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Stadium Support Apogee aiding UNT’s tier-one pursuit Sports | Page 5

Hair Art

Alumnus artist shares black history stories Arts & Life | Page 3

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

News 1, 2 Arts & Life 3, 4 Sports 5, 6 Views 7 Classifieds 8 Games 8

Volume 99 | Issue 18


The Student Newspaper of the University of North Texas

The Race to Tier One


UNT pursuing tier-one status R EBECCA RYAN Staff Writer

Following the unveiling of UNT’s strategic plan Monday, the university’s long-term initiative has become clear: achieving tier-one status. A tier-one university is a nationally accredited research institution. If UNT reaches tier-one status, the school would gain access to the National Research University Fund, which is worth $588,771,000, according to Dominic Chavez, senior director of external relations for the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. “In 2009, a process was set up in which seven, now eight, emerging research schools could compete for access to the National Research University Fund,” Chavez said. “Access is based on excellence in faculty, funds going toward research, the number of Ph.D.s given each year and a variety of other metrics.” The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the Association of America Universities collaborate to decide which universities are qualified

Universities in the hunt

UNT System Chancellor Lee Jackson said the process will take time and will likely take up to 20 years. The new strategic plan outlines the goals and strategies necessary for UNT to achieve tier-one status in the future. “After you have a plan like this, you have to develop working objectives,” Jackson said. “What kind of faculty do we hire? What kinds of students do we admit? What kind of research grants do we apply for? We’ll be asking the universities for those kinds of targets.” In accordance with the strategic plan, each department of the university must submit sities,” Chavez said. “If the its own plan that parallels emerging research universities the university’s philosophy to can cross these thresholds, they university administration. gain access to the fund to build “It’s just good leadership from their infrastructure and raise the institution, putting in writing their stature.” what we need to do to get where Un iver sit y ad m i n i st r a- we want to go to be great,” UNT tion unveiled UNT’s five-year Director of Housing Elisabeth strategic plan Monday, which Warren said. “We want to attract included a set of four “bold the best and the brightest, then goals” to help the university send them out to do good.” meet the criteria for tier-one Senior Staff Writer Isaac Wright status. contributed to this story.

University of Houston Texas Tech UT Dallas UT Arlington UNT UT El Paso UT San Antonio Texas State to become Tier One. The other universities in the running with UNT are Texas Tech University, the University of Texas at Arlington, the University of Texas at Dallas, the University of Texas at El Paso, the University of Texas at San Antonio, the University of Houston and Texas State University. “Originally, the fund was set up just for Texas public univer-

Universities vie for research funds NICOLE BALDERAS Senior Staff Writer

UNT is in the race to become a tier-one university, but is not alone in the hunt. Eight Texas universities – among whom is UNT – are seeking tier-one status, earning a brand as a national research institution. The other universities are Texas Tech University, Universit y of Houston, Texas State University and University of Texas campuses in Arlington, Dallas, El Paso and San Antonio. The race began in 2009 when the Texas Legislature passed a bill that added an amendment to the Texas Constitution making funds available to emerging research universities, which includes UNT. “We’ve been classifying those institutions since about 2004,” said Dominic Chavez, senior director of external relations for the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. “The amendment created a pathway to encourage the eight

universities to become tier-one institutions.” The eight Texas universities seeking tier-one status must meet various mandates in order to gain access to the funds. Once a university meets the criteria, it can gain tier-one status, though the universities are vying over which one will be the fourth tier-one school in the state – the University of Texas, Texas A&M University and Rice University being the current three. However, simply meeting those goals and tapping into the funds does not guarantee an institution will become a tier-one university. “One key indicator for reaching that status is becoming a member of the Association of American Universit ies,” Chavez sa id. “Once publ ic a nd pr iv ate i n s t it u t i on s h a v e m e t a certain level they have to be inv ited to join, and it isn’t easy. They don’t invite people every single year.”

See FUNDS on Page 2

Inside UNT musicians serenade sweethearts with tubas Arts and Life | Page 4

McCarney expects full recovery Sports | Page 6

This week’s nods and shakes Views | Page 7

Page 2 Paul Bottoni and Valerie Gonzalez, News Editors


UNT’s goals demonstrate commitment to Tier One Opinion Valerie Gonzalez Assigning Editor

From increases in tuition to the creation of “four bold goals,” UNT has kept the goal of achieving tier-one status at the forefront of its decisions. Since Texas voters approved access to about $588 million f or e i g ht of t he s t a t e’s emerging research institutions by passing House Bill 51 in 2009, UNT has touted itself as a university making great strides toward reaching this goal. Yet at Monday’s unveiling of t he 2012-2017 st rateg ic plan, there was a sense of u nder whel m i ng excitement lingering around the Murchison Performing Arts Center. Offering the best undergraduate education in t he state, improving education for

Funds Continued from Page 1 The University of Houston i s one step aw ay f rom t ier-one stat us a f ter t he Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching named the school a research university, the highest classification for a research institution the foundation awards. Current ly, Houston has

graduate students, increasing suppor t for st udent s a nd ex pa nd i ng i n f luence i nto communities … but isn’t that we’ve been already doing? Technically, yes. Per stipulations set by the passage of HB 51, UNT was tasked with creating a tenyear plan for research if it w ished to access t he pool of money meant to propel u n i v e r s i t i e s t o t i e r- on e status. St i l l, t he most notably “bold” aspect of t he goa ls remains that each directly lines up with the criteria set by the two national foundations that delegate tier-one status. Ot her w ise, t he goa ls sou nded l i ke t he reasons that are often behind the dayto-day changes t hat affect c u r rent st udent s, f ut u re st udents a nd ad m i n ist rators. Reaching tier-one status will cause students to see an

exceeded a goal of more than $45 million in Restricted Research Expenditures, using $50 million in 2009 while UNT only used $11 million. However, Houston fell short of other criteria. “If you’re an institution that is able to access money, build a state of the art research facility and get millions of dollars in research money, you will have a good chance [of becoming a tier-one university],” Chavez said. “There is no formula, bake for twenty minutes and you

increase in tuition but could provide long-term benefits to the surrounding area. In a study conducted by the Texas Legislative Study Group, a public policy organization, economists estimated that every $10 million i n resea rch ex pend it u res would create 334 new jobs and add $8.6 million in wages to the regional economy. W hen UNT unvei led its five-year strateg y Monday, administrators made it clear that reaching Tier One will be a lengthy process, and UNT is still at the beginning stages. Now that the Texas Higher E d u c a t i on C o or d i n a t i n g Board has adopted criteria that determine the eligibility the “emerging research” institutes must meet to receive money f rom t he Nat iona l Research Universit y Fund, the stage is set for a showdown to join the ranks of The Universit y of Texas, Texas A&M and Rice University.

