned that many of the Processing Plant laborers will move away from Sanpete County in search of work, taking their school -aged children with them. This would be a financial loss for the local school district, and an emotional hardship for the students. Talbot is not the only citizen to share these unfortunate premonitions. Karen Crosland, a junior from Moroni and a turkey farmer, shares these views. “A lot of people will move away, and Moroni will feel like a completely different place,� said Crosland. Crosland is directly affected by the closing of the processing plant, her father being currently employed there. The break is something new for Crosland, as well as many other farmers. Crosland already feels the pressures of this change. “I feel like I have a responsibility to get a job and help my family,� she said. Being a teen, Crosland knows there is little she can do financially had hopes to be a help anyway she can. Moroni’s Norbest Turkey Processing Plant is tentatively scheduled to reopen in March of 2009. There is much uncertainty among locals about the effects that the temporary lay-offs may have, but one thing is for certain. The shock waves of the plant closing in November will be felt for some time to come.
60 more hours. She previously taught elementary school aged children. Bowles believes in her students and sees what they can achieve, as long as they don’t make excuses. “Never give up. Stop saying I can’t and start saying I can,� said Bowles. Casey Jenson Casey Jenson is the new weights teacher. He is the head football coach, and he has his degree in Spanish. He has his minor in coaching and is also a certified personal trainer, making him more qualified for the position of head coach. He grew up in San Antonio, Texas, and played football for two years at Brigham Young University. He is married and has a five-year-old son. “Be on time where ever you go and be respectful to everybody,� said Jenson.
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NS Times Staff Editor-in-Chief Jeremy Zabriskie Managing Editors Katie Carpenter Chana Thompson Advisor Ben Cox News Brandi Peahl, editor Hannah Aldridge Katie Carpenter Features Jesse Richmond, editor Naudia Dowland Ana Ramirez Jeremy Zabriskie A&E Chad McKay, editor Ethan Aldridge Danielle Hardy Rachael Howard Sports Valerie De Mill, editor Caleb Christensen Hunter Erickson Tori Johnson Chana Thompson Layout Hunter Erickson Sadie Ivie
How to Submit Letters Email: news@nsanpete.org Or Give letters to Mr.Cox Or Submit it in the Letter to the Editor Box in the front office.
Letter Policy The NS Times welcomes letters on any topic. (Appropriateness will be determined by the editorial staff.) If published, work may be edited for length, grammar, accuracy and/or clarity. Letters must include writer’s full name and phone number, though only name will be published.
Our View We’ve heard a lot of talk about how great or terrible this year’s new attendance policy is, and yes, even though it has its downsides, we think overall it’s a great policy. The past several years, the school has had problems with the number of students that sluffed class. Students could easily slide under the radar and skip class, most of the time, without any consequence. A lot of kids ended up failing, not because their absences brought down their grades, but because of the work and learning they missed while they were gone. What’s the point of registering for school if a student is just going to leave as soon as he gets here? We come to school to learn and improve our education to help us better ourselves and our future. With this new policy, students are allowed 15 absences for the entire year, excluding school excused absences. With only 180 days in a school year, 15 absences should be enough to get you by. This way, students are more responsible with their class duties. Instead of leaving school to go shopping or on a donut run, kids will stay in class in fear of wasting much needed absences. Now, we know there are times when 15 may not be enough. The District says that they will be lenient in certain circumstances such as hospital stays, a death in the family, and so on. But what about the kids with a common cold or the flu? Some students get sick more often than others and are forced to stay home quite a bit. Are they supposed to come to school and spread their disease, getting everyone else sick too? As long as the school can keep a continuous, equal standard on how lenient they are, then there shouldn’t be a problem. We just hope the teachers understand enough to know when someone really couldn’t help being absent.
Your comments, questions and letters are appreciated!
Mt. Pleasant’s not handicap accesible My name is Elyse Michelle Wilberg. I’m twenty-one years old, I was born with Cerebral Palsy and because of my disability I’m confined to a wheelchair. I have lived in Mount Pleasant, Utah for thirteen years. There is a public library in Mount Pleasant in which I have not been able to enter because the library is not wheelchair friendly nor is it wheelchair accessible. There are many in our community who are confined to a wheelchair. They also don’t have access to entering the library.
I have been in the library twice, the first time was when I was in elementary school. I was with my brother Khris Parker and they asked us to leave the library immediately. The second time I went to the library I was about fifteen years old, I was with my caretaker Janie Palmer. They saw us coming in and told us that it was too dangerous to enter. They also told us that anyone with a disability is not allowed to enter this public library. They were right, it is very dangerous.
In this library there are lots of steep stairs, just to reach the adult books there are two sets of very steep stairs, if you wanted to get to the children or picture books you would need to take yet another two sets of stairs, or one steeper set. In the past we have had many conversations with the library about this problem. We were informed that the library doesn’t need to provide wheelchair access because it is a historic building. This is their solution, they think that I should just park outside no matter the type
of weather and just send my caretaker inside to check out the books for me. I feel that I should have all the rights to browse the library myself whenever I please. On top of not being able to access the library, I feel like I’m being treated extremely poor by the librarians. Like I stated in the beginning I have been asked to leave twice. I feel like I’m being discriminated against because I have a disability. I know lots of people who have a disability, who I know for a fact would like the op-
portunity to browse the library too. There is a senior citizens center close by the library and they would benefit from an elevator. I would like to see Mount Pleasant City provide its wheelchair bound residents and senior citizens with the same accessibility that walking citizens have the privilege to enjoy. I hope that the people who read this letter will be willing to make this happen.
be kicked out of the dance. But it has gotten to the point where none of us feel like we can even dance. I have seen friends get in trouble for hugging at a dance. It’s absolutely ridiculous. I don’t understand what the administration is trying to do. How I see it is, the school needs money, and the students are dying for something fun to do on a Friday night. But the school is not getting any money this way,
and all students end up doing is driving around wasting their gas that they paid an arm and a leg for, just trying to find something exciting to do. Wouldn’t this money be put to better use at the dance if the students could actually enjoy themselves? I think that the administration is trying to keep students out of trouble, but they don’t realize that they are just pushing them more toward it. When they kick students
out of these dances, they are making it easier for kids to turn to drugs and drinking and ultimately anything illegal. What is wrong with this picture? I would choose a little innocent dancing over jail-time any day.
