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Punk statesman Henry Rollins to speak at UNT Arts & Life | Page 4
Tourney Troubles Softball team drops four of five games Sports | Page 6
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
News 1, 2 Arts&Life 3, 4 Sports 5, 6 Views 7 Classifieds 8 Games 8
Volume 99 | Issue 25
The Student Newspaper of the University of North Texas
Two people hit by A-train on bridge ISAAC WRIGHT
Senior Staff Writer One person was killed and another remains in critical condition after being hit by the Denton County Transportation Authority A-train on Saturday at about 5:30 p.m. Sergeant Br yan Joseph Geuea, 32, a U.S. Army recruiter in Denton who served multiple tours in Iraq, and his wife, Ashley McCraw Geuea, 22, of Hickory Creek, were crossing the railroad trestle spanning Lewisville Lake on foot when the A-train hit them. Both fell about 20 feet into Lewisville Lake near the north shore, according to the Denton County Sheriff’s Department. Both were taken to area hospitals by CareFlite helicopters. Bryan Geuea was pronounced dead shortly after arriving at Plano Hospital. Ashley Geuea was transported to Parkland Hospital in Dallas where she remained in critical condition as of Monday afternoon. The conductor of the train saw the couple, honked the horn and attempted to stop the train, but was unable to, according to Tom Reedy, public information officer for the Denton County Sheriff’s Department. The investigation is ongoing. “They were in the area on an outing with other family members when they departed on foot and somehow ended up on the bridge,” the sheriff’s department said in the press release. “Passing motorists on I35E and some Lewisville police officers assisted in retrieving
them from the lake.” DCTA President Jim Cline said DCTA is conducting an investigation to ensure all proper measures were taken to avoid the accident, which includes review of the train’s onboard data recorder. He said signs are posted along the A-train tracks and near the bridge warning people that walking on the tracks is dangerous and is trespassing. D C TA w i l l c ont i nue informing the public about the dangers of walking on the tracks to prevent future accidents, Cline said. “We’re trying to educate people about how to act around train tracks – whether that’s driving across the tracks or walking on them,” Cline said in an interview Monday. “You can’t outrun a train. It’s not like a car. It takes a long time for even our rider vehicles to stop.” Since opening in June, the A-train has been involved in seven accidents along the A-train corridor. Cline said this is the second accident that ended in a fatality. The A-train hit Dustin O’Dell, a UNT radio, television and film senior, on Nov. 13 when he was walking southbound along the A-train tracks. “The only core trend in these accidents is that it appears folks are not taking proper care around train tracks,” Cline said. “It’s new to this corridor. This is an area that has had limited freight trains, or not trains at all, for many years.”
Three 30-foot-long blades spin on a wind turbine in front of Apogee Stadium. The three 121-foot-tall turbines began spinning Feb. 17. The turbines will provide one-third of the stadium’s power and about six percent of the power for Eagle Point.
Apogee turbines up and spinning R EBECCA RYAN Staff Writer
The three wind turbines by Apogee Stadium, which first underwent construction in November, have finally started turning. The turbines were originally due to be completed by Dec. 31, but the project was delayed because the manufacturer of the turbines mistakenly sent a wrong part to UNT. “When we inspected [the component], we found the transformers just weren’t up to
spec,” Director of Construction Greg Lebkowsky said. “We sent them back and got the right ones soon after.” The turbines will eliminate 323 metric tons of carbon dioxide annually from being emitted into the atmosphere. “In the summer of 2010, we received the initial grant for $200,000,” said Lauren Helixon, assistant director of operations for the Office of Sustainability and project manager. “We’ve gone through a long process. It started in 2009 with us finding
the grant, applying for it and then bringing all the stakeholders together.” The $1 million turbines were paid for with a grant from the State Energ y Conservation Office. They will power nearly six percent of Eagle Point along with one-third of the stadium. “At some point, the turbines will pay for themselves,” Helixon said. “They have about a 25-year lifespan before major repairs are needed.” Now that the turbines are complete, Helixon said they will
require little maintenance. “They’re built for durability,” she said. “If something were to break or need maintenance, a built-in monitoring system will alert someone here or at the manufacturer. Helixon said she has heard nothing but positive comments about t he t u rbines f rom students. “It’s really great because it shows that UNT is actually committed to ‘being green,’” international studies freshman John Bourbon said.
Construction of bridge Board approves plan slated to commence for Greek Life Center NICOLE BALDERAS
Senior Staff Writer
Construction is set to begin on a pedestrian bridge that will span the width of Interstate 35 by Fouts Field. The start of the six-month construction process is undetermined, but the City of Denton is in the process of moving utility lines from Lot 20 of Fouts Field to make room for TxDOT construction. Once construction begins, phase one of the project is expected to last two to three weeks. The DCTA bus stop at the southwest end of Fouts Field is shut down, and the Mean Green bus route has been altered to accommodate the construction zone. “We hope to alleviate a lot of traffic issues that we would otherwise have,” said Helen Bailey, director of facilities and construction. UNT contributed $1 million PHOTO BY ANTHONY CARAWAY/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER to the $4 million joint-funded A bridge to span Interstate 35 is under construction and will connect Fouts project with TxDOT. Interstate 35 will be partially Field with Apogee Stadium. UNT contributed $1 million to the $4 million jointshut down at night during the funded project with Texas Department of Transportation and Denton County. building process. However, there will be no lane closures permitted during any UNT event that utilizes was designed by HDR Inc. and cross,” said Taylor Lindholm, an the stadium, and a 24-hour notice will be prefabricated with hand- undeclared freshman and Victory will be provided. Hall resident. “It will make it lot icap ramps on both sides. The 354-foot-long steel bridge “We definitely need a bridge to safer for me to get to campus.”
