Bible Foundations Downloadable Sunday School

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Upper Elementary Bible Foundations

When You Feel Lonely • Lesson 1

Scripture: Genesis 37:2, 23-28, 36; I Kings 19:1-18; II Kings 5:1-4

Objective: Each child will learn how to deal with loneliness and will understand that Jesus is a Friend who is always with us.

Bible Memory Verses: Hebrews 13:5-6 Supplies Opening ❑ Visuals 1A BIBLE LESSON ❑ Bibles

BIBLE ACTIVITY ❑ Activity Sheets 1B

❑ Pencils CRAFT ❑ Activity Sheets 1C-KJV (or 1C-NIV)

❑ Visuals 1B-1E ❑ Activity Sheets 1A ❑ Pencils

❑ A box with a lid (such as a shoebox) for each child

BIBLE MEMORY VERSES ❑ Prepared Visuals 1F-KJV (or 1F-NIV)

❑ Chalkboard and chalk or whiteboard (or piece of poster paper) and markers

❑ Construction paper ❑ Crayons or markers ❑ Scissors, glue GAME ❑ A long rope

❑ Large bowl or basket

Planning Tips Before the lesson, print two copies of Visuals 1A. For the memory verse activity, print Visuals 1F-KJV (or 1F-NIV if you use the NIV verse) and cut apart the cards. Place them in a large bowl or basket. Collect a box with a lid (such as a shoebox or gift box) for each child. Read through this lesson for additional preparation instructions.

Opening (10-20 minutes) GATHERing Follow your regular opening ceremonies: attendance, offering, announcements, and prayer. Look each child in the eye and welcome him as he arrives. Take this time to get to know your students on a personal basis. Song Time Sing OH, HOW HE LOVES YOU AND ME and WHO CAN DO ANYTHING? Then sing THE NEW 23RD and ZEROES INTO HEROES. Bible Foundations Sunday School Curriculum Downloads Copyright © 2011 Christian Ed. Publishers • P.O. Box 26639 • San Diego, CA 92196 • 800-854-1531 • Permission is granted to reproduce this lesson. Not for resale.


Summer Lesson 1 • Page 1

Lesson 1 Theme Introduction Begin by telling the following story: Once there was a man who had no family and no friends. He was a fugitive — a man on the run. He spent his days hiding in the woods by a stream or in the desert or on the mountains. He was afraid for his life. The king was angry with him and the queen wanted him killed. And he was so lonely! Worst of all, he was sorry for himself. “Poor me!” he grumbled. “I, even I only, am all by myself. Nobody thinks the way I do. Nobody believes in my God. Nobody understands me! I wish I were dead! I don’t want to go on living!” Then say, Believe it or not, we read about this man in the Bible. He lived nearly 3,000 years ago! Today we’re together at Bible Foundations, and I hope nobody feels as lonely as this poor man did. Our lesson today will give us some ways to handle feelings of loneliness. Divide the group into two groups — boys and girls. Enlist one person from each group to read a story from Visuals 1A aloud to their group. The girls’ group will hear Haley’s Story and the boys’ group will hear Joe’s Story. DISCUSSION Have each group of students discuss the questions at the end of the stories. After they have answered the questions, call the two groups together. Explain that what happened to Haley and Joe has happened and is happening in many countries, including our own. Ask, What about here in our own country? Are there lonely kids? Pause for responses after each question. Do you ever feel alone — like nobody cares about you? Why do people feel this way?

Bible Lesson (10-15 minutes) STudy the Lesson Before the lesson, print Visuals 1C-1E and hold them in your Bible. Also print the Feelings Poster from Visuals 1B. Hold it up for all the students to see. Say, For the next several weeks we are going to explore our feelings. What can you do when you feel lonely? When you’re afraid? What can you do when you are worried or sick? During our lessons you will discover some answers to these questions. Hand out pencils and Activity Sheet 1A. Have the students divide into groups again, the same groups used during the Theme Introduction — boys and girls. Ask someone in the girls’ group to read II Kings 5:1-4 to her group. Ask someone in the boys’ group to Bible Foundations Sunday School Curriculum Downloads • Copyright © 2011 Christian Ed. Publishers • Permission is granted to reproduce this lesson.


