Mauler Menard
groups combat each other NEWS: Student Page 2 Comedy group performs unannounced events ARTS & LIFE: Page 6 Administration’s attitude hinders parking progress VIEWS: Page 7
Former Mean Green lineman coaches current roster Page 3
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
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Volume 94 | Issue 40
Sunny 76° / 48°
Voters pass research fund
(NT Daily & AP) — In a low-key statewide election, voters passed 11 constitutional amendments Tuesday, including one that will create a national fund of $500 million for research universities. The amendment will allow UNT to compete with seven other Texas universities for money and a chance at tier-one status. “Ton ig ht ’s pa ssage of Proposition 4 sends this important message: Texans understand that more nationally recognized research universities will help retain Texas-grown talent, recruit top researchers who will generate billions of dollars in economic growth and create more high paying, permanent jobs,” said former Lt. Governor Bill Hobby, co-chair of Texans for Tier One. Texas has three top-level research universities: the University of Texas at Austin,
The Student Newspaper of the University of North Texas
Texas A&M University and Rice University. It lags behind other big states like California and New York, proponents of the amendment said. The Texas Higher Education Board defines national research universities as institutions that annually award more than 200 doctoral degrees and generate more than $150 million in research expenditures, among other criteria. The board cannot begin distributing funds until after Sept. 1, 2011.
To read the full story, visit PHOTO BY INGRID LAUBACH / INTERN
To read the Daily editorial on this story, see Page 7
Key Amendments for North Texas Prop 2
Allows the legislature to provide for ad valorem taxation of a residence homestead solely on the basis of the property’s value as a residence, not at the potentially higher commercial use value.
Prop 3
Provides for uniform standards and procedures for the appraisal of property for taxation. Texas lacks uniform standards, and proponents say this amendment will ensure that property in diverse parts of the state are valued using the same generally accepted practices.
Prop 4
Prop 11
Establishes a national research university fund to help emerging research universities achieve national prominence as major research universities. Those pushing the proposal say it will provide funding similar to what elevated Texas A&M University and the University of Texas to tier one status, providing jobs and stature of the state. Others question whether now is the time to spend such money. Prohibits governments from taking private property for private economic development to increase a tax base. It also limits the Legislature’s power to grant eminent domain authority to a governmental entity.
Animals from Hickory Creek’s animal shelter will be transported to the new shelter if not adopted before the old building is demolished.
City to replace animal shelter BY A MBER A RNOLD Senior Staff Writer
Quorum Architects, Inc. designed the plans for Hickory Creek’s new animal shelter and the city is now awaiting bids from contractors. The current animal shelter will be torn down to make way for the Interstate Highway 35E expansion. “We’re not only getting a new shelter, we’re getting a world-class shelter, and it’s not being paid for with tax dolla rs,” cit y councilma n Chris Gordon said. The new shelter will be about three times the size of the current building at 2,700 square feet. The cit y council said it hopes to begin the groundbreaking by 2010, and the est i mated cost i s about $760,000. The Texas Department of Transportation bought out the existing building from the shelter. The new building will be
across the highway, next to the Public Works building at 970 Main St. Jeff McSpedden, director of Public Works and Animal Control, said he was surprised to hear the money from the department would cover the cost of the building. However, he said this has been a great benefit to the animal control department, bec au se resident s voted against the proposition to have the shelter paid for by a bond. “I think the reason that it didn’t pass is because people were stunned that it would cost that much to house some pets,” animal control officer Ken Lowrie said. Bot h Mc Sp e dden a nd Lowrie said they agree that it is time for a new shelter, because the current building is about 15 years old and small. “It’s going to be fabulous as far as adoptions go,” McSpedden said. “I see them increasing dramatically.”
“We’re not only getting a new shelter, we’re getting a world-class shelter.”
—Chris Gordon Hickory Creek councilman
To keep facility operating costs down and less of a burden to taxpayers, McSpedden said, the shelter will begin advertising for sponsorship. “We’ll have naming rights for f unds to operate t he shelter, and we’re looking for a big donor to name the entire shelter after.” Low rie said the anima l shelter also relies on volunteers and fundraising to keep costs low, and he is excited to get the community involved in the project. The small size of the shelter forces it to rely heavily on volu nte er foster home s. McSpedden said w ith the const r uct ion of t he new
building, the use of foster homes will decrease, which w ill g ive people a better cha nce to see a l l of t he animals in one place. All of the policies of the shelter will remain the same. It has a low-kill policy and pet adopters will pay a f lat fee of $100, which will include tests for diseases, spaying or neutering, and shots. Bids for contracting the shelter are being collected and will be presented to the council on Dec. 8 for a vote. “This will be a turn-key building,” McSpedden said. “W henever they are done, we’ll be able to put animals in that same day.”
UNT station earns Libraries provide more than books Emmy for live show BY CAROLYN BROWN
BY K ELSEY K RUZICH Contributing Writer
On Nov. 4, 2008, the North Texas Television station tried its hand at live coverage and was recently awarded a LoneStar Emmy for Best Student Production. NTTV hosted the Eagle Election Night watch party, consisting of a three-hour live event of election coverage. More than 100 staff members worked together to pull off an award-winning broadcast. “We wanted to do something special for the elections because it was such a big deal,” said Maddie Garrett, a 2009 UNT graduate and former news director for NTTV. Garrett collaborated with Melinda Levin, the radio, television and film department chairwoman, on the idea during summer 2008. She said the goal of the broadcast was to get as many people as possible to pay attention to what was going on in the national and local elections and make it interesting to them. “It was the biggest undertaking that NTTV has done,” Garrett said. Corbin Perkins, the program
Senior Staff Writer
director and a RTVF senior, said the station set up two locations — one in the University Union and the other in the NTTV studios. They brought in a news truck to help with the off-site production and sent reporters to polling locations throughout the city. “It was pretty hectic, but pretty exciting at the same time,” Perkins said. He said the station took phone calls from voting locations on air to get live reports. The station also brought together different departments, including history and political science instructors to comment on the happenings of the election, Perkins said. Sam Sheridan, a RTVF senior, said the station interviewed 18 people for the coverage, including an international call from Levin, who was in China at the time. “In less than three hours, we took it back to the station and put it on air,” Sheridan said. Garrett said overall the production went smoothly and was a learning experience at the same time. “There’s going to be kinks. It’s live TV,” Garrett said. “You never know what will happen.”
