National Museum of Nuclear Science & History Annual Report 2016-2017

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President – Jerry Adams Vice President – Sara Robinson Secretary – Pam Sullivan Treasurer – Marcus Mims, CPA Immediate Past President – Alison Schuler, Esq.

Ethan Aronson Jay Bledsoe Alaric Bender Molly Brunell Hannah Costello Tim Crofton Betsy Deiterman Leslie Fraser Mollie Fullerton Sandy Fye David Gibson Thea Haver Jennifer Hayden David Hoover Eric Loftus Claudia Madrid Aspyn Maes Deidre McVay-Schulmeister Barbara Miller Ashleigh Olguin Ryan Painter Kyan Ramirez Michael Rodriguez Elena Seaberg Greg Shuman Jim Walther Joyce Whelchel

Honorary Trustees Dr. Murray Gell-Mann Richard Rhodes Ex Officio Jim Walther, Museum Director

Pam Sullivan, Board Secretary, Wayne Laslie, Board Trustee Margaret and Robert Singer, Board Trustee



Ben Balkcom Charles Crisler Dr. Gregg Franklin Dr. Damon Giovanielli Dr. Katrina Groth Codie Hardy Dr. Michael Hartshorne Suzanne Johnson Wayne Laslie Robert Singer, Esq. Michael Strizich

Our mission remains a guiding principle of the efforts of our Board of Trustees, volunteers and professional staff. The museum is a non-profit charitable corporation designated by Congress as the official nuclear museum resource for our nation. The mission of the National Museum of Nuclear Science & History is to serve as America’s museum resource for nuclear science and history. This is accomplished through presentations of exhibitions and quality educational programs conveying the diversity of individuals and events that shape the historical and technical context of our world. B-52B Stratofortress

Trustees Emeritus

Hal Behl Dr. Robert Busch James (Jim) Ferland Dan Hardin Charles R. Loeber Judith Mead Kimberly E.S. Meagher Doug Moody Greg Morrison Richard Perry John Shaw John Stichman Warner Talso Brig. Gen. (Ret.) H. Tom Taylor Dr. Ruth Weiner

Education Team: Tim Crofton, David Gibson, Ethan Aronson, Thea Haver





The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History continues exciting progress as an institution making nuclear science and history accessible to tens of thousands of visitors. Through our many programs and exhibitions, our growing group of enrichment camps and classes, the museum has been very successful in enhancing young people’s knowledge and excitement of science and in STEM education. This past year was a tremendous year for completion of outside displays. During this time, staff and volunteers took on the effort to repaint both the A-7 Navy Fighter jet and the F-105 Thunderchief. We repositioned the historic Jupiter Missile for repainting and created the only reproduction of the Trinity Test Tower. None of these transformative projects would have been possible without great volunteers and wonderful donated support from companies in our community. A very special note of thanks again to the fine staff at Enterprise Builders and J.B. Henderson Construction Co. for assistance in our efforts. Our educational programs grew in visibility and quality, as did our continued contracted service to the Rio Rancho School District for STEM education programming. Our incredible camp programs also impacted hundreds of children, signifying how well it meets the expectations of our area families. Nuclear Science Week, established by the museum in 2009, is now celebrated in six countries world-wide and was observed this past fall for the eighth year, with a social media impact of 23 million impressions. We were honored to display “Critical Assembly,” the beautiful recreation of the criticality experiments of Los Alamos in 1945, as a sculptural installation by American artist, Jim Sanborn. We also featured our third Atomic STEaM Juried Photography contest. We invite you to visit the museum to explore our exhibits, attend an event or public program, and if interested, become a member or supporter. It is through the spirit of collaboration that we achieve our goals, and your involvement can make this a reality. Jerry Adams, President

Jim Walther, Executive Director

Nuclear Science Week began at the National Museum of Nuclear Science & History in January, 2010. Each year a national event is hosted across the country, and this year it was held in Wilmington, NC. The museum continues to be very involved in this annual celebration by inviting students from area middle schools and high schools to participate in nuclear activities and tours of the museum throughout the week. This year, students in Albuquerque learned about science within the nuclear fields including Geiger Counters, ionizing radiation and even “Balloon Fission.” This all-time favorite demonstrated a fission chain reaction that occurs at a nuclear power plant creating heat needed to generate electricity. Over 700 students and 90 teachers and parent chaperones came from seventeen area schools, and many of them were granted busing and admission from the generous donations provided by the Albert I Pierce Foundation, Sandia Laboratory Federal Credit Union and Sandia National Labs.

