OPEN BOTH WEEKENDS: 393 Pacific Street, SLO · (805) 234-2302 drew@drewdavis.com · @drewdavisfineart OPEN BOTH WEEKENDS: Oct 8-9 & 15-16 (10am-5pm) 1951 Santa Barbara Ave, Unit D, SLO · (408) 910-9196 www.jasontowne.artwww.drewdavis.com

Susan Kounanis Fine Art Thank you SLO for voting me Best Visual Artist 2022! @susankounanissusankounanis.com Open for Open Studios Art Tour: Oct. 8 & 9, Oct. 15 & 16 BestArtistVisual 2040 Wilding Lane, San Luis Obispo

October 8th – 12 PM to 6 PM “Studios in the Wild” at Venteux Vineyards with The Makeshift Muse Join us for the inaugural “Studios in the Wild” fine art market presented in partnership with The Makeshift Muse. There will be wine pourings and live music to accompany a fun afternoon and evening perusing local vendors with the stunning backdrop of Venteux Winery. Food and drink for sale.
Celebrating 24 Years!
Celebrate the start of the Open Studios Art Tour at Bang the Drum Brewery! There will be live music, food and drink, and an art auction. Tickets are on sale through the QR code below, and your ticket purchase will enter you into a raffle for a chance to win some fun goodies.

October 15th – 10 AM to 12 PM Equality Murals Artist Talk and Tour at The ARTery in Atascadero The Equality Mural Project is a public art project dedicated to adding murals to downtown Atascadero depicting different aspects of equality. Come learn about the project and attend an workshop with Los Angeles-based artist Cynthia Luján about public art, neighborhood revitalization, and transportation. Maps will also be available for pick-up to tour each mural and access audiorecorded artist talks!
The San Luis Obispo County Open Studios Art Tour, a program of SLO County Arts Council, takes place over two weekends in October each year. Free to the public, visitors create their own self-guided tour using the catalog.
Visit the studios and artists that interest you the most and be sure to attend the additional events happening throughout the week!
4 OPEN STUDIOS ART TOUR 2022 | OCT 8-9 & 15-16 | 10AM–5PM
October 7th – 7 PM to 10 PM
This year, SLO County Arts Council is thrilled to offer the 24th annual Open Studios Art Tour to San Luis Obispo County and beyond. For the past twenty-four years, we’ve proudly supported artists in the sharing of their talents and expertise with our extended community. Artists from a wide variety of disciplines will open their working studios to showcase their creative processes and creations. Across San Luis Obispo County, we’ll visit artists of varied mediums, including glass works, woodcarving, jewelry design, sculpture, and You’repainting.invited
to experience creativity through the eyes of participating artists who reflect our beautiful beaches, cliffs, and valleys through their art. Explore the views and influences that surround their unique studios.
Tag us on Instagram – @slocounty_arts | #SLOCountyArts | #OSAT2022
For more information visit slocountyarts.org
Thank you to our title sponsor, Hotel SLO!
Open Studios Art Tour Kick-Off Event at Bang the Drum Brewery

SLO County ARTS slocountyarts.org.programs,aboutFormember-supported.ismoreinformationthisandotherpleasevisit
Artist regularly creates art in their Open Studio, or will be actively engaged in creating artwork during the Tour.
Studio is wheelchair accessible.

• Respect the artists’ studios and working home studios by being a polite guest and art appreciator.
• Look for directional signs.
Tips for making the most of your Open Studios Art Tour
• Be prepared to purchase art that inspires you. Some studios accept credit cards but it is a good idea to carry cash if not. Many artists accept checks as well.
Take pictures outside of art studios and encourage your friends to join the Open Studios Art Tour!
Artist is participating both weekends
• Review the catalog and decide on a route for your Art Tour.
Open Studios Art Tour is presented by SLO County ARTS, a not-for-profit San Luis Obispo County Arts Council, and funded in part by the California Arts Council, a state agency, and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.
Artist is participating the 1st weekend only OCT 8-9
Instagram: @slocountyarts Hashtags: #SLOCountyArts#OSAT2022
• Ask the artists questions about their work and classes they may offer.

• Do not bring your pets. It can get hot inside cars, and art studios are filled with breakables and valuable art.

Artist is participating the 2nd weekend only OCT 15-16
OCT 8-9 & OCT 15-16

• Do not take photos of artwork without the artist’s permission.

HOTEL SAN LUIS OBISPO is a modern urban resort nestled in downtown San Luis Obispo –just steps from the historic Mission • Enter into SOL SPA for soothing services.

Dine at artisanal steak house, OX + ANCHOR or Cal Italian restaurant, PIADINA.
Head to the rooftop HIGH BAR for views, original cocktails, and a game of bocce. In need of creative space for a meeting or event? Choose between seven –from the intimate Wine Library to the Seven Sisters Ballroom.

