Sail into summer


Editor’s note
Now entering its 35th year of musical celebration, the Live Oak Music Festival is right around the corner. It’s been in Biddle Park, at Lake Cachuma, and is currently settled into El Chorro Regional Park, where there’s plenty of space to pitch a tent and stay awhile. The longrunning KCBX fundraiser is ready to get your summer fun started, and Senior Staff Writer Glen Starkey has a rundown for who you can expect to boogie to this upcoming Father’s Day weekend [45]

This week, you can find our annual Sumer Guide pullout! Calendar Editor Caleb Wiseblood pulled all the hot events together into one place for your pleasure— from food and wine festivals to outdoor performances, arts classes, kids camps, and more [17]
Also, SLO County supervisors approve a supportive housing village [4], everyone is trying to get rid of “forever chemicals” [8], and Branch Street Deli’s transformation [51].

Jiminenz, Bernadette Miller
New Times is published every Thursday for your enjoyment and distributed to more than 100,000 readers in San Luis Obispo County. New Times is available free of charge, limited to one copy per reader. The contents of New Times are copyrighted by New Times and may not
Supervisors approve Welcome Home Village along Johnson Avenue
The city of San Luis Obispo will be home to an 80-bed hamlet for the homeless who once lived in the Bob Jones Trail encampment corridor.
Unanimously backed by the city’s Planning Commission, the proposed Welcome Home Village project appeared before the SLO County Board of Supervisors for approval on May 21. Supervisors authorized the project resolution in a 3-1 vote, with 5th District Supervisor Debbie Arnold dissenting. Third District Supervisor Dawn Ortiz-Legg recused herself “due to an abundance of caution” because she lives near the intersection of Johnson Avenue and Bishop Street—the site of the incoming project.
The approval arrived after community members packed the meeting room, airing concerns about living near a supportive housing facility for the homeless.
“My concern stems from the decision about the location, in particular, the data that is being presented as it relates to a facility of this size in a neighborhood that’s so densely residential,” said Melissa Schneider, a SLO resident who lives near the proposed Welcome Home Village. “I’ve looked at the sites and locations of other DignityMoves facilities … and nothing of this size exists … nor does it exist in a location that is about a thousand feet away from a preschool.”
SLO County announced in April that it chose the Johnson Avenue and Bishop Street corner for Welcome Home Village as an extension to the Health Agency campus. Placing the 34 interim- and 46 permanent-supportive housing units there would bring the homeless residents closer to the campus network of behavioral health resources, like the crisis stabilization unit, substance misuse disorder clinic, and mental health treatment services.
Bound by a time-sensitive $13.4 million Encampment Resolution Fund, the county zeroed in on the location after its original plans to set up Welcome Home Village behind the Department of Social Services headquarters on Higuera Street collapsed.
Los Angeles attorney Paul Beard II wrote a critical letter to the Board of Supervisors last September, alerting it about an alleged lack of consultation
Grover Beach City Council votes to reduce water rate increase
After months of tirelessly protesting against Grover Beach’s new water rate structure, Grover H2O members finally received the answer they’ve been looking for.
During a May 13 City Council meeting, council members voted 3-1 to revise their December 2023 vote that would have increased water rates by almost 20 percent over the next four years.
“I want to retire; I don’t want to have a double water rate. Repeal these right now and bring these rates back to before they were voted on,” Grover H2O member Brenda Auer said during public comment at the May 13 meeting. “Bring the rates back to December, do the right thing, be heroes, be legendary tonight.”
Partnered with the cities of Arroyo Grande and Pismo Beach on the Central Coast Blue water reclamation project, Grover Beach increased its water rates to help fund its portion of the facility’s ever-growing cost. Originally expected to cost $93 million in 2022, the project costs increased to between $134 million and $159 million due to inflation.
with the surrounding residents and business owners on Higuera Street. Beard’s letter, which laid the groundwork of a legal threat, called for an environmental review—something the county tried to forgo through a California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) exemption. However, the underlying zoning for the Higuera Street location prohibited residential use, disqualifying the county from a CEQA exemption.
The new proposed location at Johnson Avenue doesn’t require a CEQA review, which the Board of Supervisors ratified at the meeting. The supervisors also approved a ground lease with site management and resident services provider Good Samaritan Shelter, greenlit a development management agreement with modular home developer DignityMoves, and authorized the Department of Social Services to process a $6.7 million pre-payment to the developer to buy modular units for the project.
County officials tried to assuage community concerns by modeling the Welcome Home Village program after successful housing projects like 5Cities Homeless Coalition’s Cabins for Change in Grover Beach and DignityMoves’ noncongregate housing in downtown Santa Barbara.
“I think as someone more familiar with the Oklahoma project than anyone, this will be nothing like the Oklahoma project,” said the one-time site manager of the safe parking site. “I think our biggest challenge with the Oklahoma project was that we didn’t have case management on at the beginning, and we were unable to find a site manager to manage the project.”
1st District Supervisor John Peschong, who cast the decisive vote to approve the Welcome Home Village project, admitted he approached the meeting with a denial on his mind.

Special Projects Program Manager Jeff Al-Mashat said the Welcome Home Village project won’t repeat the mistakes of the now-closed Oklahoma Avenue safe parking site. The new program will have roundthe-clock security with video cameras included, strict curfews for participants, and a ban on visitors.
That price jump was too much for the Arroyo Grande City Council, which voted to pull out of the agreement during its April 9 meeting. Grover Beach followed suit, with its council voting to opt out of the project on April 22. During that meeting, the council directed staff to return with an updated water rate structure.
Staff recommended that the council adopt a revised water rate structure that would remove all future construction-related expenses for Central Coast Blue but continue to fund operations, maintenance, and capital projects for the city’s existing water system. The new rate structure would also provide $300,000 in funding for water resiliency efforts, according to the May 13 staff report.
“This rate structure would decrease overall revenue requirements by 14.5 percent in FY [fiscal year] 2023-24 with an effective rate increase of 5.2 percent over the previous year,” the staff report stated. “Water rates would continue to increase by 5.2 percent annually through FY 2025-26 after which point the annual increases would be 3.5 percent through FY 2027-28.”

While all council members—besides Mayor Karen Bright, who was absent—agreed to the water rate changes, they struggled to agree on the
“For those of you who don’t know, my nephew was a Cuesta College student who got addicted to heroin and died of a heroin overdose, and he was homeless at the time,” he said. “What I heard today is the kind of thing that I would have hoped he would be offered to get clean and sober.” ∆
—Bulbul Rajagopal
importance of funding water resilience efforts right now.
Councilmember Daniel Rushing asked whether they could put the resiliency debate on hold and consider it at a different time since the city currently has access to a decent amount of water.
“In the next cycle, it will be the full reevaluation of Grover Beach city goals, that should water resiliency bubble up to the top in this process, that we at that point dig further into what our next steps would be,” he said. “It would be at that point during the next fiscal year’s budgetary process that we would be identifying funds for a water resiliency effort.”
Councilmember Zach Zimmerman said he disagreed—water resiliency should be at the top of the council’s goals.
“Things change, and things are changing more drastically and quickly every year and every climate cycle that we are in,” he said. “We are in a very wet one right now, admittedly, and it is incredible, but up and down the state and across the West the consensus is that this is a real once in a blue moon type of thing, and I think we need to plan for things happening in a different direction. I think if we are

ready way ahead of schedule and we have all these resources, then amazing.”
According to the staff report, it’s impossible to determine when the next drought will impact the city’s water supply, but based on recent history and predictions of climate change impacts, the city is likely to see a significant water supply shortage related to drought one or more times over the next decade.
“Securing supplemental water is critical to meet community needs with existing residents and businesses as well as continue to achieve additional housing and other development opportunities,” the staff report stated. “The lack of additional water supply could eventually lead to a limitation or potential moratorium on additional development or issuance of building permits within the city.”
The staff report also stated that with current reservoir levels, a potential water deficit could begin in 2030 based on an extended drought and if supply was reduced to a minimum level.
“Staff recommended the council consider actions to seek up to 510 acre-feet per year of additional long-term water supply that would be sufficient to make up the anticipated gap in demand by 2050 plus allow for an operational buffer of up to 15 to 20 percent of supply,” the staff report said. “Staff would note that the city does not currently have a defined water supply buffer.”
Councilmember Clint Weirick and Mayor Pro Tem Robert Robert agreed with Rushing that it would be better to discuss water resiliency funding at a later time.
—Samantha Herrera
Paso Robles wants to extend its half-cent road tax past 2025
Paso Robles city staff pitched extending an existing half-cent sales tax as a way to leverage a potential $56 million bond that could help chip away at more than $350 million in needed road repairs.
“That includes associated utility replacements that can be up to 40 percent of the costs,” Public Works Director Freda Berman said during the May 21 Paso City Council meeting. “That’s a huge number. … How do we take a bigger bite of the apple? That’s the question.”
While a bond wasn’t on the agenda for the meeting, it was debated as part of a discussion on whether the city wanted to put a measure on the November ballot that would continue Measure E-12, a half-cent sales tax earmarked for road repairs in the city that sunsets in March 2025. The City Council voted 4-1 with Councilmember Chris Bausch dissenting, to direct staff to bring back the language for a ballot measure to the June 4 meeting.
“If we bond it, that money can be used as a match for grants. If you don’t have that, you can’t apply for grants,” said Councilmember Fred Strong, who added that he was heading to Sacramento that night to talk about those potential grants. “We only have to come up with 20 percent of the money to apply for a grant.”
City staff offered the council a handful of options for the measure, including potentially increasing the half-cent tax to a full cent, which could mean up to $24 million a year for road repair projects (with a bond). However, the council questioned whether the city could handle doing that much work at one time.
Currently, with the existing half-cent tax that Paso Robles voters passed in 2012, the city conducts about $6 million in road repairs every year. If the city renewed the measure without a sunset date and took out a revenue bond, that would increase to between $10 million and $12 million per year, Councilmember Steve Gregory said.
“Spending $10 million to $12 million annually on our roads would be amazing,” he said.
Bausch and some residents questioned whether a bond was wise.
“There’s got to be another way to look at this,” Bausch said. “I’m just not really happy about doing a bond and spending that money on debt service to be able to spend $50 million all at once.”
But City Attorney Elizabeth Hull reminded the council that the bond wasn’t on the agenda and city staff was looking for direction about whether to extend, or extend and increase, E-12.
The measure has raised about $46 million for road repairs in the city since it went into effect and contributed to 27 completed road repair projects. Currently 15 road projects are underway with another two in the hopper and there’s about $12 million in E-12 funds left.
If the measure expires next spring, Administrative Services Director Ryan Cornell said that Paso would need to backfill the funding loss somehow—either through general fund dollars or with more of Measure J-20, a 1 cent sales tax that Paso voters passed in 2020 to maintain essential city services in the wake of the pandemic.
“We can’t just ignore the roads that we’ve already rehabbed,” Cornell said. “Street lifespan is shortened if you don’t maintain it. … If Measure E-12 expires, it’s going to severely impact city operations.”
The City Council directed staff to bring the language back to extend the half-cent sales tax without a sunset date.
Paso isn’t the only city considering a sales tax measure for the November general election ballot. On June 4, Atascadero also plans to discuss whether it should ask voters to extend an existing half-cent sales tax that’s earmarked for roads and set to expire in March 2027. On May 28, Arroyo Grande is slated to vote on a potential ballot measure of a 1 cent sales tax for infrastructure.
According to Paso Assistant City Manager Chris Huot, the county recommends that cities get ballot measure language in by June 18.
—Camillia Lanham
SLO County opts out of listing measure supporters and opponents on voter ballots
The San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors became the 34th in California to opt out of a Ballot Disclose Act requirement.
Joining a majority of its fellow 57 counties, SLO County will not be listing the supporters and opponents for county, city, district, and school measures on future election ballots.
The supervisors exercised the opt-out provision in a 3-2 vote—with 1st District Supervisor John Peschong and 5th District Supervisor Debbie Arnold dissenting—on May 21 after County Clerk-Recorder Elaina Cano filed the request for it. She cited cost and operational challenges.
“Additionally, there are concerns about politicizing the ballot by including supporters and opponents,” she told New
Times. “This could increase the potential for electioneering, especially if a current candidate listed on the ballot is also listed as a supporter or opponent of a measure. Such situations might lead to legal challenges due to perceived unfairness or ambiguity, as the registrar of voters would have to accept or deny abbreviations of supporters/opponents that may not be clear to voters.”
Authored by Assemblymember Miguel Santiago (D-Los Angeles) and passed in 2022, the Ballot Disclose Act demands the ballot label include a condensed ballot title and summary and a 125-character list of supporters and opponents for each measure.
According to the SLO County staff report, the act’s requirements aren’t supported by any funding appropriation—it created an unfunded state mandate for California counties that already absorb most of the state and federal election costs. Cano said that SLO County would be set back $121,000 per election if it upholds the requirements of the Ballot Disclose Act.
“This includes expenses associated with printing larger ballots or additional ballot cards to accommodate the lists of supporters and opponents, as well as the costs of ballot design verification and proofing, which require additional staff time,” she said.
The liberal majority on the Board of Supervisors—2nd, 3rd, and 4th District Supervisors Bruce Gibson, Dawn Ortiz-Legg, and Jimmy Paulding, respectively—voted in favor of opting out. Their support for not listing supporters and opponents lay in stark contrast to the League of Women Voters of California’s backing of the act.
“By listing support and opposition, critical information about who is behind a ballot measure will be readily available on the face of the ballot itself,” league President Carol Moon Goldberg wrote in a January 2022 letter to act author Santiago. “This convenience is especially important to voters whose primary exposure to ballot measures may have been from ads and mailers run by well-funded campaigns.”
Gibson stressed at the May 21 meeting that voters would be faced with a lengthy ballot if supporters and opponents of measures were listed out. Cano confirmed to New Times that it would increase the space required for each measure by roughly 40 percent, likely requiring a second ballot card.
“I think it’s interesting that all the Democrats came up with this idea,” OrtizLegg said at the meeting. “Overall, just because somebody supports something, that can be very confusing as well. This leads to more mass confusion, as noted, and I really wish we didn’t have as big a ballot as we already have.”
Cano said voters can turn to the voter information guide for comprehensive details about measures and their supporters and opponents for the November general election.
“To those who say that not listing supporters and opponents hinders transparency, it can be argued that while the intention of providing more information to voters is commendable, the increased ballot complexity could lead to voter confusion and frustration,” Cano told New Times. “Simply having this information printed on the official ballot does not provide the entire context of what the measure is, nor does it better inform the voter of the content of the measure.”
Conservatives Peschong and Arnold aligned with the League of Women Voters. Arnold advocated listing out supporters and opponents of measures to sidestep “deceptive titles” of ballot measures.
“Sometimes, even the titles are really hard to understand,” she said. “I always point to Prop. 47 ... that was the bill that legalized the $900 ceiling [for nonviolent property crimes] ... it went from a felony to a misdemeanor. ... Yet it was titled safe schools and neighborhoods.”
—Bulbul RajagopalPeople’s Self-Help Housing asks Pismo Beach for grant help to fix apartment complex
The Pismo Beach City Council will submit a $5 million grant application to help People’s Self-Help Housing make upgrades to an apartment complex the nonprofit was recently sued over.
During a May 22 council meeting, council members voted to unanimously approve a grant application to the California Department of Housing and Community Development under the Competitive Permanent Local Housing Allocation to assist People’s Self-Help with the rehabilitation work for the Sea Haven Apartments in Pismo.
“Eligible activities for the grant program include substantial rehabilitation of multifamily housing projects where households are at or below 60 percent of area median income,” the staff report stated. “The city is an eligible applicant for funding under this project. The minimum application amount set by the state Department of Housing and Community Development is $500,000 and the maximum application amount is $5 million.”
Rehabilitation work for the Sea Haven Apartments comes a few months after three residents filed lawsuits against People’s SelfHelp Housing for negligence, alleging a lack of proper maintenance.
Steven Duke, Rose Salitore, and Gregory Hood were all residents at the apartment complex who alleged that they experienced a decline in their health due to conditions in the complex. The lawsuit alleges that People’s Self-Help failed to have timely or proper inspections, maintenance, management, and repairs that caused an “unsafe level of mold spores, mycotoxins, endotoxins, bacteria, MVOCs, viral compounds, asbestos, lead, dust mites, and other toxic or allergenic contaminants, which caused his residence to become uninhabitable,” Duke’s lawsuit states.
Hood moved into the Sea Haven Apartments in 1992. He alleged that when People’s Self-Help Housing purchased the property in 1997, the organization knew the place was plagued by water issues, bacteria, mold, lead, and asbestos, but didn’t perform proper testing to ensure that they were cleaned.
That led to his daughter, Anasuya Jasmine Hood, experiencing health complications, according to the lawsuit.
“After moving into the property, plaintiff discovered water leaking through the ceiling and subsequently discovered mold and began to suffer adverse health symptoms, including kidney failure,” the lawsuit states.
The city’s grant application is due June 6. ∆ —Samantha Herrera

Come What May Festival
Private Property, Montecito

Hollywood Crue: A Tribute to Motley Crue
SATURDAY, MAY 25 Flower City Ballroom, Lompoc

MAY 24
Flower City Ballroom, Lompoc

May Madness: Cayucos Firework Fundraiser
SATURDAY, MAY 25 Cayucos Elementary School

Chakra Meditation & Breath-Work
SUNDAY, MAY 26 Aurora Meditations & Rituals, Morro Bay

10 Pack: 2024 SLO Blues Baseball FRI-SAT, MAY 24-JULY 27 Sinsheimer Park, SLO

Mestizo Presented by The Stockyard SATURDAY, MAY 25 The Stockyard, Orcutt

Marci Jean and the Fever / Valerie Johnson and the Voodoo DooDads
SUNDAY, MAY 26 Pismo Beach Veterans’ Hall

Lavender Farm Yoga

SATURDAY, MAY 25 California Lavender Honey Farm, San Miguel City Farm SLO Presents Sheep Shearing Shindig

Pentacaustic, Disrupted Euphoria, & Mechanical Ghost
SATURDAY, MAY 25 Humdinger Brewing, SLO


SATURDAY, MAY 25 City Farm SLO Paint & Sip
SATURDAY, MAY 25 Harmony Cafe at the

SLOFunny Comedy Show, Hosted by Paul Conyers
SATURDAY, MAY 25 Foghorn Brew House, Morro Bay

Center For The Arts Shamanic Yoga & Rituals for Vitality


MONDAY, MAY 27 Aurora Meditations & Rituals, Morro Bay Science After Dark with Research

Coast Aquarium, Avila Beach

UC Riverside professor Jinyong Liu embarked on a scientific challenge as an undergraduate chemistry student when he heard people dub perand polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) as “forever chemicals.”
“I just have very strong interest in destroying these chemicals,” the associate professor of chemical and environmental engineering told New Times. “When most of the people said … the carbon fluorine bond is so stable and very hard to cut, I just had my interest to understand why they’re so difficult and what are easier and what are more difficult to treat … and that’s a great joy for my scientific exploration.”
A plethora of funding opportunities helped. With evidence on the persistence of toxic PFAS in the environment steadily growing, researchers like Liu won access to grants that helped them contribute to mitigation efforts.
Undetectable by sight, smell, or taste, PFAS is part of everyday American life. It’s found in personal care products like shampoo and dental floss, in grease-resistant food packaging, and nonstick cookware. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) studies found that certain levels of PFAS exposure led to higher risk of prostate, kidney, and testicular cancers, and higher blood pressure in pregnant women, among other disorders.

Notably, airports around California have been scrutinized for PFAS contamination. In 2019, the State Water Resources Control Board ordered 30 airports, including the San Luis Obispo County Regional Airport, to investigate their groundwater and soil for the chemical. State regulators pinpointed pollution to a PFAS-rich foam called aqueous film forming foam (AFFF), which has been discharged into the environment since the mid-1970s through firefighter trainings.
SLO County’s investigation found that most of those trainings involving the foam took place where the Cal Fire station currently sits. The county is part of a multidistrict lawsuit filed in South Carolina federal court in January that alleged large companies like Buckeye Fire Equipment Company and 3M Company continually produced and sold PFAS-packed products
despite knowing about the dangers of the pollutant since the end of the 1980s.
Consumers won’t have to keep putting up with new sources of PFAS forever. UC Riverside’s Liu’s pursuit of near-complete destruction of PFAS in different water samples contaminated by fire-suppression foams resulted in almost 20 research papers about treating PFAS in water.
Most recently, with funding from the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program, Liu and his collaborator, Yang Yang, an assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering at Clarkson University, discovered a new way of removing PFAS from heavily contaminated water using a combination of ultra-violet light, sulfite, and electrochemical oxidation. Academic journal Nature Water detailed the method in its May issue.
“This is currently the first system that can make a complete destruction of the PFAS … in super complicated mixtures at room temperature,” Liu said. “Hydrothermal approach is super powerful, but they have to use that at a very high temperature, and you have to apply the high pressure, otherwise you cannot heat the water to that temperature right. So that’s what was [the] only option, but now we have the second option.”
Lawmakers are working on PFAS elimination too. The 2020 National Defense Authorization Act requires the Department of Defense to phase out using PFASrich AFFF at all military installations by Oct. 1. The act also prohibits the Department of Defense from procuring fluorinated AFFF.
On May 16, President Biden signed the Clean Airport Agenda into law. Led by U.S. Rep. Salud Carbajal (D-Santa Barbara), Rep. Mike Lawler (R-NY), and Rep. Derrick Van Orden (R-WI), the bipartisan bills aim to curtail the threat of PFAS near airports.
It includes the Pollution-Free Aviation Sites Act, which establishes a $350 million grant program for the next five years. Airports around the country can apply for this money to help replace AFFF.

nor does it persist in the environment and pose numerous health risks. But the newly approved F3 is available in short supply.
“You still don’t have an abundance of it, and there’s a lot of demand for it at the same time,” said Martin Pehl, the general manager of the Santa Maria Public Airport District. “I mean, you think about it, AFFF is pretty much worthless now. Everyone’s going to be getting rid of it in the state, and everyone’s going to be asking for F3.”
He added that it would take roughly six months for the Santa Maria airport to switch to F3. The Santa Barbara Municipal Airport is halfway through its F3 transition.
“We just placed an order, and so it’s just a period of time between when you order the product and when you receive it. That is a lengthy time,” said Santa Barbara Airport Director Chris Hastert. “It hasn’t been approved for very long. It had to go through a stringent certification process [that] really relied on the military and their military specifications. Then as soon as the product met those specifications, then they became more widely available.”
The Santa Barbara airport still uses AFFF in its aircraft rescue firefighting trucks. But it’s ordered 1,420 gallons of F3 for those vehicles—more than 200 gallons for each of the three trucks and the remaining 800 gallons to replace the foam if and when it’s used. Hastert said the airport only uses firefighting foam during major incidents, which have been infrequent.
Further, the airport already switched to F3 in the hangars because it was an easier replacement process.
Currently, the Santa Barbara airport is narrowing down where it might have PFAS contamination and is exploring ways to deal with it. It’s on phase 4 of testing in accordance with Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board guidelines.
Hastert said it’s been difficult to accurately determine the contamination effects on groundwater and soil.
“I’m guessing that we’re not alone in this but just due to our location with the ocean and all of that, the groundwater fluctuates quite a bit,” he said. “So we tried to do testing and sometimes there won’t be any water there to test and then other times there is.”
“But it also requires the Federal Aviation Administration [FAA] and the Department of Transportation to provide progress reports every six months to see how we are doing in the transition of PFASfree firefighting foams,” Carbajal told New Times. The SLO County airport didn’t respond to New Times’ requests for comment. Prior reporting found that as of February, while the airport still used AFFF, it was working on a plan for transition to fluorine-free foam (F3). F3 neither contains PFAS
The Santa Barbara airport plans to complete phase 4 later this year, determine a treatment, and start applying for a portion of the $350 million grant program.
According to Carbajal, the SLO County airport and its surrounding residents played vital roles in creating urgency for such a funding program. He noted how a SLO County-contracted consultant company’s sampling of 57 private wells near the airport found 52 of them loaded with PFAScontaminated water that the EPA didn’t consider safe to drink.
“Keep in mind that these foams were required by the federal government and airports have been doing this throughout the country. This now acknowledges that these are toxic foams, and we need to transition away from them,” he said. “I think I was able to create a sense of urgency based on my airport in San Luis Obispo, and introduce this … because of all that advocacy.” ∆
A moving form of art
After moving to San Luis Obispo 12 years ago from the Netherlands, Maartje Lawrence decided to turn her love for dance into a studio so she can share that passion with the youth around her.
“I have this love for movement and art and connection, and I feel like a lot of those things go together in dance because you have to work together as a team and as a group. You work toward a project,” Lawrence told New Times. “So, I was like, ‘I need to start my own school.’”
Settling in SLO after hopping around different cities across Europe and the United States where studios were abundant, Lawrence said she noticed a lack of studios here that children could enjoy.
“I was like I need to start my own school, and I kind of built a school from the ground up, just like the one I had in Europe but with my own twist,” she said. “It’s still very structured, still very disciplined, and like real training but soulful with the hearts and minds of kids in mind. That started about eight years ago.”

The San Luis Obispo Movement Arts Center is located at in SLO at 2074 Parker St., suite 100, and hosts conservatory, ballet, and jazz classes for those between the ages of 4 and 18 while also offering adult ballet and contemporary classes for residents who have been drawn to dance.
While her adult class opted out of the option, Lawrence and her young students will be staging a show at Cuesta College Cultural and Performing Arts Center on June 1 and 2 called Ballet Unbound Outside/In where classicism meets modern convention.
“I asked my kids one day, ‘If you could pick one place in SLO or near SLO to visit that makes you feel peaceful and calm and happy, where would you go?’ And then the kids came up with ideas and I wrote them down and I was like, ‘Wait something is here and we need to go to these places and see what happens to their bodies and what they come up with creatively,’” she said. “I took the little ones to the beach, the 9-year-olds to Barnes and Noble, which was amazing, and they opened up for us, literally dancing on the elevator and in between the bookshelves, it was so much fun.”
Lawrence took the oldest group to a forest
in Los Osos where they were able to express their excitement and dance in nature.
“My collaborator, Brook Munro, who is the musician, he recorded those sounds and Richard Fusillo took the images, and now the show is going to show our experiences in those places with the images projected and the music made for them,” she said. “It’s going to be a multi-arts collaboration.”
The performance will showcase around 80 SLO Movement Arts Center students and also 24 students from Lawrence’s Cal Poly dance class where dancers will collaborate with sculptor and painter Guy Kinnear to bring scenic elements to the stage and create a world where dancers carve space, shift our perception of time, and come together to create a work of individual expression, Lawrence said.
Those interested in attending the show can get tickets at cuesta.universitytickets.com.
Fast facts
• Tools, machines used in public works projects, bucket trucks, and tractors will be on display at the downtown SLO Farmers’ Market to help kick off the annual Public Works Night. Staff from SLO and other neighboring cities will be out in full force to answer questions and give tours at their booth from 6 to 9 p.m. ∆
Reach Staff Writer Samantha Herrera at sherrera@newtimesslo.com.

The Dana Reserve project should have been unanimously approved by SLO County’s supervisors
The recent approval of the Dana Reserve by the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors is a milestone for our community, addressing crucial housing needs designated as a Tier 1 Priority by the county. It is the largest, most affordable housing project ever approved, includes tens of millions of dollars of currently needed infrastructure, and will save individual Nipomo Community Service District (CSD) ratepayers an average of $750 per year (according to the developer) as opposed to if the project was not approved. That is a win for all of us.
However, we must express our concern regarding the 3-2 vote margin rather than a unanimous 5-0 decision, and the chilling
BY MANDY DAVISUnity must prevail Semantics and spin
effect such a close vote might have on future affordable housing development.
Particularly concerning, however, are the factual inaccuracies spread by one supervisor, who vehemently opposed the project.
While explaining his opposition to the project, 4th District Supervisor Jimmy Paulding repeated several erroneous statements. At best, it appeared Supervisor Paulding was incapable of understanding simple facts about the project. At worst, Supervisor Paulding, whether deliberate or not, participated in a consistent campaign of misinformation and disinformation.
Some of Supervisor Paulding’s more significant and troubling incorrect statements include the following:
A handy-dandy glossary of terms to understand offshore wind energy development jargon
When it comes right down to it folks, we are living in a most confusing time. It’s next to impossible to discern the truth of a matter and get credible sources of info on anything you may be interested in. Media sources are sometimes biased and bought, the government is all over the map, and big industry is slick and looking out for No. 1 (and guaranteed, you ain’t No. 1, sweet pea!). Issues are complex and we, as the public, are subject to deceptive ad campaigns, industry greenwashing, and government spin in most egregious ways. To be honest, sometimes we don’t even know what many of the terms that are being
thrown around mean. Semantics have been undermined, and targeted confusion wins the day. What the hell?
So, after years of targeted research, attendance at industry and government sponsored conferences, participation in numerous industry/media/government hosted dog and pony shows, and invitations to “educational” seminars proffered by our local institutions of higher learning, I have compiled a short but concise list ... a handydandy glossary of terms as it were, to make an understanding of offshore wind energy more relatable and easier to understand.

• Supervisor Paulding stated the Dana Reserve would incur a negative cost to the county. He stated this despite contrary analysis provided by county staff and thirdparty experts, which estimated a positive financial impact. He shared his own guesses at numbers and then stated, “That is the way the math adds up to me,” as if his off-thecuff calculations should be taken over more formal professional analysis.
• Supervisor Paulding made claims of insufficient water availability for the project, which were contradicted by analysis from the Nipomo CSD and third-party studies, and which not only affirm adequate water resources but also project savings for existing ratepayers within the Nipomo CSD.
• Supervisor Paulding asserted concerns about fire risk on the project. He did this despite expert analysis thoroughly reviewed by county fire officials contradicting such a belief. This underscores the importance of relying on expert evaluations and sticking to the facts. There was no need to spread
Done deal: Magical thinking at its finest! A description by government officials, and pro-wind NGOs to describe an experimental project that they really want to come to fruition for illogical and greedy reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with rectifying global warming or dealing with climate change. An easy, untrue answer to public inquiries to keep them from speaking out against the project because they have been told it’s too late—“it’s a done deal” Jeez! How disingenuous is that?
Speak up! Send
such false fear. It was unproductive and pure fearmongering.
• Supervisor Paulding affirmed an alternative development for the same land crafted by a group dedicated to changing the housing project’s plans, while casting doubt on the credibility of projections from the developer’s experts. He appeared to arrive at these conclusions without investigation of the matter prior to his vote and against significant third-party and county-led analysis displaying otherwise.
• Supervisor Paulding expressed concerns over fiscal impacts to the Lucia Mar Unified School District (LMUSD). In reality, the Dana Reserve was the first development in county history to ever pay more than the state legally requires since the state set a standard in 1996. This was confirmed in a written statement from Lucia Mar’s superintendent in which he also stated that the project fully funds all necessary upgrades needed. Additionally, the Dana Reserve also includes 84 deed-restricted
Fossil fuel funded: A favorite epithet thrown out to malign folks fighting against offshore wind that’s almost never the case and so hypocritical. Rarely do the mudslingers realize that they are accusing people of something that they are guilty of themselves.
The wind industry is heavily funded by oil companies, (in fact many of the wind energy companies are oil companies) making this tactic illogical and the height of ignorance. But hey, parroting the government and poorly informed government officials is so easy to do. Who wants to really think for themselves after all, right?
Green energy: The ultimate in industry spin deceptions! A description so vague in its parameters but so powerful in its ability to engender blind following and support that it has the capacity to keep intelligent people from using their own heads for something besides a hat rack. A phrase that turns humans into corporate parrots and triggers a generation’s collective angst

affordable housing units for teachers and LMUSD staff—something Supervisor Paulding voted against building.
Many of Supervisor Paulding’s contentions are in direct contradiction of the conclusions reached by the SLO County Planning Commission, including his own appointed commissioner, and county staff who have dedicated some years to analyzing this development. Given the paramount importance of addressing housing needs as a Tier 1 Priority, it is imperative for our elected leaders to acquaint themselves thoroughly
and guilt over royally screwing up the Earth and oceans. The ultimate corporate/government clarion call to fill their pockets in the name of a “green new future.” How many times have we seen this phrase used in the recent past? How many times have folks really thought about what it means in terms of personal responsibility?
Renewable: A misnomer and complete semantic misappropriation of a clearly defined word. There is not a single aspect of the offshore wind industry that is renewable, end of story. Offshore wind graveyards and landfills tell the story of a word that never should even be in this glossary. But it’s such a great word and sentiment, is it not?
Port revitalization: What a pretty concept for a really horrendous process: a complete industrialization of our coast. The only thing that will be revitalized are the coffers of the port entities and the companies building and running the show. Our small harbors will be irreparably impacted and our thriving local
with the facts of housing proposals. Decisions of this magnitude must not be swayed by erroneous assumptions. Supervisor Paulding’s inability or unwillingness to understand the basic facts of the project led him to vote against the housing project—one that includes a $3.2 million in down-payment assistance program, donates about $10 million in land, completes tens of millions of dollars of infrastructure currently needed in Nipomo, and that would lead to a savings for each individual Nipomo CSD ratepayer. That is unacceptable.
industries most certainly won’t be revitalized, rather they will have the vitality sucked right out of them. Who the hell wants to go to a beach right next to an industrial port with staged wind turbines floating offshore and huge diesel-belching ships tooling around? Who wants to go to a national estuary where all the wildlife has been chased away by enormous boats docking at “revitalized” industrial docks that have been built over environmentally sensitive habitats and in otters’ favorite places to raise their pups?
Scientific monitoring program: A nonexistent program that if it were in place would keep the permits for offshore surveys from being viable. An absolutely necessary mitigation that none of our California or federal agencies seem to be able to accommodate or find important enough to mandate or enforce. Something that on the surface and in depth sounds good but is not being done to accommodate for the wind industry’s inability to comply with environmental mitigation parameters.
The reality is that Supervisor Paulding’s comments sounded more like an anti-growth NIMBY trying to hide behind “legitimate” concerns.
Our 194 members, made up of a bipartisan and diverse coalition of community members, refuse to believe this is how our elected officials should act. This must not be the case. This cannot be the case.
As an elected leader in our community and within his position of authority, Supervisor Paulding perpetuated a series of mistruths. These mistruths stoked the flames of division and unnecessarily drove a
We totally trust the wind companies to completely adhere to unmonitored and unenforced permit mandates, don’t we? Responsible offshore wind development: The final in a list of industry absurdities. There is no such thing! As shown in numerous offshore wind developments both here and abroad, the industry is not a responsible or viable source of energy. It is environmentally destructive, economically infeasible and expensive, and is an inefficient and highly variable source of energy with no long-term benefits to our environment and with no overall positive impact on worldwide carbon emissions and overall global warming. The word “responsible” in tandem with the words “offshore wind” is the epitome of co-opting a word or concept—the ultimate in semantic misappropriation!
So, there you have just a small but illuminating glossary, one that if researched and acted on will help you save our amazing and vital Central Coast from a destructive and rapacious industry and the clueless
community further apart. Our belief is that leaders must unite, not divide. Therefore, we call upon our elected representatives to prioritize factual accuracy and informed decision-making in all matters, but particularly those related to housing. If we do not do this, we will only continue to see our communities’ in-fighting. ∆
Generation Build is a 70-plus member pro-housing group in SLO County. Respond with your own opinion for publication by submitting it to letters@newtimesslo.com.
folks that have swallowed their B.S. hook, line, and sinker. ∆
Mandy Davis from Los Osos is with the REACT Alliance, which aims to “protect the Central Coast from the destructive impacts of offshore wind energy development.” Write a response for publication by emailing it to letters@newtimesslo.com.

