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Alum incorporates themes of dyslexia in sculptures Arts & Life | Page 3

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Sophomore running back learns from veterans Sports | Page 6

Thursday, October 27, 2011

News 1, 2 Arts & Life 3, 4 Sports 5, 6 Views 7 Classifieds 8 Games 8

Volume 98 | Issue 37


The Student Newspaper of the University of North Texas

Perry opposes rebelinspired license plates Caitlyn Jones Intern

Photo by James Coreas/Senior Staff Photographer

A worker on Rig 26 located on University Drive works on a gas drill Wednesday evening.

Drilling industry evolves in Texas A lex M acon

Senior Staff Writer The heady glor y days of natural gas drilling in North Texas’ Barnett Sha le may be over, w ith the number of active rigs in t he area at their lowest point since 2004, according to RigData, a website that compiles information on gas wells in the U.S. Ten years ago, a boom in natural gas drilling at the Barnett Shale saw oil and gas companies from around the world descending on North Texas to build hundreds of gas wells, to the outrage of some residents with environmental and health concerns about the nearby rigs.

In 2011, many of those rigs are now gone, off to south and west Texas for more costeffective liquid gas and oil. Yet a significant number of those rigs are still lingering around the Barnett Shale, as are concerns about their safety and economic value: This afternoon, Denton’s Gas Well Inspections Division and citizen task force on gas wells will hold a closed meeting to discuss possible amendments to the city’s ordinance on drilling. Tonight the Denton Stakeholder Drilling Advisory Group w i l l a lso host its third public panel on urban drilling. Denton is one of 24 North Texas counties situated atop

the Barnett Shale, a formation of sedimentar y rocks that some experts suspect holds the largest reserve of natural gas in the U.S. It wasn’t until t he late ‘90s that drilling techniques like hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, reached a level that let gas companies gain easy access to the natural gas in the Barnett Shale. Fracking is a controversial process in which water and other chemicals – drilling companies are not required by state regulation to reveal all the chemicals used – are pumped into bores drilled in reservoir rock formations to increase the extraction rate of natural gas.

The Env ironmenta l Protection Agency is currently investigating fracking for its potent ia l to conta minate groundwater in areas where gas drilling takes place and will have a report out next year.

A decade of drilling “We kind of got the Shale gas revolution started in ‘02,” said Tony Thornton, a spokesperson for Oklahoma Citybased Devon Energy, the oil and gas company that kicked the last 10 years’ drilling boom on the Barnett Shale into full gear, drilling more than 4,700 wells since 2002.

See GAS on Page 2

Texas Gov. Rick Perry said he opposed a proposed state license plate showing the Confederate battle flag, on Wednesday,. The plate design was proposed by the nonprofit group Sons of Confederate Veterans, a group Perry has supported in the past. “We don’t need to be scraping old wounds,” Perry said to the St. Petersburg Times during a fundraiser in Florida. The governor won’t actually get a say in whether or not the design gets passed. That decision will be left up to the ninemember Texas Department of Motor Vehicles Board, a panel Perry appointed. The plate would join dozens of other specialty designs available to Texas drivers at an additional fee. Perr y has been under increasing pressure in the past few days to reject the design. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D) and state Senator Rodney Ellis (D) held a press conference in Houston on Saturday urging the governor to take a stance. “The rebel f lag epitomized oppression,” Lee said in a statement. “It epitomized all of the things we worked so hard for people to move beyond.” The Sons of Confederate Veterans see no need for politicians to be involved in the issue. “It’s really not a public issue; it’s something that needs to be addressed by the DMV board,” said Granvel Block, Texas Division commander, in a Washington Times interview. “They need to look and see if our application has been

“It epitomized all of the things we worked so hard for people to move beyond.” –Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee filled out properly, and if it has, they should approve it.” As of now, the DMV board is deadlocked at four votes each as to whether or not it will approve the design. The ninth member has not yet indicated which way he will vote. Per r y ’s com ment s on Wednesday came after several weeks of criticism over a racial slur that was painted over on a rock near the entrance of a Perry family hunting lease. The Perry campaign said the rock was painted over after Perry and his father started hunting there in the early 1980s. Some students don’t think offering the plate as an option is a good idea. “I was just in East Texas and the [Confederate] flags are everywhere,” psychology junior Chelsea Kreis said. “It’s disrespectful and shows ignorance, but in the end, it’s the person’s choice.” Ot hers don’t see t he problem with the plate. “I don’t really see how it’s offensive,” music freshman Sola Akinola said. “This is America, and that’s kind of like a freedom. If you have the option, then it’s OK.”

Area hospitals receive low and average ratings in study R ebecca Ryan Staff Writer

A recent study of North Texas hospitals ranks many hospitals, including Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas, below average in patient care. Denton Regional Medical Center a nd Texas Hea lt h Presby ter ia n Hospita l of Denton were also analyzed in the Dallas Morning News study, but received “statistically average” ratings across the board. Parkland was given a “worse than average” rating on five of the eight criteria. Pa rk l a nd de c l i ne d to participate in an interview with the Daily. “We’ve been in and out of Parkland for the past year,” said Carrie Williams, press officer for the Department of State Health Services. “We visit hospitals whenever a complaint is filed. Right now, we’re conducting an investigation in the psychiatric emergency room and a full survey of the entire hospital.” State inspectors returned to Parkland last week to inves-

“We’ve been in and out of Parkland for the past year. We visit hospitals whenever a complaint is filed.” —Carrie Williams Press officer for the Department of State Health Services t igate new pat ient-ha r m complaints. One of the focuses of the investigation is the hospital’s psychiatric emergency room, where employees i mproperly rest ra i ned a patient, George Cornell, in the moments before his death in May. This finding led to a hospital-wide inspection last summer. Accord ing to Pa rk la nd Memorial Hospital’s website, the Quality of Care and Patient Sa fet y Committee of t he Board of Managers has “made improvements in public safety and quality a priority explicitly articulated in institutional goals for the past four fiscal

years.” However, Parkland is now the largest hospital in the country to face this form of intensive federal oversight, as reported by the Dallas Morning News. “The CMS [Centers for Med ic a re a nd Med ic a id Services] has entered into a s y stem s i mprovement agreement with Parkland,” Williams said. “There are also monitors in place at the hospital. In the full survey we’re conducting, we look at the hospital from top to bottom, reviewing policies, history, etc.”

See PATIENT on Page 2

Photo by Andrew Williams/Staff Photographer

Chuck Brady, CEO of Apogee, addresses the flaws and improvements of Wi-Fi in campus housing at Wednesday’s student senate meeting.

Apogee CEO requests feedback A nn Smajstrla Staff Writer

Apogee CEO Chuck Brady attended Wednesday’s Student G over n ment A ssoc iat ion meeting to ask for input on ways the company can improve communication with the UNT community and to present plans that Apogee has for the services it provides UNT.