Paso Robles, CA 93446
Acts of Worship
2021 Niderer Road
actsofworship-art.comArtist/Curator California Contemporary Art 1 BOTH

Paso Robles, CA 93446
Abstract Surrealism 2 BOTH
Paso Robles, CA 93446
Abstract Drawings 3 BOTH
(805) 462-3676
Larry Stone,
2021 Niderer Road
Paso Robles, CA 93446
1921 Vine Street

2021 Niderer Road
(805) 462-3676
OUNTYCNORTHOBLESSOAPR 7Open both weekendsBOTH Open only OCT 8-9FIRST Open only OCT 15-16SECOND Open Daily 11am – 6pm, Closed Tuesdays Art & About Paso! Every first Saturday of the month, 6 – 9 pm Visit the Finest Art Gallery in Paso Robles Featuring Premier Central Coast Artists 1320 Park Street Paso Robles, CA 93446 parkstreetgallery.com805-286-4430 NacimientoLakeDrNacimientoLakeDrNacimientoLakeDrAdelaidaRdOak Flat Rd RdFlatOak 46 E 101 101 Robie Ct. RdCreston SpringStVineVineStStVineSt OakStSpringSt CrestonRd 13th St UnionRdRoadRiverSouthNorthRiverRd RdHillGolden NiblickDr.VistaBuenaCharolaisRdRd12th St 10th St 4th St 6th StPineStParkSt SerenadeNavajoDr ShoshoneAveDrCheyenne Dr heidi WayHeidi WayAmanda WayAmanda Holstein Dr Kleck RdSkyviewDr Sherwood Country Club Dr Brahma St Mohawk Ct Windsong Way PasoRoblesSt RailroadSt 46 W Oakdale Rd Oakdale Rd LasTablasWillowCreekRd NidererRd LasTablasRd Live Oak Rd Live Oak Rd PASO ROBLES 4 1 2 3

vickyhoffman.com993-1732 Nature-Based Abstract 4 SECOND PASO ROBLES

Silver Tableware Jewelry 7 BOTH

Bruce Everett
Randy Stromsoe
Tracy Paz
875 Hopkins Street Templeton, CA 93465 (818) fourcrowsstudio.com383-2553
Contemporary California Oils 6 BOTH 1 1 46 W Old Creek Rd Santa Rosa Creek Rd TEMPLETON 7 46 W 101 TempletonRdVineyard Dr S Bethel Rd Bumblebee Ln Ridge Rd CarbonHopkinsCanyonSt Santa Rita Rd TEMPLETON 5 6 Dennis CurryNatural Realism oil painting and original graphics Studios on the Park Resident Artist Studio 2 1130 Pine Street Paso www.denniscurry.comRobles TEMPLETON

8 OPEN STUDIOS ART TOUR 2022 | OCT 8-9 & 15-16 | 10AM–5PM Working studio Accessible

Landscapes & Seascapes 5 BOTH
1325 Bumblebee Lane Templeton, CA 93465 (818) bruceeverett.net384-6125
3775 Old Creek Road Templeton, CA 93465 (805) randystromsoe.com704-6298
OUNTYCNORTHEMPLETONT 9Open both weekendsBOTH Open only OCT 8-9FIRST Open only OCT 15-16SECOND Bruce Everett Studio large scale and plein air landscapes 1325 Bumblebee Lane Templeton, CA 93465 (818) www.bruceeverett.net384-6125

and Paintings 8 BOTH
8793 Plata Lane, Suite H Atascadero, CA 93422 (805) glassheadstudio.com464-2633
7250 Acacia Road

Lisa Renée Falk
Glass Mixed Media 9 BOTH
Margie Edgren
(805) 460-6637
Carved Stone Sculpture 11 BOTH ATASCADERO 1011
14450 Santa Ana Road Atascadero, CA 93422 (805) visionsinstoneart.com235-9770
Atascadero, CA 93422
Like A Rock Jewelry Designs

14450 Santa Ana Road
Ana Rd ChicoRdElVerano SantaLuciaRd SanAnselmo DoloresAveSanAndresAvePortolaRd San Clemente Ave Hermosa Ave ArdillaAve SanAnseimoRd ElCaminoRealColimaRd San LosGatosRdFloresRdSantaLuciaRdSantaLuciaRd MontereyRd SanPaloRd MontereyRd GravesCreekRd GravesCreekRd SanJacintoAvePalmaAve Silla Rd DelRioRd Del Rio Rd SanAnselmoSanBenitoRd Via Estrella Paseo Del Lago 101 ATASCADERO
Atascadero, CA 93422 Crafted Jewelry

Salvatore Orlando
10 OPEN STUDIOS ART TOUR 2022 | OCT 8-9 & 15-16 | 10AM–5PM Working studio Accessible SantaAnaRd

OUNTYCNORTHASCADEROTA 11Open both weekendsBOTH Open only OCT 8-9FIRST Open only OCT 15-16SECOND PortolaElVeranoRd SantaLuciaRd TrafficWay RosarioAve TrafficWay SanAnselmo DoloresAveSanAndresAve PortolaCurbarilAtascaderoRdAveAve PortolaRd San Clemente Ave Hermosa Ave ArdillaAve SycamoreRdSanAnseimoRd ElCaminoReal ElCaminoRealColimaRd MerchantAveSan Francisco Plata Ln SanGabrielRd WestFront San Gabriel Rd SanGabrielRd SanGabrielRd CarmelitaAve San Marcos Rd San Marcos Rd LosGatosRdFloresRdSantaLuciaRdSantaLuciaRd SantaYnezAve MontereyRd SanPaloRd MontereyRd GravesCreekRd GravesCreekRd RdMarcosSanSanMarcosRdAltosOldMorroRdRd SanJacintoAvePalmaAve Silla Rd SanAnselmoSanBenito SantaRosaRd PinalAve 41 101 101 ATASCADERO 9 CUSTOM FRAMING Fine Art 5890www.the1artery.com@the1arteryGiftCardsDecorativeSupplyPaper|BooksCertificatesTrafficWay|Atascadero (805) 464-0533 8 13 14 12