FROM quotes NSW “All stations were superb. “ “Awesome Experience!” “I hope we can return again next year.” “This is my first visit with students, and it’s awesome!” “The kids loved the Tesla Coil!”

Discover STEM Week and Day

The museum had another great year hosting area students and teachers during the week of February 6 through 10, 2017. Nine hundred seven students and 154 teachers and chaperones participated in hands-on science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) activities. Many schools were able to send students to this event due to the generous donations from Lockheed Martin/Sandia National Laboratories to cover admission and busing and sponsorships provided by Jerry Adams and MicroNet Solutions. Museum educators provided the opportunity for students to explore various fields of STEM, partnering with the Albuquerque Soaring Association, the Civil Air Patrol, Nano Cool, the Air Force Research Laboratory, the University of New Mexico – Center for Water and the Environment, Kirtland AFB and students from La Acadamia de Esperanza. The week ended with a Discover STEM Family Day on Saturday, February 11, welcoming 1,045 visitors. This event was sponsored by Kirtland Federal Credit Union and Intel, and museum staff and volunteers were joined by over 30 STEM-focused exhibitors including Intel, American Chemical, Tuskegee Airmen, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics and UNM Departments of Architecture and Planning, Computer Science and Engineering. Student exhibitors included students from Technology Leadership


quotes STEM DAY


quotes STEM WEEK

“Love it…especially for girls! “

“Very “hands-on” and engaging. “

“Thank you, this event was outstanding!”

“Instructors were fantastic!”

“The event was a nice compilation of energy related areas.” “The ice cream show was brilliant!! Thank you.”

“Awesome activities! Thank you for getting our students involved.” “The ozobots and electrical impulse group leaders were very high energy; they held the kids attention and got them excited.”

High School and the museum’s Junior Docents. The day was topped off by the addition of food trucks and outdoor seating for museum visitors to relax and enjoy their day at the museum.

“Science is Everywhere” Camps

The museum began the summer camp season with a 20th year celebration – twenty years of offering camps for children ages six to twelve! Current and former students from the past twenty years were invited to attend an event in their honor, celebrating so many years of science fun. The museum continued to create new offerings of single day camps offered on Veterans Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Presidents Day. Spring Break and Winter Break Camps were also popular for area campers to attend. Summer Camp began with favorites including “Hogwerts”, “Movie Magic” and “The Great Game” while new offerings thrilled campers in “Chemistry & Intrigue”, “Hey, Can I Take That Apart”, “The Domino Effect”, “DIY Disasters” and “Space Craft”, to name a few. Old camps even became new adventures with changes to “Code of the Robot” and “Spy Kids”, always favorite choices. Campers solved crimes through chemistry, traveled through history to meet great scientists from the past, interacted with characters from parallel universes and alternate realities and explored their inner selves by learning the science and activities that involve their favorite characters and worlds. Summer camps also began with museum educators offering up a menu of exciting demos and activities during morning care to start the day blasting off in the right direction. During the 2016-2017 camp seasons, the museum welcomed approximately 500 singe-day campers and 450 summer campers. Museum staff and volunteers are hopeful to see these campers and many new campers next year.

Rio Rancho Outreach

The Education Team beefed up its presence at Rio Rancho Elementary Schools this year offering hands-on science to third, fourth and fifth graders at five schools during the academic year. Museum educator David Gibson was joined by Education Enrichment Coordinator Tim Crofton this year. This energetic team excited 30-60 students per school each week and helped

them gain an understanding of science concepts through interactive activities such as learning about friction while riding a hovercraft, programming ozobot robots and exploring aerodynamics using the principles of flight. Again, our “Super Squad” of educational volunteers, Frank Buethe, Jose Juvera and Charlie Zaffery, joined David and Tim each week at the Rio Rancho schools. It was a delight to partner with the Rio Rancho Elementary Schools and their S.A.F.E. (Students Achieving for Excellence) after-school program.

