Nuance Innovation Quarterly Magazine Fall 2019

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Nuance IQ Innovation Quarterly Magazine

Fall 2019 / Volume 1, Issue 3

The Biometrics Win-Win: Reduce fraud and OPEX while improving CX INSIDE: Improving authentication in the contact center Inside the mind of a biometrics innovator Disrupting organized crime at RBS Contact centers going cloud native

The Security Edition

Fall 2019

In this issue Catching the innovation wave @Nuance p3 Issue spotlight Disrupt and defeat: Taking the fight to the fraudsters—on every channel. p4 Inside innovation From great idea to realworld business value. p6 On the frontlines Staying one step ahead of fraudsters. p8 Innovation heroes RBS. p10 Deutsche Telekom. p11 Solution showcase Going cloud-native. p12

Welcome Welcome to our latest edition, where we’re focusing our attention on AI innovations in security, looking at how the latest technologies can help organizations protect their customers and tackle fraud head-on. We have some fascinating insights from the people who are pushing back the boundaries of biometrics technology here at Nuance—including the brains behind an entirely new biometrics modality. And we have stories from some of the remarkable companies we’re lucky enough to work with, showing how they’re using biometrics to dramatically improve their ability to detect and prevent fraud. Just like my colleagues who’ve written for this special security edition, I believe we have a responsibility—to our business, to our customers, and to society as a whole—to help combat the fraud that funds organized crime and terrorism. So, I’m delighted to see all these great minds at work taking the fight to the fraudsters, and I hope they’ll inspire you too. Until next time, George Skaff, Vice President, Global Marketing Strategy, Nuance Communications, Inc.

Nuance IQ Innovation Quarterly Magazine

P.S. If you didn’t see our last Nuance IQ issue on contact center transformation, you can view it here.

What’s new @ Nuance p14 In the know Blog posts to read and where to see us on the road. p15 Comic relief Signs of intelligence. p16


Catching the innovation wave @Nuance

Innovation is at our core. Check out what we’re delivering to drive better business outcomes and more intelligent customer engagement. To learn more about these and all our innovative solutions, visit enterprise.

Discover Nuance Gatekeeper

Discover Nuance Cloud IVR

Apple Business Chat integration

Nuance Gatekeeper brings together the most advanced biometrics technologies for authentication and fraud detection into a cloudnative service. Gatekeeper combines voice, behavioral and conversational linguistics to give to give organizations more advanced layers of protection from fraud.

Nuance Cloud IVR is a cloud-based conversational IVR that offers natural, intelligent and personalized experiences for customers. With increased flexibility, faster time to market and reduced operational expenses, Nuance Cloud IVR is an accessible way for enterprises to access Nuance’s leading conversational AI technologies.

Apple recently announced a new capability for Apple Business Chat, called Chat Suggest. The new capability offers customers a range of alternative ways to contact the business they’re talking to, and enables enterprises to deflect calls and move customers to the Messages app.

As a dynamically scalable cloud service, Gatekeeper makes advanced, AI-powered technologies accessible and affordable for organizations of any size, giving them instant access to the latest innovations vital to stay one step ahead of increasingly sophisticated and determined fraudsters. Discover Nuance Gatekeeper

As a cloud-based platform, Nuance Cloud IVR allows enterprises to access technology that’s always up-to-date, and helps them adapt as their business grows and the market around them continues to shift. And with Nuance’s stringent level of security and guaranteed performance, enterprises can operate with peace of mind and confidence in their customer service. Discover Nuance Cloud IVR

Whenever a customer taps on a phone number that’s registered with Chat Suggest, it will give them a selection of options to either call the business, talk to them on message, or visit the website instead. Chat Suggest adds a new channel to Nuance Customer Service Messaging, enabling enterprises to engage with their customers in their channel of choice, whenever they want. Discover Nuance Messaging


Simon Marchand, Nuance’s Chief Fraud Prevention Officer, looks at how the fraud battle lines are shifting— and how AI technologies can help businesses win the fight.

The proliferation of customer engagement channels has the potential of making fraudsters’ lives easier.



