3 minute read
Kate Mattingly, UniSA
from Advocate, March 2020
Kate Mattingly Library Officer and NTEU Delegate, University of South Australia
I became an NTEU delegate for the Library at UniSA because I am not afraid to speak my mind. I believe that without a voice, employees will not be treated fairly. I have always been an advocate for unions, and I feel with the present government in this country unions are more important than ever. I was spurred into action after UniSA Library Management changed the Flexi Time guidelines in November 2018, without consulting staff. Prior to this change, staff managed their own flexi time but now staff can no longer accrue Flexi time without making a prior arrangement with their manager. We were told, after the change was made, that it was because people were abusing the system. I contacted the NTEU about this at the time and ended up becoming a delegate. Currently, I am involved in working with colleagues in relation to Higher Education Officer level 4 (HEO4) Library staff. Library Management made changes last year to the HEO5 Position Description without consulting staff. They decided that the essential criteria for HE05 Library Officers would now require tertiary qualifications or evidence of working towards completion of tertiary qualifications in Information Management or a related discipline. Previously, the essential criteria included equivalent skills and knowledge as an alternative to qualifications. Management had removed this criterion, meaning that HEO4 staff such as myself, and at least 20 others, would not be eligible to apply for HEO5 positions. I have more than thirty years’ experience in the library at UniSA and I studied for six years to gain a Library Technician qualification, but this is no longer recognised here. The changes made to the Position Description mean that I and my HEO4 colleagues could no longer apply for HEO5 positions in the library. There was no career path for HEO4 staff and those who retire or resign are replaced by HEO5 staff, often recruited from outside the organisation. I contacted the UniSA Branch of the NTEU with my concerns, and together we decided to campaign to have the Position Description changed. We also asked that a program of development be implemented, allowing HEO4 staff a similar training scheme in place of Graduate Library Officers. Graduate Library Officers train across different areas of the Library, such as Academic Services, Cataloguing and Copyright. The NTEU contacted Library management proposing a meeting to discuss the matter, however, this was declined. We received a response from management in mid-November last year saying the Position Description would be amended. However, a training scheme would not be offered. This was a small win, but we will keep fighting for the training scheme.
I was overwhelmed by the number of colleagues willing to sign a petition we had started, including several HEO5 staff and Graduate Library Officers. I am hoping this campaign will encourage more of my fellow skilled and dedicated librarians to join the NTEU, as without the solidarity of backing one another up with collective action, these changes are unlikely to happen. In fact, without unions, I believe most organisations will downgrade employees' working conditions. I would encourage all employees to become members of a union. If you feel strongly about the wellbeing of your colleagues, I urge you to become a delegate. It can be difficult but rewarding. The more voices we have the more we will be heard. ◆
Find out more at nteu.org.au/delegates
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