“It’s going to depend on a number of circumstances.”

—Dominic Chavez THESB Representative

will achieve the following. It’s going to depend on a number of circumstances.”

Wednesday, February 15, 2012 ntdnewseditors@gmail.com

Reaching Tier One: Determining Factors The requirements to gain eligibility for the National Research University Fund, which would require the school to have tierone status, include the following: “In each of the two state fiscal years preceding the state fiscal biennium, the institution expended at least $45 million in restricted research funds.”



$35 million $50 million $27 million $30 million $37 million $26 million $11 million

“The value of the institution’s endowment funds is at least $400 million.”



$434 million $491 million $68 million $154 million $229 million $60 million $97 million

“The institution awarded at least 200 doctor of philosophy degrees during each of the two academic years preceding the state fiscal biennium.”



169 187 113 43 117 36 125

Source: 2011 Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board “National Research University Fund Eligibility” report to Texas Legislature. Note(s): Bold items meet criteria. Texas State became a candidate for tier one in December of 2011 and is not included in the report.

Editorial Staff Editor-in-chief ...............................................Sean Gorman Managing Editor .............................................Paul Bottoni Assigning Editor ............................................Valerie Gonzalez Arts and Life Editor ........................................Alex Macon Scene Editor.......................................Christina Mlynski Sports Editor ...................................................Bobby Lewis Views Editor .................................................Ian Jacoby Visuals Editor ....................................................Tyler Cleveland Copy Chief ....................................................Jessica Davis Design Editor ............................................... Stacy Powers

Senior Staff Writers Isaac Wright, Nicole Balderas, Brittni Barnett, Holly Harvey, Brett Medeiros, Allison Eldridge Senior Staff Photographer Chelsea Stratso

Advertising Staff Advertising Designer ................................................Josue Garcia Ad Reps ....................................Taylon Chandler, Elisa Dibble

Photo by Stewart F. House/Fort Worth Star-Telegram/MCT

Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum waves to supporters gathered at Fairview Farms in Plano, Texas, on Wednesday, February 8, 2012.

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Find out more online by visiting UNION.UNT.EDU/MASTERPLAN


GOP nomination race intensifies (MCT) WASHINGTON _ Rick Santorum seized an importa nt oppor t u n it y Tuesday to become the chief conservat ive a lter nat ive to Mit t Romney, as he made a clean sweep of three Republican president ia l nominat ion contests in Colorado, Missouri and Minnesota. R o m n e y, a former Massachusetts governor, was expected to remain the frontr unner for t he GOP nomination nevertheless, thanks UNIONMASTERPLAN to h is huge adva ntages in campaign cash and organizat ion going for wa rd, a nd his impressive earlier wins in New Hampshire, Florida and Nevada. Still, the strong Santorum vote provided fresh evidence that “Romney’s is a troubled candidacy,” said Law rence UNIONMASTERPLAN

Jacobs, a professor of political science at the University of Minnesota. “The outcome of t he r a c e i s f a r f r om certain.” T he su r pr isi ng show i ng by Santorum, a former U.S. senator from Pennsylvania senator, made it clear that Romney isn’t yet his party’s c on sen su s nom i ne e. It signaled that the GOP nomination campaign may remain a bitter struggle for months, possibly leading to a divided Aug u st convent ion a nd a weakened candidate against President Barack Obama in the fall. Santorum’s most stunning v ictor y ca me in Colorado, where he was proclaimed the winner with 38 percent of the vote to Romney’s 36 percent, with 96 percent of precincts

reporting. Romney had been heavily favored in the state, whose 2008 caucuses he won with 60 percent of the vote, a nd he ca mpa ig ned ha rd there in recent days. For mer spe a ker of t he House of Representat ives Newt Gingrich took 13 percent in Colorado, and Texas Rep. Ron Paul 12 percent. In Minnesota’s caucuses, with 83 percent of precincts reporting, Santorum had 45 percent, Paul had 27 percent, Rom ne y t r a i le d w it h 17 percent a nd Gi ng r ich had 11 percent. Romney won the Minnesota GOP caucuses in 2008. I n M i s s ou r i, a c r uc i a l swing state in the November ele c t ion s, S a ntor u m w a s h e a d e d f or a l a nd s l i d e . With 99 percent of precincts

reporting, he had 55 percent to Romney’s 25 percent. Paul had 12 percent. Gingrich was not on the ballot; 4 percent were uncommitted. T he M i ssou r i vote w a s a non-bi nd i ng “beaut y contest,” since no delegates were at stake and candidates made little effort to campaign there. But Santorum’s victory gave his campaign renewed momentum. Sa ntor u m, spea k i ng to suppor ters i n St. Cha rles, Mo., presented h imself as his party’s best contrast to Obama. “I don’t stand here to claim to be the conservative alternative to Mitt Romney,” he said. “I stand here to be the conser vative alternative to Barack Obama.”