DEFEAT By Simon Marchand CFE, C.Adm., Nuance


very year, fraudsters cost the world’s businesses billions of dollars. And while the direct financial losses may be easy to quantify, the indirect losses from damage to brand reputations and consumer trust can be harder to define—but they’re still very real. Fraud perpetrated through the contact center and other customer engagement channels too often ends up funding people trafficking, drug running or terrorist attacks. In the new world of criminal and terrorist networks working together across the dark web, businesses don’t just have a

ISSUE SPOTLIGHT  5 responsibility to limit their losses; they must also play their part in helping protect all of us from the crimes that blight our society. And one of the key things that can help businesses protect themselves, their customers and society in general, is a well-executed cross-channel fraud prevention strategy. Fraudsters love new channels For a fraudster, more channels mean more opportunities. While businesses have been busy adding digital channels to make engagements convenient and easy for customers, they’ve also made life easier for fraudsters. Criminals are getting very clever about using multiple channels to commit fraud, and a lack of crosschannel fraud prevention strategies or capabilities makes it difficult to stop them. Recent research by Forrester shows that “82% of firms agree that authentication across channels is increasingly critical to fraud prevention. Yet only 59% define their cross-channel fraud prevention as nearly or fully optimized”.1 Many companies reinforce one channel only to find fraudsters reappear on another channel that’s less protected. Criminals will always search for the weakest link in the chain—and they’re very adept at finding and exploiting it. At a major UK bank we worked with, for example, the fraud team found that while the bank was getting lots of calls into its contact center from fraudsters, the actual fraud attempts were often being perpetrated on digital channels. Fraudsters were socially engineering contact center agents to get the information they needed to commit fraud on other channels.

that sell stolen PII and passwords to fraudster groups that use this information to generate income for broader criminal networks. And it’s not just big data breaches like the Equifax incident (that will cost the credit reporting company up to $700 million in compensation payouts); many of us share all kinds of personal information on social media sites that are goldmines for fraudsters looking for social engineering opportunities. As fraudster tactics get more sophisticated and they use digital technology to commit their crimes, it’s clear that traditional methods of authentication and fraud prevention are becoming increasingly inadequate. Detection is not enough The trouble with passwords, PINs, and PII is they can all be stolen, making them unsuitable for authentication. (They also add friction for genuine customers.) Similarly, the technology and tools many companies rely on—like SMS for twofactor authentication, or credit bureaus for customer identification—weren’t designed for security. Plus, the old tactics of waiting for risk identifiers and then reacting mean businesses are only detecting fraud (as well as a lot of false positives), they’re not preventing it—and they’re struggling to fight fraud on multiple fronts across channels. With rising fraud losses and growing regulatory pressure to clamp down on fraud, a new approach is needed. So, companies are looking at AI technologies to help them take a more preventative, cross-channel approach.

The fraud supply chain While developments such as chipand-PIN, Verified by Visa, Mastercard SecureCode, and others have helped limit the impact of traditional transactional fraud, there’s a new frontier that’s less well protected: identity fraud.

AI-powered, cross-channel fraud prevention Using voice biometrics in the IVR and contact center means organizations can authenticate callers in the first few seconds of the interaction. They can quickly (and accurately) identify and terminate fraudulent interactions without waiting for risky behavior, minimizing risk exposure while also reducing customer and agent effort.

The dark web now facilitates a fraud supply chain, connecting hacker groups

Combine voice biometrics with behavioral biometrics in digital channels,

and a powerful cross-channel defense starts to take shape. Behavioral and linguistics biometrics technologies recognize unusual or out-of-character online behavior and can then use stepup authentication to verify the customer’s identity with voice (by asking them to read a short sentence, for example). When these biometrics technologies are integrated with existing fraud prevention strategies and capabilities, like anomaly detection and risk scoring, the result is a strategy that can stop fraudsters in their tracks, wherever they attack. Time to collaborate—and disrupt the fraudsters Biometrics technology goes beyond fraud detection to prevent many fraud attempts from happening in the first place, which means fewer incidents to report to regulators and fewer customers to inform about fraud on their accounts. But perhaps more importantly, biometrics is taking the battle to the criminals, with evidence from contact centers helping law enforcement agencies bring to justice individuals and groups responsible for millions of dollars of losses. Alongside collaborating with law enforcement, brands need to begin collaborating with each other, sharing biometric data to combat fraud together. No single organization can do it alone, but with the right technology, strategy, and collaboration, we can disrupt the fraud supply chain. Navigating the Omnichannel Fraud and Authentication Landscape, Forrester, June 2019



INSIDE INNOVATION: From great idea to real-world business value Turning an innovative idea into a commercial reality can be a long road.

