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Section 8 Recommendations, Action Plan and Funding

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Section 4 Findings

8 Recommendations, Action Plan and Funding

Based on the learnings in this report this section sets out recommendations for progress by the CCDAunder the following criteria: 1. Capacity - it is within the capacity of the CCDAto deliver 2. Alignment - with related county and regional initiatives 3. Sustainable - enhance the community and environment

The ten recommendations below have been divided into two distinct categories a) Organisational and b) Programming. The former addresses the ‘how’CCDAcan deliver on its mission, and the latter on ‘what’it will deliver to enhance the quality of life for all in Corofin. Recommendations:Operational

1. Adoption of the Corofin Community Development Association Ltd Feasibility Study (2022) Considerable investment has gone into generating this document. The CCDA has an opportunity to immediately introduce the document's findings and recommendations to the wider community through an open public forum. Not only will this event build greater community cohesion, but it also completes the circle for the 400 locals who participated in the process.

2. Corofin Future Planning Workshop The CCDAcould convene an all-party workshop focusing on the challenges and opportunities ahead for public and community partners delivering on the next generation of capital projects. This session will help build momentum behind all the key projects. Issues to be considered could include economic and community development, sports and recreation, heritage, biodiversity and social inclusion.

3. The CCDAStructural Enhancement This study identified some deficits and opportunities for the CCDAto address including a) enhanced participation b) upskilling the core group to better match increasing demands c) income generation and d) communications.

4. Income Generation for Match Funding Most community projects require from 10% - 30% match funding from the local community. Creating a budget plan to outline the funds required, how they will be generated, and the time required is essential. It will also be necessary to coordinate and cooperate with other local groups in fundraising.

5. The CCDAto continue and expand the Community Employment Scheme to Support the Programme of Work The continuation of the Community Employment Scheme to work on projects such as the Canon Oliver Hughes Park and assisting a Tidy Towns Committee is advised. Such projects would likely receive practical support from the County Council and LEADER.


6. Delivery of Priority Capital Projects (X 3) Earlier in the document, we saw the comprehensive exercise conducted by the CCDAto identify new projects and prioritise these. The following are the top three projects that are deemed to be desirable and achievable; • Dr Duggan Hall Renovated and Rejuvenated • Youth Gathering Hub • Village Streetscape These projects would work in parallel to Phase 3 development of the Canon Oliver Hughes Park.

7. Completing Canon OliverHughes Park (Phase 3) Acomplementary task to Recommendation 6 was to envision the completion of the Canon Oliver Hughes Park. The following three concepts emerged as the most desirable and achievable; • Astroturf facility (all-weather multi-sport alternative to a natural grass playing surface) • Further enhancement of Walkway (delivered in Phase 2) • Outdoor Gym and Fitness Zone 8. Redevelopment of the Garda Barracks The CCDAhas recently secured a seven-year licence from the OPWto use the living quarters of the Garda Barracks for community purposes. This facility is ideally suited for a community cafe-type facility, meetings rooms for youth and elderly, a community shared office (for CE scheme) and an outdoor seating area with a perspective on the river/castle.

9. Communications Planning One of the issues highlighted in this study is the need for improved communication. There was a suggestion that those who are not involved in sports clubs felt disconnected. To improve communication, the CCDA, liaising with interested groups, should consider the development of a comprehensive village website. This website would be an information hub for all local activities and services.

10. Signature Community Festival The CCDAcurrently organises a very successful annual Duck Race. This one-day event could be expanded into a weekend community festival. Afestival committee should be established to explore and develop this idea.

Area Explanation of issues Actions Responsibility Timescale * Budget Implications * * Outcomes

1.Adoption of the CCDA Feasibility study

2.Corofin future planning Workshop

Corofin Village Action Plan

Adopting the Village Plan

It is important to publicly adopt the village plan and communicate it fully. This represents a collective effort towards implementation

Hold a community meeting to adopt the village plan – an open public forum CCDAshould organise with full community welcome As soon as the plan is finished - September 2022

No Budget implications – only need to provide refreshments

The full community are aligned with the CCDAin the task ahead and people understand what is planned and how it will be implemented

CCDAadopting and planning for the implementation

There should be a CCDAcommittee meeting examining the task ahead – resource planning, skills gathering, timetabling and prioritisation. This covers the structural efficiency recommendation.

