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Raising the Bar Denton band starts bar atop Andy’s Arts & Life | Page 4
Travel Tales
A behind-the-scenes look at a Mean Green road trip Sports | Page 6
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
News 1, 2, 3 Arts&Life 4 Sports 5, 6 Views 7 Classifieds 8 Games 8
Volume 98 | Issue 40
The Student Newspaper of the University of North Texas
City Council discusses future development A lex M acon
Senior Staff Writer The Denton City Council met Tuesday to hold a preliminary discussion regarding a coming review of the city’s development pla n a nd to
approve architectura l and landscaping guidelines for a proposed two-story medical office building near Rayzor Ranch. The Denton Plan, a plan for city development created
in 1999, sets an ideal ratio for the number of single-family home s a nd mu lt i-f a m i l y housing, like student-living apartments. The plan calls for about 59 percent of Denton’s housing
to be single-family and 41 percent to be multi-family by 2020. In 2000, the ratio was about 53:46 percent and by 2008 was 60:40 percent. However, the 2008 housing mortgage
crisis coupled with the boom of student living apartments – seen in newer complexes like the Grove and the ongoing construction on Fr y Street – has caused that trend to reverse. In August, the city’s
Scholars absorb Thai culture during summer trip
Statistical Trends and News of Denton Report found that multi-family housing units made up about 42 percent of the housing in Denton.
See COUNCIL on Page 3
Ambassadors discuss peace in South Asia Brief R ebecca Ryan Staff Writer
Photo Courtesy of Tahirah Dean
Tahirah Dean, an english junior, and Evan Pritchard, a business sophomore, ride an elephant in Thailand. The students studied in Thailand for three weeks to learn about the Thai tourism industry.
See THAILAND on Page 4
UNT will host both the Afghanistan and Pakistan ambassadors to the U.S. on Saturday as part of The South Asia Peace Conference. Eklil Ahmad Hakimi of Afghanistan and Husain Haqqani of Pakistan, along with representatives from other countries in the region, are expected to discuss issues related to ongoing South Asian conflicts and the area’s political stability. “This is a one-of-a-kind event,” said Qaisar Abbas, conference chair and manager of strategic grants in the Division of Student Affairs. “No other cities have this opportunity. There are going to be a lot of learning opportunities for students. We’re encouraging students to come and do their research projects about this.” Hakimi will discuss “Prospects of Peace in Afghanistan after the U.S. Withdrawal” at 1 p.m. in Business Leadership Building 80. Haqqani’s subject is “Democracy in the Age of Terrorism: The Role of Pakistan Establishing Peace in South Asia.” He will speak at 7 p.m. in the Silver Eagle Suite. Neither speaker is being paid for his participation, Abbas said.
See SPEECH on Page 2
USPS closes TWU post office A nn Smajstrla Staff Writer
The United States Postal Ser v ice closed t he Tex a s Woma n’s Un iver sit y post of f ice, a long w it h severa l ot her post of f ices across the country, in an effort to relieve problems brought on by a decline in postal service use. USPS representat ives inspected the TWU post office in early June. In September
the desk ser v ice was eliminated, and T W U students must now go elsewhere to mail packages, buy stamps or receive other mail-related services. However, the post office boxes will remain in use, said Kyle Voyles, director of the TWU student union. “The choice wasn’t ours,” Voyles said. “[The USPS] also asked for feedback, and of course we said, ’Yes, we want to keep it.’ They just had to
make, based on the number of people that were using the service, the best cost decision for them.” During the past five years, mail volume throughout the U.S. has decl i ned by 43.1 billion pieces, customer post office visits by 200 million, and retail transactions by $2 billion, said USPS spokesman Sam Bolen.
See POST on Page 3
Senator proposes bill to cut freshman intern program Student Government A nn Smajstrla
Staff Writer In an effort to end what Honors College senator Matt Florez describes as the Student Government Association’s reputation as a “corrupt, elitist and exclusive organization,” Florez met with Monica Saunders, the organization’s director of leadership and development, to discuss
a bill to end the SGA’s Freshman Internship Program. The bill, which Florez authored, presents a number of reasons why the internship program is ineffective, including an assertion that $4,500 could be saved if the program is no longer funded. “We think it’s a bad bill for many reasons, and we were unaware of it before it was sent out to us,” said Blake Windham, SGA president. “So, it’s obviously
Photo by Melissa S. Mayer/Staff Photographer
The HPV vaccine comes in two types, Cervix and Gardasil, both help to prevent against HPV that cause most cervical cancers. It is now being used to vaccinate boys and men, ages 9 through 26, to prevent throat cancer as well as genital warts and anal cancers.
going to be a bill that I will veto. I’ll say that from the get-go. It’s not going to get anywhere past my desk.” Windham asked that the g roup’s execut ive boa rd members hold the impromptu meeting so Florez could present the bill and give the members a chance to discuss it before it is introduced during today’s regularly scheduled SGA meeting.
See SGA on Page 3
CDC recommends vaccine for boys to cut cancer rates I an Jacoby Staff Writer
Human Papillomav irus ( H PV ) vacci nat ion s a re continuing to garner national attention as t he Centers for Disease Cont rol a nd Prevention recommended last Tuesday that Gardasil be a part of routine vaccinations for boys ages 11 to 12. T he re c om mend at ion
comes as a response to the dangers of HPV, which include genital warts, as well as cervical, penile and anal cancer. The CDC names the virus as the most common sexually transmitted disease in the U.S., adding that at least 50 percent of sexually active people will have genital HPV at some time in their lives.
“The decision to encourage boys to be vaccinated goes back to preventing cancer,” said Sarah McKinney, public information officer for the Denton C ou nt y He a lt h Department. “The vaccination for boys has been in the research phase for several years.”
See HPV on Page 2
Inside Bank pledges not to charge debit card fees News | Page 3
Softball team prepared to host Navarro Sports | Page 5
Dear Capri Sun, bigger is better Views | Page 7
Page 2 Amber Arnold and Isaac Wright, News Editors
HPV Continued from Page 1 Gardasil, given as a series of three shots, is available for boys and men ages 9 through 26 to protect them against HPV types that cause about 90 percent of genital wart outbreaks and most anal cancers, according to the CDC website. Nearly all cases of cervical cancer can be linked back to HPV, according to the CDC website. However, not only women are affected by HPV; CDC research also shows that about 1 percent of sexually active men will contract HPV-associated genital warts in their lifetime, and about 5,600 men a year contract HPV-related throat cancer. “Primarily, the parents have already made the decision to get their child vaccinated and are
all for it with no moral issues,” McKinney said. “I think they just want to prevent cervical cancer in girls and genital warts in boys. Health is the main concern.” Vaccinations for women were released in 2005, followed by an executive order from Gov. Rick Perry in 2007 requiring girls ages 11 and 12 to receive the vaccine. However, the order gave parents the choice to opt out. Because HPV is spread strictly through sexual contact, some parents worried that vaccinating children would promote promiscuity. Despite the controversial nature of the issue, local health care providers have yet to experience any kind of moral opposition to the new vaccine for boys. “Parents have actually been coming in for a while asking about getting the Gardasil vaccination for boys,” McKinney said. “So a lot of the public is seemingly on board with this.”
