Liquid Network_Degree Project

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LIQUID NETWORK consists of interactive, civic and hydrological spaces. It will SUPPLY DEFEAT CONNECT RESIST ACTIVATE the eroding coastline of Maputo


AN ECOLOGICAL SYSTEM AGAINST DECAY a call for action to save and advance the eroding coast of the African city of Maputo by new infrastructural typology to sustain the community.

Image 14. About 80,000 people have been affected by the floods in the center and north of the country.


The flood has affected our daily lives. We live with the flood, but the worst are the effects of disease, water infiltration and inundating our homes makes living on coast hard.


A Competition By: Nubia Lluvicela Garcia Valeria Mazzilli

Trends of rapidly urbanizing cities c. 2015-2016

yranny of umbers : Parallel Competitions for Cairo and Maputo


01 02 03 04 05 06


10 Purpose of the Competition


20 A Gradual Erasure of the Coast 22 Maputo Info 24 Maputo Timeline 26 Sectional Future


30 Competition Brief 32 We Are a Partnership 34 Program 36 Aquaponic Culture 38 Sizing the Program 42 Program Sqft 47 Site Description 49 Neighborhood Analysis 50 Flood Access 52 Nodal Inter-Connectivty 54 Costa dol Sol Paths



58 Frei Otto Wet String Experiment 64 Water Marble Experiment 68 Ferrofluid Experiment


74 Annotated Bibliography

18. FerroFluid Experiment on site. 11/28/2015.



MOTIVATION 10 Purpose of the Competition

Image 01. Catastrophic Flood of 2000 in Maputo showing submerged houses in the coastal area of the city. death toll rises to 159.


Liquid Network : RESEARCH

Submerging Homes

Maputo’s coast region is a significantly low-land area and is separated from the inner part of the city by a massive artisanal agricultural area. Costa do Sol has three landscape typologies: agricultural, urban, sea. The urban fabric is centered between these landscapes and Avenida da Marginal confines the site from the sea. Although there are some actions taking place to prevent flooding in the coast, studies show the shoreline will undertake a great transformation as the sea level rises. Instead of shifting the coast city inwards and reducing land area, preservation of existing residential households and agricultural land is necessary to resonate among the disaster that is arising.



da Marginal to an inner part of the coast will need to be considered. In addition instead of shifting the coast city inwards and reducing the land area, the preservation of existing residential households and agricultural land is necessary to resonate among the disaster that is arising. Since 1970, major coastal fluctuations on the eastern edge and northern islands have occurred in Maputo. As a consequence large Maputo’s coastal region is a low-land area amounts of land submersions were manifested that is separated from the inner city by a massive and the city has had to adapt to relocation. A most agricultural area. Costa do Sol has three landscape recent catastrophe took place in January 2010, typologies: agricultural, urban and sea. The urban where the extraordinary downpour of approximately fabric is centered between these landscapes and three meters raised the sea level in the lowlands the main road that connects to the City center, and severely affected homes along the coast. Avenida da Marginal, which confines the site from It temporarily submerged the coast inundating the sea. Avenida da Marginal is a main north/south hundreds of households and developments that avenue that borders the coast. This avenue is not reside along these regions. In Costa do Sol, eighty only a major road, but currently acts as a protective houses were flooded and some were completely barrier between the sea and the city and is the first destroyed by the force of water. and immediate infrastructure to be submerged in The region of Maputo is a coastal the near future. Along the road, there have been transitional zone with “very limited water supply” adaptive measures for the flood: building a sea wall (SEED. Formulation of an Outline Strategy for and planting trees to reinforce the edge boundaries Maputo City. City Wide Sanitation Planning) where against the flood, yet these measures have been only 65% of the population has access to drinking somewhat effective. Even though there are some water. The existing water network concentrates in actions taking place to prevent flooding in the coast, the inner part of the city and becomes less dense studies show the shoreline will undertake a great as it reaches the coast, leaving large portions of the transformation as the sea level rises. Indeed these neighborhood uncovered. In Costa do Sol, there are adaptive measures temporarily solve the problem, three main water supply networks, one secondary but don’t seek to be a long lasting solution. To and only six water sources for 14,000 people. salvage this main city artery, a relocation of Avenida


Liquid Network : RESEARCH




05. Statistics from Banco Spiritu Santo


CORRODED WATER PIPE Water pipe destroyed by contaminated flood water.

WATER SOURCE Amelia collecting daily water from a local water source.


% OF THE POPULATION has access to drinking water


% OF THE POPULATION has access to sanitation

9391 ppl

65% SUBMERGED AGRICULTURE Submerged agricultural land, destroyed by saline water intrusion.


75% FISHING Prominent fishing area subject to inundation altering the fishing perimeters




CHOLERA CASES in the Country

% OF THE POPULATION has access to drinking water ECONOMY is based on agriculture

WATER used by agriculture

WATER CONSUMPTION per capita per day

FISH production in 1 year

Liquid Network : RESEARCH

“Amelia Lisango lives in Costa do Sol. Like Many others in her community, she has to walk several kilometers each day to get enough water”

Image 03. Corroded Water Pipes, Image 05. Girl at a Water Source, Image 04. Man Fishing on the Coast, Image 08. Submerged Agriculture.

(Knight, Kim. Thirsty Work. AusAID). A survey conducted from Unicef in November 2002 showed that “only 35% of households living in affected areas were able to access their water sources in 15 minutes. 25% of the surveyed households were spending over 60 minutes every day to reach their water source” (Unicef, Press Release: “Mozambique: 55 children perish daily from unsafe water”). Each tank commonly contains 25 liters of water, and since the daily amount of water needed is around 40-50 liters (10-13 gallons), it is necessary that each person carries at least two tanks of water a day. In order to cover all their household needs, the majority of the population uses the “same water source not only for drinking but for all domestic purposes: 95% is used for cooking, 91% for washing hands, 89% for washing of kitchen utensils, 84% for bathing and 66% for laundry. 10% of the population reported using unsafe secondary drinking sources. Most of the households use these for bathing (96%), washing kitchen utensils (79%), washing hands (35%) and laundry (37%)” (Unicef,

Press Release: “Mozambique: 55 children perish daily from unsafe water”). The water infrastructure doesn’t only diminish along the coast, it also corrodes more because of catastrophic floods. The rising of the sea level also affects the quality of the water on the land. The floods begin to imbalance the overall city water distribution; supplying the inner part of the city with water and leaving the coast with an already crumbling infrastructure to decay. Since the flood of 2000, the crisis point of clean water distribution and sanitation has worsened along the coast. Flooding of latrines and septic tanks threatens to contaminate wells, that lead to epidemics of waterborne diseases such as cholera. A testimony from a dweller in Maputo:

“Our houses are built in low areas. We have no shelter when he flood starts. The house owners do not help us to drain out the water from our homes. People use buckets to remove water themselves. Once water is gone, the real disaster has just begun. That is diseases.” 13

(Climate Change Assessments for Maputo, Mozambique: A Summary). Millions of people that fled Mozambique’s civil war are returning to towns like Costa Do Sol. The 2000 flood caused a cholera outbreak. The population was exposed to dirty water and the quality of sanitation drastically decreased. From 2004-2005, there were “A total of 9391 cases of cholera and 61 deaths.” (World Health Organization. Cholera Country Profile: Mozambique. Global Task Force on Cholera Control.) Maputo’s economy relies mainly on agriculture and fishing. There has been great demand to increase planting areas as the population has grown. The country has enormous potential in terms of irrigation; “vast hydrographic basins remain largely undeveloped. The reason for this underdevelopment is largely due to a lack of infrastructure: roads, irrigation and storage, areas in which the investment effort is now increasing. Within the context of the SADC, Mozambique is one of the best-endowed countries in terms of land, which, given low levels of mechanization and usage of modern agricultural techniques, has led to a wide consensus in terms of its enormous potential in the agricultural sector.” Agriculture makes up 80% of many family’s income and 80% of the total population of Mozambique is engaged with it. Maputo is known for farming maize, cashew, and sugar cane. Farming makes up 28% of Maputo’s GDP and is


of Mozambique is engaged with it. Maputo is known for farming maize, cashew, and sugar cane. Farming makes up 28% of Maputo’s GDP and is the people’s culture. It is the key for development of the city and poverty reduction. Since agriculture is the main consumer of water that is distributed to the City (using 75% of it), a way for the farmland to have easier access to water from the city is vitally important. Agriculture has met the 6% annual growth after the actualization of the plans to accelerate agricultural development. By 2020 agriculture will actualize the implementation of climate-responsive agriculture strategy that aims to build the resilience of the country’s food system, enhance ecosystems and ecosystem services, and secure food and water resources, which will bring a good improvement by 2060. In the fishing sector, 89,000 tons are produced every year, with an income of 80 million $US in Mozambique. The development of aquaculture production of shrimp, mollusks and tilapia is actively promoted by the government. Marine aquaculture benefits from a diverse natural environment. The coast offers excellent conditions for the development of aquaculture, where it consists of shrimp, fish, crayfish, squid and kapenta. In 2014 the GDP in Mozambique was worth 16.39b US dollars, and is projected to increase at a minimum of 8% each year. These statistics demonstrate that by 2060, it will maintain

Image 13. Amelia and her daughter fetching water at the local source

Liquid Network : RESEARCH

We wake up every morning and walk for a kilometer to fill up our latrines with water to supply our day.



