NTDaily 11-11

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Going to the Mat Local fighters get aggressive with defense Scene | Insert Page 4

Cloudy 69° / 50° Friday, November 11, 2011

News 1, 2 Sports 3 SCENE Insert Classifieds 4 Games 4

Volume 98 | Issue 46


The Student Newspaper of the University of North Texas

Students proceed in competition

Sights on a career of service


PHOTO BY JAMES COREAS/SENIOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Luke Shanks, an economics junior, and the rest of UNT’s ROTC cadets stand at parade rest after their early morning jog around the sports complex Thursday. The Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) is a stepping stone into military life for college students, propelling them to officer status after graduation. Members are trained and disciplined in military tactics while going to class and living the life of a college student. See A DAY on Page 7 of the SCENE

Regents approve $24 million in spending ISAAC WRIGHT

Senior Staff Writer The UNT Board of Regents approved more t ha n $24 m i l l ion i n ex pend it u res during its first meeting of fiscal year 2012. Regents met in the Golden Eagle Suite of the University Union Thursday and passed f ive a genda item s t hat approved more t ha n $24 million in spending of the roughly $850 million budget for the fiscal year. The largest expenditures

passed were related to maintaining the shuttle service around campus. $3.6 million was approved to purchase 18 new shuttle buses the university will use in conjunction w it h t he Denton Count y Transportation Authority’s bus f leet to offer shutt le service at UNT. T h e U N T S y s t e m ’s Commercial Paper program w i l l pay for t he shut t le ser v ice. The cost w ill be r e pa id ov er f i v e y e a r s through both Parking and

Tr a n s p or t a t ion r e s e r v e f u nd s, w h ich c u r rent l y contains $1.4 million, and t he u n iversit y ’s reser ve funds. UNT Police Chief Richard Deter said the new buses will be put to good use because university-related ridership on DCTA and UNT shuttles last year was 83.4 percent, and the shuttles operate at 100 percent capacity at peak hours. “Ridership in the program has increased in excess of

1.8 million riders per year; it has removed the need for 5,000 cars on the roadways and has eliminated the need for about 11,000 pa rk ing spaces,” said Andrew Harris, vice president for finance and administration. The regents also renewed t he s e r v ic e a g r e e me nt between UNT and DCTA to provide shuttle service. The projected cost of the renewal agreement is between $14.5 and $15.3 million over a fiveyear period.

The agreement calls for a total bus f leet of 32 buses, 14 of which will be supplied by the DCTA and 18 by the university. University officials said r idersh ip of t he shut t le service has greatly increased since 2001 when the shuttle service was first created. The program is expected to run a deficit over its fiveyear lifespan of more than $1.3 million.

See REGENTS on Page 3

Five UNT Texas Academy of Math and Science students were each awarded a $1,000 scholarship and named individual regional finalists in the 2011 Siemens Competition in Math, Science and Technology. Favyen Bastani, Kevin Chang, Kevin Chen, Alex Hong and Helen Xiong will advance to the Region Two competition, held today and Saturday at the University of Texas at Austin. Jannon Fuchs of the biology faculty oversaw the research of two semifinalists from TAMS. She commended the students and the program for their dedicated work and research. “Some of the TAMS projects are just excellent; [the students] are willing to work very hard and they’re very observant,” she said. “They understood what they were doing and they did a great job.” TAMS has a long history of awardwinning student research, dating back to 1994. Between the 2009 and 2010 competitions, nine TAMS students were named finalists and 25 semifinalists. “It makes me appreciate the TAMS program even more,” Fuchs said. “One major thing that these students don’t have at their home institutions is the chance to do research. It’s nice that they can take college courses, but the big thing is that they can do research and get a head start on their careers and their M.B.s.” UNT led the nation in the number of students in this year’s competition with 14 regional semifinalists along with the five finalists. Winners from the regional competition will receive a $3,000 scholarship and progress to the national finals next month in Washington, D.C. The national winner will receive $100,000, according to the Siemens Foundation. In 2008, TAMS student Wen Chyan was named the national winner and received the $100,000 scholarship. He now studies chemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

More women report household gun ownership A NN SMAJSTRLA Staff Writer

A recent Gallup poll shows the number of U.S. women who reported household gun ownership is at an all-time high of 43 percent, with 23 percent of women reporting they personally own a gun. Although the poll reports a wide gap between personal gun ownership among men and women – 46 percent of men reported owning a gun – the number of women who personally own guns is up 10 percent since 2005. “I t hin k more a nd more women a re more awa re of protection issues,” said Bill Anderson, owner of the Denton gun shop Call to Arms. “And I believe that they are just more aware and concerned with their personal safety and with the protection of their families. I think it’s just that simple.” Call to Arms sells handguns, rif les and shotguns and also offers Department of Public Sa fet y-cer t if ied concea led ha ndg u n l icense (CHL)

classes. About 20 percent of the store’s firearm sales are to females, 50 percent are to husband-and-w ife couples, and the remaining 30 percent of sales are to males, Anderson said. Pilot Point resident Sharon Snyder came to Call to Arms with her husband to pick up a shotgun they ordered. Snyder said she is an avid hunter and believes gun education among women is important. “ Women a r e f a r mor e v u l nerable t ha n men, so t hey need a n equa l i z er,” Sy nder said. “W hen I hear of [a woman buying a gun], I hope t hey’re doing more training and not just going out and buy ing a g un. I’m hoping they’re getting proper training on how to use it. A woman owning a gun that she doesn’t know how to use is about the same as not having one at all.” DF W Gun Ra nge, a g un store in Dallas, offers shooting ranges and CHL classes.