“There’s a series of technolog y i nvest ment s t hat we’re making in the campus at no cost to the campus or to the student body,” Brady said. Apogee is an Austin-based company that provides resident ia l net work Inter net ser v ice to severa l col lege campuses across the country,

including UNT. The company bought the naming rights to the new stadium in August. One of the investments the company has implemented is an increase in the speed of the free Internet service, which went into effect this school year.

See SGA on Page 2

Inside Parks inspire professor’s art exhibit Arts and Life | Page 3

Learn all about the libero position Sports | Page 5

Household items create “magical” costumes Views | Page 7


Page 2 Amber Arnold and Isaac Wright, News Editors

Thursday, October 27, 2011 ntdnewseditors@gmail.com


Continued from Page 1

Gas and oil companies from as far away as China flooded North Texas – drilling was originally based around Fort Worth but quickly spread – and by 2008, there were about 203 active rigs drilling the Shale. Thornton cited a report commissioned by the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce released last month, “A Decade of Drilling,” which found that in the last decade, Barnett Shale-related activity has created 100,268 jobs and contributed about $5.3 billion in tax receipts to local governments. “I spoke with someone at the Northwest School District who said teacher salaries had been pretty much paid for,” Thornton said. Since late 2008, the amount of gas drilling in the Barnett Shale has gone down as natural gas prices have decreased and companies have moved on to seek more lucrative natural gas liquids and oil in West Texas and at the new shale on the block, the Eagle Ford Shale in South Texas. Oil production in Texas and the U.S. is actually on the rise. Thornton said Devon Energy is pursuing natural gas liquid drilling in other areas but has no intention of leaving the Barnett Shale anytime soon, with plans to open 350 new wells this year and about 7,000 potential drilling locations in the area leased to the company. “We’ve got the flexibility to move back to natural gas drilling if and when prices go back up,” Thornton said, adding that despite the reduced number of wells, Devon was posting record amounts of gas extraction because of improvements in horizontal drilling. “We foresee drilling going on for years and years in the Barnett,” he said.

Gas drilling amendments In 2010, the Denton City Council added several amendments to its gas well drilling ordinance, including an increase on fees to gas drilling and a reduction in the length of gas well permits. The city created a Gas Well Inspections Division to ensure

Photo by James Coreas/Senior Staff Photographer

A gas drill is located on University Drive. In 2010, the Denton City Council added several amendments to its gas well drilling ordinance, including increased fees for gas drilling and a reduction in the length of gas well permits. gas well operators comply with city regulations in April 2011, and in August formed a citizens’ task force to help oversee a second phase of amendments to the city ordinance. The citizens’ task force held a public input meeting in August on the possible amendments, which will address issues like freshwater well pollution, a prohibition on fracking and air quality monitoring. The entire task force will meet for the first time during a closed session Thursday afternoon, Darren Groth, gas well administrator for the city’s Gas Well Inspections division, said, and the public can expect more information sometime after the meeting. The Railroad Commission of Texas, which oversees permitting and regulation of gas wells in the state, has records for 332 wells within the city. Typically, current city ordinance typically requires about 1,000 feet between gas wells and existing homes, but near Robson Ranch, where much of the drilling in Denton takes place, that distance can be as short as 250 feet if homes are built next to an existing gas well.

Some have expressed concern at the rapid growth of urban gas drilling in the state, including Jim Bradbury, a Fort Worth lawyer who specializes in environmental litigation and is a former member of the Fort Worth Urban Drilling Gas Force. He said he was impressed with the technological advancements in drilling at the Barnett Shale, but was concerned about a lack of oversight and regulation. “It’s a fantastic technique that’s in place, but to do it so broadly and so fast is dangerous,” Bradbury said, expressing particular worry about how wastewater from fracking was disposed of. A gas well company was discovered pumping contaminated wastewater into Hickory Creek, according to an article in the Denton Record-Chronicle, giving some credence to Bradbury’s concern that not enough regulations are in place. The Fort Worth City Council voted down amendments to the city’s gas well drilling ordinance on Oct. 25, something Bradbury blamed on the powerful influence of the gas industry, naming Chesapeake Energy, one of the

SGA Editorial Staff Editor-in-chief ...............................................Josh Pherigo Managing Editor .............................................Amber Arnold Assigning Editor ............................................Isaac Wright Arts and Life Editor ........................................Jesse Sidlauskas Sports Editor ...................................................Sean Gorman Views Editor .................................................Valerie Gonzalez Visuals Editor ....................................................Drew Gaines Photo Assigning Editor .................................Cristy Angulo Multimedia Manager ....................................Berenice Quirino Copy Chief ....................................................Carolyn Brown Design Editors .............................................Sydnie Summers Stacy Powers

Continued from Page 1

Brady asked the SGA for suggestions of what it wants to see Apogee do for UNT and for ideas about how to get the word out to students about Apogee’s services. Suggestions from the crowd included providing Internet access to students not living in the dorms and giving presentations about Apogee’s services at freshman orientations.

largest companies operating in the Barnett Shale. “Every time you squash something like that, you might stop the change, but you send 30 or 40 people home mad who are going to go and organize,” he said. Bradbury said urban gas drilling drove down property value for nearby homes. He said areas near gas wells, defunct or active, would be unusable for development. Bradbury said he did not hate the gas industry, but urged the Denton City Council to make informed, sustainable decisions about gas well ordinances. “Denton needs to grab hold of what it wants to be 10 to 20 years from now,” he said. “You have to be very careful about how far you open those doors to industry.”

Environmental effects Ton i g ht , t he D e nt on Stakeholder Drilling Advisory Group, formed by UNT philosophy faculty member Adam Briggle to educate the public on gas drilling in Denton and come up with recommendations for the city, is hosting its third public meeting.

Bill and resolutions Later in the meeting, the senate passed its “SGA supports Prop. 3” resolution in support of t he Hinson-Ha zelwood student loan program, which provides low-interest loans to college students. “[The Hinson-Hazelwood student loan program] helps students be able to get loans, and hopefully will help them pay back their loans,” said Honors College senator Matt Florez, author of the bill. “It’s in the students’ best interest.”

Tonight’s panel features experts on the environmental and public health concerns involved with gas drilling. The previous two panels have included industry officials and regulators and former members of other task forces that helped North Texas cities with drilling ordinances. In 2009, the EPA released a report that found Denton County residents faced a 25 percent higher risk of developing cancer or respiratory disease than the national average. The report stated the primary cause was the presence of benzene in the air, a carcinogen that is produced as a side effect of natural gas drilling. Thomas LaPoint, a professor in UNT’s Department of Biological Sciences and DAG panelist, said it is hard to judge if exposure to natural gas drilling was the cause, noting that Denton is in the direct path of wind patterns that carry fumes from coal plants in Waxahachie. It would take about 50 years to notice any correlation between respiratory disease in Denton and benzene, he said. “We don’t have any idea what

happens over long periods of time when there’s exposure [to benzene], and there has been exposure,” he said. LaPoint said most gas companies in North Texas, including Devon, used compressors to trap harmful pollutants like benzene, which is used to make nylon and some plastics. He said keeping an eye on threats to air quality from gas wells – a task carried out by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality – was not as easy as people would like. “It’s only as good as the enforcement,” he said. The DAG will hold its next open panel discussion at 7 p.m. tonight in Environmental Education, Science and Technology Building 110. Adam Briggle said he hoped people had learned something from the discussions, and hoped to present some of the DAG’s suggestions to the city of Denton as soon as possible. “We might be in a good window here because things are in a lull,” Briggle said. “We can actually take the time to form an ordinance.”

