2 minute read
An independent and peaceful Australia
from Advocate, March 2021
The Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN) has established a national people’s Inquiry Exploring the Case for an Independent and Peaceful Australia: What are the costs and consequences of Australia’s involvement in US-led wars and the US Alliance? And what are the alternatives?
NTEU Queensland Division and the NTEU nationally are members of IPAN.
This Inquiry has been established in response to the issues we are confronted with as a country, nationally and internationally, and the need to increase awareness and to build a movement for change towards peaceful, independent Australian foreign policies.
Australia has supported wars initiated by the United States since the end of WW2. The countries of Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria did not threaten Australian security, but those wars resulted in the deaths and maiming of millions of civilians, destruction of infrastructure and contamination of the affected countries environments.
The findings of the Inquiry into Australian SAS war crimes in Afghanistan are damning, reinforcing the need for an end to our involvement in foreign wars where Australian security is not threatened. IPAN has identified eight areas of Australian society affected by the US-Australia Alliance and/or the wars which we have participated in, especially those over the past 20 years. For each of these areas IPAN have enlisted a panel leader, many of whom are NTEU members or ex-members.
IPAN have also confirmed a chair for the Inquiry Panel – lawyer and investigative journalist Kellie Tranter. Submissions will be sought in relation to these eight areas, with a period of around six months for submissions to come. The experts who make up the Panel Leaders are:
• Panel Chair: Kellie Tranter
• First Peoples: Terry Mason and Debbie Woodbridge
• Foreign Affairs: Dr Alison Broinowski
• Political (incl Democratic rights): Greg Barns QC
• Military and Defence: Dr Vince Scappatura
• Environment and Climate Change: Prof Ian Lowe
• Economic: Dr Chad Satterlee
• Social and community: Very Reverend Dr Peter Catt
• Workers and Unions: A/P Jeannie Rea
Reports will be written by Inquiry Panel leaders with an executive summary written by the overall Chair. The final report will be ready to publish and promote towards the end of 2021.
The Inquiry was launched on the 26th of November last year. IPAN has been publicising the Inquiry through all sectors of society to encourage as many organisations and people as possible to enter their submissions. Working groups in each state/territory have responsibility for managing this process.
At a recent presentation to the Queensland Division, ex-NTEU Division Organiser, Ross Gwyther, and IPAN Qld Representative Annette Brownlie, outlined the progress of the Inquiry so far and highlighted the amount of funding that bilateral defence projects with the US receive compared to higher education funding. It was quite shocking even though it was no surprise.
There was a webinar on two of the focus areas: Ian Lowe talking on ‘Environment’ and Rev Peter Catt on ‘Social and Community’ impacts held on 25 February. The next webinar will be held on 25 March – chaired by Kellie Tranter, with Alison Broinowski talking on foreign policy, and Vince Scappatura on military and defence impacts.
All people and organisations interested in a peaceful and independent Australia are encouraged to make submissions to the Inquiry, with the closing date being 31July 2021. NTEU Qld Division will be making a submission. The working groups in each State are also available to give a brief presentation to any organisation which is interested in hearing about the Inquiry. ◆
Michael McNally, Qld Division Secretary