North Texas Daily 1-17-2012

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Women’s basketball team wins at the buzzer Sports | Page 9

Students turn home into art gallery Arts & Life | Page 6

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

News 1, 2, 3 Arts & Life 5, 6 Sports 7, 8, 9 Views 10 Classifieds 11 Games 11

Volume 99 | Issue 1

The Student Newspaper of the University of North Texas

UNT selects first Dean of law school ISAAC WRIGHT

Senior Staff Writer


The Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority, along with members from Alpha Phi Alpha, Omega Si Phi, UNT NAACP and the UNT International Socialist Organization, marched three miles yesterday from the University Union to the American Legion Senior Center. The march was in honor of Martin Luther King Day and his efforts in promoting equality for all races.

Denton honors MLK with march NICOLE BALDERAS Senior Staff Writer

A sea of eager students and faculty marched Monday afternoon in celebration of the 26th national holiday honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. At 3 p.m., participants gathered around the free speech area behind the University Union and then walked three

miles to the Martin Luther King Recreation Center at 1300 Wilson St., stopping along the way to pick up senior citizen marchers at the American Legions Center. “Any time you get students together to march for a positive reason that’s a good thing,” said Cheylon Brown, director of the multicultural center. “You always see nega-

tive protesting; today’s energy is exciting.” The number of participants doubled since last year’s march, boasting a crowd almost too large to fit within the police-marked path. “I feel like what’s special is that all the members of the divine nine are here,” Brown said, referring to the nine historically African American

Greek lettered fraternities and sororities. The ma rch was sponsored by UNT sorority Alpha Kappa Alpha, and hosted numerous campus groups such as the UNT NAACP and the International Socialist Orga n i zat ion, a mong others.

See MLK on Page 2

On Tuesday, Jan. 12, UNT C h a n c e l l o r L e e Ja c k s o n appointed U.S. District Court Judge Royal Furgeson as the founding dean of t he UNT Dallas College of Law. The law school will be the first public law school in North Texas and will open in August 2013. Furgeson was appointed as a federal judge by President Bill Clinton in 1994 and is currently a district court judge in Dallas. Furgeson said he w i l l ret ire f rom t he bench Apr i l 2013 a nd w i l l beg i n his duties as the dean of the college when it opens next summer. “Severa l colleag ues have asked me why I would give up a lifetime appointment to take on a start-up law school during these tough economic times, when tuition is rising and demand for law yers is declining,” Furgeson said in t he press release. “But t he prospect of pioneering a new law school t hat add resses these issues head-on was too challenging and exciting to pass up.” T h e Te x a s L e g i s l a t u r e approved t he UN T Da l la s College of Law in 2009, making it the first law school to be established in the state since 1967 when t he leg islat u re

approved the creation of the Texas Tech College of Law. Jackson said the u n i v e r s i t y ROYAL has b e e n FURGESON a c t i v e l y recr uiting to f ind t he best ca nd idate to lead t he college. “O u r e x t e n s i v e s e a r c h brought us into contact with many highly regarded educators,” Jackson said in a press release. “But Judge Furgeson, besides possessi ng a f i ne legal mind, brings the kind of broad range of practica l experience we were looking for. He’s a distinguished judge well known throughout Texas, a respected litigator, and he shares our vision of providing students with an affordable and accessible high-quality legal education.” Unt i l Furgeson becomes dea n, t he law school w i l l operate u nder t he superv ision of UNT System Vice Chancellor Rosemary Haggett. In the next three years, the law school plans to hirefill a number of administrative positions and hire a full-time faculty, as well as construct a new law library and interim law school offices.

Occupy Denton moves on after member’s death A NN SMAJSTRLA

Senior Staff Writer The tox icolog y report for 23-year old deceased Occupy Denton member Darwin Cox revealed more about his death, determining it to be caused by “mixed alcohol and morphine (heroin) intoxication.” C ox ’s b o d y w a s f ou nd Saturday, Dec. 3 in a vacant tent at t he Occupy Denton site. According to the report, the time of death was 4:30 p.m. Troy Taylor, Denton County Medical Examiner chief investigator, said the manner of death was ruled to be an accident. “We are deeply saddened by the news and we extend sympathies to Darwin Cox’s fa m i ly,” sa id Buddy Pr ice, UN T news promot ions manager. A c c or d i n g t o M au r e e n McGuinness, vice president of student affairs, the universit y w ill hold a meeting in two weeks to decide how to furt her respond to Occupy Denton and Cox’s death. Occupy Denton held a campsite on the UNT campus from mid-October 2011 to early December 2011. According to Occupy members, the campsite had a no-drug, no-alcohol policy. “We’re not proud of the realities of society,” said Occupy D e nt on mem b er R ic a r do Correa, “And it’s unbelievably regrettable that this has happened and that it [cost] the life of a wonderful young gentleman.” The group held a vigil Dec. 6


Deceased Occupy Denton member Darwin Cox plays guitar at the organization’s previous encampment, next to the Language Building.

“It is unbelivably regrettable that this happened and that it [cost] the life of a wonderful young gentleman.”

—Ricardo Correa Occupy Denton member

in remembrance of Cox before resuming their activism. A r ou n d 2 0 -3 0 O c c u p y Denton members stayed over the break and campaigned to end gas drilling and hydraulic fracturing – also known as “f rack ing” – in Denton by attending City Council meetings. The group plans to meet regularly this semester and to actively address the issues of homelessness, coal dependence, corporate personhood,

voter participation and the inf luence of money on politics, Correa said. T here a re no pla n s for another campsite, but it is not out of the question, the phy sic s doc tor a l st udent said. “It i s not ou r def i n i ng purpose to occupy. It’s a tool,” Correa said, “While there are no plans for immediate occupat ion by Occupy Denton, that very much is in the cards for us.”


Students are evacuated from Bruce Hall Monday night after a conveyor belt used for washing dishes caused an electrical fire in the cafeteria.

Bruce Hall evacuated after electrical burn Brief R EBECCA RYAN Staff Writer

“No one knew what was going on. It was like being in a herd of cattle.”

Around 6:45 p.m. Monday, students were evacuated from Bruce Hall due to an electrical burn in the basement of the newly remodeled Bruce cafeteria. “We were eating in the c a feter ia a nd someone ca me over t he intercom —Andrew Salivarria s y stem a nd s a id t here UNT freshman was an electrica l f ire in the basement,” freshman A nd rew Sa l iva r r ia sa id. “As we were walking out, one knew what was going on. the fire alarm went off. No It was like being in a herd

of cattle, but the staff was very good and ushered us out calmly.” According to a Bruce cafeteria staff member, the burn was caused by old wiring in a component of an elevator in t he dish return system. “We have an elevator that’s really old,” the staff member s a i d . “ It b a s i c a l l y, f o r lack of a better term, blew up. It’s nothing big. It had to do w ith the stress of so many dishes on the elevator.” No one was injured and the st a f f member sa id sa fet y circuits will most likely be installed to prevent another electrical problem.