-Elyse Wiberg
School dances a drag It’s Friday night after the football game, and you walk into the school dance. Instead of seeing everybody dancing and having a great time you see about fifteen kids standing around talking. What happened? Some of the most fun and memorable experiences for students in high school are the school dances. We wait our whole lives to be old enough to get into them, and go dance the night away; yet,
this is being taken away from us now. As you look back over the years, the ways that people dance have changed. I know many adults look at what dancing has become now, and they just shake their heads. But for many students, they don’t look at it just as being dirty, it’s just how some of them dance. I can definitely understand how it can be taken too far, and that is the only time when people should
Student participates in Macy’s day parade BY JESSE RICHMOND The term “Jack-of-alltrades” refers to a man who is skilled in many different things. This is the perfect way to describe Theron Christiensen. Christiensen comes across with a happy, easygoing manner. He enjoys talking about his hobbies, especially practical jokes. He says that he’s pulled off many a prank, though he’s reluctant to give details. His caution may be well placed, as the victims would probably come to seek retribution. However, practical jokes aren’t the only thing on Christiensen’s mind. He indulges in several other hobbies, including magic, writing, reading and music. He pursues each with much vigor. Christiensen’s magic is rather well known. Many students saw him in action when he dazzled the crowd in the NS Idol competition, which took place in the Junior Prom assembly. Besides this, he also took third place in the Farm Bureau talent show, a very prestigious competition. As for writing, Christiensen enjoys writing anything.
He says that he doesn’t care what he writes, as long as it’s free writing. If anything restricts his creativity, he loses interest. Tanya Roundy, one of Christiensen’s former English teachers, has much to say about him. “He would take beyond what I asked for, and he had a lot of thought and insight,” said Roundy. She also says that his writing is excellent, and that whatever he did, he did with flair and with quality. Christiensen’s love of writing is reciprocated by his love of reading. Christiensen’s favorite author is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, author of the famous Sherlock Holmes stories. His favorite books are The Hound of the Baskervilles, a Sherlock Holmes story, and The Screwtape Letters, a series of correspondences between a devil and his nephew, Screwtape. Finally, Christiensen enjoys music. He plays his trumpet in both the concert ensemble and the pep band. However, he goes even further. Christiensen was chosen to march in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. He is just a bit nervous. “I’m kind of intimidated because it’s the best mu-
Theron Christensen of Moroni plays his trumpet during 0-hour jazzband. Christensen was one of few students recently selected to go to New York to play in the marching band at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.
sicians in the world,” said Christiensen. Timothy Kidder introduced him to the program then set him loose. To make it into the band, Christiensen had to play a five-minute-long, level-four-difficulty etude, then send a tape of his playing to the judges.
He chose Allegretto Affettuoso, by Enrico Gatti. The judges liked it, and Christiensen was chosen. Now, he must learn to play his music, and then he will travel to New York City for a week of auditions. “He just wants it, and he’s going to do anything he can
to get there,” said Kidder. Parade aside, Kidder says Christiensen is a really good student. He loves to play his trumpet, and, according to Kidder, he sings like an angel. Christiensen appears to enjoy life. He seems content with all of his activities, and
he has a veritable entourage of friends, and he clais he can befriend anybody. So, no matter what this Jack-of-alltrades is doing, he’s having a good time. Roundy notes that whatever Christensen did, he always left his mark “Whatever it was, it had Theron in it,” she said.
New English teacher brings college experience to classroom BY JEREMY ZABRISKIE The newest member of the NS English staff could hardly be accused of informality. Dressed to the hilt in his tie and suit coat, Dr. Gregory Wright impresses his students with his experience as well as his attire. Although Wright’s presence came about by the departure of Roy Ellefsen, Mt. Pleasant, Wright believes that he is a supplement rather than a substitute. “I don’t think about filling his shoes; I have my own,” said Wright. Wright feels that, although he is teaching similar subjects, there are distinctive differences between him and Ellefsen. Experience, areas of interest, world view: all things that separate Wright from Ellefsen. Wright currently teaches English 1010, French I, English 11 and a preparatory UBSCT writing class. Ultimately, he would like to see the simultaneous inclusion of both French I and II in the North Sanpete High School’s curriculum. “Spanish is important..., but it’s also important to have multiple experiences,” said Wright. In terms of French experience, Wright is not a novice. He has taken French classes since the age of 12, starting in junior high and continuing throughout college. Wright also lived in France and Switzer-
land for a few years. One pivotal learning opportunity was Wright’s service as a volunteer translator for the Human Rights Initiative— an organization that assists French refugees in need. These experiences not only helped to improve Wright’s French, but also instilled a greater sense of culture—a cultural cognizance that Wright was hoping to share by teaching Humanities this year. Humanities had previously been a offered as a concurrent-enrollment class through Snow College, though the Board of Regions discontinued the class. Ellefsen’s tenure was the only thing keeping the class from extinction, and with his leaving came the expunging of the class. Wright would eventually like to teach a non-concurrent-enrollment humanities class, though he wishes to first find his niche within the school and lose his fledgling status. When not in school, Wright pursues his professorial projects by writing non-fictional prose for publication. “I have my Ph.D, and with that there are certain expectations,” said Wright. One of these expectations is the dutiful task of adding to the body of knowledge, especially that of one’s doctorate—Wright’s being English and literature. Wright’s main writing subject is WesternAmerican literature. This includes authors
Dr. Wright teaches French numbers to his period 4B French I class. Wright joined the NS High staff to teach French and College English after teaching for 10 years at UNLV.