News While some parents may have concerns, fashion merchandising freshman Erica Aquilina said she doesn’t see a problem with whether or not the vaccination encourages promiscuity, but has other worries. “I don’t see any moral issue against vaccinating children against a disease, no matter how that disease is spread,” Aquilina said. “However, I would be skeptical of its long-term effects, given how new it is.” Denton Independent School District has no immediate plans to require or provide the vaccine, said Sharon Cox, director of communications and community relations for the district. “At this time it’s still a public health issue,” Cox said. “It’s not in the hands of D.I.S.D.” The vaccination is not mandatory to attend school and only is listed by the CDC as a recommended vaccination.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Photo by Melissa S. Mayer/Staff Photographer
The human papillomavirus (hpv) vaccine is now being recommended by the Center for Disease Control as one of the common vaccines to be given to boys starting at age 9. HPV has been linked to throat cancer in males.
New law affects graduate student loan rates WASHINGTON D.C. (MCT) — Graduate students will pay more for loans taken out next July, and recent graduates will lose rebates for on-time repayment under a law Congress passed this summer to keep the federal deficit in check while protecting Pell Grants for low-income students. The Congressional Budget Of f ice est i mates t hat t he changes will save the government $21.6 billion — meaning students would pay that much more or borrow less — over the next 10 years. Another change that a key Senate committee voted to include in the 2012 federal budget would “save” an additional $6.1 billion by getting rid of a grace period subsidy for undergraduate loans.
The elimination of repayment rebates and loan subsidies for graduate students was included in t he bipartisan deal reached in July known as the Budget Control Act, the law that set 10-year spending caps while raising the federal debt ceiling. Financial aid departments at colleges and universities a re now sta rting to notif y g raduate st udent s t hat Stafford loans they take out next summer will no longer include a subsidy that keeps interest from accruing while they are in school. “This was one of the few federa l subsidies prov ided to graduate students,” said Ha ley Chitt y, communications director for the National A ssociat ion of St udent
Financial Aid Administrators. “It is a pret t y sig n i f ica nt blow.” Under the new law, students seeking advanced degrees will start owing interest immediately on loans issued after July 1, though they will have the option of deferring payments until they finish school. “They can defer it but it adds to what they owe, and we always encourage students to pay as they go so in the end it’s not so expensive,” said Ivon Nunez, financial aid director at the New Jersey Institute of Technolog y in Newark. E x ac t ly how much t he subsidy is worth depends on how much a student borrows and how many years he or she is in school.
Graphic courtesy of MCT Nu ne z s a id a s t udent bor row i ng t he federa l maximum of $65,000 could end up owing an extra $200 a month over 10 years. Chitty said an analysis by NASFAA found that a medical or dental student taking out the maximum subsidized loan of $8,500 a year for four years got a $4,624 subsidy while in school. Even if it’s a much smaller amount, however, students are worried about the impact. “Students can barely make it now,” s a id Jac quel i ne Velastegui of Kearny, who’s seeking an advanced degree i n i ndust r ia l eng i neer i ng at NJIT. “We don’t live. We survive.” E v a n Tot h i s w or k i ng full time as a teacher at the Community School in Teaneck
while pursuing his master’s degree in English at Rutgers University in Newark. He sa id he’s bor rowed nea rly a l l of t he roug h ly $20,000 in tuition and fees, and “it was really helpful” not to have to pay interest while studying. “I looked at that as being a great benefit,” Toth said. “An extra $1,500, or whatever it would end up being, would be a great financial burden.” He expects to f inish his coursework next semester, so the change in the law won’t hit him. But he sa id t hat in t he future, it will hurt “the selfd r iven st udent who lack s independent wealth.” “This is exactly the kind of student that our country must encourage to stay in the class-
room,” Toth said. Congress also voted to end subsidies, starting with loans issued next July, that reward graduates who pay back their loans on time. Under t he program t hat is ending, bor rowers who sig ne d up for automat ic debit repayment got a bonus equal to half the loan origination fee they paid, said Vincent Tunstall, financial aid director at Fairleigh Dickinson University. Borrowers could keep the rebate if they made their f irst 12 pay ments on time. From the $21.6 billion the t wo cha nges to loa ns a re expected to save, Congress applied $4.6 billion to deficit relief and $17 billion to the Pell Grant program, which benefits lower-income students.
Speech Editorial Staff Editor-in-chief ...............................................Josh Pherigo Managing Editor .............................................Amber Arnold Assigning Editor ............................................Isaac Wright Arts and Life Editor ........................................Jesse Sidlauskas Sports Editor ...................................................Sean Gorman Views Editor .................................................Valerie Gonzalez Visuals Editor ....................................................Drew Gaines Photo Assigning Editor .................................Cristy Angulo Multimedia Manager ....................................Berenice Quirino Copy Chief ....................................................Carolyn Brown Design Editors .............................................Sydnie Summers Stacy Powers Senior Staff Writers Nicole Balderas, Brittni Barnett, Paul Bottoni, Bobby Lewis, Alex Macon Senior Staff Photographer James Coreas
Advertising Staff Advertising Designer ................................................Josue Garcia Ad Reps ....................................Trevor Armel, Taylon Chandler GAB Room 117 Phone: (940) 565-2353
Fax: (940) 565-3573
Continued from Page 1
“Haqqa n i i sn’t ju st a diplomat,” Abbas said. “He’s also a very impressive speaker. He’ll speak about terrorism and how other countries will sustain democracy.” There will be other speakers throughout the conference, along with sessions about equality for women, music, culture and technology. More than 30 scholars from the U.S., Hong Kong, India and other countries are expected to attend. The conference is free for students and faculty.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011 Amber Arnold and Isaac Wright, News Editors
Page 3
Bank of America halts debit fees LOS ANGELES, CA (MCT) — Bank of America abandoned plans to charge customers $5 a month to use their debit cards, marking a high-profile retreat for a fee that became emblematic of the current populist outrage against Wall Street. The nation’s second-largest ba n k wa s broadsided by customer protests — and even criticism from President Barack Obama — after announcing t he cha rge in September. BofA’s position was further weakened as rivals including JPMorga n Chase &Co. a nd Wells Fa rgo &Co. decla red they would not impose similar fees. The uproar against BofA illustrates the deep-seated anger and resentment many A mer ica ns feel over t he sagging economy. For many, the fee became a rally cry for consumer anger at the banking industry. “It was a reality smack in the head for these companies,” said Nancy Bush, an analyst at SNL Financial. “And in my view it was much needed.” The fee was proposed in response to the Dodd-Frank Consumer Protection Act, which mandated more transpa rent ba n k cha rges a nd reduced some rich streams of fees. Analysts estimated that Bank of America’s debitcard fee, which it had hoped to