12 OPEN STUDIOS ART TOUR 2022 | OCT 8-9 & 15-16 | 10AM–5PM Working studio Accessible VISIONS IN STONE ART Wander through this Whimsical Wonderland Come experience these magical sculptures carved of colorful, translucent stones from around the world. Open/Working stone carving and Silversmith studios. Live demonstrations! 14450 Santa Ana Rd, Atascadero | 805-235-9770 | VisionsInStoneArt.com 2 ARTISTS, 2 WEEKENDS, 1 LOCATION Salvatore Orlando Stone Carver Dorothy Orlando Silversmith/Jewelry Like A Rock Jewelry Designs Susan Pickard 7250 Acacia Road Atascadero, CA 93422 Horse Lovers 12 BOTH Marie Ramey 7460 Pinal marieramey.comAtascadero,AvenueCA93422 Inspired Colorful Brushwork 13 BOTH Renee Rose Photography 5750 El Camino Real Atascadero, CA 93422 (805) reneerosephotography.com460-6466 Digital Photography 14 BOTH

OUNTYCNORTHAYUCOSC 13Open both weekendsBOTH Open only OCT 8-9FIRST Open only OCT 15-16SECOND 1 PacificAveSOceanAve CassAve 5th ESt CayucosDr GSt ISt 7th 9th 18th20th13thSt OrvilleAve OldCreekRd 1 CAYUCOS 15 Sara Schultz 2845 Orville Avenue Cayucos, CA 93430 (310) oilandmud.wordpress.com775-3891 Kitchen & Garden Ceramics 15 FIRST CAYUCOS

14 OPEN STUDIOS ART TOUR 2022 | OCT 8-9 & 15-16 | 10AM–5PM Working studio Accessible OPEN 7 DAYS Fine Art | Prints | Jewelry | Gifts Seven Sisters Gallery 601 Embarcadero, Suite 8, Morro Bay The ONLY Bead & Garden Shop on the Central Coast! OPEN EVERY DAY! EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO BEAD as well as succulents, air plants , crystals & miniature garden accessories 333 Morro Bay Blvd., Morro Bay, morrobaybeads.com805.772.3338CA Experience the fusion of art,earth,and wine. Visit our family owned tasting room and sculpture garden to try our hand crafted, award winning wines, and see monumental, one-of-a-kind works of art. OPEN DAILY 10AM - 5PM WINERY & PICNICSCULPTUREVINEYARDGARDENANDGAMEAREASWEDDINGS&EVENTSFAMILYOWNED 5015 Linne Rd. Paso Robles CA | Fallwww.sculpterra.com805.226.8881ArtShow October 22, 2022 12:00 - 4:00 Free Admission Art for Sale FoodLiveVendorsMusic

OUNTYCNORTHORROMBAY 15Open both weekendsBOTH Open only OCT 8-9FIRST Open only OCT 15-16SECOND Meet the artist! Oct 8 & 9, 15 & 16 MainSt AveKernAveBernardoBernardoAve Pacific St QuintanaRd Embarcadero Embarcadero LittleMorroCreekRd Morro Bay Blvd Market AveSurf St MainSt 1 41 Center Ct WayPineyAveNapa HillBeachPineyAveMontereyWayStMainStSt Mimosa St Indigo Circle ElenaStAvalonStAveMORRO BAY 16 David J Rogers 407 Morro Bay Boulevard Morro Bay, CA 93442 (805) davidjrogersart.com225-5077 Vibrant Traditional Watercolors 16 MORROBOTHBAY

599 Rosina Drive
Blown Glass 18 BOTH
Marcie Begleiter
Jay Bonestell
Meghan deVos
1279 2nd Street
1460 11th Street
Gemstone Jewelry 23 BOTH LOS OSOS
Colorful, Functional Pottery
Los Osos, CA 93402 (805)
Los Osos, CA 93402 (805) kenchristensen.net528-1498
2008 Ferrell Avenue
Biomorphic PhotographyPaintings, BOTH

Post Impressionist Landscapes 22 BOTH

Folk Art 21 BOTH
Los Osos, CA 93402 (917) oysteremme.etsy.com301-5548
2008 Ferrell Avenue Los Osos, CA 93402 (805)


Rod Baker
2005 9th Street Suite D Los Osos, CA
1316 2nd Street
Back Bay Pottery
Los Osos, CA 93402 (805) bonestellstudios.com528-4265
16 OPEN STUDIOS ART TOUR 2022 | OCT 8-9 & 15-16 | 10AM–5PM Working studio Accessible

Los Osos, CA 93402 (805)
Media 20 BOTH
Ann Bonestell

OUNTYCNORTHSOSOOSL 17Open both weekendsBOTH Open only OCT 8-9FIRST Open only OCT 15-16SECOND
Santa Maria Ave Pismo Ave Moro Ave Robles
AveTurriRd San Luis Ave Nipomo Ave FerrellAve AvePine BrodersonAveDorisAve RavennaAveRodmanDr Mar Vista WoodlandDr Dr Rosina Dr LariatDr St14thSt12thSt11th11thStSt10th10thStSt7th St9th St5thSt2ndSt3rdSt1st SouthBayBlvd Santa Ysabel Ramona AveMitchellDr Ramona Ave Los Osos Valley Rd LosOsosValleyRdPechoValleyRd BlvdBaySouth Van Beurden Dr Sunset Dr Binscarth Rd Monarch Ln Highland Dr Santa Lucia Ave Pasadena Dr 1 BayviewLasEncinasDrHeightsDr Oak Ridge Dr St17th Ash St AveDon FairchildWay Travis Dr Nancy AveButte Dr Pecho Rd San Jacinto Dr 31 34 50 LOS OSOS 41 47 22 24 18 4628 19 27 2930 17 3237 43 45 38 40 49 52 33 35 36 48 51 23 39 25 26 2021 42 44
Jan 7th Street
Los Osos, CA 93402 (559) 647-3092
(661) etsy.com/shop/fiberartbylisa301-5085 Impressionist Fiber Landscapes 25 BOTH

