TABLE OF CONTENTS BACKGROUND: ............................................................................................ 1 WHAT IS DICTATORSHIP?............................................................................ 2 HOW DICTATORS COME INTO POWER: ........................................................ 3 TRICKS USED BY DICTATORS TO CAPTURE STATE POWER: ........................ 6 SIGNS THAT A LEADER IS TURNING INTO A DICTATOR ................................ 8 HOW DICTATORS ARE SUSTAINED IN POWER: ............................................10 INDICATORS THAT THE PUBLIC IS FED UP WITH A GIVEN DICTATOR ..........13 HOW DICTATORS VANISH IN OBLIVION: .....................................................16 WHAT LESSONS DO WE LEARN FROM DICTATORS? .....................................18
BACKGROUND: All Dictators thirst and hanker for power and do share similar characteristics while appearing differently under various circumstances. A dictator in a developing country may appear to be extremely greedy unlike a counterpart in a developed Country, but they all fall alike. Every dictator loves power at all cost and it makes them mad like alcohol to drunkards. Dictators don’t become dictators at once. It is a gradual process experienced in piece meal dozes after a period of time. Dictators are not born like kings but are made. The purpose of this little book is to create public awareness on democracy and Good Governance to enable us identify some of the major forces, signs, symptoms and characteristics which may lead the public and probably individuals to point out a leader who has become a dictator. Dictators like all children are born when they are good people but they do change after some time of overstaying in office. And because of the power which they hold turn out to be dangerous people. They forget all their earlier sincere commitments to good governance, democratic rule, promises and agreements they had made on the day they assumed power.
WHAT IS DICTATORSHIP? A Dictatorship is a form of governance where one person or political party has the power to do whatever they want. The individuals’ rights and the opposition are generally speaking, suppressed. The ruler is called a dictator. Dictators are always characterized by some of the following signs; suspension of elections and civil liberties, proclamations of a state of emergency, rule by decree, repression of political opponents, stealing of votes and not abiding by the rule of law procedures leading to a cult of personality. Most dictators have several characteristics in common. They usually rule autocracies, governments with a single self-appointed leader and no governing body to check his/her power. No checks and balances. The parliament or legislature, Judiciary and Electoral Commission become rubber stamps of the Executive. Often dictators have totalitarian regimes, keeping their power through control of the mass media, music, dance and drama. And lastly the Army, the Police, Prisons and other Security Agencies become personal forces to the Dictator in State House. In short, All Dictators Rule with an iron fist.
HOW DICTATORS COME INTO POWER: More than often dictators come into responsible powerful offices as saviors, liberators and Servants of the Public, thus the title of Public Servants. They claim to have been called by God to serve, save and liberate those who are suffering by oppression. The beginning is always seen as a genuine process, but alas they hide their true nature, colors and clothing. They don’t come dressed like Princes but commoners. They hide their bad intentions and other ulterior motives but dressed in a sheep’s skin while inside are angry wolves. Initially Dictators never talk with force or pride but with humility and sincerity while showing sympathy with the oppressed masses that they have come to liberate or hoping to liberate. Surprisingly, inside their hearts feel that they have liberated themselves, their families and cronies in the so called liberation struggles. They come into power pretending to be the promised messiahs, prophets, patriotic, democratic, generous, humble, peaceful, meek and poor with the sore objective and desire to serve and to care for others. They accuse and condemn previous leaders of extravagancy, nepotism, tribalism, corruption yet internally that is their hidden agenda as well for capturing State power. They convince people that they will be different from those leaders they have come to uproot from Office yet in reality there seems not to be any significant difference from the past leadership and the incoming so called liberators. The difference which may be conspicuously observed is the uniform but the guards remain the same. What is seen most of the time it is old wine in new skins (e.g. Zimbabwe, Sudan, Burundi, e.t.c.).