UNT’s 38 Greek life organizations will soon gain a shared location to meet and host events. The UNT Board of Regents approve d pla n s for t he construction of a Greek life bui lding dur ing its most recent meeting Feb. 16-17. The new facility is expected to open in 2013. “Greek life staff currently has a small space in the Union bu i ld i ng ,” sa id Ray na rd Kearbey, associate vice chancellor for system facilities. “Students have to schedule rooms there ahead of time or have to go elsewhere for meetings.” The new building will be located on Maple Street next to current Greek housing, across the street from the university, Kearbey said. Though there is a Greek organization office on the fourth f loor of the Union, all Greek life matters will be housed inside of the new building after renovations. “We need about 6,000 square feet of space, and that’s how big we’re making the Greek Life Center,” said Maureen McGuinness, dean of students and assistant vice president for student affairs. “If we were to put Greek life
“It’s going to be a place where all Greek life chapters can hold events, chapter meetings, study ...” — Rebecca Gerbert Multicultural Greek Council advisor in the Union it would cost a rou nd $ 20 m i l l ion, but having it built separately will cost only $2.6 million.” The building will provide additional space for various activities. “It’s going to be a place where all Greek life chapters can hold events, chapter meetings, study and whatever t hey choose to do,” Multicultural Greek Council adv isor Rebecca Gerber t said. T he new bu i ld i ng w i l l affect the Multicultural Greek Council and the Nationa l Pan-Hellenic Council, the on ly t wo Greek cou nci ls currently without their own space. “Everyone will now have a place that they can go to, so the building will be a place for all students to call home,” Gerbert said. Funding for the building is expected to come mostly
from outside donations from Greek alumni, McGuinness said. “It might be that we have one [donor] name it and divvy up the rooms,” McGuinness said. “We have 9,500 selfidentified alumni who can potent ia l l y m a ke donations.” In addit ion, f unds may come f rom a buy-a-br ick campaign in which Greek students could purchase a brick w it h t heir na me on it. The bricks will then be used in the construction of the building, McGuinness said. Wit h initia l plans approved, a rch itect f i r m Ha h nseld Hof fer a nd Stanford has been selected to head the project, pending contract negotiations. Greek life staff will move from their spot in the Union to the Greek Life Center once the building opens.
Inside Teen gunman suspected in Ohio shooting News | Page 2
Track women finish second in championships Sports | Page 6
Lawmakers should review top 10 percent rule Views | Page 7
Page 2 Paul Bottoni and Valerie Gonzalez, News Editors
Grant gives funds to Ph.D. students ELIZABETH BOYLE
Contributing Writer UNT is one of 18 schools selected for the newly established Project TELL, a fiveyear, $1.2 million grant that prov ides f ina ncia l a id to students who pursue their Ph.D. in special education. The grant is offering fulltuition scholarships along with monthly stipends for 12 new students beginning this summer. The students in Project TELL will work with three partner school districts: Birdville, Desoto and Lewisville. A ppl ic at ion s a r e due March 22, according to the Project TELL website. “The gra nt is designed to recruit doctorate-level students to make changes i n t hei r s c ho ol s,” s a id Ber t i na Combes, educational psychology associate professor. “The schools need to be high-need schools, and those are where there is high povert y and low achievement.” Three associate professors in the Department of Educational Psychology are working together to establish the project: Combes, Sm ita Mehta a nd End ia Lindo. The grant was awarded b y t he D e p a r t m e nt of E duc at iona l Ps ycholog y
through the Office of Special Education Programs. T he 12 st udent s have not been chosen yet, but C ombe s i s hopef u l t he spot s w i l l be f i l le d by summer. Once admitted to the program, students will have to complete 75 hours of coursework and also meet si x competenc y requ i rements. “You want to bring people in ma k ing sure that t hey w i l l be s uc c e s sf u l a nd knowing these people have the interest to come in and do graduate work, and then go back out as leaders in t heir communit ies,” sa id Mike Sayler, senior associate dean for academic affairs and research in the College of Education. U N T a lu m na Fr a n k ie Norris, a sixth grade English and reading teacher in the Birdville district, said she grew up poor and was a firstgeneration college student, a nd sees t he prog ra m as an opportunity to help kids who face challenges. “I really feel that just like there was a civil rights movement and a women’s rights movement, there needs to be a n educationa l movement,” Norris said. “I just don’t know what’s next, but I’m hoping to have a small impact on whatever it is.”
Editorial Staff Editor-in-chief ...............................................Sean Gorman Managing Editor .............................................Paul Bottoni Assigning Editor ............................................Valerie Gonzalez Arts and Life Editor ........................................Alex Macon Scene Editor.......................................Christina Mlynski Sports Editor ...................................................Bobby Lewis Views Editor .................................................Ian Jacoby Visuals Editor ....................................................Tyler Cleveland Copy Chief ....................................................Jessica Davis Design Editor ............................................... Stacy Powers
League of United Latin American Citizen members Alonso Salas, Jeanette Trevizo and Selina Rodriguez light candles for the DREAM Act vigil Friday night. The vigil was held at the Library Mall in remembrance of fallen dreamers, students brought to America as children who were deported later in life. The DREAM Act would allow undocumented students a path to citizenship after graduation from college or enrollment into the military.
One killed, four hurt in school shooting (MCT) – What began as a routine start of the school day, breakfast in the cafeteria and students shuff ling to class, turned into a scene of chaos and tragedy Monday when a teenage gunman opened fire, killing one student and wounding four others at a suburban Ohio high school before he was arrested a half mile away. The shooting began about 7:30 a.m. EST at Chardon High School, about 30 miles outside Cleveland. Students told reporters that the gunman appeared to targeting specific classmates when he walked into the cafeteria and began firing a
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Saturday, Feb. 25 9:32 a.m. – A UNT police officer pulled over a 24-yearold non-student male on the 700 block of Nort h Texas Boulevard. The suspect was found to be in possession of a controlled substance. He was arrested and taken to Denton County Jail. Thursday, Feb. 23 1:10 a.m. – A UNT police officer approached a 21-yearold male on the 1000 block of Avenue C. The suspect
Find out more online by visiting UNION.UNT.EDU/MASTERPLAN
handgun. Victims were found in at least three locations, police said. Authorities did not identify the shooter because he is a juvenile and were investigating the motive. Loud pops rang through the cafeteria and hallways and sent students scurrying for safety. Teachers responded heroically. One reportedly grabbed a wounded student and pulled him to safety while others barricaded their rooms. Another finally forced the gunman to leave the building, officials said. “Ever ybody just started running,” Megan Hennessy,
17, told The Associated Press. Hennessy said she was in class when she heard the noises. “Everyone was running and screaming down the hallway.” The building had no metal detector, but Geauga County Sheriff Dan McClelland said police and school officials had many drills. It turned out to be “practice, if you would, for (an) event just like today.” Police responded after the first shots, Chardon Police Chief Tim McKenna told reporters at a televised news conference. Students reached for their cellphones and texted nervous parents who gathered outside
to pick up their children. Five students were taken to two local hospitals. Two students were listed in critical condition, one was in serious condition and one was stable at the other hospital. McKenna identified the dead student as Daniel Parmertor. “We are shocked by this senseless tragedy,” Parmertor’s family said in a prepared statement distributed to reporters. “Danny was a bright young boy who had a bright future ahead of him. The family is torn by this loss. We ask that you respect our privacy during this difficult time.”