Although the third and fourth floors of Willis Library are quiet, they house dynamic, growing collections used by the UNT community and the world.
Music Library The UNT Music Library is one of the largest academic music collections in the U.S., and contains nearly 900,000 sound recordings in different formats and more than 300,000 volumes of written works. The library’s shelves are filled with vast numbers of colorfully bound books dating back decades and sometimes centuries. Janelle West, a music catalog librarian, works to keep track of the continual inflow of donations and place them into the online catalog. “We get some very obscure recordings donated, so it’s kind of fun to look through and see the gems that we have,” she said. Andrew Justice, music librarian for audio and digital services, works in the library’s Audio Center and tracks vast numbers of recordings in formats including CDs, cassette tapes,
LPs and reel-to-reel tapes. The Music Library receives an average of about 180,000 donated items per year, he said. “It requires setting reasonable goals and priorities for the staff because otherwise it’s very easy to get inundated with so much stuff coming in,” he said. The staff is focusing on making the items accessible to
Exploring UNT’s Libraries Part 3 of a Series people online, he said. “It’s one thing to say we have a lot of stuff,” he said. “It’s another thing to actually be able to find it.” Some of the collections on older formats such as vinyl records and 78 rpm records require special care and climatecontrolled conditions for preservation, he said.
Digital Projects Unit On the third floor of Willis, the Digital Projects lab is filled with numerous projects used by the UNT community and the world.
Students come to the audio center in the Music Library to listen to recordings for class and pleasure. UNT has one of the largest academic music collections in the U.S., including an audio center with more than 85,000 CDs, 350 DVDs, and See FACULTY on Page 2 access to more than 75,000 LPs.
Page 2 Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Shaina Zucker & Courtney Roberts
News Editors
UNT Gamers Club duels with International Socialist Organization BY A MBER A RNOLD Senior Staff Writer
W hat do socia l ist s a nd gamers have in common? Besides Karl Marx’s love of chess, not too much. The International Socialist Organization filed a complaint with UNT’s Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities last week against the UNT G a m e r s C l u b, a c c u s i n g members of defaci ng a nd tearing down its f liers. “They’re trying to pick on my club,” said Addley Fannin, president of UNT Ga mers Club. At about 9:30 p.m. on Oct. 21 members of the International Socialist Organization walked si ng le-f i le i nto t he U N T Ga mer s C lub meet i ng i n Pohl Recreation Center 207 to confront the members about the allegations. Jamila Hammami, a social work senior and International Socia list Orga n i zat ion member, said the group has proof that the UNT Gamers Club not only tore down its
f liers, but also drew strate- putting up f liers and paying gically placed penises with, for it,” Stewart Minor said. “from the gamers club” as an “They are inconveniencing people that want to attend our accompanying signature. However, Fannin denied meetings because f liers let them know when and where the allegations. She said that neither she the meetings are.” Stewa rt Minor met w it h nor t he member s of t he members of gamers club t he ga mers had any hand club before in removing the confronfliers or illustat ion for trating male what he genita lia on -Jamila Hammami d e s c r i b e d the organization’s f liers. Social work senior as a peaceful meet i ng to “I f I h ad discuss what to guess, I’d say t hat t hey’re pissed of f happened and ask the club that no one is taking them to stop. “We even broug ht t hei r seriously, and they thought that the nerds would be an f liers to them that they put easy target,” said Fannin, an over ours so they didn’t have to print more out,” Stewart English language senior. Stewart Minor, a philos- Minor said. Fa n n i n d e s c r i b e d t h e ophy senior and International Socia list Orga n i zat ion c on f ront at ion at t he member, said the organiza- R e c r e a t i on C e nt e r a s a tion wants the gamers club standoff. “When we denied doing it, to stop defacing and tearing they started yelling, at which down its f liers. “We put a lot of effort into point we asked them to leave,”
“The whole thing is just childish.”
Fannin said. “They kind of dug their heels and refused, so we had to get the recreation center authorities.” The International Socialist Organization is now awaiting a response from UNT’s Center f or St u d e nt R i g ht s a nd Responsibilities. T he orga n i zat ion is anxious to resolve the issue, Hammami said. “We will meet with as many individuals involved in the dispute as possible,” said Leon Minor, assistant director of the center. “From there, we’ll try to find out if any part of the Student Code of Conduct has been violated.” Fannin said that members of the gamers club signed a document stating they did not do what they were accused of. The document also denied t he club’s i nvolvement i n defacing the organization’s f liers. “The whole t hing is just ch i ld ish,” Ha m ma m i sa id with a laugh.
POLICE BLOTTER Monday, Nov. 2 At 2:12 a.m., a motorist was arrested on suspicion of drunken driving. A UNT police of f icer t hen transp or te d t he 24 -y e a r old woman from the site of the traffic stop, 2300 Allen Saxe Drive, to the Denton County Jail.
A 25-yea r-old ma n was a r rested on suspicion of public intoxication at 1:54 a.m. A UNT police officer made contact with the man at 200 S. Welch St. He was a r rested a nd wa s t ra nsported to the Denton County Jail.
Saturday, Oct. 31 Sunday, Nov. 1 While checking a parked vehicle in Lot 81, 1311 S. Bonnie Brae St., UNT police arrested an 18-year-old man for possession of marijuana at 6:58 p.m. The man was t hen t ra nspor ted to t he Denton County Jail.
