Nualight 10 of the best sustainable store designs dec 2013 (1)

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Be inspired By the global design and sustainability communities who are leading a new era of retail design. These projects show an exciting new creative age where the twin goals of environmental responsibility and human experience are generating rich new ideas. LED lighting technology is at the heart of this new age and we at Nualight are proud to be part of it.

Enjoy The Nualight Innovation Team

Nike Sustainable concept store – Hyper Nature – Shanghai Nike’s X158 Hyper Nature concept store has an interior that’s made entirely from recycled consumer-lifestyle rubbish. Within the store, customers will be treated to shelving, ceiling panels, and other decor created from thousands of drinks cans, PET water bottles and old CDs and DVDs. “One thousand translucent origami RiceFOLD ceiling panels are made from 50,000 recycled DVDs from greater China, reinforced with Rice Husk SiO2 (Natural Organic Mechanical Strengthening Additive),” reports Environmental Leader. “The 2,000 yards of tension cables are made from 2,000 post-consumer recycled water bottles. The 1,000 connection joints are made from 5,278 aluminum cans.”

Starbucks Starbucks Concept Concept Store Store -- Amsterdam Amsterdam Located Locatedininthe theformer formervault vaultofofaahistoric historicbank bankon onRembrandtRembrandtplein, this Starbucks is a showcase for sustainable plein, this Starbucks is a showcase for sustainableinterior interior design. design.The Themultilevel multilevelspace spaceisisawash awashininrecycled recycledand andlocal local materials; materials;walls wallsare arelined linedwith withantique antiqueDelft Delfttiles, tiles,bicycle bicycleinner inner tubes, tubes,and andwooden woodengingerbread gingerbreadmolds; molds;repurposed repurposedDutch Dutch oak oakwas wasused usedtotomake makethe thebenches, benches,tables, tables,and andthe the undulating ceiling relief consisting of 1,876 pieces undulating ceiling relief consisting of 1,876 piecesofof individually individuallysawn sawnblocks. blocks.The TheDutch-born Dutch-bornLiz LizMuller, Muller, Starbucks concept design director, commissioned Starbucks concept design director, commissionedmore morethan than 35 artists and craftsmen to add their quirky touches 35 artists and craftsmen to add their quirky touchestotothe the 4,500-square-foot 4,500-square-footspace. space.

Ann Ann Demeulemeester Demeulemeester Store Store –– Seoul Seoul The Thestore storeisisperhaps perhapsless lessabout aboutsustainable sustainablethan than about aboutbringing bringingthe thecomfort comfortand andcamouflage camouflageofofnature nature into intothe theheart heartofofaabusy busyurban urbanarea, area,asasillustrated illustratedbyby the thesectional sectionaldrawings drawingsshown shownbelow. below. Nonetheless, Nonetheless,itsitsperennial perennialwall wallplants plantswill willimprove improveair air quality qualityand andreduce reducenoise noise––atatleast leastfor forthose thosewithin withinthe the building building––thus thuscutting cuttingdown downan anair airand andsound soundpollution pollution atatthe theleast. least. Within Withinthe thebuilding buildingit itquickly quicklybecomes becomesevident evidentthat thatthe the purpose purposewas wasnot notjust justtotocreate createan anattractive attractiveand and unusual unusualobject objectfrom fromthe theoutside outsidebut butalso alsoaaseries seriesofof rich richspatial spatialexperiences experienceswithin withinthe thebuilding, building,one oneinin which whichthe thehorizontal horizontalbleeds bleedsinto intothe thevertical verticaland andnature nature moves movesthrough througharchitecture. architecture.

M&S M&S Sustainable Sustainable Learning Learning Store Store –– Cheshire Cheshire Oaks Oaks M&S M&Sset setout outtotodesign designaa‘sustainable ‘sustainablelearning’ learning’store, store, integrating integratingallallaspects aspectsofofsustainability sustainability––climate climatechange, change, waste, waste,natural naturalresources, resources,fair fairpartnership, partnership,health health&& wellbeing wellbeingand andinvolving involvingcustomers customersininthe thejourney. journey. - -100% 100%ofofthe theheating heatingininthe thestore storeisisprovided providedbybyexpelled expelled heat heatfrom fromitsitsrefrigeration refrigerationunits. units. - -All Allpowered poweredlighting lightingcomes comesfrom fromLEDs, LEDs,using using25% 25%less less energy energythan thanconventional conventionallighting. lighting. - -Sun Sunpipes pipesbring bringnatural naturallighting lightingonto ontothe theshop shopfloor. floor. - -Natural Naturalventilation ventilationininthe thestock stockroom roomand andstaff staffareas areas rather ratherthan thanair airconditioning. conditioning. - -Glass Glassdoors doorson onmobile mobilefridges fridgeswith withpredicted predictedenergy energy savings savingsofof45%. 45%. - -AAsedum sedumroof roofand andgreen green‘living ‘livingwall’ wall’will willcreate createwildlife wildlife habitats, habitats,contribute contributetotothe theinsulation insulationofofthe thebuilding buildingand and act actasasaapollution pollutionfilter. filter. - -Harvested Harvestedrainwater rainwatersupplies suppliesallallthe thetoilets toiletsand andirrigates irrigates the thestore’s store’s‘living ‘livingwall’, wall’,reducing reducingwater waterusage usagebybyup uptoto 40% 40%compared comparedwith withaapeer peerstore. store.