such as John Steinbeck, Sarah Winnemucca and Nathaniel Hawthorne. “The west is relative, when you look at the foundations of America, the ‘west’ was anything west of New Hampshire,” said Wright. An upcoming edition of the Nevada His-
torical Quarterly will feature an article by Wright. Though Wright no longer teaches as a professor, he concedes that his writing is not SEE PAGE 6 DR. WRIGHT
Freshman not afraid of upper classmen BY JESSE RICHMOND Ah, the freshmen; so small, so cute. So easily shoved into lockers or trash cans. At least, that’s what usually comes to mind. Is this true? The thing is, the upper classmen don’t really know what freshmen think. Upper classmen are rarely heard discussing memories of their freshmen year, so the question remains: What do freshmen think? “This was the best first week of high school,” said Tanner Spaulding. Spaulding says he liked his first week because of “cool teachers and hot girls.” Fellow freshman Tesiann Johnston reciprocates his enthusiasm. “It’s been great; I like the homework, and it’s easier than middle school,” said Johnston. Johnston says that her week was enjoyable because her classes, especially Algebra 1, felt more on her level. Not all freshmen are as excited, though. “It’s just a new school, bigger than the middle school,” said
Caden Birch. Birch says his favorite part of the day was “going home and sleeping.” His classmate Andrew Fryer can relate. “I’m officially tired of school, and I want to go home,” said Fryer. Fryer’s apathetic attitude may be caused by the fact that he doesn’t necessarily like of his any teachers. One might hat think that ethese depressed en freshmen have been canned too many times, but this is not so. Birch admits that the lassupper classwn men “own ool,” the school,” sn’t but he isn’t
intimidated, being as tall as most of them. Spaulding admits that the older students tried the usual locker slams and cannings, but he wouldn’t take what they dished out. Sara Fowles and Johnston both say that everyone has been nice to them, which definitely breaks the stereotypical mold. So, the ninth ggraders aren’t as tim timid or as threaten as their threatened olde classolder m mates once thought. However, whatever attitudes they may h about have t school, the th classes the and the upper classmen, they’re still the s short, the can canned, the fres freshmen.
“I’m officially tired of school, and I want to go home.”
-Andrew Fryer
Mitchell takes over yearbook
Dr. Wright, continued from page 5
only about teaching, but is an extension of who he is. By writing, he is merely sating his ardor for reading and literature. “I like stories,” Wright said. “Literature reveals human condition—its beauty and its dark underbelly.” This dogged fervor has led Wright to his doctoral study of English and has brought him him back to his alma mater: North Sanpete High School. Wright is a returning alumnus, and he is thankful to see some familiar faces. “It’s easy to come back to a place where you know people, and they know you,” said Wright. Although his experience with the other teachers has been favorable, he has perceived a general sense of intimidation from his students. “I’ve heard that the students think that I’m difficult, and that’s true to an extent,” said Wright. By requiring his students to write often, Wright feels that he is assisting in ascertaining said students’ future hire-ability in the working world. This is done by increasing the students’ adeptness to writing and communicating effectively. Regardless of his students’ opinions and experiences, Wright ambitiously accepts the challenge of inspiring young, and sometimes reluctant, minds.
When the winds of change blow, people tend to worry. Things can be lost when the wind blows. So, a bit of worry concerning the yearbook isn’t a bad thing. Yearbook’s former advisor, Catherine Carney, has stepped down from this position. Now the spot is being filled by Tina Mitchell, former Computer Technology teacher. She has decided to combine the class with Desktop Publishing, one of her other classes. Mitchell is very nervous of having this class combined. “It’s going to be challenging for both yearbook and desktop publishing because of all the dead lines that we have all together,” said Mitchell. Mitchell has a staff of nineteen students enrolled in desktop publishing/yearbook. She expects her students to fulfill their commitment of working hard and doing their best through out the year. “One thing that is a must for my staff is dead lines,”
said Mitchell. Mitchell has had some experience with desktop publishing, but not with yearbook. This is her first time ever being involved with the yearbook. Mitchell hopes that with the new experience of being the yearbook advisor she will learn a lot of new things. “I enjoy desktop publishing and that is one of my reasons why I decided to be the yearbook advisor,” said Mitchell. Even though there’s a lot of responsibility and hard work in desktop publishing/yearbook, Mitchell hopes that at the end of the year it would all be worth it and enjoyable. Mitchell is not the only one excited about the class, some of her students shared their thoughts. “I believe yearbook is an interesting class that teaches you a lot of new things, and it’s a fun class to be in,” said Nallely Montano, a senior form Moroni. Being in yearbook is not only fun , but also you are a part of creating fun memories for students to remem-
Tina Mitchell and staff members of the yearbook laugh as they discuss their plans for the upcoming yearbook. Mitchell takes over for Carney, who taught yearbook for 15 years
ber. “It’s a nice experience to create the memorable memories for the yearbook,” said Stephany Leon, a senior from Mt. Pleasant. Mitchell wants the yearbook to be for the students and to be made by the students. She is only there to help around and give some
ideas. “I want the yearbook to be a reflection of the students during their years of high school,” said Mitchell. Mitchell thinks that doing desktop publishing/yearbook is a great way to get student involved with school and help student academically.