CA debbiegedayloo.com93402 Paper, Felt, Fiber 27 BOTH Dena Gershon 1413 Las Encinas Drive Los Osos, CA 93402 (330) denagershon.com812-0318 Fiber, Jewelry, Artwork 28 FIRST Jim Gregory 269 Butte Drive Los
Hand Crafted Pottery BOTH
1378 7th Street
2191 Lariat Drive
269 Butte Drive
1364 8th Street
Sandy Gregory
CA 93402 (559) 393-0792 Hand Crafted Pottery 29 BOTH

Los Osos, CA 93402 (805)
1951 Nancy Avenue
French 1276
Designy, Colorful Landscapes 26 BOTH Debbie Gedayloo 1500

George Jercich
Yael Korin
Drive Los
Anna M Easter
Los Osos, CA 93402
Oils, by

Acrylics, Etchings 24 BOTH Fiber Art

Los Osos, CA 93402
(805) annaeaster.com528-3174
Glass Sculpture 31 BOTH

Los Osos, CA 93402 (310) yaelkorin.net387-0547
Abstract Impressionist Photography 32 BOTH

18 OPEN STUDIOS ART TOUR 2022 | OCT 8-9 & 15-16 | 10AM–5PM Working studio Accessible
Los Osos, CA 93402 Bayview Heights Osos, Osos,
OUNTYCNORTHSOSOOSL 19Open both weekendsBOTH Open only OCT 8-9FIRST Open only OCT 15-16SECOND Bobbye West-Thompson Watercolor & Pastel Plein Air & Studio Artist 2474 Tierra Drive, Los Osos Facebook: Bobbye West-Thompson (Roberta Naus) www.bobbyewestthompson.combobbyethompson@charter.net (805) 528-8861

2191 Osos, 93402 Osos, CA 93402
Richard Osos, 93402
Leo Manuputy 525 Lilac Drive Los
Lariat Drive Los
(818) 322-7743 Colorful Contemporary Ceramics 33 BOTH Carol Manuputy 525 Lilac Drive Los

(805) peacefulplanetimages.com234-3027 Paintings, Prints, Clothes 35 BOTH Donna Matchette 1500 Baywood Heights Drive Los Osos, CA 93402 (559) beachmadebydonna.com250-6073 Artisan Crafted Jewelry 36 BOTH L. JoAnn Moore 1321 18th Street Los Osos, CA ljmooredesigns.com93402 Landscapes Impressions Abstract 37 FIRST Carolyn Niblick 1288 15th Street Los Osos, CA bluewindmilldesign.com93402 Glass Art 38 BOTH Carol Paulsen 1269 3rd Street Los Osos, CA 93402 (805) carolpaulsen.com235-7990 Personal Natural Vision 39 BOTH Spencer Poulter 361 Highland Drive Los Osos, CA 93402 (559) spencerpoulterart.com250-3081 Impressionist California Landscapes 40 BOTH Rosey’n’Barb Rosenthal 743 Santa Lucia Avenue Los Osos, CA 93402 (805) rosenthalart.com528-4946 Etchings, Paintings, Demonstrations 41 BOTH
(805) peacefulplanetimages.com234-3927 Paintings, Prints, Clothes 34 BOTH


Los Osos, CA 93402 459-1023

1316 2nd Street
Los Osos, CA 93402 (805) gwillart.com235-7807
2474 Tierra Drive Los Osos, CA 93402 (805) bobbyewestthompson.com528-8861
20 OPEN STUDIOS ART TOUR 2022 | OCT 8-9 & 15-16 | 10AM–5PM Working studio Accessible Studio Open Both WeekendsBooth #52 Functional and fine-art pottery by local artist, Shannon Wintzer. 700 Lilac Dr., Los Osos

2040 Bush Drive
(805) fineartdrums.com291-6730 Mythopoetic Earth 45 BOTH TeeCeramic 2575 Bay Vista Lane Los Osos, CA 93402 (530) teeceramic.com864-6852 Functional Stoneware Pottery 46 BOTH Uniquely Deb’s 1216

Dynamic Acrylic Paintings 42 BOTH

(805) 534-4779
Tom Sage
Art from the

Bobbye West-Thompson
Kurt Waldo
Earthy, Pecho Road Osos, CA 93402 17th Street Osos, CA 93402
Organic, Unique 44 BOTH Scott Semple 2105
Gut 50 BOTH
Derek Schultz
(661) 331-6987 Garden Art, Jewelry 47 BOTH

