performers raise money at Denton historical festival ARTS & LIFE: Local Page 3 debate brings positive attention to campus VIEWS: GOP Page 6 Women’s basketball team loses in final seconds SPORTS: Page 8
Haiti Relief Students and Red Cross partner to bring aid Page 2
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
News 1,2 Arts & Life 3,4 Sports 5,8 Views 6 Classifieds 7 Games 7
Volume 95 | Issue 1
Sunny 72° / 56°
The Student Newspaper of the University of North Texas
Fraternity members disturb neighborhood BY LISA GARZA
Senior Staff Writer Loud partying, underage drinking and parking violations are some of the complaints against six UNT students living in a Corinth subdivision, according to police reports. Problems began when the group of men, each members of the Sigma Nu fraternity, moved into a cul-de-sac house of Forest Hill in early August. The students living in the home, a private residence not affiliated with the fraternity, declined numerous requests to comment. Neighbors said they have had enough.
A long list of complaints Tracie Holms lives in the house next to the students. She said she was initially hesitant to speak about the situation because of her concern of negative publicity to the university. “However, the young men residing in the house next door to me are the ones responsible for the publicity that is a detriment to their school and to their fraternity,” Holms said.
Philip Carter, a kinesiology senior, told the Denton RecordChronicle two weeks ago that the problems stemmed from one neighbor. However, Holms said that is not accurate. “Until these young men moved in, our neighborhood was generally a quiet and safe place to live and raise kids,” she said. “For months now, we have had to worry about wild parties, drunk drivers and parking problems.” Carter told the RecordChronicle that the Corinth house allows them to get away from the daily parties and drinking that occurs on the campus house. However, neighbors said there have been numerous parties since the men moved in. One resident contacted the Corinth Police Department in August to inform them of a large party. When officers arrived, they issued several citations for underage drinking and made one arrest for public intoxication. According to the report, contact was made with one of the house residents who stated they were
City considering options A group of residents gathered at a Nov. 5 Corinth City Council meeting to state their grievances. Four neighbors spoke about the disturbances and asked the council for help. Woodcrest Capitol, LLC is the property leasing company for the house where the students live. Meghann Young, leasing ma nager, sa id she had no comment on the matter. Mayor Paul Ruggiere said the city is aware of the neighbor’s concerns and is reviewing several possible responses. “We are reviewing with our PHOTO BY MARTINA TREVINO/PHOTOGRAPHER attorney t he possibilit y of On the afternoon of Jan. 16, the residence at 4116 Waverly Road in Corinth looked like every other house in the neigh- putting together an ordinance borhood. The property is occupied by six Sigma Nu fraternity members and has been the subject of a number of formal that would limit the number of non-related adults living complaints by neighbors. in a single-family house,” he there, popped the trunk and of a pick-up truck smoking in said. having a UNT Rush Party. Lanny Gardner, one of the started pulling beers out and front of his driveway. He said It is unknown how long the residents in the cul-de-sac, said passing them around to people it did not look like a cigarette process will take because any he has seen people urinating in that are sitting in their cars,” he because they had to re-light it ordinance produced must be the front yard at 3 a.m. and up to said. “They were having a tailgate every time they passed it. in compliance with federal and “I was a smoker for 30 years, state housing laws. 23 cars parked three rows deep party in front of my house.” Ga rd ner a lso sa id he when you light a cigarette, it filling the cul-de-sac. “I witnessed a car come up witnessed three men in the back stays lit,” Gardner said. See STUDENTS on Page 2
Community organizes Martin Luther King Jr. Day march BY MELISSA BOUGHTON Assigning News Editor
Republican Texas Governor candidates Debra Medina, Kay Bailey Hutchison and Rick Perry participated in the Texas Debates at 7 p.m. on Thursday night at UNT’s Murchison Performing Arts Center.
GOP Candidates duke it out at UNT Murchison Center BY T.S. MCBRIDE Managing Editor
There were no clear winners in Thursday’s gubernatorial primary debate, which UNT political science professors characterized as long on style and short on substance. “I don’t think anybody really won it. There was nobody who scored a home run,” political science professor Valerie Martinez-Ebers said, echoing the opinion of political science chairperson John Todd. The top three Republican candidates for Texas governor squared off in a lively debate that never strayed too far from the central theme of tax cuts Thursday night from 7 to 8 p.m. at the Murchison Performing Arts Center. The debate marked the first time in years that all Republican primary candidates for Texas governor participated in a debate. At one point as incumbent Rick Perry, 59, and challenger, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, 65, argued about whether Perry had reduced taxes, the moderator, KERA News Director Shelly Kofler, cut them off. “We’ll have more opportunity to talk about taxes,” Kofler said.
“Hope so,” said Hutchison. She was not disappointed. “No government has cut taxes more than we did,” Perry said. “We cut the business tax from 4 percent to 1 percent.” Ho w e v e r, Hutch ison continued to reiterate that Perry had raised taxes on small businesses. While none of the candidates made any glaring factual errors, the debate had little substance, Martinez said. “Neither was completely acc u rate. Neit her w a s completely wrong,” she said. “It was a debate of a lot of rhetoric. There were really no specifics given.” The gubernatorial debate was hosted by UNT and organized by K ER A. Panelists Dave Montgomery of the StarTelegram and Maria Renee Barillas of KUVN joined Kofler in questioning the three candidates. Questions were also taken f r om s ele c t e d aud ienc e members. Candidates were given one minute to answer questions and refute opponents’ points at the moderator’s discretion. Debra Medina, 47, who joined the race on a platform that promised to eliminate
property taxes and protect Texas sovereignty, was often shut out of the discussion as Perry and HuchisonHutchison traded barbs, the former’s often directed at Hutchison’s association with Washington big government, the latter at Perry’s fiscal policy. Before the debate, Medina’s low poll results had excluded her from a second debate, scheduled for Jan. 29. However, as of a Jan. 10 Rasmussen pol l, she has improved her standing to 11 percent and will participate in the next debate. Martinez said that of the three candidates, Medina gave the best performance, but given her low standing in the polls, it would not amount to much. She’s polling between 3 and 7 percent and she has low name recognition,” Martinez said. “She came across as very prepared. She could have come across as a sideshow and she didn’t. I don’t think she was a star, but she definitely wasn’t a sideshow.” Vot e r s r e s p ond i n g t o Medina’s message are more likely to cut into Perry’s slice of the pie, said Todd.