Liquid Network : RESEARCH

Image 02. Local people in Maputo gathering water from latrine.

a progressive growth, it will reach up to more than 59.00q. The population of Maputo was registered to be 1,766,184 in the recent census for 2008. By 2060, the population is projected to increase to approximately 12,000,000 people. In 1997 the Plano de Estrutura da Cidade de Maputo conducted a population distribution study, reporting 14,186 people in the neighborhood of Costa Do Sol. Since the overall population of Maputo increased by almost 50% between the censuses held in 1997 and 2007, in Costa Dol Sol. Confirming that the population of Costa Do Sol reached the 17,000 people in 2007. 2060 is a relevant year for the city of Maputo, not only a population radical peak will occur but also the sea level will reach up to 1m high, transforming the land edges and uses, and destroying the existing infrastructures on the low elevational land. By 2060 the demand of access to clean water will drastically increase as a consequence of the growing population and the growing agricultural sector; the water infrastructure facilities will diminish as a consequence of the ocean rise as well as the amount of the usable land. In order to counteract these major overlapping and related issues, it is necessary to act today for that not so far tomorrow. WaterAid, a local non-government organisation, worked with the city’s water utility to set up supply sources, and still tries to overcome

the problem. Today “only 77% of Mozambique’s urban population has access to improved water sources.” (Winder, David. Urban Water and Sanitation Solutions). The destructive projections for Maputo call for a cooperation with a global organization, like Un-Habitat, which has already made progress cooperating with WaterAid and providing applicable solutions to post-disaster situations for Mozambique. Un-Habitat can also benefit in experimenting with a new type of model for edge condition and potentially be utilized for other coastlines in similar circumstances. Un-Habitat succeeded in applying proper solutions to post-disaster situations for Mozambique. Singapore Agritech (SGAT) is an international farm management, agricultural research and development company that apply proven innovation and technology to help farmers and landowners. In 2010 they signed contracts and invested in Mozambique farming to produce more and increase their net returns, while producing sustainable and healthy foods. While working on Un-Habitat and WaterAid’s side, they will play a great role in managing the new agricultural hydroponic farming typology. This would benefit the community by generating an ecological self sustainable system able to supply the community. Indeed they will be responsible for transferring the farming technology ideas globally and maintaining productions to the locality and rest of the city.



HISTORY+FUTURE 20 A Gradual Erasure of the Coast 22 Maputo Info 24 Maputo Timeline 26 Sectional Future

Image 07. Erosion from the water. From the blog of a local . 18

Liquid Network : HISTORY + FUTURE


Avenida da Marginal is a main north/south avenue that borders the coast. This avenue is not only a major road, but is currently acts as protective barrier between the sea and the city and is the first, immediate infrastructure to be submerged in the near future. Along the road, there have been adaptive measures for the flood: building a sea wall and planting trees to make this barrier stronger against the flood, yet have been somewhat effective. These adaptive measures temporarily solve the problem, but doesn’t seek to be a long lasting solution. To salvage this main city artery, a relocation of Avenida da Marginal to an inner part of the coast will need to be considered.





Liquid Network : HISTORY + FUTURE

Effect of the 10 cm sea level rise projected by the year 2030


Effect of the 100 cm sea level rise projected by the year 2060


Effect of the 500 cm sea level rise projected by the year 2090


Mapping of the morphological shift

A GRADUAL ERASURE OF THE COAST This neighborhood was formally registered in 1975, shortly after Mozambique declared its independence from Portugal. It was subject to land speculation during the colonial era by owners of land that halted the advance of the formal city and delayed the development of this area. In 1977 the new National Directory of Housing began urban development projects, which left Costa Do Sol behind and triggered rapid densification of the surrounding informal settlements. Before 1970, The fluctuating tides have been the main cause for natural erosion of the coast. Since then, the sea level has risen 2.4- 3.8 mm per year and future sea level rise is projected to worsen: 10 cm in 2030, 100 cm in 2060, and 500 cm in 2090. This area has not been properly planned and the erasure of the coastal edge is prone to a great transformation if not dealt with accordingly.





Surviving land is shown in orange after the sea rise of one meter in 2060. Branching areas from the coast emerge in the coast line.

Compared to the rest of the city, the coast holds a variety of formal and informal housing within a close proximity to accommodate the upper class, tourism and lower class, less developed.

2090 Surviving Land 2060 Surviving Land 2030 Surviving Land 22

High Density: Resid. Low Density: Resid. Planned Resid. High

Unplanned Resid. Low Commercial/Industrial Public/ Social Service

Liquid Network : HISTORY Liquid Network History + FUTURE Future

Secondary Water Network Water Sources Main Water Network

CURRENT WATER INFRASTRUCTURE NETWORK In Maputo, most of the water sources appear in the inner part of the city. There is a need for potable water in the coastal area. There is a need for a new water infrastructure or the coast.


MAPUTO TIME LINE The timeline concentrates on two main happenings to the city: populations growth and sea level rise. It shows a timeline that spans 200 years from 1900 to 2100. Since 1970, there has been natural coastal erasure Maputo, but from 2000 and until today, there have been catastrophic events on the Maputo coast that has significantly reduced the coast. These natural events will continue to happen that will cause the sea level to rise significantly. After Mozambique declared its independence in 1975 the return of the people who fled the country while it was in war has caused the population to increase from 350,000 to 1.8 million. and the happenings of these natural disasters have increasingly occurred marking 2000 one of the worst floods. Looking into 2060, the population is expected to increase to 4 million while the sea rise is expected to increase to 3 meters above.


Liquid Network : HISTORY + FUTURE



2030 Submerged Land 2060 Surviving Land 2090 Surviving Land


Liquid Network : HISTORY + FUTURE



COMPETITION 30 Competition Brief 32 We Are a Partnership 34 Program 36 Aquaponic Culture 38 Sizing the Program 42 Program Sqft

Image 09. Floods overwhelmed farmlands in the lowlands of the coast.


Liquid Network :COMPETITION

Salinated Farmlands

A major effect the flood has made, was the flood has submerging the farmland on the coast. Heavy rains have hampered and prevented weeding of crops. The rising of the sea level also affects the quality of the water on the land. There has been great demand to increase planting areas as the population as has the population has grown.