“I enjoy watching students get excited about school,” said Mitchell. According to Mitchell if all goes well this year, she is planning to be the advisor for the following year. So, no matter how hard those winds blow, rest assured that our yearbook will still be there at the end of the year.
Theft: a growing concern among community and students BY KATIE CARPENTER On August 28, three businesses in Mt. Pleasant were broken into and robbed, including Cavalier’s Pizza, Precision Auto and Parker’s Floor Covering. The same thief, who has a warrant out for his arrest, broke into all three places. According to Carrie Miller, manager of Cavalier Pizza, Cavalier’s was the last building to be broken into that night. Through Cavalier’s security cameras, they were able to see that the man, wearing a hoodie and a white bandana over his face, neglected to wear gloves when trying to open the drive up window, leaving two perfect handprints that the cops could use to identify him. With the aid of a crow
bar, he was able to open the back door into the restaurant. Using the crow bar again, he opened the money drawer but found nothing due to the fact that Cavalier’s Pizza’s money is taken to Terrel’s every night. After 47 minutes of rummaging through everything, he took just one thing. “He must have been hungry because all he stole was a box of crackers!” said Miller. Overall, this crime spree only made him 200 dollars. Since then, all three businesses have improved their locks and security. Radioshack has also been a target of theft in Mt. Pleasant. Mindee Tucker, store manager, said that although Radioshack has never actually been broken into, there have been a few attempts.
Items such as iPods or games have been stolen during store hours before, but not often. She says that even though it’s scary to think of a crime like this, she feels safe with the security system they have. So why is it that robbery is so common in such a small town? “I think a lot of bad things happen in small towns. There’s less to do, so more kids go out and try to be crazy,” said Tucker. Just because we live in a small town doesn’t mean nothing bad can happen. “We get very comfortable in these small communities, but we need to realize that we still need to be secure,” said Miller. Theft is not only a community problem, but it’s also
a big problem at our high school. According to Officer Cole Young, the high school’s resource officer, theft is one of the school’s biggest problems. “Theft isn’t the biggest crime here, but it’s one that’s popular because [the students] think they can get away with it,” said Young. He said that only a few weeks into school, a wallet was taken right out of a girl’s purse while she was standing near the bag. He also says that most incidents happen inside the locker rooms. “I’ll go into the locker rooms and see all the doors open and searched through. No one messes with the hallways.” Officer Young pleads with
students to keep lockers locked. It’s the number- one way to help prevent your personal belongings from being stolen.
NS spikers beat two undefeated teams
Shelby Earl goes for a kill against second-ranked Hurricane. The Ladyhawks beat the Tigers in three games, but because of their record in a recent tourQDPHQW LQFOXGLQJ ORVVHV WR UDQNHG $ DQG $ WHDPV DQG D ÂżYH VHW ORVV WR +XUULFDQH WKH 6DOW /DNH 7ULEXQH GURSSHG WKH +DZNV IURP WKHLU UDQNLQJV
BY VALERIE DE MILL As the ball skimmed the net and rolled to the floor, the Lady Hawk volleyball players and fans went wild. That final point gave the Lady Hawks a 3-1 victory over the second-ranked Hurricane Tigers last Tuesday night. Despite the fact that the Lady Hawks weren’t playing their best game, they were able to overcome and finish strong. The first game was dominated by the Lady Hawks with great offensive hitting from juniors Shyanne Ison and Shelby Earl, and some amazing blocks from senior Kathrine Kendall. Game two was a struggle as the ladies were not hitting well. They gave the Tigers an eight point lead, and eventually lost 17-25. The intensity was building in game three. Though the
game began badly, the Hawks fought back to win game three. Junior Kara Anderson was able to set up some kills for Kendall, Earl and Ison. With some excellent serves from juniors McKelle Anderson and Taleena Holgreen, and some great shots from Earl and Ison, the Lady Hawks wrapped up game four with a score of 25-19. The Lady Hawks have been playing very well this season with a non-tournament record of 5-0 after victory over region rival Delta, previously undefeated. Along with defeating Hurricane, the Hawks defeated Wasatch, Richfield and Judge Memorial in three games each. The Lady Hawks started out the season competing in the Dixie Tournament where their record was 4-3. Two weeks ago, in the Lone Peak Tournament the team faced some very tough competition from many 5A teams. Their record was 2-5, but
Football struggles through an 0-5 start BY CHANA THOMPSON “Never give up,� These are the words Winston Churchhill spoke to the boys at Harrow school. This is the theme that NS uses to lift their hopes in the midst of a difficult season. Though they chose the theme before the season began, no one realized how relevant this theme would be. Injuries and lack of experience have made this season one of the most challenging in a long time. Though they may have reason to lose hope and give up due to losing their first five games of the season, they are still focused and determined to succeed. The very first game of the season, North Sanpete vs. Judge Memorial at Juan Diego was a brutal loss 6-41. The second game, Ben Lomond at North Sanpete, even with student support in the stands, the game was a heart breaker loss, resulting with a score 24-14. North Sanpete at Union was not only a difficult loss in itself 6-31, but for the whole season—putting one of the NS football team’s
players, Taylor Ricks, out for most of the season with serious injuries of the spleen and internal bleeding. North Sanpete vs. Juab ended in a sad note with a score 0-42. Other injuries result in more weaknesses to disadvantage the team. Reggie Clawson suffered a concussion and Steven Poulsen injured his shoulder. The learning process has been difficult for the team as the season progresses, as key players have been seriously injured. According to Head Coach Casey Jensen of Mt. Pleasant, a major problem the team faces is the amount of players they have. “We have a lot of small kids and a young team with inexperienced players,� said Captain and middle line backer Cody Irons, senior. According to Jenson, although they are few in numbers, and they don’t have the biggest players on the field, they believe that they can beat the guy on the other side of the ball. They have SEE PAGE 8, FOOTBALL
