11-18-09 Edition

Page 1

Game over

discuss privacy, freedom NEWS: Students Page 2 site lets users sell arts, crafts ARTS & LIFE: Web Page 3 program ineffective in sex education VIEWS: Abstinence Page 5

Women’s basketball team drops game in final seconds Story on Page 4

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

News 1,2 Arts & Life 3 Sports 4 Views 5 Classifieds 6 Games 6

Volume 94 | Issue 48

Sunny 66° /45° The Student Newspaper of the University of North Texas


Student found dead in home Cause of death not yet determined BY T.S. MCBRIDE

Senior Staff Writer


Denton resident Alejandro Valenzuela tests one of the office chairs, on sale for $1, in the UNT Surplus Warehouse at 925 Precision Drive. Also on sale for $1 were old desks, calculators and muffin pans. The warehouse is open to the public biweekly, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

‘Cool stuff ’ sold at UNT surplus Warehouse offers alternative to Dumpster diving BY TIM MONZINGO Intern

Those in college on a strict budget k now t he rout i ne of d ragg i ng couches w it h strange odors from the curb to their living rooms. However, apartment and house occupa nts have a n a lter n at i v e to D u mp s t er diving with the UNT Surplus Warehouse. The warehouse sells used university equipment, everything from bed frames and chairs to video projectors and cars. “The first ten years, they made about $70,000,” Craig Thorp, asset manager for the

UNT Payment and Purchasing department. “When we began selling to the public item by item, we made $75,000 in the first seven months.” Thorp said the warehouse has been extremely beneficial to the university. The program is designed to provide an alternative to the landfill for surplus items the university no longer has any use for. T hor p sa id t he mone y generated by t he prog ra m goes back to UNT to help alleviate student fees for things like exercise equipment and electronics. T he w a rehou s e, w h ich generated about $165,000 last year, has items priced from $2 to $12,000. Thorp said the most expensive item sold through the wa rehouse was a bus t hat

was purchased for $12,000 by a Denton resident who now uses it as a camper on his hunting lease. Ka rl Skaa r, a n administrator w ithin Payment and P u rchasi ng Ser v ices, sa id people have surprised him w it h t heir creat iv it y w it h items from the warehouse. “They do all kinds of things you would think of,” Skaar said. “Things like the big sinks from bathrooms, people have used them for cow feeders. You never think about things like that.” In addition to the creative uses for items wa rehouse employees see, there are also memories that pass through the warehouse. Skaar and Thorp both reminisced about people who had come to t he wa rehouse to get items that held specific

nostalgic value from days past at UNT. “There is a lot of histor y that passes through here,” Thorp said. A side f rom sent i menta l value, the warehouse provides a n ever-cha ng ing stock of goods for pat rons to look through. Roger W i nter s, a soc iolog y junior, said he v isits the warehouse a few times a semester. “I’ve found some cool stuff here, and their stuff always changes,” Winters said. The warehouse is open for shoppers on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. and is at 925 Precision Drive in Denton.

To see multimedia for this story, visit ntdaily.com

A UNT jazz studies sophomore was found dead in his apartment on Nov. 11 after a report was made that no one had heard from him in about a week. James “Mike” Dickinson, 27, was found in an advanced s t a ge of de c omp o s it ion by his la nd lord, sa id Rob Corley, an investigator for the Tarrant County Medical Examiner’s Office. The cause of death is still unknown and under investigation pending a toxicology repor t f rom t he Ta r r a nt County Medical Examiner’s Office. “ Tw e n t y - s o m e t h i n g s usually do not die in their sleep,” Corley said. Dickinson was the second U N T st udent to d ie t h is month. O n Nov. 3, s o c iolo g y senior Federico Garcia died

“He was a really nice guy and a great player, and this really makes me sad.”