COMPETITION PROPOSAL The radically decaying coastal cities like Maputo City, urge UN-Habitat, Water Aid and Agritech to collaborate to host a competition for the city of Maputo, Mozambique. The coast has suffered from catastrophic events like flooding and cyclones which are the main causes of the several cholera outbreaks, and of the growth of the homeless population. The sea level is projected to exponentially rise 10 centimeters in 2030, 1 meter in 2060, eventually to reach 5 meters by 2090, placing at risk the dense residential coast and the agricultural area in Costa do Sol. Maputo’s Coast also suffers from corroding water supply limiting the amount of the accessible water. Habitants walk half a kilometer to two kilometers every day to bring home enough daily water. Mozambique’s economies rely on fishing and farming. Consequently, saline water intrusion has been destroying the agricultural land in recent floods; therefore, its economy has suffered greatly. Maputo’s corroding water infrastructure and decaying coast calls for innovative ideas that will respond to the upcoming cataclysmic events. Elevating the water network below, will remove it from destruction by the sea rise and allow it to continue to supply life to the surviving lands along the coast. This pioneering aqueduct will propose sustainable solutions for an inhabitable network that will link the surviving lands. It will contain civic


hydrological interactive public spaces, where the community will access potable water and the aquaponics systems will supply food. This competition is placed in 2060 to generate projections and evaluate the reactions of city to this new infrastructure typology. It will react to issues that the liquid network may undertake in the future and visualize how it will overcome sea rise levels. This will aim to spread awareness to people of the catastrophic sea level rise Maputo’s coast is coming across. An awareness that can benefit in experimenting with a new type of model to deal with an eroding edge condition, where it can potentially be utilized in other coastlines with similar circumstances. Destruction brings opportunities to invent and find solutions to save the coastal land globally. Contestants should consider designing for a self-sustaining future where the population of the coast survive and preserve features of the land with the Liquid Network.

Image 11. Water Bourne Diseases such as cholera have out broke leading to deaths.

Liquid Network :COMPETITION

Our houses are built in low areas. We have no shelter when the flood starts. People use buckets to remove water themselves. Once water is gone, the real disaster has just begun, that is diseases.


WE ARE A PARTNERSHIP between UN-Habitat, Water Aid and Agritech UN HABITAT is a global organization that provides applicable solutions to post-disaster situations for Mozambique. Is active for reducing the vulnerability of local population living in disaster-prone areas in the long-term. Disaster risk reduction, providing consistently innovative planning, architectural solutions and alternative strategies aimed to positively influencing the policy-making processes.

SINGAPORE AGRITECH (SGAT) is an international farm management, agricultural research and development company that apply proven innovation and technology to help farmers and landowners. In 2010 they signed contracts and invested in Mozambique farming to produce more and increase their net returns. They will play a great role in managing the new agricultural hydroponic farming typology. They will be responsible in transferring the farming technology ideas globally and maintaining productions to the locality and rest of the city.



WATERAID is a local NGO that envisions a world where everyone has sanitation, safe water and hygiene. Aims to transform the lives of the poorest and most marginalized people by improving access to safe water. Programs to set up water sources to provide the population with clean and potable water.

Image 05. 63 dead, thousands homeless after flooding in Mozambique in 2015.


Network :COMPETITION Liquid LiquidLiquid Network Network : COMPETITION

I woke up and my bed was flooded. 80 houses were flooded in our neighborhood. We reached for refuge on our rooftops and watched the flood flow through.


THE FUNCTION OF THE PROGRAM IS TO CREATE A SELF SUSTAINABLE COAST THAT WILL SURVIVE THE FLOOD The program will create a self-sustainable coast that will survive the flood in 2060. The main water line will be aligned with the relocated major north/south Highway Avenida Marginal. Secondary water lines will be elevated to withhold the flood and emerge from the main line into localized regions along the coast. This raised occupiable water network will be fused with participatory public spaces and hydroponic farming and aquaponic fish raising. When the elevated network reaches the ground, it will generate water sources that will provide the community. These participatory public piazzas become a market space where locals can access water and purchase food that is grown from the hydroponic farm within the system. This elevated water network will bring in water and food to targeted areas. As the network spans over the water, the submerged land will allow


for a system of aquaponic farms. The system combines conventional aquaculture (raising fish and other aquatic animals) with the above standing hydroponic farming (cultivating plants in water). The water from an aquaculture is fed to a hydroponic system, where the plants absorb the fish excretions as nutrients and in turn, the water is recirculated back to the aquaculture system, thus becoming an effective self-sufficient closed cycle where the waste is minimized. The spans are activated by the farmers that gather the food for selling. The piazza then becomes a place of transaction to interchange goods to other localities along the coast and the inner city. Water and harvested plants will be transferred to the market area in the public piazza spaces where people can have the opportunity to acquire water and the products grown. The spans link neighborhoods to keep them closely connected and accessible, even when the rising sea water becomes a barrier between them. As the sea level rises, seawater will submerge the lowlands leaving the areas with the highest elevations survive. This sea level rise arrives at opportunities for fish farming. The Liquid Network’s structure hovering upon the sea will allow a suspended or floating structure, over the water, to access the fish farm. Putting structures on top of water allows the farm to adapt to the rising sea levels and avoid flooding to the traditional agricultural techniques. To guarantee its function, the stratified network will consist of aquaculture in the lowest layer and the suspended grid that will allow fishermen to acquire the fish. Above that,

Liquid Network :COMPETITION

the hydroponic farm will be fertilized by the fish excretions, and be irrigated by the water network. The hydroponic farm will be grown by solar power, collected in panels located above. The system will generate a strong local food movement that relies heavily on organic food production that needs to conserve water. Aquaponics is a highly beneficial system that significantly reduces the amount of water used to both farm fish and raise plants without soil. Aquaponics can reduce water consumption associated with food production by as much as 90 to 95 percent. The fusion of the raised walkable water network with aquaponic farms, and public participatory water sourced spaces, will generate a self sustainable, flood responsive, life cycle network. This will ensure the population’s survival, taking advantage of the flood and avoiding population migration from the zones at risk.

“This network will ensure population survival among the coast and avoid migration from the areas at risk.”

2080 Surviving Land 2060 Surviving Land 2030 Submerged Land 2015 Submerged Land

Node Aquaponic Farm Node Water Source Hydroponic Farm


AQUAPONIC CULTURE The water network becomes an elevated habitable space that supplies the city. As it articulates and expands throughout the coast, it develops into public fountain piazzas. These act as hydrological civic spaces where the community can gather and collect clean potable water. On top of the network, an open air walkway performs as secondary bridges/circulation during flood times. Underneath the water network the


hydroponic farm takes place and is fed directly from the proposed Network. During flood times Hydroponic Farming becomes one combined system with Aquaculture, developing right below it. Plants from the Hydroponic system absorb the fish excretions as nutrients and, in turn the water is recirculated back to the Aquaculture System. This allows the creation of a closed loop self-sustainable cycle.

Liquid Network :COMPETITION

Overall, the system presents a double tension: when the elevated system reaches back onto the ground it grows into Public Piazzas, and when it develops on water it transits to become the Aquaculture System. This opposite land/water relationship, dictating the specific public program function, is unified by the Hydroponic System which creates a balanced continuity between the two.


SIZING THE PROGRAM Amount of People in City, Costa dol Sol and Cropped Site Year City Population% Growth % of City Costa d.Sol Pop Costa dol Sol Area (km^2)SiteArea 2(km^2) Site People 2000 1,000,000 81% 1.40% 14,000 24 583 50.00% 292 2015 1,800,000 94% 1.00% 18,000 24 750 50.00% 375 2030 4,000,000 122% 0.71% 28,400 24 1,183 50.00% 592 24 1,750 50.00% 875 2060 12,000,000 200% 0.35% 42,000 2090 20,000,000 250% 0.30% 60,000 24 2,500 50.00% 1,250 Amount H2O Consumed (l) Year People (l)/day/person liters (l) 2000 292 45 13,118 2015 375 45 16,875 2030 592 45 26,618 2060 45 39,375 875 2090 1,250 45 56,250 Network Dimensions Network Length (km) Wall 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5


Amt Agriculture Consumed (kg) (kg)/day/person (kg)/day/person Per Year(kg) 0.40 117 365 42,559 0.40 150 365 54,750 0.40 237 365 86,359 0.30 263 365 95,813 0.40 500 365 182,500

Total Agriculture Network Area to Compensate Amt of Ppl Height of # Network of Walls (km) Network Area (km^2) Agriculture Network Area (km^2)Harvest/Yr Production/Year (kg) 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0.003 2 0.027 13,500 3 40,500 0.006 2 0.054 27,000 4 108,000 0.009 2 0.081 40,500 5

Liquid Network :COMPETITION






5’-0” 5’-0”








Water Pipes 16’-0”


HOUSING 40’-0”


HOUSING 40’-0” 30’-0”

Liquid Network reaches 25’ in width and 20’ in height. Inside there are pedestrian paths and water pipes. Hydroponic farms are located along the walls. On its top, pedestrian walkways articulate next to bike lanes and modular houses plug-in along the sides. The house’s standard dimension is 30’x40’x16’, and they can grow up to 3 stories high.