Continued from Page 1
How e v er, b e c au s e t he meet ing was reschedu led,
impose next year, would have raised between $500 million and $1.4 billion annually from its 38 million non-business customers. Ba n k of A mer ica Chief Executive Brian T. Moynihan defended t he compa ny ’s plans last month, saying that customers and shareholders understand the bank has a “right to make a profit.” But the proposed fee touched a nerve among customers who rely on debit cards to pay for groceries at the checkout stand and gasoline at the pump. The bank’s actions fueled demon st r at ion s i n f ront of branches and corporate offices. It even prompted a Washington customer, Molly Katchpole, to collect 300,000 signatures on a website she set up to urge the bank to change course, and sparked a movement called “Bank Transfer
Day” calling on customers to close their accounts at big banks by Saturday. The bank shelved the plan. “We have listened to our customers very closely over the last few weeks and recognize their concern with our proposed debit usage fee,” David Darnell, co-chief operating officer at Bank of America, said in a statement. “As a result, we are not currently charging the fee and will not be moving forward with any additional plans to do so.” T he ba n k decl i ned to comment further, or say how it would make up for the lost revenue. BofA shares dropped 6.3 percent to $6.40. Analysts contend Bank of America and other major U.S. financial companies will be forced to raise other fees, such as by dumping free checking accounts, or make up the
difference with cost cutting. “This is not the end of new fees,” said Bill Hardekopf, chief executive of, a website that tracks card offers. “Banks may increase existing fees or raise the introductory interest rates on credit cards. They will find some way to increase their revenue, and it’s always the consumer that will end up paying.” Ba n k of A mer ic a h ad proposed to charge customers $5 for any month that they used their debit cards for purchases, although transactions at BofA ATMs would have remained free. Bank of America still faces billions of dollars in costs to settle a host of mortgagerelated lawsuits, claims and investigations, including a probe of foreclosure practices at it and other big banks by a coalition of state attorneys general and federal agencies. W hat’s more, Bof A last month relinquished its title as the nation’s biggest bank by assets to JPMorgan Chase, which CEO Moynihan said is part of a strategy to shrink the company to focus on its most profitable customers. Pressured by regulators to raise capital and by Wall Street to increase profit, the company is already in the midst of cutting about 30,000 jobs to reduce expenses.
s e v e r a l e x e c ut i v e b o a r d members were not able to attend. F lorez sa id he bel ieves there could be several benefits from the elimination of the program, including saving
money a nd improv ing t he image of the organization. Saunders argued that the prog ra m is a good investment of t he SGA’s money and benefits the university by encouraging leadership
among students. The bill w ill most likely be referred to t he g roup’s internal committee at today’s meeting to be discussed and voted on at a later meeting, Florez and Saunders said.
“We have listened to our customers very closely over the last few weeks and recognize their concern with our proposed debit usage fee.” –David Darnell Co-chief operating officer at Bank of America
USPS worker Heather Beaupre loads her truck at the Denton office off the Square before her Saturday shift. Beaupre, who started out as a substitute mail carrier eight years ago, said that recent considerations by the government to end Saturday mail delivery would be inconvenient but doable. “I worry about the subs we have now,” Beaupre said. “If the government stops Saturday mail delivery, their jobs will be at risk, and my days will have to be shifted to accommodate.”
Post Continued from Page 1 Decreased revenue and the cost of pre-funding retiree health benefits have created financial pressure for the USPS. “A study of business activities for the TWU postal station revealed the office workload had declined, and mainte-
nance of a postal service retail operation here was no longer warranted,” Bolen said. To date, 15 post offices have been closed in Texas. However, UNT’s post office is not in danger of closing because it is managed by the private company Pitney Bowes and not the USPS. Reggie Lewis, a mail associate at the UNT University Union post office, noted the large amount of business the
post office attracts. “We do get very good business,” said Lewis, a political science sophomore. “As far as postal sales and things like that, we serve the whole university, so we get a lot of business from faculty and students.” The UNT post office has 6,500 post office boxes, of which more than 5,000 are used. TWU’s post office contains about 1,400 post office boxes with about 700 in use.
“I think the United States Postal Service is a sad situation,” said James Jones, supervisor of the UNT Union post office. “The Denton post office has worked with us and has been a great asset to us, and we try to be a good asset to them.” The USPS is planning to adopt improvements in its processes and realign its resources to help offset the financial crisis it is facing, Bolen said.
Erica Marohnic, with the planning and development department, addresses Council members amending the Rayzor Ranch Overlay District (RROD) Section 35.7.15 of the Denton Development Code (DDC) at Tuesday night’s City Council meeting.
Council Continued from Page 1 “We’re building way more multi-family right now,” said Mark Cunningham, director of planning and development for the city. “And speaking to industry reps, what they’re telling us is financing institutions are more apt to provide financing for multi-family and mixed-use than they are for single-family.” Cunningham told the Council that while the city has plenty of permits for lots intended for singlefamily housing, they are not currently being developed. He said the trend of apartment and multi-family housing popping up is an unavoidable part of Denton’s development. Both the city of Denton and its two major universities have seen significant growth in recent years, and Mayor Mark Burroughs said the city’s “university-based economy” is a major contributor to the rising number of student-living apartment complexes. Burroughs said the Denton Plan’s ideal ratio of singlefamily to multi-family housing came from the desire of Denton residents to
prevent sprawl and high-density housing. However, reconciling that desire with the recent boom in student housing will not be easy. “That discussion does need to be revisited,” Burroughs said. “It might be a paradigm now that single-family is a preferred choice of the majority.” The Council instructed the city staff to further research the city’s development plan and its relation to the rise in multifamily housing. The Council will continue to address the issue in the months ahead. Burroughs said the review of the city’s development plan is sure to include a lively discussion in the community, along with the city’s own deliberations; However, Burroughs said he predicts a difficult road ahead. “We have our work cut out for us,” Burroughs said. The Council also voted 5-0, with Council members James King and Pete Kamp absent, to approve an amendment that effectively sets the landscaping and architectural standards for a proposed two-story medical office building on a 4-acre piece of land south of the Rayzor Ranch development. The standards are in keeping with most of the existing ones in place for the town center and other developments at Rayzor Ranch.
Page 4 Jesse Sidlauskas, Arts & Life Editor
Arts & Life
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Local band gives the bar business a shot Pablo A rauz Staff Writer
Photo Courtesy of Jennifer Rogla
The Emerald Eagle Scholars observed local culture and visited Thai temples. The students and faculty were in Thailand for three weeks.