The SGA also introduced a bill tightening the requirements for students to submit pieces of legislation. Before, st udent s w ho authored a bill or resolution were only required to have a senate sponsor from their college in order for the SGA to consider it. According to the new “rules on submitting legislation” resolution, students would be required to obtain 10 signatures and EUIDs from students in their college supporting the legisla-

tion before submitting it. The resolution was sent to the internal committee and will be discussed in the committee’s meeting following next week’s SGA meeting. The senate also introduced the “executive expenditures bylaws fix” bill to correct the group’s bylaws to match the wording of constitution, which states that the president’s spending cap is $1,000. The bill was referred to the fiscal committee and will be considered in a future meeting.

Senior Staff Writers Nicole Balderas, Brittni Barnett, Paul Bottoni, Bobby Lewis, Alex Macon Senior Staff Photographer James Coreas

Advertising Staff Advertising Designer ................................................Josue Garcia Ad Reps ....................................Trevor Armel, Taylon Chandler

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Continued from Page 1

The inspection last summer documented emergency care and infection-control problems that placed patients in “immediate jeopardy.” It was rated “worse than average” in categories like post-operative wound dehiscence and accidental punctures and lacerations during surgery. Since then, the Board at Parkland has made investment s i n pat ient sa fet y, including the launch of a new electronic medical records system to “reduce the risk of error,” according to an article on Parkland’s website by Dr. John Jay Shannon, executive vice president for medical affairs. The article also mentions the addition of automatic gatekeepers, alerts and reference material. “ T h e m o s t i m p or t a nt thing to us is that patients

Photo by Sydney Cannon/Intern

Denton Regional Medical Center is one of many hospitals reviewed and ranked by the Dallas Morning News and state inspectors. The hospital received a “statistically average” rating while others in the area, including Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas, were cited for below-average patient care. are taken care of in the best way possible,” Williams said. “We ma ke su re hospita ls are giving the very best care possible. Most hospitals are very willing to fix problems for their patients.”

B o t h Te x a s H e a l t h P resby ter ia n Hospit a l of Denton and Denton Regional Medical Center were rated stat ist ica l ly average i n almost all eight categories. Presbyterian prides itself on

having a relationship-based ca re model a nd “ma k i ng health care human again.” To read the full hospital analysis, go to http://dmnhospit a l s . her ok u .c om /ho s pitals.

Thursday, October 27, 2011 Jesse Sidlauskas, Arts & Life Editor

Arts & Life

Page 3 NTDailyArtsLife@gmail.com

Alum artist’s difficulties translate into art

Holly H arvey Staff Writer

For E r ic Mc G ehe a r t y, crafting sculptures of books encased in concrete or strangled in steel is more than just art. McGehearty, a 2004 UNT graduate, has dyslexia and transforms everyday objects such as books into sculptures to explain his disability and how he sees the world. His art has been featured in the John F. Kennedy Center in Washing ton, D.C., a nd locally in the Dallas Theater Center and the Forth Worth Community Arts Center. “A rt is about ideas a nd putting ideas together that com mu n icates somet h i ng else,” he said. “For me, the most important part is that an idea is communicated and you get something out of it.” The theme of combating his challenges with dyslexia first emerged in McGehearty’s work while he was in graduate school at UNT. McGehearty struggled with passing classes and finding audio textbooks as his dyslexia made reading difficult. A former professor at UNT encouraged McGehearty to reflect his challenges with reading in his artwork. “So then I started making inaccessible books and typing books in steel,” McGehearty

said. “It changed me as an artist and gave me a voice and something to talk about.” His prom- ERIC inent works McGEHEARTY f e a t u r e e nc y c lop e d i a s s q u a s he d by concrete slabs and textbooks intertwined with steel matrices. The materials that make up his sculptures are “almost anything,” he said. “W hatever it takes.” In the past he has used plastics, resin, acr ylics, copper and wood in addition to steel and concrete. He described his style of sculpting as more of assembling or building as opposed to other mediums like carving. His work attracted the attention of another UNT alum, Leah Bell, who spent a year interviewing and following McGehearty in the studio and to art openings. The finished product was the 30-minute documentar y f ilm “Access Denied,” the same title as McGeheart y’s sculpture of locked books. McGehearty has translated his success in the art world into other career ventures. He lectures as a motivational speaker about his struggles

Photos courtesy of Eric McGehearty

Left: Eric McGehearty’s sculptures chronicle his struggle with dyslexia and reading. This sculpture called “Access Denied” features books locked in steel spanning nearly 4 feet. Right: This sculpture called “Integrated Notions” features a calculus textbook in a 2-foot cubic maze. with dyslexia and overcoming challenges in his ever yday life. He also branched out of art and started his own Web development and promotions business, Globe Runner SEO. Ben Foss, president and founder of Headstrong Nation, an organization devoted to

empowering dyslexics, said McGehearty uses dyslexia to play to his strengths. “Eric, he’s an innovator, and he uses technology really well,” Foss said. McGehearty uses computer programs to write for him and read back messages. Because of the cha llenges dyslex ia

poses, he has learned to ask for assista nce sometimes, McGehearty said. “Dyslexia has helped me get people around me to help me with things I’m not good at,” he said. “I had to reach out and realize when you need help.” McGehearty said his artistic talent was apparent at a young

age, so he always expected to pursue art. But making a leap into entrepreneurship has led him into new territory. “Reading didn’t get in the way of doing art, but now, reading comes up a lot in business world,” he said. “But you shouldn’t let these things stop you or hold you back.”