Haydar Talib, Senior Principal Product Manager from Nuance’s Security and Biometrics team, has traveled that road— and he’s seen his invention come to life as Nuance ConversationPrint™.

An idea is born Throughout my career, I’ve always had an interest in doing new things with AI technologies. Before I joined Nuance, I was heavily involved in research on AI and machine learning technologies for medical imaging. And over the last nine years at Nuance, I’ve been focused on helping our customers use biometrics and other AI-powered security measures to combat fraud. Historically, our security and biometrics systems were primarily voice-based. This meant that our algorithms listened for the sound of people’s voices and automatically decided if you were talking to a legitimate customer or a fraudster. As powerful as these systems were, there was opportunity to introduce additional capabilities to complement the voice biometrics technology.

I tried not to get carried away by the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ of the technology, but always kept in mind the ‘why’—the customer value I wanted to deliver. At that point, I began to ask myself: what if we could take advantage of other characteristics available to us, for instance how someone speaks? What if we took the voice recordings from the biometrics system and used our transcription engine to convert them to text for automatic AI analysis? Then we could use that data to create broader profiles, looking not just at voice


characteristics, but at conversational style characteristics—what people talk about and the way they talk about it. This was essentially the beginning of an idea that would eventually become a Nuance innovation: ConversationPrint™. Working with our customers’ fraud prevention teams had shown me that fraudsters are often repetitive—they call about the same sorts of things and use the same expressions as part of their social engineering attempts. So, if the fraud teams could pick up on these similarities to recognize fraudsters, how much more could AI algorithms find hidden within the data? From idea to prototype To begin with, this wasn’t a formal project at all. I was fitting it around my day job, staying up late and working weekends to come up with a prototype I could share with people. When you’re introducing an unfamiliar idea, not everyone is going to jump on board straight away, so I spent several months working on an initial prototype that could help me get other people excited about the possibilities of my idea. Once my colleagues in the Security and Biometrics team saw what I’d produced and recognized the customer value it could create, it generated a lot of momentum, and we all started thinking about this thing as a serious project. That point about customer value is critical. Right from the beginning, and at every stage of the project, I tried not to get carried away by the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ of the technology, but always kept in mind the ‘why’—the customer value I wanted to deliver. Demonstrating customer value With my idea beginning to look like a product, we needed a pilot customer to help us prove its value. We’d been talking to one of our customers—a major financial institution in the UK—about how to reduce false positives in its voice biometrics

Even at this prototype stage, we saw a 35% reduction in false positives and a 10% improvement in fraud attempt detection. deployment, and its fraud team agreed to run a ConversationPrint™ pilot to see if it could help. We used the voice biometrics results to set a baseline for false positives. Then we fed six weeks’ worth of calls—tens of thousands—through the prototype system, which built profiles of characteristics including sentence structure, grammar, and vocabulary to identify fraudsters and genuine customers. The results were very promising. Even at this prototype stage, we saw a 35% reduction in false positives and a 10% improvement in fraud attempt detection. It was clear that by complementing our existing technology with additional capabilities we could improve the accuracy of the results, just as I’d hoped when I first started working on the idea. An innovation to be proud of With the release of ConversationPrint™, I’m proud to have helped create a new domain in security and biometrics— conversational biometrics—that will help make life tougher for fraudsters.

It’s also exciting to see my idea become part of our new Gatekeeper managed cloud service. Gatekeeper combines various innovative security capabilities, including our behavioral biometrics and voice biometrics, into a layered security defense system that makes more accurate decisions based on multiple factors and creates more barriers to fraud. Three important innovation lessons Over the course of this journey, I’ve learned some valuable lessons about the innovation process. Here are three that I think every inventor and innovator should always keep in mind: 1. Create a space for yourself to experiment – make time to do the groundwork, to ponder and reflect, and to tinker with your idea. 2. Stay close to customers – innovation doesn’t necessarily extend directly from customers, but you still need to be close to them and keep them in mind throughout the process. 3. Don’t fear the doubters – Your idea may be perplexing to those around you; it might even challenge the way they do things. So move forward, set some achievable goals for yourself, and show people real results that will help them see the value.