Junior wide receiver Christopher Bynes escapes a tackle during the Mean Green’s last home game.

Mean Green faces last road test of the season PAUL BOTTONI

Senior Staff Writer


Rancher Randee Fawcett of Sonora, Texas, checks on her cattle. She keeps a See GUNS on Page 2 gun nearby for security.

After its first week off since the start of the 2011-2012 campaign, the UNT football team will embark on its final road game of the season when it travels this weekend to Troy, Ala., to face the Troy Trojans. The Mean Green (3-6) will face the Trojans (2-6) at noon Saturday. UNT has yet to win a road game this season – the Mean Green is 0-5 away from

Denton – and is 0-4 all time when visiting Troy. “Troy has obviously dominated North Texas for many years – seven out of the last eight years, they’ve beaten us,” UNT head coach Dan McCarney said. “They’re a dangerous team; [they] still have lots of the same guys that won the conference championship last year.”

See FOOTBALL on Page 3

Inside New regents plan to improve UNT’s image News | Page 2

Men’s basketball team opens at Super Pit Sports | Page 3

Volleyball team headed to postseason Sports | Page 3

Page 2 Amber Arnold and Valerie Gonzalez, News Editors


New regents bring talent, experience to university from Ross University and a degree in osteopathic medicine from the UNT Health Science Center, making him the first HSC graduate to serve on the board. He is also the CEO of Hill Country Memorial Hospital in Fredericksburg. “Being the CEO of a hospital really gives you the perspective of running a large institution,” Williams said. “You understand what it’s like to move a large institution through things like budget meetings and development.” Williams said his primary focus is ensuring that UNT becomes better known for the quality of education the university provides. “I want to work on making UNT better known for the product it delivers,” Williams said. “But right now, my job is to listen, try to learn and not do a lot of active speaking on the front end.”

Senior Staff Writer



regent Don Buchholz, he said. “Since my buddies went to the Board of Regents, I decided I might as well go too,” Potts said. “They had some pizzazz that I suppose I did not and they were appointed.” Potts said his background in investment and business will be an asset when, as a regent, he will deal with budgets as large as $850 million. UNT currently has more than $500 million to invest. Williams is certified as an anesthesiologist and in critical care medicine. He received a medical degree

Correction In Wednesday’s edition, the Daily incorrectly reported in the story “UNT researcher links contraceptive to memory loss” that Depo Provera – a contraceptive drug for women – combines progestin with conjugated equine estrogen. It is actually a progestin-only drug. The story also said, “Progestin is necessary to counteract side effects of the other key ingredient, conjugated equine estrogen.” This is only true for hormone replacement drugs, not for Depo Provera, a contraceptive injection. The story also misquoted Laszlo Prokai of the


Regional/National news briefs STAFF AND WIRE REPORTS Students riot at Penn State


Texas Gov. Rick Perr y appointed two new members to the UNT Board of Regents for terms that expire in May 2017. Donald Potts and Dr. Michael Williams were both appointed to the UNT Board of Regents in September. Potts received a bachelor’s degree in business from UNT in 1963 and founded Capital Institutional Services, an investment broker and dealer firm that does business only with large institutions. Potts said he actively campaigned for the position of UNT regent in 2007 but was not appointed to the position. “The UNT System as a whole is on a roll,” Potts said. “My role is to keep that momentum rolling.” He initially sought the position because he was friends with board chairman Jack Wall and

Friday, November 11, 2011

Health Science Center faculty as saying hormone therapy for menopause-associated symptoms “is controversial because they’re advertised as being somewhat personalized and ‘natural,’ but are not approved for over-the-counter use.” The drugs are over-the-counter, but not FDA-approved. The story also reported Prokai as saying “there would have to be a way to create a brain-selective drug or one that does not affect the brain.” Prokai said the ideal way to resolve controversy surrounding the presence of synthetic progestin in hormone

therapy products would be to create brain-selective estrogen therapy that does not affect estrogen-sensitive peripheral organs. This would not be a solution for the Depo Provera contraceptive. Also, in Wednesday’s edition, the caption for a photo on page two incorrectly identifies UNT as having failed to file proper paperwork for a gas well near Apogee Stadium. UNT does not own the gas well and was not the party responsible for any permitting issues. The Daily regrets these errors.