most of the games were very close. They beat Highland and Hunter, but suffered a defeat from Brighton, Snow Canyon, Dixie and Hurricane. Their game against Hurricane was a very close one; they pushed it into five games. The Lady Hawks have been playing very well, but they recognize they have far to go. “We certainly have goals,� said Head Coach Rickie Stewart. “We have a goal to win region. We have goals to win every game and play our best at state.� The Hawks will face some really tough region competitors, including Delta and Carbon, but if these ladies keep playing like they have been, then a region championship should be a reality. “I think we can take region,� said McKelle Anderson. However, the team knows that they won’t reach this goal unless they are willingg to
work hard, not only in games, but in practices as well. “During our practices, we compete hard all the time to help each other get better,� said Ison. “The best pert of volleyball is coming together as a team and playing our best.� The volleyball practices started early for these girls. They participated in clinics and in club volleyball during the off season. Summertime meant even more practices, sometimes even twice a day. Even though it was tough, they were hard workers and came together as a team. “They have a hard work ethic. We are a team where a lot of people contribute. We don’t rely on one or two members to carry the team,� said Coach Stewart. But not everyone was able to practice with the team this season. Laurel Bailey was out due to a knee injury, but has p improved a lot from the beginning of the th season. “SShe h has has a great attitude. “She
She doesn’t try to do anything flashy, but she plays consistently. She just plays well every game,� said Coach Stewart. Bailey wasn’t the only one to work hard. With only one senior on the team, the juniors had to step it up to fill the seven departing seniors’ empty varsity positions. The Lady Hawks may be a young team because they lost many key players to graduation, but it didn’t stop them. “These girls are just happy to play volleyball. We move forward and don’t think about the year before,� said Coach Stewart. Even though there is a lot of talent on this team, where would they be without the devoted fans? “We are the heart and soul of the volleyball team,� said Ryan Aagard, the Studentbody President, and one of the fan leaders. “Well if we’re not the heart and soul, we are the lungs and throat. Without us they would be good, but not as good.�
Lady Hawk soccer shows improvement despite tough competition BY VICTORIA JOHNSON On September 12, the soccer girls could be seen warming up for their game against Juan Diego. The girls seemed in good spirits, and there was the occasional dance move to the new speaker system set up by the coaches. “We have a good team this year,� said Head Coach Farrel Marx, and the girls have been doing better this year than in previous years with six out of ten wins and thirty-two total goals compared to last year’s nineteen. “Our goal is to get a home state playoff game, the first ever in North Sanpete Girls’ Soccer,� said senior Jessica Lindow. The girls had high hopes for state until they saw that they had been drawn to play some of the toughest teams in the state including Park City, ranked second in the state; however, they stay optimistic. “We act like two year olds with toe fungus,� said Erika Ence. The seniors try to keep the mood light by joking so no one gets too serious during practices, and the coaches don’t seem to mind as long as they do what they are supposed to. “In Ecuador the soccer team does the same drills we do,� said Marx, “The only difference is that they are on a professional level.� Practices are rigorous, and it includes strength training as well as endurance training. Running is a big part of soccer, and the team can usually be spotted running around the school for warm ups. As a motivator for the games, Marx made a rule that if the girls didn’t win, they couldn’t shave their legs. This may have been an odd tactic, but it seemed to help. “Even though it is a little gross, it makes you want to win,� said Ence During a game the girls will occasionally goof off, but they are more focused at games than at practices and their faces express the need to win. SEE PAGE 8, SOCCER
Lone volleyball senior gives leadership and energy She’s big, she’s tall, she likes to spike sp the ball BY VALERIE DE MILL If you hav have gone to a volleyball game this season, then this cheer will sound familiar. When this ye year’s only returning senior, Kathrine Kendall, Kendal Mt. Pleasant, steps onto the court the fans fan go wild. cr “She’s a crowd favorite,� said Jared Bailey, the Studentbody Studentb Activity Agent, and avid volleyball fan. fa Bailey, like many other students, cheers loudly every time Kendall does something re remarkable. How does she react to the attention from the crowd? “I love it! It helps me because I want to play well for them,� Kendall said. Kendall pplays middle blocker for the Lady Hawks. The fact that she’s 6’ 2� is an extra advantage fo for her position, not only physically, but psychologically psych as well. She psyches her opponents opponen before even stepping onto the court. “I know I intimidate them,� said Kendall. But for those th who know Kendall will say she’s not inti intimidating at all. “Kathrine brings a lot of energy, excitement, and fu fun to the team. She is coachable and will do w what I tell her to. She makes every one feel welcome and part of the team,� said Coach Rickie Stewart. Her teammates agree with their th coach. “She’s the life of the team,� said fellow teammate Sa Sarah Clark. Kendall hhas set a great example for her
team, not only for her enthusiasm, but her hard work. She has a strong work ethic and loves the sport of volleyball. She also loves her teammates as well. “My favorite part of volleyball is working as a team and winning as a team,� Kendall continues, “but we need to keep our positive attitudes to play well.� Kendall has been playing for six years, but her love of the sport came at a very early age. “My older sisters played and I wanted to be like them.� said Kendall. She is certainly following in her sisters’ footsteps, but volleyball isn’t the only sport Kendall plays. She plays for the girls’ basketball team as a center and throws the discus, javelin and shot-put for the track and field team. Kendall is very athletic, but also has a musical side to her. She is a member of the NS Concert Choir and will be joining the cast of Seussical the Musical for the high school’s musical. “I just want to be involved in a lot of activities this year,� said Kendall. She certainly has kept herself involved, both in and out of school. Even when she is not participating in a particular sport or activity, she is there to cheer and support other teams. To describe Kendall as big and tall with a killer spike would be accurate, but it isn’t telling the whole story. Kendall is one of those girls who is always wearing a smile and has a positive attitude. So at the next volleyball game don’t forget her cheer: She’s big. She’s tall. She likes to spike the ball. Katherine Kendall.