Former guards are always disguised in civilian suits while inside wear Military and Police Uniforms yet the standard operating procedures (SOP’s) remains the same and in place. When new dictators talk the public listens attentively because they assume that their life is going to be transformed and changed for the better with the new charismatic leader in office. The elderly persons listen attentively but with suspicion and pessimism having had past experiences with people like the new leader who is talking to them. Past leaders also came like this one but in a short period turned into dictators for life. The young generation simply needs change whether from a dictator or a democratic leader they don’t care. The young ones have never seen any leader since they were born except the one the masses want to over throw. These ones listen more attentively with hope and much optimism expecting the new messiah to create employment, wealth, middle class income, democracy, power, scholarships, bread, butter, and prosperity for all. Generally speaking, the so called new charismatic leaders are good at convincing both the old and the young generation that heaven is going to come down for them (Utopian State) during his/her mandatory brief time and period in office. But after some time in office a dictator persuades many of his followers and supporters to support the regime to stay in office longer than they had agreed. Many of the supporters begin getting politically blind to colors: white becomes black, e.t.c. This means that the dictator and the supporters start eating their own words. Tricks become the order of the day. What follows is using force all the time to remain in power indefinitely.
Both peasants and the elite or intellectuals become color blind as long as they are eating from the dictator’s hands. The wrong thing is said to be right and the right thing seen to be wrong! Peasants and illiterates can be forgiven but the academicians who support dictators will never be forgiven by humanity for betraying the oppressed and exploited masses. Very sad!
TRICKS USED BY DICTATORS TO CAPTURE STATE POWER: Any dictator who captures state power conceals his/her true colors and agenda. Initially a dictator presents his manifesto as a clean innocent person who is not interested in power for its own sake but service. He/she condemns past leaders (dictators) for all the problems being encountered by people starting with poverty, sickness, illiteracy, hunger, wars, under development, backwardness, etc., but at the end of the day he/she ends up doing exactly the same mistakes s/he accused of the previous leaders and worse still turns into a tyrant dictator who is not ready to listen to what others have to say. S/he begins seeing himself or herself as the only person with a vision, clean leadership and finally becomes a demi-god. Some dictators claim to be directly receiving instructions from GOD to authenticate their claims. A dictator compels masses to listen to him/her but is not interested in listening to others. S/he presents himself/herself as a caring leader, intellectual, father, farmer, academician, soldier man, stanch believer in God, grandfather, elder and mentor. S/he builds a wall around himself/herself becoming the final person in all matters without giving a chance to his/her representatives to act or make any meaningful decision. S/he begins amassing wealth and to be feared. Reaching him/her becomes next to impossible. Supporters are rewarded handsomely in order to keep him/her in power. Military promotions become a common event among his/her military guards because without them s/he is nothing. S/he demands for honorary degrees and forces Universities to be conferred upon bogus Degrees, while Relatives like sons, daughters and in-laws are appointed to Sensitive Ministerial Posts.
In the initial stage of a dictator’s reign in power s/he pretends to be a good listener, being approachable and leading a simple life. But all this gimmick disappears when his/her true self-identity emerges out clearly. His/her Blessings turn into curses. A would be dictator has pseudo respect for people though in the beginning s/he is polite but as time goes on s/he becomes proud, unashamed, abusive and arrogant. S/he turns into the alpha and omega of all authority and decisions which force him/her to be the opposite of how s/he started. What follows is a life of suspicion, jealousy and abuse of opponents, fellow liberators and supporters; hatred, egoism, unabated corruption, self-isolation, seclusion from family members and party members follow progressively in line. Power becomes everything for her/him and all means are used at all costs to preserve it. The person who used to be close to people s/he begins distancing himself/herself from people to the extent of chasing away other road users from the road to allow his/her convoy access the road first and fast enough for feeling insecure in a jam. Of course when you see a long convoy on the highway don’t ask who is passing. People will answer you that our dictators and oppressors are passing. A dictator dislikes people who are interested in his/her office, chair and titles. A dictator likes people who consider him/her as their leader for life. The people who sing his//her praises are handsomely rewarded accordingly with money or lucrative assignments and offices. The enemies are also rewarded or punished accordingly with disgrace and death if unlucky.