Inside Meningitis law takes effect News| Page 2

McCarney adds defensive coach to staff Sports | Page 9

Tips for academic success Views | Page 10


Page 2 Paul Bottoni and Valerie Gonzalez, News Editors

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

State law requires meningitis vaccine R EBECCA RYAN

Staff Writer A new Texas law that went into effect Jan. 1, 2012 now requires all new students and transfer students who live in dorms to be vaccinate d a ga i n st bac ter ia l meningitis. Students under 30 years of age must also have proof of the vaccination in order to enroll in classes. Over 250 students have received t he vaccinat ion f r om t he U N T St udent Health and Wellness Center (UNT SH WC) in t he past week, said Kerry Stanhope, ad m i n ist rat ive out reach super v isor for t he U N T SHWC. “Some people are upset that the law just took effect, but they need to realize we’ll protect them from viruses like this,” Stanhope said. “Meningitis has taken the limbs of some students and the lives of others.” While Stanhope has seen some students kick themselves for not getting the vaccine earlier, he does not foresee the clinic running out of t he shot a ny t i me soon. “We’ve kept a close eye on our stock. We still have plenty and can get more in 24 to 48 hours. We don’t want anyone to have to drop their classes because they can’t get it,” Stanhope said. Although the UNT SHWC currently offers the shot at $97, students can also go to

emergency clinics like Care Now or a pharmacy like CVS to get the vaccine. Anthropology freshman Madeline Miner, who got her vaccine last summer at the Denton County Health Depa r t ment, ag rees w it h the state’s move to make the vaccine a requirement. “It was like, $10,” Miner sa id. “Mening it is is ver y contagious and deadly so it makes sense to have people that are so close together all the time to be safe from it.” There were 336 reported cases of bacterial meningitis in Texas in 2009 –– 34 of which were in individua ls bet ween t he ages of 15 and 29, according to the Department of State Health Services. Zacha r y T hompson, Director of Dallas County Health and Human Services, said the f lesh-eating virus sneaks up on students unexpectedly. “By t he t i me most students realize they have it, the disease is usually in the later stages of development,” he said. “The law was generated based on the stories of a young man at A&M who died and a young lady at UT who lost her legs because of bacterial meningitis.” Da l la s Cou nt y Hea lt h and Human Ser v ices w ill continue to of fer t he $10 vaccinations through Jan. 31 as long as the vaccines are in stock.

Britni Martinez, a visual arts junior, rides the A-Train Monday to visit her parents in Flower Mound.

DCTA releases new schedules Brief RYAN SCHAEFER Intern

T he Denton Cou nt y Tra nspor tat ion Aut hor it y announced changes to route schedules for the A-Train and Denton Connect to accommodate students and other passengers. Dee Leggett, vice president of DCTA’s communications and planning, said the changes were made to improve DCTA’s services and meet customer needs.

Changes to the A-Train The changes included adding one northbound and southbound

Editorial Staff Editor-in-chief ...............................................Sean Gorman Managing Editor .............................................Paul Bottoni Assigning Editor ............................................Valerie Gonzalez Arts and Life Editor ........................................Alex Macon Scene Editor.......................................Christina Mlynski Sports Editor ...................................................Bobby Lewis Views Editor .................................................Ian Jacoby Visuals Editor ....................................................Tyler Cleveland Copy Chief ....................................................Jessica Davis Design Editor ............................................... Stacy Powers

Senior Staff Writers Isaac Wright, Nicole Balderas, Ann Smajstrla, Brittni Barnett, Holly Harvey, Brett Medeiros

Advertising Staff Advertising Designer ................................................Josue Garcia Ad Reps ....................................Taylon Chandler, Elisa Dibble GAB Room 117 Phone: (940) 565-2353

Fax: (940) 565-3573



Continued from Page 1

English junior Forest Turner delivered the opening speech for the second year in a row, borrow ing from Dr. K ing’s book “Why We Can’t Wait,” and reminded a hushed crowd that King marched in spite of threats to his life. “W hy do we hold Martin Luther King so highly?” said Turner. “Because he made so much change in such a short amount of time.” A sobering rendition of the National Black Anthem was performed by Taylor Cormier, a fashion design freshman. “It means a lot to sing that song, not just to me but to everyone else,” said Cormier.

train to the weekday schedule: Train 5920 and Train 5919. Train 5920 will arrive at the Green Line at 8:18 a.m., northbound to Denton; Train 5919 will depart from DCTC at 8:48 a.m., southbound to Carrolton. Saturday’s schedule, northbound, has removed Train 5969.

Changes to Denton Connect While routes 1, 3 and 8 will keep the same schedule, the other six had their schedules changed. Route 2 is set back by 25 minutes and routes 4, 5, 6 and 7 are set back by 35 minutes. Route 9 will start at a later start time, going from 6:42 p.m. to 7:08 p.m.

“I know it meant a lot to those who sang it back in the day, but it still carries the same weight today.” A quick prayer by A lpha Phi A lpha member Joshua Chapman created momentum for the walk ahead. Unlike marches in King’s day, pa r t icipa nt s met no opposition and were able to peacefully march along the route. The group gathered at 5:30 p.m. at the Martin Luther King Recreation Center for refreshments and a round of speeches from Pastor Reginald Logan to City Council Member Kevin Roden, who ser ves on t he MLK Advisory Board. “To me this is a remarkable time to celebrate and to get the youth involved in it,” said Roden.


A DCTA A-Train awaits passengers at the Downtown Denton Transit Center. Changes to A-Train and Denton Connect schedules went into effect Monday.

Hacker infiltrates shoe outlet site (MCT) CHICAGO –– Online retailer and its discount affiliate, 6pm. com, disclosed Sunday a data breach that compromised customer account information such as billing addresses a nd t he last four digits of credit card numbers. The security problem did not affect “critical credit card and other payment d a t a ,” Z a p p o s C h i e f Executive Tony Hsieh wrote in an employee email that was posted on the company blog on Sunday. Hsieh explained that the

POLICE BLOTTER Alcohol and Drugrelated offenses Friday, Jan. 6 12 : 4 8 a .m. – A U N T police officer pulled over a 20-year-old female on the 1000 block of South Welch. The driver was under the inf luence and in possession of drug paraphernalia. The driver was arrested and taken to Denton City jail. 2:11 a.m. – A 21-year-old student was pulled over on the 50 block of West Eagle. The driver was found to be i ntox icated a nd wa s a r r e s t e d a nd t a k en t o Denton County jail. The 21-year-old passenger was wanted by Denton PD, and was arrested and taken to Denton City jail. Sunday, Jan. 8 2:39 a.m. – A UNT police officer pulled over a nonstudent on the 1100 block of

Eagle who was intoxicated and wanted by Denton PD. He was arrested and taken to Denton County jail. Tuesday, Jan. 10 10 : 2 3 p.m. – A U N T police of f icer initiated a traffic stop on 800 I35S. The driver was in possession of a controlled substance. She was arrested and taken to Denton County jail. Once she arrived at the facility, it was determined that she had more of the controlled substance, which was also recovered. Wednesday, Jan. 11 11:37 p.m. – A UNT police officer obser ved a suspicious person on the 1000 block of West Syca more. T he suspect was intox icated and banned from all university property. He was arrested and transported to the Denton County jail.

Thursday, Jan. 12 2:23 a.m. – A UNT police officer pulled over a nonstudent in the 400 block of West Prairie. The driver was found to be intoxicated, and was arrested and taken to Denton County jail.

Theft and Burglary Thursday, Jan. 12 12:18 p.m. – A complainant reported burglary of her vehicle on the 700 block of North Texas Blvd. A UNT police officer responded and an offense report was completed.

