NS Times Volume 2 Issue 7

Page 1

We siit down with North Sanpete’s students to discuss Spring Fever See Page 7

We examine the repercussions gence from the indulgence k of excess drink consumption.

Boys’ baseball at equilibrium— hopes high for a successful season.

See page 4

See page 6


Well Said:

“ ”

I think there’s an obesity problem in the nation, and I think our school definitely fi has one. Health Teacher Jeff ff Erickson comments on the dangers of excessive empty calories often found in soft drinks.

This Week: Wednesday:


Richfield @ NS Boys soccer--NS @ Carbon Parent teacher conferences5-8 p.m.


Boys Tennis-

-Richfield @ NS Softball--NS @ Emery Girls golf--NS @ Carbon Parent teacher conferences--





Prom 2009: It’s all about the dresses BY JEREMYY ZABRISKIE On the sixth and seventh of March, North Sanpete continued its strong tradition of a two-night, public Prom. The promenade, choreographed by Linda Blackham to the song Iris by Goo Goo Dolls, was done in two segments due to the large number of juniors participating in the dance. The queen and king of prom were Haley Ence, of Fairview, and David Bob “D. Bob” Bailey of Moroni, respectively. The theme for the event was “A Night at the Ball,” and the decorations included two mock chandeliers and a staircase surrounding the arch. The participants seemed to genuinely enjoy the dance, and the entire event was an overall success.

Phto byy Ben Cox

Pictured above is a section from the promenade. The junior class consisted of 30 more girls than boys, so many senior boys were asked to participate. The prom was an emotional time for juniors and stressful for administration.

Baseball--Manti @ NS

New library mural Religious diversity at North Sanpete High School don’t want kids of other religions other, to see the similarities in the B C C influencing them,” said Spencer differences,” ff said Torri Egan. hopes to encourage He wishes that this wouldn’t “The anger between religions Among the halls of North f Sanpete, which is predominately happen, because if the other per- comes because people are difstudents to read LDS, there are many who are of son doesn’t argue or discuss with ferent, and when you believe in

Boys soccer--Juan Diego @


5-8 p.m.


No school

JV softball tournament--NS @ Payson

NS Track--NS @ Pineview


JV softball

tournament--NS @ Payson Track--NS @ Pineview

By the Numbers:


Place North Sanpete baseball took at Richfield tournament


Final score of the softball game against Union on March 17th


Percent of North Sanpete students enrolled in LDS Seminary


Amount cut from the districts budget, which equates to approximately $1,000,000



North Sanpete’s library will be receiving a new piece of visual interest this year with the completion of a literary mural. Ethan Aldridge, a senior from Moroni, is in charge of painting the mural. Aldridge has been working to improve his artwork ever since he could pick up a pencil. Just this year, however, he made plans to paint the mural. Nan Ault, a librarian at North Sanpete, was the first to want a mural in the library, but until now, she has had no way of accomplishing this goal. Although her first thought was to have the painting above the doors inside the library, she agrees with the new plans to place it on the wall located behind the new couch in the library. Ethan is going to use oil paint for the mural, and in order to protect the mural from water damage, as well as other complications that may occur on the wall, he is painting on wooden boards. He is then going to attach the boards to the wall, so if repairs ever need to be done on the wall, the boards can be removed. Ethan hopes that the mural will be finished by the end of the school year and hopes to start as soon as possible. Before painting, however, many concept sketches and much composition work needs to be done. “One thing I like about Ethan is that he is SEE PAGE 2, MURAL


different ff religions. In North Sanpete High there are just fewer than 700 students, with 64 percent of them enrolled in LDS Seminary. Even with this high number of LDS students, there is still a large amount of students who aren’t LDS. Some of these non-LDS students have found it hard socially to live here. “My religion encourages dating only people of the same beliefs,” said sophomore Daniel Spencer. He commented that even if he were to date other people, it would be hard because when people learn that he is of a different ff religion, they tend to back off. ff “If they get to know me before they know my religion then we tend to have a better relationship,” said Spencer. He thinks that most people just see him as a nice, quiet student, but occasionally he thinks that others think of him as a devil child. This makes it hard sometimes to make friends, especially if the parents find out about his religion. “It’s a lot harder to make friends with people; their parents


Contents A & E.................7 Crossword..........8 Features..............4 News...................1 Sports.................5

him then generally he won’t even bring religion up. Spencer doesn’t really like to have to argue about his religion with people. “I am always willing to talk about religion, but I don’t force it on people, because if you force it onto people then it can cause contention,” said Spencer. “If people want to talk about religion, then I am willing to explain mine, but I won’t argue because a calm conversation is better than words you can’t take back,” said Spencer. Many people feel similar to Spencer in his willingness to talk. “You find you have more in common with people when you are open and willing to talk,” said LDS Seminary Principal Troy Birch. For some reason religion has caused contention and anger between people for centuries. Things from neighbor hostility to wars have been caused by it. Many people have views as to why this is. “I think the reason there is anger between people of other religions is because people don’t take enough time to listen to each

something strongly, and others don’t, it can cause contention,” said Birch. “There is anger because how you believe how you believe is different ff from others. A common aspect of any religion is the importance of family. Religions often encourage families. Spencer commented that except under special conditions his religion, Non-Denominational Christian, encourages the parents to not divorce. “Families are important,” said Spencer. One of the biggest ways of becoming involved in religion is through your family. If your parents are of a certain religion, then one will most likely be in that religion, unless one chooses to join another. “If you aren’t introduced to my religion at a young age then it is a lot harder to join.” Even if you aren’t at a young age, it is still possible to join when you are older. Torri Egan joined her religion in Massachusetts. Before she became Non-Denominational Christian, she was Agnostic. She was searching for SEE PAGE 2, RELIGION

Recent legislative decisions create a domino effect ff at NS

Number of students chosen to go to state for solo and ensemble



Photo byy Jeremyy Zabriskie

With recent implementations of budget cuts across the nation, Sanpete saw the loss of Sanpete Academy, an alternative high school for credit recovery, located in Ephraim.