Liquid Network :COMPETITION

PUBLIC SPACE NODES High Elevational Peaks

Water Sources

MAIN ARTERY: 4’ Water Pipes MAIN CONNECTIONS: 12” Water Pipes LOCAL CONNECTIONS: 4” Water Pipes

Surviving Intermidiate Elevational Areas 4 Main Piazzas: 80.000sqf

Minimal Network Distance: 150m

Public Fountain Piazza Precedents: Piazza Fontana di Trevi MIN Sqf: 2000 sqm 20000 sqf Piazza Santa Maria in Trastevere MED Sqf: 2500 sqm 30000 sqf Piazza Farnese MAX Sqf: 3500 sqm 40000 sqf 41


Liquid Network :COMPETITION

PROGRAM SQFT Liquid Network The elevated water network acts as the spine that will sustain the City in the near 2060.

Public Piazzas The network nodes generate four Public Piazzas. Each Piazza is contained in 20,000sqf site extension.

The surviving land covers the area of 1.5 km^2, while the chosen cropped site extends to 0.49 km^2, with a perimeter of 0.35 km by 1.4km

Housing Modular houses plugin along the network’s perimeter and span over the landscape.



47 Site Description 49 Neighborhood Analysis 50 Flood Access 52 Nodal Inter-Connectivty 54 Costa dol Sol Paths

Image 10. Rooftop births, because of the Mozambique floods.


Liquid Network : Site

“We helped one woman give birth on the roof of a clinic and another on top of a house when the water came,” Guija’s district health director Antonio Assede told AFP.


R. Acordo Nkomati

Rua Luis Sibamo

Avenida Marginal

Rua 885

Site/City Connections Local Site Roads Roads 46

Liquid Network : Site

SITE DESCRIPTION Coord: Longitude: 32.628977 Latitude: -25.930871 Along the NorthEast Coast of Maputo Maputo: Costa do Sol +1 to +5 meters above sea level. 7 km along the main highway Avenida Marginale NorthWest from downtown Maputo The neighborhood is sandwiched between agricultural land on the west and by the oceanfront Avenida da Marginal on the east. In its current condition, it is a residential transitional zone where the regular urban grid starts disintegrating as houses shift from formal to informal. The sea is projected to rise 3 meters by 2060 and this site holds major surviving land.



In 1997 the Plano de Estrutura da Cidade de Maputo conducted a population distribution study, reporting the number of 14,186 people in the neighborhood of Costa Do Sol.

“the over all population of Maputo has increased by 50% between census’ held in 1997 and 2007” In the specific neighborhood, it has increased by 20%, which confirms the population of Costa Do Sol has reached the number of 17,000 people in 2007. Maputo’s recent census for 2008 was 1,766,184 by 2060, the population is projected to increase to approximately 10,000,000.

Avenida Marginal is a major North/South paved highway that run along the coast of Maputo connecting the city. Rua Luis Sibamo+Rua 3855 is secondary unpaved road that borders the interior part of the site that leads to downtown Maputo. Rua Dos Continuadores is another secondary road that connects to R. Acordo de Nkomati, which is a major East/West road. West leads to the inner region of Maputo to connect with a major railway and East to the major north/south coastal highway, Avenida Marginale. 21. Maputo Costa Do Sol Access to Site.



Demographic Density Medium Residential Area Residential Medium Planned Area Residential Low Planned Area Commerce and Service Public Service Equipment Area 48

Liquid Network : Site

01 Rua Luis Sibamo

02 Avenida Marginal

Main Streets Grid transformation: As the houses shift from formal to informal, the grid deforms and looses its rigidity e regularity, blending in the random houses disposition.

03 Existing Public Programs Costa Do Sol is a transitional dense residential area where only few public spaces are offered to the Community.

01 Retail Design Fornidure, MOBI Lda 02 Church, Betel das Testemunhas de Jeova 03 Restaurant, Cena Loca

24. Maputo Costa Do Sol Access to Site.



ELEVATIONAL FLOOD RISE: Flood effect: water rise frequency in heights sequence


EXTENDED GRID GEOMETRIES: Grid extensions of high intensity diverging street points, defining geometric sites in within.


FLOOD INFLUENCE ON WATER NETWORK | SOURCES: 2100 surviving land configuration influence on existing water network and sources.


TOPOGRAPHICAL PEAKS: Elevational peaks and water rise influence on existing land.

FLOOD ACCESS These series of drawing map out possible sites locations where water nodes can be places. Figure 1 is an overall one kilometer map that shows the elevational topographic difference across the site. It maps the direction in which water will enter the site as the sea level rises. Figure 2 are sites generated by the extension of the grid and mapping out where the most intersections happened. They are overlapped with the mapping of water sources and found that both sites are synchronized. Figure 3 maps out peaks of the topography. These areas are least prone to flooding. Figure 4 is a composed drawing with all possible sites overlapped. They are site perimeters based on water source locations, and geometries based on grid extensions. The highlighted area is projected dry land after the one meter flood rise projected for 2060.





04 51


WATER NETWORK/ SOURCES Existing water network and water sources identification and walkable distance parameters


RADIATING LOCAL INFLUENCE: Radial local connections influence of the water sourced and elevational peaks sites onto the surroundings.


AERIAL CONNECTIVITY Dynamic aerial connections and distances between water sourced and elevational peaks sites.


GROUNDED CONNECTIVITY: Global existing streets interconnections between water sourced and elevational peaks sites

NODAL CONNECTIVITY These series of drawings concentrate on node connectivity. Figure 1 Identifies existing water sources on site. It identifies their reachability to the neighborhood. Figure 2 identifies these sources and their local connectivity on ground within a one minute radius. It also identifies divergent areas at the highest elevation within the site. In figure 3 both the water sources and the elevation peaks generate nodes and begin to interconnect. It studies how these possible nodes network will directly connect to each other. In figure 4 it maps out the most direct path that will connect to these node on ground. These streets are highlighted to connect to the areas it will provide water to and interconnected to the water using existing paths. This image shows direct existing streets fused with aerial dynamic site connections, expressing the overall network influence on the neighborhood.





04 53



Thread models

The occupation of paths and path networks approaches to urban development. Path networks connect occupied territories of cities, especially where smaller operations like smaller houses farmhouses are involved. Maputo is considered, in some areas, to be organically developed because of the settlement housing that has occurred. What is the basis of this organic formation is fundamentally related to proximity to each other and connection. After mapping out dominant pathways in Costa Do Sol, it resulted in similar organic pathway connections as the ones studies in Frei Otto’s book (thread model, path’s trampled by hoofed animals, maple leaf, stoneware glaze. We wanted to study how this organic grid emerges. Frei Otto explains it through transit. Faster transit like railways, they increase incentive to settle, while motorways have this effect in the areas around their exits. When looking into settlement housing, which is what Costa dol Sol has, foot paths and cart roads encouraged points of branching to connect the settlements together. Linear occupation may have happened where eventually the area began to infill with housing.

Paths trampled by hoofed animals

Dragonfly’s wing (section)

Maple Leaf

Stoneware glaze

Village in the Serengeti

Minimal-path network

Liquid Network : Site

Paths outline

Paths outlined with water source areas

Paths highlighted with interconnected paths to water sources

11. Frei Otto. Occupying and Connecting



ANALOG PRECEDENT 58 Frei Otto Wet String Experiment 64 Water Marble Experiment 68 Ferrofluid Experiment

18. FerroFluid Experiment on site. 11/28/2015.




FREI OTTO WET STRING EXPERIMENT In response to the infrastructural water network, a Frei Otto experiment from 1960 investigates optimized path systems and branched constructions through wet wool strings that create an interconnected system. The model string experiment in figure 1 shows strings stretched at its maximum, where the strings indicated direct paths with no detour. In figure 2, the experiment shows the strings loosened at a certain percentage of a slack to allow for interconnection. The loosened threads are given an excess length of 8%, the original length and the threads are the. dipped into water, where then threads are bundled together by the surface tension of the water. In such configurations produced, traffic paths are 8% longer than in the direct path system but the area needed for the transport route to be constructed and their overall length is significantly smaller. It is often only 30-50% of the direct path system. With these loosened strings, experiment will investigate the form of minimal requirement for the manufacture, maintenance and running path systems and traffic than the model of using moistened threads with limited excess length is particularly suitable. It is a compromise between the starting and terminus points for traffic. This experiment is particularly interesting to liquid network because it allows to investigates minimal pathways on the site of Costa Dol Sol


through experiments that generate the shortest route between random points. Frei explains occupation typologies through experiments. He investigates the idea of the lines being occupied by living organisms who wish to communicate with each other or even communicate for survival.