Corofin Planning Workshop

An all-party workshop should be convened with key partners.

Hold a special CCDAstrategy meeting to plan the implementation – strategic approach and how the full plan will be implemented

Organise an all-party 1-day workshop with reps of key partner agencies CCDA As soon as the plan is finished - September 2022 No budget implications The Committee have a clear understanding of the significant task ahead and are aligned in the prioritisation of the plan

CCDA Organise after the initial adoption meetings referred to above No budget implications

This workshop will set many actions in motion around the practical implementation of the plan

Area Explanation of issues Actions Responsibility Timescale * Budget Implications * * Outcomes

3.CCDA Structural Enhancement

4. Match Funding Income Generation

5.CCDA to deliver outlined work programme via Community Employment Scheme

The Committee regularly review its own structure and skills

Using the best practice set of guidelines in this report – carry out a simple check of skills gaps and look for new additions to the committee

Enhanced participation, upskilling, income generation and communication CCDA Every 6 months at one of the regular meetings No Budget implications This process keeps structure, skills and governance as a working issue and aligned to best practice

Project priority listing – agree main funding and balancing funding necessary The project priority list and sequencing needs to be reviewed and adopted by the committee – establish balancing funding needs

Review the project sequencing list included in this report and adopt/change that listing CCDA Review the project sequencing list included in this report and adopt/change that listing

No budget implications Mainly time and energy input to fundraising – be careful not to compete with other project fundraising efforts going on at the same time Balancing funding is an essential element to making the projects happen

Develop the Community Employment schemes further to deliver further work towards this plan –garda barracks etc There are already active schemes that can be enhanced Review schemes and match scheme to relevant project CCDA Regular No budget implications These community employment schemes are essential to get work delivered at low cost and efficiently

Area Explanation of issues Actions Responsibility Timescale * Budget Implications * * Outcomes

6.Delivery of priority Capital Projects (x3)

7. Completing Canon Oliver Hughes Park Phase 3

8. Redevelopment of the Garda Barracks

Project Planning Start with the sequence and prioritisation set by committee as part of the scoring and prioritisation exercise

Maintain a Gannt project chart and track actions and progress – this keeps motivation levels high and allows the celebration of key milestones CCDA Regular No Budget implications

Regular project planning assists successful outcomes

Complete Phase 3 of Canon Oliver Hughes Park

Astro Turf/MUGA Enhancement of Corofin Walking Track Outdoor Gym/Fitness Zone Prioritise/agree funding sources and establish subcommittee to action CCDA Medium Term Significant Budget Outcome is significantly improved village facilities in a central and very visible area

Garda barracks re-development

Develop the garda barracks into community facilities with particular emphasis on Youth and Elderly – Community café, meeting rooms etc

Agree action plan to establish what equipment, fit out etc is needed CCDA Short to medium term

There will be Budget implications for re-decoration and equipment – medium budget

This is short term as the lease has now been granted and action needs to follow so as OPW get confidence that it is being used and community begin to get dividends

Area Explanation of issues Actions Responsibility Timescale * Budget Implications * * Outcomes

9.Communications Plan

Communications plan The committee need to consider how best to communicate widely and efficiently. It is better to keep everyone consistently updated at a high level rather than stops and starts

10. Signature Community Festival

Signature Community Festival

Development of a mid-summer weekend Corofin Community Festival.

At an early meeting – agree who needs to know what and when and how that will be communicated

Establish sub committee of CCDA to take on the planning and organisation

CCDAshould identify someone on the committee or a non-committee member Start communications early with the town hall style meeting – say a fortnightly update after that – keep it simple but very consistent

CCDAand others within community

Short to medium term

No budget implications – suggest social media or via parish newsletter

This keeps the full community on board –they should see regular messaging in same format and following a pattern

Small budget required to create interesting activities and entertainment for the weekend

Greater community cohesiveness

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