POLICE BLOTTER Alcohol and Drug Related Offensives
Senior Staff Photographer
Vigil held in support of DREAM Act
Senior Staff Writers Isaac Wright, Nicole Balderas, Brittni Barnett, Holly Harvey, Brett Medeiros, Alison Eldridge
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
had a warrant out for his arrest by The Colony Police Department and was found to be in possession of marijuana. He was arrested and ta ken to Denton Cou nt y Jail. Monday, Feb. 20 1: 23 a.m. – A UN T police officer approached a 61-year-old male on the 1300 block of W. Hickor y St reet. T he suspect wa s fou nd to be i ntox icated and had a warrant out for his a rrest by t he Denton Police Department. He was arrested and taken to the
City of Denton Jail.
Theft and Burglary Sunday, Feb. 26 11:23 p.m. – A UNT police officer responded to a call from complainant reporting t he t hef t of a bic ycle at College Inn. Friday, Feb. 24 12 : 2 8 p.m . – A U N T police officer responded to a call from a complainant reporting the burglary of his dorm room at Maple Hall.
Wednesday, Feb. 21 9:07 p.m. – A complainant reported an altercation at Victory Hall. A UNT police officer responded and determined the altercation was verbal only. The subject was counseled and then released. Tuesday, Feb. 20 4:11 p.m. – A complainant reported a medical emergency at the UNT Language Bu i ld i ng. A U N T pol ice of f icer a nd Denton EMS re sponde d . T he pat ient refused transport to medical facility.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Alex Macon, Arts & Life Editor
Arts & Life
Page 3 alexdmacon@yahoo.com
Professor aids, advises campus social groups CHELSEY COX
Contributing Writer
T. Pain and Samantha Gould, from Allen, Texas, visit the artist Nick Cave’s “Soundsuits” gallery opening Feb. 24 at UNT on the Square. “It’s like two pieces pushed together,” said Gould, adding that Cave’s work often represents “two different sides of any world.” Exhibition hours are 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday until March 24.
For history professor Clark Pomerleau, teaching is just one of the many ways to help positively impact the lives of diverse North Texas students. Pomerleau adv ises t he Fem i n ist Major it y Leadership Alliance, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance of Denton and its subdivision, By the Bi. He said he enjoys bringing together students to make them feel at home on the UNT campus. “When you’re at a school that’s like 30,000 or more, I think it’s really easy to be disengaged and kind of lost, and not figure out where you can connect because it’s just so many people,” Pomerleau said. “But it’s such an opportunity that if you’re with 30,000 people, you know there are going to be people you share interests with.” With a Ph.D. in history and a minor in women’s studies from the University of Arizona under his belt, Pomerleau came to UNT during the 2007-2008 school year and began teaching the women’s history course, which led him to other opportunities. “I got tapped for a number
of things, including doing the ally training, which is our program at UNT to expose people to the kind of basic issues UNT students, staff or faculty may face by being gay, lesbian, bi or trans,” Pomerleau said. Through this program and his teaching, Pomerleau got to know students involved
“He gives everybody the liberty to prove themselves...”
—Effy Freese Pre-English senior
with FMLA and GLAD. When advisers from each organization moved to new jobs at other institutions, Pomerleau was asked to step in and take on these roles. When By the Bi started up, the group knew immediately who to look to. “He was our first choice because we knew he was adviser for GLAD and FMLA so we knew he would fit with our group, and he’s a really good adviser,” said By the Bi president Mariel Brown, a radio, television and film junior. “He doesn’t just
sign and say ‘go and have this group,’ he tried to educate us on how to run our organization.” As an adviser, Pomerleau helps when needed but likes to stay back and let the groups grow as they see fit, students said. “One thing that I really appreciate about Clark is that he is very involved without being interfering,” said GLAD president Effy Freese, a pre-English senior. “He gives everybody the liberty to prove themselves and to be creative.” Pomerleau’s research focuses primarily on the work of social and feminist movements in support of gender and sexual equality. He said he enjoys getting others involved with these issues. “I love seeing the undergraduate students finding GLAD, finding FMLA, connecting up to maybe some electives or filling core requirements with courses that they found through talking to people who are in the student organizations with them and really being excited about doing collective work,” Pomerleau said. “UNT has been a supportive environment for diversity, so student groups can flourish.” For more information, visit the student activities website, unt.orgsync.edu, and search FMLA, GLAD and By the Bi.
35 Denton gets muralized Resident artist debuts new soundsuits at UNT HOLLY H ARVEY
Senior Staff Writer Vibrant 7-foot-tall soundsu it s made of ever y t h i ng from “The Lion King” rugs to reused ca rpets towered over Denton art enthusiasts at UNT on t he Squa re on Saturday afternoon. The opening reception for Nick Cave’s “Sou ndsu it s” — wea rable scu lpt u res composed of a variety of materials that make noises unique to each suit – displayed three cone-shaped costumes that w i l l feat u re i n “Herd,” a performance piece by Cave set to debut at UNT on March 12. Cave, director of the graduate fashion program at School of the Art Institute of Chicago and UNT’s artist-in-residence, created his latest soundsuits out of shimmery beads, sequins, reused carpets and rags. The first soundsuits were designed as a reaction to the 1992 Los Angeles riots, but Cave said the inspiration for the pieces in “Herd” came from reconsidering available resources. “It’s reconci ling low a r t as opposed to high art and what might be considered crafty,” he said. “I’m taking the discarded and claiming,
“Some of these things are powers of destruction. But they’re coming together to make a new form, like a high priestess of art.”
—Nick Cave UNT’s artist-in-residence
repurposing and recycling it.” “Herd” will include more than 30 soundsuits, assembled with help from UNT art, da nce, music a nd t heat re students. When designing the three soundsuits on display at UNT on the Square, Cave said he was inf luenced by the forms of missiles, Catholic bishops’ headw a re, Ku K lu x K la n uniforms and condoms. “Some of these things are powers of destruction,” Cave sa id. “But t hey’re com ing together to make a new form, like a high priestess of art.” A constant stream of about 40 people f lowed in and out of the gallery between 5 and 7 p.m. to admire the colorful suits. One sou ndsu it feat u red sequins and beads arranged i n or nate f lora l pat ter ns.