Vibrant Pastel Landscapes
Guillermo Willie
Los Osos, CA 93402
1254 2nd Street, #C Los Osos, CA 93402 (240) kurtwaldo.com344-0083
Mixed Media Abstract
531 Ramona Avenue Los Osos, CA 93402 (805)
Nature Art 43 BOTH
1513 10th Street
Anita Marie Schwebel
OUNTYCNORTHSOSOOSL 21Open both weekendsBOTH Open only OCT 8-9FIRST Open only OCT 15-16SECOND Yael Korin Abstract Impressionist Photography 1364 8th Street · Los Osos · Studio 32 yaelkorin.net · 310.387.0547 · ykorin@g.ucla.edu Artwork exhibited in a beautiful garden setting DELAY FINE ART Paula DeLay, Contemporary Impressionist Open both weekends in her enchanting garden 1618 Hillcrest Place, San Luis Obispo Instagram:www.pdelay.com@pauladelayMobile:408-507-2545 Jessica Winter-Strom 1352 6th Street Los Osos, CA 93402 (805) winterstrom-art.com550-2686 Experimental Fluidart 51 SECOND Shannon S. Wintzer 700 Lilac Drive Los Osos, CA 93402 shasuwi.com Handmade Pottery 52 BOTH

22 OPEN STUDIOS ART TOUR 2022 | OCT 8-9 & 15-16 | 10AM–5PM Working studio Accessible WHAT’SNEW Be Perfectly Still Aug 28 — Nov 13 1010 Broad Street, west end of Mission Plaza | Free admission 11 AM to 5 PM (closed Tue & Wed) | sloma.org

OUNTYCSOUTHOUNTYCOUTHS 23Open both weekendsBOTH Open only OCT 8-9FIRST Open only OCT 15-16SECOND

Colorful Oil Paintings BOTH

Expressive Oil Paintings

Dotty Hawthorne
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (408) pdelay.com507-2545 Impressionist,
Oils 57 BOTH
Drew Davis
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 (714) jamesdietzestudioart.com496-1306
3462 Gregory Court
1609 Osos Street
1062 Del Rio Avenue
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 801-3972
69 Benton Way
24 OPEN STUDIOS ART TOUR 2022 | OCT 8-9 & 15-16 | 10AM–5PM Working studio Accessible

106 Fel Mar Drive
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (503)
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) drewdavis.com234-2302
kristininman.com 62 BOTH
(805) 235-4412
Blueberry Jewelry

482 Chorro Street
1497 Orcutt Road
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 (805) 541-1095
Crissa Hewitt
T.D. Caldwell
Jewelry and Hollowware BOTH
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
1618 Hillcrest Place
Christine Cortese
Colleen Gnos
Paula DeLay
393 Pacific Street
Eclectic Colorful Acrylics
141 Suburban Road, Unit C4
Modern Impressionist Oils 56 BOTH

Forged Gemstone Jewelry BOTH

San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) gnosart.com441-8277
Kristin Inman
James Dietze
Pastel, Oil, Gouache
Pencil, Ink Drawings BOTH
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) dottyhawthorne.com703-0455
OUNTYCSOUTHBISPOOUISSANL 25Open both weekendsBOTH Open only OCT 8-9FIRST Open only OCT 15-16SECOND 1 101 BentonHathwayWay AveHathway PalmPismo HighPacificStSt Mitchell Dr Lawrence Dr PradoLn BalboaBalboaOceanaireDrOceanaireDrStSt South St KingSt NipomoBeachStStCarmel BishopSt EllaSt FloraSt Suburban Rd CazaderoSanLuisDr Conejo Ave Hillcrest Pl OrcuttRd BroadSt BroadSt SacamentoDrMadonnaRd BroadSt OsosSt ChorroSt SantaRosa JohnsonAve FixliniStFixliniSt Monterey AveGrandCaliforniaCaliforniaAveAve Twin Ridge Dr Los Cerros Dr FoothillBlvd aicirtaP LosOsosValleyRd SouthHigueraSt SouthHigueraSt SouthHigueraSt HigueraStMarshStTankFarm Rd Tank Farm Rd StBarbaraSanta 101 Caudill St Mill MorningSunflowerSouthwoodWayGloryWay Ramona Dr Serrano Dr Foothill Blvd BuchonSt DrTassajaraSLa Entrada Ave DrJeffrey Highland Dr Fel Mar Dr PoinsettiaSt El Capitan Way 227 Orcutt Rd AugustaJohnsonAveStGreta Pl 59 SAN LUIS OBISPO 70 74 65 73 53 62 58 71 68 See additional maps on following pages. 54 61 60 66 57 72 55 56 67 64 69
Book a
Metal Sculpture

26 OPEN STUDIOS ART TOUR 2022 | OCT 8-9 & 15-16 | 10AM–5PM Working studio Accessible
Christine Marie
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Beginning Wheel, a four week entry-level class, allows students to really learn specific throwing techniques in depth with no previous experience required. Learn how to throw on the wheel, and most of all, have FUN doing it! A few other classes offered include drop-in classes tailored to ceramicists of all levels, kids classes, family classes, date nights and intermediate wheel classes.
Sheri Klein
Fused Glass BOTH

Ji Li
6912 Live Oak Lane
Adventurous Acrylic Paintings

San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
970 Chorro Street
2040 Wilding Lane
1106 Oceanaire Drive, Unit 45 San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 (805) 234-1866
Evocative Contemplative Textural FIRST

today at www.anamcre.com/booking
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) jacobsonart.com595-7605

Pastel and Acrylic Painting BOTH
Anam Cre Pottery Studio provides classes for potters of all levels. We love having new faces in our pottery studio!