A 59-yea r-old ma n was a r rested on suspicion of drunken driving and unlawfully carrying a weapon. At 6:50 p.m., in the 2200 block of the North Bound Interstate Highway 35E service road. He was arrested and transported to the Denton County
Jail. At 1:13 a.m., a UNT police officer arrested a 26-yearold driver on suspicion of dr un ken driv ing a nd t he 26-year-old passenger for publ ic i ntox icat ion. T he officer initiated the traffic stop in the 1100 block of Oak Street. They were arrested a nd t r a n spor te d to t he Denton County Jail.
Thursday, Oct. 29 A U N T pol ic e of f ic er arrested a man after he ran a red light at 700 Hickor y St. The man was wanted by Fort Worth Police for driving without auto insurance and
was driving without a valid license at the time of the t ra f f ic stop. He was a lso d r iv i ng w it hout work i ng s t op l i g ht s a nd h a d a n expired motor vehicle registration. He was transported to the Denton County Jail after the arrest, which took place at 1:51 a.m.
Wednesday, Oct. 28 The Denton Fire Department and UNT police responded to a trash fire at 4:45 a.m. at Victory Hall. A hall director reported the fire, and an incident report was completed after the fire was extinguished.
Job search becomes harder for grads (MCT) ALLENTOWN, Pa. — College students graduating in December and May are likely to be the first in a generation to enter a job market featuring double-digit unemployment. That has colleges and universities across America scrambling this fall to revamp their career-placement offerings to help new grads land jobs.
Autumn is one of the crucial recruiting seasons, especially for students who want to find employment at Fortune 500 companies. But the outlook for coming college graduates is decidedly grim. On top of a 22 percent decline in college-grad hiring last year, employers expect to
chop those entry-level hires by an additional 7 percent this year, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers. “What we’re seeing is they’re really being cautious,” said the association’s spokeswoman Andrea Koncz. That hiring forecast is
even worse than hiring plans following the 9/11 attacks, when hiring came to a standstill. Average 2009 starting salaries dropped 1.2 percent to $48,000. “What students did years ago isn’t enough today,” said Amy Saul, director of career development at Moravian College.
UNT has one of the largest academic music collections in the U.S., including an audio center with more than 85,000 CDs, 350 DVDs and access to more than 75,000 cataloged LPs.
Faculty revamps digital collections Continued from Page 1 The Digital Projects Unit provides support and infrastructure for many of the libraries’ digitized collect ions a nd projects, unit head Mark Phillips said. “Everyone’s used to going into a librar y and seeing books on a shelf, catalogued and organized,” he said. “So how do we do t hat w it h teraby tes of data? That’s what we’re looking at.” As technolog y changes over the years, the Digital Projects staff has worked h a r d a t b u i l d i n g a nd revamping the collections, he said. “We’re seeing t hat it’s never a f inished t hing,” Phillips said. The unit is also heavily involved in the Portal to Texas History project and the Texas Digital Newspaper P rog r a m, w h ich ma kes newspapers from around the state available online. The project has grow n steadi ly as more people around the state ask the
unit to help preserve their stories, Phillips said. “Every community has a unique voice in their paper and every community has a unique a nd importa nt history,” he said. So far, the unit has put about 50,000 pages online and is working on another 125,000. To keep up w it h t he ma ssive project s, t he department divides all the work into specialized areas and uses tools such as Wiki software to manage projects, he said. “It’s a n excit i ng t i me because we have infrastructure, we have really great people a nd support,” he said. “Everything’s in place for us to become a worldclass digital library.” Kristin Ayers, a biology senior, has used some of the libraries’ online resources for her papers, she said. “My favorite thing is probably that they’re all localized,” she said. “There’s a lot of information t hat’s just a click away.”
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Page 3
Justin Umberson
Sports Editor
Injured lineman relishes new role on sidelines BY ERIC JOHNSON Senior Staff Writer
One of t he most int imidating and aggressive offensive linemen in UNT’s history now s t a l k s t he pr a c t ic e fields as a student-assistant coach. Matthew Menard’s knees forced him to walk away from play ing t he ga me he loves af ter t he pa in beca me too much to bea r. His passion would not let him stray too far from football as he embarks on his new journey: patrolling the sidelines as a coach. “That was the hardest decision that I ever had to make,” Matthew Menard said. “I was depressed at first, but with the help of my coaches I see that what I love can still be a big part of my life.” During his days at Westfield High School, the 6-foot 4-inch, 300-pound mauler destroyed offensive lineman as one of the most dominant defensive tackles in South Texas. When he joined the Mean Green, he was asked to transition to the offensive line and, at first, was not thrilled with the switch. But being a teamfirst player, he made the best of his new role. “I was upset when t hey first told me, but I realized t hat I st i l l had a n opportunity to play and help my guys,” he said. “In the long
run, it really helped my knees a nd prolonged my play ing career.” Matthew Menard anchored t he of fensive line for UNT in 2007, but ever y week it became more difficult for him to ignore the pain. He struggled to move on t he mornings after games, and after talking it over with head coach Todd Dodge and offensive line coach Spencer Leftwhich, he made the choice to walk away from the game he loves. “I was shocked when he made the decision,” said Ivan Menard, Matthew’s mother. “I really hurt for him, but I made sure that I was there for him through all of it. He has loved the game a ll his life, and I know anything to do with football he will be successful.” Coach Dodge k new t hat Matthew Menard was a guy he wa nted to keep in t he program. “He is a part of our family, and a tough guy who understands the game and is loved by t his coaching staff and team,” Dodge said. “He is here everyday and I definitely see a guy who can be a successful coach.” The transition from player to coach has been a smooth on e . M a t t h e w Me n a r d’s former trench mates on the
Once a starting lineman for the Mean Green, Matthew Menard became an assistant coach when his body would no longer tolerate the effects of the game. line trust in his experience and passion. “Everyone has always looked up to him and respected him,” said starting center J.J. Johnson. “He was this physical, tough dude that nobody wanted to mess with. Who better to be an offensive line coach?”
