2 minute read
Australian Universities’ Review
3 Letter from the editor
Ian Dobson
4 Vale Lynn Meek
Leo Goedegebuure
6 V L Meek
Arthur O’Neill
7 Restructures, redundancies and workforce downsizing: Implications for Australian higher education sector post COVID-19
Alison Owens, Susan Loomes, Margot Kearns & Peter Mahoney
The reach of COVID-19 continues to be immense. Institutions highly dependent on international students in particular have been impacted.
15 COVID-19 disruption to research and research training in Australia: Gender and Career-Stage Inequalities
Alison M. Downham Moore
COVID-19’s impact on research has been monumental. This paper examines the disruptions caused and considers the longterm impacts.
27 How the Kingdom of Bhutan played the Australian Government – and won
Joanne Barker
The Endeavour international scholarship scheme was a winner for the tiny Kingdom of Bhutan. Was it a winner for Australia?
33 Zoomed – A personal reflection on the long, slow destruction of Australia’s university system
Louise Johnson
COVID’s impact has often been highly personal. This personal reflection wonders whether COVID became a smokescreen for our new neoliberal universities.
40 Rethinking universities’ foreign interference obligations: Lessons from the High Court
Matt Simpson & Andrew Tarnowskyj
The Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme Act (2018) requires those who engage with Australian political systems on behalf of a foreign principal to register. How could this impact universities?
50 Occupational health and safety (OHS) and integrated management: A desktop-based review across higher education OHS, business and general management courses in Australia
Nektarios Karanikas & Lilyan Tyson
This paper is a review of OHS and business and management programs in Australia and considers ways the career of future OHS professionals could be enhanced.
61 Hybrid-flexible (HyFlex) subject delivery and implications for teaching workload: A ‘small data’ analysis of one academic’s first-hand experience in 2021 and 2022
Roger Dawkins
COVID-19 has changed aspects of how universities provide teaching. Hybrid-flexible teaching is one outcome of this, being a way to simultaneously deliver a subject in three modes.
Book Reviews
70 Overcoming Managerialism? How??
Overcoming Managerialism: Power, Authority and Rhetoric at Work, by Robert Spillane and Jean-Etienne Joullié
Reviewed by Thomas Klikauer and Catherine Link
73 Intelligent design??
How to Be a Design Academic, by Alethea Blackler and Evonne Miller (Eds.)
Reviewed by Neil Mudford
77 Organising during COVID-19
Organising during the Coronavirus Crisis – The Contradictions of Our Digital Lives, by Mike Healy
Reviewed by Thomas Klikauer
79 A life in the academy
My Accidental Career, by Brenda Niall
Reviewed by Bob Birrell
81 Are universities a lost cause?
The Dark Side of Academia: How Truth Is Suppressed, by The Secret Professor
Reviewed by Brian Martin
82 Destructive Management Leadership: a review essay
Destructive Leadership and Management Hypocrisy: Advances in Theory and Practice, by Selin Metin Camgöz & Özge Tayfur Ekmekci
Reviewed by Thomas Klikauer
88 AI, AI, Oh??
Future superhuman: Our transhuman lives in a makeor-break century, by Elise Bohan
Reviewed by Neil Mudford
93 Universities and the common good
Transforming Universities in The Midst of Global Crisis: A University for the Common Good, by Richard Hil, Kristen Lyons & Fern Thompsett
Reviewed by Natalie Osborne, Griffith University
95 Crisis! What crisis?
Transforming Universities in the Midst of Global Crisis: A University for the Common Good, by Richard Hil, Kristen Lyons & Fern Thompsett
Reviewed by Eva Crowson and Sharon Stein, University of British Columbia