Jim Jacobson
Founded by Shevon Sullivan, Anam Cre is truly a bright light in our community. Providing a creative, welcoming environment for people to develop their skills, several classes are offered for those interested in signing up.
101 101 PradoLnSuburban Rd MonteRd Valley Dr MonteRd MonteRdLiveOak BeachDr BroadSt SacamentoDrMadonnaRd LosOsosValleyRd SouthHigueraSt SouthHigueraSt Tank Farm Rd San Luis Bay Dr SquireCanyonRd Hacienda Ave PoinsettiaMorningStEl Capitan Way 227 Orcutt Rd Downtown SLO 63 SAN LUIS OBISPO
463 Pacific Street
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) susankounanis.com441-4238
Carol Silva Johnson
Classic Oil Paintings BOTH

(805) 748-1217

Susan Kounanis
104 Twin Ridge Drive
104 Twin Ridge Drive San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 (805)
OUNTYCSOUTHBISPOOUISSANL 27Open both weekendsBOTH Open only OCT 8-9FIRST Open only OCT 15-16SECOND Dry Sky Dry Land a new exhibit at Bill Rumbler Fine Art Photography 228 Los Cerros, SLO · bispobill@outlook.com OPEN BOTH WEEKENDS Spot #71 on the SLO Map BLUEBERRY JEWELRY hand-forged + gemstone jewelry 1609 OSOS ST, shopblueberryjewelry.com@blueberryjewelry02SLO ·

228 Los Cerros Drive
Jason Towne
Leigh Ramirez
Bill Rumbler
Realistic Acrylic Paintings 69 BOTH
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 (559) whimsley.com760-6119
104 Twin Ridge Drive San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 (805)
jimtylerfineart.com748-2220 Passionate Pastel Paintings 73 BOTH

Rebecca Wamsley

104 Twin Ridge Drive
leighramirez.com540-4250 Sterling Silver Jewelry 70 BOTH

463 Pacific Street
bispobill.myportfolio.com459-8544 Landscape Photography 71 BOTH
Ceramics 74 BOTH

San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 (805)

Jim Tyler
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 607-8070
Colorful Paintings 72 BOTH

Lynn Matheney
1951 Santa Barbara Avenue, Unit D San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (408)
28 OPEN STUDIOS ART TOUR 2022 | OCT 8-9 & 15-16 | 10AM–5PM Working studio Accessible Located in beautiful Avila Beach, Avila Gallery features new paintings and jewelry by SLO artists, and offers small group art classes for learning how to create jewelry and other art mediums 65 Landing Passage, Avila Beach (805) 752-1188 · Open Mon-Sat 12-5, closed Sun theavilagallery.com · lindalewisjewelry.com Cloisonne bracelet by Linda Lewis Ana Bass 76 Landing Passage Avila Beach, CA 93424 (805) anabass.net801-9446 Color / Abstract / Figurative 75 BOTH Marylu Downing 76 Landing Passage Avila Beach, CA 93424 (707) maryludowning.com889-7870 Lively, Colorful, Storied 76 BOTH Linda Elder 76 Landing Passage Avila Beach, CA 93424 (219) 299-9266 Mixed Media 77 BOTH 101 Avila Valley Dr 1stStAvilaBeachDr AvilaBeachDr San Luis Bay Dr FrontSt Landing Passage Avila Beach Dr SeeCanyonRd MonteRdLiveOakMonteRd MonteRd AVILA BEACH 77 AVILA BEACH 7576

OUNTYCSOUTHEACHVILAAB 29Open both weekendsBOTH Open only OCT 8-9FIRST Open only OCT 15-16SECOND 978 Monterey Street, Vinyl·CDs·DVDs·Books·Apparel·Turntables·&SLO·805-541-0657·booboorecords.comMoreVotedBestPlacetoBuyMusic Thank you, SLO County! isisisMUSICtherhythm.ARTthepassion.LIFEoursubject. “Garden Girl” by Marylu Downing 707-889-7870 maryludowning.com “Openings” by Linda Elder 219-299-9266 Elderlinda42@gmail.com@elderlinda “Echoes from the Sea” by Ana Bass 805-801-9446 Anabass@icloud.com OPEN WEEKENDSBOTH ART IN AVILA BEACH Live RefreshmentsBeachyDemos••Kick-backAtmosphere 76 Landing Passage in the Ana Bass Studio ArtDiscovergowestmusicgroup.comRobbomusic.com(805)801-9841info@robbomusic.comtheofRecordinginMorroBayRob Vermeulen of Robbo Music welcomes musicians, bands, singers and vocal talents to Morro Bay where music is hand crafted, home grown and full of heart.

Anne Grannis
1179 Marbella Court Grover Beach, CA 93433 (650) annegrannis.com678-1692
Gayle Rappaport-Weiland

138 Clydell Court Pismo Beach, CA 93449 (805) grappaport.com295-6690
Functional/Decorative Ceramics 78 BOTH

Scarves, Gifts 79 BOTH
Sandy Ferris
698 Vista Pacifica Circle Pismo Beach, CA 93449 (805) sandyferrisceramics.com709-0350
Sculpture, Pastels, Jewelry
30 OPEN STUDIOS ART TOUR 2022 | OCT 8-9 & 15-16 | 10AM–5PM Working studio Accessible 101 Vista Pacifica Cir PriceSt JamesWay ElCaminoRealN12thStEstuary Way Atlantic City NacimientoAveAveN10thStS10thSt13thSt StSt17th17th 4thS7thSt SOakParkBlvd Ramona BrightonAveAve Baden Ave Highland Way Leoni Dr FarrollAveGriffinSt Rochelle Way The PikeStElmSSElmSt Christmas Tree Pl Farroll Ave NOakPark W Grand4Aveth PriceCanyonRd Brisco CabrilloHwy DolliverDolliverStSt FrontSt Casitas St Miguelito Lane ClydellCt NOakPark N3rdSt N1stSt Newport Ave Park Dr Marbella Ct Ocean View Ave Saratoga Ave 4th Manhattan Ave HighlandDr 1 78 80 PISMO GROVERBEACHBEACH 79