Due to a shaky economy, many institutions have experienced budgetary cuts. North Sanpete is one of those institutions. NS will experience some monetary cuts in its budget this year, and possibly more in the years to come. One full-time teacher was cut from the staff in the high school, one full-time teacher was cut from the middle school, and three full-time teach-

ers were cut from the elementary schools. Additionally, the budget was truncated by 6%, which equates to over a million dollars in the district’s budget. The cut could have exceeded 6% were it not for President Obama’s stimulus packk age, some of which has gone to schools. Due to these cuts, North Sanpete saw the loss of its credit-recovery alternative school Sanpete Academy. Sanpete academy, an alternative school for high-school aged students, has regrettably been closed down.

“It was a great program. It was a fantastic way to help students,” said O’Dee Hansen, a counselor at North Sanpete High. The school was founded in order to help students with the recovery of credits that they are missing. The students could be missing their necessary credits for multiple reasons, such as attendance problems, behavioral risks or anything else that would prevent them from attending the regular high school. “The school was for stuSEE PAGE 2,


Heard IN THE


While walking down the halls at the school, you hear some bizarre things that make no sense when taken out of context. Here are a few of the funniest ones we’ve heard. -I pulled the skin off ff of Tinkerbell. -Mullets are so sexy. -I found a chewy by the trash can. -I want to take off ff my shirt and try it. -Do you want some Midol? Seriously. -Why are there oriental people in your locker? That is so racist! -Sometimes I wonder why babies are necessary. -I had a dream we got married and my dad moved in with us. It was horrible.

Story continued from page 1, religion

Shown above is a collage of pictures from prom. The pictures include parts of the promenade dance, the announcement of participants and the crowning of the King and Queen of prom, “D. Bob” Bailey and Haley Ence, respectively.

Story continued from page 1, budget cuts dents who just didn’t fit the regular high school setting,” said Hansen. The school was unfortunately closed down, due to insufficient funding. Without the proper amount of money, the school had no choice but to close its doors. But now that Sanpete Academy is gone, what will happen to its students? The regular high school will take in those that were enrolled there. Since there were only around 20 to 25 students enrolled in the academy, the school is confident that they will easily be able to absorb North Sanpete High School’s new students. However, many people at North Sanpete were sad to see the school go. Many saw it as a great alternative setting for students who could not function well in the usual high school environment. “We are very sad to see it go,” said Hansen. Due to this closure, the school needed an alternative to the alternative, thus they enrolled in the PLATO program. Many juniors and soph-

omores have found themselves in quite a bind this year, lacking the appropriate credits they need to graduate. In order to circumvent the already-low graduation rate, the High School has enrolled in a new credit-recovery program called PLATO. PLATO is an online program, but it is different ff than Electronic High School in that it is not accessible at any time, and it is not for gaining extra credits. PLATO is a program specifically designed to mitigate any student’s absence of credits. For the moment, PLATO is being offered ff as a summer course. The course will begin June eighth and will extend through July 1, except for June 10 and 11. The course will begin at eight in the morning and will last until one p.m. O’dee Hansen, one of the counselors at North Sanpete, will be the instructor of the class. With the discontinuation of the Academy located in Ephraim, the need for this course became a rather imperative thing, especially due to the low graduation rates and the lack of alternatives

for student’s looking to rectify their lack of credits. The classes offered ff include categories such as math, English, science and social studies. The actual classes will cover the more remedial subjects such as algebra, geometry, world geography, biology, etc. The classes will be graded on a pass or fail basis, as opposed to traditional letter grades. Additionally, the class will cost $25 per quarter credit. An important aspect of the course to understand is its nature; it is not a quick fix for anything. Each class consists of three sections: instruction, application and

mastery tests. Before the unit can be completed, the student must pass each unit with 80%. “You have to know your stuff,” ff said Hansen. Of course, the application of the course will change as it is used more in North Sanpete. Next year, for example, their will be a credit-recovery class offered ff for fourth period, A and B day. Only 40 students will be allowed to take the class per semester. If anyone is interested in learning more about the PLATO program, one can speak to O’dee Hansen in the counselor’s office.

something to lead her in her life. Then she found this religion and realized that it helped her a lot. To some people religion is a major part of their life. People have different ff ideas about what religion is, but they agree that it is important to them. “Most of what I value in my life and family is tied to my religion,” said Birch. Others agree with Birch. “ I like how I live; it keeps

me safe and out of harm’s way,” said Brittany McArthur. “Religion in itself isn’t important, it’s how you believe in it,” said Spencer “Religion in itself is just an organization, it’s your personal faith and closeness with God,” said Egan. So despite the many diff ferences between people and their religions, there are many similarities to be found in them.

Story continued from page 1, Mural not so impulsed to do it, he draws it first, and has studies that he does,” said Ault. In order to encourage reading amongst the students, included in the mural will be stylized, classical-literature characters. Also, different ff students from the school will be used as models for the mural. “I’m really excited for the

mural and hope everything goes well,” said Aldridge. “We want students to come in the library and say ‘wow, this is a place for me, not children, not adults, but for me,’”said Ault. Ethan is also doing a smaller painting above the door outside the library, in addition to the one inside.