—Jeffry Eckels Director of the Five O’Clock Lab Band

in his sleep. The cause of deat h i n h is ca se is a lso awa it i ng t he resu lts of a tox icolog y repor t f rom a Ta r r a nt Cou nt y med ic a l examiner. Linda Anderson, a spokeswoman for the office, said it’s unlikely the two deaths

are related. “I f t hat w a s t he c a se, there would be some suspicion,” she said. “The doctors would see that when they did an investigation of the bodies.” Dickinson played trumpet in UNT’s Five O’Clock Lab Band. Jeffr y Eckels, director of

James “Mike” Dickinson t he en semble, descr ibed him as a gifted musician. “He w a s a rea l ly n ic e guy and a great player, and this really makes me said,” Eckels said. Few of his fellow students remember Dickinson, who left the band in the middle of this semester. Ju a n C h a v e s , a j a z z s t ud ie s s en ior, r e c a l le d Dick inson’s posit ive att itude and talent. “He wa s a rea l ly good guy,” Chaves said. “He was a great trumpet player.” D i c k i n s o n ’s b r o t h e r poste d f u ner a l a r r a ngem e n t s o n D i c k i n s o n’s Facebook page. T he f u nera l w i l l be at noon today at t he Sunset Memorial/Funeral Home in San Antonio. Dickinson will be buried a t Hol y C r o s s C a t hol ic Cemeter y, according to the posting. H i s f a m i l y c ou ld not immediately be reached for comment.

UNT celebrates week of foreign cultures, foods BY CAROLYN BROWN Senior Staff Writer

Students have the chance this week to sample ethnic foods, learn about international teaching and research opportunities, and discuss cu ltures f rom a round t he world. U N T a nd t he D e nt on community are celebrating International Education Week from Nov. 16 to Nov. 21. “It’s importa nt for UNT students to be exposed to various cultures and peoples’ lives a round t he world in order to become good global citizens,” said Olga Grieco, director of UNT International Welcome Center. “It’s only through good education that we can achieve peace.” Gr ieco sa id t he week ’s intent is far-reaching. Inter nat iona l Educat ion Week is a joint initiative by the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education to help prepare students for the global environment, according to its Web site. U N T Inter nat iona l is hosting a film festival of works from Taiwanese director Ang Lee.

The next two films to be shown are “Pushing Hands” on Wednesday and “Eat Drink Man Woman” on Saturday. Both begin at 7 p.m. in the Lyceum, and Saturday’s film will end with a panel discussion. At 2 p.m. Wednesday, repre-

More than 60 students will work in teams led by cooking coaches to make and sample dishes from multiple countries, World Echoes president Carmen Banea said. “I think people are really interested in learning to cook food from other countries,”

“I think people are really interested in learning to cook food from other countries. I’m expecting some good stuff.”

—Carmen Banea World Echoes president

sentatives from Teach and Learn in Korea, a program to help students interested in studying or teaching in Korea, will meet in Wooten Hall 117 to tell students about t he organization’s programs. The School of Merchandising and Hospitality Management, UNT International, Eagle’s Ne st a nd st udent g roup World Echoes will have the fifth “Cooking and Tasting Around the World” at 3 p.m. on Friday in the Chilton Hall Cooking Lab.

she said. “I’m expecting some good stuff.” A f ter t he work shop, a brochure of the recipes will be posted on the World Echoes Web site, she said. Although all the participant spots filled quickly, there are still three or four positions open for cooks to lead the teams through the process. “I think international organ i zat ions a re doing more events so there will be more diversity,” Banea said. From 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.

on Fr iday i n In for mat ion Sciences Building 286, the Pakistani Student Association and Women’s Literacy Drive Organization will host “Tea, Samosas, and ‘The Promise of Education’” to help internally displaced families in Pakistan. T he g roups w i l l g ive a presentation and sell scarves and jewelr y from Pakistan to raise money for schools, Grieco said. Nata sha Delgad i l lo, a n i nterd i s c ipl i n a r y st ud ie s f re sh ma n, s a mple d food at t he Japa ne se Cu lt u re Organization’s Japanese Fall Festival on Tuesday. She said she planned to go to more events, including the Teach and Learn in Korea presentation. “I think it’s really helpful because in the future I want to teach overseas,” she said. “So, going to these events will help point me in the right direction.” For more information, see the full schedule of events at www.international.unt.edu. To participate as a coach in “Cooking and Tasting Around t he World,” contact worldechoes@gmail.com.


Hussain Alsulaiman, an electrical engineering technology freshman, waits to have his name spelled in Japanese calligraphy characters by Hisa Fujino, an English senior, at the Japanese Fall Festival on Tuesday.