Homeschool Programs

As the homeschool program grows, the program offerings continue to expand. During the spring of 2017, Museum Educator, David Gibson, piloted a robotics class with the newly acquired ozobots and Mbots. An excited thumbs up was the response from this group of homeschooled children, ages 5-15. In the early fall, the museum piloted a series of new classes focusing on activities around the atom and radiation. Not only were these classes a success, but the museum saw a record number of students in September. Museum staff also discovered many homeschooled students wanted to become further involved with the museum. Many students volunteered in the museum’s Nuclear Garden Project, summer science camps and the Junior Docent program. Museum staff look forward to offering educational curriculum and activities to this ever-growing community in the years to come.

Community Outreach

The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History has continued to expand its physical boundaries by participating and visiting audiences offsite, taking its educational programs on the road. A resounding thank you goes out to many of the museum’s volunteers who have helped make the museum’s presence possible. During this year, favorite events and groups included The Albuquerque Astronomical Society Cosmic Carnival held at the Albuquerque Open Space, Cub Scout Adventure Day, Community Builders Youth Conference II in Santa Fe, Enchanted Air Fly-in, Girl Scout STEM event, Intel’s Children’s Winter Carnival, Raytheon Family Day and Technology Leadership High School for judging student trimester presentations. During this past year, the museum was also granted the opportunity to appear twice per month at the Kirtland Air Force Base’s Newcomers’ Fair. The Newcomers’ Fair allows military and civilian men and women to learn about businesses and organizations that are on the base and within the Albuquerque area. The museum has shared with these men and women opportunities to enroll children in the “Science is Everywhere” camps, upcoming exhibit openings, as well as the museum’s membership program and the perks that come with being a member. The museum’s Development and Membership Associate, Deidre McVay-Schulmeister, represents the museum at this important outreach initiative.

Junior Docent Program

The year began with eight new students participating in the Junior Docent program with two second-year docents and two third-year docents. Under the guidance of Tim Crofton, Education Enrichment Coordinator, and David Gibson, Museum Educator, the Junior Docents built on their previous years’ programs and added an inertia demonstration to their bag of tricks. They performed their demonstrations throughout the year giving nearly 150 hours of work interacting with museum visitors while honing in on enhancing their own public speaking skills and science knowledge.

Junior Docents performing at the Einstein Gala: Ethan Green and Jey Nguyen

The Junior Docents play an important role during the Einstein Gala by writing and performing demonstrations for the gala audience. This year, Kiyoshi Yamamoto and Emily Symons were front and center using liquid nitrogen to cause a large ping pong explosion. Ethan Green and Jey Nguyen then offered a luminal toast to the gala’s featured guests, “U. S. Women in Nuclear”.

Junior Docents performing at the Einstein Gala: Kiyoshi Yamamoto and Emily Symons

Science on Tap

“Science on Tap” was hosted for its fifth year, presenting a series of informal talks at local breweries and restaurants on a wide range of topics in science and technology. “Science on Tap” is a collaboration between numerous science and engineering departments at the University of New Mexico, the National Museum of Nuclear Science & History and Explora Science Center & Children’s Museum of Albuquerque. The goals of “Science on Tap” are to bring science to the public, to increase public awareness and pride in the research accomplishments of local scientists and to provide local science enthusiasts a fun and unique venue for meeting and interacting with one another. This event welcomed 381 guests in 2016-2017.


Critical Assembly, the Secrets of Los Alamos 1944: An Installation by American Sculptor Jim Sanborn

The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History hosted “Critical Assembly, the Secrets of Los Alamos 1944: An Installation by American Sculptor Jim Sanborn,” welcoming 47,302 visitors while it was on display February 4 through October 8, 2017. This special exhibit, created by world renowned sculptor Jim Sanborn – best known for creating the encrypted “Kryptos” sculpture at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia – invited visitors to explore and study the recreations of the super secret experiments from the Manhattan Project’s atomic bomb program.

Atomic STEaM Photography Show

The Third Annual “Atomic STEaM Photography Show” was a success, accepting just under 200 photographs from individuals from all over the nation. Any individual, from a professional photographer to a student with a camera phone, was invited to submit a photograph to the juried competition with the hope to not only win a cash prize but to also have their work on display at the museum. All photographs submitted related in some way to overall theme of science, technology, engineering, art or mathematics, and they were all open to interpretation by the photographer.