See ‘NO’ on Page 2
Hu nd reds of st udents and community members ma rched Monday for a Martin Luther King Jr. celebration from the University Union at UNT to the Martin Luther King Jr. Recreation Center. The Denton community organized the celebration, said Maria Denison, interim manager at the center. A f ter t he ma rch, t he attendees participated in a number of events including speeches, musica l selections from the UNT Voices of Pra ise a nd f lag football. The UNT chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha marched in t he pa rade a nd volu nteered to ser ve food at a free dinner. “We do it to commemorate the life and legacy of MLK Jr.,” sa id Sha nel Br ow n, a n element a r y educat ion senior. “It’s a great way to unite students of the university and make a statement to the Denton community that MLK Jr.’s dream is living on through us.” Martin Luther King Jr. was a civil rights leader and is best known for leading the march on Washington, D.C., and his speech given in 1963 t it led “I have a dream.” His birth date was established as a U.S. federal holiday, known as Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Ma ny g roups f rom UNT participated in t he ma rch including t he UNT Democrats and the I nt er n at ion a l S o c i a l i s t Organization. “The ma rch is a good way for people to make a political statement as well,” Brown said. Prom inent businesses t hroughout Denton a lso sent volunteers to represent them at booths in the center. Represent at ives f rom
“Everything that this day represents has an impact on all of us.”
—Maria Denison Interim manager of the Martin Luther King Jr. Recreation Center
D e n t o n C o u n t y Tr a n s i t A u t h o r i t y, T h e L e g e n d s Ac ademy a nd more were present, ha nding out pamphlets about their businesses. “We thought the celebrat ion was fa ntast ic a nd we had a great turnout,” Denison
said. The halls of the center were buzzing with voices at the end of the day as guests headed to the cafeteria for a full meal and cake for dessert. “Everything that this day represents has an impact on all of us,” Denison said.
Chrissy Payne, a math education junior and UNT Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority sister volunteers her time at the Martin Luther King Jr. Recreation Center during a MLK celebration.
Page 2
Scott McBride, Rebecca Hoeffner & Melissa Boughton, News Editors
Students, neighbors dispute in Corinth Continued from Page 1 The cit y has not filed a formal complaint of misconduct with UNT but Ruggiere said that is still a possibility. “Corinth’s police department has interacted w it h UNT’s police department so we are familiar with how to collect the information needed for a disciplinary referral,” Ruggiere said. “These will be processed for future complaints.”
All students are responsible for their actions on and off campus in accordance with the UNT Student Code of Conduct. “Obviously, the university does not control the individual actions of students,” said Deborah Leliaert, vice president of university relations. Fe der a l l a w pr oh i bit s universities from confirming and commenting on student
investigations. If a misconduct referral is filed with the university, the alleged infraction is investigated and appropriate disciplinary action is evaluated.
Attempts at peace C h r istopher Ga n non, a busi ness ju n ior a nd resident of the house, contacted Corinth Police Department in August to file a complaint. The report states that Gannon
told police that one of their neighbors left several letters on the door with notices sent to their landlord. T he respond i ng of f icer f u r t h e r m e nt i on e d t h a t Ga n non “a sked about a l l parking laws so he could be legal and not upset his neighbors with parking issues.” Holms acknowledged that si nce t he med ia coverage began, the neighborhood has been quiet. Gardner said he
attributes that to the winter school break. “I hope t he boy s have lea r ned a va luable lesson about the responsibility they bear as a part of living in a community and working side by side with their neighbors,” Holms said. “If not, then they need to move to a place where that type of life is acceptable, perhaps the Sigma Nu fraternity house would be the ideal location.”
Red Cross calls on North Texas to help aid Haitians By Tim Monzingo
The Chisholm Trail Chapter of the American Red Cross held a pr e s s c on fer enc e Monday to rem i nd Nor t h Texans that they can do something to help the people in devastated Haiti. “T he need i s g reat for Haiti,” said Patricia Thomson, American Red Cross CEO, “We encourage all to continue to support any way you can.” The conference was held at 2 p.m. at t he Red Cross Chisholm Trail Chapter headquarters in Fort Worth and featured several prominent political and social figures, who spoke about the need for money to aid the relief efforts in Haiti. Tarrant County Judge Glen Whitley, who was among the speakers, said the American Red Cross was the best charity to contribute to. “There are a lot of different charities. There are a lot of different folks out there who a re going to be ask ing for your f unds,” he said. “The American Red Cross are the folks who are the first there, the last to leave.” U.S. Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Tex a s, sa id t he federa l government has been heavily involved in Haiti since the
quake, but contributions from t he civ i lia ns were equa l ly important. “There is a lot we can do as just regular citizens as well, and that is so important at the same time,” he said. Thomson said that though t he d isaster may have happened across the ocean, t he i mpacts a re felt even here. She d i r e c t e d aud ienc e members to the International Red Cross Web site, Family Links. This prov ides a way for people to re-establish contact w it h f a m i l y member s i n Haiti. “T here a re fa m i l ies i n North Texas right now that are agonizing about the safety of their loved ones,” she said. Of the 22,000 people registered on the Web site, 1,500 had been received news of their family members. Though technology helps considerably to raise money during these kinds of crises, the old-fashioned way is just as good, Burgess said. “If you’re not technologica l ly sav v y w it h t he new med ia, you ca n do it t he way my generation does: get out your check book, write a check, mail it to the Red Cross. It’s really just a simple
as that,” he said as he handed a check to Thomson. President of the Fort Worth chapter of The Lin ks Inc., Mat t ie Peterson Compton, followed suit and presented the Red Cross with a check for $2,000. Brook s w rapped up h is speech reminding the audience that natura l disasters present a n unusua l opportunity. “W hen a disaster of t his magnitude hits, it reminds us all of our humanity and the need to step up and wrap our arms around those who are suffering,” he said.