Page 2 Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Shaina Zucker & Courtney Roberts

News Editors ntdailynews@gmail.com

Students discuss importance of freedom BY MORGAN WALKER & JESSICA PAUL Staff Writer & Intern

The UNT student chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union held a discussion Tuesday in the University Union on the importance of privacy and freedom. T h e e v e n t , “ P r i v a c y, Government Surveillance and the Patriot Act,” kicked off with the introduction at 4 p.m. by student chapter chairman Stephen Benavides, a political science senior. “If the government has the ability to access your information then you’ll have limited pr ivac y,” Benav ides sa id. “Since the university’s public, the government’s going to have pretty in-depth abilities to access your information like purchases and Internet searches.” The Patriot Act was put into place in 2001 to deter and punish terrorist acts in the U.S. and around the world and to enhance law enforcement investigation tools, according to the Electronic Privacy Information Center. Benavides said the discussion is meant to be informative and wants audience members to leave with the knowledge that their rights are essentially suspended. “This is setting the stage for

future legislation where the government has the ability to suspend constitutional rights,” Benavides said. “What are they going to do next?” Benavides introduced two speakers at the discussion including John Booth, a political science professor and author of the book, “Legitimacy Puzzle in Latin America: Political Support and Democracy in Eight Nations.” Booth, who teaches comparative politics, reflected on the importance of civil liberties and said he wanted to provide a comparative point of view from a society where these rights are not respected. “I’ve studied a lot of countries that weren’t democracies,” Booth said. “We live inside the United States and our framework is pretty good, and it makes us inattentive to how valuable it is.” Booth added that he thinks it is important for all citizens of the U.S. to be aware of the risk of losing of their civil liberties. “Anybody that’s involved in ACLU thinks that there’s a laundry list of problems in terms of restrictions on freedoms,” said Martin Smith, a student chapter member and a speech language pathology senior. J. Aaron Barnes, a political science senior, said he was


Lee Henderson, a board member of the Texas ACLU and Chair of the Fort Worth chapter, speaks to Brian Hersey, a political science senior, after the end of a discussion on the Patriot Act on Tuesday in the University Union. with the [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] courts for wire-tapping was more than sufficient. If the justification is the War on Terror, we’ve been being attacked by terrorists for decades and decades. It’s an excuse to grab more power.”

opposed to the reauthorization of the Patriot Act. “I think it was a terrible idea when they passed it the first time because it erodes our system of checks and balances and places too much power in the executive that can be easily

abused,” Barnes said. “The Obama administration hasn’t rolled back any of the conditions that the Bush administration put into place and has actually, in some cases, expanded them, like state secrecy.” Barnes said the system that

was in place before the Bush administration was much more effective. “Personally, I think they should roll back pretty much t he whole t hing,” Ba rnes said. “I mean, the system that we already had in place

“T hey ’re not look i ng at what you have. They’re telling you what they work with on a daily basis,” Edmun said. Edmun said she plans to follow up with the contacts she m ade at G e og r aph ic I n for mat ion Sy stem s Day in hopes to get a job in the future and do research on the

people knew about it.” Paul Hudak, the geography department chair, said the turnout for 2009 was good. He said he estimated about 500 people stopped by the event. Hudak also said Geographic Information Systems Day is good for the whole university. “It g ives us a cha nce to showcase our capabilities to the community and for the communit y to learn about GIS,” Hudak said. Wachal said visitors to the event voted on three finalists in the poster competition. The posters entered in the competition were of projects and research done by geography students. The subjects of the posters ranged from election redistricting to reducing driving t i me for f i ref ig hters i n a city. For more information on G e o g r a p h i c I n f or m a t i on Systems Day, go to w w w. gisday.com.

Mark Valentino, a Geographic Information System Coordinator for Freese and Nichols, Inc., shows geography graduate student Anjeev Nepali how field data is used for electric utility systems.

GIS Day gives students networking opportunities System provides visual aspect for global data BY K ELSEY K RUZICH Contributing Writer

U N T ho s t e d t he 2 2 nd annual North Central Texas G e o g r a p h i c I n f or m a t i on Systems Day and job fair on Tuesday in the Environmental Science Building. GIS Day i s a n i nter nat ion a l l y r e c o g n i z e d d a y sponsored by the Nationa l Geographic Society as part of G eog raph ic Aw a reness Week. Robert Wacha l, a G e o g r a p h i c I n f or m a t i on Systems ad m in ist rator for the city of Highland Village, said a system takes data and gives it a spatial aspect with a photo as opposed to only using numbers. “People use GIS ever y day and don’t realize it,” Wachal sa id. “T h is ma kes people aware of how it is used.”