“Critical Assembly” was a tableau based on the laboratory environment for the assembly of the first atomic bomb and is gleaned from many scholarly and eyewitness accounts of the appearance of the Manhattan Project Laboratories, as they existed from 1943 to 1945.

Photographs were accepted online in the spring and summer of 2015, and eighty photographs were chosen by the jurors to be displayed at the museum. The “Atomic STEaM Photography Show” was on display to the public in November and December of 2016, hosting 7,404 visitors. Winners were announced at the November 4 special preview reception. First place went to W. Gary Rivera for their photo titled “Infinite Possibilities.” Second place went to Matthew Malkiewicz for their photo titled “STEaM 1.” Third place went to Knate Myers for their photo titled “Milky Way Above the MRO.” Honorable mentions were given to Paisley Callow for their photo titled “X-Ray Migraine,” to Chi Lan Huynh for their photo titled “Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, the higher you are, the faster you age” and to Ron Schwartz for their

Constant Transormation by W. Gary Rivera

photo titled “Coyote Moon.” In the youth category, first place was given to Yoo Jin Park for their photo titled “Flame Test,” second place was given to Erin Ice-Johnson for their photo titled “Haleakala Observatory” and third place was give to Jason Sullivan for their photo titled “Mating Albino Praying Mantis.”

The museum catalogued

This “Critical Assembly” installation included original electronic instruments, hardware, furniture, tools and materials used by Los Alamos National Laboratory during the 1940s. These objects were acquired by Sanborn during a six-year period from a variety of sources, including former laboratory employees. Any materials Sanborn was unable to collect in Los Alamos, he machined and fabricated himself.

Critical Assembly, the Secrets of Los Alamos 1944

This special exhibition at the National Museum of Nuclear Science & History was made possible through sponsorships by Lockheed Martin/Sandia National Laboratories and Clay Kemper Perkins and Dorothy Perkins. Critical Assembly, the Secrets of Los Alamos 1944

575 new items into the collection. One of the highlights this year was from Susan Forester Lindemann who donated items from the career of SMS Henry C. Forester USAF (Ret). SMS Henry C. Forester USAF (Ret) was the flight crew chief of the museum’s B-52B Stratofortress on Operation Dominic and on Kirtland Air Force Base.

Colors at Night by Knate Myers

John Goetz also donated his collection of items from the building of the EMP (electromagnetic pulse) trestle, codename ATLAS-I, on Kirtland Air Force Base.

Critical Assembly, the Secrets of Los Alamos 1944

Restoration of the F-105D Thunderchief and the A-7 Corsair II Two of the National Museum of Nuclear Science & History’s iconic fighter-bombers, the F-105D Thunderchief and the A-7 Corsair II, were the focus of the museum’s special initiative within “Operation Preservation” – a multi-year campaign to repaint and refurbish the airplanes in the museum’s nine-acre outdoor exhibit area known as Heritage Park.

This aircraft was modified and upgraded over the next few years, stationed at two different Naval Air Stations where it was continually involved in flight test work until its aircraft lifetime expired. Its last flight was to Albuquerque where it was used for parts and training, having accumulated 5,796.6 flight hours. It joined the museum’s collection in 1992.

Trinity Tower Replica In the late summer, early fall of 2017, the National Museum of Nuclear Science & History erected the only Trinity Tower replica in existence – a steel tower, just shy of the original 100 ft historic piece designed to hold the first atomic bomb tested at the Trinity Site on July 16, 1945.

Restoration began in the spring of 2017 on the museum’s F-105D Thunderchief, serial number 61-0107, a supersonic fighter-bomber that was produced in 1962 and was sent to the 49th Tactical Fighter Wing (TFW) in Germany to provide NATO nuclear retaliation capability during the depths of the Cold War. After its use for pilot training in McConnell AFB, Kansas, it was transferred multiple times around the nation, landing for the final time at Kirtland AFB in 1981. It was then offered to the National Atomic Museum for permanent display and has now been a part of the museum’s collection for 35 years.

