I mpor t anc eofFi nanc i al s t at ement
Bal anceSheet s
I ncomeSt at ement
Profit & Loss Statement Dates: _____________________________ Income (Gross) Expenses Advertising/Marketing Bank Charges and Fees Fuel (Truckers) Health Insurance Hotel (Truckers) Insurance – (Truck/Vehicle) Job Supplies Legal & Professional Services Licenses & Fees Office Supplies and Software Rent or Mortgage Payment Repairs & Licenses Car/Truck Payments (if leased) Total Truck Price (for Depreciation) Other (please specify) 1. 2. 3. Total Expenses Numbers of Days on the Road (Truckers) Mileage (Non-Truckers) Year, Make, and Model of Truck (for depreciation) Square footage of home (required for mortgage/rent) Square footage of office (required for mortgage/rent)