Thailand Continued from page 1
Holly H arvey Staff Writer
Fifteen UNT students and several faculty members traveled to Thailand and learned about Thai tourism through local markets, food and elephant rides. The Emerald Eagle Scholars trip to Thailand let students study the impact of sustainability and economic effects in the Thai tourism industry. St udent s obser ved loc a l markets to see trade in action and explored environmentally friendly hotels, said Jennifer Rogla, a hospitality management faculty member who went on the trip. The Emerald Eagles Scholar Program awards academically competitive scholarships to lowincome families. The scholarships offer students the opportunity to study abroad. In addition to last summer’s threeweek study in Thailand, the Emerald Eagle Scholars have taken trips to Costa Rica and Chile. “The goal was to have lowincome students study abroad and expose the students to an international setting where they can study sustainability and
development,” she said. Different cultural norms had an impact on risk management junior T.J. Davidson. He enjoyed Thai cuisine that included silkworms and fried crickets. “Deep-fried anything tastes good to me, so I liked it,” he said.
“It’s good to get out of your comfort zone and try new things.”
—Tahirah Dean Political science junior
T he st udent s v i site d Bangkok, the Phuket beach and some rural areas in Chiang Mai to advance their knowledge of how Thailand adjusts to its many different tourists. During the trip, students stayed with Thai host families and in hotels. U N T pa r t nere d w it h Ma h idol Un i v er sit y i n Thailand to connect UNT students to Thai students and increase understanding
bet ween cultures, Rogla said. “We got to spend time with all the local students and now we’re all friends on Facebook,” she said. In addition to studying with Mahidol students, Eagles Scholar Tahirah Dean, an English and political science junior, said a highlight of the trip was when the students got to ride elephants and swim with tropical fish in the ocean. Along with sightseeing, the Emerald Eagles observed how the tourism industry affected local hotels, as some hotels started serving American breakfasts of bacon and eggs instead of Thai food to lure in tourists, Dean said. “I was really surprised that there was such a wide base of tourists with so many people of so many backgrounds,” she said. “People just flock to Thailand.” As part of the requirements for the trip, the students were separated into groups and blogged every few days about new experiences and what they had learned. “It’s good to get out of your comfort zone and try new things,” Dean said. “I was scared at first, but it was well worth it to get out there and I want to study abroad again.”
Cocktail glasses clink amidst sounds of classical music as patrons mingle over chessboards in a room walled with bookshelves and paintings at Paschall Bar, which opened Oct. 21. The bar, which is owned by members of the band Midlake, is smaller than most of Denton’s dives. Eric Pulido, guitarist for the band and co-owner of the bar, said the group had been waiting for a chance to open up a place to call its own. “We always kind of romanticized about having something, whether it be a restaurant or a bar or a theater,” he said. With that idea in mind, the band saved its money over the years from ample success in the music industry. To Pulido, opening the bar would not just be a business venture but something that would be beneficial for the Denton community. The band named the bar after the original owner of the building, B.F. Paschall. The building was built in 1870 and once survived a big fire in 1890. The fire burned down the entire east side of the Square except for the building that now houses the bar. Pulido said naming the bar after the building’s original owner would preserve its rich history. The band members found the opportunity to open the bar when they talked to Andy Bostick, current owner of the building and Andy’s Bar, which is located right under Paschall. Jeremy Dean, bar manager and Pulido’s brother, said he moved to Denton from Houston after he was asked to work at the bar because of his years of experience in bartending. Dea n’s job at t he ba r consists of making sure it runs
Photo by James Coreas/Senior Staff Photographer
Senior history majors Hannah Monk and Colton Royle play a game of chess while drinking a beer Monday night at Paschall Bar. The band Midlake opened a bar on the third floor of the building that currently houses Andy’s Bar in Denton. smoothly. “Denton needed a bar like this,” he said. “Everybody uses the word ‘swanky.’” He said when it comes to the drinks, all the cocktails are made with all-natural ingredients, which gives each drink an authentic taste. He also said the bar sells drinks that most other bars usually don’t, such as the Old Fashioned and the Moscow Mule. “They really take their drinks seriously; they make them traditional and they’re very consistent about that,” said Briana Camp, an art history senior who frequents the bar.
Camp, a friend of the band, said she’d been frequenting the bar and has already seen people line up to check it out. The bar’s humble atmosphere makes it a bit more exclusive than others since it has a maximum capacity of 49 people. It could also serve as a great place to hold a business meeting, interview, or a maybe even a small study session, Camp said. “It’s the only bar that’s incredibly cozy and kind of has an intelligent vibe. It may be one of the only spaces in Denton that makes you want to get a cocktail; it’s not intended for you to get drunk,” she said.
New student groups offer culture to campus H ayden Scarnato Contributing Writer
T he U N T Inter nat iona l Studies Center has introduced two new clubs just in time for November’s International Education Week that will start Nov. 14. T he Korea n Cu lt u re Exchange (KCE) and Nigerian Students Organization (NSO) are the two newest additions to a g row ing list of international clubs on campus.