Parks inspire pieces in professor’s art exhibit Brittni Barnett Senior Staff Writer

Over eight years of work and visits to national parks across t he cou nt r y, Ha rla n But t created the National Parks Project, a series of enamel and metal bowls crafted by the UNT art faculty member that will be on display at UNT on the Square from Nov. 1 to Nov. 22. “T hese objects, I t h i n k people can relate to them on different levels,” Butt said. “The attempt is to somehow reflect the experience of being in a natural environment.” The exhibition will feature a series of 14 of the vessels, each of which has an accompanying haiku poem written by Butt. He spent any where from five to 10 days at each of the nat iona l pa rk s he v isited around the country, including Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, Olympic National Pa rk i n Wa sh i ng ton, Big Cy press Nat iona l Pa rk i n Florida, Denali National Park in Alaska and others, gath-

Photo by Amber Plumley/Staff Photographer

Harlan Butt of the jewelry and metalsmithing faculty created this art piece, “Incense Burner,” out of enamel, copper and silver materials. ering inspiration. W hile at the parks, Butt said he kept a journal of his ex per iences, took photographs, drew pictures and kept a journal, all of which helped him form ideas for

his vessels once he returned to his studio. “I just had this relationship with the natural environment ever since I was a kid,” Butt said. “So it was a natural progression that it came out

in my artwork.” Each of the vessels in the exhibit took around four to six weeks to create. One of t he most t i meconsuming parts of creating the vessels was the process of

Kindle sparks privacy debate Brier Dudley

The Seattle Times (MCT) It looks like the privacy hullabaloo over Amazon.com’s new Web tablet and exotic browser could end before the device goes on sale. I hope consumers and watchdogs keep paying attention, though. The Kindle Fire doesn’t go on sale until Nov. 15 (though it can be pre-ordered now), but tech experts began questioning the privacy risks of its Silk browser shortly after the device was unveiled in September. Silk runs partly on the device and partly on Amazon’s EC2 computing network, where the company will analyze browsing activity so it can preload bits of Web pages you’re likely to visit. Amazon anticipated privacy questions and was ready to discuss them at the Kindle Fire launch event in New York last month, but the media coverage focused largely on the new hardware. Still, the question smoldered,

then ignited Oct. 14 when a congressman big on privacy issues fired up. U.S. Rep. Ed Markey, D-Mass., asked the company to answer a list of questions about the browsing information it would collect and how it would be used. He asked Amazon to respond by Nov. 4. A leading privacy watchdog, the Electronic Freedom Foundation, also weighed in. But after a phone briefing from Amazon last week, the EFF said Silk may not be as much of a privacy nightmare as it feared. An analysis posted online by the EFF last week assuaged a number of browser and privacy experts, but they all said more analysis is needed. It’s been around for years, and millions of people now use the Opera Mini browser that has similar technology for accelerating page-load times. “If it’s done properly, there is no privacy issue with doing that,” said Elie Bursztein, a researcher

at the Stanford Security Lab. “It’s actually sort of a good idea as you try to make things faster for the user.” It helps that Silk runs fine by itself on the device, with the online booster turned off, said Steve Gribble, an associate professor of computer science at the University of Washington. He built a similar browser for the Palm Pilot in grad school, but it didn’t have access to the huge, advanced network that’s helping power Silk. Gribble said the technology is exciting and has all sorts of potential for computer science research, but the privacy concerns are real. He said Amazon is taking the high road by pledging to not store personally identifiable information, and encrypting communication between the device browser and the cloud. “They’ve done a good job so far addressing and being frank about the potential privacy concerns,” Gribble said. “In the long run, people need to make sure they

continue to do that and they don’t slip down a slope toward misusing information they have access to.” The EFF’s concerns were addressed in a call from Silk director Jon Jenkins. “There were some major areas of concern that were abated by our conversation, but I’d say it’s ultimately kind of a trade-off,” said Dan Auerbach, a former Google engineer who is now an EFF staff technologist. “It’s a lot better than we feared in some ways, and the user does get some benefits, notably the fact that their traffic will be encrypted. ... But on the other hand, you are trusting Amazon with an incredible amount of information.” Silk will anticipate pages you’re likely to view, based on browsing activity that it’s seeing and by analyzing in its data centers. Then it will start downloading components of those pages – such as logos on a newspaper site – so the pages load faster on the device.

enameling them, Butt said. Enameling is the process of using a kiln to fire powdered glass and apply the molten mix to the surface of metal. While each firing only takes a few minutes, Butt said the process can be repeated any where from 30 to 40 times. Ana Lopez of the studio art faculty wrote an essay for the catalog that will accompany Butt’s exhibit. “We are both friends and colleagues and I was happy to do it for him,” Lopez said. “I hope it [the essay] sheds some light on his work and provides an additional perspective.” B u t t ’s c r e a t i o n s a r e feat u red i n per ma nent ex hibits around the globe, including the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, the National Gallery of Australia in Canberra, the Museum of Art and Design in New York City and the Renwick Gallery at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C. “He’s an exceptional artist,” said Meredith Buie, a coordinator for UNT on the Square.

“He is very well known, and his pieces are highly regarded.” UNT on the Square houses t he UNT Inst itute for t he Advancement of the Arts. “We try to get as much as we can in here,” Buie said. “We try and serve as a portal to the arts for the community. It’s a chance for them to see all of what the College of Visual Arts and Design has to offer.” A re c ept ion a nd book signing by Butt will take place from 5:30-7 p.m. Nov. 4 at UNT on the Square. “Hopefully on the one hand t hey [v iewers] w ill ref lect upon it [the art] and it may trigger images that they’ve had in nature or in a national park,” Butt said. “Maybe it will make them think about the relationship human beings have with the natural world, whether that’s an appreciation or a concern with what’s happening with our national env i ron ment ; how we’re preserving it or destroying it, and just as objects of beauty, objects of joy.”

Page 4 Jesse Sidlauskas, Arts & Life Editor

Arts & Life

Thursday, October 27, 2011 NTDailyArtsLife@gmail.com

Remake provides viewers never-ending terror Opinion Daisy Silos Staff Writer

If knocking on strangers’ doors to demand candy isn’t exactly your Halloween scene, watching a scary movie may be just the trick to provide you with a spooky treat. “The Ring” is a perfect movie to scare your pants off. Since its 2002 release, “The Ring” has been unsurpassed in the so-creepy-it’s-scary subgenre of horror movies. Director Gore Verbinski – who unfortunately went on to unleash Disney’s “Pirates” trilogy on the world – avoided the typical pitfalls of gratuitous nudity and cheesy predictability that we’ve come to expect from the modern American horror film. The movie stars Naomi Watts as Rachel, an investigative journalist trying to figure out a mysterious videotape that causes the death of whomever watches it in seven days. After watching the tape, the phone rings with a little girl on the other side whispering, “Seven days.” Rachel watches the tape, which has strange images from

Photo Courtesy of MCT

In the 2002 release of “The Ring,” Samara haunts and kills characters within seven days of viewing a cursed VHS tape. a dead horse to a creepy little girl with long hair and ends with an image of an isolated well. She then becomes obsessed with trying to find out how the tape works and does some investigating to search for the places featured in the tape. During her research, she discovers shocking details about the little girl in the tape named Samara. The scariest thing about this

film is Samara, but, of course, little girls in scary movies have been a staple of the genre for decades. What makes this movie so memorable is its use of contemporary technology as the driving plot device. In the movie’s iconic scene, a television turns on by itself as Watts’ character watches in horror. With the image of the

well on screen, Samara begins to come out of the well and crawl out of the TV set dripping wet, giving the audience at home the tingling sensation that she could pop into their living room at any moment. This remake of the Japanese original will be sure to creep out anyone and have you on the edge of your seat.