Summer Lesson 1 • Page 2

Lesson 1 read Genesis 37:2, 23-28, 36 to his group. Explain that these are true stories from God’s Word, the Bible. Instruct each group to answer their questions and prepare to report back to the larger group. After the groups have had time to answer their questions, gather them together into a large group. Have a spokesperson for each group briefly tell what their group learned. Suggested Answers: Girls’ Group 1. She was taken captive by invaders from Syria (Aram) — verse 2. 2. To the household of Naaman, a military leader — vv. 1-2. 3. She was a servant to Naaman’s wife — v. 2. 4. We aren’t told. 5. Through Naaman’s wife she told him that if he contacted a prophet in Samaria he would be healed of his leprosy — v. 3.

Key Verses: Hebrews 13:5-6 “He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear.” (KJV) “God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’ So we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.’” (NIV)

Boys’ Group 1. He was sold to a caravan headed for Egypt after his brothers captured him, stripped him, and threw him into a pit — verses 23-28. 2. He was taken to Egypt — v. 28. 3. He was sold as a slave — v. 36. 4. Joseph — v. 2. 5. Potiphar, one of Pharaoh’s officers — v. 36. Review the Lesson Ask the following questions. Let the students talk about the answers: 1. Do you think the girl grumbled and complained and cried and tried to commit suicide in Syria? (No) 2. Do you think Joseph grumbled and complained and cried and tried to kill himself in Egypt? (No) 3. Why do you think the girl and the boy did not feel really bad in their circumstances of being torn away from their families? (They were aware that God had not abandoned them. They knew that God was interested in them and loved them.) Say, Today we’ve talked about lonely people. Do you remember the story of the man at the beginning of our lesson who was so lonely and sorry for himself? We can read his story in I Kings 19:1-18. The man’s name was Elijah. (Hold up Visual 1C.) Elijah was afraid; he was hungry; and he was tired because he had been Bible Foundations Sunday School Curriculum Downloads • Copyright © 2011 Christian Ed. Publishers • Permission is granted to reproduce this lesson.


Summer Lesson 1 • Page 3

ReSPOND TO the Lesson Read each question aloud. Call on a different student to read each listed Scripture and answer the question: 1. With whom was Jesus when He went from the crowd to the high mountain? (John 6:15) (He went alone [by Himself].) 2. With whom was Jesus when He went to pray after feeding the people? (Matthew 14:23) (He went alone [by Himself].) 3. With whom was Jesus when He prayed and wept in the Garden of Gethsemane? (Matthew 26:36-38, 40) (He was alone; His disciples slept.) 4. With whom was Jesus when the soldiers took Him away? (Matthew 26:56-57) (He was alone; His friends ran away.) 5. With whom was Jesus when He was taken to Pilate, the Roman governor? (Matthew 27:1-2, 11) (He stood there alone.) 6. With whom was Jesus when He hung on the cross? (Matthew 27:46) (He suffered alone, crying out that God had forsaken Him.)

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running for so long. First, God fed him and let him rest. (Hold up Visual 1D.) Then, God spoke very plainly to Elijah. (Hold up Visual 1E.) “You’re not alone,” God said. “You’re not the only one who believes in God in Israel — there are 7,000 more!” Elijah wasn’t so alone after all! What should we do when we feel lonely and sorry for ourselves? What can we learn from Elijah? We can learn that improper eating habits and not getting enough sleep can affect our feelings — that if we eat properly and get enough rest we will feel better. But most importantly, we can learn that God never leaves us or forsakes us. Also, that there are often other Christians who know exactly how we feel. When we feel lonely, we can help each other.


Lesson 1

Bible Background Elijah, whose name means “the Lord is my God” began prophesying about 850 B.C. during the reign of King Ahab. Nothing is known about Elijah’s family, and little is known about his life before the initial confrontation with Ahab. First Kings 17:1 identifies him as being from Tishbe in Gilead, a region east of the Jordan River. The Bible regards Elijah as a rugged and rough wilderness dweller, much like John the Baptist (II Kings 1:8). When Elijah felt lonely and tired, God comforted him with food, rest, and reassurance that he was not alone. His unquestioning devotion to God made Elijah a bold and persuasive spokesperson for Him. (I Kings 19:1-18)

Say, Jesus knows how we feel when we are lonely because there were many times when He was alone and hurting. He knows how we feel and He knows how to help us feel better.