The overflow crowd lined the back of SLO County Board of Supervisors chamber on May 21. What, pray tell, was all the hubbub about? The lions and tigers and bears that accompany any sort of project designed to help lift people out of homelessness, of course. These projects are drug- and crime-ridden disasters, people! There’re residences nearby! There’s a park over there! Kids travel this sidewalk! The sky might fall!
All these objections suggest the same thing: Homeless people are dangerous and don’t belong anywhere near people who can afford a roof over their heads.
What’s amazing is all these NIMBY complainers “support” the idea of helping the homeless, just not here, near where they live. It makes solving our homeless problem nearly impossible because no matter what’s proposed, the people near the project are sure it’s the wrong location. At some point, however, you just have to say, “Get over it. It’s happening.”
That’s exactly what the board just said about Welcome Home Village, a transitional housing project that will consist of 80 small cabin-like units near the SLO County Health Agency parking lot on Johnson Avenue and Bishop Street. The project is set to break ground in fall of 2024 and begin moving in residents in 2025.
It almost didn’t happen, and the story’s unlikely hero is (insert drumroll) … conservative 1st District Supervisor John Peschong, who entered the meeting thinking
he was going to vote “no” but changed his mind, and lucky he did because the 3rd District’s Dawn Ortiz-Legg recused herself because she lives 973 feet away from the proposed project (even though the Fair Political Practices Commission states a conflict only exists if the property is within 500 feet. Phew!).
In a 3-1 vote—with Peschong joining liberals 2nd District Supe Bruce Gibson, and 4th District Supe Jimmy Paulding—the supervisors gave Welcome Home Village the green light. Go, John! You rock! Of course, the neighbors hate the idea, but their fears are hopefully unfounded. The project is designed to rid San Luis Obispo of its most stubborn encampments, mostly along the Bob Jones Trail
Built by San Francisco-based company DignityMoves, which built a similar project in Grover Beach with the 5Cities Homeless Coalition, Welcome Home Village will be managed by Good Samaritan Shelter, manager of three projects in Santa Barbara County. Good Sam will provide 24/7 oversight and work with residents to find them permanent housing.
Homeless Services Division Program
Manager Jeff Al-Mashat calls the program the “missing link” needed to transition people from encampments into permanent housing. He was the guy in charge of the now closed Oklahoma Avenue safe parking site, which did not go great, but Al-Mashat points out an important difference between it and Welcome Home: “This will be nothing like the Oklahoma project. I think our biggest challenge with the Oklahoma project was

7th Annual with NAACP SLO County
that we didn’t have case management on at the beginning and we were unable to find a site manager to manage the project.”
Welcome Home was originally planned for the corner of South Higuera Street and Prado Road, but that site was rejected after NIMBY neighbors hired Los Angeles attorney Paul Beard II, who threatened a lawsuit over zoning regulations. Neighbors of the current site naturally think there are better places in the city for it, but the buck stopped here because of the location’s proximity to Medi-Cal services and the Health Agency. Look, if you care about homelessness, step 1 is to remember they’re people, not monsters; step 2 is to realize they need help; and step 3 is to help them, even if it’s in your backyard.
Speaking of the Board of Supervisors, they delivered a partisan 3-2 vote to opt out of California’s Ballot Disclose Act (AB 1416), which required listing supporters and opponents for county, city, district, and school measures on county ballots. I guess “required” is the wrong word since smaller counties like ours can opt out, which we did, joining 33 others. Um, shouldn’t voters being given as much information as possible, especially considering the tricky-dicky and euphemistic way propositions can be
presented? As 5th District Supe Debbie Arnold noted, “Sometimes, even the titles are really hard to understand. I always point to Prop. 47 … that was the bill that legalized the $900 ceiling … it went from a felony to a misdemeanor. … Yet it was titled safe schools and neighborhoods.”
Just to clarify, the bill reclassified some felonies and nonviolent property crimes whose value doesn’t exceed $950 into misdemeanors, but more importantly, sheesh, first Peschong, and now I’m in agreement with Debbie Arnold? My world’s upside down!
You’d think the so-called “fiscal conservatives” would go along with county Clerk-Recorder Elana Cano’s argument to reject the provision because it would cost an extra $121,000 per election and complicate the ballot, but nope, Arnold and Peschong were all in, while the liberals said no … voting against the wishes of the League of Women Voters, which expressed support for the act. Ortiz-Legg supported her “no” vote by arguing, “Just because somebody supports something, that can be very confusing as well. This leads to more mass confusion.”
Y’all must think voters are dumb. Anyway, if you want to understand a ballot measure, you might have to read a freakin’ newspaper, because the ballot will be no help. ∆
The Shredder likes information. Feed it some at shredder@newtimesslo.com.
• Resource Fair • Silent Auction • Spoken Word • SOUL FOOD DINNER for purchase: buy your meal tix in advance @ juneteenthslo.com/shop
• FREEDOM LOUNGE Hosted by History Center SLO County 696 Monterey St. SLO
• Black Art Exhibit Hosted by Edna Contemporary Fine Art 967 Osos St, SLO
• WED MOVIE June 19 1:30-3:30pm THE COST OF INHERITANCE Where: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in SLO Free (Reserve your seat): juneteenthslo.com/shop

Mission Plaza, San Luis Obispo JOIN US AS WE CELEBRATE ART & CULTURE: A Glimpse of the Past & Present FOR ALL THINGS JUNETEENTH: juneteenthslo.com LIVE MUSICAL PERFORMANCES BY:


Hot Dates

San Luis Obispo’s Viva La Cerveza will be held at the Madonna Expo Center on Saturday, May 25, from 1 to 5 p.m. Admission to this beer and taco festival includes unlimited beverage tastings, a souvenir taster, and five complimentary tacos (with additional tacos available for purchase). Tickets are available in advance at my805tix.com. The Madonna Expo Center is located at 120 Madonna Road, San Luis Obispo. —Caleb Wiseblood
Three artist groups of the Central Coast Artists Collective (photographers, sculptors, and craftmakers) show selected works by members in this annual exhibition. Through June 24, 12-4 p.m. Free. 805-772-2504. artcentermorrobay.org/. Art Center Morro Bay, 835 Main St., Morro Bay.
Listen to music while enjoying an afternoon of creativity, sipping, and mingling. The party includes a complimentary glass of wine and canvas with materials. Saturdays, 12-2 p.m. $55. 805-394-5560. coastalwineandpaint. com. Harmony Cafe at the Pewter Plough, 824 Main St., Cambria.
GEDAYLOO A self-taught artist who uses observations of the natural world as inspiration. May 30 -June 29 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. 805-772-1068. galleryatmarinasquare. com. Gallery at Marina Square, 601 Embarcadero suite 10, Morro Bay.
is a photographer living in Morro Bay whose photography has taken her around the world for decades. Her work features rural and urban scenes, landscapes, wild animals, and much more. Her work is printed on paper, metal, and canvas. May 30 -June 29 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. 805-772-1068. galleryatmarinasquare.com. Gallery at Marina Square, 601 Embarcadero suite 10, Morro Bay.
subject to change, but always include five headliners. May 25 , 7 p.m. my805tix. com/. Foghorn Brewhouse, 2940 Main Street, Morro Bay.
WEARABLE ART AND SMALL CRAFTS BY KRISTINA ALBION Kristina Albion has been inspired to create art, bags, crafts, wearable art, and home decor using cloth, fiber, stone, leather, paint, and hard work. She creates amazing wearable art and home goods using a variety of mediums, textiles, stone, leather, and more. May 30-31 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. 805-772-1068. galleryatmarinasquare.com. Gallery at Marina Square, 601 Embarcadero suite 10, Morro Bay.
WORLD OF WHIMSY: THE ART OF JOHN WHITTAKER Cambria artist John Whittaker moved to California from England in 1987. Since then, he has used light and color, along with a touch of surreality and illusion, to create a whimsical and thought provoking world all his own. May 25 -June 8 Free. 805203-5950. patrickgalleryexhibitions.com/ upcoming-exhibitions. Patrick Gallery, 815 Main Street, unit C, Cambria.
NORTH SLO COUNTY BRUSHES AND BLOOMS AT HAMBLY LAVENDER FARM Join Art Social 805 at Hambly Lavender Farm for a morning of artistic creativity. June 1 , 10 a.m.-noon my805tix.com. Hambly Farms, 1390 Grana Place, San Miguel.
CAMP, PAINT, AND SIP AT SUN OUTDOORS PASO ROBLES WITH ARTSOCIAL 805 Please join ArtSocial 805 for a Memorial Day paint event. Event fee is $42 which includes all painting materials to create your masterpiece. Discounted drinks available for purchase at the clubhouse bar. May 25 , 3-5 p.m.
$42. 805-400-9107. artsocial805.com. Sun Outdoors Paso Robles, 3800 Golden Hill Road, Paso Robles.
CELLARS Visit site for tickets and more info. May 31 6 p.m. my805tix.com. Midnight Cellars, 2925 Anderson Road, Paso Robles, 805-239-8904.
BEEKEEPERS ALLIANCE Create a fused glass bee-themed garden stake using a variety of glass during this fundraiser. Finished pieces can be hung or a metal stake can be glued to the back. Pieces will be ready for pick-up within the week. 50 percent of fee goes to CCBA. May 29 10 a.m.-noon & 1-3 p.m. $100. 805-464-2633. glassheadstudio.com. Glasshead Studio, 8793 Plata Lane, Suite H, Atascadero.
WORKSHOP Working with gelli plates, using stencils, texture, natural materials and water-based inks, students will make a series of prints. By layering color with your own cut stencils and mark-making to create an interesting surface, you will explore the process of creating a monotype. June 1, 12:30-4:30 p.m. $80. studiosonthepark.org. Studios on the Park, 1130 Pine St., Paso Robles, 805-238-9800.
GEORGE LOPEZ LIVE See the multifaceted entertainer with a career that encompasses television, film, stand-up comedy, and late-night television live on stage. May 25 , 8 p.m. $46-$66. vinaroblesamphitheatre.com. Vina Robles Amphitheatre, 3800 Mill Rd., Paso Robles, 805-286-3670.
IT’S A BOOK! IT’S A PLAY! IT’S A SIGNING! Five California coastal authors will again collaborate to bring their popular “Book Performances” to Morro Bay. Feat. Mara Purl, Anne R. Allen, Tony
Chrysteen Braun, and Christine Ahern. Meet the authors themselves. June 2 1-3 p.m. Free. Coalesce Garden Chapel, 845 Main St., Morro Bay, 805-772-2880. THE POCKET’S GRAND OPENING OF ITS “BACK POCKET” Showing the latest artwork created by printmakers Susan Lyon, Kathy Madonna, and Maryanne Nucci. Saturday, April 6, from 2 to 5 p.m., swing by for grand opening. Also open by appointment. First Saturday of every month, 2-5 p.m. Pocket Gallery on Pine, 8491/2 13th Street, Paso Robles, 805-440-7152.
SENSORIO’S 5-YEAR CELEBRATION AND DIMENSIONS OPENING DIMENSIONS is a geometric masterpiece on a larger-than-life scale by worldrenowned artists HYBYCOZO. Walk through and among towering fractal metal sculptures as color, light, and music shift around you. With live music, food, and more. May 24 7-10:30 p.m. Dimensions Pass: Adults $30; Child $15. sensoriopaso. com/. Sensorio, 4380 Highway 46 East, Paso Robles, 805-226-4287.
SLOFUNNY COMEDY SHOW Lineups are subject to change, but each show always includes five headliners. May 24 , 7 p.m. my805tix.com. JUSTIN Downtown Tasting Room, 811 12th St., Paso Robles, 805-238-6932.
SLOFUNNY COMEDY SHOW (PASO ROBLES) With five headliners. Lineups are subject to change. May 24 , 7-8:30 p.m. my805tix.com/. The Park Place, 1216 Park St., Paso Robles.
Actor’s Edge offers film and television acting training in San Luis Obispo, plus exposure to Los Angeles talent agents. All ages and skill levels welcome. Classes available in SLO, LA, and on zoom. ongoing
$210 per month. actorsedge.com. Online, See website, San Luis Obispo.
CAL POLY DRAG CLUB PRESENTS: THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW Who’s ready to give themselves over to absolute pleasure? Enjoy Cal Poly Drag Club’s production of Rocky Horror ; a night of horrifyingly good entertainment featuring lip-synching, dancing, costuming, props, and audience participation. May 31, 6 p.m.
$8. 805-756-4849. pacslo.org/events/ detail/rockyhorror24. Spanos Theatre, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.
CRASH COURSE IN CRAFTS FOR KIDS WITH SPENCER COLLINS In this one-hour class, students will learn a fun craft with new mediums each time. This is a biweekly series with three sessions. Parents are welcome to join their children for craft making. Ages 6-9. June 2 12:30-1:30 p.m. $35 per class or $75 for entire series. artcentralslo.com. Art Central, 1329 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo, 805-747-4200.
The show contents will be rotated among the group’s ensemble, house, and musical improv team casts, as well as stand-up and student shows. Fourth Friday of every month, 6 p.m. my805tix.com/. The Hub, 1701 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo.
OPEN MIC COMEDY Sign-ups at 6:30 p.m. Hosted by Aidan Candelario. Mondays, 7-9 p.m. Free. 805-540-8300. saintsbarrel.com/event-calendar. Saints Barrel Wine Bar, 1021 Higuera St., San Luis Obispo.
OUTSIDE / IN: WORLD PREMIERE A multimedia contemporary dance piece choreographed and conceived by Maartje Hermans, composed by Brook Munro, and photographed by Richard Fusillo. Presented by the San Luis Obispo Movement Arts Center (SLOMAC). June 1 7:30 p.m. and June 2 , 1:30 p.m. slomac. com. Harold J. Miossi CPAC at Cuesta College, Highway 1, San Luis Obispo. PAINTING THE FLOWER MOON WITH DREW DAVIS Visit site for more details on this upcoming workshop. May 23 , 6-8 p.m. my805tix.com/. Drew Davis Fine Art, 393 Pacific St., San Luis Obispo.
SLO COMEDY UNDERGROUND OPEN MIC NIGHT Enjoy a night of laughs provided by the local SLO Comedy Community. It’s open mic night, so anyone can perform and “you never know what you’ll see.” Tuesdays, 8 p.m. Free. Libertine Brewing Company, 1234 Broad St., San Luis Obispo, 805-548-2337, libertinebrewing.com.
SLOFUNNY COMEDY SHOW AT DAIRY CREEK With five headliners (subject to change). May 25 8-9:30 p.m. my805tix. com/. Dairy Creek Golf Course, 2990 Dairy Creek Rd., San Luis Obispo, 805-782-8060.
SOUTH COAST SLO COUNTY DANCE FITNESS ART AND CULTURE FOR ADULTS Discover dance as a form of artistic expression and exercise, using a wide range of styles and genres of music (including modern, jazz, Broadway, ethnic). Tuesdays, 4-5 p.m. $10 drop-in; $30 for four classes. 510-362-3739. grover.org. Grover Beach Community Center, 1230 Trouville Ave., Grover Beach. GALLERY AT MONARCH DUNES: SECOND QUARTER ART DISPLAY The Gallery at Monarch Dunes at Trilogy at Monarch Dunes in Nipomo displays 22 original artworks from 15 Trilogy artist residents. The art displayed ranges from traditional to ethereal abstract compositions. They cover a wide media including acrylic, glass fusion, and photography. May 25, 1-3 p.m. Gallery at Monarch Dunes, 1640 Trilogy Parkway, Nipomo, 805-343-7500.
HELLO, DOLLY! Step into a world of glamour, romance, and toe-tapping tunes as AGHS Theatre Company proudly presents the timeless Broadway classic. Set in the bustling streets of 20th century New York City, this beloved musical follows matchmaker Dolly Levi’s quest for love and adventure. May 23 7-9:30 p.m., May 24 7-9:30 p.m. and May 25, 2-4:30 & 7-9:30 p.m. $14-$20. 805-489-9444. clarkcenter. org/shows/ahgs-theatre-hello-dolly/. Clark Center for the Performing Arts, 487 Fair Oaks Ave., Arroyo Grande. NEW PLAY FESTIVAL Discover
Designed to showcase the talents of emerging playwrights, while presenting a collection of fresh and innovative works that push the boundaries of storytelling. Enjoy thought-provoking dramas and heartwarming comedies. June 1 , 7-9:30 p.m. $10-$15. 805-489-9444. clarkcenter. org/shows/aghs-theatre-new-playfestival/. Clark Center for the Performing Arts, 487 Fair Oaks Ave., Arroyo Grande.
PIRATES OF PISMO A-GO-GO Through July 6 Great American Melodrama, 1863 Front St., Oceano.
This class for ages 18 and over is a hybrid of yoga, active isolated, resistance stretching, and more. Breath work is incorporated throughout. You must be able to get down onto the floor and back up again. Please bring a mat and some water to stay hydrated. Sundays, 9-10 a.m. $15 session. 415-516-5214. Bayside Martial Arts, 1200 2nd St., Los Osos.
This class for ages 18 and over is a hybrid of yoga, active isolated, resistance stretching, and more. Breath work is incorporated throughout. You must be able to get down onto the floor and back up again. Please bring a mat and some water to stay hydrated. Tuesdays, 5:306:30 p.m. $15 session. 415-516-5214. Omni Studio, 698 Morro Bay Blvd., Morro Bay.
WORK Restore your energy and calm the mind to balance your day with guided meditation, pranayama (breath-work) and chakra connection on the beach with the beautiful Morro Bay rock in view. Guided by Dawn Feuerberg. May 26 10-11:15 a.m. my805tix.com. Beach Access Parking Lot, 102 Atascadero Road, Morro Bay.
MEETING Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA) is a Twelve Step recovery program for anyone who desires to have healthy and loving relationships with themselves and others. Meeting is hybrid (both in person and on Zoom). For information, call 805-900-5237. Saturdays, 1-2:15 p.m. Free. thecambriaconnection.org/. Cambria Connection, 1069 Main St., Cambria, (805) 927-1654.
ENJOY AXE THROWING Enjoy the art of axe throwing in a safe and fun environment. Kids ages 10 and older are welcome with an adult. No personal axes please. Fridays, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. and Saturdays, 12-6 p.m. $20. 805-528-4880. baysidemartialarts.com. Bayside Martial Arts, 1200 2nd St., Los Osos.
LOVE HOLISTIC LIVING MIXER Hosted by Love Holistic Living, featuring Sara Garofalo, a certified Intuitive Health and Life Coach, author, Energy Healer, and Ayurveda Counselor. May 28 , 5-7 p.m. my805tix.com. From the Roots Up Healing Studio, 2055 9th St., Los Osos.
MAY MADNESS FUNDRAISER Enjoy an evening of dinner, no-host bar, music, prizes, and live and silent auctions. The primary funding source for the local fireworks show at the Cayucos Pier on July 4. May 25 6 p.m. $200 per couple. cayucoschamber.com. Cayucos Elementary School, 301 Cayucos Drive, Cayucos, 805-995-3694.
A community of movers and shakers who come together to express themselves through dance and movement. Inspired by a variety of conscious movement modalities, Open Flow is led by Silvia Suarez and Matt Garrity, embodiment teachers who share a passion for integration through movement exploration. Wednesdays, 6:30-8 p.m. $10 (general), $5 (ages 55 and older). SilviaAthaSomatics. org. Morro Bay Community Center, 1001 Kennedy Way, Morro Bay, 772-6278.
freshly made warm seaweed broth, embark on a voyage of discovery to learn about the benefits of kelp, ocean sustainability, and wild foraging practice on the central coast of California. Make your own edible sea salt sprinkles, pairing blends with the classic avocado toast. May 31 6 p.m. my805tix.com. Cayucos Makers, 248 S. Ocean Ave., Cayucos.
SHAMANIC YOGA AND RITUALS FOR VITALITY Be guided into intentional movement, laughter, earthing practices, and gratitude rituals while connecting with nature and the sacred Morro Bay rock. May 27 8:30-9:45 a.m. my805tix. com. Beach Access Parking Lot, 102 Atascadero Road, Morro Bay.
STAY YOUNG WITH QI GONG Qi gong offers great anti-aging benefits, providing a comprehensive system for improving physical, mental and emotional health. Its roots date back thousands of years in China. Learn with certified instructor Devin Wallace. Call first. Thursdays, 10-11 a.m. $10. 805-709-2227. Hardie Park, Ash Ave. and B St., Cayucos.
Small group classes with 2019 Tai Chi Instructor of the Year. Call for time and days. Learn the Shaolin Water Style and 5 Animals Qi Gong. Beginners welcomed. Mondays, 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Call for price details. 805-7017397. charvetmartialarts.com. Morro Bay Martial Arts, 850 Shasta, Morro Bay.
BALANCE FLOW Suitable for all levels. This class is meant to benefit the mindbody connection while emphasizing safe and effective alignment as well as breath awareness and relaxation. Please call to register in advance. Tuesdays, Thursdays, 4:30-5:30 p.m. $16-$22; $50 membership. 805-434-9605. ttrtennis.com/fitness/ yoga/. Templeton Tennis Ranch, 345 Championship Lane, Templeton. FULL MOON CEREMONY AND THIRD EYE CHAKRA MEDITATION Visit site for more info as well as tickets. May 24, 6:30-8:15 p.m. my805tix.com/. Dharma Yoga Loft, 1329 Spring Street, Paso Robles, 805-434-1924.
GODDESS GROUP Please join Oracle Owner/Intuitive Medium, Tiffany Klemz, for this twice monthly, Goddess Group. The intention of this group is to curate connection, inspiration, unity, and empowerment. Every other Tuesday, 6:30-8 p.m. $11. 805-464-2838. oracleatascaderoca. com. Oracle, 6280 Palma Ave., Atascadero. LAVENDER FARM YOGA In collaboration with Saunter Yoga and Wellness. Includes an hour-long yoga session, followed by a lavender honey tea tasting. May 25, 9 a.m. my805tix.com. California Lavender Honey Farm, 6380 Hawk Ridge Place, San Miguel. SIERRA CLUB HISTORIC WALK Guided stroll past century-old storefronts, former saloons, Victorian houses, and two churches built in the 1880s to learn stories of the early pioneers. Meet at corner of Main and 1st St. in downtown Templeton. Leader: Joe Morris. Call for more info. May 26, 2-3:30 p.m. Free. 805-549-0355. Old Templeton, Corner of Main and 1st St., Templeton.
SLO CAL CRAFTED MARKET AT SENSORIO Shop for locally made gifts and explore Sensorio’s stunning light exhibits (including the newest installation DIMENSIONS by HYBYCOZO) at the SLO CAL Crafted Market at Sensorio. May 25 7-9 p.m. Sensorio, 4380 Highway 46 East, Paso Robles, 805-226-4287.
FARM Experience a sound bath amongst the heavenly scented lavender fields and beautiful views of the countryside. May 31 , 5-7 p.m. my805tix.com. Hambly Farms, 1390 Grana Place, San Miguel.
CSL This weekly class focuses on relaxing and promoting sleep. Experience inner peace and physical vitality in a welcoming community setting. See website for details and to sign up. Thursdays, 7-8 p.m. $20. 805-391-4465. awakeningways.org/whatshappening/. Awakening Ways Center for Spiritual Living, 9350 El Camino Real, No. 101, Atascadero.

As part of its June programming, Gallery at Marina Square in Morro Bay will showcase fiber and textile works by local artist Debbie Gedayloo, starting on Saturday, June 1. Gedayloo’s exhibit will remain on display through Saturday, June 29. Visit galleryatmarinasquare.com for more info. Gallery at Marina Square is located at 601 Embarcadero, suite 10, Morro Bay.
National Chip Your Pet Month and Woods is offering free microchip clinics, thanks in part to 24PetWatch. These are appointment-based clinics. May 24 , 2-4 p.m. Free. 805-464-5034. woodshumanesociety.org/adoptions/ microchip/. Woods Humane Society (North County), 2300 Ramona Road, Atascadero.
2024 SLO GREEK FESTIVAL Enjoy Greek dancing and lessons, live music, food, pastries, and specialty Greek cocktails. June 1 11 a.m.-7 p.m. and June 2 , 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. 805-546-8337. greekfestivalslo. com. Madonna Expo Center, 100 Madonna Road, San Luis Obispo.
BARS AND BOUNCE CLINIC A sneaky way to get fit. Build whole-body strength swinging on bars and bouncing on trampolines. So much fun that you don’t even notice it’s a workout. No experience is necessary, so fly away. For ages 5-17. June 1 1-3 p.m. $25 for first child, plus $10 per additional sibling. 805-547-1496. performanceathleticsslo. com/saturday-event-clinics.
Performance Athletics Gymnastics, 4484 Broad St., San Luis Obispo.
TRANSPLANT SUPPORT GROUP Not faith based. All are welcome. Please wear a mask. First Saturday of every month, 9:3011:30 a.m. St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church SLO, 650 Pismo St., San Luis Obispo.
CENTRAL COAST PRIDE IN THE PARK Pride in the Park moves to Meadow Park. A family-friendly day of fun and celebration. It’s a full day of entertainment, ranging from drag performances to bands and more, complemented by food and drinks, children’s area, and crafts. June 2 , noon slopride.com/events. Meadow Park, 2251 Meadow St., San Luis Obispo.
Bringing Pride back to downtown San Luis Obispo. Locals and visitors alike will flow through Mission Plaza for jubilant celebrations, main stage headliners, and rows of vendors, information, and interactive experiences. June 1 11 a.m.noon slopride.com/events. Mission Plaza, 751 Palm St., San Luis Obispo.
EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM Check site for more info on programming and summer camps. ongoing cityfarmslo.org. San Luis Obispo, Citywide, SLO.
COMPLIMENTARY SHOWERS WITH SHOWER THE PEOPLE After a short hiatus, the San Luis Obispo Library will once again be partnering with local non-profit organization, Shower the People. The shower trailer will be located between the library and parking structure. Toiletries provided. Sundays, 1-3 p.m. Free. San Luis Obispo Library, 995 Palm St., San Luis Obispo.
and Zoom meetings held. Contact tranzcentralcoast@gmail.com for more details. Tuesdays, 7-9 p.m. Free. GALA Pride and Diversity Center, 1060 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo, 805-541-4252.
TREAT YOURSELF Join cosmetic acupuncturist and holistic skincare expert Dr. Ellerie as she teaches you to give yourself a qi glow treatment. June 2 2 p.m. my805tix.com. SLO Naturopathic, 890 Osos St., suite E, San Luis Obispo.
HEALTH AWARENESS Described as “a gathering of our community dedicated to wellness and empowerment,” with light bites, sound healing, some breathwork, and more. May 23 , 5:30 p.m. my805tix. com. DeRose Therapy Group, 3889 Long Street, suite 200, San Luis Obispo.
WOODS MICROCHIP CLINIC It’s National Chip Your Pet Month and Woods is offering four free microchip clinics. May 23 2-4 p.m. Free. 805-466-5403. woodshumanesociety.org/adoptions/ microchip/. Woods Humane Society, 875 Oklahoma Ave., San Luis Obispo.
SPRING EDITION Spring ebbs and flows, yet underneath, nature is still doing her thing; popping with growth. When energy is stagnant, headaches, allergies, and achey joints can nag. Learn how to use natural rhythms and the principles of Chinese Medicine to improve your symptoms and health. May 29, 6:30-8:30 p.m. $30. 503-929-6416. elohiacupuncture.com/classes/. Online, See website, San Luis Obispo.
PUPPY SOCIAL HOUR Puppies (10 weeks to 5 months old) will learn appropriate play style with other pups, acceptable manners with people, tolerance for gentle restraints, confidence with the approach of friendly strangers, and more. Wednesdays, 10 a.m. and Saturdays, 9 a.m. $25. 805-543-9316. woodshumanesociety.org/training/. Woods Humane Society, 875 Oklahoma Ave., San Luis Obispo.
PRIDE SHOW Central Coast Pride presents fabulous night of drag, burlesque, song, and dance. For ages 18 and over. May 31 and June 1 $29-$100. fremontslo.com. The Fremont Theater, 1035 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo, 805-546-8600.
SLO BLUES BASEBALL 33 summer home games held. Go to bluesbaseball.com for full schedule. Tickets available from My805Tix. May 24 -July 27 $10 adults; 12 and under free. 805-512-9996. my805tix. com. SLO Blues Summer Collegiate Baseball, Sinsheimer Stadium at 900 Southwood Dr., San Luis Obispso.
Alcoholics Anonymous is a voluntary, worldwide fellowship of folks from all walks of life who together, attain and maintain sobriety. Requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. Email aarapgroup@gmail.com for password access. Sundays, 7-8 p.m. No fee. galacc.org/events/. Online, See website, San Luis Obispo.
SHINDIG This family-favorite agricultural festival celebrates the history and culture of the Navajo-Churro sheep. May 25 12-4 p.m. my805tix.com/. City Farm SLO, 1221 Calle Joaquin, San Luis Obispo, 805-769-8344.
CENTER The Octagon Barn, built in 1906, has a rich history that The Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County looks forward to sharing with visitors. Please RSVP. Fourth Sunday of every month, 2-2:45 & 3-3:45 p.m. Tours are free; donations are appreciated. Octagon Barn Center, 4400 Octagon Way, San Luis Obispo, (805) 544-9096, octagonbarn.org.
TRANS* TUESDAY A safe space providing peer-to-peer support for trans, gender non-conforming, non-binary, and questioning people. In-person
more details. Wednesdays, Saturdays pointsanluislighthouse.org/. Point San Luis Lighthouse, 1 Lighthouse Rd., Avila Beach.
QI GONG FOR LESS STRESS AND MORE ENERGY Experience the energy of Qi Gong through simple standing movements promoting flexibility, strength, relaxation, and increased energy. Suitable for all ages and fitness levels, Qi Gong revitalizes and enriches your life. An outdoor class overlooking the ocean. Wednesdays, 4-5 p.m. $14 per class or $55 for 5-class card with no expiration. 805-440-4561. pismobeach. org. Margo Dodd Gazebo, Ocean Park Blvd., Shell Beach.
SCIENCE AFTER DARK A monthly lecture series at the Central Coast Aquarium. An evening for those ages 21 and older. Last Tuesday of every month, 6-8 p.m. through May 28 my805tix.com. Central Coast Aquarium, 50 San Juan St., Avila Beach, 805-595-7280.
BEGINNER GROUP SURF LESSONS AND SURF CAMPS Lessons and camp packages available daily. All equipment included. ongoing Starts at $70. 805-835-7873. sandbarsurf.com/. Sandbar Surf School Meetup Spot, 110 Park Ave., Pismo Beach.
BEGINNING BALLET FOR ADULTS Enjoy the grace and flow of ballet. No previous experience needed. Wednesdays, 5:156:15 p.m. $12 drop-in; $40 for four classes. 510-362-3739. grover.org. Grover Beach Community Center, 1230 Trouville Ave., Grover Beach.
CAMP ARROYO GRANDE JAMBOREE Free community event for all. Free lunch, live music, kids activities, historical displays, and more. June 1, 11 a.m. Free admission. my805tix.com. Camp Arroyo Grande, 250 Wesley St., Arroyo Grande, 805-249-9517.
CENTRAL COAST CACTUS AND SUCCULENT SOCIETY SHOW AND SALE Featuring hundreds of cacti and succulents. Members will share with the public their beautiful, unique, rare, and prize-winning plants, and educate our community about cacti and succulents. The sale portion of the show consists of dealers in rare and hard to find plants. May 25 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and May 26 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. Nipomo High School, 525 N Thompson Ave, Nipomo.
COMMUNITY NATIVE GARDEN MONTHLY VOLUNTEER WORKDAY Volunteers accomplish a variety of tasks including pathways maintenance, litter patrol of the garden perimeter, weeding, irrigation system expansion/repairs, pruning, and plantings. Volunteers should bring work gloves, a hat, drinking water, and tools related to the above activities. First Saturday of every month, 9 a.m.-noon Free. 805-710-3073. Nipomo Native Garden, Camino Caballo at Osage, Nipomo.
FULL MOON YOGA, MEDITATION, AND SOUND BATH Nestled in nature at Sycamore Springs, you can align your mind, body, and spirit with the luminous guidance of the moon. All yoga levels welcome and encouraged. May 23 7:30-9 p.m. my805tix. com/. Sycamore Mineral Springs Resort, 1215 Avila Beach Dr., Avila Beach.
HAUNTED LIGHTHOUSE Have you ever wanted to participate in a paranormal investigation of a haunted Victorian lighthouse? Here’s your chance. May 31 5 & 8 p.m. and June 1 , 2 & 5 p.m. my805tix.com. Point San Luis Lighthouse, 1 Lighthouse Rd., Avila Beach.
MULTICULTURAL DANCE CLASS FOR ADULTS Experience dance from continents around the earth, including from Africa, Europe, and more. Described as “a wonderful in-depth look at the context and history of cultures of the world.” Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30 p.m. $10 dropin; $30 for four classes. 510-362-3739. grover.org. Grover Beach Community Center, 1230 Trouville Ave., Grover Beach. POINT SAN LUIS LIGHTHOUSE TOURS A docent-led tour of the buildings and grounds of the historic Point San Luis Light Station. Check website for
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Looking for a fun and educational opportunity this summer? Join the aquarium’s Volunteer Team. No marine science experience is necessary. There are lots of ways to get involved. Check out website for more details. Tuesdays. through Sept. 30 centralcoastaquarium.org. Central Coast Aquarium, 50 San Juan St., Avila Beach, 805-595-7280.
WEEKLY WATER SAFETY LESSONS Facility advertised as open and safe. Give the office a call to register over the phone. Mondays-Fridays $160-$190. 805-4816399. 5 Cities Swim School, 425 Traffic Way, Arroyo Grande, 5citiesswimschool.com.
MORRO BAY MAIN STREET FARMERS MARKET Get fresh and veggies, fruit, baked goods, sweets, and handmade artisan crafts. Come have some fun with your local farmers and artisans and enjoy delicious eats while enjoying the fresh breeze of Morro Bay. Saturdays, 2:30-5:30 p.m. through May 31 Varies. 805-824-7383. morrobayfarmersmarket.com. Morro Bay Main Street Farmers Market, Main Street and Morro Bay Blvd., Morro Bay.
19TH ANNUAL PINOT AND PAELLA FESTIVAL An afternoon of great wine, creative Paella dishes, and live music. Proceeds benefit Paso Robles Youth Arts Center. June 2 2-5 p.m. my805tix.com/. Templeton Park, 550 Crocker St., Templeton. CLUB CAR BAR TRIVIA WITH DR. RICKY Teams of 1 to 6 people welcome. Visit site for more info. Wednesdays, 7-10 p.m. my805tix.com. Club Car Bar, 508 S. Main Street, Templeton, 805-400-4542.
CLUB SUPSUP Check out the Central Coast’s newest pop-up dinner experience the last Wednesday of every month. Last Wednesday of every month, 6-9 p.m. $125. 310-692-0046. clubsupsup.com/. Kindred Oak Farm, 1250 Paint Horse Plaza, Paso Robles.
CUATRO DIAS SPRING RELEASE DINNER Experience award-winning wines crafted by the masterful winemaker, Greg Allen, who has dedicated himself to the art of winemaking with precision and boundless creativity. May 31 6 p.m. my805tix.com. Cuatro Dias Winery, 3502 Dry Creek Road, Paso Robles. EVENING ON THE LAVENDER FARM WITH YES COCKTAIL CO. Enjoy an early evening experience crafting mocktails with Yes Cocktail Co. while enjoying artisan cheeses by Black Market Cheese Co., all the while immersing yourself in the sights, scents, and sounds on the lavender farm. May 24 5-8 p.m. my805tix.com/. Hambly Farms, 1390 Grana Place, San Miguel. OLIVE OIL 101: TASTING FOR QUALITY Become a savvy olive oil consumer. With Level 2 Olive Oil Sommelier Gail Todaro of FOOD & DRINK continued page 15
Gail Todaro: OliveWorks. May 24 10 a.m.noon $40 for Club Olea members and $50 for guests and non-members. 805-6102258. Olea Farm, 2985 Templeton Road, Templeton, oleafarm.com.
TACO TUESDAYS La Parilla Taqueria will be in the courtyard serving up their delicious tacos and tostadas. Menu typically includes barbacoa, chicken, and pastor tacos, as well as shrimp ceviche tostadas. Tuesdays, 5-8 p.m. 805-4606042. ancientowlbeergarden.com.
Ancient Owl Beer Garden, 6090 El Camino Real, suite C, Atascadero.
Enjoy the first ever walking tour of Tin City – an industrial area just outside of downtown Paso Robles – that is home to a community of innovative and passionate producers of high-quality wines, spirits, beer, and more. Saturdays, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. $125. 805-400-3141. toasttours.com/tour/ tin-city-walking-tour/. Toast Tours, 1722 Stillwater Ct, Paso Robles.
Thursdays, 6-9 p.m. Downtown SLO, Multiple locations, San Luis Obispo.
HEAD GAMES TRIVIA NIGHT Live multimedia trivia every Wednesday. Free to play. Win prizes. Teams up to six players. Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free. headgamestrivia.com. Antigua Brewing, 1009 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo, 805-242-1167.
(PRIDE EDITION) Features local performers with additional support from local stand-up comedians and DJs. June 2 11 a.m. my805tix.com. Libertine Brewing Company, 1234 Broad St., San Luis Obispo, 805-548-2337.
PIÑATAS ON THE PATIO What is more festive than a piñata? Join for some brunch drinks and a couple of good hits to a piñata (or two). Good times and goofy prices promised. Turns will be determined on a first come, first served basis. First Sunday of every month Free. Rambling Spirits, 3845 S. Higuera St. (inside SLO Public Market), San Luis Obispo, drinkramblingspirits.com.
SLO FARMERS MARKET Hosts more than 60 vendors. Saturdays, 8-10:45 a.m. World Market Parking Lot, 325 Madonna Rd., San Luis Obispo.
CLUB Enjoy local wine and beer tastings, hors d’oeuvres and charcuterie, delicious desserts, and non-alcoholic beverages. The incredible Terry Lawless, 20-year keyboardist/programmer for the legendary Irish rock band U2, will provide music on the back lawn—dancing is highly encouraged. June 2 4-7 p.m. $100. themondayclubslo.org. The Monday Club, 1815 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo, 805-541-0594.
TRIVIA NIGHT Reservations are no longer required to play. Reservations are now for teams who want to guarantee a table to play. Tables available first come, first serve. Wednesdays, 7-9 p.m. my805tix.com. Bang the Drum Brewery, 1150 Laurel Lane, suite 130, San Luis Obispo, 805 242-8372.
VIVA LA CERVEZA: SLO BEER AND TACO FESTIVAL Enjoy tacos, beer, live music, games, and more. May 25 1-5 p.m. my805tix.com/. Madonna Expo Center, 100 Madonna Road, San Luis Obispo.
WEDNESDAY NIGHT PUB TRIVIA Bring your thinking cap as questions vary from pop culture, geography, to sports. There is a little for everyone. Prizes for the winning teams. Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free. 805-439-2529. Oak and Otter Brewing, 181 Tank Farm Road, suite 110, San Luis Obispo.
WEDNESDAY PUB TRIVIA Bring your thinking caps as questions vary from pop culture, geography, to sports. There is a little for everyone. Prizes for the winning teams. Trivia provided by Geeks Who Drink. Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free. 805-439-2529. Oak and Otter Brewing, 181 Tank Farm Road, suite 110, San Luis Obispo.
An outdoor classic rock event. Free admission; open to all ages. Spacious lawn seating with excellent food and full bar available. James Scoolis opens the show at 2 p.m. with Back Pages playing from 3 to 6 p.m. May 25 2-6 p.m. Free. 805-528-5252. seapinesgolfresort.com. Sea Pines Golf Resort, 1945 Solano St., Los Osos.
A rockin’ blues dance party at Niffy’s Merrimaker every first, third, and now fifth Wednesdays. The Blues Asylum house band welcomes local, visiting, and newcomers to the blues groove. Spirits, beer, and wine, with outside food welcome. Every other Wednesday, 7-10 p.m. Free. 805-235-5223. The Merrimaker Tavern, 1301 2nd Street, Los Osos.
DONOVAN TRIBUTE CONCERT Come celebrate the 77th birthday of Scottish folkrocker Donovan at Cambria Center for the Arts Theatre with this cover show. May 26 2 p.m. my805tix.com. Cambria Center for the Arts Theatre, 1350 Main St., Cambria.
Flavor Packet stirs up a lyrical and imaginative sound with its contemporary and world-beat-influenced jazz music, making it a memorable experience. May 26 , 1-4 p.m. Castoro Cellars, 1315 N. Bethel Rd., Templeton, 805-238-0725, castorocellars.com.
Billy Foppiano plays a wide range of music, including blues, R&B, classic rock, and more. Fourth Sunday of every month, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. 805-900-5444. Lunada Garden Bistro, 78 N. Ocean Ave., Cayucos.
OPEN MIC NIGHT Come join us each Wednesday for Open Mic Night in the downstairs dining area. Grab some friends and show off your talents. Food and drink service will be available. Wednesdays, 6 p.m. Free. 805-995-3883. schoonerscayucos.com. Schooners, 171 North Ocean Ave, Cayucos.
SLOFOLKS PRESENTS THE BILLS A legendary powerhouse of folk/roots/ world music hailing from Canada. The Bills are renowned for their instrumental virtuosity (guitar, fiddle, mandolin, accordion, and more), lush vocal arrangements, evocative songwriting, and a refreshing sound that transcends musical boundaries. June 1 7-10 p.m. $30. 805-238-0725. slofolks.org. Castoro Cellars, 1315 N. Bethel Rd., Templeton. NORTH SLO COUNTY
BURLEY THISTLES Plays a guitar-woven sound with a tough beat that is easy to listen to, but also surprises. May 25 2-5 p.m. Free. eastoneverett.com/. Bianchi Winery and Tasting Room, 3380 Branch Road, Paso Robles, 805-226-9922. Burley Thistles plays guitar-woven music that has an indie attitude and a tough beat, and generates curiosity with original songs. June 1 1-4 p.m. Free. eastoneverett.com/. Eberle Winery, 3810 Highway 46 East, Paso Robles, 805-238-9607.
DEEP SABBATH LIVE A brand new local dual tribute band. May 24 7-10 p.m. $5. 805-440-4559. The Pour House, 525 Pine St., Paso Robles, pasobrewing.com.
FRIDAY NIGHT DJ Weekly DJ series, with a different DJ every Friday. Presented by friends at Traffic Record store in Atascadero. Come listen, dance, drink, and unwind every Friday. All ages event; no cover charge. Fridays, 7-10 p.m. 805460-6042. ancientowlbeergarden.com. Ancient Owl Beer Garden, 6090 El Camino Real, suite C, Atascadero.
FRIDAY NIGHT MUSIC SERIES Join us for the Friday Night Music Series (Fridays through late August, except during the Mid State Fair). Local musicians and food trucks each week at Derby Wine Estates. Fridays, 6-9 p.m. through Aug. 30 Free. 805-238-6300. derbywineestates. com/events/. Derby Wine Estates, 525 Riverside Ave, Paso Robles.
Send event information to events@newtimesslo.com or submit online.
KARAOKE NIGHT Food and drink available for purchase. Last Saturday of every month, 8 p.m. Free admission. my805tix.com. Club Car Bar, 508 S. Main Street, Templeton, 805-400-4542. Last Saturday of every month, 8 p.m. my805tix. com. Templeton Mercantile Club Car Bar, 508 S. Main St., Templeton.
LORD HURON Performing live in Paso Robles. May 23 Vina Robles Amphitheatre, 3800 Mill Rd., Paso Robles, 805-286-3670, vinaroblesamphitheatre.com.
A unique performing arts group that performs across the state for deaf festivals, service organizations, churches, fairs, and other outlets. New members always welcome. Registration open weekly. Mondays, 5-6:30 p.m. $45 tuition per month. singinghandschildrenschoir.com/. Singing Hands Children’s Choir and Performing Arts, 1413 Riverside Ave., Paso Robles.
SMITH AND TEGIO LIVE With Joe Kaplow and Milk Thistle. May 24 , 7-10 p.m. my805tix.com/. Club Car Bar, 508 S. Main Street, Templeton, 805-400-4542.
KINGMAN The boys are back for one night only. May 29 7 p.m. my805tix.com. Bristols Cider House, 3220 El Camino Real, Atascadero.
Presented by the San Luis Obispo County Jazz Federation. June 2 , 4-6:30 p.m. my805tix.com. Mount Carmel Lutheran Church, 1701 Fredericks St., San Luis Obispo.
ALL AGES OPEN MIC NIGHT Tuesdays, 6-9 p.m. Liquid Gravity, 675 Clarion Court, San Luis Obispo.
SPRING CONCERT The Cal Poly Arab Music Ensemble will present classic repertoire from Arab art; popular and folk music traditions and from historically interconnected cultures of Southwest Asia and North Africa. With Ken Habib, director; Jenna Mitchell, dance director. June 1 , 7:30 p.m. $15 and $20 general; $10 students. 805-756-4849. music.calpoly. edu/calendar. Performing Arts Center, 1 Grand Ave., San Luis Obispo.
CAL POLY SOUNDINGS WITH TRANSIENT CANVAS Cal Poly Music Technology and Composition students will present music which investigates the potential and/or imagined role of cybernetic organisms (cyborgs) in music technology. Guest ensemble Transient Canvas will be part of the collaboration. With choreography by Cal Poly dance students. May 30 7:30 p.m. and May 31 , 7:30 p.m. $20 general; $10 students. 805756-4849. music.calpoly.edu/calendar/. PAC Pavilion, Performing Arts Center, 1 Grand Ave, San Luis Obispo.
CAL POLY STRING CHAMBER MUSIC RECITAL Cal Poly Music Department student string players present this free recital. May 28 , 7:30 p.m. Free. 805-7562406. music.calpoly.edu/calendar/free/. Cal Poly Davidson Music Center, Room 218, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.
CAL POLY WIND BANDS SPRING CONCERT: ALL HAIL, GREEN, AND GOLD! Features Cal Poly band alumni from past decades. Works on the program include David Maslanka’s “A Child’s Garden of Dreams” and Frank Ticheli’s “Blue Shades.” With Christopher Woodruff and Nick Waldron, conductors. June 2 3 p.m. $15 and $20 general; $10 students. 805-756-4849. music.calpoly. edu/calendar. Performing Arts Center, 1 Grand Ave., San Luis Obispo.