Wednesday, February 15, 2012 Alex Macon, Arts & Life Editor

Arts & Life

Page 3 alexdmacon@yahoo.com

History and hair inspire artist Group keeps

Denton beautiful

Holly Harvey

Senior Staff Writer Every month is Black History Month for artist Diedrick Brackens, who uses synthetic hair, carpet, sponges and other everyday objects to provide a window into African-American history. The recent UNT fibers graduate uses historical events as inspiration for his work, infusing his pieces with everything from wood to hand-woven cotton to promote the legacy of AfricanAmerican culture. History is something everyone can connect to and can tie into modern life, and is especially important for African-Americans, he said. “High art and AfricanAmerican culture aren’t looked at in the same way,” Brackens said. “With my art, I try to bring the two together.” Brackens was inspired to use hair in his work by Victorian artists who did the same. He has made several pieces out of synthetic hair. One such piece, designed to represent the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, is called “New Drexciya” and is composed of hair, sponges and wood. Hair has an “it” factor and is something that everyone can relate to, Brackens said. “It’s a powerful communicator,” Brackens said. “There’s so much you can say with hair, and it has so many different meanings and contexts.” When Brackens is not experimenting with unorthodox materials to explore African-American culture, he does his own screenprinting. Fibers senior Sarah Westrup has taken several classes with Brackens and described his artistic statements as “powerful.” “He really experiments with

Emily Peek Intern

Photo courtesy of Diedrick brackens

“New Drexciya,” by alumnus Diedrick Brackens, combines synthetic hair, sponges and wood to represent the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Brackens said he uses the mixed media to tell stories from African-American history. a lot of materials, and that takes a lot of guts,” Westrup said. “He really explores his own culture.” Collecting items for his next project has been a habit for Brackens since his childhood, he said. He has collected more than sixty sponges for his art and converted discarded carpets from his apartment complex into strips to use for his latest endeavor. “Everyone would be like ‘Why are you collecting this stuff? Get rid of it.’ But I would say no,” Brackens said. “My mom says that she didn’t know that me collecting junk would turn into something.” Brackens’ use of materials has strongly evolved over the years, UNT fibers lecturer Lesli Robertson said. “I’ve had Diedrick in my classes from beginning fibers to graduation,” Robertson said. “It’s been great to see him find his voice.” Brackens is applying to graduate school and hopes to teach and continue to make art. The process behind his work

Photo courtesy of Diedrick brackens

Alumnus Diedrick Brackens’ “Knots” is made from wood and synthetic hair that extends two feet. “It’s a powerful communicator,” said Brackens of using the hair as a reflection of black history. is never over, he said. “I’ll put a piece in a show, then take it down and add to

Valentine’s Day at UNT

it and show it again,” Brackens said. “Creating is a process that I enjoy.”

UNT colleges embrace challenge to reach Tier One Brittni Barnett Senior Staff Writer

Photo by Tyler Cleveland/Visuals Editor

Pre-biochemistry junior Kelli Pistokache jokes with business sophomore Kourtney Mitchell while stuffing toy animals Tuesday in the University Union. Three hundred toys were given out, including 200 roses dipped in colored wax.

Photo byTyler Cleveland/Visuals Editor

San Antonio native Christian Farris kisses pre-international studies freshman Madison Willis after surprising her on campus Tuesday. “I love it,” Willis said of the valentine, drawn with a red marker. The two said they have been together for a year and a half.

Keep Denton Beautiful, a nonprofit organization dedicated to community beautification and litter and waste prevention, is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year with multiple opportunities for Denton residents to help the city look its best. Keep Denton Beautiful’s allvolunteer membership coordinates with the city to make Denton more environmentally friendly. “I think you definitely see kind of like an upsurge of organizations and people taking an interest in this,” said Jannibah Coleman, the outreach coordinator of Keep Denton Beautiful. “Green is very hot right now so everybody wants to do it, everybody is really involved, people are more informed and are kind of demanding these kinds of services.” Coleman said there were multiple ways to contribute to a beautiful Denton through volunteering and contributing to fundraisers. “This is one of those organizations for everybody,” Coleman said. “That’s our mission, is for individuals to be part of this and to take personal responsibility.” Anthropology senior Lyndi Cavett serves as Keep Denton Beautiful’s program intern, making programs, filing paperwork and doing much more. Cavett said Keep Denton Beautiful has spent its 25th anniversar y revamping its whole operation, from designing a new logo to planning cleanup campaigns. “It’s still kind of in the works, but there is going to be a clean up Fry Street campaign coming

up,” Cavett said. “After spring break, look out for the new big bellies.” Keep Denton Beautiful plans to introduce more big bellies – the bottle-shaped recycling bins already found at several spots on campus – near trash compactors on Fry Street. Keep Denton Beautif ul, founded in 1987, started as a temporary advisory board that supervised city beautification but branched out into a group that regularly attended to Denton cleanup. The group also helps local residents with personal projects, whether it involves planting trees or picking up litter on a street. Geography senior Meagan Hatton, president of t he Nor t h Texas Energ y a nd Environmental Club, said she enjoys working with Keep Denton Beautiful through her club. “March 3, we are volunteering with the Great American Cleanup, and we have about 15 people in our club that are going to be going around various parts of Denton and literally just picking up trash in the area and streets,” Hatton said. Hatton stressed that the group welcomed volunteers of all ages and demographics, from college students stopping for four years to longtime Denton residents. “Who knows where we will be in five years, the plan is to continue to meet the need of the community, and it’s growing,” Coleman said. “We are always just trying to expand and grow so we can meet those needs.” For more information on how to get involved with keeping Denton beautiful, visit kdb. org.

Colleges across campus are taking steps to ensure that their initiatives line up with those established in the university’s new five-year strategic plan. The “four bold goals,” presented in a ceremony Monday afternoon, provide guidelines as to how UNT will strive to become a nationally competitive research university and attain the tier-one status currently held by only three other Texas universities. Nicole Dash, associate dean of the College of Public Affairs and Community Service, said the new goals coincide with what the college has always done. “I think it goes back to this idea of greatness,” Dash said. “So when these four goals came out, it wasn’t that we had to start doing any one of them. We have always focused on these four areas, and this just gives us a path to that greatness and that is to move faster, achieve more and get where we want to go at the same time as the university.” Thomas Evenson, dean of the College of Public Affairs and Community Service, said the new strategic plan and pursuit of national recognition was in keeping with the future of higher education. He said the goals would promote increased accountability with the university and its individual colleges. “We are going to have to do it and show that we do it well,” Evenson said. “Now we will become more focused, not in a narrow way but in the

UNT’s Musical Advantage In Getting To Tier One • Only about 1 in 6 hopefuls make the cut to get into UNT’s prestigious College of Music, one of the largest in the country. • The College of Music has full-time faculty of more than 100 performers, composers, scholars and researchers. • There are more than 40 different musical ensembles in the College of Music, including the One O’Clock Lab Band jazz ensemble, which was nominated for a Grammy in 2010.

four areas that Dr. Rawlins has outlined and saying that these are what we are going to be good at.” While research funding is considered an important element in acquiring tier-one status, student retention, Ph.D. distribution and timely graduation rates all play a role as well, said Robert Milnes, dean of the College of Visual Arts and Design. The CVAD currently offers a graduate degree in art education, and Milnes said that more people have applied for the program in the last year than the past three or four years combined. To help increase the quality of students admitted into the program, the college is requiring SAT and ACT scores higher than those required by the university.