“Well I do expect Medina would get some bump in the polls,” he said. “I don’t think it’s going to be a big factor.” Ot her issues covered included gun ownership rights, which Medina expressed unreser ved support for as she listed several instances of gun violence such as the shootings at Columbine.
“Every time we have that sort of tragedy, the big government answer is to de-arm the people. And yet our founders understood the importance of gun ownership as potential element of freedom,” she said. Hutchison was asked to clarify her position on abortion. “My record is always one of coming down on the side of
How to make a donation • Visit • Text Haiti to 90999 to make a $10 donation which will be added to the next phone bill • To donate to the Red Cross, mail a donation to: 1515 S. Sylvania Fort Worth TX 76111
Photo by Tim Monzingo / Staff Writer
Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Texas, speaks on behalf of the Red Cross in support of the Haiti relief fund.
life,” Hutchison said. She said she did not think Roe v. Wade should be overturned because it would create “abortion havens.” Bot h professors ag reed that Hutchison’s answer was unlikely to please Republican voters. “She spent a considerable a mou nt of t i me avoid i ng giving a straight answer to that question,” Todd said.
Editorial Office GAB Room 117 Phone: (940) 565-2353 Fax: (940) 565-3573 News Releases: Columns & Letters: Editor-in-chief Shaina Zucker Managing Editor Scott McBride Rebecca Hoeffner Assigning Editor Melissa Boughton SCENE Editor Kip Mooney Arts and Life Editor Amber Arnold Views Editor Josh Pherigo Sports Editor Justin Unberson Visuals Editor Clinton Lynch Copy Chief Abigail Allen Design Editor Sydnie Summers Bri Tolj Webmaster David Williams Staff Writers Felicia Alba Ben Baby Krystle Cantu Alex Cheatham Tonya Cotton Stephanie Daniels Jennifer Floyd Lisa Garza Sean Gorman Katie Grivna Eric Johnson Ron Johnson Lori Lee Felix Leon Susan Miska Christina Mlynski Tim Monzingo Jessica Paul Charlie Rall Graciela Razo Morgan Walker Dominique Williams Shea Yarborough Laura Zamora
‘No clear winner’ in Thursday’s GOP debate Continued from Page 2
North Texas Daily
Martinez said Hutchison had “stumbled a little bit” on the question. Perr y focused on Texas’ compa rat ive econom ic stability during the recession and his rural upbringing. At one point he claimed that 300,000 jobs had been created under his stewardship. When this was disputed, he said that the jobs created were in from 2007 through 2008,
and that Texas had a net job loss for 2009. “I think the governor was being a little fast and loose w it h t he numbers on job creation,” Todd said. Martinez said the governor, who has a strong lead in the most recent Rasmussen poll, performed the worst. “He was just going through the motions of showing up,” she said.
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01.19.2010 Amber Arnold, Arts & Life Editor
Arts & Life
Page 3
Local musical celebrates 153 years of Denton history BY GRACIELA R AZO Senior Staff Writer
A brass bell rang out at the Center for Visual Arts on Saturday signaling a step back into Denton’s history. The cast of local actors and singers stepped out onto the stage clad in prairie skirts, cowboy hats and boots to celebrate Denton’s 153rd birthday during the Square Roots 2 festivities. “It’s a humorous musical that takes a look back at the history of Denton,� director of the event Peggy Capps said. “We had really receptive audiences who seem to enjoy the show very much.� T he Histor ica l Pa rk Foundation of Denton County, the Denton County Historical Commission and Wells Fargo Advisers sponsored the show to raise money to build a facility to house a 1935 Peter Pirsch fire truck, a part of the city’s history that was in use until the 1970s. T he fou ndat ion need s about $270,000 more to begin construction.
“There is a lot of sentimental attachment to it by a lot of people here. The fire department is fond of it, and it’s been around for a long time,� Capps said. “So we’re trying to preserve the truck and have a place where people can enjoy seeing it.� Proceeds from the Friday and Saturday night shows went to the building of the fire truck’s future home. Full-house audiences took a trip back to the times of horse carriages and unpaved roads as actor Mike Barrow narrated as John B. Denton, founder of the city. The musical was written by songwriter and playwright Donna Trammell. Songs gave a lesson in Denton’s first public schools, fire station and the construction of Interstate Highway 35E. Actress Bunny Hodges played Phoebe Lovejoy of Lovejoy Mercantile, Denton’s first store, singing “What better place for Denton than Hickory, Elm, Locust and Oak� to show the development of the Courthouseon-the-Square.