Photo by Michael Pearce/Wichita Eagle/MCT

Wichita State student Dinh Dinh shoots clay targets under the eye of instructor Wayne Doyle as part of Hunter Education 102 to get certified in hunter education as well as learn more about hunting and earn college credit.

Shotgun credit: college class teaches gun safety (MCT) BUTLER COUNTY, Kan. – Wichita State sophomore Gary Gray Jr. spent Saturday morning working on a class project. His assignment included shooting clay targets, firing pellet guns and boning up on firearms safety. The engineering major is one of about 15 students enrolled in the school’s Hunter Education 102 class. Those who complete the class will get hunter-education certificates, can apply to be hunter education instructors and get two hours of college credit. Passing the class will also mean learning presentation skills. “I was looking for some classes to take and always wanted to get into hunting,” said Gray. “When I saw I got my hunter education and two hours of credit, it was like a double bonus.” Rose Corby is largely responsible for the class making it into Wichita State’s Physical Education program. Kansas’ 2010 Hunter Education Instructor of the Year, Corby got the idea at a conference where finding new ways to offer classes was discussed. “I’m a college student, so I went and talked to my advisor and they told me who to talk to,” said Corby, a Wichita State senior. “It took a lot of assurances on things like liability and safety, but we got it going.” Frank Rokosz, head of the school’s Human Performance Studies program, said the class fit

well within the program that also offers classes on weight training, golf, yoga and martial arts. “We decided to make it a two credit hour class because of the involved classroom nature of it,” Rokosz, said. “Most of our classes are one credit hour.” Under the design of Corby and course instructor Wayne Doyle, the class is about more than how to hold a shotgun or which gender of pheasant to shoot. The students are learning the topic and learning to teach it, too. “The big thing is presentation skills, that’s the biggest portion of their grade,” said Doyle, who retired as Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism hunter education coordinator on Jan. 1. “They’ll have to do a 10-minute presentation on some hunter education subject at the end of the class.” He said some students dropped the course when they figured out it wasn’t “an easy A.” Doyle said about half of the students are interested in hunting. Corby assures nonsporting students the class is still worth their time. “No matter if they end up selling insurance or whatever, they’re going to need presentation skills to succeed,” she said. “Hopefully we’ll end up with some good hunter education instructors out there, too.” Though it’s currently the only educational program that gives school credits for learning to be a hunter education instructor,

about 35 middle and high schools offer hunter education as part of their curriculum, said Monica Bickerstaff, Wildlife and Parks assistant hunter education coordinator. Before arriving at the Michael Murphy and Sons shooting ranges near Augusta, the college students completed an online study program and testing as part of the state’s standard hunter education program. At the event they learned firearms safety but also how to teach it to future students. “You want the first [clay] target they shoot to be an easy incomer,” Doyle said as he pushed a button and a clay target floated toward the students. “When it’s just hanging there, just before it starts to fall, they’ll shoot it and get excited.” Corby taught the kinds of questions to ask students when they’re going through simulated hunting scenarios, such as walking up pheasants or hunting quail with a dog. Students also got lengthy instruction on developing shooting skills. Dinh Dinh, an 18-year-old sophomore, shot pellet rifles and shotguns for the first time and hopes to start hunting. He labeled the course “probably the best class I’ve ever taken.” Gray plans on hunting with friends this fall and likes the idea of teaching hunter education. “I need to get some more experience,” he said, “but down the road I may get into that, too.”


Thursday, October 27, 2011 Sean Gorman, Sports Editor

Page 5 seangorman@my.unt.edu

Former UNT soccer standout mentors current players Bobby Lewis

composure and kind of showed us what it means to be a team.”

Ten years after graduating from UNT, Teresa Eamma is still having an impact on the UNT soccer team. The former UNT midfielder competed with the FC Dallas Women’s Premier Soccer League team in its inaugural season this summer with two current UNT players, junior forwards Michelle Young and Katelyn Ross. “She was a huge leader on the team,” Ross said. “She was our captain, obviously, and she really influenced us in a positive way.” Eamma, who attended UNT from 1997 to 2001, started on the UNT soccer team all four years she was with the team. She ranks sixth in UNT with 33 career goals. Her best season came in 2001, when she scored 19 goals and was named the Sun Belt Conference Tournament MVP. “She was probably one of the best players that ever played here,” UNT head coach John Hedlund said. “She was a tremendous player in the air. I had an opportunity to go see a few of their games this summer, and she was clearly one of the best

Staying busy after UNT

Senior Staff Writer

Photo by Melissa Mayer/Staff Photographer

Teresa Emma, a former UNT soccer player, helps guide junior forwards Michelle Young and Katelyn Ross with their game on the field. players on the field.” Eamma’s experiences at UNT allowed her to help out the younger players on the team, Young and Ross said. “Being able to talk to them about whenever I was playing

and what they’re experiencing right now and the differences from whenever I was playing, you know,” Eamma said. “Being able to talk to them about that and coaching them and helping them get through the tough times, it’s

almost like you get to go back in time and experience it with them.” The advice helped elevate Young into one of the top scoring threats in the Sun Belt Conference. Her 12 goals lead the conference

and her 29 career goals have her within striking distance of Eamma’s career total. “She’s my favorite person in the world,” Young said. “She picked the team up whenever we were struggling a lot, and gave us that

After Eamma graduated from UNT in 2001, she played with the Texas Turbo, Dallas Heat and the Blue Sky Sunrays, all professional teams. “After college here in the Dallas area, you don’t have – the women’s league is just not college-level. It’s not a high level of soccer,” she said. A soccer player since the age of 7, Eamma now keeps herself busy playing, coaching teams with her husband Jim and working at Progressive Auto Insurance. “I play on five different indoor teams, three different outdoor teams, plus coaching, plus working,” Eamma said. “I’m probably home for – well, I sleep at home and that’s about it.” Eamma said she enjoyed the physical challenge of competing against younger opponents last summer. “Being able to bring this summer team together with FC Dallas – you’re playing against college kids again and at my age right now; that’s a lot of fun. So I’ll keep playing as long as my body will let me,” she said.

Brett’s Breakdown: Keys to Volleyball Success Opinion Brett Medeiros Staff Writer

Concer n i ng t he UN T volleyball team, there are three keys that any Mean Green fan needs to keep in mind: defense, avoiding mistakes and health. The team is in its final stretch, with five games left in its season, and remains out of the Sun Belt Tournament by two games. UNT will need to have success on these three fronts to be v ictorious in t wo tough matches this weekend.

Front court defense

Photo by James Coreas/Senior Staff Photographer

Senior Sarah Wiley goes for a dig. Ranking second in school history in career digs, Willey plays libero, a defensive position officially established by the NCAA in 2002.