“What we want are people who are a little more prepared to work,” Milnes said. “We think that will also help us do another thing that is interesting, which is shift some of our faculty from teaching not so many freshman and have more people teaching at the advanced levels, which will help people actually graduate on time.” Dash said the College of Public Affairs and Community Service would always have room to grow and would continue to ensure that the college and its faculty are committed to students’ education first and foremost. “In five years these will still be the goals we are aiming for,” Dash said. “Regardless of what the new agenda of the university will be, because this has always been the hallmark of this college.”

Page 4 Alex Macon, Arts & Life Editor

Arts & Life

Wednesday, February 15, 2012 alexdmacon@yahoo.com

Photographer paints pictures with camera A LISON M ATLOCK Staff Writer


Pre-biology junior Rebekah Hinojosa, a member of Beyond Coal, delivers a box of valentines to administrative assistant Cheryl Vocelka in President V. Lane Rawlins’ office in the Hurley Administration Building on Tuesday.

Beyond Coal delivers valentines to Rawlins NADIA HILL Staff Writer

About nine student activists delivered Valentine’s Day cards to UNT President V. Lane Rawlins’ office Tuesday afternoon, asking Rawlins to “express his love for the university and the environment.” Rawlins was not in his office when the students arrived. Members of UNT Beyond Coal, a “climate justice” activist group, set up a table full of art supplies near the Union at noon Tuesday, asking students to write love letters urging Rawlins to move UNT away from using fossil fuels as a primary source of energy. “This isn’t traditional activism,” said pre-social work sophomore John Betten, a coordinator with UNT Beyond Coal. “This is a way to engage lots of different people in a relevant way.” The club, part of a larger coalition that includes Rising Tide North Texas and Students for a Democratic Society, has written more than 500 letters and 4,000

petitions to the president in an effort to move the university to full dependence on renewable energy sources. “We’re disappointed with Rawlins, but we understand that we have to work with him,” Betten said. “We want to put pressure on him but not be antagonistic.” The UNT Office of Sustainability released a report over the summer detailing options for shifting the university to a reliance on renewable resources. The Sustainability Council recommended buying 100 percent wind power from the Denton Municipal Center, which would cost students about $4.50 each per semester. According to the report, moving the university off fossil fuels is the next step in UNT’s continued efforts to “mean green.” In addition to providing grants for wind turbines and water conservation, UNT dining halls have extensive recycling programs and follow official guidelines used to track savings and emissions. UNT’s current electrical

provider is Denton Municipal Utilities, which gets 40 percent of its energy from the Muenster Wind Farm. Pre-biology junior Rebekah Hinojosa, a member of Beyond Coal, said she hopes UNT can lead the way in public universities moving to new energy sources. “We would be the first public school in Texas to use 100 percent renewable resources,” Hinojosa said. “Southwestern University is the only school in Texas, but they’re private.” The valentines were the second time UNT Beyond Coal used a holiday to advocate their message, the first by delivering a stocking full of coal to Rawlins on Christmas. “It’s supposed to be cute,” Hinojosa said. “We just don’t want him to forget we exist and don’t want him to put Beyond Coal in the back of his mind.”

Using his camera as his brush, photography senior Jess Peri paints a picture, creating images that cross boundaries. Peri said he is inspired by all mediums and likes to call himself a visual artist rather than a photographer. He committed himself to photography his junior year of high school and has developed his talent during his time at UNT. “What photography is to me now is not what it was before,” Peri said. “UNT has taught me what photography is to me.” “D Magazine” has written about Peri’s digital prints, which were featured in the “Fresh Meat: 500X College Expo” exhibit at 500X Gallery in Dallas last October. The exhibit, juried by art director Cris Worley and international artist Erick Swenson, displayed only 43 pieces of the 900 submitted, including Peri’s. Peri sold his first piece there, which he finds to be a huge success considering his youth. “I first saw his work when I juried the 500X college expo “Fresh Meat” last October,” Worley said. “I thought his work was very clever, asking the viewer to recontextualize popular imagery. I believe some of the work actually sold at the show, which is great for him and the collector both.” After the exhibition, Peri became an intern at Cris Worley Fine Arts in Dallas, where he does all the photography for the gallery, including individual works, installation shots, gallery openings and any other photobased needs the gallery has. “I’m very pleased to have Jess on our team. His warm smile and


Photography senior Jess Peri thinks about his career during an interview Tuesday in the Art Building. “All you get with the camera is what’s in front of it,” Peri said. can-do attitude are great to have at the gallery,” Worley said. Peri also works at Ringoboy Screen-Printing Co. in Denton and does live screen-printing. In between jobs, Peri finds time to practice his skills and surrounds himself with other artists to help his talent grow. “If you continue to find new things in the medium, it stays fresh,” Peri said. “Plug yourself into the art scene and stay there, and you’ll see success.” Lately, Peri has been experimenting with pinhole photography, trying various lighting tricks with angles of the sun. He said his most recent work was informed by his experience in sculpting and painting. “Now that I’m a senior, I’m figuring out what art is to me,” Peri said. “It’s becoming easier to apply that to photography.” UNT faculty say Peri manages to stand out, even in a crowd of talented student artists. “He has a unique take on things that very much comes

through in his artwork,” photography professor Dornith Doherty said. Peri views professors like Doherty as a role model because of her success and everything he has learned from her. The first time that Peri applied for the art program,which only accepts 20 students a semester, he didn’t get in. Peri said professors encourage students not to reapply, but Peri didn’t give up that easily. He was accepted in spring of last year. “Jess is just an extremely organized individual, and I’ve been in the art program and I dropped out because it wasn’t for me,” Aaron Martin, Peri’s close friend, said. “But I can attest to how difficult the art program is.” Peri’s strong work ethic and competitive nature allow him to thrive off of his competitive friends and colleagues, he said. “Don’t give up and don’t ever think you can stop learning,” Peri said.Peri will have a solo exhibition May 22 in the Union Gallery.