As actors yelled out “Yeehaws,â€? singers portrayed the beginnings of UNT with its founders singing “Our purse strings will hum chords ‌ so we’re going to build a school.â€? Kenneth Sewell, a UNT psychology professor and assistant vice president for research, said the show’s proceeds were going to a worthy cause in order to save a slice of the city’s history with the fire station. “It’s a really cool cause. I remember seeing the truck when my boys were in the Boy Scouts, so it’s a unique treasure for the county that we need to preserve,â€? Sewell said. Sewell was in the first act of the musical singing songs about the city’s founders, but sat back to watch scenes of the opening of the Emily Fowler Library and the Campus Theatre in the second act. Local performers volunteered their time and efforts to the success of the show to help the building fund for the fire truck but also to parade how far Denton has come since its
Attendees and performers take part in an old fashion chicken dance Saturday night at the Visuals Arts Center. founding years, Capps said. Denton resident and singer from the Musical Theatre of Denton Kurt Sutter said he was happy to volunteer the week before the show to learn the lines about the naming of Denton and its first saloons. “This is what the commu-
nity needs. It’s good to keep our roots with history,� Sutter said. “The show was put together very quickly but it’s great to work in this kind of community.� The night came to a close with the cast and audience singing “Happy Birthday� to Denton and doing the Chicken
Dance on and off the stage to local music group Brave Combo. “It was a fun production, and we had a very good response from the audience,� Capps said. “The whole weekend was for a very worthy cause, so we’re glad it went well.�
Grief resolution found in spontaneous ‘communication’ BY CHRISTINA MLYNSKI Staff Writer
Divine experiences with deceased loved ones may be the answer for grief-stricken individuals seeking help. Jan Holden of the counseling and higher education faculty is teaching a new class to counseling graduate students that focuses on paranormal experiences as a way to cope with grief. In the class, 5630 Transpersonal Perspective and Counseling, Holden teaches her students about After-Death Communication.
“After-Death Communication is usually a spontaneous experience in which a person perceives the presence of a deceased person and communicates with them through symbolism, dreams, visual, auditory, sensory or kinesthetic forms,� Holden said. By studying this type of communication, Holden said she hopes students can get a better grasp and insight on the inner workings of this psychotherapeutic approach. “After-Death Communication is a very minor therapy for dealing with grief and the understanding
of a loved one,� Holden said. “Many people are given an AfterDeath Communication experience at least once in their lifetime,� Holden said. This is a result of the person having unresolved mourning that has not been grieved properly, she said. Jenny Streit-Horn, a former student of Holden, is a licensed mental health professional specializing in grief counseling through Induced After-Death Communication. Streit-Horn owns her own private practice located in the
square in Denton where she furthers her understanding of I nduc ed A f ter-Deat h Communication. She said that there is a difference between After-Death Communication and Induced After-Death Communication. Induced A f t e r- D e a t h Communication differs in that the person seeks out a specialist who can provide tools in order to help console the pain of the individual. “I want to provide basic information,� Streit-Horn said. Holden said that After-Death
Communication is completely incidental in which the individual experiences the communication on their own in the most mundane circumstances. “My role is to help the client to have the direct experience of communication, the technique of facilitating. It is based on eye movement and desensitization and reprocessing, in which both sides of the brain come together and work in unison,� Holden said on the structure used in the process of Induced After-Death Communication. She said that there are two
main reasons why people experience the phenomenon. The first is to bring reassurance that the deceased person is doing well where they are now. “The second is to feel a sense of closure in order for the person to move on with their life, even if the loved one is no longer here,� Holden said. “The majority of individuals who have participated in and experienced ADC find a positive and greater knowing that even if someone is not here physically, they are still connected mentally, subconsciously, and spiritually.�
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Page 4 Amber Arnold, Arts & Life Editor
Arts & Life
Violence awareness group inactive despite restart BY K ATIE GRIVNA Senior Staff Writer
A once-thriving organization on campus is now inactive despite a recent effort to restart the group. The UNT chapter of Men Against Violence was initially started on campus by male st udent at h letes w it h t he goa l of ending v iolence of all kinds. “Out of 35,000 students, there have to be some people who see it as a problem and something definitely worth their time,” said Derek Kerl, a member of the organization and UNT graduate. “I would hope so.” Kerl joined the UNT chapter of the Men Against Violence organization in ea rly 2006 and said the group focused on educating people about violence and abuse on campus and throughout the community. After graduating in May of 2008, Kerl said the group fell apart when four of its active leaders graduated. “We all sort of moved on,” he said. In order to cont i nue to run the organization, it had to have leaders. It is hard to know how to instill leadership, he said. Groups such as Men Against Violence are important for the education of both men and women because of the many cases of gender-based v iolence t hat occur in t he U.S., Kerl said. Guys have almost lost their hu ma n it y so hav i ng men come together and work with women is a way for men to regain it, he said. “We live in a culture that glorifies not only masculinity but hyper-masculine ideals, and all you have to do is turn