After the decision was made Wednesday to fire veteran Penn State head football coach Joe Paterno, thousands of students began rioting near the campus. W hile shouting “We want Joe! We want Joe!” the students f lipped over a TV media van, crashed its windows in and caused a lamp post to topple over. Rocks and bottles were also thrown. Police, armed with helmets and batons, arrived on the scene around midnight and used pepper spray to break up the crowd. They informed the students they would be breaking the law if they did not leave the area immediately. Paterno, 84, was fired under allegations that he failed to report a sexua l assault incident involv ing assista nt coach Jerr y Sa ndusk y a nd a 10-yea r-old boy to t he authorities. A graduate assistant informed the head coach of t he i ncident i n 2002. Pater no reported the incident to the athletic director, who then reported it to the president of the university. Pater no sa id i n a press con ferenc e Wednesday that he would retire after the season, but the Board of Trustees decided he would be terminated immediately.

c s e h t k c e h c

UNT System Chancellor Lee Jackson announced Thursday that the university is looking at a new “at-will” policy on termination of future employees and current ones not under contract. This policy will allow the university to terminate employees at any time for any reason, as long as it not unlawful, according to a letter from Jackson posted on UNT’s InHouse website. The current policy only allows employees to be terminated for certain reasons after going through many procedural steps. A committee was assembled in 2010 to evaluate current policies and practices and see if an update was needed, according to the letter. “If a change of this type is adopted, I also will accept another recommendation of the committee that an external human resource professional lead a system-wide training program on any new policies adopted, as well as effective concepts in personnel management,” Jackson wrote in the letter. Those who wish to comment on the possible change should attend any of the five public meetings or send comments to: comments_ at-will@untsystem.edu or by mail to Office of the Chancellor, 1901 Main Street, Dallas, Texas 75201, postmarked no later than Nov. 15, 2011.

Schedule of public meetings for UNT termination policies UNTHSC EAD, Room 291 Nov. 14 9-10 a.m.

UNT Gateway Center, Room 43 Nov. 15 9-10 a.m.

UNTHSC EAD, Room 506 Nov. 14 4-5:30 p.m.

UNT University Union, Room 412 Nov. 15 4-6 p.m.


Continued from Page 1

Harris said the university is currently subsidizing this deficit, but it could be selfsustaining if the parking and transportation fee is increased to $5 from its current cost of $3.50, but no action has been taken to increase the fee. “There was no discussion of approving a fee increase,” Ha r r i s sa id. “It w a s ju st included as a mathematical example of if we wanted this transaction to break even, the fee would have to go up.” The regents also approved two projects to improve the facilities and aesthetics of the UNT Health Science Center in Fort Worth. Regents approved $2 million for an architect to design the library courtyard at the HSC. Scott Ransom, president of the HSC, said two older

: e l u hed

UNT loosens termination policy

buildings should to be demolished to open up the courtyard and allow the library to be visible. “T he se bu i ld i ng s were built to be temporary buildings 20 years ago,” Ransom sa id. “These a re t he least favor ite bui ldings on campus. They’re very expensive to heat and cool. These a re just aw f u l bu i ld i ngs. As a fundraising event, we believe we w i l l be able to ra i se some amount of money by auctioning off the first whack at the building exclusively for our facilities guys.” Vice Chancellor Richard Esca la nte sa id t he bu i ldi ngs bei ng tor n dow n w i l l a l low people to see the library and will also prov ide some la ndscaped areas for students to congregate in. “[Online] you can actually f ind one cha rt t hat shows

99 percent of that campus i s c overe d by c onc rete,” Escalante said. “Now, we can begin to put some grass in here and there.” $1 m i l l ion wa s a lso approved to hire an architect to design a campus center at the Fort Worth campus. T he regent s have on ly approved t he prelim ina r y design and development work for t he project, Esca la nte said. The projected cost of the project is more t ha n $ 36 m i l l ion, a nd renov at ion s to the Union in Denton are expected to cost more than $10 0 m i l l ion , E s c a l a nt e said. Esca la nte sa id t he HSC ca mpus center costs less because it has a sma l ler en rol l ment t ha n t he Denton ca mpus. Enrollment in the HSC for fall 2011 is more than 1,700 students.


Continued from Page 1

Editorial Staff Editor-in-chief ...............................................Josh Pherigo Managing Editor .............................................Amber Arnold Assigning Editor ............................................Valerie Gonzalez Arts and Life Editor ........................................Jesse Sidlauskas Sports Editor ...................................................Sean Gorman Views Editor .................................................Ian Jacoby Visuals Editor ....................................................Drew Gaines Photo Assigning Editor .................................Cristy Angulo Multimedia Manager ....................................Berenice Quirino Copy Chief ....................................................Carolyn Brown Design Editors .............................................Sydnie Summers Stacy Powers Senior Staff Writers Nicole Balderas, Brittni Barnett, Paul Bottoni, Bobby Lewis, Alex Macon, Isaac Wright Senior Staff Photographer James Coreas

Advertising Staff Advertising Designer ................................................Josue Garcia Ad Reps ....................................Trevor Armel, Taylon Chandler

NTDaily.com GAB Room 117 Phone: (940) 565-2353

Fax: (940) 565-3573

Employee Grant Peterson said he has noticed the recent increase in women buying guns, using the shooting ranges and taking the CHL classes. The influx of female business even caused DFW Gun Range to begin a Tuesday “Ladies Night” last November. “A lot more women are coming to the gun range,” Peterson said. “A lot of it is, they’re wanting to protect themselves.” Polit ica l science senior Theresa Blake owns a handgun and said she plans to train for her CHL license. “I might not be as physically strong as a man or other attackers,” Blake said. “But being knowledgeable about how to carry and use a gun gives me confidence, and it is an able way for me to defend myself and my family.”