10. Frei Otto Wet String Experiment on site.



INTERRELATED NETWORK ANALYSIS In Costa Dol Sol, points are indicated as possible nodes where water will be sourced to the people. The interaction between the each node is crucial in order to understand the dispersion of water throughout the site. In contrast to the idea where Frei Otto creates a circle perimeter, where the ‘nodes’ are on the outside, we placed them at specific locations where water sources currently exist and areas where topographically highest peaks are found on site, giving an overall randomized composition. It does not create a perimeter, but interconnection. Going forth with the experiment, each node was stringed to every other node. This densified the aggregation between points and bagan to map out r The string is placed with a slack to examine minimal paths between them, once submerged in water, the strings bundled. creating concentrations of paths. These concentrated paths indicate the connections that are most prone to be the most busy paths. These busy paths will zone programmed spaces that will be for public interaction, where the areas that are least bundled, with be opportunities for agriculture. The experiment creates fluid, soft formations throughout the site that responds to settlement housing typology that Maputo has on the coast and throughout the city. Frei Otto argues that these are the minimal pathways to connect the city. This will allow for the project to respond to the historical grid of the site, while allowing for the new liquid network to exist upon the coast.


10. Frei Otto Wet String Experiment. 1972.


FREI OTTO WET WOOL EXPERIMENT Circle outlined with direct paths to each other node.


MOISTENED STRINGS Strings are loosened and moistened where strings begin to bundle together.


REINTERPRETED EXPERIMENT ON SITE Node are identified on site where they all interconnect with eachother.


MOISTENED STRINGS After moistened, the loosened strings begin to bundle together and create minimal path ways to eachother.




04 61

OCCUPYING THE NETWORK Frei explains the development of European villages are formed through minimal path system. The function agricultural areas are connected using a path network, many of the arms of which connect to the intra-territory path networks of neighboring villages. For a surface area to be occupied it begins with a central point that has connection to sites. In applying the same idea to Maputo, he explains how settlement towns are populated. Settlement housing developed on the coast due to rapid urbanization. Village settlements expand streets become occupied and then the surfaces infill as population grows. They settle at random, then associated direct path network emerges to connect them. The liquid network is a life line to survive the coast. By identifying points on the site where existing water sources are water network will interact with the ground, they will be where water sources currently exist and highest points of the site (where is it safest from the flood).


Settlement centers in random occupation.

Associated direct path network.

Detour-minimized path network.


Identified significant points. (existing water sources and high elevational peaks)

Associated direct path to main location of water infrastructure.

Detour-minimized path network on site.

11. Frei Otto. Occupying and Connecting



of colour after another, ring by ring, the pattern is constructed on the water surface and it navigates on it. By applying this to the site topography of the 2060 water flood scenario, it is interesting to analyze how edges constrain the water movement Marbelization is the process of liquid and how water infiltrates, deforms and takes shape expansion within a fluid matter. By using diluted acrylic colors it is possible to observe and analyze around the coastal edges. Indeed the aim is to experiment with fluid in order to understand its its movement through the water. Marbling is also the dilation of floating acrylic paints on the surface reaction around the edges of the coast. Once the drop reaches the water and starts to of water. The floating paints are then swirled into expand out, it follows and adapt itself to the shape patterns. of the topography which then dictates the direction Gravity causes the liquid to drop straight into the water, while the friction with the water itself, of its movement, determining the new forming shape. As the edge defines the shape, the shape allows for the evolution of a deforming shape. Indeed the organic processes implements a colour becomes an abstract repetition of the boundary, and the multiple drops, by generating a “ring drop to spread in the liquid and to quickly expand sequence�, visually define and capture how the until a certain degree. From the maximum dilation water movement starts to interact with the coast point it will then start to retreat. Its compression sequentially deforms by the next color drop, which and how it responds to it. The edges shape the water and the water replicates the process, creating a new changing re shapes the coast according to its conformation. shape within the previous drop expansion. The final result is a reflection of the liquid The process is very dynamic and expansion around the coastal edges, while replicating. It is important to release each color defining a new adaptive pattern that, even if drop at a close distance from the liquid surface since the movement needs to happen horizontally. constrained, constantly behaves/reacts/adapts to the movement of the water. The closer the distance, the further the color The next two sequences show drop will disperse/diffuse/spread. The sequence the development of different patterns formations of the drops causes the different overlapping colors to neatly acquire an irregular pattern similar according to their different points of origin. They demonstrate that even if the center is not located to the topography lines, imitating an image of by the coastal boundaries, the color drop will have sectionated marble and/or old wood layers. to adapt to it, as soon as a contact will take place. Each shot captures a unique frozen moment within the process. Produced one drop


29. Marble Water Experiment on site 11/28/2015


EXPANSION The color drop expands towards the edges which define the direction of its movement

CONTRACTION The color then starts to retreat towards its center, maintaining the coastal outline


The first image to the right shows a color drop outwards expansion with its origin located by the hard boundary of the coast. As the color drop is released close to the edge, its expansion is highly influenced and constrained by that specific shape. The boundary then becomes the spreading point of the water movement, replicating a similar form. As another color drop is added on top of this, its expansion quickly pushes the previous colors outwards and will cause them to decrease in thickness, while it will widen and prevail on them, keeping the movement active. The thickness reduction achieves the layering progression effect that delineates and maps out different and evolving water movement patterns. As the growing drop reaches a larger extension degree, and as new drops are poured over it, the colors loose the neat distinction and start to mix with the previous drops, leaving space for the next coming drop to re articulate and redefine the generated form and the amplification direction. The third image to the right shows an outwards expansion from a central point, equally distant from both coastal edges. As the movement begins its path from the center, the color drop is not initially constrained by the topography. In this case it is free to increase according to the fluid matter only. Only when it reaches the boundaries, it is then forced to adapt to them, until it begins to retreat and return to its initial shape. The coast defines the boundary of the maximum extent and the form of the retreating drop. When a second drop is released on its top, the amplification and retraction process is repeated, generating constant dilating and shrinking sequences of rings.


29. Marble Water Experiment on site 11/28/2015

Outwards Coastal Expansion

SEQUENCE 01 Hard The color drop expands Boundary towards the edges which Expansion Point define the direction of its movement

SEQUENCE 02 The color then starts to retreat towards its center, maintaining the coastal outline

Outwards Central Expansion

Inwards Central Detraction Outwards

Hard Boundaries Detraction Points 67

FERROFLUID EXPERIMENT A ferrofluid is a liquid that becomes strongly magnetized in the presence of a magnetic field. Ferrofluids are composed of nanoscale particles of magnetite, hematite and other compound containing iron, and a liquid. This causes it to it have two states of matter: the solid metal and the liquid. With the application of a magnetic field it acquires the ability to keep changing its current phase. Indeed ferrofluid is small enough for thermal agitation to disperse them evenly within a carrier fluid, and for them to contribute to the overall magnetic response of the fluid. Each tiny particle is thoroughly coated with a surfactant to prevent clumping. When put under a vertical magnetic field, the particles in the solution start to rearrange due to the attraction and repulsion of iron. When the magnet is at its closest to the liquid, spikes begin to emerge pointing at the direction of their magnetic field, which has an outwards dispersion propagation. Indeed the surface forms a regular pattern of “peaks and valleys”. This effect is known as the normal-field instability. In the corrugated configuration, the magnetic field is concentrated in the peaks; since the fluid is more easily magnetized than the air, this lowers the magnetic energy. As a consequence the spikes of fluidride the field lines out into space until there is a balance of the forces involved. When the magnet is turned


to its opposite attraction, the substance retracts; therefore, creating an overall bubble. Ferrofluid was applied to our site topography, occupying the 2060 water flood zone scenario. Once acrylic paints are added to the ferrofluid, the formation of black channels and tiny ponds filled with rainbow colored surfaces begins to generate and proliferate the specific area. The black ferrofluid and the paints don’t mix. This is due to the fact that ferrofluid like oil, is hydrophobic. It therefore doesn’t blend with the paint, and it allows it to gradually and continuously flow throughout its dense body while maintaining a neat distinction between the two different liquids. Once the magnet is located underneath the site surface, the fluid is rigidized and held in position, attempting to organically spread around the water colors and generating a series of connected black channels.

