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Our value creation model
We describe below how we create and sustain value, making a positive impact for our many stakeholders, shaping brighter futures, growing the economy, and championing social and environmental justice. With our overarching aim of becoming a values-led world-leading university, advancing knowledge, providing creative solutions, and solving global problems. Our vision and value creation model is assured by effective governance.
The University enablers create financial and non-financial value
To advance education, learning and research for public benefit we have a worldclass learning environment in Newcastle city centre and international bases.
Our research addresses global challenges and our graduates make a significant contribution to society. Annual surplus is reinvested to support delivery of our Vision. We work collaboratively with partners to identify challenges that face society, the skill requirements for new graduates and the study interest of prospective students.
We generate income via tuition fees, funded research, government grants, commercialising IP, commercial operations, donations and investment income. We recruit excellent
colleagues from around the
world who undertake both blue-skies and applied research, often funded externally and delivered in partnership with other organisations.
We deliver distinctive
research-led teaching which attracts the brightest students from across the UK and around the world, regardless of background.
Outputs can be measured in a number of different ways. We describe progress against our strategies within our strategic and operational review, some key aspirational output metrics are:
Student satisfaction | Excellent score in student satisfaction surveys across all disciplines.
Graduate destinations | High rates of graduate employment in professional jobs or further study.
Colleague engagement | Excellent feedback from colleagues.
Research outputs | High proportion of research outputs rated world-leading or internationally excellent.
Reputation | Enhanced global reputation for education and research.
Financial position and
performance | Positive cash generation to ensure financial sustainability and protect investment.
The value shared with stakeholders
An organisation as diverse as the University naturally engages with a wide range of stakeholders. The financial and non-financial value we create is reinvested to support delivery of our Vision and to the benefit of our stakeholders. Students and family members | We reinvest in our teaching and learning facilities for current and future generations of students. The student voice and student engagement are important features of our governance and strategic planning processes and key University committees include student representation.
Colleagues | We value our colleagues and demonstrate this through our investment in facilities, development and reward. We value colleague engagement through elected membership of Council and Senate, and engagement with our trade unions.
Alumni | As we support graduates into professional employment or further education, we create and sustain a global network of engaged alumni through enhanced alumni engagement programmes.
Local community | We contribute just under £900m to Gross Domestic Product to the North East and work with our local community and businesses, and have key partnerships with civic organisations to attract jobs and investment to the region.
Government, regulators, investors and funders | We engage with research funders, investors and government agencies to share the value we create and to develop new opportunities to address societal challenges. An example being working with our principal regulator The Office for Students (OfS) to promote wider participation in higher education for disadvantaged groups.
Partner organisations | We compete and collaborate with other universities as well as working with sector-wide bodies to share and leverage value.