Friday, November 11, 2011 Sean Gorman, Sports Editor

Page 3 seangorman@my.unt.edu

Men’s basketball team starts regular season play Bobby Lewis

Senior Staff Writer After a double-digit exhibition game win Wednesday, the UNT men’s basketball team will play its first official game of the season at 7 p.m. tonight against St. Gregory. The home opener will be the Mean Green’s only home game during November. After facing St. Gregory, UNT will hit the road for seven straight road games before coming back to the Super Pit on Dec. 10. Featuring eight new players, the new-look Mean Green squad got its first game action of the season in a 67-54 victory over Oklahoma City in the exhibition game. The game did not count for UNT’s record, but it showed the young team has a lot of room for improvement, head coach Johnny Jones said. “There’s a whole lot of things we can do better,” coach Jones said. “Offensively, we’ve got to get to where we’re executing better. We’ve also got to get our spacing

“Jumping from high school to college ball, I think we’re progressing pretty well.” —Chris Jones Freshman Guard down and I think that’s something that’s going to take some time. It’s not going to happen overnight.” Freshman guard Chris Jones, who co-led the team with 10 points in the win over Oklahoma City in his first college game, pointed to transition defense as an area the team needed to improve. Oklahoma City outscored UNT 7-2 on fast-break points in the game. Jones is one of the five freshmen on the team. He and fellow freshman guard Jordan Williams started in the exhibition. “Jumping from high school

to college ball, I think we’re progressing pretty well,” Jones said. Oklahoma State transfer junior forward Roger Franklin was the only member of the Mean Green who did not see the floor in the exhibition because his transfer request had not yet been approved. However, the NCAA approved the request Thursday, making Franklin immediately eligible to play. “Roger being cleared to play will help us in several areas, including our depth,” coach Jones said. “His leadership ability will be very beneficial for our team.”

Photo by James Coreas/Senior Staff Photographer

Freshman guard Jordan Williams looks for an open teammate during Wednesday night’s exhibition game against Oklahoma City. The UNT men’s basketball season tips off at 7 p.m. tonight at the Super Pit. Coach Jones hopes the exhibition sets the tone for the rest of the season, starting with tonight’s contest.

“Like I told the guys in the locker room, it’s going to be a journey for us,” he said. “Each stop, we just got to make sure we

look back and see exactly what has transpired and we’ll do that from tonight [Wednesday] and see if we can get better Friday.”

Women’s basketball team set to open season against UTA A lex Young Staff Writer


Continued from Page 1

Troy is in the midst of a fou r-ga me losi ng st re a k , which started Oct. 8 against Lousiana-Lafayette. Despite it s st r ug g les, Troy’s offense – led by quarterback Corey Robinson – is ra n ked second in t he Sun Belt Conference in passing of fen s e, av er a g i ng 27 7.4 passing yards through eight games. While Troy has excelled in passing the ball, the Trojans struggle defending it. Troy is ranked eighth out of nine in passing defense and last in total defense. “They are a fast and athletic team,” sophomore quarterback Derek Thompson said. “But they have a hit-or-miss defense – we can hit them for big plays or they can stop us for a loss.” Thompson was lost to a concussion on UNT’s second offensive play in its 37-14 loss to A rka nsas State on Oct. 29. However, Thompson said he is “100 percent” and will be

able to suit up against Troy. A f ter se ver a l week s of pre s e a s on pr ac t ic e s a nd n i ne c on sec ut ive ga mes, the Mean Green had its first open week of the season last week, giving the team time to recuperate and evaluate Troy. “We got a lot of rest and a lot accomplished,” McCarney said. “[An open week] gives you extra time to look back at yourself and look ahead to your opponent.” UNT is ranked fifth in the Sun Belt Conference with a record of 3-6, three victories short of becoming eligible for a bowl game. W it h on ly t h ree ga mes remaining, the Mean Green ha s l it t le room for er ror i n keepi ng its postseason dreams alive. “I just want to go to a bowl game,” senior defensive back Ryan Downing said. “I want us to finish this season strong and show that we didn’t give up.” T he ga me w i l l be telev ised on t he Su n Belt Network – found locally on Cha r ter Cable cha n nel 25 – a nd broadca sted on KNTU-FM, 88.1.