The ot her t wo were made up of reused rugs and had Superman, characters from “The Lion King” and a unicorn woven across the piece. Denton resident Nata lie Elaine said she had seen some of Cave’s previous works in Boston and was excited to see the newest soundsuits. “I l i ke a ny t h i ng t hat ’s out la nd i sh, a nd I re a l l y respect h is work,” Ela i ne said. The creation of the soundsuits was a result of great community effort, said Elyce Franks, assistant to the dean of the College of Visual Arts. Elementary school-age children, college students and sen ior cit i zens a l l helped create the suits, she said. “The suits are just beaut if u l. They say somet hing d i f fer ent to e v er y b o d y,” Franks said.
Artist Jerod Alexander Davies spray paints “35” on the side of Copy Center on Monday afternoon. Davies is one of the Texas artists selected for the public art initiative by 35 Denton, a four-day walkable music festival held March 8-11. Davies recently exhibited a 100-foot mural at the Dallas Museum of Art, the largest mural in DMA history.
Student Service Fee Advisory Committee/Group Proposal Presentations Date: Friday, March 2, 2012 Location: Union, Room 413 Time: 9:00 AM
Page 4 Alex Macon, Arts & Life Editor
Arts & Life
Tuesday, February 28, 2012 alexdmacon@yahoo.com
Denton band brings boom by mixing genres RODRIGO VAZQUEZ MELLADO ROSAS Intern
Any student who’s been paying attention around campus the last few months may be familiar with the name “The BoomBachs.” At packed house shows, energetic performances at various Denton music venues and a lively demonstration at the Lyceum on Thursday, the gentlemen of The BoomBachs, UNT College of Music alumni, are making their blend of funk, ska, hip-hop, blues and jazz heard all over town. The band formed in April 2011 when trumpeter and keyboard player Marcus Wheat and vocalist Adonias “A.D.” Wondessen were joined by saxophonist and flutist Manzell Bledsoe, guitarist Connor Veteto, keyboard player Matt Westmoreland, bassist Eric Daino, drummer Stephen Simpson and percussionist Will Huebner. “We just kept trying different permutations, and it almost happened haphazardly, everyone gravitated towards each other,” Wondessen said. The band’s mix of instruments and styles makes it impossible to pinhole the band in any one genre. In a typical song, The BoomBachs’ rhythm section plays a groovy foundation for Wondessen to lay down his suave hip-hop vocals, accompanied by jazzlike saxophone melodies. “It doesn’t stop with hip-hop or jazz or any genre for that matter, we’re all music enthusiasts,” said Veteto, who along with his band members cites
musical influences ranging from acts like Snarky Puppy and Otis Redding to A Tribe Called Quest and Jay Dilla. These different elements all come into play during a BoomBachs live show. Wondessen said each member of the band tries to channel their influences through their own voice and into the song. “When we’re on the stage we’re just conveying our emotions through notes and pitches, it’s the sincerity in the tone of our music,” Wondessen said. “Everything we do is because we love it, and people understand that.” The BoomBachs consistently manage to spread that fervor and emotion at every gig, and with the release of their new selfproduced, self-recorded EP “We Are Aliens” this April, the band hopes to bring that passion to your living room speakers. “It’s going to give our audience a chance to delve into the songs sonically and lyrically,” Veteto said. “They’ll be able to hear all the lyrics and add it to the big picture.” The 30-minute long EP was recorded by bassist Eric Daino and is being released by his very own record label, Holophonor Records. “I did all the tracking, mixing, mastering and producing between my living room and my bedroom,” Daino said. “Somebody would record his part with the rest of us hanging out at my room, our minds being blown.”
Vocalist Adonias “A.D.” Wondessen raps over a mixture of jazz and electronic music during The BoomBachs’ performance in the Lyceum on Feb. 23. “The EP is big and loud and in your face, but not too much, like pleasantly in your face,” Wondessen said. The BoomBachs bring a do-it-yourself mentality to the community, both on and off of campus. They have gladly taken part in charity events for the Shropshire Music Foundation, an organization that provides free musical instruments and instruction to child refugees in Kosovo, Uganda and Northern Ireland, and has even incorporated the foundation’s message in some of their lyrics. “They just help bring the joy of music into other people’s lives and I was greatly inspired by it,” Wheat said. The BoomBachs will continue to spread that joyful message
t h roug hout Denton t h is semester. The group will be playing a house show on Normal March 9, and are planning for an EP release party to be announced through their website, www. theboombachs.net. The BoomBachs will keep on jamming around campus as part of the Local Artist Concert Series with shows tentatively set for early May. “The general consensus is that we all feel very strong about what we’re doing, and we want to reach a mass audience. We want other people to hear it because it’s new and different,” Veteto said.
The BoomBachs perform a mixture of funk, ska, and rhythm and blues for students in the Lyceum on Feb. 23. “It doesn’t stop with hip-hop or jazz or any genre for that matter, we’re all music enthusiasts,” guitarist Connor Veteto said.
Punk statesman to speak at UNT Support group helps seniors ALEX MACON
Arts & Life Editor
Henry Rollins has come a long way since he first got in the van with Black Flag, the legendary ’80s punk rock group notorious for its speed and ferocity as much as its chaotic, often violent live shows. The punk rock renaissance man – musician, writer, actor, spoken word artist, radio DJ, world traveler – will bring the intensity that has defined most of his long career to UNT Saturday with a “talking show”
at the Murchison Performing Arts Center. Rollins, who turned 51 in February, said that middle age has not made him any more complacent. “Anger gets me up in the morning, and curiosity gets me on the trail,” he said. Rollins is touring to support his latest book, “Occupants,” a collection of essays and photos he took while visiting countries such as Sudan, Uganda, India, Haiti and North Korea. “There’s a real commonality
with people everywhere,” Rollins said. “What I try and do with these shows is shorten the distance between you and them without it being a big group hug.” Projecting an electric and somewhat intimidating presence on stage, the tattooed, muscular Rollins has performed his talking shows – he bristles at the word “comedy” – on six different continents. Rollins tears into topics ranging from the “land mines, shell casings and shallow graves” he witnessed in war-torn countries such as Sudan to today’s punk music scene, which he dismisses as wimpy and stale. “Anything that gets established and has time to stand still gets man boobs, it gets back fat, it gets a teenage girlfriend, it gets a lawyer,” Rollins said. “[Punk] got comfortable.” While some of his early writings depict a tumultuous inner struggle with rage and selfloathing, Rollins said he now worries more about problems in the world around him. “You’re putting a comb through your hair, working out all the knots,” Rollins said.