NS students excel at region, progress to state BY JESSE RICHMOND On March 17th, a group of groggy students boarded the bus and set off ff for the Region Solo and Ensemble competition at Emery High School. Three students performed well enough to earn a place at the state competition. Katrina Jordan received top marks for her vocal solo, and Carly Chapman and Jesse Richmond were praised for

Counselors’ corner Freshmen, make SEOP appointments with O Dee Hansen Sophomores, make SEOP appiontments with Chet Keisel

their Violin and Timpani solos, respectively. However, only Jordan and Richmond will be able to attend the competition on April 25th. Besides the state-bound musicians, both sections of the music department found success at the competition. “All of our students showed a high level of musicianship, and represented our school very well,” said Carissa Roberson, choir instructor. Seven students from the band received a “Superior” rating from the judges. Additionally, five performances, including the percussion ensemble, received an “Excellent” rating.

The choir students performed admirably as well. The vocalists received five “Superior” ratings, as well as three “Excellent” ratings.

Additionally, the judges praised accompanist Shirley Hilton for her performance with the students.

Photo byy Hannah Aldridge

Jesse Richmond and Carly Chapman attended the region solo and ensemble competition. They both received superior ratings. Both will move on to state on April 25th.

Juniors you need to sign up to take the ACT at least one time this year. ACT registration deadline for the June 13th test date is May 8th. Seniors, don t forget to apply for scholarships; scholarship applications available in counseling center Seniors, all outsside and EHS credits due by May 1st fo or graduation. IPP scholarship deadline is April 29th. Applications are in Mr. Keisel s office. A For addition nal help with ACT Test Prep, scholarship ps, career exploration, college selection, etc. visit www.utahm mentor.org Students needing n financial aid fill out FASFA applications. Summer credit recovery (PLATO) June 8th-July 1st from 8:00-1:00. $25 for 1/4 credit. Can enroll for multiple classses. For information or questions about scholarships and ACT tests, visit O dee Hansen (right) or Chet Keisel (left) at the counseling

SKYLINE PHARMACY Come ome in for gifts, g books, and LDS p products






NS Times Staff Editor-in-Chief Jeremy Zabriskie


Our editor in chief examines the subtleties of society BY JEREMYY ZABRISKIE

The times they are a changin’. Everyone always expects that the fuAdvisor ture will bring hope— Ben Cox change—from the curNews rent sordidness of the Brandi Peahl, editor everyday. Hannah Aldridge Yet, with each passKatie Carpenter ing day, month, year, Christian Lane Carr I can’t help but feel a Elisabeth Fullmer growing apathy toward the future. Features With each day, I Jesse Richmond, editor see the progression Katie Carpenter of filth—hate, greed, Naudia Dowland envy, despair. Ana Ramirez We live in a throwJeremy Zabriskie away culture where nothing is permanent. A&E When somebody Chad McKay, editor thinks about technolEthan Aldridge ogy, the common conDanielle Hardy notation of the word is Rachael Howard “efficiency”. Sports Nobody thinks about Valerie De Mill, editor the repercussions of Caleb Christensen these labor-saving deHunter Erickson vices. Chana Thompson Gone is the tangiRyan Aagard, photos ble permanence of ink wells and typewritLayout ers. Gone is the sigSadie Ivie nificance of work and Jesse Richmond reward, where caution Jeremy Zabriskie led to success and imChana Thompson pulsiveness to failure. One mistake equatBe Heard ed to hours of repair. Now, everything is Submit your letters to the editor to be read by students malleable, and if it isn’t, and the community. To sub- it isn’t “fair”. mit, send to news@nsanWe live in a world pete.org or submit to Mr. not of equal rights but Cox Managing Editor Chana Thompson

of special rights—a world of naivety and self-righteousness. The American Dream is now not about workk ing toward something; it’s about the entitlement of what you feel you deserve. The work of my father, or my father’s father, is the source of my credit. I am not an individual; I am the culmination of my ancestry. If I am born into wealth and beauty, I am entitled to it. If I am born into poverty, I am entitled to the reconciliation of that poverty. Character is nothing, and what is work to a good name? We live in a world where life is measured in dollar signs and surnames, and where that name, that life, can be erased for the right price. I do not mean to condescend by my saying these things; I am self-aware of my own frailties—of my own inclusion in this whole terrible affair. ff Today (March 25) is my birthday, and I am soon approaching the time when I enter the world as an adult. But, I can’t help but

wonder what the definition of an adult is. To me, it seems as though being an adult means taking responsibility for your actions—relying on independence and having the cognizance to accept your faults. Yet, I rarely see a good example of this. I see so many people constantly handing down blame. I see frivolous lawsuits from people trying their hardest to make fast cash. I see overgrown infants groveling in the streets for someone to blame. I see overbloated CEOs stealing money from hard-working people in order to sate their bottomless bellies and overstuffed ff wallets. I see AIG handing out government cash to its executives like little mints on hotel pillows. Go ahead, give them more, we’ve plenty to spare. We are all, intrinsically, animals. No prefrontal cortices can prevent the urge to thrive despite the suffering ff of others. I, most powerful, I trade you this fire for

your camaraderie; I trade you this fire that we might steal fire from the rest of the tribe; I trade you this fire that we might see the look on the faces of the lessprivileged as we plunder their reserves. They will steal our fire until we cannot see. They will close the doors of the learning institutions to deprive us of the most effulgent ff of light: knowledge. As mentioned earlier in the paper, and in the last edition, our budget has been cut. The legislature expects us to survive, as a district, with a million dollars less. They expect our teachers to do more and receive less. They expect us to be sufficiently versed in all subjects, despite the absence of teachers and supplies, so that we may go to college, find ourselves in debt, and pay our pain away. I can’t help but feel an immense amount of trepidation at my coming independence. How will I, and my peers, afford ff to live when prices continually increase, while wages and job availability continually decrease?