A f ter an of fseason of change, the UNT women’s basketball team opens its 2011-2012 season on the road against UT-Arlington at 7 p.m. tonight. The game will be Karen Aston’s first as head coach after replacing Shanice Stephens in April. Aston took on the task of improving a squad that finished the 2010-2011 season with a record of 5-25. “We have set some goals as a team,” Aston said. “I really want to focus on being prepared every game. Getting better every day is important, and if you have a pitfall every now and then, just [try] to learn from it and improve every day.” UNT – which is 20-19 alltime against UTA – will face a Mavericks team that is coming off a 19-10 season and a trip to the Southland Conference Tournament semifinals. The Mavericks’ strength last season was its defense – which held opponents to a .385 shooting average – and supports the team’s fast-break offense. “[UTA] loves to get up and down the court,” Aston said.

Photos by James Coreas/Senior Staff Photographer

Top: Junior wide receiver Christopher Bynes escapes a tackle during the Mean Green’s last home game win against Louisiana-Monroe. Above: Sophomore wide receiver Brelan Chancellor finds an opening during the Mean Green’s last home game. The football team faces its last road game against Troy at noon Saturday.

Volleyball team ends regular season in Denver Brief A lex Young Staff Writer

The Mean Green (16-15, 7-8) will look to be the first UNT volleyball team since 1976 to record back-to-back winning seasons when it finishes its regular season tonight against

the Denver Pioneers (12-15, 9-6) in Denver, Colo. Earlier this season, the Mean Green defeated the Pioneers 3-1 in four sets at home. Denver’s Faimie Kingsley hit .652 and landed 17 kills against the Mean Green, but was the only consistent player for the Pioneers. UNT outhit Denver .188-.159 and landed 57 kills.

The Mean Green clinched a spot in the Sun Belt Conference Tournament with a sweep of Arkansas State and Arkansas Little-Rock in last weekend’s final home matches of the season. With a win against Denver, UNT would clinch the sixth seed in the tournament and a likely matchup with UALR.

Should UNT lose to Denver, Louisiana-Lafayette, Troy and UALR would have a chance to tie the Mean Green in the sta nd i ngs, i n wh ich ca se tiebreakers would determine the seeding. The Sun Belt Tournament will take place Nov. 17-19 in Miami, Fla.

“They are very athletic in rebounding and can really motor up and down the floor.” Aston emphasizes the defensive side of the ball, an area where the Mean Green has struggled. UNT was last in the Sun Belt in scoring defense last season, allowing 73.3 points per game. Aston said her team will primarily run man-to-man defense, but will change it up in certain situations. “We will run some zone presses occasionally, but our transition defense is something that is a work in progress right now,” Aston said. “We are trying to be a little more fundamental and force the other team into more difficult shots.” One of UNT’s key players will be junior forward Jasmine Godbolt, who was named to the Preseason All-Sun Belt Conference second team. Godbolt said she is eager to move on from last year and start fresh with her new coach. “We have a new coach, new staff and new team,” Godbolt said. “We feel excited and ready to play a lot of people we lost to last year; we are confident.”

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By Don Gagliardo and C.C. Burnikel

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Hand-to-hand mma fighters hone skills at local gym Page 4


11, 2011 VOL UME 98, ISSU E 12


VETERANS: Events around town to celebrate Veterans Day

Page 3



BRAWL: Booming sport of MMA finds a local home

Page 4

How to find a car that won’t break the bank

Page 6

LIFE: The drill on the life of ROTC cadets

Page 7

Food Snobs go wild for Hooligans fried pickles

Page 8

VeteransSCENE Denton Veterans Day Celebrations

Friday 11.11.2011

3 D S / S W

Vets Parade Friday

Donate to the troops

Trot for the Troops Saturday

Park dedication Saturday

The UNT Veterans Center takes the annual Veterans Day celebration to the Square for the first time. It will team up with Texas Woman’s University and the city of Denton this year. The Veterans Day Parade Celebration takes place on the lawn of the Courthouse on the Square. The parade will start at 12 p.m. Guest speakers, such as Maj. Gen. Mary L. Saunders, who was the first female general officer in the U.S. Air Force and current director of Leadership Institute at TWU, will present.

The UNT Vetera ns Center w ill collect donations through Nov. 11 for its pilot campaign called Operation Soaring Eagles. Care packages will be sent to active military members and can be dropped off at the UNT Veterans Center in University Union 320. The packages will be shipped during the holidays. Suggested items are chapstick, beef jerky, phone cards and packaged snacks.

The second annual Trot for the Troops 5k run will take place at Fouts Field Saturday. UNT and the Arnold Air Society will host the event and all proceeds will benefit Fisher House, who provides lodging for military families. People can register at the field for $30 on Saturday morning. Registration and check-in start at 7:30 a.m. and the run will begin at 9 a.m.