“That’s what I sought to do w ith writing.” Economics freshman N a t h a n Storck, a long- HENRY time fan, said ROLLINS he planned to see the former Black Flag frontman to get a loud, angry and occasionally funny perspective on life. “He’s been around long enough to see the music industry develop,” Storck said. “I’m excited to hear what he has to say.” Rollins, a devout workaholic who personally prefers the term “work slut,” is talking in more than 100 performances this year. He hosts a weekly radio show in Los Angeles and is set to appear in a National Geographic program about human and animal interaction. He will perform at 8 p.m. Saturday in the Murchison Performing Arts Center. Tickets are free for students and available at the Murchison Box Office. “I’ll be ready,” Rollins said. “I’m always ready.”
Contributing Writer Graduation comes with mixed emotions. Finding a job, moving out or potentially ending a romantic relationship are a few concerns that seniors may have during their last semester of college. UNT Counseling and Testing Services is now offering a support group for those who are looking to discuss their concerns about graduation and connect with others in similar situations. The idea to start the group came from Dr. LaSandra Ward, a counseling psychologist who works in the office. She noticed a number of students coming in every year with issues surrounding graduation. “Like when you come to college, you’re excited because you’re off to something new, but you might feel sad about leav ing friends behind,” Ward said. Ward said she saw college as a developmental milestone in a student’s life. “You come into college to move your way through this process toward graduation, and the purpose of the counseling center is to really help people navigate those challenges while they’re doing their best with achievement,” she said. “I guess I see the group as working toward that end and also giving them a forum and opportunity to share with others who are in similar situations.”
Group Meetings When: Wednesdays at 4 p.m. Where: Chestnut Hall For more info, visit http:// counselingandtesting.unt. edu/.
Cou nsel i ng & Test i ng Services secretary Shelly Barnett said that this is the first semester UNT has had the group. The group is only open to those graduating this May. The screening process for potential candidates to be a part of the project is ongoing. Group members and counselors are asked to sign a confidentiality agreement because of the sensitive nature of some discussion topics. “If you’re coming to the group and you’re sharing things you might not be sharing with others, you want some degree of privacy,” Ward said. “So that’s one of the group guidelines that everyone has to agree to.” Ward expects group members to have a wide variety of concerns, but sees a shared graduation date as the leveling factor. “With it being a mutual experience, the group members can offer each other support. They perhaps get an opportunity to sense that they’re not the only ones that may be experiencing these stresses,” she said. “It’s a place to also look at both the positives and negatives that may be associated with the experience of graduating.”
Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Bobby Lewis, Sports Editor
Page 5 blew7@hotmail.com
Godbolt, Stanley not enough to top Denver Women’s Basketball A LISON ELDRIDGE Senior Staff Writer
In the final game of the reg u la r season, t he Mea n Green women’s basketba ll team (14-15, 7-9) fell to the Denver Pioneers (19-11, 11-5) 55-36 Sunday. The loss was the sixth in the Mean Green’s last seven games and was its lowest scoring game this season. “Initially I thought our shot selection was pretty good,” head coach Karen Aston said. “We just missed layup after layup early in the game, and they got discouraged.” The Mean Green struggled on offense to begin the game, going 0-for-11 from the f loor until senior guard Brittney Hudson scored t he Mea n Green’s first field goal of the game. The Mean Green hit just 16 percent of its shots in the first half and found itself down 26-12 at halftime. The Mean Green started the second half strong, scoring the first eight points of the half.
UNT also held Denver scoreless for the first six minutes, cutting the Pioneer’s lead to six points. Ju n ior for wa rd Jasm ine G odbolt m ade si x shot s in a row in an effort to tie the game, but the Pioneers responded continuously, and with seven minutes left in the game extended its lead back to 12 points. With a minute and a half remaining in the game, Denver freshman guard Morgan Van Riper-Rose made a three-point shot. Twenty seconds later Denver freshman guard Jordan Johnston scored a layup that extended the Denver lead to 17. Van Riper-Rose hit another l a y u p w it h 4 6 s e c ond s remaining that gave Denver its biggest lead of the game at 19 points and the win. “We just had a bad offensive night,” Stanley said. “We had it down to within six points at one time, and then we started scrambling, and then they just started knocking out shots. It’s tough to come back from that.”
E v en w it h t he lo s s to Denver, L ou i sia naMonroe’s loss to LouisianaL a fayet te on Sat u rday bumped the Mean Green to third place in the Sun Belt Conference West Division standings heading into the conference tour na ment next weekend. The Mea n Green w ill play its first game in the tournament against the East Div ison si xt h seed Troy Trojans on Saturday at 2:15 p.m. The teams last played on New Year’s Eve, when the Mean Green beat the Trojans 57-36. “I think we need to have positive thoughts going in,” Stanley said. “We’re not going to take them lightly at all. We’ll prepare this whole week.”
Senior guard Tyler Hall drives on sophomore forward Bryant Mbamalu of the University of Louisiana Ragin’ Cajuns at Lafayette during a 57-53 loss at the Super Pit on Feb. 18. Despite a 64-52 loss to the Denver Pioneers on Saturday, the fifth-seeded Mean Green retained a first round bye in the SBC Tournament and will play the Ragin’ Cajuns in the quarter finals of the tournament Sunday.
Mean Green ends season with loss to Pioneers Men’s Basketball BRETT MEDEIROS PHOTO BY OLIVIA MCCLENDON/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER
The women’s swim team is briefed on their next swim combinations to prepare for an upcoming meet during practice in the Pohl Recreation Center on Feb. 7. For the fourth year in a row, the Mean Green won bronze at the Sun Belt Conference Championships. UNT broke 18 school records and collected four gold medals, six silvers and five bronzes.