Restoration of both aircraft began in April of 2017 under the supervision of Brigadier General (Ret) Jay Bledsoe, Restoration Project Manager, with the help from museum staff and 12 volunteers, contributing 940 volunteer hours to the projects. This behemoth project was funded by donations received from supporters and entities with personal ties to the museum and the historic aircraft as well as from an ambitious online funding campaign that took place April 14 through May 14 of 2017.

This new exhibition was constructed in close proximity to the museum’s B-29 Superfortress in the museum’s nine-acre outdoor exhibit area, Heritage Park, and was completed and recognized through a dedication ceremony on October 6, 2017.

The second aircraft to receive restoration attention was the museum’s A-7 Corsair II, Bureau Number 154-407, the only aircraft in the museum’s collection to have ever flown in combat missions. This Navy carrier fighter-bomber was built in 1968, and in its first eight years in service, the aircraft saw numerous cruises including several Vietnam deployments. Within this timeframe, it had 3,338 flight hours and 731 carrier launches and landings.

Completion of these outdoor exhibits for visitor viewing took place in the late fall of 2017. Support for these projects came from a number of individuals and organizations.

Through generous financial support provided by benefactors Clay Kemper Perkins and Dorothy Perkins, over 15,000 lbs of steel was delivered to the museum in the late summer months to start construction of this historic reproduction. The concrete footings were secured deep into the New Mexico ground, and the rebar was in its place by mid-September. Construction on the tower began under the supervision of David A. Vana, owner of Fire Tower Restoration, as the replica’s body is a variation from a vintage fire tower design. Construction of the tower’s “shack”, the enclosed platform at the top of the tower that held the nuclear bomb for testing, began under the supervision of the museum’s executive director, Jim Walther, with help from museum staff and volunteers. Plans were to hoist the shack to the top of the tower upon its completion the first week of October.

F-105D Thunderchief

A-7 Corsair II

Many local companies – including Enterprise Builders, Harris Rebar, JB Henderson and Noel Company - donated their time, labor and equipment to this behemoth

endeavor, noting the importance of bringing this part of history back to life. The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History’s replica of the Trinity Tower was debuted on Friday, October 6, at a dedication ceremony directly followed by the museum’s “Nuclear After Dark – Trinity Files” event. This event was open to the public, inviting visitors to tour the museum and view the new Trinity Tower exhibition, enjoy an outdoor screening of “Modern Marvels” The Manhattan Project and experience local food trucks and brewery. This event welcomed 355 guests to the museum. This event was sponsored by Los Alamos National Bank.

Volunteer: Larry Costin at Nuclear Science Week

OLUNTEERS Our Volunteers The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History’s volunteers are a dedicated lot of current and retired professionals with vast experience and education. Most of the volunteers have careers in nuclear weapons, nuclear energy or nuclear transportation industries, and all have expertise in their chosen fields. The museum’s most visible volunteers are the greeters and docents who spend their time on the museum floor welcoming visitors and guiding tours and educational groups through the exhibits. This group of dedicated volunteers gave over 6,600 hours educating the public over the past year. Many volunteers put their talents and skills to use in other areas throughout the museum. Volunteers assisted the collections and curatorial staff with recordkeeping, research and artifact storage, and they routinely cleaned exhibit housings on the museum floor. Others assisted the administrative, finance and development staff behind the scenes. Volunteers helped the exhibits team construct, paint, repair and maintain exhibits and dismantled and packed away temporary exhibits. One group cared for the museum’s landscaping and helped maintain the grounds while spending countless hours pulling weeds and raking unwanted vegetation from the front easement to present a pleasing entryway. These volunteers tirelessly contributed over 3,500 hours to the museum. Volunteers were involved in special events at the museum throughout the year including the Einstein Gala in March; Trinity Tours in October and April; Movie Under the Wings in June; PEAK Radio 100.3 Day in July; and multiple exhibit openings and dedications through the year. Volunteers also contributed to