I cling to the hope that we will take responsibility for ourselves. That we, as a generation, will learn from the selfishness of our elders, and the boldness of the good, and grow into a class of limitless humanity. I hope that the American Dream might return to its once-idealistic splendor—return to a dream of self-sacrifice, work, and unity. I hope that we can face each other and commit to making a change. You can’t be stabbed in the back if everyone’s together, constantly looking forward. In conclusion, I don’t mean to sound so preachy, nihilistic, and idealistic, but I am tired of sitting idly by as I stand in witness of a most-incorrigible truth. We are the ones who will be in power in the near future, and I refuse to see that power abused in the way that it has been in the past. Please, for the sake of our future, re-evaluate your present. Decide who you are, and what you want. Decide the fate of the human race. Please?

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Student of the month

Miller mixes music, skating

Junior year ooff ffers many challenges for students BY JESSE RICHMOND

Photo byy Hannah Aldridge

Senior Trevor Miller plays his guitar in the choir room. Miller, who also sings and plays the piano, began playing the guitar several years ago.

BY ANA A RAMIREZ At the young age of 12 Trevor Miller began to play his first instrument, the piano. “No one really taught me how to play, I just taught myself even though it sounds conceited, but it’s the truth,” said Miller. The piano was the very first instrument that Miller learned how to play, but it was certainly not the last one. Miller now also knows how to play the guitar, one of his favorite instruments to play. “I really enjoy playing the guitar when ever I get free time”, said Miller. Miller is currently taking some music classes at N.S High. Two of them include gui-

tar and advanced guitar. “He is a good kid and has a lot of talent,” said Timothy Kidder, band teacher. Another music class that Miller is taking is choir. He is not only a good pianist and guitar player, but also a good singer. “Trevor is an incredible talented kid. He works hard in my class and adds a lot to the choir,” said Mrs. Roberson. Skateboarding is another thing that Miller loves to do. “I used to skateboard everyday but now I don’t do it as much”, said Miller. As for Miller’s future he plans to go to some music school and also learn how to play the drums.

Staff Spotlight

Q & A with Ms. Tina Mitchell (Likes working with people and computers. I love to watch people learn something that they have had a hard time with.) Favorite book: Mystery Stories Robert Loundlun Pet peeves: Coming to class without a pencil Photo byy Rachel Howard

Tina Mitchell, a former student at North Sanpete High School, has now come back to teach at her alma mater. She is involved in many clubs and organizations at NS.

BY RACHEL HOWARD Schools attended: North Sanpete, Snow, Weber State. Favorite Dish: Poppy Seed Chicken. Favorite Movie; Finding Neverland (Makes her laugh) Hometown: Chester

Where you like to travel : Anywhere What you like to do outside of school: Like to travel four wheeling (Has been to numerous countries including Ar gentina, Costa Rica and Japan) If you could have any job what would it be: Computer Training

Something that most people do not know about you: I am a twin. Students will see my sister at Walmart and think that it is me. What clubs and organizations are you in at school?: FBLA Yearbook Part of senior and junior committee Prom, Graduation, Senior Ball What classes do you teach? Multimedia Yearbook / desktop publishing


Stormy times are ahead for the younger classes. The freshmen and sophomores may feel the first squalls of this storm, but remain unaware of the real force it holds. The storm is junior year. Ben Davis, Jessica Draper, and Lindsey Bradley all agree that their Junior year has been more difficult than their previous years in high school. Davis and Bradley cite worries about their future lives. Similarly, Draper says her troubles are caused by the fact that colleges focus on performance in junior and senior year. Ed Staker, the junior class advisor, is also aware of the juniors’ strife. “I think there is a tendency for the junior year to be loaded with heavier classes,” said Staker. Additionally, Staker says that juniors that graduate early are prone to more stress and trials than others. Eric Johansen agrees that his college classes make this year harder than others, and Lindsey Bradley says the same about her AP Biology class. On a side note, Ben Davis

Photo byy Hannah Aldridge

Michelle Atwood, like many other juniors, struggles through her homework and hard classes. Students confess that junior year is the hardest year of high school.

says that Dr. Wright’s English 11 class is as difficult as any college class, even though no college credit is offered. ff Fortunately for these stressed-out upperclassmen, they have support if they need it. Draper and Davis say their friends give them the greatest support through encouragement and agreement, respectively. Bradley says she receives support through her parents, though she is also motivated by the eligibility guidelines for sports. Despite their troubles, Staker says that working with juniors is an interesting expe-

Students choose unhealthy drinks BY KATIE CARPENTER Nowadays you can find Pepsi, Gatorade and Monsters just about everywhere you go. Teenagers have easy access to them 24/7. One of these sugary drinks won’t hurt, but how much is too much? And are students beginning to abuse it? “[The drinks] are more common then they should be,” said Ken Michie, a senior from Moroni. “Those drinks are carbonated and they kill the body.” Although a lot of students don’t drink caffeinated ff beverages often, they all have their reasons. “I drink a pop when I want to stay up and do something,” said Erika Ence, a senior from Fairview. Ence, unlike most teenagers, usually only drinks a highly energized beverage before she does something

Photo byy Chad McKay

Erika Ence drinks water while Shane Case purchases a soda. Many students indulge in poor drinking habits.

active. A lot of students will just get one for something to drink. What they don’t realize is that this unused energy turns to fat. Jeff ff Ericksen, the health teacher at the high school, sees some issues with the amount of sugar students are putting into their bodies. “I think there’s an obe-

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rience. “They’re like sophomores with added maturity and without the senior trunkiness,” said Staker. Staker describes “trunkiness” as the desire seniors feel to finally leave school. However, he also says that all classes tend to experience some degree of “trunkiness,” which others call spring fever. In short, the juniors will have their struggles. How they face them varies, as well as the results. However, after all the strife, the juniors will find themselves with only one year left of school, the calm after the storm.