2342 Brant Street Grande, CA 93420
(805) hollybeals.com458-7144 Figurative Mixed Media 82 BOTH Susan Bradford 1094

1003 Hodges Road Grande, CA 93420 Maple Street Grande, CA 93420
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 (805) 440-3197 Grande, CA 93420
235 Cherry Avenue
OUNTYCSOUTHGRROYOARANDE 31Open both weekendsBOTH Open only OCT 8-9FIRST Open only OCT 15-16SECOND
890 Cypress Ridge Parkway
(805) taniaalexanderart.com689-0528 Blooming Floral Pastels 81 BOTH Holly Beals

Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
(805) 710-0714 Pottery for Friends 83 BOTH Robert Burridge 1451 Paseo Ladera Lane Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 (805) robertburridge.com459-1503 Original Contemporary Paintings 84 BOTH Shelby Cowart 2080 Idyllwild Place Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 85 BOTH Tina Doherty

(805) crimsonheartstudiosetsy.com/shop/441-2054 Mixed Media 88 BOTH Janet Johnson 1685 Corbett Highlands Place Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 (805) facebook.com/3JPhotos441-1247 Vintage Glass Birdfeeders 89 BOTH Daniel Jones 315 Allen Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 danieljonesart.com Landscapes & Seascapes 90 FIRST ARROYO GRANDE
(805) designsbytinalouise.com720-0582 Expressive, Heartfelt, Detailed 86 BOTH Merrilee Donald

Unique, Organic Pottery 87 FIRST Cindy Dubbers 2080 Idyllwild Place Arroyo

32 OPEN STUDIOS ART TOUR 2022 | OCT 8-9 & 15-16 | 10AM–5PM Working studio Accessible Barry R. Lundgren 1685 Corbett Highlands Place Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 (805) blwoodturning.com550-3819 Artistically Turned Wood 91 BOTH Pamela Maxvill 1685 Corbett Highlands Place Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Fluid Acrylic Painting 92 BOTH Pacific Sun Ceramics 273 Blue Sky Drive Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 pscs.us Ceramics, Planters, Succulents 93 FIRST Debbie Sidenberg 690 Heritage Lane Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Color, Line, Pattern 97 FIRST Janine Stillman 1685 Corbett Highlands Place Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 (805) designsbyja9.com459-7296 Fused Glass Art 98 BOTH Heidi B. Yi 2406 Brant Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 (805) hbyart.weebly.com748-4059 Whimsical Acrylic Paintings 99 SECOND

OUNTYCSOUTHGRROYOARANDE 33Open both weekendsBOTH Open only OCT 8-9FIRST Open only OCT 15-16SECOND ECherryAve101 227 227 VetterLn OldOakParkRd EOrmondeRd LeTeenaPlQuail Hill Ln Phillips Rd GularteRd CorbettCanyonRd LopezDr CorralitosRd CorralitosRdBlueSkyDr JamesWay JamesWay WBranchStElCaminoReal TallyHoRd AllenStStElmSNElmSt Farroll Ave Ruth Ann Way Dixson St Hillcrest Dr Sierra Dr Brighton Ave HuasnaRd HuasnaRd BranchMillRd CorbettCanyonRd OrcuttRd RanchoPkwy CarpenterCanyonRd NoyesRd NOakParkBriscoRd EGrandAve BranchSt MayCrownHillSt FairOaksAveTrafficWayValleyRdMasonStRdHalcyonS BlvdParkOak StAlpine NoyesRd EquestrianWay CorbettCoachRdHighlands Pl TiffanyRanchRdJudithLn McKinley StVia La Barranca Le Point St Huasna Rd Chaparral Ln RodeoDr Hodges Rd HeritageLn Paseo Ladera Ln RanchoPkwy ErhartRd 100 84 97 81 94 ARROYO GRANDE 93 89919298 95 8396 82 96 90 1 1 LosBerrosRdStantonSt WillowPomeroyRdRdIdyllwild Pl SheridanRd SHalcyonRd WoodlandHillsRd Cypress Ridge Parkway Noddy Ct BrantSt TiendaPl WElCampoRd AlomaWay WElCampo 87 88 86 101 85 99
Abstract Figurative Paintings

Roses and clouds in pastel

Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 (805) 709-6967
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
2590 Tienda Place
Biomorphic Textile Sculpture

34 OPEN STUDIOS ART TOUR 2022 | OCT 8-9 & 15-16 | 10AM–5PM Working studio Accessible
Carol Paquet
Patti Robbins
235 E. Cherry
Sommer Roman
130 Refugio Place
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 (408) sommerroman.com607-6853
1250 Judith Lane
1250 Judith Lane
Functional Handthrown Ceramics
YouthSpring Arts

323 S. Mason Street
Abstract Still Life
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 (805) kathleenyorba.com801-0827
John Rose
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 (925) 577-8167
Prints, original art, and merch to you at studio! Ave. Grande
Kathleen Yorba
Studio visit by appointment only. Exhibiting locally: Gallery Los Olivos, SLO Gallery

