Positioning/ Tactics Running/ Evasion
Starts & Restarts
Body Control
Session Dates
To ensure that all the necessary skill areas are being covered in training sessions, coaches are encouraged to record the skill areas covered in each session on the checklist below.
Session Aims/Objectives/Outcomes - Correct grip & carry - Evasion - Standing Pass
Blocking Tackle Try Scoring Game structure/play
Training Session Outline (Warm Up, Skills, Drills, Games, Conditioning, Cool Down) Warm Up: 4) 2-on-1 (CP007) Teaching Points: 1) 10 Passes (CP003) Teaching Points x GRIP - two hand carry x Correct grip, thumbs on top, fingers under- x Running correct lines with ball neath (straight for beginners) x Early catch x Support play positioning (behind x Step towards receiver and away from ball carrier) and running onto ball x Swing ball across body x Running pass technique x Follow-through to point towards receiver x Continue running straight after pass x Calling for ball x Receiver - early catch and accelerSkill Development: ate through gap 2) Running Pass-Shape Drill (CP005) Skill Application/Game Play: Teaching Points: 5) Build-a-Game (PG002) x 2 Hand Carry Teaching Points: x Foot furthest from receiver forward during x Support play positioning pass x Defensive positioning x Swing across body & follow through x Relevant rules x Continue running straight x Play-the-ball technique x Hands up to catch x Catch and pass technique x Correct grounding of ball 3) Side on Tackling (TD003) Teaching Points: x Eyes up on the target area (thighs/waist) x Get feet close to ball carrier x Head behind ball carrier x Shoulder contact “HIT” x Wrap tight with arms “WRAP” x DRIVE with legs to finish on top of ball Equipment Required: Session Evaluation Ideas/improvements for next session:
Extension: x Increase number of players per team x Increase number of rules applied Cool Down: Discussion with players, passing games etc
Footballs (1 between 2), markers, vests
1) 1) 10 10 Passes Passes (CP003)
2) Running Running Pass-Shape Pass-Shape 2) Drill (CP005) (CP005) Drill
3) Side Side on Tackling Tackling 3) (TD003) (TD003)
4) 2-on-1 2-on-1 (CP007) 4)
5) Build-a-game Build-a-game (PG002) 5) (PG002)
Description xIn pairs, players stand either side of a gate (two markers between which they will pass the ball). xPlayers all in a small square, 1-2 nominated as ‘blockers’. xRest of players attempt to pass the ball 10 times while remaining within the square. xBlockers attempt to block the pass to prevent 10 passes being made consecutively. xCan change rules such as being able to run with the balls, cannot pass back to same player etc. xTwogroups groupsofof4– 4–5,5,markers markersas asabove. above. xTwo xBallstarts startswith withthe theoutside outsideplayers, players,all allplayers playersrun runout outtoto xBall theircorresponding correspondingmarker marker their xUponturning, turning,the theplayers playerspass passthe theball balldown downtheir theirline line xUpon whilstrunning runningback backtototheir theirinitial initialmarker marker whilst xInsideplayer playerreceives receivesthe theball balland andscores scoresaatry trybetween between xInside thetwo twocentre centremarkers markers(Racing (Racingother othergroup) group) the xPlayerwho whoscores scorestry trymoves movestotooutside outsideposition positionand and xPlayer otherrotate rotatetotochange changeroles roles other xPlayers in pairs/ threes threes as as shown shown at at right right angles angles to to atattacker’s path xBall carrier jogs at steady pace, attempting to score in corner of corridor xPlayers take turns in executing side on tackle xBall carrier progress to higher speed, possibly tackle from behind x2 attackers begin opposite 1 defender (stationary defender for beginners, then introduce movement) xBall carrier runs towards defender, attempting to get defender to commit to a defensive option xIf defender commits to the ball carrier, ball is passed before the defender has a chance to play at the ball xReceiver catches ball, continues through gap to score try xIf defender does not commit, then the ball carrier may choose to run on with the ball xSplit the group into 2 teams which line up on each side of a corridor (15m x 5-10m) xCall 2 numbers and these 2 attackers run around one end of the corridor and pick up the ball while 2 defenders run around the other end xAttackers then attempt to score a try at the other end of the corridor, while defenders attempt to touch/tag/tackle them in order to stop them xOnce stopped, attackers play the ball and have one more chance to score