present a concert of sacred a cappella music titled “Sacred Sounds.” Selections will range from Renaissance classics to modern day works. With Scott Glysson, conductor; Paul Woodring, accompanist. May 25 7:30 p.m. $20 general; $10 students. 805-756-4849. music.calpoly.edu/calendar/. Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa, 751 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo. COLBY ACUFF LIVE Acuff’s untamed brand of country stands proudly apart in today’s format, pure and “untouched by modern gimmicks.” For ages 18 and up. May 30, 7 p.m. slobrew.com. SLO Brew Rock, 855 Aerovista Pl., San Luis Obispo, 805-543-1843.
FLAVOR PACKET LIVE AT THE HUB Flavor Packet stirs up a lyrical and imaginative sound with its contemporary and world-beat-influenced jazz music, making it a memorable experience. May 31 6-9 p.m. The Hub, 1701 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo.
FORBES ORGAN SERIES: ALCEE CHRISS Dr. Alcee Chriss III, featured in the PBS documentary Pipe Dreams and winner of prestigious organ competitions, is regarded as one of today’s leading young organists. May 31 7:30-9 p.m. $35. 805-756-2787. calpolyarts.org/20232024-events/alceechriss. Performing Arts Center, 1 Grand Ave., San Luis Obispo. HOT BROTHERS BAND LIVE With special guests. May 23 6-9 p.m. my805tix.com. The Bunker SLO, 810 Orcutt Road, San Luis Obispo.
JAZZ WEDNESDAYS Spinning jazz records all night. Bebop, jazz funk, acid jazz, hard bop, nu jazz, jazz house, crossover, Latin jazz, and more. Featuring guest selectors. Music at a polite volume in an acoustically treated space. Vintage sound system, big warm speakers. Plenty of free parking. Wednesdays, 3-8 p.m. through Oct. 30 Free. 805-439-1544. jansplaceslo.com. Jan’s Place, 1817 Osos St., San Luis Obispo. LIVE MUSIC AT KROBAR Enjoy live music at Krobar, which showcases local, talented artists of all music genres. Kick-off your weekend right, grab your favorite seasonal craft cocktail, and vibe to the sounds of the night. Follow on Instagram to find out who is playing. Every other Friday, 6-9 p.m. and Saturdays, 6-9 p.m. through Aug. 31 Free entry. 833-576-2271. krobardistillery.com/events. Krobar Craft Distillery, 1701 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo.
LIVE MUSIC AT LIQUID GRAVITY Check social media and calendar for weekly updates. Fridays, 6-9 p.m. and Saturdays, 2-5 p.m. Liquid Gravity, 675 Clarion Court, San Luis Obispo. LIVE MUSIC FROM GUITAR WIZ BILLY FOPPIANO AND MAD DOG Join “Guitar Wiz” Billy Foppiano and his trusty side kick Mad Dog for a mix of blues, R&B, and more. Saturdays, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. 805-544-2100. Bon Temps Creole Cafe, 1819 Osos Street, San Luis Obispo, bontempscreolecafe.com/index.htm.
NOAH COLTON AND THE SATIATERS With special guests Amttrak. June 1 6:30-9 p.m. my805tix.com. The Bunker SLO, 810 Orcutt Road, San Luis Obispo.
PENTACAUSTIC AND MORE Features multiple acts, including special guest Lilith Dead Girl. May 25 6:30 p.m. my805tix. com/. Humdinger Brewing (SLO), 855 Capitolio Way, suite 1, San Luis Obispo, 805-781-9974.
SLO BLUES FUSION CANVAS Experience a night of rhythmic rebellion with Maya Jaycox, Cat Cooper, and host Drew Davis, featuring Kevin Sean’s live beats. May 25 , 7 p.m. my805tix. com/. Drew Davis Fine Art, 393 Pacific St., San Luis Obispo. SOUTH COAST SLO COUNTY BAND AND CHOIR CONCERT The Arroyo Grande High School presents their annual end of year Band and Choir Concert. May 30 7-9:30 p.m. $5. 805-489-9444. clarkcenter.org/shows/ aghs-band-choir-concert/. Clark Center for the Performing Arts, 487 Fair Oaks Ave., Arroyo Grande.
CORAZÓN DE MANÁ AND SIEMPRE SELENA Corazón De Maná is a Southern California tribute that delivers a fun and energetic live celebration of Maná’s music. Siempre Selena is an upscale Selena tribute band from Los Angeles. June 1 , 7:30-10 p.m. $30-$40. 805-489-9444. clarkcenter.org/shows/ mana-and-selena-tribute/. Clark Center for the Performing Arts, 487 Fair Oaks Ave., Arroyo Grande.
KARAOKE EVERY FRIDAY Enjoy some good food and karaoke. Fridays, 5-8 p.m. 805-723-5550. The Central Grill, 545 Orchard Road, Nipomo.

KARAOKE EVERY WEDNESDAY A weekly event with barbecue offerings and more. Wednesdays, 4-8 p.m. Rancho Nipomo BBQ, 108 Cuyama Ln., Nipomo, 805-925-3500.
MARCI JEAN AND THE FEVER With Valerie Johnson and the Voodoo DooDads. Presented by Basin Street Regulars. May 26 , 1 p.m. my805tix.com/. Pismo Beach Veterans Memorial Hall, 780 Bello St., Pismo Beach.
NEVER A DULL MOMENT: A TRIBUTE TO ROD STEWART Formed in 2017, this six-piece rock band burst onto the music tribute scene with their unique blend of raw energy, and genuine representation of Rod Stewart’s concert performance. Composed of talented musicians, each with a long history as a professional player. May 31 , 7:30-10 p.m. $30-$45. 805-489-9444. clarkcenter.org/shows/never-a-dullmoment/. Clark Center for the Performing Arts, 487 Fair Oaks Ave., Arroyo Grande.
Sensorio in Paso Robles will celebrate its ve-year anniversary and the grand opening of DIMENSIONS on Friday, May 24, at 7 p.m. e new installation, created by LA-based artist duo HYBYCOZO, invites guests to walk through and among various colorful metal structures. e opening reception will include live music, food, and more. Visit sensoriopaso.com for more info. —C.W.


2024 CALIFORNIA COAST CLASSIC BIKE TOUR AND ARTHRITIS CHALLENGE EXPERIENCE An eightday, fully supported 525-mile ride that raises awareness and support for the nearly 60 million Americans living with Sept. 21-28 213-634-3772. events.arthritis.org. Highway 1, Various locations, Morro Bay.

2024 MARINE SWAP MEET Hosted by Friends of the Morro Bay Harbor Department, Morro Bay Maritime Museum, and Morro Bay Youth Sailing Foundation. Discover a treasure trove of marine and nautical items, including boats, watercraft, marine supplies, and more. June 29, 8 a.m.-1 p.m. friendsofthembhd.org. Embarcadero Morro Bay, 1200 Embarcadero, Morro Bay. MAY MADNESS FUNDRAISER Enjoy an evening of dinner, no-host bar, music, prizes, and live and silent auctions. The primary funding source for the local fireworks show at the Cayucos Pier on July 4. May 25 , 6 p.m. $200 per couple. cayucoschamber.com. Cayucos Elementary School, 301 Cayucos Drive, Cayucos, 805-995-3694.
MORRO BAY HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2004 REUNION It’s time to set your course (and mark your calendar) for an epic 20-year reunion. Starts with a dance party at the Siren. Visit site for full lineup of events. Aug. 16-18 my805tix. com. The Siren, 900 Main St., Morro Bay, 805-225-1312.
46 WEST ENDLESS SUMMER BLOCK PARTY Visit site for tickets and more info on this upcoming block party event. July 6 , 6-9 p.m. my805tix.com. Peachy Canyon Winery, 1480 N. Bethel Road, Templeton.
CALIFORNIA MID-STATE FAIR 2024 Paso Robles’ beloved annual event nicknamed “the biggest little fair anywhere.” Visit site for full lineup of the fair’s o erings, including live concerts, carnival attractions, and more. July 1728 midstatefair.com. Paso Robles Event Center, 2198 Riverside Ave., Paso Robles. MAKERS MARKETPLACE An indoor event free and open to the public. Brunch open at 10 a.m. Features vendors, live music, and more. June 8 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and July 13 10 a.m.-2 p.m. my805tix.com. Templeton Mercantile Club Car Bar, 508 S. Main St., Templeton. SMOKE AND SONG: A COUNTRY
BARBECUE FEATURING MICHAEL RAY LIVE AT TOOTH & NAIL Mark your calendars for an unforgettable evening at Tooth & Nail Winery in Paso Robles. “Smoke and Song” is a unique event that brings together the best of country music, delicious barbecue, refreshing craft beer, and a great cause. June 28 , 6-10 p.m. $72. 805-369-6100. my805tix. com. Tooth and Nail Winery, 3090 Anderson Rd., Paso Robles. SOUL SERENITY RETREAT WEEKEND
Embark on a transformative journey at this Soul Serenity retreat with Karen Drucker and Gary Lynn Floyd at Awakening Ways CSL. A rejuvenating blend of music, heart opening experiences, and inner exploration. June 15 10 a.m.-3 p.m. and June 16 10-11 a.m. $129. 805-391-4465. awakeningways.org/serenitynow/. Atascadero Lake Park, 9305 Pismo Ave., Atascadero.
Expect a fun-filled weekend of great music, art, camping, activities, and reuniting with friends and family. June 14 -16 my805tix.com/. El Chorro Regional Park, California 1, San Luis Obispo.
2024 SLO GREEK FESTIVAL Enjoy Greek dancing and lessons, live music, food, pastries, and specialty Greek cocktails. June 1 , 11 a.m.-7 p.m. and June 2 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. 805-546-8337. greekfestivalslo.com. Madonna Expo Center, 100 Madonna Road, San Luis Obispo.
16th-century magic and enjoy thrilling battles, parades, enchanting music, and comedy and dancing across four stages. Explore artisanal treasures and indulge in delicious food and drink. July 20 10 a.m.-6 p.m. $25-$30. 805-5509177. ccrenfaire.com/. Laguna Lake Park, 504 Madonna Rd., San Luis Obispo.
CAMP For kids ages 8-13. Full of singing, music games, friendships, and a Friday Camp Show. Mondays-Fridays, 9 a.m. through June 28 $275 per kid per week. 805-458-6440. Bellevue-Santa Fe Charter School, 1401 San Luis Bay Dr., San Luis Obispo, bsfcs.org.
Bringing Pride back to downtown San Luis Obispo. Locals and visitors alike will flow through Mission Plaza for jubilant celebrations, main stage headliners, and rows of vendors, information, and interactive experiences. June 1 , 11 a.m.-noon slopride.com/events. Mission Plaza, 751 Palm St., San Luis Obispo.
PARK PALOOZA Features a color run, car show, food and drink vendors, and more. July 13 11 a.m. my805tix.com. Dairy Creek Golf Course, 2990 Dairy Creek Rd., San Luis Obispo, 805-782-8060.
PRIDE SHOW Central Coast Pride presents fabulous night of drag, burlesque, song, and dance. For ages 18 and over. May 31 and June 1 $29-$100. fremontslo.com. The Fremont Theater, 1035 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo, 805-546-8600.
CELEBRATION Save the date. This year’s theme is “Art and Culture: A Glimpse of the Past and Present.” Seeking sponsors, silent auction donations, and nonprofit and retail vendors. For more info, visit juneteenthslo.com. Hosted by NAACP
SLO County. June 15 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Free admission. 805-619-5354. juneteenthslo.com. Mission Plaza, Downtown, San Luis Obispo.
SLO PUBLIC MARKET’S THIRD ANNUAL SUMMER CELEBRATION With fabulous live dance music from Ri Tide, food and drinks, talented local vendors, and family and doggie-friendly fun for all ages. June 8, 1:30-4 p.m. Free show. 805-210-9698. San Luis Obispo Public Market, 3845 S. Higuera St, San Luis Obispo.
SUMMER SOIREE AND SALE Honoring and celebrating our customers at our new showroom located at 1227 Archer Street on the corner of Higuera in SLO. O ering 10 percent on all spas, 30 percent on all add-ons, and up to 25 percent o on all patio furniture. June 8 4-7 p.m. 805-439-4404. cchenterprise. com. CCH Enterprise, 1227 Archer St., San Luis Obispo.
THIRD ANNUAL SHEEP SHEARING SHINDIG This family-favorite agricultural festival celebrates the history and culture of the Navajo-Churro sheep. May 25 12-4 p.m. my805tix.com/. City Farm SLO, 1221 Calle Joaquin, San Luis Obispo, 805-769-8344.
WOMEN VISIONARIES SYMPOSIUM Join accomplished women visionaries for a powerful evening of spiritual and business alignment with hosts Shawna Mox and Sabrina Pratt. July 21 4-7 p.m. my805tix.com. The Bunker SLO, 810 Orcutt Road, San Luis Obispo.
ARROYO GRANDE SUMMER ART IN THE PARK Features dozens of local vendors selling homemade items, free bounce house, music, food trucks, and more. June 8 , 10 a.m.-4 p.m. $0-$15. 805-473-5472. arroyogrande.org/ catalog. Elm St. Park, 380 S Elm St., Arroyo Grande.
AUTOMOTIVE CLASSIC AT TRILOGY MONARCH DUNES This invitational automotive show will showcase more than 200 vintage and classic cars, worth more than $20 million, parked in and around the Monarch Club. Spectators can enjoy live music on three stages, food, wine, beer, and arts and retail vendors. A charity fundraiser with net proceeds benefiting the Nipomo Food Basket Building Fund. Sept. 22 , 10 a.m.4 p.m. Free to spectators. 805-284-0756. autoclassicattrilogy.com. The Monarch Club at Trilogy Monarch Dunes, 1645 Trilogy Parkway, Nipomo.
CENTRAL COAST AQUARIUM SUMMER CAMPS The Central Coast Aquarium is excited to announce that summer camp registrations are now open. Each week-long camp session will include: interactive lessons and activities, outdoor field trips, animal encounters, and more. Mondays, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. through Aug. 5 centralcoastaquarium. org/camps-programs/seasonalcamps/summer-camps/. Central Coast Aquarium, 50 San Juan St., Avila Beach, 805-595-7280.
SPECIAL SUMMER EVENTS continued page 20



CENTRAL COAST CACTUS AND SUCCULENT SOCIETY SHOW AND SALE Featuring hundreds of cacti and succulents. Members will share with the public their beautiful, unique, rare, and prize-winning plants, and educate our community about cacti and succulents. The sale portion of the show consists of dealers in rare and hard to find plants. May 25 , 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and May 26 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. Nipomo High School, 525 N Thompson Ave, Nipomo.
FRIENDS OF THE NIPOMO LIBRARY: USED BOOK SALE Arrive at 10 a.m. for the best selection of adult fiction/ nonfiction, children’s books, jigsaw puzzles, and CDs/DVDs. FONL members get tickets for two free books at every sale. July 13 , 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 805-9293994. friendsofnipomolibrary.org/. Nipomo Library, 918 W. Te t, Nipomo.
2024 Features a brunch bu et, live music, and more. Celebrate the accomplishments of our graduates and cheers to all the best dads out there. June 16 , 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. my805tix. com. The Cli s Hotel and Spa, 2757 Shell Beach Rd, Pismo Beach, 805-773-5000.
HAUNTED LIGHTHOUSE Have you ever wanted to participate in a paranormal investigation of a haunted Victorian lighthouse? Here’s your chance. May 31, 5 & 8 p.m. and June 1, 2 & 5 p.m. my805tix.com. Point San Luis Lighthouse, 1 Lighthouse Rd., Avila Beach.
A HOLLYWOOD FAMILY DANCE Hosted by the City of Arroyo Grande Recreation Department. Enjoy a delicious dinner, desserts, live Dj music, family activities, photo ops, and more. Bring the whole family for a wonderful night of dancing Hollywood-style. June 21 $48 per couple. 805-473-5472. arroyogrande. org. Heritage House and Gardens, 126 S. Mason, Arroyo Grande.
THE MACARONI AND CHEESE FESTIVAL Vote for your favorite as the featured chefs compete for the best mac and cheese. Aug. 24 , 2-6 p.m. my805tix.com. Avila Beach Golf Resort, 6464 Ana Bay Rd., Avila Beach, 805595-4000.
RAYS OF REVELATION: UNRAVELLING THE ASTROLOGY OF SUMMER Join local astrologer Lori Waters to learn about what’s happening in our skies during the summer of 2024. Lori will discuss the astrological significance of the summer solstice and the zodiac signs of summer (Cancer, Leo, and Virgo). June 22 1:303:30 p.m. $10. 805-773-7063. anc.apm. activecommunities.com. Shell Beach Veterans Memorial Building, 230 Leeward Ave., Pismo Beach.
STONE SOUP MUSIC FESTIVAL The festival brings together a variety of music styles on two di erent stages: Park Stage in Ramona Garden Park and Street Stage on Ramona Ave. Bring a lawn chair, your dancing shoes, and experience two days of wonderful music. Aug. 24 11 a.m.-10 p.m. and Aug. 25 , 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Free. 805-489-9444. clarkcenter.org/about/stone-soupmusic-festival/. Ramona Garden Park Center, 993 Ramona Ave., Grover Beach.
SUMMER BARKTACULAR BARK IN THE PARK Hosted by the City of Arroyo Grande. Bring your leashed best friend for a day of fun in the sun. Dog item vendors, food trucks, dog contests, adoptions, and more. July 27, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. $0-$15. 805-473-5472. arroyogrande.org/catalog. Elm St. Park, 380 S Elm St., Arroyo Grande.
JAMBOREE Features a live band, food, beer, wine, a wine auction, and a silent auction. Sept. 21 , 5:30 p.m. my805tix. com. Camp Arroyo Grande, 250 Wesley St., Arroyo Grande, 805-249-9517.
81ST ANNUAL ELKS RODEO AND PARADE Visit site for full lineup of this year’s rodeo events. May 30 -June 2 elksrec.com. Elks Event Center, 4040 Highway 101, Santa Maria.
DAY OF HOPE 2024 Dignity Health, in partnership with the Santa Maria Times, is again proud to present the 11th annual Day of Hope, benefiting local cancer patients in need at Mission Hope Cancer Center. Teams will once again hit the streets to sell the special edition newspaper. Aug. 21 7 a.m.-noon Visit site for more info. 805-739-3595. supportmarianmedical.rallybound.org/ dayofhope2024. Mission Hope Cancer Center, 1325 East Church St., Santa Maria.
DRAG SHOW Hosted by the incredible Grace Towers, with the following queens scheduled to perform: Vivian Storm, Angel D’mon, Melina Poinsettia, Samara Sin, Daphne J, and more. June 8 7-10 p.m. my805tix.com. Presqu’ile Winery, 5391 Presqu’ile Dr., Santa Maria, 805-937-8110.
Valley Senior Citizens Club presents its Keeping it Blue dance. Featuring the Riptide Big Band with vocalists Bob Nations, Mitch Latting, and this month, guest vocalist Liz Douglas. Free thanks to grant funding from Community Foundation of SLO County. June 9 1:304 p.m. Free. 775-813-5186. RiptideBB. com. Elwin Mussell Senior Center, 510 Park Ave., Santa Maria.
O ers a unique assortment of activities to do and see and provides visitors with an interesting mix of both community oriented and educational fun. July 10 -14 santamariafairpark.com. Santa Maria Fairpark, 937 S. Thornburg St., Santa Maria.
Features nonprofits, crafters, and local businesses. June 9 11 a.m. my805tix. com. Santa Maria Fairpark, 937 S. Thornburg St., Santa Maria.
WEST COAST KUSTOMS CRUISIN NATIONALS 2024 Get that kustom out of the garage, load up the family, “and join us for some good times.” May 24 -26 westcoastkustoms.com. Santa Maria Fairpark, 937 S. Thornburg St., Santa Maria.
Cruise Night takes place on Friday evening. Car Show starts on Saturday morning. Aug. 9, 5-8 p.m. and Aug. 10, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. my805tix.com. Old Town Lompoc, H and I St., Lompoc.
LAVENDER FARM Visit the picturesque lavender fields of Santa Rita Hills and grab a glass of lavender lemonade and a paintbrush. Aug. 3 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. $89. 805-325-8092. artspotonwheels. com. Santa Rita Hills Lavender Farm, 1900 Tularosa Road, Lompoc.
LOMPOC FLOWER FESTIVAL Features carnival rides and games, arts and craft exhibitors, food booths and commercial vendors, musical entertainment, and fun for the whole family. June 20 -23 explorelompoc.com. Ryon Park, 800 W. Ocean Ave., Lompoc.
YOGA RETREAT Join instructor
Nikki Hope for this magical and transformative experience. Start the
weekend by honoring the International Day of Yoga and leave feeling renewed and energized. June 21 , 5 p.m. and June 23 , 1 p.m. 805-736-6528. sunburst.org/ upcoming/. Sunburst Retreat Center, 7200 CA-1, Lompoc.
JUNETEENTH CELEBRATION: MARDI GRAS MASQUERADE BALL AND ART SHOW A night filled with live music, dance, and mesmerizing aerial performances reminiscent of the lively streets of New Orleans. For guests aged 21 and over. June 7, 6 p.m. juneteenthsyv.com. Santa Ynez Valley Historical Museum, 3596 Sagunto St., Santa Ynez, 805-688-7889.
LUCIDITY FESTIVAL 2024: AURORA’S LIGHT Lucidity o ers an immersive experience of community and creativity. More than 100 acclaimed DJs, bands, and artists ignite three electrifying stages with a dynamic mix of music genres. Awarded “best family festival,” Lucidity o ers roaming performers, interactive art installations, and fun games and activities. June 28 9 a.m., June 29, 9 a.m. and June 30 9 a.m. lucidityfestival.com/. Live Oak Camp, Highway 154, Santa Ynez.
SOLVANG DANISH DAYS Entertainment options include three parades, plus folk dancers and Danish musicians performing in locations scattered around downtown Solvang. Enjoy Danish pastries, Danish-style beer, and more. Sept. 20-22 solvangdanishdays. org. Downtown Solvang, Citywide, Solvang.
SYV PRIDE PARADE AND FESTIVAL Parade will roll through downtown Solvang with floats, music, and more, ending with a family-friendly Pride Festival at Solvang Park at noon. June 22 , 11 a.m. SYVPride.org. Downtown Solvang, Citywide, Solvang. THE WORLD OF SAUVIGNON BLANC This is an interactive wine school event where sommelier and wine educator Sam Schmitt presents a curated selection of wines, whilst you relax and taste them and vote for your favorite. June 9 7-8:30 p.m. $45, or $75 for two. 805-686-9126. arrowsmithwine.com. Arrowsmith’s, 1539 Mission Drive, Solvang.
CAMBRIA’S ANNUAL 4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION With a barbecue, music, and family-friendly events all day long. Fireworks start at dusk. July 4 11 a.m. visitsansimeonca.com. Shamel Park, 5455 Windsor Blvd., Cambria. CAYUCOS FOURTH OF JULY TOWN PARADE Organized by the Cayucos Lions Club. Front Street Faire runs through 6 p.m. July 4 , 10 a.m. cayucoschamber.com/july4th. Cayucos Beach, 10 Cayucos Dr., Cayucos. FIREWORKS FROM THE PIER Cayucos Chamber takes on the e ort to produce and fund this annual fireworks show, reported to cost more than $50,000, according to the chamber’s website. July 4 , 9 p.m. cayucoschamber.com/ july4th. Cayucos Beach, 10 Cayucos Dr., Cayucos.
JULY 4TH SAND SCULPTURE CONTEST Prizes for adults and kids. July 4 , 4-10 a.m. cayucoschamber. com. Cayucos Beach, 10 Cayucos Dr., Cayucos.
4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION The event includes a family fun zone, two live bands, food trucks, free RV

Solvang hosts its 87th Danish heritage festival, Solvang Danish Days, with various happenings between Friday, Sept. 20, and Sunday, Sept. 22. Festivities include live music and dancing, as well as an ax-throwing arena for guests to “unleash their inner Viking.” Visit solvangusa.com for the full event schedule.
—Caleb Wiseblood
parking overlooking the festival area, and more. July 4 2-10 p.m. prcity.com. Barney Schwartz Park, 2970 Union Road, Paso Robles.
FESTIVAL Celebrate Independence Day lakeside under giant shady oaks with three great musical acts, food and drinks, and more. July 4 , 8 p.m. atascadero4thofjuly.org. Atascadero Lake Park, 9305 Pismo Ave., Atascadero.
AVILA BEACH 4TH OF JULY DOGGIE PARADE All dogs must be registered to walk in the parade. Also includes a costume contest. July 4 , 11 a.m.-noon my805tix.com. Avila Beach Promenade, 404 Front St., Avila Beach.
BREAKFAST Enjoy a delicious pancake breakfast prepared by members of the Board of Directors of the Avila Beach Civic Association and volunteers that consists of pancakes, bacon or sausage, fruit, orange juice, milk, and co ee. July 4 8:30-11 a.m. my805tix.com. Avila Beach Community Center, 191 San Miguel St., Avila Beach.
JULY 4TH CELEBRATION AND CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION Enjoy local vendors in the Pier Plaza starting at 9 a.m., music from Epic Entertainment from noon to 9 p.m., and “the best fireworks show on the Central Coast” at 9 p.m. July 4 9 a.m.-10 p.m. experiencepismobeach.com. Pismo Beach Pier, West end of Pomeroy, Pismo Beach.
4TH PARADE Dozens upon dozens of parade entrants such as classic cars,
prancing horses, dance groups, drum lines, and brass sections travel along the route. July 4 11 a.m. SolvangUSA.com. Downtown Solvang, Citywide, Solvang. STARS, STRIPES, AND SAVORY BITES This weekend of festivities includes brunches, lunches, dinner, hikes, yoga, biking, and more. July 3 -7 aubergeresorts.com/matteistavern/ itineraries/july-fourth/. Mattei’s Tavern, 2350 Railway Ave., Los Olivos.
A rockin’ blues dance party at Ni y’s Merrimaker every first, third, and now fifth Wednesdays. The Blues Asylum house band welcomes local, visiting, and newcomers to the blues groove. Spirits, beer, and wine, with outside food welcome. Every other Wednesday, 7-10 p.m. and Every other Wednesday, 7-10 p.m. Free. 805-235-5223. The Merrimaker Tavern, 1301 2nd Street, Los Osos.
DONOVAN TRIBUTE CONCERT Come celebrate the 77th birthday of Scottish folk-rocker Donovan at Cambria Center for the Arts Theatre with this cover show. May 26 2 p.m. my805tix.com. Cambria Center for the Arts Theatre, 1350 Main St., Cambria.
FLAVOR PACKET AT CASTORO CELLARS Flavor Packet stirs up a lyrical and imaginative sound with its contemporary and world-beatinfluenced jazz music, making it a memorable experience. May 26 1-4
p.m. Castoro Cellars, 1315 N. Bethel Rd., Templeton, 805-238-0725, castorocellars.com.
HEARTLESS: A TRIBUTE TO HEART Heartless is California’s premier Heart tribute band, inspired by more than 30 years of rock and roll magic from sisters Ann and Nancy Wilson. At every performance, Heartless takes you on a musical journey from the 1970s. June 8 , 8-10 p.m. $20. 805-225-1312. thesirenmorrobay.com/. The Siren, 900 Main St., Morro Bay.
HERWAY TO HELL An all-female tribute to AC/DC. June 27, 7 p.m. The Siren, 900 Main St., Morro Bay, 805-225-1312, thesirenmorrobay.com/.
LIVE MUSIC WITH GUITAR WIZ AT LUNADA GARDEN BISTRO “Guitar Wizard” Billy Foppiano plays a wide range of music, including blues, R&B, classic rock, and more. Second and Fourth Sunday of every month, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. 805-900-5444. Lunada Garden Bistro, 78 N. Ocean Ave., Cayucos.
Under the baton of conductor Brenda Hascall, The Morro Bay White Caps will perform a selection of classical, popular, and movie music. The band is seeking new members (for more information, visit their website). June 8 , 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Free; donations accepted. morrobaywhitecaps.com. Morro Bay S. T Pier, 1185 Embarcadero, Morro Bay. THE MOTHER CORN SHUCKERS AND WOLF JETTJune 7, 7:30 p.m. The Siren, 900 Main St., Morro Bay, 805-225-1312, thesirenmorrobay.com/.
OPEN MIC NIGHT Come join us each Wednesday for Open Mic Night in the downstairs dining area. Grab some friends and show o your talents. Food and drink service will be available.