Volunteers Honored with Highest Awards Marketing and Public Relations: Every June, museum staff and Board of Trustees honor the museum’s volunteers with a Volunteer Anna Wimmer, Intern Appreciation Picnic as an informal way to have a fun time outside of the museum and spend Collections and Curatorial: some relaxed hours with museum volunteers. This year, the volunteer picnic was held on June Carl Mora 6 at Balloon Fiesta Park Golf & Event Center. Fuddrucker’s Hamburgers catered the event, and Education: the Duke City Swampcoolers, a local bluegrass band, entertained the crowd. Each volunteer Jose Juvera received a personal award to highlight an aspect of their volunteer service or a hobby or Administration and Finance: interesting aspect of their character. A few of those present took a few swings on the golf Jeannette Gould green. Approximately 85 people attended. Exhibits: Pete Havey Building and Grounds: In December, museum staff and Board of Trustees celebrated the volunteers at the annual John Halliday Volunteer Appreciation Dinner. Here, volunteers were honored and celebrated for their Operation Preservation: achievements and accomplishments in the previous year. Each volunteer invited to the James Steele celebration had contributed 50 hours or more to the museum during the previous year, Museum Floor Staff: making this a gathering of dedicated individuals. Each department chose a volunteer to Joanne Connolly honor for their service. In 2016, the following people were honored: Museum staff and Board of Trustees also presented the MaydewJeblick Award and the Outstanding Student Award.

outreach programs with Rio Rancho Public Schools and community celebrations, as well as several off-site corporate events and trainings. The museum’s youth volunteers gave over 3,000 hours of service through camps and junior docent programs, as well as community and museum events. The volunteers who gave their time and talents to Operation Preservation filled a special niche in the volunteer ranks. This group of individuals contributed over 2,000 hours this year performing difficult work in all types of weather to preserve the planes, missiles and rockets in Heritage Park. Their work makes our planes look runway-ready, including working solar-powered running lights, adding a great deal of class to our exhibits. Museum volunteers have contributed over 15,000 hours in the 2017 fiscal year.

The Maydew-Jeblick Award, begun in 2001 to as a memorial to former volunteers Randall C. Maydew and Harold Jeblick, is presented annually to recognize an outstanding volunteer. The award is based on impact and breadth of service, support and promotion of the museum, consistency of commitment, duration of service and cumulative years of service. The 2016 Maydew-Jeblick Award recipient was Frank Buethe. The Outstanding Student Award is presented to a student who has made a lasting impact on the museum through volunteer service. To be eligible, the student must be enrolled in a high school or post-secondary educational institution. The award is based on impact and breadth of service, interest in science or education, and consistency of commitment. Student Volunteer: Sam Lindsey with Museum Director, Jim Walther

The 2016 Outstanding Student Award recipient was Sam Lindsey.


leadership, technology, government, energy and education was awarded to U.S. Women in Nuclear (U.S. WIN), a premier network of over 8,000 women and men who work in the nuclear- and radiation-related fields around the country.

•Attendance at the National Museum of Nuclear Science & History reached 65,395 in the fiscal year of 2016 •The museum was the venue for 111 facility rentals during this time-frame, welcoming 5,000 guests as event attendees •The museum hosted two tours to the historic Trinity Site, one in April and one in October, for 212 guests •During the fiscal year of 2016, the museum had 2,145 members, 82 of whom were Einstein Society members

Proceeds from the Einstein Gala fundraising event helped support the Museum’s STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) educational programs for K-12 students as well as professional development workshops for science and math teachers. The 2017 Einstein Gala also welcomed a special group of Albuquerque Public Schools (APS) students and teachers through the generous sponsorship of Hal Behl and Judith Mead, Museum Foundation Trustees Emeriti.

Sponsors for the 2016 Nuclear Science Week celebration include Albert I. Pierce Foundation, Duke Energy, GE Hitachi, Energy Solutions, GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy, Lockheed Martin/Sandia National Laboratories, Nuclear Energy Institute, URENCO and Wilmington Area Local Section of the American Nuclear Society.

Museum Educator: David Gibson

Nuclear Science Week 2016 Nuclear Science Week (NSW) is an international, broadly observed celebration to focus local, regional, national and international interest on all aspects of nuclear science. In 2016, NSW was recognized for the seventh year on October 17-21, 2016, and the NSW “Big Event” took place October 22-24, 2015, in Wilmington, North Carolina. During the week, educators, students, employers and the community participated in an international recognition of how nuclear science plays a vital role in the lives of Americans - and the world. Activities during the week were intended to build awareness of the contributions of the nuclear science industry and those who work in it every day. Through an incredibly successful social media campaign, headed by the museum’s graphic design and social media associate, Kyan Ramirez, Nuclear Science Week 2016 hit 6.7 million impressions; making this the most successful social media outreach initiative to date.

