Earnings release fourth quarter 2012

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March 27th, 2013


ü  Highlights ü  Chile Opera1on ü  Colombia Opera1on ü  Debt Restructure ü  Consolidated Income Statement ü  CAPEX ü  Q&A


4Q12 HIGHLIGHTS 4Q 2012 ü  Same stores sales in Chile grew by 15% ü  Recovering Retail Gross Margin ü  Financial Risk Stabilized at 11.6% ü  New Store in Colombia ü  Credit Card released from restric1ons ü  An Outstanding Capital Increase ü  La Polar has a posi1ve equity Recent events ü  SERNAC agreement implementa1on ü  Nuevapolar listed in the 2013 IPSA. ü  Store remodeling starts in March 2013. 3

Chile: Retail Business 4Q 2012 CLP Billions 4Q12 Retail Revenues 96.9

4Q11 85.9

% 13%

2012 293.8

SSS (CLP Billions)

Retail Gross Margin 22%


Chile: Credit Business 4Q 2012 CLP Billions 4Q12 Financial Revenues 15

4Q11 % 18.2 -­‐18%

2012 58.2

Por[olio by Aging Segments

Gross Loans (CLP Billions)

Risk Rate (Provisions)


Chile: EBITDA 4Q 2012 Retail EBITDA Chile Revenues Gross margin % R evenues

SGA w/o d epreciation

% R evenues

Non-­‐recurring e xpenses

Q4`11 85,866 17,967 21% (25,053)







(3,262) -­‐3%

(7,046) -­‐8%

375 2%

8,273 45%

(2,887) -­‐3%

1,227 1%





(1,772) (506) (117)


(117) -­‐1%

(492) 0%

(7,163) -­‐7%


S ernac pro vis io ns E xtrao rdinary s everanc e F ees a nd penalties Other no n-­‐rec urring

EBITDA w/o recurring % R evenues

Consolidated Q4`12 Q4`11 111,933 104,093 34,784 27,871 31% 27% (32,860) (28,990)

Q4`12 96,920 23,205 24% (26,099)

% R evenues


Financial Q4`12 Q4`11 15,013 18,227 11,579 9,904 77% 54% (6,761) (3,937)

(1,772) (506) (117)

(867) -­‐1%

(7,046) -­‐8%

375 2%

Financial margin includes a lower cost of B$ 4.7, resulGng from reducGon of the financial debt related to the financing company. This effect does not affect the EBITDA calculaGon


Chile: EBITDA 2012 EBITDA Chile Revenues Gros s m argin % R evenues

SGA w /o d epreciation % R evenues

EBITDA % R evenues

Non-­‐recurring e xpens es S ernac pro vis io ns E xtrao rdinary s everanc e F ees a nd penalties O ther no n-­‐rec urring

EBITDA w/o recurring % R evenues

Retail 2012 293,754 65,032 22% (92,646)

Financial 2012 58,176 5,916 10% (15,527)

Consolidated 2012 351,930 70,949 20% (108,173)




(28,890) -­‐10%

(11,428) -­‐20%

(40,318) -­‐11%





(21,220) (5,155) (1,864) (602)

9,792 17%

(11,476) -­‐3%

(5,155) (1,864) (602)

(21,268) -­‐7%

Financial margin includes a lower cost of B$ 4.7, resulGng from reducGon of the financial debt related to the financing company. This effect does not affect the EBITDA calculaGon


Colombia Opera1on SSS (CLP Billions) CLP Billions 4Q12 Retail Revenues 9.9 Financial Revenues 0.8 Retail EBITDA Financial EBITDA EBITDA

4Q11 % 8.5 18% 0.7 18%

2012 26.5 3.5

-­‐9.7 -­‐3.2 -­‐12.9

-­‐2.6 -­‐0.9 -­‐3.4

Gross Loans (CLP Billions)

-­‐ 2.0

Risk Rate (Provisions)


Debt Restructure and Revalua1on ($ billion) Nov 7,2011

Oct, 16, 2012

CJP splits the debt into 2 Bonds (Senior and Junior)

Ini1al Debt: •  •  •

Senior Bond $ 196

Bank debt Bonds Commercial paper

Junior Bond $ 249

$ 445

PS 27 $ 25

Total debt:

PS 27 $ 25


IFRS, cash flow from new debt discounted at market rates.

Discount rate

14,1 %

DifferenGal with the face value is booked as profit

New debt is recorded at a discount


Senior Bond

Senior Profit: $ 60

$ 136 Junior Profit: $ 231


7 %

$ 18 81%


$ 20

Average rate: 14,9%

IFRS debt: $174

CJP: PrevenGve Judicial Se\lement, signed on November 7, 2011 PS 27: Bank debt BCI, guaranteed by 1.85 Gmes of normal receivables por]olio of La Polar

PS 27 : $5

IFRS Profit: $296

Consolidated Income Statement: 4Q 2012

Revenues Cost of sales Margin SGA (w/o depreciation) EBITDA Depreciation & amortization Non operating profit Profit (loss) before taxes Benefits (expenses) i ncome tax Profit (loss)

2012 M$ Q4 122,705 (84,636) 31.0%

2011 M$ Q4 113,260 (86,372) 23.7%

(39,936) (6,309) (1,424) 290,026 286,789 (40,573) 246,213

(29,951) (759) (2,491) (1,619) (7,173) 1,151 (6,022)


Consolidated Income Statement: 2012

Revenues Cost of sales Margin SGA (w/o depreciation) EBITDA Depreciation & amortization Non operating profit Profit (loss) before taxes Benefits (expenses) i ncome tax Profit (loss)

2012 M$ 12M 381,910 (308,515) 19.2%

2011 M$ L5M 165,994 (132,403) 20.2%

(124,786) (53,208) (7,125) 285,725 227,259 (39,730) 187,528

(49,202) (12,329) (3,648) (6,312) (25,570) 15,370 (10,200)


Capex 2013 -­‐ 2014

ü  Remodeling 14 stores in Chile for 100,000 m2 ü  Opening 6-­‐8 new stores in Colombia Capex Program (US$ millions) 2013-­‐2014 Chile Remodeling and others


Colombia New stores



110 12

Remodeling Stores Chile 2013 -­‐2014 100,000 m2 with a CAPEX US$40 million





First half 2014

2 stores

3 stores

1 store

3 stores

7 stores

13 13



March 27th, 2013

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