Wednesdays, 6 p.m. Free. 805-995-3883. schoonerscayucos.com. Schooners, 171 North Ocean Ave, Cayucos.
SLOFOLKS PRESENTS THE BILLS A legendary powerhouse of folk/roots/ world music hailing from Canada. The Bills are renowned for their instrumental virtuosity (guitar, fiddle, mandolin, accordion, and more), lush vocal arrangements, evocative songwriting, and a refreshing sound that transcends musical boundaries. June 1 , 7-10 p.m. $30. 805-238-0725. slofolks.org. Castoro Cellars, 1315 N. Bethel Rd., Templeton.
STEVIE NICKS ILLUSION A tribute to Stevie Nicks. July 6 8 p.m. The Siren, 900 Main St., Morro Bay, 805-225-1312, thesirenmorrobay.com/.
WILD CHILD LIVE A tribute to Jim Morrison and the Doors. Aug. 11 7 p.m. The Siren, 900 Main St., Morro Bay, 805225-1312, thesirenmorrobay.com/.
Tickets available in advance for this upcoming show. June 15 Vina Robles Amphitheatre, 3800 Mill Rd., Paso Robles, 805-286-3670, vinaroblesamphitheatre.com.
THE BEACH BOYS LIVEAug. 29 Vina Robles Amphitheatre, 3800 Mill Rd., Paso Robles, 805-286-3670, vinaroblesamphitheatre.com.
BIG WHEEL COBRA Bar doors open at 4 p.m. June 28 7-10 p.m. my805tix. com. Club Car Bar, 508 S. Main Street, Templeton, 805-400-4542.
BURLEY THISTLES Plays a guitar-woven sound with a tough beat that is easy to listen to, but also surprises. May 25, 2-5 p.m. Free. eastoneverett.com/. Bianchi Winery and Tasting Room, 3380 Branch Road, Paso Robles, 805-226-9922. June 8 1-4 p.m. Free. eastoneverett.com/. Bethel Road Distillery, 1266 N. Bethel Road, Templeton, 805-434-0319. June 15
6-8 p.m. Free. eastoneverett.com/. Cava Robles Resort, 3800 Golden Hill Rd., Paso Robles, 805-242-4700. June 23, 5-7:30 p.m. Free. eastoneverett.com/. Four Lanterns Winery, 2485 West Highway 46, Paso Robles, 805-226-5955.
CANCER CHRIST Cancer Christ is a hardcore punk band from LA. With supporting acts Viscerate (thrash metal act from Bakersfield), Aseptic (death metal act from San Jose), No Warning Shots (hardcore act from Santa Maria). All ages welcome. June 7 8 p.m. $20. 805-296-2676. darknectarco ee.com/ pages/events. Dark Nectar Co ee Lounge, 5915 Entrada, Atascadero.
DEADSTOCK II Presented by Terminal. July 19 -21 my805tix.com. Dark Nectar Co ee Lounge, 5915 Entrada, Atascadero, 805-835-1988.
EASTON EVERETT Easton Everett plays guitar-woven music that is easy to listen to, but also surprises. June 21 6-8 p.m. Free. eastoneverett.com/. Cava Robles Resort, 3800 Golden Hill Rd., Paso Robles, 805-2424700. Easton Everett plays guitar-woven music that is easy to listen to, but also surprises. July 1 6-8 p.m. Free. eastoneverett. com/. Wines on Main, 624 Main Street, suite 101, Templeton, 805-591-7069.
FRIDAY NIGHT DJ Weekly DJ series, with a di erent DJ every Friday. Presented by friends at Tra ic Record store in Atascadero. Come listen, dance, drink, and unwind every Friday. All ages event; no cover charge. Fridays, 7-10 p.m. 805-460-6042. ancientowlbeergarden. com. Ancient Owl Beer Garden, 6090 El Camino Real, suite C, Atascadero.
KARAOKE NIGHT Food and drink available for purchase. Last Saturday of every month, 8 p.m. Free admission. my805tix.com. Club Car Bar, 508 S. Main Street, Templeton, 805-400-4542.
LORD HURON Performing live in Paso Robles. May 23 Vina Robles Amphitheatre, 3800 Mill Rd., Paso Robles, 805-286-3670, vinaroblesamphitheatre.com.
MELODIOUS FUNK: CLASSIC JAZZ AND FUNKY FUSION Melodious Funk is the product of Ron McCarley’s jazz program at Cuesta College. They’ll return to Club Car Bar for an evening of classic jazz and funky fusion. June 6 6-9 p.m. Free. The product of Ron McCarley’s jazz program at Cuesta College. Enjoy an evening of classic jazz and funky fusion. July 11 , 6-9 p.m. Free. Club Car Bar, 508 S. Main Street, Templeton, 805-400-4542.
MONTE MILLS LUCKY HORSESHOE BAND In celebration of Club Car Bar’s one year anniversary. Aug. 17 7 p.m. my805tix.com. Club Car Bar, 508 S. Main Street, Templeton, 805-400-4542.
MOONSHINER COLLECTIVE’S “UNDER THE MOON” CONCERT AT TOOTH AND NAIL Enjoy live music, food, wine, and s’mores by the fire pit. Bring your own seating, and don’t miss this evening under the stars. July 6 , 6-9:15 p.m. $25. 805-369-6100. toothandnailwine.com.
Tooth and Nail Winery, 3090 Anderson Rd., Paso Robles.
PRIMUS LIVEJuly 7 Vina Robles Amphitheatre, 3800 Mill Rd., Paso Robles, 805-286-3670, vinaroblesamphitheatre.com.
KRAUSS Don’t miss this iconic duo live in concert. Aug. 24 Vina Robles Amphitheatre, 3800 Mill Rd., Paso Robles, 805-286-3670, vinaroblesamphitheatre.com.
SHAWN CLARK WITH ARCHER MOZÉ Visit site for more info as well as tickets. June 15 7 p.m. my805tix.com. Club Car Bar, 508 S. Main Street, Templeton, 805-400-4542.
SMITH AND TEGIO LIVE With Joe Kaplow and Milk Thistle. May 24 7-10 p.m. my805tix.com/. Club Car Bar, 508 S. Main Street, Templeton, 805-400-4542.
TURKEY BUZZARDS WITH TAYLOR KINGMAN The boys are back for one night only. May 29 7 p.m. my805tix.com. Bristols Cider House, 3220 El Camino Real, Atascadero.
SHOWCASE Presented by the San Luis Obispo County Jazz Federation. June 2 4-6:30 p.m. my805tix.com. Mount Carmel Lutheran Church, 1701 Fredericks St., San Luis Obispo.
ALL AGES OPEN MIC NIGHT Tuesdays, 6-9 p.m. Liquid Gravity, 675 Clarion Court, San Luis Obispo.
BRASS MASH: FIRST FRIDAY First Fridays are magical nights filled with the vibrant energy of our all-horn band. Join the festivities at Liquid Gravity and immerse yourself in the unique
fusion of your favorite rock and pop songs. First Friday of every month, 6-10 p.m. my805tix.com. Liquid Gravity, 675 Clarion Court, San Luis Obispo.
THEATER C-Kan performing live at the Fremont Theater on July 9 with special guests Neto Peña, Yoss Bones, and Toser One. All ages. July 9, 8 p.m. $30 to $75. fremontslo.com. The Fremont Theater, 1035 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo, 805-546-8600.
CLUB SOMBRA A night of goth, industrial, darkwave, aggrotech, hellektro, witch house, and more. June 28 7-11 p.m. and Aug. 30 7-11 p.m. my805tix.com. Humdinger Brewing (SLO), 855 Capitolio Way, suite 1, San Luis Obispo, 805-781-9974.
DANNYLUX LIVE AT THE FREMONT THEATER All ages welcome. Doors open at 7 p.m. June 22 8 p.m. $35. .fremontslo.com. The Fremont Theater, 1035 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo, 805-546-8600.
DO YOU COMPUTE AND MORE With Four Day Bears, and additional acts. June 14 7 p.m. my805tix.com. Humdinger Brewing (SLO), 855 Capitolio Way, suite 1, San Luis Obispo, 805-781-9974.
EASTON EVERETT Easton Everett plays guitar-woven music that is easy to listen to, but also surprises. June 16 6-8 p.m. Free. eastoneverett.com/. Sextant Wines, 1653 Old Price Canyon Road, San Luis Obispo, 805-542-0133.
FAMILY CONCERT: PETER AND THE WOLF The Movement Arts Collective once again joins forces with Festival Mozaic to lead this family-friendly performance of Prokofiev’s beloved Peter and the Wolf . This concert is open for all ages and will last under one hour
without an intermission. July 22 11 a.m. $5. 805-781-3009. festivalmozaic.org. Harold J. Miossi CPAC at Cuesta College, Highway 1, San Luis Obispo.
FLAVOR PACKET LIVE AT THE HUB Flavor Packet stirs up a lyrical and imaginative sound with its contemporary and world-beat-influenced jazz music, making it a memorable experience. May 31 6-9 p.m. The Hub, 1701 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo.
GORGATRON, CASKET ROBBERY, AND VORAATH Visit site for tickets and more info. June 29, 7 p.m. my805tix. com. Humdinger Brewing (SLO), 855 Capitolio Way, suite 1, San Luis Obispo, 805-781-9974.
THE GREEN LIVE AT THE FREMONT THEATER The Green performing live at the Fremont Theater. All ages welcome. Doors open at 7 p.m. Aug. 22 , 8 p.m. $32. fremontslo.com. The Fremont Theater, 1035 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo, 805-546-8600.
HOT BROTHERS BAND LIVE With special guests. May 23 , 6-9 p.m. my805tix.com. The Bunker SLO, 810 Orcutt Road, San Luis Obispo. HOTEL CALIFORNIA LIVE AT THE FREMONT THEATER Hotel California is performing live at the Fremont Theater. All ages. July 13 8 p.m. $27.50 to $47.50. fremontslo.com/events/hotel-california/. The Fremont Theater, 1035 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo, 805-546-8600.
LIVE MUSIC AT KROBAR Enjoy live music at Krobar, which showcases local, talented artists of all music genres. Kick-o your weekend right, grab your favorite seasonal craft cocktail, and vibe to the sounds of the night. LIVE MUSIC continued page 24

W/ MADELINE EDWARDS ........... . MAY 31
W/ LITTLE FEAT ................. JUN 05
PENTATONIX ............... JUN 06
W/ BAKAR ................... JUL 03
BERT KREISCHER ............ JUL 20
W/ LETTUCE, DON CARLOS ........... JUL 21
GARY CLARK JR. ........... .AUG 22
KINGS OF LEON W/ PHANTOGRAM .............. .AUG 26

REMI WOLF W/ LAVA LA RUE ................ SEP 10
SOFI TUKKER W/ SPECIAL GUEST .............. . NOV 07



Follow on Instagram to find out who is playing. Every other Friday, 6-9 p.m. and Saturdays, 6-9 p.m. through Aug. 31 Free entry. 833-576-2271. krobardistillery. com/events. Krobar Craft Distillery, 1701 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo.
Check social media and calendar for weekly updates. Fridays, 6-9 p.m. and Saturdays, 2-5 p.m. Liquid Gravity, 675 Clarion Court, San Luis Obispo.
LIVE MUSIC FROM GUITAR WIZ BILLY FOPPIANO AND MAD DOG Join “Guitar Wiz” Billy Foppiano and his trusty side kick Mad Dog for a mix of blues, R&B, and more. Saturdays, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. 805-544-2100. Bon Temps Creole Cafe, 1819 Osos Street, San Luis Obispo, bontempscreolecafe.com/index.htm.
THEATER MC Magic performing live at the Fremont Theater. Sept. 21 , 8 p.m. $30-$150. fremontslo.com. The Fremont Theater, 1035 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo, 805-546-8600.
THEATER Micky Dolenz is performing live at the Fremont Theater. All ages. July 19 8 p.m. $49.50 to $99.50. fremontslo.com. The Fremont Theater, 1035 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo, 805-546-8600.
MISMITHS LIVE A tribute to the Smiths and Misfits. Features additional acts. June 16 6 p.m. my805tix.com. Humdinger Brewing (SLO), 855 Capitolio Way, suite 1, San Luis Obispo, 805-781-9974.
With special guests Amttrak. June 1 6:30-9 p.m. my805tix.com. The Bunker SLO, 810 Orcutt Road, San Luis Obispo.
PENTACAUSTIC AND MORE Features multiple acts, including special guest Lilith Dead Girl. May 25 , 6:30 p.m. my805tix.com/. Humdinger Brewing (SLO), 855 Capitolio Way, suite 1, San Luis Obispo, 805-781-9974.
POPS ON! ORCHESTRA NOVO The band goes Hollywood during this program. Aug. 4 4-6 p.m. my805tix.com. Madonna Inn, 100 Madonna Rd., San Luis Obispo.
PRIDE PROM (GRADES 6-12) For students in grades 6-12 to enjoy live DJs, dancing, youth crafts and games, photography areas, and hang out areas. June 8 , 7-10:30 p.m. $12. slopride.com/ events. Laguna Middle School, 11050 Los Osos Valley Rd., San Luis Obispo, 805-596-4055.
RESONANCE PRESENTS: LIFE AND BREATH Additional program on Aug. 11 at 3 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church in Paso Robles. Visit site for more info on both shows. Aug. 10, 8 p.m. my805tix. com. Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa, 751 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo.
RODRIGO Y GABRIELA Rodrigo y Gabriela performing live at the Fremont Theater. All ages. Doors open at 7 p.m. Sept. 17, 8 p.m. $44.50-$224.50. fremontslo.com. The Fremont Theater, 1035 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo, 805-546-8600.
SADIE JASPER: ALBUM RELEASE PARTY July 19, 7 p.m. my805tix.com. Humdinger Brewing (SLO), 855 Capitolio Way, suite 1, San Luis Obispo, 805-781-9974. SLO BLUES FUSION CANVAS

Experience a night of rhythmic rebellion with Maya Jaycox, Cat Cooper, and host Drew Davis, featuring Kevin Sean’s live beats. May 25 , 7 p.m. my805tix.com/. Drew Davis Fine Art, 393 Pacific St., San Luis Obispo.
TODD RUNDGREN LIVE AT THE FREMONT THEATER See the legendary artist live in concert. Doors open at 7 p.m. June 29 8 p.m. fremontslo.com. The Fremont Theater, 1035 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo, 805-546-8600.
TOM’S ELTON TRIBUTE The world’s number one Elton John tribute band is coming for one night only and bringing their spectacular show. The level of attention to detail in recreating the music and fabulous costumes of Elton John and His Band is “simply unparalleled.” July 28 7-9 p.m. $40-$52. 805-756-4849. pacslo. org. Performing Arts Center, 1 Grand Ave., San Luis Obispo.
BRASS MASH AT RIBLINE BY THE BEACH A special night of brass, dancing, and singing mayhem. July 6 7:30 p.m. my805tix.com. Ribline by the Beach, 395 W. Grand Ave., Grover Beach.
SELENA Corazón De Maná is a Southern California tribute that delivers a fun and energetic live celebration of Maná’s music. Siempre Selena is an upscale Selena tribute band from Los Angeles. June 1 7:30-10 p.m. $30-$40. 805-489-9444. clarkcenter.org/shows/mana-and-selenatribute/. Clark Center for the Performing Arts, 487 Fair Oaks Ave., Arroyo Grande.
KARAOKE EVERY FRIDAY Enjoy some good food and karaoke. Fridays, 5-8 p.m. 805-723-5550. The Central Grill, 545 Orchard Road, Nipomo.
KARAOKE EVERY WEDNESDAY A weekly event with barbecue o erings and more. Wednesdays, 4-8 p.m. Rancho Nipomo BBQ, 108 Cuyama Ln., Nipomo, 805-925-3500.
NEVER A DULL MOMENT: A TRIBUTE TO ROD STEWART Formed in 2017, this six-piece rock band burst onto the music tribute scene with their unique blend of raw energy, and genuine representation of Rod Stewart’s concert performance. Composed of talented musicians, each with a long history as a professional player. May 31 , 7:30-10 p.m. $30-$45. 805-489-9444. clarkcenter. org/shows/never-a-dull-moment/. Clark Center for the Performing Arts, 487 Fair Oaks Ave., Arroyo Grande.
PIANO MEN: GENERATIONS Two men. Two pianos. Get ready for an electrifying musical extravaganza like no other. A sensational celebration of the legendary Billy Joel and Elton John, brought to life by the extraordinary father and son duo of Terry and Nick Davies. Aug. 15 7:30-10 p.m. $45-$65. 805-489-9444. clarkcenter.org/shows/piano-mengenerations/. Clark Center for the Performing Arts, 487 Fair Oaks Ave., Arroyo Grande.
This spot-on tribute delivers such unforgettable hits as “Purple Rain” and many more. Sept. 15 , 7-9:30 p.m. $49.50. 805-489-9444. clarkcenter.org/ shows/prince-again/. Clark Center for the Performing Arts, 487 Fair Oaks Ave., Arroyo Grande.
QUARTETO NUEVO Quarteto Nuevo merges western classical, eastern European folk, Latin, and jazz with an organic feel. July 21 , 2 p.m. $62. 805-781-3009. festivalmozaic.org. See

Canyon Fruit Ranch, 2345 See Canyon Rd., Avila Beach.
Starring Craig A. Meyer as Almost Elton John, with music by The Rocket Band. This spectacular musical journey celebrates the decades of chart-topping hits of Sir Elton John. June 7 7:30-10 p.m. $45-$75. 805-489-9444. clarkcenter. org/shows/the-elton-john-experience/. Clark Center for the Performing Arts, 487 Fair Oaks Ave., Arroyo Grande.
FEAT. SHANNON RAE A tribute to Linda Ronstadt, with a full seven-piece band, including fiddle and pedal steel, “to bring you the true authentic sound of the Ronstadt catalog.” Sept. 14 , 7:30-10 p.m. $40-$60. 805-489-9444. clarkcenter.org/shows/ronstadt-revival/. Clark Center for the Performing Arts, 487 Fair Oaks Ave., Arroyo Grande.
TWISTED GYPSY LIVE Twisted Gypsy takes you back to the early days of Hollywood’s Sunset Strip and the heyday of ‘70s rock ’n roll. June 29, 7:30-10 p.m. $35-$45. 805-489-9444. clarkcenter.org/shows/twisted-gypsy/. Clark Center for the Performing Arts, 487 Fair Oaks Ave., Arroyo Grande.
UP IN THE AIR LIVE Up in the Air will play it’s unique mix of upbeat originals and danceable classics. May 24, 5-7 p.m. Free. 805-595-4000. avilabeachresort. com. Mulligans Bar and Grill, 6460 Ana Bay Road, Avila Beach.
ABOUT TIME LIVE Enjoy live music outdoors at the Stockyard. June 30
Blast 825 Brewery, 241 S Broadway St., Ste. 101, Orcutt, 805-934-3777, blast825brewery.com/.

BOYS OF SUMMER Enjoy live music outdoors at the Stockyard. June 16 Blast 825 Brewery, 241 S Broadway St., Ste. 101, Orcutt, 805-934-3777, blast825brewery.com/.
LADIES NIGHT OUT Music by DJ Van Gloryious and DJ Panda. Features delicious daiquiri specials. Thursdays, 8 p.m.-midnight Roscoe’s Kitchen, 229 Town Center E, Santa Maria, 805-623-8866.
THE LEGENDS Enjoy live music outdoors at the Stockyard. June 29 Blast 825 Brewery, 241 S Broadway St., Ste. 101, Orcutt, 805-934-3777, blast825brewery.com/.
MESTIZO LIVE Visit the Stockyard for a day of fun with the band Mestizo. Gates open at 5 p.m. Bring chairs. VIP cabanas are available for purchase. All ages welcome. Pet-friendly. May 25 , 6 p.m. my805tix.com/. Blast 825 Brewery, 241 S Broadway St., Ste. 101, Orcutt, 805-934-3777.
NOTHING BUT TROUBLE Enjoy live music outdoors at the Stockyard. June 9 Blast 825 Brewery, 241 S Broadway St., Ste. 101, Orcutt, 805-934-3777, blast825brewery.com/.
OLD TIME GOSPEL SING-ALONG All are welcome. Call for more details. Last Saturday of every month, 5-6 p.m. 805478-6198. Roscoe’s Kitchen, 229 Town Center E, Santa Maria.
ROCK ODYSSEY LIVE Rock out to your favorite classic hits by Tom Petty, Journey, Blondie, and more. June 22 6-9 p.m. my805tix.com. Cottonwood Canyon Vineyard And Winery, 3940 Dominion Rd, Santa Maria, 805 937-8463.
LIVE MUSIC continued page 25

For its fth annual Juneteenth celebration, Juneteenth SYV hosts its Mardi Gras Masquerade Ball and Art Show at the Santa Ynez Valley Historical Museum on Friday, June 7, at 6 p.m. Attendees can expect to enjoy drinks, dinner, dessert, and a variety of entertainment, including performances from featured aerialist Angela Genesis. Visit juneteenthsyv.com to nd out more. —C.W.
Summer Gymnastics Camps

*3 days only

SUNDAY NIGHT FUN End the weekend with some good vibes. Music by DJ Van Gloryious. Sundays, 8 p.m.-midnight Roscoe’s Kitchen, 229 Town Center E, Santa Maria, 805-623-8866.
THREE 4 ALL Enjoy live music outdoors at the Stockyard. June 8 Blast 825 Brewery, 241 S Broadway St., Ste. 101, Orcutt, 805934-3777, blast825brewery.com/.
An open level salsa class followed by a free social. May 25 , 5-9 p.m. $20. 805-937-8463. cottonwoodcanyon. com. Cottonwood Canyon Vineyard And Winery, 3940 Dominion Rd, Santa Maria.
BANDA SAN MIGUEL Presented by Uribe Entertainment Inc. May 24 , 9 p.m. my805tix.com/. FCB, 110 W. Ocean Ave., Lompoc, 805-810-0714.
THE BOYS OF SUMMER A tribute to the Eagles. Aug. 2 7 p.m. my805tix. com. FCB, 110 W. Ocean Ave., Lompoc, 805-810-0714.
HOLLYWOOD CRUE LIVE A tribute to Motley Crue. May 25 7 p.m. my805tix. com/. FCB, 110 W. Ocean Ave., Lompoc, 805-810-0714.
YOUTH OPEN MIC NIGHT A fun, welcoming environment for first time performers and an opportunity for kids and teens to showcase their talent. Prizes awarded every month for Outstanding Performer. Last Friday of every month, 6-8 p.m. certainsparks.com/. Certain Sparks Music, 107 S. H St., Lompoc.
legend live in concert in the Samala Showroom. June 14 8 p.m. $49-$79. Chumash Casino Resort, 3400 E. Highway 246, Santa Ynez, 800-248-6274, chumashcasino.com/entertainment.
AMANDA CASTRO LIVE Castro specializes in New Orleans-style jazz. July 14, 3 p.m. $37. Solvang Festival Theater, 420 2nd St., Solvang, 805-686-1789.
CJ SOLAR LIVE Enjoy live country music. Part of the Music in the Garden series. June 9 3 p.m. $37. Solvang Festival Theater, 420 2nd St., Solvang, 805-686-1789.
DIRTY CELLO LIVE Gates open at 2:30 p.m. June 30, 3 p.m. Solvang Festival Theater, 420 2nd St., Solvang, 805-686-1789.
DOUBLEWIDE KINGS LIVE Performing classic rock. Part of Music in the Garden, an ongoing series. June 2 , 3 p.m. $37. Solvang Festival Theater, 420 2nd St., Solvang, 805-686-1789.
ENGELBERT HUMPERDINCK LIVE June 28 , 8 p.m. $39-$69. Chumash Casino Resort, 3400 E. Highway 246, Santa Ynez, 800-248-6274, chumashcasino.com/entertainment.
GUILTY PLEASURE BAND LIVE For ages 21 and over. No food is served but you may bring your own. May 25 , 7-10 p.m. High Roller Tiki Lounge, 433 Alisal Road, Solvang, highrollertiki.com.
REFUGEE LIVE A tribute to Tom Petty. Sept. 1 3 p.m. $37. Solvang Festival Theater, 420 2nd St., Solvang, 805-686-1789.
ENSEMBLE SUMMER CONCERT The SYV Wind Ensemble has entertained at parades, holiday festivals, and more. Don’t miss their lively Summer Concert on the beautiful Skytt Terrace at Elverhøj Museum. Music selections include Ray
Charles, Sonny Rollins, John Phillip Sousa, and more. Bring a picnic basket and blanket/chairs. June 8 2 p.m. Free. 805-686-1211. syvwindensemble.org. Elverhoj Museum of History and Art, 1624 Elverhoy Way, Solvang.
SITRASON LIVE Part of the Music in the Garden series. Visit site for more info. Aug. 11 3 p.m. $37. Solvang Festival Theater, 420 2nd St., Solvang, 805-686-1789.
SKUNK PUPPY LIVE A 21 and over venue, inside and outside. No food is served but you may bring your own. June 1, 7-10 p.m. High Roller Tiki Lounge, 433 Alisal Road, Solvang, highrollertiki.com.
WHOLE HOG LIVE For ages 21 and over. No food is served but you may bring your own. May 31 , 7-10 p.m. High Roller Tiki Lounge, 433 Alisal Road, Solvang, highrollertiki.com.
AN AFTERNOON WITH DAVE TATE Presented by Cambria Concerts Unplugged. Aug. 31 2:30 p.m. my805tix. com. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 2700 Eton Road, Cambria.
BOATZART: FESTIVAL BRASS At the conclusion of the Los Osos Farmers Market, the Festival Mozaic Brass Quintet will lead a free performance on the Baywood Park Pier. Nicknamed “Boatzart,” this event returns to the tradition of the Mozart Festival, serenading audience members on land from boats. July 22 , 4 p.m. Free; suggested $10 donation. 805-781 - 3009. LIVE MUSIC continued page 26

Cal Poly Wind Bands

festivalmozaic.org. Baywood Park Pier, 601-639 El Moro Ave., Los Osos.
FESTIVAL MOZAIC: FESTIVAL BRASS QUINTET After the Los Osos Farmers Market, the Festival Mozaic Brass Quintet will lead a free performance on the Baywood Park Pier. Nicknamed “Boatzart,” this traditional event harkens back to when brass players would serenade audiences on land and boats from the end of the pier. July 22 7:30-9:30 p.m. Suggested donation of $10. 805-781-3009. festivalmozaic.org. Baywood Park Pier, 601-639 El Moro Ave., Los Osos.

MIDDAY MINI-CONCERT: ALEX WASSERMAN Pianist Alex Wasserman returns to Festival Mozaic for a recital of works for solo piano. All Midday MiniConcerts last no longer than one hour without an intermission. July 20 noon Free, suggested $10 donation. 805-7813009. festivalmozaic.org. Trinity United Methodist Church, 490 Los Osos Valley Rd., Los Osos.

The Cal Poly Wind Bands are delighted to welcome back their alumni for this concert, some dating back to the 1950s!

Mid State Fair). Local musicians and food trucks each week at Derby Wine Estates. Fridays, 6-9 p.m. through Aug. 30 Free. 805-238-6300. derbywineestates. com/events/. Derby Wine Estates, 525 Riverside Ave, Paso Robles.
YAMAMOTO Ko-ichiro Yamamoto, principal trombone of the Seattle Symphony Orchestra, presents a minirecital of works for trombone and piano. He will be joined by Chiao-Wen Cheng, piano faculty at the Eastman School of Music and principal keyboardist with the Rochester Philharmonic. July 19 noon Free, suggested $10 donation. 805-7813009. festivalmozaic.org. Trinity Lutheran Church, 940 Creston Road, Paso Robles.

The groups’ last concert together in concert in 2016 to celebrate the bands’ centennial.

A unique performing arts group that performs across the state for deaf festivals, service organizations, churches, fairs, and other outlets. New members always welcome. Registration open weekly. Mondays, 5-6:30 p.m. $45 tuition per month. singinghandschildrenschoir. com/. Singing Hands Children’s Choir and Performing Arts, 1413 Riverside Ave., Paso Robles.

MIDDAY MINI-CONCERT: FEI XIE Fei Xie, principal bassoonist of the Minnesota Orchestra, presents a mini-recital of works for bassoon and piano. He will be joined by pianist Chiao-Wen Cheng, piano faculty at the Eastman School of Music and principal keyboardist of the Rochester Philharmonic. July 24 , noon Free; suggested $10 donation. 805-781-3009. festivalmozaic.org. Cambria Community Presbyterian Church, 2250 Yorkshire Drive, Cambria.

BRASS MASH AND KENTUCKY MONK: CONCERTS IN THE PLAZA Kentucky Monk (acoustic rock/country/R&B/ pop) and Brass Mash (rock/pop). Aug. 23 5-8 p.m. Free. DowntownSLO.com/ Concerts. Mission Plaza, Downtown, San Luis Obispo.


CHAMBER CONCERT 2: TEMPLETON PAC Festival Mozaic is proud to present its first summer chamber music concert at the Templeton Performing Arts Center. With Beethoven’s Kakadu Variations for piano trio, Louise Farrenc’s wonderful bass quintet, and Mendelssohn’s sextet finishes the program. July 23 4 p.m. $32. 805-7813009. festivalmozaic.org. Templeton Performing Arts Center, 1200 S Main St., Templeton.

edu/calendar/. Performing Arts Center, 1 Grand Ave., San Luis Obispo.
SPRING CONCERT The Cal Poly Arab Music Ensemble will present classic repertoire from Arab art; popular and folk music traditions and from historically interconnected cultures of Southwest Asia and North Africa. With Ken Habib, director; Jenna Mitchell, dance director. June 1 7:30 p.m. $15 and $20 general; $10 students. 805-7564849. music.calpoly.edu/calendar.

ERIN AND THE EARTHQUAKES Part of the Barrel Room Concert series. June 23 , 5-7 p.m. my805tix.com. Cass Winery and Vineyard, 7350 Linne Rd., Paso Robles.

Performing Arts Center, 1 Grand Ave., San Luis Obispo.

Cal Poly’s jazz combos will perform classic jazz repertoire as well as original student compositions. With Dylan Johnson, director. June 7 7:30 p.m. Free. 805-756-2406. music.calpoly. edu/calendar/free/. Cal Poly Davidson Music Center, Room 218, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.
CAL POLY VOCAL STUDENT RECITAL Cal Poly Music Department student vocalists present a free recital. June 4 , 7:30 p.m. Free. 805-756-2406. music. calpoly.edu/calendar/free/. Cal Poly Davidson Music Center, Room 218, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. CAL POLY WIND BANDS SPRING CONCERT: ALL HAIL, GREEN, AND GOLD! Features Cal Poly band alumni from past decades. Works on the program include David Maslanka’s “A Child’s Garden of Dreams” and Frank Ticheli’s “Blue Shades.” With Christopher Woodru and Nick Waldron, conductors. June 2 , 3 p.m. $15 and $20 general; $10 students. 805-756-4849. music.calpoly. edu/calendar. Performing Arts Center, 1 Grand Ave., San Luis Obispo. CAL POLY’S CHAMBER CHOIR AND CANTABILE: SACRED SOUNDS Cal Poly’s Chamber Choir and Cantabile will present a concert of sacred a cappella music titled “Sacred Sounds.” Selections will range from Renaissance classics to modern day works. With Scott Glysson, conductor; Paul Woodring, accompanist. May 25 7:30 p.m. $20 general; $10 students. 805-756-4849. music.calpoly.edu/calendar/. Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa, 751 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo. CHAMBER CONCERT 1: OPENING NIGHT CELEBRATION The 2024 SLO Summer Music Festival opens with two pieces by celebrated masters juxtaposed with two world premieres. Pre-concert lecture at 6:30 p.m. with Dr. Alyson McLamore. July 19 7:30 p.m. $32. 805-781-3009. festivalmozaic.org. Harold J. Miossi CPAC at Cuesta College, Highway 1, San Luis Obispo.

FESTIVAL MOZAIC: BAROQUE IN THE VINES This is an outdoor event. Scott Yoo leads this annual Baroque concert at the picturesque hilltop setting of Serra Chapel. Two concertos by J. S. Bach anchor this program along with two beautiful overtures by German composer Telemann. July 20, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Tickets start at $6. 805-781-3009. festivalmozaic.org. Serra Chapel, McMillan Canyon Rd., Shandon.

Mozaic is proud to present a summer chamber music concert at the Templeton Performing Arts Center. Beethoven’s Kakadu Variations for piano trio opens the program, followed by Louise Farrenc’s wonderful bass quintet (string quartet plus a bass), and Ruth Crawford Seeger’s violin sonata. July 23 , 4-6 p.m. Tickets start at $32. 805781-3009. festivalmozaic.org. Templeton Performing Arts Center, 1200 S Main St., Templeton.
FRIDAY NIGHT MUSIC SERIES Join us for the Friday Night Music Series (Fridays through late August, except during the
CAL POLY SOUNDINGS WITH TRANSIENT CANVAS Cal Poly Music Technology and Composition students will present music which investigates the potential and/or imagined role of cybernetic organisms (cyborgs) in music technology. Guest ensemble Transient Canvas will be part of the collaboration. With choreography by Cal Poly dance students. May 30 7:30 p.m. and May 31 7:30 p.m. $20 general; $10 students. 805-756-4849. music. calpoly.edu/calendar/. PAC Pavilion, Performing Arts Center, 1 Grand Ave, San Luis Obispo.
RECITAL Cal Poly Music Department student string players present this free recital. May 28 , 7:30 p.m. Free. 805-7562406. music.calpoly.edu/calendar/free/. Cal Poly Davidson Music Center, Room 218, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.
The Cal Poly Choirs and Symphony will combine to present repertoire the groups will perform while on tour in France. Repertoire will include selections by American composer Dan Forrest as well as Canadian composer Nathaniel Dett’s “Chariot Jubliee.” June 8 7:30 p.m. $15 and $20 general; $10 students. 805-756-4849. music.calpoly.
CHAMBER CONCERT 3: MOZART IN THE MISSION The annual concert in Mission San Luis Obispo opens with some beautifully resonant pieces by Italian composer Gabrieli for a brass ensemble comprised of Festival Mozaic artists and local musicians. Free PreConcert Lecture at 6:30 p.m. with Dr. Alyson McLamore. July 24 7:30 p.m. $32. 805-781-3009. festivalmozaic.org. Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa, 751 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo. CHAMBER CONCERT 4: FINALE The final chamber concert of the summer begins with Rossini’s “Barber of Seville” overture for three players at one piano, a beautiful piece by Korean-American composer Earl Kim, piano quintet by Enrique Granados, and Tchaikovsky’s only string sextet. Pre-Concert Lecture at 6:30 p.m. July 26 , 7:30 p.m. $32. 805781-3009. festivalmozaic.org. Harold J. Miossi CPAC at Cuesta College, Highway 1, San Luis Obispo.
DAMON CASTILLO BAND AND MELODY KLEMIN: CONCERTS IN THE PLAZA Free live music. Family-friendly. Food/drink available. Free bike valet. Aug. 16 , 5-8 p.m. Free. DowntownSLO. com/Concerts. Mission Plaza, Downtown, San Luis Obispo.
DANTE MARSH & THE VIBESETTERS AND DAVE TATE: CONCERTS IN THE PLAZA Free live music. Family-friendly. Food/drink available. Free bike valet. Sept. 6 5-8 p.m. Free. DowntownSLO. com/Concerts. Mission Plaza, Downtown, San Luis Obispo. FESTIVAL MOZAIC MIDDAY MINICONCERT: STEWART GOODYEAR AND JOHN NOVACEK Pianists John Novacek (Artist-in-Residence) and Stewart Goodyear will co-host this mini-recital of works for the piano. Each of them will perform some solo selections and the afternoon will finish with a duet for both pianists. July 26 12-1 p.m. Suggested donation of $10. 805-781-

Between Friday, May 24, and the end of July, SLO Blues Baseball will hold 33 home games at Sinsheimer Stadium in San Luis Obispo. Tickets to each game are available in advance at my805tix.com. For the full game schedule and additional info, visit bluesbaseball.com.
Ride the FREE trolley!
Ride the FREE trolley!
From the Pismo Outlets to the Avila Pier with stops & parking along the way. Sample trip: Park for free at Bob Jones trailhead or the Pismo Outlets and ride to Farmer’s Market or out to the pier.
From the Pismo Outlets to the Avila Pier with stops & parking along the way. Sample trip: Park for free at Bob Jones trailhead or the Pismo Outlets and ride to Farmer’s Market or out to the pier.
Visit our website for full schedule and route stops. New to the trolley and want help?
3009. festivalmozaic.org. Cuesta College Cultural and Performing Arts Center, Highway 1, San Luis Obispo.
Scott Yoo leads the Festival Mozaic Orchestra and soprano Sarah Traubel in a thrilling finale concert of the 2024 San Luis Obispo Summer Music Festival. Free Pre-Concert Lecture at 6:30 p.m. July 27, 7:30 p.m. $10. 805-781-3009. festivalmozaic.org. Performing Arts Center, 1 Grand Ave., San Luis Obispo.
NOTABLE INSIGHT (TCHAIKOVSKY) Join Scott Yoo and the Festival Artists as they take you on a “museum docent’s tour” of Tchaikovsky’s Souvenir de Florence for string sextet. They will discuss the piece’s history, the composer’s influences, and musical style, and perform some selections. July 25 2-4 p.m. Tickets start at $27. 805-781-3009. festivalmozaic.org. Madonna Inn Ballroom, 100 Madonna Rd, San Luis Obispo.
INSIGHT (SIBELIUS) Join Scott Yoo and the Festival Artists as they take you on a “museum docent’s tour” of Sibelius’ Piano Quintet in G minor. They will discuss the piece’s history, the composer’s influences and musical style, and perform some selections. July 18 , 7:30-9:30 p.m. Tickets start at $27. 805-781-3009. festivalmozaic.org. Cuesta College Cultural and Performing Arts Center, Highway 1, San Luis Obispo.
CELEBRATION) Pre-concert lecture at 6:30 p.m. with Dr. Alyson McLamore. Summer Music Festival opens with two pieces by masters juxtaposed with two world premieres. A lovely string quartet by Haydn opens the program, followed by Scott Yoo’s “opus 1” composition for piano quartet. July 19, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Tickets start at $32. 805-781-3009. festivalmozaic.org. Cuesta College Cultural and Performing Arts Center, Highway 1, San Luis Obispo.
RAVEL, MOZART) Free pre-concert lecture with Dr. Alyson McLamore. This annual concert opens with pieces by Italian composer Gabrieli for a brass ensemble comprised of Festival Mozaic artists and local musicians. Closing the concert is Mozart’s Divertimento from 1772. July 24 , 7:30-9:30 p.m. Tickets start at $32. 805-781-3009. festivalmozaic.org.
Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa, 751 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo.
CHRISS Dr. Alcee Chriss III, featured in the PBS documentary Pipe Dreams and winner of prestigious organ competitions, is regarded as one of today’s leading young organists. May 31 7:30-9 p.m. $35. 805-756-2787. calpolyarts.org/20232024-events/ alceechriss. Performing Arts Center, 1 Grand Ave., San Luis Obispo.
TANGERAS: CONCERTS IN THE PLAZA Noach Tangeras (Americana) and ghost\monster (rock). Free bike valet parking. Aug. 9, 5-8 p.m. Free. DowntownSLO.com/Concerts. Mission Plaza, Downtown, San Luis Obispo. HEXENGHUL AND MORE Anomaly House is proud to present the Saturday Night Dead concert series, featuring the darkest in rock, metal, alternative, and more. July 27, 8 p.m. my805tix. com. Humdinger Brewing (SLO), 855 Capitolio Way, suite 1, San Luis Obispo, 805-781-9974.
HOT 45 AND RAS DANNY: CONCERTS IN THE PLAZA Free live music. Familyfriendly. Food/drink available. Free bike valet parking. July 12 5-8 p.m. Free. DowntownSLO.com/Concerts. Mission Plaza, Downtown, San Luis Obispo.
IMVA AND ABOUT TIME: CONCERTS IN THE PLAZA About Time (California rock) with IMVA (R&B/soul). July 26 5-8 p.m. Free. DowntownSLO.com/Concerts. Mission Plaza, Downtown, San Luis Obispo. JAZZ WEDNESDAYS Spinning jazz records all night. Bebop, jazz funk, acid jazz, hard bop, nu jazz, jazz house, crossover, Latin jazz, and more. Featuring guest selectors. Music at a polite volume in an acoustically treated space. Vintage sound system, big warm speakers. Plenty
of free parking. Wednesdays, 3-8 p.m. through Oct. 30 Free. 805-439-1544. jansplaceslo.com. Jan’s Place, 1817 Osos St., San Luis Obispo.
JOSH ROSENBLUM BAND AND DULCIE TAYLOR DUO: CONCERTS IN THE PLAZA Free live music. Food / drink available. Aug. 30 5-8 p.m. Free. DowntownSLO.com/Concerts. Mission Plaza, Downtown, San Luis Obispo.
CODERRE: CONCERTS IN THE PLAZA Features Jineanne Coderre (pop/R&B) at 5 p.m. Manuel the Band (rock/ jam) at 6 p.m. Free live music. Food/ drink available. June 21 5-8 p.m. DowntownSLO.com/Concerts. Mission Plaza, Downtown, San Luis Obispo.
MIDDAY MINI-CONCERT: GOODYEAR AND NOVACEK Pianists John Novacek (Artist-in-Residence) and Stewart Goodyear will co-host this mini-recital of works for the piano. Each of them will perform some solo selections and the afternoon will finish with a duet for both pianists. July 26 noon Free; suggested $10 donation. 805-781 - 3009. festivalmozaic.org. Harold J. Miossi CPAC at Cuesta College, Highway 1, San Luis Obispo.
DEMAINE Robert deMaine, principal cellist of the Los Angeles Philharmonic, is joined by Artist-in-Residence John Novacek for a mini-recital of works for cello and piano. July 23, noon Free; suggested $10 donation. 805-781-3009. festivalmozaic. org. United Methodist Church, 1515 Fredericks Street, San Luis Obispo.
THE MOLLY RINGWALD PROJECT AND EMILY SMITH: CONCERTS IN THE PLAZA Free live music. Family-friendly. Food/drink available. July 19 5-8 p.m. Free. DowntownSLO.com/Concerts. Mission Plaza, Downtown, San Luis Obispo.
THE MOTHER CORN SHUCKERS AND MISS LEO: CONCERTS IN THE PLAZA Family-friendly. Food/drink available. June 28 5-8 p.m. Free. DowntownSLO. com/Concerts. Mission Plaza, Downtown, San Luis Obispo.
NOTABLE INSIGHT: SIBELIUS PIANO QUINTET Join Scott Yoo and the Festival Artists as they take you on a “museum docent’s tour” of Sibelius’ Piano Quintet
Email rtatripplan@slorta.org for personal trip planning
Visit our website for full schedule and route stops. New to the trolley and want help?
www.slorta.org (805) 541-2228
Email rtatripplan@slorta.org for personal trip planning www.slorta.org (805) 541-2228