A dedication for Spc. Ernest W. Dallas Jr. takes place today at 12:30 p.m. at 6100 Sun Ray Drive. The city of Denton w ill dedicate Veterans Memorial Park to him. The event will feature a helicopter fly-over, military vehicle display and a presentation of “Honor and Remember” f lags. Wells Fargo will provide hamburgers.

Staff SCENE Editor ........................................Jesse Sidlauskas Senior Staff Writer..................................................Brittni Barnett Cover Photo By: James Coreas Cover Design By: Stacy Powers

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Friday 11.11.2011


Friday 11.11.2011


Photo by James Coreas/Senior Staff Photographer

Michael Digregorio practices an arm drag with Scott McCans during Wednesday night’s class at North Texas MMA in Flower Mound. it,” said Matt Larey, a UNT alumnus and manager of North Texas MMA. “If you think about it, when Dana White bought UFC, he bought it for $2 million. In 10 years it’s $500 million dollars; you know that’s a lot.”

The sport

Photo by James Coreas/Senior Staff Photographer

Michael Digregorio slams Scott McCans to the ground of the boxing ring Wednesday night at North Texas MMA in Flower Mound.

Fighters at local MMA gym pull no punches Brittni Barnett Senior Staff Writer

Sweat glistens on Tery Corkran’s forehead as he stands on a blue sparring mat and faces of a crowd of about 20 MMA students. “Everybody look here,” he calls. Corkran demonstrates a move for the group, and with a quick grab and twist, he upends his partner, whose back thuds against the mat. “OK, go,” he said.With the command, one person in each pair begins slinging their partner to the mat.

As each attempts to duplicate the move, Corkran walks around correcting form and demonstrating where needed. Corkran, a facilities worker at UNT for the past 20 years, is the sole owner of North Texas MMA in Flower Mound. Corkran has been practicing martial arts for about 30 years. He first became interested in martial arts after watching Bruce Lee movies as a child, he said. Although he has owned his gym for

more than 10 years, Corkran does not plan on quitting his day job. “I’ve invested so much time in there already,” he said. “I really don’t want to give up my retirement. I don’t want to give up my insurance. Now I’ve got my gym where I don’t have to be here every day – I’ve built it up.”

Sport history Thanks to the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) battles that air on TV as well as shows like “The Ultimate Fighter” Mixed Martial Arts,

or MMA, is the fastest-growing sport in the world, Corkran said. “They really learn to market and build up their fighters and create an interest with the fan base,” he said. “Almost like WWE wrestling, they have to build up their fighters, build up the drama within it as well so people will get into it.” MMA has existed in some form since the days of ancient Greece. Eighty years ago a Brazilian version of the sport was formed, known as Vale Tudo, which means “anything goes,”

according to the UFC website. However, the Gracie family revolutionized modern MMA in the United States in November of 1993 when Rorion Gracie and three others founded the UFC, Corkron said. Now in its 18th year of operation, UFC events and shows broadcast in more than 149 countries and territories, to half a billion people and in 20 different languages, according to the UFC website. “The sport has gotten so big you can make a lucrative business off of

One of the basic fundamental elements of MMA is Brazilian jiujitsu, brought to America from South America by the Gracies – a Brazilian family whose lineage revolutionized jiu-jitsu. In modern fights, MMA fighting styles also incorporate elements of judo, karate, muay thai kickboxing and taekwondo, Corkran said. “In my opinion, jiu-jitsu is the ultimate self-defense,” Corkran said. “Jiu-jitsu and MMA is the only martial art in the world that teaches a grappling aspect with the boxing and kicking.” Corkran said that, while fights begin standing, statistically 90 percent of them end make their way to the ground at some point. This is where grappling or wrestling becomes important, because most people do not know how to fight on the ground, he said. “It’s probably the closest thing to a legal street fight you can get,” Corkran said. Early UFCs had very limited rules

including no eye gouging, no biting and no fish hooking, he said. “Everything else was legal,” he said. “You could kick in the groin; you could do anything pretty much, no gloves, nothing.” However, as the sport has progressed new rules and regulations have been added. A typical MMA fight consists of three or five rounds that can be either three or five minutes in length, depending on the fight. A contestant wins a round in one of a few ways, either by knockout, submission or tap out, or by earning the most points. The judge’s score is based on a 10-point system in which the winner of each round must be given 10 points (less any fouls) and his opponent is given 9 points or less. At the end of the fight, all three judges add up their points and declare a winner. “It’s like the human body’s version of chess,” Larey said. “There is always a move that out-trumps another move. It’s an organic sport and it’s always changing.”

More than fighting Brazilian jiu-jitsu and MMA are more than just methods of fighting, Corkran said; they are a way of life. “It’s changed my whole life,” said Blake Dvorak, 19, a student at

Corkran’s studio. “It’s changed the way I eat, drink, sleep; it’s been a complete lifestyle change. I just try to live as clean as I can.” Blake and his dad David have been training at North Texas MMA for four years. “I’m 43 and a lot of people my age are sitting on the couch and can’t even walk up a flight of stairs,” David Dvorak said. “It keeps me young. I can kick just about anyone’s butt my age.” Carlos Machado, a cousin of the Gracies, was Corkran’s instructor. As a result of his training with the Machado, Corkran is now a third-degree black belt and has won three gold medals at the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Pan American championships. Despite these accolades, Corkran said he is most proud of the work he does with his students. “I see a lot of kids coming in here bullied, out of shape, very limited self-confidence and really see them within six months or a year just turn around and be a different person,” he said. “In my opinion, jiu-jitsu and this sport will stay with a kid his whole life. They can go do baseball, they can go do football and soccer, but that’s not going to benefit them like selfdefense is.”

