N O R T H E R N S A N TA B A RB A R A C O U N T Y ’ S N E W S A N D E N T E R TA I N M E N T W E E K LY > J U N E 5 - J U N E 12 , 2 0 14 > VO L . 15 N O. 13 > W W W. S A N TA M A RI A S U N .C O M
Chef satisfies [36]
This big pizza pie from Palo Mesa Pizza has taken big honors on the global stage [20] BY HENRY BRUINGTON
NEWS Fill your plate with local
meats [8] and cheeses [10]
SPORTS Exercise your legs and palate by hunting mushrooms [24]
ARTS Paint with wine [26] and
have music with food [28]
Sample award-winning pizza on the Central Coast WORDS AND PHOTOS BY HENRY BRUINGTON
felt at home the moment I walked through Palo Mesa Pizza’s doors. There’s something truly genuine about the environment that owner Michael Stevens has built at his businesses—not to mention the amazing pizza. We’re talking internationally acclaimed pizza. In March 2013, Stevens competed in the International Pizza Challenge in Las Vegas and placed first in the southwest division and fifth in the world. He followed that success by qualifying to compete for the America Pizza Team at the America Pizza Challenge in October 2013. Then, just weeks ago, in April 2014, he placed 53 out of 600 contestants at a pizza competition in Parma, Italy. As I spent the day with Stevens and his employees to get a sense of how they create their exalted pies, I got a feel for how much they care for their craft, their customers, and each other. With annual pizza competitions in Vegas and Italy, these pizzaiolos are well seasoned in high-pressure pizza making situations judged by their peers in the pizza world. With two restaurants in Arroyo Grande and a new location in San Luis Obispo, they’ve drawn the attention of the community with their friendly attitude and stellar food. Although my recent visit marked my first time enjoying Palo Mesa’s award-winning pizza, it won’t be my last. m Contact Staff Photographer Henry Bruington at hbruington@santamariasun.com.
A HOLEY ENDEAVOR: At Palo Mesa, the pizza makers treat the dough by poking holes in it with a roller. That’s so bubbles don’t form while the crust bakes.
THE PIE MAN: Michael Stevens owns Palo Mesa Pizza, where he puts his own spin on the menu.
Add the ingredients
Doughn't get carried away!
BAKE OFF: Palo Mesa Pizza makes use of a pizza-stone oven, which Michael Stevens says is more of an art form than the conveyer belts other restaurants employ. (That’s a meatball sub in the foil on the right.)
SOME LIKE IT HOT: A hungry patron recently ordered this custom pizza, asking for peppers as a topping. Owner Michael Stevens clarified, asking whether she wanted jalapeños (which he dubbed “Hey-o!”) or yellow peppers (“Hey.”) on the pie.
Getting baked on a stone
Award-winning hunger-bringer PIZZA continued page 22
PIZZA from page 21
IN THE HOUSE: The cooks at Palo Mesa Pizza work with fresh ingredients, and their commitment includes pickling their own jalape単os, scattered liberally on this Michaela: homemade red sauce, pepperoni, premium bacon, red onions, jalape単os, pineapple, fresh garlic, and fresh cilantro.
Proof of victory!
TASTE FOR YOURSELF Palo Mesa Pizza has three locations. Visit them at 2790, Halcyon Road, suite C, Arroyo Grande (474-9924); 906 Rancho Parkway, Arroyo Grande (481-7888); and 3536 S. Higuera St., suite 206 (784-0983). All three locations are open 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily and offer delivery from noon to 9 p.m. For more information, email info@palomesapizza.
Sizzlin' & Ready!