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sity problem in the nation and our school definitely has one,” said Ericksen. Obesity isn’t the only problem caffeine ff is causing. Ericksen also believes that the average student drinks to much caffeine. ff Caffeine ff is a stimulant similar to nicotine. It increases the action of the central nervous system which in turn, increases your heart rate. The larger the dose of caff feine, the faster your heart beats. “It causes too many problems. It’s kind of like a drug... it’s addicting,” said Michie. Where caffeine ff is an addictive substance, one drink only leaves you wanting more. “I feel good after drinking Mt. Dew,” said senior, Reggie Clawson. “I want another one when I’m done. It’s refreshing.” The more students drink soda pop, the more money they have to spend on them. Nick Tidwell, a sophomore from Mt. Pleasant, says he spends about $50 a week on sodas and sport drinks. According to Ericksen, the easiest way to help fix these problems is to get rid of the soda machines or at least keep energy drinks out of them. He also believes that the subject needs to be discussed further in health classes so that students know exactly what they’re doing to their bodies.







Athlete of the month:

NS athlete has a love for running, pain

Photo byy Hannah Aldridge

Stephanie Honey runs on the track at practice after school; she enjoys running as a way to bring her happiness.

BY VALERIE DE MILL Running for seven straight miles isn’t what most people would do for fun. However, Stephanie Honey isn’t like most people. “I like to hang out with my friends, talking to people and believe it or not, I like to run,” said Honey. “Sometimes [running] hurts, but it makes me happy. It’s like an

escape.” Because of her love of running, Honey has joined both the cross country team and the track team and has been very successful in both. She has set new school records in four different ff track events; the girls’ 3200 meter, 1600 meter, 800 meter and was one of the four girls who helped break the record for the girls’ medley relay.

Although she has had much success in her running career, it hasn’t always been easy for Honey. During her junior year of the cross country season, Honey had to stop running because of injuries. She had a stressed fracture in her femur, and the growth plate in her hip was separating. Even after a year of recovery, Honey is still having problems with her injuries.

“She’s had to overcome adversity in her career, but she’s capable of working through any kind of challenge,” said Honey’s Head Coach, Bill Bedford. “She has a very positive attitude.” So what kindled Honey’s interest in distant running? “I wanted to do something, like an activity and hang out with my friends,” said Honey. “[At first] I wanted to sprint

Softball team starts season with struggles slowing down. The team began the season with a strong performance against Richfield, crushing them 12-5. “It was good to start the season with a win,” said senior catcher, Nicole Gordon, who went yard with two people on base. In addition to the good start, various improvements are also being made in order to ensure future success. “Looking at the first of the season, we’re pretty much just picking up where we left off, ff so all we can do is improve,” said senior right-fielder, Jessika Seely. With all of the improvePhoto byy Ryan Aagard ments being made, expectaShantel Ison up to bat, the North Sanpete Lady Hawks won the Union Cougars 1-0. tions couldn’t be any higher for this year’s season. BY RYAN AAGARD “We have a lot of talent and should go far. We have potenLadies and gentlemen, boys and girls, the snow has melted tial to be in the top three in the state” said Gordon. There are three seniors returning from last year’s squad, and the birds are singing; do you know what that means? It with plenty of experienced underclassmen to help the cause. is time to gear up for another thrilling season of Lady Hawks “We have some strong underclassmen; they are a huge part Softball. The Lady Hawks Softball team has been one of the more of our team,” said Erika Nielsen, senior left-fielder. The season looks promising, the team has been unstopprestigious sports programs at North Sanpete in recent mempable thus far, and with a closer, newly-installed home-run ory. Winning just as much or more than any other team in fence, let’s hope that our Lady Hawks will be shuffling around North Sanpete High School, and they don’t show any signs of the bases even more.

because it looked easy, but I totally sucked. I thought long distance runners were just slow and couldn’t sprint, but they are actually tough.” Most people would agree with Honey, running for several miles is tough. The practices alone can be difficult. Honey agrees that the practices can be hard, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t love it. “My favorite [practice] days were running the longest distances, which were the hardest practices, with my senior friends,” said Honey. “We’d always find some way to make it fun.” Teammates also enjoy Honey’s being on the team. “She makes it fun. She’s so freakin’ awesome and fast,” said junior. Nia Ricks, a teammate of Honey’s. Even though Honey brings a lot of fun to the team others feel that she has other great qualities as well. “One word to describe Stephanie is amazing,” said fellow teammate Liz Larsen, senior. “She brings a lot of leadership. She’s someone to look up to; she’s dedicated.” Coaches also agree with Larsen. “She brings leadership to the team,” said Bedford. “She’s a good influence on younger team members.”