in G minor. They will discuss the piece’s history, the composer’s influences and musical style, and perform some selections. July 18 5:30 p.m. $27. 805781-3009. festivalmozaic.org. Harold J. Miossi CPAC at Cuesta College, Highway 1, San Luis Obispo.
SOUVENIR DE FLORENCE Scott Yoo and the Festival Artists take you on a “museum docent’s tour” of Tchaikovsky’s Souvenir de Florence for string sextet, discussing the piece’s history, the composer’s influences and musical style, and perform some selections.
July 25 , 2 p.m. $27. 805-781-3009. festivalmozaic.org. Madonna Inn, 100 Madonna Rd., San Luis Obispo.
House is proud to present the Alt-Space concert series, featuring some of the most creative and unique acts in independent alternative music. Aug. 10 7 p.m. my805tix.com. Humdinger Brewing (SLO), 855 Capitolio Way, suite 1, San Luis Obispo, 805-781-9974.
RESINATION AND KENNY TAYLOR: CONCERTS IN THE PLAZA Free live music. Family-friendly. Food/drink available. Free bike valet parking. July 5 5-8 p.m. Free. Mission Plaza, Downtown, San Luis Obispo.
Rose’s Pawn Shop (Americana/folkrock/bluegrass). Free bike valet. Aug. 2 5-8 p.m. Free. DowntownSLO.com/ Concerts. Mission Plaza, Downtown, San Luis Obispo.
OPEN MIC Open Mic with a featured act, LA-based touring artist Mike Vitale, with special guests Ynana Rose, Servet, and Leslie Thompson. No cover. Musicians are welcome to play originals or covers. Sign up in advance at stevekey57@gmail.com, or just show up. June 5 6:30-9 p.m. Free. 805-2046821. songwritersatplay.com/events.
Humdinger Brewing (SLO), 855 Capitolio Way, suite 1, San Luis Obispo.
2024 LIVE AT THE LIGHTHOUSE CONCERT SERIES These Saturday afternoon concerts are limited and will sell out, so make your purchase early to secure your spot. Saturdays, 2:30-5 p.m. through Oct. 12 my805tix.com. Point San Luis Lighthouse, 1 Lighthouse Rd., Avila Beach.
Singer-songwriter Tim Bluhm, front man for the band Mother Hips. With the band, Bluhm helped to define a new breed of California soul with nine studio albums. The Co is Brothers pride themselves on their honest, heartfelt roots-rock sound, with an emphasis on the roots. July 25 , 6:30-9 p.m. Tickets start at $62. 805-781-3009. festivalmozaic.org. DANA Adobe Cultural Center, 671 S. Oakglen Ave., Nipomo.
Quarteto Nuevo merges western classical, eastern European folk, Latin, and jazz with an organic feel that “packs a wallop!” The ensemble’s razor-sharp precision is enhanced by jazzy interludes, lightly rumbling percussion motifs, and mesmerizing rhythms. July 21 , 2-4 p.m. Tickets start at $62. 805-781-3009. festivalmozaic. org. See Canyon Fruit Ranch, 2345 See Canyon Rd., Avila Beach.
MARCI JEAN AND THE FEVER With Valerie Johnson and the Voodoo DooDads. Presented by Basin Street Regulars. May 26 , 1 p.m. my805tix.com/. Pismo Beach Veterans Memorial Hall, 780 Bello St., Pismo Beach.
The City of Pismo Beach Recreation Division proudly presents the Pacific Breeze Concerts at Pismo Beach Rotary Amphitheater at Dinosaur Caves Park. This three show summer series will feature exceptional regional musical groups as well as special family activities. Food available for purchase. June 8 1-4 p.m. Free. pismobeach.org.
Dinosaur Caves Park, 2701 Price St, Pismo Beach.
CORN SHUCKERS The City of Pismo Beach Recreation Division proudly presents the Pacific Breeze Concerts at Pismo Beach Rotary Amphitheater at Dinosaur Caves Park. This three show summer series will feature exceptional regional musical groups as well as special family activities. Food available for purchase. July 14 , 1-4 p.m. Free. pismobeach.org. Dinosaur Caves Park, 2701 Price St, Pismo Beach.
BROTHERS Singer-songwriter Tim Bluhm is the frontman for the nowiconic band Mother Hips. With the band, Bluhm helped to define a new breed of California soul with nine studio albums over two-and-a-half decades. July 25 , 6:30 p.m. $62. 805-781-3009. festivalmozaic.org. DANA Adobe Cultural Center, 671 S. Oakglen Ave., Nipomo.
HAPPY HOUR MUSIC SERIES Enjoy live music at the winery most Friday evenings. Check site for concert schedule. Fridays presquilewine.com. Presqu’ile Winery, 5391 Presqu’ile Dr., Santa Maria, 805-937-8110.
JINEANNE CODERRE LIVE Part of the Happy Hour Music Series. May 31 5-7:30 p.m. Presqu’ile Winery, 5391 Presqu’ile Dr., Santa Maria, 805-937-8110, presquilewine.com.
HERSH Cellist Alexander Hersh is joined by pianist Susan Grace for a recital of works for cello and piano. July 25 noon Free; suggested $10 donation. 805-781-3009. festivalmozaic.org. Allan Hancock College, 800 S. College Drive, Santa Maria.
MUSIC AT ROSCOE’S KITCHEN Live DJ and karaoke every Friday and Saturday night. Featured acts include Soul Fyah Band, DJ Nasty, DJ Jovas, and more. Fridays, Saturdays, 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Roscoe’s Kitchen, 229 Town Center E, Santa Maria, 805-623-8866.
WILL BREMAN LIVE Part of the Happy Hour Music Series. June 7, 5 p.m. and June 14 5 p.m. Presqu’ile Winery, 5391 Presqu’ile Dr., Santa Maria, 805-937-8110, presquilewine.com.
LIVE MUSIC SUNDAYS Sundays, 2-6 p.m. Brick Barn Wine Estate, 795 W. Hwy 246, Buellton, 805-686-1208, brickbarnwineestate.com.
MUSIC IN THE GARDEN This ongoing summer concert series spotlights a variety of musical acts. Afternoon performances held on various Sunday afternoons throughout the summer.
June 2- Sept. 1 Solvang Festival Theater, 420 2nd St., Solvang, 805-686-1789.
WINE DOWN WEDNESDAYS Wednesdays, 4:30-5:30 p.m. Brick Barn Wine Estate, 795 W. Hwy 246, Buellton, 805-686-1208, brickbarnwineestate.com.
DEATH TRAP A washed up playwright receives a script from a former student and decides to claim it as his own ... “But what to do with the student?” Aug. 16 - Sept. 1 By The Sea Productions, 545 Shasta Ave., Morro Bay, bytheseaproductions.org.
ESCAPING THE LABYRINTH A man falls for a Greek goddess who disappears. He spends his life searching to find her again. July 19 -21 By The Sea
Productions, 545 Shasta Ave., Morro Bay, bytheseaproductions.org.
SLOFUNNY COMEDY SHOW AT FOGHORN BREWHOUSE Lineups are subject to change, but always include five headliners. May 25 , 7 p.m. my805tix. com/. Foghorn Brewhouse, 2940 Main Street, Morro Bay.
SLOFUNNY COMEDY SHOW (MORRO BAY) Lineups are subject to change, but always include five headliners. June 29 7 p.m. and July 27 7 p.m. my805tix.com. Morro Bay Eagles Club, 2988 Main St., Morro Bay, 805-772-1384.
SYLVIA A man adopts a talking dog who competes with his wife for his a ection and attention. June 21 -July 7 By The Sea Productions, 545 Shasta Ave., Morro Bay, bytheseaproductions.org.
COMEDY NIGHT AT MIDNIGHT CELLARS Visit site for tickets and more info. May 31 6 p.m. my805tix.com. Midnight Cellars, 2925 Anderson Road, Paso Robles, 805-239-8904.
IT’S A BOOK! IT’S A PLAY! IT’S A SIGNING! Five California coastal authors will again collaborate to bring their popular “Book Performances” to Morro Bay. Feat. Mara Purl, Anne R. Allen, Tony Piazza, Chrysteen Braun, and Christine Ahern. Meet the authors themselves. June 2 , 1-3 p.m. Free. Coalesce Garden Chapel, 845 Main St., Morro Bay, 805-772-2880.
SHORT FORM IMPROV CLASS AT TOP GRADE COMEDY THEATER Join instructor Charles Charm, an improvisor with 10 years of experience, to learn how to play improvgames. Classes are drop THEATER AND COMEDY continued page 29

e Sunburst Retreat Center in Lompoc will host a complimentary garden tour on Saturday, May 25, at 9 a.m. e free event is led by resident permaculture expert Sean Fennell, who will discuss topics of Earth stewardship, ways to compost, and seeding. Visit sunburst.org to nd out more about the tour.

in only at this time. Shows TBD. Fridays, 6-8 p.m. $25. 530-748-6612. Saunter Yoga and Wellness, 5820 Tra ic Way, Atascadero.
SLOFUNNY COMEDY SHOW Lineups are subject to change, but each show always includes five headliners. May 24 7 p.m., June 28 , 7 p.m. and July 26 , 7 p.m. my805tix.com. JUSTIN Downtown Tasting Room, 811 12th St., Paso Robles, 805-238-6932.
SLOFUNNY COMEDY SHOW (PASO ROBLES) With five headliners. Lineups are subject to change. May 24 7-8:30 p.m. and June 28, 7-8:30 p.m. my805tix.com/. The Park Place, 1216 Park St., Paso Robles.
9 TO 5: THE MUSICAL Set in the late 1970s, this story of friendship and revenge is “outrageous, thoughtprovoking, and even a little romantic.”
Pushed to the boiling point, three female coworkers concoct a plan to get even with their egotistical, lying boss. Wednesdays-Saturdays, 7-9 p.m. and Saturdays, Sundays, 2-4 p.m. through June 30 $20-$40. 805-786-2440. slorep. org/shows/9-to-5-the-musical/. SLO Rep, 888 Morro St., San Luis Obispo.
ACT SUMMER THEATRE CAMPS Visit site for more details on this summer camp series. June 10 - Aug. 5 slorep. org/education/act-theatre-camps/. SLO Rep, 888 Morro St., San Luis Obispo, 805-786-2440.
CAL POLY DRAG CLUB PRESENTS: THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW Who’s ready to give themselves over to absolute pleasure? Enjoy Cal Poly Drag Club’s production of Rocky Horror ; a night of horrifyingly good entertainment
featuring lip-synching, dancing, costuming, props, and audience participation. May 31 6 p.m. $8. 805756-4849. pacslo.org/events/detail/ rockyhorror24. Spanos Theatre, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.
Enter the famous Tower of London for Gilbert and Sullivan’s masterpiece, set during the reign of Henry VIII. This is “the most serious and, perhaps, most beautiful of the Gilbert and Sullivan operas.” June 15 3 p.m. and June 16, 3 p.m. General $30; students and seniors $25. Harold J. Miossi CPAC at Cuesta College, Highway 1, San Luis Obispo.
COMEDY NIGHT A locally produced stand-up comedy show featuring some of the best touring and local comics performing at a beautiful brewery. Third Thursday of every month, 8-10 p.m. $20. 805-540-8300. Bang the Drum Brewery, 1150 Laurel Lane, suite 130, San Luis Obispo, bangthedrumbrewery.com. FESTIVAL MOZAIC PRESENTS PETER AND THE WOLF (FAMILY CONCERT) The Movement Arts Collective once again joins forces with Festival Mozaic to lead this family-friendly performance of Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf in which the narrator tells the story while the orchestra represents the characters with di erent instruments. This concert is open for all ages. July 22 7:30-9:30 p.m. Tickets start at $5. 805-781-3009. festivalmozaic.org. Cuesta College Cultural and Performing Arts Center, Highway 1, San Luis Obispo. HEADLINER RAMSEY BADAWI Presented by Libertine and Bootleg Standup. June 18 8-10 p.m. my805tix. THEATER AND COMEDY continued page 30



com. Libertine Brewing Company, 1234 Broad St., San Luis Obispo, 805-548-2337.
IMPROV COMEDY SHOW Hosted by Central Coast Comedy Theater. June 8 , 6-8 p.m., June 29 6-8 p.m. and July 6 , 6-8 p.m. my805tix.com. The Bunker SLO, 810 Orcutt Road, San Luis Obispo. Presented by Central Coast Comedy Theater. June 14 6-8 p.m. my805tix. com/. SLO Public Market, 120 Tank Farm Road, San Luis Obispo.
IMPROV COMEDY SHOWS AT THE HUB The show contents will be rotated among the group’s ensemble, house, and musical improv team casts, as well as stand-up and student shows. Fourth Friday of every month, 6 p.m. my805tix. com/. The Hub, 1701 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo.
THE LARAMIE PROJECT A breathtaking collage that explores the depths to which humanity can sink and the heights of compassion of which we are capable. June 13 -15 my805tix.com. CongregationHouse, 11245 Los Osos Valley Road, San Luis Obispo.
THEATER All ages welcome. Doors open at 7 p.m. Aug. 23 8 p.m. fremontslo. com/events/marc-maron-all-in-tour/. The Fremont Theater, 1035 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo, 805-546-8600.
ODDFELLOWS OPEN MIC Bring your music, improv, standup, magic, and dance talents. Each act gets five minutes. Audience votes for favorite. Third Saturday of every month, 7-9 p.m. Free. 805-234-0456. Odd Fellows Hall, 520 Dana St., San Luis Obispo.
OPEN MIC COMEDY Sign-ups at 6:30 p.m. Hosted by Aidan Candelario. Mondays, 7-9 p.m. Free. 805-540-8300. saintsbarrel.com/event-calendar. Saints Barrel Wine Bar, 1021 Higuera St., San Luis Obispo.
SLO COMEDY UNDERGROUND OPEN MIC NIGHT Enjoy a night of laughs provided by the local SLO Comedy Community. It’s open mic night, so anyone can perform and “you never know what you’ll see.” Tuesdays, 8 p.m. Free. Libertine Brewing Company, 1234 Broad St., San Luis Obispo, 805-5482337, libertinebrewing.com.
CREEK With five headliners (subject to change). May 25 , 8-9:30 p.m. and June 29 8-9:30 p.m. my805tix.com/. Dairy Creek Golf Course, 2990 Dairy Creek Rd., San Luis Obispo, 805-782-8060.
GUNSMOKIN’ July 12- Sept. 7 Great American Melodrama, 1863 Front St., Oceano.
HELLO, DOLLY! Step into a world of glamour, romance, and toe-tapping tunes as AGHS Theatre Company proudly presents this timeless Broadway classic set in the bustling streets of New York City at the turn of the 20th century. This beloved musical follows matchmaker Dolly Levi. May 23 , 7-9 p.m. and May 25 2-4 p.m. $14-$20. 805-489-9444. clarkcenter.org/shows/ ahgs-theatre-hello-dolly/. Clark Center for the Performing Arts, 487 Fair Oaks Ave., Arroyo Grande.
NEW PLAY FESTIVAL Discover the future of theater with AGHS Theatre Company’s thrilling annual New Play Festival. Designed to showcase the talents of emerging playwrights, while presenting a collection of fresh
and innovative works that push the boundaries of storytelling. Enjoy thought-provoking dramas and heartwarming comedies. June 1 , 7-9:30 p.m. $10-$15. 805-489-9444. clarkcenter. org/shows/aghs-theatre-new-playfestival/. Clark Center for the Performing Arts, 487 Fair Oaks Ave., Arroyo Grande.
THE PIRATE AND FIREBIRD Presented by Everybody Can DANCE. June 8 , 7 p.m. and June 9 3 p.m. $20-$30. Clark Center for the Performing Arts, 487 Fair Oaks Ave., Arroyo Grande, 805-489-9444, clarkcenter.org.
PIRATES OF PISMO A-GO-GO Through July 6 Great American Melodrama, 1863 Front St., Oceano.
WEREWOLF OF ARROYO GRANDE Sept. 13 - Nov. 9 Great American Melodrama, 1863 Front St., Oceano.
THE AGITATORS PCPA’s take on Mat Smart’s acclaimed play. Aug. 22-25 Marian Theatre, 800 S. College Dr., Santa Maria, pcpa.org.
CABARET PCPA’s iteration of the iconic musical. July 18 -27 Marian Theatre, 800 S. College Dr., Santa Maria, pcpa.org.
GODSPELL A musical retelling of the Gospel according to Matthew. This extravaganza from the creator of Wicked is a must-see. Presented by SMCT. Aug. 9-25 smct.org. Santa Maria Civic Theatre, 1660 N. McClelland St., Santa Maria.
THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG Performances follow at the Solvang Festival Theater, July 12-28. Presented by PCPA. June 27-30 Marian Theatre, 800 S. College Dr., Santa Maria, pcpa.org.
THE AGITATORS PCPA’s take on Mat Smart’s acclaimed play. Aug. 29 - Sept. 8 Solvang Festival Theater, 420 2nd St., Solvang, 805-686-1789.
CABARET The iconic musical. Presented by PCPA. Aug. 2-25 Solvang Festival Theater, 420 2nd St., Solvang, 805-686-1789.
THE LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS The hit sci-fi horror comedy, with songs by lyricist Howard Ashman and composer Alan Menken. Presented by PCPA. July 12-28 Solvang Festival Theater, 420 2nd St., Solvang, 805-686-1789.
THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG July 12-28 Solvang Festival Theater, 420 2nd St., Solvang, 805-686-1789.
A show of new works by California artist, Anne Seltzer. She will show her collection of story paintings based on her everyday life. July 6 , 5-8 p.m. Free. 805-203-5950. patrickgalleryexhibitions. com/upcoming-exhibitions. Patrick Gallery, 815 Main Street, unit C, Cambria.
AUGUST ARTISTS RECEPTION AND ATRIUM PARTY Come meet the artists, be inspired, enjoy food, refreshments, a tree filled atrium, and all the businesses in Marina Square. Featuring Virginia Mack, Gay McNeal, and Marjorie Zlotowitz. Aug. 10, 3-5 p.m. Free. 805-772-1068. galleryatmarinasquare. com. Gallery at Marina Square, 601 Embarcadero suite 10, Morro Bay. CENTRAL COAST ARTISTS
COLLECTIVE Three artist groups of the Central Coast Artists Collective (photographers, sculptors, and craftmakers) show selected works by members in this annual exhibition. Through June 24, 12-4 p.m. Free. 805772-2504. artcentermorrobay.org/. Art Center Morro Bay, 835 Main St., Morro Bay.
Learn the art of wood carving or wood burning. Join Central Coast Wood Carvers in Morro Bay at St. Timothy’s. Open for beginners, intermediate, or advance. Learn a wide range of techniques and skills. Tuesdays, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. St. Timothy’s Catholic Church, 962 Piney Way, Morro Bay, 805-772-2840, sttimothymorrobay.org/ index.html.
Listen to music while enjoying an afternoon of creativity, sipping, and mingling. The party includes a complimentary glass of wine and canvas with materials. Saturdays, 12-2 p.m. $55. 805-394-5560. coastalwineandpaint.com. Harmony Cafe at the Pewter Plough, 824 Main St., Cambria.
DRAWING/PAINTING GROUP CCA holds still life drawing/painting sessions in the Green Room at Cambria Center for the Arts. You will need to bring your own supplies, including an easel if you choose to paint. Fourth Thursday of every month, 1-3:30 p.m. through Feb. 25 $10. 805-927-8190. cambriacenterforthearts.org. Cambria Center for the Arts, 1350 Main St., Cambria.
The Cuesta College Emeritus College art students are showcasing their watercolors and drawings at Buttercup Bakery through the end of May. Come by and enjoy a croissant and some wonderful artwork by older artists from classes hosted by the Morro Bay Senior Center. Mondays, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. through June 1 Varies. morrobayseniors.org. Buttercup Bakery and Cafe, 430 Morro Bay Blvd., Morro Bay.
FIBER AND TEXTILES BY DEBBIE GEDAYLOO A self-taught artist who uses observations of the natural world as inspiration. May 30 -June 29, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. 805-772-1068. galleryatmarinasquare.com. Gallery at Marina Square, 601 Embarcadero suite 10, Morro Bay.
FINE ART ACRYLIC PAINTINGS BY HEMA SUKUMAR “The world is full of vibrant colors and hues. As a person and artist, I am drawn to color.” Features work on canvas, paper, and metal. Mondays, Wednesdays-Sundays, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. through May 29 Free. 805-772-1068. galleryatmarinasquare. com. Gallery at Marina Square, 601 Embarcadero suite 10, Morro Bay.
FINE ART TEXTILES BY GAY MCNEAL This artist appreciates the multifaceted role that textiles have played in the art and material cultures of many societies. Her creative high comes from the process of trying out the multitude of techniques, both old and new, to create art and quilts. July 30 - Aug. 29, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. 805-772-1068. galleryatmarinasquare.com. Gallery at Marina Square, 601 Embarcadero suite 10, Morro Bay.
FINE ART WATERCOLORS BY VIRGINIA MACK This artist’s inspiration comes from nature. Her passion is enjoying natural areas wherever she is and responding to each area through her paintings and drawings. She has made hundreds of journeys on the bay in her kayak and developed many pieces inspired by those journeys.
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Concerts in the Plaza 2024 will kick o on Friday, June 21, at 5 p.m. in Mission Plaza in San Luis Obispo and will continue Friday evenings through Sept. 6. e series, presented by Sunset Honda and hosted by Downtown SLO, includes free outdoor shows from various acts. Visit downtownslo. com for the series’ full concert lineup.
SUMMER ART from page 30
July 30 - Aug. 29 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. 805-772-1068. galleryatmarinasquare. com. Gallery at Marina Square, 601 Embarcadero suite 10, Morro Bay.
Join us at the gallery, for a few hours to travel on a creative paint journey. You will receive as much or as little instruction as you prefer. No artistic experience is necessary. Saturdays, 7-9 p.m. $45. 805-772-9095. Forever Stoked, 1164 Quintana Rd., Morro Bay.
“Ever since we humans figured out how to string stones and bones, we’ve adorned ourselves with things we find aesthetically pleasing.” This artist loves the colors, shapes, and textures of natural stones, various metals, and vintage beads. July 30 - Aug. 29 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. 805-772-1068. galleryatmarinasquare.com. Gallery at Marina Square, 601 Embarcadero suite 10, Morro Bay.
JULY ARTISTS RECEPTION AND ATRIUM PARTY Featuring Patricia Newton, Gregory Siragusa, and Ardella Swanberg with their paintings, photography, and crafts, respectively.
July 13 3-5 p.m. Free. 805-772-1068. galleryatmarinasquare.com. Gallery at Marina Square, 601 Embarcadero suite 10, Morro Bay.
JUNE ARTISTS RECEPTION AND ATRIUM PARTY Featuring Cathy Russ, Debbie Gedayloo, and Kristina Albion with their photography, textiles, and bags, respectively. June 8 , 3-5 p.m. Free. 805-772-1068. galleryatmarinasquare.com. Gallery at Marina Square, 601 Embarcadero suite 10, Morro Bay.
JOHNSON Johnson is a passionate artist, known for abstracting reality. His work all starts from photos and embodying “The Sublime.” Mondays, Wednesdays-Sundays, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. through May 29 Free. 805-772-1068. galleryatmarinasquare.com. Gallery at Marina Square, 601 Embarcadero suite 10, Morro Bay.
MOSAIC GARDEN POLE Create a stunning mosaic garden pole in this weekend long event. You’ll learn all the ins and outs of mosaics, so
this workshop is open to all skill levels. Preregistration required. All supplies included to finish the pole. Sept. 13 4 p.m. $275. 805-286-5993. creativemetime.com. Art Center Morro Bay, 835 Main St., Morro Bay. OIL PAINTINGS BY PATRICIA NEWTON Newton’s style is representational, “utilizing a glazing technique to create a translucent effect that provides depth and emanates light from my paintings.” June 30 - July 29 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. 805-772-1068. galleryatmarinasquare. com. Gallery at Marina Square, 601 Embarcadero suite 10, Morro Bay.
PHOTOGRAPHER CATHY RUSS Russ is a photographer living in Morro Bay whose photography has taken her around the world for decades. Her work features rural and urban scenes, landscapes, wild animals, and much more. Her work is printed on paper, metal, and canvas. May 30 -June 29, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. 805-772-1068. galleryatmarinasquare.com. Gallery at Marina Square, 601 Embarcadero suite 10, Morro Bay.
PHOTOGRAPHY BY GREGORY SIRAGUSA This artist prefers photography of subjects that are subtle or commonplace, “revealing beauty that often goes unnoticed.” But his portfolio also exhibits grandeur, capturing memorable landscapes and birds whose wings regularly touch the sky. Work is printed on metal, canvas, and paper. June 30 -July 29, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. 805-772-1068. galleryatmarinasquare.com. Gallery at Marina Square, 601 Embarcadero suite 10, Morro Bay.
PORCELAIN CERAMICS BY THOMAS BROWN Brown’s constant endeavor in the subject of ceramics is to produce new, exciting colors and versions of crystalline-glazed pieces that are “well made, beautiful, and functional.”
Mondays, Wednesdays-Sundays, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. through May 29 Free. 805-772-1068. galleryatmarinasquare. com. Gallery at Marina Square, 601 Embarcadero suite 10, Morro Bay.
GROUP Learn the basic tools for using the iPad app, Procreate. Every month, group focuses on a di erent way to
use Procreate, sometimes starting with a “how-to” video. Join a supportive community and navigate the digital world together. First Wednesday of every month, 1-3 p.m. through March 6 $10. 805-927-8190. cambriaarts.org. Cambria Center for the Arts, 1350 Main St., Cambria.
BY ARDELLA SWANBERG Swanberg paints in watercolor and acrylic. She also draws and creates books, dolls, and dioramas. Her paintings feature representational scenes from around the world and creative abstract ideas of form, shape, and color. June 30 -July 29 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. 805-772-1068. galleryatmarinasquare.com. Gallery at Marina Square, 601 Embarcadero suite 10, Morro Bay.
BY KRISTINA ALBION Kristina Albion has been inspired to create art, bags, crafts, wearable art, and home decor using cloth, fiber, stone, leather, paint, and hard work. She creates amazing wearable art and home goods using a variety of mediums, textiles, stone, leather, and more. May 30 -31, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. 805-772-1068. galleryatmarinasquare.com. Gallery at Marina Square, 601 Embarcadero suite 10, Morro Bay.
WORLD OF WHIMSY: THE ART OF JOHN WHITTAKER Cambria artist John Whittaker moved to California from England in 1987. Since then, he has used light and color, along with a touch of surreality and illusion, to create a whimsical and thought provoking world all his own. May 25 -June 8 Free. 805203-5950. patrickgalleryexhibitions. com/upcoming-exhibitions. Patrick Gallery, 815 Main Street, unit C, Cambria.
ADULT DRAWING AND PAINTING WITH DIANE Join to learn a new skill or dust o those pencils, paints, and brushes and get back into art with Diane, as she personally guides you through your artistic journey. Mondays, 10-11 a.m. through May 27 $20-$180. 805400-9107. artsocial805.com. ArtSocial 805 Creative Campus, 3340 Ramada Drive, suite 2C, Paso Robles.
SUMMER ART continued page 32

THE ART OF RUSTY SMITH See the work of Rusty Smith, a self-taught artist who specializes in a diverse variety of work, from naturalistic paintings to abstract metal sculptures. Through June 30 Free. 805-238-9800. studiosonthepark.org/events/the-artof-rusty-smith/. Studios on the Park, 1130 Pine St., Paso Robles.
BRUSHES AND BLOOMS AT HAMBLY LAVENDER FARM Join Art Social 805 at Hambly Lavender Farm for a morning of artistic creativity. June 1 , 10 a.m.-noon my805tix.com. Hambly Farms, 1390 Grana Place, San Miguel.
CAMP, PAINT, AND SIP AT SUN OUTDOORS PASO ROBLES WITH ARTSOCIAL 805 Please join ArtSocial 805 for a Memorial Day paint event. Event fee is $42 which includes all painting materials to create your masterpiece. Discounted drinks available for purchase at the clubhouse bar. May 25 , 3-5 p.m. $42. 805-400-9107. artsocial805.com. Sun Outdoors Paso Robles, 3800 Golden Hill Road, Paso Robles.
OPEN DAILY Features a large selection of encaustic art, sculpted paintings, art installations, acrylic palette knife paintings, digital art, glass, jewelry, stones, fossils, and a butterfly sculpture garden. ongoing DepriseBrescia.com. Deprise Brescia Art Gallery, 829 10th St., Paso Robles, 310-621-7543.
FIRST SATURDAY: WINE, ART, AND MUSIC Studios on the Park celebrates First Saturdays, a fun tradition of art, wine, and live music-filled evenings at the start of each month. Enjoy meeting artists and seeing rotating exhibitions while enjoying live music and wine from one of the venue’s winery partners.
First Saturday of every month, 6-9 p.m. Free; $10 for wine. 805-238-9800. studiosonthepark.org. Studios on the Park, 1130 Pine St., Paso Robles.
FUSED GLASS BEE STAKE: FUNDRAISER FOR CENTRAL COAST BEEKEEPERS ALLIANCE Create a fused glass bee-themed garden stake using a variety of glass during this fundraiser. Finished pieces can be hung or a metal stake can be glued to the back. Pieces will be ready for pick-up within the week. 50 percent of fee goes to CCBA. May 29, 10 a.m.-noon & 1-3 p.m. $100. 805-464-2633. glassheadstudio.com. Glasshead Studio, 8793 Plata Lane, Suite H, Atascadero.
Live Figure Drawing sessions hosted on the third Thursday of each month. Open to all artists ages 18 and older. Please bring your own art supplies. We will have chairs, tables, and a nude model to sketch. Note: no class in December. Third Thursday of every month, 1-4 p.m. $20. 805-238-9800. studiosonthepark. org/classes-workshops/. Studios on the Park, 1130 Pine St., Paso Robles.
POETIC PRINTS EXHIBITION In collaboration with the Central Coast Printmakers and local poets, this exhibition explores creativity across mediums. Printmakers chose poems to inspire the works of art featured in this show. Through June 30 Free. 805-2389800. studiosonthepark.org/events/
poetic-prints/. Studios on the Park, 1130 Pine St., Paso Robles.
GALLERY ON PINE Open most Saturdays and by appointment. Gallery is showing three local printmakers: Susan Lyon, Kathy Madonna, and Maryanne Nucci. Saturdays, 2-5 p.m. 805-440-7152. Pocket Gallery on Pine, 8491/2 13th Street, Paso Robles.
SESSIONS Use clay sculpting, ceramic tiles, textile art, paper crafts, watercolors, and more. You’ll be amazed as we unravel the secrets of color theory, famous artists, time periods, and techniques. Every other Monday, 2:30-4 p.m. through May 27 $25. 805-400-9107. artsocial805.com. ArtSocial 805 Creative Campus, 3340 Ramada Drive, suite 2C, Paso Robles.
STUDIOS ON THE PARK: CLASSES AND WORKSHOPS Check site for a variety of classes and workshops o ered. ongoing studiosonthepark.org. Studios on the Park, 1130 Pine St., Paso Robles, 805-238-9800.
SUMMER ART CAMP (SESSION 1) AT THE ARTSOCIAL 805 CREATIVE CAMPUS Enjoy a fun week at art camp catering to ages 7 and up. Drawing, painting, clay, mixed media, and more are at your fingertips during this four day camp. June 17-20, 10 a.m.-noon $140 for the week or $40 per day. 805-400-9107. artsocial805.com. ArtSocial 805 Creative Campus, 631 Spring St., Paso Robles. WESTERN ART EXHIBIT Featuring the meticulously handcrafted mosaic and painted cow and coyote skulls of guest artist Ernie Bentley, along with original paintings, unique jewelry, sculpture, ceramics, and so much
more. July 1 - Aug. 31 11 a.m.-6 p.m., July 6 , 6-9 p.m. and Aug. 3 6-9 p.m. Free. 805-286-4430. Park Street Gallery, 1320 Park Street, Paso Robles, parkstreetgallery.com.
ACTOR’S EDGE: ACTING CLASSES Actor’s Edge o ers film and television acting training in San Luis Obispo, plus exposure to Los Angeles talent agents. All ages and skill levels welcome. Classes available in SLO, LA, and on zoom. ongoing $210 per month. actorsedge.com. Online, See website, San Luis Obispo.
ADAM PARKER SMITH: FOR THE TIME BEING This exhibition will feature several works made throughout the artist’s career as sort of a mid-career retrospective. Adam Parker Smith has a unique ability to address complex themes in a whimsical, light-hearted way that makes his work incredibly accessible. Through July 7, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. 805-543-8562. sloma.org/ exhibition/adam-parker-smith/. San Luis Obispo Museum of Art, 1010 Broad St., San Luis Obispo.
ALL AGES SCULPTING WITH JOHN ROULLARD John a retired school teacher who patiently guides potters of all ages to sculpt and work on details and design. Saturdays, 1:30-3 p.m. $40. anamcre.com. Anam Cre Pottery Studio, 1243 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo.
ALL LEVELS POTTERY CLASSES Anam Cre is a pottery studio in SLO that o ers a variety of classes. This specific class is open to any level. Teachers are present for questions, but the class feels more like an open studio time for potters. Thursdays, 6-8 p.m. $40. Anam Cre
Pottery Studio, 1243 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo, anamcre.com.
APRIL BANKS: OUTLANDISH Los Angeles-based artist April Banks is a creative strategist working across visual art, social engagement, and exhibition design. Her practice sits intentionally between image, space, and experience. Through July 29, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. 805543-8562. sloma.org/exhibition/aprilbanks/. San Luis Obispo Museum of Art, 1010 Broad St., San Luis Obispo.
ART HISTORY MIXED MEDIA FOR KIDS WITH SPENCER COLLINS This is a class for students who are looking to expand their knowledge about art history while having fun. Di erent mediums will be explored each time.
Ages 9-12 June 16 , 2:30-3:30 p.m., June
30 2:30-3:30 p.m. and July 14 , 2:30-3:30 p.m. $35 per class or $75 for entire series. artcentralslo.com. Art Central, 1329 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo, 805-747-4200.
BARRY GOYETTE: MULBERRY For his exhibition at SLOMA, San Luis Obispo-based artist Barry Goyette shows a series of portraits taken by a very specific mulberry tree as a site for portrait photography guided by the models, of varying stages of life. Through June 3, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. 805-543-8562. sloma.org/exhibition/ barry-goyette-mulberry/. San Luis Obispo Museum of Art, 1010 Broad St., San Luis Obispo.
BEYOND THE BASICS OF WATERCOLOR WITH VIRGINIA MACK This is a class for those who love imagining ways to further their visual expressions. A watercolor-based course, but one that branches out into other media. Third Wednesday of every
month, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and Fourth Thursday of every month, 10:30 a.m.12:30 p.m. $35 per class. 805-747-4200. artcentralslo.com. Art Central, 1329 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo. CERAMIC LESSONS AND MORE Now o ering private one-on-one and group lessons in the ceramic arts. Both hand building and wheel throwing options. Beginners welcomed. ongoing 805-8355893. hmcruceceramics.com/. Online, See website, San Luis Obispo. CLAY BABY HANDPRINTS O ers a unique experience of pressing your baby’s hand/foot into clay so parents can cherish this time forever. Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Sundays $55. anamcre.com/baby-handprints. Anam Cre Pottery Studio, 1243 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo.
CRASH COURSE IN CRAFTS FOR KIDS WITH SPENCER COLLINS In this one-hour class, students will learn a fun craft with new mediums each time. This is a biweekly series with three sessions. Parents are welcome to join their children for craft making. Ages 6-9. June 2 12:30-1:30 p.m., June 16 12:30-1:30 p.m. and June 30, 12:30-1:30 p.m. $35 per class or $75 for entire series. artcentralslo.com. Art Central, 1329 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo, 805-747-4200.
CREATIVITY DAYS WITH THE SILK ARTISTS OF CALIFORNIA CENTRAL COAST These are not “classes” as there is no formal teaching (although there is lots of sharing and learning). It’s an opportunity to work on your own projects with your own materials while picking up new skills among friends. Third Monday of every month $3; first SUMMER ART continued page 33

Templeton Tennis Ranch is hosting its Kids Summer Camps with eight sessions to choose from between Monday, June 10, and Wednesday, Aug. 14. Campers ages 5 to 12 will have the opportunity to play tennis, pickleball, and bocce with instruction from pros on-site. Visit ttrtennis.com to nd out more about the program.

the upcoming

05/28/24 - Open for tours 05/26/24
06/09/24- - Open for tours 06/09/24
06/14/24 - Intro of the new garden brochure
06/14/24 - Ice cream social & Craid Kincaid Band 07/14/24
06/14/24 - Open for tours 07/28/24
08/11/24 - International Tea Party and treats 08/11/24

09/15/24 - Garden Rail road & The Wavebreakers Band 09/15/24 12/01/24, 12/08/24, 12/25/24 10/13/24, 10/27/24, 11/10/24 Enjoy

05/28/24 - Open for tours 08/25/24 05/28/24 - Open for tours 09/29/24
session free. artcentralslo.com. Art Central, 1329 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo, 805-747-4200.
Learn how to get gorgeous blue colors using a variety of tools, plants, stencils, and the sun. It’s easy; no experience is necessary. Wear clothes you don’t mind accidently turning blue and watch the transformation of colors. June 22 , 1-4 p.m. $35. 219-299-9266. artcentralslo.com. Art Central, 1329 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo.
DATE NIGHT POTTERY Bring your date and throw a cup on the pottery wheel. Next, texture a clay slab and press into a form creating a personalized piece. Guest are welcome to bring drinks; venue provides aprons. Pieces are fired, glazed, and ready in two weeks. Saturdays, 6-6:30 p.m. $140. anamcre. com. Anam Cre Pottery Studio, 1243 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo.
In this three-hour class, you’ll be instructed step-by-step to paint an acrylic desert landscape. Beginners are welcome and no experience is necessary. July 13 , 1:30-4:30 p.m. $40. 805-478-2158. artcentralslo.com. Art Central, 1329 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo.
FESTIVAL Inspired by the true story of composer Joseph Bologne, Chevalier de Saint-Georges. The illegitimate son of an African slave and a French plantation owner, Bologne (Kelvin Harrison Jr. in

a tour de force performance) rises to improbable heights in French society. July 22 7:30-9:30 p.m. Suggested donation of $10. 805-781-3009. festivalmozaic.org. Palm Theatre, 817 Palm St, San Luis Obispo.
FESTIVAL MOZAIC PRESENTS THE FILM: EARL Earl Kim is an American composer who was born into abject poverty. As a child, music transformed his life. He learned the keyboard from a church organist and later studied with a Los Angeles composer and teacher free of charge for seven years. July 26 , 2-4 p.m. Suggested donation of $10. 805-781-3009. festivalmozaic. org. Palm Theatre, 817 Palm St, San Luis Obispo.
FOUR-WEEK ADULT HANDBUILDING AND WHEEL SERIES Learning both handbuilding and wheel throwing techniques. Students will get a taste of all things clay in this four-week series. Clay/firing included; beginner friendly. Please sign up online in advance. This series is o ered each month (check website for availability). First Saturday of every month, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. $180. anamcre.com/booking. Anam Cre Pottery Studio, 1243 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo.
FREE DEMO WITH CHUCK CROTSER Let Crotser show you how to explore di erent drawing and sketching techniques using a variety of media, and take a peek into his colorful world of composition, design, and perspective. This demo is aimed at children ages 8 and up. Beginners welcome. June 22 1-2 p.m. Free. 805-471-5967. artcentralslo.com. Art Central, 1329 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo. SUMMER ART continued page 34



FREE DOCENT TOURS Gain a deeper understanding of the artwork on view with SLOMA’s new docent tours. Every Saturday, join trained guides for interactive and engaging tours of SLOMA’s current exhibitions. Saturdays, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. 805-543-8562. sloma. org/visit/tours/. San Luis Obispo Museum of Art, 1010 Broad St., San Luis Obispo.
JAPANESE CALLIGRAPHY AND ART Owen and Kyoko Hunt from Kyoto, Japan o er classes for Japanese calligraphy (Fridays, 5:30-6:30 p.m.), a Japanese art called “haiga” (Fridays, 10-11:30 a.m.) and more at Nesting Hawk Ranch. Fridays $45. 702-335-0730. Nesting Hawk Ranch, Call for address, San Luis Obispo.