35 YEARS OF CHANGING LIVES Intensive English Language Institute @

The tuba quartet plays songs to a couple Feb. 9, 2011. The valentines consist of two songs, a personalized card, chocolates and a rose.

Love, the sound of tubas in the air for Valentine’s LIZ RUGLIC

Contributing Writer This year, tuba and euphonium players at UNT get to play Cupid. Students, Denton residents and even faraway parents can buy a personalized tuba valentine for their friend or loved one to ensure a memorable Valentine’s Day experience. The tuba valentines started Feb. 6 and will continue through the rest of the month, with the song selection and place of delivery completely up to the buyer. “It’s a nice step back to play music for fun and see people enjoy it at an intimate level,” said Patrick Nyren, a secondyear musical arts doctoral student in euphonium performance. Those who purchase a tuba

© Performance cost: on campus $30, off-campus in Denton $40, outside of Denton (subject to availability) $50, plus 75 cents per mile © Valentines must be ordered at least 24 hours in advance © Contact unttubavalentines@gmail.com to order a valentine. Include name, email address, phone number and desired date and time.

valentine can choose from standards such as “My Girl,” “My Guy,” “When I Fall in Love,” “Always and Forever,” “Hey Baby” and “Can’t Help Myself.” This year, the group has added several new choices, including Taylor Swift’s “You Belong with Me,” “Kiss the Girl” from “The Little Mermaid” and “Earth Angel” by The Penguins. “It’s been a fun learning curve coordinating my first experience. I am very much looking forward to playing my first valentines,” said Sarah Snyder, a first-year euphonium graduate student. The proceeds from the valentines will benefit the North Texas chapter of the International Tuba Euphonium Association.

With budget cuts, it is difficult for students to do much of anything outside of their threehour classes and recitals, Nyren said. In 2010, members were invited to play at the International Tuba Euphonium Conference in Tucson, Ariz. Proceeds from fundraisers such as the tuba valentines enabled them to attend the conference and bring in guest artists like Steven Mead, the euphonium virtuoso, to UNT. Tuba valentines bring a nontraditional romantic experience to students, Nyren said. “The valentines are emotional because of t he rem in iscent factor,” he said. “We’re like a strolling instrumental section.”


Wednesday, February 15, 2012 Bobby Lewis, Sports Editor

Page 5 blew7@hotmail.com

Apogee Stadium offers more than football games BRETT MEDEIROS Senior Staff Writer

Apogee Stad iu m, wh ich cost $78 million, holds up to 30,850 people and earned the first Platinum LEED certification for a newly built stadium, welcomes I-35 travelers to Denton while contributing to the overall self-sufficiency of t he Universit y of Nort h Texas. Opening at the beginning of the 2011 fall semester, Apogee Stadium marked a new beginning for t he UNT footba ll program, as the team went 4-2 at Apogee in the stadium’s inaugural season, producing its best record since 2004. In the previous four seasons, the Mean Green only won eight games, with just three victories at Fouts Field. “While the first year was a great year, what we have to do now is bring people back to the campus,” UNT Athletic Director Rick Villarreal said.

“T h i s st ad iu m h a s be en featured in everything from business and environmental magazines. People have to see that we are committed to the environment and in tier-one status – that is huge.” For 58 years the first part of the UNT campus that travelers saw was Fouts Field, but now Apogee casts a shadow upon Fouts. T he st ad iu m i s one of ma ny add it ions UN T ha s made to f ulf ill criteria for the tier-one status that only three Texas schools possess – the University of Texas at Austin, Texas A&M and Rice University– and falls under UNT’s “four bold goals” as a n attempt to ex pa nd t he university’s influence into the surrounding community. “We needed to improve not only the academic side of the university, but we also needed to make some changes on the at hletic side,” said C. Dan

Smith, former chairman of the Board of Regents. “The stadium is a sign to people and the students that we have committed ourselves to be the best it can be in all areas it participates in.” While the football team is in offseason mode, UNT and Apogee Stadium take no time off as the stadium provides more than just a home for the football team. Si nce it s const r uct ion, Apogee has been home to many events other than football games, such as movie screenings, t he upcoming Emerald Eagle Ball and even a future National Marching Band Competition sometime next fall. “It will potentially bring in 35 bands from across the country and will be an opportunity for us to set up a booth from the admissions office for students to get information about the university,” said


Since its completion in the fall of 2011, Apogee Stadium has become a hallmark for the university’s efforts toward self-sustainability and tier-one status. The stadium will house the upcoming Emerald Eagle Ball and a future National Marching Band Competition. Nicholas Williams, director of the North Texas Green Brigade Marching Band. “The new stadium is a highlight for the university, and it has everything you need in a venue for this sort of thing.” In its pursuit to become a

UNT teams on path for success Opinion A LISON ELDRIDGE Senior Staff Writer

It’s pretty easy for a UNT student to be excited after Monday’s unveiling of UNT’s five-year strategic plan, but as a sportswriter, I have to ask: where do sports fit in? While the prestigious title of being a tier-one university may seem to only influence the university’s groundbreaking research capabilities, each facet of the university should feel the reverberation from the “upgrade,” including the athletic department. The University of Texas at Austin, Texas A&M University and Rice University, the state’s only tier-one universities, have claimed a total of five national football championships, 50 conference championships and 45 bowl victories.