Miscellaneous Monday, Jan. 9 4:32 p.m. – A 23-year-old student surrendered himself on an issued UNTPD warrant for aggravated assault. He was arrested and taken to Denton County jail.

company was “the victim of a cyber attack by a criminal who gained access to parts of our internal network and systems through one of our servers in Kentucky.” A company spokeswoman said Zappos was unable to comment further on the data breach. T he ret a i ler ha s more t han 24 million customer accounts in its database, according to Hsieh’s memo, and the company is notifying customers of the data breach via email. It has expired shoppers’ passwords so they must create new ones to access their accounts. In the letters, Zappos, and, said “there may have been illegal and unauthorized access to some of your customer account information ... including one or more of the following: your name, email address, billing and shipping addresses, phone number, the last four digits of your credit card number (the standard information you find on receipts), and/or your cryptographically scrambled password (but not your actual password).” The company emphasized that the database storing credit card information was not accessed by the cybercriminal, and urged customers to reset passwords on other websites where they use a similar one.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012 Paul Bottoni and Valerie Gonzalez, News Editors


Page 3

UNT Digital Libraries initiatives face budget remodel CANDICE LINDSEY

Contributing Writer The University of North Texas Libraries received just over $1 million in grants and contracts in 2011 to research the digital preservation field and to digitize content. W hen t he Texas State Legislature passed House Bill 51 in 2009, UNT accepted the challenge to become a national research university. Already recognized by the Carnegie Foundation as a research university in the high research activity category, UNT proposed a new 10-year, two-step strategic plan for research in April 2010 with the goal of obtaining the prestigious Tier One status. Mark Phillips, assistant dean for digital libraries, said UNT is trying very hard to bring about $1 million in grants and contracts each year to coincide with the University’s Tier One research initiatives. Phillips said an annual goal that size is uncommon for a university library. “Very few libraries around the country are as involved in receiving grant funding and going out and trying to bring in contracts that create content and provide access,� Phillips said. “We’re kind of in an odd boat with trying to do so much.� Expanding external research funding is a major component of the challenge. UNT plans to emphasize cyber security and web archiving on all levels. UNT Libraries has devoted itself to improving in terms of services, collections and facilities by 2015, according to Dr. Martin Halbert, UNT’s dean of libraries. The July 2011 Ranking Web of World Repositories, which measures global visibility and impact, ranks UNT’s Digital Library as 12th in the U.S. and 51st in the world.

The Background The UNT Libraries digitized beginnings stemmed from its initial involvement in web archiving in 1996. Early on, UNT collected defunct federal websites and its contents before anyone else thought to do so. Thus, the CyberCemetery, an archive of government websites that are no longer in operation, was created. According to Phillips, digitization projects were initiated from that point onward. Heavy investment at UNT in data management and preservation began in 2003.

Phillips said digitizing became a priority to the university once a digital future became apparent at the turn of the millennium. UNT created its Digital Library not long after and has advanced its contents ever since. According to its website, the UNT Digital Library aids the university’s “research, creative and scholarly activities and showcases content from the UNT Libraries collections.� There are two major interfaces of the Digital Library: The Portal to Texas History and the UNT Digital Library. Both collections comprise of 225,000 items total – the equivalent to six million pages of content, Phillips said. During the fall 2011 semester alone, 1.3 million uses of the content within the UNT collections were heavily utilized, he said. The Portal to Texas History focuses on Texas history. There are over 200 partners across Texas that work in collaboration toward expanding and digitizing the content in the collection. The UNT Digital Library is more UNT focused and contains content that does not fit into the Portal to Texas History criteria, Phillips explained. Halbert, whose office wall displays four framed “teachable moments� from the Portal to Texas History collection, said very few other states have done a project like it. The UNT Digital Library is noted in the country for its statewide initiative he said, but that is not to say there are not other statewide digitization efforts within Texas. “I don’t think any of them are as good as ours,� Halbert said. “I don’t think any of them are comprehensive in terms of the access to historic state newspapers, for example.�

Putting it in Perspective Texas Women’s University has also started an initiative to digitize its own Women’s Collection. However, Special Collections Coordinator Kimberly Johnson said TWU has nothing to the scale and size that UNT has. Johnson said TWU’s collection has 8,000 items online, compared to UNT’s 225,000. She speculated only 10 percent of TWU’s current archives to be digitized. While the UNT Digital library employs 18 full-time employees, TWU only employs three. Although TWU has its own digital initiatives it is working on, TWU has contributed some of its Women’s Collection to UNT’s Portal to Texas History.

GRAPHIC BY UNT LIBRARIES The city of Denton’s public library has also collaborated with UNT by contributing county histories, photos, letters and books, to name a few. Leslie Couture, a special collections librarian at the Emily Fowler Library, said she appreciated UNT starting locally when it began the Portal to Texas History initiative. Couture said the public library gave UNT all of the most important materials it had. Gaining access to the UNT Digital Library, as well as TWU and Denton’s public library, is open to all. Phillips said UNT information is discoverable by anybody; however, a minimal portion is restricted due to copyright issues. For example, the College of Music recordings would only be available to the UNT community. Although they have different plans for digital initiatives and ways of achieving those initiatives, UNT, TWU and the Denton public library all share a common thread: all said more resources are needed to keep up with technological demands; they constantly maximize all of their resources.

The Issue at Hand Since 2000, UNT Libraries has received nearly $5.5 million in grants and contracts toward various digitization initiatives. Despite the millions received over the last decade, Halbert said UNT Libraries are underfunded. He said a more balanced budget model needs to be established in order to help the Libraries receive

the funds needed to expand its research capacity. “Half a million people come in our doors every year; millions of people access all of these digital resources we have, but for research efforts and targets we have as a university, we’re going to have to come up with more money,� Halbert said. UNT students currently pay $16.50 per semester credit hour for the library student use fee, with a cap at the 15 credit hour mark. That amount has remained unchanged since 2004. In the face of growing research initiatives and stretched resources, Halbert would like to see the fee increased. “Grant fees have to fund grant activities,� Halbert said. “You can’t fund bread and butter things, keep the lights on, with grants. You have to have basic infusions of funds from the University and specifically on research initiatives.� Dreanna Belden, assistant dean for external relations, shared Halbert’s position. She said grant money alone does not cover all the resources the UNT Libraries need and the way the library is currently funded, compared to the University’s peers, is a critical issue. “In comparison to other Texas institutions, we don’t spend the money for [UNT] Libraries or invest in [UNT] Libraries at the level most other Top Tier universities do,� Belden said. Ninety-eight percent of the UNT Libraries current budget

model comes exclusively from the student use fee, placing a burden on semester enrollment totals. Belden said the way enrollment has been, UNT Libraries receives between a two and three percent increase every year, whereas the millions spent on electronic resources grows over eight percent every year. “It’s basically eating itself up,� Belden said. “It’s been a problem for quite some time.� The 2010-2011 fiscal year was the first time UNT’s Libraries budget had a negative pullback, Belden said. According to the University’s website, UNT’s Libraries budget decreased from $17,508,295 in the 2011 fiscal year to $16,099,726 in the 2012 fiscal year. Belden noted the number of credit hours signed up for during the fall 2011 semester was less than that of the spring. “[The budget] wasn’t cut; it’s all based on enrollment,� Belden said. “Enrollment fell this semester and that’s where [funding] all directly comes from.