The clubs a im to promote international culture while i n for m i ng st udents about Korea and Nigeria. The KCE, which had its f irst meet ing on Sept. 15, has already been a popular choice among a diverse range of students. The club is made up of students from all over t he world, as well as noninternational students. “There was no representation for Korea,” said Cody
P a r k e r, c om mu n ic a t ion s senior a nd KCE president. “My friends said if you speak Korean and are interested in it, why don’t you start a club.” Pa rker did just t hat. He got the club registered and attracted anyone who was interested. Since then, the group has quickly grown. The KCE started with 15 members and has grown to 35. B ot h t he Kor e a n a nd Niger ia n inter nat iona l st udent popu lat ions have r isen on average over t he past few years at UNT. The Korean international student popu lat ion has t he t hird-
“My friends said if you speak Korean and are interested in it, why don’t you start a club.” —Cody Parker Korean Culture Exchange president largest minority enrollment on campus, and the Nigerian international student population has 42 students enrolled this year. Precious Bieni, 22, biology major and a member of the group said their goal is to,
“keep people excited to learn about Korean culture.” The KCE will play a part in International Education Week, which will be held on the week of Nov. 14. The KCE will be at the Librar y Mall from 3-6 p.m. Nov. 15 to hold a Korea n cu lture fest a nd Korean pop culture extravaganza. Ha l ly u, or t he “Korea n Wave,” is t he spread a nd recent explosion in popularity of Korean culture across the world. It later reached and introduced the western world to South Korean music, movies a nd ga mes. Accord i ng to Korea Times News, the Korean Wave first started in the late ‘90s a nd spread its telev ision dramas to Asia, testing China’s strict censorship laws in doing so. UNT students can expect to see some of the “Korean Wave” at the Librar y Mall, where brea k-da ncers w i l l perform to Korean music. Just after the creation of the KCE, another group of students
started its own cultural club as well – the Nigerian Students Organization. “We plan to volunteer and showcase Nigeria and represent what we a re k now n for,” club president Florence Osuofa said. On Oct. 7 the club celebrated its successful registration and held its first meeting to discuss t his semester’s plans. The NSO planned to inform students of Nigerian issues a n d r e p r e s e nt N i g e r i a n culture. The club planned to focus heavily on the social issues that Nigeria faces today so that students may have a better understanding of the Nigerian people. Part of the NSO’s future agenda focused on how it will volunteer. The club planned to reach out to those in need by visiting local orphanages or hospitals. The group will be contribut i ng to Inter nat iona l Education Week by setting up a booth and creating a video for students to watch on overcoming Nigerian stereot y pes and informing them about more of the Nigerian social issues. For more information on eit her of t hese new clubs, students shou ld go to t he international studies office on t he s e c ond f lo or of Sycamore Hall and ask for Yunju Langran or Florence Osuofa.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011 Sean Gorman, Sports Editor
Page 5
Mean Green tries to stay undefeated at home Softball Brett Medeiros Staff Writer
Entering the final stretch of its preseason, the UNT softball team welcomes Navarro College to Denton for a deceivingly difficult matchup today. A two-year junior college based in Waxahachie, Navarro has competed in three NJCAA national championships since the year 2000. “We love our home field and I know we don’t play as much games at home than we usually would,” senior infielder Lisa Johnson said. “No matter who we face, we need to focus on playing the same wherever we play.” UNT’s offense has thrived in its first five games, averaging almost nine runs a game. The Mean Green (5-0) has used the preseason to develop team chemistry and get new players acclimated to the college game, senior catcher Caitlin Grimes said. “This fall we’ve really been focusing on becoming a unit, working as one unified group and progressively as a team we have been playing just awesome. We’re really looking forward to these next few games that we have,” Grimes said. “This team is very young and we still have a lot to learn, but what’s good about this team is that they catch on very fast.”
Photo by Melissa S. Mayer/ Staff Photographer
Sophomore Brooke Foster closes in to tag the runner at third base in the sixth inning at the TWU game. The Mean Green takes on Navarro College at 6 p.m. tonight. The team enters the 2011 season as a young group, with 11 underclassmen on its roster. Senior outfielder Jessica
Shields is targeted as a player to look out for against the Bulldogs, head coach T.J. Hubbard said. In UNT’s victory against
North Central Texas College last Wednesday, Shields went 3-3 with two RBIs. “She’s [Shields] had some
Three players and coach earns awards Soccer Brief Staff R eports
The UNT soccer team’s head coach John Hedlund and three of his players received Sun Belt Conference honors at the Pre Sun Belt Conference Tou r na ment Ba nquet on Tuesday. Hedlund, head coach of the team in all 17 seasons of the program’s history, earned his third Sun Belt Coach of the Year award. Hedlund led the Mean
Green to its first regular season conference title since 2005. Preseason picks sophomore defender Kelsey Hodges and junior midfielder Ellen Scarfone were joined by junior forward Michelle Young as First Team All-Sun Belt selections, as picked by the 12 coaches in the conference. Hodges led all Sun Belt defenders with seven goals. She also earned last week’s Sun Belt Player of the Week honors and received national recognition by being named to the
CollegeSoccer360 Primetime Performers of the Week. Both awards came on the heels of Hodges scoring the lone goal in UNT’s 1-0 win over Denver on Friday. The win gave UNT the season’s conference championship. Scarfone received her second consecutive First Team selection in a season where she led the conference with eight assists. She also finished third on the team with six goals. Young, who was the Sept. 27 Player of the Week, earned her
first All-Sun Belt honor. T he ju n ior led the team in goals and finished third in the c on ferenc e KELSEY with 12. HODGES T he topseeded Mean Green will get back on the field at 4 p.m. today in the quarterfinals of the Sun Belt Tournament against the eighth-seeded Troy Trojans in Murfreesboro, Tenn.
Cowboys moving on after road defeat A ssociated Press
IRV ING, Tex a s (A P) — There was plenty of blame to go around after the Cowboys’ 34-7 loss to the Philadelphia Eagles, Dallas’ first blowout loss of the season, but coach Jason Garrett refused to point fingers at anyone on his team Monday. “We need to do our jobs better to not have games like that,” Garrett said. The screening of the Eagles game tape merely underscored to players and coaches that the Cowboys were simply overwhelmed by a division rival coming off a bye week that badly needed a victory to climb back into the NFC East race. “I don’t t hink t hey did anything on offense or defense that surprised us,” Garrett said. “We’ve seen a lot of the stuff they’ve done and were prepared for it. Unfortunately, we didn’t execute as well as we needed to.” T he Cowboys a re a lso dealing with injuries to linebacker Sean Lee (left wrist), punter Mat McBriar (left foot) and cornerback Mike Jenkins (right hamstring). Garrett said all three were being evaluated and their conditions would be updated later this week based on test results. Lee, t he team’s leading tackler, and Jenkins, a starting cornerback, were injured in Sunday’s game. McBriar has been hampered by a foot
Photo by Yong Kim/Philadelphia Daily News/MCT
Philadelphia Eagles Jason Babin, bottom, sacks Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo, as Philadelphia Eagles Trent Cole, left, assists as on the play in the first quarter at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia, Pa., on Oct. 30. problem for over a week, and rookie placekicker Dan Bailey had to handle the Cowboys’ final two punts on Sunday. The good news for t he Cowboys: a favorable upcoming s c he du le, s t a r t i ng w it h Sunday’s home game against Seattle. Four of the next five opponents — Seattle, Washington, Miami and Arizona — have a combined record of 6-22. The exception during that
five-week span: the 5-2 Buffalo Bi l ls, who v isit Cowboys Stadium on Nov. 13. The Eagles ran at will against a defense that had been giving up about 70 yards rushing per game, best in the league entering last weekend. Overall, Philly rolled up 495 total yards and held the ball for over 42 minutes. LeSean McCoy rushed for 185 yards and two touchdowns while Michael Vick passed for
279 yards and a pair of TDs. “We didn’t do the job in all three phases of the game,” Cowboys safety Abram Elam said on Monday. “We didn’t want to lose that game, a divisional game we had to win. To lose the way we did was painful.” Dallas’ offense wasn’t much better, managing only 267 net yards and 12 first downs. The offensive line was unable to protect quarterback Tony Romo, who was sacked four times and hit often by an Eagles defense that didn’t blitz much. Elam said he expects future opponents to take note of the game plan employed by the Eagles. “This is a copycat league,” Elam said. “They’ll see things that work against you and try to attack you the same way. That’s why we try to make corrections, try to improve on things.” One bright spot for the Cowboys on Sunday night: linebacker DeMarcus Ware, who had four sacks and 11 tackles. “It was an awesome performance,” Garrett said. “We were behind, but everybody on our team continued to play, and there was no better example of that than DeMarcus Ware. It’s almost what you expect from the guy, week in and week out. What makes him great is the approach that he takes. Even in defeat, where we didn’t play very well, he showed up again.”
real opportunities out there this fall that’s she really pulled through on,” Hubbard said. “She’s a new starter this year
and she’s really done well to fill her spot.” Play begins at 6 p.m. at Lovelace Stadium in Denton.