LEARN TO WEAVE MONDAYS An opportunity to learn how a four-shaft loom works. You will get acquainted as a new weaver or as a refresher with lots of tips and tricks. This class includes getting to know a loom, how to prepare/ dress a loom, and much much more. Mondays, 1-4 p.m. $75 monthly. 805-4418257. Patricia Martin: Whispering Vista Studios, 224 Squire Canyon Rd, San Luis Obispo, patriciamartinartist.com.

THE MAMA TEMPLE Includes contributions of art, stories, and experience that challenge the narrative of motherhood. This collaboration of art and story has a message of healing and reconciliation for ourselves and others. Motherhood events/workshops are held during July. July 5 -31, 5-8 p.m. themamatemple.org/work/julyevents. The Bunker SLO, 810 Orcutt Road, San Luis Obispo.

This series is a great intro to the pottery wheel. Students learn to throw various shapes, surface decorate, and glaze. Clay and firing included with admission. Thursdays, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. $180. anamcre.com. Anam Cre Pottery Studio, 1243 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo.
This weekly sculpture drop-in class gives an opportunity for potters to take on new projects and learn new techniques relating to sculptural work. Additionally, every first Friday of the month, a new project will be taught by Rod Perez for beginners. Fridays, 10 a.m.-noon $40. anamcre.com. Anam Cre Pottery Studio, 1243 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo.
SECOND SATURDAYS SLOMA’s Second Saturdays program encourages intergenerational learning and creative expression for children of all ages. Families are invited to SLOMA’s lawn to learn about the visual arts together using unique activity kits and create an art project inspired by current exhibitions. Second Saturday of every month, 11-1 a.m. through Dec. 14 Free. 805-543-8562. sloma.org/events/ second-saturdays/. San Luis Obispo Museum of Art, 1010 Broad St., San Luis Obispo.
SLO LEZ B FRIENDS (VIRTUALLY VIA ZOOM) A good core group of friends who gather to discuss topics we love/ care about from movies, outings, music, or being new to the area. We come from all walks of life and most importantly support each other. Transgender and Nonbinary folks welcome. Third Friday of every month, 6:30-9 p.m. Free. sloqueer.groups.io/g/lezbfriends. Online, See website, San Luis Obispo.
information, follow on Facebook at Bishop’s Peak EGA or visit the EGA website. Third Saturday of every month, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. through Nov. 16 Free. egausa.com. Grover Beach Community Center, 1230 Trouville Ave., Grover Beach, 805-773-4832.
RECITAL A dance and music spectacular, featuring the students of Flex Performing Arts. June 21 , 6-8 p.m., June 22 , 1-3 & 6:30-8:30 p.m. and June 23 , 3-5 p.m. 805-904-4741. flexperformingarts.com. Clark Center for the Performing Arts, 487 Fair Oaks Ave., Arroyo Grande.
GALLERY AT MONARCH DUNES: SECOND QUARTER ART DISPLAY The Gallery at Monarch Dunes at Trilogy at Monarch Dunes in Nipomo displays 22 original artworks from 15 Trilogy artist residents. The art displayed ranges from traditional to ethereal abstract compositions. They cover a wide media including acrylic, glass fusion, and photography. May 25 1-3 p.m. Gallery at Monarch Dunes, 1640 Trilogy Parkway, Nipomo, 805-343-7500.
MOSAIC ART WORKSHOP Make mosaic art for your home and garden at this weekend workshop. All skill levels welcome. Learn how to use basic tools and proven techniques to complete your project. Choose your project online. July 13 , 9 a.m.-5 p.m. and July 14 10 a.m.-1 p.m. $205. 805-440-3054. passifloramosaics. com. Passiflora Mosaics, 330 N. 10th St., Grover Beach.
ANTIPHONY Celestial Antiphony creates a cycle of beats on the fingers and illustrates a childhood shortcut for praying the Rosary when beads have gone missing. The artist has returned to the modular, rhythmic orb-based practice of prayer, which transcends boundaries of faith and constructs of time. Aug. 2- Nov. 11 Free. 805-5438562. sloma.org/exhibition/mariamolteni/. San Luis Obispo Museum of Art, 1010 Broad St., San Luis Obispo.
In this workshop, you’ll receive step by step instruction for creating a beautifully detailed landscape collage, using a variety of hand painted papers. June 15 , 10:30 a.m.-4 p.m. $60. 805-4782158. artcentralslo.com. Art Central, 1329 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo.
MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPE USING INK AND INKTENSE WITH LINDA CUNNINGHAM During this three-hour class, you’ll receive step-by-step instructions for creating a mountain landscape on mixed media paper using Inktense pencils activated with water and black ink. Beginners are welcome. June 23 12:30-3:30 p.m. $40. 805-4782158. artcentralslo.com. Art Central, 1329
Monterey St., San Luis Obispo.
PAINTING THE FLOWER MOON WITH DREW DAVIS Visit site for more details on this upcoming workshop. May 23 6-8 p.m. my805tix.com/. Drew Davis Fine Art, 393 Pacific St., San Luis Obispo. PARENT-CHILD POTTERY CLASS Make lasting memories with clay together as a family. For ages 6 and over. Thursdays, 10:30 a.m.-noon $70. Anam Cre Pottery Studio, 1243 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo, anamcre.com.
SLO NIGHTWRITERS: A COMMUNITY OF WRITERS SLO NightWriters supports local writers with monthly presentations, critique groups, contests, and other events. Second Tuesday of every month, 6:30-8 p.m. Free. 805-7033132. slonightwriters.org. Online, See website, San Luis Obispo.
VIRGINIA MACK: BEGINNING WATERCOLOR This is a watercolor class designed to let you jump in and try out this engaging medium through experimentation. It’s designed for beginners and those with watercolor experience who wish to expand their knowledge of painting in watercolors. To enroll please contact Mack via email: vbmack@charter.net Wednesdays, 1:30-3:30 p.m. $35. 805-747-4200. artcentralslo.com/workshops-events/. Art Central, 1329 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo.
WHOSE WATERS? This Gray Wing exhibition will build upon the photojournalistic work of Southern California artist Gabriella AngottiJones whose I Just Wanna Surf book highlights Black female and non-binary surfers and other unseen or outright ignored communities that ride the waves o the Golden State. July 13 - Oct. 20 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. 805-543-8562. sloma.org/exhibition/surf-show/. San Luis Obispo Museum of Art, 1010 Broad St., San Luis Obispo.
YOUTH POTTERY CLASS Teens love this class. Learn handbuilding techniques and throwing on the potter’s wheel. Held every Friday after school. Fridays, 3:30-5 p.m. $40. anamcre.com. Anam Cre Pottery Studio, 1243 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo.
The Bishop’s Peak Chapter of the Embroiderer’s Guild of America invites you to attend its meeting on the third Saturday of each month. For more
FEATURED ARTIST: LINDA NELSON Showcasing artwork by featured artist Linda Nelson. Through May 31 Free. Santa Maria Airport, 3249 Terminal Dr., Santa Maria.
THE MAGIC OF MY WORLD The Lompoc Valley Art Association’s Cypress Gallery will be featuring The Magic of My World, an artist show by Kristine Kelly. May 30 -June 30 805-737-1129. Cypress Gallery, 119 E Cypress Ave., Lompoc, lompocart.org.
POURING MY HEART OUT Featured Artist Christine Jeszeck shares her art in a variety of mediums and genres at the Cypress Gallery. Artist Reception will be held Thursday, May 2, from 5 to 7 p.m. Thursdays-Sundays, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. through May 26 805-737-1129. Cypress Gallery, 119 E Cypress Ave., Lompoc, lompocart.org.
CALIFORNIA’S CHANGING LANDSCAPE: THE WAY OF WATER Featuring more than 20 large-format documentary inkjet photographs of the Golden State, this timely exhibition showcases George Rose’s recent expansive documentation of California’s dramatic water story. Through July 8 California Nature Art Museum, 1511-B Mission Dr., Solvang, calnatureartmuseum.org.
FAR FROM HOME A solo exhibit of watercolors by artist Martha Inman Lorch that showcase her travels across the globe. She chooses international subjects that catch her eye and imagination. Her unique perspective and watercolor skills make each painting visually enchanting. Reception on June 8, from 2 to 4 p.m. MondaysSundays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. through June 30 805 -688-7517. GalleryLosOlivos.com. Gallery Los Olivos, 2920 Grand Ave., Los Olivos.


SLOPOKE: ART OF THE AMERICAN WEST With 30-35 Juried artists; paintings, sculpture, photography, jewelry depicting western culture and history. Featured Artist: Ezra Tucker, renowned wildlife artist. Features memorial exhibit and sale of Fred Oldfield’s western paintings. Friday Eve: Bluegrass Band and Awards Ceremony.
Sept. 27, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Sept. 28 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sept. 29, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. $25 (refunded against purchase of painting/sculpture). 805-570-8088. the-slopoke.com. Flag is Up Farms, 901 E. Highway 246, Solvang.
Calling all walkers to four-year-olds. join Art Spot Wednesday mornings for some discovery play in the art studio. Each week you and your toddler(s) will be met with water play, painting, and more sensory discovery stations of fun. Wednesdays, 10-11 a.m. through May 29 $35. 805-325-8092. artspotonwheels. com/events/toddler-time-art-playgroup-2/. Art Spot on Wheels, 320 Alisal Road, unit 306B, Solvang.
UNDER THE SAME SUN: FROM LOW-RIDERS TO FARMWORKERS The exhibition features works by five visual artists based in Central and Southern California with their own unique approach as seen in the diversity of the work on display and the variety of styles. Through July 7 elverhoj.org. Elverhoj Museum of History and Art, 1624 Elverhoy Way, Solvang, 805-686-1211.
UNITY: DUO SHOW A duo exhibition showcasing abstract paintings by Christine Marie and mixed media mosaics by Wendy Brewer. Through May 31 gallerylosolivos.com. Gallery Los Olivos, 2920 Grand Ave., Los Olivos, 805-688-7517.
MARTIAL ARTS This class for ages 18 and over is a hybrid of yoga, active isolated, resistance stretching, and more. Breath work is incorporated throughout. You must be able to get down onto the floor and back up again. Please bring a mat and some water to stay hydrated. Sundays, 9-10 a.m. $15 session. 415-516-5214. Bayside Martial Arts, 1200 2nd St., Los Osos.
STUDIO This class for ages 18 and over is a hybrid of yoga, active isolated, resistance stretching, and more. Breath work is incorporated throughout. You must be able to get down onto the floor and back up again. Please bring a mat and some water to stay hydrated. Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30 p.m. $15 session. 415-516-5214. Omni Studio, 698 Morro Bay Blvd., Morro Bay.
CENTRAL COAST SLIM DOWN Take control of food without su ering. Learn a step-by-step process to take control of overeating, cravings, and feel peace with food. Build the habits, mindset, and your unique path with results that
stick. Hosted byTami Cruz (Certified Health/Life Coach) and Dana Charvet (Coach/Fitness Trainer). ongoing Call for pricing info. 805-235-7978. gratefulbodyhealthcoaching.com. Grateful Body, 850 Shasta, Morro Bay.
ENJOY AXE THROWING Enjoy the art of axe throwing in a safe and fun environment. Kids ages 10 and older are welcome with an adult. No personal axes please. Fridays, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. and Saturdays, 12-6 p.m. $20. 805-5284880. baysidemartialarts.com. Bayside Martial Arts, 1200 2nd St., Los Osos. MORRO BAY MIXED MARTIAL ARTS
Disciplines include advanced athletic performance fitness training, Thai kickboxing, and more. Beginners to advanced students welcome. Day and evening classes o ered. MondaysSaturdays, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Call for more info. 805-701-7397. charvetmartialarts. com. Morro Bay Martial Arts, 850 Shasta, Morro Bay.
A community of movers and shakers who come together to express themselves through dance and movement. Inspired by a variety of conscious movement modalities, Open Flow is led by Silvia Suarez and Matt Garrity, embodiment teachers who share a passion for integration through movement exploration. Wednesdays, 6:30-8 p.m. $10 (general), $5 (ages 55 and older). SilviaAthaSomatics.org. Morro Bay Community Center, 1001 Kennedy Way, Morro Bay, 772-6278.
A pickleball tournament to benefit Meals that Connect: Senior Nutrition program. Annually, Meals that Connect provides more than 200,000 meals to seniors. Admission includes free event t-shirt, access to online auction, and refreshments. All skill levels are welcome. June 8 , 9 a.m.-noon $60. 805-541-3312. mealsthatconnect.org. Cambria Pickleball Courts, 1350 Main St., Cambria.
STAY YOUNG WITH QI GONG Qi gong o ers great anti-aging benefits, providing a comprehensive system for improving physical, mental and emotional health. Its roots date back thousands of years in China. Learn with certified instructor Devin Wallace. Call first. Thursdays, 10-11 a.m. $10. 805-7092227. Hardie Park, Ash Ave. and B St., Cayucos.
TAI CHI AND QI GONG: ZEN IN MOTION Small group classes with 2019 Tai Chi Instructor of the Year. Call for time and days. Learn the Shaolin Water Style and 5 Animals Qi Gong. Beginners welcomed. Mondays, 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Call for price details. 805-701-7397. charvetmartialarts.com. Morro Bay Martial Arts, 850 Shasta, Morro Bay.
TAI CHI BASICS Visit site for more details on this ongoing, weekly Tai Chi program. Tuesdays, 4:30-5:30 p.m. $10-$12. 805-772-7486. fitnessworksmb. com. FitnessWorks, 500 Quintana Rd., Morro Bay.
TAI CHI CHUN CERTIFICATION With the 2019 Tai Chi Instructor of the year. Ongoing courses. ongoing Call for price. 805-701-7397. charvetmartialarts.com. Grateful Body, 850 Shasta, Morro Bay.
TAI CHI CHUN/ QI GONG BASICS Learn the foundation of Qi Gong, the rooting of breathing, and Shaolin Tai Chi. Tuesdays-Thursdays Call for details. 805-701-7397. charvetmartialarts.com. Grateful Body, 850 Shasta, Morro Bay. WEEKLY QIGONG PRACTICE AT FITNESSWORKS MORRO BAY Calm your mind and nourish your joints with a weekly Qigong practice led by Mike Raynor of Tai Chi Rejuvenation. The practice is rooted in Qigong fundamentals, and standing/moving
meditations. Forms include: Eight Brocades, Five Elements, Shibashi 18, and Tai chi 24. Saturdays, 10:45-11:45 a.m. Members free; non-members $8-$10. 805-772-7466. fitnessworksmb. com. FitnessWorks, 500 Quintana Rd., Morro Bay.
ZEN IN MOTION Learn the Shaolin Water Style and other deep breathing and moving meditation techniques with the 2019 Taijiquan Instructor of the Year. Beginners Welcome. Instructor Certification Courses available. Mondays, Wednesdays Call for details. 805-701-7397. charvetmartialarts.com. Grateful Body, 850 Shasta, Morro Bay.
BALANCE FLOW Suitable for all levels. This class is meant to benefit the mindbody connection while emphasizing safe and e ective alignment as well as breath awareness and relaxation. Please call to register in advance. Tuesdays, Thursdays, 4:30-5:30 p.m. $16-$22; $50 membership. 805-434-9605. ttrtennis. com/fitness/yoga/. Templeton Tennis Ranch, 345 Championship Lane, Templeton.
FULL MOON CEREMONY AND THIRD EYE CHAKRA MEDITATION Visit site for more info as well as tickets. May 24 6:30-8:15 p.m. my805tix.com/. Dharma Yoga Loft, 1329 Spring Street, Paso Robles, 805-434-1924.
KID’S SUMMER CAMPS 2024 Make it the best summer yet with Templeton Tennis Ranch’s summer camps. Kids ages 5-12 will enjoy playing tennis, pickleball, bocce, and more. Eight weeks to choose from. Camps begin June 10 and start at $90. Sibling discounts available. Learn more online. June 10, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., June 17, 9-11 a.m., June 24 , 9 a.m.-1 p.m., July 8 9 a.m.-1 p.m., July 15 9-11 a.m., July 29 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Aug. 5 9 a.m.-1 p.m. and Aug. 12 , 9-11 a.m. $90-$240. 805-434-9605. ttrtennis. com/tennis/kids-camps/. Templeton Tennis Ranch, 345 Championship Lane, Templeton.
LAVENDER FARM YOGA In collaboration with Saunter Yoga and Wellness. Includes an hour-long yoga session, followed by a lavender honey tea tasting. May 25 9 a.m. my805tix. com. California Lavender Honey Farm, 6380 Hawk Ridge Place, San Miguel.
CSL Sessions are tailored to address both physical and emotional challenges of participants. Experience inner peace and physical vitality in a welcoming community setting. See the website for details. Mondays, 9-10 a.m. $20. 805391-4465. awakeningways.org/whatshappening/. Awakening Ways Center for Spiritual Living, 9350 El Camino Real, No. 101, Atascadero.
TEMPLETON A pickleball tournament to benefit Meals that Connect: Senior Nutrition program. Annually, Meals that Connect provides more than 200,000 meals to seniors. Admission includes free event t-shirt, access to online auction, and refreshments. All skill levels are welcome. June 7, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. $60. mealsthatconnect.org. Templeton Tennis Ranch, 345 Championship Lane, Templeton, 805-434-9605.
TAI CHI This course’s instructor has won many Tai Chi and other internal martial arts tournaments. Both experienced martial artists and new learners are welcome to the class. Tuesdays, Thursdays, 5:30-6:30 p.m. $65. 805-237-3988. Centennial Park, 600 Nickerson Dr., Paso Robles.
VINYASA YOGA FLOW The class prioritizes increasing mental acuity and

Art Spot on Wheels is hosting various outdoor painting events throughout the summer, including on Sunday, June 30, at 11 a.m., at Vega Vineyard and Farm in Buellton and Saturday, Aug. 3, at 10:30 a.m., at Santa Rita Hills Lavender Farm in Lompoc. Visit artspotonwheels.com for more info on the local studio’s full slate of upcoming happenings.
improving body and muscle flexibility. A restorative and gentle yoga focusing on breathing and targeting specific areas of the body. Please call to register in advance. Sundays, 12-1 p.m. and Saturdays, 8:30-9:30 a.m. $16-$22; $50 membership. 805-434-9605. ttrtennis. com/yoga. Templeton Tennis Ranch, 345 Championship Lane, Templeton.
YANG STYLE TAI CHI The course’s instructor won many Tai Chi and other internal martial arts tournaments. Both experienced martial artists and new learners are welcome to the class. Mondays, Wednesdays, 5-6 p.m. $62. 805-470-3360. Colony Park Community Center, 5599 Tra ic Way, Atascadero.
BEACH PARTY GYMNASTICS CAMP With gymnastics, themed crafts and games, and educational trivia. Features trampolines, bars, beams, foam pits, and more. Ages 4-13. Aug. 12-14 $40-$145 depending on which options you choose. 805-547-1496. performanceathleticsslo.com/camps. Performance Athletics Gymnastics, 4484 Broad St., San Luis Obispo.
BEYOND MINDFULNESS Realize your potential through individualized meditation instruction with an experienced teacher via Zoom. This class is for those who wish to begin a practice or seek to deepen an existing one. Flexible days and times. Certified with IMTA. Email or text for information. Mondays-Sundays, 5:306:30 p.m. Sliding scale. 559-905-9274. theartofsilence.net. Online, See website, San Luis Obispo.
CIRCUS GYMNASTICS CAMP With gymnastics, themed crafts and games, and educational trivia. Dare to fly high on the trampolines, bars, beams, foam pits, and more. Ages 4-13; no gymnastics experience necessary. July 8 -12, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. $40-$360 depending on which options you choose. 805547-1496. performanceathleticsslo. com/camps. Performance Athletics Gymnastics, 4484 Broad St., San Luis Obispo.
DAILY QIGONG PRACTICE For the early riser or commuter, every weekday morning. Maintain or improve concentration, balance, and flexibility. Includes weekly Friday 3 p.m. class with more practices. Led by certified
Awareness Through Movement teacher. Mondays-Saturdays, 6:10 a.m. and Fridays, 3 p.m. $35/week or $125/month. 646-280-5800. margotschaal.com/ qigong. Online, See website, San Luis Obispo.
FRIENDSHIP GYMNASTICS CAMP With gymnastics, themed crafts and games, and educational trivia. Forge friendships on trampolines, bars, beams, foam pits, and more. Children ages 4-13; no gymnastics experience necessary. June 24 -28, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. $40-$360 depending on which options you choose. 805-547-1496. performanceathleticsslo.com/camps. Performance Athletics Gymnastics, 4484 Broad St., San Luis Obispo. GALAXY GYMNASTICS CAMP Features gymnastics, themed crafts and games, and educational trivia. Defy gravity on the trampolines, bars, beams, foam pits, and more. Ages 4-13; no experience necessary. July 22-26, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. $40-$360 depending on which options you choose. 805-547-1496. performanceathleticsslo.com/camps. Performance Athletics Gymnastics, 4484 Broad St., San Luis Obispo. SPORTS AND RECREATION continued page 38

Lifelong Learners of the Central Coast
Engaging Courses, Talented Instructors
Now is the time for you to engage and explore where “curious minds gather”. Come join our classes and see.
Latest Courses:
• “Fiddler on the Roof” - June 6 & 13
• “Finding Your Center Amid Anxiety” - June 17
• “Viet Nam—Centuries of Conflict” - July 26
• “Meditation: Theory & Practice” - August 13
• “The Gratitude Effect” - September 28



Kids will have a fabulous evening of pizza, s’mores, and a movie. June 22 5-9:30 p.m. Starts at $50. 805-547-1496. performanceathleticsslo.com/kidsparty-paradise. Performance Athletics Gymnastics, 4484 Broad St., San Luis Obispo.
Stretch into yourself under the beautiful oaks and fresh air of this idyllic country setting. Suitable for all levels, these classes emphasize the gentler side of yoga and adapt to participants’ needs. Tuesdays, 5-6 p.m. $14 per class or $55 for five-class card with no expiration. 805-440-4561. balancedlivingayurveda. com. Tiber Canyon Ranch, 280 W Ormonde Rd, San Luis Obispo.
MINDFULNESS AND MEDITATION (ONLINE MEETING) Zoom series hosted by TMHA. Thursdays, 10:30 a.m.-noon Transitions Mental Health Warehouse, 784 High Street, San Luis Obispo, 805-270-3346.
A pickleball tournament to benefit Meals that Connect: Senior Nutrition program. Annually, Meals that Connect provides more than 200,000 meals to seniors. Admission includes free event t-shirt, access to online auction, and refreshments. All skill levels are welcome. June 9, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. $60. 805-541-3312. mealsthatconnect.org. French Park, 1040 Fuller Road, San Luis Obispo.
QI GONG FOR MIND, BODY, AND SPIRIT Learn and practice qi gong, a Chinese system for physical, mental and spiritual development. This class is conducted outdoors in a beautiful setting, which is the best place to do qi gong, as its inspiration is drawn from nature. Certified instructor: Devin Wallace. Tuesdays, 10-11 a.m. $10. 805-709-2227. Crows End Retreat, 6430 Squire Ct., San Luis Obispo.
Swim into summer with gymnastics, themed crafts, games, and educational trivia. Dive right into fun on trampolines, bars, beams, foam pits, and more. Children ages 4-13; no experience necessary. June 10 -14, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. $40-$360 depending on which options you choose. 805-547-1496. performanceathleticsslo.com/camps. Performance Athletics Gymnastics, 4484 Broad St., San Luis Obispo.
SLO BLUES BASEBALL 33 summer home games held. Go to bluesbaseball. com for full schedule. Tickets available from My805Tix. May 24 -July 27 $10 adults; 12 and under free. 805-512-9996. my805tix.com. SLO Blues Summer Collegiate Baseball, Sinsheimer Stadium at 900 Southwood Dr., San Luis Obispso. SLO SKIERS MONTHLY MEETING SLO Skiers, a local nonprofit sports and social club for adults, meets monthly. Food and drink at 5:30 p.m. social hour. Meeting follows. Activities all year. First Tuesday of every month, 6:30-7:30 p.m. through Dec. 2 free; $65 annual membership. 805-528-3194. sloskiers. org. Dairy Creek Golf Course, 2990 Dairy Creek Rd., San Luis Obispo.
STAY YOUNG WITH QI GONG Qi Gong boosts energy and vitality, reduces stress, improves balance and flexibility, and, best of all, is fun. Join instructor Devin Wallace for this outdoor class which is held in a beautiful setting. Call or email before attending. Tuesdays, 10-11 a.m. $10.
805-709-2227. Crows End Retreat, 6430 Squire Ct., San Luis Obispo.
Features gymnastics, themed crafts and games, and educational trivia. Enjoy trampolines, bars, beams, foam pits, and more. Ages 4-13; no experience necessary. July 29 - Aug. 2 , 9:30 a.m.2:30 p.m. $40-$360 depending on which options you choose. 805-547-1496. performanceathleticsslo.com/camps.
Performance Athletics Gymnastics, 4484 Broad St., San Luis Obispo.
CAMP Features gymnastics, themed crafts and games, and educational trivia. For children ages 4-13; no experience necessary. June 17-21, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. $40-$360 depending on which options you choose. 805547-1496. performanceathleticsslo. com/camps. Performance Athletics Gymnastics, 4484 Broad St., San Luis Obispo.
CAMP Get the wiggles out with gymnastics, themed crafts and games, and educational trivia. For ages 4-13. Aug. 5-9, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. $40-$360 depending on which options you choose. 805-547-1496. performanceathleticsslo.com/camps.
Performance Athletics Gymnastics, 4484 Broad St., San Luis Obispo.
Rustle up some flips and enjoy trampolines, bars, beams, foam pits, and more. Ages 4-13; no gymnastics experience necessary. July 15 -19, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. $40-$360 depending on which options you choose. 805547-1496. performanceathleticsslo. com/camps. Performance Athletics Gymnastics, 4484 Broad St., San Luis Obispo.
BEGINNER GROUP SURF LESSONS AND SURF CAMPS Lessons and camp packages available daily. All equipment included. ongoing Starts at $70. 805835-7873. sandbarsurf.com/. Sandbar Surf School Meetup Spot, 110 Park Ave., Pismo Beach.
Enjoy the grace and flow of ballet. No previous experience needed. Wednesdays, 5:15-6:15 p.m. $12 drop-in; $40 for four classes. 510-362-3739. grover.org. Grover Beach Community Center, 1230 Trouville Ave., Grover Beach.
FOR ADULTS Discover dance as a form of artistic expression and exercise, using a wide range of styles and genres of music (including modern, jazz, Broadway, ethnic). Tuesdays, 4-5 p.m. $10 drop-in; $30 for four classes. 510-362-3739. grover.org. Grover Beach Community Center, 1230 Trouville Ave., Grover Beach.
DONATION-BASED YOGA FOR FIRST RESPONDERS, EMTS, AND CARETAKERS Class schedule varies. Contact empoweryoga805@gmail for details and reservations. ongoing 805-6190989. empoweryoga805.com. Empower Yoga Studio and Community Boutique, 775 W. Grand Ave., Grover Beach.
FOR ADULTS Experience dance from continents around the earth, including from Africa, Europe, and more. Described as “a wonderful in-depth look at the context and history of cultures of the world.” Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30 p.m. $10 drop-in; $30 for four classes. 510-362-3739. grover.org. Grover Beach Community Center, 1230 Trouville Ave., Grover Beach.
of Qi Gong through simple standing movements promoting flexibility, strength, relaxation, and increased energy. Suitable for all ages and fitness levels, Qi Gong revitalizes and enriches your life. An outdoor class overlooking the ocean. Wednesdays, 4-5 p.m. $14 per class or $55 for 5-class card with no expiration. 805-440-4561. pismobeach. org. Margo Dodd Gazebo, Ocean Park Blvd., Shell Beach.
BALLROOM, LATIN, AND SWING DANCE CLASSES Social ballroom, Latin, and swing lessons for all ages on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Beginner and advance classes. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, 7-9 p.m. $45-$55. 805-928-7799. Kleindancesarts.com. KleinDance Arts, 3558 Skyway Drive, suite A, Santa Maria.
CENTRAL COAST CORVETTE CLUB Open to Corvette owners and enthusiasts. First Thursday of every month, 7 p.m. Free. 805-934-3948. Home Motors, 1313 E. Main St., Santa Maria. DANCE CLASSES: EVERYBODY CAN DANCE Classes available for all skill levels. Class sizes limited. ongoing Everybody Can Dance, 628 S. McClelland St., Santa Maria, 805-937-6753, everybodycandance.webs.com/. FEEL GOOD YOGA Tuesdays, Thursdays, 8:30-9:30 a.m. 805-9379750. oasisorcutt.org. Oasis Center, 420 Soares Ave., Orcutt.
LEARN CALIFORNIA’S OFFICIAL DANCE: WEST COAST SWING Learn west coast swing in a casual, friendly environment, taught by Texas state swing champion, Gina Sigman. Free intro from 6:30 to 7 p.m. Beyond the Basics ($10) is 7 to 7:45 p.m. $10 entry includes social dance (7:45 to 8:15 p.m.). Tuesdays, 6:30-8:15 p.m. 832-884-8114. Cubanissimo Cuban Co ee House, 4869 S. Bradley Rd., #118, Orcutt.
ATASCADERO PRIDE AT THE ZOO A North County Pride event celebrating the LGBTQIA2S+ community in Atascadero. Enjoy a fabulous day at the zoo with daytime hours for family, and evening hours for the grownups. June 16 , 10 a.m.-noon slopride.com/events. Zoo Garden Event Center at Atascadero Lake Park, 9305 Pismo Ave., Atascadero, 805-470-3178.
MEETING Bring your favorite rock, gem, crystal, fossil, etc., to show the rest of the club. Third Monday of every month, 7 p.m. slrockhounds.org/. Templeton Community Center, 601 S. Main St., Templeton.
DIMENSIONS is a geometric masterpiece on a larger-than-life scale by world-renowned artists HYBYCOZO. Walk through and among towering fractal metal sculptures as color, light, and music shift around you. With live music, food, and more. May 24 7-10:30 p.m. Dimensions Pass: Adults $30; Child $15. sensoriopaso.com/. Sensorio, 4380 Highway 46 East, Paso Robles, 805-226-4287.
SIERRA CLUB HISTORIC WALK Guided stroll past century-old storefronts,

Gallery Los Olivos presents Far From Home, a solo exhibition of watercolor paintings by Martha Inman Lorch. e show, slated to run Saturday, June 1, through Sunday, June 30, features a collection of works inspired by the local artist’s various travels across the globe. Visit gallerylosolivos.com for more details.
former saloons, Victorian houses, and two churches built in the 1880s to learn stories of the early pioneers. Meet at corner of Main and 1st St. in downtown Templeton. Leader: Joe Morris. Call for more info. May 26 2-3:30 p.m. Free. 805-549-0355. Old Templeton, Corner of Main and 1st St., Templeton.
FARM Experience a sound bath amongst the heavenly scented lavender fields and beautiful views of the countryside. May 31 , 5-7 p.m. my805tix. com. Hambly Farms, 1390 Grana Place, San Miguel.
AT SLO BOTANICAL GARDEN The Garden is excited to present a monthly bird walk series on the fourth Thursday of every month which explores the intersection of birds and botany. Fourth Thursday of every month, 8-11 a.m. $10 for Garden Members; $40 for general public. 805-541-1400. slobg.org. San Luis Obispo Botanical Garden, 3450 Dairy Creek Rd., San Luis Obispo.
CENTRAL COAST PRIDE IN THE PARK Pride in the Park moves to
Meadow Park. A family-friendly day of fun and celebration. It’s a full day of entertainment, ranging from drag performances to bands and more, complemented by food and drinks, children’s area, and crafts. June 2 noon slopride.com/events. Meadow Park, 2251 Meadow St., San Luis Obispo.
GARDEN FOUNDER WALK AND TALK Walk and talk with Eve Vigil in the Botanical Garden each month on the first Wednesday. Free garden tour with paid admission to the Garden. Free for members. No need to RSVP, just show up and enjoy. First Wednesday of every month, 11 a.m.12:30 p.m. Free with $5 Garden Entry. 805-541-1400. slobg.org. San Luis Obispo Botanical Garden, 3450 Dairy Creek Rd., San Luis Obispo.
LUNCHTIME IN THE GARDEN UC Master Gardener Program of San Luis Obispo County extends an invitation to the public. Every first Wednesday of the month: April–September. Bring your lunch, tour the garden or just sit and enjoy the sights and sounds of the GSS. First Wednesday of every month, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. through Sept. 4 Free. 805-781-5939. ucanr.edu/ sites/mgslo/. Garden of the Seven

Sisters Demonstration Garden, 2156 Sierra Way, San Luis Obispo.
PICKET PAINTING PARTY Decorative picket purchasing opportunities are available to show your support and help fund maintenance and educational programs in the Children’s Garden.
Second Saturday of every month, 1-4 p.m. $75 per picket or 2 for $100. 805541-1400. slobg.org. San Luis Obispo Botanical Garden, 3450 Dairy Creek Rd., San Luis Obispo.
PLAY GROVE, AN OUTDOOR PRESCHOOL PROGRAM A naturebased and place-based enrichment program. This means we use the environment as our guide as we play, grow, create art, garden, and learn together. Play Grove will allow young children to access this experience alongside enthusiastic playworkers. Aug. 19 -June 7, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Options: 2 day, 3 day, or 5 day. 805-2426301. onecoolearth.org/play-grove.html. Jewish Community Center, 875 Laureate Lane, San Luis Obispo.
PLEIN AIR PAINTERS OF THE CENTRAL COAST A self-directed fun group of dynamic artists who enjoy painting and sketching outdoors. Artists meet on site at various locations.