Soccer continued from page 7
NS golfers playing well but have far to go Football BY VICTORIA JOHNSON
Erika Ence kicks the ball into the air in a recent victory over South Summit. The Ladyhawks whipped the Wildcats 8-0.
“Soccer is like church: many attend, few understand,” said junior Chantel Thompson. The whole setup of the game is based around teamwork, and if someone doesn’t do her part, the team will fail. The girls have been working on coming closer as a team and the results are evident. Their bonding technique is unusual. “We make everyone do the chicken walk,” said Ence. Although the games have been gaining more spectators, the girls would like to see more support. “It’s difficult for parents who work late,” said Marx, who understands the difficulties to be faced when the games are put on so early in the heat of the day. The game
against Juan Diego was on a very hot day, which was sure to be difficult because of their reputation for being skilled as well as having an attitude. Although they lost the game to Juan Diego, the girls were just happy they had done better than last year and hope that someone beats Juan Diego. “One day a team will come out of nowhere and kick their cocky butts,” said junior Haley Ence. Over all the girls are doing great. They hope to gain more wins in the future, and as always they continue to play by their motto hanging on the entrance to the soccer field: “if not me, who? If not now, when?”
Boys’ golf has had its ups and downs this season. They are locked in fourth place for region despite the fact that the team’s best golfer, senior Trevyn Tucker, just shot the best round of golf in NS history. Coach Todd Hansen has confidence in the boys’ abilities as golfers. With a tournament approaching against Carbon, ranked first, the golfers have their work cut out for them; however, despite the challenge, they seem optimistic. “This year has been tough, but we have shot some of our best scores ever,” said Hansen referring to the tough competition and to senior Tucker’s new record for North Sanpete, a low of sixty-eight. Despite how it may appear, golf doesn’t come easy to Tucker. “Golf challenges you mentally,” said Tucker, who is ranked as a region med-
alist and is headed for state medalist. He knows the challenges and benefits of playing golf, especially having to compete against good contenders from Carbon. But Tucker isn’t the only one who knows of the pressures of golf. “Golf screws with your head,” said senior Kyle Sorensen as he and junior Ben Davis headed to the Skyline Mountain Resort to practice for the upcoming tournaments. Skyline Mountain Resort is the site of home matches for NS golfers, and Coach Hansen has appreciated working with the owners. “Skyline Mountain has been very accommodating,” said a grateful Hansen. Skyline has not only let the boys practice on their course but they also hosted the home tournament. To prepare for away tournaments, the boys usually practice early on the unknown courses, and they
have been bringing the freshman along to give them the experience. Hansen is excited for the upcoming players, but hates to see the seniors leave. Even though the team is always changing, the boys still manage to keep up the concentration and skill that is need for the sport. At the same time they still manage to have fun. “We party hard!” said Davis. Next year with the changing of region boundaries, the tournaments will be closer, which could result in more spectators. Some of the new contenders will be Juab and Manti, and also Richfield, who has a strong golf program. For this year, the boys are just happy to be playing and are excited for a possibility at state. “If we play solid, we will be going to state,” said Hansen. The team members echo his thoughts as well.
Tennis team starts strong despite struggle with JD
Junior Laurel Blackham prepares to hit a return against Juan Diego. Blackham and second double’s partner Michelle Perry were the only team to beat tennis power-house JD.
BY HUNTER ERICKSON The girls’ tennis team has jumped into this season with ample experience. With all but two of the team being seniors on varsity, this year’s team has high expectations. “We’ll make it to state, and we’ll see how it goes from there,” said Raberta Garlick, a junior from Fairview. Coach Ericksen, as well as many of the other players, agrees that they will be very successful this season. There is a dilemma however as, instead of having a region tournament, they are having a divisional tournament. Waterford, a divisionten school, has been put into
North Sanpete’s region eight and nine divisional. This presents problems as it makes it more difficult for the team at state because they have to compete in a bigger tournament. “This whole region tournament is all switched up,” said Valerie De Mill, a senior from Moroni. Many of the team is unhappy about this event, and the coaches are doing everything in their power to be able to reverse this outcome. As far as the scores going into the tournament, the team is nine and five overall, and they are four and one in region. “We’re not doing too bad, we may take third or so at region,” said Breanna Sadler, a sophomore from Mount Pleasant.
Other team members have a slightly different view. “We expect to take second at region behind Juan Diego, and maybe ninth at state,” said De Mill. On Thursday the eighteenth, the team played against Juan Diego. Michelle Perry, a senior from Mount Pleasant, and Laurel Blackham, a junior from Moroni, played and won their doubles match. However, the rest of the team did not accomplish this goal. The team played with fervor as they struggled to meet the competition, but in the end, only one pair was successful. Even with this disappointment, the team will enter region with high spirits and a little apprehension.