18. FerroFluid Experiment on site. 11/28/2015.



Seawater Flow Assimilation: the ferrofluid traveled across the site. The paint indicates how the potential flood will travel through the site, how the water will conform itself to its new territory. Water passage enters the inner site, where there will be areas most prone to flooding and to most damage. Image 01 captures the fluid movement of a dense, compact body of color in reaction to the pure black ferrofluid.The result is a provoking organic dispersion of the color throughout the thick fluid and a reshaping process around the topographical boundaries.Image 02 is a close up of the previous description, that emphasizes the replication of the elevational levels, generated by the color dispersion in the fluid. Bubbles are then a manifestation of the contact of the two different liquids, and they mainly populate the portion of the site where the 2060 seashore is redefined. Node water Flow Assimilation: Nodes are indicated as sources of water. These are points which map out their supply locality, and depict a possible aggregation configuration of a bigger system. As the isolated color bubbles define the water sources, the black ferrofluid defines the network by intricately infiltrating and dispersing around them. Image 03 pictures a configuration generated by the force of the magnet. Once that is activated, the ferrofluid if restrain to tighten up and constrains the color towards its center, segregating it in circular and elongated patterns that are isolated from the rest of the mixture, generating a node condition. Image 04 shows a different node condition where the circular pattern are more condensed and constrained towards its center.


18. FerroFluid Experiment on site. 11/28/2015.



SEA WATER FLOW Water mapping of density of flow.


SEA SHORE WATER FLOW Coast and water boundary


NODE WATER FLOW 2030 Constrained from reaching out node as a place to gather


NODE WATER FLOW 2060 Liquid is conforming and reaching out to locality.






AGITATION FLOW SEQUENCE By applying “Ferro Fluid Agitation Experiment� to the site topography of the 2060 water flood scenario, it is interesting to analyze how coastal edges force and drive the water flow and how the liquid deforms around these boundaries once an external force is added to it. Once ferrofluid covers the entire site, and acrylic color paint is poured in the 2060 water flood scenario area, an agitational movement, conceptualized as the natural disruptive force of the waves, is applied to the site. As the fluid is a very oily material, it allows the color to gently flow throughout the space, fluxing from one side to the other while mapping out the waves movement and how they affect on the coastal edges. It is noticeable that the body of the initial color is a very dense, compact and thick entity that starts to spread out as soon as the agitational movement is activated. The initial result is that the dense body accumulates in the center and tends to remain far from the edges. As the movement increases the body then starts to propagate towards the sides, acquiring thin, linear, filgrimated shapes that project the liquid paths. At the end the color is mainly dispersed and is settled mainly along the topography lines, replicating them as it distance itself from the boundaries.




RESOURCES 74 Annotated Bibliography

Image 12. New System Turns Salty Groundwater Into Drinking Water.


Liquid Network : RESOURCES


Access to a reliable source of clean drinking water is an, if not the most, important determinant of public health, well-being, and socioeconomic development. Despite its importance, safe drinkingwater is not accessible to much of the world’s population. And due to climate change in certain regions of the world, water stress is expected to increase significantly in those areas in the coming years. 75

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01 Allen, Stan. "Mapping the Unmappable: On Notation." Allen, Stan and D. Agrest. Practice: Architecture, Technique and Representation. 2000. 30 - 45. Sept. 22, 2015 Nubia Lluvicela Garcia  This article seeks to redefine what annotation means to architecture of today.  Allen writes about notation and how architecture is an “allographic art,” art that is perceived by interpretation in notation similar to music. Allen argues that today the city is unmappable due to the technological age.  The physicality of the city has been “erased with exchange of information” (Allen). The city is part of a larger connected network, where the permanence of the building is undermined. In mapping in today’s “technological space time,” there must be a reinvention of the way mapping is represented in the “visible and invisible streams of information” (Allen). Mapping the invisible is identified as notations of time, collective, and digital diagrams. Key Terms: Allographic Art, Unmappable, Illegible City, Notation, Technological Space-Time 02 Appadurai, Arjun. "The Production of Locality. "Appadurai, Arjun. Modernity at Large Dimensions of Globalization Volume 1. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1989. 179-205. Sept. 22, 2015 Valeria Mazzilli Appadurai Provides a crucial framework for the analysis of urban life and their actualization. He defines locality as mainly relational and contextual rather than scalar or spatial. The author mainly focuses on the relations between neighborhoods and contexts and refers to neighborhood as situated communities determined by their own actuality. These are the existing social forms where locality is realized. This framework allows us to relate to neighborhoods as set of contexts where a social action can be generated. Appadurai's work reminds us that the lack of a theory of inter-contextual relations, stops us from generating a strong theory of a sociocultural globalization. The nation-state dictates and creates a set of places and spaces related to certain people. Key Terms: Locality, Nation-State, Globalization, Destabilization, Transnationality

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03 ArcGIS Satellite Imagery. 01 November 2015. Satellite. 1 November 2015. <>. Sept. 22, 2015 Nubia Lluvicela Garcia  ArcGIS provides interactive satellite imagery with multiple scales. Images for mapping were used from ArcGIS. 04 Arsénio, André. One Month in Mozambique. 2 Febuary 2012. Blog. 5 December 2015. <>. Dec. 05, 2015 Nubia Lluvicela Garcia A blog entry by Andre in the month in Maputo where research and documentation is going on the work with local community-based, organizations to address the issues that the city’s population faces. In particular, saline intrusion, groundwater contamination, access to safe drinking water, inappropriate sanitation services and unsafe and unplanned wastewater reuse. Develop integrated social and technological knowledge, models, robust technologies and methodologies. These should enable the development of a sustainable and more innovative water resources management program for the city of Maputo. Finally they focus to produce open-source knowledge that can be replicated in other parts of Mozambique and in other countries facing similar challenges. http://sustainablewatermz.weblog.tudelft 05 Banco Espirito Santo. "Research Sectorial: Mozambique." 3 June 2012. ISKO Mozambique. Document. 6 December 2012. <>. Dec. 6, 2015 Nubia Lluvicela Garcia This presentation shows statistics and the city’s real GDP growth to have accelerated 7.1% in 2011. It provides graphs of the breakdown of GDP by sector making Agriculture the third in the national


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economy. This source is utilized to show graphs on the GDP growth of agriculture in 2010 and the growth of Maputo compared to the other provinces. 06 Cook, Peter. "The Metamorphosis of an English Town 1968." Jencks, Charles and Karl Kropf. Theories and Manifestos of Contemporary Architecture. London: John Wiley & Sons, 197. 232-233. Sept. 22, 2015 Nubia Lluvicela Garcia  A clear position projecting the future of the city inspired by technology as it encounters time. These elevation drawings are stacked and illustrated as a graphic narrative, to compare the difference of its change. The street elevation undertakes metamorphosis as its urban fabric crosses boundaries to its adjacent. The buildings interact with each other, where building and landscape fuse. The illustrations display adaptations of innovative technologies can emerge from the existing condition. Key Terms: Metamorphosis, Urban Links, Implant, Graphic Narrative, Anecdote

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07 Corner, James. "The Agency of Mapping: Speculation, Critique and Invention." Cosgrove, Denis. Mappings. London, 1999. 231 - 252. Sept. 22, 2015 Valeria Mazzilli Corner deals with the problem of a two dimensional drawing transition into a three dimensional concrete reality. The map is a projection of the future that has to adapt to the constant present change and development of the city, integrating and responding to those hidden forces that are determining this change.  The author defines Mapping as a real cultural project, able to create, build, measure, re-shape and describe the world. He emphasizes that the process is an activation of the mapped area rather than a simple representation of it. Importantly he reminds us that maps can directly change and influence the culture of the interested area, since it depends on its configuration. Corner claims a need of new technologies, able to generate maps that show the world in different ways incorporating multiple crucial aspects. As a consequence, an extremely high cultural development will occur. Key Terms: Modernity, Agency, Globalization, Transnational, Deterritorialization