The Proposal Halbert, Belden and other UNT Libraries associates met with UNT’s Student Government Association on Nov. 30 to discuss the problem at hand. Halbert presented the statistics, highlighting the positive changes the Libraries have made and what plans are in the works for more access. He also presented comparisons of other Texas University’s libraries budget funding and where UNT stands

among them. Halbert asked the SGA to consider a budget increase proposal spelled out in five goals. Those goals include high quality library services in line with top tier ambitions, a shared burden of increased funding, a 50-50 split between students and university resources, a slow increase of the student use fee of no more than $1 per year over multiple years, expenditures per student at UNT matching or exceeding Texas Tech’s library within five years, and an evaluation of the results after five years. The SGA understood the urgency of the presentation, Devin Axtman, director of student affairs for the SGA, said in an e-mail interview. The SGA will ultimately wait until official numbers come out for the 20112012 academic fiscal year before informing students about the specifics of an increase, Axtman said. “SGA will take into consideration student opinion every step of the way,� Axtman said. “We would have events, whether it would be Senate meetings or special events, with opportunities for students to ask library administrators questions.� Axtman said he personally understands the need for an increase. He said nobody likes paying for an increase, but sometimes it is necessary. If a compromise cannot be reached, Halbert said cuts to library services and maintenance, along with major impacts on collection development, would be affected. Phillips said it is a constant battle between wants and needs when it comes to resources. “This is pretty common with almost all researchers: we try to make our dollars go about as far as they possibly can, because we never have enough,� Phillips said. Halbert said if UNT does not at least approach Texas Tech University in library expenditures per student, it would not be viewed as a major research institution contender in the North Texas region or at the state level. “If we really want to be a toptier, top quality student experience,� Halbert said, “than we’ve got to provide the services, the information resources, that students need for their learning outcomes to have a good experience in learning.

Obamas pay tribute to MLK WA SH I NG T ON ( A P ) — President Ba rack Oba ma evoked Martin Luther King Jr.’s own words about public service Monday as Obama and his family celebrated the life of the late civil rights leader with a volunteer project. The president, along with wife Michelle Obama and daughter Malia, joined other volunteers at Browne Education Center in Washington. During brief remarks, the president said there was no better way to honor King than to do something on behalf of others. He also acknowledged the controversy surrounding a quote on the new MLK memorial in Washington, which is being changed amid criticism that it did not accurately reflect King’s words. “What he really said was all of us can be a drum major for service, all of us can be a drum major for justice,� Obama said. “There is nobody who can’t serve, nobody who can’t help somebody else.� The inscription on the King memorial, located on the National Mall, currently reads: “I was a drum major for justice, peace and righteousness.� The phrase is

modified from a sermon known as the “Drum Major Instinct�, which King delivered just two months before he was assassinated in 1968. In the speech, King’s words seem more modest than the paraphrased inscription: “Yes, if you want to say that I was a drum major, say that I was a drum major for justice. Say that I was a drum major for peace. I was a drum major for righteousness. And all of the other shallow things will not matter.� After meeting with volunteers, the Obamas headed to the school library to help build bookshelves and a reading corner for students. The president and first lady were then put to work painting two King quotes on the library walls. The president stood on a chair and carefully used blue paint to write the phrase “The time is always right to do what is right.� Mrs. Obama painted the words “I have a dream.� In the evening, Obama and his wife attended a “Let Freedom Ring� tribute to King’s legacy held by Georgetown University and the Kennedy Center. The Kennedy Center program included selections from musi-

cian Bobby McFerrin and the Let Freedom Ring Celebration Choir comprising Georgetown University students and local area church members. The university presented an award in honor of King to Clarence B. Jones, a former speech writer for the civil rights leader. Music Director Rev. Nolan

Williams Jr. told the story of the Freedom Riders who were often injured and jailed as they worked to integrate public buses in the South. He said their message was still true today, which he jokingly offered to Obama as a new campaign slogan: “You can lock us up, you can shut down government, but buses are still coming.�



214 E. Hickory St at Industrial (just north of Fuzzy’s Taco Shop)



Tuesday, January 17, 2012 Alex Macon, Arts & Life Editor

Arts & Life

Page 5

MLK parade emphasizes equality, change HOLLY H ARVEY

Senior Staff Writer A parade of cars and horses kicked off Denton’s celebration of the life of Martin Luther King Jr. Saturday, the first of several events this week to promote the late civil rights leader’s message of equality and diversity. The second-annual parade began near Fred Moore Park and ended at Denton’s Martin Luther King Jr. Recreation Center. Two horses, seven cars and about 25 people gathered to celebrate the legacy of Martin Luther King, said Yola nda Glover, Adv isor y Secretary at the MLK Center. Prog ra m coord i nator Denesha Factory, who began pla nning t he act iv it ies in November, sa id t he ma in focus of the parade was to increase diversity awareness and equality. “Today is so impor ta nt because you have to know where you come from to see where you’re going,” Factory said. Participants in the parade emphasized how the diverse crowd – young and old, black and white – stood as a testament to Martin Luther King’s

history and legacy. Parade participant Roddy Wolper said that sweeping changes during his lifetime had cemented the importance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day for him. “ I ’m o l d e n o u g h t o remember Ma r t i n Lut her King and I’ve seen tremendous changes in my lifetime,” Wolper said. “It really means something when you see how things were and how they are now.” UNT desegregated in 1956, and by 2011 was one of the top 100 schools in the country for awarding degrees to AfricanAmerican students, according to a UNT news release. The U N T 2010 -2011 Fac tbook states that minorities now make up about a third of the student population. This shift towards increased diversity is what Martin Luther King Jr. Advisor y Secretary Yolanda Glover wanted the parade to represent. Glover said having white, black and Hispanic people in the parade helps people see Martin Luther King Jr. Day differently. “People t hink of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as just a black holiday, but it’s not,”


Following a speech and the singing of the Black National Anthem, participants marched three miles from the Union to the American Legion Senior Center. she said. “It’s a holiday for everyone.” After the parade, Denton residents were invited to the MLK Center for food, voter

registration, gospel music performances and a presentation on the new MLK memorial in Washington, D.C. Ma r t i n Lut her K i ng Jr.

Day gives residents a time to remember, said program coordinator Factory. “You have to take time to ref lect on what’s happened,”

she said. “People are in the spirit of making resolutions and it’s important to see how our ancestors have endured in the past.”

Two MLK events planned at UNT this week


Students can take part in several events honoring the life and achievements of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. this week, including a showcase of movies and books this morning at Discovery Park and an “MLK Day of Service” Wednesday in the One O’Clock Lounge. The display of movies and books on the life and times of Martin Luther King will be held at 10 a.m. in the Multicultural Center and Women’s Center at Discovery Park. Various on-campus orga-

nizations will gather at the University Union’s One O’Clock Lounge at 11 a.m. Wednesday for a day of service. Students will have an opportunity to learn about the different groups as they come together to show the importance of community service, said Uyen Tran, director of multicultural center programming. Tran said the day of service was a chance for students of all backgrounds to work together for the sake of helping others, and quoted King: “Everyone can be great because everyone

can serve.” Tran said he hoped the events this week would cause students to think about MLK and his message of service. “MLK not only believed in equality for all, but he believed in giving to others and the power of our society to make it better for the next generation,” Tran said. UNT offers students serveral opportunities throughout the semester to get involved on campus and locally. The Center for Leadership and Service helps students to find volunteer opportunities, and also

Calendar of UNT Events Feb. 7 UNT’s 12th annual Equity and Diversity Conference LGBT and equal rights activist Dan Savage is the keynote speaker. That night, Grammy-winner and heart-melter John Legend will perform a short acoustic set and give a lecture. Tickets are free for students and available at the University Union.

Feb. 10-20 Thin Line Film Fest The 5th annual international documentary film festival, with screenings at the Campus Theatre in downtown Denton. Contributors include filmmakers from around the world. Tickets go on sale this week at

March 4-10 UNT Greek Week March 8-11 35 Denton music festival The recently renamed music festival located in the heart of Denton looks to give other Texas music fests a run for their money this year, with performers including sizzurp-sippin’ Houston rap legend Bun B and indie darlings Built to Spill. Four-day wristbands are available at and going for about $55.