X-country prepares to defend region crown BY CALEB CHRISTIANSEN The NS cross-country season is off and running, and the team has been to four meets so far. The team took third place at the first meet, and have had other strong finishes as well. Coach Butler expects the team to do well this year. Butler says that the girls are going to take region and our at state. place in the top four eves that He also believes ake secthe boys might take ond at region and gh could place as high te. as seventh at state. hey He said that they are going to havee to work hard to do well. Runner Steph-anie Honey sayss that the team will probut they ably take region, but ve to work are going to have
harder than they did last year to repeat as region champs. Last year the girls managed to earn fifth place at state, and the boys had a good showing. Their training is a key part to their success. Their training is very intense; they run at least five to six miles everyday. “The first day I died at practice,” runner Aaron Johnson said. They practice five tim a week for about times thre hours a day. three Bu even though the But da are challenging, days the runners find enjoyme in their work. ment “ “Never an easy day, jus a fun one,” Johnjust son said. Eve though running Even is aan individual event, tea team members push eac other at practice each and even at the meets.
continued from page 7 confidence and they play with heart. But winning is not all that Jenson has in mind. His motto is “get better every day” and his theme is “never give up.” “This definitely is a building year; I get to know the boys and they get to know me. We’ll do well if we won’t be our own worst enemy. If we don’t beat ourselves, then we can fix our own mistakes,” said Jenson. But fixing mistakes and improving on the field are not the only goals that Jenson has for his team. “Our goal is not to win the state championship each year but to make young men the gentleman they should be, turn boys into upstanding gentleman. Once boys become men, it makes winning easy,” said Jenson. With the adjustment of a new head coach with new systems and methods, also came changes that the boys had to accommodate to. “Jenson practices and coaches pretty much the same as other coaches; it is the athlete that has to execute the plan the coach has. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, doesn’t mean that your preparation isn’t up to par; it might just mean that the other team is better,” said Vice Principal Jason Strate, previous coach at NS High. According to Irons, practices are a little bit different. The team plays a lot of ironman football, which means they condition like they are playing a game. They don’t lift weights as much as they used to, but overall practice is about the same. Coach Jenson is trying to bring back the old traditions that made North Sanpete football. “The coaches’ example to the boys is getting the kids to do better, get better, reach further, and do more than they think they can,” said Strate. The expectations of the coaches for the athletes are simple. According to Assistant Coach Tyler Bailey of Moroni, the coaches expect the athletes to play hard and to be good citizens. Coach Jenson considers himself a fundamentalist; the basics have to be mastered before you can play the game. He expects the boys to do what they’re supposed to off the field, in the classroom, in the community and at school. “The new attendance policy has helped a lot of the players realize that skipping class is unacceptable,” said Jenson “One unexcused absence from any class equals one missed quarter of football on the field.” From school and on the field, senior leadership is excellent on the team. According to Jenson and Bailey, the team has superior senior leadership, not only verbally but also by example. “I believe all of my players show great potential; unfortunately, just like any team, only certain players will reach their full potential. Nevertheless everyone contributes to this team in some way,” said Jenson. The NS Hawks are only a few games into the season, but according to Jenson, the team is getting better. That’s a positive. He encourages everyone to watch the entire season to see what happens. Runners push each other to do their best and to feel like they are part of something bigger. “At the start of the race I felt alone ‘til I either passed or started to run with somebody from my team,” said Johnson. Devin Shelly is currently leading the boys’ team this year with a time of 17 minutes and 53 seconds.
Let’s Talk TV with NS High students
“The Office is by far my favorite TV show because it’s just funny.�
“I think Drake and Josh is funny, but the little sister is annoying.�
“You never know what will happen next in the show!�
“[Arthur] is so cute and cuddly.�
“[The Office] is just awesome�
Mandie Patterson—Sophmore from Spring City Favorite TV Show: The Office Favorite Character: Dwight
Nick Tidwell—sophmore from Mt. Pleasant Favorite TV Show: Drake and Josh Favorite Character: Drake
T.C. Ivory—sophmore from Fountain Green Favorite TV Show: House Favorite Character: Dr. House
Kennna Christensen – Moroni Junior Favorite T.V. show : Arthur Favorite Character: Pall
Liz Larson – Fairview Senior
Patterson says she would watch The Office all the time if she could. One of her favorite characters, Dwight, is both funny and stupid at the same time, making Patterson laugh throughout the whole show. As far as what she’s looking forward to in the new season, Patterson couldn’t care less. “As long as it’s as funny as the previous episodes, I’ll be happy.� Patterson will be tuning in to the season premier of The Office tomorrow night on NBC for even more laughs.
Unlike other people, who are obsessed with the various primetime television series, Tidwell would rather sit back and enjoy something more light and carefree. “They make me laugh a lot because they make everything over dramatic and silly.� Despite the drama, the show still has some real life themes to it, reminding the viewers just what high school is like. Although reruns are the only episodes being aired, Tidwell still watches and enjoys them.
It’s a Tuesday night, and T.C. Ivory is sitting at home with his father, watching TV. “We always watch House together. It’s so funny!�. Even though the show is comical, it also has its serious moments. “The show is very unpredictable. Like last season, they killed off one of the main characters. I was not expecting that, and it really surprised me. It was sad,� said Ivory, while wiping away a fake tear. TC is definitely ready for season five.
This junior has spent many years of her life watching her beloved Arthur . Arthur is a children’s show on the Public Broadcasting Service station about an aardvark and his ragtag group of friends. Christensen, a soccer player, likes to watch Arthur because Arhur and his mates share a love for one of Christensen’s favotire things: soccer.
This senior loves Dwight and thinks he’s a funny person. Larson loves The Office because of the ridiculous things that the characters say. She says the show always makes her laugh. To Larson, the perfect end to a long day at school is coming home and being able to watch a good show.