UNT finishes fourth again Swimming RYNE GANNOE Intern
The Mean Green swimming and diving team was in first place a f ter day one of t he Sun Belt Swimming & Diving Championship in Rockwall, but by the end of the four-day event, UNT found itself in t hird place for t he four t h consecutive year. T he Denver men’s a nd women’s tea ms each won t he conference cha mpionship for the second consecutive year. U N T h e a d c o a c h Jo e Dykstra and the swim team cou ld not be reached for comment. The Mean Green finished with 667 points, while Denver a n d We s t e r n K e n t u c k y finished with 820.5 and 704.5, respectively. Beyond the team’s bronze meda l, plent y of hardware was distributed to the Mean
Green’s swimmers and divers individually. UNT raked in four gold medals, six silver and five bronze as it broke 18 school records. Fifteen Mean Green times qualified for an NCA A B cut, w h ic h g r a nt s s w i m mer s a possible inv ite to NC A A Championship. In contrast, an NCA A A cut qua lifies a swimmer automatically based on time. Swimmers who made the B cut may be allowed to participate in the Championship if there are fewer A cut swimmers than there are slots in each event. The ma x imum amount in an individual race is 16 pa r t icipa nts, a nd a ll races must have t he sa me amount of competitors. The NCA A will post the women qualifiers and their alternates tomorrow. Junior Catia Weickgenant, one of the members of the Mea n Green who received N C A A B c u t c o n s i d e ration, won three individual
medals. She racked up a first place finish and two second place finishes, and was part of two podium finishing relay teams. UNT’s 400-yard medley tea m, composed of freshmen Mona Groteguth a nd K r ista Rossum, Weickgenant and senior Rosa Gentile, was the first team since the program started in 1998 to take first in the championships. The tea m swa m t he med ley in 3:41.23 minutes, more than four seconds better t ha n t he school record set by the same line up in December. Groteguth and Rossum also compiled a combined two individual gold medals and a bronze. Sophomore divers Cat her i ne Joh nson a nd Rebecca Taylor qualified for NCA A Zone D diving meet which takes place in Iowa City, Iowa on March 8-10.
Senior Staff Writer
The Denver Pioneers (21-8, 11-5) exacted some revenge against the Mean Green men’s basketball team Saturday in the final game of the regular season, with a 64-52 win Saturday, a month after UNT beat the Pioneers on a buzzerbeating tip in. The Mean Green finished its 2011-2012 season with a 16-13 record and 9-7 in conference play. The only way UNT can continue its five-year streak of 20-win seasons is if it wins the Sun Belt Conference Tournament and wins a game in the NCAA Men’s Division I Basketball Championship. “What we are really going to take from this game is that any team can be beaten. We came in knowing that we were going to
get a first round bye, but Denver didn’t care,” junior guard Roger Franklin said. “They came in and they showed up tonight. They wanted it more than us, and that’s the reason we got beat. Now it is either you win or go home.” UNT freshman forward Tony Mitchell scored nine points on just nine shot attempts. Mitchell played 32 minutes and committed one foul, but the Pioneers limited the freshman’s touches by sending one or two extra defenders at him all game. Even with the rare singledigit scoring effort, Mitchell still finished first in the conference in rebounds per game (10.9) and blocks per game (2.9). His 15.9 points per game average also led the SBC in league play. UNT’s 52 points was its lowest point total of the season. “We have got to have shortterm memory with this game,” junior guard Brandan Walton
said. “He [Mitchell] can be very important, but this is still a team thing. Everyone isn’t going to have a good night at times.” UNT bested the Pioneers in field goal percentage, threepoint percentage and rebounds throughout the game, but the 20 Mean Green turnovers overshadowed the UNT success. “It [the turnovers] was glaring today. I did not think we did a great job in taking care of the basketball,” head coach Johnny Jones said. “You have to give Denver credit, they did a great job in turning those turnovers into [27] points.” Despite the loss, the fifth seeded Mean Green still has a first round bye in the SBC Tournament and will play the LouisianaLafayette Ragin’ Cajuns in the quarter finals of the tournament Sunday. The two teams split this season series with one win apiece.
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Page 6 Bobby Lewis, Sports Editor
Tuesday, February 28, 2012 blew7@hotmail.com
Changes help UNT roll to weekend sweep Tennis TYLER OWENS Staff Writer
Freshman Elisha Arends runs at Fouts Field during a practice at the beginning of the season, Jan. 17. The UNT women’s track team earned a second place finish at the Sun Belt Conference Championships on Sunday. The Mean Green track and field teams will begin the outdoor season March 15 and 16 at the TCU Invitational.
Dietz shines, team finishes in second place at SBC meet Track ZACH CLAUSSEN Staff Writer
The UNT women’s track team earned a second place finish and first year head coach Carl Sheffield was named Sun Belt’s Women’s Indoor Track Coach of the Year following the Sun Belt Conference Championships on Sunday. Middle Tennessee, the host of the SBC championships, edged out UNT 108-107 in the final point standings for the women’s side. Sheffield and the teams were unavailable for comment. Heading into Sunday, the women’s track team sat in first place thanks in large part to the distance running duo of senior Sara Dietz and freshman Jo Adams. The pair finished the women’s mile run first
and second, respectively, and earned the Mean Green women 18 points. Dietz, who won three gold medals, received the Outstanding Track Performer Award from the conference after her first place finishes in the mile, the 3,000meter run and record-breaking 800-meter run (2:09.90 minutes). Her 800-meter time is a UNT school record and Sun Belt Championship record. Senior Janesa Moore claimed a second place finish in the 55-meter dash with a time of 7.07 seconds. Senior Chelsea Hermes finished second in the pentathlon, and there were a trio of third place finishes for the UNT women: freshman Deja McKnight in the shot put and sophomores Sarah Vann in the pole vault and Shahaf Bareni in the high jump. The UNT men had a tougher
time at the SBC championships, finishing eighth out of nine teams. Despite the lack of success as a team in the final results, there were some bright spots for the men. S ophomore spr i nter Clinton Collins snagged a gold medal in the men’s 400-meter dash with a time of 47.41 seconds. Collins was also part of the men’s 4x400meter relay team, which won gold and received All-Sun Belt Conference honors. A ltogether, the Mean Green totaled 14-All Sun Belt Conference honors, which are awarded to relay teams and individuals who finish in the top three of their event. The Mean Green track and field teams will begin the outdoor season March 15 and 16 at the TCU Invitational.
The UNT tennis team remained undefeated in conference play this weekend, picking up home victories against Sun Belt foes South Alabama and Florida International. The No. 60 Mean Green (8-4, 3-0) cruised to a 5-2 victory against the Jaguars (4-4, 0-3) on Friday and defeated the Golden Panthers (2-9, 1-1), the defending Sun Belt champions, 4-3 Sunday. “The team came out strong this weekend,” senior Nadia Lee said. This was a chance to prove to our opponents that we are a team to be reckoned with.”