The recreation and leisure studies junior will spend the next year and a half studying under his mentor, Spencer Leftwhich. “He is a k id t hat rea l ly w a nt s t h i s, a nd t h at i s someone you really want to see succeed,” Leftwhich said.
“These kids respect him for his leadership, and t hat is something you have to earn. I have no doubt that he can be successful as a coach.” Matthew Menard’s dream is to become a head football coach, but he does not care if it is at the high school or
college level. He just knows t hat his f utu re is in football. “I still miss playing football, but I really enjoy what I am doing,” Matthew Menard said. “If I am lucky enough to have a career in football then I have truly been blessed.”
North Texas Classic completes fall tennis schedule BY ERIC JOHNSON Senior Staff Writer
A brutal fall schedule for UNT tennis culminated last weekend at the HEB Baylor Invitational, and the Mean Green proved once again that it is rapidly rising to the ranks of the tennis elite. UNT will host the North Texas Classic this weekend to finish the fall slate, and gained more confidence with two deep-tournament runs. “We faced an intense environment and we had success,” head coach Sujay Lama said. “This is the kind of team that I env isioned a nd we have improved in all areas of our game.” Catalina Cruz continued her successf u l fa l l last weekend with another trip to the consolation semi-finals, her third trip to the semifinals this season. As the team’s only senior and as a returning captain, Cruz, a business major, has become the leader that coach Lama said he hoped would emerge, which earned her the captain’s title for the second straight year.
“Last year we just kind of handed it to our t wo most experienced girls, but t his year Cat really came out and proved it was her role,” coach La ma sa id. “She was ver y emotional when we told her, and you can see the dedication and the love she has for this team.” Cruz, who wants to have a memorable final season with her tea m mates, embraces the responsibility and pressure that come w ith being captain. “I just want us to have a beautiful experience this year, and help make this program better for years to come,” said Cruz. “I have really gained a lot the last three years and I just want to have fun, win a lot of matches and pass on my experience to the younger girls on this team.” No one on the team has played higher-rated competition than Irina Paraschiv, a journalism sophomore, but she continued to thrive in the big moments. The sophomore standout made it to the round of 16 i n t he ma i n d raw before
being knocked out, but she sa id she is conf ident t hat her experience this fall will lead to a successful spring campaign. “I have played against really great players, and I trust my shots more and my overall game more now,” Paraschiv said. “We want to compete for a championship, and we see that we can compete with anyone now.” Lama mixed up his doubles combinat ions for t he f irst time this fall and said he is still looking for a third team to emerge. “We had some interesting matchups out there,” Lama said. “We know that we are set at the one and two spots, so if we can find the right combination at No. 3, we will be very hard to beat in doubles.” This weekend will be UNT’s fina l test of the fa ll, when it host s t he Nor t h Tex a s Classic. A f ter t wo mont hs of playing against the highest level of compet it ion, t he Mea n Green w i l l have a chance to make some noise aga inst La ma r Universit y,
t he Universit y of Texas at Arlington and Northwestern State University. “I want to see us firing on all cylinders for the first time this season,” Lama said. “We ca nnot just come out a nd think that we are going to win. I want to see us dominate t his tour na ment a nd finish the fall with a feeling of accomplishment.” UNT has lofty goals for the spring, and after competing with top-25 programs, Lama said he believes that the team is ready to make the leap to the elite. “They ca n sense it, a nd they know that we are right there,” Lama said. “They have grown up over the last few months and they have this energy right now because they know what they are capable of. This is why we played this tough schedule because now we have the experience and we know we can play with anybody.” The action will begin at 9:30 a.m. Friday at the Waranch Tennis Complex on Bonnie Brae and w ill continue on Saturday.
Catalina Cruz, a business senior, practices Tuesday to prepare herself for this weekend’s North Texas Classic.
Page 4 Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Sun Belt soccer tournament begins today BY SEAN GORMAN
The same can be said for the Western Kentucky University Hilltoppers and the Denver Universit y Pioneers, which were both able to shut down the Mean Green offense this month. Each game of the first round has a heavy favorite, but after that anything can happen. Each of the top four teams are built to win the tournament. “This conference is too competitive and strong to make any predictions about,” Hedlund said. “Any remaining team has a chance to go far.”
Senior Staff Writer
The UNT soccer team looks to continue its streak of ninestraight Sun Belt Conference Tournament opening-round wins when it faces the Middle Tennessee State University Blue Raiders (12-5-2, 6-4-1) at 1 p.m. today. UNT receives a boost from the return of two key players: forward Michelle Young, an undeclared freshman, and goalkeeper Mandy Hall, a history junior, who were unable to play during last weekend’s game at the University of Denver. “I’m feeling much better,” Young said. “I feel like I am totally capable of doing my very best to help the team. Young returns at a critical time for the Mean Green (11-6-2, 7-2-2), which has struggled to score on the road this season. The team has failed to score a goal in its last three road games. “We just have to continue to communicate and stay aggressive,” Young said. “We don’t really see it a serious problem.” One of those scoreless road games came in Tennessee against the Blue Raiders, when the game ended in a 0-0 tie in after two 10-minute overtime periods. “This is the time of the year for us to step up,” said forward Kendall Juett, a sociology senior. “We didn’t reach our goal of winning a regular season title,
First Round Schedule No. 1 FIU vs. No. 8 UALR PHOTO BY RYAN BIBB / INTERN
Michelle Young, an undeclared freshman, and Kelli Lunsford, an applied behavior analysis senior, scrimmage to get ready for the Sun Belt Tournament in Florida. The Mean Green play the Middle Tennessee State University Blue Raiders in the opening round. so these next games mean a lot to us.” Defense will be the key for the Mean Green, which allowed the fewest amount of goals per game in the conference with Hall in net. “We have a championship caliber defense, there’s no doubt,” head coach John Hedlund said.