Specialized position brings focused defensive approach A lex Young Staff Writer

At any college volleyball game, fans will notice one member on each team wearing a different color jersey than their teammates. That player is the libero, a position that has brought more focus on defense to volleyball in the last decade. Used to name each team’s defensive specia l ist, t he term “libero” (pronounced LEE-bah-ro) was introduced to the national stage in 1998, but was not recognized by the NCAA until 2002. Libero means “free” in Italian, which is a fitting term for the position’s role. Leading the defense Every team has a libero, a player solely focused on playing defense who cannot attack the ball or attempt a block at any time. The libero’s job is to dig, or prevent the ball from hitting the floor, at any spot on the court and set up the offense for the attack.

“[The libero] has to control the back row,” head coach Ken Murczek said. “They are the voice back there; they organize the serve/receive pattern. A libero is like a defensive coordinator if you want to compare it to football.”

“You have to be confident in your skills and helping out your teammates.”

-Sarah Willey Senior libero

Liberos at UNT If fans look in the UNT record books, the name Jessica Hulsebosch is listed as the school’s all-time leader with 2,212 career digs. Hulsebosch played libero for UNT from 20042007 and shattered the previous

record of 1,282 digs set by Corina Marginas. Hulsebosch, now coordinator of the Mean Green Club, a group that funds UNT athletic scholarships and facility projects, said liberos must put the team first. “I used being a libero as a leadership position,” she said. “Wearing that different-color jersey allowed me to figure out my role quicker and learn how to be a ‘ball hog’ in a good sense because it gave the other hitters a break when the ball was close enough to me to hit.” Ranking second in UNT history in digs is senior libero Sarah Willey, who has amassed 1,700 in her career. Since coming to UNT in 2008, Willey has won four Sun Belt Conference Player of the Week awards while working on the defensive side of the court. “You have to be confident in your skills and helping out your teammates,” Willey said. “Having composure playing that position is important.

T he Me a n Gre en i s ranked dead last in the Sun Belt in blocks per set with an abysmal 1.19 and will face two offenses in the conference this weekend. Middle Tennessee has the most consistent attack in the Sun Belt w ith a Sun Belt best .273 team hitting p e r c e nt a ge . We s t e r n Kentucky also thrives on t he attack, averag ing a conference-high 14.15 kills per set. UNT’s back court will be busy with these highpower offenses, but averaging 15.15 digs per set ma kes t he Mea n Green second best in the conference. UNT could of fset t he MTSU and WKU attacks, but on ly w it h a ca reer defensive performance out of the UNT front court. Staying mistake-free In the last 10 matches the Mean Green averaged 26.4 errors a game. That’s 26 points, 5 more points than are needed to win a set, on average, that UNT gives its opponents per match.

Western Kentuck y holds opponents to a .141 attack percentage, t he lowest percentage in the Sun Belt. Looking at the WKU defensive success, every kill needs to be accurate for UNT to compete on the same level as the Hilltoppers. The Blue Raiders are no slouches, either. MTSU is the two-time defending Sun Belt champion and averages 2.31 blocks per set. That’s third in the Sun Belt. If the Mean Green wa nts to cha l lenge either of these two teams, it cannot commit more than 20 attack errors in either of these matchups. Team health Ask any Boston Red Sox fan and they’ll tell you that untimely injuries can ruin any season no matter how talented a roster might be. The Mean Green has battled injuries from the start, with an injury to senior outside hitter Shelley Morton in practice being the latest example. Morton has

Brett Medeiros led the team since her first action of the season against Texas Tech after coming off a broken pinky finger with 12 straight double-digit matches a nd eig ht double-doubles in that span. UNT w ill be without an important piece of the puzzle with two 10-1 teams and only two games separating it from missing the SBC tournament. The Mean Green will need a big weekend; maybe not a win, but a couple of five- or four- set matches to show it is not going away without a fight.

Mean Green Trivia If the UNT soccer team wants to win the Sun Belt Conference title, it must defeat a rival that has given it fits the last few seasons. The Mean Green has recently struggled to defeat Denver, who it will face Friday to decide the conference’s regular season title. When was the last time the Mean Green beat the Pioneers? Hint: UNT’s last victory against Denver came five days before the Chicago White Sox swept the Houston Astros to win the World Series. Those who think they know the answer can tweet their guesses to the NTDaily Sports Twitter, @NTDailySports. People who answer correctly will be mentioned in Friday’s paper.

“They have to create a product, own motel room. Each dancer down to one night. Senior dance students will which the public is invited to see, is isolated from the others and display their original works on and in this process they have to dances with minimalistic moveFriday for the first time at the solve all of the problems they are ment for a strong impact. The New Choreographers Concert. given in order to create this work themes include love, loss, isolation and insomnia, which are The concert will start at 8 p.m. of art,” she said. In the class, students learn overlaid by the glow of a telein the University Theatre in the Radio, Television, FilmEditor and about dynamics, unity, variety, vision. Sean Gorman, Sports “It’s a good program. We have content, form and theme, Performing Arts Building. some amazing faculty that have General admission is $5 and Cushman said. From the 10 choreographed really pushed us far,” Wert said. tickets can be purchased at the All 56 dancers were chosen box office, over the phone, at the works at the concert, two dance pieces were chosen to represent from the dance department door and in advance. Students enrolled in dance UNT at the American College by advanced choreography professor Shelley Cushman’s Dance Festival, including Amelia students. Some choreographers Paul Bottoni seniorStaff projects class are required Wert’s “The Television is Watching also decided to dance. Cushman Senior Writer to choreograph or perform in the Me Again” and Cassie Farzan allowed students to perform if A changing of the guard is a Panah’s “Gravity of Deception.” they were up for the challenge. concert. They also can complete looming for the UNT football Position: Running Back Rachel Caldwell choreo“I set out with this image of a research study in fieldwork. team. graphed “Certain Uncertainty” I was interested in doing “Their work is a culmination to motel. Year: Sophomore Following the thisknowledge season, the and is also different,” Wert said. demonstrate they something High School: Copperas Cove HS performing in “Guess Mean Green backfield take Who’s NotCove Coming to Dinner,” “I Fun thought about the attended idea of why Copperas have acquired throughwill the course Fact: Byrd High a ofhit, losing senior running choreog raphed by A n na people would want to stay at a their study,” Cushman said. School with fellow sophomore Brelan Chancellor. backs Lance Dunbar and director James Womack. motel and wondered what they Cushman, the artistic Teammates raved about Byrd’s impersonations. Hamilton, who have Caldwell’s choreography, of the concert, is combined known for felt.” The deep-voiced sophomore’sInrepertoire for 4,225 rushing yards and 39 Wert’s modern piece includes dancers explore the experiher background in dance. She includes the Monstars from the 1996 movie rushing touchdowns. “Space Jam,” TV character Steve Urkel and singer It will be up to a group of younger running backs to fill Barry White. the void – including sophomore Brandin Byrd. “He’s a big, strong back who moved back to Texas, I signed In two years of playing isBreally unselfish and good on up.” behind Dunbar and Hamilton, Y M ARLENE GONZALEZ special Byrd was not originally a Byrd said he has learned how to Intern teams – and has a voice likeOn Barry White,” UNT head Friday, the shops off the running back, but that changed be patient for blockers to open coach Dan McCarney running lanes and how to be a Denton Square will staysaid. open after one play. “When I first started I played better runner. later than usual. Seoul to Copperas “He watches and learns [from Denton will have Cove its monthly tight end and defensive end,” the Born into military family, First Fridayaon the Square and sophomore said. “But one time myself and Hamilton],” Dunbar Byrd grew up in Seoul, Industrial Street area. South we ran a tight end reverse and said. “He knows his role right Korea, where his father – Harry Live music, sculptures, stained I scored. After that, I was put at now. He plays it; he accepts it.” Byrd – was stationed. glass, appetizers and art will be running back.” T he fauntil m i ly9 p.m. moved toof Exchanging the torch available instead Copperas Cove, Texas, when Seeing the field Byrd grew up watching the the regular 6 p.m. Byrd was around 8 art years old, Byrd said field vision is essen- UNT glory Pdays early HOTO BY Tof ARYNthe WALKER /INTERN For First Friday, galleries opening the door him to tial toHuttash, being owner a good the teaminwon Robin of Arunning Creative Arts2000s STUDIO,when will participate First four Friday and businesses stayfor open longer finally football. Sun Belt titles, which Denton. The studio will stay open until 9straight p.m. on Friday. to givepursue shoppers an opportunity back. “I wanted to playart. when my “You have to be able to take lxonvinced him to choose UNT to admire and buy family was incommunities South Korea, but youwhich see and for it,” Byrd andalumnus, UTEP. said he Several and what pherBaylor and UNT month, isgo where the idea over they didn’t have for younger “Iffrom. I see green grass in front As a freshman, Byrd played countries have it their own First said. helped start Denton’s First Friday came kids,” said. “When each we of me, I’m going to attack it.” ininall 12 games2010. lastHe season. FridayByrd or First Thursday in February and his Shannon Drawe, a photogra-


