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Every year in December, the National Museum of Nuclear Science & History hosts the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner to thank the dedicated volunteers for their hard work. Awards are presented for years of service and departmental recognition, but the culmination of the evening is the presentation of the Maydew-Jeblick Award and the Outstanding Student Award.
The Maydew-Jeblick Award honors the memory of two past volunteers, Randall C. Maydew and Harold Jeblick, whose impact on the Museum was significant. The lifetime award is the highest honor given to a volunteer. The honoree for the year is nominated and selected by the museum staff. Similarly, the Outstanding Student Award recognizes the work done by the museum’s youth and young scholars, such as Junior Docents, Camp Counselors in Training, and Student Interns. This year’s Outstanding Student Award winner was Jonathan Song.
The museum honored to present the 2022 Maydew-Jeblick Award to Robert “Bob” Deurloo. Bob has been with the museum since 2015 and stands out with the cowboy hat he always wears. Bob is the commander at the local VFW and still has time to volunteer at the museum. He is a retired firefighter and Air Force Flight Line Mechanic Veteran. He has a great passion for helping the public learn what the museum has to offer and is one of the most positive gentlemen you will ever meet. He will always interact with the kids that attend the museum with their families and will always include them in the conversations. Even in these trying times we are in, Bob always has something positive to talk about. The museum is blessed to have a volunteer like Bob as he makes the staffs and visitors day that much better.