Bible Memory Verses (5 minutes) Hebrews 13:5-6 — “He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear.” (KJV) “God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’ So we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.’” (NIV) Bible Foundations Sunday School Curriculum Downloads • Copyright © 2011 Christian Ed. Publishers • Permission is granted to reproduce this lesson.


Summer Lesson 1 • Page 4

Lesson 1 Before the lesson, print Visuals 1F-KJV (or 1F-NIV if you use the NIV verse) and cut apart the cards. Place them in a large bowl or basket. Divide the students into two teams. Tell the teams that you will draw a card out of the container and say the word on it. The first person to correctly identify the word that immediately follows it in the memory verses scores 100 points for his team. Keep score by drawing a flower part on a chalkboard or whiteboard (or piece of poster paper for each correct answer (stem, one leaf, flower center, and five petals). The first team to complete their flower wins. Begin by reading the memory verses aloud three times. Then, draw the first card.

Bible Learning Activities (20-25 minutes) Bible Activity Hand out pencils and Activity Sheet 2B. Have a child read the directions aloud. Today’s activity will help the students choose options for dealing with lonely feelings. (Answers: 1-Pray, 2-TALK TO GOD, 3-Talk to a CARING ADULT.) Brainstorm additional options with the students. Bible Craft Before the lesson, collect a shoe box or gift box with a lid for each child. Hand out crayons or markers, glue, scissors, construction paper, and Activity Sheets 1C-KJV (or 1C-NIV if you use the NIV verse) to the students. For this series of lessons, each student will make a Feelings Box. Give each child a box with a lid. Tell your students their completed “feelings boxes” will be special places for them to put things that they “feel” are special, such as photos, stamps, rock collections, mementos, jewelry, etc. First, have them cover one side of their boxes with construction paper. Point out the Lonely Teardrop. Instruct each child to decorate the side of his feelings box by printing WHEN I FEEL . . . at the top, then cutting out the teardrop and gluing it to the center of the box side. Next the student will cut out the Scripture box and glue it under the teardrop. He can then cut out the pictures of lonely people and glue them around the teardrop. Instruct him to cover only this side of his box. The other sides of the box will represent different feelings and will be decorated in Lesson 2. As the children work, talk about ways they can cope with feelings of loneliness. Ask them to suggest ways they can help friends who may feel lonely. If any of your students are feeling lonely, encourage them to pray with you after the lesson.

Bible Foundations Sunday School Curriculum Downloads • Copyright © 2011 Christian Ed. Publishers • Permission is granted to reproduce this lesson.


Summer Lesson 1 • Page 5

Lesson 1 Make sure the children put their names on the crafts (on both the boxes and the lids) before they are collected. Compliment the children as they clean up their work tables. Bible Game Play a game called Pressure Pot. Have the children stand in a circle and hold hands. Inside the circle, use a rope to draw a boundary line circle about two feet in front of the circle of students. Explain to the children that sometimes we are encouraged to sin (do or say wrong things) by our friends or classmates. The rope represents sin and temptation. The goal of the game is to avoid the rope while the people on both sides of you try to push or pull you into the rope circle. At the starting signal, everyone tries to get the people next to him to touch or cross the rope circle. Those who touch or cross the rope or let go of the hands of the people next to them are eliminated from the game. As players are eliminated, the remaining students join hands for a new round of play, and the rope circle is made smaller. The eliminated players become the cheering section, encouraging the remaining players. The last person standing outside the rope is the one who has conquered sin and temptation. That person is the winner. After the game, explain that Jesus has the power to help us stay away from sin and temptation. Talk individually with any child who has questions or would like to learn more about having Jesus as Savior. (See “Leading a Child to Christ” on introductory page 5 for suggestions.)