Mean Green Trivia The Mean Green football team is at a critical juncture in its season. After losing 37-14 to Arkansas State on Saturday, UNT must win each of its final three contests to become bowl-game eligible for the eighth time in school history. When was the last time the Mean Green was selected to play in a bowl game? Hint: The team’s most recent appearance was the final part of a stretch during which UNT played in four straight bowl games. Those who think they know the answer can tweet their guess to the NTDaily Sports Twitter, @NTDailySports! People who answer correctly will be mentioned in Thursday’s edition of the Daily.
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Th ho fro
Page 6 Sean Gorman, Sports Editor
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
An Insider’s look at the Mean Green Travel Plans Sean Gorman Sports Editor
Before t he Mea n Green players st a r t on-t he-f ield preparation in early August at training camp, members of the UNT athletic department begin their football season in Februar y. Tasked with the scheduling and planning of the team’s road games, officials in the depa r t ment work toget her to make every trip the Mean Green takes a success. A result of head coach Dan McCarney’s detail-oriented nat u re, each step of t he process ha s been chosen, set up and double-checked for each of t he tea m’s si x road games.
Starting schedule
w ith
Si x mont h s before t he season starts, a small group – including athletic director Rick Villarrea l, director of footba l l oper at ion s Scot t Conley, director of business operations Mike Ashbaugh and McCarney – go over the logistics of UNT’s schedule. Villarreal and McCarney begin the process by deciding U N T ’s n o n - c o n f e r e n c e opponents, and Conley and A shbaug h deter m i ne t he deta i ls of t ravel once t he schedule is completed. “A s soon a s we get ou r [conference] schedule, the first thing we take a look at is hotels, where we are going to stay,” Conley said. “And while I’m working on hotels,
1 2 3 4 5
Mi ke A shbaug h is negot iating contracts and scheduling with airlines.” When choosing where UNT w ill stay, Conley considers the costs of staying at various hotels, checks how familiar hot el s a r e w it h hou si ng teams and ma kes sure the hotel chosen is conventionstyle. He then sends out a travel manual that includes a list of what the team needs to the hotels selected at the beginning of June. “It’s a list of a l l contact information, the schedule, a l l t he deta i ls of how we want the meeting rooms set up,” Conley said. “How many chairs used, how the buffet should be set up, just a very deta i led pla n of what ou r plan should be like so they can have that as a guide.” After hotels are decided, Ashbaugh gets in touch with bus companies and airlines, giving the team’s schedule of when a nd where it w i l l travel. The bus companies a nd a i rl i nes t hen bid on providing transportation for the team. Southwest Airlines has been the f light provider for t he tea m t he la st few seasons, Conley said. A s s e s si ng t he c ost s of travel, Ashbaugh establishes a n a n nua l budget for t he team to meet. This season’s budget is about $ 650,000, Conley said.
Pregame preparations Once the initial plans are in
Photo by James Coreas/Senior Staff Photographer
The UNT football tean gets on the bus outside of ASU Stadium after falling 37-14 to the Red Wolves. The Mean Green will next play at Troy Nov. 12. place, Conley and McCarney create it inera ries for each game about two weeks before game day. Deciding where people will room, determining when the team will meet and eat, and setting up police escorts for the team’s trip to the stadium all take place. Player s on of fen se a nd defense, coaches, administration and team boosters each stay on their own f loor.
“Everything that we need for the trip is generally finalized in those last two weeks,” C o n l e y s a i d . “ We s t a r t w it h Fr iday a nd when t he team meets at the Athletic Center, when they have walkthroughs, what they eat and what we plan on doing once we get there.” The athletic department g i v e s it i ne r a r ie s f or a l l players, coaches a nd sta f f members, and Conley gets in
Mean Green Travel Guide Florida International: Sept. 1 -Total distance to Miami: 1,349 miles -Time on a bus: About 4 hours -Time on a plane: About 10 hours
Alabama: Sept. 17 -Total distance to Tuscaloosa, Ala.: 623 miles -Time on a bus: About 3 hours -Time on a plane: About 3.5 hours
Louisiana-Lafayette: Oct. 15 -Total distance to Lafayette, La.: 428 miles -Time on a bus: About 2 hours -Time on a plane: About 2.6 hours
The final touches
2 6 Denton
Tulsa (only trip where team just takes bus): Oct.1 -Total distance to Tulsa, Okla.: 270 miles -Time on a bus: 9 hours
4 Cumulative time spent on buses:
Arkansas State: Oct. 29 -Total distance to Jonesboro, Ark.: 463 miles -Time on a bus: About 5 hours -Time on a plane: About 2.5 hours
Troy: Nov. 12 -Total distance to Troy, Ala.: 729 miles -Time on a bus: About 4.5 hours -Time on a plane: About 3.7 hours
touch with the hotel to follow up on the trip. Con ley sa id he a nd McCa r ney w i l l meet a f ter each game to discuss what needs to be improved in the travel plans. “We kind of critique things when we get back,” Conley said. “He expects me to get things carried out, just like he expects [offensive coordinator Mike Canales] coach Ca na les to get somet h i ng done on offense or [defensive coord i nator Cl i nt Bowen] coach Bowen get it done on defense.”
27.5 hours
Cumulative time spent on plane:
22.3 hours
Source-MapQuest and Southwest Airlines
The plan’s last steps come during the week of the game when Conley sets up a checklist of requests for the hotel. Last weekend’s checklist for UNT’s game at Arkansas State was 26 items long. The list includes turning the room temperatures to 68 degrees, ensuring there are no room service, movies or long-distance ca lls for the players, and finding a room fit for meetings and meals. Conley’s plan is carried out by director of development
Dan Johnston, who travels to the hotel two days before ga me day to r u n t h roug h t he check l ist a nd prepa re for the team’s arrival w ith hotel sta f f. Joh nston t hen makes follow-up calls to the transportation companies to make sure the travel plans are set up. “We do a w a l k t h roug h of the rooms to make sure t he y ’re set up properl y,” Johnston sa id. “It’s ever ything from knowing where the players are going to walk in, to where tables will be set up so they can pick up their keys, where buses w i l l be parked; there’s a lot of little details that go into it.” A college footba ll coach of 38 years, Conley said if a hotel fails to meet the guidelines of the checklist, he will ma ke la st-m i nute adju stments with the staff. “I f I go to a hotel a nd they’re not doing what they should be, all my passion and intensit y I had as a coach comes out at them,” Conley said. “I’m not crude, but I let them k now in as much detail as I can that this isn’t right.”