Pottery, Ceramics, Sculpture

101 BOTH
805 pattirobbinsartist@gmail.comwww.pattirobbinsartist.com471-1701
OUNTYCSOUTHIPOMON 35Open both weekendsBOTH Open only OCT 8-9FIRST Open only OCT 15-16SECOND NIPOMO Elizabeth Chaney 1096 Trail View Place Nipomo, CA simplyelizabethart.com93444 Vibrant Portraits, Abstracts 102 FIRST Suzy Davidson 1154 Trail View Place Nipomo, CA 93444 Oils and Watercolor Paintings 103 BOTH Tina Ellis 1154 Trail View Place Nipomo, CA 93444 (541) 929-7240 Mosaic Art & Jewelry 104 BOTH Karen Floyd 1174 Spring Azure Way Nipomo, CA 93444 (562) 623-7949 Natural Ceramic Sculptures 105 SECOND Myles Herman 525 Vardon Court Nipomo, CA 93444 (510) myleshermanart.com914-1431 Oil on Canvas 106 BOTH Kathleen Hill 1362 Vicki Lane Nipomo, CA 93444 (805) kathleenhillstudio.com343-0631 Photography & Dolls 107 BOTH Shirley Horacek 340 N. Las Flores Drive Nipomo, CA 93444 (805) 458-9338 Watercolor, Mixed Media 108 FIRST WayAlbert RdConchaVia Willow Rd Vardon Ct Dawn Rd Desperado Pl RdEucalyptus EucalyptusRd NorthwoodRdViaConchaRd KingstonMichelleDr Ct 1 1 1 Trilogy Pkwy Mesa CaminoRdCaballoVickiLnBlackLakeCanyonDrTrailViewPlVivaWyNIPOMO 105 107 102 103 104 112

36 OPEN STUDIOS ART TOUR 2022 | OCT 8-9 & 15-16 | 10AM–5PM Working studio Accessible Janet Yu 1174 Spring Azure Way Nipomo, CA 93444 (925) 1-janet-yu.pixels.com998-5636 Expressive Abstract Landscape 112 SECOND Toni Zybell 340 N. Las Flores Drive Nipomo, CA 93444 Jewelry, Copper, Silver 113 FIRST Marcia Kortas 303 Blue Springs Lane Nipomo, CA 93444 (805) marciakortas.com215-2227 Oils, Pastels, Coldwax 109 BOTH Deborah Smith 340 N. Las Flores Drive Nipomo, CA 93444 (805) 235-4244 Plein Air Oils 110 FIRST Sheila Underwood 340 N. Las Flores Drive Nipomo, CA 93444 (805) sheilaunderwood.com929-1440 Silk Dyed Silks 111 BOTH

Way Black Sage Cir Black Lake Canyon Dr Woodgreen Way Vardon Lane RimRockRd Redberry Pl Misty Glen Pl Augusta Dr WTeftSt NDanaFoothillRd Black Lake Canyon Dr NIPOMO 106 111 113 108110 109
OUNTYCSOUTH 37Open both weekendsBOTH Open only OCT 8-9FIRST Open only OCT 15-16SECOND 101 101 Live Oak Ridge Rd Dawn Rd ConestogaAmericanLn Way Camino CaballoLaSerenata Way Mesa Rd Vicki Ln Trail View Pl Eucalyptus Rd SandydaleDrCaminoCaballo DivisionGrandeAveStWTeftStOsageSt IllinoisWay VerbanaMesaTejasPlRdSt EucalyptusRd HazelMercuryDrLn yaWdniwtseW yaWelaDnuS FrontageRdMaryAve FrontageRd Maggie Ln Aidin Ct Willow Rd WillowRd Pomeroy Rd WTefftSt ETefftSt Bracken Ln NThompsonAve SheehyRd JuniperSt RegionalNipomoPark Oakmont Pl Los Berros Rd Nine Oaks Ln NLasFloresDr

Your support of this first-ever, multidisciplinary, three-month festival reinvigorated local arts organzations all across SLO County!
KCBX Public Radio Movement Arts Collective Opera San Luis Obispo Orchestra Novo
Canzona Women's Ensemble
Estimated total losses in the nonprofit performing arts industry - due to the pandemic - will likely exceed $3.2B, devastating local and national organizations alike. Ticket sales are predicted to reach only 59-66% of the previous 4-year high; and while none of the C3OAL organizations have had to shut our doors, historically low attendance will continue to negatively impact us for years. Your support is essential now more than ever!

Cuesta College Performing Arts Cuesta Concord Chorus Festival Mozaic Harold J. Miossi CPAC at Cuesta College

Organizations24&Events 26,482AudienceMembers14Venues 1032Performers&Artists 218ProductionSta
Cal Poly Symphony & Choirs
Ballet Theatre San Luis Obispo Cal Poly Arts
Central Coast Gilbert & Sullivan Civic Ballet of San Luis Obispo Clark Center for the Performing Arts
Cambria Center for the Arts
We asked you to help us ignite return to in-person arts events, and you did!
Paso Robles Youth Arts Center Performing Arts Center SLO San Luis Obispo Museum of Art San Luis Obispo Symphony SLO International Film Festival SLO Master Chorale and Orchestra SLO Repertory Theatre SLO Wind Orchestra
Vocal Arts Ensemble