Protecting the house Changes to UNT’s doubles teams paid off, as the Mean Green swept its three matches in doubles play against USA. The new teams paired Lee with junior Barbora Vykydalova, freshman Kseniya Bardabush with junior Valentina Starkova, and senior Irina Paraschiv with freshman Franziska Sprinkmeyer. The Mean Green stayed strong in singles play, winning the first four singles matches to secure the victory. “I’m really proud of every person on our team. They put in 100 percent effort,” Starkova said. “We give everything we possibly can to win.”
Duel with the champs While UNT couldn’t continue its doubles success, its toughness in singles play helped the team earn a narrow victory against FIU
Junior Barbora Vykydalova serves the ball during a doubles match against Florida International at the Waranch Tennis Complex on Sunday. The Mean Green defeated the defending Sun Belt Conference champions 4-3. “Every match they’re so resilient. They never give up,” head coach Sujay Lama said. “They’re just a group of fighters out there.” After the Mean Green dropped two of three matches to lose the doubles point, Paraschiv and senior Paula Dinuta quickly bested their opponents in singles and put the Mean Green ahead 2-1. Bardabush followed with a loss to Rita Maisak, but Lee helped regain the Mean Green lead with a (6-3, 6-3) victory. Lee finished
4-0 on the weekend, including singles and doubles play. Starkova was locked into combat with FIU senior Lisa Johnson. After a back-and-forth second set, including a tiebreaker, Starkova pulled ahead for a (6-2, 7-6) win, clinching a victory. “In singles our depth showed,” Lama said. “I like the fact that we were challenged because I think you learn a lot more when you have to dig in. I think it was good for us.”
Mean Green roughed up in road tournament Softball JOSH FRIEMEL Staff Writer
35 YEARS OF CHANGING LIVES Intensive English Language Institute @
The UNT softball team had its hands full against top competition this weekend, finishing fourth of five teams at the Texas Shootout tournament. Playing in its second road tournament this season, the Mean Green (5-7) faced No. 9 Baylor twice, Texas State, Texas Tech and Stephen F. Austin. Each team ranks in the top-five in its conference standings. “We don’t come back with the win-loss record that we want, but we had four games that were winnable against three very tough teams,” Hubbard said. “We learned that our pitchers are capable of shutting people down, and we’ve got to put some runs up on the board to have a chance.”
Texas State In the tournament’s first game, junior pitcher Brittany Simmons (3-1) held the Bobcats (8-7) scoreless through seven innings, but the Mean Green offense struggled en route to a 1-0 loss in extra innings Friday. The game remained scoreless until TSU center fielder Jordan Masek drove in an unearned run in the ninth inning. Masek was the only Bobcat hitter to notch multiple hits on Simmons, who pitched the entire game and finished with 142 pitches. “She was a slapper,” Simmons said. “Because it wasn’t a significant hit, it feels more like I was still doing my job because she wasn’t hitting the ball hard, but she was getting lucky and putting the ball in the hole.”
Sophomore Ashley Kirk winds up to pitch in the ninth inning at Waco. The Mean Green lost to Texas Tech 1-0 Friday. Texas Tech The Mean Green suffered its second straight defeat in extra innings with a 10-0 loss against the Red Raiders (11-5). In the top of the eighth inning, the Red Raiders broke a scoreless tie, exploding for 10 runs off pitchers sophomore Ashley Kirk, sophomore Lauren Poole and Simmons. Kirk was given her third loss of the season. “That’s usually what happens after you get one hit,” sophomore shortstop Brooke Foster said. “It’s kind of contagious, and it starts making other people hit.” Through the first two games, the Mean Green was held scoreless for 17 straight innings off seven hits.
Stephen F. Austin In its only win of the tournament, UNT almost matched its hit total from the first two games, notching six hits in a 3-1 victory against SFA on Saturday. Hubbard said the win gave the team confidence for the rest of the tournament.
“What was probably more important was putting that first run up on the board,” he said. “That put us in motion for the rest of the weekend as far as scoring.”
Baylor UNT led its first game against the Bears 2-1, but a two run double by Baylor catcher Kelsi Kettler in the bottom of the sixth inning propelled Baylor (12-2) to a 3-2 victory Saturday. In the second game, a rematch for third place in the tournament, Baylor cooled off the UNT bats by allowing only two hits, defeating the Mean Green 2-1. Foster said the team’s pitching and defense were where they should be, but the hitting needs to be at a higher level. “This tournament proves we can play with anybody if we really play our hardest,” she said. “We didn’t hit the ball any way we should have, so it goes to show, if we put everything together with the hitting, our defense and our pitchers, I don’t think anybody can stop us.”
Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Ian Jacoby, Views Editor
Campus Chat
Do you think Greek life deserves its own building on campus for activities?
“I think as long as they promote services and keep a good reputation then yes, if they really need that for the stuff they do.” Lehia Hill
State should eradicate “Top 10% Rule” The U.S. Supreme Cour t w i l l hear arg uments concerning the Universit y of Texas’ admissions policy in regards to race next fall. Abigail Fisher, a white student who was denied admission to UT’s flagship campus, brought the case forth in protest of UT’s admission standards. While the case could have serious implications on the role of affirmative action in many universities’ admittance processes, other admissions policies such as Texas House Bill 588 could also come into question as well. The bill, commonly known as the “Top 10% Rule,” guarantees admittance to any state-funded university for students that graduated in the top 10 percent of their senior class. “I’m sure that the issue will be addressed in 2013, because quite a few senators are interested in both affirmative action and the state’s
top 10 percent rule,” said Texas State Senator Judith Zaffirini, a democrat from Laredo and Senate Higher Education Committee chairwoman. It is the opinion of the Edboard that the “Top 10% Rule” hinders fa ir admitta nce a nd shou ld be reconsidered by lawmakers.
Lowers admittance standards Opponents of t he law a rg ue that the “Top 10% Rule” doesn’t guarantee fairness in admissions as intended, but rat her lowers admissions sta nda rds for State Universities. As stated in a 2004 article by “The Austin Review,” “The simple fact is that all high schools are not created equal. It is much more difficult to be in the top ten percent of some high schools than it is others.” This creates a disparity in the achievements between admitted
“I think they can find a place to hold events somewhere else. There may be issues with different groups and making space.” Celenia Lara
Pre-English junior
LET US KNOW! Visit NTDaily.com every Friday to vote in our weekly poll. We’ll post the updated results here daily.