Closing Prayer (5-10 minutes) Close the lesson in prayer, giving the children an opportunity to pray, if they desire. Ask God to help each child during times of loneliness. Hand out the completed Activity Sheets to the children as they leave. Keep the Feelings Boxes to use again in Lesson 2.

Bible Foundations Sunday School Curriculum Downloads • Copyright © 2011 Christian Ed. Publishers • Permission is granted to reproduce this lesson.


Summer Lesson 1 • Page 6

Summer Visuals 1A

Upper Elementary Bible Foundations

HALEY’S STORY Haley was eleven years old. She had been a happy girl, secure in the love of her mom and dad and family. But one day she came home to find that her parents had disappeared. Her house was occupied by rough soldiers who spoke in a language she didn’t understand. She was taken away from her town and never saw her parents or friends again. She lived in a sort of foster home where she had to work all day. She was so homesick! Her home was gone, she had no family, and nobody cared for her. She was all alone! Pretend you are Haley and answer these questions: 1. How did you feel when you came home and found your parents missing? 2. How did you feel when you realized you would never see your family or friends again? 3. How do you feel knowing you will probably spend the rest of your life until you become an adult in this foster home?

JOE’S STORY Joe was the son of wealthy parents, but his home situation wasn’t too happy. He had some older brothers who were always getting into trouble. Joe’s mother died when he was little and nobody loved him except his dad, and that made his brothers jealous. They hated him so much they tried to figure out ways of getting rid of him that would look like an accident. One day they found a way. Some guys they met were going to a big city, so they pawned Joe off on them. The big-city guys could sell him to some gang or put him to work on the streets. So Joe was taken from his home away from his family and his friends. He was all alone. Pretend you are Joe and answer these questions: 1. How do you feel knowing that your brothers hate you? 2. How did you feel when your brothers sold you to the guys from the big city? 3. How do you feel knowing that you will probably never see your home again?

Bible Foundations Sunday School Curriculum Downloads Copyright © 2011 Christian Ed. Publishers • P.O. Box 26639 • San Diego, CA 92196 • 800-854-1531 • Permission is granted to reproduce this lesson. Not for resale.


Feelings Poster


Summer Visuals 1B


“I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” – Hebrews 13:5

Bible Foundations Sunday School Curriculum Downloads Copyright © 2011 Christian Ed. Publishers • P.O. Box 26639 • San Diego, CA 92196 • 800-854-1531 • Permission is granted to reproduce this lesson. Not for resale.

When I Feel...

Upper Elementary Bible Foundations

Upper Elementary Bible Foundations

Bible Foundations Sunday School Curriculum Downloads Copyright © 2011 Christian Ed. Publishers • P.O. Box 26639 • San Diego, CA 92196 • 800-854-1531 • Permission is granted to reproduce this lesson. Not for resale.

Elijah Drinking

Summer Visual 1C

Upper Elementary Bible Foundations

Bible Foundations Sunday School Curriculum Downloads Copyright © 2011 Christian Ed. Publishers • P.O. Box 26639 • San Diego, CA 92196 • 800-854-1531 • Permission is granted to reproduce this lesson. Not for resale.

Elijah Sleeping

Summer Visual 1D

Summer Visual 1E

Upper Elementary Bible Foundations

Elijah Visual

Bible Foundations Sunday School Curriculum Downloads Copyright © 2011 Christian Ed. Publishers • P.O. Box 26639 • San Diego, CA 92196 • 800-854-1531 • Permission is granted to reproduce this lesson. Not for resale.


Summer Visuals 1F-KJV

Upper Elementary Bible Foundations

“He said, will leave nor thee. that may say, Lord helper, will fear.”

Hebrews 13:5-6 (KJV) hath I never thee, forsake So we boldly The my is and I not

Bible Foundations Sunday School Curriculum Downloads Copyright © 2011 Christian Ed. Publishers • P.O. Box 26639 • San Diego, CA 92196 • 800-854-1531 • Permission is granted to reproduce this lesson. Not for resale.


Summer Visuals 1F-NIV

Upper Elementary Bible Foundations

Hebrews 13:5-6 (NIV) “God said, will leave never I you.’ we with ‘The is helper; will be

has ‘Never I you; will forsake So say confidence, Lord my I not afraid.’”