on the TV and see a commercial for a movie. It’s ever ywhere,” Kerl said. W hen it w a s a n ac t ive orga nization, Men Against V iolence member s wou ld present interactive presentations about various topics in sociology, women’s rights and communication classes. The group also worked on projects such as the Sign of Weakness project where signs were posted in a large area near the University Union to symbolize each woman killed by her intimate male partner w it h f i rst a nd la st na me, age, and the circumstances surrounding her death. “It was really interesting to see people come by. We had people come by and point to a sign and say ‘Hey, I know that person,’” Kerl said. He gives interactive presentations at different schools to ra ise awa reness about violence and the results are intangible. “Most students don’t understand what constitutes abuse,” he said. “If I’m able to go talk to a group of 40 students at 8 o’clock in the morning and 30 guys are asleep and one person mig ht lea rn somet hing, t hat’s what it is a l l about.” Similar programs exist at other universities, including the University of Texas, Texas State University and Louisiana State University. Hilary Harris, a 2009 UNT graduate, said she tried to re-start the organization in the fall of 2008 as part of a service work project for an Introduction to Social Work class. “Everybody knows somebody t hat gets abused but nobody talks about it. I just thought, what better way to
Although the UNT organization of Men Against Violence is no longer active, it continues to influence the cause to end gender-based violence in the community. get more involved and get more active than to jumpsta r t a n orga ni zat ion li ke that,” she said. L ac k of s upp or t , t i me constraints and only a few interested people caused the attempt to restart the organization to fall short. “People were interested in the group and wanting to know more, but nobody was interested in trying to take a step forward … and I kind of felt like my e-mails were falling on deaf ears, nobody wa s rea l ly l isten i ng,” she said. Harris said she set up a table at spoken word performances at local coffee shops hosted by the Female Majority Leadership Alliance in order
to get the word out about the Men Against Violence organization’s mission. She liked that Men Against Violence drew attention to something that people don’t talk about and said she hoped people wou ld rea li ze t hat women do deserve respect, she said. “I started to realize that it didn’t so much draw attention to women and what they go through, it more so drew attention to guys and their perspective on life,” Harris said. A lot of men were shocked to realize how media inf luenced t heir t houg hts, she said. Violence in mov ies a nd h ip-hop music ly r ics t hat
de s c r ibe be at i ng women has affected people because “nothing shocks us anymore,” Harris said. Part of t he Men Against V i o l e n c e o r g a n i z a t i o n’s purpose is to bring attention to the v iolence in the media. “Of course we are there to bring the fact up that women are abused and battered regularly, but it is also not about the actual physical abuse, it is about the emotional and verba l abuse t hat women endure on a pretty regular basis just from media alone, ” she said. At one poi nt when t he group was an active organization, the female members outnumbered males, Harris
said. “It’s not about men vs. women,” she said. “It’s about coming together and realizing that this is a problem that we need to take a stand about because so many people deal with it.” Harris said that someone s hou ld r e s t a r t t he Me n Against Violence organization because there aren’t groups like it and it can help a lot of people become educated about violence. “At this point, it needs a fresh, new start,” she said. For more information about t he Men Aga inst Violence organization, contact Harris at hilar yharris or visit w w
Carter BloodCare visits campus, gives North Texans ‘gift of life’ BY JESSICA PAUL Staff Writer
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St udents who wa l k past the Carter BloodCare van on campus today will have the chance to donate blood and possibly save a life. Ca r ter BloodCa re t a kes blood donations from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. between the University Union and Wooten Hall every week. Bob Killam, of the biology faculty, said for one-day drives like t his, especia lly at t he beginning of t he semester, the drive could get anywhere from 20 to 35 pints. “There are many on campus that have donated eight, nine, 10 gallons of blood in their lifetime,” Killam said. “It’s the one thing that doesn’t cost and cannot yet be manufactured by technology. It truly is the gift of life.” Students, faculty and staff at UNT benefit from donating because they become part of a blood group through UNT’s p a r t ne r s h ip w it h C a r t e r BloodCare, “If you needed to go to a hospital and have major or multiple transfusions, the cost of the basic blood product, is free because you’re part of the UNT blood group with Carter,” Killam said. Type O positive blood is what is most in demand because it is most common, Killam said. It is also what is usually donated the most. T he d i f ference bet ween donating to Carter BloodCare as opposed to some ot her agency like Red Cross is the blood that Carter collects stays within the Dallas-Fort Worth area, Killam said.
Students will have the chance to donate blood at 9 a.m. today outside Wooten Hall. They provide blood to most of the hospitals within the area as opposed to national organizations shipping blood to other areas of the U.S. “Carter’s emphasis is local and that’s why we primarily c oord i nate w it h Ca r ter,” Killam said. Rachel Maxcy, a hospitality management freshman, has donated blood twice and plans to do so again at UNT. “Hospita ls on ly have a cer ta i n a mou nt of blood that they can get, so if we help restock t hei r blood bank, that’s great,” she said. “Ever ything you give back, money, community service, is a great thing, but blood is more personal and it’s just
k ind of cool to k now t hat you’ve helped someone and given them a second chance at life.” Last summer, Maxcy’s sister needed a blood transfusion, and she was able to give blood to help her. Killam said a lot of students from high school have gotten in the habit of donating, and the earlier someone starts getting into the habit of donating, the more likely someone will do so throughout life. “It’s a very generous thing to do. It doesn’t cost them any thing, is in most cases completely painless, and it’s just a wonderful thing you can do for mankind and your neighbor,” he said.
C er t a i n re st r ic t ion s to donating apply, Killam said. Those who have just had a piercing or tattoo, blood transfusion, are on medication for certain illnesses, or have been out of the country will not be allowed to donate. According to t he Ca r ter BloodCare Web site, healthy adults who are at least 17 years old, or 16 with parental consent in Texas, and weigh at least 110 pound may donate blood every 56 days. Every person who donates is pre-screened to determine eligibility. For more information, visit Carter BloodCare’s Web site at w or call 1-800-DONATE-4.