March 15 Taste of North Texas Area restaurants, bakeries and caterers push their delicious wares from 5:30 p.m.-8 p.m. at the UNT Coliseum. A $15 adult ticket or $10 student ticket, available at the UNT Union Ticket office, provides unfettered access to some of the best food North Texas has to offer. Proceeds benefit the Denton Kiwanis Club Children’s Clinic and UNT Athletics. Bibs are not supplied.

March 19-25 Spring Break Students take a week-long breather from the grind of academia during everyone’s favorite made-up holiday.

April 19 EarthFest Part of UNT’s annual Earth Week, this event is sponsored by UNT’s Student Activities Center. Described on the student activities website as a “celebration of environmental stewardship at UNT,” it will feature live music, free food and a “green learning experience.”

April 27-29 32nd Annual Denton Arts and Jazz Festival Food, art and more than six stages’ worth of live music:. Check out this free festival for a good idea of why jazz is so big in Denton.

Seeking a Reliable Childcare for Jetty. I need an energetic and gentle nanny for her. I will pay $710 per week and provide a car. Jetty is friendly and playful. Contact:

offers a system to keep track of students’ hours, according to the center’s website. Courtney Kiel, a sociology senior, said she plans to attend UNT events in honor of Martin Luther King. “I want to keep his dream alive so we never forget how far we have come but also never

quit striving to be better,” Kiel said. The UNT campus was closed on Monday to observe the holiday. A march held by the City of Denton and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., started at the university’s union at 3 p.m., where a short presentation was given before partici-

pants proceeded to the MLK Center. Engineering senior Ndy Onyebuchi went to the march Monday and said he was excited about the various events in Martin Luther King’s honor. “We are helping to see his dream become a reality,” said Onyebuchi.

Arts & Life

Page 6 Alex Macon, Arts & Life Editor

Student art gallery highlights best of 2011 to start new year A LISON M ATLOCK Intern

The small green and white one-story house on Ector Street looked ordinary enough from the outside, but on Saturday night the inside was turned into a makeshift art gallery featuring watercolors, lithographs, shrines and more. Cars lined both sides of the street near campus for the student-run Ector Gallery’s first show, “Best of 2011,� intended to showcase the best work UNT artists produced last year. “I wanted more enthusiasm for art students this semester because this is a pretty good show and I think that will inspire people to produce more and better work,� said fibers senior Analise Minjarez, who lives at the house-turnedgallery and helped organize the show. A tota l of 30 st udents submitted their work, ranging from photography to stencils. Minjarez said she hoped the gallery would inspire new work and creativity from art students in 2012. “The house is perfect for a show and I thought it’d be good to have a show with last year’s work so that we could produce better work for 2012,� Minjarez said. Art covered almost every wall of the house and much of the fence in the backyard, organized by size and style and illuminated by a combination of traditional lighting, colored Chinese lanterns and the blaze of a small bonfire. “You would never k now that someone lived there,�

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

UNT art display to open today BRITTNI BARNETT Senior Staff Writer

said Cole Freeman, a musicology master’s student at the show. “The transformation is amazing.� The Denton-based Ringoboy screen-printing company was on hand for live screen printing and T-shirt sales, while a tool shed was converted into an unnerving installation piece featuring a T V set turned to static in front of a beaten leather couch. Kathleen Higgins, a graduate student in the merchandising program at UNT, submitted paintings that were originally images she found in wood markings. “I actually found one image in wood at my sister’s house and took a picture of it,� Higgins said. “She actually knew what I was talking about when I told her about the image in the wood that I painted.� Organizers of the studentrun show said the Ector Gallery was a group effort. “I had a lot of help from my roommates, my boyfriend, some of my best friends and just people I know from class,� said Analise Minjarez. M i nja rez’s ow n pie c e, ‘Grandpa Jack Shrine’, was a shrine containing found objects such as a rosary, a vase with a plant in it and a small colorful box filled with cookies. “Right now, I’m kind of exploring what I’m doing. I’m messing with found objects and getting into shrine art. Minjarez said. “Now days, any art student can draw or paint so it’s interesting to branch out.�


A UNT student views some of the art on display at the “Best of 2011� show hosted by the Ector Gallery, a student-organized art gallery.

“I think it will inspire people to produce more and better work.� —Analise Minjarez Fibers seniorand organizer of the Ector Gallery Minjarez doesn’t expect more shows in the immediate future but would like to have one put together in time for 35 Denton, a walkable four-day music festival during March

that is all about art, she said. No matter what art shows come up in 2012, Ector Gallery brought in the new year by shedding light on the best art from last year.

The College of Visual Arts and Design’s 5th annual Collections, Cultures and Collaborations exhibition goes on display in the UNT Art Gallery today and will run through Feb. 11. This year’s exhibition features notable works from the college’s permanent collection, with accompanying research by art history graduate students. “I chose works from the permanent collection that, number one, I knew needed to be researched, and number two, because of the caliber of the work,� said Victoria DeCuir, curator for the exhibition and assistant director of exhibitions and collections. “All of the works are by established and internationally recognized artists.� Artists featured in this year’s exhibition include Eduardo Paolozzi, Judy Chicago, Robert Motherwell, Nic Nicosia and Henri Chopin. Art histor y professor Jennifer Way helped create the annual exhibition in 2007 to ensure that the graduate students in her Methodologies of Art History and Visual Culture course gained handson experience in their field of choice. “Through their course work, students generate new and relevant scholarship about the objects in the exhibit,� Way said. “They are not studying the collection as a collection but are instead looking at the individual works of art.� Cheryl Palyu, an art history

graduate student whose research will be featured in the exhibition, chose to study works by feminist artist Judy Chicago. “Most of the other pieces in the exhibition are images, and these pieces are textile,� Palyu said. “Chicago is most known for ‘The Dinner Party’ but this project gave me a chance to explore some of her other work.� Palyu and other graduate students who contributed to the exhibition will give lectures on their research at noon every Wednesday until Feb. 8, DeCuir said.

“Most people are unaware that we even have some of these works.�

—Victoria DeCuir curator of UNT art gallery

UNT students, faculty and community members are encouraged to attend these lectures as well as the opening reception at 5 p.m. Thursday. “Most people are unaware that we even have some of these works,� DeCuir said. “So even if students don’t like or understand some of the art it is important for them to be aware of these objects.� The College of Visual Arts and Design also maintains the Art in Public Places and Lending Collections. Pieces included in all three of these collections are donated by alumni, past and present CVAD faculty and outside donors.