Behind the Scenes: The Great Equipment Migration Paul Bottoni
Senior Staff Writer When the UNT football team first walks into a visitor’s locker room, it finds its white road uniforms and protective gear waiting in each player’s locker, as if the equipment magically appeared in place. But what is not seen is the team of personnel whose job is to maintain, move and prepare essential equipment for the UNT football team when it embarks on an away match. After 18 years as UNT’s equipment manager – and nearly 30 years in the business – Mike Gallup and his team have fine-tuned the task, beginning days in advance. “Not many people know what all goes on behind the scenes,” Gallup said. “We head out to road games before the team even leaves and get everything set up.” Un l i ke ma ny Div ision I programs, UNT does not own an equipment truck. Instead, the athletic department rents a 25-foot box truck from Little Guys Movers. The equipment is always driven to each road game – never flown
What’s on the truck? • Box fans • The coaches’ headphone communications system (which cost around $85,000) • Around eight waist-high laundry carts packed with uniforms • Around 10 trunks filled with equipment and the coaches’ game-day clothes • Tents for alumni/boosters traveling with the team • The trainers’ equipment • Rain gear (brought along even if rain is not forecasted, just in case) • Cheer equipment • 6 to 24 game balls – depending on the weather forecast – and around 30 pre-game warm up balls • Powerade carts
“We head out to road games before the team even leaves and get everything set up.” —Mike Gallup UNT equipment manager – because a number of Sun Belt Conference schools are located in towns without an airport large enough for the equipment to be flown into.
Gallup said loading the truck is like fitting together a puzzle. If the team brings box fans – the large fans seen on the sidelines next to team benches –
Photo by James Coreas/Senior Staff Photographer
UNT equipment manager Mike Gallup and his crew move equipment into a 25-foot box truck from Little Guys Movers. Gallup has been UNT’s equipment manager for 18 years. they are loaded first, followed by the large equipment trunks and laundry carts filled to the brim with player uniforms. It takes eight to 10 people, including the team’s trainers, about two hours to load the truck. The process – the day of which varies week to week depending on the length of the drive – starts in the early afternoon and concludes when the practice ends and the remaining equipment is loaded. Gallup and a member of his staff then begin the drive to
the destination, sometimes stopping at night and other times making a nonstop trip. Upon the team’s arrival at the stadium, everything is set up. Sophomore defensive lineman Ryan Boutwell said players’ lockers are grouped by position – defensive linemen w it h defen sive l i nemen, running backs with running backs, etc. Senior defensive back Ryan Downing said having everything prepared gives the team one less thing to deal with on
game day and allows it to focus on the task at hand. “We don’t want to have to spend extra time putting jerseys over our pads and things like that,” Downing said. “They set it up nice and have it ready for us to go; it’s the same routine every time, so it helps us out a lot.” Once the final whistle sounds, the truck is once again packed and driven back to Denton, where the uniforms are washed and equipment unloaded until the Mean Green’s next road game.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011 Valerie Gonzalez, Views Editor
Campus Chat
Do you agree with McDonald’s decision to roll out a new Happy Meal that automatically includes apple slices and a smaller size of french fries?
“Yeah, that sounds good because it’ll be healthier than the normal fries. I remember when I was a kid, I would always get them and they were huge. So yeah, I think apple slices would be a good choice.”
Mackensy Gray Psychology senior
“Yes, I do agree,‘cause a lot of times McDonald’s meals aren’t healthy and are bad enough as it is, so to impose a healthy decision first and them let them decide if they don’t want to eat healthy, then it’s much better.”
Cedric Collier
Communications junior
“Well I’m 21, I don’t really get Happy Meals, but I know apple slices are good for you. Right? I don’t know if I have any problem with it. If McDonald’s wants to give out whatever they want for their Happy Meals, that’s their decision, right? It’s all a marketing ploy.”
Justin Peterson
Electrical engineering sophomore
LET US KNOW! Visit every Friday to vote in our weekly poll. We’ll post the updated results here daily.
The Editorial Board and submission policies: Josh Pherigo, Amber Arnold, Isaac Wright, Sean Gorman, Jesse Sidlauskas, Sydnie Summers, Stacy Powers,Valerie Gonzalez, Carolyn Brown, Drew Gaines, Cristy Angulo and Berenice Quirino. The NT Daily does not necessarily endorse, promote or agree with the viewpoints of the columnists on this page. The content of the columns is strictly the opinion of the writers and in no way reflect the beliefs of the NT Daily. To inquire about column ideas, submit columns or letters to the editor, send an email to
Page 7
Staff Editorial
NT Daily Edboard: Nods and Shakes Nod: UNT’s rapid response to the pterodactyl invasion Mass hysteria could have easily broken out on Monday morning when pterodactyls were spotted invading the UNT campus. University spokesman Buddy Price spotted two of Scrappy’s pre-historic relatives f lying above the Hurley Administration Building. Immediately, the university enacted its dinosaur invasion plan and notified students. On its InHouse website, the university posted a detailed description of its “Pterodactyl Safe Zones,” which included buildings with very few windows, as well as tips for students living in the residence halls.
The Editorial Board commends UNT for its fast reaction to the pterodactyl invasion. The university’s quick communication and detailed information undoubtedly kept the students safe during a potentially dangerous situation.
Shake: Mississippi’s personhood initiative seeks to define life at conception An alarming issue on Mississippi’s Constitutional Amendment election proposes a change to the Mississippi Constitution that would define “personhood” as “the moment of fertilization, cloning or the equivalent thereof.”
If passed, it would successfully give fertilized eggs human rights and effectively make abortion illegal in the state – and that’s just the immediate consequence of the proposition. The ambiguous language of the “Personhood” bill could prohibit the use of the pill and “intrauterine device” thatprevent the fertilized egg from implanting in a woman’s uterus if fertilization does occur. Craftily creating legal loopholes in an attempt to punish Americans not only makes a mockery out of our republic, but more importantly, it hacks away at the very freedoms and liberties that make our country great.
Nod: UNT students spend morning making a difference About 700 st udent s f rom 73 dif ferent student orga nizations met at the University Union early Sat u rday mor n i ng for Ma ke a Difference Day. From 8 a.m. to noon, students performed community service for about 25 nonprofit organizations in the Denton and Lewisville area. The Editoria l Boa rd cong ratu l a t e s U N T ’s C e n t e r o f Leadership and Service on another successful Make a Difference Day and thanks the students who gave their time to the community as well.
