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A Document ary by Ol ha Onyshko & Sar ah Far hat

Tr apped bet ween Hi t l erand St al i n,t hr ee peopl e had t he cour age t or i sk ever yt hi ng and do whatwasr i ght


The Museum oft he Hi st or y ofPol i sh Jews-18h

PRZEMYSL -May 31,2013

ROME -June 8,2013 Ci nema Det our-21h

ROME -June 9,2013

Muzeum Zi emiPr zemyski ej-18h

Ukr ai ni an Gr eek Cat hol i cChur ch -11h

KRAKOW -June 2,2013

WROCLAW-June 10,2013

VI ENNA -June 3,2013

BERLI N-June 11,2013

BARCELONA -June 6,2013

GDANSK -June 13,2013

Gal i ci a Jewi sh Museum -16h

Si gmund Fr eud Pr i vat uni ver si t 채t-19h

Uni ver si t y ofBar cel ona -19h

Ci nema New Hor i zons-17h

Embassy ofUkr ai ne -19h

Rat uszSt ar omi ej ski-17h

MUNI CH -June 19,2013 Ukr ai ni an Fr ee Uni ver si t y-19h

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