Honey has worked very hard, not only at running, but in her schoolwork and other activites as well. She is a member of the National Honor Society and part of the Seminary Council. “I’m a math and science nerd,” said Honey. She says she enjoys most, if not all of her classes this year. She also loves being a senior. “It’s been fun getting to know my own class better,” said Honey. “I think our senior class is crazy, but we’re all crazy together. It’s awesome.” Even though graduation is coming up soon for Honey, she still plans to further her education and continue running. She will be going to Southern Utah University where she hopes to be on the indoor-track team, the track team and the cross country team. Honey has been a big asset to North Sanpete’s success in both track and cross country. “Steph is one of the most gifted athletes I’ve ever worked with,” said Coach Scott Butler. Even though her highschool years are soon coming to a close, she still has her last year of track season, where she hopes to do well and have fun.

Boys’ soccer faces challenge and loss, down 4 up 1 BY CALEB CHRISTENSEN The North Sanpete soccer team has started the season off ff w ith a struggle; they have won one game and lost four. They have recently played Gunnison. According to juniorr Bradley Holman, they could have won, but they just didn’t play the first half as well as they should have. The score at the end of the game was three to four. Even though the season hasn’t started out so well, the team m has improved. Holman says that they have improved on theirr ball control they have also improved on their passes. One of the strong points that the team has is in their defense. Junior Jacob Lumus says that the key to their good defense is Marcos Murillo and Holman. He says that the have speed that helps them with their defense. “Marcos kicks like a cannon,” said Lumus. The team has a new head coach this year Mauricio Montano the team likes him as a coach. Lumus says that he never yells and is just a good coach and that he knows his stuff. ff “He knows what he is talking about,” said Holman.

Girls’ golf team begins new season with three returning athletes BY VALERIE DE MILL With the spring sports season in full swing, the second season of girls’ golf is now in motion. Although the team hasn’t competed in any tournaments yet, they are still workk ing hard in practices. For most of the players, it is their first time on the green. “My little sister talked me into [playing golf],” said Jamie Shelley, senior. “I picked up my clubs for the first time three days ago. I think it is fun.” Shelley isn’t the only one new to golf though. “We have 11 girls on the team, but only 3 returning players,” said Coach Todd Hansen. “Last year, being the

first season, the scores were really high, but after some practice the scores tapered. They’ve done really well and cut their scores in half.” Hansen expects the girls to improve their scores this year as well. “This year the scores will be way competitive,” said Hansen. “Some of these girls are picking it up quick.” So what made these girls decide to try golf ? For most of them they thought it would be fun. “My dad loves golf so I though I’d try it,” said a new senior to the team, Nallely Montano. “So far I like it.” Montano isn’t the only one whose family members started them in golf. “My brothers have golfed,”

said Raberta Garlick, a returning junior on the team. “Once they got a girls’ team I thought it would be fun to try it.” The team has spent their time at practice learning the basic golf techniques at Skyline Mountain Resort’s golf course. Their first golf tournament will be at Spanish Oaks on Friday, March 27th. They are not quite sure how the season will turn out, but still hope for the best. “I just hope we make it to state,” said Hansen. Teammates are just has hopeful as Hansen. “We will hopefully get to the state as a team this year,” said Garlick. If they don’t make it to state as a team there will

Photo byy Hannah Aldriidge

Raberta Garlick shows her golfing talent in the photo pictured above on NS land. The girls’ golf team is fairly new, and they are focusing their time to improve their skills.

most likely be a few individuals who will make it to the state tournament. However,

scoring high isn’t what most of the girls are concerned about.

“I don’t expect to win, but I expect to play my hardest,” said Montano.


Baseball plays well, places at two weekend tournaments

Photo byy Kathrine Kendall

Clay Anderson bats at the Gunnison Tournament against the Park City Miners. NS lost to the Miners but took 6th at the tourney.

BY CHANA THOMPSON Baseball season at North Sanpete High began the season at a Richfield tournament two weeks ago on the 13th and 14th. The boys took second overall at the tournament winning two of the three games. The final scores of the games were 3-0 against South Summit, 12-0 against Millford, and a loss of 8-11 against Park City. According to Taylor Ricks senior of Fairview, it took awhile for the team to get comfortable and mentally stable, but the team did better than he thought. Minor injuries were obtained while at the

tournament, taking out second baseman Jayson Nielsen, junior of Ft. Green for the rest of the tournament Saturday. Also Ben Davis, junior pitcher from Ft. Green, was injured by being hit in his arm and couldn’t practice for a week. Despite few injuries the team easily managed to pull through. Some highlights from the tournament consisted of two home runs and Kyle Sorensen pitching a shut out against Millford. Kenny Rawlings senior from Moroni, made one home run and the other was made by Taylor Ricks. According to a few players on the team, Ricks’ home run was ‘sick’; apparently he hit

a car going by on the freeway when he hit the home run. “We kicked A at our first tournament,” said Trevyn Tucker senior from Fairview. The tournament set the bar high for a successful season. The team continues to practice toward making it as far as region. With the season at a new beginning the boys strive to work as a team. A few strategies that the team has made preparing for the season include throwing, going to camps and going back over basics to refresh their memories. “I try to teach them the fundamentals,” said Head Coach Lee R. Sorensen, “Teach