Our history will be an interesting read I don’t envy history students of the future. Eighty years from now, middleand high-school students w ill bemoan the fact that the most notorious terrorist on the planet and the leader of the free world who ordered his execution had only a letter of difference between their names. They’ll scratch their heads when they read about how we didn’t allow laptops on the floor of Congress, but we did have spittoons. They call this the Information Age? History is strange like that, but it’s a great opportunity to learn about ourselves. On the local level, there are countless examples of unsung heroes we can emulate. Ta ke, for exa mple, Bu l lock Hyder. You can’t make this stuff up. Hyder was an alumnus of this school. He was a clerg yman in Lewisville before coming here and also studied at the University of Texas and two law schools. Then in 1932, he was elected to the first of three terms to represent this area as a progressive Democrat in the Texas House of Representatives. That’s a well-rounded life, I’d say. But at the time of his elect ion, Hyder wa s on ly 25. He would eventually aid in the capture of the outlaw Raymond Hamilton, serve in the U.S. Army during World War II as a sergeant, and teach at this school from 1948 until 1977, when he retired and earned the ‘Fessor Graham award from students. He spent much of his life fighting for support of public schools. A full list of his accomplishments
wou ld n’t f it i n t h is colu m n. Perhaps there’s something out there that shows he had flaws. B ut e v e r y t i me s ome one lambastes a younger person for not knowing his or her role or not fitting in correctly, I can point to Hyder. He was a servant of his community, an activist who fought with this school and its students, and a man with an amazing story we can all respect. Perhaps, 80 years from now, someone might read about these times at our school. They might wonder what this was all about: the discontent, the frustration and the protests. They might laugh at some of the more absurd stories they read. Others might tr y to claim these things never happened. People like Hyder, though, show us that you don’t have to follow all of the conventions of a society to affect it in a positive way. The sooner we can learn that, the better we’ll look in history books 80 years from now.
Brandon Cooper is a kinesiology graduate student. He can be contacted at
A letter to Capri Sun: Size matters Being a child of the ‘90s, I feel as though I’ve developed a unique palate. There are some things sold on the snack aisle that no sane person should find edible, but I can’t get enough. For instance, yogurt in a tube! It’s delicious and convenient. So what if it’s blue and kind of tastes like grout? Ten-year-old me loved it. Coincidentally, so does 21-year-old me. Ka nga roo-shaped g ra ha m crackers to be dipped in months-old funfetti icing? Yes. Send it this way, but there’s one childhood staple that irks me. Capri Sun. Yeah, I went there. I’m not saying I have a problem with how it tastes. It’s fruit juice infused with enough sugar to kill Wilfred Brimley five times over. How can you go wrong? With size! That’s how. Everyone’s been in the situation. You ask to have a deliciouslooking silvery pouch of Pacific Cooler to suppress the heat. You tear the straw from its infuriatingly closely wrapped plastic sleeve. The straw punctures the tiny perforated hole with an oddly sexual satisfaction, and you take that first, cool drink. Then it’s gone. Just like that. Your entire delicious juice pouch has just disappeared in a matter of seconds. You took one gulp! Maybe two gulps, if you have a tiny mouth or something. And you’re left with a sad, empty fist full of laminated aluminum and polyethylene. I k new I couldn’t have been
t he only person to experience this nonsense, and the Internet confirmed it. A quick trip to “The Google” i n for ms us t hat ou r favor ite juice at one time came in a large, 11.25-ounce pouch option that was discontinued in 2006. Kraft manufacturing doesn’t explain why it stopped manufacturing “the big pouch,” but I can assume it’s because the communists won. And they’re still winning! Due to downsizing, the 6.75ounce pouch we know and love was reduced to a measly 6 ounces here in the U.S. That’s not to say I don’t keep it stocked in my fridge. I’m in college; it costs a dollar and seventy-seven cents for a 10-pack. Plus, it comes in a variety of delicious “fruit” f lavors. All I’m saying is bring back the big pouch. As an American, I have the right to over-indulge. I’m almost positive it’s in the Constitution.
Ian Jacoby is a journalism junior. He can be reached at isjacoby@yahoo. com.
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Tuesday’s Puzzle Solved
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927 6 2 1 objective 9 7 1of the6game is to fill all 7 62The 3 8 2 6in9 a game 8 with9the 8 4 the 6 blank squares # 49 2 5correct numbers. 7 very 44 9 6 2 three 2 9 There 4are Sudoku requires no calculation or arithmetic skills. It is essentially a game of placing numsimple constraints to follow. In a 9 by 9 67 8 2 5 bers in5 squares, rules logic 1 3 using1very9simple 9 774 1 9 of4 square Sudoku game: and deduction. The objective of the game is to fi ll all the blank 3 1 932 6 7of49 8numbers 258 in9 37 • Every 2 row 8 6 must squares in a game with the correct numbers. clude all digits 1 through 9 in any order There are three very simple constraints to fol5 6 3 8 5 7 93 68 57 3 low. In a 9 by1 9 square Sudoku game: • Every column of 9 numbers 2 6 741must1 7 18 • Every row of 9 numbers must include all 6 1 digits 1 through 9 in any orderinclude 6 all digits 1 through 9 in any 3 2 7 6 5 Sudoku requires no calculation or arithmetic • Every column of 9 numbers must include order 3 8 6 8 7 9 85 79 8 5 93 2 all digits 1 through 9 in any order 3 skills. It is essentially a game of placing • Every 3 by 3 subsection of the by 99 34 8numbers 2 • 9Every by 33subsection of the 9 must include all digits 1 through 91 3 4 1 6 3 784 76 6 17 in squares, using very simple rules square of logic and by 9 square must include all digits 1 V. EASY
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By David W. Cromer
6 Clubber __, nemesis in “Rocky III” V. EASY 7 Bear in the sky 8 Plaster of Paris component 9 Financing letters 10 Daytime fare 11 Coffee hour sights 12 Ooze 13 Misses the mark 18 GI rations 19 Date with an MD 24 Dirty Harry’s org. 26 Resistance unit 27 Refrigerant gas 28 Announcement at the door 29 Took in again 30 Pal of Tigger 31 Playful aquatic critter 32 Actor Malcolm__ Warner 33 Speak with style 34 Tylenol alternative 40 Summer on the Seine 41 Computer fodder
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promotion 9 Entertain 14 Shoppe modifier 15 Hoosier city 16 Kitchen gadget 17 Sachs 20 Texas longhorn, for one 21 Shocked reaction 22 45-Down et al. 23 Hai or oui 25 Atop 27 Sacks 35 Detours, e.g.: Abbr. 36 Kitty 37 “Awakenings” actress 38 Start to sing? 39 Fawned over, with “on” 42 Uncertain word 43 Warren Buffett’s city 46 JFK listing 47 connection 48 Saks 52 __ bargain 53 Crunch targets 54 Uffizi offering 57 Couples with clubs 60 Comic pianist Victor 64 Sax 67 Audibly 68 Taj Mahal site 69 “Yikes!” 70 Sounds from pounds 71 Maintain 72 Conifers with elastic wood
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