“If we can put pressure on other teams with our offense, we’re going to be fine.” Success in the later rounds will come for UNT if the defense holds up, the offense isn’t held scoreless and the road woes finally cease. “Winning on the road has been a problem earlier on for
a go, it w a s on l y within 10 points of winning one other ga me, wh ich wa s a f i v e -p oi nt los s to A rka nsas State University. UN T wa s never going to beat Un i v er s it y of A laba ma or Troy University. Alabama is contending for a nationa l championship, so the UNT loss there was just a for ma l it y. A nd t he Troy Trojans dominance during t he past four yea rs proves they no longer belong in the Sun Belt Conference. Despite t hose t wo loses, the Mean Green has dropped its deficit to just more than
eight points a game. And other than its two wins, UNT held leads in the fourth qu a r t er of t h r e e other contests. What could prevent the football team from winning more games this sea son i s t he defense. It was struggling even before defensive captain Tobe Nwigwe was lost for the season because of a foot injury. After allowing 10 points in the season opener to Ball State Universit y, the defense has failed to hold an opponent to fewer than 31 since and has only one interception during its last 6 games. The offense is going to score points. UNT is now 19t h in t he n at ion i n r u s h i n g y a r d s because it has the best running back in the Sun Belt, sophomore Lance Dunbar. If he stays healthy, the “Green Blur” has the potential to break school records, including the one for career rushing yards. R i ley Dodge sa id he has
us,” Hedlund said. “I think as the girls have gained experience over the year they’ve become more capable of winning games away from home.” As the fourth and fifth seeds, the Mean Green and Blue Raiders will likely play the most competitive game in the first round. “They were no pushover the
first time we played, and it’s not going to get any easier,” Juett said. With the best in conference record and a high amount of confidence, the Florida International University Panthers are heavy favorites against the eighth seed, the University of Arkansas-Little Rock.
No. 4 UNT vs. No. 5 Middle Tennessee
10 a.m.
1 p.m.
No. 2 Denver vs. No. 7 Troy
4 p.m.
No. 3 Western Kentucky vs. No. 6 Arkansas State
7 p.m.
The Script: Progress won’t be found in win column Football team on the cusp of winning games BY JUSTIN UMBERSON
Sports Editor It’s hard to be impressed with the UNT football team’s two-win record. Even if it’s one more t ha n t he si ng le victory last season. But a tea m t hat was outscored by more than 27 points a game last season isn’t going to show its improvements i n t he w i n colu m n right away. Compared to last season, this team is headed back to respectability. O t he r t h a n t h e Me a n Green’s solo win from a year
Justin Umberson
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Wide receiver Jamaal Jackson, a sociology junior, celebrates a touchdown against the Western Kentucky Hilltoppers on Saturday. The Mean Green defeated the Hilltoppers 68-49 for its second win of the season. “lived” in the trainer’s office during the past two weeks getting treatment for his high ankle sprain. Usually that type of injury keeps players out of action for multiple weeks, but the
mobile quarterback was able to return after missing just one game to have the best game of his short career. Two wins are still too little for this team, though. It has been at the cusp of victory
all season, so the next step is to finish the games with t he lead. Wit h four ga mes remaining, the Mean Green needs at least two more wins to va lidate how fa r it has come.
Opening for a talented Research Manager at an online marketing research firm that provides business and service evaluation by conducting surveys. Responsibilities include: *delivery of professional market research services *working to understand & fulfill clients needs from inception to completion *interact with clients on a daily basis to assess info *strong client-service focus. Apply to:
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Page 5
Arts & Life
Kip Mooney
Arts & Life Editor
Economy forces offices to limit holiday party plans (A P) — At O’Keefe Communications, employees will celebrate the holidays this year as they did last, with a potluck in the office rather than dinner at a nice restaurant. “We have a lot of people in our office that like to cook and swap recipes and it worked out nicely,” said Catie O’Keefe, president of the Washingtonbased media and event production company. “It was a good change of pace. I think it was so well received that we’ll do it again this year.” Last year, at the height of the recession, many companies scaled back or canceled holiday parties a ltogether. Others donated to charities that money that would have been spent on parties. This yea r, even w it h sig ns t he economy may be improving, many businesses still are reluctant to throw big holiday blowouts, especially after rounds of layoffs and pay freezes. “Companies’ budgets are still ver y tight,” said John Challenger, CEO of outplacement company Challenger, Gray & Christmas. “They’re not convinced their business isn’t going to turn south again.” Trac y Bloom Schwa r t z,
owner of Creative Parties in Bethesda, Md., remains optim ist ic. Cor porate holiday parties, she said, are “coming back,” although maybe not as strongly as in the past. Overall spending on holiday parties is being cut by about 20 percent across the board, she said. “S ome t i me s t he f a v or is a litt le less,” she sa id. “Sometimes they spend less money in every sector. If they had a four-course meal, now they’re going to have a threecourse meal.” W hen finances are tight, some say it’s actually more important than ever to throw a holiday party. “Now is the time to build community,” said Greg Casella, president of t he Nat iona l A s s o c i a t ion of C at er i n g Executives. The holiday party sends a message, said Casella, who has a catering business in Silicon Valley. “It kind of says, ‘We’re OK, we’re still going to be around.’” Sevent y percent of t he association’s members who responded to a survey said they don’t expect to see a rebound in corporate holiday parties this year. And more than 86 percent said their corporate
clients who are hosting holiday events are doing it on a smaller scale than last year. PricewaterhouseCoopers is forgoing holiday parties and setting aside more than $1.5 million instead for its offices to help local charities, according to Sha nnon Schuyler, t he compa ny’s U.S. cor porate responsibility leader. Some of the offices use the money to fund youth events, carnivals or holiday parties for children. Others make donations to food kitchens or shelters. Employees also are volunteering at the events. “Our people want to engage with the people they’re helping,” Schuyler said. Challenger says he expects other companies to take the sa me route : aba ndon i ng parties in favor of charitable giving or volunteer work. “I think there’s a sense that a lot of people have it worse than we do,” he said. For those who decide to go ahead with the party, there are ways to cut costs. The open bar should be the first to go, Casella said. Compa n ies m ig ht g ive employees coupons for one or two drinks, or have them buy the drinks outright. Limiting
Many offices have been forced to cut back on their holiday parties because of the economy. While some offices took their employees out to eat at expensive restaurants, this year they will hold potluck dinners. the selection to beer, wine and soft drinks also can save money. Another cost-saving move is holding t he celebration du r ing t he week, instead of on a Friday or Saturday night, or doing a lunch or hors d’oeuvres instead of dinner. Renting outside venues usually is more expensive on weekends. Some companies, like
O’Keefe, moved the party to their own offices. Casella said many businesses have been waiting to see which way the economy goes before planning parties. Booking last minute isn’t a problem, he said, because there probably are many places still available. “People are more cautious,” Casella said. “They’re not
spending the money until they have the money to spend.” At O’Keefe Communications, the 15-member staff traditionally gave O’Keefe and her husband, Kevin, hats of one type or another. Last year, the couple turned the tables, giving each staff member a hat. “We always try to do some unique way of recognizing people,” O’Keefe said.