Nuance ConversationPrint™, part of our Gatekeeper solution, is a true industry first and can identify fraudulent activity in real‑time, based on a choice of words and patterns of speech or writing during an interaction with a human or a virtual assistant. Speech‑to‑text, a core competency of Nuance, is applied to short speech segments to analyze vocabulary, sentence structure, grammar—and more that are unique at an individual level. Learn more.


Staying one step ahead of fraudsters. Brett Beranek Vice President and General Manager, Security and Biometrics, Nuance

What’s it like to help shape the technology that keeps organizations one step ahead of fraudsters? We spoke to Brett Beranek—part technology innovator, part business leader and part crime fighter—to find out.

For the last seven years, Brett has led Nuance’s Security and Biometrics business, helping organizations implement advanced solutions to detect, prevent and predict fraud. He’s also responsible for driving Security and Biometrics innovation at Nuance, helping guide offerings like ConversationPrint™ and Gatekeeper through to market. What excites you most about your role? When I was growing up in Canada, I dreamed of fighting crime with the RCMP, the country’s federal police force. I never did become a Mountie, but I take a huge amount of pride in making a difference in the fight against organized crime and terrorism by helping our customers cut off the supply of funds from fraud. In my role, I have the opportunity to meet with our customers all over the world, and that gives me real insights into fraud trends in different countries and industries. I can use those insights to guide organizations on where to focus their efforts in the immediate term—and what

to watch out for that could be coming around the corner. Another exciting aspect of my job is supporting our teams to constantly drive the technology forward—making sure we continue our long history of innovation leadership and offer our customers the most advanced technologies for combatting fraud. Why is biometrics technology so critical today? The old ways of validating customer identities just aren’t fit for purpose in today’s fraud landscape. Even with two-factor authentication, knowledge-based fraud prevention methods don’t work because passwords, PINs and personal information can be stolen. Biometrics doesn’t rely on knowledge; it identifies the human being you’re interacting with by analyzing a multitude of unique, innate identifiers that are impossible to steal. And on the other side of the coin you have the customer experience improvements. Unlike traditional authentication methods,

biometrics actually removes friction from the process—and reducing customer effort is always a good thing. It’s a lesson that’s starting to be learned in the retail industry, where seasonal spikes in demand can overwhelm fraud controls designed to get as many customers as possible through the checkout. There’s a huge opportunity for ambitious retailers to use voice biometrics to enhance fraud prevention while simultaneously reducing customer effort. What does the future hold? One of the biggest challenges the security industry faces is the growing volume of ‘deep fakes’ where fraudsters use advanced AI tech to mimic individuals. At Nuance, we already have sophisticated methods and tools for detecting all kinds of spoofing attempts, and we’re investing heavily in deep fake detection technology to add further protection.


The truth is, fraud prevention is a constantly changing fight, and you can never become complacent. Fraudsters are often very good at what they do. My passion—and a responsibility I take very seriously—is stopping them from doing it. Brett Beranek


RBS Group disrupts organized crime with Nuance FraudMiner Serving over 19 million customers, the Royal Bank of Scotland Group (RBS) focuses on providing consistent, high-quality customer service. The international banking and financial services company adopted voice biometrics to combat criminal behavior, while still offering customers a seamless experience.

“This isn’t just about reducing fraud losses in the telephony channel—Nuance is helping us protect our customers and disrupt the activities of organized criminal networks.” Jason Costain, Head of Fraud Strategy and Relationship Management, RBS Group




Like any bank, the call center is an important customer service channel for RBS—but it’s also a prime target for fraudulent behavior. RBS wanted a way to adopt more effective security mechanisms, while still providing an effortless experience for its customers.

RBS deployed Nuance Security Suite, which screens every incoming call and compares voice characteristics to a digital library of voices associated with fraud against the bank. The software quickly flags suspicious calls and alerts the call center agent to potential fraud attempts.

In less than a year, RBS has screened 17 million inbound calls. Of these, 23,000 have led to alerts, and the bank has found that one in every 3,500 calls is a fraud attempt.

Having used Nuance Voice Biometrics in its Coutts private banking brand already, RBS had seen how effective the technology could be for protecting customers from fraud without compromising the user experience.

And by combining Nuance Security Suite data with information from other criminal activity detection tools, RBS has discovered that fraudsters on the voice channel also perpetrate a lot of fraud on digital channels. This has enabled the bank to identify and disrupt organized crime activities to protect its customers and assist law enforcement.