The data is used in com mon dev ices l i ke GPS and cell phones. Students and Denton residents attending the event had the opportunity to network for internships and potential jobs and to win prizes. Wachal also said the event was an opportunity for local

“GIS is very technical, very enlightening and I wish more people knew about it.”

—LaPorsha Edmun Geography junior

area cities and businesses to demonstrate what they do. The companies can a lso advertise for job positions and internships that students may be interested in. LaPorsha Edmun, a geography junior, said she found the event informative. She sa id she enjoyed networking with the companies at the job fair.

software she learned about. E d mu n e x p l a i n e d t h e system as a combination of four different things: data, ha rdw a re, per son nel a nd sof t wa re t hat show where things are. “It’s not just maps. It’s not just coloring. It takes skills and knowledge,” Edmun said. “GIS is ver y technical, ver y enlightening, and I wish more


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Page 3

Arts & Life

Kip Mooney

Arts & Life Editor ntd.artslife@gmail.com

Web site allows artisans to buy, sell creations online BY GRACIELA R AZO Senior Staff Writer

When Amy Golden began knitting, her handmade goods started to pile up with nowhere to go. Golden decided to sell her knitted hats, scarves and headbands online to get money to pay for groceries and other necessities. She chose to use Etsy, a Web site community designed for the buying and selling of handmade goods, vintage items and collectibles. The site allows sellers to set their own prices and market their products to a tailored audience. “At first, I started to sell on Etsy to get rid of a few things, and then it began to work so well that I decided to become a part of the Etsy community,” Golden said. The music composition sophomore opened her two Etsy stores in February, one for her knitted crafts called Absalom and another for her collected vintage clothing and accessories called The Bug Collection. After she started selling her first knitted and vintage items, Golden searched the Web site to find items such as handmade stationary, books, ceramics, housewares and organic beauty products. She said since then she has bought shoes, soaps and cards. “You kind of feel a responsibility after a while,” Golden said. “People are buying your things, so you feel like you should contribute back.” Neil Foote, an electronic news professor, said Etsy shows how the Internet is changing the buying and selling marketplace. “It allows you to potentially create a venue to sell products

that target a specific population, the student population,” Foote said. “It creates a market for small, future and temporary entrepreneurs. Plus, it’s a great way to make some extra money.” Golden said she has made more than $600 from both of her Etsy stores since she opened them. The Web site charges 20 cents per listed item, as well as a 3.5 percent transaction fee for each item sold. Even with the additional charges, Golden said Etsy was a better option than other Web sites, such as eBay. “Etsy is a lot cheaper because they take a much smaller commission, and it’s better geared toward what I’m selling,” Golden said. However, not all entrepreneurs find the site to be best suited for their products, said Sam Rolfes, an art sophomore. Rolfes started selling printed T-shirts on Etsy a few months ago with a design collective called Join the Studio as a way to get their products to customers who are not in the area to buy them. “For the time being, Etsy is a good site to sell our stuff before we move to a bigger site that is more professional,” Rolfes said. He added that because of lack of promotion and sales from boutiques around Denton, the collective has sold $40 worth of T-shirts. Since Join the Studio is looking to expand business, the artists decided to move to a larger Web site because of Etsy’s “amateur aesthetic,” Rolfes said. “Middle-aged moms in Idaho can sell on the same plane as you,” Rolfes said. “It doesn’t give


Rene Muhl’s sculpture “Compression” is one of the teaching fellow’s pieces on display in the Union Gallery on the third floor of the University Union.

Air Force colonel creates sculptures BY K RYSTLE CANTU Contributing Writer


Amy Golden, a music composition sophomore, has been using the Web site Etsy since February to sell her homemade accessories and clothing. you the gloss or sheen you’re looking for if you want bigger clients.” However, Rolfes said Etsy was a good starting point for the business and other small business owners looking to network and get their name around. “It’s w idely k now n a nd respected,” Rolfes said. “It’s also especially easy to work with.”