Lennon’s hit song to raise money for U.N. commission UNITED NAT IONS (A P) — John Lennon’s widow and two sons are donating the proceeds from the 40th anniversary release of the hit “Give Peace a Chance” to a U.N. peacebuilding fund used to help countries emerging from conflict, the fund announced Tuesday. Chile’s U.N. A mbassador Heraldo Munoz, who chairs t h e U. N. P e a c e b u i l d i n g Commission which oversees the fund, praised Yoko Ono, Sean Lennon and Julian Lennon for their decision to celebrate “the uniting spirit” of the “universal anthem” by contributing to global efforts to help countries through the difficult move from war to peace. Starting Tuesday, iTunes exclusively offers the single’s special anniversary single for download purchase, with new proceeds benefiting the U.N. Peacebuilding Fund through Dec. 31, he said. “I am thrilled that so many in t he music business are readily supporting ‘Give Peace a Chance’ on its 40th anniversary,” Ono said in a statement. “It is indeed a time when we are all getting more aware of the necessity of doing something to achieve world peace, no matter how small.” “Thank you, thank you thank you. I feel deeply that we are all one, regardless of where we stand,” she said. Lennon and Ono wrote the song during their 1969 honeymoon bed-in protest against the Vietnam War and over the years it has become the world’s
most popular peace anthem. Munoz told a news conference at U.N. headquarters t hat Lennon’s w idow a nd sons, partnering with EMI Music and Sony/ATV Music Publishing, were making the first private donation to the U.N. Peacebui lding Fund,
which has raised $315 million in voluntary donations from U.N. member states since it was established four years ago. The Peacebuilding Com m ission is c u r rent ly helping four count ries — Sierra Leone, Burundi, Central
Yoko Ono and her son Sean Lennon pose at the Grammy Awards in Los Angeles. The family has released John Lennon’s song “Give Peace a Chance” to iTunes.
Thursday November 5, 2009 11 a.m. Discovery Park near the Green Mountain Coffee Shop 2 p.m. 1 O’Clock Lounge University Union
African Republic and GuineaBissau — emerge from conflict, he said, and the Peacebuilding Fund has helped to prevent 14 other countries from relapsing into violence including Nepal, Haiti, Kenya and Ivory Coast, he said. Mu noz ca l led Ono t he
“fundamental moving force” in allowing the gift to the U.N. “Beyond words, she is proving in a concrete action that she is committed — and she has been for such a long time — to the cause of world peace,” he said. Munoz urged companies,
individuals and philanthropists to “imitate this geneorus contribution by Yoko Ono and her partners and help the Peacebuilding Commission and ... the people in the postconf lict countries that will be the ultimate beneficiaries of a gift.”
Page 6 Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Arts & Life
Comedy group aims to ‘bring joy to other people’ BY K ATIE GRIVNA Senior Staff Writer
If a student happens upon a zombie attack on the Library Mall, it is most likely a planned performance by Out of Order. Out of Order is a comedic performance art group that is difficult to describe, said radio, television, and film senior Kevin Larz Phillips, a co-founder and head organizer for the group. “Ultimately, it’s about having fun and essentially bring joy to other people,” he said. In order to explain what Out of Order is, Phillips mentions Improv Everywhere, a New York City-based group that stages unannounced public performances. However, the group creates its own characteristics. “We’re not them, and we’re trying to do our thing,” Phillips said. Out of Order’s most recent performance was on Oct. 23 when more than 100 participants dressed as zombies “attacked” four students. The students defended themselves using their fingers as guns as zombies dropped to the ground. In the past, Phillips organized group members for the Sept. 2 UNT Air Raid in which students ducked and covered when the campus emergency sirens blared to test the system.