01.19.2010 Justin Umberson, Sports Editor
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Fast start leads swimmers and divers past Frogs BY ERIC JOHNSON Senior Staff Writer
UNT’s sw imming a nd div ing team (7-4) sliced through the water while winning its first five races en route to a win over Texas Christian University 155.5145.5. The victory marked the second time in school history that UNT was able to defeat TCU in a dual meet, winning 10 of the 14 races in the process. “Consistency, that has been the key for us this season,� head coach Joe Dykstra said. “We have consistently been able to beat top teams, and it has really built the confidence of the younger women on our team.� Senior Alicia Hale, last week’s Sun Belt Conference Co-Swimmer of the Week, continued her strong season with another solid individual performance. She earned first place in the 200-yard freestyle and the 200-yard individual medley and added a second place finish in the 100-yard freestyle. “Last year we came up just short against them, so we really wanted to take them down,� Hale said. “I feel like
the seniors on the team really need to set the example for the youth that we have, and we have got to be able to finish the season strong.� A pa ir of sophomores helped to lead the way for UNT. One week after demolishing the school record on the threemeter board, sophomore diver Delia Covo turned in one of the top performances of her young career. Covo collected two second place finishes, including a career-best mark of 242.03 on the one-meter board and another solid performance off the three-meter board, falling just 3.08 points off her new school record of 258.38. “She has added some new dives the last couple of weeks, and the more comfortable she gets the higher you are going to see her scores go up,� Dykstra said. “Her best diving is yet to come.� Sophomore Rosa Gentile added three first place finishes of her own, and fell just .22 seconds short of a new school record in the 100-yard backstroke with her time of 57.76 seconds. She was also part of the 200-yard medley relay team that won the opening
event of the meet and ignited the Mean Green’s hot start. Sen ior Em i ly F loyd continued her dominance in the pool, winning both of her distance events. Floyd turned in a season best time of 10:16.12 minutes in her 1,000-yard freestyle victory, which is the third best in school history and less than 10 seconds off her school record time. She also finished first in the 500-yard freestyle in just more than five minutes. “She is without question the best distance swimmer in school history,� Dykstra said. “I think that when her career is over she will be regarded as one of the best distance swimmers in the history of the Sun Belt Conference.� UNT will try to build off of its impressive victory at 6:30 p.m. on Friday when the Mean Green returns home to the Pohl Recreation Center to challenge the University of Houston Cougars. The Mean Green will host the Rice Owls the following day at 11 a.m. as the team celebrates the careers of its nine seniors in their final home meet during the team’s senior day.
Junior guard Josh White goes up for a shot against Newman. After Saturday’s 83-70 loss to Arkansas State, the team’s record fell to 11-7 overall and 4-4 in the Sun Belt Conference.
Red Wolves’ offense too much for Mean Green BY SEAN GORMAN Senior Staff Writer
A f ter celebrat i ng ju n ior guard Josh White’s 1,000 career points before the game, the crowded Super Pit echoed with sounds of frustration when the UNT men’s basketball team fell to Arkansas State University 83-70. T he Mea n Green (11-7, 4-4) fell to the Red Wolves on Saturday for the second time this year, missing an opportunity to gain ground in the Sun Belt Conference West Division. “I still think our guys played ha rd, but we didn’t ma ke enough shots to stay competitive,� head coach Johnny Jones said. “We gave up too many second-chance opportunities and struggled at the threepoint line too much to win.� After being picked by the Sun Belt coaches to win the west, the Mean Green is in third place after its first eight conference games. St rong sta r ts f rom bot h teams kept things close early on, as the Mean Green and the Red Wolves (10-7, 5-1) traded baskets and were tied after the first five minutes. “ We c a me out w it h a great amount of energ y at the beginning,� Jones said. “Unfortunately they were able to knock down some tough shots and get an early lead that we couldn’t recover from.� Sparked by a Brandon Reed three-pointer, the Red Wolves went on a 24-10 stretch but the Mean Green cut the halftime deficit to six after going on an 8-2 run of its own. “The looks and opportunities were there but we failed to take advantage when it counted,� Jones said. Efficient shooting was the key for ASU at the beginning, as the Red Wolves went 17-31 from the field and 3-5 from beyond the arc in the first half.
“They’re a talented team on offense but if we had played better team defense we could have limited their big plays,� senior forward Eric Tramiel said. Sophomore forward George Odufuwa kept the Mean Green close, leading the team with 10 points and six rebounds in the first half. Odufuwa finished with a double-double, scoring 16 points and grabbing 12 boards. “We know how to compete against teams like this but we let too many mental lapses get in our way tonight,� he said. “Aggressiveness on defense and execution on offense are two things we have to work on.� After starting the second half with a 10-4 run, the Red Wolves stayed ahead for the rest of the game, never allowing UNT to get within seven points.
“We didn’t exert enough energy in the second half to stay close with those guys,� Jones said. ASU received production from a handful of players, with four players scoring in double figures. “You just have to pick your poison w it h t hose g uys,� Tramiel said. “They have a handful of weapons that can make you pay.� One bright spot for the Mean Green was success at the line, as they made 23 of their 30 free throw attempts. “The g uys continued to battle and 76 percent from the line is a good number for us,� Jones said. “In the end, we failed to make enough shots to win this game.� UNT returns to action at 7 p.m. Thursday night when it hosts the University of South Alabama Jaguars.
Junior Rosito Bado adjusts her goggles at swim practice. The swimming and diving team beat Texas Christian University for the second time in school history Friday in Fort Worth.