Asian Pacific Islander American Heritage Festival Tradition and the performing arts collided in an exciting display of music, dancing, and mesmerizing hands-on activities on Saturday, May 13, 2017, at the National Museum of Nuclear Science & History’s 21st Annual Asian Pacific Islander American Heritage Festival. The Museum, in partnership with the Sandia National Laboratories Asian Leadership Outreach Committee, welcomed 644 visitors to the event that celebrated the cultural ancestry, native languages and unique experiences represented among ethnic groups from Asia and the Pacific. On this special day, museum visitors were treated to performances that included Chinese martial arts, Polynesian dancing, Mongolian dancing, Japanese Taiko drumming as well as food sampling and hands-on activities that included origami, brush painting and calligraphy.

The 20th Annual Einstein Gala was sponsored by Jerry Adams, Lockheed Martin/Sandia National Laboratories, Los Alamos National Bank and URENCO, USA. Alison Schuler, Esq. - Board Chair, Maria Korsnick -CEO of NEI, Jim Walther -Museum Director, Jill Hruby - Director of Lockheed Martin/Sandia National Labs Tom Schuch as Dr. Albert Einstein and Museum Educator David Gibson

20th Annual Einstein Gala The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History hosted the 20th Annual Einstein Gala, New Mexico’s biggest science party of the year, on March 18, 2017, welcoming 345 attendees and raising over $20,000. The museum’s largest fundraising event introduced intricate science experiments performed by museum junior volunteers, a unique silent auction, dinner among some of the most brilliant minds in science, local entertainment throughout the evening and an opportunity to honor an exceptional organization with the 2017 National Award of Nuclear Science & History. The National Award of Nuclear Science & History - celebrating the wide scope of achievement and commitment to furthering scientific endeavors made by individuals and organizations in areas of

Movie Under the Wings The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History welcomed 426 guests to enjoy “Movie Under the Wings,” a unique outdoor movie event in the museum’s Heritage Park where visitors viewed the iconic movie, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, while sitting among the iconic aircraft in the museum’s nine-acre outdoor exhibit area on June 17, 2017. “Movie Under the Wings” also provided familyfriendly activities and local entertainment before the movie began, an opportunity to enjoy cuisine from local food trucks and the opportunity to independently tour the museum. All admissions and concession sales raised from this special event went directly to “Operation Preservation: The Campaign to Restore the Airplanes in Heritage Park.” This event was sponsored by AMI (Aero Mechanical Industries) and Libration Systems.

The Museum Store In 2016, the museum store and the museum as a whole grew to have a bigger presence on Instagram with a positive impact on store sales. Store Purchaser, Molly Brunell, continually introduced new merchandise every month. The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History’s store has become a destination point for shoppers who support local businesses. During Balloon Fiesta, customers from all over the country said they made a point to return to the museum so that they could shop in this very special store!



















Curie Level

Fermi Level

Hal Behl Duane L. Hughes Ronald Knief Judith W. Mead Judith Muldawer Milo Myers Michael P. Strizich Pamela J. Sullivan Keith Tolk

Jerry Adams Robert C. Amme Dave Bailey Brent Blankenship Robert Busch Michael R. Clager Laurence (Larry) S. Costin James W. Culpepper William Culver John F. Freund Damon Giovanielli Joseph N. Harper Charles R. Key Wayne Laslie Kenneth A. Mayhorn Maureen Mulligan Andrew Rogulich Ted Schuler-Sandy George R. Vavra James Walther

Oppenheimer Level







L Wayne Brasure Leonard Duda Elizabeth H. Forbes Roger Hagengruber K. Dan Hardin Charles Loeber Earl E Rush Alison K. Schuler John D. Shaw John H. Stichman William (Bill) Sullivan John D. Shaw John H. Stichman William (Bill) Sullivan Arthur Tryon

Seaborg Level Greg Morrison Anthony Androsky David N. Becker Bruce Boecker Karoline Bota Donald Carnicom Paul Clark Charles Crisler