Phillips said the purpose of Out of Order is to have a shared experience between performers and audience and to see something unusual, he said. “You know what you’re doing is making someone’s day better,” Phillips said. Phillips said he enjoys the irony behind the group’s name, because the performances are out of the ordinary, but also because it could not be done without order and planning. “One of the most difficult things about organizing the group is the anticipation leading up to an event because you honestly don’t know if anybody’s going to show up,” he said. In the future, Phillips said he hopes to make the performances more elaborate, and to continue t he group’s “Super Mario Bros.” homage, which began on Oct. 19 when a performer acting as Princess Peach was “k idnapped” bet ween t he Hurley Administration Building and Biology Building. “A lot of our events are gradually evolving to where it is more of a story, some form of live entertainment that is happening but on a large scale or a very comedic scale in a public place where anyone that happens to be there can watch and enjoy,” he said. Morgan Moss, a psychology
A performer in art group Out of Order, Ryan Cortez, an economics junior, poses for the finale of the group’s Zombies vs. Humans event Oct. 23. f resh ma n, per for med i n Zombies vs. Humans and said he helps with the brainstorming process. “W hen you put together something and you have a couple hundred people doing what you envisioned, it makes you feel good,” he said. Moss said he likes when
people walk into an Out of Order performance and have no clue what is happening, Moss said. “I’ve done it before, I’ve been in their shoes before and it’s like, ‘This is awesome! A bunch of people came together and did this? This is really cool,’” he said.
A mado Urby, a mu sic freshman, said he thinks Out of Order is a good organization because it brings people together. “Whether it’s important or not is irrelevant, it’s people bei ng toget her doi ng a n activity,” he said. Out of Order is important
to UNT because it brings the university and community together and promotes conversation between on-lookers after a performance, said Michelle Mohr, an undeclared freshman. For more information, visit w w w.f ac ebook .c om/outofordernt.
Organization tames, teaches exotic animals to interact BY GRACIELA R AZO Senior Staff Writer
A UNT club is getting up close and personal to exotic a nd domest ic a n i ma ls to educate people about t he benefits of well-trained pets. T he Orga n i z at ion for Reinforcement Contingencies with Animals is a studentbased club whose members work on animal training techniques and research projects in
the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Members also get hands-on experience dealing with the animals they want to train in the future, said Zachary Morford, a behavior analysis graduate student and president of the organization. “Since t he beginning, it has evolved into an organization committed to an understanding of animal training and extending this under-
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standing to the community,” Morford said. The group began in 2000 when Jesus Rosales, adviser and associate professor in the department of behavioral analysis saw students needed ha nds-on pract ice before applying for a job. “These students are learning and also providing a service to the community,” Rosales said. “Not only do they have to know the subject matter, they have to learn how to apply it.” Members work w it h employees and animals at the Heard Natural Science Museum a nd Wild life Sa nctua r y in McKinney. Students go to the museum to train employees how to use negative and positive reinforcement to get desirable behavior from the animals at the sanctuary. Mor ford sa id t hey have been helping the museum’s employees train Patagonian cav ies, a Sout h A mer ica n mammal similar to a hare, to approach humans without becom i ng f r ig htened a nd possibly injuring themselves. The students wait for the cavy to relax when humans are around and then remove themselves from the room.
April Becker, a behavior analysis graduate student, feeds parrots at the Heard Natural Science Museum in McKinney. When the animal becomes indifferent to human presence, it becomes easier for trainers to work with the animals. “We are trying to show that theoretically, this kind of negat ive reinforcement shou ld work with any animal with a few modifications,” Morford said. “The cavies have made some improvements, but we’re still tr ying to work out the kinks.” Along with the work at the sa nctua r y, members work at the Dallas Zoo, as well as
take on private research projects with their own pets. The students t hen sha re t heir research and get feedback from the other members at weekly meetings. T he or ga n i z at ion t hen shares its members’ findings with the community through free dog trainings and conferences, such as the Art and A nima l Science of A nima l Training seminar they sponsor each spring. Katie Tucker, a behavioral analysis graduate student, said
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working with the organization is helping her get reallife experience for her future in the study of exotic animal behavior. “I had obser ved training before, but working at Heard was my first hands-on experience,” Tucker sa id. “You get to make mistakes and fix your mistakes, which is a huge learning opportunity.” A long with working with the Patagonian cavies, Tucker is helping to t ra in Hea rd employees to develop proper presentat iona l behav ior through negative reinforcement from a pair of blue and gold macaw birds so t hey can be used for educational programs. Members are also saving animals’ lives through teaching pet owners positive ways of training their pets so they are not euthanized in local shelters, Tucker said. “We can strengthen the relationship between the pet owner and the pet,” Tucker said. “It’s good to be able to share with the public the benefits of positive animal training.” Meetings are held at 2 p.m. on Wednesdays in Chilton Hall 126. For more information and to submit questions about animal training, visit www.orgs.unt. edu/orca/index.html.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Page 7 Amanda Mielcarek
Views Editor
Passage of Prop 4 benefits everyone Editorial In a move that will greatly benefit the state, Texas voters passed Proposition 4 Tuesday. The editorial staff applauds voters for making their voice heard and showing their support for this amendment, which will amend the state constitution and create a National Research University Fund. The fund is worth about $500 million and will help aid the growth and development of emerging research universities in Texas. UNT, along with the University of Texas at Arlington, the University of Texas at Dallas and Texas Tech University, are among the seven schools that will have the opportunity to tap into this fund if they meet certain criteria determined by the Texas Higher Education Board. Among other things, they will be required to make progress toward reaching Tier One status. Passing this amendment will finally allow Texas, which currently has only three Tier One universities — the University of Texas, Texas A&M and Rice University — to compete with states such as California, which has nine, and New York, which has seven. This will allow the state to retain thousands of promising students who otherwise would have been lost to out-of-state Tier One universities. With the incentive and necessary money to support the development of top-level research universities, the state will also be able to recruit the nation’s top researchers. More Tier One universities will also result in a more highly skilled workforce, which will benefit the economy by providing more workers for economically important fields such as the sciences and engineering. By passing this amendment, voters have actively participated in the betterment of Texas higher education, which will bring more jobs and money to the state, ultimately benefiting everyone.