Your Musical Lineup
7/4 Jill Knight
7/6 Quadratones
7/7 Noach Tangeras
7/13 Tap Roots
7/14 Roughouse
7/20 Spanky Paul
7/21 Joi Polloi
7/27 Earls of Tuesday
7/28 Jill Knight

8/3 Spanky Paul
8/4 Cocktail Shorty
8/10 Electric Lavender Train
8/11 Joi Polloi
8/17 Earls of Tuesday
8/18 Cocktail Shorty
8/24 Jill Knight
8/25 Billy and the Tingle
8/31 Blue Birds on a Wire


Weekly plein air destinations are provided by Kirsti Wothe via email (mrswothe@yahoo.com). Wednesdays, 9 a.m.-noon SLO County, Various locations countywide, San Luis Obispo. SOUTH COAST SLO COUNTY
Free community event for all. Free lunch, live music, kids activities, historical displays, and more. June 1 11 a.m. Free admission. my805tix.com. Camp Arroyo Grande, 250 Wesley St., Arroyo Grande, 805-249-9517.
Volunteers accomplish a variety of tasks including pathways maintenance, litter patrol of the garden perimeter, weeding, irrigation system expansion/repairs, pruning, and plantings. Volunteers should bring work gloves, a hat, drinking water, and tools related to the above activities. First Saturday of every month, 9 a.m.-noon Free. 805-7103073. Nipomo Native Garden, Camino Caballo at Osage, Nipomo.
FULL MOON YOGA, MEDITATION, AND SOUND BATH Nestled in nature at Sycamore Springs, you can align your mind, body, and spirit with the luminous guidance of the moon. All yoga levels welcome and encouraged. May 23 7:30-9 p.m. my805tix.com/. Sycamore Mineral Springs Resort, 1215 Avila Beach Dr., Avila Beach.
GROUP WALKS AND HIKES Check website for the remainder of this year’s group hike dates and private hike o erings. ongoing 805-343-2455. dunescenter.org. Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes Center, 1065 Guadalupe St., Guadalupe.
TRAILPALOOZA 2024 A unique opportunity to run in the Solomon Hills. With 5, 10, and 15-mile run options. Presented by Santa Maria Valley Open Space. May 25 santamariavalley.com. Newlove Picnic Grounds at Solomon Hills, 1555 Orcutt Hill Road, Orcutt.
EXPERIENCE Celebrate spring in the Sunburst Garden. Come enjoy a tour of the Sunburst Garden by resident permaculture expert Sean Fennell, and learn about earth stewardship, di erent ways to compost, and have the opportunity to participate in a seeding workshop. May 25 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. 805-736-6528. sunburst.org/ gardenevent/. Sunburst Retreat Center, 7200 CA-1, Lompoc.
“Citizens for Estero Bay Preservation” will be on hand to discuss current news and events surrounding e orts to stop the Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) in Morro Bay and the industrialization of the Embarcadero and waterfront. “No Batteries by the Bay” yard signs available. Email preserveesterobay@gmail for more info. First Tuesday of every month, 10-11 a.m. Free. Buttercup Bakery and Cafe, 430 Morro Bay Blvd., Morro Bay.
DISCUSSION GROUP A group of metaphysically minded individuals that have been meeting for many years now in the Coalesce Chapel. Club o ers a supportive metaphysical based community. Members discuss a di erent topic each week. All are welcome to join. Fridays, 12:30-1:30 p.m. Suggested donation of $10-$15. Coalesce Bookstore, 845 Main St., Morro Bay, coalescebookstore.com/.
SEAWEED WORKSHOP Over a cup of freshly made warm seaweed broth, embark on a voyage of discovery to learn about the benefits of kelp, ocean sustainability, and wild foraging practice on the central coast of California. Make your own edible sea salt sprinkles, pairing blends with the classic avocado toast. May 31 , 6 p.m. my805tix.com. Cayucos Makers, 248 S. Ocean Ave., Cayucos.
Group members present interesting and thought provoking topics of all sorts. Topics are selected in advance and moderated by volunteers. Vaccinations are necessary. Enter through wooden gate to garden area. Wednesdays, 10 a.m. 805-528-7111. Coalesce Bookstore, 845 Main St., Morro Bay, coalescebookstore.com/.
COUNTY MAGIC CLUB) Monthly meeting of magicians of all levels. Please call or email for more info. Meet like-minded folks with an interest in magic, from close-up to stage performances. Last Wednesday of every month, 6:30-9 p.m. Free. 805440-0116. IHOP, 212 Madonna Rd., San Luis Obispo.
ACTION Get inspired by local action, connect with others, and discover more ways to get involved with the SLO Climate Coalition. Attend virtually or in-person. Sustainable snacks and childcare will be provided. Third Thursday of every month, 6-8 p.m. sloclimatecoalition.org/events/. Ludwick Community Center, 864 Santa Rosa, San Luis Obispo.
PUPPY SOCIAL HOUR Puppies (10 weeks to 5 months old) will learn appropriate play style with other pups, acceptable manners with people, tolerance for gentle restraints, confidence with the approach of friendly strangers, and more. Wednesdays, 10 a.m. and Saturdays, 9 a.m. $25. 805-543-9316. woodshumanesociety.org/training/. Woods Humane Society, 875 Oklahoma Ave., San Luis Obispo.
CLUB MEETINGS Want to improve speaking and leadership skills in a supportive and positive environment? During COVID, we are meeting virtually. Contact us to get a meeting link for info. Tuesdays, 12-1 p.m. Free. slonoontime. toastmastersclubs.org. Zoom, Online, Inquire for Zoom ID.
TECH BREW MEETUP Tech Brew is a free networking event where people interested in technology can hang out in an informal environment with a small TEDtalk-like
presentation from an interesting speaker. Learn more online. Second Monday of every month, 5-7 p.m. 805-323-6706. meetup.com/softec/. StoryLabs, 102 Cross St, Suite 220, San Luis Obispo.
TOUR THE HISTORIC OCTAGON BARN CENTER T he Octagon Barn, built in 1906, has a rich history that The Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County looks forward to sharing with visitors. Please RSVP. Second and Fourth Sunday of every month, 2-2:45 & 3-3:45 p.m. Tours are free; donations are appreciated. Octagon Barn Center, 4400 Octagon Way, San Luis Obispo, (805) 544-9096, octagonbarn.org.
WALT WHITMAN GAY MEN’S BOOK CLUB This club reads, studies and discusses books chosen by the group which relate to their lives as gay men. All are welcome. Second Monday of every month, 7-9:30 p.m. Free. galacc. org/events/. Online, See website, San Luis Obispo.
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WATCH AND CLOCK COLLECTORS, CHPT. 52 Come join a friendly meeting of watch and clock collectors. Members bring watches and clocks to show, plus there are discussions of all things horological. Second Sunday of every month, 1:30-3 p.m. 805-547-1715. new.nawcc.org/ index.php/chapter-52-los-padres. Central Coast Senior Center, 1580 Railroad St., Oceano.
POINT SAN LUIS LIGHTHOUSE TOURS A docent-led tour of the buildings and grounds of the historic Point San Luis Light Station. Check website for more details. Wednesdays, Saturdays pointsanluislighthouse. org/. Point San Luis Lighthouse, 1 Lighthouse Rd., Avila Beach. SCIENCE AFTER DARK A monthly lecture series at the Central Coast Aquarium. An evening for those ages 21 and older. Last Tuesday of every month, 6-8 p.m. through May 28 my805tix.com. Central Coast Aquarium, 50 San Juan St., Avila Beach, 805-595-7280.
THE TRUTH ABOUT STAYING INDEPENDENT Ask local professionals about how you can stay independent while you age. June 12 10 a.m. my805tix.com. Oxford Suites, 651 Five Cities Drive, Pismo Beach. WEEKLY WATER SAFETY LESSONS Facility advertised as open and safe. Give the o ice a call to register over the phone. Mondays-Fridays $160$190. 805-481-6399. 5 Cities Swim School, 425 Tra ic Way, Arroyo Grande, 5citiesswimschool.com.
Visit the Youth Services Desk on the first Sunday of each month to receive a coupon for a free book of your choice from the Library Bookstore. For ages 0-17. First Sunday of every month Free. 805-925-0994. cityofsantamaria.org/services/ departments/library. Visit the Youth Services Desk on the first Sunday of each month to receive a coupon for a free book of your choice from the Library Bookstore. For ages 0-17. First Sunday of every month Free. 805-925-0994. cityofsantamaria.org/ services/departments/library. Santa Maria Public Library, 421 S. McClelland St., Santa Maria.
MUSIC LESSONS AT COELHO ACADEMY Learn to play piano, drums, guitar, base, ukulele, or violin, or take vocal lessons. ongoing 805-925-0464. coelhomusic.com/Lessons/lessons.
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html. Coelho Academy of Music, 325 E. Betteravia Rd., Santa Maria.
ORCUTT MINERAL SOCIETY Second Tuesday of every month Oasis Center, 420 Soares Ave., Orcutt, 805-937-9750.
SANTA MARIA COIN CLUB: MONTHLY MEETING Coin collectors of all ages invited. Bring coins for free appraisals. Third Wednesday of every month, 7 p.m. Yearly membership: $20-$25. 805-9373158. Elwin Mussell Senior Center, 510 Park Ave., Santa Maria.
VALLEY READS BOOK CLUB The Valley Reads is a monthly book club for adults featuring co ee, snacks, and lively discussion. June 8 2 p.m. and July 13 2 p.m. Free. 805-925-0994. cityofsantamaria.org/ services/departments/library. Santa Maria Public Library, 421 S. McClelland St., Santa Maria.
19TH ANNUAL PINOT AND PAELLA FESTIVAL An afternoon of great wine, creative Paella dishes, and live music. Proceeds benefit Paso Robles Youth Arts Center. June 2 , 2-5 p.m. my805tix. com/. Templeton Park, 550 Crocker St., Templeton.
TRIVIA NIGHT AT DRACAENA WINES: THE GOLDEN GIRLS A night of fun and laughter at Dracaena Wines Tasting Room. Test your knowledge of the beloved TV show with this trivia night. June 19 6-8:30 p.m. Free. 805-270-3327. dracaenawines.com. Dracaena Wines, 1244 Pine Street, suite 101 B, Paso Robles.
ATASCADERO LAKESIDE WINEFEST Visit site for tickets and more info on this festive celebration of wine. June 22 , 4 p.m. my805tix. com. Pavilion on the Lake, 9315 Pismo Ave., Atascadero.
BRUNCH IS BACK Celebrate the second Sunday of the month with brunch. Enjoy a two-hour cruise on the waterfront. Features fresh coffee, pastries, and more. Second Sunday of every month, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. $50. 805-772-2128. chabliscruises. com. Chablis Cruises, 1205 Embarcadero, Morro Bay.
Teams of 1 to 6 people welcome. Visit site for more info. Wednesdays, 7-10 p.m. my805tix. com. Club Car Bar, 508 S. Main Street, Templeton, 805-400-4542.
CLUB SUPSUP Check out the Central Coast’s newest pop-up dinner experience the last Wednesday of every month. Last Wednesday of every month, 6-9 p.m. $125. 310-692-0046. clubsupsup.com/. Kindred Oak Farm, 1250 Paint Horse Plaza, Paso Robles.
Experience award-winning wines crafted by the masterful winemaker, Greg Allen, who has dedicated himself to the art of winemaking with precision and boundless creativity. May 31 6 p.m. my805tix.com. Cuatro Dias Winery, 3502 Dry Creek Road, Paso Robles.
THE DOWNTOWN VIBE 2024 The Paso Robles Downtown Wine District is throwing its big annual event. More than 20 downtown wineries will pour and
snacks will be provided by some of your favorite downtown food purveyors. July 6 10 a.m. my805tix.com. Park Ballroom, 1232 Park St., Paso Robles.
THE AUTHOR Toast to author Lori Rice and her new book The California Farm Table Cookbook . Join Edible Magazine for a four-course meal by Executive Chef Joe Montgomery, inspired by recipes from the book. Boutique and limited-run Thibido wines will be thoughtfully paired with each course. June 12 5:30-7:30 p.m. $95. ediblesanluisobispo.com/ dinnerwiththeauthor/. The Piccolo, 600 12th St., Paso Robles, 805-226-5920.
EVENING ON THE LAVENDER FARM WITH YES COCKTAIL CO. Enjoy an early evening experience crafting mocktails with Yes Cocktail Co. while enjoying artisan cheeses by Black Market Cheese Co., all the while immersing yourself in the sights, scents, and sounds on the lavender farm. May 24 , 5-8 p.m. my805tix.com/. Hambly Farms, 1390 Grana Place, San Miguel.
(MENDELSSOHN SEXTET) The evening includes a wine and appetizer reception and a three-course dinner combined with Scott Yoo and the Festival Musicians inside Cass Winery’s Barrel Room performing an exploration of Mendelssohn’s Sextet in D, op. 110. July 22 7:30-9:30 p.m. Tickets start at $200. 805-781-3009. festivalmozaic.org. Cass Winery and Vineyard, 7350 Linne Rd., Paso Robles.
MARKETPLACE SLO County Farm Trail farmers, makers and friends will gather at this Friday night farmers marketplace to show off their locally grown and made to kick off the fourth annual Open Farm Days weekend. June 21 5-8 p.m. my805tix.com. Downtown City Park, 11th and Spring St., Paso Robles.
SHOW Watch local pro chefs cook delicious seasonal dishes along with wine pairings from local wineries and delectable desserts. Proceeds support SLO Bigs. June 11 4:30-6:30 p.m. Starts at $75. 805-238-7979. my805tix.com. Idler’s Home Paso Robles, 2361 Theatre Drive, Paso Robles.
SEXTET The evening will include a wine reception, passed appetizers, a three-course dinner with wine, as well as the Notable Encounter musical presentation. Once available, the dinner menu will be posted to this website and emailed to ticketholders. July 22 5:30 p.m. $200. 805-781-3009. festivalmozaic.org. Cass Winery, 7350 Linne Road, Paso Robles.
Become a savvy olive oil consumer. With Level 2 Olive Oil Sommelier Gail Todaro of Gail Todaro: OliveWorks. May 24 , 10 a.m.-noon $40 for Club Olea members and $50 for guests and non-members. 805-610-2258. Olea Farm, 2985 Templeton Road, Templeton, oleafarm.com.
WINEMAKERS’ COOKOFF Enjoy outstanding tastings from local wineries and breweries as they pair with gourmet food straight o the grill. Aug. 10, 6-9 p.m. my805tix.com. Paso Robles Event Center, 2198 Riverside Ave., Paso Robles.
PARTY FUNDRAISER With food, beer, live music, photo booth, a live auction, and more. Sept. 29 11 a.m.-3 p.m. my805tix.com. Redwings Horse Sanctuary, Union Road, Paso Robles, 805-237-3751.
SIP N’ SKETCH Bring your own supplies (or borrow some of our’s) and paint or sketch a themed live-model or still life under the guidance of Studios resident artists. See website for the specific theme of the month. Your first glass of wine is included in price. Third Saturday of every month, 6-9 p.m.
$20. 805-238-9800. studiosonthepark.org. Studios on the Park, 1130 Pine St., Paso Robles.
Shop for locally made gifts and explore Sensorio’s stunning light exhibits (including the newest installation DIMENSIONS by HYBYCOZO) at the SLO CAL Crafted Market at Sensorio. May 25 , 7-9 p.m. Sensorio, 4380 Highway 46 East, Paso Robles, 805-226-4287.
TACO TUESDAYS La Parilla Taqueria will be in the courtyard serving up their delicious tacos and tostadas. Menu typically includes barbacoa, chicken, and pastor tacos, as well as shrimp ceviche tostadas. Tuesdays, 5-8 p.m. 805-460-6042. ancientowlbeergarden. com. Ancient Owl Beer Garden, 6090 El Camino Real, suite C, Atascadero.
the first ever walking tour of Tin City – an industrial area just outside of downtown Paso Robles – that is home to a community of innovative and passionate producers of high-quality wines, spirits, beer, and more. Saturdays, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. $125. 805-400-3141. toasttours.com/tour/tin-city-walking-tour/. Toast Tours, 1722 Stillwater Ct, Paso Robles.
HOMETOWN REALTY Century 21 Hometown
Realty is pleased to host amazing local artists, rotating their art work each month for the ‘Art After Dark’ calendar year. Reception of food and wine. First Friday of every month, 5-8 p.m. through Nov. 1 Century 21 Hometown Realty, 1103 Toro St., San Luis Obispo, 805235-4877.
Thursdays, 6-9 p.m. Downtown SLO, Multiple locations, San Luis Obispo.
A celebration of all things culinary, as Edible Magazine bring the pages of the magazine to life. This curated, multi-day food festival is an opportunity to try one-time-only food collaborations, chefs tables, cooking classes, farm shares, and more. Benefiting Family Care Network. July 28 July 29 , July 30 and July 31 ediblesanluisobispo.com/summerhouse/. La Lomita Ranch, 1985 La Lomita Way, San Luis Obispo, 805-927-1028.
FESTIVAL MOZAIC: VIP AFTER PARTY WITH THE ARTISTS Indulge in culinary creations and Central Coast wines while you mingle with the performers at an exclusive after-party at Luna Red. Limited to 50 guests. July 24 9:30-11 p.m. Tickets start at $60. 805-781-3009. festivalmozaic.org. Luna Red, 1023 Chorro St., San Luis Obispo.
FIRST FRIDAYS Visit SLOMA on the first Friday of each month for exhibition openings, music, and wines provided by regional winery partners. Admission is free and open to the public. First Friday of every month, 5-8 p.m. Free. 805-5438562. sloma.org/events/first-fridays/. San Luis Obispo Museum of Art, 1010 Broad St., San Luis Obispo.
BRUNCH Tickets include a full brunch, complimentary mimosa, and educational program with esteemed Dr. Jay Bettergarcia, associate professor in psychology and child development at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. June 9 , 10 a.m.-noon $50. zeffy.com. Bang the Drum Brewery, 1150 Laurel Lane, suite 130, San Luis Obispo, 805 242-8372.
HEAD GAMES TRIVIA NIGHT Live multimedia trivia every Wednesday. Free to play. Win prizes. Teams up to six players. Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free. headgamestrivia.com. Antigua Brewing, 1009 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo, 805-242-1167.
MULTICULTURAL POTLUCKS Held monthly on the farm to connect us to our roots, our
family and cultural heritage around eating food, as well as horticultural traditions of how people from around the world grow their food. June 16 1 p.m., July 21 , 1 p.m. and Aug. 18 , 1 p.m. ourglobalfamilyfarm.com. City Farm SLO, 1221 Calle Joaquin, San Luis Obispo, 805-769-8344.
QUEER TRIVIA Sip some cider, test your LGBTQ trivia knowledge, and learn new fun facts. Topic themes and hosts rotate each week. Prizes for winners. BYO food. Third Friday of every month, 6-8 p.m. Free. 805-292-1500. Two Broads Ciderworks, 3427 Roberto Ct., suite 130, San Luis Obispo, twobroadscider.com.
SLO FARMERS MARKET Hosts more than 60 vendors. Saturdays, 8-10:45 a.m. World Market Parking Lot, 325 Madonna Rd., San Luis Obispo.
SLO RETIRED ACTIVE MEN: WEEKLY COFFEE MEETING SLO RAMs is a group or retirees that get together just for the fun, fellowship, and to enjoy programs which enhance the enjoyment, dignity, and independence of retirement. Thursdays, 8:30-9:30 a.m. $10 co ee meeting. retiredactivemen.org. Madonna Inn, 100 Madonna Rd., San Luis Obispo.
SUNSET WINE/RAIL EXCURSION: SANTA BARBARA These fully-hosted, docent-led excursions will depart from the SLO Railroad Museum at 11 a.m. taking a motor coach to the Santa Barbara Wine Collective. June 22 July 20, Aug. 17 and Sept. 21 my805tix. com. San Luis Obispo Railroad Museum, 1940 Santa Barbara Ave., San Luis Obispo, 805-548-1894.
TRIVIA NIGHT Reservations are no longer required to play. Reservations are now for teams who want to guarantee a table to play. Tables available first come, first serve. Wednesdays, 7-9 p.m. my805tix. com. Bang the Drum Brewery, 1150 Laurel Lane, suite 130, San Luis Obispo, 805 242-8372.
VIVA LA CERVEZA: SLO BEER AND TACO FESTIVAL Enjoy tacos, beer, live music, games, and more. May 25 , 1-5 p.m. my805tix. com/. Madonna Expo Center, 100 Madonna Road, San Luis Obispo.
WEDNESDAY NIGHT PUB TRIVIA Bring your thinking cap as questions vary from pop culture, geography, to sports. There is a little for everyone. Prizes for the winning teams. Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free. 805-439-2529. Oak and Otter Brewing, 181 Tank Farm Road, suite 110, San Luis Obispo.
MONTHLY FERMENTATION CLASSES New topics each month with a thorough demo and explanation of the process that creates non-alcoholic, probiotic, and nutrient-dense fermentations. Leave the class confident and prepared with recipes to make your own at home. Limited seating; reserve spot prior to class by phone/email. Second Sunday of every month, 3:30-5 p.m. $30. 805-801-6627. kulturhausbrewing.com/ classes/. Kulturhaus Brewing Company, 779 Price St., Pismo Beach.
TRIVIA NIGHT Join BrainStew Trivia for a hilariously witty evening of trivia in Pismo. Teams of 1 to 4 people. Prizes awarded to the first and second place teams. Kitchen is open until 7:30 p.m. for brain fuel. Beer, cider, wine, and non-alcoholic options available. First Thursday of every month, 6:30-8 p.m. Free to play. 805-295-6171. kulturhausbrewing.com. Kulturhaus Brewing Company, 779 Price St., Pismo Beach.
FOOD TRUCK FRIDAYS AT COSTA DE ORO Featured vendors in the series include Cali Coast Tacos, Cubanissimo, Danny’s Pizza Co., Chef Ricks, and more. Call venue for monthly schedules. Fridays 805-922-1468.
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costadeorowines.com. Costa De Oro Winery, 1331 S. Nicholson Ave., Santa Maria.
FOOD TRUCK FRIDAYS AT WINE STONE INN Fridays, 5-8 p.m. Wine Stone Inn, 255 W. Clark Ave., Orcutt, 805-332-3532, winestoneinn.com/.
FRIDAY NIGHT FUN Karaoke with DJ Nasty. With Beer Bucket specials. Kitchen stays open late. Come out and sing your favorite song. Fridays, 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Roscoe’s Kitchen, 229 Town Center E, Santa Maria, 805-623-8866.
PRESQU’ILE WINERY: WINE CLUB Call or go online to make a reservation to taste at the winery or find more info on the winery’s Wine Club o erings. ongoing presquilewine.com/club/. Presqu’ile Winery, 5391 Presqu’ile Dr., Santa Maria, 805-937-8110.
SECOND SATURDAY OPEN AIR MARKET: LOS ALAMOS A carefully curated open air artisan and farm market. Features great vintage finds, handwoven and hand dyed textiles, hand-spun yarn, organic body care products, and locally grown organic eats. Second Saturday of every month, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. 805-722-4338. Sisters Gifts and Home, 349 Bell Street, Los Alamos.
SIPPIN’ SUNDAYS Every Sunday, come cozy up inside the tasting room and listen to great artists. Sundays, 1-4 p.m. Free. 805-937-8463. cottonwoodcanyon. com. Cottonwood Canyon Vineyard And Winery, 3940 Dominion Rd, Santa Maria.
TACO TUESDAY Tuesdays, 5-8 p.m. Wine Stone Inn, 255 W. Clark Ave., Orcutt, 805-332-3532, winestoneinn.com/.
THURSDAY EVENING BAR TAKEOVER Call venue or visit website to find out about featured vintners. Thursdays stellerscellar.com. Steller’s Cellar, 405 E. Clark Ave., Orcutt. WINE AND DESIGN CLASSES Check Wine and Design’s Orcutt website for the complete list of classes, for various ages. ongoing Varies. wineanddesign.com/orcutt. Wine and Design, 3420 Orcutt Road, suite 105, Orcutt.
COLLAGE JOURNALING: CRAFTING INTENTIONS WITH MINDFULNESS Join Sandra Dotson’s Mindful Collage Journaling class, and enjoy blending art and mindfulness. Discover self-expression through collage techniques, creating a serene space to calm thoughts and set intentions. June 6 1:30-3 p.m. $35. entangledco. com. Melville Estate Winery, 5185 E. Hwy 246, Lompoc, 805-735-7030.

HEAD GAMES TRIVIA AND TACO TUESDAYS CLASH Don’t miss Head Games Trivia at COLD Coast Brewing Company every Tuesday night. Teams can be up to 6 members. Earn prizes and bragging rights. Kekas will be serving their delicious local fare. Fun for all ages. Tuesdays, 7-9 p.m. Free. 805-819-0723. coldcoastbrewing.com. COLD Coast Brewing Company, 118 W Ocean Ave, Lompoc.
Come and play the games provided or bring your own whilst enjoying a beer, wine, co ee, or cheese plate. Join in the Dungeons and Dragons game too if you like (over 21s, no gambling allowed). First Thursday of every month, 6:309 p.m. through June 6 Free. 805-686-9126. arrowsmithwine. com. Arrowsmith’s, 1539 Mission Drive, Solvang.

HIGH TEA Come and enjoy a delicious High Tea made by British owner Anna Arrowsmith, with either a hot drink ($40) or a glass of English sparkling wine ($50). Immerse yourself in a beautiful experience with tiered plates, white tablecloths, and classical music. For ages 21 and over. May 25 , 1-3 p.m. and June 22 , 1-3 p.m. $40. 805-686-9126. arrowsmithwine.com. Arrowsmith’s, 1539 Mission Drive, Solvang.
PAINTING IN THE VINEYARD AT VEGA VINEYARD AND Spend the afternoon sipping delicious wine and capturing the beauty of the surrounding landscape on canvas. June 30, 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. $89. 805-325-8092. artspotonwheels.com. Vega Vineyard and Farm, 9496 Santa Rosa Road, Buellton.
Live Oak Music Festival usher in your summer Arts
Glasshead Studio holds workshop fundraiser to benefit Central Coast Beekeepers Alliance
The public is encouraged to take part in an upcoming workshop at Glasshead Studio in Atascadero. Participants of the class will create their own beethemed garden stakes, while 50 percent of their admission fees will be donated to the Central Coast Beekeepers Alliance.
The Fused Glass Bee Stake Fundraiser will be held on Wednesday, May 29, with two time slots (10 a.m. to noon or 1 to 3 p.m.). Patrons of the event will use a variety of glass to complete their garden stake projects. The finished fused glass pieces will be suitable to display on a wall or glued to metal stakes after firing. Admission to attend the workshop is $100. The mission of the Central Coast Beekeepers Alliance is to “foster the health and well-being of honeybees by supporting best beekeeping practices through networking, education, and raising public awareness,” according to press materials.
To find out more about the Central Coast Beekeepers Alliance, visit centralcoastbeekeepers.net. For additional details on the Fused Glass Bee Stake Fundraiser, call (805) 464-2633 or visit glassheadstudio.com. Glasshead Studio is located at 8793 Plata Lane, suite H, Atascadero.
Gallery at Monarch Dunes hosts Second Quarter Art Display
Twenty-two original artworks from a pool of 15 participating artists will be on display as part of the Second Quarter Art Display, a reception held at the Gallery at Monarch Dunes in Nipomo on Saturday, May 25, from 1 to 3 p.m. The show’s featured artists are residents of Trilogy at Monarch Dunes, and their works vary in media and style. The display includes acrylic paintings, glass fusion pieces, photographs, and other works. To find out more about the showcase, email monarchdunestag@gmail.com.
Located at the Monarch Club, the gallery and studio allows its members a space “to explore their creative passions,” according to the venue’s website. The studio is open to all members of the Monarch Club for meetups with fellow artists, workshops, open studio time, and other art activities.
The club’s gallery hosts rotating showcases of member artists throughout the year. To find out more about the venue and its latest artist showcase event on Saturday, May 25, email monarchdunestag@gmail. com. The Gallery at Monarch Dunes is located at 1640 Trilogy Parkway, Nipomo. Call (805) 343-7500 for additional details on the space and its ongoing arts programming open to members. ∆
—Caleb Wiseblood
BY GLEN STARKEYCalifornia dreamin’
Never been to Live Oak Music Fest? Maybe this should be your year. Even if you’ve missed the rst 34 years, joining the Live Oak family is as easy as slipping on your favorite pair of jeans.
“Live Oak has something special about it that’s all about community,” KCBX Director of Programming and Content Marisa Waddell explained. “When you go, you just feel like you’re part of a community right away. People treat each other well. We have something called ‘the Live Oak way,’ which is all about treating one another with kindness. It’s everything you needed to know when you were in kindergarten, you know? Share, be kind to one another.
“You feel that embodied in the people who are attending, the sta , the volunteers—they’re all about the Live Oak way.”
e long-running fundraiser for National Public Radio a liate KCBX 90.1FM began in 1989 at Biddle Park near Arroyo Grande, moved for decades to Camp San Marcos near Lake Cachuma (it was there so long they changed the San Marcos name to Camp Live Oak), and in 2019 returned to SLO County and its new home at El Chorro Regional Park across from Cuesta College on Highway. 1.
For many music fans and families, it’s the gateway to summer fun, running this year from Friday, June 14, through Sunday, June 16. If you don’t want to camp, you can buy a day ticket and, as Waddell encouraged, “Dip your toe in. Try it for a day and you’ll see for yourself.”
It’s advice shared by KCBX General Manager Frank Lanzone: “We had a slew of people last year who came in for the day and said, ‘We’re getting camping tickets next year.’ And camping tickets [sales] are ahead this year from what they were last year.”
at’s right, tickets and camping passes are moving, so now’s the time to commit. What you’ll get is a family-friendly atmosphere with tons of activities for kids, teens, young adults, and music fans of all ages. Maybe you attended the festival when it was in Santa Barbara County but haven’t tried the new location. e good news is, after a rough initial year in 2019, they worked the bugs the out.
“I miss the old location,” Lanzone admitted. “My kids grew up there. I grew up there. But this location has turned into home. A lot of people, after the rst festival [at El Chorro Regional Park] said, ‘ is ain’t Live Oak,’ but after the next festival, people said, ‘It’s back. You can feel it this year.’ And you really could.
“I’m not sure I could tell you what happened, what the di erence was, but I think we had to grow up a year. It’s turned into a great spot for us.”
e tree-dappled landscape is beautiful, and unlike the often hot and dusty Live Oak Camp, El Chorro is grassy and roomy, with lots of places to pitch your tent. Excellent food vendors make getting sustenance a breeze. A volunteer security force makes sure everyone’s safe, and it o ers the sort of free-range childhood experience your kids will never forget.
In a world of niche music fests—bluegrass, country, rock, EDM, blues—another thing that makes Live Oak so unique is its expansive variety of genres. Its musical eclecticism is its strength, and the three-day lineup is a collaboration between Waddell, KCBX Music Director and DJ Neal Losey, and Todd Newman of Good Medicine

Presents, who books the acts.
“Todd’s just a wonderful partner,” Waddell said. “He has great relationships with artists and agencies. We are ever grateful to Good Medicine for helping us book the festival.”
Newman works very hard at making sure the variety of performers ows seamlessly from one to another throughout each day.
“A lot of [the variety] re ects back on KCBX,” Newman explained. “Relative to other radio stations, they have very diverse programming, and that has to do with KCBX wanting to provide diversity to the community, but it also has to do with the public radio station dynamics of independent DJs being able to bring a di erent avor to di erent shows.

The lineup
“We try to re ect that within Live Oak and its expansive palette,” he continued. “It’s a lot of fun but also challenging. At the same time, I think other music festivals—maybe by design—get trapped into a very narrow bank of the river. Live Oak has a lot of autonomy to branch out into other things. I think [our audience] expects to be exposed to something new. ey’re open-minded and interested in seeing di erent genres.”
Lanzone agrees: “It’s about trying to expand our audience. We’ve always described the festival as representing the kinds of music you hear on KCBX, but I think it’s now beyond that. We’ve just tried to keep it an eclectic festival. People are expecting us to bring them really good performances from people they’ve never heard of before.”
On Friday, June 14 , see string band Long Forgotten , Afro funk and soul-jazz act The Sure Fire Soul Ensemble psychedelic doom boogie band TK and the Holy Know-Nothings brass band mashers Brass Mash , Latin soul star Trish Toledo and Grammywinning bluegrass and Americana ensemble Molly Tuttle & Golden Highway
On Saturday, June 15 experience indie folk jazz artist Jessi Carr, bluesy roots singer-songwriter Azere Wilson , reggae heroes Resination , roots country-rock-soul singer Madeline Hawthorne , funky New Orleans brass band The Soul Rebels Afro-Brazilian drumline Samba Loca outlaw country blues and rockabilly star Jessie Dayton , saxophone- and drum-driven cave music trio Moon Hooch Irish rockers The Young Dubliners Latin soul and psychedelia trio Los Tranquilos Afro-Mexican Americana futurists Las Cafeteras , ska legends The English Beat , and late night dance party king Vince Cimo’s Hot Fire
On Sunday, June 16 , check out folk harmonies by Murphy Wylde , singer-songwriter Dave Tate , California soulgrass by Miss Leo & the Handsome Fellers rocking folky-bluesy gospelgrass by Eagle Rock Gospel Singers roots and soul Americana by Melissa Carper roots rock and Americana act The Coffis Brothers jamgrass by Hot Buttered Rum country blues punk by Rev. Peyton’s Big Damn Band , dub-hop reggae and soul by Boostive , and humorous storytelling and serious folk by John Craigie with The Coffis Brothers.

Of course, some performers are invited back due to popular demand. KCBX always conducts a post-festival survey to make sure what they’re doing is working.
“Las Cafeteras performed last year and are performing again this year,” Waddell noted. “They were the festival favorite last year. We had lots of people saying, ‘Oh, bring them back,’ so we’re bringing them back.”
Which performer is Waddell most excited about?
“Good lord, Molly Tuttle & Golden
Highway!” she gushed. “She’s one of my alltime favorite musicians, and it’s a big deal that we were able to get her. She’s in high demand for good reason. She’s one of the best bluegrass/Americana guitarists in the world, an excellent singer, and an expert songwriter, too. Plus, her band is made up of virtuosos on their own instruments. They are tight and jaw-droppingly talented. Anyone who comes on Friday night will leave smiling and be blown away by what they just saw.”
If you just want to come for a day, the best bang for your buck is Saturday, where for $70 you can see 13 different acts, but each day boasts a worthy lineup.

There’s also a Zen Den with guided yoga and meditation as well as a tea lounge. Waddell added that the festival is perfect for budding or seasoned musicians because of all the opportunities for jamming as well as workshops with the likes of Phil Salazar, Inga and Britta Swearingen, and longtime emcee Joe Craven and his talented daughter Hattie. There’s also a new late night dance party from midnight to 1 a.m. on Saturday.
“It’s so funny,” Waddell laughed. “I get excited every year and I think, ‘Oh my gosh, this is the best year ever!’ Every year I think that.”
“I think people should try it,” Lanzone said. “I think they’ll enjoy it. It’s a fun weekend, especially if you’ve got kids. We’ve

tried to keep the spotlight on [the idea that] this is for families.”
Maybe it’s your time to join the Live Oak fam. Come for a day, come every day and go home to sleep in your own bed, or camp for the weekend—any way you slice it, it’ll be a blast.
“I’m always kind of amazed that Live Oak doesn’t sell out immediately,” Newman said.
“KCBX has been very gracious in making Live Oak accessible. I know they’re very sensitive to pricing and making it easy for people to participate in camping. I know for my family, Live Oak feels like the most consequential communal event that happens in San Luis Obispo County. We’ve always appreciated how it’s affected our family.
“Our kids have grown up with Live Oak, and being able to embrace that community has made our kids more empathic and compassionate and even better communicators because of the experiences at Live Oak. It really is very powerful.” ∆
Contact Senior Staff Writer Glen Starkey at gstarkey@ newtimesslo.com.

Love is a losing game

What’s it rated? R
am Taylor-Johnson (Fifty Shades of Grey, A Million Little Pieces, Nowhere Boy) directs Matt Greenhalgh’s script chronicling British R&B singer Amy Winehouse’s (Marisa Abela) music and life from adolescence to adulthood, her marriage to Blake Fielder-Civil (Jack O’Connell), the creation of her bestselling second album, Back to Black, and her eventual alcohol-poisoning death at 27 years old. (122 min.)
What’s it worth, Anna? Full price
What’s it worth, Glen? Full price
Glen I love Amy Winehouse’s music, so I knew the soundtrack would slay, and I knew her tragic life story, so I knew what to expect. I wasn’t sure this biopic would have anything to add to what we learned in director Asif Kapadia’s fantastic and moving 2015 documentary, Amy. Comparing the two lms is probably a fool’s errand, but I would argue Back to Black glosses over a lot of the parts of Winehouse’s story that were more thoroughly explored in Amy. TaylorJohnson’s lm is much more sympathetic to Winehouse’s father, Mitch (Eddie Marsan), and Amy’s erstwhile husband, Blake. at said, Marisa Abela was fantastic as Amy, singing her music and embodying her mercurial energy, and I came out of this new lm having a much better understanding of Winehouse’s music. It’s missing some pieces, but this is a terri c movie about a complicated and talented artist. Anna I, too, am familiar with Winehouse, her story, and her tragically early death. After the documentary a few years ago, I wasn’t sure the world needed this biopic. Sometimes these types of lms can feel like they’re being made to settle a score or alter the public’s perception of a star’s story. is lm didn’t try to tiptoe around Amy’s demons, but instead it worked hard to create a picture of the whole. When someone is
What’s it rated? G When? 2008
Where’s it showing? The Palm Theatre of San Luis Obispo on Saturday, May 25 (1:30, 4;15, 7, and 9:30 p.m.), Sunday, May 26 (1:30, 4:15, and 7 p.m.), and Monday, May 27 (7:15 p.m.)
WALL-E appeared on-screen in 2008, and I remember it as a time where everyone was absolutely obsessed, enthralled, and in love with the little robot, his tinny voice, and the love story that unfolded on-screen. It felt like a
Left alone on a trashed Earth, garbage collection robot WALL-E (voiced by Ben
on an

Where’s it showing? Downtown Centre, Park, Stadium 10 Web head: Back to Black chronicles Amy Winehouse’s rise to fame

lost young, especially to addiction, it can unfortunately eclipse the rest of their image. While we may talk about Winehouse’s unpolished public life or how terribly sad it is that she’s a part of that unlucky 27 Club, the truth of the matter is that she was simply a young woman—one who loved her family and fought for them ercely—a woman with dreams of being a mother and wife, someone who just wanted to make her Nan proud. It’s utterly humanizing to her story. Kudos to Abela for taking on the role and voice of this icon—she absolutely nailed it. Glen I was also impressed by O’Connell as Blake. e scene when they meet in a pub— and he introduces her to ’60s American girl group e Shangri-Las and their 1964 hit “Leader of the Pack,” lip-syncing the vocals to her—was pretty darn charming. Blake was troubled by demons, an addict, and absolutely wrong for Amy, yet they were drawn to each other. Look, critics have
new era for Pixar, and that nostalgia is back on the big screen for three days.
WALL-E is a trash collecting little cutie who resides on the now uninhabitable Earth in the 29th century. Consumerism finally destroyed our home planet, and it is WALL-E’s solitary job to sort out all of our leftover Amazon boxes and fast fashion refuse left behind. Suddenly EVE shows up from a spacecraft and WALL-E can’t help but fall in love. When WALL-E shows her a new find, a seedling, EVE can’t process it and goes into standby mode. When she is taken away, WALL-E is sure he must save her and causes a ton of havoc trying to do so.
This film certainly played on repeat in my household after its release on video, but it’s so darn cute I never mind watching it again. Hopefully a new generation will get to enjoy it as a classic in the years to come. (98 min.)
been panning this lm, complaining that it’s pedestrian, toothless, and doesn’t dig deep enough into the truth. OK, sure. e lm all but ignores what led to her death, ending with a line of white text about alcohol poisoning on a black screen. But if you’re an Amy Winehouse fan, ignore it all. Go for the music and Abela’s explosive performance. Anna It’s all about Abela’s portrayal here. She takes on a voice that’s nothing short of intimidating to try and mimic, and she does so with depth and soul. You’re right, there are a lot of demons that are overlooked in this storytelling. However, it succeeded in making its protagonist feel completely human. Amy seems to be someone who was always seeking love, sometimes in the most mad and desperate ways. It’s worth a watch for the music alone. ∆
Senior Sta Writer Glen Starkey and freelancer Anna Starkey write Split Screen. Comment at gstarkey@newtimesslo.com.
who believe they’ve become social outcasts because of Elwood’s eccentricities.

What’s it rated? Approved (The Hays Code) When? 1950 Where’s it showing? The Bay Theater of Morro Bayon Monday, May 27 (5:30 p.m.)
Directed by Henry Koster (The Bishop’s Wife) and based on the play of the same name by Mary Chase, Harvey chronicles the misadventures of Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart), who due to his close friendship with a 6-foot-3.5 invisible white rabbit perplexes those around him and vexes his older sister, Veta (Josephine Hull), and Veta’s daughter, Myrtle Mae (Victoria Horne),
Deeply charming thanks to Stewart’s masterful acting (you almost believe the invisible rabbit is there with him), this family film is a classic farce. When Veta is determined to have Elwood committed to a sanitarium, she instead is committed. Eventually the mistake is corrected and Elwood is brought in, but Harvey—described by Elwood as a benign but mischievous Puca from Celtic mythology—has a few tricks up his invisible sleeve.
Created at a time when eccentricities, special needs, or mental illness were routinely hidden from view, the film’s an insightful take on mental illness and the importance of embracing and accepting divergent personalities. You’ll be blown away by Stewart’s performance and surprised by its progressive view on mental health. (104 min.) ∆ —Glen

BESTIES Amiable eccentric Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) runs into trouble thanks to his best friend, an invisible white rabbit, in the 1950 classic, Harvey, screening in the Bay Theater.