Bible Foundations Sunday School Curriculum Downloads Copyright © 2011 Christian Ed. Publishers • P.O. Box 26639 • San Diego, CA 92196 • 800-854-1531 • Permission is granted to reproduce this lesson. Not for resale.


Upper Elementary Bible Foundations

Summer Activity Sheet 1A

Name ____________________________

How Joseph and a Servant Girl Faced Loneliness Someone in the girls’ group will read II Kings 5:1-4 to her group. Someone in the boys’ group will read Genesis 37:2, 23-28, 36 to his group. Then you should answer the questions for your group and write down answers for the other group when they are reported. Girls’ Group 1. What happened to the young girl from Israel? ________________________________ _ __________________________________________________________________ 2. Where was she taken? __________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________________________ 3. What was her job? _____________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________________________ 4. What was her name? ___________________________________________________ 5. What favor did she do for the man who was her master? ________________________ _ __________________________________________________________________ Boys’ Group 1. What happened to the seventeen-year-old boy? _______________________________ _ __________________________________________________________________ 2. Where was he taken? ___________________________________________________ 3. What happened to him there? ____________________________________________ 4. What was the boy’s name? _______________________________________________ 5. What person did he serve? _______________________________________________

Bible Foundations Sunday School Curriculum Downloads Copyright © 2011 Christian Ed. Publishers • P.O. Box 26639 • San Diego, CA 92196 • 800-854-1531 • Permission is granted to reproduce this lesson. Not for resale.


Upper Elementary Bible Foundations

Summer Activity Sheet 1B

Name ____________________________

Cooking with the Angels . . . the Loneliness Diet Angels fed Elijah bread and water when he was alone and depressed. Circle one slice of bread for each answer. Then drink some living water by looking up the verse on each water jug. Color the jug with a colored marker after you read it. 1. WHEN YOU ARE HIDE PRAY SULK AFRAID:






Philippians 4:13

Hebrews 13:5

Proverbs 12:15

Memory Verse to Learn Hebrews 13:5-6 — “He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear.” (KJV) “God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’ So we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.’” (NIV) Bible Foundations Sunday School Curriculum Downloads Copyright © 2011 Christian Ed. Publishers • P.O. Box 26639 • San Diego, CA 92196 • 800-854-1531 • Permission is granted to reproduce this lesson. Not for resale.


Upper Elementary Bible Foundations

Name ____________________________Summer Activity Sheet 1C-KJV

Feelings Box — Loneliness

You will make a Feelings Box this unit. Remove the lid of your box. Cut construction paper to fit one side of the box. Then tape it in place. Decorate the side of the box by printing “WHEN I FEEL . . .” at the top, then cut out the teardrop and glue it to the center of the box side. Cut out the Scripture box and glue it next to or under the teardrop. Cut out the pictures of lonely people and glue them around the teardrop. Replace the lid. You will add more feelings cut-outs to other sides of the box in Lesson 2.


“I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” — Hebrews 13:5 (KJV) Bible Foundations Sunday School Curriculum Downloads Copyright © 2011 Christian Ed. Publishers • P.O. Box 26639 • San Diego, CA 92196 • 800-854-1531 • Permission is granted to reproduce this lesson. Not for resale.


Upper Elementary Bible Foundations

Name ____________________________Summer Activity Sheet 1C-NIV

Feelings Box — Loneliness

You will make a Feelings Box this unit. Remove the lid of your box. Cut construction paper to fit one side of the box. Then tape it in place. Decorate the side of the box by printing “WHEN I FEEL . . .” at the top, then cut out the teardrop and glue it to the center of the box side. Cut out the Scripture box and glue it next to or under the teardrop. Cut out the pictures of lonely people and glue them around the teardrop. Replace the lid. You will add more feelings cut-outs to other sides of the box in Lesson 2.


“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” — Hebrews 13:5 (NIV) Bible Foundations Sunday School Curriculum Downloads Copyright © 2011 Christian Ed. Publishers • P.O. Box 26639 • San Diego, CA 92196 • 800-854-1531 • Permission is granted to reproduce this lesson. Not for resale.


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