Favorite T.V. show The Office Favorite Character : Dwight
Catch the following new shows in this fall’s television line-up BY CHAD MCKAY Every fall, new TV shows flood the airways, but this year the pickings seem slim. There are many shows returning for another season, but here is a preview of some new shows that are coming out this month. Other shows that are airing this fall are America’s Worst Jobs, My Own Worst Enemy, Opportunity Knocks, The Mentalist, 90210, Privileged, Eleventh Hour, Kath and Kim and The Ex List. We asked students at NS to name their favorite TV shows. Here are the results.
Favorite shows
Worst Week When: Mondays on CBS Who’s in it: Kyle Bornheimer, Erinn Hayes Synopsis: In the pilot episode, disaster-prone Sam and his girlfriend, Melanie, visit her parents to tell them that they are engaged and CSI: 46% The Office: 24% expecting a child. But things Heroes: 14% Heroes: 12% go horribly wrong.
Fringe When: Tuesdays on Fox Who’s in it: Anna Torv, John Noble, Joshua Jackson Synopsis: The bizarre death of a woman who gave birth to a rapidly aging baby after an hours long pregnancy challenges the partnership between Dr. Bishop, Peter and Olivia.
Seussical the Musical to entertain all ages BY ETHAN ALDRIDGE The Cat in the Hat. The Grinch. Horton the Elephant. Many people are familiar with these characters, and all of them and more are in this year’s play, Suessical the Musical, which, as you can guess from the title, is inspired by the characters and creations of Dr. Suess. “It’s different from anything we have ever done before,� said Tanya Roundy, the high school drama teacher and director of the play. The play loosely follows the storyline of such books
as Horton Hears a Who, and Horton Lays an Egg. Roundy selected the musical because she enjoys the large cast and the moral of the play, which is to use y o u r imagination to its biggest p o te n tial. “ It is a play that I h a v e liked for a long time,� says Roundy. A good moral isn’t the only reason to see the play. This musical also has a
unique array of characters, such as Horton the Elephant, a group of monkeys called the Wickersham brothers, and a bird named Mazie. “None of the costumes will look very much like animals,� says Roundy. “We’ll just be using clothing or gestures to suggest what animals they are. But all of them have human characteristics. The Wickersham brothers will be rappers.� Whatever the costumes or makeup look like, Roundy thinks that this year’s musical promises to be an interesting one. She also thinks it’s a good opportunity to expand the student’s boundries. “I think it is time to push our actors, to have them try something new,� said Roundy.
Cast List for 2008 Musical Those that are listed second are the understudies that will perform at least once. If anyone else is interested in helping with tech crew (lighting and sound, backstage, construction etc.), please talk to Mrs. Roundy, Kevin Webb (lighting and sound), or Jill Coombs (backstage) GERTRUDE McFUZZ Summer Spaulding Nia Ricks
MAYZIE LA BIRD Laurel Bailey Chante’ Birch
CAT IN THE HAT Klynton Fredrick Theron Christensen
MAYOR’S WIFE Kenna Christensen Elizabeth Fullmer
HORTON THE ELEPHANT Cody Sanders Nathan Glad
SOUR KANGAROO Jessica Draper Erica Draper JOJO Amanda Johansen Sarah Allan
GRINCH Matt Burch Daniel Spencer MAYOR Chad McKay Dominick Kiefer
TECH CREW Kevin Webb Dallan Butterfield Dustin Rigoli Shane Case Sam Allred Hyrum Chandler
Knight Rider When: Wednesdays on NBC Who’s in it: Justin Bruening, Bruce Davison Synopsis: Crime-fighting supercar, KITT, returns in Mustang form in this revile of the 1982-86 TV series. Here, an ex-army ranger teams up with KITT in a search for KITT’s vanished creator .
Life on Mars When: Thursdays on ABC Who’s in it: John Simm, Phillip Glenister Synopsis: A modern police detective wakes from a coma to find himself as a cop in 1973, and must learn how to survive in the 70’s and still make his way back to the future.
Crusoe When: Fridays on NBC Who’s in it: Phillip Winchester Anna Walton Synopsis: A man lost at sea must learn how to survive on a deserted island with his dog and native friend. This adventure progam is based on the classic novel by Daniel Dofoe.
An Abundance of Katherines provides humor, romance for mature readers October Book of the Month: An Abundance of Katherines by John Green BY SUMMER SPAULDING An Abundance of Katherines by John Green is a very interesting read. Green very cleverly captures the inner workings of a teenage mind in this story of teenage romance. He tells of a young
man just out of high school who has been dumped for the nineteenth time by a girl named Katherine. Green tells the story of young Colin Singleton and his obsession with girls named Katherine. Green masterfully guides us through the difficulties of his relationships as he finally writes the Theorem of Underlying Katherine Predict-
ability. This book is not for all readers, though, as it has much crude language and a few adult scenes that would offend many of the students here in our high school. Aside from that, An Abundance of Katherines has a great plot and if you are willing to have to skim over a few scenes, it is great for a bit of light reading.
Introducing the new comic strip featuring the work of awardwinning artist and NS Times staff member Ethan Aldridge.
THE COGNITIVE QUEST How well do you know NS High? Answer all the questions correctly and e-mail us your answers. The quiz is open to students and members of the community. We’ll select two students to recieve a bag of candy! Just e-mail your answers, name and phone number to news@sanpete.org.
Freshman Level: What is the school’s mascot? Sophomore Level: Who was the principal last year? Junior Level: Who occupies Dr. Ellefsen’s old room? Senior Level: How many students went to Europe with the school last summer?
NS Times Crossword Puzzle Find the student government leaders and Sterling Scholars in this edition of the NS crossword. (Hint: your planner may help.)