BY GLEN STARKEYTurn it up to 8
Gary Wooten releases
Low Standards, Vol. 1
When Gary Wooten plays, he makes it look easy, effortless really, yet mastering the eight-string hybrid guitar bass is anything but easy. The bottom two strings are tuned to the lowest two strings of a bass and the top six are tuned to standard six-string guitar tuning. He can play it like a standard electric guitar or flip a switch and send the bottom three strings out to a bass amp and the top five strings to a guitar amp, allowing him to run completely independent channels and simultaneously play guitar and bass parts. Don’t try this at home, kids. He’s probably best known as part of singersongwriter Dan Curcio’s group, Moonshiner Collective, but Wooten just released a solo album, Low Standards, Vol. 1, a collection of instrumental cover songs such as The Beatles’ “Here Comes the Sun,” The Beach Boys’ “Wouldn’t it be Nice,” Willie Nelson’s “Crazy,” and more.
The album title refers to “standards,” as in well-known cover songs, and “low,” as in played on an eight-string or “low guitar,” but the musicianship and recording are anything but low standard. The entire affair is absolutely stunning and beautifully produced, mixed, and mastered by Tyson Leonard of Tropo.
The project—the new CD, music videos, website, and merch—was funded by an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign: “You never know when you reach out to others for support how it will be received, and I couldn’t be more proud of the response and what we have brought into the world together as a result,” Wooten said on his website, where you can hear the album for free.
Wooten has been a student of guitar for more than 40 years and also teaches guitar at Grand Central Music & Conservatory. His style is unlike anything you’ve seen, and he breathes fresh life into tracks such as Prince’s “Purple Rain” and Tears for Fears’ “Mad World.” This is just a very cool album.
Wooten will play with Moonshiner Collective on Friday, May 25, at The Siren El Chorro (doors at 6 p.m.; all ages; $100 for a four-person pod at eventbrite.com), with award-winning singer-songwriter Josh Rosenblum opening at 6:40 p.m. and Moonshiner Collective playing from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.
This one’s going to be very special. Led by singer-songwriter Dan Curcio, Moonshiner is a soulful folk band, and using powerful battery generators, they can play off the grid with their high-end PA and run vintage lanterns and globe lights for a super chill ambience. Bring blankets and chairs and settle in for some magic.
Wooten will play solo on Friday, June 21, at Edna Valley Vineyards for their Summer Solstice Dinner titled The Language of Yes at Edna Valley Vineyard (5:30 p.m.; $175 at exploretock.com), which includes wine and food pairings.
If those two gigs are a little too rich for your blood, Wooten plays for free on Saturday, July 20, at Wolff Vineyards (1 to 4 p.m.); and on Thursday, Aug. 1, and Sunday, Sept. 22, at Secret Garden at Sycamore Mineral Springs.
“This CD is the culmination of nearly 20 years of developing this style and these songs, and I couldn’t be more excited to share its unique beauty with music fans worldwide,” Wooten said. “Special thanks to the Central Coast music community for making it happen. I couldn’t have done it without you!”
Fremont Theater
Formed in 1999, Gogol Bordello has been a force of nature in the international punk scene, delivering manic and relentlessly creative hard rock. Since Russia’s attack on Ukraine, Ukrainian frontman Eugene Hütz has been playing with intensified vigor and tirelessly advocating for Ukrainian solidarity. The band’s latest album, Solidaritine, goes back to their hardcore roots.
The band was also featured in the 2023 documentary Scream of My Blood: A Gogol Bordello Story, produced by actor/director Liev Schreiber, who featured the band in

his 2005 film Everything Is Illuminated. The new documentary took home a Special Jury Mention for Best New Documentary Director Award at Tribeca Film Festival.
See Gogol Bordello this Thursday, May 23 (8 p.m.; all ages; $37 to $187 at prekindle.com). Mary Shelley and Grace Bergere open.
The Siren
Hawaiian singer-songwriter and guitarist John Cruz opens the week at The Siren on Thursday, May 23 (7 p.m.; 21-and-older; $25 at tixr.com), playing his soulful blues and folk. After growing up on the islands, he headed to the East Coast and gigged extensively, eventually returning to his native state to release his 1996 debut album, Acoustic Soul, which spawned radio hits like “Shine On,” “Sitting in Limbo,” and “Island Style.” In 2005, Cruz won a Grammy Award as part of the compilation CD Slack Key Guitar Volume 2—the first Grammy ever awarded for Hawaiian music. Local rockers Surfeza opens.
Tommy Peacock & the Feathers plays on Sunday, May 26 (7:30 p.m.; 21-and-older;

free). This cover band leaves no rock decade unexplored. You’ll hear hits from Ben E. Lee, UB40, Johnny Cash, Billy Idol, the Rolling Stones, George Michael, Tom Petty, Steve Miller, Rancid, Nirvana, and more. Finally, (((folkYEAH!))) presents Pearl & The Oysters on Thursday, May 30 (7:30 p.m.; 21-and-older; $20 at eventbrite. com). The LA-based indie/alternative duo delivers dreamy, drum machine-driven, synth-heavy, swirling cosmic pop rock. Dog Party opens.
Rod & Hammer Rock
Fourth generation Idaho native and country troubadour Colby Acuff plays a SLO Brew Live show at Rod & Hammer Rock this Thursday, May 30 (doors at 7 p.m.; 18-and-older; $20 at ticketweb.com). His bio describes Acuff as “a rugged spirit true to his mountain home, [with] honest-to-afault lyrics and a sound as raw as the remote wilderness” who plays an “untamed brand of country [that] stands proudly apart in today’s format—pure and untouched by modern gimmicks.”

Arab Music Ensemble Spring Concert

FEATURING: Vocal and instrumental Arab art music
Metric modes reaching 24 beats/measure

Popular songs from Egypt, Greece, Iraq and Romania

Rafid Yalda, IraqiAmerican nay master
Ishmael, AssyrianAmerican qanun master

Fathi Aljarrah, Syrian-American kamanja master

$15 and $20 general, $10 students | Cal Poly Ticket Office: 805-756-4849, pacslo.org More information: music.calpoly.edu/calendar/ame

The 2024 Soundings multidisciplinary performances will feature the Bostonbased contemporary duo Transient Canvas. Bass clarinetist Amy Advocat, and marimbist Matt Sharrock, will collaborate with the Cal Poly Music Department’s music technology and composition students and dancers from the Theatre and Dance Department. This year’s show — the ways we use technology to

This week’s online poll 5/23–5/30 What’s the best thing about the Central Coast during summer?
m Being close to the ocean.
m Tons of wineries to choose from for outdoor tastings.
m Big annual events, like the MidState Fair and SB County Fair.

Museum tours from 10am - 3pm

Guest Speaker: Rosalie Salutan Marquez, FANHS-CCCC Ceremony Includes: Patriotic Music, Gettysburg Address, Color Guard, Flag Presentation, Memorial Wreath, etc.
+ coleslaw, chips, cookie, water. Veterans free w/valid ID
Guest Speaker: Rosalie Salutan Marquez, FANHS-CCCC Ceremony Includes: Patriotic Music, Gettysburg Address, Color Guard, Flag Presentation, Memorial Wreath, etc. + coleslaw, chips, free w/valid ID
+ coleslaw, chips, cookie, water. Veterans free w/valid ID
New Special Exhibit onsite, honoring WWII American & Filipino POWs and those in the Philippines conflicts
New Special Exhibit onsite, honoring WWII American & Filipino POWs and those in the Philippines conflicts
New Special Exhibit onsite, honoring WWII American & Filipino POWs and those in the Philippines conflicts

Enjoy genre-spanning music from local and touring artists from our Courtyard Bandstand!
1-4PM and 5-8PM
Plus: bonus shows on holiday weekends and special occasions!!
Join us on July 4 for an EPIC Independence Day Party featuring:
The Murder Hornets
DJ Gack • King Tide
•Dante Marsh & The Vibesetters • Front Row viewing of the Fireworks Show off Cayucos Pier!!

Vina Robles Amphitheatre
There are still a handful of tickets available for Lord Huron, returning to Vina Robles this Thursday, May 23 (7:30 p.m.; all ages; $44.40 to $54.50 at vinaroblesamphitheatre. com). The LA-based indie rockers are known for hits such as “The Night We Met,” “Wait by the River,” “When the Night is Over,” and “Not Dead Yet.” Clover County opens.
gourmet pizza, microbrews, and more.
“Turn it up, Buttercup!”
Sound out!
Also this week at Vina, see comedian George Lopez on Saturday, May 25 (8 p.m.; all ages; $46 to $66 at vinaroblesamphitheatre. com). He’s touring as part of his ALLLRIIIIGHHTTT! stand-up comedy tour. Lopez is currently starring in the NBC comedy series Lopez vs Lopez, featuring his real-life daughter, Mayan Lopez. He can also be seen in Snoop Dogg’s Amazon MGM sports comedy, The Underdoggs, and in the independent holiday comedy How the Gringo Stole Christmas.
Numbskull and Good Medicine
Send music and club information to gstarkey@newtimesslo.com.
Are you ready for two red-hot female vocalists and their respective bands? The Basin Street Regulars Hot Jazz Club has both Marci Jean & The Fever and Valerie Johnson and the Voodoo Doodads on the bill this Sunday, May 26, in the Pismo Beach Vets Hall (jam at 11 a.m., concert at 1 p.m.; all ages; $15 general or $10 for members at my805tix. com). Marci Jean & The Fever specializes in 1940s and ’50s jump blues and R&B, with Marci Jean singing both originals and covers by the likes of Laverne Baker to Etta James. Valerie Johnson and the Voodoo Doodads opens, playing blues, traditional New Orleans jazz, Cajun/ zydeco, and more.
The SLO County Trumpet Alliance plays Sunday, May 24, at the Atascadero Lake Park bandstand (2 to 3:30 p.m.; all ages; free). The 15- to 20-member ensemble is celebrating their 12th year of performance as part of the Cuesta College Community Programs curriculum. Bring a lawn chair and enjoy free coffee and pastries.
One Drop Redemption, the premiere Bob Marley & The Wailers tribute experience, comes to Club Car Bar this Sunday, May 26 (8 p.m.; all ages; $20 at goodmedicinepresents.com). The show will take you “on a journey back in time to relive the magic of an iconic Bob Marley & The Wailers concert,” according to organizers. “This band faithfully delivers timeless Marley classics that have left an indelible mark on the world’s music history.”
More music …
“No one can accuse us of being a ‘halfbaked boogie blues band,’” New Orleansstyle swamp boogie blues bandleader Cliff “Crawdaddy” Stepp quipped about his band The Cliffnotes and their third annual Buttercup Boogie this Saturday, May 25, in Morro Bay’s Buttercup Bakery & Café (4 to 7 p.m.; all ages; free). Expect a patio party with the Buttercup Food Truck serving
Calling all bands
Whale Rock Music and Arts Festival—at Castoro Cellars Winery on Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 14 and 15—invites bands to submit their information and music to the 2024 Jam in the Van Battle of the Bands, where the winner will win the final spot on the Whale Rock festival lineup along with a Jam in the Van live session and more. The link is: jaminthevan.com/ whalerockcontest2024.
Enter your band name, where you’re based, a link to one song that best represents you (a live performance is encouraged), your Instagram link, your favorite Jam in the Van session, contact name, email address, and phone number. All entries must be received by 11:59 p.m. (Pacific Time) on Wednesday, June 19. Good luck and may the best band win! ∆
Contact Senior Staff Writer Glen Starkey at gstarkey@newtimesslo.com.
Branch out
Arroyo Grande’s Branch Street Deli and Pizzeria celebrates its first anniversary of a delicious upgrade
Branch Street Deli and Pizzeria in Arroyo Grande has enjoyed a full year with a more modern look and menu— 27 years after the restaurant took root in the heart of the city’s historic Village.
New owners Bob Spallino and Michael Goodloe ushered in the first anniversary of the remodeled deli on March 15. Formerly called Branch Street Deli, the restaurant also levelled up with a name change that added Pizzeria to its title. It shows off Spallino’s hand in operating the award-winning Pizzeria Bella Forno in Old Town Orcutt. Meanwhile, Goodloe upped the ante as Branch Street’s head chef, boosting the deli’s old menu with a combination of longstanding Branch Street staples, Pizzeria Bella Forno hits, and culinary conceptions of his own.
“We gutted it from the back to the front of the building. Put new flooring in, paint, tile, ceiling, equipment, a wood-fired pizza oven from Italy,” Goodloe told New Times. “Classically, it was mostly a lunch deli
Deli development
Enjoy Branch Street Deli and Pizzeria’s transformation every day starting at 11 a.m. It closes at 3 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday, at 8 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday, and at 7 p.m. on Sunday. Check out branchstreetdeli.com and follow the restaurant on Instagram @branch_st_deli_ and_pizzeria.
specializing in sandwiches and burgers. Now, we have elevated that side of the business.”
The renovated eatery’s menu includes soups like the tri-tip chili, appetizers like calamari and garlicky brandy mushrooms, salads like the Thai chicken and mango, entrees like shrimp carbonara and Angus steak sliders, and artisan pizzas like the hot honey and candied jalapeño pie.
San Luis Obispo County residents who are fans of Pizzeria Bella Forno can now venture to Branch Street to get their fix. The deli menu shares items with the Orcutt pizzeria like pear and prosciutto pizza, the
continued page 52

pesto Genovese pizza, and the Angus beef meatballs, among other treats.
“He’s [Spallino] won some awards for his pizzas down there, so we tried to bring that up here,” Goodloe said. “We also have Italian-style gelato, and we took the dinner business that was kind of nonexistent before and added pastas and entrees.”
A graduate of Le Cordon Bleu culinary school, Goodloe’s worked commercial kitchens for more than two decades. He honed his skills at private clubs and high-end hotels in Newport Beach, at Clint Eastwood’s former Hog’s Breath Inn in Carmel-by-the-Sea, in Sonoma, Las Vegas, and at a desert country club in La Quinta.
Goodloe and Spallino’s business partnership germinated years ago when the Orcutt pizzeria owner catered Goodloe’s wedding. They’ve kept in touch since then, driven by conversations to one day open a restaurant together. The duo struck a deal in 2022 when the former Branch Street Deli owners looked to sell the space, and Goodloe and his wife moved from La Quinta to Orcutt to start their new culinary chapter.
“It’s been a big collaboration between Bob and myself,” Goodloe said. “He has a good following on the Central Coast. … I work with the food and stuff, but I have a chef that worked for me before, Jaime Mendoza, that’s helping me oversee some operations.”

Goodloe and Spallino also built on the entertainment element of the old deli. Branch Street Deli was famous for its weekly live music events. Now, the revamped pizzeria is looking to expand its current Friday and Saturday performance schedule to four nights a week. Catch musicians Manny Mestas, Bob Stricklin, and Chris Beland on May 24, 25, and 31, respectively, from 5:30 to 8 p.m.
“The deli was always known for its Friday night music,” Goodloe said. “We’ve added Saturdays, and we’ll have Thursdays in a few weeks, possibly Sundays as well.”
More changes are coming to Branch Street Deli and Pizzeria. The menu will reflect seasonal upgrades depending on the fruits, vegetables, and produce available during the summer. The owners plan to add steak and fish as dinner specials, and they’re also entertaining the possibility of a weekend brunch service.
“We just try to keep it simple here like with comfort foods,” Goodloe said. “Our lunch business is really strong. … We have countless regulars that come in multiple times a week. Any night when the weather’s great, the place is packed.” ∆
Staff Writer Bulbul Rajagopal is ready to bask in the glow of Branch Street Deli and Pizzeria’s wood-fired oven. Send sunblock to brajagopal@newtimesslo.com.

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Pursuant to California Government Code Section 25215.6(b), Health and Safety Code Section 5473.1, and Chapter 3.22.010 of the San Luis Obispo County Code, by which charges may be collected on the general County tax bill, the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo, acting as the Governing Board of County Service Area Nos. 16 (Shandon), 23 (Santa Margarita), 7A (Oak Shores), and 18 (San Luis Obispo Country Club Estates) will hold a public hearing on July 16, 2024 in the Board of Supervisors Chambers, County Government Center, San Luis Obispo, regarding the collection of annual levy water and sewer availability charges on the Fiscal Year 2024-25 tax roll. All hearing items are scheduled for 9:00 a.m. To determine the placement of this item on the agenda, please contact the County Administrative Office the Thursday afternoon before the scheduled hearing date.
The report describing the water and sewer availability charges proposed to be collected on the Fiscal Year 202425 tax roll is on file in the Office of the County Clerk and is available for public review.
Date: May 21, 2024
Matthew P. Pontes, County Administrative Officer & ExOfficio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors
By: /s/ Niki Martin, Deputy Clerk of the Board of Supervisors May 23 & 30, 2024

The San Luis Obispo City Council invites all interested persons to attend a public hearing on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 990 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo. Meetings may be viewed remotely on Government Access Channel 20 or streamed live from the City’s YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/ CityofSanLuisObispo. Public comment, prior to the start of the meeting, may be submitted in writing via U.S. Mail delivered to the City Clerk’s office at 990 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 or by email to emailcouncil@slocity.org.
• The City Council will hold a Public Hearing to consider adopting the FY 2024-25 Supplemental Budget for the second year of the 2023-25 Financial Plan. Key elements of the Supplemental Budget include:
1. Focus on long-term fiscal health, aligned with Fiscal and Budget Policies and Financial Responsibility and Sustainable Philosophy
2. Align budget resources with Council-adopted Major City Goal strategies
3. Minimal changes from the Financial Plan base budgets to support critical needs or address mandates
4. Prioritize storm recovery and prepare for future storm events
5. Invest in the future and fund maintenance of existing infrastructure and invest in the capital improvement program
6. Address both required and discretionary payments to unfunded pension liabilities.
For more information, contact Emily Jackson, Finance Director for the City’s Finance Department at (805) 781-7125 or by email, ejackson@slocity.org.
The City Council may also discuss other hearings or business items before or after the items listed above. If you challenge the proposed project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or prior to, the public hearing.
Council Agenda Reports for this meeting will be available for review one week in advance of the meeting date on the City’s website, under the Public Meeting Agendas web page: https://www.slocity.org/government/mayorand-city-council/agendas-and-minutes. Please call the City Clerk’s Office at (805) 781-7114 for more information. The City Council meeting will be televised live on Charter Cable Channel 20 and live streaming on the City’s YouTube channel www.youtube.com/CityofSanLuisObispo.
May 23, 2024

WHO County of San Luis Obispo Planning Commission
WHEN Thursday, June 27, 2024 at 9:00 AM: All items are advertised for 9:00 AM.
To verify agenda placement, please call the Department of Planning & Building at
WHAT A request by Mittry Farms Trust (applicant) for a Land Use Ordinance Amendment (LRP 2021-00006) to amend Planning Area Standards set forth in Land Use Ordinance (LUO) Section 22.94.080 and the Community Planning Standards set forth in County LUO Section 22.104.090.C.5 to include Residential Single-Family as an allowable principal use on a 10.02acre parcel (Assessor’s Parcel Number [APN] 040-201-033; herein referred to as project site). The proposed amendment would allow development of single-family dwellings on the project site through Conditional Use Permit approval. The project includes the concurrent processing of a Vesting Tentative Tract Map (VTTM) and CUP to subdivide the project site into 23 lots and facilitate the construction of 22 single-family residential units, accessory dwelling units (ADUs), and associated site improvements. The project would be located at 301 North Main Street in the unincorporated community of Templeton. The project site is located approximately 60 feet east of U.S. Highway 101 (US 101), within the Commercial Retail (CR) land use category within the Salinas River Sub-area of the North County Planning Area.
Also, to be considered at the hearing will be the adoption of the Environmental Determination prepared for this item. The Environmental Coordinator, after completion of the initial study, finds that there is no substantial evidence the project will have a significant effect on the environment, and the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not necessary. Therefore, a Mitigated Negative Declaration (pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq., and CA Code of Regulations Section 15000 et seq.) has been issued on May 9, 2024, for this project. Mitigation measures are proposed to address Air Quality, Biological Resources, Geology and Soils, Hydrology and Water Quality, Land Use and Planning, Noise, Utilities and Services, and Mandatory Findings of Significance are included as conditions of approval.
County File Number: N-SUB2023-00013
Supervisorial District: District 1
Assessor Parcel Number(s): 040-201-033
Date Accepted: 12/1/2023
WHERE The hearing will be held in the Katcho Achadjian Government Center, Board of Supervisors Chambers, 1055 Monterey Street, Room #D170, San Luis Obispo, CA. The Board of Supervisors Chambers are located on the corner of Santa Rosa and Monterey Streets. At the meeting all interested persons may express their views for or against, or to change the proposal.
Bid Due Date: May 24, 2024 at 02:00 PM (PT)
Contact: Larry Wysong Phone: (805) 466-1038 Fax: (805) 466-5176
Architect: FINNEY ARCHITECTS Owner: San Luis Coastal Unified School District Bid Project Status: Open San Luis Coastal USD has selected Wysong Construction as the Lease-leaseback prime contractor for the project listed above. Please note: This project is subject to the "Skilled & Trained Workforce" requirement. We appreciate your support and look forward to working with your firm
Invitation to Bid (Sub bids only)
BID DATE & TIME: MAY 24, 2024 @ 02:00 PM
May 16, 2024 May 16 & 23, 2024
will be returned to the bidder unopened. A
Bids are required for the entire work described in the Contract Documents.
The Bid package (also referred to herein as the “Contract Documents”) are posted on the County’s Purchasing website: http://www.slocounty.ca.gov/GS/Purchasing/Current_Formal_Bids_and_Proposals.htm
Any changes, additions, or deletions to these Contract Documents will be in the form of written addenda issued by the County. Any addenda will be posted on the website. Prospective bidders must check the website for addenda or other relevant new information at up to 5:00 p.m. the day before the prescribed date/time for submittal of bids. The County is not responsible for the failure of any prospective bidder to receive such addenda. All addenda so issued shall become a part of this Bid. All bidders are required to acknowledge and confirm receipt of every addendum in their bid proposal. All bidder Requests for Information must be submitted no later than 3:00 p.m., 5 business days prior to the bid opening date. Requests submitted after said date may not be considered. All questions pertaining to the content of this invitation to Bid must be made in
of the full text of the Ordinance is available for review by contacting the City Clerk at 805-473-5400. Jessica Matson, City Clerk
Publish one time, The New Times, May 23, 2024 Post: City Hall, 300 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande
A copy of the staff report will be made available on the Planning Department website at www.sloplanning.org You may also contact Eric Tolle, Project Manager, in the Department of Planning and Building at the address below or by telephone at 805-781-5600.
If you challenge this matter in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this public notice or in written correspondence delivered to the appropriate authority at or before the public hearing.
Ysabel Eighmy, Secretary Planning Commission May 23, 2024

DATE: May 28, 2024
TIME 6:00 p.m.
PLACE: City of Atascadero Council Chambers 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Atascadero will hold a PUBLIC HEARING in-person and virtually at the time and place above for the purpose of the adoption of a resolution amending the schedule of fees and charges for City Services. A copy of the draft resolution and fee schedule can be viewed by appointment in the offices of City Hall, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, or by contacting the Administrative Services Department at (805) 470- 3428
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that if a challenge to the above action is made in court, persons may be limited to raising only those issues they or someone else raised at the public hearing described in the notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Council at, or prior to, the public hearing.
ALL INTERESTED PERSONS are invited to attend in-person or virtually and will be given an opportunity to speak in favor or opposition. Individuals who wish to participate remotely may call (669) 900-6833 (Meeting ID: 889 2347 9018) to listen and provide public comment via phone or via the Zoom platform using the link posted on the City’s website at www.atascadero.org/agendas. Written comments are also accepted by the City Clerk, prior to the hearing at 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, CA 93422 or cityclerk@atascadero.org and will be distributed to the City Council. Written public comments must be received by 12:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. Email comments must identify the Agenda Item Number in the subject line of the email. Written comments will not be read into the record.
INTERESTED PERSONS may access the live-streamed meeting through the City’s website on Zoom, SLO-SPAN. org, on Spectrum cable Channel 20 in Atascadero and listen live on KPRL Radio 1230 AM and 99.3 FM. Information regarding the hearing is filed in the City Clerk’s office and is available on the City’s website at www.atascadero.org/agendas.
For more information, of if you have any questions, please contact the Administrative Services Department at 805-470-3428.
DATED: May 13, 2024
S/ Jeri Rangel, Administrative Services Director
PUBLISH: 5/16/24 and 5/23/24
01. Consent Agenda – Item Nos. 01-19 Resolution (Res) Nos. 2024-110 thru 2024-112, approved.
02. Public Comment Period – Items not on the agenda: E. Greening; D. Weisman & M. Brown: speak. No action taken.
03. Update on proposed State legislation activities, rec’d. Additionally, [4-0] motion to oppose AB 2561; [2-2] motion to support AB 2079; [2-2] motion to oppose AB 1337 & [2-2] motion to amend legislative platform to oppose ACA 1 & 13. 04. Res. 2024-113, introducing the FY 2024-25 Recommended Budget (including special districts), adopted & scheduling hearing to 6/3/24 in the Board of Supervisors Chambers at 9:00 AM & ordering publication of the required legal notices, approved.
05. Protests hearing re: renewal of the SLO Co. Tourism Business Improvement District, no majority protest rec’d, levy of assessments cont’d & CBID declared renewed & 2023 Year End Report and 2024/25 Draft Budget, rec’d & filed.
06. Closed Session. Anticipated Litigation: Significant exposure to litigation - potential cases: 4. Initiation of litigationpotential cases: 3. Pending Litigation: SLO Co. Homeless Union, et. al v. County of San Luis Obispo, et al, United States Court, Central District of California, Western Division, Case No. 2:24 CV-00616. Conference w/ Labor Negotiator re: employee organizations: SLOPA; SLOCEA-T&C; DCCA; Sheriffs’ Mgmt; SLOCPPOA; DSA; DAIA; SLOCPMPOA; SLOCEA – PSSC; Unrepresented Mgmt & Confidential Employees; SDSA; UDWA. Open Session. Report out.
07. FY 2023-24 3rd Qtr. Financial Status Report & various financial actions, recommendations 1-26 approved.
08. Updated report re: Winter 2023 storms impacts to road maintenance operations & the status of storm response efforts, rec’d & filed & $12,383,000 budget adjustment request increasing appropriations for storm repair projects, approved.
09. Board Member Comments & Reports on Meetings: Supervisor Paulding announces a beautification event at the Oceano Memorial Park on 05/18 at 9am; Supervisor Peschong: thanks R. Campbell for acting as Co. Administrative Officer (CAO); welcomes new CAO, M. Pontes & reads from the Pacific Coast Business Times re: housing in coastal counties, acknowledging SLO Co. & Chairperson Arnold thanks everyone for their hard work, including Admin Office on the budget & Public Works on road repairs.
For more details, view meeting videos at: https://www. slocounty.ca.gov/Departments/Administrative-Office/ Clerk-of-the-Board/Clerk-of-the-Board-Services/Board-ofSupervisors-Meetings-and-Agendas.aspx
Matthew P. Pontes, County Administrative Officer & Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors
By: Annette Ramirez, Deputy Clerk of the Board of Supervisors May 23, 2024

WHO County of San Luis Obispo Planning Department Hearing
WHEN Friday, June 7, 2024 at 9:00 AM: All items are advertised for 9:00 AM.
To verify agenda placement, please call the Department of Planning & Building at WHAT
(Continued from May 17, 2024) Hearing by Dirk Winter for Minor Use Permit/Coastal Development Permit (C-DRC2021-00009) to convert existing Brambles Restaurant into 8 hotel units (8,149 square feet), construct 3 new detached motel buildings: a 2-unit (728 square feet), a 6-unit (2,482 square feet) and a 7-unit (2,627 square feet), and a conversion of the 2,155 square foot nursery into 3-units including additional 144 square feet ( electrical and bathroom), the nursery include structure includes the lobby/reception area, concierge services, for total 26 hotel units. The project includes reconfiguration of the existing parking lot to accommodate 31 car spaces (22 standard spaces, 6 compact car spaces and 3 ADA spaces), landscape, spa and trash/recycle areas. The project includes an adjustment to the riparian setback per section 23.07.174 (d). The project will result in the disturbance of approximately 1.22 acres (53,170 square feet). The project is within the Commercial Retail land us category and is located at 4005 and 4039 Burton Drive. The site is in the community of Cambria in the North Coast Planning area. APNs: 013-262-018 and 008
Also to be considered is the determination that this project is exempt from environmental review under CEQA based on the common sense exemption, CEQA Guidelines § 15061(b)(3).
County File Number: C-DRC2021-00009
Supervisorial District: District 2
Assessor Parcel Number(s): 013-262-008, -018
Date Accepted: 5/30/2023
WHERE Virtual meeting via Zoom platform.
Instructions on how to view and participate in the meeting remotely and provide public comment will be included in the published meeting Agenda and are posted on the Department’s webpage at: Planning Department Hearing - County of San Luis Obispo (ca.gov)
A copy of the staff report will be made available on the Planning Department website at www.sloplanning.org. You may also contact Jeremy Freund, Project Manager, in the Department of Planning and Building at the address below or by telephone at 805-781-5621.
This matter is tentatively scheduled to appear on the consent agenda, which means that it and any other items on the consent agenda can be acted upon by the hearing officer with a single motion. An applicant or interested party may request a public hearing on this matter. To do so, send a letter to this office at the address below or send an email to pdh@co.slo.ca.us by 5/31/2024 at 4:30 PM. The letter or email must include the language “I would like to request a hearing on C-DRC2021-00009.”
If you challenge this matter in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this public notice or in written correspondence delivered to the appropriate authority at or before the public hearing.
If the County approves this project, that action may be eligible for appeal to the California Coastal Commission. An applicant or aggrieved party may appeal to the Coastal Commission only after all possible local appeals have been exhausted pursuant to Coastal Zone Land Use Ordinance Section 23.01.043(b). Local appeals must be filed using the required Planning Department form as provided by Coastal Zone Land Use Ordinance Section 23.01.042(a)(1).
Ysabel Eighmy, Secretary Planning Department Hearing May 23, 2024

WHO County of San Luis Obispo Planning Department Hearing
WHEN Friday, June 7, 2024 at 9:00 AM: All items are advertised for 9:00 AM. To verify agenda placement, please call the Department of Planning & Building at
WHAT A request by Maurice & Joy Montoya for a Minor Use Permit/Coastal Development Permit (C-DRC 2022-00066) to allow construction of an approximately 2,448 square-foot, two-story single-family residence with an attached 618 square-foot two-car garage, 494 square- foot rooftop deck, and a 99 square-foot second story balcony on a vacant lot. The project will be served by a new driveway from the rear alley accessed from Surf Avenue. The project will result in the disturbance of the entire 3,500 square-foot parcel for infrastructure improvements and appurtenances. The project also includes a request to establish and operate a residential vacation rental within the single-family residence.
The project is in the Residential Multi-Family land use category, located at Lot 7 on the 38th block of Laguna Drive in the Community of Oceano (APN: 061-062-028). The site is in the San Luis Bay Coastal Planning Area of the Coastal Zone.
Also to be considered is the determination that this project is categorically exempt from environmental review under CEQA.
County File Number: C-DRC2022-00066
Supervisorial District: District 4 Assessor Parcel Number(s): 061-062-028
Date Accepted: 10/6/2023
WHERE Virtual meeting via Zoom platform.
Instructions on how to view and participate in the meeting remotely and provide public comment will be included in the published meeting Agenda and are posted on the Department’s webpage at: Planning Department Hearing - County of San Luis Obispo (ca.gov)
A copy of the staff report will be made available on the Planning Department website at www.sloplanning.org. You may also contact Ana Luvera, Project Manager, in the Department of Planning and Building at the address below or by telephone at 805-781-5600.
This matter is tentatively scheduled to appear on the consent agenda, which means that it and any other items on the consent agenda can be acted upon by the hearing officer with a single motion. An applicant or interested party may request a public hearing on this matter. To do so, send a letter to this office at the address below or send an email to pdh@co.slo.ca.us by 5/31/2024 at 4:30 PM. The letter or email must include the language “I would like to request a hearing on C-DRC2022-00066.”
If you challenge this matter in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this public notice or in written correspondence delivered to the appropriate authority at or before the public hearing.
If the County approves this project, that action may be eligible for appeal to the California Coastal Commission. An applicant or aggrieved party may appeal to the Coastal Commission only after all possible local appeals have been exhausted pursuant to Coastal Zone Land Use Ordinance Section 23.01.043(b). Local appeals must be filed using the required Planning Department form as provided by Coastal Zone Land Use Ordinance Section 23.01.042(a)(1).
Ysabel Eighmy, Secretary Planning Department Hearing May 23, 2024
Free Will Astrology by Rob Brezsny
Homework: Read and hear free excerpts from my book at https://tinyurl.com/BraveBliss
(March 21-April 19): In the coming weeks, you will experience uncomfortable weirdness if you do the following: 1. Meander without focus or purpose; 2. give yourself permission to postpone, procrastinate, and engage in avoidant behavior; 3. ignore the interesting though challenging truths that are right in front of you; 4. hang out with people with mediocre ambitions. But you will experience healthy, uplifting oddness if you do the following: 1. Trust your instincts and intuitions; 2. authorize your spontaneity to invigorate and guide you; 3. take the straightforward path that gets you to the destination most efficiently; 4. be crisp and nimble.
(April 20-May 20): Mysterious energies will soon begin healing at least some of the wounds in your financial genius. As a result, I predict new powers of attraction will awaken in you, making it likely you will add to your wealth in the coming months. To synergize these happy developments, I recommend you give yourself permission to have joyous fun as you lust for more cash. More good news: I will supplement your good fortune by casting a benevolent spell to boost the flow of riches into your bank account.
(May 21-June 20): When I first got my job writing a horoscope column, I wasn’t looking for it. It found me. My bike had been stolen, and I was looking for a new one in the classified ads of the Good Times, the local Santa Cruz newspaper. There I serendipitously spied a “Help Wanted” ad. The publisher of the Good Times was hiring a new astrology writer to replace Robert Cole, who had just quit. I quickly applied for the gig and got it. Ever since, Robert Cole has been a symbol for me of an accidental and unexpected opportunity appearing out of nowhere. I mention this, Gemini, because when I meditate on you lately, I see the face of Robert Cole.
(June 21-July 22): In myths and legends, the consummate spiritual goal has various names: the Holy Grail, philosopher’s stone, pearl of great price, nirvana, alchemical gold, key of life, and many others. I appreciate this profusion of sacred symbols. It encourages us to not be too literal about identifying the highest reward. The old fables are equally equivocal about where the prize can be found. Is it in an empty desert or dark forest? In the deepest abyss, on a mountaintop, or in the backyard? I bring these thoughts to your attention, Cancerian, because the coming months will be an excellent time to conduct a quest for the marvelous treasure. What do you need most right now? What’s the best way to begin your search?
(July 23-Aug. 22): I have good news for any Leos who are devoted to pragmatism and rational analysis. Just this once, my horoscope will offer no lyrical teasers or mystical riddles. Your pressing need for no-nonsense grit has moved me to offer straightforward, unembellished counsel. Here it is, dear: Cultivate connections that will serve your passionate ambitions. Make vigorous use of your network and community to gather information that will serve your passionate ambitions. Meditate on what course corrections might be necessary to serve your passionate ambitions.
(Aug. 23-Sept. 22): For many of you Virgos, your health seems chronically unsettled. You may be constantly hyper-vigilant about the next glitch that could possible affect your well-being. There’s a problem with that approach: It may intensify your fear of frailty, which in turn saps your vigor. But I’m happy to report that in the coming months, you will have an enhanced power to break out of this pattern. To get started, try this: Every morning for four minutes, picture yourself overflowing with vitality. Visualize every part of your body working with joyful heartiness. Send streams of love and gratitude to all your organs. Do this for the next 21 days.
(Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Many people regard the word “faith” as referring to delusional hope or wishful thinking. But I ask you to rethink its meaning—and consider the possibility that it could be an empowering force in the coming months. How? Imagine a faith that’s earthy and robust. You actually feel it vibrating in your heart and gut. It literally alters your brain chemistry, fortifying your natural talents and attracting needed resources. It liberates you to feel pragmatically excited as you pursue your goal of fulfilling your soul’s code.
(Oct. 23-Nov. 21): When I was born, my parents gave me the name “Robert.” It’s derived from an Old North French word meaning “shining” and “bright with glory.” In Middle English, though, “robert” was a designation for “a wastrel, a marauder, a good-for-nothing.” I use this dichotomy as a reminder that my own nature is a mix of brightness and darkness. A lot of me is shining and inspirational, but there’s also a part that’s ignorant and confused. And what’s true about me is true about everyone else, including you: We are blends of the best and the not-so-best. Now is a good time to draw strength and wisdom from meditating on this reality. Your shadowy aspects have important and interesting truths to reveal to your brilliant aspects—and vice versa.
(Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Here are some meditations on emotions. They are as key to our intelligence as our thoughts! But it’s crucial that we distinguish between emotions generated by delusions and emotions that are responses to true perceptions. Let’s say I get angry because I imagine a friend stole money from my room while visiting, but then later I put on my vest and find the supposedly stolen cash in the vest pocket. That is a delusional emotion. But if I am sad because my friend’s beloved dog is sick, that is emotion based on an accurate perception. I bring this to your attention, Sagittarius, because I believe it is essential that in the coming weeks you discern between the two types.
(Dec. 22-Jan. 19): As an adjunct to the Ten Commandments, I have formulated the Ten Suggestions. Here’s Suggestion No. 1: Wash your own brain at least three times a year. I’m speaking metaphorically, of course. What I mean is that like me and everyone else, you are always accumulating junky thoughts and useless feelings. Some are generated by our old, conditioned responses, and some pour into us from the media and entertainment industries. And it’s best to be proactive about the toxic build-up—not allow it to become monumental. In my astrological opinion, now is an excellent time for a regular mind cleanse.
(Jan. 20-Feb. 18): So many writers have said terrible things about our existence on planet Earth. “Life is a disease,” wrote George Bernard Shaw. “Life is a bad dream,” declared Eugene O’Neill. Life is “a vast cold junkpile,” according to Stephen King. There are thousands more of these unnuanced disparagements. Why? Here are the facts, as I see them: As tough as it can be to navigate through problems and pain, being alive in our miraculous bodies with our dazzling awareness is a sublime gift. We are all blessed with a mysterious and fascinating destiny. In accordance with the astrological omens, Aquarius, I invite you to celebrate being alive with extra gratitude and ebullience. Begin the jubilee by feeling amazement and awe for your mysterious and fascinating destiny. Second step: Identify five sublime gifts in your life.
(Feb. 19-March 20): In the coming weeks, I ask you to refrain from indulging in extreme nostalgia. On the other hand, I encourage you to explore the past and sift through memories with the intention of clarifying what really happened back then. Pluck new lessons from the old days that will help you forge smart decisions in the near future. Use your history as a resource while you redefine the meanings of pivotal events. For extra credit, create a new title for the book you may someday write about your life story. ∆