Etsy not only ser ves to benefit sellers, but buyers as well, Golden said. Since she opened her Etsy stores, she has shopped on the Web site more and more. “It’s a really good opportunity to do commerce with other individuals, as opposed to going to Wal-Mart for everything,” Golden said.

ness of the country, adding that the event was an opportunity to not only celebrate, but a lso to streng t hen t he t ies bet ween A merica a nd Japan. Both Holley and Tatsuya Kitami, a hospitality management senior from Japan, said there are prevalent stereotypes that should be eliminated. “Some people think they’re too shy or reserved, but I know many Japanese people who are very social and helpful,” Holley said. “Some are very outgoing and very nice.” K i t a m i a d d e d n ot a l l Japa nese col lege st udents study animation, video game

design or other careers associated with graphics. “Some Japanese students go here for a nimat ion but this organization does well in introducing other parts of Japan,” Kitami said. Holley said the club’s goal is to give people an exciting way to learn about Japanese culture. “I take it seriously but not too seriously,” Holley said. “We don’t write papers about t he economic crises about Japan or anything.” For m or e i n f or m a t ion about the Japanese Culture Orga nization’s Web site at www.orgs.unt.edu/jco/index. htm.

Japanese cultural organization raises awareness with fall festival BY JESSICA PAUL Intern

A taste of Japan was found Tuesday a f ter noon on t he Library Mall, complete with music a nd food f rom t he country. T h e Ja p a n e s e C u l t u r e Organization hosted its Fall Festiva l for students interested in learning more about the country’s culture. T he or g a n i z a t ion w i l l host another festival in the spring. “The tow n I ca me from, there were very few minorit ies a nd t here was not a Japanese person within, like, 200 miles,” said Grant Holley, a linguistics graduate student

a nd president of t he organization. “You should ta ke advantage of this organization because there’s never going to be another place at another time in your life where you have so many people from all over the world converging at one point.” The festival included calligraphy, origa mi, music a nd food, as well as the opportunity to wear a kimono. Holley said college students should seize opportunities to meet people from foreign nations. W it h Japa n a s a leader in today’s globa l economy, Hol ley sa id t he g roup i s important in raising aware-

UNT-International is proud to announce International Education Week, a joint initiative between the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education to promote programs that help prepare students to be global leaders.

International Week Events 9

Essay Contest Submission Due “Sustainability: The Key to Global Citizenship”

International Welcome Center & Programs, ISB 286

5 p.m.


Diwali Festival 2009

Main Auditorium, Auditorium Building

5:45 p.m. - 8 p.m.


Ang Lee Film Festival “Pushing Hands” (1992)

Lyceum, University Union

7 p.m. - 9 p.m.


“Hot Shots From Hot Spots” - Photo Exhibit and Essay Award Ceremony

Union Courtyard

11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

View inspiring photos captured by students while studying abroad and visit with a GLE representative to discuss how you can study abroad. 18

TaLK Korea - Teach and Learn in Korea Representatives on campus

Wooten Hall, room 117

2 p.m. - 3 p.m.


Japanese Fall Festival, sponsored by the Japanese Culture Organization

Library Mall

3 p.m. - 5 p.m.


Ang Lee Film Festival “The Wedding Banquet” (1993)

Lyceum, University Union

7 p.m. - 9 p.m.


“Big Coal” Debate with the UNT debate team and faculty

GAB, room 104

3:30 p.m. - 5 p.m.


Cooking & Tasting Around the World registration required Co-sponsored by World Echoes and the School of Hospitality Management

Cooking Lab, Chilton Hall

3 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.


Ang Lee Film Festival and Panel Discussion “Eat Drink Man Woman”

Lyceum, University Union

7 p.m. - 9 p.m.

For more information: http://international.unt.edu 940.369.8652

A fter a 28-year career in the Air Force, Col. Rene Muhl retired to pursue her passion for art. She sculpts with different organic compounds such as fiberglass, Plexiglas, epoxy, as well as clear acrylic. All these materials are capable of being shaped or formed with plastic material and are close to plastics themselves. “They are all connected in that some sort of plastic is used as the medium,” Muhl said, adding that her sculptures also have a theme of geometric or organic forms, or both in some cases. Muhl w ill graduate in May with a Master of Fine Arts and teaches beginning sculpture. Mu h l g raduated w it h a Bachelor of Fine A r ts from UNT before joining the Air Force. She earned two master’s degrees while serving. Muhl’s sculptures are on display in the Union Gallery, which is located on t he third story of the University Un ion, across f rom t he Information Desk. T he scu lpt u res ra nge from a science fiction theme of the “Black Obelisk” to the stylized “Compression,” a piece consisting of three solid blocks compressing into ooze. “The piece ‘Compression’ is dealing with the combinat ion of or ga n ic a nd geometric forms.” Muhl said. “You have these substantial geometric shapes pushing a nd somet hing just has to give, and that’s where you see the organic shapes coming out the sides.”