In contrast, none of the eight schools vying for tier-one status have won a national football championship. Combined, the schools have won 47 conference championships and 27 bowl games. The numbers are even uglier for UNT, which prior to a promising 2011 season won eight games from 2007-2010. The University of Texas at Dallas and the University of Texas at Arlington don’t even have football programs. The University of Texas at San Antonio has only had a football program since August 2010 and doesn’t even belong to a conference yet, although the team has accepted an invitation to join the Western Athletic Conference. UTSA will begin WAC play during the 2012 season. There’s no reason UNT or any of the other “emerging universities” can’t have successful football programs like Texas’ three

tier-one schools. The influence of tier-one funding is undeniable. UT-Austin is proof those funds flow to the athletic department. Nonetheless, UNT is already on track, as evidenced by the emergence of Tony Mitchell. The freshman phenom has dominated the Sun Belt Conference with 16.1 points and 10.4 rebounds per game for the UNT men’s basketball team this season. Mitchell, who’s been projected as a late first round NBA Draft pick if he decides to enter after this season, gives the Mean Green a leg up on the other seven emerging schools. If UNT gets tier-one status, it could mean more high-profile recruits like Mitchell may flock toward Denton. On top of that, UNT’s other Division I teams are nothing to sneeze at, with the most recent

Staff Writer

Alison Eldridge Sun Belt Championship coming last semester, courtesy of the Mean Green soccer team. There’s no reason UNT can’t find more athletic success and recognition, with or without tier-one status. However, the national coverage Mitchell has gotten and the UNT teams’ overall success shows the Mean Green is already on the right path to compete with UT-Austin, TAMU, and Rice.

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the diversification of UNT,” Villarreal said. “The stadium is a game changer. It will have a significant impact in what we do because it shows our commitment to the program and our commitment to the university as a whole.”

Tier One could bring more success ZACH CLAUSSEN

How emerging universities’ football programs have fared Conference Titles

tier-one university, UNT has demonstrated its commitment to sustainability through wind turbines, solar panels and the effort to recycle 75 percent of the waste materials used to construct the stadium. “Apogee Stadium shows

The athletic competition is heating up both on and off the field for UNT, as the Mean Green are in battle with seven other universities in Texas for the prestigious status of becoming a tier-one university. As UNT attempts to join the University of Texas at Austin, Texas A&M Universit y and Rice University as the state’s only tier-one universities, the Mean Green’s athletic department could reap the benefits of improved teams, more high-profile recruits and a larger fan base. Calls to UT-Austin, TAMU and Rice were not immediately returned. A lt hou g h t he t ie r- one status ca n only be ga ined through research programs conducted by the university itself, athletically the status of Tier One could change the entire landscape. Eric Capper, senior associate at h let ic d irector for media relations, said UNT could use the tier-one status to its advantage both academically and athletically. “Fi r st a nd foremost , I think it would be a tremendous endorsement for t he strides that the entire university has made,” Capper said. “We rec r u it st udent-at hletes as students first, so to prov ide ou r coaches w it h another recruiting tool and be able to say that UNT is a tier-one institution would be an advantage.”

Since Tier One has no concrete definition, finding out the success of athletic programs before and after the recognition can be judged by the year in which the institutes joined the Association of American Universities. The A AU a ims to limit membership to research-based institutions and is the nation’s only association of higher education in which membership is by invitation only. UT-Austin was the first to join the AAU in 1929, followed by Rice in 1985 and TAMU in 2001. Since UT-Austin’s admission into the association, the school has totaled six national championships in baseball, four titles in football, nine in women’s swimming and one in women’s basketball. The school has also won more than 400 conference titles combined in all sports. Rice won a national title in baseball in 2003 and has won more than 20 conference titles in multiple sports. TA MU, t he most recent university to join, has won three national titles in men’s and women’s outdoor track and field, one men’s golf title and one women’s basketball title. TAMU has won more than 30 conference titles in various sports as well. Compare that to UNT, who has won 17 conference championships and has never won a national title, and the tier-one status could bring more hardware to the Mean Green trophy case.


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Page 6 Bobby Lewis, Sports Editor

Wednesday, February 15, 2012 blew7@hotmail.com

UNT returns home, tries to snap losing streak Women’s Basketball RYNE GANNOE Intern

The Mean Green women’s basketball team (13-12, 6-6) w ill tr y to hold onto third place in the Sun Belt West Division against fourth place Louisiana-Monroe (8-17, 6-6) today at 7 p.m. in the Super Pit. When the two teams last met in Ja nua r y, t hey were competing for first place in the division. UN T won on a bu z zerbeating lay up from senior guard Brittney Hudson. Since then, the Mean Green is 2-4, including its current threegame losing streak. “Our defense has got to pick up,” head coach Karen Aston said. “I mean, we’ve been real solid all year, and we’ve really let up defensively the last couple of games, so I think we’ve got to get back to the basics of defense and effort.” During its three-game slide, the Mean Green has fouled its opponents a combined 70 t imes, which its opponents have converted into 66 points. Ju n ior for wa rd Ja sm i ne Godbolt, who averaged 13 points and seven rebounds per game, struggled over the stretch, averaging eighteen points per ga me a nd f ive rebounds.

“I t hin k it’s more about playing as a team,” Aston said of Godbolt’s impact on the team’s success. “To me, when we’ve been real successful, our defense has been really good, and our energy and enthusiasm. That’s been lacking the last couple of games.” As teams key in on Godbolt, it’s up to other players to step up and junior forward Sara Stanley is trying to do just that. She notched her second ca reer double-double a nd scored i n double f ig u res during the team’s slump. She has only scored in double figures twice in the other 22 games this season. “I think most teams are box i ng out ou r big post players, and I’m just kind of under there getting a lot of trash plays,” Stanley said. ULM has struggled on the road, winning only two games. The wins came against Troy and Northwestern State, who have a combined seven wins this season. Aston is still chasing win No. 100 as a head coach. She’s been stuck on 99 wins since the team’s three-game losing streak started. “It would be really awesome, especially at home,” Stanley said of getting Aston her 100th win. “We all really want it for her.” Intern Josh Friemel contributed to this article.


Head coach Karen Aston (right) leads the girls, including (from right) sophomore guard BreAnna Dawkins, sophomore forward Ash’Lynne Evans and junior forward Sara Stanley, in prayer after practice in the Coliseum on Tuesday.

Mean Green rallies for fourth top-five finish of the season Men’s Golf KYLE H ARTY

Contributing Writer The Mean Green men’s golf team wrapped up the UTSA/ Oa k Hi l ls Inv itat iona l on Tuesday with a fourth place tie at the Oak Hills Country Club in San Antonio on Tuesday. After finishing the first two rounds with a score of 590, the Mean Green rallied behind junior Carlos Ortiz to climb up the leaderboards on the final day. The team finished the final round with a 1-underpar 283 in its first tournament since October. The team’s performance Tuesday netted its best round of the tournament and the second-best round of the day, behind only the tournament champion. Head coach Brad Stracke and the team were not available for comment after the tournament. Ortiz shot a 67, 4-under-par 211 and finished the tournament one stroke behind the individual leader. O r t i z went t he ent i re third round without a bogey, finishing the day with four birdies and 14 pars.