Page 6

Thursday, October 27, 2011 seangorman@my.unt.edu

Sophomore running back waiting in the wings PHOTO BY TARYN WALKER/INTERN

Dance students perform “The Itch,” choreographed by dance senior Anna Olvera, at a rehearsal for the New Choreographers Concert.

Get to Know Brandin Byrd

ence of being blind by wearing blindfolds. In 28 rehearsals, the four dancers adapted to their hearing and touching senses to help them through the modern piece. Caldwell also worked with music student Ryan Pivovar to compose a song of looped cello

harmonies. Caldwell said her piece is about blindness as an experience, not a handicap. “I was in my modern class last semester and we would lie on the ground and shut our eyes. I wondered if I could capture a

feeling of dance with touch and sound rather than with sight,” Caldwell said. The concert will also be held at 8 p.m. Saturday and at 2:30 p.m. Sunday in the University Theatre. For more information, visit www. danceandtheatre.unt.edu.

Monthly event promotes art purchases in Denton

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wife, Leslie Kregel, thought little more visibility and have the Creative Art STUDIO, one of it would be great to increase public more aware of art culture the businesses that has been awareness of the communi- in Denton that isn’t always a part of First Friday since it Photo by Amber Plumley/ Staff Photographer started. ty’s artistic talent and culture, recognized,” Kregel said. Sophomore Brandin Byrd is a third-string running back for the Mean Green football team. He is known as a jokester to Huttash said her main goal Merchants join with artists Kregel said. the team and impersonates many different characters, such as the singer Barry White or the Monstar characters from music for the event Drawe contacted sources to help promote art and busi- is providing the 1996 movie “Space Jam.” first- nesses. For example, an artist each month. and created the website On Friday, Alex Riegelman, fridaydenton.com to establish looking for a place to display However guys whocontact busts matter theguitarist outcome, and the sopha local blues his of or those her work could the event.– with Dunbar and one Hamilton leading way no – his tail and anything comes singer,said will the playteam in A Creative a coffee shopdo owner willing itto omore “First Friday has the no boss, touches have been to help this team win,” first. Art STUDIO. host the artist, Kregel said. president. I’m just in hard chargetoof takes come by forand thebuilding sophomore quarterback Derek “IKeri justZimlich, want to do anything a journalism Heath Robinson, a pharmacy the website it into sophomore this season.because I started it,” Thompson said.the event will I junior, can do turn t he saidto shehelp thinks the event junior, thinks something Through Byrdattention will havetocompetition Byrdtosaid. is a greataround,” opportunity have bring the creativity program Drawe said.seven games, Byrd hasKregel’s 15 rushing attempts for for starting running back Byrd and the rest of the fun. thethe community has to offer. business, Cimarrona, 64 yards, but has contributed next season, twoto Mean w ill to “It’sGreen not just onetravel shop, but think it’s including a good way sells hats, scarves and warm job “I by playing recycled on the kick return who redshirted Ark., to face the all the shops getting together increase the exposure of thethis arts Jonesboro, clothing from old freshmen unit. year – Antoinne Jimmerson Arkansas State Redlove Wolves at to rekindle that of art,” in Denton,” Robinson said. clothes. “The guy Zac WHuttash hitfield. ow ButnsnoA 6Zimlich p.m. Saturday. said. “What weworks hope hard is [to and gain]isa andRobin

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The Thing [R] 103 Mins Digital Cinema 2 

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Johnny English Reborn [PG] 101 Mins Digital Cinema 2 

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The Mighty Macs [G] 100 Mins Digital Cinema 2 

50/50 [R] 99 Mins Digital Cinema 2 

Paranormal Activity 3 [R] 81 Mins Digital Cinema 1:20pm

Courageous [PG-13] 130 Mins Digital Cinema 1 

The Three Musketeers [PG-13] 110 Mins RealD 3D 1 
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Dream House [PG-13] 110 Mins Digital Cinema 5 
10:25pm Moneyball [PG-13] 126 Mins Digital Cinema 1 
10:20pm Contagion [PG-13] 105 Mins Digital Cinema 9 

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Thursday, October 27, 2011 Valerie Gonzalez, Views Editor

Campus Chat

What are you going to be for Halloween?

“An army chick,‘cause I did not want to buy an outfit or make an outfit out of something I already had, and I’m gonna wear it to every party!”

“I don’t have an outfit because I haven’t planned anything just yet. I do want to go to haunted houses and stuff, but I didn’t want to spend the money on an outfit when I didn’t have a specific party that I knew I would go to. Some outfits can be really expensive, but if I do end up needing an outfit, I can always just whip something up with the clothes I already have.”