them how to pitch the ball right, batting techniques, and how to run the bases.” The varsity players can be seen practicing on the baseball field from 3:30 until 6:30, the players practice hard to maintain physical fitness and strengthen their weaknesses. According to Kyle Sorensen senior of Fairview some of the teams strengths include really good pitchers, good defense and good offense. ff Some changes they will make for this year is utilizing small ball, bunting more, and getting on base more. “I think we need to use more strategy and steal more bases,” said Ricks. According to Sorensen if he could name a weakness the team has, it would be how young the team is. But this weakness doesn’t have a large effect ff upon the team because most of the younger athletes are really good. When faced with weakness the team knows how to stay positive and has good leaders to help retain a good attitude. Patience and hard work are both fundamentals in baseball. “You get out of the sport what you put into it at practice,” said Coach Sorensen. According to Coach Sorensen the team will make it to the state play offs. ff He believes the team is very good, they have good team leadership and everyone gets along really well. The team looks forward to winning and facing all of the competition. “Its going to be a great year, it will be fun to see how they do and where they will end up,” said Coach Sorensen. Last weekend at the Gunnison tournament the Hawks faced the challenge of a bad start. Their first game against Gunnison was a loss of 4-5 because of small errors. The only win at the tournament was against Milllard 3-1, and the last game against Park City ended in loss 0-6. They lost 2 of the 3 games but the boys felt as though they played well.

Boy’s tennis team excels despite minor losses, places fourth at tournament BY VALERIE DE MILL The boys’ tennis team kicked off ff their season by competing in the Bloomington Country Club tournament where they competed against twelve different ff teams. The boy’s beat Snow Canyon with a 3-2 win and South Sevier 5-0. The toughest matches were against 4A Pine View and Morgan who triumphed over the Hawks 1-4 and 2-3, respectively. Michael Lewis, senior and the first singles player for the Hawks, was first matched against South Sevier and dominated with a 6-0, 6-2 win. His only loss was against Pine View, but he forced the match to go into three sets. In second singles Parkk er Earl, senior, was also victorious over South Sevier and Snow Canyon, but succumbed to Pine View and Morgan. Tucker Morin, a junior on the team, is third singles for

the Hawks. He was the only team member to beat Pine View with a score of 6-3, 7-5. His only loss came from Morgan, but he forced the match to go into a third set. Derek Erickson, junior, and his brother, Hunter Erickson, sophomore have teamed up to play first doubles. In their first two matches they were successful, but lost to Morgan and Pine View. Playing second doubles for the team this year is Jeremy Garlick, senior, and Kelton Rasmussen, junior. These two beat Morgan and South Sevier, but had a hard time keeping up with Pine View and Snow Canyon. In their match against Pine View they lost in a tiebreaker. “It was kind of depressing because Jeremy and I could have won,” said Rasmussen. With only two losses at the tournament the team was able to place fourth overall, which is the highest place the boys’ tennis team has re-

cieved for many years at this particular tournament. “We played pretty well,” said Head Coach Jeff ff Erickksen. “We’ve got some good experience coming back [this season].” Not only did the varsity play in a tournament, J.V. entered the Summit Tennis Challenge and took second place. Chad McKay, senior, and Cameron Sego, freshman, played doubles and went through the tournament undefeated. Three other freshman boys really stepped it up at this tournament as well, Caden Birch played singles for the fist time and Stephen Lewis and Kyle Anderson played doubles. “[This season] we have new players and new excitement on the team,” said Ericksen. “We have some freshman who can hit the ball well already.” But the new players aren’t the only ones who are new to the team.

Photo byy Ryan Aagard

Michael Lewis plays at a home match against Wasatch High school; the team won 4-1.

“I’m really excited to have our new Assistant Coach Ben Cox,” said Ericksen. Cox is a former Hawk tennis player and has returned as the assistant coach for the boys’ tennis team. “I just love tennis. I have always loved tennis,” said Cox. “The guys on the ten-

nis team are fantastic. It’s fun to hang out with them , they make it enjoyable.” The team is looking forward to a great season and they have good expectations. “I think we will be vying for a region championship,” said Ericksen. Cox agrees with Ericksen

and is even looking beyond region. “I think we can play with anyone in the state,” said Cox. “We should be able to make some noise at the state tournament.” The Hawks also held a match against the Wasatch Wasps last Tuesday and had


North Sanpete’s track team performs well at a recent track meet despite lack of participants

Photo provided byy Jessica Lindow

Kathrine Kendall throws at the NS track team’s meet at Salem Hills.

BY BRANDI PEAHL The NSH Track team traveled to Salem Hills recently for their first meet, where they had several people win their events and the girl’s took the overall win.

NSH did not have anyone run hurdles or the 4X400 meter race. Running these events would have added a considerable amount of points based on last years returning runners. North Sanpete won with 83 points against region rival Salem Hills coming in fourth with 40

points. Lindsay Bradley winning the event The 100-Meter races started the and Shyanne Ison followed behind. day with several good performancNSH had two teams running the es, for both boys and girls. The team 4x100 meter race with no intention did not score any points of trying to win acin this event. cording to Butler. “The team is “Short sprints are an“We just considother weakness and we exceeding ered it a training are working on trying to expectations” day,” said Butler. change that,” said Scott After a difficult -Coach Scott Butler Butler, a track coach at hand-off ff in the NSH. 4x100 Meter race Girl’s distance showed promis- putt one NS team slightly behind, ing results as four out of the top five Haley Ence was able to catch up, finishers were from NSH, beating putting the team in second place. cross-country rival Salem Hills. The Haley Ence won the 800boy’s team also showed solid per- Meter run with school-record holdformances as young runners Shel- er Honey finishing with a close secdon Shelley, Richard Craddock and ond place. Christian Carr led the team. The Medley teams ran the fast “I thought I would be good at race finishing with Payson High [distance],” Craddock, a freshman just in front, getting second and of Mt. Pleasant who shows much third places. potential. Young runners ran closely beStephanie Honey won the mile hind Ison and Bradley who got with her teammates close behind. third and fourth place in the 200The 400-Meter followed with Meter dash.