Photos by James Coreas/Senior Staff Photographer

Top: Michael Digregorio and Scott McCans listen to head coach and owner Tery Corkran as he teaches the class an alternate wall takedown Wednesday night at North Texas MMA in Flower Mound. Bottom: Austin Hoddy climbs up a rope to warm up before class Wednesday night at North Texas MMA in Flower Mound.


Friday 11.11.2011


How to land the right car on a college budget J ONATH AN G ALLEGOS Contributing Writer

Owning a car is a beautiful thing. It gives us autonomy, individualism and the freedom to chase the sunset, taking us as far as our imaginations or wallets will let us. Last week I accepted a challenge – to find a vehicle for $3,000 or less. Let’s face it, most students aren’t going to ride around in the latest Mercedes or Range Rover. While these cars are certainly drool-worthy, today we go through what it takes to get a ride in college. To st a r t out, I c re ate d a scenario. I am a student at UNT. I live in the dorms. After working

at t he school during my f irst semester of classes I’ve saved up $3,000. I’m dating a wonderful girl, but our date-nights to the University Union or Club Willis are getting a little stale. The time has come for me to get a car. Step 1: Set your limits A s a col lege st udent, I a m somewhat brand-conscious but rea lize t hat reliabilit y is a lso i mpor ta nt. Obv iously I ca n’t drive to a dealership, so I let my fingers do the walking. My first stop: eBay Motors, an auctionstyle website where I can hopefully find a good deal on an overlooked car.


When purchasing a used car on a budget, do your homework. The history of most used cars, such as this 2003 Honda Accord, can be found online, but if a deal looks too good to be true, it probably is. The endless array of customi zable opt ions a l lows me to na r row my sea rch by bra nd, mileage, color and most importantly – price. Not wanting to miss anything, I set my price at $3,000, leave all other options open and click “search.”

mistic, I continue to scroll down the page. Most of my finds consist of vehicles with high mileage. At last! On page seven I find a 2003 Honda Civic with less than 100,000 miles. The exterior isn’t anything fancy, but hey, it’s a start.

Step 2: Narrow it down This is going to be more difficult than I suspected. There are nearly 2,000 vehicles that match my search criteria: old cars, cars missing engines, salvage vehicles, creepy white vans, cars missing most of the body panels and cars that were once lit on fire. Hmmm … this finding has just extinguished my hope for a cool car. At this point I’ll just settle for something a little newer than 1975 that still has an engine. I scroll down. The first thing I click on is someone tr y ing to sell a 2001 Porsche for $300. After finishing my first semester of higher education, I quickly rat this seller out as a scam artist. Trying to stay opti-

Step 3: Do your homework My next move is to contact the seller. eBay has made this pretty intuitive and allows users to contact the seller. I need to find out the Vehicle Identification Number ( V IN) so I can run a Carfax report on the vehicle. Carfax is a company that maintains records on almost ever y vehicle on the road. It can see if the car has ever been wrecked, every time the car received any type of major repair, and how many people have ow ned the car. Luckily, this seller provides viewers with the VIN. This is a good sign. A f ter t y pi ng t he V IN i nto Carfax, I find that this vehicle has had three owners and seems to be

pretty well taken care of. My next stop is to check Honda’s website to see if this specific year’s make and model was subject to any recalls. There are some exterior and ignition recalls, but they can be fixed for free at my Honda dealer. Step 4: Go check it out Finally, because I set my filters to only search for cars in the DFW area, I can go visually inspect this car in Lewisville. If everything goes well, I’m going to purchase this car with the money that I’ve saved up. Step 5: Try, try again If you don’t have success with eBay Motors, try other websites like Craigslist, Autotrader and Cars.com. The best thing you can do w it h online car shopping is to be very skeptical about the person selling the car. Do your homework. Use car-review sites like Carfax and make sure to check for specific recalls. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

LifeSCENE A day in the life.... Lucas Blum Intern

“Sorry I’m a little early,” I said as I met Eva Vazquez, a psychology senior and cadet at the Army ROTC offices in Wooten Hall. “Oh, that’s all right,” she replied. “Perfect, actually. We have a saying in the Army: Ten minutes early is on time. On time is late.” Vazquez is a platoon sergeant in the ROTC program that is responsible for a unit of 18 cadets. Each morning her platoon reports for physical training, or PT, at 6 a.m. – 5:50 a.m. if they want to be on time – for a brisk run around the parking lot across from the Coliseum. If anyone arrives late, they receive a negative spot report, a demerit that goes on his or her permanent record and a stern lecture from the platoon sergeant. “One time my unit didn’t show up for PT,” Vazquez said. “Nobody called or texted me. So the next morning we had some PT before regular PT. I had to train with them though, since they were my responsibility.” During PT, cadets run for 35 minutes at a consistent pace in five distinct groups: Alpha, which consists

Friday 11.11.2011


[ of an ROTC cadet ]

of the fastest runners, to Echo, the slowest group. Eva has been training for the past three years in preparation for a Leadership Development Assessment Course held annually in Fort Lewis, Wash., where cadets compete using a variety of skills: physical fitness, land navigation, garrison leadership and tactical mission leadership.