Read the full case study.

Stopping fraudsters in their tracks is already paying off financially, as Jason Costain, the bank’s head of fraud strategy and relationship management explains: “Although this initiative isn’t just aimed at reducing losses, we expected to save a reasonable amount of money, and we’ve already saved one and a half times that.”


Deutsche Telekom delivers innovative customer experiences with Nuance Voice Biometrics Deutsche Telekom, Europe’s largest telecoms provider, became the first German company to adopt voice biometrics in its contact centers. Now, customers can simply speak to be authenticated, without having to remember a 10-digit customer number.

We work tirelessly to provide our customers with an impressive service experience. By introducing new offers, we are making it even easier and more convenient for them to use our products and get in touch with us .” Dr. Ferri Abolhassan, Service Director, Deutsche Telekom




When customers contact businesses, one of the most frequent and frustrating stumbling blocks is the dreaded customer ID. Whether it’s a password, an ID number or a secret answer to a challenge question, it’s almost impossible for customers to remember every ID for every organization they deal with.

Nuance Voice Biometrics uses more than 100 physical and behavioral characteristics, including accent, rhythm, and even the position or size of a person’s larynx to create a unique voiceprint for each individual. Deutsche Telekom is using this voice print to authenticate callers every time they get in touch—all they have to do is speak.

In just over three months, over 100,000 customers registered with the new service—and this shift is already paying off. Customer satisfaction has been boosted significantly, with 75% of voice biometrics users saying it’s more convenient than using an ID number.

Despite the difficulty of remembering a lengthy customer number, authenticating with a unique identifier has always been necessary to protect customer accounts and prevent fraud. Deutsche Telekom wanted to find a solution that offered customers a fast, seamless experience without making it more difficult for its contact center agents to authenticate who’s calling.

By eliminating the complexity and time associated with customer ID verification, Deutsche Telekom isn’t just improving the experience for the customer. Contact center agents now have more time to focus on helping customers with their queries, rather than spending time on outdated authentication processes.

Read the full case study.

And as well as reducing friction in the customer service journey, Deutsche Telekom is also lowering its cost to serve and freeing up contact center agents to spend more time helping customers directly.


Going cloud-native Contact centers get in on the cloud action

The cloud opens a new world of AI-driven opportunities for contact center leaders. Here’s a glimpse of what’s in store as customer service goes cloud-native.

Cloudy with a chance of… awesome customer service! Everywhere you look—from sales and marketing to HR and finance— businesses are moving critical operations to the cloud. All of these business functions are benefiting from the flexibility, scalability and cost savings that cloud services can bring. They’re gaining new agility and innovative capabilities from continuously updated cloud-native services that were born and live in the cloud. And now more and more customer service organizations are getting on board. Contact center and customer engagement leaders want instant, subscription-based access to the latest conversational AI tech, along with everything else they need to run modern contact center operations. Organizations want technology that does more than just connect them to

customers; they want technology that helps them truly understand those customers. Not just to serve customers better, but to make serving them easier. Gartner reckons that, by 2025, customer service organizations using AI in a multichannel customer engagement platform will increase operational efficiency by 25%. It’s part of a compelling business case for AI in customer service. And the fastest, most cost-effective way to get the latest, most advanced AI tech is in the cloud. Three ways to the cloud There are several ways you can take advantage of cloud to bring AI into your customer engagement platform: 1: Sign up to hosted services that provide ready-to-run solutions for IVR or digital engagement channels 2: Go DIY, using cloud-based APIs and development tools to build innovative


solutions for mobile apps, digital channels, or even your IVR 3: Bring in a specialist organization to run the whole shebang in a Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) model Your choice will depend on your budget, your in-house skillset and your timeframes, among other things. But whichever way you get to the cloud, it’s essential to make voice innovations a big part of your customer engagement mix. Why? Over to Gartner again: “By 2023, customers will prefer to use speech interfaces to initiate 70% of self-service customer interactions, rising from 40% in 2019.” Rapid innovation in the cloud One of the great things about the cloud is it enables innovation at speed. Innovative organizations can access advanced capabilities through APIs and

build them into their IVRs and other channels to deliver more meaningful, conversational interactions. Our own customers, for example, are using Nuance Intelligent Engagement APIs for conversational AI services to build some remarkable solutions—from intelligent virtual assistants to smart kiosks.