Paul Cummings Ronald Detry D. Maxwell Ellett William J. Flor Frank J. Gasperich, Jr. David Gay Robert R. Goodwin Kay Grant Katrina Groth Lt. Col Gary Hoe USAF, (Ret.) Donald R. Holle Suzanne Johnson Richard E. Leonard Augustine R. Letto John Matter Mike McGuire John A. Pitcher Jai Prasad Byron Ristvet Capt. Taylor Schulmeister, USAF Greg Shuman Tony Sill John Slayton John Tanner Jay and Kat Vinson Richard Vivian Wendell D. Weart Joyce Whelchel Brahna Wilczynski

DONORS $5,000+ Mr. and Mrs. Clay K. Perkins Mr. and Mrs. John H. Stichman Pamela J. Sullivan Albert I. Pierce Foundation Applied Technology Associates NuScale Power Sandia National Laboratories

$1,000 - $4,999 Misty Anaya and Ally Anaya Mr. and Mrs. Diego Arrieta Hal Behl Grace Brooks Dr. and Mrs. Robert Busch Pat Connery Natalie W. Crawford Marcia Duggar Kevin Dunivan Jeff Everett Rick Fellerhoff William S. Ferguson Elizabeth H. Forbes Sabina Gershon Mr. and Mrs. James Gilson Dr. and Mrs. Damon Giovanielli Mike Glass Katrina Groth and John H. Burke Richard Harrop and Parker Harrop James Higgins Martin K. Holland

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Horner Duane L. Hughes Suzanne Johnson Ronald Knief and Pamela Hurd-Knief Melissa Koudelka and Nadia Koudelka Mr. and Mrs. Eric Lahti Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Laslie Jessica Lopez Mr. and Mrs. Grant Lord Shennell Mack and Madison Mack Judith W. Mead Marcus Mims Christine Mitchell and Anne Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Michael Muldawer Mr. and Mrs. Milo Myers Amanda Okandan Tracy Ray Alison K. Schuler, Esq. Karl Seitz John D. Shaw and Janice Lehmann-Shaw Consuelo Silva and Issabella Silva Mr. and Mrs. Robert Singer Henry South Dr. Leo Stockham Kimberly Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tolk Mr. and Mrs. James Walther Betsy Webb LiLi Xiao and Jonathan Song Aero Mechanical Industries American Society of Radiologic Technologists Benevity AEF FHL Foundation, Inc. Intel Corporation Kirtland Federal Credit Union Los Alamos National Bank MicroNet Solutions, Inc

Nuclear Energy Institute Pulakos CPA Raytheon Sandia Laboratory Federal Credit Union Sandia National Laboratories UNM Health Sciences Ctr. Urenco USA

$500 - $999 Cesar Acevedo Dr. Robert C. Amme Dr. Elizabeth Auden Kristi Aughe Tony Baca Dr. Brooke Baker Kelli Bishop Grant Black Heather Blair Jones and Jake Jones Dr. Pavel Bochev Lora Bonano Karen Branch Dr. and Mrs. L Wayne Brasure Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buethe Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carnicom Caroline Cervantes Mr. and Mrs. Michael Chandross Mr. and Mrs. Laurence (Larry) S. Costin JoHanna Cox James W. Culpepper Aneile Cummins Dr. Bill Dettmer Staci Dorsey Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Duda Geraldine Duran Lisa Edmonds Sara Elliott

Renee Feirtag Kathryn Francis Dr. Michael Frank Yvonne Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Gasperich Roushan Ghanbari Charlotte Gibson Donald Goodrich Megan Gubb Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hagengruber William Scott Handy Mr. and Mrs. K. Dan Hardin Harris L. Hartz Vanessa Hawker and Todd Hynson Dr. Stacey Hendrickson Ann Hodges Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Jaramillo Monique Jeneski Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Johnson Michael Kaneshige Len and Robyn Kedrow Clay O. Keen Dr. Sarah Kieweg Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kotula Kimberly Kropka David Lafferty Barney M Landry Hilary Lipka Valerie Liska Mr. and Mrs. Charles Loeber Rebecca Lopez Rubi Lozoya Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lutz Kelly McDonald and Christina West-McDonald Amy Meier Kirsten Meyer Marianne M. Miller and Nancy Collins

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