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012 Bobby Lewis, Sports Editor


History repeats itself for Mean Green in Louisiana Basketball BRETT MEDEIROS Senior Staff Writer

In a matchup recently dominated by UNT, the men’s basketball team took the first of two games in the season series against the Louisiana-Monroe Warhawks on Saturday with a 68-55 victory. Everyone on the Mean Green got involved to put away its fourth victory in the last five matches. UNT (11-8, 4-2) has now won nine of the last ten meetings against ULM (2-17, 1-5). The game was only UNT’s third road game since Dec. 4. Before Saturday’s game, the Mean Green had played eight of its last 10 games in the Super Pit. “[UNT head coach Johnny] Jones has drawn out a system and everyone is buying into it,” said sophomore forward Roger Franklin. “Now the results are finally starting to show.” Franklin was one of many

players who had a big game for the Mean Green as he racked up 16 points and a team-leading 15 rebounds. With Franklin in control of the paint, reigning Sun Belt Conference Player of the Week freshman forward Tony Mitchell and junior guard Brandan Walton were able to provide marksmanship from beyond the arc. Mitchell and Walton accounted for all eight of UNT’s three-point shots. “When it comes to conference matchups, records go right out the window,” said Franklin. “Things always get nitty and gritty and you just have to play your game.” While the Mean Green played a complete game, it had plenty of help from ULM, who committed 18 turnovers – nine of which came in the first eight minutes of the game. UNT’s defense held the Warhawks to 33 percent shooting from the field, tallying 31 defensive rebounds and five blocks for

Page 7

Mitchell receives conference award BRETT MEDEIROS Senior Staff Writer


Senior guard Tyler Hall tries to make a pass during the UNT men’s basketball team’s practice Monday. UNT earned a 68-55 win over ULM Saturday. the fifth game in a row. The Mean Green is now 4-2 in conference play and in third place in the SBC West Division heading into a two-game home stand where they will welcome Huston-Tillotson for an exhibition match and Denver for the next conference match of the season.

“We are very confident right now,” said Walton. “Everyone is positive in the locker room and it’s spilling out onto the court.” The Mean Green hit the court again tomorrow at noon for its final exhibition match of the season against HustonTillotson at the Super Pit.

For the second week in a row, the Mean Green’s Tony Mitchell has been named the Sun Belt Conference Player of the Week after averaging 18 points and 11 rebounds the last two games. Mitchell is not only the first back-to-back winner of the award this season, but only the 11th player to accomplish the feat in Sun Belt basketball history. “When I get Sun Belt Player of the Week, everyone gets Sun Belt Player of the Week,” said Mitchell. “I understand it’s a great accomplishment, but it’s a team award. Without these guys I wouldn’t even be considered.” M itchel l joi n s Tr i st a n Thompson, Collin Dennis and Josh White as the only Mean Green players to win multiple Sun Belt Player of the Week awards in the same season. Mitchell is coming off a 15-point, nine-rebound and


“It’s a great accomplishment, but it’s a team award.”

—Tony Mitchell freshman forward

t h ree-block per for ma nce against ULM and is currently leading the Sun Belt in field goal percentage at 68.8 percent shooting, rebounds per game w it h 9.5 and t hree-point shooting percentage at 76.9 percent.

Packers done in by mistakes, Giants in 37-20 loss GREEN BAY, Wis. (AP) — Booed off the field at halftime by their own fans, the collapse of the once-perfect Green Bay Packers was as swift as it was complete. The defending Super Bowl champions bumbled their way through Sunday’s 37-20 playoff loss to New York with turnovers and drops, letting Eli Manning and the Giants rule every inch of Lambeau Field. Whether it was the bye last weekend or the shocking death of offensive coordinator Joe Philbin’s 21-year-old son days earlier, the Packers were sloppy and sluggish. “We play to win championships. You win a championship and you’re kind of at the top of the mountain, and you forget kind of how bad this feeling is,” Aaron Rodgers said. “We had a championship-caliber regular season and didn’t play well today.” The Giants now face the San Francisco 49ers in the NFC championship next Sunday night. The Packers, meanwhile, w ill be cleaning out their lockers for an offseason that came unexpectedly early. As the final seconds ticked down, Lambeau was silent except for chants of “Let’s Go, Giants!” from the smattering of New York fans in the crowd. “It’s very disappointing. It’s a locker room that expected a lot more, and rightfully so,” Packers coach Mike McCarthy said. “It was an excellent regular season. But we clearly understand in Green Bay it’s about w inning championships. Just going to the playoffs is not enough.”


New York Giants defensive tackle Chris Canty hits Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers during Sunday’s 37-20 Giants playoff win. Rodgers was sacked four times during the game. Green Bay won its first 13 games, extending the winning streak that carried the Packers to their fourth Super Bowl title to 19 games, second-best in NFL history. But the defense, maligned all season for its penchant for giving up big plays, was even worse than advertised. It was powerless to stop Manning,

who threw for 330 yards and three touchdowns and coolly moved the Giants down the field drive after drive. “Anything that you’ve seen through the regular season happened to us today: missed tack les, a ssig n ments, not getting to the quarterback,” Woodson said. But the offense wasn’t much

better than the defense. The Packers lost three fumbles and the receivers may as well have had rubber on the tips of their fingers for as many balls as they dropped. Jermichael Finley dropped one. James Starks dropped another. Tom Crabtree watched one bounce off his fingers. Despite having their regular starting offensive

line in place for the one of the few times this season, Rodgers was sacked four times. It wa sn’t Rodgers’ best game, either. He overthrew an open Jennings in the end zone on the very first drive, and lost his first fumble in a year when he was sacked in the third quarter by Osi Umenyiora.

“We got beat by a team that played better,” Rodgers said. “That’s the reality of this league. (I’ve) been in the playoffs four times, and three times you lose your last game and you go home, and the one time you have that euphoric feeling that you keep fighting for. It’s tough. I didn’t think it was going to end tonight.”


Page 8 Bobby Lewis, Sports Editor

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

UNT ends tournament Razorbacks claim first season in Fort Myers sweep of Mean Green Tennis

TYLER OWENS Staff Writer

Freshman Franziska Spr i n k me y e r p a c e d t he UNT tennis team during the three-day Florida Gulf Coast Invitational after a slow start last weekend in Fort Myers, Fla. The tournament was the first play that the team has seen since the North Texas Classic in early November. “It’s a good tournament to get everybody back into the swing of things after the brea k,” sen ior Nad ia Lee said. “Everybody’s a little bit rusty.”

Saturday The team started off slowly on day one, posting a 5-6 record. Three Mean Green players – seniors Paula Dinuta and Nadia Lee and Sprinkmeyer – started their seasons off with each posting a 2-0 record on the first day. All three won in their singles and doubles matches.

Sunday The Mean Green showed

improvement on day two. The tea m finished the day w it h a 6-5 record, w inning three o f FRANZISKA four doubles SPRIBKMEYER matches with Spr i n k me yer adv a nc i ng to the f light seven singles finals. Sprinkmeyer overpowered Emma Waits of Iowa State in straight sets 6-2, 6-2, but she and Nadia Lee suffered a 9-8 (5) loss to North Florida’s Danielle Day and Melanie Aguirre in doubles play. Junior Ilona Serchenko defeated Sun Belt Conference foe Natasha Phillips of Florida Atlantic 6-2, 6-2.

Monday Day three marked the best play of the weekend for the Mean Green. The team posted an impressive 10-1 record for the day with Sprinkmeyer being crow ned the f light seven singles champion and finishing the tournament 3-0 in singles play. Lee shut out FGCU opponent Jen Evans in straight sets 6-0, 6-0, taking third place




finish in flight two singles play. Serchenko and Barbora Vykydalova also defeated their respective opponents in singles play and were awarded consolation championships. The Mean Green ultimately finished the tournament with a 21-12 record. “For the first match of this semester, it was pretty good,” Sprinkmeyer said. “We just have to play more consistent and improve our fitness.” T h is weekend ma rked the end of the tournament season for the Mean Green. On Saturday, the team will head down to Beaumont to begin the spring season in a dual match against Lamar University. “We need to move better as a team, get stronger, fitter, and faster,” head coach Sujay Lama said.