Muhl’s “Black Obelisk” scu lpt u re a lso conta ins m i xe d sh ape s of bot h genres. “The concept of “Black Obelisk” came to me from t he mov ie, ‘2001 Space Odyssey,’” Muhl said. “At the end of the movie there is that giant ‘black obelisk’ that in the film was said to be from another planet.” “Beneath the Icemelt” is an actual kinetic moving piece, Muhl said. The metal rods protrude out of t he t wo Plex iglas frames and move up and dow n to create a double surface ef fect. The rods visibly move between the two surfaces by handles on either side. “There were a lot of hours involved in all the pieces,” Muhl said. “The surfaces had to be perfect. There cou ld n’t be a ny f law s, scratches or indentations because those w ill show up.” A s h l e y C or t e r, a n u ndecided f resh ma n, liked the composition of “Compression.” “It reminds me of someone or something really stressed out, because they have a lot of pressure on them,” she said. Rya n Ger fers, a k inesiolog y f resh ma n, sa id the piece had the perfect name. “With the stuff oozing out of the blocks you can actually see the meaning of the word within the sculpture,” he said. G er fer s a l so sa id he favored the 3-D effect of the sculptures and the variety of textures and colors, making it his favorite exhibit this semester.

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Page 4

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Justin Umberson

Sports Editor ntdaily.sports@gmail.com

Mean Green seeks revenge BY SEAN GORMAN Senior Staff Writer

After a strong showing at home to start the season, the UNT men’s basketball team (1-0) faces an early test when it plays at 7 p.m. tonight against the University of Texas-Arlington Mavericks. The team receives a boost from the return of guard Dominique Johnson, a development and family studies senior, from a shoulder injury that sidelined him in the season opener. “I’m feeling pretty good,” Johnson said. “I’m excited to come back and play my first game.” Last week’s historic victory could provide momentum for UNT, as the team won its 1,000th game and forward George Odufuwa, a finance senior, set a career high with 24 rebounds. “I knew I had a lot, but I had no idea that I had more than 20,” Odufuwa said. Recent history is not on the Mean Green’s side, as the Mavericks have won the last three matchups. As the first road game of the year approaches, the team prepares itself for a different environment than the home court advantages they have at the Super Pit. “When you play at home, you’re going to have a lot more confidence,” said guard Shannon Shorter, a communications junior. Although many bench players graduated, Shorter and Richard Thomas, an applied arts and sciences junior, have made sure the team maintains intensity and strong play off the bench.


Brittney Hudson, a chemistry junior, drives past a George Washington University defender in Tuesday’s 84-82 loss.

UNT falls in home opener BY JUSTIN UMBERSON Sports Editor


Guard Josh White, an applied arts and sciences junior, drives to the basket against Newman University on Nov. 11. “These guys are right there with the players we had last year,” Johnson said. After being added to the All-Sun Belt Conference Second Team, guard Josh White, an applied arts and sciences junior, scored 19 points while making all five three-pointers he attempted. “The guys did a great job at

getting me open and giving me the opportunity to score,” he said. “When you do the little things right like we did last week, winning becomes a lot easier. Getting to the line has been a strength for UNT in recent years, as the team led the country in free throws made last season. “Those are easy points for us to get,” White said.

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In its first home game of the season and in front of a nearly empty Super Pit, the UNT women’s basketball team (0-2) had victory stolen away in the final seconds by the George Washington University Colonials (1-0) on Tuesday. Colonial guard Shi-Heria Shipp grabbed an offensive rebound and made the game-winning shot with three seconds remaining to finish off the Mean Green 84-82. “It’s our same three things: turnovers, rebounds and missed free throws,” head coach Shanice Stephens said. Less than eight minutes into its home opener, the Mean Green built a double-digit lead, made its first 3-pointer of the



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nearly put together a triple-double with 11 boards and eight blocks. “We have to be smarter and realize that we either have to shoot that outside shot or pull up and stop right before we get to her,” said guard Niq’ky Hughes, a sociology junior. UNT also missed opportunities at the free throw line, as the team missed 12 shots, while the Pioneers only misfired on three. “Our goal is to shoot 80 percent from the free throw line and we do that in practice,” Stephens said. James contributed the game high in points with 20 and steals with four. Hughes added 19 points and Godbolt grabbed a team leading nine rebounds. Although UNT is now 11-22 under coach Stephens, it’s now 7-5 when reaching the 70 point plateau, but 1-2 when the scoring reaches 80 or more. The Mean Green returns to the court at 7 p.m. on Friday in Austin when it confronts the 13th ranked University of Texas Longhorns.