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08 "Cholera Country Profile: Mozambique." (2009). World Health Organization. Web. 9 Nov. 2015. Nov. 09, 2015 Valeria Mazzilli The source introduces a Cholera background history, reporting a study of the Cholera outbreaks in Mozambique supported by maps and graphs. It states that in 2004 a total of 9391 cases and 61 deaths from 20 December 2003 to 16 February 2004 in 6 provinces. Maputo City was the most affected area, reporting 65% of all cases. 09 Johnson, Steven. Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation. New York: Riverhead Books, 2010. Sept. 22, 2015 Nubia Lluvicela Garcia  In a continuous effort to present a vision of innovation and ideas that reflect on social impact, the reading dissects the many ways ideas emerge, how people generate the groundbreaking ideas that


push lives, society and culture forward. Johnson advocates the kinds of environments that breed innovation and gives an understanding of the roots of innovation and sets strategies for cultivating creative breakthroughs. In understanding strategies for innovation, a developing city may best be prone to innovation; therefore, lead to an extenuating infrastructural system. Key Terms: Innovation, Reef, History, Liquid Networks, Adjacent Possible Website Number Source Annotation Date Author Narrative

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10 Otto, Frei, et al. Frei Otto, Bodo Rasch: Finding Form Towards an architecture of the Minimal. Ed. Sabine Schanz. Trans. Michael Robinson. 5. Munich: Deutscher Werkbund Bayern, 1992. Book. Dec. 5, 2015 Nubia Lluvicela Garcia  In response to the infrastructural water network, a Frei Otto experiment from 1960 investigates optimized path systems and branched constructions through wet wool strings that create an interconnected system. The intention is to investigate the form of minimal requirement for the manufacture, maintenance and running path systems and traffic then the model of using moistened threads with limited excess length is particularly suitable. It is a compromise between the starting and terminus points for traffic. They indicate the direct path system. If the threads are loosened and given an excess length of 8%, the original length and the threads are them dipped into water then the threads are bundles together by the surface tension of the water. In such configurations produced traffic paths are 8% longer than in the direct path system but the area needed for the transport route to be constructed and their overall length is significantly smaller. This very simple procedure is also suitable for investigating water transport systems since it simulates the structure of a tree. Pratt Library


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11 Otto, Frei. Occupying and Connecting: Thoughts on Territories and Spheres of Influence with Particular Reference to Human Settlement. Ed. Berhold Burkhardt. Trans. Michael Robinson. London: Axel Menges, 2009. Book. Dec. 5, 2015 Nubia Lluvicela Garcia  Frei Otto investigates minimal pathways through experiments that generate shortest route between random points. Frei explains occupation typologies through experiments. He investigates the idea of the lines being occupied by living organisms who wish to communicate with each other or even communicate for survival. He explains the development of European villages are formed through minimal path system. The function agricultural areas are connected using a path network, many of the arms of which connect to the intra-territory path networks of neighboring villages. For a surface area to be occupied it begins with a central point that has connection to sites. Similar to Maputo, he explains how settlement towns are occupied. They settle at random, then associated direct path network emerges to connect them. Village settlements expand streets become occupied and then the surfaces infill as population grows. Pratt Library 12 Knight, Kim. "Mozambique: Thirsty Work."Relief Web. Australian Agency for International Development, 19 May 2010. Article. 1 Nov. 2015. Sept. 22, 2015 Nubia Lluvicela Garcia  Local source describing the water situation in Costa Do So land the 2000 water crisis, after which the new Sanitation Program built anew water distribution in 2008 to manage and sustain the water supply. 13 Koolhaas, Rem; Kwinter, Sanford; Boeri, Stefano; Tazi, Nadia; Obrist, Hans Ulrich. "Mutations. ”LagosHarvard Project on the City. Actar, 2000. 652-718. Sept. 22, 2015 Nubia Lluvicela Garcia  Lagos is a study case for of a city leading of globalizing modernity. Koolhaas analyzes how accelerated urbanization act on the environment and on the spaces that can still be taken under the architectural


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development. Although Lagos lacks the essentials for the modern city, the city works. It is rapidly expanding and is dealing with shortcomings in traditional urban systems that can revolutionize the urban city. Some of the urban strategies emerging today adapt to the “African City,” where property lines are physical four foot walls that allows security and at the same time stabilization for the ground, or how Oshodi sustains itself in a state of flux and effectively and has transformed the infrastructure into market. Since the Lagos isn’t fully developed, it allows for a rethought of the city as Lagos is in route to becoming a modern city. Key Terms:Asymptotic Behavior, Traffic Spills, Market, Globalization, Lagos 14 INGC.National Institute for Disaster Management Study on the impact of climate change on disaster risk in Mozambique. Synthesis Report on Climate Change. INGC. Maputo, 2009. Document. 1 November 2015. <>. Sept. 22, 2015 Valeria Mazzilli  Study on the impact of climate change on disaster risk in Mozambique provides notion of the coast shore actual and future situation. The country has a coastline of 2700 km and more than 60% of its total population live along it, where these areas are consisting with lowlands prone to flood disasters. Sea level is projected to rise 10 cm by 2030, the Maputo coastline will submerge undergo erasure in the near future. 15 McGee, PCV, Jules. AGUA? WHAT’S UP WITH THAT? 31 August 2014. Blog. 6 December 2015. <>. Dec. 6, 2015 Nubia Lluvicela Garcia The author is part of the peace corps and writes about how much water a person uses a day in a developed country. The author contrasts the use of water from a developed country to a developing one in Africa. They don’t have the luxury of running water; they have to pump their water out which at times is located 100 yards from their homes. They author tells her experience of use of water. She uses two baldes a day that has about 25 liters in it. She calculates how much water she consumes in Africa and that is living with minimal water usages. It doesn’t not compare to how much water is used in America.

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These statistics are used to generate the amount of water that is needed to bring brought along the coasts. This will give us rough estimates on the sizing of the water pipes and pumps for our program. 16 "National Institute for Disaster Management. "Study on the Impact of Climate Change on Disaster Risk in Mozambique: Synthesis Report (2009). National Institute for Disaster Management. Web. 1 Nov. 2015. Sept. 22, 2015 Valeria Mazzilli  Helpful synthesis report on the Impact of climate change and disaster risk in Mozambique. It focuses on the impacts of climate change analyzing past trends and future changes in the climate, observing natural disasters and finally projecting the future changes in temperature and water rise level, providing maps that predict the future coastline transformation. 17 National Fishery Sector Overview (2007). FAO, Organización De Las Naciones Unidas Para La Agricultura Y La Alimentación. Web. 9 Nov. 2015. Nov. 09, 2015 Valeria Mazzilli  The overview provides data of fish production, export, import and supply. It reports the number of the different species caught by year and calculates the total fisheries production of Mozambique, evaluating the performance of the sector. It argues that marine fisheries account for more than 90% of Mozambican total fish production. The annual catch from marine resources is about 120 000 tons. Finally it states that the development of aquaculture production is actively promoted by the government since excellent conditions exist in the country for the development of the practice.


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18 Oefner, Fabian. Millefiori. 2012. Website. 5 December 2015. <>. Dec. 05, 2015 Nubia Lluvicela Garcia They are created with the aid of a very peculiar material: ferrofluid. This liquid has a very unique property. It is magnetic, caused by the millions nano-iron particles in it. When put under a magnetic field, the particles in the solution start to rearrange due to the attraction and repulsion of iron. If now water colors are added to the ferrofluid, the pop-art looking structures start to appear, forming into black channels and tiny ponds filled with rainbow colored surfaces. The reason why the black ferrofluid and the water colors don’t mix is that ferrofluid is, just like oil, hydrophobic. It therefore doesn’t mix with the water colors. At the same time, it is held in position by the magnet underneath it. So it tries to find a way around the water colors and therefore forms these black channels.