Ortiz’ performance helped the No. 37 Mean Green finish ahead of No. 27 Wichita State by one stroke, No. 38 Tulsa by seven strokes and No. 40 Iowa State by nine strokes. Ju n ior Cu r t is Dona hoe turned in his best performance of the season after shooting a 75 on the final day. Donahoe finished in 16th place with a 5-over-par 218, his first top 20 finish of the season. Donahoe and Ortiz were both in the top 15 after the first two rounds of play. Freshman Jason Roets fired an even-par 71 on the final day, f inishing t he tournament with a 224 overall. Junior Rodolfo Cazaubon also registered a 224 and ended the day two strokes behind par. Both finished in a four-way tie for 48th overall. The result gives the Mean Green its fourth top-5 finish in its first five tournaments of the season. Since 2010, UNT has netted top-5 finishes in 13 out of 16 tournament appearances. The Mean Green finished as runner-up in the Gopher Invitational in September and the Lone Star Invitational in October. T he No. 32 Ok la homa

UNT teeing off to a promising start After completing a successful fall that saw the men’s golf team finish no lower than fourth place in three of four tournaments, it was important for the team to start the spring at a similar pace. The team did just that Tuesday with a strong third round in San Antonio. What made the Mean Green’s performance even more impressive was the tough field it had to face. In finishing in a fourth place tie, UNT beat out the nation’s No. 27, No. 38 and No. 40 ranked teams. If the team keeps playing like this, there’s no reason UNT shouldn’t find itself in the nation’s top 25 sooner rather than later.

Sooners led the pack after the first two rounds, but couldn’t hold on to the lead by the time things wrapped up on Tuesday. Texas Tech edged Oklahoma by three strokes to win its fourth consecutive Oak Hill Invitational. B a y l o r s e n i o r Jo a k i m Mi k kelsen defeated Texas Tech freshmen Clement Sordet in a three-hole, sudden death playoff to take the individual

championship. As a team, Baylor finished the tournament in third place, eight strokes ahead of the Mean Green. T he host Un iver sit y of Texas at San Antonio team finished tied for 12th place. The Mean Green tees off again Feb. 26 at the John Hay t Collegiate in Jacksonville, Fla. The tournament ends Feb. 28.

McCarney expects to coach in spring BOBBY LEWIS Sports Editor

UNT head football coach Dan McCarney says he expects to make a full recovery after suffering a stroke Sunday. The first-year Mean Green coach confirmed he suffered a stroke in a statement Tuesday. After experiencing numbness on the left side of his body, he was taken to the hospital, where h is cond it ion wa s confirmed. “I have been told by the doctors that the early recognition of the symptoms and t he quick response of t he paramedics indeed helped minimize the impact of the stroke,” he said in the state-

ment. “Thanks to the care of the wonderful medical staff that I have been under, I am confident that there will be no long-lasting effects and I will be able to return my normal routine in time.” McCarney said he plans to coach the team in spring practice, which starts March 28. “I fully intend on leading the North Texas football program through spring drills and can’t wait to be back around my staff and players,” McCarney said. McCa rney was hired as t he tea m’s head coach in November 2010. He led the team to a 5-7 record in his first season.

Mean Green Trivia In his first year at UNT, freshman forward Tony Mitchell has taken the Sun Belt Conference by storm, winning three straight Sun Belt Player of the Week Awards last month and leading the conference in five major statistical categories. Which five categories does Mitchell currently lead the Sun Belt in? Hint: Mitchell leads the conference in three offensive categories, one defensive statistic and one stat that both involves offense and defense. Think you know the answer? Tweet your guesses at the North Texas Daily Sports Twitter, @NTDailySports! Those who answer correctly will be mentioned in Thursday’s paper.


Wednesday, February 15, 2012 Ian Jacoby, Views Editor

Campus Chat

What must UNT do to achieve tier-one status?

“Maybe the school doesn’t need to do as much as the town does to attract students. More theaters, more bars for those who like to party – whatever the students like.”

Trey Miller

Kinesiology junior

“You’ve got to have great sports or an extracurricular ‘shebang!’ Honestly, it’s going to be harder to bring the smarter kids here without the sports.”

Joan Dorsey

Pre-psychology freshman

“We’re a bit of a back burner school, where students get away from home. They [the school] will find use with big sports, but it’s still going to be a liberal arts school. They need to make every program competitive.”

Tristan Monzingo Sociology senior

LET US KNOW! Visit NTDaily.com every Friday to vote in our weekly poll. We’ll post the updated results here daily.

The Editorial Board and submission policies: Sean Gorman, Paul Bottoni, Valerie Gonzalez, Alex Macon, Christina Mlynski, Bobby Lewis, Ian Jacoby, Tyler Cleveland, Jessica Davis, Stacy Powers. The NT Daily does not necessarily endorse, promote or agree with the viewpoints of the columnists on this page. The content of the columns is strictly the opinion of the writers and in no way reflect the beliefs of the NT Daily. To inquire about column ideas, submit columns or letters to the editor, send an email to ntviewseditor@gmail.com.

Page 7 ntviewseditor@gmail.com

Staff Editorial

NT Daily Edboard: Nods and Shakes Shake: UNT’s effort at becoming a tier-one university UNT announced at the unveiling of its five-year strategic plan Monday that its second goal for the future includes becoming a tier-one national research university. While this is a positive direction for UNT, the standards one must meet to become a tier-one school are very clear, and other emerging research universities in Texas are leading UNT in the race for that status. Being a tier-one university means getting recognized by the Association of American Universities and the Carnegie Foundation as a national research university and having access

to the National Research University Fund. Currently, the University of Texas, Texas A&M and Rice are the only tierone universities in Texas, but the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board has named eight schools as Emerging Research Universities, and all of those schools are striving to be Texas’ fourth tier-one school. Among criteria for becoming tier-one are requirements such as a minimum endowment funding of $400 million. The University of Houston currently leads the pack with $491 million. In contrast, UNT has $97 million. Another criterion is to have annual research expenditures of $45 million. Again, U of H leads the pack with $50 million, whereas UNT only spends

$11 million. These are only a couple examples of areas where UNT trails schools like U of H. If UNT truly wants to achieve tier-one status before their southern neighbors, they’re going to have to make some very big and expensive changes, such as increasing research expenditures and being more selective with freshman admittance. This could in turn lead to potential increases in tuition.