After a month long break, the UNT ice hockey club (22-3) returned home Friday and Saturday to face off against the Arkansas Razorbacks. Previously beaten only once in 23 games by Texas A&M in late October, t he Mean Green, a Div ision II tea m in the American Collegiate Hockey Association, fell to the Razorbacks, a Division III team, in a pair of losses over the weekend. “They came better prepared than we did,” head coach Neil Sheehan said. “They’re a very good team. We just need to be stronger.” Friday After a scoreless first period, A rka nsa s for wa rd Joh n ny Stromp scored the first goal of the game 31 seconds into the second period. Stromp and for ward Marcel Toure would add one goal each to give the Razorbacks a 3-0 lead after two periods. After Arkansas’ power play goal, UNT answered with a goal by forward David Wirth, avoiding its first shutout loss of the season. Arkansas added another goa l to ta ke a 5-1 win. “I played high school hockey with a lot of the guys on the Arkansas team,” forward Brett McCoy said. “It always makes it a little more exciting when they’re your friends.” Saturday After the previous night’s loss, UNT started fast with


Political science junior, Nick Custred steals the puck from Arkansas’s Brendon Desjardin during the first half at the Dr. Pepper Star Center. The Team is tied 3-3 forward David Wirth scoring t he f irst goa l of t he night 26 seconds into the game. After an Arkansas’ first goal, Razorbacks forward Martin Su ndte dt sc ore d to g ive Arkansas its first lead of the game. UNT responded with two goals in under two minutes to give the Mean Green a lead going into the first intermission. Wit h seven minutes lef t i n t he f i na l per iod a nd the score tied at four, UNT

forward Hash Lad was called for roughing a nd w it h si x seconds left on the resulting power play, Arkansas forward Conner Crumblish scored, giving the Razorbacks a lead it would not relinquish in a 5-4 victory. “These were tough losses for t he tea m as a whole,” defenseman Martin Burns said. “I believe we got back into our comfort Saturday night, but unfortunately we couldn’t finish the game with a win.”

Tuesday, January 17, 2012 Bobby Lewis, Sports Editor


Page 9

Skladany joins coaching staff Football BOBBY LEWIS Sports Editor

U N T footba l l head c o a c h D a n Mc C a r n e y added former Iowa State defensive coordinator John Skladany to help a defense that finished seventh out of nine Sun Belt teams in total defense last season. According to the Denton Re c ord C h r on icle, t he move will be announced after background checks and approval from both schools. Sk lada ny w i l l replace C l i nt Bowen, w ho w i l l return to his alma mater


UNT women’s basketball team improved to 11-8, 4-2 with win over ULM.

Hudson’s game winner gives UNT road win over Warhawks Mean Green women sit atop Sun Belt West Basketball ZACH CLAUSSEN Staff Writer

Brittney Hudson’s gamewinning layup as time expired lifted the Mean Green women over ULM 56-54 Sunday afternoon in Monroe, La. UNT (11-8, 4-2) raced out to a 16-point halftime lead thanks in large part to junior forward Jasmine Godbolt, who scored 14 points in the first half, the

same amount as the entire ULM team. Godbolt finished with 20 points and seven rebounds in the victory and the UNT women claimed sole possession of first place in the Sun Belt West Division for the first time since the 2005-2006 season. “She gives us a presence down low that no one on our team gives us right now,” UNT head coach Karen Aston said. “We weren’t getting any guard production, so we went inside because it was working well.” The UNT defense was also a major factor in the first half dominance as they held ULM (5-14, 3-3) to 15.6 percent shooting en route to a 30-14 halftime lead.

In the second half, the UNT women’s lead grew to 18 points but Louisiana-Monroe didn’t go down without a fight. The Warhawks went on a 13-0 run to cut the Mean Green’s lead down to 46-42 with just five minutes left in regulation. “[The comeback] didn’t surprise me, they have a tendency to do that,” Aston said. “We fell asleep a little bit, but [ULM] doesn’t have quit in them.” After a basket by senior guard Tamara Torru, UNT increased their lead to 52-44 but ULM came right back and cut the lead to one with 20 seconds remaining. Torru sank two clutch free throws after being fouled to push the lead to 54-51.

Freshman guard Taylor Maricle hit a three-pointer to tie the game at 54 apiece with 7.5 seconds left in front of an excited Fant-Ewing Coliseum Crowd. UNT and senior guard Brittney Hudson would have the last laugh, as Hudson recovered a loose ball in the backcourt, drove three-quarters of the court and hit the game-winning basket as time expired for the 56-54 win. “It feels good to make a shot like that,” Hudson said. “I didn’t play great this game but it feels good to hit that shot.”

Dietz shines in Sheffield’s debut Track BOBBY LEWIS Sports Editor

Senior Sara Dietz earned the UNT track and field tea m’s on ly v ic tor y i n t he Texas A&M 10-team Invitational on Saturday in head coach Carl Sheffield’s debut. It was the team’s first event without former head coach Rick Watkins since he was named head coach in 1997. A yea r a f ter brea k ing the school’s indoor record in 800-meter run, Diet z

Sophomore breaks own record in three-meter Swimming RYNE GANNOE Sports Intern

Sophomore Rebecca Taylor broke the three-meter school diving record of 282.05, which she set earlier this season, with a 298.13 during UNT’s win over conference opponent UALR on Saturday at the Pohl Recreational Center. The Mean Green’s 137-124 win came after placing first in 13 out of 16 events. Senior Rosa Gentile came in first in all four of her events. Gentile emphasized t he d i f f ic u lt y of t he la st few weeks of tra ining a nd t he impor ta nce of gett i ng through the meet. “Ju s t k i n d o f g e t t i n g t hroug h it, it was t he last

hump of our training. Just to tr y and race when we’re this tired, see what we can do, encourage each other,” Gentile said. Because the team hadn’t raced i n a l most a mont h, the goal of the meet was to get back into a competitive mode, UNT head coach Joe Dykstra said. “We’ve had phenomena l training for that month but now it s t i me to t u r n t he switch out of training mode a nd back into competitive mode,” Dykstra said. T he ha rdest pa r t of t he training is over for the team. Now the team will begin to work on form and skill-based training, Dykstra said. D yk st ra set up t he la st event of the day, the 200-yard freestyle relay, to be a little

more laid back. Instead of the regular relay line up, he divided the teams by class. The seniors took first with a time of 1:37.82, followed closely by the sophomores (1:39.77). The juniors took t h i rd (1: 41/72), wh i le t he f reshmen f inished last (1:41.88). UA L R head coach A my Burgess said that like UNT, her team has had a really hard schedule and are competing tired. “You got to be toug h,” Bu rgess sa id. “I t h in k t he hardest thing is being tired, learning to race and learning to push you rsel f t h roug h it.” UNT’s nex t meet is t h is Friday at 6 p.m. In the Pohl Recreation Center against its cross-town rival TCU.

Sign up to be a conversation partner with international students who are learning English. Visit the website for more information: conversationpartners

K a n s a s to coach. Bowen spent just one yea r w it h t he Mea n Green. UNT f i n i s h e d JOHN 5 -7 i n SKLADANY McCa r ney ’s first year as head coach in 2011. McCa rney a nd Sk lada ny worked together previously while McCarney was the head coach at Iowa State. L a s t s e a s on, Sk l a d a ny s er v e d a s t he de fen s i v e coord i nator of Cent ra l Florida. UCF ranked 11th in the country in defense last season.

broke her ow n record i n C ol le ge St at ion on Friday w ith a t i me of 2:11.36, almost three G. BRINT s e c o n d s RYAN bet ter t ha n her record-breaker last year. On the men’s side, junior Matt Russ led the way with a second place finish in the mile run. He had a personal best time of 4:13.94. Overa l l, t he women f inished in sevent h place, while t he men f inished in eighth place.