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season and matched its assist total from Saturday loss with three. “We’ve got to have that killer instinct,” Stephens said. Leaning on her starters to build the lead, Stephens did not substitute for her starting five for the first 12 minutes of the game. In that time, GW had used 10 of its 11 players. GW fought back to take a lead less than a minute into the second half, but forward Jasmine Godbolt, a kinesiology freshman, came off the bench and caught fire. Godbolt scored all of her 15 points in the second half to rebuild the lead back to 11. “When you have a lead like that, there’s no way there should be a comeback,” said guard Brittney James, a criminal justice senior. GW’s 6-foot-5-inch sophomore center Sara Mostafa was not a factor offensively in the first half, but unfortunately for UNT there was a second half to play. Mostafa scored all of her 17 points in the second half, and

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Josh Pherigo

Views Editor ntdailyviews@gmail.com

State must change abstinence policy Editorial

Texas teenagers are having sex at a younger age more often and are using less protection than the average American teenager. The result, Texas has the fifth-highest teen pregnancy rate in the country. The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancies reports that 10.1 percent of Texas girls between the ages of 15 and 19 will become pregnant. The editorial board believes Texas public schools must adopt a sexual education program that not only provides students with in-depth knowledge, but also explicitly advocates the use of contraceptives if teens choose to have sex. The state leads the nation in the amount of money spent on abstinence-based education, but it is simply not working. A more comprehensive, more socially relevant program must be adopted to openly confront the reality that teens are not abstaining from sex. In fact, the majority of teens that pledge abstinence have sex anyway and do so with a 10 percent lower rate of protection than those teenagers that never made that commitment. While abstaining from sexual activity is indeed the most effective way to prevent sexually transmitted diseases and avoid unwanted pregnancy, it is unrealistic and unhealthy to ignore the fact that teenagers will keep having sex. Nationally, progress has already begun. The Obama administration has replaced $145 million in abstinence-based programs with $164 million going toward teen pregnancy prevention programs. This action will pressure states to change the focus of their sexual education. The perils of early sexual activity can only be combated with a comprehensive education program aimed at providing students with all the knowledge necessary to protect themselves and others.

Campus Chat

Do you read newspapers? Why or why not?

{ { {

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“Sometimes, because I just like the physicality of holding the paper. I feel that sometimes they offer a little more and the Internet often has a lot of trash articles covering up the main points that a newspaper might have.”

Britt Clardy

Radio, television and film junior

Texas law promotes Christianity Texas, as a member of the Bible belt, is experiencing a new and growing trend with a handful of other states. In 2007, t he Legislature passed a bill by the House Public Education Committee requiring Bible courses in Texas public schools starting in the 2009-2010 school year. At tor ney G enera l Greg Abbott told the Associated Press this bill does not require the schools to make the course mandatory, but they do have to make it an elective. It is “ma ndat i ng h ig h schools to offer history and literacy courses on the Old and New Testaments.” The bill wanted to educate the Bible’s impact in history and literacy, but what about other religious scripts? “These courses are often more about t he rel ig ious

beliefs of the teachers rather than true academic studies of the importance of the Bible in histor y and literature,” said Kathy Miller, director of Texas Freedom Network, to Fox News. According to a 2007 study by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, of the 35,556 adults surveyed for the “U.S. Religious Landscape Survey,” 15.5 percent of t he Texas population practices a religion other than Christianity or Catholicism. This includes Judaism, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu and those unaff iliated. Why not include the ways in which the beliefs of millions of people who practice other religions have influenced our way of life? For example, there were about 6,444,000 Jewish people

in the United States in 2007, a number that represented a growth of more than 43,000 people each year, since the 2000 U.S. census. The Torah dates back from 900 to 800 B.C., from which the first five books of the Bible come, and Jewish people have influenced the way we know our society today. Such people as Levi Strauss, the inventor of jeans in 1873; J. Robert Oppenheimer, the inventor of the Atomic Bomb in 1945; Paul M. Zoll, the inventor of the Defibrillator and Cardiac Pacemaker in 1952; Gregory Pincus, the inventor of contraceptives in the early 1950s; Gordon Gould, the inventor of the laser in 1958; and Stanley N. Cohen, t he inventor of Genetic Engineering in 1973; have influenced our world and society, according to jewish-