The 3200 Meter run finished off the running events with Rebekah Boekweg winning the event and Kody Kleven coming in second place. NSH has a lack of jumpers and had sophomore Alisha Chamberlain test out the high jump. She showed the team’s need for more jumpers to help contribute. On the throwing field seniors Jessica Lindow and Katherine Kendall led the way, taking the top two spots on the Discus Throw and Shot Put. Megan Lindow took third in the Discus. “[The team] is exceeding expectations and it’s really gratifying,” said Butler. The girl’s team is paving the way for the season while the boy’s team lacks numbers. “I hope to see our boy’s team build,” said Butler. The team will travel to the Pine View Invitational in St. George next Friday.








Karen Monatano Senior, Moroni When does Spring Fever hit? Right now What spring activities are you excited for? Water parks What’s your favorite spring sport? Baseball, I like the tights What do you miss when spring is over? The flowers blooming What are you planning to do for spring break? Going to California Trevor Black Freshman, Mt. Pleasant When does Spring Fever hit? When everything warms up What spring activities are you excited for? Shooting guns What’s your favorite spring sport? Lifting weights What do you miss when spring is over? The cool weather What are you planning to do for spring break? Throw a party Samantha Ottesen Mt. Pleasant, Junior When does Spring Fever hit? When the temperature is over 40 degrees What spring activities are you excited for? Hanging out outside What’s your favorite spring sport? Softball What do you miss when spring is over? The sun What are you planning to do for spring break? Hang out with cousins David Kling Sophomore, Spring City When does Spring Fever hit? When spring break starts What spring activities are you excited for? Riding Bikes What’s your favorite spring sport? Tennis What do you miss when spring is over? Going right into summer What are you planning to do for spring break? Going to Richfield with Esteem Team

TV QUOTES BY CHAD MCKAY We’ve pulled some memorable quotes from last weeks hit television shows. Enjoy. The Office: Michael Scott: I have an idea for a fancy men’s shoe store called Shoe La La. And... it’s just men’s shoes for the special occasions in a man’s life. Like the day that you get married, or the day your wife has a baby, or for just lounging around the house. 30 Rock: Jack Donaghy: He’d show up every now and then to impregnate my mother and punch out the umpires in Little League. American Idol: Simon: You were like a little hamster trying to be a tiger. Ugly Betty: Marc: Willy? Selling your possessions? Isn’t that one rung above appearing on a reality show? House: House: Cats make terrible doctors. Oh no, wait, that’s women. You’re screwed.

The Hunger Games is a futuristic novel that shows readers a whole new world BY DANIELLE HARDY Title: The Hunger Games Author: Suzanne Collins Pages: 378 My Rating: 5 stars What would you be willing to do for someone you love? Would you step forward to take their place, knowing that you would be walking to your death? Katniss Everdeen may be only sixteen, but she’s had to provide for her mother and younger sister ever since her father died. She is used to surprises, but after four years of having her name entered for the Hunger Games, the one thing she wasn’t expecting was for her twelve year old sister’s name to be called. Worried for her sister’s safety, she runs forward and off fers up her life instead. Set in the future, in what used to be North America, The Hunger Games shows the readers a whole new world. Instead of the 50 states, Panem (the name of the ‘country’) is composed of the Capital and the twelve districts. Everything has changed, and even though the Capital has new technology, the rest of the districts have been forced to live in conditions similar to the distant past. For seventy-four years, Panem has been holding the Hunger Games annually, pitting the districts against each other. Two tributes, one boy and one girl, are chosen from each district and taken to the Capital to fight in the arena, which is pretty much a semi enclosed area of wilderness. For the next few weeks, all twenty-four participants must try to survive with very little food, supplies, and shelter. As if that wasn’t bad enough, they have also put traps and other obstacles in their way, and the other competitors will kill you without a thought. For the winner, the prize is great—money, food, a place to live for the rest of their life, and their district will receive extra supplies for the next year. But for the losers, the Hunger Games can only mean one thing: death. All broadcasted on live TV, no

less. For a futuristic society, Panem seems to have reverted back to ancient Rome and the time of the gladiators. Katniss doesn’t want to die, but as the Games go on, she realizes that her chance of returning home to her family is very slim. The other tributes are being killed quickly, and she knows that it is only a matter of time before the strongest ones finally get her, too. But suddenly her chance of winning goes up when they change the rules of the games. This year, it’s possible for there to be two winners, but only if they are tributes from the same district. This means that Katniss will have to put her stubbornness aside and form an ally with Peeta,

whom she thinks betrayed her and joined the Career Trbiutes’ group. Little did she know, Peeta has been severely injured, and the only way he’ll be able to make it is if she can get to him on time and try to heal him. The Hunger Games is a very intriguing novel, one that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end. A perfect read for anyone, from the reluctant readers to the die-hard fantasy fans, you’ll find yourself pulled into the story from the very beginning—and it will only let you go when the last page rolls around, leaving you wanting more of Katniss’s world. Unfortunately, the sequel, Catching Fire, won’t be out until later this fall.

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CognitiveQuest Dead Rotten How well do you know NS High? Answer all of the questions correctly and e-mail us your answers. The quiz is open to students and members of the community. We’ll select a student to receive a bag of candy! Just e-mail your answers, name and phone number to news@nsanpete.org


Freshman Level: What was the Prom theme song? Sophomore Level: Who coaches the girls’ golf team? Junior Level: What day is graduation? Senior Level: Who is the oldest teacher at North Sanpete?

Sports By Naudia Dowland To which team do these athletes belong?

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