Page 10 Ian Jacoby, Views Editor

Campus Chat

What would you like to see happen at UNT this spring?

“I would really like to see more dorm spirit, as in posters on the walls and maybe some decorations here and there. Our dorm is kind of really plain and empty,”

“I hope to see more student involvement in the everyday aspects of life on campus. I believe more students should take a greater pride in their school,”

Megan Clayton

Psychology sophomore

“Seeing John Legend is going to be pretty sweet. They supposedly got a new basketball court as well so I’m ready to take a look at that, and I’m looking forward to getting to eat at Bruce, finally,”

Landon Humphrie liberal arts junior

LET US KNOW! Visit every Friday to vote in our weekly poll. We’ll post the updated results here daily.

The Editorial Board and submission policies: Sean Gorman, Paul Bottoni, Valerie Gonzalez, Alex Macon, Christina Mlynski, Bobby Lewis, Ian Jacoby, Tyler Cleveland, Jessica Davis, Stacy Powers. The NT Daily does not necessarily endorse, promote or agree with the viewpoints of the columnists on this page. The content of the columns is strictly the opinion of the writers and in no way reflect the beliefs of the NT Daily. To inquire about column ideas, submit columns or letters to the editor, send an email to

Staff Editorial

NT Daily Edboard: Academic advice This is a unique time in the standard academic year. At this point in the semester we’re both looking forward at our new schedules and ref lecting on the results of the fall. For some, that ref lection yields a gooey, warm feeling in which we can be proud of our accomplishments and feel confident for the future. Others, however, should perhaps consider a change if they want the best academic results. Here are a few basic guidelines that college students can follow to guarantee a fruitful and educationa l time here at our institution. Although going to class sounds like a simple thing that one would assume is vital to learning. This assumption is devastatingly wrong. According to a Carnegie founda-

Shannon Stovall undecided freshmen

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

tion report, “If you’re batting .666 on attendance, you’re doing well.” That means between 30 and 40 percent of students don’t show up to class regularly. In turn, that means 30 to 40 percent of students aren’t getting in-class freebies like heads up on test questions, aren’t familiarizing their professor with their face and building connections and most importantly, aren’t understanding what the heck is going on in the curriculum. It’s puzzling that one would spend thousands on tuition and then not attend the classes they are paying good money for. Be sure to start strong and go to class, stop wasting money. Next up is the ever-confusing i s s u e o f t i m e -m a n a g e m e n t . Learning how to balance things like social life, extra-curricular activi-

ties, studying and class can seem like an impossibility. In fact there’s a saying that goes “In college, you can party, sleep or get good grades. Pick two.” UNT, however, is doing its best to make sure their students don’t fall into that trap. The Learning Center on the university’s web site provides useful tips on time-management such as dedicating a study space, prioritizing assignments and postponing unnecessary activities until after studying is done. The Learning 101 Lecture Series will give a time-management seminar on Thurs, January 26th in Kerr-105b from 1-2PM – and it’s free! Another facet of time management includes sometimes avoiding parties. Fry Street is a beautiful, evil-temptress who lures the unsus-

pecting into her grasp with offers of $2 beer and endless happy hours. Don’t be fooled, though. A night of fun is paid for with a day of misery, and often times, academic suffering. Taking tests with a hangover is not good for you or your grades.’s Col leen Gra ha m – their head writer on all things “alcohol” – explains that even a mild hangover can leave one “looking okay, but with the mental capacity of a staple g un.” Sounds about right. So there you have it, simple steps to promote a hea lt hy academic endeavor. Maybe you don’t need it, but chances are there’s something you can improve. Use this ref lection period proactively and there’s no doubt that success will be well within your reach.


Partisan congress A letter from SGA shouldn’t criticize to the UNT student Obama body How dare Republican senators criticize severa l critica l recess appointments made recently by President Obama as being unconstitutional? Where was their outrage when, for example, President George W. Bush ignored similar objections by Senate Democrats in 2005 and appointed firebrand conservative John R. Bolton ambassador to the United Nations? P r e s ide nt s of b ot h p a r t y persuasions have been ma k ing recess appointments for centuries. The practice dates back to George Washington. Theodore Roosevelt once made 160 recess appointments in the moments between two sessions of Congress. Bush made 171 recess appointments and President Bill Clinton made 139. That’s what happens when you have Cong resses so wound up in partisan combat that they ignore the right of a president to choose philosophical companions in making administrative and judicial appointments. One may argue over the proper process t hat shou ld precede a re c e s s appoi nt ment, but t he Constitution clea rly a llows for them when necessary. And necessity dictated Obama’s appointments to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and t he Nat iona l L abor Relat ions Boa rd. Wit hout t hese appointments, those agencies could not function at full power. Re c e s s appoi nt ment s m ay

last only until the Senate’s next session, so Obama’s appointments last week of Richard Cordray to head t he CFPB a nd of Sha ron Black, Terence Flynn and Richard Griffin to the NLRB will expire in 2013. Each nominee is well qualified, but the objections to their appointments have nothing to do with their credentials. The challenges to their appointments are thinly veiled objections to the roles their agencies play. Republica ns have been t r y ing for months to reduce the CFPB’s clout. Likewise, they would rather see the NLRB founder without a quorum than issue directives they describe as pro-union and antibusiness. T he cr it ics a re now ta k i ng issue w it h whet her t he Senate w a s ac t ua l ly i n rec ess w hen Obama made the appointments on Ja n. 4. Senators who didn’t leave Washington for the holidays theatrically gaveled the Senate into session for a few minutes ever y few days. The Democrats used that same trick when Bush was president. What a sorry state of affairs. No wonder Congress is held in such low esteem. Its partisans are all too willing to obstruct government to force their philosophical view. That agenda hardly benefits the bulk of Americans. This editorial appeared in the Philadelphia Inquirer on Thurs, Jan 12th.

Hello Mean Green! I hope each of you had a wonderful time off from the worries of school. It is my pleasure to welcome you back to Denton and the UNT campus. T he St ude nt G ov e r n me nt Association has many exciting goals for this upcoming semester. We serve as a direct liaison between students and university administrators or state officials in Austin. It is our sole duty to advocate tirelessly on behalf of all students at this university. If we fail to do this, we have abdicated our role and disappointed the student body. From considering a resolution endorsing more undergraduate research, to discussing an increase in the library services fee, to pushing for tax-free textbooks to asking the administration to increase the number of advisors on campus, there are a number of initiatives that SGA would like to tackle this spring semester. Additionally, it is the goal of the Windham-Chavez administration to bring before you the smoking ban referendum and a vote on whether or not you would like to see a new Union building constructed. Bringing the vote directly to you empowers you to make an impact at your university. It is vital that we engage in healthy debates surrounding these issues. These are just a few of the challenges and proposals facing the Student Government Association. When Edwin and I ran for this office, we promised that we would devote a year of our time to issues of significance to students and we are

committed to fulfilling this pledge. The student service fees that you pay each year help fund our organization and we owe it to you to be good stewards of those monies. It is also important for our organization to look forward as we consider who will be the newest President and Vice-President. You will also have the opportunity to vote on who you would like the new leader to be. If you or someone you know would like to come speak with us about an issue or concern, our office is always open and we would love to speak with you. Additionally, there are SGA senators representing each college or school and they would be glad to schedule a one-on-one meeting with you. We are located in the University Union, Suite 320s and our phone number is 940-565-3850.

Blake Windham is a biology senior. He can be reached at blake.

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