SIGNS THAT A LEADER IS TURNING INTO A DICTATOR There are signs and indicators which pin point to the fact that a given leader is turning into a dictator and that he is no longer the good person whom people used to call a liberator, savior or a Messiah now turned into a dictatorial wolf. Opponents are oppressed as enemies even though some were formerly friends who turned foe. Change of goal posts and the tone becomes threatening Arrogance and pride Biased (favoritism) with his/her party in power No one makes a decision except himself/herself not even a deputy, Mistrusting and mistreatment of other leaders Despising others openly Giving others power to back without giving them the teeth to bite. Being in the circles with people who FEAR to advice him/her, (The YES men and women). Manipulation of the Constitution using the inner clique or the kitchen cabinet, to achieve his/her personal interest. Loss of shame and lack of moral and ethical principles. Scared by political opponents and friends. Nepotism, tribalism Unexplained wealth by those in power and their supporters Primitive accumulation of resources by a few people with strings attached to the regime in power and creating a big gap between the rich and the poor. Change of a constitution without sound reasons but ulterior motives When the Judiciary, Legislature and Electoral Commission lose Independency and autonomy to the Executive arm of Government.
When the opposition is silenced by the police and judiciary When members of Parliament begin to be arrested like chicken thieves When the corrupt are set free and the innocent are imprisoned instead. When election results begin to be doubted, contested because votes were rigged. Personalization and branding of all State Security Machineries.
HOW DICTATORS ARE SUSTAINED IN POWER: This is the answer for those who ask themselves why it takes so long to get rid of dictators. Dictators are sustained in power because they know how to tell lies. Majority of them are sustained in power by trickery and lies. Dictators everywhere have supporters who ensure that they keep them in office for their personal survival. Without the dictators in office the cronies (god sons/daughters), see themselves unable to survive without their god fathers. These people do a lot of nasty things to ensure that the dictator is not hijacked from office. This is how dictators are sustained in power. Their supporters will always ensure that they are sustained in power by all means especially propaganda. This inner circle is always found everywhere in the state machinery including the legislature, judiciary, even in Religious circles. The army and the security agencies play a very big part and an influential role in ensuring that dictators are sustained in power as long as they can survive. There is also an invisible force known as the “mafia” (internal clique), members who use state machinery to achieve their OBJECTIVES & GOALS. This confirms the saying that “the end justifies the means.” The group also consists of people who were needy yesterday but now extremely rich because they have benefitted from the Dictator in power. Hence the “Mafia” group’s influence can also dictate matters of the State. They dictate on unsuitable policies to fit their own political strategy and economic interest. They determine who is to see the President, (dictator) who is to be a Minister, Judge, Director or a Political leader. The same group makes decision on recruitment and jobs for their relatives, tribe mates, supporters and godchildren, while leaving out competent and better qualified people without god fathers in the regime.
Sensitive and lucrative posts are always predestined by the mafia group within the system. Transparency on the results and competence becomes a security matter. It is regrettable to note that some dictators would have retired from Office long time ago but they fear the mafia force which threaten them with disaster if at all they ever tried to retire and leave office peacefully. This compels the DICTATORS to be like prisoners in an Executive prison. Other stakeholders in the sustenance business of dictators in power are: Illegal business partners, fake foreign investors, disguised criminal gangs hiding within the executive corridors of power. Many of these people think that once their person, Papa, god father vacates office forcefully many will have to stand trial and to lose income. They will lose out through criminal charges of all sorts against them including the infamous international criminal courts (ICC). Apparently we all know that most of the time dictators everywhere, especially in developing countries come to power through the gun. Therefore, they are sustained in power by the gun. This explains why their exit is always through similar means and pouring of innocent blood. The list of coups e.g in Africa is endless. “What goes around comes around.” Finally, many dictators capture power when they are poor, (from grass to grace). So they use their hard earned acquired wealth to keep themselves in power but there’s also the Psychological pride of rising from a humble environment to a superior complex. When dictators are opposed by opposition they end up silencing all the opponents by bribes, imprisonment, threats, retirement permanently and politically being deleted from the political map and calendar. Implementing this entire blackmailing plan requires huge
sums of money. This money comes from what the dictators primitively accumulate overtime while in Power through corruption, bribes, dirty deal commissions, theft, supporters, false procurements and kickbacks. There is always a lot of money at hand for disposal by the dictator. Dictators are sustained in power until circumstances force them to go unceremoniously and when least expected. They get drunk with power which leads them to being blind and deaf to the past, the present and future realities of life. Remember. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