Nod: Jeremy Lin He studied at Harvard, has united a country and tends to lean right. No, we’re not talking about a politician: we’re talking about sensational New

York Knicks point guard Jeremy Lin. Lin, the first Asian-American player of Chinese or Taiwanese descent, devout Christian and Ivy League student, does not fit into most people’s mold of an NBA player. However, since becoming the starting point guard for the Knicks on Feb. 4, Lin has led New York to six straight wins and has averaged 26.8 points a game. Those kind of numbers would make anyone stand out, but for someone that was almost cut by the Knicks less than two weeks ago, Lin has become an underdog story for the ages. A nod goes to Jeremy Lin for inspiring hearts, destroying stereotypes and dominating the competition despite low expectations.


UNT striving for Religious Right is greatness harming society Going into the rebranding ceremony Monday afternoon, all I knew was that there would be things changing at North Texas. Rumors had been circulating for months, but until I sat in the overflow room and listened to President Rawlins I had no idea how much it would change or how much more it would make me love this great university. I’ll admit, when President Rawlins first took over for Dr. Gretchen Bataille in 2010 I was less than thrilled. W hile I had only been at the university for a semester, I understood the work she had put into this school and knew that she had what it took to potentially bring us up to Tier One. Monday’s demonstration showed that Rawlins has the guts to change what needs to be changed and do what has to be done in order to take us to the next level. Of the “four bold goals” set forth by the UNT administration, the second goal, “Improve graduate studies to help achieve tier-one status,” is the one I find most interesting. Graduate programs have been overlooked in recent history in the quest to improve undergraduate recruitment and retention. We must be able to recruit the best students possible, regardless of whether they’re just starting undergrad work or doing their second or third doctorate. However, in order to answer the call and become a tier-one institution, we as students must be willing to face the toughest question of all: “Can we accept a tuition increase?” Yes, this plan calls for a dramatic increase in alumni dona-

tions, one of the components of being declared Tier One, and yes, those will help assuage the cost to an extent, but we must be willing to accept the fact that it might cost more to attend UNT. I’m not sure if a tuition increase is part of the plan, but regardless of whether or not it is we must understand that a quality education costs money, more than we are paying right now. President Rawlins said, “This university must not be an ivory tower, but rather a ‘green’ giant.” Tr uer words have never been spoken. We as a university must be willing to rise to the occasion and become the university that the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex needs us to be. We must rise to the challenge and prove to the rest of academia that we are a force to be reckoned with. Then maybe, just maybe, all the “fake university” jokes will one day cease.

Nicholas LaGrassa is an emergency administration and planning senior. He can be reached at NicholasLaGrassa@my.unt.edu.

The United States is under attack. The right wing, whether in the form of corporate power or radical groups such as the Tea Party, not only lacks ethics but poses an existential threat to civilization. The culture of complacency towards free market consumerism risks untold damage to our economy, our freedom and the very ecological processes that maintain life on Earth. They tout the notion that it is acceptable to augment the overblown adventurist response to the crimes committed in New York and Washington D.C. more than a decade ago, even if it means spending $1.3 trillion to accomplish nothing but the expansion of U.S. power globally, widespread violation of civil and human rights and the wholesale unjustified slaughter of more than half a million innocent men, women and children in Iraq and Afghanistan out of an unjustified and irrational demand for revenge. They regard multinational corporations whose only stated goal is to increase profits for shareholders the same as a person. They adamantly defend the right of these corporations to exploit the labor of the global working class in exchange for a laughable portion of the obscene profits they generate. They undercut social services while privatizing basic human needs, ensuring that the measly wage they dish out returns to their bank accounts. These are the people who undermine and vilify credible science at every turn. They jeopardize the quality of future generations’ education by demonizing credible science. In a sick and disingenuous twist, they cry persecution when any politician attempts to exclude their various forms

of unfounded scientific conjecture in favor of credible science in schools all over the nation. This undermining of the scientific community allows them to spread misinformation about evolution, ecological processes and the effect humans have on the planet, ensuring popular acceptance of their destructive ideology. Their dangerous and narrowminded ideology is rooted in the opinions of long-dead, wealthy white men who considered women property, bought and sold entire generations of African families and successfully carried out the North American Holocaust, actions that would and by some accounts, did make Hitler jealous. Since we have somehow accepted these trends as politically acceptable, it is no surprise that economic, racial and gender discrimination continue to plague nearly all levels of society. If good people continue in their complacency, cynicism and apathy, then it should not come as a surprise when it comes back to haunt us.

Dan Rowe is a former UNT student and can be reached at dcr0070@ gmail.com.

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# 33

# 34

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5 79 1 7 9 2 5 3 of 41 63jumbled 7 1 5 8 29 1 3 6 5 2 through Are your finances just a bunch numbers? 4 2 8 6 8 5 1 9 4 29 3 8 5 3 7 6 9 7 2 3 1


2 ...... 1 4 7 5 8 su | do | 8ku YOUR AD HERE! V. EASY

# 35


# 35


# 36



# 36

Stop the frustration and visit the Student Money Management Center today - Chestnut Hall, Suite 313 - 940.369.7761 V. EASY # 49 V. EASY # 50 Personal consultations ~ Workshops ~ Online resources ~ Loan programs FREE www.unt.edu/moneymanagement www.sudoku.com EN

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# 34 1 7 2 4 4 6 6 3

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35 1 3# 6 7 5 2 9 8 4 4 9 6

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36 1 6# 2 7 3 5 8 4 9 3 9 4

9 53 77 1 4 88 22 6 1 96 35 4 2 25 46 7



# 36 4 9 3 7 7 5 1 3

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