achievement.com. Nonet heless, if a law is going to be passed for the Bible, Torah, Quran, etc., then they need to have the money to back it up for necessary training and funds, which they did not supply because the bill’s sponsor, Rep. Warren Chisum, R-Pampa, “assumed the funds were there,” he told the Associated Press. Just like any good journalist, shouldn’t politicians do the necessary research instead of “assuming” anything about a bill or how it could affect a school and school district? The government needs to not only consider people out of the majority but also where the funding and resources come from. Robyn Siegel is a journalism senior. She can be reached at rfs0033@unt.edu.

Campus should accommodate laptops Besides the cell phone, the beloved laptop is probably the most popular electronic device on campus. A quick walk through the Student Union reveals multitudes of students, eyes glued to their screens, click-clacking away. As laptops get smaller and less expensive, a growing number of students are using them as replacement for the pen and notepad. Hats off to technology making things so much easier, but the same cannot be said for our university. A lt hough UNT’s 20t h century buildings are beautiful and steeped in history, they are not quite up to par for the technologically advanced student body that uses them. With one or two outlets per crowded classroom, a student needs to have a fully charged battery all the time or be the first to class in order to beat out other laptop owners. To better accommodate our learning needs, UNT must provide for easier laptop usage on campus. Some classrooms are better

than others. The newer buildings tend to be a little more accommodating, with outlets

classroom to be near an outlet is often exhausting because students must pay extra atten-

available in more places. But in buildings like Wooten Hall, where classrooms often have one outlet at the back of the room, a few problems are likely to ensue. 1. Hearing/Visual problems: Sitting in the front of the class, while criticized in high school as being nerdy, is rather paramount in college. Sitting in the back of a large

tion to lectures and Power Points to make sure they do not miss anything. 2 . P rofe s s or/St udent Relations: How will professors get to know students, and cut them some slack, if need be, if they are stuck in the back “laptop seating?” Furthermore, the professor probably feels that those students are more interested

in Facebook than their lecture, making them more prone to give the evil eye as students glance up periodically from their screens. 3. Hostility: For those who do not get to class 15 minutes in advance to claim laptop seating, and another determined laptop owner takes “your seat,” are you not angry? Angry enough to fight maybe? If not fight, maybe angry enough to give a little scowl? UNT should improvise a plan to make the classrooms on campus more laptop userfriendly. Simply providing a couple of surge protectors around the classrooms would solve at least one of the problems, and give more people the option to save battery power by plugging in. We don’t expect UNT to go about rewiring these old buildings to put outlets in the front of the classrooms, but at least acknowledging the needs of its tech savvy students would be a great start. Porsha Thomas is a journalism senior. She can be reached at PorshaThomas@my,unt.edu.

“Yes, because they are informative.”

Sascha Simmons Psychology senior

“No I don’t, because it’s boring. We have Facebook and news online, and that is what I read.”


Acereth Lopez

General studies senior

“I do read newspapers, mostly the New York Times, online. Sometimes I read the Dallas Observer and the NT Daily, mostly just to keep abreast of current events and things like that because I don’t have a TV.”

William Walsh

News-editorial senior

NT Daily Editorial Board

The Editorial Board includes: Andrew McLemore, Josh Pherigo, Shaina Zucker, Courtney Roberts, Brooke Cowlishaw, Kip Mooney, Abigail Allen, Sydnie Summers, Brianne Tolj, Christena Dowsett, Justin Umberson, and David Lucio

Want to be heard? The NT Daily is proud to present a variety of ideas and opinions from readers in its Views section. As such, we would like to hear from as many NT readers as possible. We invite readers of all creeds and backgrounds to write about whichever issue excites them, whether concerning politics, local issues,

ethical questions, philosophy, sports and, of course, anything exciting or controversial. Take this opportunity to make your voice heard in a widely read publication. To inquire about column ideas, submit columns or letters to the editor, send an e-mail to ntdailyviews@gmail.com

Note to Our Readers

The NT Daily does not necessarily endorse, promote or agree with the viewpoints of the columnists on this page. The content of the columns is strictly the opinion of the writers and in no way reflects the belief of the NT Daily.


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