Kseniya Emeliyanova

International development senior

“I don’t dress up, but my friend, she has this blowup thing! She puts it on and it’s like an ostrich bottom with legs on it, and she’s like the little boy on top, but the legs are mid-stomach and it’s an ostrich. It’s a little boy riding an ostrich! It’s the coolest thing ever! It’s the coolest thing I’ve ever seen! That’s it!”

Cheryl Billingsley Music sophomore

LET US KNOW! Visit NTDaily.com every Friday to vote in our weekly poll. We’ll post the updated results here daily.

The Editorial Board and submission policies: Josh Pherigo, Amber Arnold, Isaac Wright, Sean Gorman, Jesse Sidlauskas, Sydnie Summers, Stacy Powers,Valerie Gonzalez, Carolyn Brown, Drew Gaines, Cristy Angulo and Berenice Quirino. The NT Daily does not necessarily endorse, promote or agree with the viewpoints of the columnists on this page. The content of the columns is strictly the opinion of the writers and in no way reflect the beliefs of the NT Daily. To inquire about column ideas, submit columns or letters to the editor, send an email to ntviewseditor@gmail.com.


Staff Editorial

President Obama’s plan barely offers relief President Obama offered college students a bit of relief on Wednesday afternoon when he laid out his “Pay as you Earn” plan to reform student loans. The announcement comes during a week where student debt has been a hot-button issue. Earlier this week, it was reported student debt has surpassed credit card debt and now holds the spot for the second-highest contributor to household debt. By the end of this year, student debt is expected to hit $1 trillion. In effort to make life easier on future graduates, the president’s plan offers three solutions: Those with guaranteed loans and direct loans

Brittani Schultz Social work junior

Page 7

will be able to roll them into one direct loan, which will reduce the interest rate. Starting in January, borrowers’ payments will not exceed 10 percent of their disposable income. Any remaining debt will be forgiven after 20 years under the new plan, as well. While Obama’s proposal offers relief, it won’t lift a huge weight off students’ shoulders. A lower interest rate upon consolidation of guaranteed loans and direct loans certainly sounded promising … until it was reported it would only be lowered .5 percent. For the average borrower, this

would not yield much of an impact – between $4.50 and $7.75 per month, according to The Atlantic editor Daniel Indiviglio, who analyzed data from the Department of Education. Of course, the amount a student saves under the president’s plan depends on how much money he or she borrowed to cover the cost of tuition. However, according to the Department of Education, those who have graduated in the past year have averaged a debt of $27,204 – a figure that shows no signs of decreasing. Before Obama unveiled his new plan for student loans on Wednesday, the College Board reported that average in-state tuition and fees at

four-year public colleges rose by $631 this fall. The figures were 8 percent higher than last year’s. Now, that’s concerning. The president is right – students cannot wait anymore and there is a dire need for reform in higher education, but it needs to address the skyrocketing rise in tuition instead of federal loans. In order to reduce the number of students who graduate knee-deep in debt, education must become affordable in America once again. Otherwise, the president’s “Pay as you Earn” plan will be just another case of promised change sold off as false hope.


Perry’s mouth Make a memory this Halloween, ruins his chance at presidency not a costume L et ’s go back i n t i me a nd explore for a minute or two before na r row i ng dow n a Ha l loween costume this year. Fashion has been present and evolving since the beginning of time. Even when women didn’t have resources necessary to wear posh clothing, they dressed up their “togas.” There is even ev idence t hat women and men alike would use the flowers from nature, tools from earth and ancient piercing in order to create a unique fashion statement all their own. Refer back to important and fa sh ionable h istor ica l f ig u res like Caesar and Cleopatra whose wardrobes still command respect today. On Halloween, though, we ca l l t heir ever yday wa rdrobes costumes. Per sona l ly, I a m g lad t hat Halloween costumes have slowly transitioned into fun and iconic ones i nstead of ones sy mbolizing death and doom. The days of wearing a sheet on your head or pouring a bucket of fake blood on yourself are thankfully gone. W hen pie c i n g y ou r out f it together this year, don’t be afraid of going overboard with makeup and accessories. The more effort you put into your costume, the better it will be. Also, remember to research your costume. Rather than just wearing a sheet around your body that you stapled on five minutes before and calling it a toga, take some time on

those details. You’re guaranteed to get some compliments and inspire others to do the same. If you choose Zeus or Aphrodite, look them up on the Internet to check out their origins and see if you can find a suitable costume to honor and commemorate them. Try to make your costume historically accurate. You will notice a difference with the confidence you feel while wearing your creation. When shopping this year, give yourself a budget so you don’t go over it. Remember, there are a lot of outfits that can be put together with just a little bit of time and the right tools: Scissors, safety pins, fabric glue, glitter, spray paint, w igs and fa ke eyelashes create magic! Make a memory this year instead of just wearing a “costume.”

Amira Ansari, is a pre-journalism senior. She can be reached at amiraansari@my.unt.edu.

Now that the latest polls show Rick Perry dropping to fifth among the Republican contenders with 6 percent, it is evident he needs to do some reinventing of his image. Even armed with his new conservative-friendly flat tax plan (think Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 flat tax plan but without the catchiness or delusion), Perry seemed ready to take on his critics and present himself as a competent, conservative candidate for the Republican nomination. And then he opened his mouth. In a “Parade” interview, Perry was asked if Obama’s birth certificate was real. He answered, “I don’t know” and then “I don’t have a definitive answer” when asked if Obama was a naturalborn citizen. Wait, what? That’s a bit of a throwback. I bet that “Parade” interviewer was excited and a bit proud that the innocent, easy-toanswer birther question was the one that caught Perry off his guard. Oh well, worse things have happened to his campaign. I’m sure he will quickly correct his misunderstood, out-of-context statements in the same way Sarah Palin corrects borderline racist statements by blaming it on “gotcha” journalism. Sure enough, Perry told CNBC’s John Harwood “it’s a good issue to keep alive. It’s fun to poke at him” and “I don’t have a clue about where the President – and what this – birth certificate says.” Funny he should say that because news of a hunting camp owned by Perry with a less-than-classy name

would probably fall in the same “fun to keep alive” category. “The media was just having a little fun, you guys. Why worry about facts, right?” Also, it’s funny that Perry is having his “fun” with the inherently racist birther movement, especially after getting all that criticism from the “camp which shall not be named (unless you’re Herman Cain)” fiasco. It is almost impressive how a man can mess up his chance for the presidency this much. Mitt Romney and Perry are the only two nominees in the election who are electable, and Republicans have made no effort to hide the fact that they really don’t want Romney to be that man … but when your other choices range from someone who is unaware of where Libya is located and someone whose tax plan seems more based off Sim City, what choice do you have?

Jon Hodges is a psychology senior. He can be reached at jonathanhodges@ my.unt.edu.

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