INDICATORS THAT THE PUBLIC IS FED UP WITH A GIVEN DICTATOR Masses demonstrate behaviors that they are disgusted the dictator through disobedience, riots, demonstrations, violence and to the worst terrorism and rebel tendencies towards the regime begin to unfold. In response the dictator creates fear among citizens or the ruled. The public is reminded of the bad history of the State before they were liberated from tyrannical dictatorial rule. But still people begin to show it openly that enough is enough when they begin to demand for change. We have an example of the Arab spring violent scenes which became common on our Television screens. Police and the Army begin to use unnecessary force and brutality against the very masses they are supposed to protect. Torture of civilians who are armed with nothing but stones and sticks become a common occurrence in the media. The examples of Beirut-Lebanon and Israel in August of 2020 and the USA demonstrations after the death of a Black American George Floyd has a lot to teach us on how the oppressed can fight for their rights. The opposition groups and their sympathizers turn more vocal, hostile and violent against their oppressors, the law enforcers headed by the dictator in power. Demonstrations, riots, strikes and hooliganism become a common sight almost everywhere. Schools, Universities, workers and even some Public Servants join in directly or indirectly expressing dissatisfaction of this and that just to cause embarrassments to the dictator and the supporters of the regime in power. Intelligence and security agencies become numerous. Spies, operatives and informers of all sorts make outreaches up to grassroots level in the remotest communities and villages to hunt for the enemies of the dictator and the state who are accused of treason or espionage just to silence them in prison as Political Prisoners. Other shameful and criminal charges may be preferred or concocted 13
against the opposition and members who show interest in the big office e.g; rape, defilement, conspiracy, terrorism, espionage, murder, etc. Journalist and the media begin always to be vetted by the dictator. Radio/TV Stations, news printers and all media houses are constantly searched, invaded at night or during broad day light. All these are done to intimidate, threaten, and generate fear among the opposition, civil societies, Faith Based Organizations, Human Rights Organization in order to silence them. Any dictator likes the deaf, the dump and the blind (this example is pictorial) to mean that people should behave as if they don’t talk, see and hear. Those who see wrongs, hear facts and talk about the mistakes of a dictator are enemies because they exhibit interest and appetite for the Big Office. Very often they are arrested, accused falsely and their lives are always at risk. Many ways begin to be used to eliminate enemies. Pseudo accidents, unexplained death, alleged suicide, poisoning and disappearances become common. The objective is to create fear to the enemies who are against the regime in power. The Public begins to hear of unexplained deaths whose police reports will never be heard of. People begin to die of poison mysteriously, murder, controlled car accidents, disappearance, etc. These can also be supplemented by massive migration of people going into exile as refugees seeking for political and economic asylum. When the Public loses respect and credibility in the Civil Service, leaders begin not be trusted morally and ethically. This is seen by the masses vandalizing public utilities, looting of government and the oppressors’ properties. What breaks the camel’s back and puts the last nail in the dictator’s coffin is when the Constitution is amended, eliminated or abrogated completely to suit the needs and interests of the dictator in order to
allow him/her remain in Office for a longer time than had been agreed upon earlier on. This is a clear manifestation that a Dictator has begun sensing danger that the Public is fed up with his/her dictatorship.
HOW DICTATORS VANISH IN OBLIVION: It is a bitter known fact that however much a dictator wants to rule for life there’s an expiry date for him. It is only God who rules and reigns forever and ever. Human beings who think that there are demigods expire whether we like it or not. Dictators forget that to comprehend that Earthly power is eternal while Heavenly power is for eternity. It is unfortunately that dictators always go against their good commitments when they have started enjoying their grip onto power; that is the time when people get fed up with them. A dictator leaves office when not contented claiming that the throne is still sweet. More than often a dictator is forced out of power, office, authority and palace when least expected and unsatisfied. All is vanity of vanities. A dictator is chased like a chicken thief because s/he blocked his/her ears and conscience to the cries and demands of the oppressed masses. Many dictators are forced to go into exile or are killed in their palaces by junior people whom they mistreated or killed their parents. Very many dictators end up in the very Prisons, unsafe houses (called safe houses by the dictator) and Jails which they constructed for political enemies. (What goes around comes around). Relatives and family members to a DICTATOR also follow suit. They may run away if they are lucky or end up in Prison where death takes them unprepared. Others die like paupers in exile. In most events a dictator is betrayed by the inner clique, friends, relatives and fellow liberators in the so called struggle of liberation claiming that the dictator betrayed them.