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Page 6 Josh Pherigo, Views Editor
Students should take advantage of counseling Editorial For many students, college can be a stressful transition into adulthood. The responsibility of balancing the freedom of a newly-forged independent lifestyle with the need to excel academically often places great strain on the mental well-being of students who have never faced such challenges. Universities understand the negative toll which the effects of anxiety and stress can take on the lives of students, and most offer counseling services to assist in keeping students mentally and physically healthy. Funded by student services fees, the UNT counseling center offers students eight free counseling sessions per year. The editorial board supports UNT in its belief that caring for the mental well-being of students is a crucial part of achieving the academic mission of the university and advocates student use of such services to combat the economic, social, and academic stress of college life in 2010. However, keeping college students mentally healthy has become increasingly more difficult over the past few years. The number of collegiate counseling centers nationwide that reported having students with significant psychological problems steadily increased over the past two decades, peaking at 93.4 percent this year. Compared to the 58 percent reported in 1988, the statistic represents an alarming national trend. Texas statistics tell a similar story. According to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Texas universities saw a significant statewide increase in the number of students who sought counseling at university centers last year. At UNT alone, the number of students seeking counseling jumped 27 percent compared to the 2004 to 2005 school year. Such a sweeping trend proves difficult to draw any implication other than the assertion that college students today are suffering from greater anxiety and mental problems than ever before, but hope persists in that trend as well. Universities are providing for those students in the form of counseling centers. Regardless of its cause, it is important to recognize that anxiety and mental instability are common afflictions among college students. If ignored, they can lead to the derailment of an otherwise healthy academic and personal life. Students should take advantage of the health services for which they are already paying. The counseling center is in Chestnut Hall. Its hours of operation are Monday and Tuesday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Wednesday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Campus Chat
What did you do for Martin Luther King Jr. Day?
{ { { {
“I taught some yoga at the Recreation Center and got books for classes.”
Katherine Venable Advertising senior
GOP debate spotlights UNT UNT hosted the Republican Gubernatorial Primary Debate on Thursday at the Murchison Performing Arts Center between sitting Gov. Rick Perry, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, and businesswoman Debra Medina. Many remarkable elected officials, candidates, businesspersons and community leaders from all over Texas were in attendance. Although some students were less than thrilled to find out a Republican debate was taking place on campus, it was a good decision for the university to provide the venue for this debate. I attended this event and, regardless of what political views you hold, what political party you are affiliated with or even if you hold no interest in politics, we should all be proud of the university for hosting this noteworthy event. This debate put the university in the spotlight of the closely followed governor’s race. Many people are claiming that the future of the Republican Party is at stake with this race. It seems that the party is divided
between the more moderate wing generally supporting Hutchison, the conservative wing typically with Perry and the libertarian wing aligned toward Medina. Whoever the victor is, there will be longstanding political ramifications. Texas, a largely Republican state, is where much of the heart of the Republican Party lies, so whoever the Republicans of Texas choose in this primary will be an important indicator of where the Republican Party is heading. The debate was an enjoyable and informative experience for all those who attended or watched on television or online. The debate itself was lively, each candidate seemed well prepared, and all three sides are likely proud of their candidate’s performance. However, as with most modern political debates, there did not appear to be a distinct winner. Perry’s natural confidence seemed to slip over into the realm of cockiness with some of his remarks. Hutchison appeared rather uncharismatic or too scripted, and Medina seemed
to be all ideas with no clear policy directions. Even though each candidate had their flaws, this debate was an example of UNT providing a public service and helping to take part in the great exchange of ideas that is the democratic process. By hosting this highly televised event, the university helped bring influential people and a great deal of attention to the university. One prominent businesswoman in Denton that I spoke with was surprised by both the beauty and quality of the venue and even the number of students that attend UNT. She was unaware that UNT was home to tens of thousands of students, but now she knows what a wonderful university it truly is. If UNT had declined to host the event, this woman and hundreds of others would not have seen this. Whenever I travel out-of-state, I make a point to wear a UNT shirt and tell people about the university I attend. I want UNT to continue to
Since the signing of the Declaration, the U.S. has faced a constant enemy. T he u n i for m, la ng uage and tactics changed but their form stayed the same for more than 200 years. That enemy is driven by the tangible purpose of expanding and defending bou nda r ies. T hat enemy is contained by a breaking point that they will not cross. That enemy is organized and centralized. But that enemy is gone. Today the world sees a new sort of enemy that doesn’t conform to the profile to which the U.S. has become accustomed. The events of Sept. 11 shot America directly into the core of combating global terrorism, and our failure thus far has been spectacular. Conventional enemies seek to expand borders or to assume control of a certain group of people, but al-Qaida is a rare exception. Its stated goal is the eradication of the U.S. This is an important distinction to make. Control of power is the conventional enemy’s goal, its
chief concern is the size of its forces and stability of its power. In al-Qaida, we see a crazed gunperson who is willing to forgo his or her safety in order to achieve that goal. This means that the number of people that must be killed before surrender is extraordinarily higher with al-Qaida t ha n w it h a conventiona l enemy. The conventional enemy is centra lized, ma k ing its home a country or city where commands are issued and followed. Al-Qaida has no real base of operations, and it would be a mistake to assume otherwise. The nature of terrorism makes it frontless. All terrorist attacks claimed by al-Qaida have been carried out from other countries. Most recently we saw an African member of al-Qaida attempt an airplane bombing from A msterda m. The reach of al-Qaida has proven to be enormous. These masterminds could feasibly be organizing attacks from anywhere. Most wor r isome is t he osmosis of terrorism occur-
ring between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Imagine if UNT featured no building for administrators, and instead the deans of the various colleges simply moved from building to building periodically. In such a situation, identifying the location of the UNT administration staff would be headacheinducing. So, i f we’re f ig ht i ng a powerful decentralized enemy who cares little for lives lost, how can we win? The Obama administration’s decision to send more troops to do more k illing will only play into al-Qaida’s hands. Terrorists fight for relevance, and the more death we see in Afghanistan, the more membership we should expect in al-Qaida. The answer is excruciatingly simple. Eradication of the U.S. is not a military goal, because it is not feasible. This makes al-Qaida an ideological enemy above all else, and unless our goal is to destroy thought in the Middle East, we can only combat ideas with ideas.
become a larger and more prestigious university and hosting public service events such as this debate is a great way to do that. I would also suggest that if such a debate for the other side of the aisle were proposed, that UNT be ready and willing to host that event as well. I hope you will join me in being thankful that the university hosted this debate and continue to support the growth and advancement of our university in this way.