“Ten minutes early is on time. On time is late.” —Eva Vazquez UNT Army ROTC cadet “It’s all about leadership,” said Matthew Griffin, cadet and member of the National Guard. Griffin is the first person in his family to go to college. He joined the Army ROTC “to do more than anyone else has done in my family.” In his second year of training, Griffin leads a squad of three cadets who are freshmen in the mili-

tary science program. Before morning calisthenics, Griffin checks his squad for attendance and uniform protocol. Cadets must wear appropriate uniforms according to events of the day. For PT, cadets wear individual physical fitness uniforms, which consist of windbreaker jackets and neon yellow sashes. After PT, cadets

have an hour to shower and change and, if they’re lucky, they can grab a quick breakfast. On Thursdays, the Army ROTC has a special class at Discovery Park called Situational Training Exercise Lanes that tests their knowledge of mission tactics. For these exercises, cadets don their active combat uniforms. Lanes can range from reconnaissance missions to ambushes or raids. “The beautiful thing about the Army is the chain of command. Each officer has only three or four subordinates beneath him,” said Sgt. First Class Jeremy Link during a post-

Want to be the editor?

Publications Committee seeks Spring NT Daily Editor. Applications available online at www.ntdaily.com and in GAB117.

Applicants must submit a resume and two letters of recommendation (one recommendation letter shall be from a faculty member and one recommendation letter from a faculty, staff member, or professional journalist outside of the NT Daily) along with the completed application. Completed applications should be emailed by 5 p.m., November 18* to Dr. Jay Allison, jay.allison@unt.edu Applicants to be able to meet with Publications Committee Monday, November 21 at 4pm p.m. in GAB 114 *Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted.

James Coreas/Senior Staff Photographer

Biology freshman Sarah Gillet conducts 360-degree security with her squad Thursday morning at Discovery Park as a part of their lab. UNT Army ROTC offers dynamic and interactive training that focuses on complete leadership development.

mission discussion. Both Vazquez and Griffin said they look forward to distinguished careers in the Army. After graduation, Vazquez plans to join the Army Reserves, which only requires a weekend per month of duty each year, plus two weeks in the summer or winter. She wants to counsel soldiers with PTSD, she said. On the other hand, Griffin will be in for the long haul, which includes an eight-year obligatory contract that he hopes to follow up with an additional 12 years of active duty.


Friday 11.11.2011


FOOD SNOBS Hooligan’s 104 N. Locust St. Denton Sydnie Summers Design Editor

The green neon glow from a street sign drifts into the empty front a lcove of Hooligans bar on the Square. We followed the instructions on the sign at the entrance and seated ourselves. The bar seemed busy with the after-work crowd, so we settled into a boot h against t he long exposed brick wall. It wasn’t long before the waitress greeted us and placed menus on the table. Being on the clock, we opted for water over the wide selection of specialty drinks and shots.

Hooligans Cleanliness Service Affordability Atmosphere Food Quality We looked over the appetizer menu and decided on the fried pickles for $3.99. They took a few minutes to get out to us, but it was worth the wait. The pickles were thinly sliced and perfectly battered and crisp. The accompanying spicy ranch made us reach for our water a few times, but it was nothing we couldn’t handle. We o r d e r e d t h e b u l l s - e y e burger for $7.99 and the chicken Monterey sandw ich for $ 6.99. Both came with waff le fries and a pickle spear. The burger came with melted cheddar cheese, shredded lettuce, tomato, on ion a nd ba rbecue sauce. The sauce had a strange

Photos by Berenice Quirino/Multimedia Manager

The bull’s-eye burger at Hooligans Bar and Grill on the Square comes with bacon, barbecue and a side of waffle fries. alcohol taste – making us feel a little tipsy after finishing it – but the f lavor blended comfortably

w it h t he crispy bacon, gooey cheddar and fresh lettuce. The chicken Monterey sandwich was a grilled chicken breast smothered in melted Monterey Jack cheese, sautéed mushrooms and bell peppers. The sandwich was good but a little too salty, and the bun was soggy.

The waitress checked on us a few times throughout our meal and kept our drinks filled. She was nice, but not overly friendly or chatty. T he f r ied pick les were t he shining star of this visit, but the cheap meals and drink specials will definitely bring us back.

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