Timberland Timberland Eco Eco Store Store –– San San Francisco Francisco The TheTimberland TimberlandCompany Companyhas hasopened openedaanew newstore storeinin San Francisco, which it says is one of its most ecoSan Francisco, which it says is one of its most ecoconscious conscioustotodate. date. The Thebuilding buildinguses usessustainable sustainablematerials materialssuch suchasas reclaimed wood and has reused industrial reclaimed wood and has reused industrialmachinery machineryasas table bases. The floors are made of recycled table bases. The floors are made of recycledstoneware stoneware tiles tilesand andthe theinterior interiorhas hasbeen beenpainted paintedusing usinglow lowvolatile volatile organic organiccompound compoundpaints. paints.The Thestore storeisislitlitwith withreduced reduced wattage wattageLED LEDlighting lighting- -the thesales salesfloor floorisisentirely entirelyLED-lit LED-lit and equipment and appliances are Energy and equipment and appliances are EnergyStar-eligible. Star-eligible. Timberland Timberlandisisaacarbon carbonneutral neutralorganisation. organisation.They They achieved this goal by cutting emissions achieved this goal by cutting emissionscreated createdbybytheir their facilities facilitiesand andemployee employeetravel travelbyby38% 38%and andpurchasing purchasing offsets. offsets.The Thecompany companyisisaiming aimingtotouse use60% 60%renewable renewable energy by 2015 in Timberland-owned facilities energy by 2015 in Timberland-owned facilitiesand and factories. factories.

Waitrose Eco Supermarket - Berkshire Waitrose’s 25,000 sqft store in Berkshire is incorporating pioneering new features to benefit the environment. - An on-site energy centre which will reduce CO2e emissions by almost 800 tonnes a year. - Automatic presence control lighting in the warehouse, employee areas, and on the shop floor after trading hours. · ‘Sun tubes’ will let natural daylight in to the shop floor and customer toilets. - Bug Hotel in the car park managed by local primary school children. · LED lights used in fridges, in cold rooms and on illuminated signs to reduce energy consumption. · A fully automated Building Energy Management System links to a 24hour monitoring bureau which reacts to energy over-usage. · Fans on the shop floor are linked to CO2 sensors so that they deliver the correct quality of air to the number of customer and employees at any one time.

Green Green Retail Retail by by Replay Replay -- Florence Florence The TheReplay ReplayStore StoreininFlorence Florencehas hasaaunique uniquegreen greendesign design developed by Vertical Garden Design. Using developed by Vertical Garden Design. Usingnatural naturalair air conditioning conditioningand andgeothermal geothermalheating heatingsystems systemsand andbeing beinglitlit bybyLED LEDlights, lights,the thestore storeexplores exploresaanew newway wayofofthinking thinking about retail. Because the plants need space about retail. Because the plants need spaceand andlight, light,only only few plants can adapt to the specific Replay environment: few plants can adapt to the specific Replay environment: “Usually, “Usually,not nottoo toomany manysolitary solitaryspecies speciesare arenecessary necessarytoto give the garden a distinct character, and actually give the garden a distinct character, and actuallyaasparse sparse use useofofthese theseplants plantsmay maybetter betterbring bringout outtheir theirunique unique qualities.” qualities.” We Weexpect expecttotosee seemore moreand andmore moreretail retaildesigns designsthat thatoffer offer alternatives to the classic stores and have a deep alternatives to the classic stores and have a deeprespect respect for fornature naturewhile whilesimultaneously simultaneouslyaligning aligningwith withbrand brandvalues.” values.”

SPAR, 100% Efficient Store - Austria SPAR have designed a totally selfsufficient store that actually produces more energy than it uses. On the inside, the store promotes organic and healthy foods, and on the outside it walks the walk with a highly insulated envelope, energy efficient lighting, solar pv system, mini hydro turbine, green roof and non-toxic materials that can easily be recycled at the end of their life. And if that isn't enough, The Climate Protection Supermarket in Graz, Austria also holds a gold certification from the Ă–GNI (Austrian Green Building Council).

SainsburysGreenwich Sainsbury’s most sustainable supermarket to date, described by Sustain Magazine as a truly innovative example of retail architecture. The building subsquently won the Sustain Magazine retail design of the year award. The first supermarket designed to meet the Passivhaus Standard, includes in its design the following sustainable initiatives: - Lledo double glazed skylights over the sales area and double glazed windows in the side walls bringing natural light into the store. - Internal lighting linked by sensors to natural daylight levels to dim or even switch off lights in bays as natural light levels increase. - LED lighting in the cold stores and throughout the car park where bat friendly lighting is used. - Biomass boiler powered by locally sourced wood pellets providing renewable hot water and heating. - A purpose built eco pond has been created on adjacent land providing a natural environment for wildlife and is used as a balancing pond for run off from the car park. - CO2 refrigeration with cold isle retrieval plus energy saving weir screens and night blinds fitted to the chillers. - Rainwater harvesting to supply water for flushing toilets. - Waterless urinals fitted. - Two charge points in the car park for electric cars. - Percussion taps on all hand basins. - Fast closing, movement sensing loading bay doors to reduce heat wastage. - Two Bee Hotels provided in the car park area to support the local population of solitary rather than hive bees.

Dubai’s Platinum Change Initiative Building – “World’s most sustainable commercial building” The Change Initiative Building (TCI) in Dubai, UAE, has been awarded 107 out of 110 LEED points from the US Green Building Council, which technically makes it the most sustainable building in the world. TCI provides environmentally-friendly solutions, but it also practices what it preaches – it has 26 eco-friendly strategies, including solar panels, reflective paint, insulation three times higher than that used in normal buildings, water reuse systems and recycled materials. Solar panels provide 40 percent of the building’s energy requirements. In light of the record-breaking accomplishment, The Change Initiative is planning to open 25 more stores around the globe. The company’s founder and CEO Gundeep Singh said in a statement: ”Most people believe that Dubai cannot be sustainable or is less sustainable. But we’ve proven that if Dubai can build the tallest, the biggest, then it can also build the most sustainable.”

Part of the “10 of the best” series By Nualight - the LED food retail lighting specialists

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