Trayton Oakes is a political science and economics junior. He can be reached at TraytonOakes@
Troop surge won’t defeat terrorism Al-Qaida wins if people in the Middle East view the U.S. negatively, and violence by the U.S. can always be painted to look like American antagonism. We must be in the business of persuasion. Gain the trust of the people of the Middle East by helping development instead of sending troops. A n i nvest ment of t i me and money in empowering the people of Afghanistan is necessary to combat the sort of terrorism that feeds off of being conventionally combated.
Morgan Booksh is a political science and economics freshman. He can be reached at Morgan
“All I did was play pool and slept in my dorm.”
Taylor Sage
Literature freshman
“I shopped, went to Target and bought some cotton swabs.”
Kelsey Hughes
English sophomore
“I did not really do much. I stayed in the dorm and played soccer.”
Jeremy Ottens
Radio, television, and film junior
NT Daily Editorial Board
The Editorial Board includes: Shaina Zucker, Josh Pherigo, Rebecca Hoeffner, T.S. McBride, Melissa Boughton, , Kip Mooney, Amber Arnold, Abigail Allen, Sydnie Summers, Bri Tolj, Clinton Lynch, Justin Umberson, and David Willliams
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The objective of the game is to fill all 2 6 7 1 6 4 7 the blank squares in a game with the correct numbers. There are three very 6 8 7 9 9 2 4 simple constraints to follow. In a 9 by 9 1 9 4 5 - Chestnut Hall, Suite 313 2 - 940.369.7761 3 Stop the frustration and visit game: the Student Money Management Center today square Sudoku Personal consultations ~ Workshops ~ Online resources ~ Loan programs • Every row of 9 numbers must in8 2 1 4 7 5 8 clude all digits 1 through 9 in any order 4 6 2 9 1 6 5 • Every column of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any 5 3 2 8 9 Sudoku requires no calculation or arithmetic order 9 3 7 4 5 8 6 skills. It is essentially a game of placing numbers • Every 3 by 3 subsection of the 9 in squares, using very simple rules of logic and by 9 square must include all digits 1 4 5 3 6 4 7 5 8 through 9 deduction.
Are your finances just a bunch of jumbled numbers? Check tomorrow’s issue for today’s answers!
Are your finances just a bunch of jumbled numbers? 7 3 Center 1 today 8 - Chestnut Hall, Suite 313 - 940.369.7761 2 3 Stop the frustration and visit the Student Money Management EASY 1 Personal V.consultations ~ Workshops ~ #Online resourcesV. EASY ~ Loan programs
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Page 8 Justin Umberson, Sports Editor
Red Wolves overcome Mean Green in final seconds BY BEN BABY Staff Writer
The UNT women’s basketball team couldn’t capitalize on its last possession of the game, falling short 77-76 to the Arkansas State University Red Wolves on Saturday at the Super Pit. In a game that saw 16 lead changes, including four in the last minute, the Red Wolves took the lead with nine seconds to play and didn’t let the Mean Green (5-14, 2-6) attempt a shot to win the game. “When you give up 18 offensive rebounds and [shoot] 53 percent on free throws, that’s what happens,” head coach Shanice Stephens said. “Every possession is critical. We have to treat it as such or you lose by one.” Ju n ior g u a r d D e n e t r a Kel lum scored t he tea m’s last six points, finishing with 10. Kellum, along with senior guard Brittany James, were two of four players that scored in the double-figures for the Mean Green. James had a team leading 15 points on 5-of-13 shooting, and finished one rebound shy of a double-double. Throughout t he contest, the Mean Green had problems hitting free throws and not securing rebounds on the
defensive end, something that came back to haunt them at the end of the game. Arkansas State built a 38-35 halftime lead after going on a 6-0 run before the end of the half. Freshma n g ua rd Cait lin Haw k i n s a nd sophomore forward Tamara Torru quickly gave the lead back to the Mean Green when they opened the second half with back-to-back
“It only gets harder. We just got to keep pushing through.”
—Jasmine Godbolt Freshman forward
three pointers. The second half proved to be especia lly competitive, as the biggest lead held by either team could build was five before the other team came back. Red Wolves guard Ebonie Jef ferson led t he way for the visitors with 17 points. Jef ferson was one of f ive Arkansas State players with
at least 10 points. Although the Mean Green forced t he Red Wolves to 43 percent shooting, coach Stephens said she was still not pleased with her team’s defensive performance. “I need to get this team back to a place where we can f latout defend,” she said. “We have to come up consistently for 40 minutes.” Hawkins, who came into the game playing with a strained back, only played six minutes in the second half. The Mean Green will tr y to avoid a three-game losing streak on Wednesday when University of South Alabama travels to the Super Pit. Senior guard Brittany James believes the tough stretch UNT faces is an obstacle it can overcome. “I don’t think it’s nothing you can’t handle,” James said. “I feel like we can compete against the best and win the majority of our games.” Freshman forward Jasmine Godbolt, who finished the game with 10 points and eight boards, echoed James’ sentiments. “It only gets harder. We just got to keep pushing through,” Godbolt said. “The harder it gets, the better we need to play.”
The UNT Office of Disability Accommodation announces walk-in hours for Spring 2010. Drop by with any questions, Wednesdays from 2-4 pm. No appointment necessary. Office of Disability Accommodation University Union, Suite 321 (940) 565-4323 University of North Texas
Sophomore guard Tamara Torru goes in for a layup. The women’s team lost 77-76 Saturday to Arkansas State at the Super Pit when ASU took the lead with nine seconds remaining.
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