It is an open secret that when a dictator refuses to surrender power / leadership through peaceful means of the ballot papers then bullets are employed to speak the language well understood by many dictators. Guns and Bullets come as a last resort despite of all the so called achievements which the dictator had achieved. A dictator’s contribution (legacy) is forgotten and overshadowed by the bad things. That’s what hurts most. A dictator vanishes into oblivion poor, betrayed, humiliated, embarrassed, and ashamed! Unfortunately, none of them would wish to leave office peacefully despite the masses accusations for scrupulously overstaying in Office. A dictator vanishes in political limbo leaving behind enemies who accuse him/her of being liar, thief, and pretender/hypocrite, double faced, corrupt, traitor, murderer, tribal, exploiter, mafia, grabber of public funds, unpatriotic and arch-criminal and enemy of the poor. Some of the dictators who manage to live in exile end up life in poverty and great misery. The property and wealth of a dictator crumble in a minute. Things are looted by both friends and foes and at the end of the day it is all vanity of vanities. When a dictator is forced out of power his/her office vanishes into oblivion. More than often dictators find themselves mentally sick without knowing the ailment, depressed, stressed and ashamed. They lose friends and die alone leaving behind a lot of enemies and criminal charges. Majority of dictators die in exile and buried like a poor village pauper without any pomp. What a life? From grass to grace and from grace to grass to the grave for ever and ever where we all one day have to Rest in Eternal Peace, (R.I.P).
WHAT LESSONS DO WE LEARN FROM DICTATORS? First of all, any Leader must know that leadership is a Public Service not a private property. It is a responsibility to be a servant of others than being served. A leader should never turn the office of serving others into a kingdom or a monarchy for that case. Being a Leader and Head of State you don’t become a Monarchical King or a Royal Prince by simply your word of mouth or decree. Some dictators have come and vanished in oblivion after honoring themselves with the prestigious title of king of kings. But where are they today? Who knows exactly where their final resting place is located? No monument. No clouts! Those who go into political leadership with personal ulterior motives to attain a higher office of the Executive must be pro-people not prothemselves and their tribesmen. They must be financially contented and morally upright. In Politics there are “no permanent friends or enemies”. Your friends today may turn against you tomorrow, vice-versa. Your best friend today can overthrow you the next day. When in power people under a given leader must be treated as human beings not as beasts. Leaders must ensure that as long as they are in power must stick strictly to the term limit as prescribed in the constitution or as per the agreement one made when s/he was assuming office. People are tired of leaders who talk the walk but cannot walk the talk. The Truth will make you free. It is very civil for a leader to leave office when people still have respect and love for you. Third World Leaders must learn to listen and to use wisdom in politics. Politics is a clean game as long as the ground is well leveled. Dictators should stop alleging that politics is a dirty game because they want to achieve power mischievously for life.
From the word forego leaders must have a demarcation or boundary between Public, personal, family and Government Property. The constitutions must have a section on how to deal with a Leader who turns a dictator after term limits have been tempered with. Lea ders must listen to the advisers in place. These must not be Yes men and women. Advisors to a President should be sieved through Public Service mechanism of recruiting public servants and approved by the leader. All political parties should be in position to advise but not always to oppose the leader in power. Refusal to be advised is the beginning of dictatorship and a passport to personal doom and condemnation. Any leader, who entertains the thoughts of overstaying in power by trickery, persuasion, fraud, and shrewdness, e.t.c, is most likely to become a big headed dictator by choice. To avoid this outcome Leaders should love their so called political critics and opponents. A leader must be consistent if s/he needs to be trusted by the masses. If one is inconsistent it is a big sign post that s/he is leading to dictatorial rule and is becoming a Dictator. Inconsistency shows that this leader will be inconsistent in the promises and agreements s/he will make. Swearing becomes a mockery and a kind of political comedy by many dictators. A dictator is not embarrassed or ashamed when still in office but embarrasses his/her friends, liberators, family, political party, beliefs, etc. Leaders must read history before they get into political power and when in power to avoid mistakes of the previous power hungry leaders who were possessed and intoxicated by power. This will save them the embarrassment and humiliation of being forced out of state house without going through the front door but the small backdoor. A leader should not be compelled not to retire as if no other person can take up the mantle of power. Failure to abide by the principles of democracy, good governance and social justice will always lead a dictator to a miserable end. I rest my case. For God and my Continent Africa. 19