UNT ignores parking problem Each day, hundreds of students on campus enter their cars to see an ominous yellow envelope stuck behind their windshield wiper. Semester after semester, stories have been published in the Daily announcing an increase in the cost of parking stickers and fees for parking violators. Responses from both Parking and Transportation Services and UNT President Gretchen Bataille consistently seem to be the same: Students just need to “deal with it” and accept the fact they may not be able to afford to drive their cars to campus. This is an unacceptable attitude from the administration. Students are simply viewed as spoiled, whiny children. Over the past few years, under the direction of Scott Kangas, the transportation department has raised meter prices and lowered the maximum time allowed for use, sold more parking stickers than spaces available, and made fewer student spaces available. The most telling statistic: Nearly 50,000 citations were issued during the 2007-2008 school year. That’s more than one per student. And rarely are true solutions offered. “Ride your bike,” they say. Yet bicycle parking is limited and students who do not register
their two-wheeled vehicles or park them in places other than crowded racks face tickets. A quick fix? More bike racks. “Take the bus,” they cry. But no off-campus bus services exist for the many students who have night classes or work past 10:30 p.m. During the day, many routes take students only to the farthest edges of campus, where other student parking lots lie. We need more bus routes that run later and more stops closer to academic buildings. We also need a night parking sticker for commuters. Right now they have to buy a Premium or General Parking sticker, which relegates them to either side of campus or forces them to use the overpriced parking garage or pathetic parking meters along Hickory Street, which allow for a measly hour of parking. If you have anything more than a 50-minute class, sorry pal. But if a night parking sticker, which would only be valid between 4:30 p.m. and 10 p.m. (after that, you don’t need a sticker to park on campus), existed, those with night classes or who work at nearby businesses could take advantage of the many lots left vacant after administrators and students punch out. Since they’re using these lots
less than commuters during the day, it should not cost as much as these other commuter options. But imagine that: The parking department makes more money, students have fewer complaints and you start seeing fewer yellow envelopes. But what about faculty and staff? The “D” lot in front of Kerr Hall has been closed to aid in the demolition of Kendall Hall to make way for the glorious new International Business Palace. I wonder how faculty and staff feel fighting for those few remaining parking spots. Do they feel like they’re not important? While UNT has better options for on-campus student parking compared to other large Texas universities, such as Texas Tech University and the University of Texas, there is still a problem here. But the bigger problem is the transportation department doesn’t feel one exists. How can we create more options so people don’t feel the need to drive to campus if students just need to “deal with it”? It’s all part of an attitude that views students, the ones who pay tuition and thus administrators’ incomes, as second-class citizens. The elitism is astounding. No matter how many articles,
opinion columns or petitions from students are written, the consistent response from the administration is a deafening “too bad.” The transportation department must change its view of students before it can ever hope to solve the parking problems plaguing the campus. If students’ opinions are viewed as irrelevant, then their complaints are ignored. Progress simply cannot be made this way. This consistent condescension and ignorance from Parking and Transportation Services does a disservice to the UNT community and must be abandoned to make UNT a place where people want to learn and teach, rather than a place where people have to deal with parking headaches.
Kip Mooney is a journalism junior and the arts & life editor for the Daily. He can be reached at
Binge drinking harmful to students
Campus Chat What is your favorite Thanksgiving memory?
{ { { {
“Playing football with the family.”
Jared Holder Finance senior
“I am from another country, and I have only had one Thanksgiving here and it was nice.”
Erwin Fernandez
Computer science graduate student
Ma ny st udent s ex pec t that I, as the coordinator for substance abuse prevention at UNT, would be against alcohol use, but I am not. Alcohol can be used in a healthy and responsible way, and to issue a flat-line abstinent approach to the education we provide would be a great disservice for the UNT population. However, in t he article publ ished Oct. 28 t it led “Students refuse strict definition of alcoholism,” the drinking described — binge drinking — is frequently a dangerous type of consumption. Increasing the amount of alcohol consumed during a single period increases the amount of alcohol in the blood, also known as a Blood Alcohol Concentration, which, in turn, further inhibits brain functions. Think about it this way: The
more alcohol you consume, the more alcohol there is in your blood. The more alcohol there is in your blood, the more parts of your brain are affected by its sedative effects. So the notion, as presented by a student in the article, that “it only becomes a problem when you are drinking by yourself during the day” is a serious misconception. Binge drinking at any time of day is incredibly risky. If you drink enough alcohol to prevent your brain from sending consistent and reliable messages to your lungs to process oxygen efficiently, you will pass out, no matter what time of the day or night it is. In addition to the health and physical effects of binge use, there are other consequences that are often discounted when considering alcohol use. These include legal and university sanctions, sexual
assault/date rape, personal relationship problems, and a decline in academic performance. Alcohol use, including the unhealthy binge use featured in this article, is different for everyone. I would like to commend the author, Bradford Purdom, for using a final quote about seeking help to round off his article. Studies from the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism show us that many college students will “mature out” of unhealthy alcohol use as they age, but, for some students, alcohol is representing a barrier too insurmountable for them to function — immediate help may be needed. That is why I am so happy that UNT supports its students’ hea lt h a nd wel lbei ng by providing them the service to meet with a licensed mental
health professional at our department, the Substance Abuse Resource Center. If you, or anyone you know and care about, are having difficulty with alcohol or other drug use, please do not hesitate to make a free, confidential, and non-judgmental appointment with my staff or myself by calling 940-565-2787 or e-mail us at
David Mumaugh is the coordinator for the UNT Substance Abuse Resource Center. He can be reached at
“When I was around 8 years old, my greatgrandma came in and had my favorite dish, sweet potatoes. It was the first time for Thanksgiving that she cooked that.”
NT Daily Editorial Board
Antonio Cotten
Business freshman
“My favorite memory is probably when my family visited my grandparents.”
Kristen Orton
Psychology senior
The Editorial Board includes: Andrew McLemore, Amanda Mielcarek, Shaina Zucker, Courtney Roberts, Brooke Cowlishaw, Kip Mooney, Abigail Allen, Sydnie Summers, Brianne Tolj, Christena Dowsett, Justin Umberson, and David Lucio
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