19 One: Forty Chances. "The Maputo Commitments and the 2014 African Union Year of Agriculture." 9 October 2013. Amazonaws. Document. 6 December 2015. <>. Dec. 6, 2015 Nubia Lluvicela Garcia This document shows statistics and the impact investment from companies like Agritech in African agriculture. Agriculture in Africa accounts for 32% of the continent’s GDP. Investments in Maputo for agriculture are driving growth to the smallholder farms who cultivate 80% of African farms. Maputo is declared to 10% of national budgets to agriculture and to achieve 6% of annual growth. Agriculture annual growth rates are the biggest in East Africa. The potential for Maputo to keep growing is positive. One: Forty Chances

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20 Personnez, Damien. UNICEF. 20 June 2003. Article. 2015 December 2015. <>. Dec. 05, 2015 Nubia Lluvicela Garcia This article explains statistics of unsafe water and poor sanitation killing almost 55 children every day 246 out of every 1000 live births die within their first five years. Thirteen per cent of these deaths are directly attributable to a lack of access to clean water, proper sanitation and poor hygiene practices. 55 people die every day from diarrhea. Thousands more are at risk because of cholera, infections caused by dirty water, and inadequate sanitation conditions if conditions are not improved and work is not speeded up. 21 Porto, Sofia Moreira. "Polana Canico A: Um Bairro em Movimento, Uma Comunidade em Evolucao." (2014). Web. 9 Nov. 2015. Nov. 09, 2015 Valeria Mazzilli  The in depth research on the history and formation of the Polana Canico A neighborhood, reports that the confining neighborhood of Costa Do Sol officially had its origin in 1975 after its independence. It explains that it was subject to land speculation during the colonial era by owners of land that halted the advance of the formal city which delayed the development of this area, that then resulted in rapid densification of informal housing development. 22 Publishing, OECD. OECD Investment Policy Reviews. Paris: OECD, 2013. Print. Nov. 09, 2015 Valeria Mazzilli  The source deals with the management of water resources for socio-economic development (p. 144). Economic sectors are highly dependent on water supply, using 75% of it. Agriculture is the largest consumer, using 73% of the total withdrawn water, industry 2%, and the remaining is for domestic use.


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23 Raimundo, José Alberto, and Inês Macamo Raimundo. Operation of the Market Study Land Access in Urban Areas The Case of Maputo (2012). Web. 9 Nov. 2015. Nov. 09, 2015 Valeria Mazzilli  The source provides an accurate chart-study (p.24) of the population distribution, of each specific city ward, in the years 1997 and 2007. The study reports 14,186 people in the neighborhood of Costa Do Sol in the first year after an increase of the 20%, the population reached 17,000 people in 2007. 24 SEED, Sociedade de Engenharia e Desenvolvimento Lda. Formulation of an Outline Strategy for Maputo City City Wide Sanitation Planning. Maputo: WSUP Water Sanitation for the Urban Poor, 2010. 1 November 2015. <>. Nov. 09, 2015 Valeria Mazzilli  Relevant source for population settlement on different areas determining its demographic shift. Delineates and maps the urban structure plan for Maputo City, differentiating neighborhoods referring them to their kind of population. It defines elements for spatial and urban development and current development trends, establishing two main categories, urbanized areas and areas to be urbanized. It presents a number of key maps, which show the administrative boundaries and current land use. 25 SEED, Sociedade de Engenharia Desenvolvimento Lda. Formulation of an Outline Strategy for Maputo City Wide Sanitation Planning Final Interim Report. Maputo: WSUP Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor, 2010. 1 November 2015. Nov. 09, 2015 Valeria Mazzilli  Water & Sanitation for Urban Poor formulates an outline strategy for Maputo in order to provide improved water and sanitation services to an urban poor population. The reading includes a city bound demographic map of Maputo illustrates the urban structure of Maputo, where it includes urban densities, planned/unplanned regions, industrial areas, and social/public service areas.

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26 SGAT. Singapore AgriTech Pte. 2015. Website. 5 December 2015. <>. Dec. 05, 2015 Nubia Lluvicela Garcia Singapore AgriTech Pte Ltd (SGAT) is an international farm management, agriculture research and development company that applies innovation and technology to help farmers and land owners in Mozambique to produce more while increase their net returns. SGAT helps farmers that venture into the upstream in farming to implements sustainable and healthy foods, while making our world green. Sustainability ultimately means intergenerational equity. 27 UN-Habitat.Focus on Mozambique: A decade experimenting disaster risk reduction strategies. Nairobi: United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2012. Document. 1 November 2015. <>. Sept. 22, 2015 Valeria Mazzilli  Describes the Mozambican environmental system, focusing on natural hazards, identifying areas in higher risks for natural disasters. Presents the need for new approaches and activities for reducing the local population living in disaster-prone areas, in the long term. Particular attention is given to innovative architectural solutions adopted as preventive measures for floods, cyclones and droughts.   UN Habitat Disaster Risk Reduction 28 "UN-HABITAT and Water Aid Nepal Established Partnership to Initiate WATSAN Project in Poor Clusters of Selected Municipalities of Nepal." (2015).Un Habitat Nepal. United Nations Human Settlements Programme. Web. 1 Nov. 2015. Nov. 04, 2015 Valeria Mazzilli  The source presents the issue of lack of points of access to safe drinking water in Nepal. It reports and proves that the Global NGO UN HABITAT and the local Water Aid Nepal recently made an agreement to launch "Integrated Water and Sanitation Services to the urban poor communities in Nepal", a project to



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improve hygiene and water sanitation of poor selected communities of Nepal increasing coverage of water supply. 29 Snedker, Pernille Hansen. About Pernille. 5 December 2015. Website. 5 December 2015. <>. Dec. 05, 2015 Nubia Lluvicela Garcia Pernille Snedker aims to challenge how we look at and experience the surfaces around us. She founded Snedker Studio, a contemporary design studio based in Copenhagen, and specializes in handcrafted surfaces and commissioned artworks. In collaboration with natural phenomenon and inspired by traditional craft techniques, Pernille Snedker Hansen transform interiors into immersive artworks. A culmination of years of experimentation and development, Pernille has re-purposed the traditional craft of marbling. She works directly with its fluid nature to enhance material and create form. Created one drop at the time and resembling a tree growth rings, Pernell’s technique responds to naturally occurring patterns.

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30 Vivet, Jeanne.Déplacés de guerre dans la ville La citadinisation des deslocados à Maputo. Maputo: Ginsity, 2009. Book. 1 November 2015. Sept. 22, 2015 Valeria Mazzilli  In response to the water supply crisis, a new water distribution unit was built in 2008 to manage and sustain the water supply and to ensure that each family had access to water on their property. Useful map of the 2008 new water distribution unit showing how ADM reaches the different urban areas of Maputo.

IMG01 AFP. Daily Mail. 2 February 2015. Image. 6 12 2015. <>.



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IMG02 Arsénio, André. One Month in Mozambique. 2 Febuary 2012. Blog. 5 December 2015. <>.




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IMG03 Figueiredo, Patricia. Climate Justice and Water Management. 6 December 2015. Image. 6 December 2015. <>.



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IMG04 Harlech, Huw. Christening on beach in Maputo. 5 September 2015. Image. 6 December 2015. <>.



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IMG05 Holt, Kate. World Bank Photo Collection. 18 April 2009. Image. 2015 December 2015. <>.




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IMG06 Sapa. Enca. 19 December 2014. Image. 6 December 2015. <>.



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IMG07 Langa, Salvador. DIĂ RIO DE UM SOCIĂ“LOGO. 08 November 2011. Image. 6 December 2015. <>.



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IMG08 LWF World Service. Destroyed Maize. 25 February 2013. Image. 6 December 2015. <>.




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IMG09 Oberholzer, Carlien. Xai Xai and Chokwe Flood Plains. 17 March 2013. Image. 6 December 2015. <>.



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IMG10 Sapa-AFP. Rooftop births, ruin and diarrhoea in Mozambique floods. 28 January 2013. Image. 6 December 2015. <>.



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IMG11 Tam, Kevin. Water-borne Diseases. 19 November 2014. Image. 6 December 2015. <>.




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IMG12 Team, High Life Trends. SCIENCE: New System Turns Salty Groundwater Into Drinking Water. 29 April 2015. Image. 6 December 2015. <>.



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IMG13 Vidal, John. The Guardian. 30 January 2015. Image. 6 December 2015. <>.



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IMG14 Vidal, John. The Guardian. 30 January 2015. Image. 6 December 2015. <>.


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Nubia Lluvicela Garcia +1 210 323 3144

Valeria Mazzilli +1 312 848 5144

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