What’s next? Around 10% of contact centers currently run a CCaaS model, but the folks at Gartner expect that to rise to 50% by 2022. While today’s CCaaS offerings can bring a lot of value, it’s the secondgeneration of CCaaS that will really accelerate adoption.

Alternatively, subscribing to a hosted service like our Cloud IVR enables organizations to ride an innovation wave of continuous updates, improvements, and new capabilities.

Over the coming years, fully-managed cloud services will emerge that give organizations effortless access to all the services, tools and capabilities they need, along with instant, elastic scalability.

Frictionless authentication is another big win for customer service organizations with demanding customers to impress. Using cloud services like Nuance Gatekeeper to access voice and behavioral biometrics offers a simple way for almost any organization to bring in heavyweight AI tech to combat fraud.

Here at Nuance, our innovators are working hard behind the scenes to make this future a reality. So watch this space for exciting announcements coming soon about the future of the cloud-based contact center. Source: The Future of the Contact Center, Gartner, April 2019 documents/3909016/the-future-of-the-contactcenter


What’s new @Nuance See what’s new with us – and our people and places. Nuance’s new lab space at Mila

Nuance Biometrics wins Forbes Alconics Award

The Global Research and Development (GR&D) team recently opened our new lab space at Mila, a world-renowned AI research institute in Montreal. The partnership is an exciting step in our relationship with the academic AI research community, and it will enable us to continue developing meaningful solutions for our customers.

Nuance Voice Biometrics was recently announced as the best application of AI in Financial Services at the annual Forbes AIconics Awards. The awards recognize the outstanding achievements of organizations introducing breakthrough innovations across a wide range of industries.

Focusing on our language and image processing applications, the GR&D team have taken on new interns at Mila to develop new capabilities for our conversational technologies. These capabilities include advancements like interactions with virtual agents without explicit wake-up phrases, training diagnostic image processing models in a privacy-preserving manner, and more. Find out more.

Find out more.

Nuance was named 2019 Cyber Defense Global Award winner for Cutting Edge Biometrics Technology. The awards recognize organizations with a global focus who are pioneering an innovative approach to defeating the next generation of cyber criminals. Find out more.


Expert insights – Check out some of our recent blog posts. IVR re-born

The IVR isn’t dead—it’s just evolving. Businesses are waving goodbye to the awkward, old-school IVRs of the past, and they’re moving on to a more cost-effective platform. This blog post looks at how Nuance Cloud IVR can help you deliver the natural, intelligent engagements your customers expect. Read on.

Shaking things up for fraud prevention

A new approach to call deflection

Apple Business Chat is a great way for companies to deflect their customers to automated digital channels. With support for media-rich experiences, it offers customers more meaningful engagements. The only trouble is, not everyone knows about it. This blog post looks at Apple’s new feature—Chat Suggest—and how it’s boosting consumer awareness of the messaging platform. Read on.

Carriers have been trying to stop unwanted spoofing for years; it’s a big fraud risk, and it creates hassle for consumers. But a recent protocol has changed everything. This blog post takes a deep dive into STIR/SHAKEN, a framework of interconnected standards that carriers are using to mitigate robocalls and reduce fraud across their networks. Read on.

Upcoming events – Visit us on the road. The AI Summit December 11-12, 2019, New York, NY

Avaya Engage 2020 February 2-5, 2020, Phoenix, AZ

Biometrics Summit December 20, 2019, London, UK

RSA Conference February 24-28, 2019, San Francisco, CA

Signs of Intelligence

About Nuance Communications, Inc. Nuance Enterprise is reinventing the relationship between enterprises and consumers through customer engagement solutions powered by artificial intelligence. We aim to be the market leading provider of intelligent self- and assistedservice solutions delivered to large enterprises around the world. These solutions are differentiated by speech, voice biometrics, virtual assistant, web chat and cognitive technologies; enabling cross-channel customer service for IVR, mobile and web, Inbound and Outbound; and magnified by the design and development skill of a global professional services team. We serve Fortune 2500 companies across the globe with a mix of direct and channel partner selling models. Copyright © 2019 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Nuance, and the Nuance logo, are trademarks and/or registered trademarks, of Nuance Communications, Inc. or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries. All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. NUAN–CS–3965–01–M DIGITAL, Nov 21 2019

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