The Editorial Board and submission policies: Sean Gorman, Paul Bottoni, Valerie Gonzalez, Alex Macon, Christina Mlynski, Bobby Lewis, Ian Jacoby, Tyler Cleveland, Jessica Davis, Stacy Powers. The NT Daily does not necessarily endorse, promote or agree with the viewpoints of the columnists on this page. The content of the columns is strictly the opinion of the writers and in no way reflect the beliefs of the NT Daily. To inquire about column ideas, submit columns or letters to the editor, send an email to ntviewseditor@gmail.com.
students. This disparity would not exist if students were admitted if they fell into the top 10 percent of the entire state’s GPA. However, t he current law operates on an individual high school level. Some high schools have a less competitive academic environment and therefore require less work to graduate in the top 10 percent. Furthermore, the law encourages students to focus on a single goal – maintaining a good GPA. Without the rule, GPA would still be considered, but other important qualities such as community service, SAT scores and extracurricular activities would be considered.
Crowds out non-traditiona l students According to “The Texas Tribune,” qualifying for the “Top 10% Rule” gained admission for 81 percent of UT’s freshman class before its
policy eventua lly cha nged to 8 percent in 2010. That means that only 19 percent of the incoming freshman class could come from non-traditional educational backgrounds. Non-traditional students include international students who don’t qualify and homeschooled students who didn’t have a graduating class to be evaluated against. T h i s law, mea nt to prov ide geographic and racia l diversit y, h i nders t he abi l it y of d iverse students to gain admission. Ac c ord i ng to U T P re sident William Powers Jr., it was because of diversity issues that UT’s policy was amended in the first place. The state should go further toward creating a fair admissions policy that encourages diversity both in achievement and race by eradicating the “Top 10% Rule” altogether.
Athletes should stay retired Public relations junior
Staff Editorial
Social work senior
“Heck no. They aren’t that significant to deserve their own building.” Dominic Cheatam
Page 7
Whatever happened to professional athletes saying they’re going to retire and actually staying retired? Usually the process of retiring includes a period of silence for about five years or so until it’s time to induct the person into that hall of fame, if good enough. It seems that this pattern of indecision all started with M.J. Michael Jordan is famous for many reasons, but his three different retirements and two comebacks kicked off the “I’m back” revolution. Granted, Jordan’s first retirement was triggered by the murder of his father and the loss of drive to play the game of basketball. Either way, Jordan pulled what we today call “a Favre.” Like Jordan, Brett Favre could never decide whether he was done playing his game. After his first retirement in 2006, he wanted to come back to the Green Bay Packers, but Green Bay had enough of his indecisiveness and traded his contract to the New York Jets. He was later released by the Jets and started his retirement once again, until he then donned a Minnesota Vikings jersey for two seasons. Today we have former NFL superstar Randy Moss trying to make a comeback, NBA fan favorite Allen Iverson trying to work his way back into the league and even Lance Armstrong making a comeback in competitive marathon running. Can’t these people just hang it up? As a Boston Red Sox fan, the last person I want to see back on the diamond is current comeback attempter and former Sox player Manny Ramirez. I’m tired of Manny being Manny,
but now the Oakland Athletics and the main character of the 2011 movie “Moneyball” Billy Beane actually gave the aging, juicing locker room parasite a one year deal for $500,000. Mr. Beane, I understand that Manny was a fantastic hitter, averages above a .400 on base percentage and falls perfectly into your system but really? He was done after the Sox’s traded him for nothing to the Los Angeles Dodgers. Retirement is a definite thing. For years, when your career was over, your career was over. The smartest human in professional sports is Yao Ming. He knew his body was done. He announced his retirement and probably won’t come back. Athletes, don’t follow Jordan, don’t follow Favre and please don’t follow Manny. Follow Yao and save us all the breaking stories about Lebron James coming out of retirement at the age of 50 to team back up with Wade and Bosh in South Beach. No one wants that.
Brett Medeiros is a pre-journalism sophomore. He can be reached at brettmedeiros@gmail.com
We must support independent radio If you’re like me, you like your radio diverse and commercial-free. That’s why I prefer listener-supported public radio to commercial. It’s refreshing to know there is a radio station that doesn’t limit “good music” to a certain genre. While most other stations are sectioned off with categories such as “pop,” “top 40” or “light rock,” 91.7 KXT offers up everything from Donna Summer and John Lennon to local DJs. There is something special about being able to listen to an hour of music with no song repeats and discovering a new song or band. But as many of us probably don’t want to admit, now that the station is in midst of its “Winter Membership Campaign” we find ourselves browsing other stations or plugging in our iPods to avoid the pleading voices asking for our donations. It wasn’t until I saw the documentary “Before The Music Dies” that I appreciated the sanctity of radio and realized how big names such as Clear Channel Communications have taken over the industry and transformed it into the commercial business it is today. Nationally syndicated stations such as 106.1 KISS FM are like magazines. You have to flip through pages and pages of ads (or listen to them, in this case) in order to get to what you actually wanted. Once you trim out all of the ads, you are left with a handful of songs to fill an hour’s worth of listening. Clear Channel currently owns 850 stations, making it the largest radio station group owner in the United States. It recorded more than $3.5
billion in revenue as of 2005, $1 billion more than CBS Radio. The wealthiest member of Congress as of 2012 was Texas Republican Michael McCaul, who is married to the daughter of Clear Channel Chairman Lowry Mays. His estimated net worth is $294 million. We live in a country where those who own something seem to own everything. I know the 99 percent movement is so 2011, but “Clear”ly running the country is a family business. Bottom line, we live in a country where listener-supported radio is a rare and special thing, and it is important to support that which we believe to be unique. Next time you hear those annoying whiny voices on the radio and think “someone else will donate,” reach into your pocket and think about using that Subway chicken-bacon-ranch money to buy something that will bring you much more happiness and much less indigestion.
Nicole Balderas is a journalism senior. She can be reached at Nicolebalderas12@ gmail.com
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# 47
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1 9 4 5 2 3 8 2 ...... 1 Management 4Center today AD 7Suite 3135- 940.369.7761 8 Stop the frustration and visit8 the Student Money - Chestnut Hall, YOUR HERE! ~ Workshops ~ Online resources ~ Loan programs 4 6Personal 2consultations 9 1 FR6EE 5 www.unt.edu/moneymanagement N E GRE NT Daily5(940)565-2851 3 2 8 9 3 49 3 2 95 3 5 3 5 4 2 6 3 56 3 5 5 76 5 9 3 5 1 7 41 3 5 7 8
Are your finances just a bunch of jumbled numbers?
# 48
su | do | ku V. EASY
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24 Jul 05